The Straits Budget, 9 October 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
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  • 316 1 I SAUERS- Pa e The Outlook in t hina Women’s Dress for the Tropics Sarawak An Appalling Tragedy 3-4 100 Years Ago •Distinctly Grave” Occasional Notes 5-6 ’I Jcgrams, Reuter and Special—- over in p Past Week’s News 23-30 I ictures u* Duce’s Daughter in Singapore IT H iuluuarters
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  • 1745 1 rhi Canadian Far Fast Trade Mission !S due to arrive in Shanghai on Noveni1 or 1 l. Its members will be welcomed il1 a reception party to be given by the tVuials of the Greater Shanghai Bureau Social Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign airs and the Ministry
    1,745 words

  • 1573 2 Inquiry Result. t NUMBER fN SINGAPORE ABNORMALLY HIGH. The o imr.iitlce con dating <1 Mr. II. I air burn, Mr. Guy C. Clarfce, Dr. A. L Hoops, Dr. Lisa llan Hoc, Mr. (>. L. Hun* i cl. and Mr. A M. Goodman which was* aj pointed to
    1,573 words
  • 125 2 I he following arrived l.\ tlv Koyfil Dutch Indies Airways on Tiu-siK v I'rom Ilundocnpr. Mr. C. Adapts M, ittorouu. Kt«m I lata via. Mr. B. V:,., Vreed-. I h« passonvMTs who left for BaDiv»-i t.... la> wvro; \|r. S. II. 1’ottor, Mr. K. Rho do ••rid
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  • 239 2 11 Destroyers Arriving Today. The United States Navy tender Black Hawk, accompanied by two divisions of destroyers, forming the 15th Destroyer Squadron, will arrive in Singapore today from Manila. The warships will stay here until Oct. IP, and will then proceed to Java. It is
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  • 486 2 $400 Fine Reduced to One Of $100. The tine t f .>400 imposed in a Singapore .i ce com*, recently uoon a Japanese f lading to deposit, within the prescribed erVd of hi-* arrival in the country, a film with which he landed in Singapore, and f >i
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  • 240 2 Committee to Deal With European Cases. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. The following letter has been addressed to Mr. D. H. Hampshire, by Mr. p Pcpys, Under Secretary to Government 1- .iM.S. I—- Sir,—I am directed to inform vou tw the Chief Secretary to Government
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  • 244 2 Living in Singapore on £S Per Month. The ex-Queen of Turkey, Sultan;.* Saniah Inshrah Hanin; arrived in Sing pore recently and is the guest o»* Mr. :l Abdeen. Elf, of Messrs. Abdeen and Ltd. The Su't-v ali is now ar. Egyptian sif-je-t, as this was compulsory when sh
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  • 241 2 No Operation Performed For Extraction of Bullet. Mr. B. F. Oakeshott, A.S.P., in charge of the Rochore Division, who was shot tuning an ambush at a sundry goods store at the junction of Meyer Road and Crescent Road, Tanjong Katong, on Sent. 3, has been discharged from
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1201 3 Straits Times, Oct. 2. I* s vjtill possible that, as was hinted u cables published on Saturday, c j v il war in China may definitely [nd L his week. But a legacy of complex L.bkms will remain. These will have L lie faced with courage
      Straits Times, Oct. 2.  -  1,201 words
    • 884 3 Straits Times. Oct. 3. Choosing, appropriately enough, a day when England was sweltering in a heatwave, The Times published on August 27 a short leading article with this title which has attracted a good deal of attention at Home and given rise to an interesting
      Straits Times. Oct. 3.  -  884 words
    • 992 3 —Straits Times, Oct. 1. Though the rather heavy sentiment of Victorian days for the 44 Land of the White Rajah has evaporated, the name of Sarawak still has its atmosphere of romance. The State is close to Malaya and yet remote, for comparatively few people make the short journey
      —Straits Times, Oct. 1.  -  992 words
    • 1102 3 ’’it\ iho' la shock'd 1ho w'orld.—Strait'-l’im-s. (id.. *1. For the second time in less than ten years the British nation has been called upon to pay a terrible price for the Air Ministry’s faith in the future of the dirigible as a means of rapid transport over
      ’’it\ iho' la shock'd 1ho w'orld.—Strait'- l’im-s. (id.. *1.  -  1,102 words
    • 1149 4 Straits Times, Oct. 7. What was life like in Singapore and Malaya a hundred years ago It almost makes one sigh to think that, in those days, hr. mines were unknown in this part of tie world arid that Sir Henry Wickham the father of the Kasleru
      Straits Times, Oct. 7.  -  1,149 words
    • 1099 4 sorely burdened community—Straits TimGot. 8. In times such as these it is only to be expected that the passage of a period of thiee months should bring great changes in the point of view. It is, therefore, not surprising to find a considerable difference of tone between the
      sorely burdened community—Straits Tim-Got. 8.  -  1,099 words

  • 234 4 Mr. W. E. Pepys Confirmed In F.M.S. Post. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 7. A supplement to the F.M.S. Government Gazette announces the appointment of Mr. W. E. Pepys, M.C.S., as Undersecretary to Government, which post hi has held in an acting capacity since Nov 11, 1929.
    234 words
  • 75 4 POSTPONED.” Chinese Military Airman Not Coming to Singapore. It is announced that Comdr. Chen proposed flight from Foochow to pore and hack has been indefinitely Pp s ponefl owinj? to the military operate" 11 in the vicinity of Foochow.” Mr. (i. W. Bryant, who is suecei Mr. G, L. Ham.
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    • 184 5 course in restricting immigration.—Straits Times, Oct. 2. Sergeant Kellott said that times wort very had in Singapore. This was in the jkolice court at Kowloon, where the magistrate had to deal with 29 Chinese w*ho had arrived at Hong Kong from Singapore on the British steamer Sui Sang without
      course in restricting immigration.—Straits Times, Oct. 2.  -  184 words
    • 304 5 THE OLD OLD STORY. —Straits Times, Oct. 2. An up-country contemporary, writing on the subject of big game preservation, refers to information received from Pahang to the effect that many Malays in that State have been endeavouring to carve out new homes for themselves on the outskirts of civilisation, but
      —Straits Times, Oct. 2.  -  304 words
    • 376 5 11 m nacs on me routes wneic taxis and motor-buses run.—Straits 1 m Oct. 2. hen Mr. R. J. Farrer, the Prvsident rf the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. a as t on leave he wrote to this paper an enthusiastic letter on the subject of the peacefulness of London. He
      11 m nacs on me routes wneic taxis and motor-buses run.—Straits 1 "m‘*, Oct. 2.  -  376 words
    • 52 5 W HAT’S IN A NAME v v w I UIIC niust wait and see.—Straits Times, Oct. •Ji v recently formed Jesselton. British i °rneo. football team has christen1 'dr the Rising Star Team.*’ Surely the Shooting Star” would have been much more appropriate However, one must wait and see.—Straits Times,
      # • **v ” v * w I | UIIC niust wait and see.—Straits Times, Oct. •Ji  -  52 words
    • 142 5 OR EVEN CAMBRIDGE —can V/All 111 till we should never have guessed it !—Straits Times, Oct. 3. Speaking at the ceremony of the unveil- ng of a portrait of Sir Cecil Clementi, the Vice-Chancellor of the Hong Kong University, Mr. W. W, Hornell. is reported to have said: “This University
      —can V/All 111 till we should never have guessed it !—Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  142 words
    • 189 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 3. The author of the following is not a Gentile :—“You nabobs make we tired. To you an Empire has been entrusted and all you do with the White Man’s Burden is to write to the papers about it. What good is it to
      —Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  189 words
    • 179 5 end hailed a taxi at the door.—Straits Times, Oct. 3. The man who bid ten shillings at Tat-i-rsalls, as portrayed by H. M. Bateman, has found a serious rival in a braver individual who removed his jacket in the Savoy Grill recently. Consternation reigned among the faultlessly
      end hailed a taxi at the door.—Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  179 words
    • 183 5 LONG FLIGHTS BY CHICKENS —Straits Times, Oct. 3. How far can a domestic chicken fly If you were told that not one, but quite a large number, have recently flown from Germany to Sweden you probably would not believe it. Yet it is so. There is, of course, a catch
      —Straits Times, Oct. 3.  -  183 words
    • 220 5 —Straits Times, Oct. 4. No one would expect a Rotary Club to be a dumb gathering, particularly when .me considers that the movement emanated in the United States. Yet while no doubt many members would like to address the weekly meeting, there is a strange reticence shown
      —Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  220 words
    • 247 5 ,—Straits Times, Oct. 4. A message from Rome states that the engagement of King Boris of Bulgaria and Princess Giovanna, the third daughter ot the King and Queen of Italy, is officially announced. Thus are intelligent journalistic anticipations fulfilled, for on the back of a photograph supplied
      ,—Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  247 words
    • 267 5 Straits Times, Oct. 4. The frequency with which new air routes linking the major cities of the world and accelerating communications are being put into successful operation is becoming rather monotonous and, for people in Malaya, rather irritating. North and South America, Europe, Japan and Australia have a
      Straits Times, Oct. 4.  -  267 words
    • 86 5 Straits Times, Oct. »>. A letter addressed to the Straits Times and inscribed By Holland-Dutch Fast Indies Air Service from Amsterdam was posted in London on Sept. 23 and delivered in this office today. Thirteen days from London to Singapore is certainly an excellent service. By the
      Straits Times, Oct. »>.  -  86 words
    • 205 5 of it for themselves !—Straits Times, Oct. fi. A Bill is to he introduced in the Federal Council to confer upon the F.M.S. Railway administration power to establish and work motor-bus services. The F.M.S. thus follow the lead of Great Britain, where it was long ago realised
      of it for themselves !—Straits Times, Oct. fi.  -  205 words
    • 234 5 RAIN m uuk-i viiiium compensated for many things.—Straits 1 imes, Oct. (5. A few days ago when we pointed out that the sc&nt rainfall up to the end ol September seemed to indicate a record dry year for Singapore, we were secretly hoping for rain. Hard sports grounds throughout the
      — m uuk-i viiiium compensated for many things.—Straits 1 imes, Oct. (5.  -  234 words
    • 293 5 quickly as possible.—Straits Times, OcL fi. The decision of the F.M.S. Government to restove the Queen’s Scholarships, in view of the public demand,” was announced at the meeting of the Federal Council today. Two scholarships will be awarded, one being open to all races and the other nserved
      quickly as possible.—Straits Times, OcL fi.  -  293 words
    • 424 5 Straits Times, Oct. 7. It is understood that the committee appointed by the F.M.S. Government to consider suggestions for dealing with the question of European unemployment consists of Mr. I). H. Hampshire, (chairman), the Hon. Mr. J. S. Arter, the Hon. Mr. H. R. Egmont Hake, Col.
      – Straits Times, Oct. 7.  -  424 words
    • 399 6 gas should be fully explored.—Straits Times, Oct. 7. The terrible disaster to the K101 is bound, once again, to raise in an acute form the controversy whether helium should not he used instead of hydrogen as the lifting gas of all airships. Hr it ish and German
      gas should be fully explored.—Straits Times, Oct. 7.  -  399 words
    • 114 6 Straits Times, Oct. 8. Hoy.- severe the trade depression has Ix'en in Wales was emphasised recently by the Council of the Welsh Football Association, in its annual report. The accounts showed a loss on last season of and the ouncil described the season as the "blackest
      Straits Times, Oct. 8.  -  114 words
    • 251 6 Strait Times, Oct. H. One effect of the airship disaster which cannot fail to have been noted is the expression it has given to the friendship between Great Britain and France. That feeling has always existed, in spite of sundry differences of opinion during the years following
      Strait – Times, Oct. H.  -  251 words
    • 460 6 Straits Times, Oct. 8. Despite all the pother which the rebels and the Communists are creating furthei ip the West River Wuchow is full o! •right i<has and civic enthusiasm. Tin cuet is that, in Mr. Au Fong-pu, Wuchow has a mo-t progressive May <r. One
      Straits Times, Oct. 8.  -  460 words

  • 149 6 Man Accused of Criminal Breach of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Oct. fi. Before Tungku Syed Abu Bakar in the Klang police court today We Sin Keah, formerly a petition writer in Banting, was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of $.‘120 being the proceeds
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  • 114 6 Monday, Sept. 29. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the legislative Council at the Council Chamber, Government Offices. Wednesday, Oct. 1. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council at Government House. Thursday, Oct. 2. The following were His Excellency and Lady dementi’s guests at
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  • 69 6 The Straits Times is not responsible foi he opinion, of its correspondents. Corros- ndeiits should bear in mind that letter, U st be short and to the point. Long ■p. sties are liable to be rejected or cut own. Correspondents must enclose then -lames and addresses, not necessarily for
    69 words
  • 343 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir I refer to your leading article in the Straits Times of Sept. 30. Is it not about time that people here realised the sa i dices that the merchants, who strongly resemble the P.BI. during the War, are making
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  • 210 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —There has been a certain amount of discussion lately connected with the economic laws governing: the production of rubber. A very nebulous idea as to what the term “economic law” means appears to be very prevalent and has resulted in
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  • 45 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The death of Lord Birkenhead came as a great shock. Also the fact that his birthplace, Birkenhead, is in Lancashire !—Yours, etc., BIRKONIAN.” Singapore, Oct. 1. [This makes us grin like a Cheshire cat.—Ed., S.T.]
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  • 800 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Before the Government starts building houses for decrepits, would it not be advisable to place some restriction on the type of immigrant who come to Malaya Assuming that the present embargo on immigration is raised, anyone who cares to can
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  • 129 6 Batu Lintang Hopeful Of The Future. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 7. At a meeting of Batu Lintang Rubber Co., Ltd., held here yesterday, Mr. D. A. M. Brown, the chairman, said that the company had a forward contract still running for five tons monthly from
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  • 3732 7 World-Wide Shrinkage Of Values. rubber and tin. oUESTION OF REDUCTION OF FREIGHTS. 1 ho half-yearly meeting of the Singa- t ('hamher of Commerce was held in i t- Exchange Room, Fullerton Building, *S pt. 30, Mr. .1. Robertson presiding, present included the Hon. Mr. \v i
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  • 245 8 Malayan Correspondence To C onnect at Bangkok. Hi ginning on Sunday, Oct. 19, and Hi* nee afterwards on every alternate Sunday, a aeroplane is due to leave Bangkok for Europe and the opportunity will It* taken to Du ward an air mail from Malaya io Amsterdam
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  • 191 8 Sequel to Raid by C.I.D. At SeranRoon. The tive Hylanvs who were arrested by riib-1 Inspector l’rithvi Chand, of the special branch of the Singapore Criminal Intelligence Department, and Inspector K. V. Smith at Charlton Road, off Upper Scrangoon Road were produced before Mr. Wilson, tht- Singapore
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  • 957 8 The followin'/ are passengers on the 1 ar! ,l o. Kashgai which sailed from Singul«,ie on Oct. 2 for Penang, I’oloniho and Europe Mr. G. K. II. Arundel), Mr. W. I.. Tinworth, Mr. T. B. Hunter, Mr. J. M. Taylor, Mr. H. K'CVis, Mr. H. Lee, Miss Jones, Miss
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  • 72 8 Their Licences Endorsed For Dangerous Driving. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 2. Two Kuropeans named Roberts and Proekter, both employees of the Asiatic Petroleum Company were charged witl dangerous driving in Novtham Road h >- t’ore the District .Judge here t lay. The accused were alleged
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  • 465 8 Sequel to a Demonstration In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. :;o Tham Kim Pen*?, a Cantonese an t Wong Sin, a Hakka, were charged Kuala Lumpur Police Court this afterm™, before Mr. G. A. de C. de Moubray Sh having been found in possession
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  • 284 8 Keenness of Members Weil Maintained. The general depression in local ennmodity prices seems to have been retb e i in the weather for the months <<t 1“ and August, and conditions have been > f had that flying times of oniy 70 hrs. mins, in July and
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  • 3193 9 Framed on Assumption Of Allowances Cut. revenue landslide. LOAN PROPOSAL FOR PUBLIC WORKS. The following memorandum by the Chief Secretary to Government on the Federated Malay States Estimates for the year 19:11 wa-* by command of His Excellency the High Commissioner laid on the table at
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  • 457 10 Society’s Appeal Supported In London. London papers are cordially supporting the surest ion of the Incorporated Society of Planters to shareholders of rubber companies to consider the claims of planters when economies are effected. The City editor of the Daily Mirror j stated on Sept. 1$ With
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  • 726 10 Woman at the Bottom Of Trouble. A case in which an Indian clerk \'as alleged to have Hum? a compatriot out of a second floor window on to the ground I below, took an extraordinary tuin 1 on Tuesday when lb complainant went back on Ins original
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  • 480 10 Speeches at Dinner to Mr. J. W. W. Hughes. As briefly mentioned in the Straits Times some days ago a dinner was given in the Klang Masonic Hall by Klang Kotarians to Mr. J. W. W. Hughes, the resident Councillor who is being transferred as Resident,
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  • 127 10 Breach of Printing Press Ordinance. Summoned at the instance of Mr. E. Tongue, Head of the Singapore Detective Branch, the Chinese proprietor of the Chop Chong Nam Press of 21 Coleman Street, was fined $500 by Mr. E. N. Taylor, the Singapore Second Police Magistrate yesterday. The accused
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  • 141 10 Chinese Volunteers’ Spoon Competition. The following scores were returned at the spoon shoot of the Chinese Company, S.V.C. at Bukit Timah Range 200 300 500 Tls. Corpl. Tan Ah Ling 24 28 32 84 Pte. Ong Kay Yong ..29 22 30 81 L.-Sergt. Tan Mon«r Heng 26 29 26
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  • 667 10 Communicating Agents. PROPAGANDA FOR SEAMEN. Another Hylam Red,” described as a comn.Uiiicatii.; agent between Siam ami Singapore, nas bad his activities in Malaya curbed by a sentence of two months’ rigoious imprisonment passed on him by Mr. G. T. Peall, the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge,
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  • 49 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Oct. 7. Two shophouses were destroyed and one was badly damaged when a fire broke out at night in Kamping Pantie. The fire brigade were quickly called and after some time prevented the spread of the fire which was threatening adjoining buildings.
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  • 10277 11 Plan for $20,000,000 Loan. NEW DUTIES OPPOSED. Ways of Easing Grave Financial Position. Stress was laid on the grave financial position in which the F..M.S. at present stands at the Federal Uouncil meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Monday. A plan for raising a $20,000,000 loan, about which
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  • 253 14 Water Rises 12 Feet. TRAINS DELAYED AND ROADS IMPASSABLE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct, 4. Heavy rain for sevetal nights in suc- cession caused the Kinta river to rise j suddenly last night. The flood alarm gong was sounded at 8 p.m. and the flood
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  • 165 14 Man Who Was Detained In Prison. Mr. Justice Sproule, in dismissing the .’aim of a Tamil lorry driver named \ngkapa for $500 damages fer unlawful detention in Singapore prison, said that it considered it was a matter for public rigr.-t that Government had not thought fit to
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  • 119 14 Johore and Entry Of Chinese. According to the* Johore (iov< rnment j (ia/.ette the following passport rules have! been made No Chinese adult mate labourer shall) enter the State from any place other than j Singapore, Malacca, Negri Sembilan. or Pahang, unless he has in his possession a
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  • 1000 14 j Two Trophy Races. WINS FOR TROMP AND CORRIB. On Sunday morning at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club the “A” boats were set to sail the first of a scries of three races lor Dr. Brook’s Pulau Jong Challenge Cup. As not infrequently happens, when the boats
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  • 227 14 ALLEGED HYLAM REDS” CAUGHT. Early Morning Raj,) AUTOMATIC PISTOLS \\u SEDITIOUS DOCUMENTS A raid by the Special Branch of Singapore Criminal Intelligence Depart' mi nt on Tuesday morning resulted i n arrest of four Hylams, and the seizure several automatic pistols, a large quant 1 of ammunition, dummy automatics, 4
    227 words
  • 103 14 Sultans to Meet The Governor. It is understood that H.E. the Govern-r S i Cecil Clcmenti. K.C.M.G., and Laiy Clcnunti will leave Singapore by the Malv.n <*n Oct. 17 on Home leave. On the previous Saturday, Oct. 11, iVr hi first tune in the history of Malaya, a
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  • 117 14 C aptain Matthews About To Leave Bangkok. (From Our Own Correspondent> Bangkok. Oct. 7. Captain Matthews, who damaged a plane when he made a forced binding near here during his flight from England to Australia, left Don Muang aeri-mur. this morning. When he reached the sen
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  • 3476 15 A “Homesick-Making” Book by the Author of The Good Companions”—His Counterblast to Depression—Written With A Generosity and Love of His Fellow Beings. (iood Company. Angel Pavement. By J. B. Priestley. 1 lleinemann. 10s. tid. THERE are few signs that the vogue of! the
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  • 141 16 Formerly of the Straits Medical Service. '’.In* death of 1 »r. A. Hale, formerly an distant surgeon in the Straits Settlements ivil Service, occ urred at the (|< neral Hospital, Singapore, on Friday afternoon. He was f>5 years of age and mired from the service,
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  • 289 16 Big Chinese Rubber Firm Stops Business. From a reliable source comes the information that Chop Chin Seng Hong and Co., of 21 South Canal Road, have gone into liquidation. It is stated that their! liabilities exceed their assets hy over lVs million dollars. The firm carried on the
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  • 161 16 Allegation of Wrongful Arrest. The hearing was begun befure Mr. Justice Sproule in the Supreme Court. Singapore, on Tuesday morning of a claim by Mr. I.. Faulkner Willis for $10,000 as damages from the Famous Lasky Film Service Ltd. Plaintiff alleges that he suffered wrongful arrest, and
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  • 121 16 Row of Shophouses Burned Down. The lack of a proper water suppK interfered with the work of the Singapore Fire Brigade early on Sunday nv>iii ing when a fire broke out at a sm.v village on the Ponggol Road. The call was received at about 4.30 a.m and
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  • 67 16 Record Number in Singapore During September. The accident ambulance service attach ed to the Singapore Fire Department r« loived a record number of calls during th month of September. They numbered ududing 12 outside Municipal limits, an were made up as follows Motor vehicle accidents, GO; trolley cn
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 169 16 Now and for all Time Few people realise the part which “4711 Eau de Cologne plays in every condition of our daily life. Its use in the morning toilet leaves one with that refreshing sense of cleanliness and well being that acts like a charm against the cares and worries
      169 words

    • 67 17 Countess Ciano, the daughter of Signor Mussolini, and her husband. Count Caliazzo Ciano. the New Italian Consul-General in Shanghai, arrived in Singapore on the Tevere, en route to Shanghai. Pile photograph, taken iust after they landed, shows, from lett to right: Mr. V. I’ini, the
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    • 12 17 < ,> *"»»>*• Clarke, Resident Councillor ol Malacca.
      12 words
    • 136 18 Oik- of flu K. A. F. flyim* boats .it Kliota Hahru. on the keluntan River Temporary hi l*»e our the Sunge-i Nennniri at Herfani. I\« lantan The permanent structure will be the last bin Iruhe on the Kelantan line. Completed bridge
      136 words
    • 55 20 Mr king ll.irman on “Old Hill I a 1 It to ri>iht: Mrs Macconel. Mrs. Tull. Mrs. Hore, Mrs. Lay and Mrs. Buchanan. Mrs. C. M Gilford. Mrs. Cater and Mr. Cater Major Stccvcns on \Wndy.'* Mrs. Lay. Mrs. buchanan and Mrs. Steevcns. Mrs.
      55 words
    • 27 20 S.C. C. TENNIS FINALISTS. "w A 1 1 I S,,ll Capt Graham and the Kw VV. Aitkui, minus 15, 2-6. 6-3. 6-3 in the A Singes Hep
      27 words
    • 22 20 I he new reinforced concrete bridge at Ipoh which is buna built by L. L. to brossard Mopin.
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  • 1074 21 An Industrial Area. SUGGESTION FOR TECHNICAL SCHOOLS. new phase in Singapore’s industrial rid was started on Oct. 2 when the I! ,n. Mr. John Scott. C.M.G., the Colonial secretary, declared open the new factory tlu* Far Hast Oxygen and Acetylene i •>., at Hash' Panjang.
    1,074 words
  • 62 21 Two Shophouses Destroyed In Fire. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 2. Two shophouses in the bazaar quarter of the town were destroyed by fire yesterday. All the tenants except one perished. One building was occupied by a char oal dealer and the other was a billiard saloon.
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  • 154 21 End of Penang Municipal Commissioners’ Suit. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct. 2. I he Penang Municipal Commissioners’ claim against two former employees and tw’o others was concluded this afternoon. At yesterday’s hearing the first defendant tainted in the witness box. At today’s hearing his Lordship gave
    154 words
  • 168 21 Term of Imprisonment Reduced And Fine Imposed. The Chinese bus driver, who was sentenced to three months rigorous imprisonment on two charges of causing death by a rash act by Mr. H. D. Mundcll, Tempi:nary Judge of Assize, at the Singapore Assizes on Wednesday, was recalled on Friday
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  • 598 21 Claim Dismissed. ALLEGED BIRTHRIGHT NOT ESTABLISHED. Mr. Justice* Stevens on Oct. 1 brought; to an end one of the biggest eases held in the Supreme C0Urt for a long time when he delivered judgment dismissing the claim of Vong Man Nun, also known as Vong (’boon Woh.
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  • 155 21 Sisters Wed Together In Singapore. An unusual marriage ceremony was performed l>y the Rev. Stephen Band at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday when two sisters, the Misses Jennie and Margaret Cunningham, the eldest and fourth daughters respectively of Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Cunningham, of Bleak House, Cami'balltown,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 55 21 B. S. DE SILVA BROS., Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. S/ferial Attention is given to outstation orders. All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. phone 4.', 10. 61,
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  • 1089 22 Need of the Same Protection As Men. (Hy Dr. J. B. Christopherson, the* willknown Authority on Troiiical Diseases.) English women’s dress is the most urgent reform needed in the tropics. I am not speaking of women tourists hut of women win jr out to take
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  • 135 22 Possibility of a Third Judge Heins Appointed. Mr. Justice Spvoule arrived in Singap »re on Saturday and will sit in the Supreme Court here until Oct. Id, pending thcr arrangements to till the gap caus'd l»y Mr. Justice Stevens’ departure n Ieav«\ What there ai rangemeuts will
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  • 435 22 apt. R. Howman and Miss Cecil Elies. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 1. The wedding took place on Monday at Taipimr of ('apt. Ross Howman of the i JO Hu imp Hides, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Howman. of Perth, Scotland, and Cecil Files, so, •ond
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  • 397 22 Home Life, Not Politics VIEWS OF THE I)l rpv DAUGHTER. That woman’s part in a Fascia is to have children and not interfere politics was the view expressed by ti Countess Ciano, Signor Mussolini's ;.],j daughter, on her arrival in st on Oct. 1.
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  • 172 22 Increase of $1,265,464 Since End Of 1928. The annual value of Singapore, within Municipal boundaries, was $o0.4M.o J r the end of 1929, according to the annua rt port of the Assessment and EstateDepartment signed by Mr. C. F. Snej!. This figure is an increase of 81.2G5.4G4
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  • 130 22 Death of British North Borneo Officer. Mr. E. A. H. Cave died in SandaUu civil hospital on Sept. 2G, aged Mr. Cave was appointed a c *d et 1 t and was attached to the VS cs Residency (Province Clarke). In 1927 he was transferred
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 53 22 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away-From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. I’ndrr Kite
      53 words

  • PAST WEEKS IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 3697 23 —1’ritish Wireless. Essentials for Economic Co-operation. WILL TO SUCCEED. Speeches at Opening Of The Conference. London, Oct. 1. \i.\ Ramsay MacDonald, the chairman, •-adc a speech of welcome, to which the tin: statesmen replied. M MacDonald, in his speech, called auction to three main aspects of the
      —1’ritish Wireless.  -  3,697 words
    • 126 24 Keu-er. Nine Killed in Crash Near Dresden. Berlin, Oct. 0. A l.cfti ai sa passenger aeroplane bound ir »m Merlin Vienna crashed today neai Dresden. ti All the occupants.- a pilot, a mechanic an: seven passengers, —wen killed. Thi.-. is tin* most s*rious air accident which
      Keu-er.  -  126 words
    • 175 24 Keuter. Mr. Hoover’s Tribute To Naval Agreement. Boston, Oct. 0. Describing the Kcllogg-Brian.1 Pact *n 1 tht* l.ondon Naval Agreement as two moment* us victories on the rood to peace President Hoover, addressing the annua 1 convention of the American Legion, said that 1*.' the Nava! Agreement
      — Keuter.  -  175 words
    • 157 24 —Keuter. Co-operation in Time Of Depression. Boston, Oct. 0. Ad.lie:: ing the annual convention of the Federation of Labour President Hoover declared that the demonstration of nation-wide co-operation and team-play and the absence of conflict during the present depression had increased tlie •.lability and vvholesomencss of the American
      —Keuter.  -  157 words
    • 56 24 —Reuter. $27 a Day as Minimum Wage. New York, Oct. 2. An industrial revolution in America is predicted by Mr. Henry Ford in his new book, Moving Forward. He foresees that the labouring classes will become leisured classes, abolishing over-production and unemployment and providing a minimum wage
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 96 24 Reuter. Defective Sight a Bar In Britain. London, Oct. 1. Extremely defective sight and liability t0 j,t> will bar anyone front obtaining a driving licence under the new Road rrnttic Act. part of which will be in operation in December. Applicants have to make a declaration
      Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 158 24 —Reuter. Suggestions for a New Currency. London, Oct. 2. The attention of the delegates to the Imperial Conference is being drawn to the scheme of Mr. J. F. Darling, a director of the Midland Bank, to pool the Empire’s gold reserves of A2<>0,000,000 in an Empire Bank,
      —Reuter.  -  158 words
    • 127 24 Router. Move to Protect French Industry. Paris. Oct. I. Tin* Counml of Ministers ha* ratified ibe decree aimed against Soviet dumping. i.v.po is will b prohibited or admittel under Trie merchandise affected nclu.hs colon's, meats, oegs. sugar. *.hubei*. flax, gum and gelatine. Th Mini.-try of Agriculture, in
      — Router.  -  127 words
    • 127 24 .—British Wireless. Documents Recovered From The Egypt. Rugby, Oct. 2. As the result of salvage operations on the P. and O. steamer Egypt, which was sunk after collision with a French steamer in the Bay of Biscay in 1922 the Foreign Office has received the contents of r.
      .—British Wireless.  -  127 words
    • 71 24 Reuter Aircraft-Carrier Commissioned For Far East. London, Oct. 2. Tlu* aircraft-carrier Hermes is being recommissioned on Oct. 3 for a further period of service in the Far Fast. Two flights belonging to the Fleet air arm will be recommissioned for further service in the Hermes, and will
      Reuter  -  71 words
    • 619 24 -Reuter. Impressive Ceremony. CHINESE FLAG WITH UNION JACK. Nanking, Oct. l. Ratifications of the Sino-British agreement regarding the rendition of Weihai" wei were exchanged this morning at *j o’clock at the Foreign Office. Dr. C- T. Wang, the Foreign Minister, represented the Chinese Government an<i Mr.
      -Reuter.  -  619 words
    • 51 24 a new taritf as from March 1. —S Kuo Min. Shanghai, Oct 0. 1’ i announc'd that the Nanking Co eminent intend to abolish the lik: uVie- u- from Jan. 1, 1931, and to eu a new tari'.f as from March l. —S Kuo a new taritf as from March 1.—S Kuo Min.  -  51 words
    • 7230 25 -Reuter. —British Wireless. Crash into Hill on Flight to India. air minister and other high OFFICIALS PERISH. VINE HOURS after leaving Cardington on her flight to India, the giant British airship R101 met with disaster. Four miles from Beauvais, fhe capital of the Oise Department,
      -Reuter.; —British Wireless.; [{If (\iiirfrxjj of Capitol Theatres, Ltd,; By Courtesy of Capitol Theatres, Ltd.  -  7,230 words
    • 100 27 -Reuter. Moslem and Christian Arabs at Variance. Jerusalem, Oct. 4. There is tense feeling throughout Palestine following tho recent dispute between Moslem and Christian A tabs at Haifa over the ownership of a cemetery. The editor of a Christian newspaper was killed and several people were injured. The
      -Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 65 27 —Reuter. Nothing Decided as to Visit To Buenos Aires. London, Oct. 3. It is authoritatively stated that though plans for Prince George to accompany the Prince of Wales to the British Trade Exhibition in Buenos Aires have been discussed nothing has yet been definitely decided. The statement that
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 947 28 Reuter. Sequel to the Tientsin Customs Coup. HIT IN THE SPINE. Chinese Gunmen Escape By Car. Tientsin, Oct. 2. Mr. Le nox Simpson was shot and seriously injured this evenin'? by three Chinese. The Chinese gunmen drove up to Mr. Simpson’s residence, presented a fictitious card and
      — Reuter.  -  947 words
    • 245 28 —Reuter, Demonstration at Leipsig Trial. Leipzig, Oct. 4. Lieut. Seheringer, Lieut. I.udin and exLieut. Wendt were sentenced to eighteen months* detention each in a fortress for jointly preparing a highly treasonable enterprise. Seheringer and I.udin were dismissed from the army. Wendt resign'd a year ago. The accused
      —Reuter,  -  245 words
    • 47 28 Reuter. Thirteen French People Killed In New York. New York, Oct. 2. Thii teen people, all French, were trapped today by the collapse of a fourstorey tenement house in Greenwich V mage. So far it is reported that five dead Keut > ,njure< have been extricated.—
      Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 55 28 Reuter. Hve Killed in Collision On French Line. Paris, Oct. 3. -JF'T ki,Ie<1 an,J 17 injured in a coll,sion between two trains on a bridge near the Care St. Lazare. Pater It appears that a train hound l-M Mantes-sur-Seine ran into a number of empty waggons. A second
      — Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 220 28 Reuter. AFTER THREE MONTHS OF CAPTIVITY. Foochow. Oct. 3. A report has been received from Kienyanghsien. at the head of the Min Kianp River, in North Fukien, that Miss Eleanor I Harrison and Miss Edith Nettleton have been shot. The British Consul, Mr. A. J. Martin, is
      Reuter.  -  220 words
    • 164 28 -Reuter. Pointed Comment by London Papers. London. Oct. 4. No incident could have thrown into greater prominence the absurdity of according official treatment to the Nanking political junta than the murder of M iss Harrison and Miss Nettleton, says the Daily Telegraph, yet while we hear of
      -Reuter.  -  164 words
    • 151 28 ‘Ol U IOUI Cl I It. 1 British Wireless. Demonstrations in Europe, China and S. America. Rugby, Oct. 5. The Westland Aircraft Company are sending abroad a Wapiti general purpose military aeroplane to demonstrate its qualities before Government officials and Air Force Officers in the States of southern
      ‘Ol U IOUI Cl I It. 1 British Wireless.  -  151 words
    • 89 28 —Reuter. Conference May be Held In Bangkok. Geneva. Oct. 1. The Assembly of the League of Nations has adopted the Committee’s report and the accompanying resolution dealing with the opium traffic. Prince Tarwaidja, of Siam, extended an mutation to hold the forthcoming conference on opium smoking at Bangkok
      —Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 399 28 —British Wireless. Party Nominee. SIR MALCOLM H Ml 1.1LEAVING INDIA London, 0?t. Indian Labour representation h-. 7 secured by the inclusion of u,> t v Labour leaders among the nine a <w appointments to the Indian deter 7,!? 1 the Round-Table Conference. n to Hitherto Diwan
      —British Wireless.  -  399 words
    • 57 28 Reuter. Former Ministers Charged In Australia. Brisbane, Oct. The Attorney-General has issued writ?* claiming damages against Mr. L. Theodore (the former Treasurer ol the Australian Federal Government), Mr. W. McCormack, (a former Labour Prime Minister), Mr. Goddard (who was minesmanager at Chillagoe) and a Mr. Reid ana his
      — Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 141 28 —BiitisK Wiredess. Thirteen Victims of Explosion* Near Walsall. London, Oct. Fourteen fatalities occurred in an X P sion last night at Grove Colliery, netf Walsall. The cause is unknown. Rescue operations proved most difncuaowing to heavy falls. As a result ol hexplosion the workings were filled wltr carbon
      —BiitisK Wiredess.  -  141 words
    • 264 29 —Reuter. Confidence of the Nation Fulfilled. London, Oct. 7. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, addressing tht j lour party Conference at Llandudno > Milving to critics both inside and outside f party, said the Government had ful i] 0l i the confidence reposed in it at the
      —Reuter.  -  264 words
    • 104 29 .—Reuter. Collapse After Contest In U.S.A. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Oct. d. Noticing that Battling Xel*on was ggv towards the end of the fifth round •i a tight here today, his seconds threw the towel. Nelson collapsed imme- itely. and died with his gloves on. in ite of the
      .—Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 111 29 It, Per. Miss Susan Lawrence On Minority Government. London, Oct. f>. Miss Susan Lawrence, Parliamentary 'r t iry t> the Ministry of Health, premr at the annual conference of the ."'iir Party of Llandudno, said minority comment meant leaping from one lirhreadth escare to another. It meant i
      It, Per.  -  111 words
    • 170 29 —Reuter. neli tho longest is 1,500 miles —Bi Hsu Wireless, Another Airman Starts From England. London, Oct. 5. 1 light-Lieut. 0. \V. Hill started from 1 vmpne aerodrome th.s morning iti a M< tii machine for Australia, where ho i'l visit his parents in Queensland. He '""os to
      —Reuter.; neli tho longest is 1,500 miles—Bi Hsu Wireless,  -  170 words
    • 178 29 —Reuter. May be Last Appearance At League Assembly. Geneva, Oct. 4. The Assemnly ot the League of Nations c.osed with the adoption of the report dealing with the amendment to the t ovenant, which is intended to bring the Covenant into harmony with the Kellogg 1 act outlawing
      —Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 117 29 Reuter. Mr. Hoover’s Encouraging Speech. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 2. Addressing the annual convention of .he A rue dean Bankers’ Association, President Hcover said Depression is worldwide, hut it is unnecessary that we shou'd await the recovery of the rest of the world. The difficulties of other nations xceed
      — Reuter.  -  117 words
    • 66 29 Reuter. Bandits Sack Town In Kansu. Peking, Oct. 1. An army of bandit-, a few weeks ago, attacked Lihsien, in South Kansu. The inhabitants put up a desperate resistance but, after a month’s siege, the bandits stormed the town and wreaked a terrible vengeance, killing everyone except the
      Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 91 29 uiu aim ,—Reuter. Crash Shortly After Leaving Jask. Basra, Oct. 7. Mrs. Victor Bruce, who is engaged on a light t > Japan and was reported missing between .Jask and Bush’re, has been loeai- >.] mi Mount Mubarak, 35 miles from Task. She is re; orted to
      uiu aim ,—Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 126 29 —Reuter. Rumours of Insubordination Denied. London, Oct. 7. It appears that the rumours current at Nice, concerning disaffection on lmard H.M.S. Revenge, are merely an exaggeration of leave-breaking by a very few men out of hundreds landed daily. There have been no arrests. The Admiralty, in a statement,
      —Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 434 29 —Reuter. European Character Complained Of. Geneva, (>*t. 1. A local paper pubii-he* n st ite.r.ent from the* Kuomintang d legation in Europe bitterly complaining against the European character of the League of Nations and the failure of China to obtain re-election to a non-permanent seat on the
      —Reuter.  -  434 words
    • 88 29 Reuter. Demonstration Against M. Briand. Paris, Oct. 2. The Camelots du Roi (Royalists) made a hostile demonstration ag M. Briand :n his arrival at the Care du Lyon t r wn Geneva. A Cnmelot du Roi named Bourin, wl > vvrr- wounded in the War. rushed up
      Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 180 29 British Wireless. !)(*bts Claims Committee At The Foreign Office. Rugby, Oct. 2. The British and Russian members of the nglo-Soviet Debts and Claims Committee were received by the Foreign Secretary. Mr. Arthur Henderson, at the Foreign ()flice today. The Russian delegation were introduced by the Soviet Ambassador,
      – British Wireless.  -  180 words
    • 61 29 —Reuter. Premier of Rumania Resigns. Bukhnrest, Oct. 0. The Prime Minister, Dr. Maniu. the leader of the Peasant Party who brought back King Carol, has resigned as a sequel to trouble with his colleagues. The opinion is generally expressed that the relations between the Cabinet
      —Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 552 29 Tokio, Oct. 2. The Ministry of Agriculture's first estimate states that the 1 1)30 rice crop in Japan will approximate 331,02. r >,000 bushels or 114.700,000 bushels greater than the 1020 crop, while the Korean er p wi 1 approximate 05,708,000 bushels or 2H,000,000 bushels more
      Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  552 words
    • 534 30 —Reuter. —Sim Kuo Min. Is a Mukden-Shansi ('lash Coming Nanking, Oi l. 7. it is officially nnno'incod that tin National Government forces captured Chengchow, Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang’s 1 eadquarters, yesterday evening.—Reuter. Shanghai, Oct. 7. A telegram ic<ci\ed from General Liu ('hi today announces that General Chen ('hong’s
      —Reuter.; —Sim Kuo Min.  -  534 words
    • 42 30 Producing Capacity Exceeding Normal Consumption. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 0. The Economist, in a lengthy analysis of the tin position, states that a permanent improvement is unlikely as the producing capacity of the mines exceeds normal consumption requirements.
      42 words
    • 71 30 id -r. Vienna, Oct. 2. The elections have been fixed for Nov D. The Heimwehr (Fascists) have issued a manifesto emphasisitig the party’s determination not to allow the R«d majority to ►'natch the I.rim of slat' from its grasp j ml deele.ring that it must, participate in C
      !.’• id -r.  -  71 words
    • 136 30 Reuter. Grave Trouble in East Galicia. Berlin, Oct. H. News comes from Warsaw that a grave mtion ha nilsen in the Polish province <f Fa t Galicia following the repressive men uros of the Polish Government against the Ukrainian minority. The I’krainian villagers are frequently setting fire
      — Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 85 30 Reuter. Trouble With Turkey Delays Plane. The Hague, Oct. 7. The dciarture of the Royal Dutch Air lii rr from Sofia for the Dutch East Indies aas been delayed by the refusal of th furkish Government to sanction the trail :t of Dutch planes generally, an I
      Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 126 30 An Arctic Explorer 55 Veers Ago. London, Oct. 7. The death has occurred of A kniru! P r WillLm May. Reuter. Admiral of the Fleet Sir William Henry May wes M years of age anil enW:- d th.Navy as long ago as lStVl. He -erved i: h
      126 words
    • 98 30 .—Reuter. Court’s Findinu After Protracted Trial. Lahore. Oct. 7. 1 he pocial tribunal appointed in conr,e< lion with the Lahore Conspiracy Case h>» concluded the protracted trial of person i accused of having been concerned in the murder of Mr. Saunders, an Assistant Superintendent of Police, in 1028.
      .—Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 75 30 —Reuter. Contributions of 28 Signatory States. Geneva, Oct. 2. A Convention, providing for the financial assistance of a State which is the victim of aggression, was formally signed today by the representatives of 27 countries, including France and Great Britain. Geneva, Oct. 2. The minimum sum guaranteed
      —Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 70 30 —Reuter. How Hons Rons Firm Was Victimised. Lausanne, Oct. 1. A Ore k merchant, Chriso Jean Cari'alis, 1 :i s been sentenced to two years’ im i nmen* and lined, 1,000 francs and 1!" wa-i charged with sol ing to ?1 '•> Hung Kong, last year, a
      . —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 151 30 Hostility to President Machado. Havana, Oct. 4. The* S.T.utc approved President Machado’* request for the suspension of the const itutienal guarantees.—Reuter. A message of Oct. 2 stated A Press censorship has hern established in t uba, following the recent disturbances. President Machado has sent a message to
      —Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 96 30 Reu*cr Strong Warning to “Bear" Syndicates. New Vork. O.-t. 7. The officials of the Stock Exchange have warned the brokers that they are risking measures when they sc!!, and assist in the sale of, securities for the •puipose of causing demoralisation of market values.” The Stock
      .— Reu*cr  -  96 words
    • 123 30 Consent of the Pope Not Yet Obtained. n >nu*. u la* official i .'g:jn cf the Ya? can, hr or vat re Romano, state 4 that, eor.l* rress reports. dilflcul s regard i d pearafien for the nvvr'.age of Kfi» vis cf Bulgaria aid I’rinoe s Gi v-
      123 words
    • 106 30 Ucuter. Mr. Hoover on Free Universal Education. King’s Mountain, Oct. 8. At King’s Mountain Battlefield, South arolina, President Hoover, in a speech contrasted the American system of free universal education, training runner.and striving to give them an equal start,” "ith Socialism, Bolshevism, anarchy and despotism which all meant
      Ucuter.  -  106 words
    • 67 30 Notes Regarding Rendition Published. Shanghai, Oct. 7. 1 he Chinese and British notes regard' the lendition of Amov have been published.—Router. A previous message from Nankin plated Sept. 1«) read: This afternoon rnr Miles Lampson and the Chin' st r oreign Minister, Dr. C. T. Wang, signed and
      67 words
    • 27 30 Reuter. Oversubscribed on New York Market. New York, Oct. 7. 11,11 00,000,00.) Canadian (iovornmeni joui- per cent, loan, which was issued at has Seen over-subscribed.—Reuter.
      — Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 157 30 —Reuter. Army of 80,000 Marehim, On Rio de Janeiro. New York, Oet 7 The Brazilian Government h is up the first ami second Army ip a and has requisitioned all food Rio de Janeiro. 8luff m A later message from New York A Bra /A^ n ebe]
      —Reuter.  -  157 words
    • 118 30 A.A. Q.M.G. CHINA. Colonel R. B. Cousens* New Appointment. London, Oet. 7. Lieut. Colonel Robert Baxter Coiner* has been appointed Assistant Ad'uaxt and Quartermaster-General in charge administration in China as from Jaaun 1, 1931.—Reuter. Lieut.-Col. Robert Baxter Cou-en been recently in command of t'> 1 Field Brigade. Royal Artillerv. K\.\
      118 words
    • 100 30 —Reuter. Scheme for General Tribunal Discussed. London, Oct. T. The Muses Room at the House of I.or-i containing the large painting of M ringing down the Tablets of the Lav. from th > mountain, was the appropr a f-r the first meeting of the I.i.jvial Conference Committee
      —Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 48 30 —Reuter. t ompuLsory Powers To Stabilise Prices. London. Oct. 7. The soinners of American cotton a: Manchester have decided to prepare a s■■heme, with compulsory powers, for sta b.lising yarn prices, with the object preventing sales under cost of production from efficient mills on full-time working.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 35 30 —Reuter. Krupps May Have to Dismiss 2,500 Workers. Berlin, Oct. 7. Ktupps announce that they must dismiss 2,600 workers, owing to lack -> orders for steel, unless business improve-* within the next month. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  35 words
    • 153 30 <e Singapore Municipal health state- for it.e week ended Sept. 27, gives ..e total number of deaths as male 178. and lemale PC. This represents a death rale of 28.73 per mille, per annum, compared with 31.15 in the preceding week and 25.59 in the corresponding week oi
      153 words

    • 2598 31 Several Upsets Of Form. (V r om Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 1. snort was again provided on the *n,j day of the Selangor Turf Club’s .'ut unn meeting. The conditions today were vastlv different from those of Satur- v heavv rain having fallen
      2,598 words
    • 349 31 i.—Reuter. Remarkable Scoring. 2 TEAMS LOSE UNBEATEN RECORDS. The following were* the results of im.tehcs played today in the F.nglish and Scottish Leagues rimt Division. Arsenal 1 Sheffield Utd. 1 Aston Villa 0 iluudeisfield T. 1 Blackburn it. 2 Birmingham 1 Blackpool r Leicester City 4 Chelsea
      i.—Reuter.  -  349 words
    • 68 31 Capt. S. P. Groves Accomplishes The Feat. (’apt. S. I*. Groves, formerly assistant Registrar nf Vehicles, Singapore, has been added to the select company of golfers who have clone a hole in one. He accomplished the feat at the 16th hole of the Dulwich Sydenham Hill
      68 words
    • 281 32 Exciting Match. TABLES TURNED IN FINAL < DI CKER. Exciting p 1<» fought out at a fast pac resulted in an Army v# tory < v»*r the Royal Johore Polo < lub, at th* polo ground in Johori* on Oct. 2 hy live (fouls to
      281 words
    • 306 32 Cranford Carries Off Metropolitan. Sydney, Oct. 4. The result of the Derby at the Randwick Spring meeting (one and half miles, three years old.s) was TREGII.LA 1 VEILMOND 2 BALLOON KING 8 Betting: 8-1 Tregilla, 5-1 Veilmond, 7-1 Balloon Kinr. The result of the Epsom Handicap (one mile)
      306 words
    • 158 32 Jim Maloney’s Victory. AGGRESSIVE IN EVERY ROUND. Boston, Oct. 7. Jim Mai uiiey, the Irish-American heavyweight of Boston, sprang a surprise by clearly outpointing Primo Camera, the giant Italian, in a ten-round contest. If was Camera’s last fight of his present tour in the United States.
      158 words
    • 51 32 Reuter. French Athlete’s Splendid Time. Paris, Oct. 5. The French runner, J. Ladoumegue, covered 1.500 metres (flat) in 3 minutes 41) 1/5 seconds today, breaking the world's record time for this distance of 3 minutes >1 seconds, which was established by Dr. Otto Peltzcr at Charlottenburg in
      Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 195 32 oral jii —Reuter. Regains English Women's Championship. London, Oct. 1. At Aldeburgh, in the fifth round of the Fnglish women’s golf championship. Miss Wanda Morgan beat Miss Molly Gourlay (the holder), at the 19th hole.— Reuter. Miss Wanda Morgan’s defeat of Miss Molly Gourlay will make her
      oral jii —Reuter.  -  195 words
    • 86 32 Austin in Team to Visit India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Oct. 4. It has now been definitely decided that the British tennis team to visit India will comprise the following H. W. Austin, J. S. Olliff, E. D. Andrews and M. D. Horn, with A. Wallis Myers,
      86 words
    • 67 32 .—Reuter. Racehorse Which Won A Fortune. New York, Oct. 7. Gallant Fox, greatest money-maker on tbo American turf, has been retired to the stud by his owner, Mr. William Woodward, «f New York. The horse is the winner of nearly all the important American races, including
      .—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 46 32 Pouter. Eugene Huat Beaten On Points. Paris, Oct. 5. At the Velodrome D’Hiver today in a 1.1 round contest for the world’s bantam weight title, AI Brown, the Panama Negro out-pointed Eugene Huat (France). Brown was the holder of the title.
      Pouter.  -  46 words
    • 615 32 Foursomes Competition At S.G.C. The Singapore Golf Club October mixed foursome.? competition was played on rilav afternoon and resulted in a win for the Rev. S. Band and Mrs. MeMichaeJ. Forty-seven cards were taken out and the i following were returned 11. N. Rev. S. Band Mrs. McMichnel
      615 words
    • 403 32 The Rest’s Defeat. NEWCOMERS’ BRIl.i i«v r FORWARDS. 1 A wonderful Ias-t miaute try see.*] Lieut. G. J. Bryan, who swerved i. 1 anl out of the opposition to ground hvo the posts, gave victory to the Newcomb against the Rest on the Padang on SaJr clay
      403 words

  • 34 32 ADAMS.- On Oct. 3. to the Rev. ami Mis. R. K. S. Adams, a son. McCULLAGH.-On October 0. UOiO, at ?h> Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Mar> wife of J. A. MeCullagh, a daughter.
    34 words
  • 112 32 BLACK CUNNINGHAM. The marriage too* place on Saturday, Oct. 4 at the 1 i***’. terian Church, the Rtv. Stephen ctficiating, between Mr. harles Black, youngest son of Mr. Joseph J Senior, of Saddill St., Campbeltown. An) N.B. arid Miss Jennie HaddoP < unmugiw. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
    112 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 87 32 NOTICE All communications for both the StisiU Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil ana Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Stroits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 61 32 DEATHS FREEMAN.—On October 1, on route 1 tralia from Singapore, Ambrose Freeman from heart failure. Chained Directors of Austral Malay Tin. Ltd-. J its associated Companies. HALF. On October 3, 1930, Dr. Alfu-i Hale, age 61 years. I’UKY—Mrs. Puey Yean Chuan nee N'eo <1 ic«l at hi*r residence, Rftce <
    61 words

    • 98 1 GeneralRubber Situation 1 Rubber Reports 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 Rubber Returns 1 Decline in Price of Rubber 2 Malayan Tin Exports 2 Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 United Engineers 2 The Rubber Market 3 Tin Returns 3 Rubber Factories for Singapore 3 Malaya Tin Statistics
      98 words
    • 77 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices A X d. 9 t f |>. tL'don S’pure Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. Oct. ;j\ u.ll 0.1 l» a 0.11*4 U.l 1 "k 3 0.1 1 t h 0.12‘h 0.12*4 0.12*2 i 1.*I 10 0.12*4 0.12*2 0.12 *4 0.13
      77 words
    • 375 1 Sumatra Proprietary Plantations. 1 he accounts of the Sumatra Proprietary ku liber Plantations for the year to April 30 -Imw a loss of £3,376 (against a net protit "f £8<>i for 1928-29), which, deducted from the amount brought in, leaves £4,127 to be > .tried forward. No dividend
      375 words
    • 1268 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, Sept. 10. Very full messages from Singapore describe the statement made by Sir Cecil dementi on his return from Java. It seems to put an end to all hopes that the British
      1,268 words
    • 70 1 Rett r. International Barter Scheme Suggested. New York, Oct. 2. The New York Times understands that Federal officials are giving their serious attention to a project for the Inter-national barter of products to relieve the embar rassing surpluses existing in some conn tries. For example there is
      Rett r.  -  70 words
    • 96 1 Sir Frank Swettenham Or Rubber. CONFIDENT SPEECH. Remedy in Hands of The Growers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Oct. 3. Sir Frank Swettenham, presiding at the Seaport (Selangor) Rubber Estate, Ltd., made a quietly confident speech. He predicted that rubber would recover perhaps sooner than at present
      96 words
    • 103 1 Reuter. Co-operation t<* Improve The Situation.” The Hague, Oct. 2. The Minister of the Colonies] today received the Dutch Committee of Rubber Growers. The Minister intends to co-operate with the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies for the purpose of improving tho situation.— Reuter. Chamber of Agriculture
      — Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 212 1 Alor (iajah.- 10,150 lit. Anjflo-Johore Consolidated. 50,000 lb. Ayer Kunitu; (K.M.S.I. 100,000 lb. Ayer Pnnas. 74,000 lb. Australasia. 25,700 lb. Itadek. 43,300 lb. linirun Serai. 45,500 lb. Ii;11:ik Rabit.—30,500 lb. IlnnniiK (Selangor). HO, 140 lit. Rajau. 18.280 lb. Heuufort Borneo. 55,000 lb. Hinton Rubber. 55,130 lb. Hradwall (K.M.S.I.
      212 words
    • 1427 2 Dunlop Directors’ Views. CONFIDENCE OF SIR ERIC GEDDES. The board of the Dunlop Hub her Coin-l-.iity and the Dunlop Company i; .s isssu.-d a memorandum to the share* holders setting forth its views on the present situation of the rubber plantation industry. It is stated
      1,427 words
    • 282 2 September Figures The Lowest for the Year. Tin. exports of tin from Malaya for the month of September show a considerable decrease compared with tne prev ious months. The total shipments amounted to 5,311 tjns, as compared with 7,8(58 tons in August and 7,117 in July (which
      282 words
    • 76 2 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Kuala I.umI ur, have received information that the It M.S. (Malay States > Rubber Plantations. Lto., board has decided to recommend a final dividend of 2 per cent, (actual l in respect of the last financial year, making a total of 2 >
      76 words
    • 263 2 Ocean shipments of para rubber (including laU’x. revertex, and concentrated latex* during tlie month of September, 1930 Preliminary Return. Rubber Concentrated Sheet and Latex. Latex. Revertex. Total. atination. Crepe. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Singapore 32,883 74 47 33,004 Penang 10,f>04 5 10,509 Malacca HI 9 37 856
      263 words
    • 621 2 Satisfactory Year’s Working. The annual general meeting of tin* t Holders of the Sungei Bagan Rubber t Ltd., was held on Saturday ut the sccretan offices, Harrisons, Barker uni! Co i.i Chartered Bank Buildings, Mr. R Robertson presiding. Others present in.i. < ed Messrs. H. C. Atkin-Berry,
      621 words
    • 216 2 Net Profit for the Year $641,520. The directors’ report to the shareholderof United Engineers, Ltd., for the year ended June 30, 1030. is as follows After allowing for the fees of director.and auditors, making due allowance f(,: depreciation and writing off all debts considered bad, the net profit
      216 words
    • 1057 3 problem of Repatriating Labour. x oneri ,l meeting of the Central I'erak \>sociation was held recently at r .f the secretaries (Messrs. 11 office oi u a(l all d Co.. Ipoh). Mr. C. Footner, rim. presided and others present were Harman Orr, fc. L. D. Evans, ,8
      1,057 words
    • 339 3 Singapore, Oct. 2. Messrs. Guthrie nd Co.’s report Another dull and uninteresting week falls be recorded, with a sagging of prices in i i!i three markets. Singapore, London, and New Yoik have lost :i cent, "«d. and V t cent. ;t *ld i respectively over the period,
      339 words
    • 241 3 Renong Consolidate!! Tin.—310 houis, 110,500 yards, 362 piculs. Katu Tin. 623 hours, 03.000 yards, 532 piculs. Takuapa Valley Tin N.L. 1.211 hours, 100.000 yards, 1.GS0 piculs. Katrul llasin Tin N.L. 800 hours, 71.000 yards, 655 piculs. Rnnibun Tin. —350 piculs. Muang Tin No Liability. 612 hours, 71.000 yards,
      241 words
    • 426 3 Example From Local Chinese. One of the many for righting the rubber situation would have the kubber Growers’ Association form a company to manufacture surplus rubber and J flood the market with cheap manufactured < articles, says a current issue of the India Lubber World, kubber
      426 words
    • 197 3 Imports. Foreign imports of tin ore during the month of September, 1030 Country of Origin. Tons. Rurma 203 Hutch Fust Indies:-— Panic i and Iti 11 iton 2,t’*6 Sumatra 157 Kreii h Indo-China 180 Juppn 43 Siam 1,170 Union of South Africa 52 Total 4,310 Note. —This
      197 words
    • 784 3 Annual Meeting of Brunei Plantations. The annual general meeting of Brunei l nitod Plantation.--. Ltd., was held on Rept. 2G at the office of the Secretaries, Kvatt and Co., I-'rcnch Bank'Buildings, Singapore, Mr. Lee Chim Tuan presiding. Others present included the lion. Mr. W. A. Fell
      784 words
    • 76 3 1 he Anglo S.a.a 'orpontl’on, I/d., Singe("••e, have i ■<•< ivi <1 telegraphic advice fi i the London otlice, of tile declaration «»f a I i'al dividend of li'l per cent, on the < (dina diar; .s. ’J hix, with the interim d.vidciid of i' per rent.
      76 words
    • 163 4 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Oct. 8. On London Dank 4 m/a 2/4 1/32 Demand 2.-374 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 9 32 On New Yoik, demand 56 5 16 Private 90 d s 67 13 1 6 On France, Dank T.T. 1435 iln India, Hank T.T. 156'V» *>n Hong
      163 words
    • 840 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Oct. 8. MINING. Issue Yal. Pd. Buyers Sellers 41 41 Asam Kumbang 20 25 5 5 Ayer Mitam Tin 8 9 9 5) 4! 41 Dangrin Tin 13 14 1 1 Batang Padar.g 0.10 0.15 1 1 Batu Caves 0.40 0.45 1
      840 words
    • 611 4 Price of Tin Continues To Decline. Fra r and Co.’s report «f Oct. 7 states: The price of tin continues to decline during the week and at £125 for the three months’ position is £4 16s. down on balance. Heavier shipments for the coming months are forecasted and
      611 words
    • 209 4 >y sub-dividing each of the 220.000 redui«d shares of 8s. into four shares of 2s. f 30,000 unissued shares of £1 are to be JjP divided into ten shares of 2s. The capital is then to be increased to 1■ Joriginal amount of £250.000 by the ere*tw of
      209 words
    • 34 4 It is notified in the F.M.S. Gazette of Oct. 3, that the price of ru>' for assessment of duty for the period. ,1l ♦o Oat. 9 inclusive, is 11 cents per pound
      34 words
      • 694 4 IaI.hio i £1 > :l 4 Allagar (2/) 1 1‘a? Amherst ,1 i 1 3; Anglo-Malay (£1) 7 16; Ayer Kunii,i; (ti i lr* 10; Hagan Serai (I'll 7 16; Bahru iSc l.t 1 2 3 Hanteng (i‘l > 15 16; Batang c p -d
        694 words
      • 674 4 Capital Issue Clbring Prices Paid Up Value Dieidenda Company 4*V V*".‘ 1 6 p.c. for year 28-2-30 ..AHenby <Bl 1 0.75 0.80 :li*"* J pc Al.r Gajah (|1) 0.70 0.80 o’s» dd0.4.5 1 15 p.c. year 81*3-80 ~A. Ilitant <sl) 100 110 100 in
        674 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 571 5 RIGHTONIAN BRAND THE PERFECT HELMET. Registered No. “1928.” v; Covered Fine Whit* India Jean, Beat Buff Binding, Chin Strap, Ten Double Fold Puggaree, Green Wool Merino Underbrim, Silk Lining, Patent Detachable Head Fitting, which will immediately give perfect fitting to any ahaped head. This Patent Fitting is the only one
      571 words

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    • 566 6 o u Y T A O C w A H R T S M O T E O N R When the wl«4 or outboard fall# you, And you’re mile* away from shore. II ia I that’ll gladly help yon. The BONKS Sideboard Motor. This little motor can be stored
      566 words