The Straits Budget, 28 January 1932

Total Pages: 38
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget N#. 3,55» BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.j SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28. 1932. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    29 words
  • 419 1 ikadkks- p e Greed and Ambition 6 IWA Safety Lies in Fear 4-4 European Rubber The Council Meeting J Occasional Notes Telegrams. Reuter and Special—'Inn, Past Week’s News 21-29 Pictures Wedding of Japanese l ennis 1 layer 1 < l'r.'mmi'iu ViKures in Club Circles 18 K M 8 Won
    419 words
  • 1619 1 4rs?. de llnor ’P tn eral of the D.E.I. and ur Bativ n^c iave returned here, says ‘indjonp V;T C r after b r oinp to t*n who h- we lcome their eldest hi< f,,/\ come ol, f to act temporarily a ther s secretary. Mr. R.
    1,619 words

  • 968 2 t Seventieth Anniversary. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE. There was a large eor.grelation present at the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the dedication ot St. Andrew s Cathedral at the Sunday evening service. A body of over 2* laym- n. representatives t»f the various parishes and districts ot
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  • 223 2 Batavia Sensation. CLERK AND JOURNALIST ARRESTED. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Jan. 22. The whole of Java has been rocked by the sensational arrest here of a newspaperman on a charge of having seeie*. naval documents in his possession. The Public Prosecutor, Dr. D. NN
    223 words
  • 282 2 Singapore Harbcur Board Official's Departure. Mr. Donald Paterson, the assistant general manager of the Singapore Harbour Board, and Mrs. Paterson left for home on retirement by the Naldera on Saturday. Mr. Paterson’s prowess as a golfer is well known, and he was entertained at a luncheon at
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  • 736 2 Large Gathering At Bidadari Cemetery. I The funeral of Mr. G. C. Davies, principal of Raffles Institution, took place at the Bidadari Cemetery. Archdeacon Graham White officiating. Among those present were: —Mr. L. It. F. Earl, representing the Governor’s Deputy: Mr. J. Watson, acting
    736 words
  • 615 2 Governor Not Leaving. FRESH RUMOURS OF DECENTRALISATION. In Monday’s Straits Times th appeared a paragraph to th e effect thl? strong rumours were current in Sinran in the morning that H.E. the Governor' Sir Cecil Clement!, was about to relinuui office and that his successor hail bei
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  • 47 2 Sudagar Singh Sentenced To Death. (From Our Own Correspondent.' Seremban, .b tn Sudagar Singh was found u yesterday of the double tnui. brother and sister named PfifDia Suppagnh at Bahau. Sentence was passed. Assar Singh, who was a murder, was found not guilty 1 charged.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 911 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 21. Although the Straits Times does not A l t,, have been mentioned specifically •PC decent outburst by the Bataviaasch viiiJUdad. it seems clear that we can iourselves under censure since our TtX correspondent described the •icl'e which was summarised yesterday ar t bathing
      —Straits Times, Jan. 21.  -  911 words
    • 1117 3 than may appear at first sight.— Strait* Times, Jan. 22. Since the somewhat belated announcement by the Straits Settlements Government of the appointment of a committeo to take over the excellent work of tho Asiatic Unemployment Fund, which wa.j launched and carried on for some months
      than may appear at first sight.— Strait* Times, Jan. 22.  -  1,117 words
    • 944 3 r 1111J CS —Straits Times, Jan. 23. Some eighteen months ago, when Mr. Wang-Ching-hui went north to join hands with Marshals Feng Yu-hsiang and Yen Shi-shan in their Northern Revolt against Nanking, the view was expressed in these columns that the time had not yet come when
      – r % ■■■ ' ' 1111J CS —Straits Times, Jan. 23.  -  944 words
    • 1131 3 Straits Times, Jan. 25. Tomorrow the Legislative Council will meet at Malacca. What will be the total cost of the special arrangements that have had to be made, of the transport of councillors, staff and documents, we hare no means of calculating. The sum has
      Straits Times, Jan. 25.  -  1,131 words
    • 985 4 —Strait* Times, Jan. A high official in the Dutch East Indie is reported to have said recently that the European rubber industry is doomed, lb based that gloomy, opinion on the low cost of native production, the ease with which natives in the Dutch Last Indiecan combine the
      —Strait* Times, Jan.  -  985 words
    • 979 4 opinion against it. —Straits Times, J aru 27, Malacca’s very own Council meeting produced a number of speeches and constructive suggestions of more than passing interest, notably in connection w»th the camp at Fort Dickson and the proposal to organise similar relief in the case «>• Asiatic
      opinion against it.—Straits Times, Jaru 27,  -  979 words

  • 136 4 Fresh Taxation. DRASTIC REDUCTION OP EXPENDITURE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 26. The Ministry of Finance has issued communique to the Press stating that owing to the serious shrinkage in Government revenues owing to the general fall in commodity prices, the Government is obliged immediately
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  • 150 4 74-Year-Old Chinese Murdered. A murder. committed during th.’ early hours of Tuesday morning, in which a 74-year-old Chinese trader is the victim, i* occupying the attention of the Rochore Division police. A young Chinese has been detained. It appears that there was a dispute between the trader
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  • 137 4 Intoxicating Liquor And Matches Affected. The following excise duties have been imposed in Johore The excise duty on intoxicating liquor manufactured in the State of Johore j-hail be 70 per cent, of the customs duty payable on imported intoxicating liquor of similar strength. The excise duty on
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    • 333 5 h uni' K. rv,.*por>,iont. We doubt it.—Strait Jar.. 21. ..isv* wire” discussion prows still interesting. Originally we drew n'“ ie .0 the achievements of Mr. J. •'''’i SvIiiani of Kuala Lumpur, who et t i, U e to fiil many public offices. This foU h correspondent,
      h . (* ;: ' uni' ■ — K. rv,.*por>,iont. We doubt it.—Strait Jar.. 21.  -  333 words
    • 307 5 S’raits Times, Jan. 21. p, th Pivish authorities in Kclantan hop, on n»t to sot' the following H|- i "h was rent to the Straits Echo Mr. 11. 1 Wendt, we reprint it here tv.. ].<r tv. o years a large of r w building* have been conI
      S’raits Times, Jan. 21.  -  307 words
    • 177 5 —Straits Times, Jan. 21. un the subject of Kelantan, it tinned that this is the one -''‘ciular in which, according to II 1 j" old timers,” fortunes may t ,,i a Gold is the article they t f M J >n huge quantities to be i-
      —Straits Times, Jan. 21.  -  177 words
    • 14 5 —Straits Times, Jan. 22. Today’s War Song—“The Tamils Are Coming.”—Straits Times, Jan. 22.
      ■—Straits Times, Jan. 22.  -  14 words
    • 206 5 Straits Times, Jan. 22. Remarkable figures showing the progress of the co-operative movement are contained in the report on the working of Co-operative Societies in Singapore for the year ended June 30, which has just been issued. In 1025 there were three such societies, with a total membership of
      Straits Times, Jan. 22.  -  206 words
    • 253 5 Straits Times, Jan. 22. Whether or not it contains a warning for members of clubs in Malaya, the story i f the action recently brought in Court by the Brookfield Cricket Club, of Hi-'h-unt is certainly worth telling. The club tied a civil servant, Mr. Alec Fuller, in
      Straits Times, Jan. 22.  -  253 words
    • 295 5 —Straits Times, Jan. 22. A visitor to Singapore has so fallen for the local traffic policeman that he has bur~t into song about it. In a letter which f the following 1 verses he wrote If the enclosed cannot get int« vnur paper, you have always the baske*
      —Straits Times, Jan. 22.  -  295 words
    • 133 5 THE TAMILS ARE COMING.” why, Heaven alone knows —Straits Times, Jan. 23. I pride myself that I possess a sense of humour, but I absolutely fail to see either sense or humour in your Note of yesterday, ‘|The Tamils are coming.’ Please tell me when and why to laugh Thus,
      why, Heaven alone knows !—Straits Times, Jan. 23.  -  133 words
    • 354 5 Straits Times, Jan. 23. In Thursday’s Straits Times appeared a letter from an F.M.S. reader which had been evoked by the full* w»ng statement by our Kuala Lumpur correspondent By the dementi policy Selangor’s -ition \ull be changed very greatly. Whereas her Ruler, under the Treaty of
      — Straits Times, Jan. 23.  -  354 words
    • 409 5 in Malaya or Kong Kong.—Straits Times, Jan. 22. Under the Bill which is to he introduced at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Tuesday, the mui tsai system eventually will cease to exist in the Straits Settlements. When the Bill becomes law the acquisition of mui tsui
      in Malaya or Kong Kong.—Straits Times, Jan. 22.  -  409 words
    • 77 5 newspaper maps.”—Straits Times, Jan. 25. Tho bonds w’hich bind the journalist fraternity are many and the following cry from the heart by that delightful humorist "Argus” of the South China Morning l’ost found a most responsive chord in the breast of the man who sub-edits
      newspaper maps.”—Straits Times, Jan. 25.  -  77 words
    • 115 5 I ”VM J I V* I T1 the hiccoughs will have gone.—StraiLs Times, Jan. 25. The epidemic of New Year hiccoughs ha<*. of course, long ago subsided, but since the Chinese New Year is fast approaching perhaps the following cures, selected from thousands of suggestions received from all
      I »» ”VM J ' ** I V* I T1 the hiccoughs will have gone.—StraiLs Times, Jan. 25.  -  115 words
    • 156 5 Straits Times, Jan. 25. According to the latest news to hand from ‘‘little old New York” the rising masculine generation in America has started an energetic campaign against thort skirts. The ‘‘modus operandi,” apparently, is to use a stout rubber band, or a pocket catapult, for
      Straits Times, Jan. 25.  -  156 words
    • 370 5 reparations and War debts ?■—Straits Times, Jan. 25. World opinion on the subject of War debts and reparations lias been changing I with a vengeance since the special AdI viscry Committee under the Young Plan *«sued its most sensational report from Basle on the eve of
      reparations and War debts ?■—Straits Times, Jan. 25.  -  370 words
    • 132 6 dmt rei s in Malaya.—Straits Times, Jan 2G. We l ave already acknowledged receipt f M M an ait «f t“ divided beilvui, t:,v a i.itic an 1 European uncnij ,do\in '.I fund ’1hat tc 1 „t inoce.d of a concert arranged by the Seiramat 1‘iuyeis and was
      dmt rei s in Malaya.—Straits Times, Jan 2G.  -  132 words
    • 714 6 Straits Times, Jan. 26. j.« or ..,,ne time there ha? be-n an un.•a V feeling in Malaya that, except in a lev. i a the be t way to deal with the ..j-obieni < f European unemployment is not to send the unfortunate victim* of the
      Straits Times, Jan. 26.  -  714 words
    • 211 6 St’nits Times, Jan. 2,. AIk.ii; a >vur »*r» we commented on the f- t that certain Government reports ioi t*« making their m i<»■> 1 I’lol aldy it was merely coincident and no’! a resuU at’ our remarks that after his there was an improvemen
      St’nits Times, Jan. 2,.  -  211 words
    • 246 6 •he Navy so splendidly serves. —Straits Times, Jan. 27. 1 The disaster to the British submarine M2, which is reported on the 0 PP°* i a ,r e is another grim reminder of the isks’so gallantly faced by the men of the '•marine service, in peace as well
      •he Navy so splendidly serves.—Straits Times, Jan. 27. 1  -  246 words
    • 316 6 once upon an uncertain Europe.”—Straits Times, Jan. 27. There is at least one part of the British Empire where* determined optimism is cultivated, and that is the Pomin on of Canada. Its newspapers constantly 'preached the doctrine of faith in the: iture, and nil the indications are, as
      once upon an uncertain Europe.”—Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  316 words

  • 26 6 Reuter Death of Well-Known New York Banker. New York, Jan. 2r>. The death has occurred of th“ wellknown banker Mr. Paul Moritz Warburg.
    – Reuter  -  26 words
  • 1078 6 1 l r 1 7'hin» uiid Japan bv l “S fed A:. K. j, if Mr owu*. Mr. I. o' ll > ;,i m«. Angel im>. M*'.' l StockweU, Mr. A. n 7L od Mr. and Mrs. ick. :r N. n.lwkfeMr. Ho Jam. Mr. .»:-iuiili, .dr. J ,in ;ir
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  • 709 6 Need to Meet Loss 1« Revenue. A revised tariff book will he i t on the F.M.8. Railways a> f rom j In a memorandum is: u d it is a; thr.t the revision was foreshadowed in,-,'. 1 Council meeting of Apr Y\ -j
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  • 67 7 rr I'tiai's Times is not responsib'e for of it» correspondents. Corretb' ifiits should beer in mind that letters J b. .Krt »nd to th. point. Lon, are liable to be rejected or cut j P I Correspondents must enclose their d 0 c. a-d addresses, not necessarily for but
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  • 120 7 T > the Editor of the Straits Times. i notice with interest that you rej a 'letter by the KingsforJ Smith nV:-* All-Australian Air Mail.” I*received two letters supposed to have sent bv the Kingsford Smith Mail m'l-iel in Ei-.jriynd on Dec. 21. They show V Koliah JHtsunark
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  • 177 7 A POLITICAL STUNT To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—In your issue of Jan. 16, under the hoauing* “A Journal in the Federal Ca M itai" mention is made of a statement credited to Mr. Egmont Hake that the Federation of the Malay States is “a polit'.ca* :a;lure. A;
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  • 1166 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. r —The Straits Times is oil the warpath again-:—hear and wonder—unicornchildren. This is the meaning of your leader ot Jan. 20. That humanity is jruinj: back to barbarism, and even to cannibals *nt. your leader i* the best proof. Ewn th,*
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  • 269 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Tha Government of Johore may congratulate itself on the reception accorded to its circulars announcing the abolition of temporary allowances. The move aeems not at all unjustified as everyone realises that in the present financial ciicumstanees the Government
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  • 400 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your leader of Jan. 19 contained a message of cheering and goodwill, but it was like praising a pudding before eating. We are in the final quarter of the first year of the tin restriction scheme—and how* siowly the
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  • 178 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—The unfortunate incident of a family dispute resulting in the presence of a Roman Catholic priest as witness in a police court has aroused the feelings of religious sentiment among many of your Roman Catholic readers. As ministers of
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  • 95 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am a regular reader of your paper, especially your editorials regarding the Manchurian crisis. I appreciate very much the way you have criticised the Japanese unlawful invasion of Manchuria. l ,a l ,er s the only Malayan paper that
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  • 92 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—These lines are from the day’s Calendar, but they so well describe the Masters attitude to certain great problems of today, in India and Central Europe, for example, that I pass them (Hector addresses Priam in Troilus and
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  • 260 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I have a little of your valua de space so as to try to bring home to ihose in authority the need for some legislation m connection with the holding ol dual positions and earning double salaries
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  • 917 7 SINO-MALAYANS.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-—Ng Yook oon seems desirous of reviving this controversy by his reference to T.S.W.’a previous correspondence and I there lore take up the* cudgels once again, if only to remind the leaders of the Ftraits-born Baba community to take I’i t nipt
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  • 6616 8 Public Revenue Protection Bill. GOVERNOR’S ASSURANCE TO LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Important speeches were made at the meeting of the Legislative Council held at Malacca on Tuesday. The Public Revenue Protection Hill and the Bill for the abolition of the mui tsai system were fully explained
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  • 176 10 Appeal for a State Lottery To Raise Revenue. Mr. Li in Cheng Ean congratulate*! the (government on the action it had taken with regard to the Asiatic unemployment committee in Singapore. He spoke of the useful information that might he gathered hy the new committee in
    176 words
  • 336 10 Improvements to Malacca Harbour. The Director of Public Works, the Hon. Mr. li. Sturrook, said Mala cu Harbour is an open roadstead with little protection and no deepwater wharf accommodation. Ocean going and C astal steamers therefore have to lie out at sea. at distanecs varying according U,
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  • 545 10 Governor’s Tribute to Service Company. I he acting Colonial Secretary (the Hon. Air. M. B. Shelley) said he believed that it was intended to close the Port Dickson camp in June but that the question of keeping it open still longer would be taken j up hy
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  • 186 10 Twenty Thousand Tons Decrease. The production of tin in the Federated Malay States last year was 42,258 tons, which was 20.1)00 tons less than the total for 1030. Of the 10 ’1 output 55 per cent, came i land vo? hod by the European com'•onii-',
    186 words
  • 104 10 Reuter. Malaya’s Steady Progress Of Liquidation. London, Jan. 23. The International Tin Committee meeting held in London on Jan. 22 was gratified to note the steady progress ma ie with the liquidation of the excess production in the Malay States in accordance with programme. Nominations from the Governments
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 110 10 D.E.I. Rubber Expert To Experiment. (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Jan. 22. The General Agricultural Syndicate has commissioned Dr. Kraay, who* is attached to the experimental rubber station at Buitenzorg to study the possibility of making non-slipping crepe shoe sole3, says Aneta. The Government has granted Dr. Kraay
    110 words
  • 154 10 Advises Members To Eschew Politics. (From Our Special Correspondent., Malacca, J an 25 II.E. the Governor, Sir Cecil Clement; Lady Clementi and Miss Clemenii u juesta at the Malacca Rotan Vw™ second annual ladies’ night last rid 4 Other distinguished guests were \u Resident Councillor, Malacca,
    154 words
  • 284 10 A Novel Way to Cross Siberia. The latest round-the-world tourist t» visit Singapore is a young Frenchman, M Lucien Peraire. who is doing the journey on bicycle. M. Peraire is somewhat different from the usual globetrotter for one of his declared objects U to introduce and spread a
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  • 92 10 Brigade’s Rattle With Biff Tea Store Blaze. Considerable damage was done fire broke out in a block of house- at corner of Japan and Amoy Street' u: yesterday morning. On arrival the brigade found that of the houses, a wholesale tea store. burning furiously and the back
    92 words
  • 79 10 Reduction Announced Shipping Company. (From Our Own Corres ovdent' Batavia, J an nV The Royal Packet Steamship Conjj announces that the tiansit freight her from Bandjermasin to P ort f* East Coast of North America nas reduced to FI. 58 a last. From other ports in the u
    79 words

  • 1985 11 Climate and Acclimatization, Some and Observations. By Sir A Ido rUStoni. Hun. K.C.M.C., D.S.C., M.D FK l I* director of Tropical Medicine. Ko*s Institute; Physician, Rose Hosoital for Tropical Diseases, lon don; lecturer. London School of Hygiene and Tropica! Medicine. John Bale. Sons and Danielsson,
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  • 14 11 One of Rowland Hill’s spirited decorations to Masefield’s The Midnight Folk,” published by Heinemann.
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  • 34 11 HERE is one of the herbaceous borders by Will Owen which illustrate Derek McCulloch’s atru-»im: book ’’Gardening Guyed” (hnr Nicholson and Watson, Lon* <h»n). Derek McCulloch is Uncle Mac of the B.B.C.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 11 FROM “The Story of Noah” by Clifford Webb (F. J. Ward, London).
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  • 127 11 Each Accused Given Three Years’ Gaol. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan", Jan. 26. The hearing ended at the Assizes here yesterday before Mr. Justice Whitley and a special jury of the case in which Quah Hong Hoe and Fong Chee Kean were charger! with the forgery and abetment
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  • 105 11 Johorc Collections Total $6,295. The sum realised in Johore for the EarT Haig Poppy Day Fund, 1931, amounted to $6,295, the result of the various collections being as follows Muar (Mrs. Grove) $2,579.35 Johore Bahru (Mrs. D. Mackay) $1,071.40; Segamat (Mrs. Hawkins) $H02.25 Batu Pahat (Mrs. Calder) $588.85,
    105 words

  • 372 12 BRUTAL ASSAULT BY REDS.” Policemen Attacked By 50 Hylams. CRY OF PAH, PAH.” Stabbed Constable In Serious Condition. With a red flap flying from l0 P of a tree on the sick* of the* main road connecting Singapore to .lohoro, a mob of some forty or fifty Hylams, presumably Communists,
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  • 145 12 Tamil Kills His Wife And Mother-in-Law. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 20. For the murder of his wife and mother-in-law in a village nea Kuala Lumpur a Tamil has been sentenced to death at the Selangor Assizes. The accused’s story was that he found his wife
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  • 52 12 Selangor Indians Want It Removed. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 22. tinder the auspices of the Selangor Indian Association a public meeting of Indians in the State of Selangor will be held today in the Town Hall to request the Oovernment to reduce the duty
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  • 117 12 Profit for the Year Of £51,134. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 22. The net profit of the Singapore Traction Co. for the year ended Sept. 30 was £51,134, as against 157.044 in the previous year. The sum of 13,725 was brought in, making a total available
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  • 187 12 How the Money Will Be Spent This Year. The 1932 budget of the Singapore Improvement Trust is published as a sup- 1 plement to the Government Gazette. The I estimated surplus on last years working is $200,000 and the estimated revenue for 1932 is $1,180,700. which, with $50,000
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  • 181 12 The Governor Lady Clementi In Penang. Tuesday, Jan. 12. His Excellency, Lady Clementi and Miss Clementi were guests at a luncheon given by the Hon. Mr. P. T. Allen and Mrs. Allen at the Residency. His Excellency, Lady Clementi and Miss Clementi were present at the Penang Races.
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  • 53 12 To Serve on Federal Council Another Year. His Excellency the High Commissioner has appointed Raja Sir Chulan ibni alMarhum Sultan Abdullah, K.B.E., C.M.G., Raja di Hilir of Perak, to be an unofficial member of the Federal Council for a further period of one year, with effect from
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  • 165 12 Distinguished Party At Batu Arang. (Front Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 25. Malaya’s one and only coal-mine was visited by His Excellency the High Commissioner. Sir Cecil Clementi, yesterday. His Excellency, who was accompanied by the acting: Chief Secretary to the F.M.S. Government (the
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  • 258 12 Mr. J. Especkerman and Miss I. M. Lopez. The wedding of Mr. Joseph Especkermnn, youngest sen of the late Mr. H. I. Especkerman and Mrs. M. Especkerman, and Miss Inez Maria Lopez, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lopez of Singapore took place at St. Joseph’s Church
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  • 82 12 Allowance Not to Be Assignable. An enactment to amend the Ruling House, Allowance Enactment, 1350, of Kedah, has been passed by the State Council. Immediately after Section 8 of he principal enactment the following new section to be numbered 8A is inserted. No allowance granted under this
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  • 70 12 Alleged Murderer’s Strange Court Behaviour. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Jan. 20. hen the preliminary inquiry began yesterday before the Kuala Pilah Magistrate of the case in which a Chinese is charged with the murder of a Malay at Juasseh, the accused was particularly disorderly in court.
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  • 488 12 Annual Report. SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR OF $107,140. R The statement of accounts in the pore Turf Club’s 1931 report show?*, surplus for the year of $107,140 5« deducting $52,000.92 for depreciation lZ expending $5,900.40 on upkeep and provements to the Club’s premises At the close of
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  • 68 12 Death in Penang at Early Age of 37. (From Our Own Penang, Jan. 2o. The death took place on Saturdaj afte noon of Mr. G. R. Crisp, lately nianae here of Messrs. Sandilands, Buttci> °Mr. Crisp, who was 37 years of joined Sandilands, Buttery in t
    68 words
  • 51 12 Inspector Collapses and D* eS While Talking. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, JanThe P.W.D. office at Taipmg a scene of a tragedy this morning m(K j 52-year-old water-works in spec to w ith Jeremiah, who had been 2;> the department, collapsed and (11L talking to a
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  • 3003 13 Selangor I illages—What Singapore Has Hone Is A Rural Board Required Buy British 99 In Kuala Lumpur Water-Lilies In Malayan Parks Government Rents—Our Modern Terrace Houses—A JSeic Hill Industry (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 22. T hK notorist passing through the
    3,003 words
  • 87 13 Nine Dollars A Month That is the rent paid for these excellent (Government quarters at Kuala Lumpur. Ihirty Dollars A Month The construction of a greatly improved type 'f terrace house for Asiatics of the middle class in Kuala Lumpur is illustrated in this article.
    (i*hoto» by O. Y. hole.)  -  87 words

  • 79 14 Allegation Against Three North Indians. Alleged to have thrown acid or* the face of a sleeping compatriot causing terrible injuries necessitating removal of one eye, three North Indians, Cha.iu Ram. Ram Guhir and Meer Ali, were produced before Mr. G. C. Dodd, the Singapore t riminal District Judge
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  • 873 14 Symphony Orchestra. A SPLENDID FIRST CONCERT. The Singapore Musical Society presented its first Symphony Concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Jan. 22 to s»n audience which might have been much larger, if only to show appreciation and encouragement to those who are devoting so much time
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  • 323 14 Sequel to Woman’s Deati. In Car Accident (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipo’n, Jan. 20 At the Tapah Police Court todav Mr. E. E PenKilley. two serbuTcU2? were preferred against a Furnn* mmer Mr. W. M Hardy, who was a «S of rash and negligent driving and by
    323 words
  • 162 14 The Singapore Municipal H-»a 'h -ta’?. men! for the week ended Jan. Id gk j thtotal i umber of deaths a< male 1 U ar: female 81. This represents a deathrate m 23.76 per mill?, per annum, compared with 19 22 in the preceding week and 2'>.2’ in
    162 words
  • 31 14 Receiving and adjudication oruer- wetv granted in the Bankruptcy Court n r:. day. Mr. Justice ii Beckett Terrell residing. against Chia Yong Hoe. I Lim and George Cecil Aeria.
    31 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 30 14 NO RELAPSE-ASTHMA CURE. Guaranteed Peerless Remedy for Sure and ermanent Cure. Please let me tell yos everythin* in detail. No matter who haa 'tiled. Apply: Dr. BIOWELLFARE. Kotwalipera, (Benya!), India.
      30 words

  • 967 15 Chamber of Commerce And Customs Union. STRONG OPPOSITION. Handicaps Which Barriers Would Bring. Eiffhty-five out of 111 members of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce have signed the memorandum tc the Straits Settlements Government on the subject of the suggested Customs Union which is published below.
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  • 431 15 Amazing Story. HEADMASTER’S ALLEGED AFFAIRE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 20. esJ“SSSSlV? art s from ChinSitTH?* n which u w s ■ne*ed *‘headmaster gave a young woman one of his whiskers in return for her love and then demanded the return of U»
    431 words
  • 234 15 Serious Financial Consequences. (From Our Own Correspondent). Batavia, Jan. 18. K r P* B >tters, prosi lent and th M? e w P1 !r l ft r> Ass <*'ation, Medan, and Mr. H. Kolkman, president of the a- v. K. O. S., paid a
    234 words
  • 526 15 Important Question in The Bankruptcy Court. Jn the Bankruptcy Court before Mr Beckett Terrell on Jan. 22, Mr nor? k tt D fl eaSOn Road, Singa-* Port. ua» examined under Section :;i he affairs of the now defunct Bios. who recently owne<l in audition to the Raffles and
    526 words
  • 689 15 No Evidence Against The Accused. The title deed case which has occupied several days and has dragged over several months, came to a conclusion on Jan. 2°, when Mr. G. C. Dodd, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, found that there was no evidence of criminal
    689 words
  • 57 15 Cash and Jewellery Stolen j From His Father. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Jan. 20. The Kuala Pilah magistrate has ordered six strokes of the rotan for a 12-year-old Chinese boy (provided he is certified as fit) who was aocused of stealing cash and jewellery valued
    57 words

  • 2635 16 Legislative Council Bill. WOMEN GIRLS TO BE CHATTELS NO LONGER. The age-old Chinese practice of mui tsai, which has been branded in manv quarters as akin to slavery, will soon be a thin*? of the past in the Straits Settlements if the Bill introduced
    2,635 words
  • 101 16 Leaves for Siam to Work With Film Company. The Straits Times understands that Miss Joyce Reid, of Singapore, has engaged by Mr. Harry Schenck, American film producer, to work him on a picture to be made in Siam* For the last few months Miss Ke>‘ been working
    101 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 229 21 —Reuter. •Criminal Neglect And Corruption.” {.S.S.R. SPRING CLEAN. Bureaucracy Dishonest \nd Incompetent. Riga. Jan. 21. a jm-.Ut of new mass trials is being Vii by the Soviet authorities during rt !lt \t three weeks. J y >w :.g the investigation by a Special ,.<h.n into the
      —Reuter.  -  229 words
    • 358 21 —Reuter. Drastic Action by The League Council. Washington, Jan. 23. pri halo to the drastic action which taken by the Powers at the League no ting in Geneva on Monday to I-' 'i a to al>olish slavery, the United >*ate Department has instruc ted .M:n:<ter in Liberia
      .—Reuter.  -  358 words
    • 300 21 Singapore-Medan Service To be Stopped. Batavia, Jan. 21. It is announced that the weekly air service between Medan and Singapore and vice versa will be discontinued after the first week in February, says an •\ncta cable to the Straits Times. For some time the Dutch
      300 words
    • 93 21 ,—Reuter. Innovation by Mustapha Kemal Pasha. Constantinople, Jan. 21. Another of Mustapha Kemal Pasha's reforms is being enforced tomorrow when for the first time prayers and verses from the Koran will be recited in Turkish instead of Arabic in the mosque of St. Sophia in the presence
      ,—Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 294 21 France Stands Firm On The Treaties. Paris, Jan. 22. The French Government will not allow any treaties decreed by its predecessors to be proscribed declared M. Laval, the Prime Minister, stating France’s foreign Policy to a packed Chamber this afternoon. France, he said, would
      294 words
    • 98 21 Reuter. Repayment of Debts To U.S. and France. New York, Jan. 22. It is reported in banking circles here that the Bank of England has. repaid between $55,000,000 and $00,000,000 of the credit extended to he»* jointly by the Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank France. Officials
      — Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 241 21 —British Wireless. Gold Must Circulate More Freely. THE ALTERNATIVE. America and France Will Face Huge losses. Rugby, Jan. 22. The well-known banker, Mr. F. C. Goodenough, made some pointed remarks upon world currency and debt problems when presiding today at the annual shareholders’ meeting of Barclays
      —British Wireless.  -  241 words
    • 331 21 Reuter. World Currencies May Be Linked to Sterling. London, Jan. 21. The inadequacy of gold for world requirements has again been rained by The Times. After pointing" out that the annual production is insufficient to meet the debts due to France and the United States, it says
      Reuter.  -  331 words
    • 424 22 “RED” REPUBLIC FOR SPAIN -Reuter. —Reuter. North Barcelona Ablaze. GOVERNMENT TO TAKE STERN MEASURES. Barcelona. Jan. 21. A Communist Republic has been proclaimed by the revolutionaries in Salient, Suria and Berga, towns in North Barcelona. where the revolutionaries are completely masters. Everything is at a standstill, the town halls have
      -Reuter.; —Reuter.  -  424 words
    • 176 22 Reuter. Has Its Gravity Been Exaggerated Marin 1. Jan. 22. The officiu! allegations that a general revolutionary movement has been fixed for Jan. 25 are not very widely credited. The opinion is expressed that the Government is exaggerating the seriousness of the situation with a view to
      Reuter.  -  176 words
    • 15 22 V miiv —Reuter. Berlin. Jan. 21. *^OW n l'LuteT Pl0yt J Ulub r
      V ” miiv —Reuter.  -  15 words
    • 147 22 THE REAL BANDITS.” —Reuter. Manchester Guardian And Japan. I London, Jan. 21. As a curtain raiser to a series of four long article* on “The league and Manchuria by “A Student ot the League/' the first of which reads distinctly unfavourably towards Japan, a Manchester Guardian editorial, referring to the
      —Reuter.  -  147 words
    • 227 22 —Reuter. M. Briand and Its Task In Manchuria. Geneva, Jan. 21. The conditions under which the Manchurian (Commission will begin its; task are different from those which the Council expected at the close of the last J meeting, declared M. Briand. informing' his colleagues of the appointment of
      —Reuter.  -  227 words
    • 142 22 —Reuter. Now Holding 21,000 Tons Of Metal. London, Jan. 21. The committee of control of the International Tin Pool have announced that their holding is now 21,000 tons of metal, all of which appears to be visible supplies. —Reuter. At the last meeting of the committee in
      —Reuter.  -  142 words
    • 95 22 —Reuter. President Hoover Asks For $500,000,000. Washington, Jan. 22. President Hoover has requested Congress t° appropriate $500,000,000 to en- h<> Reconstruction Finance Corpora- >n to function as soon as it is finally approved.—Reuter. On Jan. 12 the Senate approved the turn F n f n 2 00 °.000,000
      —Reuter.  -  95 words
    • 197 22 -Reuter. General Collection In Soviet Russia. Riga, Jan. 21. A general collection of scrap iron has been ordered in certain districts as part j <»f the maximum mobilisation of the j Soviet's internal iron and steel resources j consequent on official reports that the j present output is
      -Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 143 22 PURE INVENTIONS.” Germany Denies Preparing For War. Berlin, Jan. 22. Official quarters ridicule the allegation? of General Bourgeois and M. Eccard. which are described as pure inventions cr malicious distortions. —Reuter. The allegations referred to were made to the Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee on Jan. 21 by General
      143 words
    • 140 22 —British Wireless. Keeps Premier and Sir John Simon in London. Rugby, Jan. 22. Owing to extreme pressure of Cabinet work in connection with the early reassembly of Parliament the Prime Min isteix Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, has ha regretfuliy to decline the invitation from M. Laval, the French
      —British Wireless.  -  140 words
    • 124 22 —British Wireless. Scholarships for Students From Argentina. Rugby, Jan. 20. The Prince of Wales, dining with the Argentine C handier of Commerce in London last night, announced the institution of Prince of Wales Scholarships to enable Argentine students to study at Oxford University. Arrangements have been made,
      —British Wireless.  -  124 words
    • 240 22 bethans and French literature -ivv u Wireless. rish Death of Author Of “Eminent Victorian s H R u afi>y, Jan. 2* The death occurred this afternoon a f’ some months of illness 0 f Mr I Strachey, the well-known author J'T aKe om. He was principally known
      bethans and French literature -ivv u Wireless. rish  -  240 words
    • 174 22 -British Wire'..** 4 To Keep Gandhi Company In Gaol. Bombay, Jar.. 20. J. M. Sen Gupta, the Bengal Congee-? leader and former Mayor of (alcutta was arrested before he even had true to land when he arrived from Europe r the Italian steamer Gange aecompur ei
      -British Wire'..**4  -  174 words
    • 122 22 —British Wireless. Changes in Industrial Schools. Rugby. Jar. The proposals contained in the t hudren and Young Persons Bill. th»* text ot "hict was issued today, include the followingJuvenile courts shali in future deal witr persons under 17 instead of Id n.-. 8 present the age of criminal
      —British Wireless.  -  122 words
    • 79 22 Club Steward and Wife Shot. Shanghai. Jan. 1 Mr. Sidney Shervington. steward of Shanghai Club, formerly in the Force in Hong Kong, is alleged to ha phot his wife and then committed s JlC1 in his quarters at the club, after d’.nn tonight. .1 His wife has been
      79 words
    • 750 23 —Reuter. Japanese Navy to Crush The Boycott. DRAMATIC THREATS. Warships and Marines To Back Them. i.oan is threatening to use her Navy, and v some 1.400 or more marine*, to crush the anti-Japanese boycott in Shanghai. It is even feared she intends to usurp authority in
      —Reuter.  -  750 words
    • 127 23 Reuter. Terrible Disaster In Central America. New York, Jan. 23. A message from San Salvador states that at least three Guatemalan towns— Santa Lucia, Cotzumalhuapa and Antigua —are reported to have been destroyed by the eruption of the volcano called Acatenango. A number of other towns
      Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 122 23 TELEPRINTER.” Reuter. Typewriting by Phone In London. London, Jan. 23. A remarkable new British invention, known as the “Teleprinter Exchange Service", was described by the Post-master-General (Sir Kingsley Wood) in a speech at Birmingham. He said the invention would enable messages to be typewritten automatically between the offices of any
      Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 175 23 —Reuter. Dominions Secretary’s Statement London, Jan. 22. In connection with Canadian representations regarding the reported Russian timber contract (concerning which Canada desired to ensure that the Canadian timber trade would not be interfered with by the possible imposition of a British protective tariff j, Mr. J. H. Thomas,
      —Reuter.  -  175 words
    • 270 23 Sin Kuo Min. Is Large Scale Invasion Being Planned? Shanghai, Jan. 21. General Honjo (the Japanese comman-der-in-chief in Manchuria) held a military conference at Chinchow yesterday at which, it is declared, it ivas decided to consolidate the Japanese positions on the Shanhaikwan-Mukden and TahuahanTungliao railways to
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  270 words
    • 124 23 .—Reuter. Empire-Wide Campaign To Boost Them. London, Jan. 20. A powerful campaign, backed by the Colonial Office and all colonial administrations. to l>oost British films throughout the British Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories was begun with the formation of the British United Film Producers’ Co., Ltd., representative of
      .—Reuter.  -  124 words
    • 46 23 Rumours About Mincing Lane Rubber Firm. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 20. It is understood that a Mincing Lane rubber firm which is described as enjoying the high esteem of other houses is closing down, hut the name has not yet been disclosed.
      46 words
    • 78 23 1.—British Wireless. To Attempt to Break His Own Speed Record. Rugby, Jan. 20. Sir Malcolm Campbell will leave England for Daytona, Florida, in a fortnight to make a fresh attempt in February on his own world’s land speed record of 245.73C miles per hour. Improvements have been
      1.—British Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 577 23 —Reuter. Sir Basil Blackett. SIGNIFICANT SPEECH AT BRIGHTON. London, Jan. 22. A step towards a world currency was suggested by Sir Basil Blackett in a speech at Brighton. He pointed out that sterling was the form of international currency used by a considerable portion
      —Reuter.  -  577 words
    • 94 23 —Sin Kuo Min. Preparing for a Big Attack. Hong Kong, Jan. 22. Definite information has been received at military headquarters in Canton to the effect that Sun Lien-chung’s Communists are preparing to attack Fukien. General Chang Mui-sun’s troops, who are situated at Puiling, are making preparations to
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  94 words
    • 383 24 Reuter. Policeman Murdered. FIERCE FIGHTING IN THE SETTLEMENT. Shanghai, Jan. 20. Following <>n a brutal and unjustified attack yesterday afternoon l>y a Chinese mo on five Japanese monks of the Niehiren sect in Chinese territory in north Shanghai with the result that the five monks were
      .— Reuter.  -  383 words
    • 240 24 —Reuter. Inauguration of New Air Mail Service. Rugby, Jan. 20. Shortly after mid-day today one of the great four-engined land planes of Imperial Airways took off from Croydon with bags of mail which will reach Cape Town, 8,000 miles distant, in eleven days. This inauguration of the
      —Reuter.  -  240 words
    • 582 24 Reuter and British Wireless. Death of Inventor Of Famous Torpedo. Montreux, Jan. 20. The death lias occurred of Mr* Louis Brennan, aged 79, the invertor of the Brennan torpedo, the monorail and tne helicopter. Mr. Brennan was recently involved in a motor-car accident, and was believed to
      Reuter and British Wireless.  -  582 words
    • 40 24 —Reuter. Moist Eyes in the French Foreign Office. Paris, Jan. 2*2. There were many moist eyes in the Foreign Office at losing its longtime head when M. Briand formally handed over his office to M. Laval today.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 31 24 —Reuter. Eighteen Months for Gandhi’s Third Son. Bardoli, Jan. 21. Gandhi’s third son, Ramdas, who was arrested on Jan. 19, has been sentenced to 18 months' rigorous imprisonment.—
      —Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 181 24 —Reuter. Declaration With Over 2,000,000 Signatures. Rugby, Jan. 21. A declaration in favour of world disarmament which bears 2 120,000 signatures was given a send-off on its from the London headquarters of the Women's International League to Geneva yesterday. Addresses were given by Lord Cecil and others. The Archbishop
      .—Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 81 24 British Wireless. Can Right Itself in Four Seconds If Capsized. Rugby, Jan. 20. A motor lifeboat, capable of righting itself in four seconds if holed and capsized, was formally handed over to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution on the Thames today and later was shipped to the East
      British Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 100 24 the Argentine Government. British W’ireless. Anxiety Concerning Trade With Britain. Rugby, Jan. 22. A deputation representing the principal financial and commercial interests directly connected with Argentina was received today by Mr. Walter Runciman (the President of the Board of Trade). The deputation suggested that, in view of the
      the Argentine Government. — British W’ireless.  -  100 words
    • 131 24 Famous Comedian Arrives In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 20. Will Ropers, the famous film comedian and humorous writer, has arrived in London. Mr. Ropers’ journey to London hy air has been even quicker than he originally planned. He arrived in Singapore on Jan. 6. addressed
      131 words
    • 64 24 —British Wireless. Foreigners to Build to Avoid Customs Duties. Rugby, Jan. 22. The Ixmdon hamber of Commerce states that many inquiries from foreign manufacturers about factory sites in England are due to be received and 20 foreign firms have already decided to build here for the production
      —British Wireless.  -  64 words
    • 111 24 Comments by Truth. EXTRAVAGANT SCALE OK EXPENDITURE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 20. Under the caption, “The Economy Av> in Malaya”, Truth comments on the re cent Straits Times leading articles n »h" salary and expenses of the Governor Sr Cecil dementi, in the course
      111 words
    • 326 24 Reuter. Mr. Walter E. Edge to Go To London. Washington, Jan. 21. It is indicated by The White House that the American Ambassadorship to London, rendered vacant by the return of Generai Dawes, may not be filled immediately but according to the latest speculations, Mr. Walter E. Edge,
      Reuter.  -  326 words
    • 45 24 British Wireless. Round-Table Member to Sail For India. Rugby, Jan. 20. Sir Ernest Bennett, a member of the Round-Table Franchise Committee, "no was last week prevented by illness tro accompanying the other members to In 'j will sail from Marseilles on Jan.
      British Wireless.  -  45 words
    • 51 24 Reuter. Raw Opium Case Decision In Malta. Malta, Jan. 22. On the ground that raw opium 'V'V? included in the schedule of P’’ 0 ***** r drugs the master of the Dutcn >tt\ Hermes has been acquitted in arising from 100 kilogrammes oi w found on board his
      Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 35 24 —Sin Kuo Min, Nanking, Jan. 20. The French Minister has Chinese Foreign Ministry once aga> fl) |e<l the reports that French troops 1 t South-West China are entirely wim foundation.—Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min,  -  35 words
    • 257 25 League Asked to Take Firmer Steps. THK “OPEN DOOR.” j s It Blocked By Japan Geneva, Jan. 25. M \actake Sato, the Japanese a( i(,r to Belgium, associated Vith Lord Cecil’s expression of L-eri-ral regret felt at the absence of front the opening, at noon toiuv. <
      257 words
    • 233 25 “Ruthless Programme Of Aggression.” Ap aim sphere of the utmost gravity pencil i the sitting when Dr. Yen arose an«! declare.! that an event which, to the ordinary observer, may have appeared to le a purely local incident, occurring in a Iai from the great European and
      233 words
    • 271 25 And Invasion of Jehol Province. tC* a P r °fiT ress ive withdrawal since lee a progressive advance A,. f v .°uncil adjourned six weeks ago. T >T !-i bad been relentlessly Ame XL"*' 1 n the words the >< n ainj f State, the last r
      271 words
    • 299 25 Making Manchuria a Place Fit to Live In. Mr. Xaolake Sato, in a long and reasoned reply to Dr. Yen. detailed the position in Manchuria and Shanghai and emphasised that, the occupation of Chinchow was only provisional. He declared that Japan would uphold the policy of the “open
      299 words
    • 260 25 Outcome of Aggressive Chinese Provocation.” Mr. Sato added that Manchuria was still Manchuria. The Chinese population was still there, likewise the Chinese local authorities in many towns were functioning. It was only the Chinese administration that had suffered a set-back. He explained the position at Chinchow and the
      260 words
    • 339 25 Distress in Britain. “BETTER TO STAY OUT THERE” (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 12. Many men who were formerly engaged in planting or mining in Malaya are still making an unsuccessful search for work in Great Britain. I hear that a number of those
      339 words
    • 42 25 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai, Jan. 25. Mr. Wang Ching-ting has been nominated Chinese Minister to Japan, in place of Mr. Wang Yung-pao who was ordered to return to Nanking to report upon various matters concerning Sino-Japanese relations.—Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  42 words
    • 251 25 —Reuter, Will Japanese Getting In Block It What had incensed the Japanese in Shanghai, to a dangerous degree, was a caption in a local vernacular paper, dealing with the bomb outrage and the attempt on the life of the Emperor of Japan. That caption read Unfortunately another
      —Reuter,  -  251 words
    • 603 25 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Shots Mingle with The Crackle of Flames. TROOPS CALLED. 300 Mutinous Convicts In Two-Hours’ Chaos. London, Jan. 24. Twelve warders were seriously injured and between GO and 70 convicts were sent to hospital following an amazing two hours’ struggle in Dartmoor Prison between over
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  603 words
    • 365 26 —Sin Kuo Min. Planes Fly Over Greater Shanghai. U.S. ANXIETY. A 48-Hour Time-limit Ultimatum. Shanghai, Jan. 2.'. The situation in Shanghai continues to cause the gravest anxiety. The Japanese Consul-General ha--threatened to dispatch his last ultimatum some time today. It is understood he intends to give a
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  365 words
    • 109 26 Km? Min reUUy f r any emer £ency.—Sin Japanese Yangtse Fleet Ready for Action. Nanking, Jan. 23. Japanese aeroplanes are reported to be reconnoitring over the Chinese city at Shanghai. It ia reported that the Japanese residents at Shanghai held an emergency meeting over the week-end at
      Km? Min reUUy f°r any emer£ency.—Sin  -  109 words
    • 116 26 V —Reuter. Admiral Taylor’s Wide Powers to Act. Washington, Jan. 24. Ja P an<?se landing in inilKSfi B t' careful consideration in official circles owing to the possibility of international complications arising from •mtoward incdents. The Under-Secretary Caatle, i.s at present discuss»n*the situation with Mr. Hoover. wJt nr^
      – —■ • V || —Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 83 26 —Reuter. Austrian Shot Dead By Chinese Soldiers. Shanghai, Jan. 24. While motoring with a woman friend outside the French Concession this morning an Austrian, Mr. Albert Porger, the manager of the American Express at Shanghai, was fatally shot by Chinese soldiers. The soldiers were sauntering by
      —Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 315 26 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Competitive Examinations To be Abolished. London, Jan. 25. In future the method of appointment to cadetships in the Malayan and Hong Kong Civil Services will he assimilated to I the method which now applies to the I colonial service generally. This means that competitive examinatons
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  315 words
    • 67 26 .—Reuter. Hanoi to Paris in Just Over Three Days. Marseilles, Jan. 2°>. Cunf. Codo* an i M. Robida. w ho left Saigon on Thursday, have arrived here and hope to reach Le Bourget during l he night. Le Bourget, Jan. 24. apt. and M. Robida arrived i m
      .—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 52 26 I roposal for Combine of Four Main Companies. London, Jan. 20. The proposals of Mr. William Whitelaw, chairman of the L.N.E.R., for a combine ot Britain s four main railways are understood to be receiving very favourab.e consideration by the interests conceraed «ays the London correspondent of the
      52 words
    • 113 26 —Reuter. Doctor and Nurse Fly To Luxor. Cairo, Jan. 22. Lord Reading, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in the first National Government formed before the general election, has been taken seriously ill while at Luxor. A doctor and nurse are flying to Luxor. A
      —Reuter.  -  113 words
    • 70 26 MORE MODERATION.” —Reuter. League to Dodge Issue Once Again! Geneva, Jan. 26. The Council of the League has decided that counsels of mo leration should be ad Iressed to the Chinese and Japanese delegates, who. therefore, have been invited to meet M. Paul Boncour at 6 p.m. today. It is
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 163 26 —Reuter. Discuss Manchuria For Two Hours. Geneva. Jan. 26 (10.08 a.m.) The League Council is not considering Manchuria this morning. Geneva. Jan. 26 (10.18 a.m.) The Council is proceeding with ordinary routine matters. It is understood that a private meeting. after the public meeting, will resume consideration
      —Reuter.  -  163 words
    • 110 26 Death of Former F.M.S. Auditor-General. London, Jan. 23. The death has occurred of Mr. Frederic Mil iani Talbot, a former Auditor-General of the F.M.S., who retired in 1919. Mr Talbot, who was born in 1865, first came to Malaya in 1891, being: posted to Perak as
      110 words
    • 69 26 To Investigate Malaria Problem in Rhodesia. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 22. Sir Malcolm Watson, princinal of tv. n Department of Malaria Control at fth. D°ia S eT t ieft te fo a r n Rh H r^ U 1 f r Tr “P itsl tiiae
      69 words
    • 427 26 GENERAL TARIFF FOR BRITAIN —Reuter. British Wireless. Cabinet Differences. PLAN TO CHECK VOLUMF OF IMPORTS. 111 London, Jan 21 It is believed a complete change', fiscal policy is contained in the £5? of the Cabinet sub-committee which hi of investigating the question of thebihS? of trade. The report will shortlv
      —Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  427 words
    • 93 26 matter further consideration. British Wireless. Desires to Resign From League Post. Rugby, Jan. 2’». Members of the League Council today held a private meeting to consider the notification of the desire to resign m twelve months’ time received fn-m the Secretary-General, Sir Fric Drummond. The resignation was
      matter further consideration.—British Wireless.  -  93 words
    • 74 26 .—Reuter. Secret Conference Held In Brussels. Brussels, Jan. 2.\ A secret conference of representatives of British, Belgian, French, Dutch. Spanish and Swiss stock exchange*. being held here with the object of improving conditions in the large European stock exchanges. It is understood that at a preliminary conference it
      .—Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 513 27 .—Reuter. i'oseidon Survivors Said To be Among Crew. sight-long SEARCH. Sister Ship Sunk in 1925 With Loss of 68 Lives. iii, ix officers and 48 men aboard British submarine M2 has been H i for over 17 hours after diving ;7 Portland Bill and another subrnartne diraster
      .—Reuter.  -  513 words
    • 135 27 filter. Russian Railway Fatality Sequel. Moscow, Jan. 20. V 1 1 al of the railway officials respon- i lc ac ci<Ient at Kossino on Jan. 17 yi/ astounding infringements of the in g code, such as passing signals and .ti- see that the line was clear. and driver
      filter.  -  135 words
    • 461 27 Reuter. Murder Charge. INDICTMENT OF FOUR ACCUSED. Honolulu, Jan. 27. < The four accused in the Kahahawai murder trial have been indicted on a charge of murder in the second degree.— I Reuter. The four accused are Mrs. Grancille R. Fortescue, wife of a noted New
      Reuter.  -  461 words
    • 117 27 Found Dying on Office Stairs. (Front Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 26. A City typist named Annette Freedson, aged 31, was murdered on the staircase leading to her employer’s office in Fore Street, Moorgate, shortly after her arrival this morning. Miss Freedson was found dying, lying 1
      117 words
    • 45 27 —Reuter. Film Stars Out to Look For Thrills. Hollywood, Jan. 24. The film star, Richard Barthelmess, and his wife, are leaving here for Shanghai on Jan. 30 to join Ronald Colman. All three will then go north to sample possible Manchurian thrills.—Router.
      .—Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 53 27 This picture of the M 2, the llriti-h submarine which is feared to hove been lost, shows the seaplane which is carried inside the submarine and, when the vessel rise's to the surface, can be catapulted into tho air at (VO m.p.h. The seaplane can be released
      53 words
    • 261 27 —Reuter. cause 1 by falling off a roof.—British Wireless. Soldiers on Guard. MASS ESCAPE BEING ORGANISED London, Jan. 20. Sensational rumours that convicts’ friends are planning an attack on Dartmoor Prison from the outside are said to have been responsible for the dramatic dispatch to Dartmoor last
      —Reuter.; cause 1 by falling off a roof.—British Wireless.  -  261 words
    • 172 27 -British Wireless. Regarded as Definitely In Prospect. Rugby, Jan. 26. In view of the figures disclosed in the latest revenue returns a balanced Budget is regarded as definitely in prospect. The returns furnish further evidence of the remarkable response made to the appeal for prompt payment of
      -British Wireless.  -  172 words
    • 65 27 —Reuter. Twelve Secret Cars Sent To England. Detroit, Jan. 23. Mr. Henry Ford is entering the “Baby” car market according to a Michigan Newspaper which says that twelve baby Fords have been secretly shipped to England. They are under ten feet long, their greatest width is 55 inches
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 55 27 Aeroplane Drops Letters On The Padang. Ipoh, Jan. 23. An aeroplane, piloted by Mr. D. S. Ainger, of Kuala Lumpur Flying Club, flew over Fraser’s Hill recently, dropping U tters on the padang. The visit was a pleasant surprise to visitors to the Hill, says the Ipoh
      55 words
    • 444 28 —Reuter. World Tragedy Brewing? MR. 0. M. GREEN POINTS OUT THE DANGER. London, Jan. 27. prove warning is contained in a four* column-wide leaner page article in the j Nev. Chronicle entitled I he Shanghai IVrii hy Mr. M. Green, the former, editor of the North
      ”—Reuter.  -  444 words
    • 274 28 WHAT WILL U.S.A. DO .—Reuter. I Washington Takes Very Grave View. New York, Jan. 2G. A grave view is taken l>y the Washington special correspondents, in this -morning’s Press, concerning the repercussions in the United States of the landing of Japanese marines in Shanghai. The New York Times says the
      .—Reuter.  -  274 words
    • 180 28 .-—Reuter. Chinese Entrenched On City Outskirts. Shanghai, Jan. 20. The situation is quiet but tense an there is general rppr. hmsion lest the Japanest naval authorities should take the law into their own hands. Meanwhile h.neso tr«•»»;<> r.n entrenching on the c :t dirts of Shurgnai, notably
      .-—Reuter.  -  180 words
    • 137 28 —Sin Kuo Min Japanese Demands Closing Down of Newspapers. Peking, Jan. 2fi. The Japanese Charge d’Aflfaires has railed on Marsha! Chang Hsueh-l ang and expressed strong indignation at an ed Iorial regarding Korea printed on Jan. 22 by the Chinese-owned Peking Leader, the enly English language daily
      —Sin Kuo Min  -  137 words
    • 213 28 Republican Daily News Shut Down. Shanghai, Jan. 26. Following on the visit of the five Japanese naval officers to the Editor, mentioned in an earlier cable, the Kuoinintang organ, the Republican Daily News, which is published in the heart of the International Settlement, has been closed down
      213 words
    • 147 28 —Sin Kuo Min. U.S. Manila Fleet on Way To Shanghai? Nanking, Jan. 26. It is reported here that the United States Fleet at Manila is moving to Shanghai.—Sin Kuo Min. The above information was contained in a telegram which reached this ollice a ter the Straits Times had
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  147 words
    • 268 28 —Sin Kuo Min. Expected to Comply With Japanese Demands. Shanghai, Jan. 27. As a result of a long discussion which he had with the principal Chinese bankers ti Shanghai the Mayor of Greater Shanghai (Mr. Wu Tieh-ohtng) is expected to order the dissolution of all anti-Japanese Associations in
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  268 words
    • 136 28 A STERLING FEAT.” —Reuter. Financial Soundness Of Britain. London, Jan. 26. The announcement that the Bank of Erg’and is repaying its Franco-Amer-ican credits is everywhere hailed as a striking 1 proof of Great Britain’s financial soundness. The News-Chronicle says it should encourage confidence in the pound abroad. The Morning Post
      —Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 26 28 —Reuter. New York, Jan. 26. The United States Steel Corporation has declared a quarterly dividend of fifty cents as compared with one dollar previously.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 354 28 —Sin Kuo Min. Chairman of National Defence Committee. Nanking, J an It is understood that the new v.r (Nanking) Government is shortly 1 10ni mg Marshal Chiang Kai-shek V „v 01nt of tho National Pofonce Pommiu Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang and m shal Fens Vu-hsian K are
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  354 words
    • 40 28 —Reuter. Heavy Shipment From Bombay to London. London, Jan. 22. 1.021 ba’*s of silver from Bombay. als> gold valued at £1,500,000 arrived at Plymouth on Jan. 21 on board the P. and 0 Maloja, consigned to London.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 99 28 .—British Wireless. To be Unveiled by Prince Of Wales at Thiepval. Rugby, Jan. 22. The Prince of Wales will unveil Memorial to the Missing at Thiepval or the Somme. The French President, .1 Doumer, will attend the ceremony. An imposing arch, 140 feet in heignand 135 feet
      .—British Wireless.  -  99 words
    • 82 28 —British Wireless. Further Surrenders of Rebels Reported. Rugby, Jan. 2*. The Government of Burma’s report on the situation for the week ended dan. states that satisfactory progress cent if u and further surrenders and capture- the remaining leaders of the rebels an taking place. In the Pegu district
      —British Wireless.  -  82 words
    • 294 29 ctnt rates of exchange.—British Wire- > an k of England Repays Foreign Credits. Rugby, Jan. 26. a dorable improvement in sterling A u, °:.I inif followed the announcement >•' jiwur g Enp j an( w ni complete ,a: th i the payment of the outstandeM '“Tits
      ctnt rates of exchange.—British Wire-  -  294 words
    • 125 29 —Reuter. ill Act If Settlement Is Affected. London, Jan. 25. It is understood that while the British Penmen: is closely watching the inr.gkai situation as the result of the par.e>e intervention, no action will bj ter. tinier the International Settlement r-tiui be affected. It i' expected in London
      —Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 106 29 —Reuter. ifst Programme Before End Of Year. London, Jan. 26. Knipire broadcasting: would be n e by short waves in the light of <.nu trained during several years s iments at Chelmsford station tv, c ‘hicf engineer of dr ,V;'-' h Broadcasting Corporation in "•flfr the Royal Empire
      —Reuter.  -  106 words
    • 82 29 —Reuter. Nits to be Repaid to U.S. And France. London, Jan. 26. Enyla announce d that the Bank f t V repay at maturity on h,j" CI t 7 ,,ts of i*l5,000,000 each to I the o' L u st rVe Hank of New York ting thr.
      —Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 104 29 Reuter. Marshal Chiang Wins Point for Peace. Shanghai, Jan. 25. Dr. Sun Fo (the President of the Executive uan, a post which is practically equivalent to that of Prime Minister), who is at present in Shanghai, has tendered his resignation on the grounds that the
      Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 210 29 —Sin Kuo Min. Reds Said to be Very Near the City. Hong Kong, Jan. 27. The Communist threat to Canton continues to cause a certain amount of uneasiness, despite the fact that there are a large number of troops in Canton the moment. The Communist leader, Li
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  210 words
    • 152 29 —British Wireless. Preparing for Re-opening Of Parliament. Rugby, Jan. 26. Parliament reassembles next Tuesday and the Cabinet meeting held this morning was understood to be concerned with procedure in the opening stages. It is txpeoted that an early statement will be made to the House on the Cabinet’s
      ’—British Wireless.  -  152 words
    • 65 29 Runs Ashore in Fog off Isle Of Wight. London, Jan. 23. While undergoing trials prior to proceeding to China to replace the Poseidon, the submarine, Rainbow, went ashore off the Isle of Wight yesterday morning in a fog, says the London correspondent of the Sunday Times. The vessel
      65 words
    • 55 29 sixty per cent, of the cost. —British Wireless. Kugby, Jan. 27. The London County Council has been informed that if it decides to replace Waterloo! Bridge, across the Thames, with a new one carrying six lines of traffic the Government would make a grant of sixty per
      sixty per cent, of the cost.—British Wireless.  -  55 words
    • 328 29 ,—Sin Kuo Min. Japanese Advance As Villages Burn. Shanghai, Jan. 27. West of the Liao-ho River the main Japanese forces are continuing their drive northward up the Tatung Railway from Tahushan towards Tunglico. They are still meeting with considerable resistance from Chinese volunteers and severe lighting is stated
      ,—Sin Kuo Min.  -  328 words
    • 95 29 —Sin Kuo Min. Dr. C. C. Wu Refuses to Accept Chairmanship. Hong Kong. Jan. 26. Dr. C. C. Wu (the former Chinese Ambassador at Washington) arrived in Hong Kong last night. Interviewed, he said he had not yet definitely decided whether or not to accept the chairmanship of
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  95 words
    • 66 29 Charged with Manslaughter Of Civic Guard. London, Jan. 23. Lady Cathleen Nelson was charged at Trim, Co. Meath, with the manslaughter of a Civic Guard named John Murnaghan, says the London correspondent of the Sunday Times. It was alleged that the Guard was knocked down by a
      66 words
    • 53 29 VOI ft IIVV4, J man to be Solicitor-General. —British Wireless. New Attorney-General Appointed. Rugby, Jan. 27. The King has approved the appointment of Sir Thomas Inskip, the SolicitorGeneral, to he Attorney-General in succession to Sir William Jowitt, who has resigned, and of Sir Frank Boyd Merriman to
      * VOIftIIVV4, J " man to be Solicitor-General.—British Wireless.  -  53 words
    • 157 29 Women’s Jeers Fail To Anger Police. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Jan. 26. Hundreds of Indians have been arrested here for unlawfully celebrating Independence Day. Among those arrested is the sister of C. It. Das, the Bengal Nationalist and onetime leader of Congress who died in
      157 words
    • 132 29 —Sin Kuo Min. Students Pester His Life Out. Hong Kong, Jan. 27. The Nanking University students who went to Canton from Hong Kong a day or two ago have decided to return to Hong Kong today in order to continue their efforts to persuade Mr. Hu
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  132 words
    • 113 29 ,—Reuter. U.S. Bill Affecting Asiatic Seamen. Washington, Jan. 24. A protest is reported to have been lodged with the United States State Department by the British Ambassador against the Bill, recently introduced in the Senate, authorising officials to board ships entering United States ports and to remove and
      ,—Reuter.  -  113 words
    • 109 29 —Sin Kuo Min. Situation Rapidly Developing. Shanghai, Jan. 27. Reports to hand state that the situation as regards the Szechwan-Kansu hostilities is rapidly developing, but reliable details are not available.—Sin Kuo Min. It will be remembered that an earlier message, dated January 24, stated that disturbing reports had reached
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  109 words
    • 33 29 Sin Kuo Min. Takes Over Charge of The Chungshan University. Hong Kong, Jan. 26. Mr. Chow Lu assumed office as President of the Chungshan University at Canton yesterday.—Sin Kuo Min.
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  33 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
      52 words

  • 305 30 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— In reference to Mr. H. L. Wendt’s letter published originally in the Strait. Echo and reproduced by you in your issue of Jan. 21, and your invitation to! merchants and administrators to discuss (he matter in your columns 1.
    305 words
  • 99 30 Warning Against AntiJapanese Activities. The Colonial Secretary, S.S., has issued the followed iommun’quo: It has come to the knowledge of the Government that certain societies and committees, organised in Malaya for the < nlicction of funds for the relief of Hood victims in China, no
    99 words
  • 99 30 Coveted Title Approved By The King. The word Royal.” coveted by clubs and societies all over the world, has been added to the name of the local flying club, which will in future be known as the Royal Singapore Flying Club. As far as is known
    99 words
  • 226 30 Mr. Laverton Severely Cross-Examined. The Raffles Hotel ca‘-e in which the manager and a woman friend are charged in connection with a varied collection of articles alleged to belong to the hotel, reached another stage on Friday afternoon, when Mr. R. H. C. Laverton. the first accused, was
    226 words
  • 237 30 MY HUSBAND IS NOT A VAGRANT.” Mrs. Begg’s Protest In Police Court. Producing a Savings Bank pass book ari'l pome share certificates to show that her husband was not without means and that he was not a \agvant, Mrs. Agnes C. wife of Norman Carmichael Begs, appeared before Mr. Cl.
    237 words
  • 166 30 Astounding Drop In Revenue. (From Our 0'*n CorresponJer.O Bata\ia. Jan. IS. The financial correspondent of the Deli Courant, Medan, has roughly estimated the drop in the total proceeds of the various I). K. 1 indust’ies during recent year? and he compiles the following alarming tah’e. in
    166 words
  • 194 30 Dutch Defence Minister In Singapore. H. E. Dr. L. >«. De’kers. Minister of Defence in the Dutch Government, passed through Singapore on Tuesday on his way to Batavia by the Sibajak. Dr. Dockers was accompanied bv RearAdmiral -T. F. Often, Commander-in-Chief oi‘ the D.E.I. Navy, and
    194 words
  • 375 30 The New Committee. INVESTIGATION OF Ut CASES. 1 It was announced early in t 0 that the Government intended m 1 a m a committee for the relief of Wall,/' r. 00rn non-Luiopeans who are unenpdove! We are officially informed that a c m n. it
    375 words
  • 239 30 Young Javanese Commits Suicide. Despondency at having n > v 4 j to have been the cause of D’.e A, f a young Javanese who went/; away from bis home, cut hi- kl 1 j; inflicted other fatal injuries orwith a penknife. her. f° unn V police
    239 words

  • Sporting News.
    • 1111 31 v Serious Casualty. v -WARDS FAIL AGAINST F.M.S. DEFENCE. our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 23. Colony 3. j' M.>. IS won the annual hockey Vl in ’the Colony at Kuala Lumpur i-oon by live goals to thiee. The iari and in excellent condition n: Vr.mio
      1,111 words
    • 74 31 Chinese Heavily Beaten By Medical College Union. M.C.U. 8 Chinese 2. The Medical College Union forwards netted eight times against the Chinese in a hockey match on Saturday on the Y.M.C.A. ground. The M.C.U. netted twice before the Chinese replied with a good goal. Each side h3d scored
      74 words
    • 27 31 On Saturday, the Y.W.C.A. defeated the Ist eleven of the Girls’ Sports Club at hockey by the only goal scored. The rcorer was Miss Foston.
      27 words
    • 147 31 Former Malayan Jockey’s Success. (By Our Racing Correspondent.) Mendoza, a jockey who has ridden in Malaya, had a fair amount of success in Calcutta during the Christinas and New Year meeting. In the first race on the sixth day he brought home Tom Fair to win the Avenue
      147 words
    • 289 31 Same As That Which Beat! England. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Lon Ion, Jan. 25. The Welch Rugby XV to meet Scotland at Murrayfiold on Feb. G has been selected as follows Fullback J. Bassett (Pennrth). Threequarters K. W. Boon, F. L. Williams (Cardiff), E. C.
      289 words
    • 72 31 Mr. R. H. St. Arnory Again Wins Championship. Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Jan. 25. Mr. R. H. St. Amory, of Bangkok, won the open amateur championship of Siam, i pealing his success of last year. A Firmest’ lawyer was runner-up. Mrs. I.owden won the women’s championship. A
      72 words
    • 235 31 Merlimau Beaten in Golf Matches. (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Jan. 25. The Malacca Golf Club defeated the Merlimau Club in a match on Sunday, winning the singles by 5"i to 2'i and the four bail matches by 2 to lVfe. Details are as follows. Merlimau players mentioned
      235 words
    • 264 31 Subscriptions Needed. APPEAL FOR FUNDS TO THE PUBLIC. Licut.-Col. J. T. Leslie, commandant of the F.M.S. Volunteer force, makes an appeal for funds in order that Malaya may ngnin be represented at Bislcy this year in the Junior Kolapore up Competition, and we are sure it
      264 words
    • 234 31 Fatal Accident To West Indies. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Jan. 21. 1 The weights for the Grand National, i to be run on MVtr. 18, are as follows:— Gregaluch 12.7, Shaun Goilin 12.4, Grakle 12.J, Colliery Band 12.2, Drintyre 120. Kakushin 11.12, Coup de Chapeau 11.10,
      234 words
    • 128 31 .—Reuter. Break of 4,137 Against Davis. London, Jan. 20. A new world’s billiards record was established by Walter Lindrum, the Australian, playing against Joe Davis, the professional champion of England, today. Lindrum made 4,137 before failing at a difficult cannon. His previous best was 3,905. Another remarkable feature
      .—Reuter.  -  128 words
    • 1463 32 Few Cup Surprises. NEWCASTLE ONLY DRAWS WITH SOUTHPORT. There were very few surprises in the fourth round of the F.A. Cup competition played last Saturday. The foremost of the’unexpected decisions was the remarkable achievement of the Third Division hide, Southport, in forcing a draw of 1—1 with
      1,463 words
    • 214 32 Duleepsinhji Pays Tribute To His Fielding. (Fcorn Our Own Co;*re j p ndent) Calcutta, Jan. 22. j La’l Sin;;h, th.c Selangor cricketer,, to a !v> a most favourable impiession play-j ing for the Mahnru ’a of Vizianagram’s, in ti e first trial match at
      214 words
    • 794 32 Crews from H.M.S. Kent Unfortunate. On Saturday afternoon the Royal Singapore Yacht Club held a team race against competitors from H.M.S. Kent, in the Club’s B class yachts. Eight of these boats took part in the race and were divided into two teams of four a
      794 words
    • 485 32 $161 Double Tote. TREFOLD PAYS A sin DIVIDEND. (From Our Own Penang, Jan. 23 There was a good attendance ot Amateur Meeting held tnd»v lh Penang Polo Club in conjunct by the Penang Turf Club. The Join" Wltb very hard and fast. The Resi(W Uas cillor and
      485 words
    • 45 32 Second Cup Meeting 0* Newcastle Southport. London, Jan. 26. In a fourth round replay in the Cup, Southport again drew with castle United 1 —1 after extra time been played.—Reuter. The score was the same in tne encounter between the teams last day.
      45 words
    • 1125 33 Saturday’s Match. forward BATTLE probable. match at the Anson Road s X' n he* the fifth meeting between ra “vnrth and South. The North have w N (with a total of 48 points) to ir v cilit and the South one win (31 1 will undoubtedly
      1,125 words
    • 233 33 Medal Competitions At The S.G.C. The Singapore Coif Club medal competition for 1931 will be played simultaneously with the February 1932 medal competition on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 6 and 7. The following members are qualifie! to compete “A” Division \V. Eldred. D. Paterson, R. Renton, II. L.
      233 words
    • 484 33 Gloucesters Only Score A Dropped Goal. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Jan. 23. Perak 11 pis. Gloucesters 4 pts. Perak completed its Rugby season by reversing a defeat sustained earlier in the season at the hands of the Gloucester Regiment by winning today by 11 points
      484 words
    • 297 33 Singapore Defeat F.M.S. In a Fast Game. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 23. S.S, Police 16 pis. F.M.S. Police 11. The S.S. Police beat the F.M.S. Police in the annual Rugby game at Kuala Lumpur this afternoon before a crowd which included Sir Cecil Clementi.
      297 words
    • 338 33 Interesting Soccer At Anson Road. Chinese 1 H.M.S. Kent I. A team from H.M.S. Kent played a Ana frame of soccer at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday to hold the Chinese to a draw. '1 hey adopted open tactics which worried lhe Chinese defence a
      338 words

  • 93 33 DALLKY. On January 14, 19.32, at Bata Oujnh, to the wife of J. I). Dailey, F.MJ9. Police, a (laughter. KANIS. On January 24, 1932, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. M. Kanis, a son. TAN. On Jan. 2 5, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
    93 words
  • 47 33 ES PKC KERMAN LOPEZ.—On Saturday, Jan. 23. 1932, at St. Joseph’s Church, Singapore. Rev. A. da Silva Rego officiating, Joseph Especkermnn, youngest son of the late Mr. 11. I. Especkerman and Mrs. M. E‘peckernian, to Inez Maria Lopez, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Lopez.
    47 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 87 33 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget shonld be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil an4 Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Time* t# the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 69 33 DEATHS KEASBERRY. On January 21, 1932, at the Singapore United Rubber Estate, f mile, Yio Chu Kang Rd,. Mariam Kt* as berry, 68 years, Relict of the late Mr. Benjamin Scott Keasberry of the B.N.B. Constabulary. C MEET HAM. On Dee, 24, 1931, at Amberley, 37, I’ark Road, Rugby, Mary
    69 words

    • 245 1 Now Stabilised After The Decrease. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Jan. 1*. A meeting was recently held in Malang. East Java, of the Malang Agricultuia Association, under the chairmanship ot Mr. G. J. Zuyderhoff who, in his opening speech, referee l to the present circumstances. He stated
      245 words
    • 61 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract* Spot Seller Prices d. 'j S Date L’don S’pore Feb. Mar. Apr.June Jan. 21 2ir»'ir, o.p 1 o.;*\ o.9\ 0.9 7 22 2 ir»/ir, n.ii n.i»«... o.i»\ 25 2 15/16 0.9 0.9', 0.9 -j 0.9*4 2 "h 0.M*, 0.9 0.9’ i
      61 words
    • 27 1 Jan. 21 100 tons at $72.00 per picul. 22 fiO 71.87*4 22 7. r 71.00 25 75 70.87*4 26 no 71.75 27 50 72.25
      27 words
    • 118 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association hold its 1.0.74th auction on Jan. 27, when there was catalogued 2,33.7,.,40 lb. or 1 ,0 12.0.7 tons offered 1*982,998 lb. or H8.7.27 tons sold 1,islb. or 662.0,1 tons. Spot. I.ondon 2 7 h<1. New York 4 eta. PRICES REALISED.
      118 words
    • 29 1 Barlow and Co.’s copra report, dated Jan. 21, stub's The market has been slightly firmer during the past week. Closing quotations ss°:uT f OWS SundrieJ J mixed.
      29 words
    • 1009 1 Desperate Remedies.” TO MEET “DESPERATE TIMES.” The annual general meeting of May1 nard and Company, Ltd., was held on Wednesday at the offices of the secretaries, Harrisons, Barker and Co., Ltd., w ith Mr. E. A. Brown in the chair. Others present were Messrs. J. W. E.
      1,009 words
    • 287 1 Net Profit of $476.45 For The Year. The following report will be submitted to the shareholders of Lunas Rubber Estates, Ltd., at the annual general meeting to be held at th° French Bank Buil 1ings. Singapore, at noon on Feb. 2 Your directors submit herewith a duly
      287 words
    • 487 1 Higher Prices Likelv This Year. GLOOMY REPORTS FROM AMERICA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Dec. ;;o. At the moment the tin position reidy is highly artificial, and the outlook for 11,32 must be regarded as tavourable to higher prices. Trade ar.d industrial factors have nothing to do
      487 words
    • 36 1 A La Paz (Bolivia) message l r ,h R w* the Government has appoint 1 a committee to inquire into the <d of the Standard Oil Co., and bate establish a State oil reserve.
      36 words
    • 13 1 DEC. RUBBER RET URN 5. Malaka Pinda.— 51,233 lb. Lawns (Sarawak). —119.203 c-
      13 words
    • 925 2 na ble to Recommend A 1 Dividend. ot the 21st ordinary general rres-tlin*. share holder» of Kong Lee plantations Ltd., held at 7 Royal ,V L jk pi*u*e. Glasgow, on Dec. 16, Mr. B:l,lk (-druthers, the chairman, said:— Pavid ar under review there Uun n f.„
      925 words
    • 66 2 (The Straits Times is not rssponsibls £oi ihs opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should beer in mind that letters must be short end to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names end addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
      66 words
    • 150 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Jan. 5 you refer to the Birkemose system. Some six or seven years ago, as Correspondent for The Times, London, I described native rubber plantations that I had seen in Borneo and Sumatra as rubber jungle.
      150 words
    • 1221 2 Reports From Associated Companies. In accordance with the usual practice, the following notes have been prepared; for the information of the shareholders of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., and of its associated companies, pending the preparation of the annual reports for 1931. hampong Kamunting Tin Dredging
      1,221 words
    • 335 2 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF THE VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE, INCLUDING PARCEL POST, BULLION AND COIN, IN 1930 AND 1931. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. '"7 A n f Total Trade 1930. 1931. 1930. 1931 1931 f A Increase -f-) Increase Increase -f- Decrease Grand Parcel Bullion Grand or Grand Parcel Bullion
      335 words
    • 242 3 EXCHANGE RATES. Singapore, Jun, 27. SELLING. London, 4 months’ sight l/ondon, 3 months’ sight London. fiO days’ sight J r, London, 3U days’ sight London demand Ay... London, T.T. <170 Lyons, and Paris, demand Hamburg, demand New York, demand Batavia and Sourabaya. demand vv Sumurung, demand 1
      242 words
    • 817 3 Fraser and Co/s Quotations. Singapore, Jan. 27. MINING. Issue Val. I’d. Buyers. Sellers. £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 24/- 25 4‘1 41 Austr&l ilillai’ il/.* Sell/* **/.*>/. Ayer Ilitani Tin 10 3 11 3 Jl 1 £1 Rangrin Tin 10/3 11/3 £1 £1 Rutung Padung 9.07 0.12% 1
      817 words
    • 595 3 Industrials Difficult To Handle. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated Jan. 2o, states The price of tin has fluctuated within narrow limits during the week and closes slightly down on balance at £142 t». bd. for the three months’ position. Shipments for the month are now estimated in some
      595 words
    • 123 3 Tnkuapa Valley N.L. (first half of January). 583 hours, 180,000 yards, 1,010 pieuls. Taiping Tin (No. 1 dredge) first half of January. 102 piculs, 323 hours, 50,000 yards. North Tnipin- Tin (first half of January).— 117 piculs, 166 hours, 22,500 yards. Ratang Padang Tin (first half of January
      123 words
      • 499 3 Allagar (2 6; Anglu-Malay (.£1) 9.32; Ayer Kuning (£1) 9/16; Began Serai 3/16; Bahru (2/) 1/3; Banteng (£1) 4; Batu Caves (£1) 7 16; Batu Mataug (£1) /9; Batu Tiga (£1) Bertam (2') 1/9; Bidor (£1) 9/16; Bikam (2*) /6; Bradwall (£1) Braunston (£1) 4;
        499 words
      • 685 3 n j Cto.i«, Price, t aid lp aluc Dividend! Kra*er Lyall 4 Company Co. Evatt. 454.175 1 Nil for year 28-2-31 Allenby (SI) 0.65 0.70 0.60 07* 216,779 1 Nil for year 80-9-31 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.40 0.45 0.10 04$ 439.425 1 Nil for
        685 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 V V.V» -V y 'V.-r »•> »•> a£.:. r*W |0fC«n I 7 ra ■w ■rfc"';«./ a V'a—■ NECK-TICS KBOW-TIES Outstanding Quality, Strong Texture, Good Shapes and Latest Stripes and Checks. r r T-'j With “Vivax” or Minosair Lining which not ||lg|S}' ®®iy lengthens; the life- of the Tie, but makes
      438 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 398 5 Renew Your Vitality ENRICH YOUR BLOOD 1 Strengthen Your Nerves To feed well—to be well—U roar birth right. Bat preeent day conditions of living—worry, overwork, impure air, adulterated food—all tend to sap your vitality, undermine your constitution, and make you weak and nervy." Yet there is no need for you
      398 words