The Straits Budget, 24 July 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget 3.78* BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1930. Pr ce 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7»i
    29 words
  • 335 1 Eiders- 9 Pa e Knmatfvv or Hostility J Rbour *nd the Colonies 2 ■The Situation is Being WaLhed Kysterv of Dr. Wang ■L TVn Outlook ■wil/vlling Prices ■ccasional Notes Emms. Reuter and Special—■Lring Fast Week’s News 23-28 Retailing Tin Production 2 ■lures■t.S.Y.C. Regatta f' Eullerton Building Erof. E. Gillett
    335 words
  • 1818 1 died u,’ *u Eberts, Delta, Pussellawa, on J u n n <*neral Hospital, Colombo, t°iili t,i' ‘"‘Owing an accident which ago. m n estate about six weeks cycle alnnJ' Krts was »'id\ng his motor Machine ostato road when the Pitohinj, l- over a muddy patch, fracture* 7
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  • 290 2 State of Uncertainty Continues. T.P.A. PROPOSALS. Ninety-four Companies Agree. London, July 21. The Tin Producers’ Association announces that so far assents to bhe restriction proposals have lieen received from 94 companies operating in British territory and Siam. Most of the assent3 relate to the two months suspension
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  • 277 2 Sale in Memorial Hall. The St. Andrew’s Cathedral Fete each year makes its entrance upon the stage of local functions that serve the double purpose of also supplying a charitable need. On Tuesday, in asking Mrs. Pritchard, the wife of the General Officer Commanding, to declare it open,
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  • 267 2 Hylam Communists Caught. A sequel to the recent seizure of sedili,.u documents relating to the AntiImperialist League and the Malayan Labour Union was heard in the Singapore Criminal District Court <>n July 1 > befoie Mr. <’. Wilson, when three Hylams were charged with being in
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  • 121 2 Attorney-General From Fiji Coming. The Secretary of State for the Colonies has appointed Mr. P. A. McElwaine, Deputy Public Prosecutor for Singapore. It is expected that Mr. McElwaine will e rive in Singapore about November. He i. on leave at present from the Fiji l- s hi ds
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  • 122 2 Rescue Man from Crocodile Infested River. (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, July 18. A young Chinese named Yap Ah Seng, an unemployed tin mine coolie from Kuala Lumpui, jumped into the Klang river from Belfield bridge. No one made any attempt to rescue him until Mr. Quay Pin
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  • 149 2 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended July 12, gives the total number of deaths as male 217, and female 01. This represents a death rate of 32.30 per mille, per annum, compared with *15.1)7 in the preceding week and 32.00 in the corresponding week of
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  • 167 2 New Relief Fund Absorbs 200 Men. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 21. About 200 hinese labourers presented themselves at the Selangor Chinese Miners’ Hall this morning to apply for admission to the unemployed camp, a: t r .e atonese cemetery, which is being started under
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  • 141 2 Work for Tappers During The Afternoon. At a general meeting of the Muar Planters’ Association, held in Muar, with Mr. G. D. A. Fraser presiding and nineteen members present, the chairman said the meeting had been called to investigate ways and means for the more economical working of
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  • 357 2 Supply of Gas to St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. The following decisions were made by committee Xo. 5, of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners on July 15 Disapproved of reducing the rate for supply of gas to St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital, but, in view of the valuable oublic work performed,
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  • 196 2 Malayan Labour U ni J Circular Letter. A copy of a circular lett.-r u-k: l na‘ed from the Malayan GenemM W Union, a local Communist or i La M and dated July 10, 1930 ♦J'Satiofiexhibit produced by Chief InsnJoM thivi Chand, of the Special’m r M
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  • 229 2 Homicide Charge Whichl Failed. I Xg Tay Hong, the Chinese who wi<l charged with culpable homicide nrl amounting to murder, in consequence rfl a fatal wound he w*as alleged to have n I dieted on one of two brothers whom 11 tried to stop from fighting, elect'd
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  • 97 2 Immigration Committee Meeting Fixed for July 31It is notified that the meeting of Indian Immigration Committee to nx standard wages payable to Indian a ers in Province Wellesley, SelaiJP; Raub, Pahang, Kelantan, etc., ba? adjourned to July 31, and will be he. 1 the government offices, Kuala LtirnP
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  • 102 2 The Governor Returns To Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sir Cecil and Lady Clementi re this evening in the Kedah for 1 xj;*;* ExAccompanied by the Resident, celleney visited the Po Leung hi v3 in the morning where Lady nlt i s jlvef presented with a
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1170 3 Straits Times, July 17. L, har d Winters, wet summers and I Tax demand notes, schemes for the rubber industry on its feet lire come in cycles. After a period l mnarative calm, the storm has |pn ut anew and for several days past If" compelled to
      Straits Times, July 17.  -  1,170 words
    • 1140 3 LABOUR THE COLONIES. State for the Colonics. Straits Times, July 18. As graceful a tribute as any Civil Servant could desire was paid by Dr. Drummond Shiels, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Colonies, in an address before the Colonial Office Conference. While emphasising that the present Government has its own
      State for the Colonics. Straits Times, July 18.  -  1,140 words
    • 998 3 -Straits Times, July 19. The Malayan Governments are not satisfied that there is any special need at present for the creation of a special department to deal with unemployment The general position in Malaya, however, is being very carefully watched by the Governments of the
      -Straits Times, July 19.  -  998 words
    • 1129 3 —Straits Times, July 21 The announcement that, according to Japanese reports, Dr Wang Ching-wei is on his way to Tientsin to throw in his lot with the Northern Allies is one of the most significant items of news which has been received from China for many
      —Straits Times, July 21  -  1,129 words
    • 1116 4 —Straits Times, July 22. After a delay which had caused considerable uneasiness among its most ardent supporters, the lin Producers’ Association has announced that so far its restriction proposals nave been accepted by 94 companies operating in British territory and Siam. The words so far preclude the
      —Straits Times, July 22.  -  1,116 words
    • 1098 4 Straits Times, July 23. A measure which savours more of Socialism in our time than anything hitherto introduced into the House of Commons by the Labour Government is likely to pass its third reading during the present session. The Bill, known as the Consumers’ Council Bill, is designed
      Straits Times, July 23.  -  1,098 words

  • 68 4 Motor Cycle Runs Off And Hits Pitch* (From Our Own Corresp" ni Ipoh, Jul> In While travelling to m from Taiping two k UM ’j «cr^ Broad bent ami Me Good. on injured when the r( »ad they were riding ran on ditch. u n Br° j
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    • 138 5 ■Straits Times. July 17 migration statistics for ■V V June show that arrivals B m nU ni inued to exceed departures slum,, and the hundreds ii labcurers seeking repatna- VO, V of Chinese numbered Hr. An of 11,056 men, 3,468 H- sl, *'Bs7 children. Departure? H
      ■Straits Times. July 17  -  138 words
    • 231 5 -Straits Times. July 17. a iourney in a small motor-boat from J p0 r, to Culion, the leper colony in i Philippines is something of an advenJ at the best of times. At this season the vear it might be described as doiis Nevertheless, it is being tempted
      -Straits Times. July 17.  -  231 words
    • 475 5 hard t i, nuisance J, i]v 17. Hst flays.—Straits Times. luaJu:? pick up the Malayan Police lagazine certain of finding at least one [>.ising tale of adventure. They have a ne example in the July issue in 44 The ingapoie (Jar.', 1922,” which has enough indent in
      . : hard ti, . nuisance J,i]v 17. ‘ Hst* flays.—Straits Times.  -  475 words
    • 195 5 outside, let us versify !—Straits Times, July 18. n Literary Page ,,r u-ii»in„ a c °mpetition in the '(‘I'sto „i ti erse It should r,at Pieces set for trans- la tion will be neithtr of an involved nor of a difficult type except in so far as simple
      outside, let us versify !—Straits Times, July 18.  -  195 words
    • 355 5 -Straits Times, July 18. Though an intensive campaign is continually being waged by railway and steamship companies, and other interested parties, exhorting the Briton and the foreigner to See Britain First,” hoping that he will spend his money sporting with Dora rather than some 44 Continental Coquette,”
      -Straits Times, July 18.  -  355 words
    • 168 5 law cannot he increased.—Straits Times, July 18. Poison as a means of execution of criminals is apparently not the prerogative of the U.S.A. Recently a gambler was put to death in Carson City, Nevada, by poison gas being pumped into his specially orepared cell. He amused
      law cannot he increased.—Straits Times, July 18.  -  168 words
    • 202 5 it. —Straits Times, July 11>. A recent cable announced that the ommittee to negotiate with the Soviet representatives on British claims for payment of debts and Russian counter-claims has at last been formed, giving a if learn of hope to those unfortunate hut still hopeful people, the holders
      it.—Straits Times, July 11>.  -  202 words
    • 239 5 Straits Times, July 19. In these days, when the good oldfashioned mother-in-law stories have given place to allegedly humorous anecdotes on the subject of golf widows,” it is refreshing to hear someone expounding the other side of the case. The danger about humorous papers is that women—particularly
      Straits Times, July 19.  -  239 words
    • 304 5 -Straits Times, July 11*. By your postage stamps will they judge you is a motto which might be taken to heart by British Colonies. Is it not a fact that, more often than not, a child’s first impressions of a British Colony or of a foreign
      -Straits Times, July 11*.  -  304 words
    • 176 5 —Straits Times, July 21. The R. A. F. Pageant at Hendon is one of the most popular events of the London season. Although an institution of very recent years it has a huge following and n »ver fails to come up to expectations. This year the R.A.F. gave
      —Straits Times, July 21.  -  176 words
    • 175 5 —Straits Times* July 21. Another American newspaper story which will no doubt evoke the usual prompt denial is this one about the British Government wishing to buy Greenland from Denmark. According to a report from Washington l such a scheme is bring planned in order to facilitate the working
      —Straits Times* July 21.  -  175 words
    • 323 5 Straits Times, July 21. Still they come. Miss Winifred Brown won the King's Cup air race. Now Mis 9 Marjorie Foster, not content with achieving the distinction of being the first woman to get into the final hundred for the King's Prize at Bisley, proceeds to win the
      Straits Times, July 21.  -  323 words
    • 183 5 Straits Times, July 22. A few days ago a note appeared in this column concerning the tiger on the F.M.S. stamps. In this connection readers may be interested to know that a display of postage stamps, bearing pictures of beasts and birds, has been arranged in the
      Straits Times, July 22.  -  183 words
    • 353 5 y<*ai*H hro by Majur N&- '{’lair.—Hvraits Time a, July 22 When Efrem Zimbalist, one of the great violinists of the world, pays another visit to Singapore next month, he will play, not in the Victoria Theatre, as has been the custom hitherto, but in the adjoining building,
      y<*ai*H hro by Majur N&- '{’lair.—Hvraits Time a, July 22  -  353 words
    • 210 6 Straits Times, July 22. With so much money bcirv spent on the Memorial Hall, it is obvioui that this institution find its neighbour, the Victoria Theatre, will continue to exist for a good many more years. It has liven suggested —and the suggestion j* one with whirti
      Straits Times, July 22.  -  210 words
    • 201 6 are n*ptiMish&lt; todnv on Pngo l. r &gt;.— Straits Times, July 2fl, Where are the Latinists We know there are several classical scholars in Singapore and it was at the suggestion of one of them that we devised the competition in which a prize is offered for the
      are n*ptiMish< todnv on Pngo l.r>.— Straits Times, July 2fl,  -  201 words
    • 217 6 END OF THE DROUGHT —Straits Times, July 23. There has been a “drought” in Singapore. Old inhabitants scanned the skies anxiously, and assured each other that they had never known such a dry July. The heat seemed more than usually oppressive. But there was one section of the community which
      —Straits Times, July 23.  -  217 words
    • 341 6 CHANG HSUEH-LIANG'S HAVEN Straits Times, July 23. Peitaho, the summer resort of North China, has been very much “in the news” lately for the simple reason that Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang, who is continually followed wherever he goes by deputations from Peking and Nanking, has been spending a good deal of
      Straits Times, July 23.  -  341 words

  • 614 6 Special Report to High Commissioner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 22. The special meeting of the Indian Im- migration Committee on July 16, to prescribe standard rate* of wages payable 11 so all Indian labourers throughout the districts of Klang, Kuala Selangor, and Kuala Langat (Selangor),
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  • 1416 6 ‘Preposterous Proposition.’ MR. JUSTICE STEVENS’ CRITICISMS. Mr. Justice Stevens on July 22 reserved judgment in the suit brought by Mr. H. 11. Willies, formerly managing director of the Adelphi Hotel, Ltd. in the Supreme ourt against the present owners for $22,000. Mr. M. C. Johannes, with Mr.
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  • 104 6 $2,945,359 Spent During Last 13 Years. Since 1917 the expenditure on Hill development has been $2,94.»,«k'*&lt;■ cording to the annual report of the Works Department of the F.M.S. Of this sum development account ‘‘‘t $2,065,857, Red Cross Funds for and maintenance $679,515. cnl A rest-house was
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  • 1345 7 Fierce Struggle. omrI) ROBBERS RAID lK SHOP. ite of a revolver bullet fired at n rHn r( by a detective passing right h his chest, a Chinese who was tushet l by a police party in Ceylon KaU n g, evaded capture, ran a lfl 0
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  • 202 7 Gaming Charge Against Chinese Dismissed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 21. There was a sequel to a police raid on a Chinese Club in Tapah today when 24 Chinese were charged with gaming and four of them, including the treasurer, were •barged in addition with assisting
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  • 375 7 Condemnation by Chinese Doctor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, July 22. Speaking before the Klang and Coast Rotary Club on the subject of “Opium Suppression in Malaya,” Dr. M. Y. Lum strongly criticised the action taken by the Governments of the F.M.S. and the S.S* He pointed
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  • 146 7 Alleged to Have Forged Tote Ticket. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 21. Yong Ilian Khai, a member of the Perak Turf Club, was committed to the assizes today with bail of $500, on a chaige of forgery. It was stated that on the second day of
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  • 137 7 Chinese Owners to Meet In Singapore. A meeting of Chinese rubber estate owners and merchants of Singapore and Johore will be hold at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Singapore, on Wednesday, July 30, at 3 p.m. to consider the following resolutions That Govcrnmert he asked to pass legislation
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  • 309 7 Cases Which Distort Court List. “I must observe that these cases ought not to be allowed to distort the list of the court,” said Mr. Justice Stevens when dismissing a claim by Ngauw Kwango Kheon against Shiek Amir bin Badar, a pilgrim broker, and his wife, Lainah binte
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  • 371 7 Toy Pistol and Daggers For Son’s Marriage. India is still British,” said Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge in reply to Chief Court Inspector Meredith's comment, “They are not in India now. They are in a British Colony.’*’ This passage occurred on Tuesday during
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  • 2025 8 Parties Fail to Agree. APPEAL IN PASS. COURT CONTINUES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jiny 21. After an adjournment rgge. ted by tfn Chief Justice in the I’.M.S. Court of Appeal in uni t to ••na’ i.* t!v parlies in the stadium dbpuC* to lome
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  • 208 8 Creditors Accept 8 Per Cent. Debentures. At a meeting of creditors held at the Adelphi Hotel on July 23 it was decided to carry on business. Mr. R. L. Hastie, one cf the committee appointed hy the creditors to investigate the position of the hotel, presided. The report
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  • 81 8 Nominated as Member Of Federal Council. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 19. Mr. San Ah Wing, J.P., managing director of the Kwong Yik Bank, Kuala Lumpur, has been nominated as a government member of the Federal Council in succession to Mr. Wong Yick Thong,
    81 words
  • 71 8 [The Straits Times is not rP c n the opinions of its coriespondo n t? f* aondents should bear in ninH CarT mu-t be short „„,t to th. d h I*s sin.tics are liable to be rev!, a** down. Correspondents must r «t r »auu*s and addresses. ~„t th*j,
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  • 114 8 To the Editor of the Straits 7j meB Sir,—l am not an habitual writer ti/a. newspapers, but in this instance I register a protest against the di nee £2 jr the electric gramophone that niv, ranglin Club every Saturday niU t f the ordinary way, most dances
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  • 219 8 To the Editor of the Straits Tinei Sir.—Your article White Australia,* (Straits Times, July 18), reports Mn. Mark Foy as having said: “Monty would pour into Australia if cheap labour could be had for plantations 1* a young country like Australia the dole .system is a disgrace. You
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  • 199 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— R r’erring to the purchase a®l holding of cotton by the Egyptian Go** eminent, it is hardly nece«sary to point out that this is no proof of the lailure at restriction of production. It is becoming more and more
    199 words
  • 76 8 30,000 Boys and Girls Useful Citizens. “It is, indeed, a wonderful record have worked for «7 years for t (ijr of the less fortunate young P*' &lt; V lc big towns, and during that tin M*,"Retrained nearly 30,090 boys and Lr r V sJ id come useful
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  • 4747 9 Asiatic Planters Want Legislation. SERIOUS SITUATION. “Any Scheme is Good With Government Aid.” (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 19. At the last annual meeting of the Asiati Planters’ Association of Malaya, held Lre on June 21, chief interest centred found a number of proposals
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  • 40 10 (From Our Own Correspond nt.) Malacca, July 21. It is rumoured that rubber estate owners in this district have petitioned Government to postpone payment of quit tent until after September, owing to th low price of rubber.
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  • 859 10 Asiatic Medical Officers Not Excluded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 18. Ti e Hor. the Acting Controller of Labour, Malaya, Mr. H. C. Bathurst. vt.C.S., presided at the meeting of trv. fm tial Health Board held on Tuesday. July K, at the office of the
    859 words
  • 542 10 The Parade Round Th* Padang. e \Ve give below the sixth of a articles by Selamat cn the \i n i. or bygone days. u a °f I remember the Baron d» r :o drove a large carriage r.nd horses, with a coachman and three v»,,
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  • 60 10 Offer for Their Property f rom Malayan Group. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July Thab Sakae Tin, Ltd., whk‘h recer went into voluntary liquidation, received an offer from a Malayan K‘ for their property, which, I under! 1 has been accepted subject to certain (1 The*
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  • 1270 11 Difficulty of Phrasing. tRlNKMANN CO.’s CLAIM IN SUPREME COURT. h0 mailing of the phrase “f.o.b., ality guaranteed at destination” was ll ‘V||, re( j by Mr. Justice Stevens in an JL, in the Supreme Court on July 16 in w ith a rubber contract in SS' Brinkmann
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  • 189 11 Alleged Chetty Bill Of Exchange.” A judgment of importance to Chetties was delivered by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on July 16, and his Lordship ordered it to be incorporated in the S.S. Law Reports. It was that an alleged bill of exchange n Tamil made in
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  • 97 11 Effect of Appeal Court Decision. The decisions of the three judges forming the Singapore Court of Appeal in the case in which Mr. J. B. David appealed against the verdict of Mr. Justice Stevens that Mr. Jack Murray was a nartner with him in three mining ventures was
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  • 560 11 To be Heard by Civil Court. The argument that a criminal court is rot a convenient place to try a question of title was put forward in the Supreme Court on July 21 by Rfc. C. R. Smith, counsel for Noor Mohamed Veerjibhoy, who was recently
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  • 210 11 Mr. Herbert Butler And Miss Fredricks. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 21. A wedding took place at St. John’s Church, Bukit Nanas, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, between Mr. Herbert Gerald Butler of the Prisons Department, Kuala Lumpur, and Miss Eva Henrietta Fredricks, daughter of the late
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  • 519 11 Major Young Killed By Malaria. (From Our Own Correspondent.) t Kuala Lumpur, July 21. The death occurred in Kuala Lumpur Kuropean hospital at 4.30 p.m. yesterday of Major Charles Owen James Young, M.B., R.A.M.C., M.C., stationed at Tanglin Barracks, Singapore. Major Young, who was 36 years
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  • 163 11 Sensational Allegations In Dutch East Indies. (From Our Own Correspondent) Medan, July 16. A sensation has been caused in Java by allegations in the Press that a former civil officer in the Celebes, Mr. Margadant, who was sentenced to four years imprisonment on a charge of theft, was
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  • 955 12 Four Chinese Injured. ACCUSED CONVICTED ON ALL CHARGES. The sequel to an accident in Angulliq, Road on May 15 was heard at the Assizes on Friday before Mr. Justice Cobbctt, when Lam Puan, described as a motor-'.ai cleaner, stood his trial on a charge of causing death
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  • 584 12 Interview with Noted Pathologist. Life in the Culion Leper Colony. I Philippine Islands, wu- described by I J)r. II. Windon Wade in an interview with a Straits Times representative on July 16. Dr. Wade, who is chief patho-togi.-i of the leper colony an i field
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  • 43 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 18. It was stated at the Kinta Sanitary Board meeting that the Chief Secretary had approved a uniform rate of 20 cents per unit for electric light in Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan and Pahang.
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  • 898 12 Contractors’ Appeal Dismissed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 18. The Mentakab Post Office case again occupied the attention of the* F.M.S. Court of Appeal when the appeal commenced before them of Arutnugam Pillay. contiactor, against a civil suit brought against him by the Government
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  • 672 12 “In the Next Room” a Victoria Theatre. In the Next Room is an evt difficult play for any amateur to produce—it contains characters p r !r sional actors might find it hard to 1? ray—so the success of the SingaZ Amateur Dramatic Committee ir n,, in*?
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  • 4068 13 The Rise of a Great Publishing House —How Dickens Brought Them Prosperity—A Book About Superstition—Can Fate be Cheated of a Life? —A Study of Mindreading—Latin Verse Competition. Chapman and Hall. Hundred Years of Publishing. iiu Story of Chapman and Hall, YT ‘/tv Arthur Waugh. Managing
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  • 154 14 Armed Chinese Hold l T p Women. A daring armed robbery was carried out early on Sunday morning in the crowded Jalan Besar district w hen a house was raided and the robbers decamped with about $.'&gt;00 worth of booty. It appears that three Chinese, believed to be
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  • 98 14 Legislation of S.S. and F.M.S. Adopted. A Bill to make provision for matters relating to advocates and solicitors is to be introduced in the Johore Council of Slate. It is stated that there are many lawyears practising in Johore, hut Johore legislation on the subject of advocates
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  • 108 14 Jungle Reserve Proposed At Bukit Timah. The current issue of the Government Gazette notifies the proposed constitution of a reserved forest at Bukit Timah. Ibis land comprises about 177 acres and s the only patch of virgin, jungle left on Singapore Island. It is also the
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  • 312 14 How Research Institute Helps the Planter. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 22. At a meeting of the Taipir.g branch of the Incorporated Society of Planters. Major B. J. Eaton and Mr. R. O. Bishop, u the Rubber Research Institute, gave addresses on factory nietho&lt;.-&gt;. Mr. Bishop,
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  • 163 14 Three Months’ Rigorous Imprisonment. L. Brilliant, a European, who pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust in respect of a motor-car, was on Monday sentenced to three months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate. It was stated that Brilliant purchased
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  • 98 14 Mr. T. R. Iluhback to Make Inquiry In Johore. A few weeks ago Mr. T. R. Hubback was appointed by His Excellency the High Commissioner to make full inquiry into the protection of wild life in the Federated Malay States. The Government of Johore wish to commission
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  • 90 14 Being Tendered Mainly At Railway Stations. (I’lorn Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 17. It is understood that the detective department here recently detained several men who were found to he in possession o. spurious one dollar notes. They were released, there being insuflickuu evidence to bring them
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  • 413 14 Smart Police Trap. DETECTIVES FRL’STItvn&gt; ROBBERS’ PLANS. A clever trap for a K;; „g of Chinese robbers and a clash between th# ar.d police during which firearms used, caused a sensation in the Pa- i l district early on Monday afternoon in spice of the tact
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  • 324 14 PLAYING THE FOOL" European Debtor Censored By Chief Justice. A European named F. W. Smith wto bad failed to pay any of the *50 in'*' nient? which b.e had promised towards* udgment for $1,200 obtained against hffl in the Supreme Court in A uguA. was before the Chief Justice (Sir
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  • 3970 15 K .L. SANITARY BOARD AND KONGSIS. s0 T TO BE ABOLISHED. Chief Medical Officer’s Strong Appeal. vnil&gt;LOYMENT RELIE I" LN MEASURES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 16. r„ rtnii-htlv meeting of Kuala n r unitary Board was held today, V V (i Kzechicl presiding ihe others h uv-v
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  • 32 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 17. A Chinese was fined $1 and 50 cents costs here for selling postage stamps without a licence and at more than their face value.
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  • 136 16 Woman Who Drank Poison Cautioned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 18. When Irene Magry, a Eurasian, was dharjred in the second police court with attempted suicide by drinking poison, her husband asked permission to cross-exa-mine witnesses for the prosecution. His request was refused. The husband said lie
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 172 16 VA Jg r s rs '4&gt; WA k &lt; ?S 7 r s$? v L Lv r r UOt*l*iAi mi Sb Eves The universal popularity of the Blue and Gold labelled “4711” Eau de Cologne is due to the fact that, for more than a century, it has beer made
      172 words

  • 3003 21 .•SEVER AGAIN.” ,{dress by Major-General Pritchard. the struggle had ended earlier. i.tcreatin? lecture on the war mind 1 .mil the lessons learned from M delivered by MajorI H. L. Pritchard, C.B., C.M.G., "■'I' 1 oc Troops at the weekly aeon Of the Rotary Club, held
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 47 21 U. S. DE SILVA BROS., Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is piven to outstation orders. j All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      47 words

  • 193 22 Amazing Speculations In House Property. How a Malay i asi-beef hawker, earning $110 a month, bought and sold house nro| ert.v ia town worth a fortune, but eventually cam to grief owing to th-• Mump, was revealed at the Bankruptcy Court on July IS. Th&lt;* debtor, it appears,
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  • 150 22 Six Months Prison For Engine-Driver. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Tpoh, July 1$. AfLr a hearing lasting four days driver Finnutamby, who was charged with turning the death of a gatemun while driving a goods train, was convicted and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. Notice of appeal was given,
    150 words
  • 210 22 Offences Against sta», Ordinance. 5 Fines totalling $000 were inm„. the manager of the Mitsui B Ltd., of Battery Road. Smg-1. ri charges under the Stamp n r h,..- l Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore? I»i ti! t Ju&lt;tir», on July 17. 1 r Mr. E.
    210 words
  • 505 22 BULL THAT FAILED. Attempt to Corner Timber. How an attempt to corner timber la Singapore failed, resulting in the insolvency of two firms, in one of which ?hare&gt; were held by some well-known Sinrapon Chinese, was told in the Bankrupt.? Court on Friday before Mr. Jus:o# Stevens. Ang Sun. sole
    505 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 147 22 t 9 voleet ion ww r Vi# 4 r \l i St y/ hi r tSsj* X-' A 1 .L M I DWIGHT... a noise someone moving stealthily. Flash on your Eveready. Flood the room with brilliant, unfailing light. An Eveready Flashlight with Eveready Katteries protects hoth life and property,
      147 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 226 23 —Reuter. lerman Trade Campaign In India. I strong BACKING. I Support of Indian I Financiers. I determined attempt by German I. Y m capture British trade in Il r ‘7;7'i7 ckMrilnd in the following I licit -tates that thc “Export Intnd l indiO Idmited has started 1
      —Reuter.  -  226 words
    • 144 23 —Wireless. Bov,- Radio Exhibition Was I Opened. I Rugby, July IS. Is&gt; Wiilinr Waterlow, Lord Mayor of v sing button in the II; r.s. n Horn at 6.27 this morning, thi .Melbourne Radio Exhibition. 1 b.n .rr.uni ation bad been obtainP E-tween the Mnrrion House and the
      —Wireless.  -  144 words
    • 132 23 —Reuter. B l S. Press Report Of I British Intentions. Washington, July 19. Br a' m the Press that the Hi' '.ov, nment is considering the 1 buying Greenland from Hj 5 ext.nding its trtatv rights 1 a v;«&gt;\v to establishing a base HY n r ’'irrn
      —Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 51 23 I |Th e i. Rugby, July 16. '4 international u*n« V ln P cr cent, sterling this odR y subscription n t country at 95 per cent., and ‘Mari.’VYY °f 1H n in the lists it ls rp&lt;l °losed. V' vly the subscriptions fnish WrJv'r 1 thc amount
      I '■  -  51 words
    • 243 23 scnted in the final stage.—British Wireless. King Sends Message Of Congratulation. Rugby, July 20. For the first time in the history of the Bisley Rifle Meeting the King’s Prize was won yesterday by a woman, Miss Marjorie Foster, of the Women’s Legion. She made a score
      scnted in the final stage.—British Wireless.  -  243 words
    • 151 23 View of Dordrecht River.—British Wireless. Big Prices Paid for Old Masters. Rugby, July 18. At a great art sale which realised nearly £100,000 at Christie’s auction room. London, some famous works, including several from the collections of the late Lord Curzon, Lord Balfour and the Earl of
      View of Dordrecht River.—British Wireless.  -  151 words
    • 105 23 Reuter. Failure of Efforts At Compromise. London, July 16. In the course of a reply in the House of Common« with regard to the situation in Chir.a, Mr. Arthur Henderson; the Foreign Secretary, said the efforts to reach a compromise with regard to the Customs at Tientsin appeared
      Reuter.  -  105 words
    • 78 23 -Diitioh Wii'closi. Caracciola Wins Irish Grand Prix. Rugby, July 20. M. Cnracciola won the second of the two Irish Grand Prix motor races at Dublin, yesterday, in bis big Mercedes. Capt. Birkin, driving a privately-owned Bentley* put up a great fight, but his chances were spoiled by delay
      -Diitioh Wii'closi.  -  78 words
    • 228 23 —Reuter. present economic depression.—TransOcean. Government Defeated. GENERAL ELECTION IN SIX WEEKS. Berlin, July 18. In consequence of the Reichstag adopting by 236 to 221, the Socialist motion to annul President von Hindenburg’s emergency decree enacting the Government's financial programme, the Reichstag was dissolved this morning. A General
      —Reuter.; present economic depression.—Trans- Ocean.  -  228 words
    • 150 23 British Wireless. Britain’s Messages Of Goodwill. Rugby, July 21. Cardinal Bourne conducted a Te Deum at Westminster Cathedral today on the occasion of the centenary of Belgian independence. i King George was represented by Lord Granard. The Belgian Ambassador and his staff were present. The Prime Minister, Mr.
      British Wireless.  -  150 words
    • 109 23 —British Wireless. World Gathering to Meet In London. Rugby, July 20. Sixtv countries will be represented at the fourth World’s Poultry Congress which begins at the Crystal Palace, London, on Tuesday. Many famous breeds will be represented among the 7,000 birds on show. This is the first occasion
      —British Wireless.  -  109 words
    • 40 23 —KcuWr. Advances Made to Members On Stocks. Washington, July 21. It is announced that the co-operative .societi s have agreed to advance thc!r members at least 65 per cent, of flic market value cf f heir flocks. —Reuter.
      . —KcuWr.  -  40 words
    • 153 23 -Reuter. In Communists’ Hands. MAY HE SHOT IF RANSOM NOT PAID. Peking, July 18. It was repotted on July 1 that bapidits had captuivd Miss Nettleton and Miaa Harrison, of the Church Missionary Society, who were travelling from Chungan to Kitnningfu, Fukien. A letter received from
      -Reuter.  -  153 words
    • 208 23 —Sin Ivuo Min. To Encourage Foreign Trade. Peking, July 18. Intimating that a new government will ho established in Peking shortly, Chu Aohsiang, the director of the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Northern Coalition, declared that its foreign policy will be to develop trade with foreign nations,
      —Sin Ivuo Min.  -  208 words
    • 107 23 —Reuter. Preliminary Reports Encouraging. London, July 16. Experimental cultivation in many parts of the British Empire, including Malaya, India, Africa and the West Indies, of a tico from which tung oil, formerly a Chinese monopoly worth Jod.OOO.OOO a year, was obtained, is the subject of a memorandum
      —Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 86 23 -];«utor. Clashes with Japanese Police. Tokio, July 21. It is repor'ed from Tanscn, East Korea, four Korean peasants were killed a.; 26 wounded and nine .1 ".panes' 1 polieewere w unlc'l n serious riotir (f yesterday evening, following the arrest of peasants f&lt; t allowed violation of
      -];«utor.  -  86 words
    • 1207 24 —Trans-Ocean. Need for Careful Examination. LEAGUE’S WORK. How New Federation Might Clash. Rugby, July 17. The text is issued of the reply which the British Government have sent to the French Governments memorandum on the organisation of a system of a European Federal Union. The reply says
      •—Trans-Ocean.  -  1,207 words
    • 159 24 -Reuter. Commons Accept Lords’ Amendment. London, July 16. Following a meeting with the miners, the Government has suggested to the House of Lords a conference regarding the spread over amendment to the Coal Mines Bill, expressing the opinion that the reorganisation features in the Bill ought not
      -Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 362 24 Reuter. Member Seizes Mace. INDIGNATION OF ALL PARTIES. London, July 17. A scene in the House of C ommons this evening, arising from Mr. A. Fenner Brockway (Lab., Leyton, E.) insisting on making a speech after Mr. MacDonald had replied to a question about India, ended
      Reuter.  -  362 words
    • 131 24 Reuter. Conference Opens In London. London, July 16. Five hundred delegates, representing 31 parliaments of the world, including Prince Tokugawa, are attending the Twenty-sixth Conference of the Interparliamentary Union, which opened at the House of Lords today. The Duke of Sutherland presided. Mr. Arthur Henderson, the Foreign Secretary
      — Reuter.  -  131 words
    • 122 24 .—Reuter. Fierce Street Battle In Adelaide. Adelaide, July 18. A fierce street battle between four longterm convicts who escaped from Yatala Labour Prison and the police ended in two Oi the convicts being killed and two constables and one lorry driver being wounded. The convicts and their accomplices,
      .—Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 623 24 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Mr. Snowden’s Reply. VOTE OF CENSURE REJECTED. London. July 15 In the House of Commons this evening Mr. Baldwin moved the vote of census which he had lodged together with Mr Neville Chamberlain, advocating the guarding of the Home market and expanding of the
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  623 words
    • 40 24 Ipoh, in A row of nine shophotises l( ,ar* were gutted by lire in the e.n )f this morning. IfTl ord The Ipoh fire brigade was i ind confined its activities to I' the spread of the blaze
      40 words
    • 1676 25 —Reuter. stored by the authorities.—British Wireless. learning from British I Government. IvTTfiESIflPS SENT. lotedinff Foreign Lives And Property. Alexandria, July 16. lh, aM nds of Egyptians stoned the ILrnment Hospital as a protest against Procurator-General forbidding the l ,,1 for public burial of the corpses
      .—Reuter.; stored by the authorities.—British Wireless.  -  1,676 words
    • 120 25 GLORIOUS IN THE AIR AS ON THE SEA.” Miss Amy Johnson In Bombay. (From Our Own Correspondent.)Calcutta, July T9. Miss Amy Johnson arrived at Bombay today by the Naldera, and a breakfast was given in her honour by the Bombay Hying Club and the Bombay Yoekshiremen’s Society. Many prominent Europeans
      120 words
    • 118 25 —British Wireless. Comprehensive Scheme In Great Britain. Rugby, July 20. The British Medical Association, at the annual meeting, approved a scheme for the establishment of a general medical service for the nation. It aims at providing a service available for every class of the population, covering preventive as
      —British Wireless.  -  118 words
    • 110 25 —Reuter. Tentative Agreement Reached. Sydney, July 21. A private conference between Sir Otto Niemeyer (who has arrived to confer with the Commonwealth Government on the financial situation in Australia) and leaders of the Commonwealth Trading Banks, officials of the New South Wales Treasury and members of the Federal
      —Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 148 25 —Keuter. A Central Committee. MR. GEORGE HEMMANTS APPOINTMENT. London, July 16. dord Passfield, ther Secretary for the Colonies, in a speech ut the Corona Club dinner, which was Attended by all the members of the Colonial Conference, stated that he had taken, immediate steps to
      —Keuter.  -  148 words
    • 163 25 —Renter. Fruitless Search For Missing Airman. Rugby, July 19. The party searching for Hook, the young English airman who was lost in the Burmese jungle during a flight to Australia, has reported that no trace of him can be found on the Bali River, where he
      —Renter.  -  163 words
    • 155 25 ’—Reuter. Crew Confident Of Success. London, July 10. Sir Thomas Lipton’s Cup challenger Shamrock V left for America from Portsmouth this morning, escorted by the steam yacht Erin, amid the cheers of thousands of people and the hooting of sirens on ships in harbour. The crew of
      ’—Reuter.  -  155 words
    • 57 25 .—Reuter. Many Deaths Through U.S. Heat Wave. New York, July 20. The temperature is ranging from 08 in New York to 107 in Washington. Churchgoers yesterday prayed for rain to give relief from the terrific heat, which has been responsible for at least 21 deaths and is
      .—Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 44 25 Router. Twelve Persons Deported To The Azores. Lisbon, July 21. A Government communique' states that twelve persons, including three journalists, who were charged with having been implicated in the recent conspiracy to overthrow the Government, have been deported to the Azores. —Reuter.
      Router.  -  44 words
    • 845 26 British Wireless. Well-Known Society Members Killed. ENGINE EXPLODES. Very Difficult Flying* Conditions. Rugby, July 21. A terribSle air accident occurred this afternoon near Gravesend to a Junker machine engaged on an air taxi service between Le Touquet and Croydon, as the result of which the pilot
      British Wireless.  -  845 words
    • 507 26 —Beuter. London, July 16. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. W. Ormsby-Gore, the former Undersecretary for the Colonies, Dr. Drummond Shiel? stated that the interests of the Tonies, protectorates and mandated territories at the Imperial Conference would be represented by the Secretary of State,
      —Beuter.  -  507 words
    • 1127 26 opinion from several provinces.—British ’Vireleas. —Reuter. -Reuter. Civil Disobedience And Trade. i Bombay, July 17. In the Assembly, Sir Frederick Sykes, the Governor, made a speech severely indicting the proceedings of the civil disobedience volunteers, as a result of which, he said, the Presidency was heading
      opinion from several provinces.—British ’Vireleas.; —Reuter.; -Reuter.  -  1,127 words
    • 76 26 —Reuter. Over 100 People Injured In U.S.A. Elizabeth, New Jersey, J u Over a hundred people were inju some no doubt fatally, when the en vania express, going at full speed, s an abandoned motor-car on the line. The locomotive overturned, an&lt; nti carriages plunged down an cmban
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 107 26 where he lunched with Kinp: o r iti J to his return to Spain toniou Wireless. Motor Collision in H.'^ e Park. Ru b &gt;’: The motor car in which Hjnk was being driven collided too a. j Park with a two-seater V n the KW woman. Part
      where he lunched with Kinp: ' oritiJ to his return to Spain toniou Wireless.  -  107 words
    • 517 27 —Reuter. stcr Strikes Land OfI Mourning. |\&gt;V BOATS SUNK. I. u (Vnmunications I Disrupted. I i of the worst typhoon jo,- many years, immense ■&gt; pr,&lt;l n &gt;r n done in Japan and n,U SVl'i- it ha* not been pos«idetail* a* U&gt; casual- t is
      —Reuter.  -  517 words
    • 69 27 r&lt; i*i 1 I Rlxt y-one Signatories to The Treaty. The Sner Ruffby, July 16. ri hur or orc ign Adairs, Mr. bv tii„ V Son sa l all countries into D ;in-“- VCr t nni nt of tbe United Station *,f Kv* the Treaty for the exconti
      r<' i*i • 1  -  69 words
    • 408 27 —Sin Kuo Min. New Pekin# Government Plans. Shanghai, July 22. There is an ominous absence of war news. One message states that eight Government divisions have engaged five Shansi divisions on the Tsinan-Tukow Railway. General Liu Chin is directing the attack on the enemy’s mountain
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  408 words
    • 226 27 Shansi Suspicious of The Reorganisationists. In view of the recent announcement that Dr. Wang Ching-wei has, at last, decided to go North, and that he is now' on his way to Tientsin, the following message from Peking (dated July 15) is of very special interest. The Chinese
      226 words
    • 76 27 —Reuter. Bridge Collapses After Celebrations. Cohlcnce, July 22. There has been a frightful sequel to the Rhineland evacuation celebrations. An onorniou crowd was crossing a pontoon bridge proceeding home after a firework display given in honour of President von Hindciiburg’s visit, when tjhe bridge collapsed. A
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 145 27 Japan Divided Over Naval Treaty. Tokio, July 21. An informal meeting of the supreme War Council, which was held today and lasted for about six hours, failed to reach an agreement on the question concerning the alleged inadequacy of the naval defence forces against which, it is believed,
      145 words
    • 164 27 n -Trans-Occan. Leaves the Moscow Stage For Ever. Moscow, July 22. The Press features M. Litvinoff’s appointment as Foreign Commissary in succession to M. Chicherin who, therewith, as the last of the Old Guard.” disappears dffinitely from the Moscow stage, where he had been the central figure since
      n -Trans-Occan.  -  164 words
    • 65 27 -Trans-Ocean. Hindenburg’s Welcome in The Rhine Provinces. Berlin, July 22. President Hindenburg’s triumphant progress through the liberated Rhine Provinces culminated in public celebrations in Mayance, where hundreds of thousands of people acclaimed the veteran President who, in a moving speech, thanked the populace for their loyalty to
      -Trans-Ocean.  -  65 words
    • 58 27 Dr. C. T. Wang Discussing The British Share. Shanghai, July 14. Dr. C. T. Wang is discussing the question of the British share of the Boxer Indemnity with a representative of the British Legation. Dr. Wang has telegraphed to Sir Miles Lampson, the Britis h Minister, inviting
      58 words
    • 529 27 —Router. Looting at Bias Bay. CHINESE PASSENGERS HELD FOR RANSOM. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, July 22. The steamer Ilelikon was pirated early '.his morning and taken to Bias Bay. Afterwards the vessel was allowed t® proceed to Hong Kong. The Helikon is a
      —Router.  -  529 words
    • 122 27 Router. Rain Brings Relief To New York. New York, July 22. The heat wave continues. The shade temperature in New York City yesterday afternoon was 99 and the sun temperature 135. Many cases of heat prostrations occurred. Thousands of people slept in the parks or on the
      — Router.  -  122 words
    • 591 28 ’—Reuter. —British Wireless. Signed by President After Ratification. EFFECT IN BRITAIN. Bill to be Hurried Through Parliament. Washington, July 22. President Hoover signed the Naval Treaty this afternoon. He said that, when the other Governments had ratified it, the Treaty would translate an emotion,
      ’—Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  591 words
    • 30 28 ■r- i/nuii U&lt; utcr. Replaced as Foreign Commissar By Litvinoff. Moscow, July 21. M. Chicherin hus resigned liis post as foreign Commissar. M Litvinoff replaces cur..— R( utcr.
      ■r- ■» ' i/nuii — U< utcr.  -  30 words
    • 725 28 ■—British Wireless. —Reuter. Great Endurance Test. SIXTY COMPETITORS LEAVE BERLIN. Berlin, July 20. Sixty pilots started from Tempelhof Aerodrome in the international aii race around Europe. The course covers 4,700 miles over Belgium, France and England anil thence to Paris, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland
      ■—British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  725 words
    • 118 28 European Stoned to Death In Java. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, July 16. Mr. Belling, a European employed at the Poerwodadi &lt;*ugar factory, near Barat, Java, was murdered today by his coolies. Twenty-eight coolies, who it is alleged, stoned Mr. Belling when he fell in a ravine,
      118 words
    • 77 28 —Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai Tram Strike Takes Serious Turn. Shanghai, July 21. The position with regard to the strike of drivers, conduc'ors and other tramway employees in the French Concession is becoming increasingly grave. The whole of the men are now out and ‘re indulging in public
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  77 words
    • 42 28 Reuter. American’s Interest In Great Britain. London, July 22. The Daily Herald states that the American philanthropist and oil magnate, Mr. Edward Harkness, is arranging to make a gift of £2,000,000 to endow social and educational work in Great Britain.—
      Reuter.  -  42 words

  • 424 28 Capital Reorganisation Approved. An extra-ordinary general meeting of the Anglo Burma Tin Company, Ltd., was held on June 26. at Winchester House, E.C., to consider a scheme for the reorganisation of the capital of the company. Mr. F. A. Robinson (the chairman), who presided, said the desire
    424 words
  • 124 28 by watching the Targis sink. “u2S| Wireless. Timely Aid from BritiJ Vessel. 8 8‘lgby, j u j y The British shrpv Rangitat* ll I under the flag of the New ZealLfSB ping Company, today effected of the passengers and crew of th P 01 German Lloyd vessel,
    by watching the Targis sink. “u2S| Wireless.  -  124 words
  • 94 28 Il’T J London, July 22 I The International Parliamentary CoJ ference closed with a Government foj well banquet, which was attended by guests. 1 The Lord Chancellor presided.—R*«J The 20th Conference tf the Inter-Pel liamentary Union opened at the H&lt;aJ of Lords on
    Il’T J  -  94 words
  • 48 28 ,—Rt uter. Owner of Motor-Car Charged With Manslaughter. Elizabeth, New Jersey, July 21. The man who abandoned a motor-ar on the railway line, resulting in a triJ smash in which one person was killed uil G8 were injured, has been arrested arf charged with manslaughter.— Riuter.
    ,—Rt uter.  -  48 words
  • 30 28 YEN FENG DISAGREE. Trouble Over Tientsin Customs! Revenues. I Shanghai, July 16. Difficulties are arising between Marshals Yen Shi-shan and Feng Yu-hsianp o'»r the division of the Tientsin Customs revenues.
    30 words
  • 345 28 Another Record Year Reported. The report of the General Electric for the year ended March 31 that the company established another n*‘" r Sir Hugo Hirst, the chairman and director, signs the report, which states: The profits for the year ainoun £1.179,007, an increase of over Though
    345 words

  • 1392 29 Li,, s beaten on Padang. ■It.* 4 k Ln GOAL WIN AFTER Rxcitinc struggle. I 3 Malays 2. I I s'f.C. certainly touched their T .'..'hip form a ain &lt;*“ Tuesday when l» n1 the Malays by the odd goal I*' 1 n\ first division
    1,392 words
  • 201 29 Successful Meeting at Gan Eng Seng. The annual athletic sports of Gan Er.g Seng School were held at the Anson Road Stdaium on Monday afternoon before a large gathering of present and past pupils and their parents and friends. All the events were keenly contested. The shield presented
    201 words
  • 788 29 Negro Disappoints In Main Event. The best fight in the Lion City Ring boxing promotion on July 22 was the semi-final, over eight rounds, between Young Mutsu (8 st. 2 lb.) and L. S. Fond (7 st. 10 lb.) which ended in a narrow victory
    788 words
  • 543 29 Peebles, Nichols And Robins Included. London, July 19. Interesting changes have l&gt;een made in t«!e England team for the fourth Tent match which is to start at Old Trafford, Manchester, on Friday next. Of the players who represented England in the last Test at LceJs,
    543 words
  • 85 29 CURTAIN ON CARNERA.” lieutor. Refusal to Extend Stay In United States. Omaha, July 22. Referring to the refusal of the immigration officials to extend the sojourn of Primo Camera, the giant Italian boxer, his business manager, Frank Paccass, said, “This is the final curtain on Carnera's career.” He added that
    lieutor.  -  85 words
  • 95 29 Ladies Rifle Association Competition. The Singapore Ladies' Kiflo Association July spoon shoot was hold at Bukit Timah Range, and the following cards were returned yds. yds. yds. *TI. y&lt;»o 200 100 Mrs. (5. F. Jackson 31 36 31 103.08 Mrs. P. s. Gibson 28 26 81 10SJ4 Mrs. F.
    95 words

  • 1717 30 One Record Broken On First Day. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 18. All sides of the Padang were well fined when the anual championship meeting flf the Amateur Athletic Association of Malaya started this afternoon. Some good sport was witnessed but only one record, putting
    1,717 words
  • 392 30 P.S. and L. Overwhelmed On Saturday. The Services are to be congratulated on their very tine win over the Public Services and Law in an S.C.C. tournament game on Saturday. After dismissing their opponents for 165, Ollivcr, Bryan and Wigglesworth obtained the necessary runs for victory
    392 words
  • 43 30 Australians Held Up By Rain. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. July 22. Rain prevented a start being made at Sunderland today in the match between Durham and the Australians. The game was to have been played today and tomorrow.
    43 words
  • 66 30 C. L. Wyatt Wins St. James’s Cup. In the final for the St. James’s Cup at Kepptl Golf Club, C. L. Wyatt beat A. Rarron 3 and 1. Race Course Medal Competition Tho Race Course Golf Club July medal competition resulted as follows C. A. R. Bateman 77—8
    66 words
  • 460 30 United States League Results. New York, July Baseball results to date are as foil National League. %s New York lost to Cincinnati s i. Brooklyn beat Pittsburg 5__o Boston lost to Chicago :i— Philadelphia lost to St. Louis fU.New York lost to Cincinnati i i Brooklyn lost to Chicago
    460 words
  • 31 30 Oxford Beaten in Doubles. London. J uI the* i ntl At Lord’s Cambridge Varsity tennis doubles ten.;;' C. Baker and F. Hollins bun. and (I. Curtis (Oxford). 6—3, 6—3.
    31 words

  • 630 31 The Match Drawn. kr\1&gt;MAN’S GLORIOUS KK INNINGS. Our Own Correspondent.) ,Fl London, July 16. v U straIions played their full Test h eleven "hen meeting Scotland at Lrgh today in a three-day match h me side won the toss, and Kerr and Lnder wen* in to open
    630 words
  • 116 31 —Reuler. Mandell Knocked Out In First Round. New York, July 17. In a contest for the world s lightweight championship A1 Singer knocked out the holder, Sammy Mandell, in the first round.—Reuter. Sammy Mand.ll had held the world s lightweight, championship since 1926 when he beat Rocky
    —Reuler.  -  116 words
  • 297 31 —Reuter. United States Beat Italy In Three Matches. Paris, July 18. Play in the Davis Cup inter-zone final, United States v. Italy, began today. In singles Allison (U.S.A.) beat de Stefani, 4—6, 7—9, 6 —4, 8 6, 10— 8. The match between Lott and de Morpurgo was stopped
    —Reuter.  -  297 words
  • 66 31 -Reuter. W. T. Tilden to Play For U. S. A. New York, July 21. It is officially announced that W. T. fildcn (who had previously been excluded jnder the regulation forbidding players o describe matches for newspapers) will nay for the United States against France in the
    -Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 143 31 Good Competition At Annual Meeting. A large crowd of visitors was present at the St. Josephus Institution ground on Friday afternoon for the school’s annual athletic meeting. All the events were run off to time, and the competition was keen. The attendance of the Police Band added
    143 words
  • 683 31 Selangor Club Routed At Raub. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Raub, July 21. The Pahang State Cricket XI made their first appearance yesterday at Raub, Puhang, when they played a match against a picked Selangor Club XI, and won by the exceedingly large margin of an innings
    683 words
  • 330 31 Penang’s Bad Luck. PERAK LUCKY TO WIN BY LATE GOAL. Perak 1 Penang 0. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 21. Excitement was keyed up right to the end of the match between Perak and Penang in the Malaya Cup fixture which took place at Ipoh on
    330 words
  • 301 31 Progress of Club Championship Competition. The Club meets every Friday evening at the Adelphi Hotel and a competition is now in progress for the club championship. The results to date are as follows I\ W. D.L.Pts. B. O. Wilmot 10 8 0 2 8 Hon. Mr. Justice
    301 words
  • 49 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 21. Dr. Hopkins, who is looked upon as a certainty for the Colony side, was in brilliant form yesterday, scoring 81 not out, and following up by taking seven wickets for 17 runs for Penang C.C. against the Free School.
    49 words

  • 823 32 .—Router. Equals Record at Lord’s. YORKSHIRE OVERWHELM GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Detail:; of tin* matches which started &lt;mi Wednesday, as cabled by Reuter, are as follows London, July 1^. Lord’s The match between the Gentleman and Players was drawn. Batting first, the Gentlemen scored 292, of which K. S.
    .—Router.  -  823 words
  • 446 32 Welch Regiment in Good Form. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 21. The 2nd Welch Reginftnt 2nd XI defeated Malacca last weekend by 98 runs and one wicket. Rain prevented play on Saturday and on Sunday the military side went in to compile 54 runs. Malacca repli.d
    446 words
  • 83 32 A. W. Nicholson Elected Captain. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 22. At the annual meeting of the Perak Rugby football club, held here today, the Sultan of Perak wa3 re-elected patron, and the British Resident, Mr. B. W. Elies, was elected president. Messrs. T. P. Nailer, P.
    83 words
  • 117 32 Lucky Escape While Boating In Scotland. Miss Ishhel MacDonald, the Premier’s (laughter, had an alarming experience during her brief stay at Lossiemouth. While boating with her father and several friends on Spynie Loch, near Elgin, the boat struck a submerged tree root and threw Miss Ishbel overboard. f
    117 words
  • 992 32 Results of Saturday’s Events. Fine weather and a good attendance contributed greatly to the success of the Jevcnth annual regatta of the lkjal Singapore Yacht Club, hold on Saturday. The club verandah was full of spectators, to view the* sailing, while at rowing enthusiasts were carried by
    992 words
  • 331 32 Finds His Best Form i„ United States WaHey. K johnny n, Alba 0 and jj* fel the United States, writes f au r °i3 regarding the latest (k,j n s 0 charges 8 his llud met Mickey Cohen, of n M over six rounds at Brooklyn on i
    331 words
  • 55 32 DAVIES. On July 13. 1930, in Malacca.! Mr. and Mrs. R. K. L. Davita daughter. ERfCKSON.—A t the Maternity Hosp.ii Singapore, on July 17. 1930. to Mr. jI Mrs. S. T. Erickson, a daughter. I OX.- At the Maternitv Hospital. Singapot on July 20, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs.
    55 words
  • 23 32 HOOD BARUGH.—On July 22. lUtfO a: &gt; John’s Parish Church, XI iddl«'sbioi*iB Thomas Christie Hood to Ethel in Barujrh. both of Middlesbrough.
    23 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 89 32 NOTICE All communications for both the Stna Times and tho Straits Budget shooM k addressed to the Hoad Offlce, Cecil m Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straiti So* ments. The post free price of the 9traiti Timm the United Kingdom and foreign countra is $48 a year. The post free price of
      89 words
  • 39 32 DEATH LOW.- Boon Keng. age 4", at 1H-3. J“t* 1 1 Road, at 1 j.ju. on July IT. Leaves beO a widow, two sons, Low Hock Own 1 Low Hock Kiat, one daufchur. daughter-in-lnw anti a grandson. D**l regretted.
    39 words

    • 115 1 GeneralRubber Situation London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Au ct ol J 1 London Rubber Mwket Bv A. W. Still J F.M^S- 1 Rubber Statistics 3 Malayan*June"' Rubber Exports Tin Returns Indian Labour Rubber Statistics Trade and Finance 4 Stocks and Shares 4 Rubber Restriction 7 Cable NewsRubber Costs
      115 words
    • 69 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices d. r— —&gt; lUe L'don S’porc July Aug. Sept. July I. 59 16 0.17*4 0.18'4 0.18*4 0.18* 4 5 9 16 0.17% 0.17*4 0.l7*t 0.18% U 55 16 0.17', (1.17*4 0.17*2 0.18 -1 55 16 o.iTi, 0.17% 0.18 0.17
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    • 38 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore!, Ltd., from their London correspondent states that rubber stocks show an increase of -13 tons during the past week, the total now Hi hand being 108,944 tons.
      38 words
    • 121 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce m'. .m soc at '°n held its 977th auction on i, "hen there was catalogued 1,826,521 .JT M5.41 tuns; offered 1,573,358 lh. or sold 1,317,393 lb. or 588.12 tons. Sport. 3 on,| ”P 5 5-16d. Nl Urk 10*1 cts. PRICES REALISED. R'fcbed
      121 words
    • 81 1 TI N PLATE WORKS CLOSE. of Swan ,ncn n the Manselton district the closin? e f* as the result of °f the Cwmfelintin plate works A notice 1 ,ch ai d Th oma 3 and Co. r «ad; “Owi &gt;08tpd at the works on June 2 c n trol t°
      81 words
    • 33 1 niark H hav C report The copra w eek. e n n s *‘8htly easier during the ,’PM. )J *i„ PProx,,T,at y 190 tons were J0 '“Util J- MUytalion3 crc Sundricd
      33 words
    • 989 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, June 25. There has been a quite surprising increase of interest in restriction—the real thing I mean—during the past week. It arises, no doubt, from simple recognition of the fact that the
      989 words
    • 374 1 Company to Go Into Liquidation. The annual meeting of Ting Kil Tin Mines. Ltd., will be held at Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore, on Tuesday, July 29, at 11.30. It will be followed by an extraordinary general meeting at which the following resolution. will t?e submitted:
      374 words
    • 173 1 —Reuter. Decision to Negotiate With Government. Amsterdam, July 17. A meeting of Dutch rubber producers, by 103 votes to 18, adopted a proposal to negotiate with the Dutch Indian Government for the purpose of achieving restriction among all producers, including native producers, to 76 per cent,
      .—Reuter.  -  173 words
    • 490 1 Steady Decline During The Week Singapore, July 17. Messrs, Guthrie and Co. report states Since the date of our last report, the market has varied from dull to quietly steady. Prices dropped sharply when the American consumption during June was 34,500 as against 30,000 for May. Locally we
      490 words
    • 66 2 [The Straits Times Is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
      66 words
    • 571 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-The many and varied schemes that have been put forward to save the rubber industry may have had the attention of all the producers. We have already learnt that the Dutch and the R.G.A. have arrived at some sort
      571 words
    • 292 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. —I he directors and agents have had a very long innings and it is now time that the shareholders stepped in and took the control of the rubber industry f or a while. The shareholders have been deprived of dividends
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    • 222 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I quote below from an article in the Times Weekly of June 26 which appears on page 826 under the heading Egyptian Crisis.” Since 1920-21 the price of Egyptian cotton has been gradually declining, in spite of occasional
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    • 489 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I have read with much interest Mr. W. L. Braddon’s article The Rubber Situation and the Complete Remedy mblished in your issue of the 16th inst. 't is not with the idea of criticising this irticlc that I write,
      489 words
    • 569 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Most of your correspondents begin or end with an appeal to Government for artificial restriction to save the rubber industry. It is quite clear so far that neither the British nor the Dutch Government is in favour of compulsory restriction.
      569 words
    • 1006 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,---A certain amount of controversy has arisen among estate employers of labour as to the respective m minimum rate of pay of 40 c P nt! ntB a as against 50 cents. nts P* die* The arguments for and against briefly
      1,006 words
    • 138 3 Jo the Editor of the Straits Times. C ir —With reference to your very trite S rUin Notes of the Day and the Sn of ultimate profit set out in the E" and advertised in Ceylon, it would interesting to know whether the mnaicner- or the advertisements X
      138 words
    • 439 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. In Selamat’s interesting Some imiiiiscences of Malaya in the Saturn's issue of the Straits Times I saw a f,rence to H.M.S. Rattler and Cominder Hughes,” under the cross headp A Wit’s Bet.” 0 w. I knew the old Rattler well, as
      439 words
    • 157 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Some years ago—about 1913— when I was travelling in the F.M.S, I read short Article in one of the Kuala Lumpur or Ipoh newspapers on the subject of mysterious booming sounds, like the reports of distant guns, that were neard
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    • 77 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I am with your correspondent who writes on this subject. Directors who have drawn good fees from old established planting and tin companies have been busy floating new companies every time things looked bright. We, the shareholders, now have to suffer
      77 words
    • 368 3 Allenby.--66,994 lb. Anglo Malay.—l2B,BlB lb. Anglo-Sumatra.—so,4s4 lb. Amalgamated Malay.—66,ooo lb. Asahan.—7o,ooo lb. Bang Nara. —18,504 lb. 8i1a.—89.750 lb. Bikam.—B7,7oo lb. Broome (Selangor). 67,870 lb. Batu Tiga SelangorlBo.soo lb. Bukit Kajang.--101.805 lb. 8a1au.—33,000 lb. Beranang.—62,ooo lb. Bcrtam (Taisho). 76,474 lb. Borelli.-37,000 lb. Brookland*.—ll2,soo lb. Bukit Ke|»ong.—2l,os7 lb. Bah Lias.—l2B,2oo
      368 words
    • 249 3 RETURN OF DUTY PAID RUBBER PASSED FOR IiXPORT FROM THE FEDERATED MALAY STATES. The quantity. oJ rubber and rubber late* upon which exporti duly waa paid during the month of June. 1930. Quantity. Value. Tons. (a) Direct foreign shipments 2,142.64 983,900 (b) Transhipment on through biiUs of
      249 words
    • 234 3 j Kampong Kamunting Tin (first half). —Nos. 1 and 2 dredges, 65,000 yards, 393.64 piculs. Asnm Kumbang Tin (first half). —55,000 yards, 274.77 piculs. Ulu Yam Tin (first half). —40,000 yards, 194 piculs. Thabawleik Tin (first half).—4o,ooo yards, 207 piculs. Puchong Tin (first half). 90,000 yards, 516 piculs.
      234 words
    • 185 3 ,RITIsH m ALAYA declared exports of para rubber inclusive of latex for THE MONTH OF JUNE, mo, SHOWING LOCAL ORIGIN, AS COMPILED BY THE TRADE REGISTRIES AT PENANG, MALACCA, KUALA LUMPUR AND SINGAPORE. United Kingdom. British Possessions. Continent of Europe. United States of America. Japan. Other
      185 words
    • 155 4 Singapore, July 23. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 29/32 Demand 2/8 23/32 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 A On New York, demand 6® 1/16 Private 90 d/s 67% (Hi France, Bank T.T. 1427 On India, Bank T.T. 15D% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 4^4 On
      155 words
    • 798 4 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, July 23. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 24 26 6/- 5/- Ayer Hitani Tin 10 9 11 fi £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 14 3 15 1 1 Batang Padang 0.10 0.15 1 1 Batu Caves 0.55 O.fiO
      798 words
    • 90 4 Wage-Fixing Meeting Adjourned. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 21. The meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee to fix standard wages payable to all Indian labourers throughout Province Wellesley, the districts of Kuala Selangor, Klang and Kuala Iu»ngat in Selangor, the districts of Kuala Lipis, kauh, Bentong
      90 words
    • 533 4 More Hopeful Tone in Tin Market. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s report, dated July 22, states After a monotonous series of declines in the price of tin over the past few weeks, it is somewhat refreshing to note a slightly steadier feeling in the metal market and an
      533 words
      • 633 4 Abaeo (£1) 14; Allagar (2/) 1/9; AngloMalay (£1) 12 6; Ayer Kuning (£1) S*; Bahru (Sel.) (2/) 3/9; Bakap (£1) 4; Bantong (£1) 3/16; Batang Consolidated (2 1 Batu Caves &lt;i‘l) *4; Batu Tiga (£ll 1; Bek oh (2/) 11; Beranang (2) 1 0; Hertam
        633 words
      • 699 4 C.pit.l Issue Clo.inj p riKl Puid Up alue Dividend* Company 4 Co. 389J193 1 5 p.c. for year 28-2-30 Allenby ($1) 1.10 1.30 1.10 Ufl 216.779 17*8 p.c. year 30-9-29 Alor Gajah ($1) 1.10 1.30 1.10 U 6 435,425 1 15 p.c. year 31-3-30
        699 words
    • 119 4 Imports Into Malaya During First Half of Year. The return of foreign imports of rubber into Singapore and Penang during the first half of the year shows that the total amount imported was 77,271 tons. Of this amount, 63,320 tons came from the Netherlands East Indies, 7,025 tons
      119 words
    • 60 4 More Amalgamations Foreshadowed. (From Our Own The Times says the time 19 J when the efforts to rc&lt;nu&lt;. suit in further rubber schemes. It declares that the a joptioJ abundant opportunity for in some of the first pnncip tion. jfl It is officially announced t In(ji4 j gany
      60 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 315 5 6- •'VV -I S)L’, yy'WmSf*-. r*wrf4rtaLriVvjww. v.Tw.n:ow AFTER yC-'&lt;r '4' Malayan Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service after purchase. We welcome an inspection of our spare parts before any intending buyer commits himself to purchase. Agents for CABS ROLLS-ROYCE MORRIS
      315 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1013 6 May we introduce to you THE ELECTRIC STARTING OUTBOARD MOTOR* a. JUST PRESS r THE STARTING SWITCH AND THE MOTOR STARTS UP IMMEDIATELY. Just like your car, it needs no cranking. When motor is running the dynamo charges the battery and this enables ypu to use lights in your boat
      1,013 words