The Straits Budget, 3 July 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TOMES I ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CIMTUBY.] No. .‘>.777 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7<L
    30 words
  • 307 1 HEADERS p 6 A Single Colonial Service Unified Services jj Universities and the C olomes o Coolies’ Wages 3-4 Federal Council j Entertainment J Occasional Notes «-o Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 23-27 Will Tsingtao Fall? C.ermanv Among the Great Powers 9 .'‘Pictures Th 11.M.5. Malaya
    307 words
  • 1837 1 1 ni'iVi* who in on his way to < rit; a as s P ecial correspondent of ica. an important South Amerian journal puhHshed i n Buenos Aires of lij, m r cyl n After making a tour cuttJu an <* visiting Madras and Calquan’ers? W make
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  • 3134 2 MUNICIPALITY MISSION HOSPITAL. No Reduction in Rates Of Services. BUILDING BYLAWS. INCREASE IN MALARIAINCIDENCE. An important announcement was ma le at a meeting of the Municipal Commissioners on Friday to the* effect Uuit the Presided had conic to a tentative and provisional agreement with Hammer and Co. with a bit
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 979 3 in subsequent articles.—Straits Times, June 26. The proposals which we make involve, in the first place, the recognition of a single Colonial Service, and in the second place, within this larger whole, the unification of special services such as agriculture, medicine, education, etc.” Now that a
      in subsequent articles.—Straits Times, June 26.  -  979 words
    • 1109 3 entirely different footing.—Straits Times, June 27. In a previous dealt with a few’ of the manyvery serious objections which are likely to be taken to the suggestion that a single Colonial Service should be created, and that, within this larger whole, unified special services should be organised w’ith
      entirely different footing.—Straits Times, June 27.  -  1,109 words
    • 1106 3 —Straits Times, June 28. Beading between the lines of the report of the Committee on the system of appointment in the Colonial Services, it is epiite evident that it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the supply of really suitable recruits, particularly for the specialised departments.
      ’—Straits Times, June 28.  -  1,106 words
    • 1178 3 n '-■'i w ¥aid in the case of Chinese .-AStraits imes, June 30. Mr. C. B. Graburn, presiding at the annual general meeting of the Planters Association of Malaya last week, referred to what he described as the general feeling that planters had to do something to reduce
      n '-■'i w ------ — – — — — ¥aid in the case of Chinese .-AStraits imes, June 30. \  -  1,178 words
    • 1195 4 —Straits Times, July 1. Speaking at the Federal Council neeting in reply to unofficial membersl.who urged the necessity for action with rajard to unemployment, the Chief Secretary, Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane, gave an assurance that the Government had the matter ‘fvell in hand.” The public was further!
      —Straits Times, July 1.  -  1,195 words
    • 1093 4 prevail m a country like Malaya.—StraitT imcs, July 2. Those residents of the East who still manage to retain some interest in music and the drama will have noted with regret that the supply of such entertainment has ceased almost entirely. It was never very plentiful, and not even
      prevail m a country like Malaya.—Strait-Timcs, July 2.  -  1,093 words

    • 147 5 crew of the Southern Cross.—Straits Times. June 26. Miss Amy Johnson is definitely the foremost airwoman of the day. And row Captain Kingsford Smith has accomplished a third remarkable exploit which places him in the van of the world’s greatest airmen. Any one of his feats in the
      crew of the Southern Cross.—Straits Times. June 26.  -  147 words
    • 526 5 INDIA TODAY Straits Times, June 26. In this part of the world we hear comnaratively little of whq* is really happen- j j n g in India, but the Indian newspapers n nke very depressing reading these days, in a slnirle copy of the Calcutta Statesman for June 13, picked
      Straits Times, June 26.  -  526 words
    • 181 5 —Straits Timts, June 27. Icest kmnvri* f'°^ cr one of the vst, n n a < l< *P» r tnu?nts of the postal „’';nv t i 1 t w,ll l come as a surprise to 'infill'll 1 a,n ,a according to the T'e’ogt-inVi u t^lc Posts and xHudn
      —Straits Timts, June 27.  -  181 words
    • 280 5 .—Straits Times, June 27. The world has been informed on good authority that only man is vile in the fair island of Ceylon, and for years the statement in the famous hymn has been strongly resented by the inhabitants. Not even the explanation that the writer was
      .—Straits Times, June 27.  -  280 words
    • 342 5 VV.1 V V WIIUW rather beats us for the moment. —Straits Times, June 27. By no means one of the least interesting feature? of the report of the CommittwC which recently investigated the system of appointment in the Colonial Services, is ♦be introduction. This deals with the
      VV.1 •• V V WIIUW rather beats us for the moment.—Straits Times, June 27.  -  342 words
    • 81 5 ment the moment one falls ill.— Strait;, Times, June 28. Recognising that it is good business to prolong the lives of their clients, life insurance companies in Germany are establishing a health service. At regular intervals policy holders are to be permitted to consult a doctor
      — ment the moment one falls ill.— Strait;, Times, June 28.  -  81 words
    • 167 5 3,675 and natives, Times, June 28. With reference to the note which appeared in this column yesterday concerning Hu- Briti-h Empire's “condominium,” which was referred to hut not specified in the report of the Committee which has recently investigated the system of appointment in the Colonial Sq-vivs J.F.”
      3,675 and natives, Times, June 28.  -  167 words
    • 130 5 Mat next ?—Strait 0 -nmes, June 28. fM Even in America, it seems, they sometimes find something in Great Brtfh'n worth copying. For example, we remmhnt Harvard, the most famous of all Anm-fcan universities, is to be remodeITed m\ Oxford. Undergraduates, in to rat sedate dinners in
      Mat next ?—Strait0 -nmes, June 28. **. fM  -  130 words
    • 247 5 OUR FEROCIOUS” UNOFFICIALS. Sf friendly co-opcration.—Straits Times, une 28. Iiembers of our Fedojs”? Evidently Silently appointed Govthinks so for at the .ogislative Council in lich he presided on answer to a few from Sir Shou-sc” t I missed the quite ich sometimes charon the Government ibers of the Federal rated
      Sf friendly co-opcration.—Straits Times, une 28.  -  247 words
    • 218 5 -Straits Times, June JO. Two veterans of Singapore left for Home on retirement recently in Mr. T. L. Evans, general manager of the United Engineers, and Capt. T. Keith Welsh, senior captain of the Eastern Extension able Co. Both had interesting reminiscences to relate of former
      -Straits Times, June JO.  -  218 words
    • 451 5 .—Straits Times, June 30. Financiers as well as journalists wen startled by the collapse of the London Daily Chronicle, which has been absorbed by the Daily News, at a time when itr circulation was over 900,000 a day and it appeared to be only mildly over-capitalised when compared
      .—Straits Times, June 30.  -  451 words
    • 130 5 Straits Times, July 1. Visions of the day when that familiar London Underground notice “the exact fare saves time” will disappear for good are conjured up by the announcement that “robot” booking clerks are being installed at ninny of the most important Metropolitan stations. These machines not
      Straits Times, July 1.  -  130 words
    • 184 5 Straits Times, July 1. Every reader will contemplate the date at the head of this page with feelings of relief and satisfaction. The oldest inhabitant, interviewed as a matter of course by one of our reporters, eontjrmea the prevailing impression that June, 1930, was the longest month
      — Straits Times, July 1.  -  184 words
    • 226 5 Straits Timea, July 1. Only a few weeks ago we did what we could to cheer the first Chinese toreador on his way. It was announced that this celestial bullfighter had sailed from South America direct for Barcelona—where bullfighting is hullfighting—to show the native sons how
      Straits Timea, July 1.  -  226 words
    • 234 6 Straits Times, July 1. Spaniards, and the people in particular, must, however, be carcfu. how they deal with performers from China. It does not do, in these days, to follow them with yells of execration. Witness, for example, what happened to that well-known cinema star Ilurold Lloyd.
      — Straits Times, July 1.  -  234 words
    • 140 6 —Straits Timoe, July 2. I)r. Tan Bin Chiang, of Singapore, has “diagnosed,” quite correctly, that the author of our “Note of the Day,” which appeared on Friday last concerning the condominium referred to by the Committee which recently reported on the methods of appointment in the
      —Straits Timoe, July 2.  -  140 words
    • 209 6 ,—Straits Times, July 2. The Malayan,” which is the journal of the Malayan Students’ Union in London, has made its bovr to the public, and con tains plenty to interest those for whom it caters. It is rather surprising, however, to find in the first number an article
      ,—Straits Times, July 2.  -  209 words
    • 215 6 ho nearly a playing-field dream.—Straits Times, July 2. It was not many days ago since there was recorded in this column the case of the County Cricket team which was forced by the rules of the game to draw stumps when only one run was needed for
      ho nearly a playing-field dream.—Straits Times, July 2.  -  215 words
    • 204 6 MORE NOISE Straits Times, July > Quite recently in these columns we commented on Singapore’s noise and its harassing effect on city workers. It is such an old grievance that no discussion was aroused locally, but the Shanghai Fuss reference to the and Noise Nuisance.” Not oblivioujj/'of their own noise
      Straits Times, July >  -  204 words

  • 339 6 Harbour Board’s For Repairs!*; A sum of $150 was claimed brfore the Civil District Judge (Mr. 11. t. Bull) i-n Tuesday afternoon for repar*s to a 14-feet boat. Mr. E. L. Morgan, V>rtman shipwright in the employ of the Singapore Harbour Board, the plaintiffs, ejqflained that the craft
    339 words
  • 177 6 Situation in Singapore Less Acute. La.-1 month 1,374 aged and decrepit Chinese were sent back to China. About »5 per cent, of these were local unemnloy(1, Rom of whom had not been long in Malaya. The remaining 35 per cent, were coolies who had drifted down from the
    177 words
  • 608 6 Charge Against Manager Withdrawn. The failure of a Chinese restaurant business in Singapore’s Chinatown in February of this year resulted in charges of criminal breach of trust being preferred against the manager and cashier, who was before Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, on 1
    608 words
  • 113 6 Allegations Against Weights Measures Men. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. July 1. A Chinese named Te Hah Hee, of the Weights and Measures office, was discharg'd here today after being charged v, ith acct pting a bribe. A second Chinese of the Weights and Measures office, similarly charged,
    113 words
  • 584 6 ,,v 11C4I CillU —Sin Kuo Min. Fresh Shansi Offensive In Shantung. JAPANESE ANXIETY. Thrust from Tsinan To The Coast. Shanghai, July l. A further big Shansi offensive is reported to have been ordered on the Tientsin-Pukow and Chiaotsi Railway fronts. The first thrust will be southwards from
    ,,v 11C4I CillU —Sin Kuo Min.  -  584 words
  • 37 6 Postponed Owing To Indian Unrest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, July 1. It is definitely announced that the proposed M.C.C. tour of India, Burma and Ceylon has been postponed owing to the unrest in India.
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  • 727 7 After Brief Illness. HIS LIFE AND WORK IN SINGAPORE. The death of Sir Manasseh Meyer recurred at his house in Oxley Rise in the early hours of July 1. Sir Manasseh had been ill for the previous ten days .'.nd on Jub~
    727 words
  • 67 7 ■*l he Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letter? must be short and to tho point. Long epi*ties are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but
    67 words
  • 87 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Seeing that the road at Cameron’s Highlands is now open to Renglet, why not speed up the alienation of land Over three-quarters of the area is set aside to be granted “in due course” and meanwhile contractors, with unemployed coolies willing
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  • 148 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of the 24th inst., v °u state that the new N.Y.K. motor-ship Ilikawa Maru has created a record in •rossing the Pacific from Yokohama to Race Rocks, Victoria (British Columbia) in 10 days, 11 hours, 39 minutes,
    148 words
  • 222 7 Trapped When Machine Falls Over Bank. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 28. Two Europeans were killed as the result. of a motor-car accident near Port Dickson in the early hours of today. They were Company Sergear.t-Major Woekes, of tho Negri Sembilan Volunteer Force
    222 words
  • 894 7 Sir Cecil CUmenti In Trengganhw A correspondent sends us the following account of Sir Cecil dementi s Trcngganu. m On June 13 Sir Cecil Clementi#mved at Chukai, Kemaman, in WS yacht Sea Belle II. His Excellency w# met by the State Secretary, (Tengku Sri Sotia
    894 words
  • 578 7 Picnic Parties At Changi. We give below the third of the series by Selamat on Malaya 40 yenrsi^^.' The first time I went to Changi was to a picnic given by Major MacCallum, R.E. His daughter was hostess. We were a party the W. E. Hoopers,
    578 words

  • 3376 8 Mr. Questions. FINANCIAL POLICY MAINTAINED. The half-} me Trading o., I.iw s 1 1 oflicru of the i on! pa ay. u 1 11 1 1 1 1- 1 June 30. 'I hi Gun. Ni»* l t aided, and tho pie "Ht .nalud 1 r. Jl. G.
    3,376 words
  • 114 8 Chinese Motor-Car Driver Goes to Prison. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 27. There was a sequel to the death of Mr. Henry Movjcan, the dredge master, of Sc rendah, who was knocked down and killed by a motor-car while walking- near his house, in Rawang police
    114 words
  • 269 8 Proposed Amendments To Ordinance. A considerable number of amendments have been made in the Women and Girls Protection Ordinance 1930, which will be shortly introduced into the Legislative Council as announced in the current Government Gazette. The object of this Bill is to repeal and re-enact in
    269 words

  • 1255 9 I‘ge Against Abdulla Sahib. a |young Chinese convert t# iho was formerly the wife of iahib, a well-known local Mohamnerchant, told of her troubles to Wilson, the Singapore Criminal Judge on June 30 when the trial ilia Sahib, who is charged with alse information to t*‘e
    1,255 words
  • 111 9 Former Singapore Man Falls Overboard. While on his way by way of Canada Mr. F. E. accountant of the Hong Kwag and Shanghai Banking Corporation in fell overboard from the s.s. Empress of Russia in the Pacific, and was drowned. Mr. Beatty joined the staff of
    111 words
  • 123 9 lArflllOJ! S» Id Member Left ySqjd. (From Our Own Correspondent.) g Ipoh, July 1. Two robberes and a burglary have just taken place here. A gang wl M raided a house in Kampar met with Mtout resistance and were forced to ftrM. leaving behind one of
    123 words
  • 83 9 Attempt to Get Passports By f False Declaration. I From Our Own Correspondent.) j Penang, July 1. T|vo Burmese Buddhist priests were fined $20 each or 21 days’ imprisonment here today for making a false declaration to the Chief Police Officer when applying for passports to Siam. They
    83 words
  • 258 9 Freedom of the Rhine. REINSTATEMENT AS FREE AND EQUAL NATION. Berlin, July 1. celebrations in Germany to mark trl liberation of the Rhineland from nearly twelve yunrs of bondage were continued today, when all the schools were given holidays, salutes fired and festivities held everywhere.
    258 words
  • 30 9 .—Reuter. Formation of Provisional Government. London, July 1. The Bolivian Legation in London has received a cable from the Government announcing the formation of a military 1'rovisional Government.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 607 9 The following passengers are proceeding to Europe by the P. and O. Itanpura, which sailed on Friday Mr. S. J. Millen, ('apt. It. Knight, Miss V. E. Hunt, Miss A. Harness, Mr. J. C. Davies, Mrs. E. Cheers, Miss L. G. Culletou, Mr. It. M. Paton, Mr. J. K.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 54 9 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COUIil Cables ADELPHI. ADELPHI HOTEL. LTD.,
      54 words

  • 6240 10 Great Engineering Work Completed. PERAK SCHEME. Sir Cecil Clemently--Tribute. After work extending over three years, the < hcnderoli l)jin and |M»wer station were declared open hy Sir (’e**»l Clementi on Saturday. The scheme is one of the largest in the Empire, involving the damming of a river
    6,240 words

  • 171 11 Hylam Servant Tries To Stab Himself. On being charged with the theft of from a lady’s handbag, a Hylam servant admitted havfrig taken the money, but said that he did not know what he was doing as he was not in his proper mind. The case came up
    171 words
  • 65 11 Alleged Criminal Breach Of Trust. Bcresford Diggin, a European employed at Malayan Motors, was produced before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate on June 25 and charged with criminal breach of trust as a servant of •1*275 and in respect of a motor-car. The complainants, Malayan
    65 words

  • 9059 12 Measures to Relieve Unemployment UNOFFICIALS’ VIEWS. SIR CECIL CLEMENTI AND QUEEN’S SCHOLAR^KS'S. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kualu Lumpur, June 26. A meeting of the Federal Council of the Federated Malay States was held this morning in the Council Chamber, when H.E. the High Commissioner, Sir Cecil
    9,059 words

  • 275 14 Malayan Figures for May. EFFECT OF THE TRADE DEPRESSION. An adverse tiade balance is agaii shown in the Malayan return of import* and exports for the month of May. ports exceeded exports, the former amounting to $70,840,638, while export* were $65,494,378. For the purposes of comparison,
    275 words
  • 115 14 Echo of Shooting At Pasir Ris. Ahmat bin Ali, the Boyanese mandore employed at Pasir Kis, Changi, on the estate of Mr. J. A. Elias, who was charged with causing the death of Sapper Aubrey Elmer of the Royal Engineers, was before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second
    115 words

  • 3867 15 Aldous Huxley goes on His Own Sweet Way His Book of Extremely Clever Novel to. Amuse the Town —Precocious American Entertainment —Artist who i Went to Sea —King Lear in Modern Dress —Difficult Problem Attacked with Courage. More Fiction. Brief Candles. By Aldous Huxley. Chatto
    3,867 words

  • 74 16 Record Amount Per Head Of Population. Canada exports more manufactured goods per head of population than any ether country in the world, according to the natural resources department of the Canadian Railways. For every unit of her population Canada exports $*54.SO worth of goods. Great liritain is the
    74 words
  • 32 16 (htorn Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 2*5. I he Malacca branch of the Malayan A gn-Horticultural Association will hold its annual show on St. Francis’s Institut.on grounds, on July 2*5.
    32 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 A ii v Nf B5 A > v,i-—-i v<r vlutAf s ■V:u' i When\Beauty and Charm Reveal Themselves. Many women lool with envy at the marvel of their sex who spends her early morning out of doors ridifg, swimming or walking changes for an energetic game of tennis changes again
      220 words

    • 225 17 Hon. Mr. John Scott. C.M.G. and Mrs. Scott arriving at the Royal Fnglish School sports Hccompanied by the Principal. Among the spectators was the Chinese Consul-General who is seen the Hon. Mr. Scott. Corpus Christi festival at St. Joseph s Institution. Scene outside of St. Peter's church
      225 words
    • 48 20 Details of the Johore Military Forces rifle meeting over the week end \ppcar on another page f urther special photographs will be reproduced in our next issue. Capt. Mohd Akil. II II the Tunku Mahkota (rivtht) at the firing point Pte. Vusoff bin Kassim.
      48 words

  • 1201 21 Alleviation. Scheme. NEW SUBURB AT TIONG BAHRU. One of the greatest and most difficult I problems in Singapore’s Chinatown for many years has been that of housing, with a rapidly increasing population in that part of the city matters have gradually grown worse and worse. The conditions
    1,201 words
  • 69 21 $11,000 Building to be Put l p On Penang Padang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 26. Penang Recreation Club have anounced definite plans for the building of a new club-house on the corner of the Padang near the old one. The plans have been approved by the
    69 words
  • 198 21 Complainant Has to Pay Compensation. (From Our Own Corr^^ident.) Ktang, June 26. In consequence of a sworn statement made before the magistrate in warrant was issued for the arrest of Tamils, who were produced today bmore Tungku Syed Abu Bakar and with enticing away a married named Selagu,
    198 words
  • 162 21 Mr. R. V. Baylis and Miss M. Liverton. t The yedding of Mr. R. V’. Baylis, M.C., a welhknown Johore planter, and Miss Mirjoue I.iverton took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday afternoon. The bride, who was given away by Mr. <T. I). Barron, M.C., was dressed
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  • 717 21 One of Two Chinese Acquitted. Charges of armed gang robbery were a preferred against two Chinese, Lim Boon Tong Oh, at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Stevens. The Deputy Public Prosecutor (Mr. J. H. Pedlow) was for the Crown. The case for the prosecution was that the
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  • 30 21 Messrs. Hiii!ow and report The copra market ha* been steadier, and price* show i slight improvement. Approximately 100 ton* were shipped. Closing quotations were sumlried, $7.To mixed. $7.25.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 45 21 II. DE SILVA BROS.. Manufacturing Jewellers and Diamond Merchants ATTRACTIVE NEW LINES IN HALL-MARKED SILVER GOODS Sporting Cups Medals Shields Wedding Presents Wrist Watches, ttc. Special Attention is given to ontstation orders. All Inquiries and Repairs will receive prompt and personal attention. SO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE.
      45 words

  • 2246 22 Share Transactions. PARTNERSHIP QUESTION IN DISPUTE. The hearing was begun in th* 4 Court »*r Appeal on June 2(», and on June 27, of the appeal of Mr. J. B. David, of Singapori, against Mr. Justice Stevens’ decision that Mr. J. Murray, a \i>itmg agent,
    2,246 words
  • 43 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, June 28. A stretch of land belonging to the .Tasin Rubber Estate in front of the Jasin District hospital has been purchased by Government. I understand that new quarters for the staff are to be erected.
    43 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 70 22 Safe! M a. EVER strike a match never hold an open flamencarinflammableoil.grease or petrol fumes! Flash on your Eveready. Flood the spot with safe,brilliant, unfailing light. Always carry a dependable, durable Eveready Flashlight with Eveready Batteries the world's finest flashlight. Obtainable from all first class dealers. Beware of imitations. EVEREADY
      70 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1140 23 Saving Tin Industry From Disaster. TOTAL STOPPAGE. Full Details of Output Regulation. It was proposed to recommend unii.*.rn> rcguHt'on on the, basis of 20 nor cent? of 1929 output and that all production bo suspended for two out ,»f the next three months. The lo-al advisory council
      1,140 words
    • 64 23 —Reuter. Britain and Tientsin Customs. London, June 30. After Mr. Henderson, the Foreign Secretarv, had reviewed the general situation in China, supplementary questioners drew attention to the 1 ientsin Customs developments and suggested that British export trade was likely to be impeded. They urged the Government to expedite
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 98 23 —Keuter. Views of Provincial Governments. Simla, June 28. Reuter’s correspondent understands that the Government of India has asked the provincial governments to examine the Simon Commission report as soon as possible and forward their views on 't before Aug. 15, the Government of India will express its views
      —Keuter.  -  98 words
    • 260 23 British Wireless. To be Opened by the King On July 8. JT* Rugby, June 29. The King will, on July 8, open India House, the new offices of the Hitfh Commissioner for India. It has been decided that the speech which he will deliver, in addition to being
      — British Wireless.  -  260 words
    • 86 23 —Reuter. Veteran Famine Worker’s Death. Peking, June 27. The International Famine Relief Commission reports the death of the veteran famine worker, the Rev. G. W. Wester, of the Swedish China Mission, which is allied to the China Inland Mission in Puchow and Shansi. Mr. Wester is the
      —Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 92 23 —British Wireless. Appointment of British Members. Rugby, June 27. The Government has approved the appointment as the British members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague, of Lord Sankey and Professor Pearce Higgins. The appointments are for a period of six years, in accordance with the
      —British Wireless.  -  92 words
    • 65 23 —Reuter. Terrible Explosion On Steamer. Brockville, Ontario, June 27. While the crew of 42 of the steamer J.B. King were engaged in drilling the river bed of the St. Lawrence, lightning struck the vessel and 31 men were killed and seriously injured. Twenty tons of dynamite on hoard
      —Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 52 23 -Reuter. Normal Conditions Being Restored. Buenos Aires, June JO. About 200 were killed in the Bolivian revolution. Normal conditions are now returning. General Kundt, the German chief of staff, was not killed but took refuge in the German Legation at La Paz. President Silos took refuge in the
      -Reuter.  -  52 words
    • 605 23 British Wireless. The Malta Crisis. NEED FOR SUSPENDING ELECTIONS. Rugby, June 25. In the House of Lords, Lord Cushendun asked the Government whether they were still endeavouring to renew negotiations for a concordat between the ecclesiastical and civil authorities in Malta, whether the former had yet given,
      British Wireless.  -  605 words
    • 25 23 —Uniter. Death of Dr. H. W. Wiley. Washington, June 38. The death has occurred of Dr. Harvey Washington Wiley, the well-known chew ist.—Reuter.
      —Uniter.  -  25 words
    • 592 24 1 Atlantic flight.”- British Wireless Capt. Kingsford Smith’s Great Flight. EAST TO WEST. Perilous Hours in Fog. Harbour Grace, June 25. Th* Southern Gross arrived here at 10 22 am. London time and landed at 10.51, after flying for 30 hours. London, June 25. Wireless
      1 Atlantic flight.”- British Wireless  -  592 words
    • 27 24 ilouter. Moscow, June JO. Twenty-two people were killed and 28 .seriously injured through the derailment i*f s pas—nger train between Likutsk amt i 2amir-grub.— RcuUr.
      – ilouter.  -  27 words
    • 284 24 Splendid Progress Made. QUALIT1»S of THE NEW 0 Rugby, June 29. eleventh annual display of the lioy-R Air Force at Hendon yesterday was a sujxrb demonstration of the great >regress made by British aviation, both nilitnrw and civil. At least 150,000 people paid for admission, and
      284 words
    • 247 24 Tr;ins-Ocoan. Tax on Bachelors And Spinsters. Berlin. June 28. The Financial Council today approved the Financial Bill to meet the budget deficit mtrodured by the Chancellor. Herr Brucning, and the new Minister of Finance, Herr Dietrich, who both pleaded eloquently for a campaign of national solvency. The chief
      — Tr;ins-Ocoan.  -  247 words
    • 70 24 —British Wireless. Precedents for Conferment Oi Victorian Order. Rugby, June 28. Dean Inge, who has been awarded the K.C.V.O., has made a world-wide reputation as a preacher, scholar, theologian and popular writer. He has been Dean of St Paul's since 1911. Ho celebrated his 70th birthday this month.
      —British Wireless.  -  70 words
    • 359 24 —British Wireless. Britain’s Contribution. IMPORTANT SCHEMES IN AFRICA. Rugby, June 27. Mr. J. II. Thomr.s, Secretary for the Dominions, addressed the plenary session of the Colonial Office Conference today. Mr. Thomas referred to the remarks which he made in the House of Commons regarding the mistaken view
      —British Wireless.  -  359 words
    • 126 24 —British Wireless. Shettlestone By-Election Result. Rugby, June 27. The result was announced today of the by-election in the Shettlestone division of Glasgow, caused by the death of Mr. .1. Wheatley, the Labour member. The result was Mr. MacGovern, Labour, 10.G99 Mr. Templeton, Conservative, 10.:t0G; Mr. McNicol, Scottish
      —British Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 146 24 —British Wireless. Flight to Canada at End Of July. Rugby, June 27. Lord Thomson, the Air Minister, stated at the Imperial Press Conference today that the airship R 100 would leave for Montreal in the last few days of July, and that he would himself he making
      —British Wireless.  -  146 words
    • 670 24 —British Wireless. Isolation Not Possible. POLICY INDEPENDENT OP POLITICS. London, June 20. The General Council of the Trades Union Congress has endorsed the econo, mic committee’s report. It will be submitted to the Trades Union Confess at its annual meeting i n September.—Reuter. Rugby, June 26.
      —British Wireless.  -  670 words
    • 335 26 —Reuter. Congress Volunteers Active. LEADER’S ARREST. Improvement on Northwest Frontier. Lahore, June 25. The Punjab Government lias declared a numls-r of War Councils,” civil resistance committees, the Workers’ training College and other Punjab organisations unlawful on the ground that they interfere with the maintenance of law and
      —Reuter.  -  335 words
    • 718 26 Strong Action has Good Effect. tyjgby, June 30. The weekly appreciation of the situation in India to June 28, issued by the Indian Government, states that the North West Frontier Province tribal situation generally shows a marked improvement, and the strong action which ended in the dispersal of
      f.ashkars against British territory.— Brirish Wireless.; -Reuter.  -  718 words
    • 70 26 -Reuter. American Lawyer’s Dramatic Suicide. Youngstown, Ohio, June 27. The hearing of the case for an injunction to prevent the merger of the Youngsi'.'wr. Sheet n nd Tube Co. with the Peth lehcm Steel Corporation was dramatically ntei runted today. Mr. I.. A. Manchester, the chief counsel
      -Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 70 26 —Reuter. Customs Union Meeting In Paris. Paris, June 30. With th<- object of discussing the question of the economic organisation of Europe on the lines of M. Briand’s memorandum, a congress of representative upporters of the European Customs l nion in 11 different countries, ineluding Great Britain, has
      —Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 74 26 .—Reuter. Commission of Inquiry To Bo Appointed. Paris, June 28. The discussion of the interpellations on Indo-t hinn was wound up by a declaration by the Premier, M. Tardieu, who confirmed that he would appoint a commission of inquiry. An Opposition resolution criticisin'? the Government’s policy in Indo-China
      .—Reuter.  -  74 words
    • 97 26 .—Reuter. An Economic Mission. NOT TO BE CONFINED TO OFFICIALS. London, June 30. Mr G. M. Gillett, the Secretary of the Overseas Trade Department, announced in the House of Commons that the Government proposed to send an economic mission to the Far East. Mr. Gillett
      .—Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 144 26 —Reuter. Cordial Speeches Before French Departure. Mainz, June 30. The Allied occupation of the Rhineland ended with the striking of the French tricolour over the headquarters of the French army of occupation. A crowd of Germans witnessing the ceremony cheered wildly. A few minutes later the last remaining
      —Reuter.  -  144 words
    • 136 26 Reuter. Motion Defeated In Commons. London, Jun? JO. The Whips were taken o.T in the House of 'timmnns t *r a motion in favour of the l.pnnel Funnel scheme. The motion was let’eated by 179 to 172. Mr. MacDonald, opposing it. deelar.d ‘hr t the practicability of a
      Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 91 26 Reuter. Japanese Fired on By Russians. Tokio, June 28. In connection with the long-standing dispute between Japanese fishermen and the Russian authorities over the valuable fishing rights in Kamchatka waters, a Russian patrol boat, on June 24, fired without warning on the Japanese crabcanning steamer Mikuni Maru off
      Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 94 26 Consideration of Closer Union. Rugby, June 25. Dr. Drummond Shiels, the Under Sectary for the Colonies, stated in thr House of Commons that the Colonial Sc ic aiy, Lord Passfield, proposed shortly o move in the House of Lords that it was desirable that a joint committee of
      -British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 681 26 pority of the British Empire.”—Brit-’ 1 Wireless. Royal Messages. WELCOME TO PRINCE TAKAMATSU. London, June 26. Prince Takamatsu, a ’-rother of the Emperor of Japan, and Princess Takamatsu, have arrived in London to return the Duke of Gloucester’s visit to Jap an last year. The Royal visitors
      pority of the British Empire.”—Brit-’1 Wireless.  -  681 words
    • 29 26 .—Reuter. Death of Well-known American Politician. Washington, June The death has occurred of Mr. Steph cn Porter, chairman of the House of presentatives Foreign Relations Committee.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  29 words
    • 3241 25 —Reuter. ■President’s Praise Of Malayan Authority. 1 KA FOR NEW ROADS. m Years’ Programme Of Public Work. V (By Air Mail.) a London, June 6. Mphe annual dinner of the Association of Wtish Malaya was held at Grosvenor Muse on June 2, under the chairmanship Mr.
      —Reuter.  -  3,241 words
    • 46 25 Reuter. Awards for Work On St. Paul’s. London, June 27. On the occasion of the rc-openintr of St, Paul’s Cathedral, the Kin* has appointed Dean Inye, K.C.V.O., and Canon Alexander, C.V.O., and bestowed a knighthood on Mr. Mervyn Edmund Macartney the architect.— Reuter.
      — Reuter.  -  46 words
    • 62 25 Kouter. apt. Kinjfsford Smith to Soil Southern Cross. New York, June 27. ('apt. Kingston! Smith, who, with tfmv companions, Hew the Atlantic from Ireland to Newfoundland in hourstntcd that he is 44 frightfully hard up 1 and needs money to yet married Ho announced that he will
      Kouter.  -  62 words
    • 730 27 Boar<l of Admiralty.— British Wire- striking Criticism by Lord Beatty. I NO DEFENCES. Britain’s Vulnerable Trade Routes. I Rugby, June 25. I Mr. A. V. Alexander, the First Lord of |)u> Admiralty, announced in the House of Renunons the Government naval construction programme for 1930 as
      Boar<l of Admiralty.—British Wire-  -  730 words
    • 115 27 .—Reuter. Wireless Station Probable In Singapore. London, July 1. 1 he report and accounts of Imperial Communications, Ltd., adopt.d at the first general meeting, show a profit of £2,023,000 :‘or the past 21 months. A dividend of 5% per cent., equivalent to £3 5s. 8d. per annum, was
      .—Reuter.  -  115 words
    • 72 27 .—Reuter. Another Surprise for The City. London, June 25. The Royal Mail Steam Packet group has sprung another surprise on the city. The Company itself announces that it will not pay preference dividends on July 1. The subsidiary company, the White Star Line, has also not earned
      .—Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 76 27 -Trans-Ocean. Stalin Opens 16th Party Convention. Moscow, June 25. Russia is watching the lGth A 9 Russian Party Convention which was opened today by Stalin, who defended •he oscillations of the agricultural policy and ••irulcntlv attacked the opposition, which, .evertheless, is expected to make itrelf heard. However.
      -Trans-Ocean.  -  76 words
    • 130 27 Death of Marshal Wang Shih-chen. Shanghai, July 1. The death occurred at Peking today of the former Premier, Wang Shi-chen, at the age of 70.—Sin Kuo Min. This probably refers to Marshal Wang Shih-chen who (according to the China Year Book) was Go ar.d not 70.
      130 words
    • 95 27 Hulutao as a big northern port.—Sin Kuo Min. Construction Works Inaugurated. Shanghai, July 1. Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang, Mr. Wu Tie-chen, Mr. Chang Chuan, and the representatives of Marshals Yen Shi-shan '•rd Feng Yu-hsiang attended the inauguration of the Hulutao Port Construction ’.Yorks today. Hulutao, with its capacious harbour,
      Hulutao as a big northern port.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  95 words
    • 74 27 rr.ent for just over £2,500,000. —British ,V ire-less. Railway Scheme to Cost Over £3,000,000. Rugby, July 1. Replying to a question in the House of Commons, Mr. Ph lip Snowden, the Chan allor of the Exchequer, said the total estimated cost of the Zambesi Bridge scheme, including railway
      rr.ent for just over £2,500,000.—British ,V ire-less.  -  74 words
    • 130 27 —Reuter. Serious Trouble In Shanghai. Shanghai, June 28. Forty Mohammedan warder* at cno of the municipal gaoTIrhave beer dismissed and one agitator was urrested by the British Consulate this mornwig. The trouble was due to di-satisfaction o v or promotion from Havildar to uar-Major. The discontented men vjpted
      —Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 499 27 -Kcuter. British Wireless. -Nichi-Niohi. Geneva, June 27. The Labour Conference, by 75 to 33. approved the draft convention on hours of work in coal mines, providing for a 7*%hour day from bank to bank.—Reuter. Shanghai, June 25. Mr. C. W. Marshall, the secretary of the Shanghai
      -Kcuter.; British Wireless.; -Nichi-Niohi.  -  499 words
    • 108 27 -Reuter. Future Payments In Jeopardy. Nanking, July 1. The Minister of Finance has issued the following statement Up to the present the Government has made the salt loan payments according to the plan adopted in September last year, •but the making of future payments has been in
      -Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 63 27 —Reuter. Police Fire on Unruly Crowd. Cairo, July 1. Fifteen thousand people attended the first meeting held in the provinces in connection with Nahas Pasha’s campaign against the Government. Unruly supporters attempted to rush the platform at Bilbeis station, contra *7 &lt;0 police orders, and seriously injured two
      —Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 113 27 of the fall in the export trade.—Nichi Nichi. Lack of Raw Silk Demand And Silver Slump Blamed. Tokio, June 30. Trade returns for the last ten days of June show totals of Y37,091,000 and .55,285,000 for imports and exports respectively. The grand total of the Japan’s export
      of the fall in the export trade.—Nichi Nichi.  -  113 words
    • 99 27 Nichi-Nichi. Plans to Expand Air Force Adopted. Tokio, July 1. A joint conference of representatives of the Navy Office and the Naval General staff Ofiice has adopted the naval defence plan drafted by the successor of Admiral Taniguchi. The Board of Marshals and Meet Admirals is meeting
      Nichi-Nichi.  -  99 words
    • 85 27 —Trans-Ocean. World’s Largest Seaplane To Cross in Three Hops, Friedrichshafen, July 1. The world’s largest air liner, the Dornier Do. X, has been equipped with new motors and is being prepared for trial cruises in the North Sea, including a flight from Southampton to Oslo, preparatory to
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  85 words
    • 50 27 Router. Unanimous Resolution Passed In Paris. Paris, July 1. The congress of advocates of a European Customs Union discussed the Briand memorandum and passed a unanimous resolution stating that the objects would be best attained by agreement between smaller groups of countries, with a later amalgamation of groups.—Reuter.
      — Router.  -  50 words
    • 45 27 Router. Captured Missionaries at Last Released. Shanghai, July 1. The Rev. R. W. Portoous and Mrs. Pnrteous have been released after three months captivity. Reuter. Mr. and Mrs. Porteous, who belong to China Inland Mission at Yuanchow, Kiangsi, were captured by brigands.
      Router.  -  45 words

    • 2857 28 Sensational Finish. CHAPMAN’S GREAT EFFORT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 27. The crowd of 20,000 spectators gasped when the announcement was made that Larwood was not playing because he was not quite fit. The teams were presented to 1I.R.II. the Duke of York before the
      2,857 words
    • 534 29 Accord Entry for J.M.F. ft Meeting. a record entry for the Johore jBtai y Forces rifle meeting over the Hi' 'Sunday the G.O.C. (Major-General A Pritchard) was present, and at the of the various competitions Pritchard presented the prizes to m successful marksmen. fall results were as follows
      534 words
    • 63 29 —Keuter. v/ V/ V/ Adds French Title to Irish And Dutch. I ,j Dieppe, June 25. ■’as l,!, l( i n&lt; ot Pn ffolf championship E"gron-it 7 K rnest Whitcombe, with an Erul f,8 for 2 holes of 282-74, 70, 70 P f'-ncWL Irish, Dutch and I
      —Keuter.  -  63 words
    • 1239 29 —Kouter. Over 1,100 Runs at Oval. LANCASHIRE'S HAD LUCK AT WORCESTER. London, June 27. Brighton Sussex defeated Glamorganshire by nine wickets. Batting first, Glamorganshire obtained 251. Sussex replied with 428. A. 11. Gilligan being responsible for 85 and Wensicy for 92. Clay took five wickets
      —Kouter.  -  1,239 words
    • 182 29 Mrs. F. T. Tree Distributes The Prizes. The twenty-first annual sports of the Anglo-Chinese School were held on Friday morning when the prizes were distributed by Mrs. F, T. Tree at the Chapel Hall of the secondary school at Cairnhill Road, appropriately celebrated with a programme of music
      182 words
    • 603 29 Exciting Match. EUROPEANS BEATEN JN THREE SETS. By beating the Rev. W. Aitken and Jh H. Kleinman in three sets at the S.C.C. on June 25, the pair, Matsukawa and became the doubles tennis champions of Singapore. They won at 1—6, 6— 4, 6—*1. at
      603 words
    • 81 29 Reuter. United States League Results. New York, July 1. Baseball results to date are. as follows National League. Boston brat Pittsburg 0—5. In a second match Boston won 8—.'5. Chicago beat New York 10—3. In a second match New York won 7 t. St. Louis beat Brooklyn 15—7. American
      Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 2056 30 —Router. British Hopes Shattered, MISS NUTHALL BKATKN BY MISS RYAN. London, June 25. The untimely wave of illness which tufft overtaken Test cricket 1 rs seems to Tie spreading to Wimbledon, WatKon, in addition to Signorita de Alvarez. Tias been compidled to scratch from all sections
      —Router.  -  2,056 words
    • 556 30 TROPHY FINALS A T R.S.Y.C. Wins for Kathleen Ami Punai. 1 A sternly full-sail breeze f rom .9 south’ard favoured yachtsmen at 9 Royal Singapore Yacht Club on Sun&lt;t ai 9 In the “A” class race only the t\v&lt;&gt; Kathleen III and Tromp f^. a( !9 starter,” to sail the
      556 words
    • 402 30 S.G.C.’s Big Win Over I Keppel Club. j j The following were the scores in j-Hj Keppel Golf Club foursomes tr a ''9j against the Singapore Golf Club played Bukit Timah on Sunday. Keppel playcr*| mentioned first. The strength &lt;4 c« teams—12 players a side —is believed H]
      402 words
    • 203 31 Lg’ p]0 Kon§f and J* B. I Bong in Final. I (Front Our Own Correspondent.) I Kuala Lumpur, July 1. 1 Ong Ee Kong enters the I 0 f the Selangor singles championI tournament, and will meet J. B. Bong. I the semi-final Ong Ee Kong disposed
      203 words
    • 369 31 ■2nd Welch Regiment’s I Sports Meeting. Bii, finals of the individual champ’/mH of the Athletic mooting of the 2nd H\h Regiment were competed for on at Tanglin. H*rvu c Williams of “A” Company, Hvv. the K'U yd-*.. 220 yards and the H won the Victor Ludorum for the
      369 words
    • 122 31 Tennis Meeting at Kuala Lumpur Likely. if (ting of the Perak Lawn Tennis ■•Vilar! 1 n PP°intmer.t of Mr. T. P. a 11 vr,r r( s lont in succession to Mr. rt r HU'ke^r, who has resigned, was r s r O’Beckett was appointed ho ry L ,n
      122 words
    • 247 31 Possibility of Duping Labourers. The duping of ignorant Indian estate labourers by manufacturers of “gold coins” was referred to by Mr. C. Wilson, the Singapore Criminal District Judge, on Monday, when the case against an Indian Mohammedan money-changer who is charged with possession of 1,363 counterfeit
      247 words
    • 105 31 Royal English School Sports. A large gathering of spectators was present at the Anson Road Stadium on Saturday afternoon when the annual sports of th/ Royal English School were held. A’! the events were keenly contested. Koh All Meng won the Championship ir the “A" Division with 35 points,
      105 words
    • 100 31 Results at Chinese Club. The re ults of the events held at the Chines Swimming Club on Sunday were 200 r.i. Medley Race. A Cia-s 1 Ng. Mong Gunn, 2 Lee Choon Ngce, 3 Scab Teng Ann. Time 3 min. 20 1 n sec". R Class l Sim Boon
      100 words
    • 66 31 Boy Dies Soon After Being Hit On the Forehead. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 25. An unusual accident befel an 8-year-old school boy yesterday, when, as the result of b' ing hit on the forehead by a cricket ball he died two hours after
      66 words
    • 49 31 Invitation to Japanese Boy Scouts. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, June 30. An invitation is to he sent to the Japanese Boy Scouts Association for a party to attend the Jamboree here from Jan. 1 to Jan. 7. Sometime ago a party of Siamese scouts \rsited Japan.
      49 words

  • 121 31 Alleged Breach of Trust And Falsification. Alleged to have bleach of trust in respect of $52, and falsified accounts, two Indian clerks grr, ployed at Framroz and Co., were before Mr. W. E. Rigby, the Third Policy Magistrate on June 30 when tlJ? preliminary inquiry was begun.
    121 words
  • 42 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 27. A cablegram has been received from Mr. Ruston, who is representing the F.M.S. in the Senior Tourist Trophy in the Isle of Man, in which he says Regret crashed third lap.”
    42 words
  • 83 31 A \RON\- At the General Hospital, SineaI ore, an June 20. 11)30, to Ada, wife cf H Richard Auion, a son. H -'GAN.—On June 30, 1030, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H&lt;.;'un, a son. LEAKEY.- At the Malern'ty Hospital, Sinj;a pore, on June 20,
    83 words
  • 97 31 WILLIAMS SHELLEY-MILLS.- On June 21 1930, at Sir»-»apore, Eric Tregear Williams, Malayan o.*vi i Service, to Gwendoline Evelyn Shelle.v-Mills, daughter of the lat? Captain G. E. i/kelley. Grenadier Guards, ind Mrs. Shelley of 20, Stanhope Gardens, London. HO—TAN.—The marriage of Mr. Ho Kim San, 2nd son of Mr. and
    97 words
  • 159 31 Singapore, July 2. EXCHANGE. Oa London, Bank 4 m s 2 3 1 16 Demand 2/3 3'1 Private 3 m. credit 2/414 On New York, demand 66 1/16 Private 90 d/B 57% On France, Bank T.T. 1429 India, Bank T.T. 164% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 43%
    159 words
  • 804 31 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, July 2. MINING. Iaaue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asnm Kumbang 23/- 25/5 -."&gt;/• Ayer Ilitum Tin 11/6 12/6 cd. Cl £1 Bungrin Tin 18/- 20/1 1 Batung I'adang 0.10 0.16 1 1 Hatu Caves 055 0.65 1 1 Itukit Arang
    804 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 87 31 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 126 31 HEATUS LEE.—Lee Tan kr.u, eldest brother of Tar Pitw, Tan Scong, Tan Whye, Tan Him, Tar Ying. Tan So. Miss Toh Peng and Ye Peng, passed away at 45 years of c»,.» at .‘.3 Tanjong l‘«. ar Hoad, on Jui.v 27. 19/'’, g* 7 p.m. ONG. On Saturday, June 43.
    126 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 88 1 General Rubber Situation liondon Rubber Stocks The Singapore Auction 1 Rubber Statistics 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still Native Producers in D r. l. Tyre Industry l Rubber Returns 5 Malaya’s Rubber Shipments Rubber Market J Relief for Rubber Industry Cable News— Good Time Ahead for Rubber
      88 words
    • 65 1 RUBBER SITUATION Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Price* d. t f Lute I,*don Spore July Aug. July Sept. June 26 6 1/16 0.20 0.20'a 0.21 0.21 27 6 1/16 0.20 0.204 0.21 0.21 2S 6'. 0.20% 0.20% 0.21 1 1 0.21% 30 6 3/16 0.20 0.20% 0.21%
      65 words
    • 38 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondent states that rubber stocks show an increase of 1*16 tons during the past week, the total new on hand being 107,196 tons.
      38 words
    • 128 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 974th auction on July 2, when there was catalogued 1,084,875 lb. or 184.32 tons offered 972,501 lb. or j ,4 r, tons sold K2O.8H0 lb. or 366.46 tons. Spot. London 6 1-16d. New Yorh 12 ct?. PRICES REALISED.
      128 words
    • 70 1 Ocean shipments of para rubber (including latex, n-vertex and concentrated latex) doling the month of June, 1930. Preliminary Return. Rubber including Concen- Latex trated. and Latex. Uevertex. Total. Singapore 26,389 |63 26,552 I'enung 7,191 3 7,194 Malacca 270 270 Port Sweden b ,in 2,631 10 2,641 Total 36,481
      70 words
    • 1083 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London. June 4. Rubber conditions are almost too deplorable to be written about. U.K. stocks have increased by about a thousand tons during the past week. Shipments from Malaya May are reported at several thousand
      1,083 words
    • 181 1 Reuter. Optimists at London Dinner. London, June 26. At the meeting of the Anglo-Dutch liaison committee on rubber production, held in London today, complete agreement was reached on certain recommendations which will be immediately submitted to their respective associations.— Reuter. London. June 27. Mr. H.
      Reuter.  -  181 words
    • 37 1 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of June 20, that th* price of rubber fur assessment of duty for the period June 27. 1930 to July 3. inclusive, is cents per pound.
      37 words
    • 462 1 Tendency for Closer H Co-operation. I (From Our Own Correspondent.) H Medan, June 20.H It has always been recognised as a handicap to general action in the rubbH industry that the native producers Dutch East Indies have so far lacked .-Hf form of organisation. I believe
      462 words
    • 124 1 Statistics relating to the tyre industry March as compared with previous P‘ &gt;rl1 compiled by The Rubber Manufacture Association are as follows Pneumatic Casings. Produc- Ship- Knd of I'"‘ tion. meats tory raoi't March 5,187,970 5,031,820 13,4»'8&gt; Feb. 1930 4,859,475 4,474,459 13.238,4.»i March 1929 7,519,234 6,708,134 16.351. Inner
      124 words
    • 5629 2 Ion. Mr. J. S. Arter Appointed Chairman. HK YEAR REVIEWED. Imand for reduction I IN LABOUR RATES. ■(From Our Own Correspondent.) I Kuala Lumpur, June 25. number of important matters arose at ;{3rd annual general meeting of the ■ters’ Association of Malaya, held to- in the Hall
      5,629 words
    • 90 3 —Aneta. Government View.® Unchanged. Batav ‘a, Ju|,H A memorandum accompany. Jig budget of the Dutch Indies Agriol VDepartment reiterates that the ment standpoint with regard V ®B and tea restriction is unchanged BS In principle the Government i s &lt;®S able towards private schem«®S voluntary restriction,
      ’—Aneta.  -  90 words
    • 337 3 Creation of GenerJ Reserve Fund. 1 The annual general meeting of J Rubber Estate Company, Ltd., London on May 30. Mr. E. L. Hamilton (.the chairaul that the profit earned amounted to 10s. 7d. against £28,047 2s. Id. for 1925 1 the amount brought forwaid tKy i, J
      337 words
    • 158 3 Low Production I Costs. I The eighteenth annual genera! me* 11 the Cheras Rubber Estates, Ltu., w in London, on June 4. I Mr. E. L. Hamilton, who preside® that no doubt shareholders would t the result satisfactory, representing a profit of £11,180, equal to mature acre of
      158 words
    • 12 3 Temerloh Coconut and Rubber. 23.3 Tapah.— 59,249 lb. Tjikasintoe.—291,726 lb.
      12 words
    • 61 4 Straits Times is not responsible for e V," its correspondents, t orresn,°shoulVbcar in mind that letters “f* short and to the point. Lon g &gt;C nr»« liable to be rejected or cut &gt;S Correspondents must enclose their an ,i addresses, not necessarily for n hut as guarantee of good
      61 words
    • 151 4 &gt; the Editor of the Straits Times. it is pleasing to s&lt;*» that the rnment is handing over two and a Sion dollars out of the *«aUed thctical Fund for the benefit of the industry, hut it is most earnestly h„p,d that all this money will be
      151 words
    • 836 4 D the Editor of the Straits Times. &gt;. Remedies arc so easily suggested «&gt;iv concludes the ‘‘powers that be” io: seeking a remedy, but merely ljr hoi air”. If there ’s sincerity k |;inj solution, lot me make one ll suggestion. Ill the first place, 1 suppose
      836 words
    • 878 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —It has long struck mo as a re- r.mkablc fact that great intellects are frequently to l&gt;e found in extreme opposition where just those basic economic matters involving the life, happiness, ami, indeed, i •he very existence of the
      878 words
    • 712 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— I think even the R.G.A. will now have to admit the futility of attempting to control the price of rubber without the help of Government. Any voluntary efforts, such as the May tapping holiday, arc bound to fail. One would
      712 words
    • 80 4 Reduction of 12,382 Tons In June. —,The total shipments of para rubber from Singapore, Penang, Malacca and Port Sw’cttenham’Nluring the month of June amounted to 36,057 tons. This shows a notable reduction of 12,382 tons compared with May, and apparently reflects the effect of the stoppage of
      80 words
    • 387 4 Conditions Quiet: Sellers Reserved. Singapore, June 26. Guthrie and Co.’s report states During the past week trading has been exceedingly difficult, due principally to the reserved attitude adopted by sellers, and at times nctuul stagnation has resulted. A further meeting of British and Dutch, producers is to be
      387 words
    • 1212 5 Resumption of Dividend Payments. The tenth ordirury g* n**r: I 1 ••••ting &lt;&gt;f tinI’ern am ban g 1* .bb.r U-t;.t* Ltd., was on May 22 in t!:e *oiin&gt; ;l ro mi of the RuLbir Orovu rx' Ass* l iation, 2 1, Lane, E.&lt; Mr. Erie Mncf dyen
      1,212 words
    • 623 5 Steadiness in Local Industrials. *ic-&gt;i JfiMT and Go., ill their report, la!i d .1 1. tale: quiet Week's busillies has been expended both as regard- tin and rubber sh ires u consider; l»ly steadier market prevails ii.n.) indu.'t riab. and while th re is 10 art.cular pressure
      623 words
    • 232 5 Reduced Duty Suggested In Ceylon. “We are going to make representations to Government by a deputation asking that the rubber industry should be given relief," sa *d Mr. C. F. Whitaker, Secretary of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, to the Times of Ceylon on June 24,
      232 words
      • 704 5 Almco (Cl I 1 Allagar (2 1 10; Anglo.Valay 1 i'l &gt; 13 Ayer Kuninfig (£1) 5 16; i;.,hru 'Sel.t (2 1 3 i*: lJaka,» (i 1» 4; Bu»teng (£1) Ratang Consolidated (2 1 Hutu Caves 1 i'll 9 16; Hatu Tiga (I’D: 3 i(5;
        704 words
      • 715 5 Ccpital Issue Closing Prire* I Fraser I.vail 11 Paid Up Value Dividends Company Co. Kvatt I 389.293 1 5 p.e. for year 28-2-30 AHcnby ($ll 1.20 1.40 1.20 lxl 160.000 17*« p.c. year 30-9-29 Alor Gajah (£1) 1.10 1.30 1.10 ljl 435.425 1 15
        715 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 319 6 AFTER SERVICE Malayan Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service after purchase. We welcome an inspection of our spare parts before any intending buyer commits himself to purchase. Agents far CARS ROLLS-ROYCE MORRIS ARMSTRONG-SIDDELEY SUNBEAM m PACKARD COMMERCIAL VEHICLES DENNIS VULCAN
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 618 7 ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telegram* STATETRUST." SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Edition*, Bentley'* and Liebers. Telephone No. S4S. A Trust Company Registered under the Trust Companies Ordinance of 1326, with Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICE Nos. 1, 2 and 8, RAFFLES CHAMBERS, RAFFLES
      618 words