The Straits Budget, 19 May 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget .Vo. 3,S<5 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES established nearly A CENTURY.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    29 words
  • 361 1 IiADEBS- l>al?t jgSKrtilj f«r The Axe” 3 Be*verbrooK s Dream f rvtemlinjr Singapore .i-4 Tht Morrie Month of May 4 For the Empire 4 Occasional Notes o-o THegrams Reuter and Special— Ccverinp Past Week’s News 21-29 frturesM;.2>an Doctor Weds Nurse 17 ivh Repertory Players 17 ;Vc. Beat C.S.C. 18
    361 words
  • 1167 1 Jf-dsay T ncc °mpanied by Capt. Ptrak/ to the Sultan of hctory Jj Messrs. Frankol Brothers’ f° r k hand os a y and inspected the c in ad 1 n tu i i n J? the furniture which *J*!ton of i>,!' i. ir now Astana of
    1,167 words
  • 402 1 Congratulations From All Communities. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 12. The celebrations in connection with the birthday of the Sultan of Perak were on a restricted scale in comparison with former years. A salute of 17 guns was fired in the morning. This was followed
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  • 104 1 Court Appointments By The Sultan. His Highness the Sultan of Johore has made the following appointments to tha Sultan’s court and palace establishments Attendant-Ungku of the Throne Y. M. Unku Sulieman bin Mohamed Khalid, IKK., to be Ungku Sri Peduka Perba Raja (Supporter to the Ruler) Grand Court
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  • 2049 2 G.O.M. of Shipping. A WONDERFUL LIFE AND WORK. San Rafel, California, May 16. The death has occurred of Capt. Robert Dollar, president of the Dollar steamship line.—Reuter. Capt. Dollar’s Career. Capt. Robert Dollar represented a mixture of business acumen and uncompromising piety which was much more
    2,049 words
  • 92 2 —Sin Chew .Tit Poh. Linking Nanking With Shensi and Kansu. Shanghai, May 16. Arrangements have been completed for a regular air mail service which will connect Nanking with Sianfu and Larchowfu. Sian is the capital of Shensi Province and Lanchow the capital of Kansu Province. The distance
    —Sin Chew .Tit Poh.  -  92 words
  • 40 2 Tcs. 1,000,000 Damage In Bangkok Blaze. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 12. Another big fire occurred here today doing damage estimated between Tcs. SOO.OOO and Tcs. 1,000,000. Among the buildings destroyed was a oig Chinese hotel.
    40 words
  • 615 2 Early Nanking Trial Expected. Shanghai, May u The Nanking Supreme Court m. soon try Mr. and Mrs. Noulens ti Ver J charged with Communist activitf* 0 ar China and the Far East, publicly Meanwhile it is reported here th ar well-known European writers an, sors are beseeching
    615 words
  • 45 2 In Bangkok on Way To Manila. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May The Spanish aviator Rein Lonng, is flying from Madrid to Manila. > at Don Muang this afternoon. Be for Hanoi this afternoon. The fma to Manila will be across the Hong Kong.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 912 3 arc to be congratulated.—Straits Times, May 12. nlo st recent issue of the journal of i 1 Rubber Research Institute (Vol. 3 1 u March, 1932) has excited little or No, nubUc interest. Few people seem to l u 1 noticed in it any new pointer or ha to
      arc to be congratulated.—Straits Times, May 12.  -  912 words
    • 887 3 —Straits Times, May 111. We devoted yesterday’s leading article to discussion of the investigations carried out by Doctors Rhodes and Wiltshire, of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, into the possibilities of quebrachitol as a by-product from latex. At the end of that article we
      —Straits Times, May 111.  -  887 words
    • 816 3 Straits Times, May 14. For many months Lord Beaverbrook, the arch-apostle of Empire trade, has been advocating a customs union between Great Britain and her dependencies. His dream is described in the following passage from the Daily Express (London): “The Crown Colonies cannot be incorporated in a Customs
      Straits Times, May 14.  -  816 words
    • 986 3 other interests concerned.—Straits Times. May lfi. For many years now it has been suggested that the time must come when tmwhole of Singapore will be under one ad ministrativo authority, the Municipal Commissioners. The island is not so big as to make such single administration unpract. cable, and
      other interests concerned.—Straits Times. May lfi.  -  986 words
    • 796 4 —Straits Times. May 17. May 1 May Day riots in various capitals baton charges in the West End of London. Terrorist outrage at Midnapore magistrate murdered. May G President Doumer murdered by a Russian madman in Paris. May 8 Mutiny in the Peruvian Navy followed
      —Straits Times. May 17.  -  796 words
    • 1066 4 during the next few weeks.—Straits Times. May 18. Today sees the beginning of Empire Shopping Week in Singapore and of movements having a similar object in other parts of Malaya. The suggestion was launched originally by ihe local branch of the Overseas League ar.d, after a very
      during the next few weeks.—Straits Times. May 18.  -  1,066 words

  • 38 4 The committee of the China Relief Fund o-.gor.ised by the Singapore Chinese Chambc” of Commerce announces with thank* the receipt of the following subscriptions: staff of Messrs. Braddel Brother-. $l7l, the Bendemeer Athletic Club, $75.
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  • 39 4 BLACKMAN.—At Bungsar Hospital, Kuala Lumpur on April 10. 1032, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Blackman, of Sercmban, a son. GLADWELL.—At Bungsar Hospital on May l. r >, to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gladwtdl, of Malacca, a daughter.
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  • 50 4 A marriage has been arranged and will take place at Singapore in July between James Swan Laird of Jemima Estato, Mambau, F.M.S. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Laird of Monifieth, Angus, Scotland, and Muriel Edith Newton only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mayson, Singapore.
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  • 159 4 Reuter. Dangling From Airship. CARRIED UP BY GUST OF WIND. San Diego, May 12. Two sailors crashed to death W he ght of 200 feet today after darudinJ until their strength gave out from th landing ropes of the giant U. S airship Akron, which
    Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 65 4 —British Wireless. Established on Stock Exchange. Rugby, May 17. When the Stock Exchange opened after the holidays this morning an outstanding ferture was again provided by leading high-class investment securities on a favourable monetary position. Good buying was again in progress, and new high records were established
    —British Wireless.  -  65 words
  • 85 4 —British Wireless. Highland Patriot for South America Run. Rugby, May 17. The new Nelson motor liner. Highland Patriot, reached Albert Dock. London, last n'ght from Belfast. She was built by Ha Hand and Wolff. The sh*p had run her trials and on May 28 will begin regular
    —British Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 40 4 Total Destruction of Cunara Pier Feared. New York, May Hope is abandoned of savin? J sand-yard Cunard pier which caug this morning and blazed furiouslj. The only liner moored to 1 1H1 hauled to safety in midstream.
    40 words
  • 46 4 neni, oi -Sin Chew Jit Poh. Foreign Minister Confers With Dutch Minister. Shanghai. May The Dutch Minister in China conferred with the Chines ar j Minister <Mr. Lo Wen kan) vith to the treatment of Chinese i East Indies.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    neni, oi ~ , -Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  46 words
  • 88 4 On the occasion of the 43 d me etM cf the Epworth League, a Uin on of all the Singapore Epworthi 1 f five held at the Straits Chinese C Leba r leagues, the Tamil League, the cay tfce League, the Telok K h j ne Wesley League
    88 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 97 4 NOTICE 'll roro mi unicat ions for both the Stra.t Tune* and the Straits Budget should *v *«»dr«***»d hi the IToh* 4 Office. Ot c’.l an <*m'ov Streets, Singapore, Straps r >err»« r r.«- r r he post free price of the Strutts Tiir the United Kingdom and foreign coupti*
      97 words
  • 31 4 DEATH HEW.— At No. 11. Blair Road, on May 13. 1932, Wee Swee Loh Nco. age 30, beloved wife of Mr. Chew Keow Bock, manager of Keng Lee Co. Deeply regretted.
    31 words

    • 79 5 —Straits Times, May 12. a reader has sent us a page from the A \,f John Bull dated Apr. 2. It con1SSU paragraph headed Living in f*iviirv and refers to “£7,000 a year in L^n. V anil allowances, £4,200 for staff 64 i ‘ervants, £11,800 for
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  79 words
    • 161 5 —Straits Times, May 12. Under this heading on Tuesday we ret.rrM to the local newsagent who was S S5 a copy for Tolong-lah.” We Save »oXv received from Mr. G H. Kiat i tter enclosing another letter from the innorarv secretary of the Pinters’ Benevolent Fund of Malaya
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  161 words
    • 168 5 —Straits Times, May 12. A garden party is to be held at Government House in celebration of the birthday on June 3 instead of the ba ’i which usually marks the occasion, ar..I it need scarcely be added that the r.eei for economy, which is now the
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  168 words
    • 223 5 ’“ts Times, May 12. For once in a way we are willing to forgiv- the proud parent who submits evidence of the literary genius of his young hopeful, but we hope that this lap-e on our part will not encourage too many other fathers of prodigies to
      ’“ts Times, May 12.  -  223 words
    • 229 5 May 12 Cromwell? ’’—Straits Times, A correspondent who signs himself h P n: n n a st>Tl ds two Irish stories which whh'ku as representing: the feelings p' ave led to so much friction between T V; and an d Ireland on matters of land concerns an Englishman
      May 12 Cromwell? ’’—Straits Times,  -  229 words
    • 184 5 ANOTHER S B -Straits Times, May 13. We reproduce from a Manila paper, and without comment, the following caption beneath a picture of the steam dum- Apo which corresponds in the Philippines to the S** B**** in another part of the world. Beneath the heading in big letters, ‘Why Should
      -Straits Times, May 13.  -  184 words
    • 573 5 command of a groat country.— Straits Times, May 13. With the finding of the body of Col. Lindbergh’s kidnapped baby the mystery of a crime which startled the world has been solved in the manner generally anticipated. It comes as no surprise to learn that the child
      command of a groat country.—Straits Times, May 13.  -  573 words
    • 38 5 —Straits Times, May 14. Tanglin Tilly writes in to deny that she was heard to ask her escort after the opera if he remembered the theme song. -—St I'a itu Timno 1 A
      —Straits Times, May 14.  -  38 words
    • 59 5 “KING’S COTTAGE —Straits Times, May 14. In view of certain satirical passages in the much-discussed publication, TolongLah, it is interesting to note that in the minutes of the Cameron Highlands Development Committee, published today. Sir Cecil Clementi is reported as stating that it is possible that the future High Commissioner’s
      —Straits Times, May 14.  -  59 words
    • 183 5 Straits Times, May 14. People still talk about the Tanglin Tit Bits,” the party of entertainers from the Gloucesters who appeared with so much success at the Victoria Theatre recently, and wonder if another opportunity will be given of seeing them. Patrons will be glad to hear
      Straits Times, May 14.  -  183 words
    • 308 5 -Straits Times, May 14. An account was recently published of a journey made by two Americans, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rose, w’ho walked overland from Siam to Burma. They followed w'hat is apparently a well-known and frequently travelled trade route, sKrting at the village of Raheng and
      -Straits Times, May 14.  -  308 words
    • 133 5 III VI1VII n selves candidates. —Straits Times, May 16. Mr. Hubert Stewart Banner, B.A., F.R.G.S., the author of Flamboyante, who is the greatest living authority on Malayan history, is an official at th" Malayan Government Agency in London. He spent twelve years in Java, and founded The
      III VI1VII ~ n — selves candidates.—Straits Times, May 16.  -  133 words
    • 184 5 THE KING’S BIRTHDAY reduced standard of comfort.—Straits Times, May 16. The decision to substitute, in the interests of economy, a garden party for the :i ;val Birthday Ball at Government House. on? with which there can be no quarrel. The parade, which will be held on the Padang as in
      reduced standard of comfort.—Straits Times, May 16.  -  184 words
    • 151 5 —Straits Times, May 16. As the Kent Messenger does not enjoy a large circulation out here we take the liberty of reproducing the following news paragraph from its columns Pale and wan after 40 days without food, Irene Clifford emerged from her glass case in a Military
      .—Straits Times, May 16.  -  151 words
    • 334 5 —Straits Times, May 16. Speaking at the annual meeting of the London Tin Corporation on Apr. 28, Mr. ionn Howeson waxed very indignant over what he described as the attempt to drive a wedge into the “solid front” of the tin producing industry on the question
      —Straits Times, May 16.  -  334 words
    • 224 5 —Straits Times, May 17. A hint of what is happening in the inner circles of the tin industry was given by our London correspondent on Saturday, when he cabled the information that a ©vised scheme for a tin holiday had been approved by the council of the Tin
      —Straits Times, May 17.  -  224 words
    • 414 6 CAPT. ROBERT DOLLAR a fire and thus save his life.—Straits Times. May 17. By the death of Capt. Robert Dollar, which is announced today, the world of commerce, and shipping in particular, has lost one of its most vigorous and forceful personalities. As an example of “Self-Help” he stands supreme,
      a fire and thus save his life.—Straits Times. May 17.  -  414 words
    • 187 6 —Straits Times, May 18. Memories of the war years are recalled by the announcement that Capt. Bruce Baimsfather will arrive in Singapore tomorrow in the course of a world tour. Who will ever forgot those famous creations of his, Old Bill and Bert,” the heroes of The Better
      —Straits Times, May 18.  -  187 words
    • 243 6 —Straits Times, May IN. When the Empire Shopping Week procession started on its long trek through the town this morning, Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer and the other organisers mopped their brows and congratulated themselves on a good piece of work well started. The last Lactogen baby had
      —Straits Times, May IN.  -  243 words
    • 368 6 Straits Times, May 18. The Dollar Steamship Line has an established place in local shipping circles but the death on Monday of the founder, Capt. Robert Dollar, recalls *he fact that his first associations with Singapore were not 'cry pleasant. (apt. Dollars claims to a share in
      Straits Times, May 18.  -  368 words

  • 155 6 Reuter. to the Assembly in September.—British Wireless. Great Britain Asks For Investigation. Geneva, May 12. That the League of Nations must economise like its constituent members is the burden of a British memorandum drawing attention to the progressive increase in expenditure probably due to the “extension of activity
    Reuter.; to the Assembly in September.—British Wireless.  -  155 words
  • 111 6 -Reuter. Report of Purchasing Committee. London, May 11. Unanimous satisfaction at the work accomplished by the Chinese Government Purchasing Commission despite set-backs and at the close co-operation between the Chinese and British members, was expressed by all the members of the Commission at the first annual meeting
    -Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 485 6 —A neta-T rans-Ocean. Police Inquiring Into Her Dowry of Frs. 40,000. Paris, May 10. All information so far available appears to conlirm the hypothesis that Gougoloff is an egocentric maniac possessed by (the assassinator of M. Paul Doumer) some vague ideas of redeeming Russia as well as the
    —A neta-T rans-Ocean.  -  485 words
  • 77 6 British Wireless. The King Spends Half An Hour At Bedside. Rugby, May 13. The King today visited the Prime Minister, Mr. Ramsay MacDcnald, at the nursing home and spent half an hour at his bedside. His Majesty also saw Mr. MacDonald’s doctors and discussed the operation with them.
    British Wireless.  -  77 words
  • 51 6 —Reuter. New Moratorium Plan Suggested. Washington, May 14. A plan for a 25-year moratorium on war debts, combined with a schema of partial cancellation in return for debtors receiving imports from the United States, has been sent to Mr. Hoover by the presidents of seven leading railway workers’
    —Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 99 6 —Aneta-Trans-Ocean. Spanish Police Foil Plan T« Kill Zamora. Paris, May 9 According to Press reports from M C(irilt the Spanish police have arrested a major named Atienza who is c U a of being involved in the recently di covered conspiracy against Pre-i.W Zamora and other
    —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.  -  99 words
  • 149 6 Sequel to Peruvian Mutiny. Lima, May 12. Eight sailors connected with Sunday’s mutiny on board two cruisers have been executed by shooting. Twenty-«even others were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 10 to 15 years.—Reuter. A wire of May 8 stated It is bclievt-J that part of a Communist
    149 words
  • 158 6 Reuter. —British Wireless. Important Plan For Reorganisation. London, May 11. An important step towards the reorganisation of the Lancashire cotton industry has been taken in Manchester, the joint committee of the cotton trade organisations having decided to submit for the approval of spinning firms a draft scheme for
    Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  158 words
  • 53 6 —British Wireless Business Continues To Be Buoyant. Rugby, May 13. On closing for the Whitsuntide h°fi'_ the stock markets ended with >' UH buoyant. onLeading British funds left off preciable gains. Leading issues 0 investment securities were mostly Vk higher while recent scrips also n- tained a firm
    —British Wireless  -  53 words
  • 37 6 Belgium s population ns Tr w'hich 4,007,418 are males. —AnetaOcean. Brussels, May 1 The official gazette announces that result of the census of Dec. 0 jf Belgium’s population as 8,092,1 w'hich 4,007,418 are males. —Aneta-
    Belgium s population ns Tr ... w'hich 4,007,418 are males.—Aneta- Ocean.  -  37 words

  • Correspondence.
    • 1658 7 British Motor Vehicle Production. V, the Editor of the Straits Times. .\n analysis of the R.G.A.’s jrjves some very interesting when the trade in automobiles "'i'rubber goods in U.S.A. is compared .t of the United Kingdom. U.S.A.’s y rubber absorption was: in 11*29 —470,000 tons, in 1930 —378,058
      1,658 words
    • 111 7 l'o the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —That expensive luxury the Sea Belle II appears to be the only institution working overtime at present. I understand that no sooner had she arrived back from her durbar trip than she put to sea again with a
      111 words
    • 482 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The decision having finally been reached that restriction, on various grounds, is not a practicable proposition, it is possible that another means of reducing production may be entertained with advantage. For some reason, it has been an almost universal custom
      482 words
    • 427 7 To the. Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —May I refer to the letter in your j paper signed by “Kept by the Power of God Suicide is not an indefensible act, per I sc. The Bible, for instance, contains many accounts of heroic suicide. What finer example of
      427 words
    • 231 7 TYRANNY To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to the previous “complaint,” as you put it, about the five banana plants, it seems the property belongs to the Improvement Trust, and the tenant has been notified either to remove the plants within 24 hours or be prepared
      231 words
    • 207 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In April of last year I addressed to you a letter under heading Export Tax on Rubber which you were kind enough to publish. Since then I have followed the numerous restriction plans put forward hy various people and have* regretted
      207 words
    • 164 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Much discussion is taking place at the action of the authorities of the Singap« re Turf C'lub in allowing only one day’s breather for the Class I I'cnies. It seems most unreasonable to ask them to race over six furlongs
      164 words
    • 190 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Referring to the price charged ftr petrol in Malaya by the oil combine, might 1 suggest that ihe Straits Settlements Government and the Governments of the Malay States take as a basis the net average retail price quoted
      190 words

  • 90 8 Dredgemaster and Safety Of Labourers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 17. Prosecuted by the Permits Department, Taiping, Mr. E. Sinclair, dredgemaster of Kamunting Tin Ltd was fined $50 in the police c urt or, in default, 14 (lays’ imprisonment on a charge of fail ng to exercise
    90 words
  • 66 8 —British Wireless. Smooth Conversion From Rupees to Dinar. Rugby, May 1.3. The conversion of the currency n Irak from rupees to a new currency based on the dinar, which is equivalent to a pound sterling, is proceeding smoothly and satisfactorily. The supply and control of the new currency
    —British Wireless.  -  66 words
  • 50 8 Death After a Short Illness. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 15. The death occurred at the age of 33 on Friday morning at Banda Hilir, after a short illness, of Mrs. Philomen Gunn, the wife of Mr. F. Gunn, of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd.
    50 words
  • 1012 8 Cinema at Seletar. C.P.O. THU ONLY ONE TO OHJECT. The Singapore Rural Hoard held a meet- j ing on May 11 at the Land Office at which the Commissioner of Laiuis, S. S. (Mi. S. KLdenj presided. Others present v.eie the Chief Health Officer (Dr. R*
    1,012 words
  • 170 8 OI AUMI illicit iW W luvmuvt VMajesty’s Privy Council. British Wireless. a t L 1. DoS \f imef nv Appointed Member of The Privy Council. F.iif?by, May 17. H.M. the King has been graciously pleased to approve the appointment of the Hon. .Joseph Lyons, Prime Minister
    OI AUMI illicit iW W » luvmuvt V- Majesty’s Privy Council.— British Wireless. . . « a t L .. . 1. DoS \f imef nv  -  170 words
  • 88 8 -Reuter. Plea That Everything Be Done to Foster It. London. May 12 A demand that everything he done to maintain the Russian market was formulated in addresses by the British Machine Tool Association and Agricultural Machinery makers giving evidence before a sub-committee of the Trades and Industries Committee
    -Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 92 8 Ipoh Club's Presentation To Employee. (From Ou; Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 15. The Ipoh Club hockey team celebrated ;he close of the sea-on with a d’rmev. In the course of the evening a presentation was made to J. Ferrao. r. Club emv ovoe, who kept goal during
    92 words
  • 55 8 (Fr°m Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 12. The funeiai took place today of Mr. Lee Fook Yew, a former miner and planter of iDoh. who died at his residence, 27 Cameron Street, Seremban. at the age of 82 years. He leaves a widow, five sons, two
    55 words
  • 283 8 Sequel to Signing p or Receipt of Letter. The charge of having on J an Si. dishonestly used as genuine a iL, valuable security, namely, a „ron note for $5,500, was preferred heW'T Justice Whitley in the Assize on Tuesday against a well-dressed Sir!horn Chinese, Slow Ngai Choon,
    283 words
  • 119 8 Tiger’s Seven Victims in A Few Weeks. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 18. A man-eating tiger is at large in the Tanjong Malim district. During the last few weeks the beast has killed seven persons. Last week one Chinese and ore Malay were taken. The animal
    119 words
  • 92 8 Federated (Selangor) Rubber Co. Decision. F”om Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 1”. The directors of the Federate: (Selangor) Rubber Co.. Ltd., propose i educe the capital from £l?5.0uh £25,000 by the cancellation of l<>s. lr each is. ued share. After reduction the capital will 1 raised to the
    92 words
  • 99 8 Successful Appeal Against Conviction. From Our Own Malacca, May A Chinese named Tan Tam and tb_‘ others were recently convicted am $15 each for gambling in a house a China, Malacca, by the District Mr. Willan. tht > The defendants appealed aga:n> conviction, and Mr. V. D. Knowles
    99 words

  • 1267 9 British Products Paraded In Singapore. lorry procession. V ERRYWE ATHER FIRE ENGINE LEADS. The Buy British campaign in conti< n with the Empire Shopping Week an auspicious start in Singapore Wednesday morning when a parade >f V l lorries and vans picturesquely decoto advertise Empire products
    1,267 words
  • 64 9 \t a meeting of the elected committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association the following additional mem hers of the committee were appointed Mr J. I. Dawson, Major P. H. Keys, Mr. J. A. Clarke, Mr. R. L. Hastie, Mr. J. Baillic, Mr. B. I. Chambers, Dr.
    64 words
  • 1405 9 1 he following passengers sailed L»y the P* and O. Itanpura, which left Singapore on 1 May IB: Mr. J. Hoffman, Mr. A. C. Macdonald, Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. 11. K. Pierrepont, Mrs. E. J. Strugnoil, Mr. B. F. Dyke, Mrs. O. G. Williams, Mr. F. M. Day,
    1,405 words
  • 167 9 Accused Committed To The Assizes. The preliminary inquiry into charges of fraud against Coomaru Shanmugam tncl M. Sittampalam, two Jaffna Tamils, who are alleged to have fraudulently obtained a cheque for $12,612.13 from the Singapore Bankruptcy Office, came to a conclusion on Wednesday, when both the
    167 words
  • 177 9 Woman’s Body Found On Pertang Estate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 17. The finding of the body of a Chinese woman, Liew See Kiow, on Pertang Estate, Jelebu, and the subsequent arrent of a coolie on the estate had a sequel at the Negri Sembilan Assizes today
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  • 146 9 The Singapore Municipal Health statement for the week ended May 7 gives the total number of deaths as male 118 and female 80. This represents a deathrate of 21.80 per mille, per annum, compared with 21.01 in the preceding week and 40.90 in the corresponding week of last
    146 words

  • 1112 10 Can The Byrne Scheme Be Applied? COUNTER PROPOSALS. Mr. H. S. Lee Replies To Criticisms. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 13. Great activity continues in tin circles in Malaya and London with a view to finding a generally acceptable modification of the Byrne
    1,112 words
  • 53 10 Endorsed by the Producers’ Association. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, May 13. The Tin Producers’ Association has endorsed the revised tin holiday scheme fcy which exports will be barred from the principal producing countries in June and July but the two months elimination of production will be spread
    53 words
  • 155 10 Arrangements for Ceremonial Parade. The birthday of His Majesty the King j will be celebrated on Friday, June 3. The customary ceremonial parade in Singapore at which H.E. the Governor will attend, will take place on the Esplanade at 7.45 a.m. Seating accommodation in the enclosures will be
    155 words
  • 72 10 Inquest Closes With Riddle Of Death Unsolved. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 12. A verdict of murder against some person or persons unknown was returned by the coroner at the inquest on Bachan Sinprh, the younp police constable who was stabbed to death while on l>eat duty.
    72 words
  • 109 10 Decision to Build Tank 100 Ft. by 45 Ft. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 15. Mr. L. T. Will iams presided at the nrnual general meeting of the Ipoh Swimming Club during which a scheme was discussed for the building of a big swimming tank. 100
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  • 93 10 British Resident of Selangor Appointed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 13. The Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams, acting British Resident of Selangor, has been elected president of the Kuala Lumpur Rotary Club. The vice-president for the new year will be Mr. Lai Tet Loke, a well-known
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  • 118 10 Welcome to Graduate From Raffles College. Malacca teachers met at tea at the Banda Hilir English School on Friday and the president. Mr. Goh Tiow Chong, announced that they hail among them one of the first hatch of graduates from the Raffles College. Mr. K. T. Joseph had
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  • 54 10 Begg Sent to Hospital In Ambulance. Norman Carmichael Begg, who is alleged to have been assaulted by an Indian in the Kandang Kerbau district on Saturday night, was sent to hospital by ambulance by the police. Begg is said to have sustained an injury over the eye. The
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  • 53 10 Death at Edinburgh Soon After Retirement. The death occurred at Edinburgh on April 8 of Mr. Malcolm Miller, a wellknown Malayan planter who retired last year. Mr. Miller, who commenced his planting career on Carey Island some 20 years ago, did a great deal to encourage poultrybreeding
    53 words
  • 62 10 The death occurred at Johore Bahru on Friday of Mrs. Luther, wife of L)r. S. Luther, Government Pathologist at the Johore Bahru General Hospital. The funeral, which was largely attended, took place at the Church of England cemetery, Johore Bahru, the Rev. Gnanamony, of the S.P.G. mission,
    62 words
  • 750 10 Is It Acceptable? RESTRICTION PROPOsu IN SELANGOR. The following is a full account of the tin restriction scheme drawn U o by Mr. H. S. and approved In the leading Chinese miners of Selin, gor. The following scheme is based on the Byrne scheme with the difference
    750 words

  • 1207 11 Memorable Ten Days. A1 i IX GALLI’S TRIUMPH IN CARMEN. Th “House Full” boards were out on av night at the Victoria Theatre 't n the San Carlo Grand Opera Com- wound up a memorable season with Carmen The vis5t of this com P an
    1,207 words
  • 219 11 Decree Nisi Granted To Husband. Mr. Frank John Thomas Locke, engineer, of the Peak Hotel, Hong Kong, who sought a divorce from his wife, Mrs. Agnes Frances Locke, of Pearl Bank, Singapore, was granted c decree nisi before Lord Merrivale. Mr Locke alleged adultery by his wife with
    219 words
  • 85 11 Van Wijk Account Reduced By Over $2,000. As a result of the recent performance at the Capitol Theatre on behalf of the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, the sum of $1,160.75 has gone to the Convent Fund. In addition to this $1,070 was received from programmes, advertisements
    85 words
  • 322 11 Men Without Wives Rule Suspended. The Straits Times is informed by the Controller of Labour, Malaya, that a communication has teen received from the Government of India sanctioning the exemption of Malaya from the operation of emigration rule 23 up to Dec. 31, 1932. Rule 23
    322 words
  • 157 11 Confirmation Of Banning In Kelantan. The following appeared in the Malay Mail of Friday’s date:— Confirmation is forthcoming for the announcement, made in Singapore, that the magazine Tolong-Lah has been banned in the State of Kelantan. Mr. C. WardJackson, the editor and publisher of the magazine, has receive I
    157 words
  • 82 11 Effort to Obtain Additional Membership. An effort is being made to secure additional members for the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, the annual meeting of which wais held this week. Membership is open to all British subjects, and the subscription is $5 a year. Those interested are asked
    82 words
  • 58 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 13. Mr. V. L. Bateman, Assistant Engineer to the Municipality, broke his knee-cap, when he fell from his cycle and hit a drain. He was immediately taken to hospital where it was found necessary to operate. Mr. Bateman is expected to
    58 words
  • 694 11 Full Report. COLONIAL OFFICE ATTITUDE. Introducing the Colonial Estimates in the House of Commons on Apr. 21, the Colonial Secretary. Sir Philip CunlifTe-Lister. in referring to Malaya explained his attitude towards rubber restriction and decentraliKation. A cabled Nummary was sent by the Straits Times London correspondent.
    694 words

  • 289 12 Currency Value Based On Pound Sterling. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 11. It is officially announced that the Government has decided to suspend the gold standard and base the value of th» currency on the pound sterling, at the rate existing when both cuirencies were
    289 words
  • 342 12 Funds In Singapore Reduced By $500. The annual meeting of the Singapore St. Andrew’s Society was held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Friday. Mr. J. M. Sime, who presided, addressed the meeting as follows The report of the committee and the' statement of accounts were posted to
    342 words
  • 247 12 Officially Opened By The Sultan Of Perak. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 13. The Sultan of Perak successfully inaugurated Kuala Kangsar’s public electric lighting system by turning on the switch in the power house on Tuesday evening in the presence of a large and
    247 words
  • 153 12 Ben Line Commander Dies In Singapore. Capt. Fraser Smith who was a passenger on board the P. and O. Ranpura which arrived in Singapore on Wednesday died of heart failure at the General Hospital on Thursday afternoon, after admittance that morning. The funeral took place on Friday
    153 words
  • 110 12 Alleged Quarrel With Unknown Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 13. An inquest was by Mr. W. G. Reeves, the Coroner, into the death of Morat Kan, a P. W. D. watchman, who was found lying dead in the workshop behind Heeren Street on Apr. 27. A
    110 words
  • 89 12 The death has occurred of Mr. Robert Bruce Stewart, aged 60, who had a long career in various legal firms in Singapore. They included the firms of Rodyk and Davidson, Drew and Napier and Donaldson and Burkinshaw, and was with the last named from 1916 to
    89 words
  • 1186 12 Sunday, Apr. 17. At 8 a.m. the s.y. Sea Belle arrived at the Perhentian Isles and left for Kuala Trengganu at 10 a.m. Monday, Apr. 18. At 9 a.m. the British Adviser, Trengganu, the Mentri Besar and the Dato Andika (A.D.C.) went on board the Sea Belle to
    1,186 words
  • 172 12 Jobless Fined For Minin* On Private Land. 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 14 The timely intervention of the Department, assisted by the police vented an ugly situation develoninJ the Kay Kew Tin Co., where a large *hni of out of work Chinese mining men
    172 words

  • 984 13 rtHAVC LETTER- Failing Funds. 9 hopes for a plan of •reorganisation. i.'ruiv. Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 9. Home which has been established J -or the care and maintenance of Mind children is faced, like so many inritnide institutions in these days, with the problem
    984 words
  • 134 13 Swept Away by Strong Flood Tide. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 13. Mr. Ian McKenzie, a shipping assistant will the BangkoK Dock Co., was drowned in the liver here last night. McKenzie had dined on board the Kaigan, lying in the middle cf the river.
    134 words
  • 218 13 Master Who Killed One Of Crew With Axe. Mr. .Justice X. H. P. Whitley on May 11 passed sentence of death upon a boat ma.-ter who was found guilty at the Assizes on charges of murder and attempted murder of two of his crew. He was lound not
    218 words
  • 54 13 Hire Car Held Up Near Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 10. A daring robbery was committed on the Kuala Pilah-Seremban Road about midway between these two places yesterday evening when a hire car was hold up and the five passengers relieved of $34 in cash. The
    54 words
  • 1121 13 Attempted Murder Of A European. CHINESE CHARGED. BARRAGE OF BULLETS IN A COFFEE SHOP. A sensational shooting affair of five 1 years ago in which a European police officer and three constables were wounded while facing a bairage of bullets fired by desperate Chinese bandits who
    1,121 words
  • 160 13 Alterations In Fees From May 16. The United States Consulate-General, Singapore, has been notified by the Department of State, Washington, that aftoi May 16, 1932, under the authority of an act of Congress which will become effective on that date, the fee for the issuance of an American
    160 words
  • 95 13 Selangor Planter’s Death On Leave. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1.1. The death occurred at Gibraltar on May 8, from pneumonia, of Mr. C. V. Newton, manager of Carnarvon and Monmouth Estates, Kuala Selangor. Mr. Newton, who was 31 years of age, came out
    95 words

  • 3535 14 The Last Chinese Smelter—Europeans On Dredges —The bounder Of Kuala Lumpur —More Facts About I ap Ah toy—Our Deaf Unofficial Members —Socialism And Malaya—Some School Problems. (By Our Koala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 13. THE one and only Chinese tin smelter left in
    3,535 words

  • 428 15 New Rotary President Elected. Business, in the form of election of officers, was combined with pleasure, in the form of singing by members of the Sun Carlo Grand Opera Company, at the weekly luncheon meeting of the Singapore Rotary Club at the Adelphi Hotel on May
    428 words
  • 239 15 Spectator Who Had Won A First Prize. Just before the last race was run off at the Singapore Turf Club, on May 11, an Indian spectator suddenly collapsed on the lawn in front of the grandstand and died in a few moments. Inquiries made by a representative of
    239 words

  • 2175 16 The Estate Labourer s Food The Importance Of Gardens—Keen Interest Among Managers And Coolies—What Can Be Done—A Scheme For Organised Food Areas —Cutting Down Rubber If here Necessary Hints From J'arious Estates (By Our Planting Correspondent.) rwill be my object this week to try to indicate what
    2,175 words
  • 620 16 Two Tributes. WORK AN EVERGREr'v TESTIMONY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 11, A most successful luncheon was at the Grand Hotel today in honour on Dr P. H. Hennessy, who is retiring from th service at the end of the month. Members of the medical
    620 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 67 16 DUNCAN’S MOTOR HIRE CO., LTD. (Directors, S. D. Blair R. A. V. Durell). 257/259, Oxford Street, Oxford Circus, London, W. 1. Cables: DUCARHIRE, WESDO, LONDON. Tel. Mayfair 3000. Complete hire service of high grade cars for Town and Country use, by the day, week or month. All makes of cars,
      67 words
    • 26 16 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE Guaranteed Peerless Remedy f° r Sj. )U Permanent Cure. Please let nu* everything in detail. No matter failed. Apply Dr. BIOWELLFARKKotwalipara, (Bengal). India.
      26 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1665 21 —Reuter. Remains Found Close To Estate. IDENTITY CERTAIN. Killed Soon After Being Stolen. ThP no*terv of the kidnapping of the T infant son of Col. Charles A. Lindhergh, the famous airman, has been solved by the finding of the body close to the Lindberghs’ estate at Hopewell,
      —Reuter.  -  1,665 words
    • 59 21 The Lindberghs’ home at Hopewell. New Jersey, from which the baby was Kidnapped on Mar. 1. Insets: Col. Lindbergh, the baby, Mrs. Lindbergh. (Planet News.) (Planet News.) I,v ('.,1 ind Mrs I indher-h authorising the men “Salvy” Spitale and Irving Hitz to A document s.gned by
      (Planet News.)  -  59 words
    • 176 22 Pengkalen Pays 10 Per Cent. Dividend. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 12. The following results for 1931 have just been announced: Changkat Salak Rubber and Tin, Ltd., a profit of £2,364 against a profit of £2,064 in 1930. Carried forward £6,622. Shelford Rubber Estate, Ltd., a
      176 words
    • 525 22 —Reuter. Aversion To l T .S. MURDERED BABY CREMATED. Trenton. New Jersey, May 13. Any lingering doubts regarding the identity of the Lindbergh baby have been removed as a result of an examination of th‘- remains by the physicians present pt the child’s birth
      —Reuter.  -  525 words
    • 125 22 —Reuter. British Government Keen On Collaboration. London, May 13. In the House of Commons today Sir John Simon stressed the Government’s willingness to attend an international money conference. Replying to Mr. Winston Churchill, who asked whether the Government had any information as regards the attitude of the United
      —Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 237 22 -Reuter. Dramatic Statement In Lindbergh Baby Case. Washington, May 15. A Federal reward of $100,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the kidnappers of the Lindbergh baby has been proposed in the House of Representatives. I Know the Kidnapper.’’ New York, May
      -Reuter.  -  237 words
    • 164 22 the legal rights of bondholders.”—British Wireless. Great Britain To Make A Further Protest. Rugby, May 13. Replying to a question in the House 'f Commons regarding the Greek Government proposal to use the amounts vine for sinking funds on specifically secured foreign loans of Greece for public works,
      the legal rights of bondholders.”—British Wireless.  -  164 words
    • 122 22 Coconut Estate Makes Gross Profit of £4,240. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 11. The following rubber and coconut company reports for 1931 are issued Sungei Rinching Rubber Estate, Ltd., a loss of £1.082 against a profit of £647 in 1930. £4,048 carried forward. Malay Coconut Estates (21st
      122 words
    • 54 22 —Reuter. .Japanese Bill to Provide For Stabilisation. Tokio, May 11. For the purpose of stabilising exchange uuf G ovc rnme nt has decided to .’Uhmit a bill at the forthcoming extraconiro| y of e the n f I* 1 Dict enablin the control of the exchange rate, although
      —Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 630 22 Reuter. Half-Mile Procession. BURIED WITH SOW KILLED IN WAR Paris, May 12. All Paris thronged the route 0 f The State funeral of the murdered President M. Paul Doumer, this morning f r0M tk Elysee to the Pantheon, where M T dmu, the Prime Minister, pronounced
      Reuter.  -  630 words
    • 1142 23 Chew Jit Poh. —Reuter. —Sin Kuo Min. 1 fil l UIW I I U >>1111*. C iv. I MO J in a Japanese ford container. —Aneta Havas. 17 Found by Lytton Commission. JAPANESE TROOPS. To Leave Shanghai In A Month. Shanghai, May 12. t’> i League of
      Chew Jit Poh.; —Reuter.; —Sin Kuo Min.; | 1 fil l UIW I I U • *\ >>1111*. C iv. I MO J : in a Japanese ford container.—Aneta Havas.  -  1,142 words
    • 117 23 -Reuter. Manchester Guardian’s Bitter Comment. London, May 13. Commenting on the Japanese decision to withdraw all troops from Shanghai, the Manchester Guardian stresses the plaintive nature of the Japanese announcement that they had fought the battle of other nations at Shanghai and onlv gained world odium.” and asks
      -Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 654 23 British Wireless. Important Statement In The Commons. I Rugby, May 13. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, made an important statement when disarmament was discussed in the House of Commons today. Sir John began by citing article eight of the Peace Treaty which provided that
      British Wireless.  -  654 words
    • 39 23 —Reuter. Struck in Face IJy Spanish Workman. London, May 13. Ex-King Alfonso was struck repeatedly in the face by a Spanish workman when he landed here from the P. and O. liner Strathaird. The workman was arrested.
      —Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 515 23 But Position in Malaya Uncertain. TOO OPTIMISTIC? Chinese Opposition To Stoppage. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 11. The London Council of the Malayan Chamber of Mines adopted the Byrne tin holiday scheme at its annual general meeting yesterday. It was proposed that no tin be
      515 words
    • 70 23 Replaced by Duties On Tyres and Tubes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 12. As previously cabled the United States Senate Finance Committee has voted the exercise of levies on tyres and inner tubes as a substitute for the proposed rubber import duty of five gold cents
      70 words
    • 35 23 —Reuter. London, May 12. On the Stock Exchange today Far Eastern securities were strong. Japanese, especially, were demanded, with a shortage of available stock. Prices were from two to five points higher.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 472 24 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. Jehol Province Said to Be In Danger. GENERAL MA. Launches Big Attack On Tsitsihar. Shanghai, May 13. Tli'* War Minister in Tokio, it is understood, has ordered the Japanese military forces in Shanghai to complete withdrawal before June 10. This haste, it
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  472 words
    • 475 24 V i t '■"-O T-'-' except to Japan and Korea.—Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Sin Kuo Min. —Reuter. Does Japan Intend To Occupy Jehol Shanghai, May 13. Reports to hand from Peking state that Japanese troops continue to invade Yuhkwan. (Note —Yuhkwan is presumably the district of Chihli Province
      V \ i t » | '■"-O T-'-' – except to Japan and Korea.—Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Sin Kuo Min.; —Reuter.  -  475 words
    • 60 24 —Sin Kuo Min. Employees Who Refuse To Be Discharged Shanghai, May 13. The Commercial Press in Shanghai, whose Chapei premises w'ere destroyed by Japanese aeroplane bombs, recently discharged its employees and promised to pay the wages due up to yesterday. The employees refused to accept their discharge and
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  60 words
    • 207 24 —Reuter. Legation Not to Move From Peking. London, May 11. Whether the British Minister to China would reside at the seat of Government or whether the British Legation would be maintained at Peking was a question asked by Mr. A. E. L. Chorlton (Con., Platting) in the
      .—Reuter.  -  207 words
    • 34 24 —Reuter. Paris, May 13. A Franco-Japanese commercial agreement dealing with Japanese relations with Indo-China has been s igned by M. Tardieu and M. Rollin, Minister of Commerce, and Mr. Nagaoka, the Japanese Ambassador.
      —Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 206 24 7 promised favourable consideration. —British Wireless. Reuter. No Negotiations With Free State at Ottawa. London, May 11. In the House of Commons today Mr. J. H. Thomas (Dominions Minister) was asked whether he intended negotiating with the Free State over the application j of
      • * 7 promised favourable consideration.—British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  206 words
    • 128 24 Reuter Resigns His Post In German Cabinet. Berlin, May 12. General Wilhelm Groener, who with Dr. Bruening and the Minister of Justice signed President Hindenburg’s recent divree dissolving the Nazi storm troops, has resigned his post of Minister of Defence. The General continues, however, to act as Minister
      Reuter  -  128 words
    • 81 24 —British Wireless. Foreign Secretary To Approach Soviet. Rugby, May 11. The Foreign Secretary, Sir John Simon, in the Commons today, said the article in the organ of the Communist International advocating armed insurrection in India, had been considered in connection with the Soviet’s undertaking relative to propaganda. The
      —British Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 71 24 Agrees to Abandon Night Club Life. London, May 11. Having slept on Mr. R. E. Dummett’s proposal Mrs. Meyrick today intimated her acceptance of the offer, which will operate for three years. She undertook to have nothing to do with the sale of intoxicants and not to
      71 words
    • 45 24 —British Wireless. J Rugby, May 12. hollowing today’s reduction in the Bank Rate from 3 to 2% per cent, the stock markets generally closed with a good tone. British funds left off firm with War Loan five per cent, at 101 11/16.
      —British Wireless.  -  45 words
    • 287 24 —British Wireless. Reuter. Gilt-Edged Activity, EXPORTS UP IMPORT DOWN. KTS London, May u An avalanche of buying orders f 0 p p tish Government securities on thl s. Exchange has testified to the confidence at home and abroad in quence of Mr. Neville ChambtK measured
      —British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  287 words
    • 220 24 Former S.S. Councillor Dies at Age of 71. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. May 11. The death has occurred at the age of 71 of Mr. Robert Young, a former Legislative Councillor and founder of the nrn of Young and Co. He retired about 15 years ago.
      220 words
    • 92 24 —Reuter. U.S. President’s Power To Alter Tariffs. Washington, May 1! President Hoover has vetoed t mocratic Tariff Bill. Reuter. The House of Representatives Pf .j the Democratic Tariff Bill on Apr- t it was then predicted that Hoover would veto it. The Bill, sponsored by’the Pcmm was to
      —Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 1564 25 IGeorges Philippar Lost I ()n Maiden Trip. I 000 ON BOARD. Majority Of Passengers I Saved. I Aden, May 16 (10.26 p.m.) I TV 1,000 ton Messageries Maritimes kner Georges Philippar, with 600 pas’rs on hoard bound from China to kf **‘iiles, took fire and was abandoned
      1,564 words
    • 956 26 Reuter. Dramatic Escapes From Burning Vessel. Aden, May 17. (9.30 a.m.) The French steamer Andre Lebon left at midnight to endeavour to connect with the steamer Sovetskaia Neft and take off the 420 survivors, and bring them here or to Djibouti. The steamers Contractor and Mahsud are due
      Reuter.  -  956 words
    • 217 26 Reuter. Not to be Deflected. MR. DE VALERA AND THE OATH BILL. London, May 12. Interviewed by Reuter in Dublin in regard to the statement in the House of Commons by Mr. J. H. Thomas, the Dominions Secretary, that the passing o the Oath Bill would
      — Reuter.  -  217 words
    • 137 26 —Reuter. Lack Of Fuel. SHIP SAVES INJURE,, AIRMAN. U Newark, New Jersey, Mac The airman, Lanky Reichers t < at 11 o’clock last night on (fig* Par s. He is halting at lbrbou 10 and Dublin, and then Paris, whioh hopes to reach by midnight.
      .—Reuter.  -  137 words
    • 62 26 —Reuter. 21 Men Given Prison Sentences. London, May 13. Sentences ranging from 15 months’ imprisonment to 12 years’ penal servitude have been passed at Princetown on 21 of the men who were involved in the recent mutiny of prisoners in Dartmoor prison. All the sentences are consecutive upon
      —Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 60 26 Big Increase in Malayan Production. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 12. The Rubber Growers’ Association estate returns to date show a big increase in the April production of Malayan properties, contrasting with a substantial decrease in Java, Ceylon and India. Throughout the world 4’>4 companies produced
      60 words
    • 81 26 —Reuter. Various Interests Meet In New York. New York. May 17. Representatives of the Royal Dutch Shell, Anglo-Persian, Burma Oil an Standard Oil Companies hold the first tull meeting today to discuss ways and means of >tabilising the international oil markets. Some of the European companies favour the
      —Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 97 26 —Reuter. Dividend of Six Per tent. Declared. The Hague. May The Royal Dutch Oil Company haj■ declared a dividend of six per cent. Towards the end of last nion -j was heavy selling of Royal D uUa r resulting in a big drop in va u i ot
      —Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 75 26 Sir Eric Geddes Doubtful About Rubber Roads. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ixmdon, Ma> Presiding at the annual P ene tering of the Dunlop Rubber Co., ]antaday, Sir Eric Geddes stated that I b tion costs were now 2.46d. pet* P a further reduction was antic iar( j Sir
      75 words
    • 1367 27 -Reuter. ionibs Thrown to Force Policy. 5 IOOI) BROTHERHOOD Believed to Be Responsible. Tokio, May 15. Four poliw. a maid servant and a visitor n> founded when a party of about ten wearing naval and military officers’ *ornis. forced an entry to the Premier’s tiv.'o', shooting at
      -Reuter.  -  1,367 words
    • 251 27 —Aneta. Loss of Life and Property At Menado. i Menado, May 15. j As the result of a heavy earthquake j 150 houses have collapsed, two hove been damaged and five people killed I and 80 injured. Felt in Macassar. Menada, May 16. The earthquake is
      —Aneta.  -  251 words
    • 94 27 —Reuter. Colonial Secretary’s Reply. Londcn, May 12. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, Secretary of State for the Colonies, gave a reassuring reply regarding mui-tsai in Hong Kong to a deputation from the Council for Equal Citizenship. The questions raised also included the status of coloured women in the Colonies and
      —Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 93 27 —Reuter. Urgent Appeal For Further Funds. London, May 12. The urgent need for further funds to cope with the aftermath of the Chinese floods is stressed in the course of an appeal issued by the newly completed China Flood Relief Committee to raise funds in aid of Sir
      —Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 344 27 Reuter. Climax To Struggle Over Loan Default. Sydney, May 13. The dismissal of the Labour Premier, Mr. I.Jing, by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Philip Game, constitutes the climax of the embittered struggle between the Federal Government and New South Wales over the
      Reuter.  -  344 words
    • 84 27 -British Wireless. Societies’ Income Tax to Be Inquired Into. Rugby, May 12. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Neville Chamberlain, announced in the House of Commons today that the committee to inquire into the present position of co-operative societies, in relation to income-tax and to report whether any modification
      -British Wireless.  -  84 words
    • 75 27 Loss on the Year Of £28,578. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 13. Whiteaway, Laidlaw and Co., Ltd., report a loss for the year ended February 29 of £28,578, as against a profit of i-10,070 for the preceding year. After providing for preference shares to Dec. 31 and
      75 words
    • 51 27 Receiver Appointed as A Precaution. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 13. A receiver has l>ecn appointed for the firm of Waring and Gillow, on the petition of the United States Debenture Corporat on, without default but in case of jeopardy.” The directors propose to reconstruct the
      51 words
    • 331 28 —Sin Kuo Min. V L v IlilVIlwO 1UI —Sin Chew* Jit Poh. To Subjugate Navy. ADMIRAL CHAN CHATS POSITION. Shanghai, May 18. General Chan Chai-tong (the Military Governor of Canton and Coinmander-in-Chief in Kwangtung) has decided to send an army to Kingchow to
      —Sin Kuo Min.; V L v IlilVIlwO 1UI —Sin Chew* Jit Poh.  -  331 words
    • 66 28 ,—Aneta Havas. Canton Suspicious Of Kiangsi Campaign. Hong Kong, May 11. A manifesto signed by important Canton officials, criticises Nanking for signing the Armistice Treaty at Shanghai a»d demands the dismissal of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek. Canton is preparing for war with Nanking, fearing that the military expedition
      ,—Aneta Havas.  -  66 words
    • 104 28 Aneta Ti ans-Ocear.. Now No Possibility Of Working Together.” Shanghai, May 14. The efforts to maintain Chinese national unity have been short-lived. The Canton Government announces that it refuses to recognise as valid the recently signed Sino-Japanese agreement in Shanghai which, in its opinion, gives away invaluable Chinese rights.
      Aneta Ti ans-Ocear..  -  104 words
    • 151 28 Ilia li v j'd 1 iu*v vv take up the post of Chinese Minister. —Sin Chew* Jit Poh. A Violation of League Principles.” Shanghai, May 18. The Chinese Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Quo Tai-ehi) told Pressmen to deny the reports that he was in favour of
      Ilia li v j'd 1 iu*v vv — — ~ take up the post of Chinese Minister.—Sin Chew* Jit Poh.  -  151 words
    • 147 28 left, ostensibly for Japan, yesterday.—Sin Chew* Jit Poh. Restoring- the Shanghai War Areas. Shanghai, May 18. The inhabitants of Taitsang, led by most of the influencial residents of the town, have formed a relief society with the object of providing funds for the reconstruction of property
      left, ostensibly for Japan, yesterday.—Sin Chew* Jit Poh.  -  147 words
    • 314 28 —Sin Kuo Min. —Aneta Havas. Handing Over Control To Chinese. Shanghai, May 18. The Mayor of Greater Shanghai (Mr. Wu Tieh-chen) posted his first proclamation in Chapei yesterday and in it urges the former Chinese residents of this devastated district of north Shanghai to return. The Japanese aeroplanes
      —Sin Kuo Min.; —Aneta Havas.  -  314 words
    • 67 28 Commission to Tsitsihar today.—Sin Kuo Min. Going on to Tsitsihar With Commission. Shanghai, May 18. It is reported from Peking that Mr. Wang Kuang-chi (cf the Ministry of the Interior) has received a telegram from Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo (the Chinese assessor to the League of
      Commission to Tsitsihar today.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  67 words
    • 260 28 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. -Sin Kuo Min. Three Hundred Landed At Shanhaikwan. Shanghai, May 18. Reports from the north state that there was a severe storm in the Shanhaikwan district on Monday last and that the weather at present is exceedingly cold. Japanese in plain clothes have been
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.; -Sin Kuo Min.  -  260 words
    • 80 28 —Aneta Tran3-Occan. His Part in Fighting At Shanhaikwan. Shanghai, May 14. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang, it is stated, personally commanded the Chinese force which engaged in heavy fighting with Japanese troops near Shanhaikwan. The Chinese offensive was pushed with groat energy and led to prolonged fighting but was, in
      —Aneta Tran3-Occan.  -  80 words
    • 151 28 —Reuter. Serious Charge Against Chinese Volunteers. Harbin, May 18. The reported massacre of 35 Japanese at Ilan occurred yesterday morning when General Li Tsu’s insurgents, under pressure of the advance of the Japanese columns down the Sungar River, decided to evacuate the city and retreat in the
      —Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 67 28 —Reuter. Canadian Cabinet Wants Special Powers. Ottawa, May 18. A bill authorising the Cabinet, to take steps to meet any financial crisis during the frflfehcoming recess will probably be tabled in Parliament by the Government before Parliament is prorogued. The Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. MV. R.
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 28 28 —Reuter. Death of Dr. Paget Toynbee. London, May 16. The death has occurred of Dr. Paget Toynbee, the world-famous authority on Dante and his works.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  28 words
    • 618 28 woro struck by flvin? .-Vieh \Vi rt civilians were also hurt. 11 less. Order Restored After Days’ Rioting. Bombay, Mav Seven people had been ki'lr.l injured by noon today. The rim- spread to the mill arei and 30 Ji*> closed tor the day, rendering VS
      woro struck by flvin? .-Vieh \Virt* civilians were also hurt. 11 less.  -  618 words
    • 31 28 ail —Sin huo M in> Shanghai, May l4 The trial flight ron Tientsin, in connection WI nro ved passenger and mail air sen 1 complete success. —Sin huo
      ail .#•„ —Sin huo Min>  -  31 words
    • 230 29 —Reuter. Millionaire” Makes A Full Confession. only HOAXING. Negotiations Which Never Took Place. Hopewell, New Jersey, May 17. mW sensation in the Lindbergh case n caused by the announcement by Sdnvaitzkopf, chief of the New v Ft ate Police, that Mr. Curtis the ire” boatbuilder, who was
      —Reuter.  -  230 words
    • 154 29 "fltiini i Reuter. Still No News of Capt. Bertram. Kupang, May 17. A frantic search is being made for the •lurker seaplane piloted by the German a nan Flight-Capt. Hans Bertram which •ook off for Port Darwin early on Sunday morning and has not been heard of dree.
      "fltiini i Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 94 29 —British Wireless. Llaborate Preparations By Astronomers. Rugby. May 17. *he Royal Observatory. Greenwich, inn!r two members of its scientific y-. Messrs. Jackson and Davidson, to F s °l ar eclipse on Aug. 31 from toun of Parent, Quebec Province, l( :he totality will last about 100 secs, to*
      —British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 78 29 —Reuter. Remarkable Outbreak On learner From Japan. Durban, May 17. it;; 1 fi') nia5 V nC outbreak of diseases, rang;.*v] i -"V ‘ypboid to pneumonia, measles ’be 4 >■ U n occur t*wi at sea on hoard from .i n an 10r Janeiro Maru, bound tr, in',
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 1183 29 —Sin Chew Jit Poh. —Reuter. ticn of the Piime Minister.—British Wireless. Fascism on the Increase. FORMATION OF NATIONAL CABINET EXPECTED. Tokio, May 17. It is becoming increasingly plain that the main instigators of the recent outrages were civilians of the extreme ronin type, imbued with genuine disgust
      —Sin Chew Jit Poh.; —Reuter.; ticn of the Piime Minister.—British Wireless.  -  1,183 words
    • 161 29 —British Wireless. To Convalesce In Lossiemouth. Rugby, May 17. The Prime Minister, Mr. Ramsay MacD raid, has made such good progress since the operation to his right eye that although ha was to have remained in the nursing home untu Friday, his doctors, after agreed to allow him
      —British Wireless.  -  161 words
    • 665 29 crash in the general collapse.—AnetaJ Trans-Ocean. Europe Still An Armed Continent. Berlin, May 12. There is a possibility that a crisis may develop so quickly that a delay of even a few weeks nmy bring the world into a situation from which there is no issue,” are
      crash in the general collapse.—Aneta- J Trans-Ocean.  -  665 words
    • 34 29 British Wireless. Holiday Spoiled by Rain And Thunderstorms. Rugby, May 17. Thunderstorms and showery weather in most parts of Britain interfered with the enjoyment of the Whit-Monday holiday yesterday.- British Wireless.
      British Wireless.  -  34 words

    • 3667 30 Big Dividends. SURPRISES ON FOURTH DAY. Lucky Girl showed that she can still win races. Running in the second division of class .‘1 horses on Wednesday she showed a clean pair of hooves to the field and won handsomely by one and a half lengths, to
      3,667 words
    • 178 31 •Most Successful Jockeys And Trainers. Davies proved to be the most successful jockey, coming in first on seven occa'ions, and getting five seconds and two thirds. Spencer, who is next, rode five pinners, three seconds and four thirds, •awler and Wadsworth tie for third place tour firsts,
      178 words
    • 574 31 Heads List of Winning Owners. H.H. the Sultan of Perak heads the list of winning owners in the Singapore Turf Club spring professional meeting just concluded, with five firsts, three seconds and three thirds. He had the greatest number of entries with 29 while Mr.
      574 words
    • 81 31 Purchase in Hong Kong By Mr. Eu Tong Sen. The champion Australian griffin in Hong Kong. Season Ticket, has been bought by Mr. Eu Tong Sen and will be sent to Malaya. The purchase price was $9,500 (Hong Kong currency) and in addition all stakes won up to
      81 words
    • 1087 31 —Reuter. Wazir Ali’s 108. DECISIVE VICTORIES IN COUNTY MATCHES. London, May 13. In a match against Blackheath, the Indians won by 61 runs. The tourists batted first and compiled 149 and they dismissed the home team for 88. Nisar was in fine form, taking six wickets for
      —Reuter.  -  1,087 words
    • 185 31 Navy Challenge Cup Competition. The Navy Challenge Cup competition was played at Bukit Timah on Monday and resulted in a win for the Singapore Golf Club pair, Miss Law and M. M. Paterson, with a score of 81. The following scores were returned Miss Law and M. M.
      185 words
    • 39 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I/ondon, May 10. Bud Walley, of Singapore, stopped Cliff Peregrine in the sixth round of a 15round contest last night. Walley has had a notable run of victories during the last few months.
      39 words
    • 2013 32 Colony’s Bad Luck. KAWAJIRI COMPELLED TO RETIRE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 16. Even after the withdrawal of Kawajiri on medical advice, the Colony are still leading by 14 points to 13 in the Guillenard Cup tennis tournament against tlv F.M.S. Their chances of winning
      2,013 words
    • 157 32 Qualifiers for Andrew Currie Cup. The following have qualified for the Andrew Currie Cup competition, which carries with it the ladies’ golf championship of Singapore Mrs. R. D. Finlap 4i> f 39 79 Mrs. W. L. Stevens 41 40=81 Mrs. M. Paterson 40 43=83 Miss M. A. S.
      157 words
    • 785 32 Interport Cup Retained. PORT DICKSON BEvrrv IN TWO RACES. LN The Royal Singapore Yacht Cl,,k “At Home” to the Port Dickson Club and visitors during the Wh t week-end when good weather and hr. favoured the opening race on The trreen of the l*wn». the
      785 words

    • 96 1 en er«l— R'llber Situation 1 rural o re Tin Prices 1 Mentakab Rubber 1 London Tin Market 1 WYarm* Brothers Hank of Jaffna choll Transport 1 oji palm Plantations 1 J. ram Kuantan Rubber 2 Meranti United Ltd. 2 Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 The Sandvcroft Rubber Co.. Ltd. 3
      96 words
    • 60 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices V d SSI Iu r L’don S'pore May Jurw July .Vay |'J i 15 16 0.54 5 9 16 <L64 6.54 1 115*16 0.54 5 916 0.54 0.54 14 115 16 0.54 0.54 5 1116 0.54 IT Closed 0.54
      60 words
    • 28 1 Mav 12 50 tons at $63,62 4 per picul. n 13 75 62.50 14 50 61.50 16 50 -61.624 17 75 60.75 IS 50 62.00
      28 words
    • 259 1 The twelfth report of the directors of Mentmkab Rubber Co., Ltd., to be presented at the general meeting on Saturday, May 21, at the Chartered bat k bambers, Singapore, states: ■he directors beg to submit their •"rani report together with a duly auditcement of accounts for the twelve
      259 words
    • 63 1 ro Ust ea< Co., Ltd., Singapore, have h a further cable from the Duff that* t°i? men Com P a ny Ltd., to the effect f l; i t i >'cconstruction has been success- and the shares in the new company V h 011 aJnu,st fully taken
      63 words
    • 772 1 [Strait* Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.) United Kingdom Stocks Decreased. A VERY WELCOME IMPROVEMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 30. The stocks of tin in the United Kingdom have fallen again, but are still very near 33,000 tons, of which about 31,000 tons consists of English
      [Strait* Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.)  -  772 words
    • 338 1 Cash Bonus of 50 Cents A Share. The following circular has been sent to ’hareholders by Wearne Brother Ltd Your directors wish to advise shareholders that during the last few years when business has been restricted through depressed conditions in Malaya they have been able to release a
      338 words
    • 134 1 The annual report of the directors of the Bank of Jaffna (Malaya) Ltd., for the year ended 31 Dec. 1931, states:— The net profit for the period under review is $1,670.45, to whi«h must he added $1,539.70 brought forward from t 0« previous year, making a total
      134 words
    • 52 1 Dividend of Is. 6d. a Share Declared. The manager of the Chartered Bank has received the following cable from London Shell Transport, and Trading Co., Ltd. Iceland dividend at the rate of Is. 6d. per share free of income tax, payable July 6. Bearer coupon to be presented
      52 words
    • 565 1 Half-Yearly Report of The Directors. The report of the directors of Oil Palm Plantations, Ltd., for the half-year ended Feb. 29, 1932, states The estate is regularly visited by Mr. E. J. C. Edwards and the following are some abstracts of his report:—Acreage statement, series A estates
      565 words
    • 1542 2 Company’s Favourable Position. The twelfth ordinary general mooting of the Pataling Rubbdr Estates, Ltd., was held on Apr. 14 in the council room of the Rubber Growers’ Association (Incorporated), 2, 3 and 4 Idol Lane, London, E.C., Mr. J. McNeile Miller (chairman of the company) presiding.
      1,542 words
    • 525 2 Very High Standard fit I Tapping. I The report of the directors 0 f I United Ltd., for presentation to tLt annual general meeting 0 f /u holders to be held on Thursdav u states: The profit for the year B $6,010.23. To this has to be
      525 words
    • 232 2 MONTHLY RETURN OF COLONY STOCKS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, APRIL 30. 1932. IN TONS. (As Declared) A. DEALERS’ STOCKS. DRY WET. TOTAL. Crepe. Tota. Remill, dry R.S.S. blanket, Scrap, rubber a* and Estate bark and Wet lump and Wet ana estimated Area. U.S.S. crepe. scrap. sheet. bark
      232 words
    • 225 2 The nineteenth report of the directors of the Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate. Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31, 1931, states The loss for the year, after making due provision for depreciation, directors’ fees, etc., amounts to $16,161.12. The balance brought forward from last year was $19,308.49,
      225 words
    • 1036 3 Opening Up New Planted Area. The twenty-eighth annual general meet- 0 f the shareholders of Sandycroft Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at the office f the secretaries, British India House, p lfVinir on Tuesday. Those present •—-Mr. G. D. A. Fletcher (in the 'w, Mr.
      1,036 words
    • 540 3 The figures in brackets give the outputs for the corresponding period of last year. Allenby Rubber Co., Ltu.—69,000 lb. Brusch Rubber Estate Lt^. —33;300 lb. Brunei. —30,000 lb. Clovellev Estate.— 22,800 lb. Cluny Rubber Estates Ltd—32,400 lb. Changkat.—3o.742 lb. Caik Liew Estate. —18,000 lb. Hayt0r.—16.375 lb. Hoseote (Malaya
      540 words
    • 207 3 Capital Arrangement Proposed. The directors of Hoscote (Malaya) Rubber Estates state that they have approached the debenture stockholders, through the turstees, and have obtained their promise of support to the following scheme, subject to the shareholders’ approval:— The present company has an authorised capital of £250,000, of which
      207 words
    • 225 3 Effect of the Latest Cut. In yesterday’s issue it was announced that the International Tin Committee has decided that the exports by the signatory countries shall be reduced by a further 20,000 tons of tin per annum as from June 1, says the Financial Times of Apr.
      225 words
    • Correspondence.
      • 509 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your footnote to my letter does not convince me that there will be even a temporary improvement in price. Quite the opposite will happen in my opinion. Does any other raw product pay such an enormous import
        509 words
      • 320 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —As I shall be unable to be present at the annual meeting of the Mentakab Rubber Company on Saturday, there are one or two questions I think should be aaktJ and perhaps the chairman would be good enough to
        320 words
    • 260 4 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, May 18,. BELLING. London, 4 months' sight 2/8 29/82 London, 3 months' sight 2/3 27/32 London, GO days’ sight 2/3 13/16 London, 30 days' sight 2/3 25/32 London, demand 2/3% London, T.T. 2/3 23/32 Lyons and Paris, demand 1.050 Hamburg, demand 173 New York,
      260 words
    • 829 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 18. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Bayers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 22/ 24/£1 £1 Austral Malay 18/- 20/* 5/-5 Ayer Hitam Tin 10/3 11/3 £1 £1 Tin 6/6 8/£1 £1 Batang Padang 0.07*4 0.12*4 1 1 Batu Cares 0.22 0.25 1
      829 words
    • 284 4 The figures in brackets give the outputs for the corresponding period of last year. Pahang Consolidated Co. Ltd.—2,loo piculs. Ipoh Tin Dredging Ltd.—2,olo piculs. Sungei Kinta Tin Dredgin'* Ltd.—sB3 picuis. Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. No. 3 Dredge—2s2 piculs. No. 2 Dredge—s3B piculs (Apr.) Penawat (Malaya) (one dredge).—l,ls3
      284 words
    • 475 4 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Muy 17, states: The local share market has again experienced a week of complete stagnation. Lack of definite news as to the acceptance or otherwise of the Byrne scheme has kept the tin market in a state of
      475 words
      • 482 4 Allagar (2/) ‘l’j; Anglo-Malay (€1) Ayer K’ning (i‘l) 11 32; Began Serai (£1) U; Bahru (2/) /9; Bateng £1) 1/16; Batu Caves (£1) 5,16; Batu Matang 9; Batu Tiga (£1) 3/16; Bertam (2 > T*i; Bidor (£1) 7/16; Bikam (2 /3; Bradwall (£1) l Braunston
        482 words
      • 680 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paul Up \alue Dividends Fraser Lyall Company Co. Evatt. 454.175 1 Nil for year 28-2-31 Allenby ($1) 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.25 216,779 1 Nil for year SO-9-31 Alor Gnjah (Si) 0.15 0.30 0.15 0.25 439,425 1 Nil for year 31-3-31
        680 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 791 5 v< LL CLOCKS. LSELF TAUCnT SERIES. EIGHT-DAY MOVEMENT. Book* to Help Yob Study Foreign Lanfaifti at Homo. Study Nude bay and Interesting. THE POLYGLOTTE SYSTEM. S-DAY ACCURATE movement. ifrstfM f~4 v TL- 1 A BH AY 'J S’ ROUND OR I l lhat In intercourse erttb tke public Phrases only.
      791 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 385 6 t REMEMBER! vT? ft; *'<&*• YOUR BABIES NEED ARE YOU REPLENISHING YOUR CLOTHES GOOD MILK 'v ■r.- There is no other brand that is better for them than —MILK POWDER— The nutritious food that builds up heaUliy and sturdy children. QUALITY UNSURPASSED PRICES COMPETITIVE and in tune with the time
      385 words
    • 90 6 X *V*. 'V^-' r SteV'>*\r-' -7?.i? v l lv*V“ ;Tg r -fee7L ?TTg T»j y --E*-- .->fcr Art *»< WrZi&r+i ne and Half bUHi c- -v\ ■£mv h r- t .0 X Oft *VC p vv? --3T tvrv .v .'TF t 3g3 v 2‘ eft SX* ESSi svii'ta ■f. .V
      90 words