The Straits Budget, 14 August 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget V BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY] No. 3,783 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1930. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7 d*
    31 words
  • 354 1 leaders— Reaping the Whirlwind 3 Australian Finances Suppressio Veri 6 A Tale of the Times 3-4 Cold Comfort 4 Dr. Sun Yat-sen and Communism 4 Occasional Notes 6-6 Telegrams, Reuter and SpecialCovering Past Weeks News 23-27 Changsha in July Is Nanking in Danger 8 Pictures S.V.K.A. Bisley Meeting 17
    354 words
  • 1787 1 r n V ''oath has occurred at the age «if t* I'K'ut.-Colonel the Hon. Cuthbert s Conservative M.P. for Bromley Mrv<‘ 1920, says a London message. cut.-Col. James joined the British ciiy in 1894 and the Egyptian Army in In 1914 he rejoined the British for the
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  • 2540 2 NEW INDUSTRY FOR SINGAPORE Court Revelations. GLASS-MAKING FACTORY PROPOSED. That there is in Singapore glass-making sand of a superior quality to that in Tongkin, which manufactures glass and exports sand to Japan, was the oj>inion expressed on Aug. C by Mr. E. M. de Villa, a consulting geologist, giving evidence
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  • 159 2 Sensation in Calcutta. FOUND MISSING WHEN SAFE WAS OPENED. (From Our Own Correspondent). Calcutta, Aug. 12. The Calcutta Police are perplexed over the mysterious theft of Rs. 123,000. the whole proceeds of the totalisators at Saturday’s races. The money was taken in steel trunks from the race
    159 words
  • 219 2 —Reuter. First Hand Accounts Of What Happened. Shanghai, Aug. 12. The first authentic account from a reliable foreign missionary sour.e of the rape of Changsha by the Red forces at the end of July states that the city was not burnt. At most/’ the account states, a
    —Reuter.  -  219 words
  • 56 2 Two People Heavily Fined In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. Two people were heavily fined in the police court here today for failing t 1 notify oases of smallpox. It was stated that so far this year there rad been 75 cases of smallpox, 30
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  • 59 2 Three Europeans Escape Serious Hurt. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 10. attempting to avoid a pedestrian on Weld Quay, a motor-car, in which three Europeans were riding, overturned. Two of the men were trapped under the motor-car and helped out by people passing. They were slightly
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1156 3 much troubled country.—Straits Times, Aug. 7. In the first wild frenzy of the religiopolitical non-co-operation, civil disobedience and boycott movements into which India plunged with characteristic heedU ssness of consequences the small, still voice of reason was drowned. Time and •\gain, of course, Mr. Gandhi and his
      much troubled country.—Straits Times, Aug. 7.  -  1,156 words
    • 1150 3 for an unenviable position.—Strait:; Times Aup. 8. When Mr. J. 11. Scullin, who is now Treasurer as well as Prime Minister of Australia, presented his Budget last month he had to meet an estimated shortage of £14.038,009. The country, he declared. was experiencing a condition of financial depression
      for an unenviable position.—Strait:; Times Aup. 8.  -  1,150 words
    • 1052 3 ed 133 per cent, of 1913’'.—Straits Times, Au£. 9. A We referred on Wednesday to the im pressions of life in present-day Russia gathered by an independent political lob’crvcr in the course of an extensive *our through Soviet territory. Today vo are able to examine what purports to
      ed 133 per cent, of 1913’'.—Straits Times, Au£. 9. A  -  1,052 words
    • 1018 3 —Straits Times, Aujr. 11. Quite the most important event of the present publishing season, from the journalist’s point of view, has been the appearance of NorthcliflTe An Intimate Biography,” by Hamilton Fyfe. (Allen and IJnwin. lfis.) Mr. Fyfe, who worked as special correspondent of the
      —Straits Times, Aujr. 11.  -  1,018 words
    • 1069 4 —Straits Times. Aug. 12. With the price of the commodity at four;cnee something this morning, a little optimism on the question ot rubber would not be ami3s. To ourselves, enthusiasm does not come readily, but with the aid of the current issue of the India Rubber World
      —Straits Times. Aug. 12.  -  1,069 words
    • 1227 4 to which they refer ?—Straits TiW'. Aupj. 13. In these days, when the Communist 'roubles are looming so large in China, it is of the utmost importance that some attempt should be made to answer the question Was L)r. Sun Yat-sen a Communist Those Chinese
      to which they refer ?—Straits TiW'. Aupj. 13.  -  1,227 words

  • 148 4 Heavy Drop in Consumption Of Timber. Fines to a total of $6,847 were collect^ in 686 court cases for offences against forest laws during 1929, states the an.iJ report of the Sarawak Forest Depnrtnu’ 1 It is explained that nearly all 'h‘" offences, as heretofore, were concert." with
    148 words

    • 113 5 ti v j.’ *'*r> w bcist invr throughout Malaya.—Straits finies, Auk. 7. I We resisted the temptation to crow [hen, within a few days, two courses [hich we have advocated persistently for a ny weeks were adopted. As emergency (ensures during a time of acute indusHal depression,
      ti v j.’*'*r> w■— — bcist invr throughout Malaya.—Straits finies, Auk. 7.  -  113 words
    • 149 5 mmmmm V* VII ill VIIC ■rapacity of servant.—Straits Times, Auj?. ■7. Coincident with a reduction in rents ■hould come at least a temporary reduction in servants’ wages. There never has ■ten any justifiable reason for the higher ■rages paid to household servants in ■lingapore, as compared to the
      ‘ ‘ mmmmm »» V* VII ill VIIC ■rapacity of servant.—Straits Times, Auj?. ■7.  -  149 words
    • 393 5 BUY BRITISH.” —Straits Times, Aug. 7. An example of the efforts which are ■»eing made by the Federation of British ■indusUrics to cause the slogan Buy British to be used and acted on is to be ■found in the reception given to the pro■><»sal that the Federation should adopt a
      —Straits Times, Aug. 7.  -  393 words
    • 150 5 c v 114 v; ji u ill iu a. -Straits Times, Aug. 8. One often hears talk about one law for t u r c h and another for the poor, the advantage allegedly being with the former, ’lit in Singapore there is at least one case
      c v 114 v; ji u ill iu a. -Straits Times, Aug. 8.  -  150 words
    • 168 5 —Straits Times, Aujr. 8. T he recent dinner given by Lord Vargrave in honour of Sir F. H. Royce, greatest of motor engineers, recalls the circumstances under which Rolls met ,Vcc Mr. F. H. Royce, of Royce Limited, l lc crane makers, was building a car
      —Straits Times, Aujr. 8.  -  168 words
    • 161 5 work in oattle of twenty vessels. Straits Times, A up. 8. W hatever the tangible results of the London Naval Treaty may be it has certainly stimulated warship designers, who, when everyone was enthusiastic for no more war, looked as if they might be out of a job.
      work in oattle of twenty vessels. Straits Times, A up. 8.  -  161 words
    • 194 5 —Straits Times, Au>r. 8. The cost of conscientiousness, though r«ght Ik? on one’s side, is sometimes a bit of a burden, as is evident from the following story. A party of holiday-makers, including a local barrister and a police officer, was bound for the waterfalls at Kota
      !—Straits Times, Au>r. 8.  -  194 words
    • 150 5 «mca,v ur uicj tun pivncv vnu vo that no one works !—Straits Times, Auer. <». <A Stock Exchange commentator suggests, in view of the proposal that the majority of the world’s tin mines shall suspend production entirely for two months, a jobber was perturbed as to what
      «mca,v ur uicj tun pivncv vnu vo that no one works !—Straits Times, Auer. <».  -  150 words
    • 218 5 FEELING DICKEY.” ri i ,y unwi*«*v» ’—Straits Times, Aug. 0. An amusing story is told by a Singapore business man of an experience at Lumut, in the Dindings. Accompanied by his wife, he was driving a two seater car up the steep hill leading from Lumut to Simpang Ampat, the
      ri i ,y unwi*«*v» ’—Straits Times, Aug. 0.  -  218 words
    • 207 5 Ik* vt*rv interesting.—Straits Times, Aug. What were described as Children’s Concerts were once a popular institution in Singapore. The idea was to present good music to the children of the town, and chiefly owing to the enthusiasm of Major St. Clair they flourished for many years, the
      Ik* vt*rv interesting.—Straits Times, Aug.  -  207 words
    • 228 5 fleck beneath their win*?. —Straits Times, Aug. 9. When the Trenton, New Jersey, Ministerial Association galled upon the police to enforce the Sunday Blue Laws of the city they unwittingly caught two of their own members in the trap they had baited. Among the hundreds of people
      fleck beneath their win*?.—Straits Times, Aug. 9.  -  228 words
    • 109 5 this important purpose !—Straits Times, Au g. 11. One of the strangest wills on record has been recently filed for probate in Paris It is that of the late chief doorkeeper of the Poitiers law courts, M. Auguste Pas quier, which he had engraved neatly or rhe
      this important purpose !—Straits Times, Au g. 11.  -  109 words
    • 194 5 straits Times, Aug. 11. The thoroughness with which youthfu' tennis talent is developed in the United States has been illustrated in u remark ?.ble manner in the tournament just con eluded at Meadowbrook. Sidney Wood aged 18, beat Wilmer Allison in the final after previously disposing of George
      straits Times, Aug. 11.  -  194 words
    • 201 5 (touted in a loud voice Over” Straits Times, 11. With the final and deciding Test match beginning on Saturday next all Britain—not to mention the Empire—will be soon once more thinking, talking, dreaming cricket. How all-pervading is the cricket atmosphere in England when the struggles for the
      (touted in a loud voice “ Over” !—Straits Times, 11.  -  201 words
    • 298 5 —Straits Times, Aug. 11. He had a soft voice and all the mystery ,thut fathoms fortunes in his dark eyes. In the blazing htat of the afternoon sun, bis wtyte gown shone like a beacon light i.ureshadowing the future. He pleaded with the Englishman who stood on
      —Straits Times, Aug. 11.  -  298 words
    • 156 5 Straits Times, Aug. 12. The Yorkshire, Northumberland and Scottish moors, doubtlessly now rich in the full bloom of purple heather, will reecho today wilh the gun* of shooting parties celebrating the Glorious rwelfth”. But there will be fewer shoot* ing purties than in any previous post-War year.
      Straits Times, Aug. 12.  -  156 words
    • 235 5 just to amuse her.—Straits Times, Aug. 12. Marriage is a lottery, we are told—&gt;ne of those few lotteries which Governnenta still condone. If we are to take the jaundiced critic’s word, it is a game in vhich the woman always wins. There ire others who advance the
      just to amuse her.—Straits Times, Aug. 12.  -  235 words
    • 396 5 THESE DIES NON.” —Straits Times, Ai’?r. 12. From Penang Mr. Lim Cheng Law writes with regard to the leading article we published last week entitled Hank Holiday.” He is good enough to describe it as interesting and instructive,” which we greatly appreciate, though actually, as it appenred on a day
      —Straits Times, Ai’?r. 12.  -  396 words
    • 223 6 —Straits Times, Aug. 13. Divers opinions are being expressed as to the wisdom of the English Test selectors in changing skippers in mid-stream, but that their action is justified there can be little doubt. We shall miss the breezy personality, the spectacular fielding and the vigorous batting
      —Straits Times, Aug. 13.  -  223 words
    • 390 6 Times, Autf. 13. The Right Honourable Mr. George Lnnsbury, P.C., M.P., First (Commissioner of Works, has been an ardent advocate of Arcadia, Utopia and all other imaginative pastures ever since he was a small boy. And now, in his present powerful position, he has had the happy
      Times, Autf. 13.  -  390 words
    • 102 6 Straits Times. Au*r. 13. Following the decisions of two Chinese landlords of huge estates—one in Penang and the other in Ipoh—to reduce rents pending a return to normal of trade conditions in Malaya, comes the news that Mr. Ong Eng Suan, of Kuala Lumpur, has agreed to
      Straits Times. Au*r. 13.  -  102 words

  • 131 6 New Chinese Unofficial Member. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 8. In confirmation of the report which appeared in the Stiaits Times some time ago, the Secretary of State has approved the appointment of Mr. San Ah Wing, J.P., as an unofficial member of the Federa Council
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  • 86 6 Alarming Decline In Exports. (From Our Own Corresp ndent.) Bangkok, Aug. 8. The rice situation in Siam is causing a great deal of anxiety. Exports have fallen off to an alarming extent, largely through Burma being able to undersell Siam to a considerable extent Burma has captured much
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  • 184 6 A Remarkable Motoring Accident. The email car knocked into a big car the big car knocked into a hand cart; the hand cart knocked into an ice cart and the ice cart knocked into an Indian, who sustained two fractured legs. This was the description of
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  • 83 6 Police Ask for Adjournment Of Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. 7. A Eurasian named G. A. Wills, lately cashier and book-keeper with William Jacks and Co., was produced in the local police court in connection with the nrehr,’l^v, ry n &lt;,uir t y of t
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  • 1052 6 Excess of Departures Over Arrivals. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 12. The following official communique has horn issued in connection with the special meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee, hold at Kuala Lumpur on July 31 to consider the wages of Indian labourers on
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  • 127 6 COCAIN E SEIZURE. Found in Tins of Fruit In Japanese Boat. (From Our Own Correspondent). Calcutta, Aug. 11. One of the biggest seizures of contraband cocaine in Calcutta in recent years was made on the 5,853 ton O.S.K. Seattle Maru today when the boat arrived from Japan by way of
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  • 133 6 Sees Sea-Dyak Dancing In Kuching. When Sir Cecil and Lady Clementi, who are visiting British North Borneo and Sarawak, arrived in Kuching on Aug. -1 they were met by the Chief Secretary and Treasurer, and, after inspecting a guard of honour, were taken to the Astana where
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  • 121 6 Bill to be Introduced Into Legislative Council. It is notified in the Governitiont Gazette that a Bill to provide for taking a Census of the Colony from time to time is to be introduced into the Legislate Council. The existing legal provision for trie taking of
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  • 2711 7 1 Mr. Justice Sproule’s I Ruling. 1“ STILL VEXED WILL. 3 debts incurred by I beneficiaries. 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) 9 Penang, Aug. 12. m In the Supreme Court today Mr. Justice gave judgment in connection with She Ah Quee estate case. Lam Kim
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  • 604 7 Successful Annual Athletic Sports. The first annual athletic sports of the* Teo Hoo Lye Institution was held at the Anson Road Stadium before a large gathering and was highly successful. The minstrels of the Merrilads Musical Association, under Mr. Lim Chin Aik, rendered a variety programme
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  • 749 8 IS NANKING IN DANGER Router. —Sin Kuo Min. Armed Reds Encamped 15 Miles Away. SOUTHERN SET-BACK. Butchery Threatened If Reds Take Changsha. Shanghai, Aug. 13. A party of students who were out butterfly-catching have brought hack to Nanking alarming stories concerning a large encampment of Communists, armed with rifles, on
    . Router.; —Sin Kuo Min.  -  749 words
  • 430 8 Amateurs’ Success At Victoria Theatre. The Singapore Repertory Company made a very encouraging debut on Tuesday at the Victoria Theatre with Lord Richard in the Pantry,” by Sidney Blow and Douglas Hoare. The company was only recently formed by Mr. Carl Lawson. Considering the short
    430 words
  • 92 8 were opposed to the adventure.—Sin Kuo Min. Young Marshal’s Plan To Take Peking. Shanghai, Aug. 12. Marshal (’hang Ilsueh-liang has arrived at Peitaiho and is refusing to receive the representatives of the Northern Allies or of the Peking Government. It is reported that, recently, Marshal Chang
    were opposed to the adventure.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  92 words
  • 1157 8 Loss to Malayan Civil Service. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kua’a Lumpur, Aug. »2. AfU»r an illness of about twelve days the death took place early this morning it Lis residence, Federal Hill, of the Hon. Mr. II. C. Bathurst, Acting Controller of Labour and
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  • 190 8 St. Andrew’s School Events At Y.M.C.A. Pool. Interesting sport were witnessed at th« Y.M.C.A. Swimming Pool, Fort Canning, on Aug. 6 when the annual aquatic meeting of St. Andrew’s School were held. Chan Joo Kim won the championship, and the Inter-House Championship was carried by Gomes House. The
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  • 77 8 Chetty’s Clerk Charged With Misappropriation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 7. Suppiah, a Chetty’s clerk, was charged before Mr. Forrer in the district court today with criminal misappropriation of $6,900, the property of Subramaniam Chetty, attorney and manager of S. R M. A. Annamalay Chetty. Mr.
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  • 69 8 Death for Native who Stabbed Policeman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Aug. 4. The native court of Kaban Djahc has sentenced to death the murderer of tin* European police-inspector, Mr. de Ruiter. Mr. de Ruiter was stabbed to death by a Tobane3e Batak on July 3. For a
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  • 2974 9 Opium Revenue Drop. SILVERSMITHS COPYING WESTERN MODELS. According to the report for 1929 on the Slate of Brunei, signed by the British Resident, Mr. P. A. B. McKerron, a shrink age of $12,090 in the opium revenue was responsible for an actual revenue of $345,290
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  • 75 9 Found on Chinese Caught In Compound. Three Chinese were bound over to he of good behaviour for six months or in default six months’ rigorous imprisonment in the police court here on Friday. Chief-Detective Fowler described how, feting upon information, he hid in the house next door
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  • 437 10 Progress of the Chinese School in Singapore. Presiding at the annual meeting of the Singapore* Chinese (Jirls* School, Han Hoe mentioned that the president and vice-president were away in Europe. The president, Mr. Song Ong Siang, had interested himself in the welfare of the school since its
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  • 55 10 Opinion in New Zealand Unchanged. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Aug. 12. A cable from Wellington states that in the course of a speech on Imperial affair? Mr. G. W Forbes, the Minister of Land nnd Agriculture, declared that opinion in New Zealand was unaltered regarding the necessity
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  • 48 10 First Gloucesters Due to Arrive On Feb. 16. Details of the coming Trooping Season are published in Malaya Command Orders. The Neuralia, arriving at Singapore on Feb. 16, will bring the 1st Bn. Gloucester Regiment from Egypt and take the 2nd Bn. Welch Regiment to India.
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  • 832 10 Mixed Foursomes At Bukit Timah. The Singapore Golf lub August Mixed Foursomes competition was played on Frdav afternoon, and resulted in a win for Mr. S. H. Moss and Mrs. Pierrepont. I-Vrty cards were taken out and th« following were returned Mr. Moss and Mrs. Pierrepent 44 9h 34h
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  • 1084 10 The following passengers are proceeding to Europe by the Kalyan, which sailed from Singapore on Aug. H XT Mrs. Roge rs-Tillstone, Mr. A. h. N. Howard Mrs. and Master Dorling, Mr. and Mrs. Cargill. Mr. 11. G. W. Mathews Mr. j T. D. Fraser, Mr. K. 1. R. Tarry,
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  • 504 10 Renong Valley Tin Co.’s Position. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 10. Mr. J. Crabb-Watt, the chairman, speak, ing at the second annual meeting of the Renong Valley Mining Co., Siam, stated that it had been decided to suspend operations until such time as
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  • 90 10 F.M.S. Posts and Telegraphs Co-operative Society. The eighth annual general meeting fit the F.M.S. Posts and Telegraphs Inoperative Thrift and Loan Society "ill he held in Kuala Lumpur Town Hall on August 31. In the report it is proposed that a dividend of 6 per cent,
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  • 38 10 Reported Intention to Sell Coastal Fleet Denied. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Aug. The Danish Consul-General denies. 1 the authority of the Danish Foreign Of 1 the German report that Denmark templates polling her coastal Hoot.
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  • 1080 11 I Miss Dora Gordine. WORK PRAISED BY FAMOUS CRITICS. I In a little attap studio in Johore, a Boung Russian sculptress has been working quietly and patiently for the past five Bnonths and her work has been exhibited K the London and Paris salons, where it
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  • 368 11 Chinese Alleged to Have Contract Monopoly. A Chinese who made $750,000 while employed as a clerk in the Singapore Municipality was one of the witnesses called on Monday when the case against Sim Liang Hye, a building contractor, who is charged with criminal intimidation of Alexander Nolte,
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  • 66 11 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
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  • 788 11 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your note under the above title suggests some interesting trains of thought. In the first place, what is meant by the much used but indefinite expression 44 round the world One hears of people who have been round the
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  • 622 11 How America’s Big Men Receive the Press. The hurry and excitement of news collecting on a big American daily was explained to a Straits Times representative by Mr. Ray C. Schroeder, of the Globe Democrat, St. Louis, who is passing through Singapore on a world tour.
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  • 108 11 Unwilling to Give View On Cathedral Dispute. Among the passengers on the Mantua, which arrived in Singapore on Saturday, was the Bishop of Singapore, who ha n returned after attending the Lambeth Conference. Approached by a representative of tho Straits Times, the Bishop said he aould not yet
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  • 1027 12 County Cricket Results. CHAMPIONS’ ESCAPE AT CANTEKHUKY. London, Aug. 8. Northampton: Northamptonshire o':; tained a nartow victory by two wickets over Hampshire. In their opening inning:; Hampshire c dlnpr.vl very badly, and v*ere dismissed for the* small total of 60, V. \V. C. Jupp taking
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  • 235 12 Welch Regiment Easily Beaten. The S.C.C. tournament side, the Etceteras. who are strong favourites for the championship, gave an excellent display on Sunday when playing the Welch Regt. on the Padang, winning by 40 runs after declaring with three wickets in hand. Scores ETCETERAS. A. L. B.
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  • 55 12 United States League Results. New York, Aug. 12. Today’s baseball results were as follows National League. Pittsburg beat Philadelphia 8—7 and 8 3. Chicago beat Brooklyn 3—2. St. Louis beat Boston 4—2. American league. New York beat Detroit 6—5. Philadelphia beat Cleveland 9—1 and 7—0. Washington boat Chicago 5—4.
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  • 990 12 Only One Favourite Wins At Taiping. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. 13. Although the weather was fine the attendance at the third professional meet- of the Taiping Turf Club was small. The going was good. Linda Lady paid out $96 on the tote. In
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  • 325 12 Surpasses Dr, Grace’s Record Aggregate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. g Hobbs, England’s veteran opening batsman, was compelled to retire today whii 3 fielding against Sussex in a county championship match at Hastings. He complained of neuritis in hi, shoulder, and on being examined by
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  • 159 12 The scores to date in the Singapore Chess Club championship are as followe P. W. D. L. Pts. B. O. Wilmot 15 11 0 4 11 Lo Kam Woon ..7 5 11 54 R. Juniabhoy ..11 4 16 44 F. C. Peck 10 3 2 5 4
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  • 3793 13 THE LITERARY PAGE NEW BOOK REVIEWED All Quiet and “Siberian Garrison’’ Beaten to A Frazzle Desolate Record of Suffering and Increasing Degradation—More War Books General Crozier Handy with the Muck Rake —Nursing Sister’s Quiet Record of Courage and Hard Work. The Last Batch The Army Behind Barbed Wire. By Edwin
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  • 187 14 D.E.I. Government’s Circular. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Aug. 4. In connection with the reports on the Traffic in women from the Dutch Last Indies to Singapore the Dutch Last Indian Department of Justice has circularised a 'Yarning note to all Dutch and native authorities, giving them the*
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  • 91 14 Discovery by Revenue Officers. 44 Glass, handle with care.” was the caution marked on several packing cases which were driven in a lorry into the Tanjong Pagar examination shed on Aug. 5. The revenue Officers disregarded the caution, however, and on opening the cases found 3,125 tahils of
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  • 316 14 Wanted to be Hanged Not Kept in Prison. Saying that he thought ho would l&gt;e' taken out to be executed without further trial Chang Kung-pao, alleged to havej been a member of the gang who pirated f h e M hangpoo Conservancy Board's launch Li Fei at Shanghai
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  • 1378 14 Woman Stabbed. SITUATION SAVED BY TWO INDIANS. The intuition of two young Indians foiled the well-laid plans ot a party ul Chinese gangsters who kept a house in a crowded and traffic-laden thoroughfare in Singapore under observation lor several days prior to a daring raid attempted in
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  • 295 14 Mr. C. Lawson’s Humorous Address. The usually serious expressions of Ro tarians gathered together and waiting with an air of expectancy for words of wisdom from the chosen speaker were relaxed at Friday’s tiffin meeting, when Mr. Carl Lawson began his address. Mr. Lawson’s remarks were punctuated with
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  • 962 15 Trade Marks Case. IMPORTANT to tracers IN MALAYA.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 7. In the Appeal Court this morning Justices Thorne, Stevens and Sproule heard the petition for leave to appeal to the Privy Council in the suit in w’hich S. E.
    962 words
  • 549 15 AN IMPERTINENT APPEAL.” Sentences Increased In F.M.S. Supreme Court. «1* ron&gt; Our Ow'i Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 8. A Chinese in the F.M.S. Court of Appeal received an unpleasant surprise this morning when, instead of having his appeal upheld, he found the magistrate's sentence, to keep the peace for three
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  • 586 15 Police Lance-Corporal’s Excuse in Court. I fell madly in love with a young Sarawak girl. 1 could not find her, and 1 forgot all aboul the summonses.” This was the explanation given by a police lance-corporal with nine years service in the local force when charged with
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  • 148 15 Unification of Colonial Services. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 7. Dr. R. O. Winstedt, the Director of Education, S.S. and F.M.S., hack from I,ondon where he has been attending the Colonial Conference, arrived in the Mantua at Penang today. He leaves the l&gt;oat at Singapore. Speaking
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  • 746 15 Singapore Recreation Club Extensions. Presiding on Friday afternoon at the annual general meeting of the Singapore Recreation Club, Mr. C. H. da Silva said th position with regard to membership was satisfactory, there being 183 on the loll against 172 during the previous year. In the
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  • 518 16 Offending Cashier Dealt With Leniently. S&lt; up Ong Toll, a memlKT of a wellknown Straits rhino.n* family, who pleaded u i!ty to a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of over $l,5A(\»ns a sei'.ant &lt;f fhc Singapore Cold Storage Co., wa leniently dealt with on
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  • 281 16 $50 for (V.n in (Jrewms Hurt. (From Our Own Com pondent.) Penang, Aug. 7. Mr. II. C. K. Walters, a Euro|&gt;ean s istant of th»* Singapore Gold Storage v as lined $25 today n each of two charge'; of dangerously driving a motor cycle. It wai stated that
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  • 167 16 Economy in Running F.M.S. Estates. Increased anxiety is being felt among rubber planters in the F.M.S. Twelve ‘K.-iistanU from one group of estates have been given three months’ notice and will shortly he sailing for England. They are not being forced to work the full extent of their
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 237 16 a s 1* DKAt'IH CflLGGNt r»a; 4* m7ii:m r. V ;riUTM 7;^» &gt; T Wi if- -V.. cvctoc* M &gt;-vw j;.; &gt; 'iow *Vwi a. &lt; V yJT r V" 4 ‘lAfci* aJil.* aSA Ti T t i Re/ reshing After Exercise r i# “4711” Eau de Cologne is the
      237 words

  • 1035 21 I A Domestic Tangle. REQUEL “TO THESE HARD TIMES.” An heir to an estate worth several pillion dollars complained of these hard imes and changed circumstances and applied for a reduction in the amount of maintenance order made in favour of lis wife and children in May
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  • 204 21 Suggestions for Improving The Lethal Champer. At the monthly meeting of the Society :&lt; r the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Singapore), it was decided to defer any definite action about shelter for gharry ponies until further information was obtained on several points still under consideration.
    204 words
  • 221 21 Estate Manager and Wife Made 111. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Aug. 4. A queer case of poisoning of an estate manager has occurred on Kwala Krapoh Estate (E. C. of Sumatra), although it cannot be considered as a crime in the real sense of the word, because there
    221 words
  • 147 21 Mr. E. Strickland and Miss Muriel Fricker. The wedding of Miss Muriel Marie Fricker and Mr. Edmund Strickland, both of the Education Department, Singapore, took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Aug. 7. The Rev. Mr. Dean officiated, and Mr. Waddle presided at the organ. The bride, who
    147 words
  • 332 21 1’. and O. Liner to Go To Japan. The s s. Morca, of the P. and O. Line, which has carried many famous people to end from the East and has been in the scrviig; of the company for 22 years has b&gt;‘cn sold to a Japanese company.
    332 words
  • 295 21 European Motor Firm’s Claim. A suit by a firm of motor dealers for payment alleged to be due for repairs was met before the Civil District Judge (Mr. H. R. Hull) on Aug. 7 with the lefence that the repairs, with a few exceptions, \v(»re covered
    295 words
  • 110 21 Help for Victims of D.E.I. Trade Depression. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Auk. 4. One of the two planters’ orKanisations 'n the Hast Const of Sumatra, the Vakverconiging van Assistenten in Deli (V. v. A. i. 1).) has decided, in connection with the extension of the unemployment
    110 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 42 21 Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE MEW LINES IN HALL MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given to outstation orders. All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      42 words

  • 2295 22 No Warning Given.” SCHEME TO PUSH SALE OF MEDICINES. Under the Ordinance the police have no option hut to effect arrests when an offence has been committed,” said Mr. K. Tongue, Head of the Singapore Detective Branch, when counsel for the defence contended that a warning
    2,295 words
  • 199 22 Chinese Accept 40 Cents, Indians Refuse. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Aug. T ip committee appointed by the Resulonto 'il with the local uncmpl‘&gt;y^‘ !1 problem n satisfied that the adopted is preferable to that row practice at Kuala Lumpur, where wovkless are concentrated in a camp.
    199 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 53 22 Adelphi Hotel S1NCAPORE. The Home-Away-From-Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT Cables ADELPHI. ADELPHI HOTEL, LTD.
      53 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 170 23 Reuter. Permanent Short Wave Station in Britain. IMPORTANT DECISION. Colonial Office Rendering Assistance. London, Aug. 8. Grr t Britain is to have a permanent .i t wave Empire broadcasting station \vich a worldwide range, according to the W ws-Uhronicle, ns a result of negotiat ns between
      – Reuter.  -  170 words
    • 229 23 SYDNEY HARBOU R. ,et long and G6 feet wide.—British Wireless. Detail of World’s Largest Bridge. Rugby, Aug. 9. The largest arch bridge in the world. wh\h British engineers are building over the harbour at Sydney, is nearing comt let■ &gt;n. This impressive piece of eng.iuvring spans a channel 1.G70 feet
      ,et- long and G6 feet wide.—British Wireless.  -  229 words
    • 79 23 Aneta. Australia-England Flyer Still Delayed. Batavia, Aug. 11. 1 aptain A. T. Cunningham, who left o yndhnm, Australia, last Tuesday in an attempt to reach England by air is still ,n Nolen.;, Flores Island, where he landed '■•i hout damage or injury after his first nop. A
      Aneta.  -  79 words
    • 75 23 Min Kuomintang Party.”—Sin Kuo Two Ministerial Posts Filled. Shanghai, Aug. 12. p r Lo Wen-kan has been nominated &lt; ign Minister and Mr. Sun Hung-li iniV, ;N j ,n in the new Peking Governb 'l /v secon( l enlarged conference t r' if,I, inference also discussed the pror.,
      Min Kuomintang Party.”—Sin Kuo  -  75 words
    • 258 23 —Reuter. well after his holiday afloat.—British Wireless. National Interest In Glamis Castle. London, Aug. C. National interest is centred on Glamis Gastle, rorfarshire, the residence of the Duchesi of York’s parents, where Her Royal Highness is expecting her accouchement at an early moment. The famous obstetricians
      —Reuter.; well after his holiday afloat.—British Wireless.  -  258 words
    • 199 23 —Reuter. Payment of Ransom Authorised. London, Aug. C. The Church Missionary Society has authorised its representative at Fuchow to pay the ransom, if the British Consul considers this necessary, to secure the release of the captured women missionaries Miss Xettleton and Miss Harrison. Foochow, Aug. 8. The British
      —Reuter.  -  199 words
    • 122 23 —Router. First Three Places Won By Germans. Berlin, Aug. 8. The revised figures of the placings in the round Europe air flight put Herr Morzik (Germany) first with 427 points. Capt. Broad is placed eighth. An earlier message gave the result as follows (1), Herr Morzik (Germany)
      ,—Router.  -  122 words
    • 63 23 Ktuter. Calcutta Council Meeting Abandoned. Calcutta, Aug. 8. Calcutta is still without a Mayor. At the resumption of the meeting of the Council a mob again invaded the Council Chamber, and the meeting had to be abandoned once more. It is announced that Sen Gupta has
      Ktuter.  -  63 words
    • 257 23 ,—Reuter. American Instrument Of Ratification. London, Aug. 8. Mr. Theodore Marriner, the «hief of the Western Europe Division of the United States State Department, disembarked at Southampton from New York. He was carrying a small, heavily sealed, brown envelope, inside which was the American instrument of ratification
      ,—Reuter.  -  257 words
    • 181 23 —British Wireless. Prince of Wales to Have A Holiday. Rugby, Aug. 9. The King and Queen will return to London on Monday. Their Majesties have spent the last fortnight at Cowes, where the King, in spite of the. mixed weather, greatly enjoyed the racing. His Yacht Britannia
      .—British Wireless.  -  181 words
    • 74 23 Reuter. Yugoslavian Ex-Minister To Be Deported. New York, Aug. 10. After a fortnight’s detention on Ellis Island, M. August Kosutich, the ex-Minis-t r of Public Works in Yugoslavia, has been ordered to bo deported. M. Kosutich was invited to visit the United States to lecture against
      Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 218 23 Grave Problem in Britain. INCREASE OF :)9,000 IN ONE WEEK, Loudon, Aug. 6. Unemployment &gt; as topped the 2,000,000 mark, incieasing by .‘{9,001) from last week to 2,011,000. —Reuter. On March 10 the number of persons on the live register of unemployed was 1,663,800. In
      218 words
    • 156 23 ,—British Wireless. Preparing for It 101’s Flight to India. Rugby, Aug. 7. While the airship R100 is in Canada work is proceeding on the preparation of the R101 for her flight to India, which takes place next month. The R101 ha* Diesel oil engines and is the slower
      ,—British Wireless.  -  156 words
    • 160 23 Uriti.ih Wireless. Flourishing Condition In South of England. Rugby, Aug. 6. In the annual report issued today by the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops it is pointed out that the flourishing condition of trades in tho south of England helped to restore the balance of
      Uriti.ih Wireless.  -  160 words
    • 427 24 man of the Royal Aero Club.—British Wireless. Memorable Luncheon In London. CHEQUE PRESENTED. Flowers Showered on Her In the Streets. Rugby, Aug. 0. Miss Amy Johnson, the London-Aus-tralia airwoman, was accorded a tumultuous reception when she drove in triumph through the London streets today to attend
      man of the Royal Aero Club.—British Wireless.  -  427 words
    • 121 24 —Uritish Wireless. Flight-Lieut. Atcherley To Visit United States. Rugby, Aug. 10. Flight.-Lieut. Atcherley, the British Schneider Trophy pilot, will represent Great Britain in the American national nir races at Chicago on August 22. He has been invited to visit the United States by Lieut. Williams, the American Schneider
      —Uritish Wireless.  -  121 words
    • 40 24 Reutor. Big Work Destroyed on Eve Of Completion. Vancouver, Aug. 11. Fire destroyed tho new Canadian National Railway clock, which the contractors expected to hand over completed to tho Government tomorrow, Tho loss is estimated at $1,200,000.—
      Reutor.  -  40 words
    • 241 24 —Reuter. A Controversial Speech. I EX-MINISTER AND FIGHT FOR JUSTICE.” Berlin, Aug. 10. Lively discussions in Warsaw, with possibly even a diplomatic incident, are likely to follow a speech by Herr Trenranus, the ex-Minister for the Occupied Regions, in which he outspokenly discussed the question of Germany’s
      —Reuter.  -  241 words
    • 187 24 —British Wireless. Operations on Big Scale Over England. Rugby, Aug. 10. England will experience four days of mimic air war this week. The Royal Air Force’s annual exercises begin on Tuesdav, and consist this year of strategical air operations between the opposing forces of Red land and
      .—British Wireless.  -  187 words
    • 76 24 Big: Increase in Preliminary Census Figures. Washington, Aug. 6. The population of the United States is approximately 122,729,000 on the basis of the preliminary census figures.—Reuter. The population at each of the previous five censuses, as compared with 1930, is shown below Decennial Increase Year. Population. Per
      76 words
    • 63 24 .—Reuter. Demolition of Famous Strand Building. London, Aug. 7. The demolition has begun of the univerwdly known Hotel Cecil, in the Strand winch was recently sold to nuiko way for mammoth office building. Two hundred men are being employed to carry out the task in seventeen weeks,
      .—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 45 24 —Reuter. Machine Struck By Lightning. Chicago, Aug. 10. A sight-seeing aeroplane, apparently struck by lightning, crashed through the thin metal roof of a huge gasometer on the west side of Chicago. The pilot and two women passengers were killed. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 167 24 —British Wireless. Minimising Collision Risks Around London. Rugby, Aug. 11. Owing to the large number of aerodromes which now exist west of London and the consequent large amount of air traffic, the Air Ministry has introduced an experimental “one way” system, similar to that adopted in
      —British Wireless.  -  167 words
    • 375 24 Reuter. Yacht Squadron enclosure.—British Wireless. —Aneta. Havana, Aug. 7. Scores of Communists have been arrested following the discovery of a plot to overthrow the Government.—Reuter. San Francisco, Aug. 7. The Federal Reserve Bank has reduced the rediscount late to 3per cent.— Reuter. Roubaix, Aug. 6. It
      Reuter.; Yacht Squadron enclosure.—British Wireless.; —Aneta.  -  375 words
    • 195 24 —Reuter. Labour Warfare. KENTUCKY STRIKE TROUBLES. New York, Aug. u. Providence, the coal-mining district of Kentucky, which has been torn by labour troubles for months, was thrown into an uproar at six o’clock in the morning, when the miners were going to work, by an aeroplane
      .—Reuter.  -  195 words
    • 276 24 Sin Kuo Min. Central Executive Issues A Statement. Shanghai, Aug. 11. The Kuomintang Central Executive Committee today sanctioned the publication of a declaration, which runs into -.000 words, explaining fully the Kuomintang Party’s policy and present position. The action taken by Mr. Wang Chingwei. the leader of the
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  276 words
    • 65 24 —Reuter. Response Greatly Exceeds Expectations. Simla, Aug. 8. The response to the Government six pe r cent, unlimited loan issued at par has exceeded all expectations. This is regarded as an indication that Congress propaganda and boycotts havo not affected credit. The sum of Rs. 29,50,00,000 was subscribed.
      .—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 56 24 Reuter. Uzbekistan Capital Transferred. Moscow, Aug. The central committee of the Communist party of the Soviet Republic of Usbekistan has decided to transfer the capital of Usbekistan from Samarcand to Tashken.—Reuter. Usbekistan is a Province inhabited by the Usbeks, a Turko-Tartaric people who consitute the most important element
      — Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 1671 25 —British Wireless. ,—Reuter. Afridi Raiding Party Repulsed. R.A.F. ACTIVITY. Revolutionary Agents’ Propaganda. Rugby, Aug. 7. After repeated warnings, in certain Strict* of Peshawar, a hostile body of \fridi tribesmen have been bombed by i’oval Air Force machines stationed on the North-West Frontier. The tribesmen ,vere stirred up
      —British Wireless.; ,—Reuter.  -  1,671 words
    • 149 25 —Reuter. Reported Fate of U.S. Missionary. London, Aug. 10. The Sunday Times, in a leading article says that obviously while China is reverting to chaos it is not a time to discuss giving up the remaining British concessions or extra-territoriality in China, but when China regains a
      —Reuter.  -  149 words
    • 70 25 ,—Reuter. Twelve Conspirators Sentenced To Death. Paris, Aug. 9. It is reported from Hanoi that the special tribunal dealing with the charges arising out of the recent Communist riots in Indo-China sentenced to death 12 persons accused of murder or conspiracy to murder. Deportation was ordered in the
      ,—Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 41 25 Iteutor. Violent Shock but Little Damage. Almeria, Aug. 7. A violent earthquake occurred at Albox, in Almeria Province, but only houses were damaged. No casualties were reported.— Reuter. Almeria is in Andalusia on the border of the Mediterranean.
      Iteutor.  -  41 words
    • 473 25 —Reuter. Much Privation. THE GREAT DROUGHT i IN U.S.A. Washington, Aug. 9. President Hoover states that the preliminary reports show that approximately 1,000,000 families, or 12 per cent, of the entire population of the United States of America, have been affected by the drought. The Red Cross
      —Reuter.  -  473 words
    • 65 25 —Reuter. Mr. R. D. Bennett to Hold Three Portfolios. Ottawa, Aug. 8. Mr. R. D. Bennett, the Conservative leader, has formed a Cabinet. He will be Premier, Minister of Finance and Minister of External Affairs. —Reuter. It will be recalled that the position of the parties, following receipt
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 77 25 the stamp revenue collector. —Sin Kuo Min. Kwangtung Central Bank’s Future. Hon*: Kong, Aug. 8. Mr. Fan Ki-wu has consulted with Mr. T. V. Soong, the Finance Minister to the Nanking Government, and, as a result, it has been decided that the Kwangtung Central Hank shall become
      the stamp revenue collector.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  77 words
    • 387 26 —Reuter. Disquieting News From The Frontiers. PARTY RIVALRY: The Position of Mustafa Kemal. Constantinople, Aug. 10. Big political changes are impending. Fethi Bey, while here on leave, resigned the Ambassadorship in Paris in order to form a new political party, the main purpose of which will
      —Reuter.  -  387 words
    • 149 26 —British Wireless. Special Exhibition In South America. Rugby, Aug. (5. The Brazilian Ambassador in London has received a message expressing, on behalf of the Brazilian President and Minister for Foreign Affairs, their pleasure at the proposed visit of the Prince of Wales r»ext year. The message states that
      —British Wireless.  -  149 words
    • 42 26 —Reuter. Final Session Proceedings Private Throughout. London, Aug. 10. The Lambeth Conference, the proceedings at which have been throughout private, held a final session yesterday. An Encyclical Letter, containing the &gt;©solutions adopted, is expected to be published on Aug 15.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  42 words
    • 168 26 ENORMOU S DAMAGE BY FLOODS. .—Reuter. Devastated Region From Tientsin to Mukden. Tientsin, Aug. 11. Floods have been devastating the region between Tientsin and Mukden during the past week. Washaways have occurred at numerous points on the Peking-Mukden railway f itation platforms have been swept away and several bridges have
      .—Reuter.  -  168 words
    • 111 26 —Reuter. tomorrow evening, Canadian time.— British Wirelpsa. Broadcast of Telephone Conversations. Ottawa, Aug. 11. Thousands of people watched the R100 encircle the capital several times. The Prime Minister, Mr. Bennett, and the Mayor of Ottawa, conversed with the airship’s officers by wireless telephone. St. Hubert, Aug. 11.
      .—Reuter.; tomorrow evening, Canadian time.— British Wirelpsa.  -  111 words
    • 110 26 face of terrible privations.—British Wireless. Death of Capt. Foster Of The Trevissa. Rugby, Aug. 9. A tragic and heroic story of the sea is recalled by the death yesterday of Capt. Cecil Foster, who was master of the s.s. Trevissa, which foundered seven years ago in
      face of terrible privations.—British Wireless.  -  110 words
    • 94 26 .—Reuter. M. Briand Preparing Fresh Scheme. Paris, Aug. 7. According to the newspapers M. Briand is prepairing a fresh note on his scheme for a European Federations The replies received to his original suggestion show that the European nations differ on such matters as relations with the Soviets,
      .—Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 54 26 Reduction from Australia Urged. (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Aug. 12. The Times’ Sydney correspondent state? that Mr. Parker Moloney, the Australian Minister for Markets and Transport, in the course of a conference with shipping representatives, laid stress on the importance rf Eastern markets. He urged the reduction
      54 words
    • 124 26 —Sin Kuo Min. 70 Passengers Killed Or Drowned. Hong Kong, Aug. 12. The Canton-Kongmoo'i-Wingsang passenger l&gt;oat was raided by bandits neai Chanchucn on the night of August 11. About 70 of the passengers were either killed or drowned and many more wero wounded. —Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  124 words
    • 237 26 —Router. —Aneta. Worst Conditions in Cuba For Six Years. New York, Aug. 8. It is announced on Wall Street that the Canadian bankers and the sugar producers are jointly nominating a committee to help the sugar industry. The announcement followed a meeting of the representatives of the Chase
      —Router.; —Aneta.  -  237 words
    • 85 26 .—Reuter. Cavalry Charge on Riotous Mob. Paris, Aug. 7. More violent disturbances in tbs Roubaix and Tourcoing district reached a climax in a cavalry charge by Belgian gendarmerie. The strikers had held a mass meeting at Mcnin and greeted the arrival of the police with volleys of stones
      .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 89 26 —British Wireless. Many Pleasant Memories Of London. Rugby, Aug. 12. King Feisal of Iraq, on leaving England, has addressed a telegram to Mr. Ramsay MacDonald expressing to the British Government his most sincere thanks for the hospitality which he enjoyed during his stay in London, of which he
      —British Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 38 26 —Router. Representations by American Consul-General. Washington, Aug. 12. The American Consul-General at Canton has informed the State Department that the American Bishop J. A. O’Shea, of the Catholic Mission at Kanchow, is in imminent danger.—Reuter.
      —Router.  -  38 words
    • 486 26 .—Reuter. Resignations Withdrawn. THE NEHRUS VISITING GANDHI. Ootacamund, Aug. 7. A Madras Government communique states that fi07 persons in the Madras Presidency who were charged or convicted in connection with the civil disobedience movement have been released after under, taking to refrain from further civil disobedience activities.
      .—Reuter.  -  486 words
    • 98 26 —Reuter. Many Fatalities Reported In Mesopotamia. Basra, Aug. 10Mesopotamia claims to be the hottest place on earth at present. The maximum shade temperature last week wa3 130 degrees Fahrenheit. Fifty-seven cases of heat-stroke have been reported here and the deaths include those of two members of the
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 1767 27 —Reuter. A Brilliant Career. ll VTTLE OF LE CATEAU RECALLED. London, Aug. 12. neral Sir Horace Smith-Dorrien has V i n hospital from the injuries he received in a motor-car accident at Chipin which the General was a nger W as involved in collision with invill
      .—Reuter.  -  1,767 words
    • 123 27 ,—Reuter. Not to Cause Increase In Price. Berlin, Aug. 12. The agreement between the represeatatives of the European synthetic nitrate industries and the* Chilean industry will last provisionally for a year, during which negotiations will be continued with a view to prolonging the contract. The agreement provides for
      ,—Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 144 27 .—Router. Success of “Pilots’ Assisters.” London, Aug. 12. The last word in aircraft development, pilots’ assisters,” will be used during the 1930 air exercises, which began today and which will last till five o’clock on Saturday morning next. It is claimed that aircraft fitted with assisters can be
      .—Router.  -  144 words
    • 97 27 —Reuter. Steps Taken to Annul Divorce. Bucharest, Aug. 12. The coronation ceremonies of King Carol and Queen Helen have been provi Tonally fixed for October, when it is expected* that the legal process annulhrg the divorce will be completed. The Minister of Justice is now studying the documents.
      —Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 38 27 —Reuter. Death of Famous American General. Washington, Aug. 12. The death has occurred of MajorGeneral Charles Thomas Menoher, who commanded the Rainbow Division in vranee and who was later head of the American Army Air Corps.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 70 27 British Wireless. New Member for Supply And Research. Rugby, Aug. 12. The Air Ministry announces that Air Vve-Marshul Dowding, now Air Officer Commanding the fighting area of the an leferce of Great Britain, has been appointed the member for Supply a n Research on Ihe Air Council, in
      . British Wireless.  -  70 words
    • 165 27 Reuter. Stock Exchange Adopts Recommendations. London, Aug. 12. As ji sequel to the Hatry frauds, the general purposes committee of the Stock Exchange has adopted certain recommendations made by a special sub-committee which are intended to prevent as far as possible future frauds of a similar chai
      Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 151 27 —Havas. Possibility of Reducing Charges. Paris, Aug. 12. M. Rambouillet, the Council Minister in charge of the Budget, has made a speech examining the conditions necessary for the maintenance of the Budget’s equilibrium. He stated that, between 192G and 1930, expenses have increased by 13,000,000,000 francs. He added
      —Havas.  -  151 words
    • 74 27 Reuter. Extra-Territoriality Discussions. Nanking, Aug. 12. It is reported that the British Government have indicated that they are agreeable to the draft proposals for the abolition of extra-territoriality which have been made y the Foreign Ministry and revised as .a re;ult of discussions between Dr. C. T.
      Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 40 27 —Reuter. Leader to Go on Lecture Tour In China. Brussels, Aug. 12. The Socialist leader, M. M. Vandorvelde, accompanied by his wife, is leaving for China on a lecturing tour. He was seen off by the Chinese Minister.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 54 27 —Reuter. British Cigarette Company Forced to Enclose. Tientsin, Aug. 12. Owing to the failure to reach agreement with the local tax bureau regarding the new 60 per cent, tobacco tax, the British Cigarette Company’s factories here will be completely closed down on Aug. 14, throwing 4,000 Chinese
      .—Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 49 27 Reuter. .Japan Seeking Trade in South Africa. Durban, An*. 12. Armed with Id tons of samples, including cotton and silk piece 'roods, '•lectrical apparatus, porce’ain go&gt;'!&gt;, itc., a .Japanese trade delegation has arrived vv"t}i the object of improving trade relations between Japan and South Africa.—
      Reuter.  -  49 words

    • 1632 28 A Thrilling Encounter. EUROPEANS FAIL *TO TAKE CHANCES. Chinese 2. S.C.C 1. The Chinese practically made certain (f the S.A.F.A. League championship when they defeated the S.C.C. by the odd goal in three at the Jalan Bcsar Stadium or. Aug. 7. Although when the game finished one
      1,632 words
    • 1255 28 Malays Narrowly Beaten. DOUR STRUGGLE AT JALAN BESAR. Chinese 2 Malays 1. After long periods of tremendous pressure by the Malays in the important S.A.F.A. League game on Sunday, the •.cores were one-al! a minute from the when Mun Fun raced down the ouch line
      1,255 words
    • 286 28 Positions of Clubs in Three Divisions. The following are the final positions of Clubs in the First Division of the S.A.F.A. league, and the present positions of teams in the Reserve and Second Divisions First Division. r. W. L. D. F. A. rts Chinese 16 14 1 1
      286 words
    • 42 28 Ladies’ Doubles Final At L«L»T«C« The final of the ladies’ doubles in the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club tournament was played on Aug. 12, and resulted in Mrs. Zylatra and Mrs. Warden beating Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Buchanan 3 —u&gt; 7—5, 6—4.
      42 words
    • 1264 29 Controversial Change. 11 PLAYERS INVITED FOR final test. V- forecasted by our own correspondent. j,. q Wyatt, the Warwickshire skipper, j tn&gt;cn selected to lead England in the Test match which starts at the (lOCHUiih w Oval on Saturday and will be played to n
      1,264 words
    • 131 29 Johore Easily Account For Malacca. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Aug. 9. In a Malaya Cup match at Muar today Johore easily defeated Malacca by 5 1. Neither side was at full strength, and the standard of football was low. Johore were much the better side, and deserved
      131 words
    • 78 29 Mi'Uter. New Record Made By Canadian. Toronto, Aug. 10. In the course of the&gt; Canadian track homnionshins, which this year form a preliminary to the British Empirei Games •It Hamilton, Percv Willioma, of \antouvcr. a former winner of the 100 yard •ind 200 yards at the Olympic Games,
      Mi'Uter.  -  78 words
    • 1116 29 Rain Spoils Match With Warwickshire. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 8. The bad weather continued at Birmingham today, and it was decided to abandon the match in which the Australian tourists were opposed to Warwickshire. Only about three hours’ play has been possible in this
      1,116 words
    • 259 29 Big Gathering for Radin Mas Meeting. A large gathering of parents and friends watched the Radin Mas School Sports. At the conclusion of the meeting Mrs. C. G. Coleman presented the prizes. The results were as follows 75 yards (C). —1. Taib bin Awang 2. Hainidon bin Zain.
      259 words
    • 619 30 Lembergcr (’up Series. PUNAI HEADS B CLASS IN OPENING RACE. On Sunday last at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club the full “B” clas# fleet turned out to race the first of the series of three for the Lembergcr Cup and, in spite of a shortage of crews,
      619 words
    • 87 30 —Reuter. Champions Beaten by Boys In Their Teens. New York, Aug. 8. Francis Shields, of New York, who is 19 years of age, surprisingly defeated W. T. Tilden at the Meadowbrook invitation tournament. The match was in the qunrter finals, nnd Shields won 6—1, 2—6, 6—1. Sydney Wood,
      —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 314 30 Call of Time Saves Club From Defeat. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 9. The cricket match on the Padang today between the Selangor Club and the Y.M.C’.A. ended in exciting fashion the latter team being robbed of a win by the clock. Heavy rain delayed
      314 words
    • 73 30 SCOTTISH FOOTB ALL. EmpText Promoted Clubs Fail To Impress. London, Aug. 9. The Scottish F. A. League programme was started today when the First Division matches resulted as follows: Ai.drieoninns 1 Queen's Park Ayr United 2 Morton f Celtic 3 Kilmarnock I Ccw.'cnbeath 1 Rangers Dundee 2 Clyde j Htnrlf
      EmpText  -  73 words
    • 41 30 ’{outer. Notable Failures in Professional Championship. New York, Aug. 8. Walter Hagen failed to qualify in the final stages of the United States profeslonal championship. Other failures included Jim Barnes, Wi lie Macfarlane 00 Turncsa and Bobby Cruiclcshanks.—
      ’{outer.  -  41 words
    • 39 30 CURNER—(By cable) Aug. 10, j 93 0, al Coul burn, N S. W. the wife of C. H. Gurner of Labis, Johore, of kon. ILVINF,. At Tampin, on August 10, to Mr. and Mm. Robert Irvine, a son.
      39 words
    • 76 30 GOOCH—MOSSOP.—On August 11, at St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, by the Rev. «b V. Westlake, Frank Crawford, son of I&lt; Gooch of Sydney and late of Rengam Estate, Johore, to Gwendoline Jean daughter of W. Mossop of Sydney. Sydney and New Zealand papers please copy WATSON -PARSONS.-At St. AaW. 1
      76 words
    • 420 30 Successful Athletic Sports Meeting. On the invitation of the Hon. Mr. Harold Fairburn, Inspector-General of Police, a large crowd of interested spectators attended at the Police Depot, Thomson Road, on Saturday afternoon, when the annual athletic sports were held. The Police Band nnd the Band
      420 words
    • 325 30 Keen Competition Between St. Andrew’s and Outram. A large crowd of boxing enthusiast was present at the Outram School on Au&lt;» 7 when an excellent programme of contests between boys of the Outram School and St. Andrew’s School was gone through. Some of the contestants weighed no more
      325 words
    • 849 30 Saigon Players in Form. WIN DOUBLES AGAINST JAPANESE. Considerably more than was expected was given to the spectators who gathered at the S. C. C. for the exhibition tennis on Aug. 6. Instead of each exhibition consisting of one set, there was tirst of all a
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 87 30 NOTICE communications for both the Straits lime* and the Straits Budget should bt addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. r he post frto price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $4H a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 21 30 DEATH QUER. Miss Quck M«y Kim Neo at 6 30 p.m. at the General Hospital on Wednesuay, August C. Deeply regretted.
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    • 134 1 General Rubber Situation ..1 London Rubber Stocks l The Singapore Auction 1 Ixmdon Rubber Market Bv, A. W. Still 1 Rubber Estate Wages 1 Groundless Rumours 2 Modern Dairying 4 Tin Returns 5 Rubber Returns 5 Interests Abroad 6 Cable NewsTen Months Work in a Year 1 Whole Industry
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    • 75 1 Reuter. Mr. Henry Ford’s New Scheme. Windsor, Ontario, Aug. 10. To an eight-hour day and a five-day w»ek. Mr. Henry Ford is considering adding a ten-month year. Mr. Ford told an interviewer that in Tiler to enable workmen in the motor industry to have
      Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 58 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices r A_ d. I'rttc I.Mon S’poro Aug. Sept. Oct. Aug. 0.16 l 0.164 0.16-% 0.17 1 0.16 1 4 0.16 l 4 0.16*4 0.17 ‘&gt;1 1*! 0.16*4 0.16*4 0.16** 0.17 11 0.16*, 0.16*, 0.164 0.16*i 1- 0.154 0.15 4
      58 words
    • 149 1 the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Ki'liber Association held its 980th auction on 1 b when there was catalogued 1,758,95** 111 nr 185.25 tons offered 1,468,460 lb. or tons sold 1,240,622 lb. or 553.85 tons. Spot. London 4 11-16d. x *w York 9% cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
      149 words
    • 1253 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.1 London, July 16. One or two outstanding facts may be noted. The price of rubber has touched a new low record at 5 9/16d. No further announcement has yet
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.1  -  1,253 words
    • 39 1 (From Our Own Correspondent). London, Aug. 12. Tho Times ascribes the new low rubber record to the increased July output. It says the directors are faeed by a very difficult position and the outlook is very unfavourable.
      39 words
    • 197 1 Ileuter. Concern of American Traders. PRODUCERS’ LOSSES. World Can Pay a Fair Price.” New York, Aug. 13. In view of the strong American opposition to rubber restriction schemes in the past, interest attaches to an interview with Mr. F. R. Henderson, president of the Now York Rubber
      Ileuter.  -  197 words
    • 228 1 Reductions in Province Wellesley. It is notilicMl that the rates payable to Indian labourers on estates in Province Wellesley have been fixed by the Indian Immigration Committee at 40 cents for males and .‘52 eents for females. These rates, which have been approved ly the Governor, will
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    • 38 1 A cabin received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondent states that rubber stocks show a decrease of 7ft tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 10H,7ftN toiio.
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    • 67 2 (The Straits Times is r,»l responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. pendents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Lon* epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily Tor publication but ns
      67 words
    • 210 2 THE FATHER OF RESTRICTION.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. “Get together.” your correspondent says in the S.T. of Aug. 2. Exactly Get together, all y&lt;&gt;u who are load rs of associations, etc. Surely the time is ripe for some scheme to materialise and once the industry can
      210 words
    • 1963 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The entire world is passing through a very bad time, and during the last few* months enormous ruins have accumulated everywhere owing to the fast dropping prices of most commodities. This situation is not so abnormal as many may think
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    • 192 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With more estates closing down in Singapore, might I suggest that a lot could be done with poultry, which do remarkably well under the shade of rubber, with plenty of run for the fowls. There is a good
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    • 793 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I observe that in all the discussions about restriction it is assumed that we cannot do anything without Dutch (Government) assistance. But what if as seems most probable, the Dutch Government refuses to assist Are we then to sit down and
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    • 68 2 No Truth in Story of 11 Estates Closing Down. A rumour was current round the Singapore market on Aug. 8 that the Kuala Lumpur office of Messre. Barlow and had received instructions from London to close down eleven estates under their agency. Inquiries made by a Straits Times
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    • 41 2 Barlow and Co.’s report on the copra market states: The market has been ouster and prices show a drop of 35 cents on the week. Approximately 1,055 tons wore shipped. Closing quotations were: Sundric 1 S 710; Mixed $0.05.
      41 words
    • 4319 3 PLANTERS’ MEETING. Increased Working Hours Demanded. per cent, wage cut FOR SERVANTS. j,- r0 m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Aug. 6. largely attended special meeting of Negri Sembilan Planters’ Association as held at the Sungei Ujong Club. Scrcmhan, today, Mr. D. Farquharson rt S4
      4,319 words
    • 580 4 Amazing Progress of N.Z. Co-operative Co. Amazing figures are disclosed by the latest return* in coorwection with the dairying industry in Waikato, New Zealand. These show that the production of one company alone, the New ZeaJund Co-operative Dairy Company, ha* exceeded the total output of the whole of
      580 words
    • 230 4 Need for Conservation Of Resources. The four, h annual general meeting of Hnrewood Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held oi July 16 at 111 419, Salisbury House, E.C. Mr H. F. Jackson (the chairman), who presided, said that the crop obtained atnoun.od to 446,(580 or 22.000 lb. less than
      230 words
    • 576 4 No Sign of An Early Improvement. Guthrie and (’o.’s report of Aug. 8 states There is still an absence of any sign of an early improvement in the market, but possibly a continuance of the present unprofitable level of prices will have the effect of stopping production by
      576 words
    • 227 4 Chairman and Producers’ One-sided Policy. Tho annual general meeting of the Sunge Gettuh Rubber Estates was held on July 12 a Salisbury House, E.C. Mr. P. J. Burgess (the chairman), who presided, said that the profit for the year umounted to £4,510, but in view of the low
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    • 32 4 kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., advise that two dredges were stopped for the whole month and one dredge for part of the month. conform to the T.P.A. policy of output restriction.
      32 words
    • 696 4 Malayan and General Trust, Ltd. The fourth ordinary general meeting r the Mulavan and General Trust Ltd B held on July 10. at River Plate House bury Circus, E.C. nns Lord Ampthill (chairman of the oompanvl said that, after providing for interest V mini sit
      696 words
    • 210 4 A Vital Industry At Stake. Mr. R. F. McNair Scott, presiding on 12 at the general meeting of the Kiv (Java) Rubber Es.ates, said that the ou.r*u of rubber for the past year, 1,002,020 was a record crop for the company, and t»t estimated ou.put for the
      210 words
    • 1158 5 Sir Robert Hutchison’s Views on Restriction. The seventh annual ordinary general meetin- of East Asiatic Rubber Estates, Ltd., was ludd on July 12, at Winchester House, Old Ur.»ud Street K.C. .Valor-General Sir Robert Hutchison, K C..M.G, U.B., D.S.O., M.P. (the chairman ,t ihe company), said: Gentlemen,
      1,158 words
    • 457 5 yards' 8 Ti DredKin 2 200 piculs, 526,000 pic S Z h MI" S 0 Ti Kuchni Tin Dredging—476 hours, 15 mins., 1.1. A. restriction scheme 64 hours, time lost f° U 8 n 4 fl 5 ~,,n I s average digging depth 51 6 Piculs, 78,000 yards.
      457 words
    • 382 5 No Help from Government Expected. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Aug. 4. That support of the Dutch Ea3t Indian Government in the present plight of rubber producers can hardly be expected is a well-known fact. The market has shown itself very sceptical as to the willingness
      382 words
    • 205 5 RETURN OF COLONY DEALERS’ STOCKS AS AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JULY 31, 1930, AS DECLARED. Dry. Wot. Total. Total all grades in dry rubber Scrap and as estimated R.S.S. Crepe U.S.S. Lump Dry. Wet. by dealers. (1 (2) (8) (4) (6) (6) (7) (8) Tons Tons. Tons.
      205 words
    • 469 5 Anglu-Johore Consolidated.—37,000 lb. Ayer Kuning.— 101,500 lb. Alor Gajah.— 21,050 lb. Ayer Punas.—75,000 lb. Australasia.- 27.400 lb. Auglo-Sumaira. 57,278 lb. Asnhan. 83,620 lb. Alor Pongau.— 30.060 lb. Ayer Kuning.—13.759 lb. Hukit l’ulong Syndicate.— 24,700 lb. Hudek. 44,900 lb. IJradAll.— 55,800 lb. Benta. —66,695 lb. liukit Jelotong. —15,022 lb.
      469 words
    • 63 5 The directors of the Majedie fjohore) Rubber Estates announce, says the Financial News, that in view of the present price of rubber they hive decided, in the best interests of shareholders, to suspend tapping operation as soon as practicable, and to conserve bark and cush resources until
      63 words
      • 684 6 Abaco (£li 4; Allugar (2/1 1/74; AngloMalay (il) 9 16; Ayer Kuning (£1) Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/9; Bakap (£1) 4; Banting (£1) 4; Batang Consolidated (2/) 1 llatu Caves (£1) 11/16; Batu Tiga (ill I; Bekoh (2 1 Btranuag (2/) 1 ,i; Met tarn Consolidated
        684 words
      • 707 6 Closing Prices Capitnl Issue Fraser Lyall A Paid l T p Value Dividends Company A Co. Evatt. 3X9,293 1 5 p.c. for year 28-2-30 Aiienby tsl&gt; 0.95 1.10 1.10 1.30 216,779 174 pc. year 30-9-29 Alor Cajah ($1) 0.93 1.10 1.10 1.20 435,425 1
        707 words
    • 247 6 U.S. Utility Extends To France. The extension of its European interests to France through the acquisition of approximately one-third interest in I,’ Unicn hlcctriquc Ruralc, one of the most important French public utility systems is announced by the Public Utility Holding Corporation of America, the international utility concern
      247 words
    • 402 6 Business Practically At Standstill. 1 Fraser and Co.’s report of Aug. 12 states Unsettled conditions have prevailed in ihe local share market during the week and busi- mss has in consequence been practically at a standstill since we last reported. Rubber continues to fall away almost daily in
      402 words
    • 151 6 The ninety-sixth ordinary general meeting of the East rn Extension. Australasia and China Telegraph Company, Ltd., was held on July 14, at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, W.C. Mr. J. C. Denison-Pender (the chairman) •aid that in accordance with the terms of transfer off**red to the holders
      151 words
    • 152 6 EXCHANGE. Singapore, Aug. 13. On London, Bank 4 m/s 9 Demand 2 3 Private 3 m. credit 2 3 On New York, demand Private 90 d/s On France, Bank T.T. On India, Bank T.T. Ui 155 tin Hong Kong, Bank T.T. On Shanghai, Bank T.T. j On
      152 words
    • 812 6 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Aug. 13. MINING. Isaue Pd- Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 26 9 27 6 5 -5 Ayer Hitam Tin 8 3 9 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 13/9 14. 6 1 1 Batang Padang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Batu Caves 0.55 0.60
      812 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 329 7 A’'. JI t 1 1 m. T- 3SI Malayan Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service after purchase. We welcome an inspection of our spare parts before any intending buyer commits himself to purchase. p Agents for CARS ROLLS-ROYCB MORRIS ARMSTRONG-SIDDELBY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 883 8 May we introduce to you THE ELECTRIC STARTING OUTBOARD MOTOR? OUST PRESS THE STARTING SWITCH AND THE MOTOR STARTS UP IMMEDIATELY. Just like your car, it needs no cranking When motor is running the dynamo charges the battery and this enables ypu to use lights in your boat in the
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