The Straits Budget, 6 October 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES 'ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3,895 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 343 1 LEADERS— Page Cutting the Red Tape 3 Problems of the I.S.P. 3 The Birth of Manchukuo” 3 The Lytton Report 3-4 The Co-Operative Egg 4 Devolution Die-Hards 4 Occasional Notes 6-6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Mr. and Mrs. Stork 17 Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 1142 1 At the weekly Rotary meeting of the Rhine and Coast Districts held on Tuesday Mr. T. R. Subramaniyam Iyer, Kxtra Assistant Controller of Labour, Klanir. poke on “Indian Physical Exercise with demonstration.” I he engagement is announced of William Lordon, younger son of the late Mr. W.
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  • 553 1 Monday, Sept. 26. Hon. Mr. P. T. Allen and Mrs. Allen, Hon. Mr. P. M. Robinson, Hon. Mr. H. H. Abdoolcader and Mrs. Abdoolcader arrived to stay at Government House. At 10.20, a.m. His Excellency the Governor was received with a Royal Salute given by a Guard of
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  • 1482 2 HOW A SUCCESSFUL SCHEME IS CONDUCTED. Those who are taking part in unemployment relief work in Singapore, Penang, Ipoh and Seremban may find useful information in an address on similar work in Selangor which is reported below. The Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee is functioning
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  • 79 2 En Route From Bangkok To Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 1. Few details are available about the loss of seven bags of foreign mail which were stolen in transit from Bangkok to Penar.g last Wednesday. When the robbery was discovered at Padang Besar it was found
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  • 121 2 -Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Wholesale Smuggling From Holland. Amsterdam, Oct. 4. According to the Maasbode, the police have succeeded in making an arrest which, it is hoped, may seriously disintegrate the arms smuggling traffic which has gone on for a long time over the German —Dutch frontier despite the most
    -Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  121 words
  • 38 2 To Go On Fishery Patrol Duty Off Malacca. The Governor’s yacht. Sea Belle II, is to put out almost immediately on fishery patrol duty off Malacca where recently trouble has been experienced among t'hinese fishermen.
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  • 109 2 SI 0,000 Bail for Alleged Drug Trafficker. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 4. The story of how he stopped a ricksha in which were two Japanese, one of them from Singapore, and found in a leather dispatch case a rubber hot-water bottle containing morphine and
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  • 40 2 Death of Sungei Ujong Club Secretary. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 3. Mr. Stephen Winthrop, secretary and treasurer of the Sungei Ujong Club, and one of the leading European residents of Seremban, died here suddenly today.
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  • 200 2 Racecourse Riot. CONFLICTING STORIES OF CAUSE. Weapons were used and blood 8n ii. a fierce fight which resulted in th* 11 of six Chint* to the Tan Ti!1 Seng hospital yesterday morninu It appears that while the coolies gaged at the new racecourse at Bul>
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  • 102 2 Balance of Marine Motor On Hire Purchase Plan. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell, l/eopoid Aron sued K. Okune for $1,225 which was alleged to be due under a hire purchase agreement dated May 13, 1930, for the sale of a Diesel marine motor
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  • 94 2 Number of Exhibits More Than Last Year. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 28. Tho annual exhibition by the Penan? lnipiessionists opened this morning in the Malay Volunteer Club. Although sever! old members have left the country it i? gratifying to note that the exhibits thi< year exceed
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  • 177 2 The following new police appointments are announced Mr. Bourne, A.S.P., is leaving for Penang on transfer, taking the place of Mr. Fowler, A.S.P., who is ill in Penang Hospital and who will probably proceed on leave shortly. Mr. H. Astin has taken charge of tno Rochore and Kandang
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1022 3 I «>■ vuv; pgi —Straits Times, Sept. 29. t|„. heading to this article is prompted lv a further study of the Retrenchment Report, the main features of which were “‘Tewed on Monday. The minor recommendations —and they are minor onljr in f e relative sense—resolve themselves
      – I «>■ vuv; pgi —Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  1,022 words
    • 881 3 IIVVVOUMt J wt f Straits Times, Sept. 30. A few days ago the Incorporated Society of Planters occupied the stage of Malayan public life with its annual conference and half-yearly meeting, and now it has relapsed into the obscurity in which all healthy societies and institutions
      IIVVVOUMt J wt f Straits Times, Sept. 30.  -  881 words
    • 986 3 have been robbed and tricked?—Strait* Times, Oct. 1. From time to time we have quoted extensively from the quarterly review. The Round Table, and we have sought t f emphasise the complete freedom of that journal from the bias of local party issues, j We again
      have been robbed and tricked?—Strait* Times, Oct. 1.  -  986 words
    • 906 3 —Stra ta Times Oct. 3 As was expected, the Lytton Commission’s report is definitely favourable to the Chinese case. It is difficult, of course, to attempt a criticism of a document which is said to contain 110,000 words on the strength of a summary which has been
      ’—Stra ta Times Oct. 3  -  906 words
    • 864 4 could be obviated—Straits Times, Oct. 4. The idea of placing on the Malayan market eggs of guaranteed quality is so attractive that one wonders why it has never been tried out before. As things are at present, the housewife who buys allegedly fresh eggs is simply hoping
      could be obviated—Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  864 words
    • 800 4 would dream of approving.—Straits Times. Oct. 5. The caption of this article assumes that ‘here are die-hards in relation to Sir Cecil dementi’s policy in the Federated Malay States, and we believe that assumption to be a correct one. That is to say, we believe that there are
      would dream of approving.—Straits Times. Oct. 5.  -  800 words

  • 34 4 HEPWORTH.—At Cairnholm. Singapore, October 1, 1932. to Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Hepworth, a son. SNELL. —At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on October 1, to Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Snell, a son.
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  • 49 4 PEPYS—TRUMP.—On Sept. 24, at Singapore, Walter Evelyn Pepys, Malayan Civil Service, son of the late Honourable Walter Courtenay Pepys (“60th King’s Royal Rifles) and the late Mrs. Pepys, to Violet Maude Carr Trump, daughter of the late Thomas Carr Ramsey and Mrs. Carr Ramsey of Dunvngen, Swntow, China.
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  • 533 4 Insulted Sikh Who \v fl0 Too Strong. At the conclusion of a case u-hi,.k before him Mr. C. Wilson can* minal District Judge, said that r*k knew what was the real cause beginning of the trouble. 1 the The accused, Sayva Singh, an aria;*police constable attached to a
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  • 108 4 Another Indian Difficulty Arises. The latest England-Austraha air rnai. difficulty (a Straits Times reporter understands) arises from the Indian p0 ?1 tion. The Indian Government is now objec; ing, it seems, to any mail being 1 up at its various air ports, other than Karachi and Calcutta,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 90 4 NOTICE 41! communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget snonld tu addressed to the Read Office, Cecil an'' Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Sett’e ments. The post free price of the Straits Times the XTnited Kingdom and foreign countries is $4b a year. The post free price of
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  • 78 4 DEATHS DK SOUZA.— Mrs. Mary Florence de Souza of 29, Rxeter Road, died on September 28. 1932, Age 67 years. KOH.- Madam Lee Ah, aged 65 years. Beloved wife of the late Mr. Koh Siow Wah. She leaves behind 5 sons, Koh Keng Boon, Koh Choo Boon, Koh Hiok
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    • 363 5 dcor of the Conservatives. —Straits Times, Sept. 29. It is seldom that resignations of Jmbers of the Cabinet do not justify use The oft quoted words “political crisis/’ Tut the description certainly cannot be applied to the secession trom the British Government of the Liberal and Labour Ministers,
      dcor of the Conservatives.—Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  363 words
    • 421 5 Straits Times, Sept. 29. Threats against editors of newspapers iii India have become a commonplace in the daily round. Attempts to assault or even to murder them are rapidly passing from the stage of rarity. In Malaya—may we thank our stars?—matters have nol progressed beyond the desire
      Straits Times, Sept. 29.  -  421 words
    • 180 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 30. As soon as the position on the good, very good, ship Ulysses became known through this column two days ago dozens of young men began to weigh their chances of employment before the vessel sailed. In some cases there was -much wailing and gnashing
      !—Straits Times, Sept. 30.  -  180 words
    • 211 5 put an end to this paradox? —Straits Times, Sept. 30. That the world has a far greater need of consumers than it has of producers is the conclusion drawn by a French observer from the estimates of the world's population published by the League of Nations. It is
      put an end to this paradox? ”—Straits Times, Sept. 30.  -  211 words
    • 317 5 IIUL Ullim .T** r,,. r* men in every way.—Straits Times, Sept. 30. Each new outbreak in modern China gives prominence to a crop of brand-new generals. Few of their names, howeve**, are likely to live like that of Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang, the celebrated “Christian General,”
      IIUL Ullim .T** r,,. r* men in every way.—Straits Times, Sept. 30.  -  317 words
    • 414 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 1. Mr. D. A. M. Brown, as chairman of the Menglembu Lode Mining Company. Ltd., is very angry with us. We concede the justification for annoyance on his part, but we suggest that he is at fault in choosing the writer of these
      !—Straits Times, Oct. 1.  -  414 words
    • 338 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 1. Many people will be sorry to hear that the Kuala Kubu rest-house is to be closed at the end of the year. Situated on a hill overlooking a wide river valley and a forested slope beyond it, this resthouse has always been
      —Straits Times, Oct. 1.  -  338 words
    • 288 5 Straits Times, Oct. 3. There was nothing of outstanding importance in the speech covering the last six months which was made by the chairman of the Planters’ Association of Malaya yesterday, but it showed that this influential and valuable body is keeping in close touch with its particular
      Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  288 words
    • 312 5 THE P.A.M. IN POLITICS —Straits Times, Oct. 3. At the half-yearly meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya last week the chairman justified the action of the Association in participating in tho controversy over the “new policy” by tho fact that it represents over a million planted acres and a
      —Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  312 words
    • 347 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 3. Into the depressing Malayan picture rather too eagerly shown the writer immediately upon his return to Singapore this week, stepped last night two young American women. They succeeded in repainting the dull canvas, not exactly red, but certainly a bright colour. Some months ago,
      —Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  347 words
    • 368 5 WHEN MODESTY FORBADE —Straits Times, Oct. 1. After a lapse of over a year, Singapore is given nn opportunity to renew its acquaintance with J. A. Mo'lison, holder of most of the world’s lrng distance air records, this time, however, through the set eon. Though he has added consider ably
      —Straits Times, Oct. 1.  -  368 words
    • 381 6 —Straits Times, Oct. 4. Some days ago our Penang correspondent commented on the practice of plastering roadside trees with cement, and remarked that he had yet to meet anyone professing to know anything of arboriculture who could see any useful purpose served by this practice. Penang reader
      —Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  381 words
    • 231 6 pea ranees in America. —Straits Times, Oct. r>. Malayan musical circles, being, for the most part, British, will welcome the fact that the standard of European music has improved in the last two years. Benno Moiseiwitsch, the eminent pianist, remarked upon his arrival in Singapore, that the
      pea ranees in America.—Straits Times, Oct. r>.  -  231 words
    • 273 6 VI VV... start again. It’s fashionable.—Straits Times Oct. 5. It is fashionable nowadays to talk, and write, optimistically. It is in this spirit that the writer, who has just returned from leave, would refer to the vastly changed Singapore scene. From one end of the city to
      VI VV... . — – – – * start again. It’s fashionable.—Straits Times Oct. 5.  -  273 words
    • 361 6 .—Straits Times, Oct. 5. “Porters meet all trains. Passengers are specially requested not to give gratuities.” This sentence occurs in a book'et recently issued by the F.M.S. Railways, an i we wonder how many people will have the moral courage to follow’ the Railways’ advice. The porter’s job
      .—Straits Times, Oct. 5.  -  361 words

  • 58 6 Progress Satisfactory After Operation. Mr. J. A. L. Simmons, Assistant Registrar of Imports and Exports, was taken ill suddenly while playing at Keppel Golf Club. As Mr. Simmons was unable to walk he was taken to the General Hospital in an ambulance. Mr. Simmons was
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  • 951 6 New Industry For Singapore. MALAYAN BREWERIES, LIMITED. THE ADVENT OF TIGER BEER. This is a story with many ingredients, the* chief of which is beer. To the average Englishman, whether he is domiciled in England, Egypt or Irak, beer is an absorbing topic of importance. It is
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  • 332 6 Guaranteed Product For Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1. Kuala Lumpur housewives are no>» able to buy a product never before available in this town namely a guarantiee new-laid egg. Thanks to an o:ganisatior created by the Co-operative Departmer.. eggs are being collected
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  • Correspondence.
    • 209 7 the Editor of the Straits Times. r in his letter of Sept. 27, Saudahas shown clearly the situation ff.ated in Singapore by Japanese dumps’,,* which will in due course result in .stoppage of import of British pro--7‘,, N If it is the policy of Government
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    • 194 7 SPEED To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—By the last Dutch air mail, letters posted in England on Sept. 12 were received at Singapore, according to postmark, at 7.30 on Saturday the 24th a very creditable performance indeed. These were delivered to the addressees on Tuesday, the 27th
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    • 139 7 Tu the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Today is the first occasion on "'hi.'h the Saturday issue of your paper een delivered in Kuching on the following Monday, and we all hope this will happen more frequently in future. The paragraph under the above heading
      139 words
    • 241 7 'o the Editor of the Straits Times. Sl|,, ln y°ur leading article of Sept. 28 condemn the proposal to p< id .>84,301 on the establishment of a nch of the Royal Naval Volunteer 5®, s rve During the War the R.N.V.R. o invaluable coastal work in M.L.s, etc.,
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    • 402 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. -1 think the lion. Mr. J. Bagnall, in his speech of Tuesday to the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, attributed to His Excellency’s speech in the Legislative Council a weight and an importance that the speech did not possess. The results
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    • 482 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The Socratic criticism of “Mr. Nixon’s contribution to the Council debate,” published in your issue of Sept. 30 over the pen-name “Greats” just misses being Aristotelian in its logic where the bias of the writer of it outruns his
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    • 265 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The more thoughtful portion of the taxpaying public will be grateful to the young member of the Malayan Civil Service who has stated in such unmistakable terms the order of allocation of national revenues. In times like these, when every
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    • 89 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir, —Your report of the Seletar flying boat crash prompts the following questions I)o not officers of the R,A.F. carry revolvers Would not a bullet fired well ahead, and down, cause enough splash in water, with a glassy suiface to
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  • 82 7 Former Straits Judge On How He Was Poisoned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 4. Interviewed, Sir Fiennes Barrett-Len-nard, a former judge of the Straits Settlements and recently Chief Justice of Jamaica, who caused a sensation the other day by writing to a Jamaica newspaper alleging he had
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  • 47 7 Decision of Municipal Committee. At a meeting of committee no. 7 of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners it was decided that, as a general principle, officers on the permanent staff starred for retrenchment should in addition to legal notice receive six months extension in work and/or leave.
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  • 186 7 Alleged Attempt To Remove Rails. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 30. The preliminary inquiry was commenced this morning before Mr. G. S. H el lings in the Magistrate’s Court in the case In which Omar bin Dail is charged with the alleged removal of metal and
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  • 181 7 Problem Of Native-Born Perak Malays. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 30. Before Mr. Justice Gerahtv this morning Mr. E. C. Watson moved an application that four native-born Perak Malays, Megatib Rahim, Itam Isak, Mohamed Ali and Wan Ahamad, at present detained under a banishment warrant for banishment
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  • 218 7 Acquittal For Malacca Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 4. The Assize case in which a Malacca Chinese, Yoon# Toong Seong, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of jewellery to the value of $5,200 ended in his acquittal and discharge this morning by
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  • 2119 8 “Honeymoon Couple” Tragedy. BROTHER’S EVIDENCE. WHY HE HII) THE REVOLVER. The inquest on Mrs. Shukla Davi lloon Judge, aged 22, the wife of Inspector J. J. Judge, who was found shot in her house at Katong on Sept. 13, was continued on Friday. The previous
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  • 49 8 Automobile Association Experiment. The Singapore branch of the Autoniobile Association of Malaya announces that m order to minimise the “small boy nuisance uniformed car sentries are to ne posted outside various places of amusement. The uniform will be khaki with yellow piping and a brass A.A.M badge.
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  • 650 8 The Appassionata And True Chopin. Bcnno Moisiewitsch said on h in Singapore that, unlike another flT'® 1 musician, he would not complain Jr J!" attendance at his concerts did not ine up to expectations, but Singapore t?*”* stalled any complaint which he alight h made by
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  • 52 8 —Reuter Wireless. Moscow, Oct. 1The English airman who left Eclair on an attempted one-day flight to but was forced down at Mulheim, Essen, but subsequently proceeded on h' 5 journey to Moscow, left on his rctun 1 flight to England today after complet»° n of his
    —Reuter Wireless.  -  52 words

  • 2670 9 1 he Ghoul Of A River—Yap Ah Loy s Waterway—A Chapter Of Local History —Boats On The Klang River—How The Tin Was Shipped—The Chinese Settlement Memories Of The Damansara Road. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) rjAHIS week has seen another step for1 ward in
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  • 272 10 Straits Settlements Asson. Decisions. Foil wi/.g th.e decision of the Straits Settlements (Penang) Association to take no further action in the matter of Council Reform, the committee of the Singapore A soriation has decided to tak» the same course. Some eighteen months ago a referendum amorg the
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  • 110 10 Enthusiastic Reception For New Paper. The printing order for Singapore’s new morning newspaper exceeded 3..*»fi0 and although it was not possible to complete distribution quite as early had been planned, street-sellers and depots experienced a surprisingly brisk d< mand and many of them had sold out v
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  • 63 10 15 P.C. WAGE CUT. .—Reuter. Master Cotton-Spinners Stand Firm. London, Oct. 4. The Wages Committee of the Federation of Master Cotton-Spinners has failed to reach an agreement with the operatives and has resolved in favour of all members posting notices of a reduction of wages by 15Vs per cent, from
    .—Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 1258 10 Alleged Cheating. SEARCH FOR MISSINC STOREKEEPER. The* surprising statement that a civil rtction for the recovery of money was pending against the accused at the contusion of the present case was made by Mr. V. I). Knowles, one of the counsel for the defence, i>n Tuesday
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  • 153 10 Soldier’s Rib Fractured In Car Smash. A collision between a Bengali-driven taxi with two privates of the Gloucestershire Regiment as passengers on their way back to the Barracks, and a Europ-an-driven motor car, occurred at t junction of Orchard Road and Tank Road late last night as a
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  • 4053 11 ALLEGATIONS AGAINST ANIMAL INFIRMARY UNFOUNDED. The policy of limiting or abolishing rickshas was the subject of considerable discussion at a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday when it was decided that a proposal by Mr. Laycock to limit the number to 4,500 should be
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  • 182 12 Special Meeting To Be Held. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kua’a Lumpur, Oct. 4. It is understood that a special meeting of the Board of the Rubber Research Institute has IwH*n called for Friday to consider resolutions passed by the Conn i the Planters’ Association
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  • 122 12 Inquest Verdict on The Two Firemen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 150. The death of the two firemen was due to the c/e raiment of the night mail on Aug. f> and the evidence is insufficient to establish those criminally concerned. This is' the verdict
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  • 442 12 Large Attendance At Funeral. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 3. There was a large i.ttendance at the funeral here of Mr. Stej hen inthrop, the popular secretary of the Sungei Ujong Club, who as reported n the Straits Times yesterday died sudden'y at his residence in
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  • 108 12 Leaving Malaya Soon On Retirement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Oct. 3. A public meeting i epresentative of all communities in the Klang and Coast districts, was held at the Selangor Coast Club on Sunday to discuss and make the necessary arrangements to give a farewell entertainment
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  • 299 12 Trouble Over Two Pair. Of Shoes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct. 1 Trouble over two pairs of shoes uv u wore made Imt found brought a European woman, Mis iS y Drury, wife of Mr. G. M. Drurv m ln nc of K. A. Barbour.
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  • 393 12 Inquest Adjourned For Absent Witness. The second day’s hearing of the inquest on a Sikh named Kehar Singh, who died as the result of a blow received when he was in the Singapore Harbour Board barracks, K am pong Bahru, was continued by Mr. F. G. Bourne in
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  • 2874 13 FURTHER ARTICLE BY SIR GEORGE MAXWELL. Decentralisation Proposals Criticised. In an article written specially for the Straits Times and published on Sept. 13, Sir George Maxwell, K.B.E., C.M.G., the former Chief Secretary, strongly criticised the “Decentralisation” proposals put forward by Sir Cecil Clementi and expressed
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  • 441 14 Leads to Assault On Revenue Officer. Suspicious of a bulge in a coal-kepala's J coat, a revenue officer on duty at the foot j of the gangway leading down from the s s., Patroclus, attempted to search him —with I unlooked-for results. Had it not been for the
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  • 790 14 Repertory Players I)o “On The Spot.” I j With the formation of the Singapoie Repertory Plnyers, under the able anl experienced guidance of f ail Lawson, we can now look forward to periodic breaks from the monotony of talkie fare and once again have drama presented
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  • 1316 14 inquest On Two Men Killed. MISADVENTURE. PILOT EXONERATED FROM liLAME. mm diet of death by misadventure was, returned at the inquest on Mon-1 day on the two men, who were killed when a flying lx*at crashed in the sea near Seletar. Flying Officer Hilchie, who was
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  • 82 14 Three Armed Men Enter House At Gaylanff. An armed robbery was carried out at Gaylang about 10.30 on Sept. 29. Three men armed with knives ..entered no. 10, lorong 36, held up the woman occupiei and stole $50. No trace of the men ha* so far been found.
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  • 2368 15 P.A.M. CHAIRMAN’S REVIEW OF THE HALF YEAR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) .Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 30. The half-yearly meeting of the Plant,r. Association of Malaya wa3 held today the chairman, Mr. R. S. Chantler, presiding. Before the agenda was dealt with the chairman referred to
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  • 215 15 Daring Daylight Hold-Up In Singapore Street The story of an audacious daylight hold-up in a crowded Singapore street has just been told to the police by a chinchew, who ran the gauntlet of armed bandits and escaped to safety with the large sum of money he
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  • 148 15 The Singapore Municipal Health statement for the week ended Sept. 24 gives the total number of deaths as male 107‘ and female 64. This represents a deathrate of 18.91 per mille per annum, compared with 20.68 in the preceding week and 23.56 in the corresponding week of last
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  • 1670 16 The R.R.I. And The Planter —A Valuable Officer Going —The Malayan Agricultural Scene Dr. Tempany s Review—Cheap Teas From (,hina And D.E.l. —Cannot They Be Kept Out? —Sungei Ragan Sets An Example. (Py Our Planting Correspondent.) MORE afterthoughts on the I.S.P. Conference are permissible in these notes,
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  • 553 16 Chinese on Charge Of Cheating Japanese. An interesting development place during the hearing of a fore .Mr. A. W. Hay. the SeeS„0> Magistrate, yesterday, i n Chinese, Goh Bah Chee, was rwJ o Cheati ng Japanese Iht™ Mr. A. J. Braga appeared for the com plamant,
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  • 83 16 $100,000 House With Roof Garden and Shops. (From Our' Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 28. There are prospects of a new cinema in Penang. A site has already bden selected at junction of Penang and Maxwell R° ad with two road frontages. The P la have already
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  • 242 16 Convict Traced After Two And a Half Years. The story of a daring and sensational escape from the prison ward of the General Hospital over 2Vj years ago lies behind an application for extradition papers made by Chief Inspector Livingstone before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal
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  • 128 16 Man Who Entered Temple With Shoes On. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 27. In the Seremban Supreme Court, Mr. S. C. Goho argued an interesting criminal appeal before Mr. Justice McFall in the case in which Arumugam, an engine driver at Gemas, was convicted and fined $10
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 648 21 —British Wireless. Mr. Hore-Belisha Goes To The Treasury. LABOUR STATEMENT. “Unabated Confidence” In Mr. MacDonald. Rugby, Sept. 29. It was tonight announced that the King had approved that Mr. Stanley Baldwin, Ivord President of the Council be appointed also Lord Privy Seal, the office from
      —British Wireless.  -  648 words
    • 315 21 i.—Reuter. M. Herriot and Criticism Of the League. Geneva, Sept 29. A spirited reply was made today by M. Herriot, the French Prime Minister, to Mr. de Valera’s criticisms of the League on Monday. France, said M. Herriot, declined to share in the present wave of pessimism, believing
      i.—Reuter.  -  315 words
    • 92 21 British Wireless. Death of Head of Old Scottish Family. Rugby, Sept. 29. The death occurred today of the Duke of Roxburghe, who suddenly became ill when attending a friend’s funeral yesterday. The Duke, who was head of an old Scottish family, and was 56 years of age,
      British Wireless.  -  92 words
    • 40 21 .—Reuter. American Balloon’s Win Confirmed. Basle, Sept. 28. It is now officially announced that the Gordon Bennett race has been won by the American balloon “United States Navy,’’ which landed near Vilna 900 miles from the start.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 289 21 ,—Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. On Maiden Trip. OUT FOR BLUE RIBAND OF ATLANTIC. London, Sept. 30. The Rex, Italy’s largest and newest ship, which left Genoa on Tuesday on her maiden trip to New York, may possibly still be at Gibraltar on Oct. 4, the date she
      ,—Reuter.; —Reuter Wireless.  -  289 words
    • Article, Illustration
      88 21 —Reuter. War and Revolution In South America. Peace in South America continues broken. The Paraguayan troops have claimed to have captured the forts of Bouqeron and Toledo in the Gran Chaco. Bolivia is reported to be making extensive preparations for a campaign. In Chile. It is leported
      .—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 39 21 —British Wirelea*. Condition Satisfactory, Says Bulletin. Rugby, Sept. 29. A special bulletin states that Mr. Winston Churchill, who had a relapse of haemorrhage following paratyphoid, has had a good night and his condition is satisfactory.—British Wirelea*.
      —British Wirelea*.  -  39 words
    • 117 21 Reuter Wireless. Tests Begin Soon. COMPLETE SERVICE AT END OF YEAR. Rugby, Sept. 29. It is expected that the first broadcast from the new Empire short wave station being constructed at Daventry by the British Broadcasting Corporation will take place on Christmas Day when an effort
      Reuter Wireless.  -  117 words
    • 93 21 Loss of £6,158 on Year’s Workings. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 29. Selayang Tin Dredging, Ltd., announces a loss of £6,168 for the year 1931. A debit of £2,381 has been carried forward. The company was registered on Dec. 6, 1924, to acquire 160 acres in the
      93 words
    • 82 21 Keuter. Traceable To Two Specific U.S.-Made Causes. Sioux City, Iowa, Sept. 30. That the world depression was clearly traceable to two specific United States made causes, namely, tariffs and improvident foreign loans, was the assertion made by Mr. Franklin Roosevelt Governor of New York and Democratic candidate for
      Keuter.  -  82 words
    • 72 21 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. 60,000 Tons of Russian Product for Japan. Moscow, Sept. 26. The oil agreement between Russia and Japan providing for an annual delivery o’ 60,000 tons of crude and refined oil for the Japanese fleet has been signed and becomes effective and operative immediately. Following the affixation of
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  72 words
    • 84 21 British Wireless. Gandhi’s Brief Freedom Ended. Rugby, Sept. 30. The facilities which were accorded to Gandhi when his fast began, to correspond with or interview Hindu leaders with a view to reaching a settlement of the communal question as it affected the depressed classes, have now been withdrawn
      British Wireless.  -  84 words
    • 138 22 Hostilities Begin In Szechwan Province. ON THE C.E.R. Chinese Closing In On Tsitsihar. Shanghai, Oct. 1. The grave danger of civil war in Szechwan Province was discussed by the Executive Yuan at a meeting held in Nanking yesterday. The War Minister (General Ho Yingching)
      138 words
    • 258 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Further Battle Likely To Take Place Soon. Shanghai, Oct. 1. Tsitsihar and Angangchi, two large cities on the Nonni River were it is crossed by the Chinese Eastern Railway about midway between Harbin and Manchuli, are being rapidly enveloped on three sides. General
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  258 words
    • 198 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min. Executive Yuan Sends Orders. Shanghai, Oct. 1. At yesterday’s meeting of the Executive Yuan the War Minister (General Ho Ying-ching) made a report with regard to the outbreak of civil was in Shantung and it was decided to order General
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh and Sin Kuo Min.  -  198 words
    • 175 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Execution of a General Demanded. Shanghai, Oct. 1. At a meeting of the Executive Yuan held in Nanking yesterday it was decided to order the Pacification Office in Fukien Province to establish a military court to try General Chen Kuo-hui. The Fukienese residents of
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  175 words
    • 186 22 .—Sin Kuo Min. Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hit by the Nanking Customs Blockade. Shanghai, Oct. 1. Japanese merchants, it is reported, have been endeavouring to dump surplus goods in Manchuria, but the attempt failed owing to the fact that, in consequence of the recent troubles in the country,
      .—Sin Kuo Min.; Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  186 words
    • 297 22 ,—Reuter. The Japanese Army And Its Code. The following has been forwarded by the Japanese Consulate-General in Singapore for publication:— While not over-bothered by the daily C hinese Press dispatches concerning the Manchurian situation, the majority of which are evidently intended for the’ selfcontentment of certain quarters, ihe
      ,—Reuter.  -  297 words
    • 66 22 —Reuter. Bounty on Export Of Free State Cattle. Dublin, Sept. 30 In order to assist the Irish Tree State farmers to meet the British tariff the Government has declared a bounty on cattle exports of per cent, of the declared value leaving Free State ports and 10
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 83 22 and an answer received.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Respite of Three Months Granted. Shanghai, Oct. 1. The Governor of Hong Kong has granted a respite of three months in the case of Cheng Kwok-yau, recently convicted and sentenced to death on a charge of having procured the murder
      and an answer received.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  83 words
    • 110 22 —British Wireless. £50 a Head of Britain’s Population. Rugby, Oct. 1. Addressing a conference of the National Savings Association at Oxford today. Sir Robert Kindersley stated that the small savings of Great Britain totalled £2,256 millions or £50 per head of population. He referred to the calm and
      —British Wireless.  -  110 words
    • 154 22 Reuter. Death Of The Premier Scottish Earl. London, Sept. 30. The death has taken place of the Earl of Mar, the premier Scottish Earl.— Reuter. John Francis Hamilton Sinclair Cunliflfe Brooks Forbes Goodeve-Erskine was the 34th Earl and 24th Baron Garioch. He was 54 years of
      Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 209 22 —Reuter Wireless. Amazing Scene I n Parliament. LABOUR PROTEST. “Hypocrisy: Thousands Are Starving.” Belfast, Sept. 30 The Mace was twice flung on of the House by an Irate Labour mcmhT m a scene of disorder which pS2 the prorogation of the North of I re S
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  209 words
    • 106 22 proceed to Stockholm by train.—British Wireless. Joined In Malmo By Prince George. Rugby, Oct. 1. The Prince of Wales left Wedellsbor* Castle today and motored with Prince Axel to Taasinge Island wl.cre lunch was taken with Count Brockdorff. The Prince afterwards flew by seaplane to Copenhagen and
      proceed to Stockholm by train.—British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 173 22 -Reuter Wireless- Sequel to Success Of Conversion Loan. London, Sept. 30. The relaxation of the embargo on now issues was announced in a Treasury statement attached to the final figures of the 5 per cent. War Loan conversion scheme which will be issued later this evening. The statement
      -Reuter Wireless-  -  173 words
    • 59 22 Aneta. Lands at Kolak Owing To Damaged Wings. Batavia, Oct. 2The Dutch air liner Duif left for Kolak this morning with spare parts of the Ibis which landed there wdth damaged wings, probably as the result of heavy rainsThere were no casualties. The Duif will take over
      Aneta.  -  59 words
    • 2658 23 Reuter. acceptance of the report.—The Sin Kuo Min. ,*4., —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. JAPAN’S ARMY NOT LIKELY TO BE WITHDRAWN. Recognition Of Manchukuo As A I Stumbling Block. lyhile tiu* general opinion in Geneva seems to be that the Lytton I report is “the most remarkable
      Reuter.; acceptance of the report.—The Sin Kuo Min. _ ,*4., .; —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  2,658 words
    • 170 24 TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY.” Sir Samuel Wilson On His Mission. In an exclusive interview with the London correspondent of the Singapore Daily News on Saturday Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson, who is to inquire into the decentralisation proposals in Malaya on the spot, sa-id 4, V\e are going to try to
      170 words
    • 246 24 Reuter. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Havoc of Earthquake In Greece. Athens, Oct. 1. British warships have bombarded the buildings in the earthquake area in order to remove the danger to the rescue parties from walls suddenly collapsing. Ambulances are working night and day penetrating further into the stricken region. Increasingly gruesome
      Reuter.; —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  246 words
    • 128 24 Alarm Grows Owing To Steady Increase. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 2. There is growing alarm in England at the steady increase of the motor-bandit menace. Reports are continually being received by the police of armed hold-ups on lonely roads. Other bandits are at work and in
      128 words
    • 123 24 .—Reuter. Foaming Wall of Water. TRAIN HURLED INTO CANYON. Bakersfield, Calif., Oct. 2. Thirty people were killed as the result of cloudburst here last night. A learning forty-foot high wall of water was sent roaring through the Tchachapi Pass and struck a railway trestle bridge at
      .—Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 273 24 Renong Tin’s Profit Of £8,156. London, Oct. 1. The Borneo Company reports a loss of £31.015 during the year ended Mar. 31, 1032. This loss is reported after bringing in £64,948 and transferring £30,000 from the reserve for contingencies. £23,352 has been paid out by way of preference
      273 words
    • 45 24 factory confirmation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Reported Suicide of “Yount? Marshal.” Shanghai, Oct. 3. Marsha] Chang Hsueh-liang (the former, ruler of Slnnchuria) is alleged to have committed suicide following the publication of the Lytton Commission's report. The rumour, however, lacks satisfactory confirmation.—Sin Chew Jit
      factory confirmation.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  45 words
    • 105 24 Is Medical Research Worth While? (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 2. “For the human race nothing is more worth while than successful medical and scientific investigation, but for the individual who attempts it there is nothing less worth while.” This is an excerpt from one of
      105 words
    • 425 24 —Reuter. Comptroller of the Kin?’, Household. WHIP AS WELL. Mr. MacDonald Visits Buckingham Palace. With the four names cabled by R llf today the appointments in the r«. ment. with the exception of sistant Postmaster-General, follow* the secession of the Liberals. ar e JJ plete and
      —Reuter.  -  425 words
    • 138 24 —Reuter. Britain Getting Ready To Return Chicago, Oct. 1* Nearly $1,500,000,000 in gold accumulated in the East by the b n, England and the British exchange r during the last few months, according the Chicago Tribune, which about $1,000,000,000 of this gold c'»nti‘ led by the Bank of
      —Reuter.  -  138 words
    • 421 25 —Reuter. v, Optimism Aroused Anywhere. MORE COMMENTS. Britain and America To “Wait and See.” London, Oct. 3. While the Lytton Report is, at first .dance, evidently a most able and commi hensive document, there, is the greatest reluctance among the best-informed British political observers to offer any
      —Reuter.  -  421 words
    • 400 25 —Sin Chew Jit Poll. Reuter. Statements by Dr. C. C. Wu And Mr. Lo Wen-kan. Shanghai, Oct. 4. T ho Finance Minister and Acting Minisof the Executive Yuan (Mr. T. V. oong) returned to Nanking by aeroplane M’.sterday evening and conferred with the I oreign Minister (Mr. Lo
      .—Sin Chew Jit Poll.; Reuter.  -  400 words
    • 259 25 -Reuter. Not A Good Word For The Report. Berlin, Oct. 3. Official circles decline to comment on the Lytton Report pending the arrival of the full text. The view is held in political circles that the recent developments in Manchuria will necessitate a revision of the report.—Reuter. Berlin.
      -Reuter.  -  259 words
    • 326 25 -Reuter. Pour Condemnation On The Report. London, Oct. 3. Sweeping condemnation is poured upon the Lytton Report by Japanese circles in London who particularly controvert the assertion that the independence movement did not previously exist in Manchuria. It is alleged that progress towards a solution could only
      -Reuter.  -  326 words
    • 314 25 —Reuter. Influence of U.S.A. to Be Thrown Behind Report. New York, Oct. 3. Washington correspondents say that,] although the State Department has not j commented, it is clearly inclined to throw the influence of the United States Government behind the Lytton proposals for the peaceful settlement of the
      —Reuter.  -  314 words
    • 112 25 —British Wireless. Reconstruction Enters Final Stage. Rugby, Oct. 1. The final stage of the reconstruction of the Government took place this morning when, at Buckingham Palace, the King received their seals of office from the three Ministers who have resigned, Lord Snowden, Sir Herbert Samuel, and Sir Archibald
      —British Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 585 25 ,—Reuter. Resignation Of The Governor-General. DISPUTE RECALLED. Anglo-Irish Settlement May Follow. Consternation has been caused in constitutional circles in Dublin by tho announcement that the King haa accepted the resignation of the Governor-General of the Irish Free State (Mr. James McNeill). President de Valera haa hastened to
      ,—Reuter.  -  585 words
    • 1030 26 —British Wireless. —Reuter. Divergence of Opinion On Ottawa Agreements. STRONG LETTERS. Premier Says There Is A Job to Finish.” Rugby, Sept. 28. The resignation of three members of the Cabinet, Lord Snowden, Labour, and Sir Herbert Samuel and Sir Archibald Sinclair, Liberals, was announced after a meeting
      —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  1,030 words
    • 186 26 —Reuter. Not a Loss to Home Government. “An untimely secession,” declares the Times in deeply regretting the first breach in the National Government though, the paper adds, “the breach is easily reparab’e.” The Daily Telegraph is of the opinion that the Cabinet is now stronger and if anything
      —Reuter.  -  186 words
    • 167 26 Reuter. More Earthquake Shocks In Greece. Athens, Sept. 30. No final list of the earthquake casualties is yet available as many people are pinned beneath the ruins without hope of rescue. Three hundred people are known to be dead and a thousand injured, while 3,COO are
      Reuter.  -  167 words
    • 85 26 —Reuter. Germany Defaults In Payment. Washington, Sept. 29. Germany has notified the United States that she is not paying the $7,800,000 for mixed claims and the cost of the army of occupation due on Sept. 30. The Under-Secretary of the Treasury says that Germany explains that
      .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 78 26 —Reuter. News of Three .Japanese Airmen. Washington, Sept. 29. The Navy Department has received a radio message intercepted by the American wireless station at St. Paul, Alaska. It was sent out from the Japanese station at Otchishi and reads: “Aeroplane at top of river Mantanu, Alaska, where we
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 64 26 —Reuter. Chancellor’s Further Statement. London, Sept. 30. The remarkable success of the five per cent. War Loan conversion plan is shown in a statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Chancellor states that out of total of £2,085,000,000 outstanding on June 30 last £1,920,000,000 has been converted,
      ’ —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 81 26 .—Reuter. Appellate Court Orders An Election. New York, Sept. 29. The Appellate Court by a 4—1 vote reversing the Supreme Court decision has directed an election lor the mayoralty of New York on Nov. 8, holding that Mr. Joseph McKee, who was appointed Mayor on the
      .—Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 36 26 —Reuter. Decision to Return to League Of Nations. Buenos Aires, Sept. 28. By a large majority the Chamber has decided in favour of the Argentine again becoming a member of the League of Nations.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  36 words
    • 240 26 STATESMAN’S EDITOR AGAIN SHOT AT —Reuter. Fusilade of Bullets. WOUNDED IN Roth SHOULDERS. Calcutta, Sept o fi Sir Alfred Watson, editor of tinman, was shot at hy terrorists ami wounded today. W; ce This is the second time he ha* w fired at. On Aug. 5 a young*fieneS terrorist unsuccessfully
      —Reuter.  -  240 words
    • 115 26 Pounded to Pieces On Rocks. San Francisco. Sept. .9. A desperate battle with the elements in the Behring Sea is being fought to rescue 35 men of the American freighter Nevada, which is ashore on Amchitka Island. Responding to an S.C.S., the Japanese cargo boat Oregon Maru rushed
      115 words
    • 85 26 -—Reuter. Heavy Fine Unless The Perpetrators Found. Darjeeling. Sept. 29. A heavy fine will be imposed on the section of the Chittagong cornmuni.) concerned in the attack on the European Institute last Saturday unless the perpetrators are found by Oct. lo. Clalc Government communique. The communique declares the
      -—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 92 26 Priest Refuses to Give Evidence. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. h The question of the immunity of clergy from any obligation to !L statements made tr> them by n cm n their congregation has, been raised afp At Nottingham yesterday a lv0 n Catholic priest refused
      92 words
    • 121 27 luter. ■Ferry Boat Explosion. MEN rocketted in THE AIR. fl New York, Sept. 30. SBa' n-itnier Forsythe, the 24-year-old capK‘ alK i owner of the Observation, the boat v/hich blew up in the East w jth the loss of 39 lives, has been Mbdrl bv the
      luter.  -  121 words
    • 182 27 I Former Straits Judge’s I Allegations. 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) 6 London, Oct. 3. I Sir Fiennes Barrett-Lennard, formerly Judge in the Straits Settlements and Utterly Chief Justice cf Jamaica, has K used a sensation by writing to a Jamai[newspaper alleging that his retirement Krough ill-health was
      182 words
    • 126 27 7V n s c k eave may be granted.—Sin hew Jit Poh. Report of Suicide Denied. Shanghai, Oct. 1. The report, cabled yesterday, that Marshal ('hang Hsueh-liatig had committ.o by taking poison is now officialy denied. It is believed the report emanated from a Japanese source. M a
      7Vn ,.s'ck eave may be granted.—Sin ( hew Jit Poh.  -  126 words
    • 61 27 Paol For Brenda Dean Paul. (from Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 3. ‘L’enda Dean Paul has been senV. s x n imprisonment on a < i ‘igeot unlawful possession of morphiae il.>o nf attempting to obtain the drug. i au as been before the court on (M Otca
      61 words
    • 35 27 IIUSl Reuter. Robert Ho Tun#, Of lion# Kon#. Sir, Rome, Oct. 1. 'ir ur R °l>ni received this morning L. ’hert Ho Tung, the well-known ,)Us *ness magnate of Hong Kong.
      IIUSl — Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 73 27 Reuter. To be Held in London But Date Not Yet Fixed. Geneva. Oct. 3. 1 he World Economic Conference will be held in London. The date has not yet been fixed. The organising committee has decided to invite Russia, the Hedjaz, Egypt, Ecuador, Iceland Brazil, Cota
      Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 52 27 GOODWILL MISSION TO AMERICA. —Reuter. Japanese Government Abandons the Idea. Washington, Oct. 4. Japan’s “Goodwill Mission” to the United States, headed by Admiral Nomura, will not eventuate, according to the Japanese Embassy, owing to the eye injury Admiral Nomura sustained in the bombing outrage at Hongkew Park, Shanghai, on April
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 120 27 identity of the guilty parties.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Reported From Belgrade And Madrid. Belgrade, Oct. 1. An elegantly-dressed young man presented himself at the door of the Officers’ Club here and gave the porter a parcel for the club committee. While the porter was carrying the parcel, it exploded with terrific
      identity of the guilty parties.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  120 words
    • 180 27 Family Well Known In Singapore. IF rom Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 4. The death has occurred of Mr. F. H. Mugliston, O.B.E., second son of the late Dr. T. C. Mugliston and brother of Mr. G. R. K. Mugliston, both of whom were well known
      180 words
    • 73 27 £100,000 Spent But Work To Go On. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 2. Although £100,000 has already been expended on the salvage work on the submarine M. 2., which was lost off Portland Bill on Jan. 27 with 48 lives, the salvage work is to continue as
      73 words
    • 126 27 —Reuter. $18,000,000 Concern. BANKRUPT INSULI, COMPANIES. Chicago, Sept. 30. Following the recent adjudging of two Insull concerns bankrupt, the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co., an Insull concern with a capitalisation of about $18,000,000, has been placed in the hands of a receiver.—Reuter. Mr. Samuel
      —Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 102 27 —Reuter. Hindenburg’s Message To German People. Berlin, Oct. 4. "We are fighting for our right in the world and for work and bread at home,” declared President von Hindenburg, broadcasting a message of thanks for birthday congratulations. It is learned he received some 22,000 letters, postcards, telegrams
      —Reuter.  -  102 words
    • 153 27 —Router Wireless. British Firm to Sign Bridge Contract. Rugby, Sept. 29. A representative of Dorman Long, Ltd., of Middlesbrough, builders of Sydney Harbour Bridge, leaves for Denmark next Monday to seal the contract for a £2.000,000 bridge which the Danish Government proposes to build over the Storstromoc-n between
      —Router Wireless.  -  153 words
    • 37 27 .—Reuter. Personal Estate Left Valued At £552,809. London, Sept. 30. Lord Inrhcape, the shipping magnate left, excluding real estate, considerable unsettled personal estate in Great Britain which is provisionally valued for probate at £552,809. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 37 27 Reuter. Korean Who Threw Bomb At Emperor of Japan. Tokio, Sept. 30. Li Ho-sho, the Korean who threw *i bomb at the Emperor of Japan on Jan. S as been sentenced to death.— Reuter.
      ,— Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 42 27 Daniel Greenaway, the bankers. British \Virvless. Rugby, Sept. 29. At the Guildhall, London, todav Sir Percy Greenaway wus chosen to Ik? the new Ix>rd Mayor. Sir Percy is head of the city firm of Daniel Greenaway, the bankers. British
      Daniel Greenaway, the bankers. British \Virvless.  -  42 words
    • 258 27 —British Wireless. Reuter. British Seamen Help Refugees. Rugby, Sept. 29. Further earthquake shocks are reported from the neighbourhood of Salonika, where the Town Hall and several Government buildings are said to have been damaged, and in the Chalcidice region of Greece. The casualties are now estimated
      —British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  258 words
    • 149 27 Reuter Wireless. Definite Advance To Socialism Urged. London, Oct. 3. The Labour Party is earnestly taking stock of its position and future prospects at the annual conference which opened at Leicester yesterday, the first conference since the party’s virtual obliteration at the general election of last year.
      Reuter Wireless.  -  149 words
    • 144 27 Aneta-Trans-Oceun. Was She Secretly Married To Mauritz Stiller Stockholm, Oct. 4. A new and sensational version regarding the motives of Greta Garbo’s return to her native shores is circulating in the capital’s literary quarters, where it is asserted that the film star was married secretly eight years ago
      Aneta-Trans-Oceun.  -  144 words
    • 328 28 Reuter. No Lowering of Tariffs In U.S.A. HOOVER’S POLICY. Bid for Middle West Farmers’ Votes. Dos Moines, (Iowa), Oct. 4. A big effort to check the drift towards the Democratic Party among the debtladened farmers of the Middle West has been begun by President Hoover.
      Reuter.  -  328 words
    • 87 28 ,—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Early Revision Of The Constitution. Berlin, Oct. 4. The long-heralded revision of the Reich’s constitution, which is no longer regarded as compatible with present conditions, will probably be attempted this year, according to the Deutsche Allegemeine Zeitung, which is believed to be in close touch with Government
      ,—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  87 words
    • 81 28 —Router Wireless. (lenova Reference to Birth Control Offends. Geneva, Oct. 3. A strong protest, on religious grounds, to the reference to contraceptions in the report of the League health organisations was made by the Irish Free State delegate at the second committee of the League Assembly. The Irish
      —Router Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 46 28 »-Reuter Wireless. $402,000,000 Deficit on First Quarter. Washington, Oct. 1. I he l nited States Government has ended the first quarter of the fiscal year w th a deficit of $402,000,000, about $-0,000,000 than for the correspond»ng period of last yeai -Reuter Wireless.
      »-Reuter Wireless.  -  46 words
    • 428 28 Reuter. —Reuter Wireless. A London Conference. BRITAIN SUGGESTS A FIVE-POWER MEETING. Geneva, Oct. 4. Sir John Simon (the Foreign Minister) left for London by vair halt ng at Paris in the morning to interview M. Herriot to discuss, it is understood, the British proposal for a
      Reuter.; .—Reuter Wireless.  -  428 words
    • 43 28 Reuter. Received in Audience By The Pope. Rome, Sept. 20. The Pope received in audience today Sir Robert Ho Tung, the Hong Kong industrialist and philanthropist, who is now Europe on a special mission for the Chinese National Government.—
      Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 109 28 Singapore Man in An Old Bailey Trial. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 4. Ronald Watson Black, an advertising contractor, was sentenced at the Old Bailey today to fifteen months imprisonment and ordered to pay £200 costs to Mr. X, who was sentenced in wartime to penal servitude
      109 words
    • 737 28 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. come sucn as ne nas never whole "ourse of his life.” —Reuter less. How His 85th Birthday Was Celebrated. Berlin, Oct. 3. The celebrations for today’s 85th birthday of President Hindenburg began last evening when torch-light processions wen* held by all garrisons, and special commemorative stamps
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.; come sucn as ne nas never * whole "ourse of his life.”—Reuter less.  -  737 words
    • 245 28 -Sin Chew Jit pT said to have been killed.—The Uni Times. Dramatic Devel„p m On the C.E.R. CITIES ATTACKED. Tsitsihar and Harbin As Objectives. Shanghai, Sept. 3o General Su Ping-wen’s forces i„ a railway trains, are advancing« Chinese Eastern Railway and ar, nRbe planning
      -Sin Chew Jit pT; said to have been killed.—The Uni Times.  -  245 words
    • 103 28 Reuter Wireless. Remarkable Success In Examinations. London, Oct. 3. The gratifying success in the training of the blind is proved in the latest musical. literary and commercial examination? Of 37 s ghtless students entered by the Royal Normal College, not a single stu dent failed. The outstanding success
      Reuter Wireless.  -  103 words
    • 77 28 .—Aneta-Havas. To Be Pleaded At Geneva By Mr. Bronson Rea. Paris, Oct. 3. Mr. George Bronson Rea, who is the only white man employed by the Manchukuo Government, has arrived at Cherbourg and has come to plead the cau>< of his Government in League circles. Mr. Bronson Rea,
      .—Aneta-Havas.  -  77 words
    • 207 29 .—Reuter. Widely Discounted In America. New York, Oct. 4. The undercurrent of Washington's region to the Lytton Report is decidedly r, the direction of discounting Japans reported threat to leave the League if the Commission's findings meet the approval of the Assembly, according to the
      .—Reuter.  -  207 words
    • 284 29 —Reuter. Sir Frederick Whyte’s Criticism. London, Oct. 4. Fir Frederick Whyte, interviewed by the Manchester Guardian on the Report, said that implicit in the Commission’s argument is the thesis that while a radical form of reform is needed in China itself the course pursued by Japan is a
      —Reuter.  -  284 words
    • 295 29 —Reuter. Keport Welcomed And Criticised. Geneva, Oct. 4. In a statement to the Press Dr. W. W. i on (China’s representative on the -(•ague ol Nations Council), welcoming u* publication of the Lytton Report, de,ures had the Commission dealt with 1 e development of the Japanese
      —Reuter.  -  295 words
    • 46 29 —Reuter. Report May Encourage The “Young Marshal.” Mukden, Oct. 4. Japanese militarists are highly incensed at the Lytton Report, as it is feared the condemnation of Manchukuo will encourage Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang to continue his depredations for the purpose of undermining the new State.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 85 29 The culprit was arrested.—British Wireless. Half-Wit Fires Revolver At A Committee. Geneva. Oct. 3. A Hungarian, apparently a half-wit, fired a revolver shot in a room in which the Fourth Committee of the Assembly was sitting. He fired from outside the room, the bullet striking the iron frame
      The culprit was arrested.—British Wireless.  -  85 words
    • 199 29 ,—Reuter Wireless. —British Wireless. British Fleet Leaves ’Quake Area. Athens, Oct. 3. The British Fleet which has afford ng aid in the Greek earthquake area has departed amid affecting scenes >f gratitude. Admiral Sir Ernie Chatfield’s, the Commander-in-Chief's, final gesture of sympathy was the distribution of 30.000 eggs
      ,—Reuter Wireless.; —British Wireless.  -  199 words
    • 127 29 .—Reuter Wireless. Fire Due to Defect in The Electrical Circuit. Marseilles, Oct. 3. The fire aboard the Georges Phillipar in the Red Sea last May, which led to the loss of the vessel and of nearly 1°0 lives, has been found to have been causid by a defect
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  127 words
    • 68 29 —Reuter. Both Sides Claiming Victories. London, Sept. 30. The situation in South America continues chaotic. While the revolt in the Brazilian State of Sao Paulo seems ended an independent government has been proclaimed in the Chilean district of Antofagasta. In the Gran Chaco fighting both Paraguay
      —Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 177 29 be severed.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh. Closely Discusses The Report. Shanghai, Oct. 5. The Executive Yuan met yesterday morning and closely discussed the Lytton Report. A further meeting was held in the evening at the home of Mr. T. V. Soong (the Finance Minister and
      be severed.—Sin Kuo Min and Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  177 words
    • 101 29 —Reuter Wireless. Three Flying Men In Car Crash. London, Oct. 1. Two young naval officers attached to the Royal Air Force base at Leuchars, Lieutenant R. D. L. Dickson and SubLieutenant V. W. Dobsow, were killed today in a motor accident near Cupar. While motoring from St. Andrews
      —Reuter Wireless.  -  101 words
    • 66 29 Reuter Wireless. To Brand Mrs. Pawley And Mr. Corkran. Yinkow, Oct. 3. Torture and death are threatened to the captives in an impatient message received here from the bandits holding Mrs. Pawley and Mr. Charles Corkran. If the ransom is not forthcoming soon, the bandits assert, it is
      Reuter Wireless.  -  66 words
    • 121 29 —British Wireless. Irak Joins the League Of Nations. Rugby, Oct. 3. At Geneva today the League of Nations Assembly unanimously granted the application of Irak to become a member of the League of Nations. In offering congratulations to Nuri Pasha, the Irak Prime Minister, the British Foreign
      —British Wireless.  -  121 words
    • 512 29 —Reuter Wireless. .—Reuter. Abolition of Office. BELIEVED TO BE MK. I)E VALERA’S GOAL. London, Oct. 3. The recall of the Irish Free Stat* Governor-General, Mr. James McNeill, is expected to presage an important constitutional change and to bear out the Free State ministrial prediction made yesterday. Mr.
      —Reuter Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  512 words
    • 95 29 .—Reuter Wireless. Must Not Be Isolated, Says Mussolini. Rome, Oct. 2. Hundreds of Italian “black-coat” workers, all members of the Confederation of Professional Men, and artists met yesterday to hear a speech delivered by Signor Mussolini in which the Duce emphasised that whereas before the Fascist regime intellectuals formed
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  95 words
    • 22 29 ,—Reuter. London, Oct. 4. The New South Wales Conversion Loan was closed almost immediately uftor the lists were opened.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  22 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 742 30 Rugby Prospects. BETTE!? TEAM THAN LAST SEASON. The Rent .37 pts.; Newcomers 0. The form display* <1 in the S.C.C.’s opening match of the season, on ♦he Padang on Saturday, when the Rest defeated the Newcomers by 37 points (five goals and four tries) to
      742 words
    • 231 30 Cubs Toppled Pour Times In Succession. The New York Yanlars have won th j world baseball championship. The Yankees have wm tin- first four I games of the seven schedul'd. Today’s game, played live, the first i three U*ing p'ayed in New York, resultled in a
      231 words
    • 176 30 Herrington’s Fine Display For Club. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Oct. 2. The first round of the Selangor F.A. Cup competition (Senior Division) came to a close on Saturday when Kuala Rovers C team defeated the Selangor Club by 2—1 at Port Swettenham. The Club would have suffered
      176 words
    • 92 30 Perak Overwhelms The Negri. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 1. Perak trounced Negri Sembilan in an inter-state match here today by six goals to one. The Perak forwards were very dangerous, particularly Caleb and Dass. Perak were quickly on the move and within a few minutes had
      92 words
    • 92 30 —Reuter. English Team Easily Beats Irish XI. Belfast, Oct. 1. In fine weather, before 20,000 spectators, in an inter-League soccer match the Irish League were defeated by the English League by 6 goals to 2.—Reuter. This is the 30th time the English Loagu XI has defeated the Irish League
      —Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 584 30 Successful Opening. WELL-FANCIED HORSES TO THE FORE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1. Interesting racing was witnessed at the Selangor Tu. f Club autumn meeting which opened on Saturday. Rain in the morning rendered the going rather heavy hut the weather cleared up, and was
      584 words
    • 269 30 1 —Reuter. Latest Message. UNABLE TO ASSURE BOARD. Sydney, Oct. 1. Don Bradman, Australia’s wonder batsman, has declared that he is unable to give the Board of Control the required assurance that he will not write articles for the newspapers on first-class matches and therefore
      1—Reuter.  -  269 words
    • 94 30 Heriot’s Score 58 Points Against Jed-Forest. London, Saturday. The following were the results of the Rugby matches played today Aberavon 6 Pontypridd 0 Abertillery 0 Cross Keys 6 Blackheath 17 Plymouth Albion 5 Bristol 14 Gloucester 0 Harlequins 4 Lon. Scottish (> Heriot’s F.P. 58 Jed-Forest 0 Leicester
      94 words
    • 114 30 Wins Jockey Club Stakes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 29. The Jockey Club Stakes were run at Newmarket today over 1% miles and resulted as follows H.H. the Aga Khan’s FIRDAUSSI (Beary) 8.12 1 Mr. II. J. Simms’ GAIN SLAW (Lowrey) 7.9 2 Mr. J. Dewar’s CAMERONIAN
      114 words
    • 31 30 —Reuter Wireless. Knocked Out by Don McCorkindale. London, Sept. 26. At Leicester Don Mccorkindale (South Africa) knocked out Reggie Mcen, the ex-British heavyweight champion, in the fourth round.—Reuter Wireless.
      .—Reuter Wireless.  -  31 words
    • 497 31 Half-Time Lead. GLOUCESTERS’ SUCCESS AT HOME. Gloucester Rep. lOpts P. Services 4pts. To meet a regimental side in the first L' U me of the season makes for a stiff trial. This the Public Services RT.C. had (|o at Tanglin Barracks on Thursday evening and though
      497 words
    • 57 31 Fnglish champion, Burke.—Aneta-Trans Ocean. Championship Won By Frenchman. Berlin, Sept. 2fi. The professional tennis tournament for the world’s championship ended in a victory for the Frenchman, Maurice Plaa, with William Tilden as runner-up and the German. Nuesslein third. Plaas won exciting and very close games against the American
      Fnglish champion, Burke.—Aneta-Trans Ocean.  -  57 words
    • 43 31 Renter. Yankees Topple Cubs In Second Game. Yankee Stadium, N.Y., Sept. 29. The New York Yankees toppled, the Chicago Cubs 5 to 2 in the second game of the World’s Series played here today. Yesterday the Yankees won 12 to 6.—
      Renter.  -  43 words
    • 35 31 Singapore Golfer’s Feat In Scotland. Mr. R. W. S. Drummond, of Singapore, y ho is at present on leave, made a hole »n one on the West Links, North Berwick, last month.
      35 words
    • 321 31 Reuter. Heavy Scoring. HUDDERSFIELD ROUT CUP HOLDERS. London, Oct. 1. The following were the resul's of matches palyed today in the English and Scottish Leagues First Division. Aston Villa 3 Chelsea l Blackburn R. 1 Sunderland 3 Blackpool i Arsenal 2 Bolton Wands 5 Leicester
      Reuter.  -  321 words
    • 28 31 Reuter. London, Sept. 29. In a Third Division (Northern) match, played today, Carlisle Utd. defeated Stockport County by two goals to one.—
      Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 66 31 —Sin, Chew Jit Poh. China to Compete Next Year. Shanghai, Oct. 4. Sun Foh. Chang Fat-kwei, C. C. Wu, T. Wang, Huang Shao-sung and Chen Ming-shu. prominent Chinese political leaders, are jointly raising $100,000 for the purpose of sending Yao Fei-Lai, Lin Pao-hua, Cheng Shao-kai, Liang and Tsoehang,
      ’.—Sin, Chew Jit Poh.  -  66 words
    • 50 31 Nereid Wins Commodore’s Cup. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Oct. 3. Six boats entered for the Commodore Cup race over the course specially laid oown by the Commodore at Port Dickson yesterday, Nereid winning the Cup. The wind throughout was very fresh from south-west and provided and excellent sport.
      50 words
    • 929 31 Positions of English Andi Scottish Clubs. First Division. P. W. L. I). F. A. Pts. Aston Villa 8 H 0 2 21 7 14 Arsenal 8 6 1 1 11) 10 131 Derby County 8 5 1 2 17 8 12] Huddersf’ld 8 5 2 1 17 9
      929 words
    • 639 31 Malays Beaten. CHARITY MATCH AT STADIUM. R.A.F. 2 Malays 0. The R.A.F. obtained their revenue against the Malays—their conquerors in the Cup final—by defeating them in a charity match, the proceeds of which wire in aid ot' unemployment funds, at the Anson Road Stadium by two
      639 words
    • 43 31 -Aneta-Havas. Allison and Van Ryn Win Pacific Doubles. Ix>« Angeles, Sept. 2H, W. Allison and G. Van Ryn beat Ellsworth Vines and Keith (Jledhill in the final of the men’s doubles in the SouthWest Pacific Championships, ft—3, ft—4, C— 1. —Aneta-Havas.
      -Aneta-Havas.  -  43 words
    • 930 32 Internationalism. E. I). ANDREWS AGAIN IN SINGAPORE. There is a distinct possibility of a Pacific rone of the Davis Cup competition being formed before the commencement of the world’s annual tennis “Olympic" next April. This I was told by Mr. E. D. Andrews, the Now
      930 words
    • 159 32 Late Goal on Padang. CHINESE XI NARROWLY BEATEN. S.C.C. 1 S.C.R.C. 0. An S.C.C. eleven on Monday defeated the S.C.R.C. hockey team by the only goal of the match which was scored with the very last hit of the game. The Europeans were very much
      159 words
    • 51 32 ,—Reuter. Wins English Women’s Championship. London, Sept. 30. In the final of the English women’s golf championship on the Royal Ashdown course, Sussex, Miss Diana Fish*vick, of North Foreland, beat Miss Beryl Brown, of Formby, 5 and 4. The holder, Miss Wanda Morgan, was beaten in the fourth
      ,—Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 91 32 Scheme to Organise State Football League. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1. Sport among the Indian community of this State is being sedulously fostered by the Selangor Indian Association, and the latest proposal is a football league for all Indian sides in the State. In entering
      91 words
    • 30 32 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 28. In the senior football league, the Chinese Recreation Club defeated the St. Xavier’s Recreation Club, in a poor game, by 2—o.
      30 words
    • 707 32 Milner Cup. SWEEPSTAKE RACE WON BY COLUMBINE. The first round of the annual challenge for the Cup presented to the K.S.Y.C. by the late Lord Milner, when Secretary of State for the Colonies, was sailed on Sunday by the 6 metre class. A moderate southerly breeze
      707 words
    • 70 32 The competition for the Jackson-Millar '■up was completed on Saturday when R.T. Phillips (go) won the third and firal race of the series at the Singapore Swimming (dub over a distance of 150 metres. E. A. Brodie (39) was second ant’ P. D. Sladden (39) third, but the latter
      70 words
    • 634 32 Result of Championshin Semi-Finals. The semi-finals of the Singapore n«i, Club Championship competition was nlu, ed during the week-end and resulted follows:— 3 W Eldred beat E E Pretty, 4 and R. Craik beat J. T. Smith, 3 and 2 The final between Craik and Eldred will
      634 words

    • 67 1 Gt'nfrtl Rubber Situation 1 Singapore Tin Prices 1 The Singapore Auction 1 September Tin Returns 1 Rubber Results 1 Malaya Tin Statistics 3 Menglembu Lode 4 Rubber Scheme 4 Share Market 4 Rubber Share Prices 4 Trade and Finance 4 Stocks and Shares 4 Correspondence— Agency Fees •> Meetings
      67 words
    • 84 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices A d. Date L’don S’pore Oct. Nov. Dec Sept. 2«* 2 11 16 SU 8 5 16 8% 8 i/16 ;{0 211 1<* 8 8 8 1 16 8 1 Oct. 1 2 9, 16 S’* 8 3 16
      84 words
    • 23 1 Sept. 29 Tin. S’pore Price $78.75 per picul 30 78.50 Oct. 1 78.00 3 7 7.87* a 1 76.<32 < 78.50
      23 words
    • 135 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,090th auction on Oct. 5, when there was catalogued 1,513,049 lb. or 675.46 tons; offered 1,404,673 !b. or 627.08 tons sold 1.252.1139 lb. or 559.35 tons. Spot. London 2hgd. New York IDs cts. PRICE REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet
      135 words
    • 93 1 Muiing Tin no Liability.—Hours 632, cu. yds. 85,200, piculs 353. takuapa Valley Tin.—1.226 hours, 335,000 cu yds, 1 .'JIG piculs. Assam Kunibann Tin. Hours run 314, cu. yds. treated 63,000, total piculs 543.47, net value $25,092.00. I’unjrah Tin Dredging.—Hours run Not. 1 dredge 272, cu. yds. treated
      93 words
    • 44 1 Harlow Co., report as follows on Sept. 29.— 1 he market for this commodity has steady but quiet throughout the vuek with very little alteration in price. 0sir >PT quotations ire as follows:— > undried $5.80 per picul: mixed $5.30 per Picul. w
      44 words
    • 1255 1 Year’s Loss Of $9,573. CAltE AND MAINTENANCE BASIS. The Annual General Meeting o 4- Brunei United Plantations, Ltd., was held on 1 Friday at the offices of the secretaries, F.vatt A Co., French Bank Buildings Singapore, with Mr. Lee Chim Tuan in the chair. Others present were
      1,255 words
    • 73 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 3. Philmoor Rubber proposes to split the existing 200,000 £1 shares into 2s. shares. Sungkai Chumor Estates reports a loss of £1,103 for the year ended June 30 against a loss of £3,747 a year ago, carrying forward a credit of £17,175.
      73 words
    • 765 1 Chairman’s Review Of The Year. The twenty-second annuul general meeting of the Bukit Jelotong Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries, F. Gomes and o., 1117 Heeren Street, Malacca, on Oct. 3 the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock presiding. Others present included Messrs.
      765 words
    • 3503 2 Board of the R.R.I. Taken To Task Again. CALL FOR INQUIRY. “NOT THE RIGHT TYPE OF MEN.” The half-yearly meeting 1 of the Johore Planters’ Association was held at the Kluang Club on Saturday with Mr. J. W. E. Adams in the chair. Referring to effect of
      3,503 words
    • 138 3 Foreign exports of tin, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all Malayan porta luring the month of September, 1932. Destination. Tons. I nited Kingdom 65 United States of America 2,126 Continent of Europe 1,380 British Possessions 117 Japan 267 Other foreign countries 21 Total 3,976 Tons. Note:
      138 words
    • 1931 3 No Bonus. DECISION TO CONSERVE RESOURCES. The annual general meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company, 3-c and 3-d Malacca Street, on Friday with Mr. Ong Soon Tee in the chair. Others present were Messrs. S. Q.
      1,931 words
    • Correspondence.
      • 295 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Ah a member of an agency home, I appreciate the fairness of your leading article on Aug. 3, reprinted in the Straits Budget, on the subject of agency fees. It is all-important that estate managers, agents and secretaries, as they
        295 words
    • 258 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, October 6. SELLING. London, l months’ sight 2/4 London, 3 months’ sight 2/3 31/32 London, 00 days’ sight 2/3 16/10 London, 30 days’ sight 2 '3 29/32 London, demand 2/3 7/8 London. T.T. 2 3 27/32 Lyona and Paris, demand 1.016 Hamburg, demand 105
      258 words
    • 402 4 How Savings Are Being Made. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. HO. The general meeting of Menglembu Lode Mining Co. Ltd., was held here it noon today, at the registered offices, Mr. D. A. M. Brown presiding. The chairman, moving the adoption of the report and accounts, referred
      402 words
    • 815 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, October 5. MINING. I tsuo Val. Pd. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asani Kumbang 26/- 28/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/5 '-6A. Ayer Hitam Tin 12/- 13/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 14/- 16/£1 £1 Batang Padang 0.05 0.10 1 1 Batu Caves 0.40 0.60
      815 words
    • 727 4 SINGAPORE DOLLAR SHARE PRICES OCT. 5. Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser r vail s Company Co. Kvatt 454,175 1 Nil for year 29-2-32 ..Allenby ($1) 0.45 0.55 0 45 nan 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-931 .Alor tiujan (t 1) 0.30 0.40 0
      727 words
    • 554 4 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser Co’s report, dated Oct. 5, states i During the past week there have been no special features calling for comment >n any section of the local share market, and with a slightly easier feeling prevailing all round business has been on a
      554 words
    • 115 4 (By Air Mail.) Federated (Selangor) Reconstruction. (By Air Mail.) London, Sept. 16 The Federated (Selangor) Rubber Company is to be reorganised. It is proposed to form a company with a nominal capital of £58,000 In shares of 2s. each. In respect of each £1 share now held holders
      (By Air Mail.)  -  115 words
    • 43 4 Accounts to June 30, allowing for stock at 2d. per pound, show profit of £B2 (agst. loss of £2,515), plus £982 incometax reserve not now required, making £1,064. Deducting debit brought in £582. and directors’ percentage £24, leaves credit forward £457.
      43 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 638 6 $t M»44»> »»»»■»♦♦>♦ »-»4-4 M4»4 If v”* 'v-'fiu* Mi ALUMINUM_WATER_ WAVERS. ARE THESE 0 F INTEREST TO YOU? $1*50 a Complete set of Wavers. Postage 3Qcts. 35S 0 K o. as K ari r.. «'T» Crf*9. ‘-4 LsSsifc <•> 9/ !i we; -sm -J: ■4 >*- ;>/• Hms OK r
      638 words

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    • 484 6 i/5s53 «11 ■L J ■5 13 Afe-v. v -a .'RKv';, 4sL /n r:- o 3?A i» r .tv «o& 7* ;r y*v,, w.. i a K V Sifi '..v Si 5iM5 SHL M K* -fl BOX. *yy.. > GIVE A NEW LIFE TO YOUR 4‘ >v 4 I c I
      484 words