The Straits Budget, 16 June 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OP THE STRAITS TIMES established nearly a CENTURY.] No. 3.879 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1932. Pri.e 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 430 1 LEADERS— Page What Will America Do 3 Good News for Planters 3 The New Despotism 3 Daylight Saving 3.4 The Cost of Clubs 4 Does War Pay 4 Occasional Notes 5.6 Teleprams, Reuter and Special Covering Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Old Ralticsians’ Association 17 Penang Wedding 17 Two
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  • 1691 1 Rapt. H. F. Bloxham has been appointed Superintendent of Prisons, S.S. Mr. W. D. Peterkin, of Mansfield and Co., left Singapore on Tuesday by the Hector. Leave pr or to retirement has been granted to Captain A. J. Hall, District Engineer, F.M.S.R. Mr. G. Parbury has been
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  • 612 2 Proposals Submitted To London. CHINESE PRODUCTION May Be A Little Difficulty.” The present position with regard to the tin scheme restriction is that the proposals of Malayan producers have still to be accepted by the Hritish Government and the International Tin Committee. There is every hope
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  • 50 2 En Bloc Resignation Of Office Bearers. The Taiping Turf Club is calling an extraordinary general meeting to elect a president, vice-president and now committee owing to the resignation en bloc of the present president, vice-president anti committee, elected to office at the annual general meeting hold recently.
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  • 117 2 Ship’s Cook Attacked In His Bunk. As a result of a wireless message received in Singapore an ambulance awaited the arrival of the s.s. Kajang at the Tanjong Pagar w harves on Monday morning and removed a Hylam, described as the ship’ cook, to the General
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  • 197 2 Former Penghulu’s Age Taken Into Consideration. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 14. Petut bin Panglima Kiri, formerly penghulu of Kalumpang, who gave his age as 53. appealed against conviction and sentence of 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of criminal breach of trust as a
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  • 101 2 Thirty Years with P. and T.” In Malaya. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. Mr. C. G. Cadman, Engineer-in-Chief, Posts and Telegraphs Department. S.S. and F.M.S., leaves Malaya on retirement by the s.s. Ranchi tomorrow’ after more than 30 years’ service. Mr. Cadman can
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  • 79 2 Peon Tearfully Asks For Banishment Instead. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 11Isaac, a peon employed l>y the United Kingdom Tobacco Co., who was charged with the theft of a quantity of rolled gold watches, etc., has been sentenced to one year’s rigorous imprisonment an 1 one
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  • 58 2 To be Opened by Sultan Of Perak on June 29. Iskandar Bridge, which has been built at Enggor over the Perak River in place of the old pontoon bridge, which was washed away in the recent floods, is now completed ano will l>e officially opened by ‘-he Sultan
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  • 348 2 $4,250 Needed to Repair Belfield Bridge. At the last meeting of the Klang Sanitary Board the chairman (Mr. L. A. Allen), said that the concrete abutments of Be.field Bridge had been reported as cracked and exposing the caissons and that the Senior Executive Engineer had asked for
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  • 136 2 Statement Issued by The Board. As announced in the Straits Times on Tuesday, the three senior officers of the Rubber Research Institute who were suspended from duty—Dr. \V. B. Haines, Mr. R. O. Bishop and Mr. C. T. Mann—have been reinstated. The decision as to reinstatement was reached
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  • 129 2 Relieving: Destitute But Not Distressed People. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. in his report for the m, nth of May, Mr. John Hands, hon. secretary and treasurer of the Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee, states that the number of applicants registered as destitute was 79, with
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  • 38 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 10. An endeavour is being made here to promote a traders’ and manufacturers’ exhibition in conjunction with the opening on July 1 ol the new amusement park in Magazine Road.
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  • 743 2 Unable to Pay Interest On Debentures. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 13 British Rubber Estates of Java, L’u and llevea Rubber Trust, Ltd., are both seeking a moratorium in respect of i? tercst due on July 1 and June 3b rest* tively to the debenture holders.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1238 3 —Straits Times, June 9. Incredible as it may appear the American politician’s fear of democracy 0 f the biggest obstacles on the \vhich leads to economic prosperity, o'-tesmen and patriotic financiers on both the Atlantic know full well that there has been a general interzonal cancellation
      —Straits Times, June 9.  -  1,238 words
    • 919 3 Straits Times, June 10. In itself the duty which the Federated Malay States Government has imposed in order io encourage the coffee industry in its territory is not of great importance, for the total value of coffee imported iro the whole of Malaya last year was
      — Straits Times, June 10.  -  919 words
    • 706 3 intention of the Act itself.—Straits Times, June 11. The encroachments of Whitehall on the supremacy of Parliament and the functions of the judiciary have created a growing apprehension which has been voiced frequently, not only from th' Bench bul from jurists and publicists of eminence. It will
      intention of the Act itself.—Straits Times, June 11.  -  706 words
    • 1018 3 —Straits Times, June 13. In advocating a Daylight Saving measure for Malaya, Mr. Williamson has revived a question which has been allowiil to lie dormant for twelve years but hich has not been lost sight of altogether. From time to time people have written to the newspapers asking
      —Straits Times, June 13.  -  1,018 words
    • 1022 4 preferable to total extinction.—Straits Times, June 14. At a time when the majority of us find it necessary to review every single item of personal expenditure, first thoughts are usually directed to the question of rlub subscriptions. For many Europeans in Singapore this is a serious
      preferable to total extinction.—Straits . Times, June 14.  -  1,022 words
    • 1169 4 DOES WAR PAY —Straits Times, June 15. Does war pay Nine months ago, carried away on a wave of noisy chauvinism, Japan felt confident that it did. Today she is probably beginning to entertain some doubts on the subject. While fully recognising the magnitude of the problem of over-population with
      —Straits Times, June 15.  -  1,169 words
    • 138 4 Police Raid on House In Desker Road. Acting on information received that Straits currency notes to the total value of $100 could be bought for only $40 a: a house in Desker Road, the police sent a man as a decoy to purchase one of the notes.
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  • 44 4 One Chinese Killed And Another Injured. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 15. In a fight over some durians at Kam pong Sungei Ara a Chinese named Wonf Teow was killed and another man wai injured. Two arrests have been made.
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  • 33 4 WILSON.—On June 15, 1932 at 24. Meye* Rd. to Irene, wife of Douglas ilson, a WATSON. —On June 15 at Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Joan, wife of 1. a s a son.
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  • 33 4 The engagement is announced of John neth Gwinnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Gwinnell of Bedford Park, London, ana Marianna M. Rannerman, daughter of late Mr. and Mrs. William Bannerman Glasgow.
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  • 68 4 CHESTER- AYRES.—At St. Andrew’s Cathcj dral on June 8, John Thomas only the late George and of Mrs. fr Brighton to Edith Anne, youngest of the late Albert Edward and u Ayres, Bournemouth. MARTYN—JOUBERT PE LA FER T June 13, 1932 at Singapore Charles Martyn, of the North Borneo
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 88 4 NOTICE All communication! for both the Stri:ti Times and the Straits Budget should w addressed to the Head Office, Cecil sm Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Sevtn* nients. The post free price of the Straits Time* the United Kingdom and foreign countr1 is $18 a year. The post free price of
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    • 284 5 Straits Times, June 9. n of the most startling statements Mr Eckhardt’s memorandum on re°pnchment is that out of the $37 V 6 lC isnns which he estimates as the future .nditure of the Federated Malay Sites no less than $ll millions will be nent on debt
      Straits Times, June 9.  -  284 words
    • 394 5 “JIX. ~a’ ts Times, June 9. It has often been said, and said with u<tice. that there is nothing much wrong with a man who is commonly known to his fellow creatures by a nickname, and Lord Brentford, whose death has just ten announced, undoubtedly possessed ■ertain line qualities, which
      ' ~a’ts Times, June 9.  -  394 words
    • 195 5 —Straits Times, June 10. J" May issue of British Malaya Str 't* Staples, formerly of the ,f nea brings his “Reminiscences a Scribbler” to a conclusion. They 1 v j‘ run for eighteen months, and have '•t'.c interesting reading for people in L: n li "’ho
      —Straits Times, June 10.  -  195 words
    • 178 5 Straits Times, June 10. A Malayan proprietory planter, who desires remain anonymous, writes reguiding tne constantly heard suggestion that rubber estates should close down altogther until there is some improvement in price, lie points out that owners of estates W’ould still have to pay rent and
      Straits Times, June 10.  -  178 words
    • 281 5 lIIV. II cci Straits Times, June 10. There is no doubt that our forefathers in the East had the gift of making the best of things. They could extract more pleasure out of contemplating the beauties of their garden than we can out of a hectic pahit party.
      lIIV. II cci Straits Times, June 10.  -  281 words
    • 66 5 HAWKERS AND TYPHOID -Straits Times. June 11. In view of the refusal of many people in Singapore to believe that food hawkers are a source of danger we give prominence to the following remark made by the Health Officer of Kuala Lumpur yesterday: u “It was shown again last year
      -Straits Times. June 11.  -  66 words
    • 79 5 ■Straits Times. June 11. A correspondent forwards an envelope received bv him on Thursday which shows how fast the postal service between < eylon and Malava can be when it really ‘W* down to it.” A letter posted in Colombo on May 7 reached Seremban on June 9—
      ■Straits Times. June 11.  -  79 words
    • 133 5 as from Jan. 1, 1932.”—Straits Times, June 11. Retrenchment necessities in the Rubber Research Institute have grown so rapidly in the last few weeks that anything written on that subject which applies to last vear is almost robbed of its interest.. o>\ever as it is still commonly said
      as from Jan. 1, 1932.”—Straits Times, June 11.  -  133 words
    • 165 5 -Straits Times, June 11. Today s cables bring fresh developments und sensations in the most remarkable criminal case of modern times—the kidnapping and subsequent murder of the Lindbergh baby. A maid in the house of Mrs. Morrow, the mother of Mrs. Lindbergh, has committed suicide rather than
      -Straits Times, June 11.  -  165 words
    • 274 5 r* t r\ u lIVIIU lIIUI V V I -Straits Times, June 11. What Health Officers think of the public as co-operators in public health measures is really not printable, but we get a hint of it in the following complaint poured into the sympathetic Rotarian ear
      • \ r* t r\ u lIVIIU lIIUI V V I -Straits Times, June 11.  -  274 words
    • 187 5 i *7 man was there, too.—Straits Times, June 13. Two months ago last Saturday Guillermo boxed and beat Gunboat Jack Last Saturday Guillermo boxed and beat A1 Rivers and on each occasion the evening’s thrills were roundod-off with a big godown fire. As during
      i *7 ----- —- – — man was there, too.—Straits Times, June 13.  -  187 words
    • 460 5 -Straits Times, June 13. We have been unreliably informed that when planters fail to impose discipline on their unruly offspring by the ordinary methods they keep in reserve the terrible threat that if they do not behave the Visiting Agent will come and take them away. When this fails
      -Straits Times, June 13.  -  460 words
    • 134 5 —Straits Times, June 14. An up-country reader forwards a letter addressed to him by a Chinese trader with whom ho has had considerable dealings. It provides an example of courage and decision that deserves emphasis. There is a sjump on. The trader knows that as well a* anybody. He
      —Straits Times, June 14.  -  134 words
    • 259 5 the Kuala Lumpur station.—Strait* Times, June 14. A new trade has to bo added to the list of those repr«Kw*nted in Malaya—that of the bootblack. The very first exponent of the art, so far ns wo know, has appeared on the platform of the Kuala Lumpur railway station,
      the Kuala Lumpur station.—Strait* Times, June 14.  -  259 words
    • 283 5 -Straits Times, June 14. No one can have real the report of th«* Missions to Seamen in Singapore, published in the* Straits Times on Saturday, without lx*ing deeply impressed by the value of the work done. Its appeal is all the more striking because the fact has
      -Straits Times, June 14.  -  283 words
    • 84 6 -Straits Times, June 15. A Shanghai contemporary slipped up badly when it announced: “The letters are sent by ship to the British Concession at Hong Kong, where British s amps are affixed, and they are then dispatched to their destination.” En route from Hong Kong to England,” adds
      -Straits Times, June 15.  -  84 words
    • 207 6 dict several surprises.—Straits Times. June 15. Recent weeks have brought to the Singajx>re police a heavy crop of complaints of burglary and housebreaking in the Tanglln district. Investigations reveal that in most cases the culprits are unemployed domestic servants —syces, kebuns, ’boys” and so on—who have
      dict several surprises.—Straits Times. June 15.  -  207 words
    • 348 6 THE THIRD DECREE ployed to extract them.—Straits Times June 15. The Lindbergh baby case has thrown so many ugly lights on certain aspects of life in the United States—gangs terdom, racketeering, graft of all varieties and police methods—that it makes us g ow with a sense of righteousness in the
      ployed to extract them.—Straits Times June 15. ’  -  348 words

  • 135 6 Reuter. Relinquishes Command Of Grenadier Guards. London, June 10. A British colonel’s cool courage w’hile under fire ii: assisting in the rescue of nuns at Paoshan five years ago is recalled in connection with the announcement that Colonel Viscount Oort V. C. is relinquishing command of the Grenadier
    Reuter.  -  135 words
  • 89 6 -Reuter. Plant Discovered In Central Asia. London, June 12. The Observer’s Moscow correspondent states that the discovery of tausagis, a wild rubber plant, growing in the mountains of Kazaksten, in Russian Centra 1 Asia, which is said to contain up to 40 per cent, of coagulated rubber in
    -Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 86 6 —Router. Indian Banker’s Plan For Its Solution. London, June 13. An international agreement for the control of output, an undertaking by the Government of India not to sell surplus silver below* certain prices or in excess of certain quantities at various price levels and the gradual remonetisation of
    —Router.  -  86 words
  • 125 6 Burglar Hurt and Caught In Hurried Exit. He was burgling a house in Perak Roa on May 23 and he made a noise. He aw’oke the occupants of the bedrooms became frightened and jumped out of the window’. Unfortunately he hurt himself and tried to make
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  • 72 6 Dr, J. E. Lesslar Receives MJB.E. Insignia. (From. Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 14. A large number of guests were present at the Residency yesterday afternoon for the Governor’s garden party. During the afternoon Sir Cecil presented the insignia of the M.B E. to Dr. J. E.
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  • 28 6 A Chinese was to have been stabled in five places by two others at Kamporg Seng K'ang, oT the sth milestone, Thomson Road, on Tuesday afternoon.
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  • 116 6 -Reuter. More Goods Added To The Free List. London, June 10. The following have been added to the free list of exemption for the 10 per cent, ad valorem import duties: unground, crude emery, mercury, argol, and other crude tartrate, gall nuts and kelp. An additional duty
    -Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 92 6 -Reuter. Leaders Getting Nervous About Hoover. Chicago, June 12. Trouble over prohibition is expected when the Republican National Convention opens here on Monday to renominate President Hoover as the party candidate for the Presidency. Many prohibitionists are disturbed by reports that President Hoover is disposed to favour resubmission
    -Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 89 6 Reuter. Still Best Instrument For Recovery. London, June 13. Consideable significance attaches to the appointment of a Bank of England Committee (sanctioned by the British Government) in connection with I.eacrue Loans. The authorities still believe that the League is the best instrument for working out the recovery of
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 105 6 Returns Twice to Don Muang Owing to Defect. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 14. The French air mail bound from Don Muang to Rangoon on Saturday morning soon after leaving returned as it was found the generator for the wire’ess set was defective. In keeping with
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  • 51 6 One of the Two Chinese Girls In Critical Condition. A serious accident occurred at th° G% milestone, Changi Road, on Tuesday afternoon when two young Chinese girls were knocked down by a motor-lorry. The younger girl, who was six years old, is in hospital in a critical
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  • 38 6 -Reuter. Death of Mother Reported From New York. New York, .Tune 13. The death has occurred here of Mrs de Va’era, the mother of the Pres’d of t.ho Council of the Irish Free State.—Reuter.
    -Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 177 6 r mileS Per hour —BntS Fresh Record For IsIp rw Man Course. The Tourist Trophy rare/' for weight motor-cycles over the Isle of w Mountain course was won bv IW on a New Imperial at an averaee np0rt of 70-18 miles per hour, which r«S for the race.
    ”r mileS Per hour-—BntS  -  177 words
  • 109 6 EGYPT’S TREASURE. Salvage Ship Returns To Brest. Brest, June 12. The salvage ship, Artiglio II, return* here from the wreck of the P. and 0 Egypt owing to rough sea.—Reuter. An earlier message (dated June 11) stated :—After years of disappointment and danger the Italian divers on the salvage ship
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  • 130 6 -Reuter. Likely to Become British Ambassador. London, June 13. Sir Miles Lampson’s future is bein? discussed in diplomatic circlz-s on the assumption that it is unlikely he will return to Chira as British Minister there on the expiration of his leave excepting perhaps, fer a few months.
    -Reuter.  -  130 words
  • 82 6 Man Who Held Match Over Petrol Tank. In the course of one hour on Tuesday night the Singapore fire brigade recent*, two calls to small fires. The’ first involved a lorry. It a [P t<l that the driver was holding a match o. the petrol tank to see
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  • 48 6 Alleged to be on Way to Rich Chinese. Pln n clothes detectives mosquito bus in Geylnng on u h">• evening and arrested four hine-i it is alleged, were on their wa> rich Chinese. tf jte The men, it is said, were butchers’ and shoemakers’ knnes
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1167 7 “Drained for Benefit Of Holland.” To the Editor of the Straits Times, o; __A.t the present time, when everyv ’is grumbling and losing money, it bou i K> interest to yen to know somenJa;’/() f conditions in your neighbouring 1 d ny the Dutzh Indies. 1 I
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    • 893 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I wonder if through the courtesy of your paper I might revive an old time controversy. Nearly twelve years ago (July 5, 1920) a Bill was introduce! into the Legislative Council with the object of putting the clock in the
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    • 213 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Can you please give me space in your correspondence columns for this letter and, can you please do something for those about whom I am going to write? Myself and many others, because of the fact that we are
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    • 97 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Can you enlighten me as to why the Malayan postal authorities are charging for each parcel sent C. O. D. a “delivery fee” of 15 cents? The parcel is certainly not delivered at the door by the postal authorities. At
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    • 433 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to the paragraph entitled Hitting Low in the Notes of the Day” column of your issue of June 2, I am in a position to state that tho comment that Mr. Hubback had a bias towards wild life
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    • 190 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —At the present time there is much grumbling in Malaya because the Governor and High Commissioner is alleged to spend money unnecessarily on various ceremonies, voyages in the Sea Belle, and so forth. May I direct your attention to
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    • 559 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I Sir, —About six months ago, I read in I one of your issues the story of how an I ex-police officer escaped from being run ('own and bitten by a twelve-foot hamadryad. Ever since then I have buttonholed almost every old
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    • 458 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Your “Malayan Planting Topics”' of June 10 will have been read with considerable interest by all planters. From the funeral pyre of the remnants of a once fine body of men, has risem a Phoenix to champion their cause. The
      458 words

  • 201 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Si r _What your Planting Correspondent wrote in last Friday’s issue when he discussed the question of the agency house has be*, n read with much interest in this district. There was, however, one point that your correspondent might also have
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  • 69 8 Football Enthusiasts Go To Hospital. A number of Malays and Chinese who were perched in a tree in Hamilton Road, near the Jrlan Besar Stadium, on Saturday afterncx>n watching the ri;st division league match between the Chinese and the S.R.C were injured when the branches gave way. Two
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  • 67 8 Departures Still Outnumber Arrivals. The following are the numbers of arrivals and departures to Madras Presidency for the month of May as supplied by the Deputy Controller of Labour, Malaya, at Penang Arrivals (State aided) (figures supplied by travelling inspectors) two adults and one minor. Arrivals (others 1,405
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  • 72 8 Mammoth Chinese Fair At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. The Chinese community of Kuala Lumpur is organising a mammoth fair to be held in aid of relief work in Chapei. The fair will be staged on a large open space in the
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  • 201 8 The report of the European Unemployment Committee for May states that receipts to the end of that month since the fund was started amounted to $193,29.1, and the sum of $178,207 had been paid on relief account. There were 38 men in the Service Company and 57 in
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  • 1232 8 The- following passengers arrived in Singapore on June 8, b;' the I\ and O. Ranchi from China und Japan: Dr. und Mrs. J. R. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. K H Simpson. Mr. G. Vermiej, Mr. I*\ H. Knottenbelt, Mr. R. S. Nelson. Mr. K. Brooks, Mr. King Yao-tin und
    1,232 words
  • 532 8 Caught Red Handed Bv Detectives. The story of how two detect*v watched a wily counterfeiter and of his alleged assistants busy on work of changing half cent )P a coppers into silver twenty. cent pier' 8 under a tree in a disused Chrir cemetery, was told to
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  • 52 8 To b« Presented With O.B.E. By High Commissioner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June The Perak Battalion of the will parade on the evening oi when the High Commissions, > Clementi, will present Lieut.- o P. Hornidge, commandant ot t n er Battalion, with the insignia ot of
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  • 311 9 Sequel to Incidents At Inquiry. REINSTATEMENT. A Misunderstanding Cleared Up. According to information received in response to inquiries made on Tuesday lfV Mr aits Times understands that the tl.roe suspended officers of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya have been reinstated. A meeting of the Board held
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  • 203 9 Mr. Eric Story and Miss K. M. Simpson. The* wedding took place last Saturday m St. Andrew’s Cathedtal, the Rev. C. -I. i wn officiating, of Mr. Eric Edward Story, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., Penang, and Miss Kathleen Mary Simpson, only daughter of Mrs. C. Simp'or;,
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  • 101 9 Municipal Inspector Fails To Comply with Order. In the Bankruptcy Court on Friday, on 0 application of the Assistant Otiicia Signet*. Mr. Justice a Beckett Terre l committed D. M. Thomas/., a Municipal ’■'n. '>vo,k T»*ad rt < h> seven ays simple imprisonment for the nont oi
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  • 330 9 To Be Introduced Into Federal Council. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. The Federated Malay States are to fall into line with the Colony in the matter ot workmen s compensation. A Bill about to be introduced into the federal Council is explained by the Legal
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  • 73 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur June 11. The Sultan of Pahang is suffering from an abscess on the knee and it is expected hat an operation will be performed. Mr. R. M. Dan nett. Chief Surgeon F.M.S., r.n.l an anaesthetist are due at the pa'nee at
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  • 72 9 ,U IP i; r s ]i of the -real race at Epsom on June 1. April the Fifth winning from Bashir and Miracle. This i„L„ n I IV I»!j.m*t News wa s sent to the Straits Times London office immediately after the race and
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  • 554 9 “GROSS PALPABLE LIBEL.” Damages and Injunction For Ipoh Malay. i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Juno 13. la the Supreme Court, Ipoh, Mr. Justice I Gerahty heard a claim for damages in respect of a libel published in a lx>ok entitled (“Bunga Raya dari Ipoh” or “Where (to j you
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  • 205 9 Government Wires Cut And Stolen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, June 14. Six Chinese, Lini Lam Kow, How Ynt Thai, lion I loon Seh, llow Seh Thio, How Chim and How llang wir? charged with dishonestly rota stolen pioperty, namely 17 bundles <*f copper wire, eight smaller
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  • 73 9 Reported to Have Declined Post in Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 13. It is n<nv reported that Mr. A. F. L. Ifiayne, who had practically agreed to accept the post of Financial Adviser to the Siamese Government, has now declined owdng t:» family
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  • 788 10 Hundreds Homeless. $150,000 DAMAGE IN GODOWN BLAZE. Hundred* of Chinese have been made homeless by one of the biggest fires of recent times which broke out on Monday on Danchang Island, off Tanjong Khu. It is not yet known whether there has been any loss of
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  • 107 10 Biff Fir® n Chinese Settlement. One hurdred people are homeless as a result of a fire which completely destroyed Iff attap and wooden houses in a Chinese settlement behind Tan Kah Koe’s biscuit factory in Havelock Road last week. The fire oi igade rushed two engines to the
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  • 342 10 WASTING TIME.” Judge's Remark In Bankruptcy Court. In the Bankruptcy Court on Friday Mr. J. Laycock objected to an alleged remark by the Assistant Official Assignee (Mr. E. N. Taylor) in the course of the public examination of a bankrupt, Wee Keng Yeow, to the effect that the petitioning creditors
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  • 129 10 1 4 4 Balance o| Purchase Price Of itlining Lands. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 10. In the Supreme Court here today the defendant being absent and counsel being without instructions, Mr. Justice Prichard gave judgment for the plaintiffs, Thab Sakac Tin Ltd., who claimed $50,400
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  • 523 10 Scheme Which May Effect A Saving. A scheme for the disposal of sewage in Singapore which may effect a considerable saving is being considered by the j Municipal Commissioners. Committee No. 2 recommend the adop- tion of recommendations by the Estimates Committee j (i) that full
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  • 88 10 Mr. A. F. L. Brayne to Be Next Adviser. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June It. It is unofficially reported that Mr. A.F.L. Brayne has been appointed Financial Adviser to the Siamese Government in succession to Mr. Had Pateh, who resigned over the gold standard. Mr. Brayne was
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  • 59 10 Mr. William Sorley and Miss J. S. Millar. (From Our Own Correspondent.! Penang, June 10. I he wedding took place here yesterday at St. Andrew’s Church of Mr. William Sorley, shop manager of the Kuala Lumpur branch of the Singapore Cold Storage, and Miss Jeanie Esplin Millar,
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  • 492 10 Ladder To Get In And Out Of House. i A raid and the discovery of I quantity of contraband tobacco 0 n n mises which were securely locked t the inside, the smugglers using a i a L 0ni to get in and out of the
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  • 128 10 Murder of Malay Woman At Kuala Pilah. (From Our Owm Correspondent.) Seremban, June 7. Mystery surrounds the shooting of a middle-aged Malay woman at Kampong Sungei Dua Ketchil in the district o: Kuala Pilah. She was husking padi on the night of Saturday last in company with another
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  • 84 10 “Red” Agitator Bound Over In $100. The Young Hylam Red,” Lee Moh. who was alleged to have been one o leaders in the strike at a local shoen«|_ ers’ establishment in March this year, on Friday bound over in one sure > $100 for one year to be
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  • 757 11 Unanimous Support Of Chinese. MR. WINDEATT’S FEAT Final Meeting in Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 9. Unanimous acceptance of a production allowance of 27*2 per cent, for the twelve months beginning July 1 for Chinese mines was obtained at a meeting of
    757 words
  • 91 11 Field Invaded By Spectators. < j rom Our Own Correspondent.) tT Kuala Lumpur, June 10. U gly scenes were witnessed in the oeiangor League third division game oe.vveen the Chinese ami Indian teams yesterday. Shortly before time a foul is alleged to have been committed
    91 words
  • 129 11 Chinese Tries to Commit Suicide. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, June 8. Replying to his Worship, Che’ Hamzah bin Abdullah, M.C.S., the Seremban Magistrate, this morning, a Chinese named Leong Ah Choon said that he was employed, but, owing to the fact that he loved a woman who
    129 words
  • 115 11 Soviet Sending Another Expedition. The Tass Agency states that an expedition will leave Vladivostok in July for Wrangel Island to replace the colonist? who been there since 1929 and supply the island with provisions. The expedition will take the necessary parts for a powerful radio station and about
    115 words
  • 60 11 Bursting Bullet Hits Man Instead of Squirrel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, June 9. Haji Saleh, a 70-year-old Malay living at Padang Java, who met with an accident this morning while he was attempting to shoot squirrels, is now in the Klang Hospital. When he fired the bullet
    60 words
  • 65 11 Three Men Killed in Upper Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 13. A story is current in Kuala Lumpur that some days ago a Government elephant went must at Grik, the administrative centre of Upper Perak, and kil.ed Malays, besides pulling down a resthouse and doing
    65 words
  • 333 11 Satisfactory Position Last Year. The report of the Sailors’ Inst tute, Sn gapoic, for the year ended Dec. 31, which is signed by Capt. Geoff icy Freyberg, R.N., the Master Attendant, inciie.ic- a satisfactory |>csiticn. Hie number of seafaring men who made use of the Institute as
    333 words
  • 384 11 Monday, May 30. His Excellency and Lady Clementi atof the Legislative Council held at the Council Chamber. Government Office, this morning. In the afternoon His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House. Lady Clementi was present at the Singapore Pole; Club At
    384 words
  • 498 11 Only Eight Applications Received. There weie only eight applications for r.* w public house licence renewals, transfers and i illiaid room licences, before th® Singapore Hoard of Licensing Justices Id in the Singapore Criminal District Court, on June 9. Air. G. C. l)odd, the Singapore Criminal
    498 words
  • 123 11 To Be Held Again On July 1. The next St. Andrew’s Cathedral market will be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, July 1 at 4.45 p.m. There will again be 50 stalls, and the procedure will he the same as at the first market. For
    123 words
  • 39 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 13. A Chinese was charged here today with voluntarily causing hurt and the case was postponed for a week. It was alleged the man had stabbed n» wife and mother-in-law.
    39 words

  • 213 12 Seizure of Revolver, Chandu Daggers. A party of defectives raided premises in Singapore's Chinatown on the afternoon of June 8 and rounded-up five Chinese, four of whom are alleged to be dangerous characters, and besides a fully loaded revolver, ammunition, two daggers and a quantity of
    213 words
  • 193 12 Municipal Control Approved In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. Should the maintenance of private sanitary installations be placed under the control of the local municipal authority This question came up at a meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board today. The chairman
    193 words
  • 91 12 1,660 Tahils Valued at $13,280 Found. Another big haul of non-government chandu has been made by the Monopolies Department. When the K. P. M. van Heutz arrived in Singapore on Tuesday from China revenue officers of the harbour division began a search and in various ingenious hiding
    91 words
  • 90 12 Raja Bendahara Presides At Meeting of Malays. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 11. Raja Bendahara presided at a meeting of Malays held with the object of forming a Better Living Society. The question had air early been discussed by the chiefs in council who had approved
    90 words
  • 257 12 Malayan Acceptance Now Almost Certain. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 9. The head of the Mines Department is out of Kuala Lumpur today so an official statement of the Malayan position in relation to the London lin scheme is noi obtainable but it
    257 words
  • 297 12 Mr., J. More wood Dowsett In Singapore. Mr. J. Morewod Dowsett, well-known as an expiorer and a hunter of big game, is in Singapore on his way home by the Ramhi after a tour in which he has visited Australia. New Zealand, New Guinea, China and Japan.
    297 words
  • 77 12 Young Wife Dies From Shot Wounds. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 13. Lim Sen Thean, the 24-year-old Chinese woman who was shot during a quarrel with her husband in a house in Transfer Road on June, 4, died today from her wounds. After shooting his wife the
    77 words
  • 463 12 Are There Enough In Kuala Lumpur? (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. The policy in Kuala Lumpur in relation to Chinese lodging houses, many of which are alleged to be used for immoral purposes, was discussed at length by the Sanitary Board today. The
    463 words
  • 101 12 Sikh Fined for Reckless Driving. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, June 9. The motor accident on the Port Dick-sor-Seremban road between a sports car belonging: to Mr. P. O’Flynn, of Seremban. and a bus had its sequel in the Port Dickson Magistrates’ Court when Nadar Singh was
    101 words
  • 78 12 Semi-Government Company To Be Formed in Siam. rom Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 9. It is reported that a semi-Government company is to be formed to buy padi from farmers and lay down godowns for storage along the banks of the rivers and the sides of the
    78 words
  • 414 12 Motion Heard in Penan* Supreme Court. (From Our Own Correspondent, Penang, j une 1Q In the Supreme Court here tod-v- u I a!grave Simpson, on behalf 0 f J r Chung Thye Phin, applied for an 3 restraining Messrs. Lewis Lazarus 3 Sons, represented in Penang
    414 words
  • 141 12 On Its Way to Japanese Shipbreakers. After being laid up for a considerable time and sold to Japanese shipbreakers. one of the last of the P. and 0. “K da» boats, the Karmala, arrived in Singapore on Friday on its last voyage. The vessel is under the command
    141 words
  • 95 12 Service to Obviate Full In Certain Cases. The Oriental Telephone and Electric Co. Ltd., announces that from Jun:j a ble new personal call service will bo a'* between subscribers connected to pore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh arid The service is designed to obviate j ment of full trunk call
    95 words

  • 919 13 >lr. Eckhardt’s Strong Warning. threatened DEFICIT. Only “Absolutely Vital” Expenditure. A very clear statement of the financial position of the Federated Malay States is given in a memorandum issued by Mr. H. C. Eckhardt. chairman of the F.M.S. Retrenchment Commission. reduction of revenue from the $56 millions
    919 words
  • 275 13 Continued Fall In Commodity Prices. Foreign imports, exports and shipping or the month ended Apr. 30 show that (he volume of Malayan trade is still shrinking. The total imports of mechandise for no montn amounted to $33,093,205, a decease of $4,540,820 compared with April, L3L end
    275 words
  • 105 13 A Dream Passed On To Posterity. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. Hopes of a water-borne sewage scheme for Kuala Lumpur have been postponed indefinitely, the Government having decided that it cannot find $19,000 for the preliminary survey which the Sanitary Board asked to be
    105 words
  • 622 13 The Public Voice. FIRST YEARS WORKING REVIEWED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 8. The only institution in Kuala Lumpur which is analogous to tiie Straits Settlements Association of the Colony towns is the Ratepayers’ Association, which now, proposes to change its name to “The! Selangor
    622 words
  • 30 13 Mr. G. W. Seabridge, editor of the Straits Times, was the speaker at the meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club on June 8. His subject was Fleet Street.”
    30 words
  • 399 13 Definitely Confirmed. NEWS OF RESCUE PROVES UNFOUNDED. It has now been definitely confirmed that Mrs. KhalilFa, the wife of Mr. J. khaliffa, the well-known Jewish merchant of Singapore, is one of the many missing in the recent (Georges Philippar disaster. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Khuliffa
    399 words
  • 166 13 Mr. J. T. Chester and Miss Edith Ayres. The wedding took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on June H of Mr. John Thomas Chester, of United Engineers, Ltd., and Miss Edith Anne Ayres, of Bournemouth. The Rev. C. J. Brown, the Missions to Seamen chaplain, took the
    166 words
  • 34 13 The commercial exhibition of Chinese goo<Ls at the Great World, hold in commemoration of the first anniversay of the Great World, has been extended for a further week, until June ID.
    34 words

  • 1543 14 What Mr. Birkemose Has Done. THE R.R.I. REPORT. Notable Result on Pahang Estate. How an area of abandoned and apparently worthless lubber has been made to give a yield of between 600 and 700 lb. per acre in four years by means of forestry methods
    1,543 words
  • 297 14 Definite Decline Noted In K. Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondont.) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. Is knowledge of birth control spreading in Malaya? That the answer is “Yes” is suggested by the statement of the Health Officer Dr. W. J. Vickers, in an address before the Rotary
    297 words
  • 76 14 Member of F.M.S.R. Staff Dies at Sea. The death took place on board the F and O. Ra.iputana on June 2 of Mr. J. Wright, a boiler-shop foreman of the F.M.S. Railways at Kuala Lumpur, after a short illness. Mr. Wright, who was returning from leave, was
    76 words
  • 122 14 Buglers Sound Last Post At Funeral. (From Our Own Correpondent.) Ipoh, June 8. The funeral of Mr. J. IL Saunders who collapsed and died suddenly yesterday, was 'largely attended by Masons, Rotarians and members of the general public. The cortege left the new Masonic Temple, where
    122 words
  • 38 14 New Name for Singapore Landing Place. It is announced for general information that His Excellency the Governor has decided that the new pier to replace Johnston’s Pier at present under construction shall be called Clifford Pier.”
    38 words
  • 453 14 Trip From Australia TV England. “The Flying Scotsman” and va« arrived in Singapore on Fridav aft.. ltl and left on Sunday morning Uern This is not the announcement romantic elopement. The Scotsman Mr. James M’Leod Weir, aged 23 Australian National Airways Fdiluthe name of the De
    453 words
  • 297 14 Dismissal of a Motion To Adjudicate. Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrel held in favour of a submission by counsel for a debtor that because the creditor was trying to extort money, an adjudication order should not be allowed against him. The submission was made in the bankruptcy
    297 words

  • 2948 15 A Morning With The Malays-The Only Happy People—Ref lections In A Kampong—The Peasant's Rubber Trees—His Reply To Sir Eric Geddes■ —A Vital Slump Moral —Larger Holdings And Mixed Cultivation. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. 1 spent last Sunday morning in
    2,948 words

  • 88 16 Drinking from Tap Soon To Be Possible. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 10. Kuala Lumpur will soon be able to boast of an absolutely pure and adequate water supply,” the Health Officer, Dr. W. J. Vickers, told the Rotary Club today. He added that a
    88 words
  • 1905 16 Malayan Planting Topics The Estate And The Agency House —The Planter's Point Of View —A Cause Of Present Dissatisfaction Inequality Of Sacrifice In The Industry—Why !Sot Trust The Managers?—The Pros And Cons Of The Question A Possible Economy For Large Estates. (By Oar Planting Correspondent.) WITH the rubber market still
    1,905 words
  • 81 16 To be Held on Behalf of The Red Cross. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 9. A special committee has arranged details for a lottery’ to be held on behalf o the Red Cross Society. Five hundred thousand tickets of one tical each will sold. Ten per
    81 words
  • 30 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 1-T The annual ball of the Penang and I id vince Wellesley Volunteers was held Saturday evening. It was an unqualified success.
    30 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 31 16 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE. Guaranteed Peerless Remedy for Sure and Permanent Cure. Please let me tel everything in detail. No matter w 1 failed. Apply Dr. BIOWELLFARE, Hot wall para, (Bengal), India.
      31 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 251 21 Europe Takes $500,000,000 In Five Months. $4,000,000,000 LEFT. Federal Reserve Board’s Policy Fails. New York, June 10. A new record for the year in gold earmarked for export has been established in the past week with the loss to America of $132,000,000 chiefly to France
      Reuter.  -  251 words
    • 200 21 -Reuter. Conflict of Opinion In League Delegation. Geneva, June 9. The pold standard remains the best available monetary mechanism capable of achieving: the most advantages claimed for alternative standards is the opinion expressed in the final report of the gold delegation which was appointed by the League of
      -Reuter.  -  200 words
    • 79 21 ■Reuter. Anti-Semitic Outburst In Court Case. Berlin, June 9. A fine of 1,000 marks for contempt of oiirt has been inflicted on Herr Hitler, c Nazi leader, as punishment for a chement outburst in a case in which 1 rr Hitler, as a witness, was being luestioned by
      ■Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 487 21 -Reuter. Suspicions Aroused By Tokio Discussions. x London, June 8. I he confidential discussion” in Tokio the Chinese Round-Table Coneience is mousing sharp suspicion, and ihe Manchester Guaidian draws attention a •‘ftL allair” whose importance should not be overshadowed by the approaching series of conferences elsewhere. A
      -Reuter.  -  487 words
    • 123 21 Reuter. Mr. MacDonald’s Organ Speaks. London, June 8. A weighty comment on the new Japanese Government appears in the News Letter,” a fortnightly review recently founded to expound the viewpoint of Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and a section of the Cabinet. The article says the Saito Government is neither
      Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 134 21 existing Sino-Soviet pacts.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. China and Manchukuo’s Appointments. Shanghai, June 9. A portion of the Japanese 9th Division is reported to have arrived at the important railway junction of Lunghua, which tis in the Province of Kirin a >out 100 miles east of Kirin city. Three
      existing Sino-Soviet pacts.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  134 words
    • 103 21 —Sin Kuo Min. Further Request for His Dismissal. Shanghai, June 8. Shortly prior to Mr. Wang Ching-wei’s <h parture from Nanking for Shanghai a deputation consisting of hundreds of natives of Hunan Province waited upon him and requested that the Chairman of the Hunan Provincial Government (General
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  103 words
    • 52 21 —Sin Chew Jit Pob. Two Leaders Caught And Executed. Shanghai, June 8. Kwang Kai-yip and Chu Kai-sing, two of the leading bandits in Eastern Hupeh, have been captured and executed. It is hoped that this will lead to the .subsidence of banditry in this much troubled province.—Sin Chew
      —Sin Chew Jit Pob.  -  52 words
    • 151 21 wa.: to garrison the Shanghai area.—Sin Kuo Min. -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Commander Said to Have Resigned. Shanghai, June 8. General Chang Chai-chung (the commander of the Chinese 5th Army, which includes the 88th and 87th Divisions which took an active part in the recent hostilities in
      wa.: to garrison the Shanghai area.—Sin Kuo Min.; -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  151 words
    • 43 21 new gunboats was discussed. —Sin Kuo Min. Canton Proposal To Build Four. Hong Kong, June 9. Admiral Tang Lung-kwong convened a military meeting in Canton yesterday at which a proposal for the building of four new gunboats was discussed. —Sin Kuo
      new gunboats was discussed.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  43 words
    • 299 21 British Wireless. Hope of Agreement At Lausanne. Rugby, June 8. The Prime Minister, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, and the Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, will proceed to Paris on Saturday for conversations with the French Premier, M. Herriot, on Sunday. On Monday Mr. MacDonald an l Sir John
      British Wireless.  -  299 words
    • 250 21 —Reuter. Beauty Lost in Crash HELD WORLD’S LONGDISTANCE RECORD. Paris, June 10. Grief at the loss of her beauty owing to disfiguration by injuries received in a crash while taking off for a flight from Marseilles to Tokio is believed to have caused the suicide of Miss
      .—Reuter.  -  250 words
    • 57 21 KIDNAPPED.” —Sin Kuo Min. Former Member of Chapei “Puppet” Government. Shanghai, June 8. Shen Sun-kuo, who is alleged to have given the Japanese assistance during their invasion of Chapei and other districts in and around Shanghai and who joined the puppet organisation established in Chapei under Japanese auspices, has been
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  57 words
    • 195 22 —Sin Kuo Min. Reported Negotiations At Harbin. Shanghai, June 10. General Hsi Hsia (the War Minister), Mr. Chang Ching-wei (the President of the Council) ar.d other high officials of the Manchukuo Government dined with the President of the Chinese Eastern Railway and the Russian consul at
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  195 words
    • 393 22 to resist such a move to the last.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Mr. Wang Ching-wei Fears Communism. Shanghai, June 10. Mr. Wang Ching-wei (the President of the Execut've Yuan) and other high officials of the Nanking Government row' in Shanghai met at the residence of General Chan Ming-shu yesterday.
      to resist such a move to the last.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  393 words
    • 230 22 of Sino-Soviet relations.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Commissioner to Assist Mr. Mo Teh-hui. mi- Shanghai, June 10. The Nanking Foreign Office is selecting commissioner to assist Mr. Mo Teh-hui with the task of re-opening Sino-Soviet negotiations in Moscow. It will be recalled that Mr. Mo Teh-hui, following the
      of Sino-Soviet relations.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  230 words
    • 182 22 -Reuter. Britain and Japanese Designs in Manchuria. London, June 9. Serious misgivings have been aroused in British Far Eastern mercantile circles by a report that the Manchurian Government contemplates the early appointment of a Japanese Inspector-General of Customs. It is a matter for the prompt intervention of the
      -Reuter.  -  182 words
    • 115 22 —Sin Kuo Min. Japanese Arrest Many Armed Chinese. Shanghai, June 10. Following the attack made upon the headq 'arters of the Japanese 9th Divis on in Harbin on Sunday night last by Chinese volunteers and “plain clothes soldiers,” the Japanese authorities conducted a house to house search
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  115 words
    • 73 22 Reuter. Audience of His Majesty On Returning Home. London, June 9. One of the earliest engagements of Sir Mile3 Lampson (British Minister to China) since his return from China was an audience of the King this morning. He remained in conversation for some time.—Reuter. A previous message
      Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 70 22 Aneta-Havas. A 70-Year Old Shanghai Controversy to End. Shanghai, June 4. It is officially announced that the 70year old controversy between the International Settlement Municipal Council and the Chipese authorities, dealing with the upkeep of and policy concerning the roads outside the Settlement is about to end. China,
      Aneta-Havas.  -  70 words
    • 34 22 —Ancta-Havas. By Bomb Accidentally Released. Shanghai, June 4. Tke accidental releasing of a bomb from a Chinese aeroplane over Pengpu, in the north of Kiangsi Province, killed and wounded over 40 people.—Ancta-Havas.
      —Ancta-Havas.  -  34 words
    • 93 22 —Sin Kuo Min. Views of the Chinese Lindbergh.” Shanghai, June 10. General Chang Wai-ehang, the Director of the Bureau of Aviation who has gained for himself the name ot the “Chinese Lindbergh,” arrived in Shanghai yesterday. Interviewed, he said General Chan Chaitong (the Military Governor of Canton) intended
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  93 words
    • 125 22 His Report Received In Nanking. (From Our Cwn Correspondent.) Nanking. June 10. Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo, who accompanied the Lytton Commission to Manchuria in the capacity of Chinese assessor, has reported to the National Government concerning the state of affairs prevailing in the Thi\e Noith-Eastern Provinces
      125 words
    • 96 22 out of urgent relief work.—Sin Chew Jit Toh. Plan to Restore Public Enterprises. Shanghai, June 10. Alarming report? a*e current in Shanghai that Japanese marines have suddenly begun to re-fortify Chapei. Communications arc being interrupted. At a meeting held yesterday evening tnc Shanghai Rehabditaticn Committee approved measures
      out of urgent relief work.—Sin Chew Jit Toh.  -  96 words
    • 177 22 a member of his household.—Aneta1 rans-Ocean. Soviet Leader Killed Four Injured. Moscow, June 4. An extraordinarv motor accident has occurred outside Moscow. A car containing five important members of the government, who were on the way to visit Stalin at his summer residence, dashed into a country cart
      a member of his household.—Aneta-1 rans-Ocean.  -  177 words
    • 21 22 —Aneta-Havas. Washington, June 5. The statistics of the American Workers federation indicate that the number of States is now
      —Aneta-Havas.  -  21 words
    • 166 22 -Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Two Hands In A Parcel. DELIVERED AT FRENCH EMBASSY. Berlin, J une 7. An uncanny incident occurred in French Embassy on Monday w hen lhe individual supposed to be insane deliver!!! a parcel which he requested the porter to take without delay to the Ambassador When
      -Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  166 words
    • 213 22 Big Drop in Government Majority at Dulwich. London, June 8. The Dulwich by-election ciused by the death cf th? Conserxative member, Sir Frederick Hall, has resulted as follows: Mr. Bracewell Smith (Cons.) 12,342. Dr. C. R. Cooke Taylor (Lib.) 3.998 Mrs. Helen Bentwich (Lab.) 3.905. Conservative majority 8,344.
      213 words
    • 96 22 V..IW lilt J ru i CI3 crease of 918,825 in the year.— British Wireless. Increase of £200,000 In Net Revenue. Rugby, Jure 9. The accounts of the Biitish Broadcasting Corporation show that £657.935 was spent on wireless programmes during the past year. The capital expend!tuie amounted to over
      V..IW lilt J ru i » CI3 # , , crease of 918,825 in the year.—British Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 101 22 —Renter. Declared Unfit To Remain in Office.” New York, June 9. Mayor Walker is “unfit to remain m office” declares Mr. Samuel Seoburv forwarding his analysis of Mr. Walkerevidence before the Hofstadter ice to mi* tee which has been investigating a gations of graft in the city administrate
      —Renter.  -  101 words
    • 212 23 Reuter. Frontier Clash Feared. general strike threat IN SHANGHAI. Nanking, June 11. The Government leaders have decided to commence negotiations for the resumption of Sino-Russian diplomatic relations. The North China Daily News this morning quotes a Foreign Office official that there is a likelihood of Mr. Eugene
      Reuter.  -  212 words
    • 133 23 territory entrusted to his care. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Trouble Brewing on The Border. Shanghai, June 11. A message from Chinwangtao (on the Great Wall where it meets the coast between Manchuria and China Proper) states that General Ho Kuo-chu, who is in charg? of the North
      territory entrusted to his care.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  133 words
    • 79 23 -Reuter. Nanking’s Overtures In “Spirit of Peace.” Nanking, June 10. A Government spokesman has announced that China, prompted by a desire to promote world peace in the spirit of the Kellogg Pact, is prepared to open negotiations with the Soviet for the conclusion of a treaty of
      -Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 131 23 ill iXttllKing 1IUIM i ennift 'll he shortly leaving for France. —Sin K uo Min. Negotiations Definitely Decided. Shanghai, June 11. Mr. Lin Sen (the chairman of the National Government at Nanking) returned to Nanking yesterday. A Government spokesman yesterday informed Nanking Pressmen that the Central Government
      ... ill iXttllKing 1IUIM i ennift 'll he shortly leaving for France.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  131 words
    • 88 23 —Reuter. Higher Duties Imposed To Balance Budget. Tokio, June 10. 1 he Lower House has passed the Tariff Revision Bill.—Reuter. An earlier message dated May 22 stated: The Tariff Commission bas recommended the inclusion in the Budget cf specific duties raised 35 per cent, for the purpose
      —Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 246 23 Reuter. ed by the Manchukuo Government. —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Japan’s Intentions In Manchuria. London, June 10. So far Foreign Office officials decline to discuss the report of the Manchukuo Government’s intention regarding the Customs. The Manchester Guardian demands international intervention and says the transference of the Customs
      Reuter.; ed by the Manchukuo Government.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  246 words
    • 228 23 igton ivoo s rigm. w -Sin Kuo Min. Interview Naval Chief At Tsingtao. Shanghai, June 11. The members of the League of Nations Manchuria Inquiry Commission, who have just arrive! at Tsingtao, have interviewed Admiral Sun Hung-li, the commander of the Chinese naval forces in the northern portion
      igton ivoo s rigm. w -Sin Kuo Min.  -  228 words
    • 51 23 —Sin Kuo Min. Japanese Ammunition The Objective. Shanghai, June 11. A force of anti-Manchukuo troops attacked a Japanese ammunition train near Wukimi, in Kirin Province. Despe- rate fighting took place and lasted for .everal hours. The Japanese, reports state, were defeated and suffered many killed and wounded.—Sin Kuo
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  51 words
    • 433 23 ,—Reuter. —British Wireless. “Not Found Possible To Reach Agreement.” London, June 10. Tho Irish population of London was fully represented at Euston Station early this morning to give a rousing welcome to Mr. de Valera, who has come to resume the Anglo-Irish negotiations started
      ,—Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  433 words
    • 107 23 have been killed is confirmed.—Sin Ku<* Min. Japanese Steamer Sunk: 500 Drowned. Shanghai, June 11. General Lo Pei-fung’s Chinese volunteers are reported to have decided to attack Mukden from the suburbs which they now occupy. Martial law is said to have been declared at Mukden. General Li
      have been killed is confirmed.—Sin Ku<* Min.  -  107 words
    • 60 23 —Sin Kuo Min. 61st Division Arrives At Air.ov. Hong Kong, June 11. The filst Division arrived at Amoy from Shanghai on June 7 to co-operate with the 19th Route Army in connection with the Communist and bandit suppression campaign in Fukien Province. The 01st Division is leaving
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  60 words
    • 415 23 —Reuter. Not to be Starved Into Surrender. HUNGER MARCHERS. Will Increase to 50,000 By End of June. Washington, June 9. Fresh recruits for the “Bonus Army” poured into Washington yesterday and it is estimated that 10,000 are now encamped on the banks of the Potomac River.
      —Reuter.  -  415 words
    • 201 23 -—Reuter. International Conference To Be Resumed. New York, June 9. It is understood that the President and Vice-President of the Socony-vacuum Corporation are going to Europe early next week in connection with the international oil situation arising out of the breakdown of the recent oil conference. It
      -—Reuter.  -  201 words
    • 1147 24 -Router. -British Wireless. Chancellor’s Confidence. NO REVENUE DROP EXPECTED. London, June 10. The House of Commons passed the thin! reading 1 of the Finance Bill by 409 votes to 34, after Mr. Neville Chamberlain, winding op the debate, said he saw no reason to expect
      -Router.; -British Wireless.  -  1,147 words
    • 154 24 by the French banks.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Credits By France And Britain Expected. Vienna, June 7. The prospects of Austria being granted immediate financial aid by the League of Nations having brightened considerably, it is now thought probable that Government will abstain from declaring a moratorium. The newspaper Morgen claims
      by the French banks.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  154 words
    • 112 24 the United States Government.—British Wireless. Contracted on Behalf Of Allies. Rugby, June 10. Asked in the House of Commons if the amount included in Great Britain’s War debt to the United States, represented by guarantees given by Britain for material supplied direct to France on French
      the United States Government.—British Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 29 24 -British Wireless. Visit House of Commons In Tour of England. Rugby, June 9. The Argentine University delegation now touring England visited the House of Commons today.—British Wireless.
      -British Wireless.  -  29 words
    • 1565 24 -Reuter. philanthropic and social work. —British Wireless. Man Who Killed Reformed Prayer Book Bill. London, June 8. The death has taken place of Lord Brentford. Ho had been ill since earlier in the year when he was taken ill with congestion of the lungs during a
      -Reuter.; philanthropic and social work.—British Wireless.  -  1,565 words
    • 332 25 —Reuter. Tossed in Mid-Ocean For Eight Days. PICKED UP UNHURT. How Machine Was Kept From Sinking. New York, June 11. The steamer Circle Shell has picked up a trans- Atlantic flier, believed to be Mr. Stanley Hausner. Later: —A message from the steamer relayed by the Leviathan,
      —Reuter.  -  332 words
    • 153 25 -British Wireless. £12 Per Head of The Population. Rugby, June 11. A remarkable increase in the amount of savings of all kinds by small investors was revealed at the National Savings Assembly at Blackpool. General Seeley (the chairman of the National Savings Committee) stated that, in 1911, the
      -British Wireless.  -  153 words
    • 102 25 Condition Becomes Much Graver. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 11. The condition of Sir Ronald Ross was nun-h graver this morning. The first intimation of Sir Ronald's illness was a message on May 25 to the j'tfoet that he was lying seriously ill in e Ross
      102 words
    • 278 25 Famous Judge to Retire Next Month. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 13. Chief Justice of Appeal the Kt. Hon. Loul Merrivale of Walkhampton, Devon, is retiring on July 30. Lord Merrivale has been Lord Chief Justice of Appeal since Mav, 1928, and President of tho Probate, Divorce
      278 words
    • 144 25 British Wireless. Further Details of The Cunard Experiment. Rucby, June 13. The Cunard lin?r Scvthin. now proceeding from Liverpool to New York, has been adanted to use a new fuel consisting of a liquid mixture df oil and coal, the success of which would an important factor
      British Wireless.  -  144 words
    • 125 25 od cotton goods exported.—British Wireless. Figures For Imports And Exports. Rugby, June 13. The returns of overseas trade in May show that the value of the imports was £55,735,344, as compared with £53,487,187 in the previous month and £69,628,484 .n Mav of last year. The exports during the
      od cotton goods exported.—British Wireless.  -  125 words
    • 57 25 —Reuter. Rescues 35 Chinese Near Weihaiwei. Wcihaiwei, Juno 13. Two British destroyers and an Admirals tug rescued 35 Chines- passengers from the steamer Shengking which r?n aground ofT Chiming Island. 15 mile? east of Weihaiwei, in a fog last nie-ht whilst on the way to Chefoo. The rescued
      —Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 144 25 or:her lines of inquiry.—British Wir„less. Ministry of Health Sets Up Committee. Rugby, June 10 A committee to inquire into the sterilisation of mental defectives has been set up by the Ministry of Health with Mr. L. G. Brook, chairman of the Board of Control, as chairman.
      • or:her lines of inquiry.—British Wir„- less.  -  144 words
    • 297 25 Appointment of Receiver And Manager. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 9. A receiver and manager for Tonghurst Rubber Estates, Ltd., has been appointed by Mr. Justice Clauson in the Chancery Division on the application of the Finance and Industrial Trust, Ltd. The company was registered on OcM2,
      297 words
    • 165 25 Reuter. To Rehabilitate Insull Enterprises. New York, June 9. General Dawes will be engaged in working out the rehabilitation of the Insull enterprises, for which receivers were appointed last month, according to the New York Times. —Reuter. Only two days ago it was announced that General Dawes had
      Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 239 25 -Sin Kuo Min. Coffers Empty. NO FUNDS TO MAKE WAR ON REDS.” Shanghai, June 11. Mr. Wang Ching-wci (the president of the Executive Vuun) has accepted the financial proposals submitted by the Finance Minister (Mr. T. V. Soon*). Mr. T. V. .Soong, Mr. Tong Hoi and I&gt;«*.
      -Sin Kuo Min.  -  239 words
    • 160 25 To Develop Her Rubber Industry. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 8. The President of Brazil is believed to be about to sign a decree exempting from customs duties all companies investing £000,000 for three years in the development of the rubber industry in Para, Amazonas and
      160 words
    • 125 25 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Burmese Woman Wins First Prize. Rangoon, June 8. Daw Swe, the wife of a school teacher, is reported to have won first prize in the Calcutta Sweepstake amounting to £58,000. A Calcutta syndicate had purchased a half share for £1,000. —Reuter. £13,285,000 For £7,086,000. Rugby,
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  125 words
    • 46 25 A n e t a T ra n s- Ocea n. Promoted to the Rank Of Minister. Milan, June 11. Signor Mussolini’s son-in-law, (\)unt Galeazzo Ciano, who lias been holding the post of Italian Charge d’Affairs in Shanghai, has been appointed Minister Plenipotentiary. Aneta-Trans-Oceun.
      A n e t a – T ra n s- Ocea n.  -  46 words
    • 589 26 -British Wireless. -Reuter. Bank Taken Over. BRITISH GOVERNMENT’S STRONG PROTEST. Rugby, June 13. The grave view which is taken hero of the confiscatory measures outlined in the decrees of the new Junta in ('hile was expimsod l&lt;y the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs (Captain R. A. Ed*:n) in
      -British Wireless.; -Reuter.  -  589 words
    • 1412 26 -Reuter. Doctor Describes Very Painful Scene.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 8. Either Sir Patrick Hastings or Mr. Norman Birkett will probably be briefed to defend Mrs. Elvira Dolores Barney, I who is still in hospital in Holloway Prison. “•Petty Squabbles Now Forgotten.” New York, June
      -Reuter.  -  1,412 words
    • 281 26 Reuter. Serious Reactions F earw i In the Far East. London, June 13 The possibility of most serious politic reactions, with a consequent reaetirJ the whole of the Far East, unless Z glowing poverty in Japan is arrested a development cognisance of which takvn in England
      Reuter.  -  281 words
    • 153 26 Router. One Killed and 30 Injured In Riot. Amsterdam, June 9. One man was killed and a score of others, including two policemen, were injured in a collision between police and unemployed near Gouda yesterday evening.— Reuter. An Aneta-Trans-Ocean message of eluding two policemen, were injured in a
      Router.  -  153 words
    • 192 26 Plan for Formation Of New Company. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 8. An extraordinary general meeting of Kay Yew (Kinta Valley) Tin Mines, Ltd., is to be held on June 22 to consider reconstruction by the formation of a new company in which the present
      192 words
    • 409 27 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Aneta-T rans-Ocean. Wants 5 More Japanese Divisions. CANTON NANKING. Indications That Breach Is Imminent. &lt;&gt;winK to the gravity of the situation in Heilungkiang, it is declared. General Honjo has urgently requested Tokio to send five more Japanese Divisions to Manchuria. Meanwhile Harbin
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Aneta-T rans-Ocean.  -  409 words
    • 356 27 Manchukuo Government.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. How the Fighting Is Progressing. Shanghai, June 15. Geiuual Ma Chan-shan wired to Poking Sunday last stating that ho is at prent directing the attack upon Harbin :1( I the fightng in the surrounding dis- from a seaplane on the Sungari River. At
      Manchukuo Government.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  356 words
    • 127 27 Reuter. Situation Difficult And Anomalous.” London, June 14. Asked to state the position as regards the Customs administration in Manchur a and whether the British Government would represent to the Japanese Government that the whole of the revenues should be regarded as definitely allocated to the Chinese Government
      Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 307 27 tung nearly opposite Hainan Island.—Sin Kuo Min. tney attempt wo —Sin Chew Jit Poh. General Chan to Break With Nanking Hong Kong, June 15. Much anxiety has been occasioned in Canton by persistent reports that General Chan Chai-tong (the Commander-in-Chief of the Kwangtung military forces and the Military
      tung nearly opposite Hainan Island.—Sin Kuo Min.; tney attempt wo —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  307 words
    • 410 27 -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Wang Ching-wei Explains The Position. Shanghai, June 15. Before leaving for Kiukmng yesterday to meet Marshal Chiang Kai-shek, Mr. Wang Ching-wei told Pressmen thn hi' object was to discuss diplomatic, civil, financial and military questions. T he financial crisis, in particular, he said, was
      -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  410 words
    • 100 27 -Reuter. Upper House Passes The Revision Bill. Tokio, June 14. The Upper House has passed the Tariff Revision Bill.—Reuter. An earlier message dated May 22 stated: The Tariff Commission has recommended the inclusion in the Budget of specific dut'es raised 35 per cent, for the purpose of
      -Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 99 27 -Sin Kuo Min. Makes A Statement On Foreign Policy. Shanghai, June 15. Mr. Quo Tai-chi (the Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs), interviewed in Nanking, stated that the Chinese Foreign Ministry will issue a statement on the subject if Japan recognised the Manchukuo Government. He further declared that no
      -Sin Kuo Min.  -  99 words
    • 181 27 Sin ('hew Jit IMi. Leaves to Take Up Post Abroad Shanghai, June 15. Mr. Eugene Chen (the former Foreign Minister whose name has been mentioned in connection with the post of Chinese Minister to Moscow) left for France yesterday with his wife. Mr. Lin Sen (the Chairman
      Sin ('hew Jit IMi.  -  181 words
    • 258 27 -Reuter. Thrilling Chase Follows All-Night Search. BLOODHOUNDS USED. Sequel to Gruesome Find In King’s Wood. London, June 14. A man was detained at Barnet this morning in connection with the triple tragedy, following a most extensive combout by bloodhounds and numerous armed police in Barnet Woods.
      -Reuter.  -  258 words
    • 206 27 —Reuter. Appointed Chairman Of P. and O. Company. London, June 8. The Hon. Alexander Shaw has been appointed chairman and managing director of the P. and O. and British Indiu S. N. companies in succession to Lord Inchcape.—Reuter. Mr. Shaw, who is 49 years of age, is
      —Reuter.  -  206 words
    • 44 27 ,—British Wireless. General Upward Movement In Britain. Rugby, June 13. The st&lt;s*k mm kets have begun the week cheerfully on the* week-end developments in connection with the conferences at Geneva and Lausanne. An almost general upward movement in values is recorded.—British Wireless.
      ,—British Wireless.  -  44 words
    • 857 28 ALL WE WANT IS A FORMULA.” Reuter. —British Wireless. -British Wireless. —Reuter. France and Reparations. REPORTED CHANGE IN ATTITUDE, London, June 14. “All we want now is a formula” were the words used by the French Prime Minister (M. llerriot) v;hen interviewed on his arrival at Geneva, and they tend
      Reuter.; —British Wireless.; -British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  857 words
    • 336 28 -—Reuter. N.S.VV. Vindicated In Eyes of World. Sydney, June 11. The Lang Party has been crush ingly defeated at the elections which were a sequel to his dismissal. Up to the present the United Australia Party has 66 seats and Labour only 24. The new Prime Minister
      -—Reuter.  -  336 words
    • 139 28 -R cuter. Not to be Convened Until Late Autumn. New York, June 12. That the proposed world economic conference will not be convened until late ’n the autumn is the opinion expressed in American authoritative quarters, accord'ng to the Baltimore Sun’s Washington correspondent. The correspondent states that the
      -R cuter.  -  139 words
    • 242 28 —Reuter. Death of a Former Prime Minister. The Hague, June 13. The death has occurred of the octogenarian ex-Prime Minister Dr. T. Heemskerk. —Reuter. Until quite recently Dr. Heemskerk was the leader of the Anti-Revolutionary Party established half a century ago as a political organisation of orthodox
      —Reuter.  -  242 words
    • 202 28 Opposition Likely to Win General Election. St. Johns. Newfoundland, June 12. The preliminary returns in connection with the general election indicate a victory for the opposition led by Mr. F. C. Aller dice. The election was a sequel to the political disturbances of April last.—Reuter. The April Disturbances.
      202 words
    • 77 28 Profit Falls From £36,496 To £19,291. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, June 11. Straits Plantations, Ltd., announce a nrofit of £19.291 for th? year ending Mar. 31, 1932, against a profit of £36,496 fo* tho previous year. The sum of £26,32'. has been brought in. Anglo-Eastern Finance Corporation.
      77 words
    • 97 28 wi VI Mil! 1VIS British Wireless. To Take Up His New Post In August. Rugby, June 11. Vice-Admiral A. D. P. R. Pound, C.B.. who was recently selected to be Lord Coni missioner of the Admiralty and Chief o&lt;* Naval Personnel in succession to Admiral Sir Cyril T.
      " wi * VI Mil! 1VIS British Wireless.  -  97 words
    • 230 28 —Reuter. Is Capt. Bertram Safe** PLANE SEARCH IN Tm? BUSH. 1F Wyndham, June 14 Capt. Hans Bertram’s seaplane u been found near Drysdale Mission Stauf with a message stating that the 0l have gone into the bush. An Airways plane has left to search for thiif —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  230 words
    • 201 28 —Reu*er. Italian Ambassador’s Sudden Death. London, June 8. Sudden death has robbed Italy of one 0: her ablest and most distinguished diplomats in Signor Boruonaro, Ambassador tc Lmdon. who was stricken with n hear ltta.k last night when dressing to receiver John Simon and other eminent diplo mats
      —Reu*er.  -  201 words
    • 112 28 vmcn was UTivenen uy Marlborough House yesterday.— Wireless. Knighthood for Designer Of Eros Statue. Rugby, June 10. At Buckingham Palace todr.v H. M* King knighed Mr. Alfred Gi’bcrt. e vear-old sculptor and designer cu famous Eros statue in Piccadilly I: Only last week Mr. Gilbert aeeep invitation
      vmcn was UTivenen uy Marlborough House yesterday.— Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 54 28 Xu-T^-Oce* Tenders for Five New Warships. Lisbon, Jul J tl The Portuguese Government drew &gt;iUcr n,e in.w* waisnips tome or T v include IS u-n* French, eight Italian, five rv 0 ‘C Spanish, one Belgian and one 1 j i A ail now a e being n
      Xu-T^-Oce*  -  54 words
    • 449 29 Reuter. Blamed for Suicide Of Violet Sharpe. Washington, June 14. Gaston B. Means, a secret service agent, has been found guilty of the larceny of $100,000 obtained from the editor of the Washington Post by representing that he could recover the Lindbergh baby.— Described as
      Reuter.  -  449 words
    • 154 29 -Reuter. How Stanley Hausner Was Rescued. London, June 14. A dramatic story of tho rescue of Mr. Stanley Hausner has been wirelessed by the captain of the steamship Circe Shell which is at present in mid-Atlantic. The message states that the aeroplane was espied in the distance as
      -Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 32 29 Reuter. Not a Candidate for The Vice-Presidency. n New York, June 14. General Dawes has declared he is not •'landing as a candidate for the Vice-Pre-sidency in the forthcoming elections.
      Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 186 29 —Reuter. More Earmarking For Export. n New York, June 15. Respite the recent improvement in the dollar and the fact that all currencies, except the Swiss are now below gold extoday,;J export ‘‘ear-marking” ot $54,000,000 is the larges* since toe •SwS3?«!t r crisis li is understood that
      —Reuter.  -  186 words
    • 139 29 —British Wireless. Repayment of Balance Of Six Per Cent. Issue. Rugby, June 14. The Secretary for India (Sir Samuel Hoare) will repay tomorrow, June 15. the earliest possible redemption date, the outstanding balance of £3,604,600 of the India 6 per cent, bonds 1932/33, issued in February 1030. The
      —British Wireless.  -  139 words
    • 115 29 Reuter. Explaining Situation In London. London. June 14. Sir Robert Ho Tung, who has been busily engaged in explaining the situation in China in trading, financial and shipping quarters in London, was entertained at lunch by the Chinese Consul-General today. Those present included Dr. Alfred Szc
      Reuter.  -  115 words
    • 76 29 British Wireless. Appointment of a New Commissioner. Rugby, June 14. The King has approved of a proposal that, the officer appointed to succeed Sir Harold Cittermaster in the administration of the British Somaliland Protectorate should be designated Commissioner and Commander-in-Chief of the Protectorate. The King has also approved
      — British Wireless.  -  76 words
    • 44 29 Aneta-Havas. Murderous Gang Broken Up By Police. Belgrade, June 10. The police have discovered the identity r f h t' and robbed 0 ri K hf and let? of the rive?? Tisza/ and committed 80 murders. Sixty arrests have already been made.
      Aneta-Havas.  -  44 words
    • 171 29 I vv. b” Anuta-T rans-Ocean. Raising Army Against Present Ruler. Paris, June 14. Accord’ng to a message from Djibouti to Le lemps, the ex-Emperor of Abyssinia i-ci Jassu, who made his escape some days ago disguised as a woman, and was reported to be raising an army against
      I – – • vv. b” * – Anuta-T rans-Ocean.  -  171 words
    • 73 29 Ministry were defeated.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Crushing Defeat Of Labour Party. Sydney, June 12. The Labour party, led bv the ex-premier, Mr. Lang, suffered a crushing defeat in the general election for the New South Wales Parliament, losing 35 scats and only 20 candidates being returned. The united Right Wing
      Ministry were defeated.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  73 words
    • 61 29 Reuter. British Cruiser Sent To Caliao, Peru. London, June 14. The British cruiser, H.M.S. Durban, attached to the South American Division of the American West Indies Squadron, is proceeding to Callao, Peru, in readiness to protect British interests in Chile.— Reuter. The Durban is a cruiser of
      Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 61 29 communities remained intense.—British Wireless. Congress Fails to Hold Conferences. Rugby, June 13. The Secretary of State for India (Sir Samuel Iloare) reported to the House of Commors today that the past week in Tndia had been uneventful, the main feature being further unsuccessful attempts to hold Congress
      communities remained intense.—British Wireless.  -  61 words
    • 65 29 workmen threaten to strike en bloc.—Sin Kuo Min. Cement Workers Demand A Bonus. Hong Kong, June 15. Four representatives of the workmen employed by the Canton Cement Company appealed to the Canton Government Construction Department yesterday, demanding that the Company should grant a bonus to the workmen.
      workmen threaten to strike en bloc.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  65 words
    • 48 29 Aneta-Havas. Survivors of Teide Landed At Fernando Po Lagos, Nigeria, June 10. A British ship has disembarked 126 passengers at Fernando Po from the wrecked ship Teide. A radiogram regrets that there has been some loss of life hut does not state the number of victims.—Aneta-Havas.
      Aneta-Havas.  -  48 words
    • 37 29 -Sin Kuo Min. Felt at Canton But Does No Damage. Hong Kong, June 15. An earthquake shock was felt in Canton yesterday afternoon. It lasted 30 seconds but no damage was done. —Sin Kuo Min.
      -Sin Kuo Min.  -  37 words
    • 212 29 -British Wireless. Possible Effect of Oath Dispute. London, June 12. The first tangible result of the failure of the negotiations between Great Britain and Ireland, according to the Daily Telegraph, will be that all Irish exports to Great Britain will be placed in the
      -British Wireless.  -  212 words
    • 57 29 Rubber and Industrial Trust, Ltd. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 14. The Rubber and Industrial Trust, Ltd., announces a profit of £1,609 for the year 1931 against a profit of £3,272. The investments have been written down a further £6.071, making a loss of £4,462. A
      57 words
    • 52 29 -British Wireless. League Officer to Inquire Into Disturbance. Rugby, June 14. Dr. M. D. MacKenzie, of the league of Nations Secretariat, has been appointed a commissioner to inquire into the disturbance among the Kru tribesmen of Liberia and to endeavour to restore order. He leaves London tomorrow for
      -British Wireless.  -  52 words
    • 54 29 —A neta-T rans-Ocean. One Killed and Seven Injured in Germany. Berlin, June 12. One person was killed and 12 were injured when a passenger train was derailed near Hamm, Westphalia on Saturday. Several coaches were overturned, blocking the line in both directions. The cause of the accident has
      —A neta-T rans-Ocean.  -  54 words
    • 97 29 Operation on Eye Proves Successful. London, June 14. It is announced that a preliminary operation for the extraction of a cataract from the right eye has been successfully performed on Princess Beatrice.—Reuter. Princess Beatrice, the Kng’s aunt, was ’oorn on April 14, 1857, and in 1885 married Prince
      97 words
    • 78 29 -Reuter. While Addressing U.S. House Of Representatives. Washington, June 15. M:\ Edward E. Eslick collapsed and died in the House of Reprcs ntatives whilst speaking on liehalf of the Bill for the immediate payment of the war veterans’ bonus certificates. The House ad j ourned.—Reuter. Mr. E.
      -Reuter.  -  78 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1018 30 An Unexpected Decision. RIVERS CONSIDERED UNLUCKY. Battling Guillermo is to bo congratulat-1 ed on so impressing the judges at the New Wo: Id on Saturday evening that i they gave him the decision after his I’d- I round contest with A1 Rivers. That the&gt; great majority
      1,018 words
    • 453 30 Singapore Women’s Golf Championship. i I Mrs. W. L. Stevens, who has on three 'previous occasions—in 1024, 1925 and 19—* — the women’s golf championship of Singapore, which car lies with i. the Andrew Currie Cup, again annexed the trophv on Sunday when she beat Mr*. R.E.
      453 words
    • 949 30 Good Finishes. HUMOROUS AND CARO DEAD HEAT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 11. The opening day of the Selangor Tuif Club Spring meeting on Saturday proved! successful from all points of view, and! especially from that cf racing, for in. going in fir.e
      949 words
    • 144 30 —Reuter. New Record Made Against Essex. London, J une 14 By scoring a century in each inni„ against Essex (113 and 119 not 1 ♦he match which finished yesterdav 1 J? vjpnin Earf/nd andsi* batsman, established a new record ho„L' y —Luter° r,ned thC f#,t 0n
      —Reuter.  -  144 words
    • 62 30 Lightweight Wins Summer Event. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 9. The Newbury Summer Cup (Handicap, 1*2 miles) was run today and resulted as follows ANNA (Fox) 7.6 j ROCK STAR (Dick) 8.10 •&gt;’ CIIORIST (F. Rickaby) 8.8 3. Sixteen ran. Won by a length three-quarters of a
      62 words
    • 1302 31 Reuter. -Reuter. Two Centuries. DERBYSHIRE DECLARE AND LOSE. London, June 9. Three cricket matches, of which two w ere county championship fixtures, which beiran yesterday, ended today. In the case of the county fixtures, Glamorganshire and Sussex registered victories by over an innings, and in the
      Reuter.; -Reuter.  -  1,302 words
    • 46 31 Singapore G.C. Cup Won By A. R. Giggins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. June 9. R Giggins won the Singapore Go’f Club Cup at the ABM. annual golf tournament at Rye this morning withi th remarkable score of 82, less a handicap of 16.
      46 words
    • 388 31 Singles Semi-Finals. SMITH BEATEN BY KWONG CHOON. The Singapore tennis championships this season have produced several unexpected results, and these was another surprise on Tuesday when Lye Kwong Choon defeated the S.C.C. singles champion, Roy* Smith, in two straight sets, 6—3, 6—1, in the semi-finals. The other
      388 words
    • 510 31 Result in Doubt Until Last Minute. The second of the three races for the Batavia Visitors’ Challenge Cun was sailed on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, a heavy wird and rain storm came on alHDUt 9.30 and the start had to be postpone 1 until this abated somewhat. At
      510 words
    • 400 31 British Wireless. Royalty Present. MIRACLE’S FAILURE IN SMALL FIELD. Rugby, June 14. Glorious cloudless weather today favoured the opening of the Ascot meeting, one of the leading sporting and social events of the season. The King and Queen, together with members of the Royal family, followed their
      British Wireless.  -  400 words
    • 47 31 -Reuter. Fails to Qualify For British Open. London, June 8. The Selangor player, W. H. Elkins, failed to qualify for the British Open Championship by six strokes when he returned a score of 163 with cards of 85 and 78 in the qualifying round.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 1195 32 Etceteras’ Easy Win. COOKE’S GOOD FORM FOR NONDESCRIPTS. (By Our Cricket Correspondent.) Although the live o’clock start on Friday is essential to the S.C.C. tournament matches and has been the means of eliminating many drawn games, there is no doubt that the hour’s play is greatly in
      1,195 words
    • 165 32 Championship Meeting Begins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. June 14. The Perak open lawn tennis championship meeting started yesterday afternoon. The matches were confined to the men’s singles, eight being completed. In the qualifying round Wong Heen Lin defeated K. H. Bancroft, 6—0, 6—0. and J. T. Chappel
      165 words
    • 94 32 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Losses Through Not Meeting Schmeling. Berlin, June 11. Astonishment has been caused in sporting circles here by the news that the Italian boxer Camera has applied for a lien on any money accruing to Max Schmeling out of his contest with Sharkey and any future contests he
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  94 words
    • 624 32 No Surprises in First Round. The first round of the Singapore Island Golf Championship was played at Bukit Timah, and resulted as follows: W. W. Paterson beat E. E. F. l’retty 2 up. S. l\ Holmes-Smith beat W. McMul'un 1 up. S. X. Kelly beat Lt. G.
      624 words
    • 526 32 Changing Fortune. REMARKABLE PLAY iv SEMI-FINAL Dr. II. O. Hopkins and R ov &lt; created a mild sensation in the Sin milh tennis championships on the P-i,iJL ap0re Monday by defeating the Japanese c h.° n pions, Kawajiri and Matsukawa wh* k reigned supreme
      526 words
    • 57 32 Promising Flyweight Beaten. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 8. Hud Walley, of Singapore, beat Dave Crowley after a rousing contest at Iia.'iy Preston’s annual charity tourna mont at Brighton last night. Crowley lost on an accidental toul. is regarded as the future flyweight tha pion. so
      57 words
    • 31 32 -Router. Frenchman Wins World» Middleweight Title. Paris, June 1The Frenchman, Marcel Thil, won thworld’s middleweight champions American, Gorilla Jones (the being disqualified in the eleven twelve round contest. —Reuter.
      -Router.  -  31 words

    • 85 1 General Rubber Situation i Singapore Tin Prices 1 The Singapore Auction l Copra Market 1 Palm Oil Price 1 London Tin Market l Share Market 1 Malaya Tin Statistics i Malaya Rubber Statistics 3 May Rubber Returns 3 Home and American Stocks 4 May Tin Returns 4 Trade and
      85 words
    • 85 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot SelleT Prices t K N d. I f Date L'don S’pore June July Aug. June 9 111 16 ft 51, 5 3/16 5*4 10 1 11,16 4 15/16 5 5 1 16 5&gt; H 31 1 11 16 ft 5 1/16
      85 words
    • 26 1 June 9 50 tons at $68.37'•• per picul. 10 50 55.75 11 50 59.00 ..13 75 59.12&gt;s 14 75 59.50 15 100 60.00
      26 words
    • 122 1 Tho Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.074th auction on June 15, when there was catalogued 1,332.507 lh. or 504.90 tons offered 1,212,078 ib. or 541.11 tons sold 807,520 lb. or 360.50 tons. Spot. London l$id. New York 2 11-16 cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
      122 words
    • 55 1 Barlow and Co. report as follows on June 9 Xince our last report prices for both undried and mixed have shown an ad'anee, business having passed in the fornic‘r grade up to $5.20 and in the latter up to $4.80 per picul. The market loses steady at the
      55 words
    • 40 1 A cable received by Cumberbatch and ves the London price of palm oil on The market is idle. This 1 0 tat ion is made on the basis of 18 per vCnt f f.a., C |i.f. Liverpool.
      40 words
    • 843 1 (Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Right a Reserved.] “Prices Ought To Improve Now.” ABSENCE OF TRADE BUYING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. It is hard to realise that only three years ago the spokesmen of the group were busy telling the world that a tin famine
      (Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Right a Reserved.]  -  843 words
    • 476 1 $6,010 Profit For The Year. The twelfth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Meranti United Ltd., was held at the registered office of the company No. 1, Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur, on May 26, Mr. J. C. M. Bell presiding. The chairman in moving the
      476 words
    • 410 1 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co’s report, dated June 15, states: During the past week conditions in tha local share market have remained unchanged with tin and rubber shares neglected and quotations for most industrials still declining. 1 he price of tin, after sharp fluctuations, closed
      410 words
    • 182 1 Domestic production (as ascertained by exports from Federated Malay State*, Unfcdernted Malay States, and Straits Settlements) of tin, and tin-in-ore at 72 per cent., during the month of Mny, 1932. Tons. Ton*. Federated Malay States 2,276 Unfederated Malay State* Johore 33 Kedah 17 Perils 19 Krhmtnn Nil
      182 words
    • Correspondence.
      • 1960 2 To Assist the Rubber Industry. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Since the announcement by the British and Dutch Governments that it was impossible to enforce restriction on the production of rubber, the price of rubber has gradually gone down to 5 cents per pound
        1,960 words
      • 491 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I beg publicity for the folk. ving n.tes on the 1931 Annual Report i f the Rubber Road.&gt; Sub-Committee ot the Rubber Research of Mr. lay a. which has just been published. There is very little that
        491 words
      • 843 2 Was Stevenson Scheme Responsible To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—In printinK the report of the n„„ lop chairman s speech on pane lr, un issue of June 2 you ‘•splash” t h&lt;» Ur liar headline “Native Production S' Result of Restriction.” I have been able to
        843 words
    • 676 3 I\&gt; the Editor of the Straits Times. Any scheme for the relief cf the j •Lii&gt;U*’* industry that asks governments to i forego revenua or requires large capital •esouices to cany through is foredoomed 1 failure. The only way to improve i is to make consumption exceed available
      676 words
    • 131 3 0 the Editor of the Straits Times. have read with much interest h‘adinpr article of dune 1 and the *er written by Progress” on May 28. The suggestion that the British and the Dutch governments should combine and buy the present stocks of rubber is good, but instead
      131 words
    • 631 3 The figures in brackets give the outputs for the corresponding period of last year. Ayer Kuning 108.000 lb. Anglo-Johore 34,000 lb. Aloe Ciajah. —31,200 lb. Ayer Panas. 1,000 lb. Alor Pjngsu. —109,763 lb. Aver Kuning. —16,000 lb. Amalgamated Malay. —47,600 lb. Ayer Molek. —20,68;* lb. Anglo-Malay. -51,7*0
      631 words
    • 434 3 OCEAN 6&gt; H LPMEN1S OF RUBBER, INCLUDING CONCENTRATED LATEX, LATEX AND REVERTEX, BEING FINAL SHIPMENTS ON OCEAN-STEAMERS AT ALL MALAYAN PORTS, DURING THE MONTH OF MAY, 19.12. Sheet and Crepe. Lavex, Concentrated Latex, Revertex. Totu! n8 Tons. To Destination ,r Kxport. Kingdom 2,7X3- “ISp Pro^ r SettltmenU.
      434 words
    • 260 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, June 16. SELLING. London, 4 months’ sight 2/8 29/82 London, 3 months’ sight 2/8 27/82 London. 60 days’ sight 2/3 13/16 London, SO days’ sight 2/8 25/32 London, demand 2/3% London. T.T. 2/8 2.V32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1,060 Hamburg, demand 173 New York,
      260 words
    • 841 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, June 16. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyer*. Seller* £1 £1 Asuni Kumbang 22/ 24/- cd. f' 1 \u*tr«i Unix* 1* 2" 6/- 5/- Ayer Hitam Tin 9/- 9/9 cd. £1 £1 Bangrn Tin 5/6 7/£1 £1 Batang Padang 0.05 0.10 1 1
      841 words
    • 278 4 Closing Quotations In London. (From Oar Own Correspondent.) London, June 14. Closing quotations last night of the principal British and American stocks are given below The rise or fall is in relation to the price of June 9. GOVERNMENT STOCK*. BRITISH Rise or Fall Conversion Loan
      278 words
    • 151 4 The figures In brackets give the output# for the corresponding period of last year. Pahang Cons. —2,112 pels., (3,024 pcMIpoh Tin. -464 pels., (500 pels). Sungei Kinta. —668 pels, (530 pels The figures in brackets give the ou p for the corresponding period of last ye Hitam
      151 words
      • 467 4 All agar (2/) /14; Anglo-Malay (£1) 4; Ayer K’ning (£1) Bugan Serai (£1) Vi; Bahru (2/) /7V4; Bateng (£1) 1/16; Batu Caves (£1) 6/16; Batu Matang /9; Batu Tiga (£1) 3/16; Bertam (2/) /7V4; Bidor (£1; 7/16; Bikam (2/) /3; Bradwall (£1) 8/16; Braunston (£1)
        467 words
      • 685 4 Capital Issue Closing Pnc*. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser L"dl Company A Co. Kv*tt 454.175 1 Nil for year 29-2-52 .Allenby ($1) 0.16 0.30 0.10 026 216.779 1 Nil for year 30-9-31 A,or Ga i ah &lt;*!' 0.16 0.30 0.16 025 439 425 1
        685 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 629 5 SERY CLOCK. 11 -r WRSf TK* ',-«4i \i m ifa224 ,wrr 8T W N bookkeepingW.|A.^O ™QW 4 I I FCT «&gt;*«» PITMAN’S PRIMER OF BOOK-KEEPING ifli SMALLEST CLOCK j BOOK-KEEPING SIMPLIFIED, by W. O. Buxton 2.66 IN THE WORLD. P* c V- PveSlJ'5 C’".*** ■.v NB2& cv* &gt;*. T. ftp
      629 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 131 6 1 Remember i YOUR BABIES NEED GOOD MILK There is no other brand that is better for them than i 9 •v 4 BUSCK’S —MILK POWDER—- ISIVa i The nutritious food that bnilds up healthy and sturdy children.-v QUALITY UNSURPASSED PRICES COMPETITIVE ezt. 'V* r and in tune with the
      131 words
    • 213 6 m “Gold VT&gt; Ft.. cfK Leaf” ;W' •'•&gt;'.vJ'T'i'' r?j '■«/&gt;v v.-. tT^- &gt; *L_Y dtVr?j|r 1 C-. u V ."l Li.. [mXt* h V#j&W *§3 rr- y *1 SU.« Jjh f &gt;•' Specialization concentra-tion-doing one thing only and that thing well, is res- ponsible for the unequalled ■V V j'
      213 words