The Straits Budget, 10 July 1930

Total Pages: 26
1 26 The Straits Budget
  • 6 1 THE STRAITS BUDGET ■y 1(1, 1930
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  • 2273 1 Planters’ View. ■all for revision of WAGES. Fr(lin Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July 4. B, K a vily depressed state of the B,,. market and the consequent imW.., net »j for recourse by producers B‘ asures of economy has brought up M ii.-Lion of the
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  • 1147 1 Head-Boy’s Alleged Act. INQUIRY INTO DEATH OF TWO HYLAMS. The inquiry into the death of two Ilylams under tragic circumstances at the servants’ quartets attacked to the bungalow of Mr. A. St. Alban Smith, at Selotar Plantations, Ltd., on the afternoon of June 23 last, was
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  • 734 2 CROWN’S WITNESSES RIGHT Robber’s Statement. UNEXPECTED ENDING AT ASSIZE TRIAL. The* case in which Tan Nghe*e lleng charged with taking part iu an armed Iran*; robbery over two years ago at a house in Carden Street, when jewellery and mom y to the total value of $6,000 was stolen, had
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  • 44 2 ui f .rh\ <’»('() hnu Wert* f. r utt» Sin Kuo Min. Shanghai, July K. A me .sa/c from Harbin states that, in n b,g lire which lasted the whole of last ni ,r h‘. M'M lam w»-re cutt'-d. Sin Kuo
    uif.rh\ <’»('() hnu Wert* f.rutt»,«| Sin Kuo Min.  -  44 words
  • 511 2 Chinese Gets Prison And The Cat. At the* Singape&gt;re Assizes on duly N he* o# .Mr. Justice* J. &lt;’. Cobbett, heong Woo Tiak claimed trial on a charge oi C'lned gang robbe*ry at Manasseh &gt;. treet imMay this year. Th»* D.IM*. saiel *hat on May 23, this
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  • 263 2 Dinner to Commemorate Its Closing. A farewell dinner was held in the club house at (henderoh to commemorate the dosing of the club on account of the "orks at henderoh nearing completion •md the majority of members leaving for England. The club was opened in 1927, and .t
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  • 527 2 Appeal Against Award Of Damages. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 8. In the F.M.S. Court of Appeal today before the Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. L. H. Elphinstone, K.C., the Hon. Mr. Justice Burton and the Hon. Mr. Justice Mudie. Yeo Kim Pong,
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  • 200 2 Successful Appeal Against Breach of Trust. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 4. In the F.M.S. Appeal court today Baru bin Mat Ahab, a Malay of the Teluk Anson district, successfully appealed against a conviction and sentence on a charge of criminal breach of trust i: respect
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  • 481 2 Sin Kuo Min. To Attack Shansi SENSATIONAL NANKINiI RUMOUR. Shanghai, A message from Nanking states Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang has ord?B General Yu Hsueh-chung to enter $ijf haikwan and to attack the ShuB armies. H President Chiang Kai-shek has annniJl General Yu Hsueh-chung as tield-caB mander
    Sin Kuo Min.  -  481 words
  • 66 2 Chinese Merchant in Bangkok Traced to Macao. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July It is reported that a Chinese merchant ''u° disappeared sometime ago and n whose all airs, several European firms wer.’ .nvolved has been traced to Macao. It is understood that an offer on the j
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  • 60 2 H.K. SHANGHAI BANK. Interim Dividend of £3 Per Share. a 1 T hc J°. cnl n,t na K0*‘ of the Hour Iv.mi: fcliannhai Banking Corporation has re. 1 .olegram from the head office in Hour k Pk Mating that an interim dividend of A 11 pounds) per share, subject to
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  • 5172 3 ■question of Chinese Unemployed. ■mhkrs’ QUESTIONS. Interference as Last Resource. HFroni Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 8. H. the first time for many years a of the Legislative Council was K n the Town Hall, Penang, today. B the Governor (Sir Cecil Hementi, G.) presided, and
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  • 338 4 Hope for New Industry In Malaya. Mr. L im Cheng Ean expressed the hope that His Excellency would turn Malaya, as he did British Guiana, from a lice importing to rice exporting country during his term of office. Mr. Cheng Kan ■aid lie was disappointed Government had
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  • 71 4 [The Straits Times is not response 1 tK* ij'inions of its correspondi-nts r p mJont* should bear in Mj ri j tli V ,fT a m“*t be short und to the p 0 ,nt epistle* are liable to be r. j,‘,'ud“ drum. Correspondents must tah P r l t
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  • 446 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times I Sir, —“He who runs may read’’ J he lias read a good deal lately ab m 3 shortage of work among eoobes, r .i measures about to be initiated for t uB relief. Hut, so far, he has not readS
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  • 212 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—I have read your article entitlw Burleigh Blunders with much cancers, and am wondering whether it will &lt;:o any ..nod. since the mad policy of suppress ing prostitutes will have to be adept* here, in obedience to the wishes those in
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  • 5206 5 I Seizure of Chandu. EjTENCE OF 12 MONTHS IMPRISONMENT. facilities afforded to Preventive K 0 Officers for smuggling contrafM ihmdu and opium into Singapore commented upon on July 3 when Htrial of C. Patrick McCully and a g&v named Ahmat bin Haji Ibrahim, |Bnt&gt;ed as a brother-in-law
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  • 300 6 One Company Shuts Down. The first move to fall in with the Tin Producers’ Association’s latest proposals to suspend production for two months has been made by Chenderiang Tin Dredging. I Ltd. This company ceased production on July 1 on account of restriction. After the end
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  • 88 6 Chop Krosie M Decision Upheld. Without railing upon counsel for respondent* (Mr. H. I&gt; Mundell), th? Court °f Appeal on July 2 dismissed the appeal &gt;t a. D. Arumugam Mudaliar against .Mr. Justice Stevens' decision that two trade marks used by Arumugam Mudaliar tor the sale of
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  • 81 6 Wreath on Statue to Mark Anniversary. A wreath was placed at the foot of the statue of Sir Stamford Raffles in Empress Place on Saturday to celebrate the anniversary. Sir Stamford Raffles was born on July 5, 1781, and died July 5, 1826. The wreath was from
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  • 672 6 The Two-Step Comes t! Tanglin. We give below the fourth of the of articles by Selamat on the M 40 years ago. a v *:^B In those days the principal (&lt; B of the island called on newcomers betJUM eleven and one o’clock, so the new
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  • 55 6 Trucks Break Lose From Train and Overturn. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June JWhen a goods train from Taipintf. l approaching Ipoh, two trucks cental 1 rice and liquor respectively, became connected. They turned over and the line blocked for some time. The running several trains was
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  • 4419 7 Reconstruction of Court Life During the Last Reign Preventing the Sovereign from Becoming Bored —Perils That Beset the Courtier’s Path —Characters with Hearts of Gold Hints for Ambitious Aviators —Historical Blunders. Hj These Englands. ■Bic [Cdwardians. By Sackvilk-; The Hogarth Press. 7*. fed. ■Enc of
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  • 131 8 Ship’s Officers Discover Contraband. On information received from the captain of the* Norwegian vessel Helios, which arrived from China ports on Monday, Mr. \V. Gordon, of the Singapore Preventive Service, boarded the ship and seized &lt;&gt;&lt;&gt; tahils of contraband chandu concealed in the coal bunkers. A further
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  • 49 8 (1’ rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, .July, 4. The two charges of criminal breach of trii'-’t, including $10,000, against Chan Pan ••ok. manager of Chop Ban Seng Lee, of each Street, were dismissed in the dis- -let court here today. Chan Pan Yeok was acquitted and discharged.
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  • 1240 8 Second Appeal Succeeds. GUILTY knowledge not PROVED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 7. As the result of a successful appeal, lasting for nearly three days, in the F.M.S. Court of Appeal, two of the three men sentenced for complicity in the Mcntakah post office
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  • 179 8 I oreign exports of tin, being final went* on ocean-steamers at nil Malays ports during the month of June, It'd* l Destination. T 'i".«. l nited Kingdom 92» T cited States of America t 2'-* ontinent of Europe British Possessions Japan 106 Other foreign countries d Total
    179 words

  • 1579 9 I Postponed Ceremony. 1,,-TPUT DOUBLED BY J NEW PLANT. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) I Kuala Lumpur, July 5. l ltho u K h U has been supplying current Kuala Lumpur since July 1, 1927, the e ectric power station at Bungsar E u wait,
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  • 259 9 Collapse on Golf Course. NOTABLE CAREER IN MALAYA. The death of Mr. Edwy Lyonet Tally? occurred in tragic circumstances on S(mday morning. He collapsed while playing a game of golf at the Race Course Club at 11 a.m. and his body was taken
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  • 1376 9 Distinguished Civil Servant And Advocate. Eloquent tributes were paid to the memory of Mr. Talma in the Supreme Court on Monday by the Bench, the Solicitor-General and the Bar. There was a full attendance of counsel. With the Solicitor-General (Mr. J. V. G. Mills) was the Deputy
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  • 314 10 Unsettled Conditions In Sumatra. (Pros.) Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, duly 1. Planters in Sumatra have received another indicati- n of tlie rather unsettled i onditions on estate-' by the murd i a Russian assistant hy a cooHe on one of the estates of the Belgian compunj. Soeiete Finan
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  • 236 10 HijV Seizure hy Police In Singapore. Uoiitiuheiul handu valued at over! fr,0.000 was m i/.ml hy th'* Itoi’hore Divi-j rion police in Jalan Bestir on Friday) Morning, and two Clbncse, one of whom j i said to be a wealthy merchant, were' nmwlt.l. The :;&lt;(" were Ng Peek
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  • 167 10 Annual Conference And Dinner. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 7. The annual stair conference, dinner and golf competition of the Fleetrical Depart rnent, F.M.S. were held over the week end. Among those present at the dinner in the Masonic Hall, Danmnsara Rond were the Hon.
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  • 147 10 Prisoners Awaiting Death Attempt Escape. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, July 7. A serious situation arose in Bangkok central gaol when a number of prisoners under sentence of death for murder made a hold bid for liberty. W hen a police officer entered the part f the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 233 10 trJU &lt; s f I Sfe fi Hi r s: arf W2 Hcour^rI) r.AI \rj ggl JV'' -j ;.«vj &gt;ir &lt; V *•&gt;.«..« W .ftOCKHMiy JM7II’ V, 7 U'j F Sf v' 31 .,2 Refreshing After Exercise. “4711” Eau de Cologne is the companion of sport. Its refreshing coolness after
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  • 2695 15 ase Against Member Of Turf Club. was continued in the Second U rt n Friday, before Mr. P S. u which a Chinese Towkay, 1 ‘ivh Ki*ng, and his employee. Chee n a«e being tried on charges L ?,ing concerned with a public lottery. r Dcnuty Public
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  • 44 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Fenanjf, July 4. Mr. H. J. Henderbolt, a European, was charged in the second police court today witli causinpr grievous injury to a Tamil by rash driving. Ihe case was postponed until July 7. bail in $2OO allowed.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 42 15 Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS £ftj&gt; Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, etc. Special Attention is given to outstation orders. All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
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  • 560 16 Retiring Professor’s Forecast. That the King Edward VII (’olleje &lt;&gt;f Medicine would make history was the lief expressed hy Or. K. H. W M.A., DJ.CI., Dip. A«r»ic*. (Cantab), when he replied to the eloquent tributes which wr»re paid to him hy the students# graduates and
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  • 107 16 HANDBAG TH EFT. Hylam House Servant r Sentenced. Sentence of six months’ rigorous imprisonment was passed on the Iiylam servant who was chniged with theft of $2d from ji handbag at the Naval Ilaso, Selotar, l»v Mr. 1*. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate on Friday. When tike case was
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  • 44 16 Me- i I'..u luw arid &lt; &lt;i., in Ihcir copra report, July .1, slut I* Tin* market ha.-, licen hteadiei anil |nic« show some improve* ment on No shipments were report eil. (‘losing quotation* are as follows: Sar.'lrieil v.H an&gt;l mixed $7.!»f».
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  • 492 16 Cruelty Appeal. JUDGE REQUESTS PRr* PUBLICITY. That ill-treatment can occur by omisiiog as well as by action, was the decision! the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison in an appeal that came before his Urt ship on Monday afternoon from an W named of 80-1, St. Michael, Road,
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  • 169 16 Member of Pig-Huntin? Party Killed. (From Our Own Correspondent.' Ipoh, July &lt;■ Mr. Kam Kok Lin was accidental!} dead by a companion when he was ou r shooting w’ith a party from IP° n Lenggong on Sunday. v When the party reached the jungle* member took up
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 125 16 Safe! N o EVER strike a match never hold an open flame near inflammable oil,grease or petrol fumes! Flash on your Eveready. Flood the spot with safe,brilliant,unfailing light. Always carry a dependable, durable Eveready Flashlight with Eveready Batteries the world's finest flashlight. Obtainable from all first class dealers. Beware of
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 436 17 —Reuter. overnment Committee’s Recommendations. need FOR ACTION. Mission to Far East Suggested. London, July 4. )r t of the Economic Advisory '“'•i Com nittcc on the cotton industry i M October, 1929, under the firstly, of Mr. William ham then of Mr. J. R. Clym-s lv o
      ••• —Reuter.  -  436 words
    • 75 17 i cu i ’•—Sin Kuo Min. rrain Wrecked 4 Killed Hundreds Injured. 0 Shanghai, July 3. li'.ow i nuT^ ern Re F tion °f the TientsinPtwoen Hnn'i a lra n was &lt;lerailed today The d- huan,r an(i Shaha. rr* kiii.,V* r fl i nd throe of the
      i cu i ’•—Sin Kuo Min.  -  75 words
    • 73 17 hix’iw.. ,k Buckingham Palace.—British t rjivuriu I on Kratulations to the King And Queen. f Rugby, July G. froni tt,] Part« of the r' Qn-cn i.n .1 rccoi ved by the King ob i.rri v 1 1( celebration of the V “«er,lav f!r V T f i- th
      hix’iw.. ,k Buckingham Palace.—British  -  73 words
    • 95 17 —Aneta. Dutch Enthusiasm For Forthcoming Visit. Batavia, July 5. Sir Cecil dementi, Governor of the Straits Settlements, will visit Java in August, making the journey uy aeroplane. According to the Amsterdam newspaper Algemeen Handelsblad, Sir Cecil will leave the Straits on Aug. 27.
      —Aneta.  -  95 words
    • 151 17 —British Wireless. Debate in House Of Lords. Rugby, July 3. When Lord Ponsonby, for the Government, moved in the House of Lords the second reading of the Overseas Trade Bill, which extends the time for Government guarantees upon exports, Viseount Brentford, a Conservative ex-Minister, criticised the decision of
      .—British Wireless.  -  151 words
    • 122 17 —Reuter. Three Hundred Bishops In London. London, July G. The largest assembly of the Episcopacy in the history of the Anglican Church gathered in St. Paul's Cathedral today for a service in pieparation for the opening of the seventh Lambeth Conference tomorrow. There were over 300 Bishops from
      —Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 111 17 ,—British Wireless. U.S. and British Programmes Compared. Rugby, July 2. Replying to questions in the House of Commons today, Mr. A. V. Alexander, the First Lord of the Admiralty, said it had been decided to commence, this financial year, the three submarines of the 1929 programme and the
      ,—British Wireless.  -  111 words
    • 37 17 —Router. Surplus of $181,000,000 At End Of Fiscal Year. Washington, July 2. The surplus for the fiscal year ended yesterday amounted to $181,000,000. This was the same as last year, but was larger than expected.—Renter.
      .—Router.  -  37 words
    • 176 17 —Reuter. Will It Be Handed Over To! Nanking London, July 2. In the House of Commons at question time, Mr. R. D. Ross (Cons., Londonderry) asked whether, concerning the rendition of Weihaiwei on or before Oct. 30, regard would be given to the local political situation.
      —Reuter.  -  176 words
    • 146 17 —Reuter. Earthquake in Early Morning. Calcutta, July 3. An earthquake which occurred at three o’clock this morning frightened many sleepers, but the material damage was confined to interrupted telephone communications. The shock was felt in other centres of Bengal. Crowds in the Indian quarters surged into the streets
      .—Reuter.  -  146 words
    • 104 17 —Reuter. Increasing the Smaller Prizes. Calcutta, July 2. The Stewards of the Calcutta Turf Club, at a meeting on Monday, decided that prizes in the Derby Sweep shall be awarded only in respect of* horses left after the third scratching instead of those left after the second scratching.
      .—Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 91 17 —Reuter. Committee an Unlawful Association. Simla, July 2. Misapprehension with regard to the recent proclamation that the working committee of the All-India Congress was an tmUwful association has been cleared up by the explanation that this applies throughout India and not in the United Provinces alone. The committee
      —Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 141 17 —Reuter. Important Resolution By Bankers. URGENT MEASURES. Change in Traditional Policy. London, July 3. A meeting of bankers and financial houses, including representatives of the Hank of England and the National, Westminster and Midland Hanks, passed a resolution stating that urgent measures to promote inter*Imperial trade are
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 188 17 .Reuter. Victory for Woman Pilot. i London, July 5. The King’s Cup air race over a course of 750 miles, was won by Miss Winifred Brown. The winner’s average speed was 102.7 miles an hour. She also won the Siddeley Trophy for light aeroplanes. She flew an
      .Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 208 17 li« liter. Court I’pholds Action Of Authorities. Simla, July 7. Tin* official Committee of Inquiry into the rioting at Peshawar has upheld the action taken by the civil and military authorities to deal with the disturbances. The Ciovernment of India has accepted the Committee’s findings. The Committee consisted
      li« liter.  -  208 words
    • 474 18 IJritish Witvless. Effect on the Political Situation. PARTY FEELING. The Referendum Pledge. (From Our Own Correspondent.) r London, July C. It is now obvious that the manifesto Issued by the hankers with regard to Umpire trade has not merely created a tremendous sensation, hut h* s P
      IJritish Witvless.  -  474 words
    • 42 18 Disquiet at Growing Tension. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 6. There is increasing disquiet in diplomatic circles regarding the obvious tension 1m tween France and Italy. The tension appears to be growing daily, and the position is ominous.
      42 words
    • 61 18 Reuter. Arrest of Alleged Leader Of Revolution. Lisbon, July 6. According to a semi-oflioial communique, the (i &gt;veminent has arrested Colonel Joao Alemida, following the* receipt of evidence that lie was preparing a revolutionary movement in co-operation W'th elements openly hostile to the dictatorship with the object
      — Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 954 18 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE S DEATH. Novelist and Spiritualist. forsook medicine for SHERLOCK HOLMES. 4 London, July 7. Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous au\or, died at his home at Crowborough at D.i5 this morning. He has been ill siriee November, due. it is thought, to the exhaustive nature of the
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    • 110 18 —Reuter. 300 Houses Wrecked. DEATH ROLL OF TWELVE IN YORKSHIRE. London, July 4. Ten men were killed and 20 injured as the result of an explosion in the chemical works of Hickson and Partners, Ltd., at Castleford, Yorkshire. Two of the injured died later. The explosion, which
      —Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 67 18 —Reuter. Increased Preference Motion Rejected. London, July 8. The House of Commons, by 246 to 141, rejected the Conservative proposal to increase the preference on British Empire sugar from a half-penny to three-far-things a pound. Mr. Snowden, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, said the Government was taking steps
      .—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 50 18 —Reuter. First Round-World Flight By Direct Route. Oakland. California, July 4. Cant. Kingsford Smith, who has been promoted to be Wing Commander, has arrived in the Southern Cross. He is thus the first to complete a round-the-world flieht by the direct route over the Pacific and the Atlantic.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 25 18 —Reuter. Death of New Zealand Statesman. Wellington. July 7. The death has occurred of the former Prime Minister, Sir Joseph George Ward.
      —Reuter.  -  25 words
    • 256 18 —Reuter Breaking Forest Laws. A FULLY EQUIPPEH EXPEDITION. Yeotal, Berar, J.j y Eight thousand volunteers the first batch of forest law- hmT** havo left for Pusa in readiness to l a »5 a Satyagraha campaign on July lo The expedition is fully equipped fn* axes to
      •—Reuter  -  256 words
    • 124 18 ,—British Wireless. New Era for Motorists In Britain. Rugby, July 3. The House of Commons approved the Government proposal to abolish the -yeec limit for motor-cars by a two to one majority. It is proposed that when the decision takes effect a system of police patrol* on
      ,—British Wireless.  -  124 words
    • 100 18 .—British Wirele* 1 Opening by Duke Of York. Rugby, July 4. The Duke of York today visited "‘h mouth and opened the new bridge the harbour which has cost £00,001. i doing so he pressed a button which s*anod a 400 horse-power electrical i ll0C lifting two 100-ton
      .—British Wirele*1  -  100 words
    • 96 18 —Reuter. Plane Kept Aloft For 23 Days. Chicago, July i1. The two brothers John arul Hunter, who easily broke all record -'.j, a continuous refuelling flight \vitn t aeroplane City of Chicago, have at landed owing to a broken nil They remained in the air a.)'J 11,1
      —Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 872 19 ,—British Wireless. r. Baldwin’s Letter To Prime Minister. SAFEGUARDING. Only Way to Relieve Position. Rugby, July 2. i uxt is published of the correspond- which was passed between the u f m,.. Ramsay MacDonald, and Mr. n Cv Baldwin and Mr. Lloyd George, respective leaders of
      ,—British Wireless.  -  872 words
    • 138 19 British Wireless. New Planes of Royal Air Force. Rugby, July 4. It is learned that a request is to be made to the Air Ministry to permit a further attack to l&gt;e made on the existing world speed record held by Squadron Leader Orlebar, of 357.7
      British Wireless.  -  138 words
    • 250 19 Reuter. Preference Stock Dividend. London, July 3. Cables and Wireless, Ltd., have issued a statement to the effect that the directors are satisfied that the company will be in a position to pay the full dividend on the 5&gt;i per cent, cumulative preference stock, 1930, on the
      Reuter.  -  250 words
    • 92 19 .—Reuter. Labourers Now Resuming Work. Berlin, July 3. The workmen were naturally opposed to the cutting down of wages in the iron and steel industries, but the fighting spirit is being replaced by more sober considerations. Nine thousand men at Mulheim downed tools on July 1, when
      .—Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 99 19 Sumatra Police Inspector Killed for Revenge. (From Our Own Medan, July 3^^ Another European has been murderjffi in Sumatra. The vict ini is a police inspector of Kaban Djah'*, East ('oast of Sumatra. It is alleged that the inspector was killed by* a Tobanese Batak, whose motive
      99 words
    • 45 19 Reuter. Protection Given to Dutch Producers. The Hague, July 2. The Second Chamber adopted the hill placing an import duty of 2 florins 40 cents per hundred kilos on refined sugar. The duty is designed to protect Dutch producers during the existing crisis.—
      Reuter.  -  45 words
    • 448 19 British Wireless. —Reuter. British Wireless. Rugby, July 3. Mr. Arthur Henderson, the Foreign Secretary, gave a dinner this evening at the Foreign Office in honour ot Dr. Julio Prestes, the President-Elect of Brazil. The guests included Cabinet Ministers and other political leaders, the Lord Mayor of
      — British Wireless.; —Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  448 words
    • 400 19 I UVUVIOIf T —Reuter. Position of Cables And Wireless. ADVERSE FACTORS. No Dividend on Ordinary Stock. London, July 2. The recent pronounced fall in 44 Cables and Wireless,” the great holding concern of cable and wireless shares, received a fresh impetus on the Stock Exchange today
      I UVUVIOIf T —Reuter.  -  400 words
    • 101 19 .—Reuter. President Hoover Urges Ratification. Washington, July 4'. Congress has adjourned. A special session of the Senate will probably be convoked for July 7 to consider the London Naval Pact. President Hoover has called a special session of the Senate on Monday to consider the London Naval Treaty.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 72 19 Reuter. Standards Established for All Countries. London, July 7. I he representatives of 27 Governments, forming the International Load-line Conference, have concluded their six weeks’ deliberations. 'I he Conference has unanimously sign&lt;1 a Convention establishing world-wido loading standards for all merchant ships engaged in international trade—with provision
      Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 560 20 Labour and Empire Free Trade. NORFOLK ELECTION. Effect of Bankers’ Manifesto. London, July 7. The Bankers’ Manifesto, cabled on July 4, has caused a new political situation It has become the main issue at the North Norfolk by-election, necessitated by the elevation of the Rt. Hon. Noe
      560 words
    • 391 20 Reuter. Motion of ('ensure By Mr. Baldwin. London, July 7. 1 he I :»rt i in t ]Inn of Commons v ill xloitly i".me to .&lt;rips «.n ih&lt;&gt; Dsnc »f closer Imp*" fill lv.onotnic Polity on u notion of «m.sinv l„dg d today by Mr. B it
      Reuter.  -  391 words
    • 370 20 —British Wireless. ,—Renter. Return to Normal On Frontier. Rugby, July 7. kf lx* weekly appreciation of the situa,n, compile'! by the Government, of India and circulated to members of Parliament, descrilics as the chief event of the week in India the detduration of the All-India Congress
      —British Wireless.; ,—Renter.  -  370 words
    • 154 20 —Reuter. Troops Fire on Crowd At Mansourah. Cairo, July 8. Police a .d military cordons barred the roads leading to a meeting at Mansourah which had l&gt;oen organised by the Wafd executive hut prohibited by the Government. Nahas Pasha’s motor-car, with a score of students clinging
      —Reuter.  -  154 words
    • 271 20 Reuter. Far East and Credits Scheme. London, July 7. In the House of Commons the Rev. R. Sorensen, Labour member for Leyton W., suggested the extension of the Export Credits Scheme to cover the export of textile and soft goods to Ceylon and the Ear East. Mr. G.
      Reuter.  -  271 words
    • 81 20 .—British Wireless. Big Sale of Copies in Great Britain. Rugby, July 7. Mr. Wedgwood Benn informed the House of Commons that up to the present about 33.000 copies of the first part, and about 23,000 copies of the second part of the Simon report had been sold in
      .—British Wireless.  -  81 words
    • 97 20 Reuter. Italian Views on M. Rriand’s Scheme. Rome, July 7. The Italian reply to M. Briand’s plan for a federated United States of Europe has been handed to the French Ambassador at Rome. It suggests that the Soviet and Turkish Governments should be also invited to the proposed
      – Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 203 20 —Reuter. Principal of Trusteeship LOYAL RESPONSE ftp GOVERNORS F London, j u y g The Labour Government’s colonial native policy was outlined by D r p mond ***** Is, the Parliamentary fnj Secretary for the Colonies, in an addrj, before the Colonial Office Conference Dr. Shiels said
      —Reuter.  -  203 words
    • 176 20 ttritish Wireless. Disaster Due to Boat Striking Branch. London. July 5 A verdict of accidental death xt returned at the inquest on Sir Her Segruve at Windermere The evidence confirmed that the disua was due to the boat striking the water logged branch of a five. —Reuter.
      ttritish Wireless.  -  176 words
    • 150 20 —Reuter. Result of Queensland Mines Inquiry. Sydney, July 5. The Federal Government Treasure Mr. Theodore, has resigned, following announcement of the findings of Queensland Royal Commission of Iuq-; into the circumstances attending the base of the Mungana (Chillagoe) wiby the Queensland Labour vvhen Mr. Theodore was Prime Min£;
      —Reuter.  -  150 words
    • 50 20 Reuter. Mme. Lupcscu Arrives Summer Palace. Berlin, July It is reported from Bucharest sation has been caused in court a" ’teal circles owing to the Koyal summer palace at Sinaia r.upescu, who was King Carol nion in exile. r0 Carol is expected there K i»11 f r»i*
      Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 712 21 KING S HOPES FOR INDIA. —British Wireless. I a Plea for Wider Sympathy. Hl'KI'SSlVE SPEECH. Critical Period Of History. London, July 8. H, U -i* the magnificent new home ,l M Commissioner of India in |£h. Cvas opened by the King to- i, oH-ech the King expressed affec\rd Vvnipalh.v for
      —British Wireless.  -  712 words
    • 43 21 Reuter. Highest Total for Eight Years. London, July 9. The total number of unemployed in Great Britain on June 30 was 1,890,000. This was an increase of 75,000 over the previous week, and is the highest figure since January, 1922.—Reuter.
      — Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 252 21 —Router. Dramatic Statement By i Ex-Minister. Canberra, July 8. Mr. Theodore, the ex-Federal Treasurer (who resigned following the announcement of the finding of the Queensland Royal Commission of Inquiry into the circumstances attending the nurchasc of the Mungana. Chillagoe, Mines by he Queensland Labour Government when he was
      —Router.  -  252 words
    • 68 21 —Reuter. Big Rainfall In Australia. Melbourne, July 3. The worst drought in the history of the Commonwealth in Central and South Australia has been broken by a rainfall reaching five inches. Si ;.king rains nr reported in Victoria, c uth Australia, Now South Wales and Queensland and light
      —Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 73 21 —Reuter. New Rules for Company Registration. Nanking, July 8. The State Council has issued orders for the registration of foreign companies in China to be granted strictly in accordance with the principle of reciprocity, only those companies being permitted to register whose governments also permit Chinese companies
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 96 21 in 1917 it had been halved.—British Wireless. Big Fall in Death Rate In Britain. Rugby, July 3. Dr. George Newman, Chief Medical Officer to the Ministry of Health, addressing the conference of the National Associations for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, said the death rate from pulmonary tuberculosis or consumption
      in 1917 it had been halved.—British Wireless.  -  96 words
    • 467 21 .—Reuter. The Foreign Legations. MOVE FROM PEKING DESIRABLE. I London, July In an editorial on the Chinese civil The Times says it would be unjust Mo blame Nanking alone for a situation which is the natural consequence of civil war or to deny that
      .—Reuter.  -  467 words
    • 61 21 uu uv 11\; ,—Reuter. Nigeria Endorses T.P.A. Decision. London, July 4. The Nigerian Chamber of Mines has endorsed the recommendation of the Tin Producers’ Association in favour of a two months shut down of production. It suggests that the companies in Nigeria should restrict production during three months
      uu uv 11\; ,—Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 47 21 —Reuter. Search Now Regarded As Hopeless. Rangoon, July 8. Parties are still searching the uninhabited jungle north of Taungup, South Burma, for the airmen, Hook and Matthews, who have been missing since they left Alcyab on Thursday, hut the search is regarded as practically hopeless.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  47 words
    • 61 21 Japan’s Wireless Telephone Suggestion. Tokio, July 8. With reference to the proposals submitted at the recent Cabinet meeting by the Communications Minister, Mr. Koizumi. it is learned that Mr. Koizumi’s suggestion for expansion of the wireless •legroph services means the inter-link-ing, thi-ough wireless telephone services, of various
      61 words
    • 684 21 Harvesting to Start Next Year. The second annual general meeting of NT•'jc-i Sembilnn Oil l'alms Limited, was held at tin* registered office of the company, 50-M Rirch l'oad. Seremhan, on Suturduy, June 28 Mr. R. T. Mills presiding. a» After the representative of tlie secretaries had
      684 words
    • 119 21 Drives On After Knocking Down Chinese. (From Our Own ('orrespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 8. Another ease of a motorist driving on after knocking a man down was reported to the police last night when a Chinese was knocked down and killed at the 5Va mile, Cheras Road, hy
      119 words

  • 62 21 so far advised total 500 delegates.— British Wireless. Delegations from Twenty-seven Countries. Rugby, July 8. For the* conference of the Inter-Parlia-mentary t’nion, to lx* held in London from July Id to July 22, delegations are coming from 27 nations. The delegations vary from one member up t»» alx&gt;ut
    so far advised total 500 delegates.— British Wireless.  -  62 words

    • 1324 22 -lU'Uter. Defeats Borotra. SENSATIONAL MATCH AT, WIMBLEDON. London, July 2. The imminence* of France’s downfall from the leadership of the nations in tennis was foreshadowed on the centre! court at Wimbledon today, when Borotra, j the sole remaining French representative, i went down before \V. T.
      -lU'Uter.  -  1,324 words
    • 514 22 —Reuter. Strong Challenge By Americans. London, July 2. Henley Regatta bad a glorious opening today, and provided the customary pageant of colour. The regatta is particularly interesting in view of the strong foreign challenge-, notably in the Thames Cup. in which t»u Americans are. endeavouring to upholo
      —Reuter.  -  514 words
    • 74 22 Malacca Ladies’ R.A. Shoot For Beatty Cup. rom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, July 2. The Malacca Ladies’ R.A. held a shoot for the Beatty Cup which resulted alollows 200 r»00 Totul yds. yds. score s 1.0 OK 203.22 Miss 1 hompson fi(&gt; 41 81 M, rs at y
      74 words
    • 437 22 A Close Thing. MERCHANTS WIN IN r K r FEW MINUTES. 1 A good stand by Redmond and Brook stemmed the fall of the Merchwickets and gave them the victory the B.B.I. in the S.C.C. tournament onti* Padang on Saturday by 42 runs. K OUro{ their
      437 words
    • 132 22 Record Lowered by OneFifth Second. Vancouver. July Eddie Tolan, a Michigan runner. &gt; 100 metres in 10 1/5 seconds, which world's record.—Reuter. The previous record time for t,v metres (109 yards) 10 2/5 secs. "aM up by C. W. Paddock at Redlands. ern California, on April 23, 1921.
      132 words
    • 33 22 New Zealand Victory l n Second Test. Christchurch, T l! &gt; New Zealand won the sccoP'i Test against Great Britain by to 10.—Reuter. l»j Croat Britain w r on the first 6—3.
      33 words
    • 1077 23 Three Players Retire. ttH (HINA TOURISTS BEAT SINGAPORE XL ri XI 0 1 South China A.A. 2. jthouph there was no semblance of rh Iay in the match in which the h rh i M a Athletic Association toura Singapore XI by two clear s at
      1,077 words
    • 438 23 Regimental Meeting At Tanglin. Fine weather contributed greatly to the success of the athletic meeting of the 2nd Welch Regiment at Tanglin on Saturday. The Regiment were at home to officers J iiv.l wives of the garrison and a good attendance lent colour to a very popular 1
      438 words
    • 1045 23 Result of S.C.C. Medal Competition. The Singapore Golf Club July Bogey competition was played on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a win for Mr. R. Renton in u A Division and by Mr. J. A. Curley in B division. Altogether t)3 cards were taken out, a- (f
      1,045 words
    • 342 23 J OHORE’S POLO WIN. Singapore Ex-Service Team Beaten. A large crowd watched the pa me be--tween an Ex-Service team from the Singapore Polo Club and the Royal Johore Polo Club, which resulted in a it n for the latter by It—2 at Johore on Sunday. Although the score was high
      342 words
    • 1225 24 r ,—Reuter. County Cricket Results. TREMENDOUS SCOKE BY NOTTS. Details of matches started &lt;»" July 2, jind cabled by .Renter are as follows. London, July 4. Gloucestershire*’* Lin \N in. Gloucester: Gloucestershire deluded Sussex by an innings and nine ruts. The home county stunted out with a
      — r •» ,—Reuter.  -  1,225 words
    • 214 24 R.E. Win Championship At Pulau Brani. Tuesday was a gala day at Pulau P.rani when the annual athletic sports of the Royal Engineers and Royal Artillery was successfully held. A large number of visitors were present. Tea and refreshments were served, and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. All
      214 words
    • 567 24 I Wonderful Marathon By Scottish Champion. London. July 4. At Stamford Bridge, where the Amateur Athletic Association championships are being held, in the two miles walking race W. Hyde, of the Enfield, A.C., won in I is mins. 5*5 2 5 sees. Copper (Woodford Green A.C.) was second,
      567 words
    • 195 24 FOUL MADE LEGAL Strange Boxing Decision In New York. New York, July 2. Henceforth a low or foul blow will not disqualify a boxer in New York State. The New York Boxing Commission has decided that pugilists must henceforth wear abdominal guards. A clause in the boxers’ agreement will provide
      195 words
    • 599 24 Punai Wins Handi caD Race. At the Royal Singapore Yacht Club .Sunday morning there was a t0 mh' A and B Class handicap vacs f„, prizes given by the Commodore. Thu class yachts received a time allowance 31 seconds a mile and, the course ni tai
      599 words
    • 62 24 Championship Meeting Postponed. (From Our Own Kuala Lumpur, Owin? to the lack of entrio? mittee of the Amateur Athletic* f ,j tion of Negri Sembilan are re ".\v; compelled to postpone the meeting arranged for Friday !in fj! day, July 11 and 12. An en&lt;!«'»' j be
      62 words

  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 157 25 MALAYAN MOTORS, LTD. (REPRESENTED THROUGHOUT MALAYA BY WEARNE BROS., LTD.) THE LEADING DAILY NEWSPAPER IN THE EAST. 20 Pages (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday) 4 Pages (Tuesday and Friday). Che Straits ®itnrs,§ Take Phosferine *OV/f¥ jZS 5.“. Utur. r OV£ 0 »*&lt;w mm*** nt ut a.*I 'JT. K. w& SCr--JMM&ssgag Qe-Nt.
      157 words

  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 477 26 May we introduce to you THE ELECTRIC STARTING OUTBOARD MOTOR JUST PRESS THE STARfl!& SWITCH AND TICE MOTOft STARTS UP IMMEDIATELY. Just like your car, it need* no cranking. When motor i* running the dynamo charge* the battery and this enable* ypu to use lights in your boat in the
      477 words
    • 213 26 ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telegrams STATETRUST," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley’s and Liebera. Telephone No. 243. A Trust Company Registered under the Trust Comp uiei Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits Set. tlements Government. REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICE Nos. 1, 2 and 3, RAFFLES
      213 words