The Straits Budget, 26 May 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 32 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I LS I ABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. ‘{>76 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1932. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    32 words
  • 354 1 LEADERS— Page Answering Back 3 jnt* Real Issues 3 Estate Gardens 3 iiuR.w vs. The World 3-4 Tho Complete Individualist 4 \Ve!< mu’ Visitor 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 idigrams, Reuter and flparlal ,0V. ring Past Week’s News 21-29 pictures Week Fancy Dress Ball 17 Products Exhibition 18 M.\ Dug
    354 words
  • 1199 1 ‘I" f»*.lowing appointments are notified P I M.S. Gazette Messrs. \V. J. D. on and B. 0. Bush to be Senior and Irrigation Engineers the v M 01 U.S.A. Consul-Gene al c < "c extended to cover the States Negri Sembilan and Pahang; u r, M.C.S., to
    1,199 words
  • 269 1 Mr. J. Miller and Miss Alice Millard. The Presbyterian Church, Singapore, was the scene of an interesting wedding on Saturday afternoon. The bridegroom was Mr. Joseph Miller, of the Chartered Bank, and the bride was Miss Alice E. Millard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Millard, of
    269 words
  • 148 1 Leaves for Home On Retirement. After a record of 37 years in the service of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, and a total of 50 years at sea, (.'apt. Henry Miles, the last of the A.P.C. commodore captains, is retiring. He left Singapore for home by the M.
    148 words
  • 108 1 Death of Straits Master Mariner. The death occurred at the (ieneral Hospital, Singapore, on Saturday of (’apt. Duncan McCallum, formerly of the Ho Hon," Steamship f’o. (’apt. McCollum, who was 01 years of age, had sailed from Singapore and Hong Kong for about 2. r rears Ho
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  • 219 2 Colonial Office Secretary To Visit Malaya. OBTAINING OPINION. Fullest Information At First Hand. It ia officially announced that BrigadierGeneral Sir Samuel Wilaon, Permanent Under-Secretary for the Colonies, is to visit Malaya for the purpose of discussing the Decentralisation proposals. As he has to remain in England while
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  • 270 2 Brig.-General Sir Samuel Wilson’s Career. Brigadier-General Sir Samuel Wilson., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., K.B.E., who is 69 years of age, has been Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies j since 1925. After leaving the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, he re- i ceived a commission in the Royal Engineers
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  • 87 2 Mah Accused of Murder Of Woman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 21. The trial of Karupusamy, accused of the murder of n coolie woman, was interrupted on the second day of the hearing owing to the conduct of the accused. I)r. Smith, recalled, stated the man
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  • 509 2 j Exhibition Organised By Chinese Towkay. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, May 19. Ipoll’s section of the Empire Shop Window was formally declared open at 7 p.m. on Wednesday at the Amusement Park by Mr. G. de Moubray, District Officer, Kinta. On arrival at the exhibition
    509 words
  • 147 2 The Sir.prn.pore Municipal Health statement for the week ended May 14 gives the i >tal number of deaths as male 134 and female 52. This represents a death-rate of 20.57 ter millo, per annum, compa;ed with 21.89 in the preceding week and 30.92 in the corresponding week of
    147 words
  • 44 2 Notification has been received that beginning with the flight leaving Amsterdam on June 2, 1932, the aeroplanes on the Amsterdam—. Java weekly service are scheduled to arrive at Alor Star on the followfng Thursdays, i.e., one day earlier than at present.
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  • 545 2 Adverse Balances. PROSPECTING RIGHTS GRANTED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 24. Mr. D. A. M. Brown presided at the meetings here today of Taiping and North Taiping Tin Dredging Co.s. The accounts of the Taiping Co. showed that the costs had been reduced by
    545 words
  • 129 2 Strange Actions of British Adviser in Kelantan. On May 12 there appeared in Straits Times a statement to the effect that the British Adviser, Kelantan, had taken steps to prevent newsagents selling any further copies of Tolong-Lah in that State. Inquiry has been made into th° matter, and we
    129 words
  • 372 2 Rainstorm Effects. MOTOR CARS STRAN|u> IN ORCHARD ROAD There were many late arrivals Singapore offices on Monday morning extraordinarily heavy downpour of raj P quickly resulted in Orchard Road, Buki Timah Road and other main thorough, fares becoming so flooded that it Nvas possible for motor-cars
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  • 107 2 —Reuter London, May 22. Heavy rains have transformed larj parts of England into lakes. Warwickshire has experienced the wors floods for 30 years and large areas r under water w’ith houses flooded and nu: v roads impassable. Thousands of acres in Yorkshire ar. Lincolnshire are submerged as
    —Reuter  -  107 words
  • 41 2 No Interruption of Other Traffic. (From Our Own Corresponded.) Ipoh, May 23. An engine drawing goods its way to Penang was derailed after leaving Taiping. e A relief train went out ami tl quickly remedied. Other traffic no interruption.
    41 words
  • 54 2 To be Held Again The Slump. The Malayan Exhibition will J* l 1 |L* usual at Kuala Lumpur during Bank Holiday week-end. f o0 <] Special attention will be IT 1 1 1 at r .'.tuffs and to the economic aspic •> .j a y 0 i cultural
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1143 3 —Straits Times, May 19. M- u, ShMford is a most persistent La-sialist. He is also a hopelessly V n* a nd his latest contribution to the aU x c n on the merits or otherwise of “uinrin' conferences is so full of fallacies hl ha I truths that
      —Straits Times, May 19.  -  1,143 words
    • 1009 3 —Straits Times, May 20. Why is Mr. Shelford so scathing at the expense of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, and so patently eager that the demand for a commission of inquiry into the trade of the Colony should not be conceded One might have thought from all
      —Straits Times, May 20.  -  1,009 words
    • 832 3 estates in a peasant environment.—Straits Times, May 21. In his article last week the planting correspondent of the Straits Times said that he found among managers and coolies at the present time an interest in the production of foodstuffs such as he had never known before. This is
      estates in a peasant environment.—Straits Times, May 21.  -  832 words
    • 929 3 calls famine rations.—Straits Times, May 23. A strange .situation has developed within the Malayan tin industry during the last week. Eighty-five per cent, of tho tin producers of the world have agreed to a scheme of restriction and the remaining fifteen per cent., the Chinese miners
      calls famine rations.—Straits Times, May 23.  -  929 words
    • 862 4 chaos, he was a colossus.—Straits Times, May 24. The heading of this article refers to James Lyle Mackay, K.C.5.1., K.C.1.E., first Earl of Inchcape, whose death at the age of nearly eighty is reported today. We claim no originality for the description. It has been used countless
      chaos, he was a colossus.—Straits Times, May 24.  -  862 words
    • 783 4 —Straits Times, May 25. Whatever views may be held on the policy of decentralisation as expounded by His Excellency the High Commissioner at the Sri Menanti Durbar, there is no room for anything but regret at the chaotic state of affairs that has developed in this connection
      —Straits Times, May 25.  -  783 words

  • 91 4 —Reuter. Two Big Companies To Write Down Capital. Berlin, May 24. The directors of the North German Lloyd and the Hamburg Amerika lines have decided to recommend to the forthcoming general meetings of shareholders the writing down of the companies’ capital in the proportion of three to one.
    —Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 113 4 Another Short Season In Singapore. Those who enjoyed the recent season of the San arlo Grand Opera Company will be pleased to hear that the company is returning from Sumatra and, before starting on their Java tour, will give five performances in the Victoria Theatre. Starting
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  • 157 4 recurrence of such incidents.—Anet* Trans-Ocean. Communist Demonstration In Berlin. V. 1- Berlin, May 2*> A solitary policeman who was on Jut before the Japanese Embassy i n Berlin on Saturday afternoon was surprised h. the appearance of about 40 Com munists who staged a demonstration in favour
    recurrence of such incidents.—Anet* Trans-Ocean.  -  157 words
  • 217 4 Capture in Plantation Off Yeo Chu Kang Road. Arrested in a plantation off Yeo Chu Kang Road by Assistant Supervisor Jasmy, of the Singapore Preventive Service, a Chinese, described as a coolie employed by an operator of a large illicit distillery, was convicted of being in possession of
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  • 154 4 —Aneta-Trans-Oecan. 60,000 Swedes Involved In Losses. Stockholm, May 22. The annual general meeting of Kreuger and Toll took place on Saturday afternoon and lasted half an hour. The balance sheet showed a deficit ef 086,000,000 Swedish crowns. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Stockholm, May 19. According to the correspondent of the Achtuhr
    —Aneta-Trans-Oecan.  -  154 words
  • 48 4 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Enthroned in Presence Of The King. Stockholm, May The new Protestant Archbishop sala. Professor Eidem, who succc'i' well-known Archbishop Soederbloni. enthroned on Monday in Upsala dral in the presence of King «>• well as representatives of the 1 thodox, Anglican and German P' 0 churches.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  48 words

    • 196 5 T OLONG-LAH. .—Straits Times, May ID. •.iiblish elsewhere the result of inV 1 1 llUU le into the reported banning lU »iong-.ah in Kelantan. It is quite 1 v mat when the British Adviser in ':ue first read the magazine he be‘!'J very wrathful. No one will deny l ;v
      .—Straits Times, May ID.  -  196 words
    • 233 5 Straits 1 lines, May 19. i there any limit to new uses for We ask this in view of a little v told in that section of the Rubber Growers’ Association Bulletin devoted to kit >t uses for Malaya s chief product. A r.uous life of
      Straits 1 lines, May 19.  -  233 words
    • 339 5 e r rv can adopt it—Straits May 19. The scheme of tin restriction set forth n the Straits Times today has been work- in London anti modified to suit Malayan conditions. It is somewhat comp!i at d and requ res careful consideran i f >i e
      . e ,r ’^rv can adopt it—Straits • May 19.  -  339 words
    • 393 5 conscience in that town today.—Straits Times, May 20. That tb a 7>0T, antr v, ia^,c unemnlovment fund in b n closed is shocking nows, •ho u n ''ed persons nre on the list of f o’TTient committee and mosti serious distress exists. About $5,500 has been collected
      conscience in that town today.—Straits Times, May 20.  -  393 words
    • 302 5 —Straits Times, May 20. The F.M.S. Railway executive is supposed by our amateur railway experts, whose number is legion, to live in a state of coma, performing its dut es as automatically as one of its own engines and never by any chance doing anything original. That
      —Straits Times, May 20.  -  302 words
    • 48 5 ■.—Straits Times, May 21. By the time Singapore Empire Shopping Week is over it is to be hoped that the woman who went into a provision store and asked for Californian tinned goods as she wanted to Buy British will know better. —Straits Times, May 21.
      ■.—Straits Times, May 21.  -  48 words
    • 288 5 FISH IN THE SLUMP remain apathetic.—Straits Times, May The extremely clear, practical and informative addresses which Mr. W. Birtwhistle has been giving to Rotary Clubs up and down the country has brought home to many people the potentialities of the Malayan fisheries as a source of cheap and wholesome food.
      remain apathetic.—Straits Times, May  -  288 words
    • 340 5 Straits Times, May 21. It is a little startling to find the pea-1 santry of Lower Perak quoting the land laws of Fiji and the Torrens system of j iand administration in a petition to their Ruler, but no doubt someone more learned, ihan themselves has been
      Straits Times, May 21.  -  340 words
    • 177 5 they have done fairly well.—Straits Times, May 23. Recently a report from Batavia credited the directors of the Kertasarie Tea Co., Ltd., with the intention to pay a dividend of 132 per cent, for the year 1931. The figure was slightly exaggerated, but the actual state of
      they have done fairly well.—Straits Times, May 23.  -  177 words
    • 285 5 Straits Times, May 23. When Lindbergh made his wonderful lone flight of the Atlantic in 1927 it was generally prophesied that many years would pass before any other man accomplished a similar feat. And now a woman has done it! Certainly Mrs Putnam —better known as Miss Amelia
      Straits Times, May 23.  -  285 words
    • 306 5 the past twelve months or so.—Straits Times, May 2.‘L The arrangement in the international tin restriction scheme whereby Nigeria and Bolivia transferred part of their production allowances to the Dutch East Indies, thus enabling our Dutch rivals to produce proportionately more than has boon allotted to Malaya,
      the past twelve months or so.—Straits Times, May 2.‘L  -  306 words
    • 61 5 -Straits Times, May 24. At least one of Singapore’s depressed industries Ls enjoying a mild boom as the result of yesterday’s deluge. The motorrepairing people are having high jinks with the dozens of cars that *succumbed to water in the cylinders, the magneto, the dynamo or
      -Straits Times, May 24.  -  61 words
    • 120 5 Sudras Do it again !—Straits Times, May 24. Perhaps the most touching incident duiing Empire Week was the procession of a thousand of India’s "untouchables” marching under the shadow of "Old Glory to greet their delegate to the Round Table Conference on his return from England. The
      “ Sudras ! ” Do it again ! !—Straits Times, May 24.  -  120 words
    • 453 5 sound rather silly.—Straits Times, May 24. A few days ago the Prince of Wales, addressing the conference of the Incorporated Sales Managers’ Association, made a striking appeal for youth to he given a chance, and urging the granting of key positions to young men. Even
      sound rather silly.—Straits Times, May 24.  -  453 words
    • 92 6 —Straits Times, May 25. In the programme and book of words issued by the joint rational societies of Great Britain and Ireland for last night’s concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall there appears a selection of Scots jokes. If they repeat the venture next year they
      —Straits Times, May 25.  -  92 words
    • 304 6 CAPT. HANS BERTRAM —Straits Times, May 25. Many people in Singapore had the opportunity of meeting Capt. Hans Bertram,*4he German airman, when he was in Singapore with his Junkers seaplane at the beginning of the month, and they will be shocked to learn that it is now almost certain that
      .—Straits Times, May 25.  -  304 words
    • 313 6 Straits Times, May 25. The announcement that from July 1 the night mail trains will leave Singapore and Kuala Lumpur at 10 p.m. instead of 8.30 p.m., and will arrive at Singapore at 6.45 a.m. and at Kuala Lumpur at 7.15 a.m., means that the journey will
      Straits Times, May 25.  -  313 words

  • 61 6 peace protocol in 1924.— Aneta-Trans-O .can. In Geneva to Lay Plans Before League. Geneva, May 24. Professor Einstein and Lord Ponsonby have arrived here in order to lay before the league of Nations new proposals aiming at the introduction of compulsory arbitration on similar lines to the American
    peace protocol in 1924.— Aneta-Trans- O .can.  -  61 words
  • 24 6 BOPRNB. At New York, on May 22, 1P32, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bourne, Jr., n daughter. Mother and child both well.
    24 words
  • 64 6 The erinert is announced betwe?r. Harold Fnglia!: Pyman, 2nd Battn: Royr! Tank Corps, young- r son of the late Mr. Harold Pyman o r West Hartlepool, and Mrs. Pyman of Southlands. Wevbridjje, and Elizabeth Sheila, younger daughter of Mr. Charles McArthur, (formerly Managing Director of The Straits Trading Co..
    64 words
  • 67 6 KAM—ON(i.—The wedding of Miss Kam Lot 1 Neo t-ho third daughter of Madam Liin Puan Neo and the late Mr. Kam Bong Koon of Kelantan, to Mr. Ong Theng Im, eldest f.on of Mr. and Mrs. Orff Kim Thye of Taipir.ff. will take place at the Tsing Nien Li
    67 words
  • 107 6 The marriage took place at St. George's Church, Hanover Square, on Apr. 21, 1932, of Mr. William I/eslie Clark, Sarawak Civil Service, only son of Captain and Mrs. Clark, and Miss Joan Doreen Greene Kelly, the twin daughter of Sir Henry and Lady Greene Kelly, of 14, Courtfield Gardens,
    107 words
  • 949 6 i »ENANG LETT EH Pulau Tikus. WHY FISH MARKET IS UNPOPULAR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 16. MAY thus far has been a month of drought and heat, culminating over the holidays into conditions making any torm of exertion during the noonday hours a burden scarcely
    949 words
  • 109 6 committee a os tamed trom votinc- Trans-Ocean. Ane Passage Struck Out Of Armaments Report. T Geneva, May w i The air armament* commi ttee of Yu Disarmament Conference decided day by 18 votes to ten to strike .V passage in the draft report which a *L
    committee a os tamed trom votinc- — Trans-Ocean. **’ Ane‘£  -  109 words
  • 77 6 —Aneta-Trans-On an. Killed by Brother Of Former Employee. Vienna, May 24 The leader of the Christian Scvblisparty in the Austrian Provirce of Bu> genland. the Deputy Dr. Anton Schreiner who twice held the post of Governor o‘ Burgenland, was shot dead on Monlay morning by a working man
    —Aneta-Trans-On an.  -  77 words
  • 84 6 —Aneta-Havas. Conversation Between Train Aeroplane. London. May 20. An experiment showing the late?: technical achievements in wireless was made today. A powerful loud speaker placed in a special carriage attached to an express train enabled the rassenger> to follow a conversation with the passengers of a big aeroplane,
    —Aneta-Havas.  -  84 words
  • 75 6 Those who intend to be present at the ball in aid of the St. Andrew’s Hosp.ta. at Raffles Hotel on Saturday are reminded that early reservation is advisable. Ar excellent programme has been arranged. Songs by Mrs. Alford, speciality dances Miss Marfon Knowles, and old and nioder dances
    75 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 94 6 NOTICE All communications for both toe Strsit. Times anti the Straits Budget should u address a *o the 11 ad Oifice, Cecil aa< Stanley St. eels. Singapore, Straits Set;»« r he post fret pr f ce of the Strait? Times the* United Kingdom and foreign countnsi is. #4S t yiar.
      94 words
  • 201 6 DEATI1S MiWALTLK.—On May 20, 1032, at the General Hospital, Singapore, George Hunter, 3rd son of Thomas McWalter of Tranent, Scotland. Age 43. Ceylon papers please copy. WATSON.—-On Apr. 26, 1932, after an operation. Roiiold Patrick, second son of Sir Mnlcclm and Lady Watson, 13, Herkeley Place, Wimbledon, and late of
    201 words

  • 969 7 School Parades. 1 1 1 sTY CHEERS FOR 1 THE KING. T colonial Secretary, S.S., Sir John T vi"it«l the Pearl’s Hill School on >CI) p av and took the march I ter he addressed the schoolmen on Empire Day, and referred to i 1U t
    969 words
  • 58 7 With the passing of Ejnpire Day the Empire Shopping Week came to an official conclusion at the New World on Tuesday. There had been a suggestion that the exhibition should be extended for a few days. This was not agreed to, however, but stall holders were given
    58 words
  • 82 7 Men’s Night Attack On Gardener. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 21. > Shortly after 10 o’clock la«t night two men dressed in black entered a vegetable gardener’s hut in Kuala Chcmor, fired a gun in the face of the male occupier ahd left without doing anything
    82 words
  • 314 7 The following passengers left Singapore on Mav 19 by the N. Y. K. Suwa Marti Mr. It. Tomita, Mr. S. Appadurai. Mr. and Mrs. S. Aramboo, Mr. Pillay, Mr. H. Ilaac Mrs. M. Hani. Capt. Y. Karakawa, Mr. F. Tanaka, Mr. and Mrs. K. Tohatta, Mr. R. Mr. M.
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  • 528 7 Empire Day Concert In Memorial Hali. It was a happy thought to wind up the Singapore Empire Shopping Week with a concert of national mus e in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Empire Day and the appeal which their national songs make to English, Scots, Irish and Welshmen
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  • 129 7 Death of Well-Known Bangkok Resident. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 23. The death took place suddenly yesterday of Mr. J. C. McGonigal, a partner in M essrs. Butler and Webster, motor-car importers. Mr. McGonigal was a native of Dundee nnd arrived in Bangkok nine years
    129 words
  • 127 7 letter caused some surprise.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Sharp Refusal to Attend Statue Unveiling. Paris, May 24. Much comment has been arcuseJ by the announcement that the childien of the late Premier, M. C lemenceau have refused the invitation of the Paris Municipal Council to participate in the ceremony of unveiling
    letter caused some surprise.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  127 words
  • 100 7 Probable New Title For Prince George. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 24. The Daily Express understands that i the King will confer the title of Duke of Edinburgh on Prince George either in the i Birthday Honours or on the Prince’* 30th birthday on Dec. 20.
    100 words
  • 416 7 Monday, May 16. i Mr. and Mrs. R. Paige, Mr. H. J. Fouglere, Dr. P. S. Hunter, Mr. O. P. GriffithJones, Mr. R. Williamson, Mrs. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Niven had luncheon at Government House. In the afternoon His Excellency and Lady Clenunti were present
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  • 387 8 Non-Stop 31 Per Cent. BUT NO INCREASE IF QUOTA GOES UP. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 25. The Perak Chinese Mining and Planting Association sub-committee, having discussed the various tin schemes, adopted the following resolution 44 That in view of the manifest impossibility of
    387 words
  • 141 8 Possible Exploitation in The Slump. (From Our Owm Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 23. For having in his possession silver and bronze war medals which he had no authority to possess, and for which he could give no satisfactory account, a Pathan ex-police constable has been fined $5
    141 words
  • 53 8 Schoolboy Collapses With Heart Failure. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 23. Foo Peow Seng, a pupil at the Yu Te Choy puWie school, collapsed and died while playing a game of ping pong with a friend at the school. The autopsy revealed death was due
    53 words
  • 220 8 Interesting Questions For Friday’s Meeting. The following questions will be asked at the meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on Friday By Mr. 0. P. Grifiith-Jones Now that the Railway has been diverted, will you please say 1. When is the Circus or Sempang at Newton level crossing
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  • 157 8 Contraband Opium Round Their Bodies. The old dodge of tying contraband opium round their bodies under loose clothing by smugglers, was unsuccessfully tried by five old Chinese women who arrived in Singapore on Tuesday from Calcutta en route to China. At the Tanjong Pagar examination shed where
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  • 131 8 Golden Jubilee in Ipoh Convent. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 25. The Resident of Perak and Mrs. Cator and a large gathering including the Mother Superiors of the Convents of the Holy Infant Jesus were present at the religious golden jubilee of Sister St. Michael,
    131 words
  • 39 8 Death of Well-Known Penang Mohammedan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 20. The death has taken place here of Mr. M. A. Merican, a leading Mohammedan and managing clerk to Messrs. Logan, Ross and Samuel.
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  • 152 8 Big Gathering at Funeral In Segamat. The funiM-al of Mr. Leo D. Barthelot, who, as already reported in the Straits Times, was killed in a motor-car accident, took place on Tuesday in the Christian burial ground, Segamat. There was a big gathering of relatives and friends.
    152 words
  • 142 8 Members of Taiping Survey Staff Entertained. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 24. Two senior members of the Taiping survey staff were entertained on the eve of their departure from Taiping by members of the senior and subordinate staffs. Mr. R. R. Goulding, senior superintendent, and Mr.
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  • 240 8 Funeral at Kuala Lumpur Cemetery. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. The funeral took place at the Cheras Road cemetery yesterday, of Mr. G. R. M. Millar, whose death occurred in hospital the same morning. The Bishop of Singapore officiated, and the Education Department,
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  • 61 8 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Retiring from N.D.L. On Reaching Age Limit. Berlin, May 18. The commander of the famous submarine. “Deutschland,” Paul Koenig, who was well known during the War, is retiring from the Norddeutscher Lloyd Company now that he has reached the age of 65. He has built himself a
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  61 words
  • 408 8 Three Types Found By Welfare Club. (From Our Own Correspond-nt.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24 During its three years of th* Kuala Lumpur Street Boys’ Club h C found that the following types of bovS are living on the streets ,s (a) Criminal boys who are
    408 words
  • 106 8 Consul-General at Literary Association. The members of the Chinese Student? Literary Association entertained then patron, Dr. Chen Chang I.ok, the Chinese Consul-General on Sunday, i Dr. Chen made a speech in Englsh ana Mandarin on the value of literary associations. He extolled the members to cooperate among themselves,
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  • 104 8 Reuter. -British Wireless- Dornier X Returns To Germany. Berlin, May 21. After 18 months’ absence in Anuaicathe flying boat Dornier X landed on < Mueggel, near Berlin, at 6.30 p.m. in presence of a huge crowd of nm thusiastic spectators. ,i. The officers and crew were !tl
    Reuter.; -British Wireless-  -  104 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 1510 9 Criticisms by Mr. W. Dunman. r r he Editor of the Straits Times. _-I have just received a copy of \ericultural Journal for April which tn t ;in S an article on the agricultural of Cameron Highlands for p .)nrietor- pi anter and small-holder, «i,W» by B. Buntin*
      1,510 words
    • 182 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I noticed in your issue of May 5 a photograph of the new Survey Office building at Kota Bharu and the remark underneath that the building had been put up under the direction of Mr. Montgomery with Malay labour
      182 words
    • 549 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It is apparently the intention of i the author and advocates of the Malaya for the Malays” movement which has been inflicted upon this country, to the disruption of the hitherto harmonious relationship existing between the Malays and nenMalays,
      549 words
    • 190 9 BRIGHT IDEAS To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Much has appeared recently In both the Home and local Press relative to the burning of rubber in the form of fire lighters, ar.d. if brought to perfection, this/scheme might have considerable possibilities in reducing unwanted stocks. I would suggest
      190 words
    • 536 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am pleased to see that you have taken up the points expressed in an article by Mr. Shelford. That gentleman, during the course of this year, has occupied a lot of space in various newspapers and periodicals, seemingly in
      536 words
    • 919 9 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, —It is with very mixed feelings that one reads in various local newspapers of the increasing distress and suffering among the unemployed of all communities and the inability of the various committees and organisations to accord relief
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    • 249 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Really we are living in an age of paradox, and nowhere is this more apparent than in Malaya. Here are a few outstanding anomalies (1) While a Retrenchment Committee is sitting— at the head of which, by the way is one
      249 words
    • 490 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As an old reader of the Times I am glad to see that the vigour of its articles is still well kept up and also, so far as one can judge by past and present experience, the policy frequently urged
      490 words
    • 184 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—“ Malayan Planting Topics in v"t?r issue of May 20 indicates that some officials of the R.G.A. are at the loss to understand the unpopularity of their •"cintinn with the people who really grow rubber. A few of many reasons may
      184 words
    • 167 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I feel that the article written by Mr. H. L. Wendt should not go unheeded and 1 congratulate him on Uis courage in hiinging to light such as he has explained. Mr. Wendt would greatly oblige if it were possible
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    • 152 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The following may interest your readers and if you wish to do so, make use of it: Prices of fruits and vegetables which can only be purchased here from native shops or market stalls are increasing from day to day
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    • 340 10 To the Editor of the Straits limes. Sir, —In continuation of my letter of May 13, the Tenant has been notified to quit on June 30, with the proviso that the notice will be withdrawn if the offending plants are removed by the end of this week. The
      340 words

  • 732 10 A Planting Warning. DANGER OF ATTRACTING THE WRONG TYPE.’’ A meagre rate of pay, as a standard would rum Malaya as a British eo Untr v in half a generation. There WO umP no inducement for men of the r 1J? type to leave Home and
    732 words

  • 768 11 First Over F.M.S. Track.! t\kes taiping pass W ITHOUT HELP. Driven by its own Siamese staff, one f Si nn’s new Diesel electric locomotives niillinir fourteen F.M.S.R. coaches arrived the Singapore terminal station on Fri..venine, the first electric train to travel over the F.M.S. track. Silently
    768 words
  • 348 11 Mr. Windeatt on Benefits Of New Scheme. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 20. In the course of an interview given to the local Press, Mr. T. It. A. Windeatt stated that he fully endorsed everything Mr. A. H. Flowerdew said at Kuala Lumpur, and added
    348 words
  • 226 11 Another Empire Shopping Week Event. The attendance at the fancy dress ball in ihe Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, organised by the Overseas League as part of the Empire Shopping Week celebrations was smaller than expected, and out of the 250 present only 20 were in fancy
    226 words
  • 85 11 Daring Raids Made In London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) 1 London, May 21. Motor-car bandits staged a “field day ir. London yesterday, the most daring raid being at the Battersea labour Exchange where the robbers got away with £115. It is believed that the same gang later
    85 words
  • 1008 11 Manager of Maynard And Co. I The death of Mr. George Hunter MeWalter, M.P.S., director and manager of Mi.ynard and Co., Ltd., wholesale and letail chemists and druggists, of Battery Road, Singapore, occurred at the General Hospital on May 20. Mr. McWalter had been
    1,008 words
  • 175 11 Grapples With Attacker Despite Wounds. Shortly after two o’clock on Tuesday n police patrol clashed with two suspects, believed to be Javanese housebreakers, in Lavender Street and one of the constables was badly stabbed. He was taken to hospital when his condition is considered as being grave.
    175 words
  • 194 11 Good Display of Flowers And Foliage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. The third show of the Selangor Gardening Society, held on Saturday, was the best yet seen, there being a very good display of flowers and foliage plants. Dahlias grown at Cameron Highlands by
    194 words
  • 109 11 Chinese Miner Claiming $50,000 Damages. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 19. The suit instituted by Chong Tek Hin against the State of Perak claiming $50,000 damages came up for hearing yesterday. Mr. J. L. Woods, for the defendant, asked for a postponement on the ground that
    109 words

  • 2373 12 Governor’s Visit to The Exhibition. The visit of II.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil dementi, to the Empire Shopping Week exhiHt'on at the New World on Saturday ni r ht gave a 44 big push to the 44 Buy British campaign in Singapore. A large and interested crowd,
    2,373 words
  • 233 12 Singapore Passenger* Believed Safe Several passengers from Sin were on board the O. S. K. liner Janeiro Maru, which, as renortJl de Reuter telegram, arrived at D urla n a a serious amount of illness on bear was stated that an outbreak of di I ranging
    233 words

  • 1212 13 Views of Perak Chinese Miners. the new plan. Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt On Its Benefits. it a meeting of the Perak Chinese Minin? and Plant in? Association held in strong opposition to a complete stoppage of production for two months was expressed by Chinese interests.
    1,212 words
  • 253 13 Death of Member Of Sarawak Service. The death of Mr. Percy Henry Hayward, of the Sarawak Civil Service, occurred in he General Hospital. Singapore, on May 19. Mr. Hayward, who was 42 years morning. Mr. Hayward, who was 42 years of age, was going home on
    253 words
  • 152 13 Tragic Discovery At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. The death of a European patient oc- curred in tragic circumstances at the Bungsar Hospital today. Mr. G. R. M. Millar, B.A., aged 3G, who was admitted to hospital last night, was found
    152 words
  • 407 13 Obtaining Views On Latest Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 21. A meeting of the Selangor Miners’ Association was held in Kuala Lumpur this morning to consider the revised tin restriction scheme published last Thursday. Mr. A. H. Flowerdew, president of the F.M.S. Chamber of Mines,
    407 words
  • 81 13 Chinese Clerk Collapses While at Work. A Chinese clerk employed at a Chinese broker's firm at 20, Raffles Place, died in tragic circumstances at about 2 o’clock on May 18. The clerk, Sing Chew Yong, who was only 25 years of age, collapsed suddenly while at his
    81 words
  • 564 13 Petition to Sultan. UNABLE TO FAY THEIR CREDITORS. The small holders of Lower Perak have addressed a petition to H.H. the Sultan stating that they are unable to pay their creditors and asking for certain relief. The petition is as follows Your petitioners are all residents in
    564 words
  • 90 13 Lecture on Nutrition In Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May brt. Before a packed hall at the High School consisting of boys and girls of the senior local and the respective teachers of all the schools in Malacca, Professor J. L. Rosedale, gave an interesting
    90 words

  • 1795 14 A Planter Looks At The B. C, A, ff hy There l* Dissatisfaction In Malaya—A Powerful Yet Ineffective Body—The Need For A Propaganda Expert A Well-Meaning But L ntrained Council How Local Support Can Be Obtained (By Our Planting Correspondent.) THE recently published report of the Rubber
    1,795 words
  • 127 14 Important Innovation In Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. An innovation in railway transport in Malaya which offers great promise of development began in Selangor on May 16, when the first bulk shipment of palm oil by railway tank wagon was
    127 words
  • 46 14 Junior Local To Be Discontinued. It has been learnt from the Registrar of the University of Hong Kong that the Council of University has decided to discontinue the holding of the Junior Local Examination after the examination to be held in November, 1932.
    46 words
  • 103 14 Tuesday, May 10. In the morning His Excellency, accompanied by the Hon. Major R. L. Nunn, visited the civil aerodrome at Grove Road. Wednesday, May 11. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House this morning. The Misses Walter and Mr. E.
    103 words
  • 664 14 Governor’s Tribute to Sir John Scott. On May 18 H. E. the Governor Si. Cecil Clementi. G.C.M.G., invested thl Hon. Sir John Scott with the Insignia a Knight Commander of the Civil Divi sion of the Most Excellent Order of th British Empire. The ceremony took place
    664 words
  • 68 14 Man Jumps Into Canal At Stamford Road. The junction of Stamford R° a d North Bridge Road was the scene m alleged attempt at suicide on when a Chinese jumped into the a ‘V His attempt failed however, for a man jumped in and brought him ambulance was
    68 words

  • 2307 15 Heroic Proposals Before Malayan Miners. COMPROMISE SCHEME. Striking Solidarity Of London Opinion. Mala' an tin producers who cannot close down during June and July are to he asked to produce at the rate of 2»i per cent, of their assessed capacity for twelve months
    2,307 words
  • 645 15 Discuss Byrne Scheme UNANIMOUS DECISION TO OPPOSE. A meeting of the Chinese miners of Kampar and district was held at the Wah beong Kee Club, Kampar, on May 14 to discuss the Byrne scheme. The large attendance indicated the keen interest in the question taken by the
    645 words

  • 2730 16 Kuala Selangor’s Historic Hill—Ghosts Of Three Races—A Home Of Bugis Sultans —Dutch Sentries On Guard—The First British Officer—Cannon Which Pirates Used—A British Maval Attack—The District Today. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent,) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. SPHERE are few pleasanter places on the west coast
    2,730 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 28 16 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE. Guaranteed Peerless Remedy for Pure ana Permanent Cure. Please let me tell > everything in detail. No matter who failed. Apply Dr. BIOWELLFARE, Kotwalipara, (Bengal), India.
      28 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1140 21 Wireless. Eighty-Four People Still Missing. grave ALLEGATIONS. Passengers Trapped In Staterooms to the latest reports of the Georges Philippar disaster 84 are *till to be accounted for, and it is feared that the majority of them have fallen victim to the flames. Disquieting allegations have been made
      Wireless.  -  1,140 words
    • 497 21 —British Wireless. Reuter. Lucky Passengers Who Did Not Embark. Rugby, May 19. The London office of the Messageries Maritimes this evening stated that the total number of passengers and crew saved from the Georges Philippar is now known to be 717, leaving approximately 50 unaccounted for. —British
      —British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  497 words
    • 57 21 —Reuter. Aden, May 20. The number of Georges Philippar missing is now 49. Another survivor, Madame I)ubot, has been found. Those missing include the journalist, Albert Londres, M. Joyeux, the Attorney-General, Indo-China, and Madame Bertrand Vigne. The Hakone Maru and the P. and O. Comorin are conveying some
      —Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 709 21 Reuter. surrounds the origin of the fire.—Aneta-Truns-Ocean. All Local Passengers Saved. Aden, May 20. The final figures of the survivors of the Georges Philippar supplied by the Messageries Maritimes give a total of 683, which leave 84 unaccounted for. The burnt out liner foundered yesterday evening after drifting
      Reuter.; surrounds the origin of the fire.—Aneta-Truns-Ocean.  -  709 words
    • 56 21 Ancta-Trans-Ocean. Cable Breaks and Five Men Killed. Dortmund, May 14. An accident occurred at the Dorsfield mine on Saturday when the cable of an ascending cage broke and two caffes fell into the mine. The five miners who fell are almost certainly dead, but rescue work is proceeding
      Ancta-Trans-Ocean.  -  56 words
    • 293 22 days of China’s humiliation.”—Sin Kuo Min. Suggested Solution. MR. HU HAN-MIN ACTING AS PEACEMAKER. Hong Kong, May 19. Mr. Hu Han-min, the former President of the Legislative Yuan now in Hong Kong, is endeavouring to meiiate between General Chan Chai-tong (the Mllitaiy Governor of Canton)
      days of China’s humiliation.”—Sin Kuo Min.  -  293 words
    • 64 22 —Reuter. Englishman and American Reported Murdered. Harbin, May 19. An Englishman and an American, out shooting near Christkv along the Sungari Ri ver, are reported to have been seized and murdered by insurgent soldiery. Two Japanese who entrained at Harbin yesterday morning for Tsitsihar met with a
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 572 22 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Volunteers Within Two Miles of City. Shanghai, May 19. General Ma Chan-shan has sent a telegram to Peking reporting that Japanese troops are invading the districts north of Harbin as far as Tungpei and Hailun. i Hailun is about 100 miles north of
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  572 words
    • 284 22 .—Reuter. Further Light On The Tokio Crisis. Tokio, May 18. The army’s sympathy towards the farmers and the small merchant class and the conviction that alleviation of the economic distress in the lural districts is essential seem likely to play an important part in deciding the new’ Cabinet.
      .—Reuter.  -  284 words
    • 58 22 —Sin Kuo Min. To Have 108 Branches All Over Country. Shanghai, May 18. It is announced that the Manchukuo Government is to establish a central hank with headquarters at Changchun and no fewer than 108 branches. The hank is to be launched on Fridav next. The Japanese Dire&tor-C.eneral
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  58 words
    • 180 22 —British Wireless. Will Not Fail You Says The Prince. Rugby, May 21. The Prince of Wales, discussing salesmanship :n a speech at the conference of ti;? Jnc«apc rated Sales Managers* Aae»cisti;.n, in Lindon, urged the importance cl' going out into the world and finding new
      .—British Wireless.  -  180 words
    • 118 22 Reuter. Bank Robber Said To be Malayan. Cape Town, May 20. Stanley Raymond, the chief culprit in a sensational raid on the Plumstead branch of the Standard Bank of South Africa in March has been sentenced to 25 years’ imprisonment ami 15 strokes of the cat.” Raymond, with
      Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 42 22 .—Reuter. U.S. Senate Rejects Light Beer Proposal. Washington. May 18. Despite the great pro-beer demonstrations in the United States on May 14 the Senate has rejected the proposal to permit the manufactura and sale of beer of 2.75 alcoholic strength.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  42 words
    • 29 22 —Reuter. Not Negotiating Trade Agreement. Washington. May 20. The Canadian Minister, Mr. Herridge, officially denies the report that Canada is negotiating a trade agreement with Russia.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  29 words
    • 157 22 r v...vuv ncu <1 o —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Suggest Impending War In Manchuria. Geneva, May 17. The League Secretariat has published Japanese and Chinese Notes both of which are calculated to create the impression that new warlike complications are impending in Manchuria. The Chinese Note reproduces a telegram from
      rv...vuv ncu <1 o —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  157 words
    • 306 22 —Reuter. Further Disclosures. GO-BETWEEN NQy Iv GAOL. New Vo:k. 11 av iFurther developments have occurred ir the Lindbergh baby case. n The sensational disclosure was ma today that Curtis made his confe"; after being confronted by an un*iam?5 Scottish bootlegger who accused swindling him of a large
      —Reuter.  -  306 words
    • 152 22 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Allegation in Anonymous Letter. Berlin. May 14. A new but somewhat dubious version of the Lindbergh babv’s death is given in a letter addressed to the Lnkal Anze&gt;ger by an unknown person who claims tc have by some chance become closely informed of the circumstances attending the
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  152 words
    • 164 22 —Reuter. New York, May 21. The entanglements in the Lindhergtbaby tragedy continue to excite public interest. The Bronx Grand Jury is now investigating the circumstances undei which Doctor Condon, an aged university professor, was induced to hand over the $50,000 ransom to the supposed kidnappers. The Rev.
      —Reuter.  -  164 words
    • 517 23 —.'in Chew Jit Poh. &gt;.—Sin Kuo Min. Moscow Orders General Review. RESERVES CALLED UP. \jr Force Units to Take Part Shanghai, May 20. j Reports to hand here from Moscow j ov that the Soviet Government has ord- j i i i'eneral review of the
      —.'in Chew Jit Poh.; >.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  517 words
    • 300 23 —Sin Kuo Min. Kingehow to be Attacked By Land, Sea Air. Hong Kong, May 20. y A T7*' n the latest information to to",- om Gan ton, General Chan Chaia, K 1!i n &gt; s to take very drastic measures tj, 1; 1 Admiral Chan Chat and that
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  300 words
    • 288 23 Japan, yesterday morning.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Sin Kuo Min. 10 Year Reconstruction Scheme. Shanghai, May 20. The transfer of the villages of Kiangwan and Miaohung from Japanese to Chinese control was completed yesterday The damage done to propetry in these two villages is appalling and quite 90 per
      Japan, yesterday morning.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Sin Kuo Min.  -  288 words
    • 110 23 -Bin Kuo Min. Attempt to Meet General Ma Abandoned. Shanghai, May 20. Reports from Harbin state that the League of Nations Manchuria Inquiry Commission abandoned its attempt to meet General Ma Chan-shan personally. However, General Ma’s representative has arrived in Harbin and has interviewed the commissioners. —Bin Kuo
      -Bin Kuo Min.  -  110 words
    • 123 23 Sin Kuo M)in. Suspicious Behaviour Of Chairman. Shanghai, May 20. Much anxiety prevails at Peking and in Nanking with regard to the attitude o the chairman of the Jehol Provincial Government (General Tong ~ng). For some time, it is alleged, his behaviour has been most suspicious and it
      Sin Kuo M)in.  -  123 words
    • 153 23 —Reuter. Kreuger’s Huge Debts. FRAUDS GOING ON FOR EIGHT YEARS. Stockholm, May 20. Ivfcr Kreuger as the “world’s greatest bankrupt” emerges from the final report of the committee of experts appointed to examine the position of the Kreuger companies. The sensational disclosure has been made that Kreuger’s
      —Reuter.  -  153 words
    • 103 23 UNDESIRABLES.” ,—Aneta-Trans-Oeean. Argentine Cruiser Gets Rid of Passengers. Memel, May 14. The famous Argentine “convict ship,” the auxiliary cruiser Chaco, w’hich arrived here on Saturday morning, succeeded in landing f »ur Lithuanians deported from Argentina, so that of its original human cargo of more than 130 undesirables only one is
      ,—Aneta-Trans-Oeean.  -  103 words
    • 117 23 sation provided for in the report.—British Wireless. No League Loan Until They Are Adopted. Rugby, May 21. At the opening of the League Council session at Geneva today, Viscount Cecil represented Great Britain when the question of Liberia was considered. The report, providing for the appointment by the
      sation provided for in the report.—British Wireless.  -  117 words
    • 65 23 Britain and the Argentine.—British Wireless. Appeal for Co-operation With Great Britain. Rugby, May 21. Major D. J. Colville, Secretary of the Department of Overseas Trade, speaking at a Government luncheon to a party of Argentine students, expressed the hope that on their return home memories of their visit
      Britain and the Argentine.—British Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 290 23 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Anglo-South American. GROUP OF HANKS TO THE RESCUE. London, May 20. Recent Stock Exchange concern for the position of a British hank with assets, according to the last balance sheet, of £70,000,000, and a capital of r r &gt;00,000 has
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  290 words
    • 161 23 and Colonial employment.—British Wireless. Fine Performances In The Desert. Rugby, May 21. A War Office report records a fine performance by British motor vehicles in Southern Sudan between Jan. 18, when a convoy of four military vehicles left Cairo, to Apr. 16, when the journey of 5,600 miles
      and Colonial employment.—British Wireless.  -  161 words
    • 67 23 —British Wireless. Kaye Don Satisfied With Her Performance. Rugby, May 19. The English racing motorist, Kaye Don, in the motor boat, Miss England III, carried out tests on Lake (larda, Italy, yesterday and expressed satisfaction with the [mat’s performance. He hopes to recapture the world’s water speed
      —British Wireless.  -  67 words
    • 32 23 —Reuter. Bill Passes Final Stage In Dail. Dublin, May 19. The removal of the oath Bill has passed the final stage in the Dail by 77 votes to 69.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 728 24 .—Reuter. Fears in Europe. MAY LEAD TO CLASH WITH SOVIET. Tokio, May 19. It is widely reported that Mr. Kisaburo Suzuki (Home Minister) and General Araki (War Minister), on behalf of the Seiyukai Party and army respectively, have reached an understanding regarding the nature of the
      .—Reuter.  -  728 words
    • 212 24 —British Wireless. The Urgent Need For Early Decisions. Rugby, May 19. Lord Lothian, chairman of the Indian Finance Committee, reached England today, having travelled from India by air. He referred in a statement to the interest the various committees appointed after the Round-Table Conference
      ”—British Wireless.  -  212 words
    • 131 24 —British Wireless. To End on Signing Of Convention. Rugby, May 19. The League of Nations Council at Geneva today approved the report providing that as soon as Irak has accepted the convention covering the various guarantees recommended by the Permanent Mandates Commission Great Britain can terminate her mandate
      —British Wireless.  -  131 words
    • 56 24 —British Wireless. Free State Ministers To Attend. Rugby, May 19. It is reported from Dublin that Mr. de Valera, President of the Irish Free State Government, has permitted a delegation to attend the Empire Economic Conference at Ottaw’a. It is stated that the Free State delegation will comprise
      —British Wireless.  -  56 words
    • 70 24 Two Europeans End Their Lives. Bombay May 2. Two European residents of Bombay, Mr. G. V. Selfe and Mr. Dennis Michael Scanlon, committed suicide today, the former by drowning himself at Juhu and the latter by throwing himself in front of a train at Byculla. Mr. Selfe was
      70 words
    • 89 24 entire visit in fluent Spanish.—British Wireless. Prince Shows Students Round Castle. Rugby, May 19. The Prince of Waits pave a further indication of his great interest in the visit in which a party of Argentine students are paying to Great Britain when, today, he welcomed them at Windsor
      entire visit in fluent Spanish.—British Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 68 24 .—Reuter. Will Definitely Be Completed.” Wellington, May 18. The Singapore Naval Base will definitely be completed. The Government does not intend further to curtail the Singapore vote stated Mr. George William Forbes, the Prime Minister of New Zealand. The Government has decided not to accept the Expenditure
      .—Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 73 24 —British Wireless. France and Italy Join In Protest. Rugby, May 19. Similar representations to those put forward by the British Minister at Athens concerning the service of Greece’s foreign debts were made today by the French and Italian Ministers to the Greek Foreign Minister. It is understood they
      —British Wireless.  -  73 words
    • 72 24 —Reuter. Incomes of Royal Dutch And Shell Transport. London, May 20. The report of the Royal Dutch Oil Co. for the year ended Dec. 31 shows a net income of Fl.27.916,648. After payment of dividends the sum of FI.2,252.353 has been carried forward. The Shell Transport and
      —Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 49 24 —British Wireless. Lord Cecil’s Strong Protest At Geneva. Rugby, May 19. At a meeting in Geneva last night Lord Cecil made a strong protest against the delays of experts in detemining what arc offensive weapons. He urged continuance of the demand for elimination of armaments.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  49 words
    • 152 24 —Aneta-Havas. Two Hundred Deaths On Island of Jolo. Manila, May 14. All communications having been destroyed. definite news of the typhoon which struck the island of Jolo on Apr. 30 has only been received today. There were over 200 deaths and material damage was done to a value
      —Aneta-Havas.  -  152 words
    • 209 24 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Reduction of Military Expenditure. Paris, M a y jThe Socialist leader Leon Blum dw.,,, ing the question of the possible partVcita* tion of the Socialist party in the eventual Left Wing Government, propounds following three conditions The immediate substantial reduction tf military expenditure. The creation of
      —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  209 words
    • 148 24 —Reuter. Effects of Bombardment Of Shanghai. London, May 20. A large London audience was impressed by the graphic account of the effects of the Japanese bombardment it Shanghai by Viscountess Gladstone in an address to the Overseas League. She was first of all surprised to find no
      —Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 109 24 —Reuter. Five Years Gaol For Mrs Savitra Devi. Allahabad, May IP* The Irishwoman, Mrs. Savt a has been sentenced to five years’ rigoiou.imprisonment for harbouring a pi «.lamed revolutionary and absconder, i achpa ami possessing unlicensed arms. Mrs. Savitra Devi is the daughter o an Iiish missionary and
      —Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 86 24 —Reuter. If Overdraft Rate Is Reduced. London, May L 1 Industrial grouses against the niim. mum hank overdraft rate of 5 P lM c i have fallen on sympathetic aars, an' ing to the Daily Herald, which dows that many millions sterling e shortly made available for
      .—Reuter.  -  86 words

  • 228 25 ch;; irman of the P. and O. Company. NOTABLE CAREER. (ireat Success from Small Beginnings. Monte Cailo, May 23. hcape died here today on board vacht Rover. —Reuter. Rugby, May 23. t ••&lt;; In.hcape, who was 79 years of Wu* convalescing after his recent :i :&gt;
    228 words
  • 1536 25 Record of Energy And Enthusiasm. Lyle Mackay (afterwards Vis"r.t lr.chcape of Strathnaver) was born A.moath. Forfarshire on Sept. 11, Arbroath is situated not far away fr&lt; m the famous Inchcape Rock of Southey’s ballad. 1 &gt;T1. young 1 Mackay went out to Tn■u a clerk in the
    1,536 words
  • 143 25 Fruitless Search For German Seaplane. Batavia, May 23. Tho Dutch destroyer which has been searching for the massing German airman Capt. Hans Bertram and his three companions has wirelessed that no trace was found.—Reuter. Capt. Bertram was flying a Junker seaplane, and was last heard of at
    143 words
  • 45 25 ments for the next fortnight.—British Wireleir- To Undergo Treatment For Gout. Rugby, May 23. The Chancellor of tho Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, will leave tomorrow for Harrogate to undergo treatment for gout He has cancelled his public engagements for the next fortnight.—British
    ments for the next fortnight.—British Wireleir-  -  45 words
  • 203 25 Many Towns and Villages Cut Off. CROPS RUINED. New Shakespeare Theatre Marooned. Tremendous damage has hern caused by floods in the Midlands and NorthEast England following the recent heavy rains. In Derby alone the damage is estimated at £.*&gt;00,000. Many traflic routes are impassible, and towns and
    203 words
  • 157 25 Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Measures to Protect Life Of President. Paris, May 20. The newly elected President of the Republic, Mr. Lebrun, presided at a Cabinet Council for the first time on Friday. New stringent measures for the protection of the President’s life and new regulations for foreigners residing in France
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  157 words
  • 138 25 Empire Trade on The Increase. Rugby, May 19. 7'he returns published by the Board of Trade of the proportion of imports from British countries in the January-March quarter showed a marked increase as compared with the corresponding periods in lib'll and 1924. British countries also took a slightly
    138 words
  • 22 25 Aneta-Tran.s-( Icean. Oslo, May 20. The Bank of Norway has decreased the bank rate from five to per cent.—■
    Aneta-Tran.s-( Icean.  -  22 words

  • 532 26 Reuter. —Sin Kuo Min. Sin Chew Jit Poh. Strikers’ Four Demands To Government. SHOT BY SOLDIERS. British Vice-Consul Seriously Wounded. Shanghai, May 22. The whole of China is likely to be cut off from the world by post tomorrow as the Postal Workers’ Unions tonight issued a
    Reuter.; —Sin Kuo Min.; — Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  532 words
  • 77 26 —Reuter. On Way to Rescue Missionary. Shanghai, May 23. It is reported from Pengpu. in Anhui Province, that the British Vice-Consul, Mr. W. C. Graham, was shot on Sunday morning by demobilised soldiers while travelling from Pengpu to try and effect the release of the British missionary named
    —Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 150 26 the engagement of Chinese lawyers.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Eminent Chinese Lawyers Engaged. Shanghai. Mav 21. Madame Sun Yat Sen and Dr. Sun Fo have engaged two eminent Chinese lawyers to work to secure the freedom of Mr. and Mrs. Noulen.-.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. Mr. and Mrs. Noulens are
    the engagement of Chinese lawyers.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  150 words
  • 107 26 General Ma Firing On The City. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Nanking, May 21. General Ma Chan-shan is co-operating with the Chinese Volunteer Corps in a heavy attack on Harbin. The Japanese forces are offering a strong resistance and a very severe battle is still raging. Commander Yu
    107 words
  • 48 26 Chiang Kai-shek To Take Command. Nanking, May 23. The Central Government Political Committee at a meeting decided to appoint Marshal Chiang Kai-shek as commander-in-chief of the forces for the suppression of the bandits in Honan, Hupeh and Anhui Provinces. General Li Chi-sen is to be vice-commander.
    48 words
  • 158 26 Death Due to Internal Haemorrhage. As announced in Monday’s Straits Times, the death took place in Shanghai of General Yoshinori Shirakawa, the cause being internal haemorrhage. Genera' Shirakawa, it will be remembered, was on? of the victims of the Hongkew* Park outrage on Apr. 29 when a Korean
    158 words
  • 82 26 —Reuter. Hunting for Gang Of Kidnappers. New York, May 23. Today’s developments in the Lindbergh case have suddenly shifted to the town of Great Barrington, Massachusetts, where Professor Condon, accompanied by a onearmed man and an Alsatian wolfhound, has arrived to hunt for the gang to whom he
    —Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 273 26 Financial Plight. FEARS OF ENFORCED INFLATION. Athens, May 21. The Government has resigned as a remit of the succession of financial difficulties crystallised in the suspension of external debt payments, in which connection it is understood the Government, just before its resignation, sent a letter to the
    273 words
  • 290 26 Reuter. Dissembling Under Stress Of Economic Tremors. London, May 22. The spectacle of the long worshipped idol of American prosperity with half the world’s gold as the plinth dissembling' under the stress of economic tremors is perturbing financiers and statesmen Writers all over the world suggest oper sesames
    — Reuter.  -  290 words
  • 55 26 ,—Reuter. Egypt Exchanging For German Manures. Cairo, May 23. Baiter is assisting in the disposal of Egyptian cotton and Germany is negotiating exchanges of artificial manures. A tentative agreement has been reached to sell 10,000 bales of cotton against Hungarian bonds while Czechoslovaku and Sweden are negotiating similarly,
    ,—Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 506 26 .vieiion, and talked with animat, u.* experiences on her great flight, bWireless. Solo Feat by America’* Lady Lindy.” SECOND CROSSING. Cabled Congratulation.* From President Hoover. London, May °i M:s&lt; Earhart, the first woman W the .V’ar.tic io'.o, landed in 0 “&gt; #2 n t!&gt;e neiirht ouvkood
    .vieiion, and talked with animat,u.* experiences on her great flight, b- Wireless.  -  506 words

  • 546 27 Renter. —Reuter. Task of Mr. Saito. WTION FACING A SKUIOUS CRISIS. Tokio, May 22. the advanced age of Mr. Saito n for the Premiership is expect- V i r. a reassuring effect both at home ,&lt;l. His statesmanlike qualities :,r &gt;w!i when he headed the Japanese
    Renter.; —Reuter.  -  546 words
  • 78 27 Reuter. interest in Conservative Amendments. London, May 21. nt contemplating one of the 'hi- 1,1 ’'resting debates of the session aii e!' n 10 occasion of Conservative *h I ts Budget in connection Xl nge Equalisation Account, r v j’"nsors of the amendment are Sir Mc an d
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 148 27 Expected to Exceed £3,800,000. &lt;1 min Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 21. I s n Hcipated that the receipts in n e xJm« D V b .l S ?«*P win exc^d L3 800,000, and that two-and-a-half millints will be available for prizes, including .*5 firsts of
    148 words
  • 223 27 ,—British Wireless. Reply to the British Protest. Rugby, May 21. A reply has been received by the British G&lt; vernmont to the recent protest of the British representative in Greece, supporting the informal protest made by the International Financial Commission at Athens, against the failure of the Greek
    ,—British Wireless.  -  223 words
  • 177 27 New Move to Utilise U.S. Bank Reserves. New York. May 20. A committee of bankers and industrialists headed by Mr. Owen D. Young (who trflVC* his name to the Young reparations tdnr&gt;) formed to consider means for mak,pjr the funds released by the Federal Reserve Bank useful affirmatively
    177 words
  • 93 27 .—Reuter. Urges Earliest Acceptance Of Byrne Scheme. London, May 22. At a meeting of the International Tin &lt; ommittee at The Hague on Friday it was unanimously agreed that the Byrne scheme should be accepted and introduced at tho earliest possible moment subject to present consideration of
    .—Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 517 27 and 1 hope will, play their part British Wireless. Important Statement By Mr. J. H. Thomas. Rugby, May 21. An important statement on Great Britain’s relations with the Irish Free .State was made in a speech by the Secretary for the Dominions, Mr. J. H. Thomas, at
    and 1 hope will, play their part ”— British Wireless.  -  517 words
  • 52 27 —Reuter. Irish Acceptance Still Holds Good. London, May 20. The Irish Free State Government has issued a statement that its acceptance of the invitation to attend the Ottawa Ciinference still holds good. The Government is willing to commence discussion with other Governments when its Conference plan-- are sufficiently
    —Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 215 27 —Reuter. Sir J. Stamp’s Views. STOP APPRECIATION OF COLD. London, Muy 23. The task of arresting the continued appreciation of gold was the problem before the Ottawa Conference, said Sir Josiah Stamp who is a director of the Hank of England in a speech at a dinner
    .—Reuter.  -  215 words
  • 127 27 —Reuter. Builders Completely Mystified. Paris, May 21. The most minute precautions— some* even exaggerated—were taken to prevent fire when the Georges Phillipar was being built, declares the assistant manager of the St. Nazaire shipyard in an interview with Le Matin. The makers are completely mystified. It is
    .—Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 100 27 —Reuter. In Action to Prevent Dockland Clash. London, May 23. The Quakers’ Peace-Army for the first time went into the “firing line” yesterday when it assembled in London’s dockland to prevent a clash between contingents of dockers and police. The dockers were demonstrating against the alleged loading
    —Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 48 27 —Reuter. Casualties 138 Killed And 1,600 Injured. Bombay, May 22. The official casualties in the IlinduMoslem rioting up to midnight of May 10 are 138 killed and 1,000 injured. The tension has been lessened today but one man was kilbsl and seven injured in sporadic assaults.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 46 27 HEAWOOD TIN RUBBER. Profit Jumps from £331 In 1930 to £3,267 in 1331. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 10. Heawood Tin and Rubber Kstate Ltd., shows a profit for 1031 of £1,2P»7 against £.1,11 in the previous year. The sum of £f),700 is carried forward.
    46 words

  • 219 28 -Reuter. Value of Imperial Preference. OTTAWA CONFERENCE Need of Freer Trade Conditions. London, May 24. No greater calamity could befall the world than that the British Empire should lose the grip which kept it together,” declared the Prime Minister, Mr. MacDonald, in an Empire Day message
    -Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 139 28 British Wireless. Anxious to See Concerted Action. Rugby, May 24. In an Empire Day message read at the Canadian Chamber of Commerce luncheon London today the Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. R. I?. Bennett, said In n lew months the Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa will form part
    — British Wireless.  -  139 words
  • 99 28 —Reuter. Britain Unable to Urge Others to Help. London, May 24. In the House of Commons Capt. R. A. Eden, Under-Secretary to the Colonial Office, told Mr. Rhys Davies (Lab., Westhoughton) that the Government was unable to undertake to urge other Governments to make a grant to relieve
    —Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 79 28 —British Wireless. Dress Rehearsal of A Great Spectacle. Rugby, May 24. The dress rehearsal today of the annual Royal Military Tournament at Olympia was, as usual, attended by a huge and appreciative audience of school children, many from the various charitable institutions which the tournament assists financially. Pensioners
    —British Wireless.  -  79 words
  • 529 28 -Aneta-T rans-Ocean. —Reuter. Troops Approaching The Frontier. I Harbin, May 25. General Honjo, the “Japanese Dictator” of Manchuria, arrived here today from Mukden. Coincident with his arrival came the news of Japanese columns advancing along the eastern branch of the Chinese Eastern Railway and down the
    -Aneta-T rans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  529 words
  • 71 28 to a dispute over an idol.—British Wireless. Feeling Running High But Position Improved. Rugby, May 24. Bombay messages state that although feeling is running- high after the recent communal riots the general position in the city continues to improve. All mills are now working, although some have reduced
    to a dispute over an idol.—British Wireless.  -  71 words
  • 146 28 Reuter. Grave Consequences For Industry. Washington, May 24. The Senate has approved the retention of tile lumber tariff of $1 per 1,000 feet, exempting 1 hardwood flooring. It also retained the copper tariff. A revolution is expected in the copper industry as a result of the
    Reuter.  -  146 words
  • 312 28 Reuter. Appointed Adviser To Chinese Government. London. May 24. Sir Robert Ho Tung has telegraphed to the Nanking Government his acceptance of the official offer for him to become an adviser of the first class to the Chinese Government. A luncheon will be given in his
    Reuter.  -  312 words
  • 73 28 the Canadian Government.—British Wireless. Immigration A Essential Of Co-operation. Rugby, May 24. The Dominions Secretary, Mr. J. H. Thomas, gave an assurance in the House of Commons that the Question of imig v ation as an essential element of Imperial economic co-operation would not be overlooked by the
    the Canadian Government.—British Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 62 28 -Reuter. Big Fall in Receipts This Year. Calcutta, May 24. There has been a large decline in the Calcutta Turf Club sweepstake on the Derby, only £146.000 being subscribed as compared with £621,000 last year. This is largely owing to the competition of the Irish sweepstake. There will
    -Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 435 28 Unconfirmed Rumours. LAST-MINUTE R\iiy AFTER OPERATION An amazing situation has arisen death of General Shirakawa Hhi‘1 was reported to have taken in hospital in Shangha'. on a as the result of wounds in the Honjrke* Park, on Apr. 29. There was no reason to doubt
    435 words
  • 144 28 —Rcutoi. Assured of Support 01 Both Parties. Tokio, May General Senjuro Hayashi, Commander-in-Chief in Korea, has been summoned 1 Tokio. It is expected that he will succoeGeneral Sadao Araki as War Ministtr.— Reuter. Replying to Mr. Saito’s invitation r Suzuki has declined to enter the a n V
    .—Rcutoi.  -  144 words
  • 43 28 Reuter. Reward of £5,000 Suited By State. New York, May A Bill to provide a reward &lt;&gt; 1 iv&gt; for the finder of the murderer Lindbergh baby has been approved New Jersey State Senate. It will warded to the State General Asset
    Reuter.  -  43 words

  • 374 29 —British Wireless. Bombay Riots. opOIUDIC OUTBREAKS STILL POSSIBLE. Rugby, May 23. T Caution in Bombay, following the l loniinunal rioting of the last t’ortP r? i i- greatly improved, and is so T,x '?y t inml that all auxiliary forces have e ..pnibodied and the withdrawal
    —British Wireless.  -  374 words
  • 94 29 —Reuter. “This Is Midnight Dawn Is Very Far.” London, May 23. Eminent literary men like Rudyard k iir.g and H. G. Wells swell the choru"Minings that conditions will become v rs before they improve. Mr. Kipling, in a new poem printed in t,l&lt;! Morning Post entitled Storm
    —Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 77 29 p 1 treaty po B,ltlsh Wireless. Import Quotas Will Influence Policy. Rugby, May 24. K'plying to a Parliamentary question, W of the Board of Trade, Mr. p.“ ounciman, said there was not at Co ar y intention of terminating- the ICIa i treaties with France and ouot•' ,ut
    p ?*1 treaty po] B,ltlsh Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 49 29 —Reuter. (la use Passed by House Of Commons. Tk London, May 23. carried l? Use °f Commons, by 309 to 41, a i| 0l u c a use imposing a duty of 4d. Enini,' f on Coreiprn and 2d. a pound on u i a.— Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 136 29 —Reuter. “A Stupendous Financial Operation.” London, May 23. The City is preparing for a stupendous hr-ancial operation to anticipate the imminent Government decision to convert o\er £2,000,* 00,000 worth of five per cent. Mar Loan. It is universally agreed that the present is an ideal moment, when
    —Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 80 29 British Wireless. Flying Scotsman Talks To Heracles. Rugby, May 21. Telephonic communication was established today between the Imperial Airways liner Heracles, which was on a journey to Glasgow, and the famous Flying Scotsman of the London and North Eastern Railway. The train was proceeding at a speed
    British Wireless.  -  80 words
  • 69 29 British Wireless. Death of Director Of Abbey Theatre. Rugby, May 23. Lady Gregory, the playwright and director of the well-known Abbey Theatre, Dublin, has died as Galway.— British Wireless. Lady Gregory, who was about 80 years of age, was the youngest daughter of Dr. Dudley Persse and the
    British Wireless.  -  69 words
  • 56 29 —Reuter. Union Jack at Head Of Indian Procession. Poona, May 23. For the first time for many years a huge Union Jack fluttered at the head of a purely Indian procession yesterday when 1.000 untouchables were welcoming the arrival of Mr. Ambedkar, their Round Table representative. British residents
    .—Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 72 29 —British Wireless. Purchase of Five Moth Machines. Rugby, May 23. Five De Havilland Gipsy Moth aeroplanes took off in formation from the Do, Havilland school of flying at Hatfield this morning for Cairo, to supplement the Egvptian Air Force. The machines have been purchased by the Egyptian
    —British Wireless.  -  72 words
  • 73 29 —British Wireless. Officials Attend Congress In London. Rugby, May 23. The Mayors, town clerks and other officials of 44 counties are attending the Local Authorities’ Congress, which Lord Derby opened today. Over 1,00) delcortes ere present, and they listened to an address by Sir Hilton \oung, the Minister
    —British Wireless.  -  73 words
  • 355 29 —Reuter. Amazing Entry Found In Diary. New York, May 23. “The man who killed Kitchener” is the title inscribed on the front page of a diary found in the possession of a man arrested here. It is understood that he was an ex-journalist who fought against
    —Reuter.  -  355 words
  • 84 29 —British Wireless. Minister of Agriculture Will Go to Ottawa. Rugby, May 24. The reting Prime Minister, Mr. Baldwin, stated in the House of Commons today that the British delegation to the Ottawa Conference would include the Minister of Agriculture, Sir John Gilmour. Until it was possible to
    —British Wireless.  -  84 words
  • 62 29 British Wireless. Power to be Given to Local Authorities. Rugby, May 23. The text of the Sunday Entertainment Bill was issued tonight. It is supported by the acting Prime Minister, Mr. Baldwin, and the Attorney-General, and provides that local authorities shall have power to grant licences for cinematograph
    British Wireless.  -  62 words
  • 64 29 and convoyed to their destination.- —AnetaIlavas. Crew of Seaplane Rescued By Cruiser. Toulon, May IS. M. Peitre who had left Toulon by hydroplane to visit Corsica had an unfortunate adventure on the way. The engine stalled and the machine fell into the sea hut M. Pietro and
    and convoyed to their destination.-—Aneta- Ilavas.  -  64 words
  • 32 29 -Aneta-Havas. Magdeburg, May 1H. A char-a-banc conveying excursionists into the Hart/. Mountains has crashed into a ravine. Four people were killed outright and four are not expected to recover. —Aneta-Havas.
    -Aneta-Havas.  -  32 words
  • 292 29 Aneta-Havas. Doomed Passengers. GEORGES PHILIPPAR CAPTAIN’S REPORT. Paris, May 20. The first official telegram to be received by the Mcssagerics Maritimes from Captain Vicq is as follows: On May 10 at 2 a.m. a passenger reported fire. I immediately went to the spot and found the
    Aneta-Havas.  -  292 words
  • 159 29 —Reuter. Mr. Justice McCardie And Appeal Court. London, May 24. A public rebuke was administered by Mr. Justice McCardie in the Kind’s Bench court to Lord Justice Scrutton, who in the Appeal Court judgment regarding the Helen of Troy case on May 6 disparaged Mr. Justice McCardie’s sociological
    —Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 56 29 home by way of Turkey.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Going to Berlin, Poland And Russia. Berlin, May 18. The Emir Feisal will fly to Amsterdam from London in a special Dutch aeroplane on Friday. After a short stay he will proceed to Berlin, from where he will visit Poland and Soviet Russia,
    home by way of Turkey.—Aneta-Trans- Ocean.  -  56 words
  • 51 29 -British Wireless. Arrival at Southampton Water. Rugby, May 2‘1. The (ierman flying l&gt;out the Dernier X arrived at Southampton Water tonight and flew over the port bo for* a ighting off Calshot. British Wireless. The Do.X had cro-sed the Atlantic from Newfoundland to the Azores the previous
    -British Wireless.  -  51 words

    • 2013 30 Big Fields for First Day. Amateur, irovulei! an interesting afternoon at the Singapore Turf Club on Friday. It is 1 an! to find a sufficient number cf amateur riders the c e days, and with seven races to l.c* provided for, fields in some cases numbering
      2,013 words
    • 193 30 Khoo Hooi Hye Still As Good As Ever. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. Fresh from an easy victory in the Penang singles championship Khoo Hooi Hye appeared on the Selangor Club padang yesterday afternoon in exhibition matches and again outclassed the local talent.
      193 words
    • 780 30 To Meet Indians. I F.M.S. HALVES \l i I BROUGHT IN I The following: will be the all-Mali. I hockey team to play against thj champions when they arrive in Sim,.,, n B on June 4 by the Haruna Maru re H Goal, S. L. Oehlers (Singapore)
      780 words
    • 861 31 Pan Kim Song Wins. UNFINISHED BREAK OF 52. cabaret orchestra was in full swing t door. Sounds of a wayang came from without, anil a brass band passed pro,;n. the coming performance of the swimmer. Strange conditions If. 1 &lt;/,«, a final of such a solemn
      861 words
    • 485 31 Jackson Retains Sculling Title. Ioeal weather prevailed on Saturday when the Royal Singapore Yacht Club held a rowing regatta. The courses' were inside the breakwater. The three races held, the club pairs i race the Nutt-Bereaford cup race (junior fours) and the Rodesse Cup race (club
      485 words
    • 132 31 First Round of Women’s Golf Championship. The following were the results of the first round of the Andrew Curry Cup competition (carrying with it the women’s championship of Singapore) played on May 18 over the course of the Keppe! Coif Club Mrs. W. L. Stevens beat Mrs.
      132 words
    • 202 31 Ong E e Kong Wins Selangor Title. From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. One Ee Kong won the Selangor singles title for the seventh year in yesterday afternoon after one of the best games in the history of the championship. Tia&gt; fluctuated in an
      202 words
    • 75 31 Another Victory in Penang Championships. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 19. In the singles final of the Penang L.T.A. championships. Khoo Hooi Hye I beat the holder, Yeo Wee Yeang 6—1, I 6—1. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. May 20. In the final ol' the
      75 words
    • 405 31 Garrison Beat Singapore In Four-Ball Match. A four ball match at Bukit Timah on Sunday between the Garrison and Singapore Coif Clubs resulted in a win for the Garrison by 13Vi to 8kb. Scores were as follows, Garrison players mentioned first Sq.-Ldr. A. E. Barr-Sirn and R. Renton
      405 words
    • 458 31 The Van Schreven Cup Result. ith the south-west monsoon apparently having set in, weather conditions for sailing were better on Su.may than for soine time past, and the events at the Ii.S.\ although raced under leaden skie', were favoured by good southerly breezes. Ihe two A
      458 words
    • 104 31 Final Results of Ipoh Club Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 18. The following are the final results of he Ipoh Club tennis tournament which ha* just concluded Men’s Championship Singles (’hung Ah Ming. Men’s Championship Doubles Chang Ah Ming and Dato Panglima of Kinta. Mixed Open
      104 words
    • 60 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tendon, May 20. The Manchester Cup, Pa miles, was iun today and resulted as follows CRKMK BRULEE (R. Dick) 8.8. 1 UT MAJEUR (M. Beary) 9.6 2 TIPPETS (Weston) 7.11 it Won by a ne k; two lengths between t -ord and third. Betting
      60 words
    • 1064 32 —Reuter. Seven Drawn Games. CAMBRIDGE WIN BY AN INNINGS. London, May 19. The match between Middlesex and Glamorganshire a* Lord’s which began on Wednesday concluded today with Middlesex winning by an innings and 193 runs. Glamorganshire went in tirst and compiled 102, to which Middlesex replied with
      .—Reuter.  -  1,064 words
    • 47 32 French Clubs Beaten At Tennis by 11-8. Paris, May 22. Great Britain won the Anglo-French international Club tennis series by 11 matches to 8. Notable results were as follows Bcrotra beat Perry, 6—3, 2 —6, 6—0. Cochet and Borotra beat Collins and Gregory, 6—2, 6—4.
      47 words
    • 65 32 British Amateur Golf Championship. London, May 24. T. Manson (Dumfries) beat W. H. Elkins (F.M.S.) by one up in the first round of the British amateur golf championship at Muirfield today.—Reuter. It will be recalled that in the English close championship at Sandwich Elkins equalled the record with
      65 words
    • 77 32 Helsingfors, May 19. The champion runner Paovo Nurmi whose disqualification by the International Athletic Association raised a storm of comment, was quietly married on Whit Monday to the sister of a fellow runner, Fylvie Laakkenson. The marriage was kept secret to avoid publicity.—Aneta-Trans-Ocean. The annual sports of the
      77 words
    • 953 32 Hold S.C.C. I S.C.C. 1 I.C.F.A. 1. The S.C.C. paiiang seems to be the venue for thrilling First Division League matches between the S.C.C. and a visiting side, for another was witnessed by a large crowd on Tuesday when the I.C.F.A. were entertained and
      953 words
    • 355 32 Mixed Foursomes \t Bukit Timah. The monthly mixed foursome, petition was held at the Sim, COni Golf Club on Friday, and win for Mrs M. M. Pam™ J Lsherwood with a net score of 311/ J Forfy-four cards were taken the to.lowing were returned dn^ .Mrs. Paterson and
      355 words
    • 66 32 Reuter. Indians Match with M.C.C. At Lord’s. London, May 21. The cricket fixture between the Indian tourists and the Marylebone Cricket ■"&gt;■' bep-an today at Lord’s. The tourists batted first and remains, at the wickets until stumos were dra'-’t when they had registered 226 for the le
      Reuter.  -  66 words

    • 72 1 Lnera.— I Rubber Situation i Jpapore Tin Prices 1 \!iv Tin Returns 1 t ndon Tin Market 1 m t n g of Selangor Miners’ Assn. 2 Malaya's Trade Statistics 2 ibaie Market 3 L ,Jdon Asiatic Rubber 4 Trade and Finance 4 Stocks and Shares 4 London Share
      72 words
    • 55 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts «Mot Seller Prices V d iv Ldon S’pore June July-Sep. Oct.-! Dec. May 0.5*4 0.5 4 0.5 0.54 (•.54 0.54 0.54 0.5 *s &gt;• i j:; 16 O.o's 0.54 0.54 0.54 i 16 0.54 0.54 0.5% 0.5% 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54 1
      55 words
    • 25 1 •V. 75 tons at $63,374 per picul. 2u 50 64.124 21 50 64.00 24 50 64.12 4 24 75 63.25 50 63.75
      25 words
    • 124 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rut cr Association held its 1,071st auction i-r. May 2.5. when there was catalogued I. lb. or 602.39 tons offered 1,222.904 or 545.yv tons sold 725,814 lb. or 324.02 tons. Spot. London 1 13-16d. V a York 2 13-16 cts. PRICES REALISED.
      124 words
    • 115 1 *aku:ipa Valley Output first half May 644 c, 141.000 cubic yards 773 piculs. Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd. Hours -45; cubic vards treated 46.000, total •pcul, 287.2.*), Net Value $10,525.00. 1 ungah Tin Dredging, Ltd..Hours run 2 '•Mires 527. cubic yards treated 2 dredges n total piculs 2
      115 words
    • 31 1 cable received by Cumberbatch and !\.!'i Vos the London price of palm oil The market is steady. This is made on the basis of 18 per ‘‘it. t.F.A.
      31 words
    • 808 1 [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] U.S. Trade Revival Not In Sight. WORLD SUPPLIES STILL INCREASING. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 27. Prices have moved very jerkily—sentiment being swayed alternately favourably and adversely by rumours from Paris as to the propress of the latest meetinp of
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  808 words
    • 51 1 Kajang Estates And Oriental. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 23. Kajang Rubber Estates Ltd. report a loss of £1,649 against a loss of £963 last year. £11,638 is carried forward. The Oriental Rubber Co. Ltd. reports a profit of £1,048 against £1,332 last year. £9,624 is carried
      51 words
    • 1143 1 Loss of $2,501 for Past Year. The annual general meeting of the Mentakab Rubber Company, Ltd., wa« held at the offices of the company. Chartered Hank Chambers, on Saturday, Mr. G. A. I*otts, the chairman, presiding. Those present were Mr. G. A. Potts, Mr. C. V.
      1,143 words
    • 3152 2 TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. OUTPUT DECLARED IMPOSSIBLE. Unpersuaded By Solid World Opinion. The Chinese miners of Malaya will not voluntarily accept a twenty-five per cent, production quota for twelve months. Their attitude was revealed at a meeting of Selangor miners held in Kuala Lumpur on
      3,152 words
    • 224 2 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE, INCLUDING PARCEL POST, BULLION AND COIN, IN 1931 AND 1932. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. T Tr; ie r 1931. 1932. 1931. 1932. f N a v Increase Increase -f Increase -f Total Total Decrease &gt; Grand Parcel Bullion Grand or Grand
      224 words
    • 484 3 Fraser and Co.’s report, dated, May 25, states: Business during the week under review has again been on a very limited scale. The hostile attitude unanimously adopted by the Chinese miners to the Byrne Scheme and the grave warning given to them by the Warden of Mines of
      484 words
    • 872 3 Year’s Loss Of $4,053. REDUCTION IN COST OF PRODUCTION. The annual general meeting of (’hangkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., was held on May 18, at the registered offices of th-* company, French Hank Ilui dings, with Mr. H. 1). Mundell in the chair. Others present were the
      872 words
    • 491 3 $16,161 Net 1,088. HARVESTED CROP BELOW ESTIMATES. The annual general meeting of the Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Ltd., was bold on Tuesday at the company's offices, Chartered Bank Chambers, with Mr. W. L. Stevens in the chair. Other- present were Mr. E. A. Elias, Mr. Kwa Siew
      491 words
    • 49 3 Rout or. Abandoned on 256 Estates. Batavia, May 23. Tapping has been completely abandoned on 256 rubber estates in the Dutch East Indies, while 130 estates are only partially tapped, according to the Government’s statistical bureau. The total untapped area is 49,187 hectares, not including periodical tapping.
      – Rout or.  -  49 words
    • 284 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, May 26. SELLING. l.enuon, 4 months’ sight 2/3 29/32 1.on Ion, 3 months’ sight 2 3 27/32 London, 60 days’ sight 2/3 13/16 London, 30 days’ sight 2/3 25/32 London, demand 2/3% London, T.T. 2-3 23/32 Lyons and 1‘aris. demand 1,060 Hamburg, demand l’&lt;3
      284 words
    • 706 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 25. MINING. Itftu* Val. Pd. Hoyera, Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 22 24A£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/5A6/- Ayer Hitam Tin 10/- 11/£1 £1 B..ngrin Tin 6/6 8/£1 £1 Ratang Pads** 0.07% 0.12% 1 1 Batu Caves 0.22 0.25 1 l
      706 words
    • 758 4 The Amalgamation With Sepang. The twenty-fourth ordinary general meeting of the London Asiatic Rubber and Produce Company, Ltd., was held on May 7 at 2-4, Idol Lane, E.C. Mr. H. J. Welch (the chairman) said that they had acquired the assets of the Sepang Rubber Estates, Ltd.,
      758 words
      • 499 4 Allagar (2 /Ml AngJo-Malay (AT) %l Ay or K'ning U'l :1 Bagan Serai (£1) Vs Bahru (2/) /9; Bateng IT) 1/1G; Batu Caves i£l) 5 16; Batu Mntnng /9; Batu Tigi (£1) a/16; Bertam (2/) /7’£; Bidor (£1) 7 16; Bikam (2 1; Brad wall
        499 words
      • 694 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up V alue Dividend* Fraser Lyall Company Co. Evan. 454.175 l Nil for year 28-2-31 Allenby ($1) 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.25 21*..779 l Nil for year 30-9-31 Alor Gajah isl) 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.25 439.425 1 Nil for year
        694 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 koh-i-noor. ■■III. !p».'&gt;V ;;J THE KING OF TOOTH BRUSHES AND THE GUARDIAN OF GOOD HEALTH. nVtrartrt, theTth* briStteJ! Jf o“ Jjjjjj Lr£&* uici ,n i r r*i Try A Koh-I-Noor today and stay in good health f- &gt;.v\??y, GUARANTEE: We guarantee the bristles will not not come off 0 i
      610 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 REMEMBER t i''"V-VjO-" CrV vT;W YOUR BABIES NEED GOOD MILK 5N0 Then is no other brand that is better for them than BUSCK’S —MILK POWDER— The nutritious food that builds dp healthy and sturdy ti' QUALITY UNSURPASSED PRICES COMPETITIVE and fit tune with the time tool E 7; v Here
      167 words
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