The Straits Budget, 21 May 1931

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.} No. 3,821 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 19.11. Price 27) cents »S.»S. Currency) or 7d.
    29 words
  • 333 1 LEADERS Page Opium in China .‘1 Beyond the Highlands 3 Lessons of the R101 More Rubber Uses .‘1-4 Malaya's Geology 4 Present —34 4 Occasional Notes 6-6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 21-28 Pictures Two Singapore Weddings 17 Sir William Peel 18 At Home lo Amateur
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  • 1621 1 The late Mr. Robert Bindley, Not lev Abbey, Long Crendon, Bucks, a prominent figure in the rubber and tea growing industries, left £23,159 (net personalty nil). According to the Sarawak Government Gazette Mr. .1. C. Swayne ceases to act as hit f Secretary, the post having been
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  • 2082 2 Trend of Mining Opinion In the F.M.S. THE ASSESSMENTS. Factors Which Make For Dissatisfaction. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 16. It is difficult to discover in Kuala Lumpur any definite opinions as to how the proposal to tighten up the tin restriction scheme, which
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  • 154 2 To be Held in Singapore In June. The Diocesan Conference will be held in Singapore from June 17 to June 25. The conference will open with an assembly of clergy for an opening service at the St. Andrew’s Cathedral on June 17, and the following day will be
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  • 189 2 Door Battered Down And Inmates Injured. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 16. After several weeks of immunity from this form of crime a serious gang robberv took place at Tanjong Tokong village, four miles from town, early yesterday morning. Police who rushed to the scene
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  • 180 2 Sentences for Robbery And Sedition. (From Our Own Correspondent.# Seremban. May 18. At the Negri Sembilan Assizes toda\ two Chinese, Pan Siew and Hew Fah. charged with robbery on Dec. 12 at Temiang, the complainants being tv •Chinese women. Lew Thye and Wong Kiew. The accused both denied
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  • 141 2 Fewer Applications During April. The report of the European Unemployment Committee for April shows tha’ receipts up to the end of the month amounted to $31,199.88, which included the following: F.M.S. Government contribution, $5,000; Straits Settlements Government. $5,000; Ex-Service Association of Malaya, $7,441; Incorporated Society of Planters, $3,000;
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  • 72 2 Police Officer Injured In Lavender Street. A collision between a motor-car and petrol pumn in Lavender Street at about 11 o’clock cn Sunday night resulted in the removal of Inspector J. C. Mathewson, of the Rochore Division police, to the General Hospital where he is now recovering from
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1130 3 Straits Times, May 14. It has long been the very convenient custom in China to attribute everything wTTic-h goes wrong in that vast country wherever there is the slightest excuse f,,i doing so —to the existence of foreign concessions and settlements and to the strangers within the
      Straits Times, May 14.  -  1,130 words
    • 1028 3 —Straits Times, May 15, The valuable letter signed D whioh was published in the Straits Times last week has given the public a very clear picture of the large area to the north and north-cast, of Cameron’s Highlands from the viewpoint of the practical plan er, but
      —Straits Times, May 15,  -  1,028 words
    • 944 3 eventually there i? no question.—Straits Times, May lfi. There will be no surprise at the Prime Minister’s announcement regarding (Jreat Britain’s future airship policy. After the stupendous disaster of seven months ago. when hopes came crashing down with the loss of the RlOl, it was obvious
      eventually there i? no question.—Straits Times, May lfi.  -  944 words
    • 992 3 -Straits Times, May 18. The last Rullctin of the Rubber Growers’ Association contains an article describing the rubber research scheme which has just been given legal sanction by a Rill passed through the House of Commons. This scheme is of great importance to Malaya for it ensures
      -Straits Times, May 18.  -  992 words
    • 1114 4 the planet on which he lives. —Straits Times, May 11*. In 44 The Geology of Malaya,” by Mr. J. B. Scrivenor, M.A., F.G.S., Director of the Geological Survey Department, F.M.S., we have a companion volume to 44 The Geology of Malayan Ore Deposits,” published in IU2K by the
      the planet on which he lives.—Straits Times, May 11*.  -  1,114 words
    • 1043 4 Straits Times, May 20. In a note prior to the annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association we said that probably a good deal more would be heard on the subject of Shipping Conferences, which was launched with such a flourish of trumpets a year ago. This proved
      Straits Times, May 20.  -  1,043 words

  • 277 4 Tribute to Work Of Christian Brothers. An eloquent tribute to the work of Christian Brothers in Singapore was pai.t by Mr. C. H. da Silva at the old Jrsephians’ re-union dinner, hlld at th« Singapore Catholic Club on Saturday when 70 people were present. Mr. da Silva, in
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  • 97 4 Outbreak on Harbour Board Property. Prompt work by the local Fire Brigades was responsible for putting out an outbreak that occurred on May 15 in one oi the Harbour Board godowns which otherwise might have done extensiv* damage. Smoke was seen coming from god own N’o. 7, which
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  • 103 4 The funeral of Mrs. Mary Bullen, wh«' died at the age of 74, took place at tl'l- Cemetary on. Saturday. I»" he deceased and her husband, Mr. v Bullen, were old residents of MalayaMr. Bullen has been here about 45 yeai and was with the
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    • 133 5 Straits Times, May 14 Mr. Khoo Boo Lone, of Rangoon, has been pnying one of our Kuala Lumpur contemporaries for the insertion of the advertisement appearing below, but it is m) delightful to meet a practitioner who tlaims to cure any ailment from piles to the indwelling
      Straits Times, May 14  -  133 words
    • 388 5 —Straits Times, May 14. It is curious that the official announcement of the agreement relating to the Kuomintang in this country should have been made a few days after the appearance of the annual report of the Secretary •Mr Chinese Affairs, F.M.S., which contains the following passage "The
      —Straits Times, May 14.  -  388 words
    • 319 5 in these professions are.—Straits Times, May 14. Speaking at a school function in iVnang the other day Mr. D. H. Yap, V I A.. 8.D., a Straits-born Chinese, spoke appreciatively of his experiences in an American university and commended American universities to Chinese students, aside altogether
      in these professions are.—Straits Times, May 14.  -  319 words
    • 179 5 —Straits Times, May 15. Every lover of sport throughout the world will be delighted to hear that Sir 1 homas Lipton has been elected a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron. And, what is more, most people will feel that it is the Royal Yacht Squadron rather
      —Straits Times, May 15.  -  179 words
    • 269 5 thought without a struggle.—Straits Times, May 15. Those who, bemused and bewildered, have pored over a legal document and wondered what it all meant will learn with approval that the council of the American Law Institute is to prepare a new Code of Criminal Procedure designed to
      thought ” without a struggle.—Straits Times, May 15.  -  269 words
    • 460 5 STIFFER DEATH DUTIES millionaires when they die.—Straits Times, May 15. The question is sometimes asked of why the Colony and Federal Governments do not turn to what are known as death duties for new revenue. We do not want the backbreaking loads, rising to a maximum of 50 per cent,
      millionaires when they die.—Straits Times, May 15.  -  460 words
    • 65 5 —Straits Tin.cs, May 16. With reference to the note which appeared in this column last Saturday on the subject of the yellow fever danger, a correspondent writes pointing out that legislation has been already passed by both the Straits and I oderal Councils forbidding the importat
      .—Straits Tin.cs, May 16.  -  65 words
    • 363 5 OUR PERISHABLE PRESS Straits Time?, May 16. Some will rejoice, and others will regret, to know that fifty years hence the newspapers which are being published in Malaya today may have crumbled into nothingness. The Straits Times of fifty years ago is still well preserved because it was printed on
      Straits Time?, May 16.  -  363 words
    • 379 5 done by the eonvicts.— Straits Times, May Ifi. It is remarkable evidence of the moderation with which capital punishment h used in the Federated Malay States that out of a population of ove: 1,000,000 only five were executed lasr /car. The leniency, moreover, with which leath sentences
      done by the eonvicts.— Straits Times, May Ifi.  -  379 words
    • 329 5 THE HORLEY MEMORIAL -Straits Times, May 18. It is with real conviction that th* Straits Times commends to its readers, both European and Asiatic, the fund which is being raised as a memorial to the late Rev. W. E. Horley. During his 30 years’ service in this country Mr. Horley
      -Straits Times, May 18.  -  329 words
    • 468 5 ouirht to be enforced.—Straits Times. May 18. Nearly every estate in Malaya is now working its Indian tappers eight hours a day. In other words, when the tupper has finished his specialised work he goes on to other work. Sometimes he works .traight through the eight hours,
      ouirht to be enforced.—Straits Times. May 18.  -  468 words
    • 323 5 lively discussion .n Ti u politics are not oarred.— Strait May 19. A certain amount of quiet interest may he taken in the fact that the annual meet i r .U’ of the Straits Settlements (Singapore > Association is to be held this afternoon. Though in these
      lively discussion .n Ti u. politics are not oarred.—Strait May 19.  -  323 words
    • 416 6 PATIENT FORTITUDE.” 41 III I m Uiciimn v. the art* due to thorn. Straits I imos, May 19. An indication of the grave extent of unemployment among the hinese w,,k ing-<d asses in this country is to he found in*thc statement of Mr. J r Allen n his annual report
      ' 41 III I m Uiciimn v. the art* due to thorn. Straits I imos, May 19.  -  416 words
    • 256 6 We take the following from a recent Review of Economic Conditions in Asia “Further c\ id once of the rapid progress hoimr made by the N.K.l. (lovornment in rducing «it the disposal of tho public th«* latest nr dorn facilities was revealed in the announcement that a
      Straits Times, May IP.  -  256 words
    • 199 6 A NOTE ABOUT NOTES —Straits Times, May 20. Many queer and interesting facts are hidden in the Acting Colonial Secretary’s annual report for the past year. All those fastidious people, for instance, who object I to handling dirty, tattered dollar and other notes, instead of being thankful that they can
      —Straits Times, May 20.  -  199 words
    • 259 6 Straits Times, May 20. The haggi i. most delectable of dishes, received no more than its due when it was immortalised by Burns in language which the mere Sassenach can never hope to understand, still less appreciate. Now we learn that such an austere body
      — Straits Times, May 20.  -  259 words
    • 383 6 Straits Tin es, May 20. The greatly improved service which is n w available for the collection and study of data and statistics relating to the rubber industry in Malaya, and which wa j he subject of congratulatory reference at j he last annual meeting of
      Straits Tin es, May 20.  -  383 words

  • 773 6 Charged with Making False Statements. I The tables have now been turned and an 1 Indian Mohammedan, well known in Singapore business circles, who was the complainant in a case of alleged criminal breach of trust against a compatriot some tive months ago. was the accused,
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  • 259 6 Inauguration. MR. BARTLEY DRIVES OVER IT IN CAR. The experimental section of the rubber road in Trafalgar Street leading to th* Flying and Yacht Clubs, was inaugurated on May 15 by Mr. W. Bartley, the Pre sident of the Municipal Commissioners, who drove twice o\er it,
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  • 73 6 Listens to Bangkok Music While in America. (F rom Our Own Correspondent.! Bangkok, May Id. At midnight last night music played by the royal orchestra was broadcast and picked up by New York where it was re-broadcast. The re-broadcast was listened to by '.he King of
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  • 61 6 Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 11. At the Malayan Agri-Horticultural .Association’s annual meeting it was decided to hold the annual show this year despit the slump. The show will be held at the Association’s grounds in Kuala Lumpur ovei three days, including
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  • 51 6 Story of Attack on a Ricksha Kongsi. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May A sensational story is published this morning of a gang of seven Chinese h ing revolvers at a ricksha kongsi here. There was a fight between rival ricksha factions but no revolvers were
    51 words
  • 143 6 The Singapore Municipal Health statement for ihe week ended May 0, the total number of deaths as male and female 107. This represents a dealrate of .‘15.62 per mille per annum, coal’ pared w’ith 27.50 in the preceding Vlt and 29.57 in the corresponding week y* last year.
    143 words

  • 1329 7 Agricultural School For Malaya. A DREAM REALISED. Thousand Applications For Free Training! (Kn>m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. All wlio are concerned for the welfare of ♦he agricultural industries and rural life of Malaya will rejoice to know that at last this country has its
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  • 229 7 Last Seen at Singapore Race Meeting. The Chettiar community of Singapore and Johore is greatly perturbed over the mysterious disappearance of one of its members since May 9 and vigorous inquiries are being pursued by the Singapore Detective Branch without anything definite being established so far.
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  • 87 7 Death of Former Well-Known Footballer. All his friends have learned with regret of the passing of Mr. Loo Suan Hong, for a number of years a clerk in the Siam Commercial Lank, says the Bangkok Times. Mr. Loo Suan Heng, who came from Singapore some twenty-five
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  • 68 7 Four Puss Moths Ordered For New Service. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 14. At the meeting here yesterday of the Aerial Transport Co. it was reported that four -Puss Moth aeroplanes had been ordered. They will be used on an experimental -t-rvice between Bangkok and eastern
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  • 674 7 A Serious Position. DEFECTS OF THE QUOTA SCHEME. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May IN. A critical view of the tin restriction scheme, both in principle and in its local application, was expressed to the Straits Times representative by a mining authority in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 167 7 A home in England FOR Children of British Parents FARLEY HALL OAKAMOOR, NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND. Inspected and recommended by the Overseas League. Under the personal supervision of Miss Hunt a strictly limited number of boys and girls from babyhood are received for long or short pci iods. HOME ATMOSPHERE and
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  • 2182 8 Kuala Lumpur Discussion. ANTI-MALARIAL COSTS RATEPAYERS. {From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 13. Several matters o. i...crest to local authorities in Malaya were discussed l>y the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board this morning. Certain proposals by the Health Oflicer for improvements in housing plans were considered
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  • 96 8 $10,000 Worth Captured In Singapore. A party of revenue officers under Mr. M. B. C. Frend of the Singapore Preventive Service brought to light a large quantity of contraband opium on board the steamer Apoey, which arrived in the harbour from China ports on May 13. According to
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  • 74 8 Stabbing Affray in Victoria Street. Following a quarrel at about 0 o’clock on Saturday night at the junction of Albert Street and Victoria Street, two Chinese are said to have stabbed each other fatally. One man was found dead at the scene of the stabbing with a knife
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  • 73 8 (The Strait* Time* is not responsible f ;lie opinions of it* correspondents. (i, rr r ooridentM »nnuld bear in mind that i«-tte*' must be short and to the point. l on M Jpihtfes are liable to be rejected or oit lown. Correspondents ifiust enclose th». oa»»>**« and addresses, not
    73 words
  • 437 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—lt is gratifying to see that a t Inst a step is being initiated to inculcate music in the pupils of one of the schools in Malaya. Jt is certainly opportune that tuch a move was led in the schools
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  • 256 8 Middlesex Regt. Reunion Dinner in Singapore. The eighth annual reunion dinner of members of the Middlesex Regiment was held at the Kuropc Hotel on May 15. Lieut.-Col. B. A. Thompson presided, and other members present were Mr. A. J. Pharaoh, Mr. W. H. Follenfant, Mr. .1. Schooling, Mr.
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  • 5022 9 COUNCIL REFORM QUESTION AGAIN. S.S.(S.) Association Meeting. A PETITION. ONLY 34 MEMBERS ATTEND. Only 34 members out of a total of attended the annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association which was held in Fullerton Building on Tuesday, with the President. Mr. H. D. Mundell, in the chair.
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  • 28 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 16. The Malacca Municipal meeting today was postponed until next Friday as there was no quorum. Many commissioners are ill.
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  • 432 10 Responsible for Acts Of Drivers. That owners of motor-cars who happen to he in their vehicles at the time an offence against the rule of the road is committed by their drivers are liable to he prosecuted for abetment was evidenced on May It) when the
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  • 492 10 The following passengers are sailing for home by the Kaiyan, which sailed from Singapore on Friday Mr. K. Wingrove, Mr. E. J. Grainger. Mr. A. J. Hell, Mr. T. Bernsten, Father Gavino Arpon, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Lamprill, Mr. A. Riach, Mr. R. E. Cole, Mr. K. G. Farrant. Mr.
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  • 724 10 Theft in Court. WHO HAD THE MISSINT MONEY Somewhat of a puzzle in having to de tide as to which of two police constable* was guilty of theft alleged to have‘bee! committed in a Police Court is conf.^7 j"* J. F. F. Gregg, the Sin K
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  • 42 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Klang, May 1 >- A Tamil was badly injured on Sumla> when he was in collision with a ni"t"J‘ cycle driven by Mr. J. A. Moore, a I’ and Telegraphs engineer. The man is now in hospital.
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  • 1203 11 Planting Conditions. MR. TAN CHENG LOCK INTERVIEWED. 4From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 16. Mr. Tun Cheng Lock, who has been holidaying in Sumatra primarily to benetit the health of Mrs. Tan Cheng Lock, Us returned to Malacca. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock made a study of
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  • 155 11 Results Not Commensurate With Effort Expended.” The Communist movement in the F.M.S. is commented on in the annual report of the Department for Chinese Affairs, signed by Mr. P. T. Allen, as follows There was a marked increase in activity on the part of the Communist party,
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  • 98 11 Strange Bank Robbery At Kota Bharu. As the result of an extraordinary robbery at the Oversea hinese Lank, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, during the I lari Raya Haji holidays, Apr. 27-29, a police circular has been issued offering $1,000 rewan. 1 >* information leading to the arrest of th.
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  • 180 11 87-Year-Old Shipping Magnate Resting.” Capt. Robert Dollar, the 87-year-old head of the Dollar shipping interests, is lying ill in San Rafael, California. A bulletin issued by his physician on May 8 said (’apt. Dollar was suffering from pyelitis as an outgrowth of the internal trouble
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  • 432 11 An Interview with Dr. Bernhard. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 12. Expectations ran very high when some weeks ago the director of the Department of Agriculture in the D.E.I. went to Europe. It was stated that the purpose of this journey was to discuss agricultural matters in general,
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  • 26 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala, Lumpur, May IK. There were two fires here during the week-end. In each case a sfiophouse was destroyed.
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  • 365 11 Suit for Damages Against Club Dismissed. With reference to the case in which Mr. M. J. Heywood, of Nordanal Kstate, Mua. 1 sued the Muar Civil Service Club for damages for having posted him on the club notice hoard as a defaulter, Mr. Heywood sends
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  • 162 11 Favourable Impression Created. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Muy 12. The appointment of the new (JovernorGencral of th<» D.K.I., Jonkheer B. C. de. Jonge, who will succeed Jonkheer A. C. D. de Graeff, has made a favourable impression in thhe Dutch Hast Indian papers, so far to hand. Attention
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  • 188 11 Sudden Death of Mrs. Ripsy Carapiet. Another old and respeeted resident of Singapore passed away on Friday afternoon in the person of Mrs. Ripsy Carapiet at the age of 72 at her residence at Balmoral lload. Her husband, Mr. Jacob Carapiet, predeceased her only 25 days ago
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  • 720 12 Two Charges of Criminal Breach of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 13. Mr. Crabb-Watt, is presiding at the Perak Criminal Assizes, a session of which opened in Ipoh yesterday. The first case on the calendar was that in which Ian Demcl, until lately in
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  • 1085 12 Mr. J. Scott’s Visit to Pahang And Trengganu. Tuesday, Apr. 21. His Excellency presided at a meeting ;f the Executive Council at Government House at 9.30 a.m. Wednesday, Apr. 22. At noon His Excellency and Mrs. Scott, tecompanied by Mr. R. J. Curtis, A.D.C. and Mr. A. Hyde,
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  • 302 12 Judgment for Chinese Owner. In the Supreme Court, on May Mr. Justice Sproule, the acting Chief Justice, delivered judgment in the case in which Low Teck Sin sued the AttorneyGeneral and the Singapore Slipway and Engineering Co. for damages amounting to a little over $1(1.000
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  • 193 12 Two Factories in Java To Be Closed. The recent far reaching changes affect, ing the two biggest tobacco distributing agencies in Malaya, which resulted in the merging of the B.A.T. and Ardath as a ringle selling organisation, continue. Mr. N. J. Sweeney, a London director of
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  • 329 12 Enrolled in Presence of Sultan Of Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 15. The enrolment of the first pack of Malay Brownies to be formed in the Girl Guide organisation in this country took place in Kuala Lumpur last Wednesday and made a delightful spectacle.
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  • 158 12 Additional Safeguard Against Forgery. It is notified for public information that the Currency Commissioners will issue in the very near future a $1 not of the same design as the existing or hut with a band of silk fibre, about %th of an inch wide, running across
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  • 4166 13 Ramasamy in The Slump—Some Notes In A Planting District—The Propaganda Caravan In Action —A Delightful And Delighted Audience—The Giant Snail Nuisance— W hy Not A Bounty The M.C.S. And The Malays. (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 15. A CURIOUS and instructive
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  • 110 14 First Public Appearance In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 1<>. Mr. P. T. Allen, Penang’s new Resident Councillor, accompanied by Mrs. Allen, made his first public appearance in Penang since taking up his new appointment when he attended the St. Xavier’s Institution Annual Athletic
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  • 1031 14 New Planting Body. MALAYAN PROPRIETORS (JET TOGETHER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 10. A body which i.; intended to represent ‘I:** I; p'll-ownod element of Malayan estate industries, ineluding proprietary planters, locally registered companies ami local shareholders, came into being to.inv
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  • 93 14 Mr. Richard Page presided at 1 1 dinner of the Singapore Turf Club which was held at Raffles Hotel on May 1 an* there was a large attendance of owm and officials at th* meeting. Among guests were H.E. the Officer Administer ing the Government (Mr. John
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 243 14 rasas: n T A A 77ie Symbol of Stability ramrarammmmrammrararararaismramtttrarararararararattra 8 BRITISH INCOME TAX Taxation Service WHATEVER the nature of your difficulty maybe the preparation of your claim for repayment, the rendering of a return, a point of doubt on which you desire advice there is always available our service
      243 words

  • 2791 15 Some More Novels —The War as a Vehicle for Adventure—Story that Suffers from a Welter of Philosophy—Tale of “Love and Sacrifice” —A Delicate and Ethereal Character. New Novels. j (Guarded Watch. By Farquhar Sloan.* John Murray. 7h. 6d. I Shining Win**. By D. M.
    2,791 words
  • 82 15 $4,000 Debt Which Increased To $90,000. Tlu* acting Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Sproule, dismissed the claim, with costs for two counsel, of $01 ,lH.‘h.T‘{ of 1'. R. M. It. M. Nanappa Chettiur against A. It. S. S. Suhramaniam Chettiar, the amount bcinjr interest and principal of $4,000 which
    82 words
  • 41 15 Phya Pradihaddha Ithuhal Fined Tcs. 100. (From Our Own Correspondent.) liantfkok, May l. r >. The Ministry of the Interior has fined Phya Pradihaddha Ilhubal Tcs. 100 for being in possession of a gun and ammunition without a licence.
    41 words

  • 1674 16 Guilty of Criminal Breach Of Trust in $2,860. AMAZING STORY. Years of Jtingling With Firm’s Money. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 15. Thomas Cheshire Shafto, the former accountant with Messrs. Mansfield and (\>., was yesterday sentenced to five months’ simple imprisonment by the District Judge,
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  • 587 16 Evidence at Coroner’s Inquiry. The murderous attack cn a Chines family, three of whom were stabbed t.» death and one badly wounded, during tin* absence of the male members at sea, and lhe finding of the dead body of a man alleged to have been one
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  • 182 16 Prosecution Under New Ordinance. These brothels have been in existence for over thirty years in Singapore and they must be stopped some time,” said Mr. C. II. Pakers, of the Chinese Protectorate, when another case under the new Women and Children’s Protection Ordinance. was heard by Mr.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 76 16 oo FOR Quality Workmanship Service Those, availing themselves of our Optical Service, benefit by the absence of delay all prescriptions and repairs being returned the same day as received. M. Ezekiel Sons Eyesight Specialists, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. Optometrist A. M. EZEKIEL, O.D., F.P.O.C. Fellow of The Institute of
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1548 21 Sin Kuo Min. Hundreds Killed Near Hong Kong. I YEN AND FENG. I'l'he Anti-Chiang Kai-shek Revolt Spreads. Shanghai, May 10. j| u news from all parts of China tomost ominous, and points to the that an early resumption of civil I a fairly large scale is
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  1,548 words
    • 287 21 British Wireless. British Democracy’s Responsibility. Rugby, May 15. Lord Irwin, the former Viceroy of India, was a guest at a luncheon of the British Indian Union today, over which Lord Reading presided. Responding to the toast of his health Lord Irwin said that in the next few years,
      — British Wireless.  -  287 words
    • 78 21 British Wireless. Friend of Prince of Wales Killed. Rugby, May 15. Captain Henys Finch Hatton, a brother of the Karl of Winehclsea, a friend of tho Prince of Wales and a famous hig game hunter, was yesterday killed, with a native servant, in an aeroplane accident
      British Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 65 21 British legion Pension Fund.”—British Wireless. Pensions Fund Realises £12:5,000. Rugby, May 15. The Prince of Wales’ Legion Pensions Fund ha 4 realised £123,000. The Prince, after allocating £3-1,500 to various institutions, has decided that the balance of £HK,500, and any additional sum that may be received,
      British legion Pension Fund.”—British Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 1054 22 Reuter. M. Briand to Remain At The Foreign Office. TWO BALLOTS. Navvy’s Son to Succeed M. Doumergue. Versailles, May 13. M. Doumer has been elected President of France by 55b votes to 330 recorded in favour of Senator Marraud. M. Briand and M. Hennessy withdrew.
      — Reuter.  -  1,054 words
    • 245 22 —Reuter. Was Reduction a Breach Of Faith in Hong Kong Ixrndon, May 13. The question of the salaries of civil servants in Hong Kong was again lac-el in the House of Commons at question 'Jme. Dr. Drummond Shiels told Sir Robeia Hamilton that the total
      —Reuter.  -  245 words
    • 50 22 -Reuter. Government to Assist Credit Institution. Vienna, May 14. The National Council, after an all-night -itting, adopted a Bill enabling the (Jov•rnment to assist the Kreditanstalt by providing a credit of 150.000,000 schillings. The run on the Kreditanstalt is ending and many depositors have returned their money.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 210 22 The debate is proceeding.—British Wireless. Boycott and Tariffs. ‘•INJURIOUS TO MASS OF THE PEOPLE” Rugby, May 13. During the debate on India in the Home of ('opinions Mr. Winston hurchill (l’nion st. Epping) said the Imperial Parliament was responsible for the welfare I :f the peoples
      The debate is proceeding.—British Wireless.  -  210 words
    • 345 22 —British Wireless. Experts on Causes And Remedies. Rugby, May 13. Two interesting views on the world economic crisis and methods of remedying trade depression were expressed ye.erday at different functions in London Lord d’Abernon. the former Ambassador and expert on international finance was one speaker and Professor Sprague,
      —British Wireless.  -  345 words
    • 108 22 Reuter. Murder of Millionaire At The Hague. Amsterdam, May 13. Two men have been arrested in connection with the murder of Heer Esehauzier, and are alleged to have confessed. The police state that Heer Esehauzier was recently negotiating with an inventor regarding a certain invention. Heer Esehauzier apparently
      Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 563 22 —Reuter. Summonses Against Ur<| Kylsant. FALSE REPORTS. Allegations Denied: Cast To be Fought. London. May in. A Reuter representative was informed at Lord Ivylsant’s house that two summonses, granted by the Magistrate at the* Mansion House, had been served on him today in connection with
      —Reuter.  -  563 words
    • 89 22 —Reuter. The Last Word in British Construction. London, May 1 1 he Canadian Pacific liner, Em; n of Britain, now at Southampton, star on her maiden voyage in a fortnigh time. She is the last word in British (< struct ion. Her normal speed is 24 ki'
      —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 65 23 —lieu ter. Motion for Rejection Of Finance Bill. TUESDAY’S DEBATE. Will Measure Pass Its Second Reading London, May 15. Conservative amendment has been Med for the rejection of the Finance nil. when it comes up for second reading u House of Commons on May 19. Tin*
      —lieu ter.  -  65 words
    • 318 23 British Wireless. (owest Bank Rate Since 1909. London, May 14. The Bank of F.ngland discount rate has M reduced from .*1 to 2 1 per cent. The rate has stood at 3 per cent, since v 1. 1930. The opinion is expressed that the hank i ie reduction
      British Wireless.  -  318 words
    • 119 23 —Reuter. Two British Engineers Injured. Cairo. May 14. The elections of first degree delegates, who will eventually return members of Parliament, opened this morning. Serious trouble occurred in the Bulak and Shubra quarters, where railway and arsenal workers are on strike. Mobs at Bulak attacked and burnt
      —Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 37 23 —Sin Kuo Min. Commercial Attache For Singapore. Shanghai, May 14 I he National Government has decided appoint commercial attaches in London, 'ashington, Tokio and Singapore to acilitate the development of Chinese lade.— Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  37 words
    • 37 23 —Reuter. Virtual Local Option Advocated. The Hague, May 14. Mastic revision of the liquor laws is P*'i posed in a Bill introduced into Parliar u 1 v ’hich, inter alia, virtually establshes local option.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 159 23 data will be carefully studied.—British Wireless. Air Ministry to Tackle A Hoary Controversy. Rugby, May 13. A practical test undertaken by the Air Ministry may provide authoritative light on one of the oldest and most debated controversies in aviation, namely the rival advantages of monoplanes and biplanes.
      data will be carefully studied.—British Wireless.  -  159 words
    • 163 23 —British Wireless. Mr. Kaye Don Prepares To Break His Own Record. Rugby, May 13. Mr. Kaye Don, who is at Lake Garda, Italy, will attempt in the next few days to break his own world’s record for speed boats. He hopes to make the first trial run with
      —British Wireless.  -  163 words
    • 72 23 tang propaganda and education. —Sin Kuo Min. Nanking and Propaganda Abroad. Shanghai, May 15. An Investigation Committee at Nanking yesterday adopted several proposals relative to Overseas Chinese and is recommending that diplomatic negotiations should he immediately opened with the Powers concerned with a view to the prompt prohibition
      tang propaganda and education.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  72 words
    • 105 23 Reuter. No Evidence of Registration Evasion. London, May Id. In the House of Commons Mr. H. Graham-White (Liberal, Last Birkenhead) asked whether the administration of Hong Kong proposed to appoint an inspector or inspectors to watch over the treatment of mui-tsai in Hong Kong. Dr. Drummond
      Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 59 23 Reuter. Feeling Again Runs High In Lancashire. London, May 15. Feeding is running high at Nelson, Lancashire, in connection with the weaving employers’ resolve to increase the number of looms per man to eight. The Weavers’ Association last night organised a demonstration in which JO,000 people—including
      Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 472 23 GO SLOW DIRIGIBLE PLANS. -British Wireless. -Reuter. No Spectacular Flights. I R100 TO BE USED FOR EXPERIMENTS. Rugby, May 14. The Prime Minister made an important statement regarding airship policy in the House of Commons this evening. He said it was perfectly obvious that after the deplorable accident to the
      -British Wireless.; -Reuter.  -  472 words
    • 50 23 chastisement as a home-breaker.—Sin Kuo Min. Drastic Measures In China. Shanghai, May 15. An Investigation Committee yesterday afternoon adopted proposals making provision for the punishment of concubinage < n the same basis as polygamy. Any woman allowing herself to become a concubine renders herself liable to chastisement as a
      chastisement as a home-breaker.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  50 words
    • 152 23 the earliest possible date. British Wireless. Government Grant to Relieve Distress. Rughtr, Mav i4. In the House of Commons Dr. Drummond Shiels, the Under-Secretary for the Colonies, said the Government gave early and sympathetic consideration to the situation in Mauritius, following the recent hurricane, and proposed to make
      the earliest possible date. British Wireless.  -  152 words
    • 168 23 Fierce Fight Follows Armed Robbery. BOMB EXPLODES. In Punjab Youth League Building. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, May 15. The increase of violent crime in Calcutta is causing concern among the Kuropcan conun unity. The latest outrage occurred this afternoon in Clive Street. An employee of
      168 words
    • 135 23 -Reuter. Seventeen Lives Lost In Japan. Tokio, May l.‘l. Sixteen people were burned to death and :U) were injured in a fire last night at Shimumaki village, in Hokkaido, during a cinema exhibition in a temporary shack. The film suddenly burst into flumes and the terrified audience of
      -Reuter.  -  135 words
    • 69 23 Reuter. Are Foreigners Safe In Washington Washington, May 13. Thu latest victim of the prohibition lows is Curios Leiva, the Salvador Charge d’AfTaires, who was attacked and injured during a liquor thieves raid on the Legation. He has been taken to hospital. Col. Henry L. Stimson announces that
      Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 89 23 methods of salesmanship. British Wireless. £28,000,000 to be Spent On Development. Rugby, May 15. In the House of Commons today th« second reading was debated of a Hill authorising the expenditure by the Post Office of £12,000,000, of which it is proposed to spend fc2H,()00,()00 on the development
      methods of salesmanship. British Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 51 23 pita Is aud scientific research. British Wirelc m. Inventor of Telegraph Printer. Rugby, May 15. The centenary of the birth in London of David Hughes, the inventor of the telegraph printer and induction motor, occurred today. When he died he left t‘ 100,000 to hospitals aud scientific research.
      pita Is aud scientific research. British Wirelc m.  -  51 words
    • 130 24 latcr, in not more than nine days.— British Wireless. Accelerated Air Mail. LONDON TO CAPE IN ELEVEN DAYS. Rugby, May 16. India will be brought within five days of England and Central Africa within a fraction over six days by the accelerated air mail
      latcr, in not more than nine days.— British Wireless.  -  130 words
    • 361 24 Reuter. Seventh Tragic Disaster Within 8 Days. Tokio May 14. Over 500 buildings have* been razed to the ground—including a bank, the Post Office, the Town Hall, a temple and a theatre 2.500 have been rendered homeless and .'10 are missing as a result of a fire,
      Reuter.  -  361 words
    • 141 24 Reuter. Salaries and Army to Be Cut Down. Tokio, May 17. For the purpose of reducing Army expenditure, t he Minseito Party leaders have decided to recommend the Govern-1 meat to consider the reduction of the Japanese Armv I*y three divisions and the abolition of various military
      Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 116 24 home on Tuesday, June 9. —British Wireless. Historic Discussions Next Month. Rugby, May 16. Dr. Bruening and Dr. Curtius will reach England from Germany on the evening of Friday, June 6, in time for Lhe huliquet at the Foreign Office. On Saturday they will motor
      home on Tuesday, June 9.—British Wireless.  -  116 words
    • 197 24 Reuter. R.G.A. Still Harp on Dutch Co-operation. London, May 14. The need for co-operation between the British and the Dutch Governments with regard to the conduct of the rubber industry was emphasised by Mr. J. G. Hay. the chairman, at the annual meeting of the Rubber Growers' Association
      Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 87 24 —Reuter. Plans to Sell Cheaper In Singapore. London. May IS. In an attempt to meet the rapid fall in the textile trade in the Far East a number of well-known Manchester shipping houses are forming a combine, known as Motco (Manchester Overseas Trades Company). It is expect* d
      —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 92 24 Reuter. Request for Facilities For Early Passage. London. May 1 L In the House of Commons Mr. I*. .1. II. Hannon (Cons., Moseley) asked Mr. Ramsay MacDonald to give facilities for th» passage of the Rublier Industry Hill, which he described a< an agreed Hill. Mr. MacDonald
      Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 73 24 be found for further discussion. British Wireless. Rose*Coloured Spectacles Bedimmed. Rugby, May 13. In the House of Commons the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs said there had been no further written communications from the French and Italian Governments in connection with the naval agreement, although oral exchanges of
      be found for further discussion. British Wireless.  -  73 words
    • 122 24 Secrecy Resented. IRISH TICKETS SELL MUCH BETTER. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Miay 16. A big drop is reported, this year, in the total of the numbers allotted in connection with the Calcutta Derby Sweep. The total amount subscribed to date is only Us. 70,00,000 as
      122 words
    • 131 24 —British Wireless. Efforts to Avoid New Disputes. Rugby, May 16. The position of the mining industry was the subject of comment by the Mines Secretary, Mr. E. Shinwell, in a speech last right. He stated thnt strenuous efforts arc being made to avoid new disputes and the n
      —British Wireless.  -  131 words
    • 99 24 Reuter. Japan Not Willing to Call Conference. Tokio, May 17. A meeting of officials and lcadinc •Japanese business men, called by the Finance Minister, Mr. J. Inouye, to discuss the silver question, has informally decided that various circumstances rendered it inadvisable for Japan to undertake the promotion of
      Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 60 24 —Reuter. April the Worst Month Since 1914. Washington, May 17. The lowest total value of exports from the Cnited States since 1914 was recorded during the month of April, the figures b< ing $210,000,000 compared with nearly $332,000,000 in April 1930, while the values of the imports for
      —Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 68 24 t subject to provisions against abuse.— British Wireless. Public’s Right to Free Access. Rugby, May 10. The text of a Bill is issued, hacked by the members of the three parties, with the object of securing to the public the right of free access to uncultivated mountain
      t • * subject to provisions against abuse.— British Wireless.  -  68 words
    • 37 24 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai Mixed Court Negotiations. Shanghai, May 18. The negotiations between France and China relative to the reorganisation of the Shanghai (French Concession) Mixed ourt are stated to be progressing smoothly.—Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  37 words
    • 161 24 -Reuter. Suggestion From Canada. TO STABILISE BI-MET4I CURRENCY. Ottawa, May 16. The establishment of a “super-Hank of Empire for the stabilisation of the bi-metal currency of the British Empire was proposed by Mr. J. F. Darling, a director of the Midland Bank Limited, i n an
      -Reuter.  -  161 words
    • 100 24 —British Wireless. Lloyd George Explains At Buxton. Rugby, May l.V Mr. Lloyd George, addressing a Liberal conference at Buxton, explained the positier of the Liberal Parliamentary Party whose policy was one of co-operation with the Government without sacrificing independence. The adoption of a general tariff a- a policy
      —British Wireless.  -  100 words
    • 90 24 —Reuter. Cruiser to Overawe Strikers. Solhfteaas (Sweden) May 1” A cruiser was ordered last night t proceed from Stockholm to Aadalen. where the trade unions have ordered a general strike in sympathy with the saw mill strikers in the Vesternorrland area. Five people ha\e been killed and
      —Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 50 24 —British Wireless. Fine Flight by British Flying-Boats. Rugby, May IT The 208th Squadron of the Royal A i Force, comprising three Southampton thing boats, has reached England on itreturn from Basra, having flown vie Syria. Egypt, Athens, Italy and France. Squadron-Leader Mackworth was h command. —British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  50 words
    • 72 24 due at Croydon on May 31. —Briti' Wireless. Due to Leave Port Darwin On Tuesday. Rugby, May II The first Australian air mail arrived at Croydon today, having left Port Darwin on April 27. The mail is the first of two experiments services from Australia to England. Tin
      due at Croydon on May 31.—Briti' Wireless.  -  72 words
    • 44 24 Reuter. To Come in Force on First 01 Next Month. Nanking, May IT Upon the suggestion of Marshal Chian Kai-shek, the National (People’s) Cor vention today passed a resolution tha the Provisional Constitution shall con intro operation as from June 1, 1931.
      Reuter.  -  44 words
    • 345 25 —Reuter. Customs Union as Bone Of Contention. GENEVA CLASH. Central Powers to Go On With Scheme. Geneva, May 18. \t midnight the German delegation nounced the detrvmination of Austria lu j (Germany to persevere with the Cus- ns Union despite the Fivnch argu-ui-n'-s. It is insisted that thr»
      —Reuter.  -  345 words
    • 181 25 Reuter. Encyclical on Social And Labour Questions. Rome. May 15. m w Papal Encyclical on social and ur questions is published today, i' denounces egotistic industrialism and imunism as equally pernicious errors, >ays that capital and labour are two *ntial elements in the modern oconoreginie which must be
      Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 39 25 1 (People’s) Conference.—Sin Kuo N <>te of Confidence in The Nanking Regime. Shanghai, May 14. i T. Wang, the Foreign Minister, ‘-V proposing a vote of confidence in ''ntral Administration at the Na- 1 (People’s) Conference.—Sin Kuo!
      , 1 (People’s) Conference.—Sin Kuo  -  39 words
    • 530 25 -Reuter. Primate Flees to France. EX-KING’S PROPERTY TO BE CONFISCATED. Madrid, May 13. Members of religious communities in many places in the provinces are leaving the convents and monasteries, fearing a continuance of the attacks on them. Further details of the disturbances in the provinces yesterday
      -Reuter.  -  530 words
    • 65 25 British Wireless. Leading Hotels Filling Up Fast. Rugby, May IK. The Court function to be held tomorrow night and on Wednesday night will be no less brilliant than its predecessors. The leading hotels report that they are filling up with distinguished visitors from abroad and the Dominions, as
      — British Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 112 25 in any part of the Empire.-■—British Wireless. In Britain and in India. PREMIER’S WARNING IN THE COMMONS. Rugby, May 14. In the House of Commons, answering! Sir Austen Chamberlain, (Cons., West Birmingham) who called attention to the published plans of the Communist International and the
      in any part of the Empire.-■—British Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 178 25 Marketing Organisation.—British Wireless. London Conference to Seek Way Out. London, May 18. Practically all the wheat-growing countries, including Russia and the United States, are represented at the international conference which opened in London today, and which hopes to solve problems arising from the present glut of supplies and
      Marketing Organisation.—British Wireless.  -  178 words
    • 230 25 British Wireless. Great Britain’s Solemn Warning” Ignored. Rugby, May 18. When Sir Austen Chamberlain (Cons., Birmingham West) raised the question of Russia in the House of Commons tonight he charged the Labour Government with having allowed the Soviet Government to ignore the solemn warning given them when diplomatic
      British Wireless.  -  230 words
    • 60 25 —British Wireless. £261,631 Raised for Charity Last Year. Rugby, May 18. The total sum collected in the streets of London for various charities by means of Flag Days last year was l’2fi4,f».‘ll, representing an increase compared with 1929 of 17.415. Alexandra Day and British Legion collections
      —British Wireless.  -  60 words
    • 236 25 Province, Sind and Orissa.—British Wireless. Safeguards in India. MR. BENN’S REASSURING STATEMENT. Rugby, Muy 18. Answering a series of questions directed to elicit information as to the acceptance of the necessity of safeguards in the Indian Constitution by Mr. tiandhi, the Secretary for India,
      Province, Sind and Orissa.—British Wireless.  -  236 words
    • 121 25 Reuter. Colonel Murdered By Tribesmen. Rangoon, May 18. The body of Colonel Morshead has been found by the side of a jungle track, four miles from Maymyo, with severe gunshot wounds in the chest and left shoulder.— Reuter. An earlier message stated that alarm was felt as to
      Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 118 25 British Wireless. Workers Suggest Public Utility Corporation. Rugby, May 18. The area conference of the Iron and Steel Trades Confederation, representing 150,(KM) workpeople, on Saturday approved, with few dissentients, a series of resolutions, which are to be presented to the (lovernment, making proposals for the future of
      British Wireless.  -  118 words
    • 137 25 British Wireless, Implementing an Imperial Conference Decision. Rugby, May 15. In order to facilitate the arrangement reached at the Imperial Conference that, the representation of the United Kingdom and the Dominions on the Imperial Kcnnomic Committee should henceforward lx* on the same basis. Lord Snell. Sir \rthiir Hallour
      British Wireless,  -  137 words
    • 641 26 British Wireless. Reuter. Austro-German Customs Union Legality. BRITISH PROPOSAL. Vote to be Taken At Geneva Today. Rugby, May 18. At the League of Nations Council meeting at (Jeneva today the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, proposed that the question of the legality of the much
      British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  641 words
    • 204 26 Britain has no representative—British Wireless. International Meeting In London. Rugby, May L r Representatives of the world’s wheat •xporting countries are meeting in Lonuon •icxt Monday, on the initiative of Canada. This is the first conference of its kind jver held. There was a conference of
      Britain has no representative—British Wireless.  -  204 words
    • 286 26 he is likely to be made a peer.— British Wireless. Set-Back in Health Due To Overstrain. London, May 14. Mr. Philip Snowden, the Chancellor of the Fxchcquer, has had a serious setback in health, probably due to the fact that he overstrained himself in introducing the* Budget after
      he is likely to be made a peer.—British Wireless.  -  286 words
    • 58 26 Reuter. Agitation in Favour Of Dictatorship. Madrid, May 18. Bomb throwers have been busy in several districts of Lisbon and eleven people were injured on the occasion of demonstrations in support of a Dictatorship. 1 he most serious outrage caused panic among a huge crowd attending an
      Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 51 26 I <>i worn on a British Wvreleas. Effort to Fix Them on An International Basis. Rugby, May IT Officials of the miners’ executive met <bo representatives of the mine-owners’ organisation this afternoon to discuss the proposed Convention for fixing miners’ bours of work on an international basis. British
      ■ I <>i worn on a British Wvreleas.  -  51 words
    • 202 26 —Reuter. How Lost Meteorologist Was Found. Angmag Sa'.k (Greenland), May 14. A shout of Hallo Stop All right.’* emerging from u smad hoL* in the top of i huge mound of snow told the rescuers ihat Mr. Augustine Courtauld was alive. Mr. H. G. Watkins’ party
      ’’—Reuter.  -  202 words
    • 195 26 Reuter. Last Lap of Flight To Australia. Kupang, May 14. The Abel Tasman, the three-engined Fokker machine which left Batavia on Tuesday for Australia with the first JavaAustralia air mail, arrived here safely yesterday. After staying the night the machine left at *5 a.m. today for Wyndham.
      Reuter.  -  195 words
    • 183 26 Router. Nine Killed Ballot Boxes Stolen. Cairo, May 17. After killing a police officer at Mitk'PiTir yesterday a crowd collided with troops who tired. Six rioters were killed and 23 were wounded. The casualties in Cairo include Mr. Cypriot (a British subject) killed. The week-end death roll,
      — Router.  -  183 words
    • 557 26 —Reuter. Appeal Withdrawn, LADY OWEN TO SERVE SENTENCE. Baris, May 18. I&gt;ady Owen has withdrawn her appeal against the sentence passed upon her. The sentence will be now automatically executed-—Reuter. I At the Assizes at Versailles on Feb. 2.* last Lady Edmee Owen, the widow of Sir
      —Reuter.  -  557 words
    • 55 26 —Ancta Estimates for Current Year. Batavia, May IN. The Bureau of Statistics estimates P ro duction in 1931, for the whole of the Dutc* 1 East Indies, as follows Rubber 1154,870 tons. Tea 79.512 Coffee 837,743 piculs. These compare with preliminary figures for 1930 of:— Rubber 159,51(5 tons.
      —Ancta  -  55 words
    • 57 26 —British Wireless. Admiralty Tenders The Stipulations. Rugby, May 13. The tenders which the Admiralty h invited for th r supply of oil extra* t trom 15vitish coal are the first that h; 1 1 boon asked for. It is to be of the quality which recet underwent
      —British Wireless.  -  57 words
    • 454 27 I 1IA I II ilv v P'*' nisationist leader, to go to Canton. —Sin Kuo Min. Punitive Expedition To Kwangtung. DIPLOMACY FIRST. Shih Yu-san to be Dealt With If That Fails. Shanghai, May 20. Now that the National (People’s) Conference is over Marshal Chiang Kai-shek losing no
      • ■ I * 1IA I . II ilv • v P'*' nisationist leader, to go to Canton.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  454 words
    • 118 27 —British Wireless. Decision Not to Reduce Rates Confirmed. Paris, May 15. The Board of the Suez Canal Company, after reconsidering the question, has confirmed its decision not to reduce the canal dues at present.—Reuter. Rugby, May 10. In the House of Commons, at question time today, the President
      —British Wireless.  -  118 words
    • 46 27 .—Reuter. Professor Drowned In Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin, May 18. Profe-sor Ivor Armstrong clung to an overturned canoe for two hours, in icy c»l'| water, before he was rescued in a state of exhaustion. His companion, Professor S. L. Leo* "ard, Wisconsin, was drowned. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 572 27 Naked Murder Crime Sequel. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 10. The Court of Criminal Appeal has quashed the conviction of William Herbert Wallace, who was recently sentenced to death at Liverpool for the murder of his wife. William Herbert Wallace, a grey-haired be-speetaded insurance agent, who
      572 words
    • 45 27 To be Worn by Sultanah Of Johore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 19. The Daily Mail, featuring the presentation of the Sultanah of Johore at tonight’s Court, states that the Sultanah will be wearing Crown jewels of fabulous value, brought from Johore.
      45 words
    • 38 27 Reuter. Issue of £10.0(10,000 Heins Underwritten. London, May ID. A £10.000,000 six per cent. India loan, •f (leemahle in HM-4, at an issue price of i t00, is being underwritten today.— i Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 117 27 —Reuter. Strange Stories About Prince of Wales. London, May lb. The News Chronicle publishes a denial from Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey of statements which are being made in the United States that the Prince of Wales was among a number of Britons who were heavily victimised by
      —Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 567 27 British Wireless. —Reuter. To be Submitted To World Court. Rugby, May 20. After further discussion at the meeting ot the League of Nations Council this morning, in which Dr. Bones, of Czechoslovakia, and Dr. Marinkovitch, of Jugoslavia, took part the motion of the British Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur
      British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  567 words
    • 169 27 -Reuter. Gold Currency for Mexico. TO RELIEVE BUSINESS CRISIS. New York, May 14. The Board of the National Metal Exchange has approved the proposal to trade in silver futures. It is expected that trading? will bejri*on June 15. The contract unit will ba 25,000 ounces
      -Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 236 27 Reuter. Pocket Battleship Launched. Kiel, May 111. A salute fired from all ships and coastal batteries greeted the arrival of President Von Hindenburg to preside at the launching, in the presence of thousands of spectators, of Germany’s 10,000tcn “pocket” battleship, the Ersatz 1 reusstn, now rechristened the Deutschand,
      Reuter.  -  236 words
    • 30 27 Leaves Estate Valued At £115,169. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. Mr. William Duncan, the well-known planter and owner, whose death was announced recently, left £115,169.
      30 words
    • 133 27 Reuter. New York, May 14. The death is announced of the dramatist, Mr. David Belasco.—Reuter. London, May 14. Sir I homas Lipton has !&gt;een elected a member of the Royal Yacht Squadron Reuter. Canberra, May 1.']. b&lt;* Senate, by 21 votes to 4, has rejected the
      Reuter.  -  133 words
    • 173 28 Burma during tin* rains.—British \N ireless. Situation in Burma. MONSOON AS AN ALLY OF LAW ANI) ORDER. Rugby, May 19. A statement on the situation in Burma was made in the House of Commons by Mr. Wedgwood Bonn, the Secretary for India. The most important recent
      Burma during tin* rains.—British \N ireless.  -  173 words
    • 98 28 .—Reuter. Co-operation of League Experts Promised. Geneva, May 19. The League Council today granted China’s request for the co-operation of the League’s technical organisations. Signor (irandi, who acted as rapporteur in the matter, said the request deserved the appreciation of the League. The Japanese member of the &lt;
      .—Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 137 28 —Sin Kuo Min. Marshal Chians and The Delegation. Shanghai, May 18. The Straits Settlements Trade Investigation Party, accompanied by the Chinese onsul G&lt; neral in Java, Mr. Chang Ming, have arrived at Nanking and are being entertained »&gt;y the committee of Overseas Chimse Affairs. —Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  137 words
    • 111 28 Keuter. Death of British Ordnance Expert. London, May 19. The death is announced of Sir Arthur Trevor Dawson, a director of Vickers, Ltd. and of Vickers Armstrong, Ltd.— Reuter. Sir Trevor was the chairman of Vickers’ Artillery and Shipbuilding Management Board and was formerly their Superinti ndent
      Keuter.  -  111 words
    • 53 28 —Sin Kuo Min. China to Call International Conference. Shanghai, May 19. It is stated that the Central (Nanking) Government intends to call an internatio.uii coii Ioreneo on silver, despite the lark of interest displayed by the United C’ates of America and the refusal of Japan to take the
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  53 words
    • 130 28 —Reuter. 100,000 Textile Workers Obey the Call. Roubaix, May 17. About 125,000 workers in the Roubaix and Tourcoing zone have been ordered by the Textile and General Workers’ Union to strike tomorrow (Monday) in opposition to the employers’ proposals to reduce wages gradually. The metal
      .—Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 93 28 Raid Results in 72 Arrests. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Mlay 19. The leakage of arms and ammunition into the country, evidenced by the numerous unlicensed revolvers found in the hands of evil-doers, as well as the unlaw t'ul importation of cocaine and opium, led to an
      93 words
    • 97 28 -Reuter. Unionist Amendment Defeated. London, May 20. The House of Commons came to grips .vith the details of the land tax machine ry, on the motion for the second readng of the Finance Bill. The Bill was read a second time after the re lection of a Conservative
      -Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 81 28 —Reuter. Readiness to Regulate Export Prices. New York, May 19. Recent indications of Soviet willingness to toe the line with other exporting nations has created a good impression among American Government officials, declares the New' York Times’ Washington correspondent, stating that cablegrams which have been received are
      —Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 65 28 the Bill by 181 votes to 58.—British Wireless. Commons Refuses Leave To Introduce Bill. Rugby, May 19. In the House of Commons today Sir William H. Davison (Cons., S. Kensington) asked leave to introduce a Bill authorising the raising of money by lotteries for the support of British
      the Bill by 181 votes to 58.—British Wireless.  -  65 words
    • 37 28 —British Wireless. Honorary Degree Conferred By Oxford. Rugby, May 19. The Oxford University Convocation today decided to confer the honorary degree of Doctor of Science upon Professor Einstein at a special convocation on Saturday.—British Wireless.
      —British Wireless.  -  37 words
    • 67 28 -British Wireless. Prince Shows a Talkie At York House. Rugby, May 14. After a private dinner party at York House tonight, the Prince of Wales is showing a talking film of his experiences during his South American tour. This will be the lust time that the
      -British Wireless.  -  67 words
    • 77 28 Reuter. Forty, with Machine-Guns, For Nanking. Shanghai, May 19. It is semi-officially stated that, in order to facilitate the improvement of existing Chinese commercial air services and to institute new air routes, the Nationalist Government has decided to purchase forty British aeroplanes. In ordering the Foreign Ministry will
      Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 65 28 —Reuter. Senate Orders Fuller Inquiry. Paris, May 19. The Senate, sitting as a High Court, has ordered an additional inquiry into the charges against the former Minister, M. Raoul Peret, the former Ambassador, M. Besnard, and two former Under-Secre-taries of State in connection with the Oustric financial scandals.
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 60 28 Loss of £610 on Last Year’s Working. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 19. The Billiton Tin Company, in 1930, showed a loss of £010 on the year's working. as compared with a profit of £312,000 in 1929. A dividend of 20 per cent, is being paid from
      60 words
    • 48 28 DOPE FOR PARIS —Reuter. Disguised as Dried Fruit” Antwerp, May 18. Warned by Dutch detectives the police today seized four large cases containing 300 kilogrammes of raw opium disguised as dried fruit consigned from Constantinople, via Rotterdam, to Antwerp and believe 1 to be ultimately intended for Paris.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 35 28 -Reuter. Duke Resigns From Court Of Directors. London, May 19. The Royal Mail Steam Packet Comnany .announces that the Duke of A hereof n resigned from the Court of Directors on April 16.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 118 28 —Reuter. Agreement With Government Ratified. London, May 19. The agreement reached between the Irak Government and the Irak Petroleum Company was ratified yesterday.—Reuter. A previous message (dated Mar. 26) read:—An agreement has been signed between the Irak Government and the Irak Petroleum Company,—comprising British, French, American and
      —Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 74 28 —Reuter. “Sentence of Death’’ On Governor-General! Hanoi, May 20. The trial of GO Communists has One accused, named Tochan, who was caught carrying the order of the Rt*v,d u tionary Tribunal condemning the Cover nor-Gtneral of Indo-China. M. I’asi j uior" to death, was sentenced to
      —Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 67 28 Scheme to Improve D.K.I. Rubber Industry. (From Our Own Correspondent.! London, May 1*1. The Amsterdam correspondent of the Financial Times reports that the recently appointed Dutch Rubber Growers’ Committee has been directed to submit, a* soon as possible, to the Minister for thi Colonies a rough scheme for
      67 words
    • 50 28 —Reuter. Committee of 17 to Make Practical Proposals. Geneva, May It*. On Mr. Arthur Henderson’s propo-a the Commission on European Union lias appointed a committee of seventeen to study the procedure to be adopted for the preparation of definite, practical proposals to deal with the world economic crisis.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 95 28 adequate attention to border affairs. —Sin Kuo Min. Dalai Lama Invading Sikong. Shanghai, May 19. The Dalai Lama of Tibet continues to attack Sikong. The Sikong representatives (now at Nanking) are appealing for assistance t&lt; the Central Government. The special commissioners, now at Chengtu, are awaiting a
      adequate attention to border affairs.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  95 words
    • 66 28 —Reuter. China Favours Idea In Principle. Nanking, May 19. ‘It is learned on reliable authority that the Nationalist Government endorses, on general principles, the proposed interna tional conference to stabilise silver and will support any international movement to deal with the present silver situation, but the Central Government
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 61 28 —Reuter. U.S. General and Two Other? Killed. Tours, May 19. Three persons—an American General. Robert Dunlop, and a farmer and lbwife—are feared to have perished in a landslide on the hillside at La Fariniere. The ground is too dangerous for rescue work. General Dunlop belonged to the
      —Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 56 28 —British Wireless. Gift of £20,000 for Their Preservation. Rugby, May 16. Lord Esher, presiding at a meeting ithe Society for the Protection of Anci&lt;" Buildings, yesterday announced an a onymous gift of €20,000 which would used in a scheme for the repair and mai tonance of ancient buildings
      —British Wireless.  -  56 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 48 21 U. 8. DE SILVA BROS., Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants AT rRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS &lt;$Xs&gt; Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is divert to ontstation orders. All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. .30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      48 words

  • 665 29 Pressed to Join Kongsi.” \SSIZE COURT SEQUEL TO STREET FIGHT. A remarkable defence was advanced in r* Assize Court trial on May 18, before Mr. Justice a Beckett Terrell and a special jury, of a Chinese named Wong Man on ;l charge of murder. The case
    665 words
  • 33 29 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May IH. *ne of two panthers which have been adding people in a village five miles n here was shot yesterday morning Mr. Alan Loke.
    33 words
  • 187 29 Mysterious Disappearance Of Dutch Engineer. Great anxiety is being felt at the disappearance of a Dutchman, Mr. Van den Berg, who was third engineer on board the m.s. Cremer, which arrived here on Monday. According to information given to a representative of the Straits Times, Mr. Van
    187 words
  • 218 29 Mining Engineer Who Went Prospecting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh. May 15. Before Mr. Justice Prichard a civil suit was heard today in which Mr. J. V. Audas, a mining engineer, claimed $7.74‘1 from Mr. I). R. Rogers. The plaintiff started working under Mr. Rogers in July
    218 words
  • 117 29 Big: Seizure Made in Geylang Road. Mr. P. H. Elkins, head of the Singapore Preventive Service, and a party of his men made a capture of contraband chandu and opium valued at over $10,000 in the early hours of Saturday morning. Mr. Elkins, it is gathered, kept watch
    117 words
  • 110 29 Planter’s Death Following Short Illness. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 15. The death occurred today of Mr. M. H. Ilannay, manager of Dusun Hcrtam estate, following a short illness. Mr. Hannay started planting in Johore in 1924 and later went to Kota Tampan estate. He
    110 words
  • 932 29 Strange Story Told To Coroner. I do not know any of these things, but I am merely telling you wlmt my adopted Javanese mother told me to tell.” This was the admission of a twelve-year-old (’hinese girl repeated at frequtnt intervals during the course of her
    932 words
  • 622 29 Change in Prices of Meals In Resthouse. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, May 16. A meeting of the Klang .'•'unitary Hoar wa.i hc!d on Wednesday with Mr. G. 11. Xaah in the chair. The cna rrnun informed the Hoard that, arising out cf a letter circulated hy
    622 words

    • 3693 30 High Dividends. THE SULTAN OF PERAK’S SUCCESSES. Once* more outsiders displaced favourites on the fourth day of the Singapore spring meeting, and some r -ally high dividends were forthcoming, $110, $65, $60, $r,o, $4:1 was paid for five winners, while the remaining three were $22,
      3,693 words
    • 179 31 Swimming Club Narrowly Beaten. Excellent sport was witnessed on Sunoa\ at the Singapore Swimming Club when the home team opposed the Chinese Sports Association in water polo ami a team ivlay race. Both the events went to the visitors after a hard struggle. The water-polo match was very
      179 words
    • 81 31 England Well Beaten At Soccer in Paris. Paris, May 14. 1* ranee defeated England by five goals two in an international soccer match today.—Reuter. England have now played France seven tin es since the War and this is their lirst "everr.e. They had scored, prior to this atch,
      81 words
    • 45 31 Confirmed Despite Non-Co-operation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, May 11). Although Bombay are unable to co°porate, the Cricket Board have issued an invitation to the M.C.C. to tour India und eylon in the cold weather season, tourists will reach Karachi on (Ja.
      45 words
    • 901 31 S.G.C. Championship Draw. A four-hall match was played between j the Garrison Golf Club and the Singapore (»°lt lun at Bukit Tinian on Sunday, and resulted in a win for the S.G.G. by U» L j to S’j. Details (Garr.son G.C. players I mentioned first) R. Renton
      901 words
    • 562 31 Over Two Hundred Runs In 77 Minutes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuata Lumpur, May 17. There was no me sensational hitting on the Selangor Club ground this afternoon, when the Club’s representatives put up 222 1 uns in 77 minutes and thereby beat the Non-Bonders
      562 words
    • 49 31 Louisville (Kentucky) M'iy 17. The Kentucky Derby (one mile 2 furs.) was run today and was won by the fnvouiite, Mrs. Payne Whitney’s Twenty Grand, in the record time of 2 min- 1 1 1-5 see:’.. Twenty Grand’s $2 stake on the totalizator returned for a win.—Reuter.
      49 words
    • 801 31 R.S.Y.C. Events. ELLA WINS PUNAI CUP IN B CLASS. In real south-west monsoon weather the members of the Royal .Singapore Yacht Club enjoyed some good s|x&gt;rt on Sunday. 1 he A class l&gt;oaLs were sailing the second race of the series for the Lipton l Cup
      801 words
    • 961 32 Gloucesters Beaten. EXCITING MATCH AT ANSON ROAD. S.C.C*. 5 Gloucesters 2. There was not much superiority evident in Tuesday’s exciting First Division match between the S.C.C. and the Gloucesters, and the score of 5 —2 in favour of the Club somewhat flatters them. It must he said,
      961 words
    • 373 32 Champion’s Splendid Display. Mr. Shigeo Fujiwara, champion billiards player of Japan, who is on his way to America for the first time to represent Japan in the International championships, gave an exhibition at the Japanese Club on May 15 before nearly 100 spectators. His game is played
      373 words
    • 149 32 S.C.C. Lose Doubles To Chinese. The Straits Chinese Recreation Club won both doubles matches in the series begun at the S.C.C. on Tuesday, when the two Clubs met in the second of a series of inter-club tennis matches. Rim Bong Sno and Chua Choon I.eong heat I). H.
      149 words
    • 822 32 Reuter. County Cricket. CHAMPION’S EASY WIN. London, May 14. Nottingham Nottinghamshire defeated Worcestershire by ten wickets. Batting first, Worcestershire were all out for 77 runs, Larwood taking six wickets for 31. Notts, replied with 152, Root (four for 27) jand Perks (five for 40) being the
      Reuter.  -  822 words
    • 245 32 Interesting Events o„ I Saturday. I The harbour inside the i),... I presented an animated scene on afternoon when the Roval &lt;,r tUrla l Yjicht Club rowing regatta w Launches were lent by the Master' a, 1 ant and the Asiatic Petroleum “I The tirst event was
      245 words

  • 18 32 1108 KING.—To Mr. and Mrs. H. I H i-k tJenerai Hospital, Singapore, a son. on 1 »&gt;• 11
    18 words
  • 56 32 The marriage took place quietly on Mom!:.; May 18, 1931, at St. Mary’s Church. K.a,. Lumpur, bt tween Harold, second son &lt; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. Scrutton of Kmperor’s (late, South Kensington. I don and Patricia (Pat) vounger daugh;. of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Mills, of
    56 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 97 32 NOTICE Al Ti^° nrnU iC ti0n £or bot Vhe, Times and the Straits Budget should r addressed to Uxe Head Office. CecU ments. y eetS Sin a P° re Strait. SetTlV The post free price of the Straits Times v he t^ n d Km^ m an d foreipn
      97 words
  • 125 32 DEATHS 1 ARAPIET. At 2.50 p.m., on May 15, at h. residence No. 13A, Balmoral Road,;. t&gt;oie, Hipsy Carapiet, beloved wife of th« late Jacob Carapiet, in her "2nd year. KLASS. On May 16. 1931. at No. 163. Mot. •noin Road, Janus Sabastian Klass, years. LANGE. Andreas (Jack) Lung**
    125 words

    • 103 1 General Rubber Situation 1 Singapore Tin Prices 1 The Singapore Auction 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 Hotel Van Wijk Meeting 1 Dunlop Rubber 1 London Tin Market 2 Rubber Returns 2 Aver Panas Rubber 2 Rubber Stocks 2 Tin Returns 2 Malayan Trade Statistics 2
      103 words
    • 58 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contracts Spot Seller Prices r s d. Pute L’don S'pore May June July Min 2 15 16 0.9 7 0.10 d 10% 3 0.10 0 10% 0.10% 0.1'»»* 1. 0.10% 0.10% 0.10*4 0.1 c &gt; 0.10% 0.1 C% 0.10% 0.10 7 h 31
      58 words
    • 26 1 \!av 11 200 tons at $53 per picul. 15 125 527* 16 125 53% 18 150 54% 19 150 54% 20 200 53%
      26 words
    • 117 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Lubber Association held its 1,018th auction m Mav 20, when there was catalogued 1 ."7.483 lb. or 695.30 tons offered 1.348.261 1’ or 0(&gt;1.90 tons sold 1,182,386 lh. or 527.85 Spot. London 3’*d. New York 6% cts. PRICE REALISED. Kihher Smoked Sheet
      117 words
    • 116 1 The accounts for 1930 of the Kombok 'I'.M.S. Rubbt*r Co. show a loss of £3,297, "hich reduces the amount to be carried for•’*r«1 to £9,113. For the previous year there as a net profit, after charging £1,338 for depreciation of buildings, etc., of £18,139, :i of which
      116 words
    • 55 1 i:, ustead and Co., Ltd., Pc»nang, have* i' 'vod a telegram from the secretaries, R' ustcad and Co., London, advising ;it the annual accounts of Malakoff ;t ber Estates, Ltd., for the year 1330 i\o been issued showing a loss of i’1,210. amount of £8,230 has been carri
      55 words
    • 974 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved. I London, Apr. 22. If I could tell definitely what will be happening to rubber by the time this letter is read in Malaya, it would be easy to
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved. I  -  974 words
    • 414 1 A reduction in profits of over £1,000,000 us compared with 1021* is disclosed by the accounts of the Dunlop Kubber Co., for the year 1030. The total profits, after providing for depreciation, amounted to i'1.250,063, against £2.307,354 for 1020. The directors state that the profits for the year,
      414 words
    • 96 1 During 1930 the Sungei Telor (Malaya) Rubber Estate harvested a crop of 495.803 lb. (against 457,300 lb. during 1929), which realised an average price equivalent to 5.57 d. per 1!)., London landed to ms (again 9.2 d.). The accounts show a loss of 1389 (against a profit
      96 words
    • 509 1 Contemplating Further Reductions. The Annual General Meeting of the Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries, Harrisons, Barker and Co., Ltd., Chartered Bank Chambers, on May 14, Mr. W. L. Stevens presiding. Others present included Mr. E. A. Elias, Mr. (law
      509 words
    • 89 1 Annual General Meeting Adopts Report. The annua! general meeting of the Hotel Van Wijk Co., Ltd., was held at. the office? of the secretaries, Messrs. Iiillt "j an:l Matoninn, Fullerton Huildintf, &lt;ri Saturday, Mr. O. R. S. Hntemnn pre- idinj*. Others present included: Mr. A.
      89 words
    • 817 2 [Strait- Time- Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] The Quota and Rate Of Curtailment. SOME TALK OF A REVISION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Apr. 22. Considerable interest war* aroused by the report that the Pahang Consolidated had fil&lt;*d a suit claiming that the company should not lie subjected
      [Strait- Time- Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  817 words
    • 172 2 The figures in brackets give the outputs for the corresponding period of last year. Amalgarnat *d Malay. 55,71)7 lb. Ayer Molek. 15,472 It*. Hruseh. 20,500 ll*. (20,400 11*.). Ilrunei I’nited. 25.500 11*. (21,000 11*. &gt;. llalau. 28,200 ll*. licranung. 42,800 II lb rtam iTaisho*.- 62,472 11*. Horelli. 20.000
      172 words
    • 185 2 The directors’ report to the shareholders of Ayer Panas Rubber Estates, Ltd., for the year ended Jan. 31, 1931, states:— The result for the year shows a loss of $22,339, which, deducted from the balance of $01,052 brought forward from last year, leaves a credit balance in
      185 words
    • 172 2 Where the Foreigner Leads. The importance of trade propaganda bo the commercial and cultural interests of l.nirland was emphasised be Mr. (I. M. (lillett, Parliamentary Secretary to the Department of I Oversea.- Trade, in a speech to the Manchester Publicity Association cn Apr. 1». “I doubt.” he said,
      172 words
    • 47 2 Decision to Stop Tapping This Month. The directors of the Per mas Rubber Co., Ltd., have decided to suspend tapping operations on or about May 20. It is proposed to keep the estate weeded, says a message from Thos. Barlow and Bro.! the secretaries. Ixmdon.
      47 words
    • 36 2 Another Increase on the Week Reported. A cable to Messrs. Lewis and Peat, Singapore, states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool now total 141,150 tons, an increase on the week of 670 tons
      36 words
    • 184 2 Tht* figure* in brackets give the outputs for the corresponding period of last year. Pahang t on.-. 3.720 piculs (3,780 piculs i. Ipoh Tin.—6os piculs (685 piculs Sungei Kinta. 600 piculs (600 piculs). Temoh. Oils piculs (700 piculs). Asam Kumbang (first half 56.000 hoar*. 249.82 piculs. I’uchong i
      184 words
    • 176 2 Value of Imports and Exports In April. Dilative a, l d FMS has forwarded the following comfmroVted ilid l ta V n U CT eurn trade excluding parcel post and bullion, V:!‘u h and April, 7«m 0m h Mala &gt; a durin a,,,! for January, February, IMPORTS. Increase
      176 words
    • 969 2 Forward Sale at Small Profit. The annual general meeting f Mentakub Rubber Co., Ltd., was hei| t offices of the secretaries, Harrison- and Co., Ltd.. Chartered Bank hum' rn Muy 10 Mr Chew Woon Poh presidh! Others present included Messrs. F. A M, G. A. Potts,
      969 words
    • 64 3 U Sirnita Times Is not responsible foi Hnions of its correspondents. Corres- ts should bear in mind that letters ■te short and to the point. Long are liable to be rejected or cut Correspondents must enclose their I and addresses, not necessarily for H t ion but as guarantee
      64 words
    • 260 3 f t Kflitor of the Straits Times. U With reference to your reports lists with fresh latex mixtures directly to the road have been .‘fully carried out in Singapore, it V [nterest your readers to know that i speriments were privately carried the F.M.S. by the writer in
      260 words
    • 529 3 i the Editor of the Straits Times. In your issue of the 9th inst. you 'fif.i a cabled account of certain reA- &gt;;ati*d to have been made by Sir It s at the annual meeting of the Rubber Company. He was re- &lt; ;&lt; have said that
      529 words
    • 60 3 The accounts of the Bukit Cloh Rubber Company for 1933 show a loss, after writing off £5OO for depreciation, of £ll3 (against a profit of £16,278), which reduces the amount to be carried forward to £5,431. A dividend of 25 per cent, was "aid last year. The
      60 words
    • 69 3 A crop of 244,027 lb. was harvested by the Bahru Selangor Rubber Company 'uring 1930 (against 335,708 lb. in 1929). The result of the year’s working, after writing ofT £250 for depreciation of buildings, was a loss of 1090 (against a profit of £9,590), which, deducted from the
      69 words
    • 211 3 The Year’s Record Of Bankruptcies. During the year 41 new companies were registered, with a capital of $1.‘{,424,000 of which 38 were private companies, with a capital of $9,974,000, states the annual report on the Conlony. At the end of the year 492 companies remained on the register
      211 words
    • 236 3 Declared the Best In The World. Mr. T. W. Bastin, chairman of Bautin Merrytield and Cracknel), London, has rourned from a tour of Continental markets, and what he has seen has convinced him that British cotton g&gt;ods are the best. Mv knowledge of textile markets.” he said ‘extends
      236 words
    • 33 3 Barlow and Co. report on May 14 There has been a further decline of 15 cents per picul since we last reported. Closing quotations are as follows Sundried $4.95; mixed $4.75.
      33 words
    • 214 3 RETURN OF COLONY STOCKS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS. APRIL, 1931, AS DECLARED, IN TONS. A. DEALERS’ STOCKS. DRY. WET. TOTAL. Total Crepe. all grades Remill, of dry R.S.S. blanket, Scrap, rubber as and Estate bark and Wet lump and Wet and estimated Area. U.S.S. crepes. scrap. sheet.
      214 words
    • 762 3 Statistical Position Improves. Fiaxer and Co.’s report, dated May 19. stutos The International Tin Committee's recommendation of a further cut of 15,0 per cent, (equivalent to 20,()(,&lt;) tons per annum) in the world's tin pioduction, thereby increasing Malayan restriction to 38 per cent., caused an immediate improvement in
      762 words
    • 64 3 Profits fell in 19.M) from £(’&gt;,247 to rubber sold in Singapore realising 1.14d npninst R.Old. and in London 8.2od. against 12.29d. Carried forward £f&gt;,17(&gt; against t.*&gt;,244 in 1929, when £2,500 was placed to reserve and a dividend of 5 p.c. paid. Company has forward sales (luring 19.11
      64 words
    • 291 4 I EXCHANGE RATES Singapore, May 20. SELLING. London, 4 months’ «ignt 2'3 27/32 London, 3 months’ ight 2/3 13/10 London, 00 days’ sight 2/3 25/32 London, 30 days’ sight 2/3 3/4 London, demand 2'3 23/32 London. T.T. 2/3 11/16 Lyons und Paris, 1430 Hamburg, demand 234*4 New
      291 words
    • 827 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 20. MINING. Issue Val. I’d. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 20/- 22/6 £1 £1 Austral Malay 18/6 21/5 -r» Ayer Ilitum Tin 11 12'11 £1 Bangrin Tin 11 6 12 3 1 1 Butane I’adang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Batu
      827 words
    • 359 4 Dividend of 2*/ 2 Per Cent. Declared. The twenty-fourth annual general meet- ing of the Labu (F.M.S.) Rubber Com- pony, Limited, was held on Apr. 21) at 2-4, Idol Lane, London, K.C. i Brigadier-General the Hon. t hailes J Lamhton, D.S.O. (the chairman), said that is was
      359 words
      • 703 4 Abacco (£1) 4; Allagar (2/) 9/; Amherst (2/) 4Ms; Anglo-Malay (£1) 4; Ayer Kunin»; (£1) 11/16; Bugun Serai 3/16; Bharu (2/) 2/; Banteng (£1) Vi; Batang Consolidated (20 6; Batu Caves (£1) 13/32; Batu Matang (2 1/3; Batu (£l)4, Bcranang 12/) /6; Bekoh Conso
        703 words
      • 720 4 Capital Issue J Frf.'Z"'* ESf a I Paid Up Value Dividend* \f*‘ er L I F Company Co. tvitt 454,176 1 5 p.c. for year 28-2-30 Allenby ($1) 0.70 0.90 0.70 &lt;&gt;*■ 216,779 1 Nil for year 30-9-80 Alor Gajah ($1) 0.60 0.,o 0
        720 words
    • 74 4 During 1930 the Eow Seng Rubber Company harvested a crop of 447,1)78 lb. (against 541,856 lb. in 1929). The average gross price realised was 4.G9d. per lb. (against 8.70 d.), and the all-in cost was 0.92 d. per lb. (against 7.49 d.). The loss for the year
      74 words
    • 89 4 The directors of the Lubok Rubber e port a loss of £3,464 for 1930, which r-mP 8 with a net profit of £6,636 for th« year. A credit balance of £3,603 in and £2,367 has been transfer!- taxation reserve, so that after de in r f j loss
      89 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 738 5 #»•»»»♦♦♦»#&gt;e e eeee e e M l M&lt; gfl&SiSKlfS i TP HSs WSS OSHS is R&ragl C/ 3iy„-vlr &gt; t JMM A,'■t tr Y- c u h: vsM ,*m m m &gt; A 4 -jw; ?*y -a.* *Jf,l m •W i •l.v *ol -'t/’lN iy K-VjJfr.,,-ut Vi.-'. am m ;*V
      738 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 \T BUY bTposT .nd SAVE MONEY. 1 fFI I WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ViJcyfnfljß V// I V Tbto pace brine a Rarcaia data ricbt ta jaw Ea|;| I tlwlj, and cadaan atoaaj order or aatoa bj K.Ad-/T \S 1 door. The rood* hare been choaen far Oieii 1 I
      184 words
    • 229 6 jjjl mBB ink and imbedded VAfftSL.'•&gt;%*r Vv ■&gt; J A. Ta GILLESPIE, P. O. Box *l7. SINGAPORE. &gt; r*- vXS&*& ;?VaJ Unchallenged and easily the largest selling cigarette m the World. Quality put it there. Quality keeps it there 1 '/A T Pricee ,\50 cents per tin. &lt;£[ Postage extra.
      229 words