The Straits Budget, 11 September 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 8 The Straits Budget
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  • 353 1 >-U)£«S- I>a e More- About British North Borneo 3 A Perplexing Silence j Tht* Kconomic Mission «j-4 Thi* Lesser Evil 1 A,e Newspapers Doomed j Optimism! r Occasional Notes Telegrams. Reuter and Special— Cover ip z Bnst Week’s News 23-27 Gnat Damage by Hurricane 9 Turkish Unrest Frontier Unrest
    353 words
  • 1722 1 It is announced that General von Heye, "mmander-in-Chief of the Reichswehr. retire on December 1 next, under 'M f vannuation regulations. General von 'unmerstein is regarded as his most like- •>’ successor. Rachel Mary Hole Lampson, of ,'V arm House, Pont Street, Chelsea. •< the wife of
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  • 2198 2 Retiring After 33 Years In The Colony. REMINISCENCES. WHEN SINGAPORE HAD NO MOTOR-CARS. After a career in the Colony extending over 33 years, Mr. A. E. Baddeley, one of Singapore’s leading business men, left by the Sarpedon on Tuesday on retirement accompanied by
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  • 67 2 Damage of FI. 4,000,000. ENTIRE CHINESE DISTRICT DESTROYED. An Aneta Service message from Batavi received yesterday, states that an mous fire destroyed the Chinese district Tontianak, Borneo. Numerous shops were destroyed wi t their entire contents. The damage is estimated at 4.000.0u«j guilders. Pontianak is the
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  • 439 2 Alleged Failure to Renew Licence. Allegations that he used a wireless re ceiving set without a licence from the Postal authorities were made against M P. E. Cox, a local builder of wireless sebefore Mr. G. T. Peall, the acting Singapore Criminal District Judge, on MoiuSafternoon. The
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  • 99 2 Lorry Which Overturned Into Ditch. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. s The suggestion that a “bantu 4 responsible for r. lorry turning tuivie causing the death of a Chinese forward by a witness at the inquest on man. It wan stated that a Chinese ,,K lorry one
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1206 3 manufactured in Canada !—Straits Times, Sept. 4. v.n-ther and closer reference to the I Report for 1929 of the British I Horneo (Chartered Company) and 17 MUnvral Sir Neill Malcolm’s speech K he annual meeting of shareholders in B i tends to confirm the impression
      manufactured in Canada !—Straits Times, Sept. 4.  -  1,206 words
    • 1129 3 —Straits Times, Sej>t. r>. Of all the developments that could have followed the visit of His Excellency the Governor to the Dutch East Indies, that which has taken place is the least expected and the most perplexing. It is safe to say that the whole of Malaya
      —Straits Times, Sej>t. r>.  -  1,129 words
    • 1170 3 Fayc to lu* met ji tin* Far Fust. Strutta Tnnop, S«*i»t. <>. In a time of general trade depression there is some slight comfort in the thought that an important Economic Mission is about to sail for the rar East from Great Britain to inquire into the
      Fayc to lu* met ji tin* Far Fust.— Strutta Tnnop, S«*i»t. <>.  -  1,170 words
    • 1278 4 H’raits Times, Sept. 8. Now let us got d» wn t»it There will always he two poiir h of view as to the wisdom or otherwise of rubber restriction but further controversy on the point is •.seless. There is ti be no Governmen 4 intervention in the
      – H’raits Times, Sept. 8.  -  1,278 words
    • 1255 4 ARE NEWSPAPERS DOOMED rival to the daily Press.—Straits Times, Sept. 9. Are the days of the big national newspapers— in the restricted sense of journals published daily with the main object of keeping the world in touch with current passing events—numbered Will the unctions which the newspapers at present perform,
      rival to the daily Press.—Straits Times, Sept. 9.  -  1,255 words
    • 1040 4 Straits Times, Sept. 10. Let us,” said Mr. Roland Braddell to his fellow members of the Rotary Club. let us do what we can to help the community by spreading the spirit of optimism. The more optimism we can put into life the more we can do for the
      Straits Times, Sept. 10.  -  1,040 words

    • 251 5 fieurPS. r. ven inwc, nrpnni, showed a slight reduction.—Straits Times, Sept. 1. “There is probably over-much pessiabout all over the world. The intrial situation nowhere seems to justify y. 11 ..‘hare position as reflected on the exchanges. There is an undue deression of industrial values. The pendulum
      fieurPS. r. ven inwc, nrpnni, showed a slight reduction.—Straits Times, Sept. 1.  -  251 words
    • 222 5 .—Straits Times, Sept. 4. The same determination to look on the bright side is to be discerned in the attitude of certain American firms, which, it should be noted, have been as hard hit as any business houses in Malaya. One writes &lt;fliite frankly to sav
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 4.  -  222 words
    • 227 5 nt ium, iui it o" w.i.j another result of the sale.—Straits Times. ‘Vpt. 4. The other morning there was a mild commotion in our normally peaceful and smooth running editorial department. E&gt;r we suddenly discovered a black shirt j n ou r midst He
      nt ium, iui it o" w.i.j another result of the sale.—Straits Times. ‘Vpt. 4.  -  227 words
    • 93 5 I!.' 1 oi it. X don’t need it.”—Straits ■nios, Sept. 4. Of all the strange stories which, from ttmc to time, emanate from America surely there are few which can compare 'y h this. A gangster recentlv held up he Superior State Bank in Chicago and ♦old
      I!.'1 oi it. X don’t need it.”—Straits ■nios, Sept. 4.  -  93 words
    • 439 5 BROMLEY BY-ELECTION Liberals are holding it today.—Straits Times, Sept. 5. n? °f the most striking features in &lt;onic.ption with the Bromley ty-election undoubtedly, the smallness of the poll. i,t only .19,1583 should have voted out f a total electorate of 73,793 (of whom n,°A CW M r h l in
      Liberals are holding it today.—Straits Times, Sept. 5.  -  439 words
    • 180 5 shudders to imagine !—Straits Times, Sept. 5. The schoolboys of Italy are becoming more and more convinced that the London Naval Conference was not only a failure but a most deplorable mistake! Far from instilling in the heart of Signor Grandi thoughts of universal peace and a
      shudders to imagine !—Straits Times, Sept. 5.  -  180 words
    • 119 5 for jrangsters M to live in !—Straits Times, Sept. 5. The one law in America which the “princes of gangland’’ find it most difficult to drive a luxury saloon car through is—the income-tax law! That poor, unfortunate fellow Ralph J. Capone, of Chicago, has actually suffered the
      for “ jrangsters M to live in !—Straits Times, Sept. 5.  -  119 words
    • 198 5 which there was a real need. —Straits Times, Sept. 6. A few days ago we published a letter from a correspondent asking what thf Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Singapore was doing with re gard to animal and bird shops. The. condition of
      which there was a real need.—Straits Times, Sept. 6.  -  198 words
    • 593 5 scheme yet advanced.—Straits Times, Sept. o. Agricultural enterprise in Malaya has been retarded me re by the lure of rubber than by any failure on the part of the Department of Agriculture....! am goinji to suggest for your consideration that we offer to compensate on an agreed basis of
      scheme yet advanced.—Straits Times, Sept. o.  -  593 words
    • 155 5 eternal after all.—Straits Time:;, Sept. 8. Australia is still keenly interested in Miss Amy Johnson’s matrimonial future and a Brisbane paper, to hand by the last mail, contains a special telegram from London which professes to let the public into her secret. This telegram declares
      eternal ” after all.—Straits Time:;, Sept. 8.  -  155 words
    • 237 5 Straits Times, Sept. 8. During the recent hot weather in England Mr. F. A. Macquisten K.C., the Unionist member for Argyll, courageomly gave the House of Commons a lead by appearing in that drably-dressed assembly attired in a Shantung silk suit. He certainly looked cool and self-possessed •ird.
      Straits Times, Sept. 8.  -  237 words
    • 435 5 A DEPOSED PRESIDENT —Straits Times, Sept. R. Though revolutions are almost a favourite recreation in some of the South American republics, it is a surprise to hear of one in such a very modem and progressive State as Argentina. Still there have been revolutions there in plenty in the past
      —Straits Times, Sept. R.  -  435 words
    • 255 5 Straits Times, Sept. 0. There is one very harassed individual in the Colonial Secretariat. Wno he is, we do not know, but he has our heartfelt sympathy. Part of his work consists of drawing up the table of content* of this Government Gazette, and in the course
      Straits Times, Sept. 0.  -  255 words
    • 297 6 —Straits Times, Sept, th With swimming never nine popular than it is today, it is fitting such an old established and flourishing institution as the Singapore Swimming 'lul» should iiiovc with the times and provide still more facilities for its members. For a long time the committee
      —Straits Times, Sept, th  -  297 words
    • 310 6 —‘Straits Times, Sept. 1&gt;. .Mr. H. L. Mencken is in a nasty mess. In mail week it was announced that he had become engaged to be married and ii Home newspaper, with more enterprise than tact, looked up one of his best known works, In Defence of Women
      —‘Straits Times, Sept. 1>.  -  310 words
    • 144 6 »&gt;f the Bricklayers’ I'nion.—Straits Times, Sept. 10. Mr. Herbert Smith, the Yorkshire miners’ leader, evidently believes in .speaking “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.” Recently he was laying the foundation stone of a new mining and technical college at Barnsley and, after he had
      »>f the Bricklayers’ I'nion.—Straits Times, Sept. 10.  -  144 words
    • 238 6 liansport and Trading (o.—Straits Times, Sept. 10. Although one or two of the oldest European residents of Malaya, like Sir David Galloway and Mr. William Dunman, are ouite convinced that it is an excellent country for a permanent home, others leave eventually, and the ranks of the real
      liansport and Trading (o.—Straits Times, Sept. 10.  -  238 words
    • 279 6 Straits Times, Sept. 10. The slump in Malaya is still finding an I occasional echo in Hong Kong. Fome weeks ago reference was made in this i column to the fact that there had been i a mild ej identic of stowaway charge’s at I the
      — Straits Times, Sept. 10.  -  279 words
    • 126 6 LEANDER’S MEANDER —Straits Times, Sept. 10. Miss Mercedes Gleitze, who has just been married in London, has signified her intention of swimming the Hellespont. I hear you want to cross the Sea Of Helle, fair Mercedes A little swim. The nightly whim, In ancient Greek mythology, Of one who loved
      —Straits Times, Sept. 10.  -  126 words

  • 240 6 Rotary Club Prizes For Selangor Scholars. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 8. At a conference between the members &lt;f the Community Service Committee of the local Rotary Club and Mr. J. Davidson, Commissioner of the Rotary International, in August last it was suggested that the encouragement
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  • 536 6 Court Story of Trip From Hong Kong. Convicted on a charge of trafficking in gills, an elderly Chinese woman who had recently arrived in the Colony from Hong King, was sentenced to three months gorous imprisonment by Mr. G. 1 ta the acting Singapore Criminal District The
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  • 101 6 Discovery on Steamer In Singapore. Six automatic revolvers, 600 rounds of ammunition and six spare magazines were discovered on board the Hamburg-Amerika Line steamer Mecklenbetg which went alongside the Tanjong Pagar Dock on Tuesday on her arrival from European ports. A party of revenue officers under
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  • 57 6 Departure for Kuala Lumpur On Monday. ILE. the Governor Sir Cecil Clementi, K.C.M.G., Lady Clementi and Capt. Sillitoe, A.D.C., left for Kuala Lumpur on Monday by the night mail. They will return to Singapore on the morning oi Sent. 27. Mr. A. Hyde, the Governor’s private secretary
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  • 790 6 What Officer Saw. SEIZURE AT TANJONG PAGAR. A youiVT European ship’s engineer who watched the suspicious movement', ,f some Chinese members of the crew down in the engine room, just before midnight while the vessel was berthed alongside the Tanjong Pagar wharves, was responsible for
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  • 63 7 rTh straits Timet i» not retpontible for l 1 of its correspondents. Correak* £nf« should bear in mind that letters short and to th. point. Long are liable to be rejected or cut p Correspondents must enclose their and addresses, not necessarily for Sliest ion but as guarantee of
    63 words
  • 163 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. s r in his letter of the 2nd September, \nti- Humbug has introduced confusion J t a !nur with two statements. The first itiiuent is contained in an extract from V, j n ni,al report of the Inspector-Gene-iVl of I’olice,
    163 words
  • 520 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sii. I have often wondered why men in* Singapore, invariably complaining of the heat, continue to dress up in collars and tics, and long trousers. It is all very well t say we must look respectable and keep uj
    520 words
  • 126 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. it;.?* 1 reference to the letter j. n. Hopp which appeared in y' n of the 2nd inst. under the capI‘ A Mystery,” my committee would I u ."re&lt;l if you would publish the c V S.P.r.A., Sinpapore, from its in|,&gt;n
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  • 49 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Could you or any of your readers tell me who was King' Carolus IV who reigned in 1793, and whether any silver dollars were minted that year, and what arc* they known as.—Yours, etc., H. B. L. Singapore, Sept. 10.
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  • 90 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Arising from the recent litigation regarding the sale of Ghee,” may I point out that the imported Dutch-made product resembling Indian ghee, is distinctly marked and sold as Vegetable Product,” and not as Vegetable Ghee,” although sometimes loosely so described colloquially
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  • 512 7 Mr. D. W. Ginsberg and Miss Moselle Isaac. The wedding of Mr. D. VV’. Ginsberg and Miss Mozelle (Molly) Isaac, daughter of Mr. E. S. Isaac, of Singapore, took place at the Cheeed El Synagogue on Sept. 4, Rabbi Ezra Meyer officiating. The bride wore a gown of
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  • 237 7 Seven Cards Under Bogey In Qualifying Round. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 8. The qualifying round for the Clifford Cup was played at the Selangor Golf Club on Saturday, the conditions being 18 holes medal play, the best eight scores to qualify and play off by
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  • 963 7 The following passengers U*ft by the ILarpedon .iiis. H. Jackson, Mrs. J, D. Pierrepont, Miss M. Caplin, Mr. M. L. Spiro, Mr. an&lt;l Mrs. K. F. U. Davies, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Price, Mrs. R. K. Morris, Mr. R. Selby, Mrs. K. \V. Gillott,
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  • 61 7 Pirates on Singapore Steamer Suspected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Sept. 10. The captain of the steamer Hong Peng, which left Singapore on Sunday, sent a wireless message asking for help as piracy suspects were on board. Later, however, he countermanded the request and stated
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  • 408 7 Large Crowd Braves The Weather. In spite of the rain which threatened t&lt;# mar the afternoon’s proceedings, the second annual athletic sports of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.S.), Ltd., were successlully held at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday afternoon in the presence of a large crowd of
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  • 3047 8 DR. SCIIARFF’S VIEWS. How the Public Can Aid. PREVENTION f’.ETTER THAN CURE? I)r. J. W. Scharff of the Government Health Office, made IT* address on the Dengue Mosquito at the Rotary Club luncheon on Friday, one of the most interesting ar.d entertaining delivered belore that body. Members
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  • 127 8 Malay Woman on Charge Of Murder. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 4. The inquest on a Javanese who was found dead in the house of a Malay woman, named Minomah bintee Ahmat, living in Bukit Lintang, was concluded today. The coroner recorded a verdict that
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  • 1254 9 .—Reuter. —British Wireless. Scenes of Horror in Santo Domingo. URGENT NEED. Almost Entire City Destroyed. Rugby, Sept. 3. It is reported that a hurricane of considerable intensity passed over Dominica Sept. 1 causing considerable damage to public and private property. There h.,ve been two deaths, and
    .—Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  1,254 words
  • 100 9 Order for Winding Up Granted. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 3. The a'djournedI hearing of the arnication for the winding up of Haad Yai i n Dredgintt, Ltd., was continued in the Supreme Court here today. At the previous hearing tht court journed the application to
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  • 254 9 U.S. TRADE BOOM COMING End of the Slump Expected. That the next three months will be the blackest period of the trade slump in the United States and after that there will be an improvement is the view of prominent business men arriving in Singapore from that country. Conditions will
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  • 328 9 —Reuter. Three Hundred Arrests Made in Smyrna. Constantinople, Sept. 3. Thirty persons, including students, professors and workmen, have been arrested in conneation with the discovery of a Communist plot. Those arrested are alleged to have stirred up an agitation among different classes of the community. The agitators’ organisation
    —Reuter.  -  328 words
  • 47 9 Inquest on Chinese Fisherman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 7. A verdict of murder by some person or persons unknown was recorded today at the resumed inquest on a Chinese fisherman who was sliot by pirates who boarded his boat near Batu Maung.
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  • 501 9 Extensive New Routes Planned. That Hong Kong is looking seriously towards civil air transport is proved by a recent move of the Colonial office in sending a special officer to make preparations for its estilblishment. The officer in question is Flight Lieut. A.
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  • 65 9 Retaliatory Measures By R.A.F. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 7. Though the fighting on the frontier has abated, the British are conducting retaliatory measures against the Afridis. Five squadrons of aeroplanes carried out a bombing raid and did considerable damage near Kurrain, on the border of the
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  • 59 9 Prince to Travel Through China and Japan. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 5. H.R.II. the Prince of Kainbaeng Bejra is leaving here l»y train on Monday for Singapore where he will join the s.s. I’orthoH to go to China and Japan. It is understood he is
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  • 1498 10 —Router. tical attitude of Congress.”—British Wireless. Amazing Claims by Indian Nationalists. ONLY “PRELIMINARY.’’ Right to Secede from The Empire. Bombay, Kept. 4. The peace negotiations w’i!h Mr. Gandhi have broken down, —Reuter. Poona, Sept. ft. Correspondence in connection with the altortivc peace negotiations shows that the Nationalist
    —Router.; tical attitude of Congress.”—British Wireless.  -  1,498 words
  • 296 10 Fine Company In Singapore. Fully expecting to be agreeably entertained, an exceptionally large audience gathered at the Raffles Hotel tea dance on Monday to hear the Russian Balalaika Orchestra and Cossack Choir. It is safe to say, however, that nobody present ex-pe-ted such wonderful music as
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  • 324 10 Death of Former P. and O. Wharf Manager. The death took place at his house, 46, Stevens Road, on Sept. 3, at the age of 66. of Mr. E. Gunatilaka, who was wharf manager in Singapore for the P. and O. Steam Navigation Co. from 1881
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  • 312 10 Reuter. have wired to Canton for help.—Sin Kuo Min. Holiday Declared. YEN HSI-SHAN BECOME PRESIDENT. Peking, Sept. 9. Amid the most colourful ceremonies th new Northern Government was formally .naugurated this morning, when Yen Hsi shan took the oath as President of tv,. State Council. lhe A
    — Reuter.; have wired to Canton for help.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  312 words
  • 147 10 Continued Discussion In Japan. Tokio, Sept. 9. The eighth meeting of the Privy Council’s Examination Committee, which was held yesterday, discussed the problem concerning the new state of the defence forces under the London Naval Treaty. The Committee adjourned without reaching understanding. It is understood that the
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  • 139 10 ABSCONDED Appellant and Bailors Fail To Appear. Before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on Monday the Deputy Puma Prosecutor (Mr. J. H. Pedlow) made an application for a warrant for the aru*s of Ong Pek Kuan. He explained that Ong Pek Kuan ua&gt; convicted for possession of non-Go vorn
    139 words

  • 4060 11 Winning Tote of $219. SPLENDID riding by McCarthy. \i'ur a verv big upset in the first race n minor one in the second, backers a,&lt; f a irlv good time on the second day the Singapore Turf Club Autumn f 0 r in the remaining races the
    4,060 words

  • 36 12 .—Aneta. Nearly V/ 2 Million Tons In Java. (9‘'rom Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Sept. 6. It is estimated that the sugar stocks in Java on the first of this month amounted to 1,493,000 tons.—Aneta.
    .—Aneta.  -  36 words
  • 908 12 New Constitution And Rules Drawn Up. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 8. The following new constitution and rule-: of the Malayan Football Association are to be circulated to all the constituent bodies of that organisation, in order that any amendments may be put forward. All
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  • 604 12 Klang Lose to S.C.C. On Padang. The cricket on the S.C.C. ground on Saturday and Sunday, which was temporarily interrupted by rain, resulted in a win for the S.C.C. against Klang by six wickets. The visitor* batted first on Saturday afternoon and compiled 138 runs. The cnly notable
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  • 639 12 —Reuter. U.S.A. Win First Match. LAST-MINUTE CHANGES IN BRITISH TEAM. Long Island, Sept. 6. The United States beat Great Brita n by 10—5 in the first match for the Westchester Polo Cup. The teams were United States Eric Pedley, Earle Hup. ping, Tommy Hitchcock and Winston Guest.
    —Reuter.  -  639 words

  • 1574 13 40-Year-01d Wakaf Dispute. deed upheld. tttdGE AND COUNSEL IN LONG DISCUSSION. Property worth over a million dollars w.ts at stake in a suit which was begun a:i decided at one sitting before Mr. Justice Thorne in the Supreme Court at Johore Bahru on Monday. The suit
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  • 851 13 Neglected Animals. CHARGE OF CRUELTY INVESTIGATED. Further evidence was recorded by Mr. G. T. Peall, the acting Criminal District Judge, on Tuesday when the case against two watchmen employed by a bailiff of the Civil District Court, who are charged with cruelty by neglecting birds
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  • 606 13 Echo of Bookshop Fire. WIDOW’S ALLEGATION OF UNDUE INFLUENCE. A bookshop fire in I)hoby Ghaut was echoed in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on Tuesday when a will made at the General Hospital by one ot* the partners, T.
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  • 68 13 Danger of Disbandment Of Company. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 8. A meeting convened by Mr. H. M. de Souza, J.P. to discuss ways of encouraging volunteering among the Eurasians in Malacca was held on Saturday in the Eurasian Volunteer headquarters. In his speech, the chairman, Mr.
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  • 1287 14 Seizure of 20,000 Guilders. INTERESTING APPEAL IN SUPREME COUtfT. The right of the police to seize 20,000 guilders, believe:! to have been stolen from the Bo t Office mails, was argued before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) in the Supreme &lt; &lt;&gt;urt on Monday
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  • 191 14 Wife’s Change of Attitude In Singapore. Mr. Harry Foster, junior, of Liverpool Road, Chester, petitioned in the Divorce Court recently, before Mr. Justice Hill, for the dissolution of his marriage on the ground of the adultery of his wife, Chiistahel Marjory Foster, with a man named Herbert Walter
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  • 69 14 Proposal to Reduce By One-third In 1932. Committe No. 1 of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners has recommended that from Jan 1, 1932, the number of seven-seater buses licensed to plv within the town limits should be reduced by one-third. The substitution of one new type bus (21-seater) for
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  • 1107 14 Gift of Pen. FIRE INVESTIGATIONS SEQUEL. Because he appreciated the gentlemanly conduct of the police officer who was carrying out investigations, he “slipped a present into the pigeon hole of his desk, but a warrant was taken out for his arrest and on Monday he faced
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  • 226 14 Retiring Magistrate’s Commendation. Before retiring from the Bench on Monday afternoon, Mr. B. S. Williams, the Singapore Second Police Magistrate, who is leaving for Kelantan where he will act as Legal Adviser, paid a tribute to the Court staff in bidding them good-bye. Addressing Mr. F. G.
    226 words
  • 141 14 The Singapore Municipal health ment for the week ended Aug. JO* K 1 1 the total number of deaths as male and female 92. This represents a dea iate of 20.85 per mille, per annum, compared with 28 in the preceding and 23.53 in the corresponding week last
    141 words
  • 47 14 A meeting of the general committee 0 the Singapore Municipal Commissioned approved, subject to the sanction of y' u Governor, expenditure up to £1,000 pi' 1- packing, insurance and freight charges for the acquisition of sculptures by Dora Gardine for hall landings in Municipal offices.
    47 words

  • 3850 15 The Waking and Dream Adventures of Mr. Parham —Liveliest Example of His Latest Manner Refreshing and Vigorous—A Summary of Affairs in England and Plenty of Funmaking. A Tale for the Times. The Autocracy of Mr. Parham. By ti Wells. Assisted pictorialiy bj I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 188 16 fo 1 is in If /-'ll n&gt; fT Gh S V -V r &lt; w i 1 AfC I -m V &gt; j rA y. k. 11 The Favourite of beautiful women will always be *4711 Eau de Cologne. Its ever constant and unsurpassed Quality bas firmly established its position
      188 words

  • 520 21 Encounter with Gangsters. SEQUEL TO AMBUSH AT KATONG. police ambush for a gang of Chinese robbers, in the Katong district, Singapore. on Sept. 8 resulted in the shooting down of Mr. B. F. Oakeshott, A.S.P., in har ge of the Rochore Division. Fortunatelv the wound is
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  • 76 21 (ase Against Banque de l’lndo-Chine. (from Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 7. The Dika court here has confirmed the I( gnumt given in the appeal court in the ase ,n which the Banque de Klndo-Chine •as ordered to pay a Siamese Tcs. P,0,000 emission in connection
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  • 69 21 K* Cook’s Successor In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 4. 0 r Hatch, for the past five years tbe finance section of the inter- ‘parations commission, has been ien't' r nai c ial adviser to the Govern- &lt; Sia succession to Sir Edward var' a
    69 words
  • 669 21 Well-known Resident Of Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 8. The death occurred this morning at Craigroyston of Mrs. Jeannie McGregor, |/ife of Dr. G. C. McGregor, Kuala Lumpur, after a long illness. At one time Mrs. McGregor w T as very ell-known in
    669 words
  • 128 21 Chinese Arrested in Emerald Hill Road. Acting on information received, Detec-tive-Inspectors McIntosh and McLew went to a house in Emerald Hill Road on the night of Sept. and awaited the arrival of three Chinese. When the men arrived, a short struggle ensued, but they were soon overpowered.
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  • 53 21 New Coaches for Siam Railways. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 4. An order has been placed with Denmark for four railway passenger coaches. Each coach is to contain eight single compartments instead of the six double compartments of the present night and day coaches used on
    53 words
  • 411 21 Affairs of Founder Of Alhambra. Mr. L. Faulkner Willis, whose adjudica* tion was unsuccessfully opposed by ccunsel (Mr. A. V. L. Davies) on the ground that if an action which he was about to institute was successful he would become the creditor of the petitioning creditor
    411 words
  • 199 21 Judge Says Per Cent. Are Absolute Frauds. Striking observations on the operation the bankruptcy laws in Kenya were made by Acting Chief Justice Stephens 1 icently in the course of a bankruptcy tuse in which an Indian shopkeeper was involved. 1 hi like a rone to hang
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  • 125 21 European Fined for Failing To Renew Licence. W hen summoned to answer a charge ot selling by retail intoxicating liquor without having renewed his liquor shop licence, Mr. G. Aurcly, a European, of Union Building, on Monday explained that he told his bookkeeper to do so but
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 48 21 II. S. OE SILVA 4 BROS., Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given to outstation orders •fcji All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      48 words

  • 1749 22 Evidence of Police Inspector. Observations kept by specially detailed detectives on the alleged nocturial perambulations of Normr.n C. Begg and his wife were features of the evidence led against Begg by Mr. E. Tongue, Head of the Singapore Detective Department, before Mr. G. T. Beall, the
    1,749 words
  • 161 22 Shot by Chinese In Trengganu. News has just reached Singapore of tragedy which occurred in Trenmm on the 3th instant when a Chinese r U amok and shot dead Raja Hizam T nephew of H.H. Sultan of Perak), a sub inspector of police in Trengganu. Xw" constables
    161 words
  • 272 22 Arrival in Singapore From Europe. H.H. Sir Ibrahim, Sultan of Johore, returned on Saturday by the Malwa. from his visit to Europe, r.fter an absence of eleven months. Military uniforms and picturesque Malay costumes were plentifully sprinkled among the large crowd of Malays who gathered on the
    272 words
  • 234 22 Commission Claim Echo. There was an echo in the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice (Sir William ?viurison) on Saturday, of the suit in whuM Vincent Pathinaike successfully claimed a &gt;hare in a commission paid to Walter Abcyagoonosekera in connection with tne 'ale in London of a
    234 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 54 22 Adel phi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away-From-Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD. Under
      54 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 247 23 —Reuter. Commission’s Report To League of Nations. SPECIAL DIFFICULTIES Confidence in Mandatory Power. Geneva, Sept. 8. The Council of the League of Nations, ir&lt;t meeting, received the report of ‘V permanent Mandates Commission on l Z disorders in Palestine. U Procope, Finland, presenting the re- emphasised
      .—Reuter.  -  247 words
    • 221 23 Reuter. Scientific View of The Future. London, Sept. 8. Professor T. E. Gregory, in his presidential address before the economic science section of the British Association at the meeting in Bristol, discussed the relationship of rationalisation and unemployment. He said that rationalisation in the short run was not a
      Reuter.  -  221 words
    • 109 23 -British Wireless. i&gt;Sow Available for Amateur Pilots. Rugby, Sept. 8. tirs t public demonstration of night lpr l) &gt;’ Privately owned and club light planes will start tomorrow at Heston ,r Park. m n f'- how private flying by night has tics lm P os »&gt;ble owing to
      -British Wireless.  -  109 words
    • 238 23 All Three Accused Discharged. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 5. Still another totalisator manager—F. P. I’ ras&lt;?r —has been arrested in connection with the theft of Rs. 183,000 from the Calcutta Turf Club. The other two accused, F. Binning and C. O. Durham, are now
      238 words
    • 99 23 —Reuter. Boycott of German Goods Demanded. Warsaw, Sept. 8. Fifty thousand Poles, including representatives of all political parties, made a dt monstration at Posen, President von Hindenburg’s birthplace, as a protest aginst Germany’s attempts to have the Polono-German frontier revised and also he recent speeches of German Cabinet
      —Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 72 23 Three Thousand Attack Shasi City. Shanghai, Sept. 5. It is reported from Shasi that the population was thrown into a panic yesterday afternoon, when 3,000 Communists suddenly attacked the city. The Communists managed to reach the suburbs of Shasi, but were driven off by Government troops after a
      72 words
    • 62 23 Reuter. International Beauty Contest In Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 8. The international beauty contest resulted in the election of Rollanda Pereira Miss Brazil as Miss Universe. Fernanda Gonzales, of Portugal, an Alice Diplorackou, Greece, tied for second place, and Beatrice Lee, United States, candidates paraded in
      Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 33 23 Reuter. Another Victim of Recent Fire Succumbs. London, Sept. 8. Ah Sin the blind Chinese who was injured in the fire in Chinatown on Sep" 2, has died from his mjunes.-
      Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 200 23 —British Wireless. Marketing Schemes to Be Established. Rugby, Sept. 4. At a meeting of colliery owners held in London today, the preparation of the central marketing scheme under the Coal Mines Act of 1930 wai approved.— British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 7. It is understood that the
      —British Wireless.  -  200 words
    • 131 23 —Reuter. Briand Plan Referred To League Assembly. Geneva, Sept. 8. A private conference attended by the representatives of 27 European State* unanimously passed a motion moved by M. Briand that his scheme for a federation of European States should be referred to the League Assembly. Mr. Henderson seconded
      —Reuter.  -  131 words
    • 66 23 CHINA DUTCH INDIES. —Reuter. Protest Against Immigration Tax. Nanking, Sept. 8. The Foreign Ministry will shortly protest to the Netherlands Government against the decision of the Dutch East Indian authorities to impose, from the beginning of 1930, an additional immigration tax of between 50 and 150 guilders per head on
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 78 23 —Reuter. Successful Police Raid On Headquarters. Hanoi, Sept. 8. Detectives raided the headquarters of a gang of revolutionaries and murderers. They were greeted by a hail of bullets, but rushed the house and overpowered two women and a man, while two others were shot down as they were
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 54 23 -Reuter. Sudden Rise of River Brahmaputra. Shillong, Sept. 4. A hundred thousand people have been affected by floods due to the sudden rise of the Brahmaputra in the Nowgong district. The water, in some places, reached the house-tops and granaries and cattle were washed away and roads
      -Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 182 23 —Reuter. Changes in Design. SAFEST FORM OF TRANSPORT London, Sept. 3. Col. V. C. Richmond, the designer of the airship R 101, in un address before the engineering section of the British Association, meeting in Bristol, said that before the shape of the R 101 was decided
      —Reuter.  -  182 words
    • 86 23 Sequel to Indian Railway Accident. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 7. One of the most extraordinary cases ever heard in India has concluded. Mr. Nicholls, the general manager of the Darjeeling-llimalayan Railway, and Mr. Graggs, the traffic superintendent were charged with criminal negligence in consequence of an
      86 words
    • 204 23 —Reuter. Death of Former Resident Of Shanghai. London, Sept. 3. Major Duncan Campbell, who returned to England from Shanghai a fortnight ago, died in the Folkestone Hospital this morning. He was found lying unconscious in the public gardens at Folkestone on the morning of Aug. 31. He was
      —Reuter.  -  204 words
    • 72 23 ttouter. New York Police Completely Baffled. New York, Sept. 3. It is just revealed that Mr. J. E. Crater, a judge of the Supreme Court of New York State, has been missing since Aug. G. The detectives are completely baffled. Mr. (’rater was in the best of spirits
      ttouter.  -  72 words
    • 422 24 —Reuter. Incidents in Great Flight* To New York. PARIS BEFLAGGED. Pres. Hoover’s Message To M. Doumergue. New York, Sept. 3. Captain Costes and M. Bellonte had a most tumultuous welcome on landing at Curtiss Field after their gnat non-stop flight from Paris. The air was full of
      .—Reuter.  -  422 words
    • 144 24 —lieuter. Many Topics of Popular Interest. London, Sept. 3. Three thousand scientists, inchidinp representatives of most of tho Universities, the Dominions, the United States and the Continent, gathered at Bristol for the opening of the 100th annual meeting of the British Association for the Advance ment of Science.
      —lieuter.  -  144 words
    • 124 24 —Keuter. 2,000 People Evacuate Their Homes. London, Sept. 5. A hundred thousand people watched a great blaze on New Crane Wharf, Wapping, last night. It was the biggest Ijondon fire for many years. Tho outbreak occurred in a six-storey warehouse packed with cocoa beans and
      —Keuter.  -  124 words
    • 426 24 —Reuter. Reason for Asking British Co-operation. Simla, Sept. 3. An Indian Government communique states that there is no foundation for the Shanghai report that the Government of India has negotiated for the further sale j of 40,000,000 ounces of silver with a j Chinese banking corporation. Nanking,
      —Reuter.  -  426 words
    • 108 24 ferenee has completed its work.—British Wireless No Broadcast at Opening Session. Rugby, Sept. 3. The proposal which had been considered of broadcasting the speeches of the Prime Ministers at the opening session of the Imperial Conference on Sept. 30 has been abandoned, but arrangements have beer made for
      ferenee has completed its work.—British Wireless  -  108 words
    • 61 24 Seizure by Calcutta Customs. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 9. Prompted by the recent findings on the Seattle Maru, the Customs officers made an exhaustive search on the B.I. steamer 1 ilawa, which arrived from the Straits. They found cocaine valued at $14,090 in
      61 words
    • 126 24 Iteuter. Judgment Against Newspaper Editor. Berlin, Sept. 5. The ex-Kaiser’s libel action against Herr Mendel, the editor of the Democratic Morgen Post was tried today. The action arose out of an article in the Morgen Post alleging that the ex-Kaiser was largely interested in Krupps financially and hence
      Iteuter.  -  126 words
    • 123 24 i. —British Wireless. Start of a £12,000,000 Scheme. Rugby, Sept. 8. The first stage of a £12.000,000 scheme for developing London’s underground system will start in a fortnight, when work will begin on the Tube railway extension from Finsbury Park northward for founnd a half miles to Southgate
      i.—British Wireless.  -  123 words
    • 129 24 Aneta. Matthew’s Programme to Fly To Australia and Back. Batavia, Sept. 6. It has been learned here that it is Mr. Matthews’ intention to make a solo flight from England to Australia and back in a Moth aeroplane. He is due to leave England on Sept. 16,
      Aneta.  -  129 words
    • 73 24 -Nichi-Nichi. Blamed for Japan's Present Trade Difficulties. Tokio, Sept. 8. In view of the deplorable condition of trade, it is urged by a number of opposition members that the Government should make every effort to alleviate the position including the temporary suspension of the exportation of gold
      -Nichi-Nichi.  -  73 words
    • 51 24 —Reuter. Large Holdings in Ericsson Company Sold. Stockholm, Sept. 3. The manager of the Ericsson combine nas sold his large holdings in Ericsson’s to Kreugor Toll, who had already a considerable interest in the Ericsson combine. The chairman and managing director of Ericsson’s wilt be replaced by Kreuger
      —Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 259 24 —British Wireless. Liberal Party’s Policy NO CO-OPERATION With LABOUR. 11 Rugby, Sept. 3. Recent rumours regarding the n 0 ..;u lity of a fusion between the Labou tk Liberal parties are answered in a n festo of the executive committee of th National Liberal Federation, which
      —British Wireless.  -  259 words
    • 171 24 f iru witii tut: }uu&gt; idiuu ui nent and smartened appearance. Dritisit* Wireless. Manufacturers Again Optimistic. Rugby, Sept. 4. The International Motor Show opens at Olympia next month, and the manufacturers, who are well advanced with then preparations, are unanimously optimistic about trade prospects. There will be
      f iru witii tut: }uu> idiuu ui . nent and smartened appearance.—Dritisit* Wireless.  -  171 words
    • 103 24 ,—Reuter. Millionaire’s Bequest To English Secretary. London, Sept. 4. With reference to the announcemerv made yesterday that Mr. Van Lear HIju had left several millions and had e queathed $100,000 to Miss Alice Bon his secretary in England, it &gt; s nov&gt; learned (1) That the name
      ,—Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 62 24 Reuter. More Sentences of Death In Moscow. Moscow, Sept. 8. Three traders and throe employees co-operative institutions have been tenced to death and others to vat ’■&lt;’ terms of imprisonment. They were charged with perniu speculation,” and it is alleged that disorganised the food supply ty 7
      Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 2285 25 judicial effect 01* its success."—British Wireless. —Reuter. Complete Success Of Revolution. military JUNTA. Arrest of Veteran Ex-President. A revolution in Argentina resulted in the speedy overthrow of the Government, and a military junta is now in control. Practically no opposition was offered, and the casualties reported
      judicial effect 01* its success."—British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  2,285 words
    • 341 25 .—Reuter. Salvage Work Proceeding Rapidly. Brest, Sept. 3. Salvage work on the Egypt is proceeding more rapidly than was anticipated thanks to the calm weather. The divers entered the captain’s cabin whence the safe will be secured, and also the dining saloon, where there is a quantity of
      .—Reuter.  -  341 words
    • 126 25 —British Wireless. Remarkable Speeds Attained by R.A.F. Rugby, Sept. 4. Remarkable speeds are being attained by the high speed section of the Royal Air Force, which is practising at Felixstowe under the direction of Squadron Leader Orlebar, on the Super-Marine Rolls-Royce and Gloster Napier rncing planes built for
      —British Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 616 26 —Reuter. Mail Rags Seized. POLICE HAVE TO FIRE ON CROWD. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Sept. 5. A small party of police at Khulna were attacked by a mob and compelled to fire in self-defence. Several police were injured. Only a brief account of the affair
      .—Reuter.  -  616 words
    • 310 26 Reuter. Effect on Political Situation. London, Sept. 3. The Bromley by-election result was as follows:— Mr. E. T. Campbell (Conservative) 12,782. Mr. W. C. Fordham (Liberal) 11.176. Mr. V. C. Redwood (United Empire) 0,483. Mr. A. E. Ashworth (Labour) 5,942. No change. The figures at the general
      – Reuter.  -  310 words
    • 149 26 British Wireless. Extension of the Relay System. Rugby, Sept. 4. By an extension of the relay system. British li.-teners to wireless broadcasts will, in a few months, be connected direct xiih the three big European music ccn--res. Vienna, Budapest and Y* T arsaw. Th? hu&lt;ces3 v-h’ch recently attended the
      British Wireless.  -  149 words
    • 128 26 —Reuter. Communist Plot Revealed In Adelaide. Adelaide, Sept. 4. The discovery of a Communist plot in South Australia was revealed by the Prime Minister, Mr. Hill, who introduced a Bill into the State Parliament empowering the Government to deal with a strike of members of the Carters and
      —Reuter.  -  128 words
    • 804 26 British Wireless. Reuter. —Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 4. The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, visited Rome today. He was accompanied by Rear Admiral Chetwode, and was met by the Minister of Marine, Admiral Sirianne, and other high Ita'ian Naval and Foreign office officials
      British Wireless.; Reuter.; —Reuter.  -  804 words
    • 220 26 Aneta. Reaches Sourabaya Aftw Month’s Delay. Batavia, Sept, 9 Captain A. T. Cunningham, who and(d on h lores Island on Aug. 5 at the of his attempted flight from Australia England, reached Sourabaya vesteni 10 evening, after waiting over a month r spare parts for his
      Aneta.  -  220 words
    • 177 26 British Wireless. Boom in Light Aeroplane Travel. Rugby, Sept. 6. Sir William Morris, the famous motor manufacturer, is turning his attention to aeroplane engines, and Wolseley Motors, m which he is largely interested, are experimenting with new types. The first of these, which is a radial aircooled seven-cylinder
      British Wireless.  -  177 words
    • 132 26 Reuter. Demand for a 44-Hour Week. London, Sept. 5. The Trade Union Congress moetinp concluded after unanimously deciding te ask the Government to introduce legislation reducing the working weeK to 44 hours, inclusive of meal times and al-o urging that pensions should be payable at the age of
      Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 410 27 I tvcutor. Bootlegger’s Trip To Europe to Escape. London, Sept. 4. The secret departure from New York r i.„-k Diamond, described as a New York I f and biotlegger and “King of o' \Yw York underworld," is reported to Vn attempt to escape the vengeance of Surface” A1
      I tvcutor.  -  410 words
    • 74 27 Reuter. Sequel to Bomb Outrage In Trieste. Trieste, Sept. 6. I 'Ur terrorists were sentenced to death yesterday for participation in an attempt o' VP the offices of the newspaper 1 n polo di Trieste last February (which resulted in the death of a young subeditor). They were
      Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 77 27 ,—Reuter. Mr. Scullin’s Pledges to Be Carried Out. Melbourne, Sept. 5. The Federal Cabinet unanimouslly ''''td to carry out Mr. Scullin’s pledges )a,a nce the Budget. Several financial U)Sa s to this end were discussed wxiay. f iTj government intend to uphold all Patuins, not merely w’ith regard
      ,—Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 70 27 —Reuter. Mattered Nerves Prevent Him From Flying. London, Sept. 10. Ik*}'* Kingsford Smith told a Daily attemnt ri&gt;,) resen tative that he will not Austr'ii; the P ro Posed solo flight to to fl v V, as the doctor has forbidden him ing an 11 ls n
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 364 27 —Reuter. Strong Contrast in Rival Yachts. Rugby, Sept. 5. The first of the series of races for the Americas cup, in which Sir Thomas Lip tens challenger Shamrock V will compete with the Enterprise, is due to take place on Saturday week. Meanwhile the greatest interest is taken
      —Reuter.  -  364 words
    • 67 27 —Reuter. Aeroplane Visit to King William Island. Winnipeg, Sept. 10. A wireless message states that Major Burwash, a Canadian Government explorer, with a pilot, has completed an aeroplane trip to King William Island. This is the first time the island has been visited by a white man since
      —Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 48 27 -Reuter. Immigration Restrictions To Be Tightened. Washington, Sept. 9. In order to alleviate unemployment, the State Department is tightening the immigration restrictions against aliens who might become public charges. Consuls abroad have been ordered to inquire more carefully as to the financial standing of applicants.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 76 27 British Wireless. Floating in the Sea for Fifteen Years. Rugby, Sept. 6. After floating in the sea for about 15 years, a large mine was yesterday found washed on to the rocks near Folkestone, not far from the route of cross-Channel traffic. Exports from the fishery protection
      British Wireless.  -  76 words
    • 76 27 —Reuter. Vigorous Methods Against Liquor Carrier. Riga, Sept. 9. Ten thousand litres of liquor were discovered on the steamer Anni, of Danzig, which surrendered to a Latvian pati oiling steamer ignored the order to heave to, and fire was then opened from the seaplane with a machine-gun.
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 273 27 —Reuter. Englishwomen Drowned In Belgium. Brussels, Sept. 8. A motor-car in which two English women were passengers and driven by an English chauffeur plunged into the Scheldt as it was about to enter the ferry between Sainte Anne and Antwerp. Both women, one of whom was identified as
      —Reuter.  -  273 words
    • 129 27 British Wireless. Conclusion of a Difficult Task. Rugby, Sept. 8. Ships engaged in the arduous task of repairing the trans-Atlantic cable damaged by earthquake under the sea last Novem her have now completed the work. It was found that volcanic action had in large areas changed the consistency
      British Wireless.  -  129 words
    • 79 27 —Reuter. Need of Putting Finances On Sound Basis. Hobart, Sept. 9. The Prime Minister, Mr. McPhee, addressing both Houses of Parliament, emphasised the vital necessity of placing the finances of Tasmania on a sound basis. He outlined the Government proposals for economy, including the reduction of the salaries of
      —Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 73 27 —Reuter. Contracts with Companies To Be Terminated. Nanking, Sept. 5. The National Government has decided to cancel the contracts with the Eastern and Great Northern telegraph companies upon the expiry of the year. It is also announced that hereafter no foreign government, corporation or individual may secure
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 31 27 —Reuter. To Consider Suppression Of Counterfeiting. Geneva, Sept. 9. The League of Nations Council resolved to convene an international conference in 1931 with a view to suppressing counterfeit currency.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  31 words
    • 15 27 —Reuter. Adelaide, Sept. 9. The water front strike has virtually ended. —Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  15 words
    • 366 27 -British Wireless. Unemployed Marchers Create Scene. London, Sept. 3. Unemployed marchers," who had secured entrance to the gallery, interrupted Mr. J. R. Clynes, the Home Secretary, when he his speech to the Trades Union Congress at Nottingham today. They were removed singly, resisting, amid a tumult. Mr.
      -British Wireless.  -  366 words
    • 227 27 —British Wireless. Twenty-nine Nations Adopt New Rules. Rugby, Sept. 9. The full text has now been issued of the International Load Line Convention, which was signed unanimously on behalf if 29 countries at the recent London Conference. The convention, if ratified, will take effect from July 1,
      —British Wireless.  -  227 words
    • 88 27 —Reuter. Heir Born to Duke Of Brabant. Brussels, Sept. 7. The Duchess of Brahant (the Crown Prince-s) has given Dirt h to a son, who is Heir Presumptive to the throne. The whole country is delighted at the birth of n Prince. The arrival was announced by a
      —Reuter.  -  88 words

    • 1638 28 Welch Beat S.C.C. CLUB’S LAPSE BRINGS DEFEAT. Welch Regt. 2. S.C.C. 1. The third time did pay for all in the second replay of the S.C.C. and Welch Regiment in their S.A.F.A. Cup-tie on Tuesday ut Anson Koad Stadium, the Wear deservedly getting victory by
      1,638 words
    • 228 28 Flouter. Singapore Second Favourite. London, Sept. 9. The betting on the St. Leger at the call-over at the Beaufort Club today was as follows *&gt; 2 Parenthesis offered, —1 taKen. ft 1 Singapore offered, 11 2 taken. 11- 2 Diolite offered. 13- 2 Raineses the Second,
      Flouter.  -  228 words
    • 337 28 Army Beat Civilians At Polo. After a hard tussle in the first two chukkers the Army beat the Civilians in the Sussex Cup match at Balestier Road on Sunday by four goals to one. The play was good, considering the condition of the ground and it was a
      337 words
    • 620 28 —Reuter. Home Football Results, THAMES SUFFER DEFEAT AGAIN. AT London, Sept. 3 The following were the result* of matches played in the English yesterday First Division. Derby County 4 Leeds Utd. Manchester City 2 Blackpool Middlesbrough 3 Manchester UtH Newcastle Utd. 1 Chelsea Sheffield Utd. 3
      —Reuter.  -  620 words
    • 1885 29 Consistent Batting. larger WICKETS tried. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 3. T j wl t core of 249 for five wickets in a v play is in itself, indicative of The hard struggle for runs experienced by I'm land XI at Folkstone today when t
      1,885 words
    • 260 29 North South Match For Poppy Day Funds. Several matters of importance were discussed at a council meeting of the Malaya Football Association, which was held in Kuala Lumpur recently, Mr. R. L. Hastie (Singapore) presiding. It was decided that on or about Nov. 11 a match should be
      260 words
    • 692 29 Proposal for a New Ground. A new ground f:*r the* Services R.F.C. in the neighbourhood of Swiss Cottage was mentione&lt;l on Monday at the annual n.\;eting of the club at Raffles Hotel. Mr. G. E. Gator presided and Mr. H. Price was elected the club captain for
      692 words
    • 30 29 Reuter. Prague, Sept. 8. 1'hp third Women’s Olympiad was won by Germany with 57 points. Poland scored 20, Great Britain 19, Japan 13, Sweden 10 and Holland 9.—
      Reuter.  -  30 words
    • 1392 30 Two Disqualifications. DISAPPOINTING FINISH TO MAIN BOUTS. Disqualifications in two of the principal bout? marred a very good evening’s sport at the Lion City Ring on Friday. Although it is better to keep an open mind about the whole affair, one cannot but express disappointment
      1,392 words
    • 195 30 Reuter. Lott Beaten in Men’s Championships. Forest Hill, Sept. 8. The second round of the American men’s tennis championships resulted as follows Tilden beat J. Armstrong, 6—1, 6—1, 6—0. Avory beat McAuliff, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1. Berkeley Bell beat Fritz Mercur, 6 —1, 6—2, 1—6,
      – Reuter.  -  195 words
    • 587 30 Result of S.G.C. Mixed Foursomes. The Singapore Golf (’lub Septomiber Mixed Foursome competition was played on Friday afernoon, and resulted in a win for Mr. A. I&gt;. Anderson and Mrs. Tennant. Forty-six cards were taken out, and the following were returned &lt;;. H. N. Mr. Anderson and Mrs.
      587 words
    • 85 30 Strained Back Keeps Him Out of Line-Up. Washington, Sept. 1. Babe Ruth is definitely out of the Yankee line-up for the remainder of the series v.ith the Senators as the result of a strained back, and there is some doubt that, he will be able to take
      85 words
    • 250 30 Points Decision Over Tony Abrusci. A further letter from Mr. Nai Kim Li states that Bud Walley won his contest at New Jersey, beating Tony Abrusci on point”? over six rounds. It Was sensational contest, Walley showing great improvement and never giving his oi, D(jn ent
      250 words
    • 197 30 Reuter. South of England Beat M.C.C. London. Sept. 9. Playing: at Folkestone the South of England XI defeated the M.C.C. by 7b runs. Ratting first, the South of England representatives were dismissed for 219 M. J. C. Allom taking five wickets for 43 runs. The M.C.C. replied with
      — Reuter.  -  197 words

  • 51 30 CHOPPIN.—At the Maternity Hospital; Singapore, on Saturdav, Sept. Norah, wife of Mr. W. A. Ch«vpP‘ n a QUINTON. —On September 3. and Mrs. L. M. Quinton at »&gt; rtitont Park, a daughter. TOY.—On Sept. 4, 1930, at Singapore G? n, j* ral Hospital, to Helen wife ot 1 Toy,
    51 words
  • 42 30 MENZIES—MACKIE.—At the Prcsbytenar Church, Singapore, on September by the Rev. Stephen Hand, Adam A liTownlie, third son of the *“s*. nn( i Mrs. George Menzies, Torphicn Cathrine Fotheringham, youngest &lt; ~r S&gt; of the late Matthew Mackie and o Mackio, Pollukshiclds, Glasgow.
    42 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 84 30 NOTICE All communications for both the Times and the Straits Budget should w addressed to the Head Office, Cecil an Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times the United Kingdom and foreign courtri is $48 a year. The post free price of Straits Budget
      84 words
  • 79 30 DEATHS CKIA.—Mrs. Chia Thian Hock nee. LeHiok) passed away at the afte “t on at her residence No. 69, Cuppagc v Friday, September ft, 1930. JOSEPH CHAN TKCK HEK. Aged Hfi y^ a JJ died on Scntember 4, 11*31), at Waterloo Street. Singapore. Penang and F.M.S. papers please cop. YKO.—Mrs.
    79 words

    • 118 1 GeneralRubber Situation 1 The Singapore Auction 1 London Rubber stocks 1 No Interference with the Rubber Industry 1-2 The Rubber Market 2 Malava Tin Statistics 2 Rubber Auction f The Ford Plantation London Rubber Market Bv A. W. Still 2 Malaya Rubber Statistics J Tin Returns Foreign Rubber Statistics
      118 words
    • 65 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contr&ct Spot Seller Prices r v d. S r Date LMon S'pore Sept. Oct. Nov. Pvpt. 4 V: 0.14 0.14** 0.14*4 0.15 5 4&gt;» o.l4 1 0.14*4 0.14*4 0.15 47 M 0.14 0.14'a 0.14'-a 0.14*4 i* 4 1 M 0.12’* 0.12*» 0.12*4 0.13
      65 words
    • 127 1 Singapore Chamber of Commerce F.uhbcr Association held its 984th auction on &gt;«•!!. la. when there was catalogued 2,210,834 lh or ’.'M&gt;.!*s tons offered 1,711,112 lb. or 1*9 tons s,dd 1,201,879 lb. or 536.55 tons. Spot. London 4d. •New \ork s cts. PRICE REALISED. Hildu'd Smoked Sheet Cents
      127 words
    • 42 1 oorei* i f. re 0lv ed by Lewis and Peat (Singa*tau•• v fr m their London correspondent lat ru bber stocks show an increase of ,'V u r in the past week, the total on hs *nd being 112,993.
      42 words
    • 73 1 —British Wireless. flight Improvement In Price Recorded. Th Rugby, Sept. 9. price*' xva a sbglit improvement in the rubber* ru bber in London today. Spot Pound oU a s deaIt in U P to 4 1/lGd. per terdav* im Provement of 3/16d. on yesSo ni f recor
      —British Wireless.  -  73 words
    • 2395 1 —Reuter. Definitely Against Restriction. Why the Dutch Authorities will not Consider Compulsion. QHORTLY before noon on Saturday a statement was issued by the Colonial Secretary embodying the considered views of H.E. Sir Cecil dementi with regard to the question of rubber restriction. The vital
      —Reuter.  -  2,395 words
    • 622 2 Quotations Regarded As ;l Nominal. I Frnvor and Co.’s report dated Sept. 9 rtates The anticipated announcement concerning the question of restriction of rubber was duiv forthcoming from Government over the week end, and, while the negative decision 1 resulted in the price of the commodity tur-
      622 words
    • 102 2 Foreign imports of tin ore during the month of August, 1930 Country of Origin. Tons. Burma iho Dutch East Indies Uanka and Billiton 987 Sumatra J20 French Indo-China 140 49 olfft IT) 1 cj /yj) Union of South Africa 52 Total 2,830 H.^ 0 ‘!Tw Thia 1
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    • 304 2 Government Statement Anxiously Awaited. The report of Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., dated Sept. 5, states Contrary to all expectations the return of the Governor from the P.K.I. has not been accompanied bv a statement clarifying the situation —in fact if anything we are more in the dark
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    • 174 2 The rubber plantation of the Ford Industrial Co. of Brazil, located on the Tapajos River, 150 miles south of Santarem, is being developed rapidly since actual work was commenced about a year ago, says the India Rubber World of Aug. 1. A temporal)* hospital, staff houses, native
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    • 1136 2  - LONDON RUBBER MARKET. A Suggested Theory O f Intention.” IF COMBINES CAME TO MALAYA. (By A. W. Still.) [Strait* Time* Copyright.— Reproduction Right* RMtrrcd.] London, Auk. 13 •In the four months ending J u i v the exports of rubber from m, Ceylon and Dutch Indies amount*} 1 248,142 tons.
      [Strait* Time* Copyright.— Reproduction Right* RMtrrcd.]  -  1,136 words
    • 1697 3 Native Growers’ Interests. vin ERIC MACFADYEN’S 1 VIEWS. (By Air Mail.) Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 15. Two important letters, from leading nun in th e rubber industry, appear in this morning’s Times. They read as follows: To the Editor of the Times. -in your issue
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    • 71 3 The secretaries of Penawat (Malaya) Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have been instructed by he board to announce that close boring of he company’s original areas has disclosed m additional payable area of 4,500,000 cubic yards with an average value of .40 catty per cubic yard. It is
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    • 37 3 The directors of the Chartered Bank oi India, Australia and China have declared an interim dividend for the past half year at the rate of 14 per cent, per annum free of income tax.
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    • 185 3 Ocean shipment* of rubber, including concentrated latex, latex and revertex, being final shipments on ocean-steamers at all MnJayan ports during the month of August 1930 Rubber Sheet and Concentrated Destination. Crepe. Latex. Latex. Revertex. Total. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons’ United Kingdom 11,928 2 25 2 11,967
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    • 253 3 Final Dividend of Six Per Cent. Recommended. The seventh annual general meeting of MiAlistcr and Co., Ltd., Singapore, will be held at Gresham House on Sept. 15. The report of Jhe directors for the year ended June 30 slutes: The amount at the credit of profit and
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    • 292 3 Ayer Wcng (Rahman). —50 piculs. Kambun Mines. —181 piculs. Nawng Pet Tin. —302 hours, 21,000 yards, 251 piculs. Kuchai Tin. —528 hours 55 mins., T.P.A. restriction scheme 128 hours, time lost 87 hours 5 mins., average digging depth 51.4 feet, 522 piculs, 91,000 yards. Ilatrut Basin Tin N.L.
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    • 148 3 .f F Ju e B S't, r i Mo"-' nPOrU d rin|[ th mo h Smoked Scrap Sheet Lump Country of and and Orifin. Crepe. Sheet. Bark. Total. Dry. Wet. Tona. Tons. Tons. Tons. Sumatra 534 3,371 516 4,420 Dutch Borneo 258 3,093 396 3,747 Java and Other
      148 words
    • 67 4 [The Straits Timaa la no. .-©•ponaibla for the opinion* of its correapondenta. Correa* pondents ohould bear in mind that letter* must be short and to the point. Long epistlea are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondent* must enclose their name* and addresses, not necessarily for publication but
      67 words
    • 625 4 RESTRICTION HEALTH. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Having just returned from a tour through this country, made in an effort to find out the probable happenings in the different districts, both at the present time, and in the future, under the varying circumstances that are likely to
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    • 1128 4 AN EXAMPLE OF GETTING TOGETHER.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A few years ago, a very large bank in a very small country came to grief and bad to close its floors for payments. The «l&lt;ficit amounted to nearly* £20,000 000 The closing of the bank caused
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    • 212 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your correspondent 44 Paku spoils his argument by his query “ia the question one of degree or of expediency or of principle In relation to rubber it is, of course, a question at the present moment of very great expediency. It
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    • 60 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Mr. Chong Fook Loy’s frankness ‘disarming.” as the saying is. One can only repeat that to sacrifice the countrv t«. 44 save the rubber industry would be unjust and would not save the industry, except as a pathological specimen
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    • 624 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. r There are doubtless many of us who are net prepared to acquiesce in the statement issued by His Excellency on Saturday last without strenuous efforts to join issre with several of the facts and reasons deduced therein, and also demonstrating
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    • 759 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The triumphant anti-restrictionisti most be pleased with the announcement made by His Excellency the Governor on Saturday and, provided they have no rubber shares and are not in danger of losing their billets, they must feel a sense of superiority over
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    • 392 5 Anglo-Johore. —50,000 lb. \wr Kuning (F.M.S.). 100,000 lb. Y\.r Gajah. 21.930 lb. Aver I’anas. &lt;2..»00 lb. Australasia. 30,000 lb. Buloh Kasap.—59,000 lb. Bukit Katil.- 13,351 lb. Renta. 69.311 lb. Bukit 1'along.— 27,600 lb. Radek. 47.600 lb. Bradwall t F.M.S.).—56,600 lb. Ragan Serai. —57,000 lb. Ratak Rabit.—48.000 lb. Bukit
      392 words
    • 912 5 Chairman and Company’s Policy. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Kuala Pergau Rubber Plantations Ltd., was held at the registered offices, London House, New London Street, London, E.C., on Thursday, July 31. Mr. F. O. Streeten, the chairman, presided. The representative of the secretaris
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    • 690 5 New Product Developed By Rubber Latex. Fabrics known as Tressor made to imitate suede leather and buckskin, are new in the rubber industry. They were originated to meet a style demand, and their use is chiefly for decorative and trimming effects on dresses and shoes, also for ladies'
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    • 152 5 Temerloh Coconut And Rubber. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 7. At a meeting of the Temerloh Coconut and Rubber Estate, Ltd., Mr. J. G. Brown said that in view of the present state of the industry it had been decided not to pay a dividend. They would
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    • 746 5 Director’s and Managers’ Annual Report. The report of the directors of Menglembu Lode Mining Co., Ltd., to be submitted to the shareholders, at the sixth annual general meeting of the company, to be held at the rogistered effftee, 1 a, Penang Street, Penang, on Saturday, Sept. 20, is
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    • 150 5 Directors of Pattani Consolidated Alluvial Tin state that the time has now urrived when the financing* of the company’s business must be placed upon a different footing. It is proposed to reconstruct says a Home paper. The company will be placed in voluntary liquidation and a new company
      150 words
    • 34 5 The dre«lge» of Kutu Tin Dredging, Ltd., tftcr a stoppage of two month*, in accordtine with the recommendations made by the lip Producers’ Association, successfully restarted operations on Sept. 1.
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    • 150 6 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Sept. 10. On London Bank 4 m4 23 29 32 Demand 2 Private 3 m. credit 2, 4 1,8 On New York, demand 56 /h Private 90 d/s 67t On France, Bank T.T. On India, Bank T.T. l.».i 4 On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 414
      150 words
    • 792 6 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Sept. 10. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumhang 23/- 27 6/-6/» Ayer Hitam Tin 10/- 11/£1 £1 Bungrin Tin 13/- 16/1 1 Butang Padang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Batu Caves 0.50 0.55 1 1 Bukit Arang 0.35 0.40
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    • 741 6 Decision to Reduce The Company’s Capital. An o&gt;traordinary general meeting of the C/a'git lea Rubber Plantations Ltd., was holu int Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C.. 2. on Friday, July 25. Mr. G. Kingsley, chairman, presiding. Mr. II. llibbert, F.C.I., representing the agents and secretaries (Messrs. Shaw Darby
      741 words
      • 647 6 Abaco (£1) 1%; A linear (2 1 3; AngloMalay (£1) Ayer Kuning (£1) l 1 Hagan Serai (£1) Bahru (Scl.) (20 3/3; Ban- ter.g (£1) 1; Hatang Consolidated (20 11; Batu Caves (£1) ‘i; Batu Tiga (£1) T s; Bekoh (2.) /10; Boranang (2.) 10
        647 words
      • 713 6 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Company t*cV V^'l. 4 889,293 1 6 p.c. for year 28-2-30 .-Allenby ($1) 0 .90 1 00 0 95 l oa i£2 7 V‘ yt,r S0 Alor (»1) o.-To i:"o o*o 1% 43j,4-5 l 15 p.c.
        713 words
    • 131 6 Yesterday’s Surprise For Agents. Agents for tyres throughout MrJaya were surprised yesterday to receive cabled instructions from their various headquarters ordering an immediate increase of ten per cent, in the price of all tyres and tubes. The increase was wholly unexpected among the agents, who
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    • 31 6 Messrs. and Co., in their report, dated Sept. 4, state: There 1* change to report, but prices are a easier. Closing quotations are as Sundried $6.70 and mixed $6.55.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 542 7 m, FANCY WALL CLOCKS t-EIGHT-DAY MOVEMENT. 8-Day Accurate Movement. Round, or Octagonal. A beautiful household article. The approximate size of the dial is 9 inches. It is made of porcelain with beautiful designs in blue on white back ground. Each movement has been thoroughly tested at the factory and enclosed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 534 8 t May we introduce to you THE ELECTRIC STARTING OUTBOARD MOTOR? JUST PRESS THE STARTING SWITCH AND THE MOTOR STARTS UP IMMEDIATELY. Juat like your cur, it needs no cranking. When motor is running the dynamo charges the battery and this enables you to use lights in your boat in
      534 words