The Straits Budget, 25 September 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 7 The Straits Budget
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  • 380 1 LEADERS— J*aKe Menace to Europe 3 Spend Spend Spend 3 Empire Conference 3 Miss Mayo Again 3-4 Gold playing the Game 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News ..23-28 pictures— Weddings in Singapore 17 New Post Office Club in S’pore 18 A Picturesque View
    380 words
  • 1745 1 took place on Sept. 18 at Rev th( dral of the Good Shepherd, the Alev. i er Ruaiidel officiating, of John I.oni <in 01 Henstridge Brown and Alice Mrs t awson youngest daughter of few f avp y °f Cremorne, Sydney. A Wem nenas °f the bride
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  • 3385 2 Begg in Court. ANOTHER LENGTHY HEARING. The case of Norman Carmichael Begg vas continued before Mr. (>. 1. Beall, the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Tuesday, when the defendant was subjected to a searching cross-examination by Mr. E. Tongue, head of the Singapore Detective Branch.
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  • 52 2 Regulations Under New Gaming Laws. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. -1. Regulations have been issued under tl new gaming laws which abolish the res. tote, which is greatly patronised at trr races. Its prohibition will be a sc not blow to the finances of. the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1017 3 Times, Sept. 18. European political crises receive scant ttention outside the countries immediate- affected. Since 1918 scores of wisehave told the world how foolishly T behaved in its failure to appreciate the e significance of events in the Balkans SD ring and summer immediately Preceding the
      Times, Sept. 18.  -  1,017 words
    • 1144 3 SPEND! SPEND!! SPEND and on the rubber estates.—Straits Times, Sept. 19. Daily telegrams from up-country indicate clearly the increasing gravity of the unemployment problem in Malaya and to all who are still inclined to regard warnings on this subject as examples of scare-mongering we commend the reports of the unusually
      and on the rubber estates.—Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  1,144 words
    • 1090 3 —Straits Times, Sept. 20. Prime Ministers and other leading statesmen from the various parts of the Empire will meet in conference in London on the last day of the month, and there will be no lack of subjects for discussion. It is usual to say on these occasions
      —Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  1,090 words
    • 1213 3 .—Straits Times, Sept. 22. There is still a good deal of controversy as to the degree of wisdom displayed by Miss Katherine Mayo in publishing her book, Mother India." Those possessing any knowledge of the country about which she wrote will readily concede that Miss Mayo confined
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 22.  -  1,213 words
    • 1190 4 —Straits Times, Sept. 2U. That gold is largely to blame for the economic crisis through which the world is passing today is a fact which comparativilv few people appear to realise. The outstanding factors which are more or less common ground may be roughly stated as follows (1) “The
      —Straits Times, Sept. 2U.  -  1,190 words
    • 1050 4 .—Straits Times, Sept. For various reasons, that most popular of games, Association football, appears tc ho peculiarly productive of incidents.” Other sports produce differences of opinion, arguments and outbursts of bad feeling, but it is reserved for soccer always, of course, excepting professiona 1 boxing, which is
      .—Straits Times, Sept. -*  -  1,050 words

  • 112 4 Woman Who Induced Chetties To Lend $2,600. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 1& An unusual story of how an j Mohamedan woman impersonated daughter and forged three docunie thereby inducing two chetties to lend a sum amounting to $2,600 was to i the district court this morning
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    • 248 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 18. jjalayan towns, where the private car tV principal method of transport, a j <re 0 f one’s ow-n car, in addition tc 1 or" mechanical process of driving, re j the long run in a considerable savf m. my. This is pointed out
      —Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  248 words
    • 233 5 .—Straits Times, Sept. 18. 0: < f the excitements of the actor’s r that at any performance the un- i occur— something which 1 r i the pay cr perhaps add to its lit. r a'.i'haps include doors which f M >n. revolvers which do r.ot fire
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  233 words
    • 390 5 Chinese is difficult Strn.ts Time:, Sept. :v .in Staffordshire, a small town I t \tter. Now how would you it? The question is one which n. tu l ave piven the British Broadcastt titration considerable trouble for. a b-b-t recently published, containing rawV.ations to announcers about
      Chinese is difficult !- Strn.ts Time:, Sept.  -  390 words
    • 439 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 19. This newspaper and those members of :i3 staff who were privileged to know i'oivival Leo Faulkner incurred a great by the receipt this morning of a cable announcing that he had been killed in a .noUu-ear accident in Hyde Park. It is •eas than
      —Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  439 words
    • 188 5 fillip; pi VOCII v all’s well that ends well.’—Straits Times, Sept. 19. S'-a voyages are said to be peculiarly .veil adapted as an ideal background for romance. Whatever the ship, or wherevei its destination does not matter a lot, s long as there are mccnlit decks
      fillip; pi VOCII v , " all’s well that ends well.’—Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  188 words
    • 200 5 •loneiui r ditions which is urgently needed Times, Sept. 19. With the growing interest in the work of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Singapore, it ireasonable to hope that before long an improvement will be made in the condition of animal and bird
      •loneiui » , , . r, . ditions which is urgently needed Times, Sept. 19.  -  200 words
    • 117 5 KING’S REGS.” —Straits Times, Sept. 20. Those old soldiers who never die will at least receive a very serious shock indeed when they read of the latest amendment to the guide in all military matters known as the King’s Regulations In future, if seems, young defaulters are not to undergo
      —Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  117 words
    • 326 5 ON MY RIGHT —Straits Times, Sept. 20. There is hope for British boxing. Aid has come from an entirely new and unexpected quarter in the form of a philanthropist who is determined to find a British heavyweight who will develop into a world beater. I am prepared to spend anything
      —Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  326 words
    • 331 5 Straits Times, Sept. 20. Ricksha pullers are a much-abused section of the community who supply quite a lot of humour and add a great deal of colour to Singapore. They are ever varying in type, with only one common characteristic—the insistent demand for the extra cents. Knowing
      Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  331 words
    • 84 5 -Straits Times, Sept. 22. We have it on the authority of a technical publication that printing ink made from discarded rubber tyres is in commercial use in Australia. Possibly this accounts for the buoyant tone of several of our Australian contemporaries. At nil events, out of a sense
      -Straits Times, Sept. 22.  -  84 words
    • 250 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 22. While so many countries are bemoaning their low birth rate in France any particularly productive woman gets a prize?—the population of tho United States has increased since 1920 by 10,978,570 to 122,698,190, according to the 1980 census. To what extent this increase is
      —Straits Times, Sept. 22.  -  250 words
    • 413 5 THIS MUSICAL ACE 1,11 juov iiui n —Straits Times, Sept. 2‘.L Major W. G. St. Clair, who did so much for the musical life of Singapore, never ceased to bemoan the fact that the old town hall, a place of excellent acoustics, was destroyed to make room for the Victoria
      1,11 juov iiui n —Straits Times, Sept. 2‘.L  -  413 words
    • 118 5 H. H. M. vice-consul at Manila.”— Straits Times, Sept. 2'L According to a Manila newspaper, the capital of the Philippines was recently honoured by the visit of Royalty from Australia.'’ The distinguished guest wa-t Lady Stonehaven, wife of the GovernorGeneral and Commander-in-Chief of the Commonwealth of Australia who will
      H. H. M. vice-consul at Manila.”—Straits Times, Sept. 2'L  -  118 words
    • 208 5 nvvl VW WIM vw. where he .was fined 30/-. Straits Times, St pt. 2d. The life of a fortune-teller is always a hazardous one, for while endeavouring t delineate character and foretell the future, he (or she) must be very quick-witted to observe signs in the subject
      nvvl VW WIM vw. – where he .was fined 30/-. Straits Times, St pt. 2d.  -  208 words
    • 181 6 EMPTY CHURCHES -Straits Times, Sept. 2d. In these days of science versus theology and the growing number of drifters away from the Church, various ways are being devised at Home to attract poojde back to regular attendance at the services. Roth the London and provincial clergy are faced with a
      -Straits Times, Sept. 2d.  -  181 words
    • 252 6 Straits Times, Sept. Regarding “Dan the Chiton King.” otherwise Mr. Daniel J. Sully, whole death is announced, it it recorded in “Who’s Who In America” that he was ‘‘educated at public schools.” This term, of course, has a very different meaning in the United States to that implied
      Straits Times, Sept.  -  252 words
    • 225 6 of the author of that song.—Straits Times. Sept. ‘24. A correspondent who lives in one of Singapore’s quiet suburban roads writes lo say that the secluded peace of his district was disturbed one evening this week by a largely attended Chinese wadding. At sundown the crashing of
      of the author of that song.—Straits Times. Sept. ‘24.  -  225 words
    • 217 6 WHOA HORSEY —Straits Times, Sept. 24. Some months ago our one and only disgruntled reader accused us of trying to Americanise Malayan journalism.” We made him the soft answer that turneth away wrath—and now we are regretting our fortHjarance. The enormity of the charge has just been brought home to
      —Straits Times, Sept. 24.  -  217 words
    • 266 6 CAPT MATTHEWS EFFORT vmii rrnvu nv —Straits Times. S3pt. 2 4. Though with so many competitors in the field it is difficult to maintain the early enthusiasm in flights between England and Australia, interest is aroused in the effort being made by Capt. Matthews by the news that he has
      ’ vmii rrnvu nv —Straits Times. S3pt. 2 4.  -  266 words

  • 157 6 Important Subjects Down For Discussion. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 22. At the half-yearly general meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya, to be hold in the Scottish Masonic Lodge, Veil iir. x Road, on Monday next at 10.30 a.m.. chairman, the Hon. Mr. J. S.
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  • 170 6 Mr. R. S. C. Herring and Miss Joyce Brooke. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 23. The wedding took place yesterday at St. Andrew’s Church, the Rev. J. B. Walker taking the service, between Mr. R. S. C. Herring, of Malayan American Plantations, Rengam, and Miss Joyce Brooke,
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  • 841 6 Municipal Employees Thrift and Loan. The fifth annual general meeting of the Singapore Municipal Employees Co-ope-rative Thrift and Loan Society was held yesterday at the Municipal offices. The president, Mr. R. J. Farrer, presided, and the chairman of committee, Mr. E. Galistan, addressing the meeting, said
    841 words
  • 685 6 Taihil Estate Coolie Fined. f Our Own Correspondent.) K1 *ng, Sept. 18 The circumstances which led to attack on a European assistant at s, field estate, Batu Tiga, Klang, < m Sept by a tapping coolie, were related t*' or the Tungku Syed Abu Bakar, j
    685 words

  • 4749 7 Defendant’s Evidence In Wong Case. identity attacked. \DOPTION OUTSIDE ENGLISH LAW. Ti u case was continued before Mr. Justice Stevens on Sept. 17 in which Vong Mar. Nun, also known as Vong Choon \V, i is trying to establish his identity as tlu Kgal
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  • 181 8 Increase of $1,265,464 To $30,484,545. In the report for 1929 of the president cf the Singapore Municipality. Mr. R. J. Farrer, it is stated that the year began with a Municipal Fund credit balance of $2,608,571 which was increased to $2,641,0.17. The year’s revenue was $15,929,181 and the
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  • 157 8 Tamil Who Killed Man Pleads Drunkenness. A Tamil named Muniam, charged at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice Mundell on Monday morning with culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and, alternatively, with voluntarily causing hurt, pleaded guilty to the lesser charge. The Deputy Public Prosecutor (Mr. J. H.
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  • 1465 8 Plaintiffs Get $1 Libel Damages. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 18. Mr. Justice Sproule commented, very j strongly on the plaintiffs and their society when he gave a lengthy judgment in the Supreme i ourt in the libel suit which Tan Teng Phun and Ooi
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  • 186 8 Doctor’s Evidence in High Court Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 23. An unusual case came up in the reme Court this morning when it sought to set aside a certain statu mortgage on the ground that ne 01 parties to it was under age at
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  • 397 9 Application for Arrest Of Mr. W. B. Penman. shake TRANSACTIONS Criminal Breach of Trust Alleged. i u arrant has been issued for the „f Mr. W. B. Penman, a Yrtncr in the firm of Rose Macphail d penman. Ltd., stock and share brokers, of Singapore. The charge
    397 words
  • 158 9 Two Men Said to Have Posed As Stowaways. ir<tm Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Sept. 19. y'° nu 'n, Henry Meredith and David 'ly alleged to be deserters from the flcn Regiment at Singapore, were pro•V t ls afternoon and charged before u un hu Syed Abu Bakar in
    158 words
  • 49 9 Police Drafted To 1‘ulau Jerejak. roin Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 19. "the continuance of the policy r the amount of opium smok1 rs in the camp at I’ulau lepers became rcstles3 and '‘im>n were drafted there from ''•‘•■ties declare that the situa- 110 "ay serious.
    49 words
  • 241 9 Essential for Workless Europeans, Says M.P. thrum Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 18. The Hon. Richard Douglas Penman arrived in Penang today in the Khyber Mr. Denman, who is the third son of i.avrn Denman, is M. P. for Leeds Central. Me has been connected with politics for many
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  • 347 9 Counsel Protests Against Sergeant’s Action. When a case of alleged rash and negligent driving, ar.d thereby causing grievous hurt, again :t an Indian motorcar driver from Jo bore was mentioned of ore Mr. G. T. Peall. the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Monday, the counsel for
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  • 101 9 Result of Libel Action Against Newspaper. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 22. Judgment was given today in the criminal 1 il»ol action against the proprietoi and editor of a Siamese newspaper who illeged in the newspaper that the Air Force had not provided parachutes for the
    101 words
  • 635 9 The following communique has been issued from King’s House, Kuala Lumpur Tuesday, Sept. 9 His Excellency and Lady dementi, arrived at Kuala Lumpur by the morning mail train. Wcdn'vda Sept. 10. The following were the guests at a dinner given by His Excellency and Lady Clemonti at
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  • 61 9 Another Cate Arising From Siamese Flight. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 21. The editor and manager of another newspaper w< ro each fined Tcs. 00 f r criminally libe lling the ac ronautica’ department < f the army. They had commented on the flight o' two Siamese
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  • 740 9 Need for HumaneKiller In Slaughter Houses. Below nr* given excerpts from tho speeches made at the meeting in Malacca at which a •yiciety for the prevention of cruelty to. animals was formed, reference to which was made in tho Straits Times of Friday. The Uosi. Mr. Tan
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  • 2251 10 TRICKED INTO SIGNING.” Remarkable Case. CHINESE DOCTOR’S SUIT DISMISSED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 18. Judgment was given in the Supreme Court today by the Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. L. II. Klphinstone, in an amazing case of trickery in which his Lordship found that a Chinese doctor
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  • 124 10 Increased Consumption Gives Profit of $202,942. Though the price of electricity dropped slightly in the majority of classes, there was an increased consumption and, says the annual report of the Singapore Elec tricity Department, signed by Mr. S. S. Wilson, revenue rose from $2,143,069 in 1928 to
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  • 97 10 Tries to Make Complaint To Magistrate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 23. During a case in the second police court this morning an old Chinese rushed in and tried to make a complaint to the magistrate, howling excitedly. He was ordered away, but sat still and groaned
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  • 68 10 ITh# Strait# Time# i# not (he opinion# of it# correspondent “r* ,0r indent# should bear in mind th-* ,orr*inust be short and to the noint er epistles are liable to be rejected L a down. Correspondents must L cut oarnes and addresses, not necessarily h r publication but as
    68 words
  • 90 10 To the Editor of the Straits Tj m s Sir,—Is not your jovial correspondent Bogey Bogey indulging in a quiet lit? "log pull” on the use of irons Bogey Bogey’s prowess at the R ov .i and ancient game is common knowledi? whether using steel or hickory (so-ca!uV
    90 words
  • 161 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to “M’s” letter in your paper on 16th instant, the king referred to is Ferdinand VI, who was grandfather of Charles IV, and King 0 f Spain from 1746 to 1759. Eduard Kann in his “The Currencies of
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  • 207 10 Sequel to Public Meeting In Town Hall. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sep'. 18. What is thought to have been an attempted demonstration by a Communist e’ement in the vicinity of the Town Ha l. Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday ev.niny while the public meeting to uree up
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  • 114 10 Result of Inquiry Into Purchasing Methods. As a result of the report of a committee appointed to inquire i method of the purchase of nia mXf throughout the Municipality of king.I it was decided that in certain ‘nnual contracts should be enters and that local firms as well
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  • 982 11 Malayan Anecdotes. rOWEDY AND DRAMA OK 1 EARLY DAYS. Reminiscences of a varied character, e humourous and others of a dramatic nature made up Mr. R. J. Farrer’s address to the Rotary Club on Friday. Mr Roland Braddell mentioned in an introductory speech that
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  • 141 11 Business of a Routine Nature. A meeting of tne Legislative Council will Le held in Singapore on Monday at 10.30 a.m. 1 he new Bills to he introduced are the Final Supply Bill (for making final provision for the Public Service for 1929) Minor Offences (Amendment) Bill
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  • 201 11 Debtor Whose $200 Loan Became $900. When a judgment debtor to the extent of $908 appeared before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on Monday it was disclosed that the actual amount borrowed was only $200. His Lordship inquired of the creditor, a chetty, what
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  • 175 11 Municipal President And Its Demolition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnang, Sept. 20. In view of the many conflicting ruUDiirs in circulation concerning the ultimate fate of Fort Cornwallis, which is now n the course of demolition, the retiring Municipal president, Mr. G. L. Ham, has inten iewed. Ho
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  • 1149 11 Colonial Secretary Opens New Series. When ?iats are free a large audience is always assured, but not even organisers with previous experiences of what “Children’s Concerts” mean in Singapore anticipated quite such a rush for seats as occurred at the Memorial Hall on Saturday afternoon, when the
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  • 398 11 Local Seamen’s General Labour Union. A reference to the activities of Malayan Reds was made before Mr. G. T. Peall, the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Saturday, when three Hylams were produced by Inspector Tuck B Ma, of the Singapore Criminal Intelligence Department, and
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  • 33 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 19. Two ease? of smallpox have been found by the health authorities here. Stringent precautions are bf*ing taken to prevent any spread of the disease.
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  • 1003 12 Will of Singapore Millionaire. BEQUESTS TRUSTS. Residue of Estate Between Three Sons. The will of Sir Manasseh Meyer, of Singapore, who dic'd on .July 1, has been admitted to probate, which has been granted to his three sons, Isaac, Jacob and Reuben, as executors and trustees. After
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  • 376 12 Land That Contained Glass Sand. Tho question of costs in the ease in which the owners of 76 acres of land at Changi acquired by the military appealed against the collector’s award of $1.12,000, and were successful in getting $276,6<2, came before tho Chief Justice (Sir
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  • 179 12 Alleged Attack by Two Sikhs. A quarrel between Sikh taxidvivers, occupying the rank opposite Ratlles Hotel, in which one of then sustained a fractured arm, was inquired into by Mr. G. I\ i’eall the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Sept. 17. The complainants were Phag Singh
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  • 907 12 No Drinks in Small Boarding Houses. That women, no matter of what nationality, could not manage a public house which had sailors for its customers was {he opinion of the Singapore Board of Licensing Justices, expressed at a meeting hold in the h irst Police Magistrate’s Coart
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  • 688 12 Steward Arrested. LENIENT TREATMENT Itv COURT. H c !i nc **> at «>e tin contained cor-,, mate had told iSHlurtSill^^ili b^,h p t°l and that unythl This was the explanation given > French seaman named Joseph Penn 4 V 1 was arrested by the Singapore 1'iewntk"
    688 words

  • 4527 13 ■necessity of Proceeding With Public Works. I WAYS AND MEANS. Btelief and Economy By I Building. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept 17. The -tute of public opinion in face of the ■rowing*evil of unemployment in Malaya well exemplified this evening at a ■rielv
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  • 127 14 BELABOURED KNIFED. Robbers Attack Towkay And Family. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Sept. 17. Towkay Ng Thye, living at the 2nd mile, Kampong Java Road, was attacked by robbers yesterday evening and badly injured by being belaboured and knifed. A Chinese held the towkay in conversation and while they were
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  • 64 14 The passengers carried by the Royal Dutch Indian Airways during August numbered 1,348. This showed a reduction compared with July, owing to the fact that no joy rides were given in various places and also the present financial depression. 0n n A u the company completed a
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  • 310 14 Seven Years for Chinese Counterfeiter. Sentences totalling seven years’ rigorous imprisonment were passed by Mr. Justice Mundell on Sept. 17 on a Chinese who, the Deputy Public Prosecutor (Mr. J. H. Pedlow) stated in opening the case for the Crown, was found engaged in the
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  • 95 14 Departure for Europe On Friday. Uniforms and Malay costumes were plentifully sprinkled among the crowd that gathered at the wharf on Friday to bid farewell to H.H. the Sultan of Johore, who sailed for Europe by the Mantua. His Highness only returned from Europe on Sept. 6
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  • 217 14 F.M.S. Government Gazette Announcements. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 16. The following official appointments are announced in the F.M.S. Government Gazette Award of the Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal to Private W. L. Leonard of the M.S.V.R. Mr. A. L. McClure to be an Assistant
    217 words
  • 401 14 His Initiative Leads to Arrest. The initiative of a Chinese bail** revealed by the Deputy Public- I'mlL*** (Mr. J. H. Pedlow), at the ShS*" Assizes before Mr. Justice H h on Sept. 17 to have resulted ip* 11 capture of a Chinese who as quently identified as
    401 words
  • 193 14 Returning Indians Who Were Hungry. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Sept. 18. A batch of about 200 Indian labourers arrived here yesterday to catch a steamer for India. They went to the Labour Depot at Sungei Pinang to secure accommodation until they could get passage* through the Labour
    193 words
  • 83 14 Mr. Tan Cheng Lock Elected First President. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 18. A meeting convened by Mrs. C. HClarke, wife of the Resident Council' was held here yesterday with the obj bf forming a Society for the Prevent! of Cruelty to Animals. About sixty people, of
    83 words

  • 3698 15 The Frankness of Modern Literature —All the Uglinesses and Passions of Life Reve.ded Ethel Mannin s Pretty Talent—Portrait of a Man not Unknown in Malaya Liam O’Flaherty’s Contempt for Respectability. Frank Young People. Confessions and Impressions I»y chel Mannin. Jarroids. 10s. 6d. E fwo Years.
    3,698 words

  • 159 16 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Sept 13, gives the total number cf deaths as male 170, I and fen ale 08. This represents a death rale of 2H. 10 per mille, per annum, compared with 20..>7 in the preceding week and 24.61 in the
    159 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 139 16 U /i l 7a DMLPf C01 as k'L N X '^■7. i MS mm-t I *<rVr>*r» te r«nr a&g^:*Q When Beauty and Charm Reveal Themselves. w omen !*> k with envy at the marvel of their sex who spends her early morning tt'&"»ks;=K ‘iSS?«Sx zrjBpjrs&gEi s k iifttJs t-e nd
      139 words

    • 102 17 Mr. A. A. B. Menzies and Miss Catherine F. Mackie, who were married at the Presbyterian Church. Standing (from left to right): Mr. H. B. Freeman, who gave the bride away; Mrs. Band, the matron of honour; the Rev. Stephen Band, Miss Barbara G. Smith,
      102 words
    • 71 18 A picturesque view at katong. Views of an At Home held at the new Host Office Club in Singapore on the occasion of the official opening by Mr. S. Stutchbury, Controller. |Vt» u Two picturi‘s show inn tht* prouri'** u m Hi tht bin
      71 words
    • 30 19 Members and pupils of the Japanese Holiness Church, Singapore, with the Uev. S TaUahashi, who recently made an excursion to kusu Island, near Singapore.
      30 words
    • 67 18 17 *as the occas.on of the 57th bir.hda, of It. the Saltan of Johore and as «s„„, an elaborate gramme of sea sports formed part o. I I, ilfhlu ss tta> kau* a«ain lor Kuropv returning to a
      67 words
    • 95 20 Beating Selangor by 3-0 on the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. Singapore regained the toothall trophy presented by H.M.S. Malaya. The two teams wj^i the retiree. Mr II Sanders, are shown above Among the spectators. The Chief Justice. Sir William Murison. is on the
      95 words

  • 1805 21 I'ines of One Cent Each Imposed. ig unfortunate that only members Jewish community were picked out, l1 the thousands who go to the races. oUl t m)t understand this and it is likely 1 feeling of resentment in that t0 Jmuinity which has done
    1,805 words
  • 752 21 The Motoring Public’s Watchdog. Presiding at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club, which was held on Friday, evening in the Singapore Cricket Club,’ the chairman (Mr. H. J. Fougere) said It is to be regretted that excess of income over expenditure again shows a
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 63 21 U. S. BE SILVA BSCS., Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Sliields 1 1 Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given fff to outstation orders All Inquiries and Repairs wdi receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE. -—7-
      63 words

  • 1406 22 European Charged. SEQUEL TO A MOTOR-CAR DEAL. The allegation that he* drew a cheque 1< i- $71*3, to pay a deposit on motor-ear, which he agreed to buy on the hire purchase plan for $l,S0l), while he had a credit balance in the hank of only
    1,406 words
  • 273 22 Great Benefactress Dies At Age of 79. (From Our Own Correspondent.* Penan*?* Sept. 19. Mrs. Lint Long Cheak died this morning, aged 79. Front her enormous wealth almost every charity in Penang and in many othet places benefit ted. In her younger days he was a
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  • 455 22 SQUATTERS ON BU KIT PERNAI Warrant for Possession Granted. Mr. H. R. Bull, the Civil District J u ,i gave judgment on Saturday in the which Mr. S. Q. Wong, Mr. S. Y \v‘ and other trustees of the will 0 f \v Ah Fo -k claimed against a Malay
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  • 226 22 Shipwrecked Party Now In Singapore. Mr. George Mraz, who left Vienne, twelve months ago to tour the world to get practical geographic knowledge and an insight into the methods of education in foreign countries, is now in Singapore. Mr. Mraz, accompanied by his wife and twelve students from
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  • 64 22 Deputation Calls on Chief Secretary. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 19. U is understood that the unemployment deputation consisting of the Hon. Mr. J S. Alter, Major B. J. Eaton, O.B.E., and Mr. R. O. Bishop, M.B.E., was received by the Chief Secretary on Thursday,
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 53 22 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating: Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. Under New
      53 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 579 23 .—Kc uter. Arctic Expedition’s Fate 33 Years Ago. tromso CEREMONY. Remains Handed Over To Swedish Authorities. Tromso, Sept. 19. t, ere was an impressive ceremony at I'-Uhcdral when the remains of the ‘‘i, Andree, Strindberg and KrVt-nLfl were handed over to the Swedish '“<u, vii-h sailors
      .—Kc uter.  -  579 words
    • 33 23 t> IU1J Neuter. Washington, Sept. 22. President Hoover’s eldest son, Herbert, 'Utfering from tuberculosis and has vrt ordered several months’ rest on a fecial diet. T) full recovery is, however, likely.—
      t> ' IU1J Neuter.  -  33 words
    • 109 23 .—British Wireless. A Further Reduction This Month. Rugby, Sept. 19. The Tin Priducers* Association announces that the total of the world’s tin production during the first eiirht month* of the current year was 113,379 tons. 1 he reduction in the world’s total production last month, as
      .—British Wireless.  -  109 words
    • 191 23 Reuter. End of Election Excitement In Germany. Berlin, Sept. 19. Sober feelings are replacing the atmosphere of electioneering excitement. Inter-party negotiations ere proceeding privately. The Bruening Cabinet is still confident of obtaining sufficient support to keep out the National Socialists, who have suddenly become silent after issuing a
      Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 66 23 —Reuter. Dave Smith's Fatal Crash At Sydney. Sydney, Sept. 17. Mr. Dave Smith, the 20-year-old airman who early this year attempted a flight from Australia to England, was killed today when his machine crashed. He was testing his aeroplane for the air races hero on Saturday, and while
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 78 23 British Wireless. Notable Success Against Foreign Competition. Rugby, Sept. 20. Competing at a world tractor trial heie against 30 other types of tractor made by firms from all parts of the world, a notable success was scored by British-built Diesel engine machines. By running on crude oil these
      British Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 74 23 .—Reuter. Believed to be of Turkish Origin. Alexandria, Sept. 21. A large quantity of opium concealed in a cargo of preserves has been seized in Cairo. It reached Egypt from Hamburg, but is known to be of Tur.ush r n"is pointed out that three factories are working under
      .—Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 124 23 Reuter. Air Display Fatality In Belgium. Evere, Belgium, Sept. 21. The parachutist, M. Strachcvsky, was killed in a spectacular drop from 3,000 feet before a large crowd attending an uir display. He had three parachutes strapped to his body and jumped from a machine. After falling
      Reuter.  -  124 words
    • 100 23 Reuter. Married at Age Of Seventy-three. London, Sept. 19. The wealthy Princess Marie Charlotte Constance de Broglie, aged 73, has been married secretly at a London register office to Prince Louis Ferdinand of Orleans-Bourbon, aged 41, Infante of Spain and cousin of King Alfonso. The wedding was
      Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 156 23 —British Wireless. —Reuter. British Success in Motor-Cycle Grand Prix. Rugby, Sept. 21. English riders scored a triumph in the World Cycle Grand Prix today over the Pau circuit, British riders being first in four categories. In the 500 c.c. Hanley Wood was the first, averaging 121 kilometres an
      —British Wireless.; \—Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 78 23 —British Wireless. “Useful Instruction” For Minor Defaulters. Rugby, Sept. 19. The King’s Regulations, the .volume which is the authority on all matters affecting Army discipline, has been amended to provide that minor defaulters should be given special or useful instruction appertaining to their Corps rather than pack drill.
      —British Wireless.  -  78 words
    • 63 23 India Government Accused Of Obstruction. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 19. The Times accuses the Government of India of obstructing the extension of the air mail route from Karachi to Singapore and Australia. The paper states that the authorities in India are unwilling to entrust
      63 words
    • 371 23 FOLLOW CANADA’S EXAMPLE.” British Wireless. —Reuter. An Emergency Tariff. SUGGESTIONS TO IMPROVE TRADE. Ottawa, Sept. 19. The Government resolutions imposing the new lariif charges were adopted by 121 vote* to 87. —Reuter. A cable of Sept. 17 stated The House of Commons passed the third reading of the Government Bill
      — British Wireless.; ’—Reuter.  -  371 words
    • 132 23 iiu iu tut: —Rt*utcr. made within a few days.—British Wireless. Will the Prime Minister Be Chairman Sept. 18. Diwan Chaman Lai has declined the invitation to be a delegate to the Indian Round-Table Conference.—Reuter. Mr. Chaman Lai was invited as the La hour representative. He was the founder
      iiu iu tut: —Rt*utcr.; made within a few days.—British Wireless.  -  132 words
    • 77 23 —British Wireless* Steamer’s Crew Rescued By Lifeboats. Rugby, Sept. ID. Lifeboats from Margate, Deal and Clacton put out on Monday to help two vessels in distress. The London coastin’* steamer, Treport, of 280 tons, struck submerged wreckage and was thereupon beached on the Girdler sands, 20 miles
      —British Wireless*  -  77 words
    • 263 24 Reuter. Privy Council Approval. END OF LONG DRAWN CONTROVERSY. Tokio, Sept. 17. It is authoritatively announced that the privy Council’s Examination Committee, at its twelfth session, decided to recommend the Council to approve the London Treaty, hut, in advising the Emperor to ratify it, to add
      — Reuter.  -  263 words
    • 356 24 —Reuter. —Br itish Wireless. Service Between London And Cape Town. London, Sept. IT. The air-woman Mrs. Victor Bruce intecviewed hy Reuter today, confirmed reports that she is departing on a flight to the Far East. The date of departure and the rou'e are completely uncertain and depend on
      —Reuter.; —Br itish Wireless.  -  356 words
    • 395 24 —Reuter. Sir T. Lipton’s Bad Luck. Newport, Rhode Island, Sept. l<* Soon after the start of the third race for the America’s up the Shamrock was disabled, the mailsail coming down on the deck. The Enterprise only had to complete the course, and thus won
      —Reuter.  -  395 words
    • 105 24 —Reuter. Prominent Recruit For Cause of the “Wets.” New York, Sept. 17. The Wets have welcomed another champion to their cause in the person of Mr. Arthur J. Tuttle, the United States Attorney. New’ York, who has resigned. Mr. Tut f le has made a statement favouring the amendment
      —Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 48 24 Succession of Earthquakes In Assam Town. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 17. Dhurri, a small town in Assam, suffered its ,145th earthquake shock since Aug. P, today. The few romaining inhabitants are ertain that the end must come soon. Only a few buildings remain standing.
      48 words
    • 291 24 .—Reuter. Unauthorised Newspapers AMERICANS* HOUSES VISITED. Bombay, Sept. 17. The Criminal Investigation Department simultaneously raided nine places in this city, including the offices of the Red r lag Union and the Yeung Workers’ Union and the private residences of Miss t hattooadhvaya, the head
      .—Reuter.  -  291 words
    • 151 24 —Reuter. Britain and China Reach Agreement. Nanking. Sept. 17. Dr. C. T. Wang and Sir Miles Lampson, the British Minister, have reached agreement regarding the Boxer indemnity. The money will be spent on completing the Canton-Hankow railway work, which will be supervised by a board of five, comprising
      .—Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 171 24 surveyed during'the tours.- British Wire1 less* Tours for Visitors in Aid Of Charity. Rugby, Sept. 18. Next week, the London docks, where sightseers are not usually encouraged, will be open to visitors, who, on payment of a tee in aid of the hospital and dockyard charities, will be
      surveyed during'the tours.- British Wire-1 less*  -  171 words
    • 322 24 —British Wireless. Largest Exporters. SUPPLIES FOR FRANCF AND JAPAN. Rugby, Sept. 17. The biggest British flying boat ever made is to be constructed at the SuperMarine Works, Southampton. It W ili have six Hulls-Royce engines of n,7<H) horse power, extremely comfortable accommodation for forty passengers and
      —British Wireless.  -  322 words
    • 130 24 Reuter. General Strike Declared In Barcelona. Barcelona, Sept. 18. A general strike has been declared, anti the Government describes it as political in character. The managers and editors of the newspaper Solidaridad have been arrested and the paper suppressed. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of
      Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 79 24 —British Wireless. Progress in Study of Tropical Medicine. Rugby, Sept. 18. The report of the Health Organisation of the League of Nations was presented by Miss Susan Lawrence, Parliamentary Secretary to the British Health Ministij. to tlie second committee of the League at Geneva today, and was
      —British Wireless.  -  79 words
    • 60 24 .—Reuter. Unexpected Opposition From Cuba. Washington, Sept. 19. Cuba’s unexpected opposition to the World Court of Justice at Geneva may b<* the result of the Senate postponing consideration of the proposal that the Lfnited States should adhere to the Court. President Hoover deferred sending the matter to the
      .—Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 251 25 rni of the month.—British Wireless. Improvements to R101. preparing for flight 1 TO INDIA. Rugby, Sept. 18. Before very long the British airship R i01 will be able to sail the skies witht taking any petrol with her. Hitherto h a s had to carry a certain
      , rni of the month.—British Wireless.  -  251 words
    • 327 25 —Reuter. International Action Sutr jested. Geneva, Sept. 22. At a meeting of the Economic Com••m if the League of Nations, a m •’•.irate, rpeaking on the sub- ♦'■.e favoured nation clause. i-.*«o’i:t|on proposing 1 that the i.eur. vhruld inquire into dumping, and •hr in of export bounties, with
      .—Reuter.  -  327 words
    • 89 25 I! n T Iin, *iter. Outrage In Brussels. Brussels, Sept. 22. («i, J uli n house-painter named Rug- <h?seril)Pd as an anti-Fascist, espying y one of whom was wearv 'v' 1 asc t badge, promptly shot them ?l revolver. One of them, a 1 merchant from Rotterdam, who was
      ■ I! n T Iin,*iter. ’  -  89 words
    • 110 25 —Reuter. Good Progress on Flight To Australia. Karachi, Sept. 22. Capt. Matthews has arrived ahead of Bert Hinkler’s time.—Reuter. A previous message (dated Sept. 16) that Capt. F. R. Matthews, instructor to the London Aeroplane Club wno twig* Miss Amy Johnson to f\y, tarted from Croydon
      ■—Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 177 25 —Reuter. Rebels’ Plans Crushed By Government. New York, Sept. 22. A message from Buenos Aires states that a revolt has broken out at Concepcion against the Government of President Ibanez. It is reported that an aeroplane landed at Concepcion on Sept. 21 with General* Marmaduke Grube and Bravo
      —Reuter.  -  177 words
    • 155 25 —Reuter. j Alleged Plans of Counter Revolutionaries. Moscow, Sept. 22. An official communique relating to the discovery of a counter-revolutionary an mischievous spying organisation in connection with the supply to the population of meat, fish, tinned goods and vegetables” says that seventeen members have admitted that the
      —Reuter.  -  155 words
    • 87 25 —Reuter. Insufficient Support For China. Geneva, Sept. 17. At the meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations China failed to secure the two-thirds majority necessary for her election to a non-permanent seat on the Council. Forty-eight voted, of whom 27 were for China. Guatemala, Norway and
      , —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 188 25 British Wireless. Decisions at Labour Conference. Rugby, Sept. 22. In a renort to bo submitted to the Labour Party Conference at Llandudno on Oct. 6, the Parliamentary Committee state that, exclusive of 289 Labour members of Parliament, the number of prospective parliamentary Labour candidates endorsed for the
      British Wireless.  -  188 words
    • 200 25 Reuter. Death of Noted Chinese Scholar. Nanking, Sept. 22. The death has occurred of Dr. Tan Yenkai, the noted Hanlin scholar and acting chairman of the National Government n Nanking during President Chiang Kaihek*s absence at the battle front. He was 55 years of age. All flags
      Reuter.  -  200 words
    • 99 25 facturing centres of Yorkshire.—British Wireless. Empire Conference To Meet in London. Rugby, Sept. 20. Delegates from the nine countries of the Empire—the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa Canada, the Irish Free State, Kenya Palestine and the Falkland Islands—will attend the Wool Research Conference which will begin
      facturing centres of Yorkshire.—British Wireless.  -  99 words
    • 126 25 di.scd Continental nir lines. Hr' hi Wireless. Excellent Results in Spite Of Trade Depression. Rugby, Sept. 17. The preliminary statement of results of the Imperial Airways for the year ended Mar. .‘H shows that, in spite of wo Idwide trade depression, which is very liable to affect air
      di.scd Continental nir lines. — Hr' hi Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 270 25 —British Wireless. Tariff Changes. COMPLEX PROBLEMS TO BE FACED. Rugby, Sept. 22. It is offieipjly announced that as the Prime Minister of Canada will not be able to reach London until Sept. .'JO the openin'? meeting of the Imperial Conference has been deferred until Oct. 1.
      —British Wireless.  -  270 words
    • 168 25 A Miniature Airship On Wheels” London, Sept. 12. One of the most determined efforts made for years to abolish head-wind resistance in motor-cars has just been produced, the Burney “streamline,” which, briefly, is a miniature airship on wheels. The designer, Sir Dennistoun Burney, creator of the
      168 words
    • 87 25 Reuter. International Federation Meets In Britain. London, Sept. 22. The Congress of the International Transport Workers Federation, a gathering which is held once every two years, opened at Caxton Hall this morning. Thirty-five countries were represented, —including India, Palestine and all European countries except Russia. This is the
      Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 92 25 WAR COUNCIL.” —Reuter Leaders Sent to Prison In Calcutta. Bombay, Sept. 22. Mrs. Kama Baikamdar has been sentenced to three months imprisonment and a lft-ycar old Mahommedan girl and the editor of the Congress Bulletin have al. each received a similar sentence. Three male members of the Bombay Congiess “War
      —Reuter  -  92 words
    • 258 26 —Reuter. Economic Mission Leaves Ivondon. BRITISH AIMS. Meeting the Requirements Of China. London, Sept. J9. The Economic Mission to the Far Ea«t sailed from London today on board the P. and O. Macedonia. Sir Ernest Thompson, interviewed by Reuter before departure, said they were first
      —Reuter.  -  258 words
    • 288 26 Death of Former C.O. Of Royal Sussex. (From Our Own Coi.-espondent.) London, Sept. 18. I he death ha- occurred of Lieut.-Col. s. de Vei Julius, who, as officer commanding the 2nd lliittn. the Royal Sussex Regl., made many friend? in Singapore wh.-u his bat talon
      288 words
    • 72 26 Renter. Former Ambassador to United States Reinstated. New York, Sept. 21. It is reported from Buenos Aires that the first diplomatic appointment of the new Argentine Government is the reinstatement of Don Mnnuele Malbran ns Ambassador in W: shinglon. Don Malbran resigned the post under the Irigojen regime as
      Renter.  -  72 words
    • 478 26 -Reuter. Agreement for Return Oi Amoy Concession. Weihaiwei, Sept* I"* It is officially announced that the rendition of Weihaiwei will take jdace on Oct. 1. -Reuter. I/mdon. Sept. 17. It is authoritatively stated that a SinoBritish agreement has bts?n reached whereby Great Britain will return the maty
      -Reuter.  -  478 words
    • 71 26 —Reuter. Pays Surprise Visit To Geneva. Geneva, Sept. 19. The Graf Zeppelin paid a surprise visit to Geneva this morning and flew over the League Secretariat buildings at a low altitude. In the buildings three League Committees were sitting and the deafening roar of the engines drowned the
      —Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 72 26 —Router. Preliminary Conference to Be Held in London. Geneva, Sept. 18. The Council of the League of Nations decided to convene the preliminary Narcotics Conference in London on Oct. 10. It will be attended by the represents: ives rf countries producing narcotic uirl Will discus < the quota assignable
      —Router.  -  72 words
    • 838 26 Reuter. —British Wireless. Calcutta, Sept. 18. L Dinesh Chandra Majumdar has been sentenced to transportation for life.— Reuter. 0*1-7 Rugby, Sept. 1<. At the Building Exhibition, opened at Olympia today, a special feature is made 1 of the means and material for excluding the noise of
      Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  838 words
    • 241 26 in the forthcoming session.—British Wireless. No Insurance Difficulty TO BE FIRST IN SPEFu AND SIZE. El) Rugby, Sept. 21 The Cunard Company have i ssu d statement declaring that they have 3 knowledge of any insurance having arisen in regard to the p ro J*! giant liner
      in the forthcoming session.—British Wireless.  -  241 words
    • 70 26 —Reuter. Police Fire to Ropulse Attack. Nagpur, Sept. 21. Four Gonds (hill tribesmen) are reported to have been killed and 50 wounded by the police, who fired on a mob of hundreds of Gonds at a village in thr Betuld district who attacked the police with bamboos and
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 53 26 —Reuter. Six Months’ Imprisonment For Polish Woman. Warsaw, Sept. 20. Consternation has been caused by the sentence of six months’ imprisonment imposed on Mile. Krone Kosmowska, the well-known Polish patriot and school teacher and t-he Deputy from Lublin. She vas charged with calling PiN i--insane and thereby insulting
      —Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 61 26 ,—Reuter. Death of Mr. Daniel J. Sully. Los Angeles, Sept. 2'\ The death has occurred, at the age 69, of Mr. Daniel J. Sully, known as Dan the Cotton King.’ controlled the world cotton market in 1903-4. One of his surviving daughters Mrs. Jack Whiting, the former
      ,—Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 421 27 hi ivy <oas did much damage.—Critisli Wireless. lhuter. Battered Vessels Seek 1 Shelter. lifeboat RESCUES. Much Damage Done By Heavy Seas. i Rugby, Sept. 20. heavy south-westerly gale is being experienced in Great Britain today and 4 ri>ii ,r h seas are raging around the very
      hi ivy <oas did much damage.—Critisli Wireless.; .— lhuter.  -  421 words
    • 150 27 .—Reuter. More Death Sentences For Hoarding:. Moscow', Sept. 20. The State Political Department has sentenced to death eight more persons regarded as ringleaders in the hoarding of s-hvr and gold coins and counterrevolutionary agitation. Sentences of exile in concentration camps for various terms were imposed on 438 others.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  150 words
    • 52 27 —Reuter, Arrested in Philadelphia And Ordered to Leave. Philadelphia, Sept. 23. •lack Diamond has arrived here on the Hoighter Hannover and was arrested as a auspicious character, but was released n giving a promise to appear in court. a tcr: Diamond has been released and ordered to quit
      —Reuter,  -  52 words
    • 279 27 —Reuter. Wheat Sold Short In Chicago Market. Washington, Sept. 20. In a telegram to the Chicago Biurd of Trade Mr. Hyde, the Secretary for Agriculture, declares that it has been established indubitably that the Soviet, through the All-Russia Textile Syndicate’, a subsidiary of Amtorg Trading Company (the
      .—Reuter.  -  279 words
    • 68 27 —British Wireless. Death of Holder of The V.C. Rugby, Sept 20. The death has occurred in a Ix&gt;ndon nursiiy? home of Major-General Sir Neville Howse, V.C., K.C.M.G., who was Director-General of Medical Services, Australian Imperial Forces, during the War. He was Minister of Health and Defence in the
      —British Wireless.  -  68 words
    • 195 27 —Reuter. Report by Financial Committee. Geneva, Sept. 24. The effect of the probable decrease of the world’s gold production upon the commodity price levels is the subject of an interim report by the gold delegation of the League financial committee. It estimates that the gold production in 1930
      \—Reuter.  -  195 words
    • 63 27 ,—Reuter. Yen 30,000,000 to be Sent To New York. Tokio, Sept. 23. Th’ 1 Yokohama Specie Bark is Yen 5,000,000 of bullion by the Asama Maru to the United States on Sept. L0. Other shipment* will probably follow until a total of Yen 30,900,00) has been s
      ,—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 433 27 .—Reuter. Sensational Trial In Germany. Leipzig, Sept. 23. In view of the success uchieved by the National Socialists (styled the Nazis) at the recent Reichstag elections, unusual interest attaches to the trial, which opened today in the Supreme Court, of three young Reichswehr officers, —Lieutenants Schelinger and
      .—Reuter.  -  433 words
    • 112 27 Reuter. Improved Situation In Palestine. Geneva, Sept. 23 The Sixth Committee has satisfactorily lb-posed of the work of the Permanent Mandates Commission, after speeches by the representatives of Australia, (treat Britain, New Zealand and South Africa 1 willing on the difficulties of administering their mandates. Mr. Noel Buxton,
      Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 63 27 —British Wireless. British Financial Assistance In Survey Work. Rugby, Sept. 23. Upon the recommendation of the Colonial Development Advisory Committee he Government have approved a grant of inancial assistance from the Colonial Development Fund towards the cost of a letailed survey to be undertaken forthvith in connection with
      —British Wireless.  -  63 words
    • 355 27 Reuter. Grave Position in Great Britain. “GRAIN ARMADA.” Bottom 'Knocked Out Of Prices. London, Sept. 22. Coincident with the League of Nations’ debate on dumping at Geneva the bottom has been knocked right out of prices on the British Corn Exchange. According to an official the Exchange
      Reuter.  -  355 words
    • 133 27 —Reuter. Federation Demand Inquiry Al Chief Ports. London, Sept. 23. The dockers’ section of 1 lie* International Transport Workers Federation Congress has cariied a resolution, submitted by the Dutch Transport Workers’ Union, calling upon the Secretariat to inquire into the regulation of dock labour in the chief ports
      —Reuter.  -  133 words
    • 85 27 —Reuter. Association with the League Of Nations. Geneva, Sept. 23. A meeting of the representatives of 27 European nations has elected M. Briand chairman of a Committee of Investigation to examine the replies to M. Briand’s proposal for a Federated Europe. The Committee will consist of two repierientatives
      —Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 305 28 City of Osaka Strikes Submerged Reef. DESTROYER’S AID. Rescues by Lifesaving Corps. Rugby, Sept. 23. Kariy this morning, in a dense fog, the &lt;»,&lt;)(,O-ton liner City of Osaka struck a submerged reef about Ifi miles north of Aberdeen, one of the most treacherous parts of the Scottish
      305 words
    • 224 28 Britain China Exchange Agreements. Nanking, Sept. 2’.. Sir Mib*s Lampson, the Bvit'sh Amb*. '.•.it;- in China, and Mr. C. T. Mar,, th r i./n Minister, signed the Roxe” jnd* .r..'ty agreemert yesterday evening. Si.- *.Iil«*s l.ampson is leaving for Shanghai at noon totlay. No date has been yet
      224 words
    • 86 28 Reuter. Increase Announced In Probable Expenditure. Geneva, Sept. 19. The budget of the League of Nations I 1 '.Kl 1 estimates the probable expending.* :tl 2J,9()G,000 gold francs as comI &lt;• with 28,210,000 gold francs for the present year. he total comprises y 1 m int and special
      Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 725 28 Congress Condemned. MIDDLE-CLASS OPINION ALIENATED. Rugby, Sept. 23. The Government of India’s appreciation of the situation up to Sept. 20 states that there is little to report from the North-West Frontier Province and so far as specific incidents arc concerned the week-end in internal India has
      725 words
    • 131 28 —Aneta. Trade Figures for First Seven Months. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Sept. 24. The Netherlands East Indies trade figures for the first seven months of this year, compared with the same period of *****. show a reduction in imports of 109,COO tons valued at FI.110,800,000
      —Aneta.  -  131 words
    • 133 28 Killed in Accident In Hyde Park. (1'rurn Our Own London, Sept. IS. Mr. P. i/oo Faulkner, a handicappor of the Irish Turf Club, was killed by being run down by a motor car in Hyde Park today. Mr. Faulkner, who was about 48 years of age,
      133 words
    • 132 28 —Reuter. Foppy Cultivation Decreasing In India. Geneva, Sept. 24. The committee discussing the drug traffic was addressed by the Indian delegate who stated that the cultivation of tho poppy, and the consumption of opium in India, had decreased considerably. He urged that measures should be adopted by manufacturing
      .—Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 45 28 —Reuter. Considerable Increase in United States this Year. Chicago, Sept. 23. The President of tho National Association of Creditmcn forecasts that America’. 'ofs in 1930, through bankruptcy, will 'robably a r.ovr.t to $1,000,030,999. It hr,.; been $750,009,000 for several years pa t. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 568 28 i. —Reuter. —Sin Kuo Min. Will Pay for Everything EXCESSIVE TAXATION ty&gt; BE ABOLISHED. 0 Peking, Sept. 23. Manchurian and Shansi soldWeverywhere fraternising. The Manchurians, in their proclam a tions, declare that they have come maintain order and eventually to brir-r peace to the whole of
      i.—Reuter.; —Sin Kuo Min.  -  568 words

    • 2761 29 Selangor Well Beaten. FORWARDS’ BIG PART IN 1 VICTORY. Selangor 0. 1112"), when Singapore lost the M ilaya Cup to Selangor, the local re'ntative? have been unable to regain undisputed possession of the trophy until s .tui lay. when they outclassed the Selangor side in the
      2,761 words
    • 54 29 Decision of Bengal Cricket Association. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 18. The Bengal Cricket Association has decided to introduce the larger wicket for all matches during the coming season. It is expected that the rest of India will follow the example in view of the Indian visit
      54 words
    • 235 29 Result of the September Spoon Shoot. The September Spoon Shoot of the Malacca Chinese Volunteer Rifle Club took place at Bukit Sebukor on Saturday. The following were the scores:— Net Scores Tl. with I 200 300 000 H’dieap •Tan Peng Leong 28 27 25 100.M2 Khoo Kim
      235 words
    • 171 29 Result of S.V.R.A. Spoon Competition. The following were the winners of spoons in the S.V.R.A. Spoon Competition last week Net aggregate, H. J. Spinks 92. Handicap aggregate, K. P. Oehler* 87. Net, 200 yards, A. C. Monteiro 32. Handicap, 200 yards, J. C. Parsons 30. Net, 500 yards,
      171 words
    • 937 30 Some Tournament Side Changes. An exceptionally large number of newcomers will tend to swamp Singapore’s Rugby stalwarts of last season, for amom; them n*e plny«*rs with home club reputations that look promising enough. The most notable are Frend, (Haileybury and Harlequins), Cairns, a wing forward from
      937 words
    • 394 30 —Reuter. Leads Field in U.S. Amateur Title. Arfmore (Pennsylvania), Sept. 22. Opening his bid for the fourth majoi golf title this year with an amazing round of GO -one under par—in the first qualifying round for the American Amateur Championship Bobby Jones l American hearts
      ’—Reuter.  -  394 words
    • 130 30 Reuter. Lancashire Beaten by Rest In Final Match. Ixmdon, Sept. 17. The last match of the cricket season—the Champion County (Lancashire) vs. The Rest of England, was played at the Oval, and concluded today, in a ten wickets victory for the Rest. Batting first, Lancashire were dismissed
      Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 178 30 Reuter. Yorkshiremen Lead Both Tables. London, Sept. 17. The following are the first ten in the final batting and bowling averages foi first class cricket this season Batting. Inns. Runs. FLS. N.O. Avg. &lt;j ut eMfTe It 2.812 17ri 8 6t.2&gt; K. S. Dulocpsinhji 45 2,46.5 333
      – Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 168 30 Large Crowd Attends The Draw. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 18. A large crowd attended the drawing today for the Penang 1931 griffins which resulted as follows Merry Monarch. Mr. J. J. Flcury Poole, Hogan Kongsi Foreign Lad. Mr. Cheong Yok Chong Sibling Panel, Mr. V. K.
      168 words
    • 102 30 Result of Junior Medal Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 22. The Selangor Golf Club Junior Medal competition for September was played off during the week-end, G. C. Bailey being the winner with a score of 91—18 73. Other cards returned were F. L. Jones
      102 words
    • 181 30 The scores of the Singapore Chess Club championship, which is now in progress to date are as follows Club ChampionKhip. R n w! f P W D. L. Pts. H. O. tVilmot ir, 11 o 5 11 Lo Kam Woon 12 9 l 2 91 Tan Luang
      181 words
    • 479 30 Reuter. Manchester and Readin Get Initial Wins. London, Sspt. 17 The following were the result* English League matches played today. First Division. Derby County 4 Sunderland Manchester City 1 Leeds United Middlesbrough 2 Vest Ham 1 *t,i 0 Newcastle Utd. 2 Birmingham H Portsmouth 4 Blackpool Second
      — Reuter.  -  479 words
    • 67 30 What He Thought of Bradmans Batting. After the Australians’ inning* in th&lt; Test match at Leeds an Australia! journalist thought that A. P. F. Chap* man’s opinions about Uradman weu 1 niake interesting reading in Australia Following up the idea, he the English captain, who expressed h
      67 words
    • 616 31 Knd of Cardosa Trophy Series. \t 4.30 p.m. on Saturday last the ladies (f the Royal Singapore Yacht Club raced f(ir tw0 Club trophies. The breeze was fLh and a fair sea was running, so as th. ro was rather a shortage of crews, no
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  • 166 31 freatii iof Popular Court Official. The death has occurred of Haji Subhan nn r man, l U8 the Marine Court, Singaw C| the age 52 years. Haji Osman hi« xtreme! y Popular, not only among don°" n c omnwtuty, but also among Etaroy n He a member of
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  • 281 31 Taxi-Driver Charged At Assizes. That the driver, a taxi man, had approached the turn so fast that he lost contiol of the ear, was the opinion expressed by Insp. E. V. Smith as the cause of an accident in Seletar Road in twequence °f which Koh Kow was
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  • 114 31 Singapore Polo Club Meeting. In conjunction with the Singapore Turf Club, the Singapore Polo Club will hold an amateur race meeting on Oct. 31 and Nov. 1. Two-furlong races will be provided for rob&gt; ponies at catchweights of list. 71b. and over. Two tuns will be given for
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  • 82 31 COWLING.— At Redhill, Surrey on Monday, September 22, 1930, to Viola Clarice, wife of Mr. 11. W. Cowling, a son. KL’ER. —On Sunday. September 21, 1930, at Teresa Villa,” Owen Road, Singapore, to Mary, wife of 11. S. Eber, twin daughters All aro well. GOURLAY.—September 18. 1930, at Singapore
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  • 42 31 HERRING—BROOKE.—On Sept. 22. 1930, at the Presbyterian Church of Perak, Ipoh, by the Rev. J. B. Walker, 8.A.. Robert Saville Herring, M.C., of the Malayan American Plantations, to Joyce, daughter Dr. Gilbert P. Brooke, Chief Health Officer, Sarawak and Mrs. Brooke.
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  • 390 31 Result of Autumn Cup Competition. The Singapore Coif Club Autumn Cup 1 competition wua played on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a tie between Messrs. H. Jackson and H. Wylly. Eightyfive cards were taken out, and the following were best returns:— G. H. N. H. Jackson ..70
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  • 85 31 The following were the results in the Andrew Currie Cup competition (tin women’s golf championship of Singapore) at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club Mrs. E. A. Gibson beat Mrs. Booty 8 and 7. Mrs. Graham Brown beat Mrs. Hamilton 4 and 3. Mrs. A. M. Lowe
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  • 140 31 In the final of the Kcppel Cup competition C. N. \V. Joyce beat W. E. Coates by 1 and 3. Competitions at Race Course G.C. The September Monthly Medal at th' Race Course Golf Club was won by S Kimura who returned a
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  • 46 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 23. The Nanyang Times, which recently lost the libel action in which they were sued by the managers of a Chinese society they had criticised, is to be volun tarily wound up. Liquidators have been appointed.
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  • 146 31 Batavia Narrowly Beat Singapore. Batavia, Sept. 22. The Royal Batavia Yacht Club beat Singapore in the annual inter-port yachting races this week-end, winning two out of the three events. —Aneta. The final score was 31% points to 29. Tromp appears to have been the most successful boat
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  • 751 31 The following passengers left for Europe by the Muntua, on Friday: II.II. the Multan ot Johore, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Parker, Miss B. D. Parker, Mr. T. P. M&gt; Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. K. It. Baker, Mr. K. W. If. Graham, Mr. J. II. Dailey, Mr. F. C.
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  • 39 31 (From Our Own Correapondent.) Penang, Sept. 2.‘L MustalTa, a Malay motor-car driver, who was charged several weeks ago with enticing away a married Eurasian woman named Baptist, was acquitted and discharged by the police magistrate today.
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 89 31 NOTICE *11 communication* for both tbo Strait* Times and the Strait* Bad fret should b* •ddressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Strait* Settle ments. The post free price of the Straits Times tc the United Kingdom and foreign countries is f48 a year. The post free
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  • 139 31 DEATHS ELIYATHAMBY. —Mrs. N. Eliyathamby, wife of Mr. N. Eliyathamby sole agent of New Zealand Insurance Co., Ltd. State of Johore and Negri Sembilan passed away on Friday, Sept. 19 at 11 at her residence 327, Bukit Timah Road. HAJI S. OSMAN. —(Usher, Marine Court), on September 18, 1930,
    139 words

    • 119 1 General— Rubber Situation 1 The Singapore Auction I Rubber Stocks 1 Iyomlon Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 Kubner Market Opposition to Restriction Problems of the Rubber Slump Rubber at 12'L* Cents a Pound 2 Decline in II.S. Output 3 Rubber Returns '■&gt; Tin Returns Malayan Trade Statistics
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    • 71 1 Singapore Official Quotation*. Quo; itior« Forward Contract Sp it Seller Prices i. Date L’don S’p-ire S pt. Oct. Nov Sept. D 1 1 t* 13 O.ia 0.13 s o.ld^ 11 l 1 a.!*.*' •l.iU 'i 0.12 Oil 20 3 15 Ml 0.12' 11.12'j 0.12 h 0 !2' 2..
      71 words
    • 138 1 I he Singapore Chamber of Commerce I er A ooiu' &lt;on held *ts 9wtith auction on Si;t. 21, wh&lt;n there was catalogued 2,0'il.804 '.*1 i.Ji.S tom otfi &lt;1 i H,,150 lb. #r "I'h U’. tone -ol.I 1 I2:;,V:»7 lb or ions. Spot. London ."‘‘sd. ..ev. \otk 7
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    • 38 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (SingaP'ue), Ltd., from their London correspondent states that rubber stocks show an increase of 2,'&lt;i.O tons during the past week. The total nov. on hand is 110.733 tons.
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    • 29 1 Lai low and Co.'s report on copra states: I I ma.kot has been slightly easier during the plot week. Closing quotations are: Summed, r,o; um"d,
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    • 25 1 I ll- output of tUaub Australian Mining f '.r bnir weeks ended Sept. II, 1 ;&gt;.*{(» 1 b* 1 ivinir, ounces of fjoid.
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    • 970 1  -  (lit A. W. Still.) (&gt;'i rails Time* Copyright.— I't'Orttiiiirl iam London, Aug. 27. I Tie during the past week has been, as usual, below 5d. Imports are recovering from the May stoppage, and United Kingdom storks are
      (>'i rails Time* Copyright.— I't'Orttiiiirl iam |  -  970 words
    • 502 1 Quiet With Tendency Sti!; l ncertain. Singapore. Sept. 18. Messrs. &lt; uthiie and Co. report The market has been featureless during the past week, and the tone has varied from quiet t &gt; dull but steady. Each succeeding set of statistics published appears to be more unfavourable than
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    • 631 1 Chairman on Company’s Steady Progress. The fourth annual general meeting of the Renjok Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at th&gt; registered office of the company, Kuah Lumpur, on Sept. 15. The chairman addressed the meeting as follows The year under review has been one of steady
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    • 866 2 Survival of Fittest. DUTCH COMPANIES’ ATTITUDE. hml.v of Dutch rubber producers, come|jjhteen companies, has opposed the ,ostriction proposals, says the Anister.iCn correspondent of The Financial Times is Though they represent an anon 1 1 (1 production of about only 14,000 tons u t of :i total Dutch
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    • 1405 2 Repatriation of Indian Labourers. a** state .7 depression to one of crisis. hose traders whose memories go back to inilU5,ry e».7 last few werkl d,8tre88,n g Period than the last few weeks, or a graver series of problems S^‘ n p 'll** K With Which
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    • 315 2 Balance Carried Forward To Next Account. The annual meeting of Brunei United Rubber Plantations, Ltd,, will be held at the offices of the secretaries, Evatt and Co., on Friday, Sept. 2*&gt;. The report of the directors for the year ended June 30 states The net profit for the
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    • 84 2 The directors of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., will recommend to the shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting the payment of a final dividend of 5 per cent and a cash bonus of 5 per cent, in respect of the yoar ended June IK), 1930.
      84 words
    • 710 2 RUBBER AT 1 2½ CENTS A POUND. Claim of N.E.I. Research Institute. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 15. Rubber can be produced at a cost of 35 (Dutch) cent* (roughly 25 Straits .cents) per kilogram (2.2 lb.) I was told when I visited the Rubber Research Institute of A.V.R.O.S.
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    • 845 3 Refinery Shipments Of Petrol. Production of crude oil in the l nited States in the week ended Aug. 'J averaged 2,480,000 barrels daily, according to the estimate of the American Petroleum Institute. This compares with an aver lore of 2..7I fi.OOO barrels per day in the
      845 words
    • 1123 3 Strict Economy Being Exercised. The annual meeting of the Kluang Rubber Co., Dt&lt;l was held at the offices of the s««rotaries’ lb rrick and &lt; on Monday, Mr. S. (J. Wong presiding. The others present were Mr. K. S. Manusseh, Mr. W. K. Raynor and Mr. II.
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    • 74 3 Amalgamated.—74,ooo lb. Halau.—39,ooo lb. Reranang.—s6,ooo lb. Rertam (Taisho). 90,260 lb. Rorelli.— sl,ooo lb. Rrooklands.— l34,ooo lb. Rukit Kepong.— 2B,B2B lb. Chembong.— lls,ooo lb. Cheras.— 63,ooo lb. Connemara. 65,300 lb. Glenshiel.— 77,lso lb. Kamasan.— 36,2Bo Id. Kepong Ma1ay.—207,885 lb. Kong Sang.—9,6oo lb. l.abuan Rileh.—lB,9sl lb. New Serendah.—4s.6B4 lb. Rajah
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    • 98 3 Rntrut Kasin Tin N.L. (first half).—sl7 hours, 34.000 yards, 369 piculs. Katu Tin (first half'. —290 hours, 36,000 yards, 188 piculs. Takuapa Valley Tin N.L. (first half). —596 hours, 165,000 yards, 672 piculs. Pangnga River Tin (first half).—BBs piculs, 557 hours. Kamunting Tin (first ha1f).—1,034 piculs, 620 hours.
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    • 164 3 ■Value of Imports and Exports From January to August, 1930. I he Departmynt of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., has forwarded the following comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post and bullion, imported to and exported from British Malaya during the first eight months
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    • 784 3 Decision Not Accepted s Final. Ceylon has not accepted as fi na i a pronouncement by Sir Cecil ri!&gt; l e Governor of the Straits Settlem!*? 1 that “economic laws must be allowed take their course” in the rubber in,i„?. 10 The Malayan decision was account
      784 words
    • 76 4 rT e Straits Time, ie no. responsible for The of its correspondent*. Corresthe oP ,r 10 u u |d bear in mind that letter* P t n e, ht short and to the point. Long rcUSt are liable to be rejected or cut «P' ,tiei r irri‘*P&lt;&gt;ndent* must encloae
      76 words
    • 147 4 T the Editor of the Straits Times. c The scheme reviewed in the lead- "Vfi.U- of vour issue of Sept. 2 under !Ip heidinu A Promising Plan require* th 11 oldevs or rubber land to cut out fr luhh.'i trees and re-plant with “some l A third
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    • 1099 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—! beg to reply to Mara Pilu itu ufa" (Straits Times of Sept. 15) as follow s The Malay i* Tida apa orang and he never felled any other crop to plant rubber. The Malays have a saying, translated int^English, as
      1,099 words
    • 144 4 Reduction to be Considered By P.A. A general meeting of the Central Pahang Planters’ Association will be held in Mentakab on Sept. 30 to consider ana. if approved, pass the following resolution moved by the manager of the Karak Rubber Co.: “That in view of the present
      144 words
    • 244 4 [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Ri&lt;*+its Reserved.] Scientists’ Discoveries In German Lignite Seams. Miners in the German lignite (soft coal) deposits frequently come across patches of a fibrous substance that thej name monkey’s hair. Botanists have analysed the substance und made a close examination of the layers
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Ri<*+its Reserved.]  -  244 words
    • 649 4 The Industry’s Future Guidance. The following letters relating to the T.P.A., appeared in the Financial Times during Mail Week: Sir, It is nearly a year since the tin mining industry was called upon by its advisers, who conferred as a body. Amid the welter of flieial bulletins
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    • 127 4 ANGLO-JAVA LARAS. More Shares Offered To Stockholders. The directors the Anirlo-.Tnva Rubber nnd Produce Company and the Laras (Sumatra' Rubber Estates have amended their offer of per cent, cumulative preference shares in lien of interest on 7 per cent, mortgage convertible debenture stock, says the Financial Times. As the proposed
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    • 752 4 More Favourable Reports From India. HOME SECTION STILL DEPRESSED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Manchester, Aug. 27. Raw cotton prices have been steadier with the result that buyers of yarn and cloth have displayed more interest in quotations. It is being suggested that if conditions abroad were more
      752 words
    • 163 5 Singapore, Sept. 24. EXCHANGE. On London Bunk 4 m/s 2/4.1 '32 Demand 2/3 4 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 9 32 On New York, demand 56 5 16 Private UP d s 37 3 16 On France, Bank T.T. 1433 On India, Bank T.T. l ,r, 6
      163 words
    • 791 5 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Sept. 24. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 i'l Asum Kumbung 23/- 26 5/-5/- Ayer Hitain Tin 9 9 10 3 £1 £1 Bungrin Tin 13 6 14 6 1 1 Batang Padang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Butu Caves 0.45 0.50
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    • 588 5 Steadiness in Investment Securities. Fi user and Co.'s report on the share market for the week ended Sept. 23 states The quiet steadiness recently displayed by local investment securities has been well maintained during the week and, with scrip offerings continuing somewhat scarce in most of the leaders,
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      • 645 5 ALnco (£1) 1-4; Allngar (2') 1/I*4; Amherst (L- 13; Anglo-Malay (£1) Hi Ayer Kuning 111) 1; Bagan Semi (£1) Bahru (SeL) 3 3; Banteng (£1) 1; Butang Coi.soM&lt;’i.ted (2/) /II; Batu Caves (£1) 4; B.*tu T f n (£1) 4; Bekoh (2/) /10; Beranang (2
        645 words
      • 695 5 mt Capital Issue Closing Prices d 9 V U DWd d Company *SHt* J*P C. for y«ar 28-l-AO ..A,1,r.!.y ,»1) 0.85 0.95 0.9.-, ,05 435*425 ‘V„ C ye r3 9 Alo, CJ.h (|l) 0.70 0.80 0.73 mlio Kn £/*£,.i" ..A. Hiumtll) 1.00 ..10 1.20
        695 words
    • 247 5 Formation of a New Company. It is announced that the Rambutan Rubber Estates proposes to go into voluntary liquidation and a new company formed, to be known, as Rambutan Rubber Estates (1930). The directors state, in a circular to shareholders, says Financial Times of Aug. 25 that this
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 646 6 GIBBS SUPERIOR TOYS ■11 w Made in U.S.A. MONOPLANE. 11 in. Ion* and 6% in. wide. When pulled r.tross the floor the imitation motcr roars as the aluminum propeller revolves. $2.00. NEVER-STOP SEB-SAW. 1 :&gt; in. high. A toy with lots of action. No spring to go wrong. $1.50. STAKE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 584 7 o u Y T A O C w A H R f *\J jgmaW :-TOD T yS M O T O N R When the wind or outboard faiis you, And you’re milea away from shore. It is I that’ll gladly help you. The KONIG Sideboard Motor. This little motor
      584 words