The Straits Budget, 28 May 1931

Total Pages: 36
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I ESTABLISH ED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. .1.824 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 28. 19.11. Price 25 cents <S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 368 1 LEADERS— Page The Tin Crisis 3 Early Victorian ism 3 Folly in China 3 A Civic Conference 4 Motoring Perils 4 The Plain Issue 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 lelegrams, lteuter and Special— Covering Pa;'t Week’s News 21-27 Pictures Kingsford Smith’s First Air Mail 17 Farewell to Mr. F. G.
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  • 1766 1 Major G. Nevill Stevens, president of !u Incorporated Society of Planters and well-known visiting agent of Ipoh, is ninking seriously of entering the priest,,KI- He will he leaving for England Hortly where, it is understood, he will 1,1 a theological college. •Mi*. A. G. Taylor, of Messrs.
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  • 2745 2 Protest Against Wild Life Commissioner. EVIDENCE CRITICISED. AGRICULTURAL INTEREST PARAMOUNT. Objection to the appointment of Mr. T. H. Hubback as sole Commissioner on the Commission to inquire into Wild Life in Malaya was made by Mr. Roland Braddell. on behalf of the Rubber Growers’ Association,
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  • 301 2 Alleged Attack On European. An alleged attack on Mr. St .\r., ni Smith, of the Seletar Plantations! Ltd I an Indian, was the subject of a pre’i’iY nary inquiry before Mr. G. E. Clayton < Singapore Second Police Magistrate on Tuesday when the accused w-L committed to
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  • 98 2 Mr. T. Hume, managing director of John Little ami Co., Ltd., left for honit by the Hakusan Maru on May 21 on transfet to the Ixindon office. Mr. A. F. Bor., has l>een appointed to succeed him :> managing director of the company in t'• East.
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  • 73 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. May 21. Messrs. M. R. M. Ramaswami Chettia and S. M. M. A. Venappa Chettiar were elected to represent the F.M.S. Che‘tiai> Chamber of Commerce on the genera purposes committee which is to he form--1 wirlt the purpose of exploring all
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1038 3 —Straits Times, May 21. A drift of opinion against the tin restriction scheme is unmistakable in Malaya today, and a miasma of doubt, suspicion, uncertainty and misunderstanding is hanging over the mining industry. That was reflected in the interview which appeared in the Straits Times yesterday and
      —Straits Times, May 21.  -  1,038 words
    • 1352 3 Victorianism dies hard.”—Straits Times, May 22. Early Victorianism dies hard and is an expensive hobby. At this ti i e of the year—during the interval between the introduction of the Budget and the running of the Derby—we are invariably reminded of the millions of money, badly needed for
      Victorianism dies hard.”—Straits Times, May 22.  -  1,352 words
    • 1062 3 •Straits Times, May The present position in China is characteristically lamentable. Two months ago the outlook seemed brighter than it hail been for a century. But now, with dramatic suddenness, the apparently substantial structure of unity and co-opera-tion has collapsed like a house of cards. Without presuming
      •Straits Times, May  -  1,062 words
    • 1009 4 A CIVIC CONFERENCE Straits Times, May 25. Anyone who reads the discussions of the larger Municipal Commissions and Boards in Malaya, with their frequent vague and hesitant references to what is being done in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, tin* Kinta district and elsewhere, must wonder sometimewhether a Local Covermrent Confe’en'M
      Straits Times, May 25.  -  1,009 words
    • 1053 4 with mixed feelings.—Straits Times, May This article is not written to draw attention to those dangers of the road which are only too familiar in Malaya—a certain tendency to reckless driving and an appalling w’ant of care on the part of pedestrians. These have been with us since
      with mixed feelings.—Straits Times, May  -  1,053 words
    • 1052 4 who have brought it about.—Strait* Times, May 27. The Federated Malay States Government has done a wise and timely thing in issuing the r ommmtiqm on the tin restiiction scheme which we publish toiay. It is quite true that a feeling of uneasiness and distrust has been
      who have brought it about.—Strait* Times, May 27.  -  1,052 words

  • 365 4 Monday, May 11. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Legislative Council in the Council Chamber at lO.ffO a.m. The following were the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency and Mrs. Scott :—the Hon. Mr. Justice Sproule an 1 Mrs. Sproule, the Hon. Mr. M.
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    • 60 5 ytraits Times, May 21. Woman’s invasion of the realm of sport necessarily has its reactions in the world of commerce, but it is somewhat surprising to learn that, quite recently, a London store buyer placed a preliminary order for 20,000 pairs of shorts for women customers. It
      ytraits Times, May 21.  -  60 words
    • 223 5 .vv which he related. —Straits Times, May 21. Prisons are becoming so luxurious these Jays that they are losing much of th«4r terror for evil-doers. Recently a Frenchman named Emile Renono, arrested for .heft. we-s lodged in Fresnes prison pending trial. From there he wrote to a
      •(.vv which he related.—Straits Times, May 21.  -  223 words
    • 255 5 —Straits Times, May 21. The political dirty linen, in connection v ith the Oustric financial scandal, is inking a long time to wash in Paris. The oustric Bank tiled its petition in banktuptcy as long ago as Nov. 0, lih’lO, and Albert Oustric. the cafe waiter of
      —Straits Times, May 21.  -  255 words
    • 248 5 inning —Straits Times, May 21. If ever anyone deserved the title of the World’s Supreme Optimist it is surely the London company director, Mr. Lion Franklin, a Rumanian Jew, who has just failed in a suit for £450,000,000 against the Westminster Rank, Ltd., hy reason of the failure
      inning ~ —Straits Times, May 21.  -  248 words
    • 227 5 lling well worth advertising.—Straits 'I imes, May 22. Kmpire Day this year falling on a Sunday, it was decided to have the celebrations in the schools today, and in the schools of the Straits SetlL ments, as in other parts of Empire, special efforts were made to impress
      lling well worth advertising.—Straits 'I imes, May 22.  -  227 words
    • 333 5 uiv uiriucfAvi n uiu i u Straits Times, May 22. We commend to the attention of all who have the welfare of Malaya at heart the speech made b ,r Dr. F. H. Tempany, the day. It sets out in the most graphic Director of Agriculture, at the
      uiv uiriucfAvi n uiu i u Straits Times, May 22.  -  333 words
    • 372 5 Min i iiit-.* —Straits Times, May 22. The note in this column on Wednesday :>n a Plea For The Haggis has touched a responsive chord in the heart—or the stomach—of Sassenach,” who, with a wealth of detail, more wonderful than reliable, supplier a recipe for the creation of
      Min i iiit-.* – ■ —Straits Times, May 22.  -  372 words
    • 160 5 Straits Times, May 2J5. When fishing at sea in a motor-boat, Mr. J. D. Jeanes and his son hooked a bass weighing 35ft lb. During the struggle with the fish the engine of their 4<> feet long craft was disabled, but, very obligingly, the bass made
      Straits Times, May 2J5.  -  160 words
    • 325 5 THE JUNK CASE —Straits Times, May 23. By reason of the unique circumstances attending it and the strong remarks which the trial judge found it necessary to make in the course of his judgment, what has become known as “The Junk Case seems destined to go down to fame in
      —Straits Times, May 23.  -  325 words
    • 389 5 »1 111 n iwmvij f f id damages at .'•*<). 7HP. StraitTimes, May 23. No contraband was found, but the trials of the unhappy owner were still far from ended. The lifting of a wooden vessel weighted as the junk was inevitably resulted—we quote from the judgmentin
      »1 111 ' n iwmvij f f id damages at .'•*<).7HP. Strait-Times, May 23.  -  389 words
    • 246 5 THAT CHIT SYSTEM —Straits Times, May 25. To turn over the files of the Straits Times in search of the Fifty Years Ago feature is to find that most of tho subject of present-day controversy are old and familar friends. Thus on Saturday we tecorded that the Singapore Debating Society
      —Straits Times, May 25.  -  246 words
    • 238 5 MERCHANT S, PLEASE NOTE v. irepulling is to he feared.—Straits Times, May 2.‘&gt;. The United States is charged with carelessness and worse in the use of the Hnglish language, but it must be confessed that a very excellent and long-overdue lead to Great Britain has been set by Ponnyslvania in
      v. irepulling is to he feared.—Straits Times, May 2.‘>.  -  238 words
    • 388 5 1 1 1 1 v 1 ill India will not allow him to do it.—Straits Times, May L’o. In the present hitter struggle for existence by rubber producing companies,” said a company chairman at Kuala Lumpur last week, I bow to the true economist of this country,
      • * 1 1 1 1 v 1 * * ill India will not allow him to do it.—Straits Times, May L’o.  -  388 words
    • 357 6 A NEW COUNCILLOR rural compatriots.—Straits Times, May 2(5. The Indian unofficial member of the Federal Council, the Hon. Mr. S. Veera samy, took the opportunity, when acting as spokesman for his community in tin inaugural proceedings of the Malayan School of Agriculture, to suggest that the F.M.S. (government should mark
      rural compatriots.—Straits Times, May 2(5.  -  357 words
    • 377 6 Straits Times, May 20. There are some interesting remarks on Malaya’s highest mountain, Gunong! Tahan (7,1K&lt;&gt; feet), which is to be seen' from Lady Guillemard Road at Fraser’s Hill, in Mr. J. 1L Scrivener’s recently published book on “The Geology of Malaya.” The name Tahan says Mr. Scrivener,
      Straits Times, May 20.  -  377 words
    • 248 6 happened at The Hague !—Straits 1 imes, May 27. What appears to he an example of inexcusable carelessness or negligence bv the Colonial Office is revealed in the rommiin.MuA which was published by the h.M.S. Government last Thursday* and which confirmed the news that the'international tin committee
      happened at The Hague !—Straits 1 imes, May 27.  -  248 words
    • 277 6 Straits Times, May 27. 1 The protest made before Mr. T. R. I Hubback yesterday by Mr. Roland Hrad- t j t .u—of which we publish a full report on another page—forms a highly interest- ing development ill the history of Malaya’s i V* ild J,ife Commission.
      Straits Times, May 27.  -  277 words
    • 355 6 SITUATION IN BURMA —Straits Times, May 27. The special article in yesterday'-: Stiaits Times describing the adventures of .Mr. \V. L). Tait of Singapore, among the Hu; ma rebels receives striking confirmation from this morning's cables. Mr. Tait. it will be recalled, emphasised that the majority of people were unaware
      —Straits Times, May 27.  -  355 words

  • 35 6 The Kurnpean Unemployment ComHon'' US ,lct the following dona- ulv arknowledßed $2:|,!174.7K, J.M.H. Mill, Anon. :mi, Mr. 11. C. liutler morn My &lt;|", Mr w It. Boyd, $2OO, $20,574.7n. V lnmPnt s ooo total
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  • 240 6 Malaya—45,355 Tons. COLONIAL OFFICE CABLE. A cable from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the High Commissioner for the Malay States confirms the news, reported on Monday, that the international Tin Committee decided to recommend a further reduction of output. The meeting of the
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  • 88 6 Now Subject to Censorship On Arrival. We are informed by the divisional manager in Singapore for the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company, Ltd., that information has been received from the Head Office of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company to the effect that telegrams originating in,
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  • 1005 6 St. Andrew’s Cathedral Controversy. NEW CHAPLAIN. “Both Clergymen Should Withdraw.” For over a year there ha-, been considerable controversy over the appointment of a Chaplain of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, and the question was eventually referred to the Archbishop of Canterbury. While one side consider*: that the
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    • 359 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Mr. J. S. M. Rennie is reported to have said at the annual meeting of the S.S.(S.) Association that he thought the peome who had not yet shown any capacity for governing their own country should not have the right to
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    • 430 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your London correspondent in his weekly letter which appeared in your Saturday's issue quotes the Dean of St. Paul’s as saying that the doctrine of Hell Eire” cannot now be taken literally ami that no one believes that the Deitv
      430 words
    • 62 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. S ,J —Could any of your readers reconii'iend a hook on Poultry Farming in .lalaya I have an idea that such a work was published some time ago but cannot place the name. I shall be much obliged for any information
      62 words
    • 291 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —All authorities admit that a reduction in tin output of 30,000 tons will be insufficient and that another 20,000 tons must not be sold so as to righi the market position. The Netherlands an 1 Bolivia produce between them according
      291 words
    • 543 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —One can hardly blame the Municipality in these days of unemployment for adding to the list of men out of work. It is quite obvious that they are doing their best to give work, or should one say wages, to
      543 words
  • 140 7 Knocked Down on Road By Motor Cyclist. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 2. r &gt;. A young European woman and her five-months-old baby were killed near here on Sunday evening when they were knocked down by a motor-cycle. Mr. G. R. Johnson, an Australian miner,
    140 words
  • 356 7 American Fined For Rash Driving. A collision between a bus and a motorjar at Keppel Road about midnight on Apr. IS had its sequel in the Fourth Police Court before Mr. C. H. Whitton i n May 22 when Mr. L. X. Hannon, an American dealer in portraits,
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  • 117 7 Alleged Stabbing in Nanking Street. An echo of an incident which is alleged to have taken place two years ago was heard in the Singapore Criminal District Court, before Mr. G. C. Dodd, on Tuesday when a Chinese named Ong Siew din was charged with causing hurt
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  • 31 7 According to a mes-ago from San Francisco dated May 21, apt. Robert Dollar, the 82-year-old shipping magnate who is ill, passed a comfortable night and is progressing satisfactorily.
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  • 651 7 Assizes Story of Alleged Revenge. The case in which Tara Singh is charged with murder, and Bhagat Singh and Baboo Singh with abetment of the offence was begun on '1 uesday at the Assizes before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell. The dead man was Sunder
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  • 122 7 Smart Round-Up Of Armed Teochews. By t ho arrest of six Toochews on Fuesday, it is l»«* 1 it* vcm! that plans for an armed rolihory woro frustrated by thii Choo Chiat Police. Acting on information received Inspector Slidin and a party of his plain elothesmen traced two
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  • 1531 8 F.M.S. Government And Tin Quota Scheme. UNEQUIVOCAL STAND. Acceptance oi Farther Cut Foreshadowed. feeling of uiK'asiiu*&lt;s jiiH mi s trust has K*cn created among producers and the public.” «»&gt;'» '‘V* rominuniqt! issued by the h.M.S. government a an answer to the current propaganda against the tin restriction scheme.
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  • 104 8 In Own Plane From Amsterdam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May *Ji It is understood here that the French planter. Mr. A. E. Leclair, manager of one of the estates of Harrison and &lt;Yosfield, left Amsterdam on May 15 bound for Medan, in his own aeroplane.
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  • 159 8 Sanitary Board Cashier’s Breach of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 22. After a hearing which lasted days the Hon. Mr. Justice Burton without callir.g upon the Deputy Public Pros-mlor to reply, convicted Aloysius Clemant Louis, until recently employed cashier in the S rent ban Sanitary
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  • 174 8 Two Telegus Sentenced To Death. (Front Our Own Correspondent.' Ipoh, May 22. .After a lengthy trial, the two Tvhigus, accused of the murder of another T'kigu coolie, were sentenced to death at Perak Criminal Assizes. At the conclusion of the case tor the prosecution one of the
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  • 94 8 Sudden Death of Well-Known Bangkok Resident. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. May 22. The death took place suddenly la night of Mr. Vilh Gedde, a prominent member of the Danish community 1 had been in Siam for over 30 years. Mr. Gedde was attending his business about
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  • 51 8 First Meeting After Sir Cecil dementi’s Return. Monday, July 13, has been provi-ionall/ fixed for the next meting of the Fcdwjr Council. There will be no ceremonial opening and uniform will not be w&lt; r These arrangements are subject to firmation by Sir Cecil Clementi or. return from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 250 8 luummxmiimuum n BRITISH INCOME TAX TA A The Symbol of Stability U u u u u Taxation Service WHATEVER the nature of your difficulty—maybe the preparation of your claim for repayment, the rendering of a return, a point of doubt on which you desire advice there is always available our
      250 words

  • 2542 9 MALAYA’S GREAT HO ME MARKET. I A Clarion Call to Our I Agriculturists. Ir. TEMPANY’S VIEW. fcpeeches at Opening Of 1 Serdang School. J A speech which deserves the fl thoughtful attention of every intelli1 j. en t inhabitant of this country was f made by the Director of Agriculture.
    2,542 words
  • 236 9 Propaganda for Trade Unionism. (1'iom Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 21. We have come to the D.K.I. to study labour c&lt; nditiun* in Java and Sumatra and to establish more contact between the European and native trade unions in the Fa-'t with trade unionism in
    236 words
  • 359 9 Funeral of Member Of The M.C.S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, May 23. The funeral of Capt. W. H. W r ood, M.C.S., former District Officer, Port Dickson, whose death took place yesterday was largely attended today. The Rev. Benjamin Stokes officiated both at the church
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  • 2456 10 Fierce Fight for Life Against Huge Odds. A GRAVE WARNING. What the liehels Are Fighting For. A remarkable tale of how he went to Burma for a holiday, became involved in the operations against the rebels in the Thayetmyo district, and took part in a
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  • 217 10 For Civil Aircraft. GOVERNMENT HELP u, PRIVATE AVIATION. The Straits Times is able to anneuno that an important step towards the couragem; Tit of private and co mn ier c aviation has been taken by the Strij Settlements Government in co-operatio with the Royal
    217 words
  • 124 10 Well-Known Planter Dies In Hospital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 20. The death took place in the European hospital in Batu Gajah yesterday of Mr. A. J. Case, a proprietory planter of Trcnoh, following a month’s illness curing which time he was suffering from blood
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  • 128 10 Death of a Well-Known Eurasian. The death took place on Sunday afternoon at his home in Serangoon Road of Mr. Simon Aroozoo, a well-known member ot the Eurasian communitv, at the age of 82. He had been ill with double pneumonia. M«*. Aroozoo joined Messrs. Guthrie and
    128 words
  • 154 10 The Singapore Municipal Health statement for the week ended May 10, give*? f he total number of deaths as male la 4* and female 111. This represents a death rate of 20.89 per ini lie per annum, compared with 35.02 in the preceding week and 35.55 in the
    154 words

  • 3474 11 Judge on Witnesses Whom He Heard. DATO UNRELIABLE. Reasons for Rejecting Forgery Story. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 23. A judgment consisting of 77 pages of typescript was delivered by the Chief Justice, Sir L. H. Elphinstone, this morning in the case in which
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  • 2340 12 Celebration of Empire Day. IMPERIALISM. NAPOLEON S TRIBUTE TO THE BRITISH. The Singapore branch &lt;&gt;f tin* Over-Seas League held their annual hmpire Day dinner and dance at Sea View Hotel on Saturday evening, when over 120 persons sat down to dinner under the chairmanship of
    2,340 words
  • 80 12 Gloucester to Play at Katong Park. Arrangements have been made between the Municipality and the Officer Commanding the 1st Batt. the Gloucester shire Regiment, by which the services of the regimental brass band will be available for occasional performances in the parks. The first of these performances will
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  • 254 12 Effect of Messages p rot Malaya, 4 MINERS’ POSITION, A Need for Calnj Consideration. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, May 21 Cable messages from private sources London, received in Kuala Lumnur »k C morning, state that the tin mark J demoralised by messages from ShL" pore
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  • 100 12 Death From Malaria After Short Illness. (From Oor Own Correspondent.) I pah, May Mr. William Henry Morris, of the Survey Department. Penang, died in thtTaiping Hospital yesterday of cerebral malaria, after an illness lasting eight days. Mr. Morris came to Perak from Per.amr on prospecting duty
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  • 218 12 Kuala Lumpur Committee's Reply to Government. (From Oiar Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. The Asiatic committee which inspected the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital have replied to the comments made by the Ch ief Secretary and the Principal Medical Officer upon their report. They have read 44 with
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  • 6059 13 w Who is Francis lies? —His Crime Story Which Challenges the Experts—Limehouse Tales —More French than Chinese in Their Ironical Twists —China, A Modern Analysis —Diary of the Princess of Pless. Crimes and Coma. j Malice Aforethought The Story of a. Commonplace Crime. By
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  • 74 14 Chinese Fined $5 and To Return Money. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 20. Yen Soo Wen, a clerk in the Post Office, who was charged here today with conducting a raffle of a gramophone pleaded guilty to the charge. Counsel submitted that only a technical offence was
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  • 63 14 Chinese Gets Three Years’ Rigorous. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 21. Ong Hun Tong was sentenced t&lt;&gt; three years’ rigorous imprisonment at the Assizes here today on tavo charges possession of counterfeit coins and f, possession of instruments for counterfeiting, the sentences to run concurrently. Lee
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  • 4011 15 The Verandah Past And Present—Relics Of Old Kuala Lumpur—Bankers vs. Hawkers The Dignity Of Labour At Serdang —Proposed T raff ic Light s—M ore Tennis Courts For Girls—Our Heraldic Crocodiles. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. ALTHOUGH the desire of the
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  • 135 16 Three Months’ Imprisonment For Sedition. In the Thin! Police Court before Mr. .1. F. K. Gregg on May 22 three lly lams were charged with possession of seditious literature. Inspector Tuck II. Ma, in his evidence, stated that the accused were arrested at a.m. on Apr. 2'J in
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  • 119 16 Five Years i’or Men Caught In Pahang. I From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1th Sentence of five years’ rigorous imprisonment was passed by the Chief Justice, Sir L. II. EJphinstone, at the Selangor As.uzes on two Chinese for being in possession of seditious literature. The evidence
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  • 416 16 Easier to Make Money In Foreign Places. Three German youths, H. tiarhe, K Series and P. Kage, who set out seven years ago to tour the world, arrived in Singapore on May 22 after having completed three-quarters of their task. 1 urjmr the whole of
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  • 632 16 Judge’s Remarks. CONVICTED MAN GETS OFP WITH FINE. Saying that he did not agree wdti th verdict, which was a bad one, the Chief Justice. Mr. Justice Spmde "5 Vny 22 fined a Sikh ♦5.1 .,r. in three weeks rigorou* impris.. when the latter was
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  • 120 16 Lighted Rag Thrown On Roof. An Indian Mohammedan woman 'p committed for trial by the Second Magistrate, Mr. G. E. Clayton, on Ma\ the allegation against her being that set fire to a house at .Too Chiat 1 ane. A Malay, Haji, living in the holin'stated in evidence
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 86 16 Sh PUNKTAL Glasses that Enhance Both Looks and Sight Glasses cleverly selected and skilfully fitted by EZEKIEL SONS preserve both looks and sight. The largest variety of modern eyewear styles may always be inspected at M. Ezekiel Sons, Eye sigh t Spcci a lists, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. Optometrist
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 159 19 —British Wireless. I Eliminating Need For “Take-Off” Run. I COMPRESSED AIR. Khoots Giant Plane Into f Flight Rugby, May 21. I A remarkable experiment was demonHtrated at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough today, when a huge Hine-ton bombing machine was successfully catapulted into the air
      —British Wireless.  -  159 words
    • 183 19 I v IM qvivcuv tish Wireless. Hours and Wages to Re Reviewed. I Rugby, May 21. What is generally regarded as the most rtant of a series of conferences held i week on the coal situation took place &gt;ndon yesterday, when representatives the Mining Association, which is the
      – • I v IM ■ qvivcuv tish Wireless.  -  183 words
    • 142 19 —Reuter. Economic Development Essential. London, May 21. 'n a speech delivered at the annual pire Day dinner of the Royal Empire ety, Dr. Drummond Shiels, the Underpin ry for the Colonies, briefly toured British Empire emphasising the com* n interests of its members. Be believed that the ties
      —Reuter.  -  142 words
    • 45 19 —Reuter. ot to Affiliate with The T.U.C. London, May 22. 1 v Lhff! votes to 1,224 the National /n of Journalists rejected a proposal ■&lt;ml iat e with the Trade Union Congress. ne figuies represent 50 per cent of the nion s membership.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 104 19 Reuter. Over £3,500,000 Mostly In Foreign Investments. Madrid, May 21. A fortune of over £3,500,000, mostly in securities and l&gt;onds, chiefly abroad, and partly in jewellery and other valuables, is possessed by the Royal Family, according to an official note issued by the Minister of
      Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 75 19 Route r. Sir Arthur Salter on An Untapped Market. New York, May 21. International co-operation to aid China re-establish her trade, with silver a* a standard, is imperative,” declared Sir James Arthur Salter on arrival at San Francisco from the Far East. He said that, economically, China is
      Route r.  -  75 words
    • 52 19 —Reuter. Resignation on Issue Of Frontier Defences. Brussels, May 21. The Catholic-Liberal Cabinet has resigned as a resuit of the Liberals disagreeing with the acceptance by the Prime Minister (M. Henri Jaspar) of the Catholic amendment reducing the credits for the construction ol’ frontier defences from 220,000,000 to
      —Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 130 19 —British Wireless. Post Relinquished For Private Reasons.” Rugby, May 20. The Colonial Office has announced that General Sir John Du Cane has applied for permission to relinquish, for private reasons, his appointment as Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Malta, a* from June 13 next, and that
      —British Wireless.  -  130 words
    • 86 19 Reuter. Successfully Linked Up With Television. Schenectady, New York, May 22. A triumph of co-ordination of wireless and television was demonstrated at a Rotary Club meeting by the General Electric Company. The audience not only saw i nd heard the speakers (actually in a laboratory remote from the
      Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 31 19 —Reuter. Death of Mr. Edward Dean Adams. New York, May 21. The death has occurred at the age of FI of the prominent business man, Mr. Edward Dean Adams.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 177 19 Keir Hardic’s Brother Saves Rutherglen. London, May 22. 1 he by-rlwtion in the Kutherglen Division of Lanarkshire necessitated by the death of the Labour member (Mr. W. Wright) resulted us follows Mr. David Hardin (Lab.) 10,736 Mr. Moss (Cons.) 15,853 Majority 883 Mr. David Hardie
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    • 161 19 Reuter. Conservative Majority Increased. London, May 22. i he by-elect ion in the Stroud Division ol (Gloucestershire, necessitated by the iesigi.ation of the Conservative member, Sir Frank Kelson, re lilted as follows Mr. Hubert Perkins (Cons.) 17,0-11 Sir John Maynard (Lab.) 10,888 Mr. A. W. Stanton (Lib.) 7,287
      Reuter.  -  161 words
    • 119 19 Reuter. Voice Beneath Mass Of Debris. Tours, May 20. The hope that one or more of the threa to op!&lt;- entombed by the landslide* on tha hili.'ide at ha Fariniere may be miraculously recovered uiivu was encouraged this morning. Af'ter the rescue party, at the peril of the
      Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 50 19 by Flight Lieutenant Fielden. -British Wireless. Off to Sandringham For Whitsuntide. Rugby, May 22. 1 be Prince of Wales left Hendon aero* drome this afternoon for Sandringham, "here the King and (Jueea are spending Whitsuntide. The Prince flew in a Puss Moth piloted by Flight Lieutenant Ficldcn.—British
      by Flight Lieutenant Fielden. -British Wireless.  -  50 words
    • 430 20 British Wireless. Racing Millionaire. DIAMOND MAGNATE WHO WON DERBY. Rugby, May 22. The death occurred at Newmarket today of the financier and South African diamond magnate. Lieut.-Colonel Solomon B a r n a t o Solly Joel. The late Mr. Joel was well known as
      British Wireless.  -  430 words
    • 144 20 —'British Wireless. Question of Unification Of Control. Rugby, May 20. Lord Trent-hard, in the House of Commons this evening, raised the question of the unification of control and polity in th&lt; Middle Hast. He referred to the area situated between Aden and tlu* Persian Gulf, which was
      —'British Wireless.  -  144 words
    • 62 20 Sin Kuo Min. General Agreement Reached At Moscow. Shanghai, May 20. Mr. Mo Teh-luii, the leader of the Chinese delegation to the Sinn-Soviet Conference at Moscow, reports that, at the last meeting of the conference, the question of the purchase of the (’hinese Eastern Railway by China
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  62 words
    • 63 20 Reuter. Stern Measures Urged In Australia. Melbourne, May 21. A 20 per cent, cut in Government ex penditure, and also in pensions, wages and salaries, is recommended inter alia, m the Report of the Loan Council Subcommittee, according to the Melbourne Herald.
      — Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 154 20 Reuter. Question of Dismissed British Employees. London, May 20. Asked by Mr. A. M. Samuel (Cons., Farnham) in the House of Commons to request His Majesty’s Minister in China o ascertain the reasons why certain British employees of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company had been dismissed when
      — Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 137 20 British Wireless. Famous Scientist's Maiden Speech in Lords. Rugby, May 20. In his maiden speech in the House of Lords tonight. Lord Rutherford, the famous scientist, recounted the experiment now being conducted in Great Britain for the production, by various processes, of oil from coal. He emphasised
      British Wireless.  -  137 words
    • 107 20 Reuter. Communists and Police Clash In Stockholm. Stockholm, May 20. The mounted an 1 foot police have had a very rough time owing to the lawless behaviour of rioters, organised communists and other Soviet sympathisers in connection with the strikes which have occurred throughout the country during
      Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 50 20 Sin Kuo Min. To be Held in Shanghai In Sept, or Oct. Shanghai, May 20. Reports from Washington state that America is agreeable to China’s proposal for the convocation of an International Silver Conference at Shanghai, some time in September or October. Japan and England are also agreeable.
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  50 words
    • 47 20 Settlements I rude Investigators. Sin Kao Min. Entertained by Dr. C. T. Wang In Nanking. Shanghai. May 20. The Foreign Minitter, Hr. C. T. Wang, gave a dinner and reception at Nanking yesterday in honour of the Straits Sett lements I rude Investigators. Sin
      Settlements I rude Investigators. Sin Kao Min.  -  47 words
    • 142 20 THE PERFECT COLOUR FILM out any special attachment.—British Wireless. New British Process. MAY REVOLUTIONISE CINEMATOGRAPHY. Rugby, May 21. At the Royal Society last night a demonstration was given of British colour films, produced by a new process which the Daily Mail film correspondent declares will revolutionise cinematography. Work on the
      out any special attachment.—British Wireless.  -  142 words
    • 94 20 —British Wireless. Rank of Mate to Be Abolished. Rugby, May 20. Replying in the House of Commons to a que.tion today the First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, said a new Scheme of promotion had been approved by the Board of Admiralty as a
      —British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 185 20 —Reuter. Communist Candidate’s Increased Poll. London, May 20. The result of the by-election in the Ogmore Division of Glamorgan (Wales), necessitated by the death of the Hon. Mr. Vernon Hartshorn, the lute Lord Privy Seal, has been announced as follows Mr. Edward Williams (Lab.) 10,356. Mr. J. Ross
      —Reuter.  -  185 words
    • 83 20 —British Wireless. Bill Passes Third Reading In The Lords. Rugby, May 21. The third reading of the Agricultural [.and Utilisation Bill was today passed in the House of Lords. Lord Hailsham said he believed the electorate had given their vote for the present Government because they (the electors)
      —British Wireless.  -  83 words
    • 65 20 .—British Wireless. Britain to Appoint A High Commissioner. Rugby, May 21. The Dominions Office states that, as was recently announced in the House of Commons, His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom has decided to appoint a High Commissioner in the Commonwealth of Australia with functions comparable with
      .—British Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 282 20 —British WireLss. Trade with Argentina. PERMANENT BUlLIUVr SUGGESTED. fcugby, May 22. The Prince of Wales, during a at a dinner organised by the London (’o* mittee of the recent Empire Trade- F.vh bition at Buenos Aires, called on 5 classes in the nation to pull
      —British WireLss.  -  282 words
    • 148 20 -British Wireless. Government’s Inability To Help Shipowners. Rugby, May 22. The House of Commons adjourned today for the Whitsuntide recess. The session will be resumed on June 2 One of the question? raised on th&lt; motion for the adjournment was that o: Sue/. Canal dues. Replying to
      -British Wireless.  -  148 words
    • 131 20 —British Wireless. Whipsnade Opened To Public On Saturday. Rugby, May 22. The largest and most beautiful 7.&lt;&gt;o existence, situated it Whipsnade, neai Dunstable, Bedfordshire, will tomorrow be opened to the public. It covers 500 acres, is fifteen times t.u area of the London Zoo and is twice
      —British Wireless.  -  131 words
    • 57 20 —British Wireless. Agreement Reached at Geneva On British Proposal. Rugby, May A Geneva message states that ag"’ 1 ment has been reached on the basis of r British proposal for a common arman &lt; r table, giving details of the present a 1 1 ment strength of
      —British Wireless.  -  57 words
    • 465 22 THE NEW TARIF F ACT. Will Malayan Rubber Be Excluded SWEEPING BAN. Grave Misunderstanding Indicated. New York, May 23. A survey undertaken by the Tariff Commission, at the request of the State Department, indicates that nearly $700,000,000 worth of imports into the United States may be affected by the exclusion
      465 words
    • 156 22 British Wireless. Mr. E. Shinwell to Go To Geneva. Rugby, May 23. The Secretary for Mines, Mr. E. Shmwell, who leaves on Tuesday to attend a Conference at the International Labour Office at Geneva on miners’ hours said that the impression abroad that, failing an international agreement, there
      British Wireless.  -  156 words
    • 123 22 British Wireless. Reduction Affects 80,000 Workers. Rugby. May 23. Agreement was reached at a meeting held in Manchester yesterday &lt;»f the Chemical Trade Joint Industrial Council an wage reduction. The agreement, which affects more than 80,000 workers, provides that the standard rate, in federated works, for
      British Wireless.  -  123 words
    • 76 22 —Reuter. Sequel to Financial Crisis In Austria. Vienna, May 25. Herr Ludwig Schueller. a partner in the private banking firm of Auspitz Lieben, has been found shot dead at Wienerwald. Herr Stephan Auspitz, the principal partner, was prevented by a passer-by from drowning in the Danube &lt;
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 81 22 -Reuter. 597 Planes Give New York A Thrill. New York, May 24. Kvery skyscraper was packed, every window wat alive with peering faces, every street was filled with skygazers when America’s aerial armada, totalling 55)7 aeroplanes, roared over the city in battle formation and then indulged
      -Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 75 22 Reuter. U.S.A.’s Huge Anticipated Deficit. Washington, May 24. Mr. Andrew W. Mellon, the Secretary o the Treasury, anticipates a deficit on June 30 of $800,000,01)0 which will be met by temporary borrowing. The Government will maintain “strict neutrality” toward any effort in Europe t&lt; postpone the Disarmament Conference ir
      — Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 67 22 Falls From His Horse And Hurts His Face. Rome, May 23. Signor Mussolini was slightly injured during his customary morning ride today His horse, after a very high jump, to its knees and II Duce was thrown and received minor injuries to his face. These injuries w r
      67 words
    • 103 22 Reuter. More Questions in House Of Commons. London, May 20. Further questions with regard to the mui-tsai system in Hong Kong were asked in the House of Commons today. Replying, Dr. Drummond Shiels, Undersecretary for the Colonies, stated the minimum wages and conditions of employment of mui-tsai, remarking,
      Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 123 22 I VW JVI —Reuter. Free Production As From Monday Next. Amsterdam, May -0. The Committee of the Amsterdam Diamond Exchange has adopted a proposal made l»y an International Committee lor the Diamond Trade and Industry to put an end on May 24 to the restriction on
      I VW JVI —Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 104 22 —Reuter. British Instructions Not To be Divulged. London, May 20. Replying to Mr. J. S. Wardlaw-Milne (Cons., Kidderminster) in the House of Commons, as to whether the resumed negotiations at Nanking, with regard to the abolition of extra-territoriality, were based on the same instructions from His Majesty’s Government as
      —Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 58 22 Neuter. Bishop and Four Priests Kidnapped. Peking. May 20. The Aposto c Delegation here has received a telegram I'-om Laohokow, Hupeh Province, stating that Communists have invaded the Catholic Mission at Chayuenkow, rear Laohokow, have killed three Chinese priests, dispersed the seminarists and carried off Bishop Ricci and
      Neuter.  -  58 words
    • 124 22 has been selected for the post.—British Wireless. Two British Cruisers For South American Waters. Rugby, May 20. The Admiralty announces that it has been decided that two of the cruisers of the American and West Indies Squadron shall form a South American division, to be under a
      has been selected for the post.—British Wireless.  -  124 words
    • 67 22 —British Wireless. Early Return to House Of Commons Expected. Rugby, May 20. The health of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Philip Snowden, has sufficiently improved to enable him to attend, today, a meeting of the Cabinet Council. It is expected that he will be wcil enough
      —British Wireless.  -  67 words
    • 43 22 -Reuter. Now Spreads to South America. Santiago de Chile, May 20. A Customs Union of the Americas, as a remedy for the distress prevailing rruong the American nations, is suggested bv Scnor Antonio Planet, the Foreign Chile!—Reuter. Mini3tei f Con
      -Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 119 22 ,—Reuter. A World’s Record. MANY PRIZES FOR PLAfFn HORSES. London, May 2.’&gt; Auditors in Dublin are now tottim? the takings in the Irish Hospitals Derhl Sweep, which closed on Saturday y It is unofficially stated that the will amount to £2.000,000, and one mate is
      ,—Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 185 22 Reuter. CtiUlU’ I till I AIM' —British Wireless. Geneva to be the Venue Of The Conference. Rugby, Hay 30. The League Council today decided the Disarmament Conference-. St 1 hell next year, shall meet at Geneva. [iritis), Wireless. Geneva. Kay 30. The League Council, at a private session,
      — Reuter.; CtiUlU’ I till I AIM' —British Wireless.  -  185 words
    • 129 22 —Reuter. Turkestan Expedition Abandoned. Peking. May 24. In response to repeated petitions from the so-called Society for the Preservation of Ancient Relics which has been agitating since Iasi year for the expulsion ot Sir Aure! Stein, the Governor of Sinkiang Province has ordered the noted aehaeologist to
      —Reuter.  -  129 words
    • 58 22 —Reuter. Woman Pilot Breaks Both Legs. Berlin, May 21. The German airwoman (Frauleinf Schultes, accompanied by the airman Herr Sackmann, who left Munich c route for Tokio in a small sports lnacniru this morning, have clashed in a fog m' 11 Passau. (Fraulein) Echuites’ legs wcibroken
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 52 22 to Shanghai on a pleasure trip.—Sin K'J Min. Making Trip to Shanghai On Pleasure Bent. Shanghai* May 20. Marshal Chang Ftsueh-liang, the Mar churian ruler, has postponed his deparfui-' from Nanking for a few days, a;'*' which he and Madam Chang are g'»" L to Shanghai on a
      to Shanghai on a pleasure trip.—Sin K'J Min.  -  52 words
    • 740 21 —Sin Kuo Min. Peace Envoy Dispatched To Canton. REDS RAMPANT. ‘'Serious Situation” In Hunan. Shanghai, May 23. Tlie most interesting item of news to nam today is that Mr. Chang Chi,—the vice-chairman of the Judicial Yuan and therefore a statesman who was very !,,A*ly in touch with
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  740 words
    • 917 21 —Reuter. Canton Expecting Offer From Nanking. Canton, May 22. The formal establishment of the Government has been postponed, the official excuse being the non-arrival of the Leftist leader Mr. Wang Ching-wei from Hong Kong. Rut many believe that General Chan Chai-tong is delaying in the that Mr. Sun
      —Reuter.  -  917 words
    • 141 21 Reuter. Prince of Wales Suggests British Building. London, May 21. A stirring plea for co-operation in the development of British trade in South America was made by the Prince of Wale« at a dinner given by the London Executive of the recent British Empire Exhibition at Buenos Aires.
      Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 118 21 ,—Reuter. Russia Agrees to Quota System in Principle. London, May 21. The Soviet delegation at the London Conference of eleven wheat exporting countries, which is sitting privately, has agreed, in principle, to the scheme for the establishment of an international wheat quota, says the News Chronicle. This means
      ,—Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 214 21 Reuter. (j.S.A. Company to Exploit A Million Acres. New York, May 21. A message from Bogota states that, as a result of a favourable report by a special committee, the Lower House of the Colombian Legislature is expected shortly to ratify the agreement allowing the Colombian Petroleum Company
      Reuter.  -  214 words
    • 555 21 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Health Causing Great Anxiety. DELEGATES HEADY. Sole Representative Of Congress. Simla, May 20. Tin* next meeting of tlu* Federal Structure Committee will l.e heltl in London on June 29. The plenary session of the RnundT able Conference will start in London during
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  555 words
    • 56 21 —Keutcr. To Assist the Farmers Of Central Europe. Geneva, May 20. The Commission on European l nion has approved the ereation of an International Agricultural Credit Hank to assist the farmers &lt;*f Central and South-Eastern Europe. However, Mr. Arthur Henderson, the Hritih Foreign Secretary, demurred, wishing first to
      —Keutcr.  -  56 words
    • 81 23 oeen iciiuwvu British Wireless. Crude Oil as Fuel. TEST FOR NEW BRITISH AEROPLANE. Rugby, May 22. A British aeroplane, British H00 horse power engine burning crude oil costing four pence a gallon reail, will shortly fly over the South of Kngland on t prolonged reliability
      oeen iciiuwvu -- British Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 96 23 fhey h%I i*en able to trace.—British Wireless^ Returned to the British Embassy at Moscow. Rugby, May 21. When Commander Carlyon Bellairs lon s., Maidstone,), in the House of Commons today, a»ked whether the Soviet Government’s assistance had been sought in recovering the silver plate ukon from the British
      fhey h%I i*en able to trace.—British Wireless^  -  96 words
    • 72 23 -Reuter. Reported Spanish Deal With Soviet. Lowdon. May 21. Wording to the newspaper El Sol the Spanish Government has arrived at an ire omen t with the Russian Naphtha mpany whereby Spain will purchase Ru. .-ian petroleum at IS per cent, below •/u price 1 of oil from
      -Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 48 23 -Reuter. Lady Owen’s Appeal To President. Paris, May 21. Counsel for Lady Edmee Owen has apxied for her pardon or, at least, for the ;■-.•mission of the remainder of her sen*»ve and her immediate release. The final decision will rest with the &gt; President, M. Doumer. —Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 119 23 British Wireless. Reuter. Undergoes Minor Operation To The Nose. London, May 21. is officially announced that the Duke Connaught will be confined to the &gt;use for a few days, after the removal a nolypus from the nose. It is stated that the operation was a •vy minor
      — British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 103 23 —Reuter. British Engineer’s Notable Invention. Paris, May 22. wonderful new wireless gadget,” invention of a London engineer named s, which improves long distance tele-l-nontig, has been demonstrated near here. invention applies to short wave '‘irthand the system is known as the side band.” It has already been 'i.’l'lied
      —Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 77 23 Reuter. Spain’s New Ambassador Persona Non Grata. Madrid, May 23. The Vatican has declared persona non grata Spain's new Ambassador, Senor Lui* tie Zulueta. reason is not stated, but it is known tliHt Sene* £ulueta f w£m is of the highest standing and morality, has cut
      Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 80 23 —Reuter. Biggest Ever Seized In v America. New York, May 23. A 103,000-gallon still, which is said to be the largest ever seized in America, has been confiscated by Government agents in the old Consumers' Brewery, Sutton Place, in the heart of a socially distinguished neighbourhood. Jwo
      —Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 63 23 —Reuter. Grave Danger Of Break-Down. London, May 22. It is slated that there is grave danger of the conference of wheat-growing countries, now sitting in London, breaking down owing to the failure of the committee to find a scheme likely to be acceptable to the conference. Consequently the
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 165 23 —British Wireless. Liberals and Conservatives To Be Consulted. Rugby, May 22. In the House of Commons today the l nder-Secretary for the Dominions (Mr. W. Lunn), answering a question by Lord VVinterton, said, in reply to a recent question regarding the proposals which had been made by the
      —British Wireless.  -  165 words
    • 94 23 -British Wireless. Mr. Graham Condemns Idea Of General Tariff. Rugby, May 20. "The second reading of the Finance Bill was carried in the House of Commons last night by 270 votes to 230. Mr. Neville Chamberlain (Con., Egbas&lt;on) attacked the land tax scheme. The President of the
      -British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 78 23 1 III v/m. n»v to eliminate foreign competition.—British Wircle s. £7,000,000 Merger Planned By Manufacturers. Rugby, May 22. The terms of a merger for six of the leading Lancashire textile machinery manufacturing concerns, with a total issued capital of over £7,000,000, have been prepared by Sir Gilbert Gamsey,
      1 III v/m. n»v ~ — to eliminate foreign competition.—British Wircle s.  -  78 words
    • 73 23 -fr''Wireless. Plural Voting to Be Abolished. Rugby, May 21. By a majority of 30 the House of Commons last night added to the Electoral Reform Bill a clause abolishing plural voting. There was no challenge to the previous decision to retain the twelve university seats, but, in
      -fr''Wireless.  -  73 words
    • 117 23 —British Wireless. Sir Edward Elgar Leads Community Singing. Rugby, May 23. The Empire Day celebrations, which are being held today as the actual anniversary, May 24, falls or! a Sunday, include a big demonstration this afternoon in Hyde Park, at which the massed bands of the Brigade of
      —British Wireless.  -  117 words
    • 89 23 —Reuter. To Doyen of the Diplomatic Corps. Peking, May 22. After more than 37 years’ connection with Peking, the Netherlands Minister, H 13 Excellency Heer William J. Oudendijk K.C.M.G., accompanied by his wife, departed from here this afternoon. They are leaving China for good, and were given
      —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 73 23 —Reuter. Plans for a Mortgage Credit Bank. Geneva, May 21. The Convention for the creation of an International Agricultural Mortgage Credit Bank has been signed by sixteen States, with a view to establishing a special reserve. The contracting Governments undertake to make advances, aggregating 25,000,000 gold francs. The
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 61 23 —Reuter. One Dead and Fifty Injured. Tokio, May 22. An explosion of gunpowder, stored in the machine-room of the Nisshin Flour Mill at Yokohama, started a fire which quickly reduced the whole eight-storied building to ashes. The flames spread to the adjoining buildings and the fire is still
      —Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 56 23 —Reuter. Cuts to Come into Force Next Month. Tokio, May 22. The Cabinet has decided to cut official salaries, on a sliding scale, ns from June 1. The maximum reduction will be 20 per cent, and will apply to the Prime Minister. The estimated saving is Yen
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 55 23 Reuter. Underwriters Get With 62 Per Cent, of Issue. London, May 22. The underwriters of the India Loan have been left with 02 per cent, of the issue. Dealing* started at a half per cent, discount, hut business is now being done at a dl
      Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 55 23 —Reuter. Fears That 23 Have Been Drowned. Tokio, May 24. Twenty-three fishermen are mi****‘ and are believed to hav*» v w 4l *5’ after a ship car»• ,,4 &gt;eer drowned, a storm nff 31 turned turtle in miles from Yokohama. les those on board were
      —Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 110 23 -Reuter. “Sidky Government Will Surely Fall,” Cairo, May 24. The Wafd Liberal, in an anneal tn tkn n -fdk 0 v n ’r UyS- int&lt;,r aiiH “K« P the dky Will surely fall and the ulion be restored, for the country is united to this end.
      -Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 107 23 —Reuter. Huge Decline in the U.K. Exports to India. London, May 23. The huge decline of 338,446,000 square yards in the exports of cotton goods from the United Kingdom to British India is shown in the Hoard of Trade statement that only 130,017,000 square yards were exported during
      —Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 93 23 —Reuter. M. Briand May Insist On Resigning. Paris, May 23. It now appears definite that M. Briand will insist upon resigning from the Ministry of Foreign Adairs. He and the Prime Minister, M. Laval, had a long conversation this morning at which M. Laval pressed M.
      —Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 60 23 —British Wireless. Cabinet Minister Denies A Rumour. Rugby, May 23. Dr. Christopher Addison, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, hus emphatically denied the rumour of the possibility of his resignation from the Cabinet. He says the Cabinet policy on the wheat quota question had not yet been
      —British Wireless.  -  60 words
    • 52 23 on the Sikong-Tibet border.—Sin Kuo Min. Dalai Lama Denies That He Was the Aggressor. Nanking, May 20. A representative of the Dalai Lama of Tibet totally denies the truth of the reports that the Dalai Lama was the aggressor ia connection with the trouble on the Sikong-Tibet
      on the Sikong-Tibet border.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  52 words
    • 54 23 Sin Kuo Slin, Strong Opposition to New Taxes. Shanghai. May 25. The merchants at Tientsin are vigorously opposing the imposition of the authorised consumption and special products taxes and nro petitioning Marshal Chung 1 lsu&lt; h-liang, the Manchurian ruler, with a view to securing a postponement of their
      Sin Kuo Slin,  -  54 words
    • 220 24 —Reuter. Women and Children Left To Vultures. CAMELS EATEN. An Englishman’s Heroic Determination. Cairo, May 26. Hands of half-demented Arabs have just revealed a harrowing story of a trek across the Lybian desert —which has been strewn with the hones of women, childrt*n, horses, and camels
      .—Reuter.  -  220 words
    • 100 24 Reuter. Burma Rebels Attack Karen Villages. Rangoon, May 25. Reports of rebel activities and engagements with the police are still arriving from various parts of Burma. Communal antagonism has entered upon a new phase. The Burmans are now attacking not only the Indians, but also the Karens,
      Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 36 24 —Reuter Ten Dead and Sixty Missing. Madras, May 25. Ten people are (h ad and 00 are missin" as a result of a serious fire which occurre:’ in a mine at the Kolar goldfields.—Reuter
      —Reuter  -  36 words
    • 70 24 —Reuter. Restriction on Their Negotiation Abroad. Madrid, May 26. The Minister of Finance is dissatisfied with th.» Petroleum Monopoly and has decided to remove three members of the board so that (Jovernment representatives may not be in the monopoly”. Among other financial measures he has decided that no
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 55 24 —Reuter. Overwhelming Victory For Government Troops. New York, May 25. A message from Tegucigalpa states that Honduran (lovernment troops have inflicted a crushing defeat upon the rebel army under General Feprera, near Tela. The battlefield is littered with rebel dead and it is believed that the end of
      —Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 35 24 British Wireless. Arrival in London Last Night. Rugby, May 21. The new Spanish Ambassador (Senor Perez de Ayala) arrived in London tonight and was met by a representative of the Foreign Secretary.—British Wireless.
      British Wireless.  -  35 words
    • 94 24 —Reuter. Complete Division of All Arms Contemplated. Simla, May 26. (icneral Sir Philip Chetwode, opening the meeting of the Indian Sandhurst Committee in pursuance of the decision of the Round-Table Conference, said he proposed that the Government should immediately Indianise a complete division, of all arms.
      —Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 92 24 —Reuter. Delegates From S.S. At Simla Conference. Simla, May -5. Over thirty delegates—including represent at ivis of China, the Dutch East Indies, the Straits Settlements and the French Eastern possessions—are attending a conference on deck passenger and pilgrim traffic which opened here today, under the chairmanship of Mr.
      —Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 55 24 —Reuter. £50,000 for Propaganda Campaign. Cairo, May 25. The hinance Ministry has allocated £50,000 for propaganda in connection with the cotton campaign.—Reuter. An earlier message stated :—The Finance Ministry has authorised th? opening of a permanent cotton exhibition at Prague. The Government is about to embark upon an
      —Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 62 24 side and country resorts.—British Wireless. Heavy Bookings by Rail And Motor-Coach. Rugby, May 23. Despite the weather forecasts that it will be rainy over the week-end there vvere heavier advance bookings for Whitsuntide on the railway and motor-coach ■services than for several years, and the railway stations today
      side and country resorts.—British Wireless.  -  62 words
    • 46 24 having a capital of $3,000,000. —Sin Kuo Min. China to Open Government Factories. Shanghai, May 25. The Industries Minister is planning the immediate opening of Government factories, devoted to the construction »f industrial machines and steam engines, having a capital of $3,000,000. —Sin Kuo
      having a capital of $3,000,000.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  46 words
    • 34 24 Reuter. Death of the President In Lucknow. Lucknow, May 23. The death has occurred here of Sir Mohammad Ali Mohamed Khan, the President of the All-India Muslim League.— P mii til*
      Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 94 24 Reuter. Paris, May 20. The Oustric Trial is not likely to be resumed before the autumn.—Reuter. New York, May 20. Mr. Ralph Barton, the well-known caricaturist, has been found dead in his home in circumstances pointing to suicide. -Kernel. The Hague, May 20. The Queen of
      — Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 106 24 British Wireless. Cairo-London Return £81. SINGLE FROM ENGLAND TO KARACHI £98. Rugby, May 25. The Imperial Airways are finding it possible, in the development of their longdistance routes, to introduce considerably lower air fares and many reduced rates are now operative. A return air ticket to
      British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 67 24 —Reuter. Sinks in 100 Fathoms Of Water. Moscow, May 20. Submarine number nine of the Baltic Fleet, during training exercises in the Gulf of Finland on Friday, dived and has r.ot reappeared. Two aeroplanes searched the spot and noticed oil on the surface of the water. Salvage
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 111 24 Aneta. Scott at Sourabaya From Wyndham. Batavia. May 27. Mr. G. \V. A. Scott, the airman who recently made a record flight from Great Britain to Australia, is now on the return jourrey and arrived at Sourabaya at 8.45 this morning. He hopes to leave for Batavia
      — Aneta.  -  111 words
    • 222 24 -British Wireless. Immense Crowds on Road; River and Sea. Rugby, May 20. Brilliant sunshine in *he South of England favoured holiday-makers yesterday \nd all the most nopular seaside and j country resorts were crowded. Beauty spots in the neighbourhood of London have probably never proved so popular. It
      -British Wireless.  -  222 words
    • 65 24 —Reuter. Pays Dividend of 6 Per Gent. The First Year. Basle, May 20. The first ton and a half months’ working of tho Bank of International Settlements ended on Mar. 31 and resulted in a profit, enabling the payment of a G per cent, dividend. The deposits, on
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 430 24 Vivian Gordon Mysterv V TWO MEN ARRESTED i\ NEW YORK. New York, May 25 After several weeks of “shadowing detectives have arrested a taxinian nanv Harry Harvey, who drove the car which Vivian Gordon met her death He states that she was strangled in a car
      430 words
    • 74 24 it. tllv JUUI J —British Wireless. London to Copenhagen In Single Day. Rugby. May 2-V Another record for British aviation habeen set up by Captain Neville Stack an Mr. J. R. Chaplin. Flying a Vickers-Napier aeroplane tru’v completed a flight from London to Copenhagen, 1,400 miles, in 11
      it. tllv JUUI J —British Wireless.  -  74 words
    • 67 24 —Reuter. Hand to Hand Fighting With Guards. Chicago, May 25. The second outbreak among the prisoner* this year occurred at Vandalia Ma &lt; Farm, where sharp hand to hand strugg k were fought with the guards before tr.&lt; prisoners were subdued. The prisoners set fire to
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 57 24 -Reuter. $2,848,000,000 As Last Year’s Estimate. Washington, May 2n. The Association against the Prohibits' 1 Amendment estimates the annual expen ,l!ture of the United States on booth' 1 liquor at $2,848,000,000, an increase &lt;*• over $1,000,000,000 compared with 1" 11 It is declared that the illegal h'l'j’.
      -Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 109 25 ,—Reuter. Anxiety of Authorities. EFFORT TO BE MADE TO RESTRICT MENACE. New York, May 27. The serious concern felt by the Stock Exchange authorities with regard to the continuous of prices, even of •..veil-established securities, is evidenced !iv their sending all members of the
      ,—Reuter.  -  109 words
    • 228 25 -British Wireless. Holiday Crowds Watch Practice Flights. Rugby, May 20. Rank Holiday crowds in the Isle of Wight, and resorts on the approaches to Southampton and Portsmouth, witnessed practice flights by some of the members T rr.e high rpced crews now in training a: (Y.bhot for the Schneider
      -British Wireless.  -  228 words
    • 63 25 —Reuter. Bill to Prevent Ruin of Estates. Kingston. May 27. A Bill intended to prevent the ruin of •he Jamaican sugar estates has passed its cent! reading in the Legislature. The measure appoints a Control Board. tders the compulsory retention for local consumption of 2ft per cent, of
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 133 25 v 4 (III I VIVII l formalities will be completed.—B.i1 !s h Wireless. Southampton to Canada In 3 \'i Days. Rugby, May 26. 1 he Canadian Pacific liner, Empress of Britain, which has a tonnage of 42,ftftft •*‘d which cost £3,00(1.000, is due to leave Southampton for
      ~ “ » ■ ’ v 4 (III I VIVII »»»*'• l ' — ----- formalities will be completed.—B.i-1 !sh Wireless.  -  133 words
    • 101 25 •—Reuter, K &gt;yal Dutch Company on The Main Causes. London, May 27. 'he main cause of the fall in the prices ”m according to the report, of the 1 11 Hutch Company for 1930, is not production but under-consumption h affects all commodities) owing, &gt; &lt;
      •—Reuter,  -  101 words
    • 137 25 .—Reuter. Qualified Approval Of the Premiers. Melbourne, May 25. 1 he question of the economic rehabilitation ot Australia was considered at a conference between Mr. J. II. Scullin, the Federal Prime Minister, Mr. E. (J. Theodore, the Federal Treasurer, and &lt;ne State Prime Ministers on
      .—Reuter.  -  137 words
    • 82 25 —Reuter. Ghastly Disaster in a South India Mine. Oorgaum, South India. May 20. The death roll in the Nundydroog mine of the Kolar Goldfields is now 17, including seven who died in hospital. It is understood that between 25 and 30 miners are still not accounted for. Rescue
      —Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 75 25 -British Wireless. Federal Structure Committee Sittings. Rugby, May 20. Views are still being exchanged between the Secretary for India, Mr. W. Wedgwood Benn, and the Viceroy, Lord Willingdon, as to the date on which the Federal Structure Committee of the Indian Round-Table Conference should leaume its sittings. There
      -British Wireless.  -  75 words
    • 74 25 Reuter. George Washington’s Home U.S. j^ffvllion. Pans, May 26. An t xact reproduction of George Washington’s home at Mount Vernon, which forms the United States Pavilion at the Colonial Exhibition, was opened to the public this afternoon by the French Minister of the Colonies and the American
      — Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 36 25 —British Wireless. British Prices Reduced By One Penny. Rugby, May 21. The National Petrol Distributing Companies announce a reduction of one penny per gallon in their wholesale and retail prices from tomorrow. —British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  36 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 48 19 U. S. DE SILVA BROS.. Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS &lt;2*5/ Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given to outstation orders. 9 All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. :50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      48 words

  • 130 25 Given Farewell Dinner Before Going on Leave. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 26. A farewell dinner was given at the Government English School, Segamat, on Sunday night by the staff of the Assistant Adviser’s Office, the Land Office, and Mr. Quek Kai Kee to
    130 words
  • 89 25 —Reuter. Ghastly Double Tragedy At Indianapolis. Indianapol is, May £6. Joe Caccia, of Haverford, and Clarenc* Grove, of brynmawr, were killed while practising on the speedway here for the 500-mile motor race which is to take place on May 3u. they were travelling at a high speed
    .—Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 72 25 Reuter. Three Killed When It Crashes. Chicago, May 27. Three men were killed and a fourth was seriously injured by the crashing today of a freak aeroplane, called the Blue Streak, owned by a newspaper, having practically no tail, two engines and two airscrews (one lore and
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 228 25 S.R.A. Officials’ Salaries Discussed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 27. For the first time in years the Penang Turf records a working loss for the half year ended Feb. 28, 1931, of $12,929. Apart from this the balance sheet reveals a strong position with investments in
    228 words
  • 92 25 D.E.I. Government Denies Statement. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 22. A statement by Dr. Bernhard, that the Government did not intend to grant more ground for rice culture, has prompted a statement from the Department concerned, intimating tha such a statement could never have been made
    92 words
  • 87 25 Fire Chief Hurt While Fighting Blaze. &lt;F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 26. Mr. A. J. Brown, assistant superintendent of (ho fire brigade, was taken to hospital as a result of severing an artery in bis wrist during a fire in Penang Road in the early hours
    87 words
  • 105 25 —Reuter. Authorities Reticent. OTHER TROOI'S AWAITING ORDERS. Alay 26. I ho, twelfth Infantry Brigade and the 3! 10th Bunjams aio leaving lor Burma tonight. Otuer troops are al.'O waiting orders to leave. I he military authorities are most reticent regaining the situation. Later The 1-lTth lhigra
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 234 25 Judgment (Jiven For Defendants. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 26. Judgment has liecn given in the vase which was heard in the Mulaecu Supreme owrt last month known as the railway case. I he case concerned a piece of land situated at Kuhu, known as lot
    234 words
  • 68 25 Address on Meteorology Delivered. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuula Lumpur, May 20. Over a hundred technical officers and students of the departmental technical school attended the first conference of the Technical Association of Malaya, held here on Sunday and Monday. In addition to social events, the members were
    68 words
  • 77 25 Well-Dressed Indian to be Sent To Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 26. A well-dressed Indian named J. L. Ocorge was brought up before tlx 1 magistrate here, having been arrested on a warrant issued in Malacca, on a charge of abetment of alleged cheating by
    77 words
  • 52 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 26. Hail in $5OO each was allowed in the court here to three Chinese who are &lt;harged with attempted extortion by putting Cheng Swee Kong, a Chinese woman, in fear of injury, namely, loss of trade. The case was postponed
    52 words

  • 3331 26 Without Good Reason Or Excuse. LOSS OF HOCK SENG. PLAIN SPEAKINIJ BY CHIEF JUSTICE.. The recent action in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Sproule, the acting Chief Justice, in the case in which Ixiw Teck Sin sued the Attorney-General and the Singapore Slipway and Engineering
    3,331 words
  • 47 26 The committee of the Asiatic !1 1 ployment Fund acknowledges the lowing subscriptions:--Previously acknowledged $0, 457.0. &gt;. t ferred from the non-European I’nen ment Fund 918*3.15, Per Mr. Tan 1 Hong (Saigon): Straits-born &lt; (Saigon) $150.70, Per Mr. Lim Kee Mr. P. Rattanam $10; total $0,800.1" 1
    47 words

    • 941 27 Negri Save Defeat. SPLENDID INNINGS BY JAMES. I Sh-*rt -sighted policy was probably the L-citson for the S.C.C. being only seven L,. n &lt; o&lt;* victory in their match with kvgi i Sembilan on May 2") on the Padang hvith no play on Sunday, a start
      941 words
    • 639 27 Filipino Out in Second Round. The main event at the Lion City Ring I on May 20 proved a sail disappointment I ot a kind which is bound to do consider-1 able harm to professional boxing. It was announced as being between Sid Nash, the
      639 words
    • 767 27 Four Seconds Taken Off The Record. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. The Selangor Automobile Association took something of a risk when they decided to hold an open hill climb at the present time, but there were 73 entries for the car
      767 words
    • 857 27 Malay States Beaten. THE ANNUAL TENNIS FIXTURE. The* Colony tenni- player i retained the Ouillomnnl Cup in comp tilion with the Malay States. Of the si\ singles matches played, the S.S. von live, and thus uroJ 1.) points in the ingle; fixtures. Ol the doubles mat
      857 words
    • 2215 28 i Successful Meeting. DISQUALIFICATION FOR SHORT WEHJHT. The opening day of the Singapore TuH Club Spring Amateur meeting proved very successful, the sport lieinjf interest* ing, finishes good, and favourites obliging occasionally. The biggost upset of the day was ihat by Young I'-^rypt in the fpurth race,
      2,215 words
    • 35 28 .—Reuter. Beats Barber After Hard Struggle. Leeds, May 23. Ernest Whitcombe (Bournemouth) beat Tom Barber (Derbyshire) at the 39th hole in the final of the Yorkshire Evening News 1,000 Guineas Tournament today.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 87 28 Singapore L. R. Association Competitions. The monthly spoon competition of the Singapore Ladies Rifle Association, was held at the Bukit Timah Range. The following cards were returned Total 300 200 100 with i) yds. yds. yds. h’can. Ms. I rent ice 30 25 24 103.44 M rl' l' m&gt;
      87 words
    • 592 28 BRITISH OPEN GOLF FINAL t n ,—Router- 22-Year-Old Champion. MARTIN SMITH Wl\«s GREAT FIGHT. 4 Westward Ho, Mav •&gt;■&gt; Eric Mai tin Smith (Royal St (V won the Hritish Amateur Ooen Championship, beating John d. V J&lt; (Addington) 1 up in the today. n01es hm. The sun favoured the “Young
      t n • ,—Router-  -  592 words
    • 74 28 Troops Compete in Empire Day Games. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. May Despite inclement weather, the Boy Scouts’ Empire Day Sporty held today on the Francis Light: ground in Perak Road. The t'°°l presented were the Free Seh«»i». Anglo-Chinese School, Malay v Hutchings School, FTancif Light &gt; t
      74 words
    • 43 28 Feat Performed at 17th At Bukit Timah. Playing with Mr. E. G. Statu Bukit Timah on Thursday, Mr. 1 Atkinson accomplished the feat &lt;’j a hole in one. This wns at the 1* distance of which is 130 yards.
      43 words
    • 1169 29 I Local Club’s Success. lirr DICKSON NARROWLY I DEFEATED. ft very r ull week-end’s sailing was ft ris sc.l at the Royal Singapore Yacht ft during the Whitsuntide holidays, ft ,.reunion being the visit of the Port ft&lt; „n Yacht Club team. Jr Sunday morning seven
      1,169 words
    • 309 29 Navy Challenge Cup Result. The Navy challenge Cup (18 holes medal play), played at the Bukit Timah course on Monday resulted as follows L. D. Hardie and Mrs. W. C. Huggard (S.G.C.) 78. M. M. Paterson and Mrs. V. G. Savi (S.G.C.) 83. R. Craik and Mrs. R.
      309 words
    • 1174 29 Router. Several Centuries. TATE AND LARWOOD IN FORM. London. May 21. Northampton Kent easily defeated Northamptonshire by ten wickets today. Northants opened with 188, Freeman taking live wickets for H5 runs. Kent replied with 223, V. W. Jupp taking six wickets for 99 runs. their second innings
      Router.  -  1,174 words
    • 242 29 Singapere’s Host Score Since 1922. The Singapore team has a i'uik 1 chance, of winning the inter-port shooting competition a train t Shanghai and Hong Kong this year, for at the Karrer Range on May 21 they put up a score of t*2K. This, however, although the best
      242 words
    • 985 30 Pulau Brani’s Win. S.C.F.A. FORWARD SENT OFF. I’ulau lirani 3 hint*sc* 0. Tin* Malays have much cause to rejoice because the defeat of the Chinese mi Tile day by Pulau llrani considerably l&gt;Mght&lt;*n ed their prospects of winning the League championship this season tor the tir&gt;l
      985 words
    • 529 30 An Aid to Character Building. The annual athletic sports of St. Andrew’s S hool were held at the Jalan Besar Stadium on Tuesday before a large attenda nee. j At the conclusion the Bishop of Singapore (the fit. Rev. B. C. Roberts) c#ngiululated the school on
      529 words
    • 63 30 Negotiations for Tour ByJapanese. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, May 22. Negotiations are in progress for a visit to India of a Japanese tennis team. Calcutta insists that three approved Davis Cup players, of the standard of Harada. Aho, Toba, Ohta and Miki, he included in a
      63 words

  • 527 30 “Like An Edgar Wallace Book.” The case in which a Chinese woman. Chang Meow Kiang. is charged with at- tempted poisoning came up for hearing l in the Assize Court before Mr. Justic Fproule, the acting Chief Justice, and a iurv on Mav 20. Mr. Y. !&gt;.
    527 words
  • 35 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 23. On Friday morning a flying boai landed at Malacca bringing Wing Commander A.C. Wright, A.F.C., R.A.F., to visit Capt. P. J. (Jething. M.C., Adjutant, M.V.C.
    35 words
  • 788 30 Sarkies Brothers. INTERIM RECEIVFR APPOINTED. The Official Assignee was y^ v appointed interim receiver fur the' of Sarkies Brothers by Mr. Justice The firm of Sarkies Brothers l stated to own the Raffles Hotel and View Hotel, Singapore and the K. and, Hotel, Penang. The petitioning creditors
    788 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 90 30 NOTICE \1 communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should r:« addressed to t7u* Hoad Office, Cecil an* Stanley Streets, Singapore. Straits Settle mcnts. Tb». post free price of the Straits Times t« the 1’nited Kingdom and foreign countrie is IS a year. The post free price
      90 words
  • 26 30 DEATH TAY. At 4. .0 a.m. on May 21, 1031, at 16, Leonie Hill, Doreen Tay, 13 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tay Lian Teck.
    26 words

    • 65 1 leral U l,l)er Situation 1 hgapore Tin Prices 1 Opta Market 1 &lt;»mJun Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 [:u ket Report :&gt; 'rade and Finance 4 tocks and Shares 4 .amuntir.g Tin 4 'in Returns 4 ub!)i r Plantations 4 and Reports— M ilava Publishing House 1
      65 words
    • 47 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Sju/t Seller Prices V S 4 •ate l.'don Spore May June July 0.10 1 1 (UO'j 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10‘i 0.10 s i, 0.10% 0.10% 0.10 s 0.10% n«i 0.10*2 o.ios\ o.!»’ s 0.10%«i
      47 words
    • 24 1 -V ISO tons at $52% i»er ricul. i?5 B*% iso 52 M» 12S 52 1 n 12** 5i% 27 200 51%
      24 words
    • 119 1 v and (’o. report on May 21, as Thi 1 a kot has been dull during the past r i I sint; (|Uotations are as follows i’ li &gt;1 .Sl.Trt, mixed $4.50. •i'a'a Sumatra Hnndelmaatschnppij report i M iy 21. as follows 1 values have njjuin been registered
      119 words
    • 63 1 fio’istead and Co., Ltd., Penanjr. have t ei\el a te’eyram front the secretaries. !&gt;•&gt; istead and Co., London, advisintr the annual accounts for the year y’d 1 f Cnited Patani (Malaya) Rubber -stat■ s., have been issuer! showing pioiit of £.1.775. The sum of £775 has f
      63 words
    • 51 1 The Chartered Bank of India reports receipt n f a ca ble from London stating ''iit t lie Shell Transport and Trading Co., has declared a dividend at the rate 1*. 0d. per share free of income tax, tavahle Juh* fi. The bearer coupon to he is N
      51 words
    • 45 1 ’hivn Sumatra Handelmaatschappi.i’s ‘j 1 1V!M rubber market report trives the commencing Monday, May IS (in 111 01 rents i. Prices are for sheet", with r 7,"' ven* higher:- ."n.iav, 1 6; Tuesday, 15%: Wednesday. K 1 luirsday, 16; Friday, 16; Saturday,
      45 words
    • 42 1 l v Sumatra Hnndolmantschappij are in K&gt; telegraphic advice from their Ki,: irivinjr the total exports of K, *'jr the month of April from :i hast Coast as 6,16ft tons, of which K, t&gt;&gt;n s went to the Federated Malay
      42 words
    • 1051 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Straits Time*&lt; (’opvrlgM.— Renrodurtion Rights Reserved London, Apr. 29. The past week has one distinction. It is the first in the history of the plantation industry during which spot price has been
      [Straits Time*< (’opvrlgM.— Renrodurtion Rights Reserved !  -  1,051 words
    • 242 1 Successful Year Under Difficult Conditions. The annual meeting of the Malaya Publishing House, Ltd., was held at Stamford Road, on Tuesday, Mr. F. C. Sands piesiding. Others present included Messrs. I,. L. Margoliouth, .1. F. Beat, B. I.owick. S. M*. Tracey, A. V. Harris, Tan Lee Choon,
      242 words
    • 470 1 Reduction of $62,000 In Cash Resources. The ordinary general meeting of the Ayer Punas Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries, Derrick and Co., Hon? Kong Hank Chambers on Tuesday, Mr. J. M. Si me presiding. Others present included Messrs. T.
      470 words
    • 221 1 The directors’ report to the shares holders of the North Taiping Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31, 1930, states Mining operations were restricted in accordance with the Tin Producers’ Association’s recommendations. The revenue from sale of tin ore was $140,480, less mine, head
      221 words
    • 4026 2 Major Eaton’s Account Of Work Done. LABOUR IN JOHORE. MEETING OK PLANTERS’ ASSOCIATION. The annual general meeting of th** Johore Planters’ Asso*iation was held a* the Civil Service Club, Johore IJah'U, or. May 2 r Th Hon. Mr. \N. Miller Mackay presided and there were 25 members
      4,026 words
    • 1815 3 Loss on Year’s Working. STRONG CRITICISM OF MANAGEMENT. The 20th annual meeting of Central Engine Works, Ltd., was held on Saturday. Mr. L. T. Wakeford, chairman, presided and the others present were Messrs. Tay Lian Teck, J. S. M. Rennie, L. R. MacPhail, G. Anderson, J. Reid.
      1,815 words
    • 710 3 F.M.S. Government And The Quota Scheme. Kruser mi l Co.'s report, dated May 2*1, states A statement on the tin position wan issued today by the K.M.S. Government in support of the International Committee's reeoniniendntion to increase restriction. The communique entirely tontrudicts the idea wh.oh existed in eertmn
      710 words
    • 281 4 EXCHANGE RATES Singap &gt;ti\ Muy 15". HELLING. London, 4 month*’ sight *'2 27/315 London, 3 months’ sight nr London, 60 days' sight London, 30 days’ sight London, demand Xt/*a London. T.T. “i*f Lyons and Paris. demand Hamburg, demand New York, demand Halaviu and Sourabaya. demand Samarang, demand
      281 words
    • 842 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 27. MINING. issue VaJ. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asum Kumbang 20'- 22/6 £1 £1 Austrul Malay is 6 jn 5/-5 Ayer llitam Tin in 9 II 6 £1 £1 Hangrin Tin 11 0 12 .‘1 I 1 Hatung I’udang 0.10
      842 words
    • 268 4 Dividends to be Paid Less Income Tax. i I The '’oil*.wing circular letter was disI patched by the secretary of Kamunting Tin Dredging Ltd., to shareholders on 1 Apr. 10 It has not been the custom for this company to include the estimated mine profit with the output
      268 words
    • 110 4 Toja Malaya first half i.—No. 2 dredge 125 piculs 1 270 piculs*. Renong ifir*t half'. —No. 2 dredge 193 picul* (1.061 piculs). Taiping (No. 1 dredge).--First half: 2*9 picul*. 316 hours, 50.000 yards. North Taiping (first half).—223 piculs. 281 hours. 3s.000 yards. Ratar.g Padang (No. 2 dredge). First
      110 words
      • 779 4 \bacco i£l) 4; Allagar (2 19/; Amherst j 41.; Anglo-Malay (£1) 5 32; Ayer Kinir'ur (£1) 11 16; Ragan Serai 3 16; Bharu (•&gt; 2 Banteng I£l &gt; 'a'* Batang onsolidated (2 1 *&gt;; Batu Caves 1:» ]"&lt; Batu Matar-tr (2 I 1 3; Batu
        779 words
      • 623 4 Closing I’ric«» Divide,.. I Nil iv,y«ri.-MI /,«1. *1«W «&lt;"•* 216 779 1 Nil for year 30-9-30 Alor Gajah *11 O.M\ ,l 439.425 1 15 p.c. year 31-3-30 A. Hitain til r n 197 5'»6 1 Nil year 31-12-30 ..A. Kurin* (111 0 2f &lt;U0
        623 words
    • 136 4 No Dividend for Past Year. The preliminary statement of the Rubber Plantations Investment Trust for l'.i.'iO shows a profit of £157,804, a decrease of £04.657. With the £*61,874 brought forward the total was £210,768. i hero has been reserved for taxation £-&gt;1.(i-i2 and transferred to loans reserve £60,000,
      136 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 693 5 INTERESTING ANNUALS. PHOTOGRAMS OF THE YEAR 1930 LV™ iv*' a*** du rfT. bSt K t C0l .r red f “»‘»!•&lt;«* »nd over 80 ?h.m «r. U iUbu7or fr^" g m Pi,r ffl&lt; the world tn 1830 S«v«r.l of Cloth bound *4.50, by Post $4.80. HEALTH A STRENGTH ANNUAL, 1931. rtf*
      693 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 331 6 7m M '.st zh BUT by POST and BATE MONEY. JW&gt; P«ge brines a Bargain tiara right la yoor door. The foods hare been chosea f oatstandint qaality and valne. their M IRWTJSjB^, COLUMBIA PORTABLES NEW CADET MODEL $25. (Write for Illustrated Liet). ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD. SINGAPORE. DONT WEAR
      331 words