The Straits Budget, 29 May 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] No. 3.772 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7<L
    29 words
  • 368 1 LEADERS— 1>a e China War News 3 Three Civic Problems a Tin Problems Woman’s Victory j Country of Arrears 4 Vile War Books 4 Occasional Notes Iclos:rams, Reuter and SpecialCovering Past Weeks News 23-29 Pictures Planter’s Wedding at Penang 17 H I.H. Prince Takamatsu 17 'H*> Cbonderoh Dam, in
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  • 1815 1 Mrs. Lee Choon Guan has returned to Singapore from Brastagi. Mr. J. D. Hall has b een appointed Adviser, Land Office. Kedah. Mr. A. Ferrier May, of Jemima Estate, Mamhau, is proceeding on Home leave shortly. Mr. A. R. Scabrook, of Atherton Estate, Negri Senibilan, is proceeding
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  • 513 2 Nose-Dive Over Harbour. ESCAPE OF PILOT GIRL PASSENGER. Shortly after 10 a.m. on Sunday morning one ot the Singapore Flying Club machines, carrying a club pilot and a lady passenger, crashed outside the harbour breakwater. Happily, neither the pilot, Mr. V. P. Burbai, of the Improvement Trust,
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  • 118 2 Record Number of Hours Flown in April. The total time flown by th? Singapore Flying Club, last month constitutes a new record, amounting to 135 hoars 55 minutes. The previous best was 98 hours 30 mins. There were four first soloists during thmonth, namely W. B. Dobree,
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  • 82 2 Marseilles-London Service Discontinued. The Acting Secretary for Postal Affairs (S.8. and F.M.S.) states that it has been decided to cease the dispatch from Penang of an air mail for conveyance by air from Marseilles to London. It has been found that, since the institution of the
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  • 608 2 Judgment for Occupiers In Housing Dispute. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. Judgment was delivered by Mr. G. H. Nash in the Kuala Lumpur Police Court this morning in the case in which the occupiers of three houses in Ampang Street, Kuala Lumpur,
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  • 152 2 Young Wife’s Suicide On Estate. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 22. A verdict of suicide was recorded in the Jasin Court yesterday on a 19-year old Tamil woman named Manikannmnh, who was found hanging from a rubber tree on the Jasin Lallang Estate. A brother of
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  • 345 2 Cause of Chinese Clerk’s Bankruptcy. Three brooches set with diamonds, caused the bankruptcy of a Chinese clerk who was publicly examined at a special sitting of the Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Stevens, on May 22. The examinee, Chua Hua Chin, said that he was
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  • 344 2 Singapore Students’ Debate. The question of whether the Malayan Civil Service should be open to all British subjects was debated by’ members of the Chinese Students’ Literary Association, the Singapore Shorthand Writers’ Association and the Chinese Christian Association on May 22 Mr. Chua Keh Hai presided, and
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  • 29 2 A telegram from London says Shell Transport and Trading Co., Ltd., Jeclared dividend at the rate of .‘Is. per share free of income tax payable July 8.
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  • 549 2 Malay’s Story of Visit To China. A remarkable story, of being approached by Communists and being started on a journey to Vladivostok, where he was to be the Nanyang Labour Union’s Malay delegate, was told by a Malay youth from Malacca on May 22 in the
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  • 125 2 Sensational Affair At General Hospital. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. A sensational stabbing affair occurred' nt the General Hospital early this morning, when a European nursing sister. Miss Pender, was the victim of an attack by an unknown man. The police first received word of
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1172 3 i nuui.'v in iKv»i wi ur.m —Straits Tinv s, May 22. I i> one to believe of the war news I i a First, a week ago, we were I Kweiteh, a town on the Lunghai about 180 miles east of Cheng- "j uu i fallen, and
      ’i nuui.'v in iKv»i wi ur.m \—Straits Tinv s, May 22.  -  1,172 words
    • 1133 3 haphazard development.—-Strait Time:*, May 23. To anyone who takes an interest in the subject cf local government in Malaya, a recent meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Beard was of unusual import■>vce. What was, so far as we know, the rust suggestion for restricting a religious festival
      haphazard development.—-Strait – Time:*, May 23.  -  1,133 words
    • 1159 3 i I vm trS St/nits Tin i n. May 24. With the price of tin down to £141 a ton, the industry in Malaya faces the most serious crisis it has known for ten years, and it was not surprising that there was a good deal of plain—perhaps
      ■ ' ” i * I vm trS St/nits Tin i n. May 24.  -  1,159 words
    • 935 4 rate the old-time patronage. —Straits Times, May 2P>. Through scorching sand storms, sheets of rain, monsoon gales and drenching clouds of fog-like density, above arid deserts and virgin jungles, over invisible mountain tops and hundreds of miles of trackless ocean Miss Amy Johnson has fought her way, single-handed
      rate the old-time patronage.—Straits Times, May 2P>.  -  935 words
    • 992 4 —Straits Times, May 27. Some years ago Sir Laurence Guillemard 1 described Malaya as a country of arrears.*’ As part of a plan for removing the basis of this charge he planned the organisation of about a dozen new departments involving the appointment of considerably over
      —Straits Times, May 27.  -  992 words
    • 918 4 v-i, un unnpumi- war ami nov uiu muii fought in the greatest of all wars.— Straits l imes, May 28. Since Erich Maria Remarque made a fortune by writing All Quiet on the Western Front” the world has been flooded with war books by ex-Service authors, the
      v-i, un unnpumi- war ami nov uiu muii fought in the greatest of all wars.—Straits l imes, May 28.  -  918 words

  • 282 4 Two Players Suspended By Association. The cases of the two Penang f 00t bailers, Huck Boo (Sepoy Lines) and Yahaya (Post Office R.C.), who were sent off the field during a League game, and to which incident there was such a remarkable sequel, was considered by a
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  • 180 4 Mr. Justice Sproule Disclaims Need for Vacation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 2(>. During the fixing of the Supreme Court calendar today*, his Lordship said that although three weeks’ vacation had bn-n It dare 1 from June 1 he was willing to hear cases up to June
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  • 39 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 24. Ten small military tanks purchased by the Government were given a demonstration yesterday in the presence of the King, Minister of War and a number of high military officials.
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    • 180 5 —Straits Times, May -2. announced that from Jan. 1, 1932, .v cii motor lorries in Singapore an* .-till fitted with solid tyres is 1 k doubled. This is all to the good, i; one save the lorry owners will r the reasonableness of the Comn rA decision. Many
      .—Straits Times, May -2.  -  180 words
    • 240 5 nv'torists as a whole.—Straits Time?, 'lav 22. i urespor.dent writes calling atten- !-> the fact that, ir. the recent report -langur .Automobile Association, I’Kiuior.od that a Malayan A.A. v; tunned for the control of racing, me. This, the writer argues, is to work with wrong ideals. A
      nv'torists as a whole.—Straits Time?, 'lav 22.  -  240 words
    • 379 5 —Straits Times, May 22. 1 i the days when Edgar Wallace was -it' r of the Rand Daily Mail, which is to ay a'.out twenty-seven years ago, M. K. Can iiii. his saintly qualities not yet rov en-.sed, was a lawyer in the Witv at -rsrand
      —Straits Times, May 22.  -  379 words
    • 224 5 —Straits Times, May 23. Thirsty Americans are having a very bad time at present in New York. What with hip-slapping officers who mingle with passengers disembarking at the docks and prohibition agents keeping a wary eye on tho private bootlegger, tho possibility of a secret drink is
      —Straits Times, May 23.  -  224 words
    • 164 5 PITY THE FOOTBALL OFFICIAL noth linesmen neutral.—Straits Times, May, 23. Officiating in a football match was ever a thankless task. Usually the referee conies in for the brunt of the blame, but now complaints are being made against linesmen. A correspondent writes complaining that the linesmen in the S.C.C. vs.
      noth linesmen neutral.—Straits Times, May, 23.  -  164 words
    • 456 5 —Straits Times, May 23. To those who complain that there is not much to do in Singapore over the weekends might be commended the noble art of shark-noosing as practised by the natives of Pago Pago, Samoa Islands. All you need for the purpose are (1) An
      —Straits Times, May 23.  -  456 words
    • 219 5 AN ENGLISH SCHOLARD.” —Straits Tioies, May 24. Why it is we English, who are such notoriously bad linguists, should always delight in the mistakes which other people make in endeavouring to read or write our own most difficult language is a mystery. Hut we do. Therefore, no doubt the following
      ”—Straits Tioies, May 24.  -  219 words
    • 228 5 Straits Times, May 24. In forwarding a cutting from the Mercantile Guardian on the present trade position throughout the world, a correspondent says it sounds a note of reasonable optimism which would do good in Malaya.” Optimism is badlywanted today, particularly if some sort of basis can be
      Straits Times, May 24.  -  228 words
    • 309 5 when one is grown up.—Strait* Times, May 24. Though women may live to have tl.e last word, men are apparently loved by the gods. For, accoiding to findings made public »t r. series of meetings in New York to celebrate the twenty-lifth anniversary of the establishment of
      when one is grown up.—Strait* Times, May 24.  -  309 words
    • 353 5 WJI o —Straits Times, May 2G. Lord Davidson of Lambeth has died full of years, and churches of all denominations unite in paying tribute to a great Archbishop. It is sad to think, however, that his last years were to a great extent embittered by what has become
      ” ' WJI o —Straits Times, May 2G.  -  353 words
    • 274 5 VIVA —Straits Times, May 2<». Though the rench Press expresses great indignation, we are sure that most people rather enjoy the weekly fire-eating t.peeeh which Signor Mussolini gives to the world. The Duce has the happy facihty oi making speech-making interesting Anything he has to say is lively reading uul
      —Straits Times, May 2<».  -  274 words
    • 121 5 there was a reference to him.— Strait•» Times, May 2*1. Mad as a hatter is a common expression. And now we have a new explanation why a hatter should be singled out as an example of peculiar mental incapability. The man who is said to have
      there was a reference to him.— Strait•» Times, May 2*1.  -  121 words
    • 329 5 —Straits Times, May 27. When Bert Hinkler flew from England to Australia in 1G Vi days, the comment was made that, in its way, the feat compared with that of Col. Lindbergh, who, .n one single, memorable “hop”, flew from New York to Paris. Regarding the brave girl
      —Straits Times, May 27.  -  329 words
    • 430 5 ,*n m —Straits Times, May 27. The resolution to keep a diary is one of those annual bright ideas that occur to most people somewhere between Christmas and the beginning of the new year. In most cases it never goes beyond the purchase of a handsomelybound little
      ,*n m *» _ ** —Straits Times, May 27.  -  430 words
    • 403 6 enthralling the whole country.”—Straits Times, May 28. A very definitely red herring has recently l&gt;een drawn over Europe and the United States. This time the herring was a gaily decorated pamphlet, with pictures of happy children, laughing girls, inspiring pageants and imposing panoramas, telling the world
      enthralling the whole country.”—Straits Times, May 28.  -  403 words
    • 191 6 Straits Times, May 28. With the opening of the Capitol Theatre, Singapore may pride itself on 1 aving the most modern and beautifully appointed place of entertainment in the country. But in the matter of restaurants it has been badly left by Kuala Lumpur. Last week-end
      Straits Times, May 28.  -  191 words
    • 175 6 No &lt;&gt;m* will rejrret it* passing.—Straits Times. May 28. Tenders have been invited for the construction of the new pier or landing stage in Singapore to replace that which immortalises the memory of Mr. Johnston, so it would seem that at last this longpromised work is to
      No <>m* will rejrret it* passing.—Straits Times. May 28.  -  175 words

  • 220 6 Sequel to Punch cn The Nose. (From Our Own Coirespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 28. R. A. Alfred, a teacher in the Methodist Buys’ School here, was fined $20 yesterday by the magistrate, Tungku Abdul Rahman, the charge against him being voluntarily causing hurt to another teacher named S.
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  • 130 6 Chinese Committed to Penang 1 Assizes. (F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 22. The Penang detective department re ’’ently conducted a w’ell-organised raid or t house in Green Lane, alleged to be occu pied by a band of counterfeiters. As a sequel to the raid, four Chinese were
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  • 86 6 Celebration at Alor Star. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 27. Alor Star today celebrates the Sultan’s HHth birthday with ceremonial functions, i lie Guard of Honour was composed of poliee and scouts. His Highness Tungku Mahmud read an address, after which a salute of 21 guns was
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  • 1360 6 t Accommodating Flood.” MYSTERY OF LOST RECORDS. Considerable difficulty was experienced by Mr. Roland Braddell in the Supreme l ourt on May 27, when cross-examining a witness, and the position got so serious that eventually His Lordship, Mr. Justice Thorne, had to w’arn the witness that if
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  • 88 6 No Legislation Contemplated For Rubber Industry. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, May 17. The Hon. Mr. John Scott, the Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, was interviewed on his arrival here from Singapore for a fortnight’s stay at Brastagi. He stated that no legislation was contemplated with
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  • 94 6 Arrangements for Malacca Celebrations. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 24. The Malacca celebrations in connection with the Kind's Birthday will include a parade of the M.V.C., police, cadets and scouts, under the command of Lieut.-Col. A. A. Lermit, O.B.E., at the Kubu Plain on June 3,
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  • 2140 7 Charged at Singapore With Misappropriation. “MADE A SCAPEGOAT.” COUNSEL’S SUGGESTION OF OFFICE SLACKNESS. Described as having held a position of implicit trust for a considerable nomber of years and having handled millions of dollars on behalf of hia employers during that time, a well-known Straits-born Chinese
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  • 222 7 The following has been issued from Government House: Tuesday, May 20. Lady dementi was present at the tea party given by the Arab ladies. Wednesday, May 21. His Excellency dined with Lieut.Colonel W. M. Horc at Tanglin. Thursday, May 22. Sir Aural Stein had luncheon at Government House.
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  • 608 7 Incident at Selangor Assizes. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 27. A Judge’s criticism of defending counsel’s action in putting an alleged weakminded prisoner in the witness box, was the feature of a murder case at the Selangor Assizes today. A Malay, who was charged with
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  • 168 7 Three Chinese Charged In Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.)’ Kuala Lumpur, May 27. When three Chinese were charged at the Selangor Assizes with robbery in the course of which murder is alleged t»» have been committed, Mr. F. A. Briggs, for the first accused, applied for h
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  • 1847 8 A Frank Review. REPLY TO A STRAITS TIMES INQUIRY. For many weeks past, newspaper readers outside India have had to be content with very terse cabled reports of the trend of events in that unhappy country. Obviously, some form of censorship has keen imposed and in
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  • 626 8 Glowing Description In American Journal. The trade and commercial importance of Singapore, Cross Roads of the Lost, continues to increase, and each year sees a greatei activity in all phases of the life of tlu* greatest of meeting places of every race und nationality, says a special article
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  • 126 8 Offer for Change of Shares Accepted. At the statutory meeting of Consolidated Tin Smelters, Ltd., held on May 21, the chairman reported that all the shareholders in Williams Harvey and Co., Ltd., are accepting the offer to exchange their shares for shares in Consolidated Tin Smelters, Ltd. The
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  • 196 8 Body of European Found Near Racecourse. A Euroivan, believed to be a I) an e was found dead in a deep drain at the junction of Buffalo Road and Kampon! Java Road near the race course by the polite on May 21. The body was taken
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  • 298 8 British Adviser Entertained At Kuala Krai. 9 A large number of people, including 40 Europeans, gathered at Kuala Krai. Kelantan, at a farewell dinner given to the Hon. Mr. R. J. B. Clayton, the retiring British Adviser, and Mrs. Clayton. Numerous speeches were made by
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  • 214 8 Mr. N. Horley and Miss Irene Heeley. The wedding took place in the Wesley Church, Singapore, on May 22 of Mr. Noel Horley, the second son of the Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Horley, and Miss Irene Heeley, of Croydon. The Rev. H.B. Amstutz and the bridegroom’s father
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  • 65 9 (The Straits Times la not responsible tor opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letter* nnist be short and to the point. Long epistle* are liable to be rejected or cut ,lown. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as guarantee
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  • 194 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. &lt; irt _With reference to your articles on Gic activities of the shipping conferences, you may be interested in the following oassage from a letter received by me 11 ,.m a large firm in San Francisco We beg to acknowledge receipt
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  • 110 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —I would like to pay my tribute to the splendid work and efficiency of the Singapore Fi*&lt;e Brigade. At 10.20 the other evening some rascal set fire to the attap roof of an empty bungalow situated in the Paya
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  • 74 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your editorial with reference to printers’ errors and the unconscious wit sometimes evinced, reminds me of an error appearing in the columns of the North-China Daily News, Shanghai, many years ago, which greatly incensed a church dignitary. Reporting that the
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  • 59 9 NEW USE FOR TIN To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,—Instead of packing the first quality of rubber in wooden chests, &lt; &gt;uld not chests made of tinplates be Used As far as I can work out such chests would lie cheaper, and there would he no possibility of
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  • 80 9 ro the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—It is to he hoped that the management of the new Capitol Theatre, in endeavouring to ensure that the highest standard of entertainment is presented in keeping with the prestige of the theatre, will not overlook the fact that an occasional
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  • 234 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. •^ir* —A word in your valued columns on a much discussed but still vital subject. Ei’om a paragraph appearing a short while ago in the Straits Times, it was noticed that the title of the V. D. Specialist, F.M.S., was changed
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  • 149 9 One Month's Imprisonment For Policeman. After twenty years’ service in the local police force an elderly Malay, who was promoted to the rank of sergeant and then reduced to a constable, pleaded guilty before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge on Monday to a charge
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  • 117 9 Engine Driver Accused Of Rashness. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 28. The Krian Road level railway crossing gates were the scene of a tragic accident early on Saturday morning, when a Tamil gateman was knocked down by a goods train and killed instantaneously. The deceased apparently had
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  • 94 9 Increase in Fees Charged In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 25. The new motor law has been promulgated. Under it an applicant for a licence to drive a public vehicle must he 20 years of age or over. A private driver must be 18 years
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  • 165 9 The Cycle and Carriage Co. (1926), Ltd. The following is the report of the directors of the Cycle and Carriage Co. (11)26), Ltd., to he submitted to the shareholders at the fourth annual general meeting to be held at the registered office of the Company, 41,
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  • 215 9 Mrs. C. H. G. Clarke Opens New Club House. rom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 26. I here was a large attendance on Saturday at the opening of the new Golf Club house. After a mixed foursomes “Tombstone” competition had been played in the after noon, Mr.
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  • 247 9 Foreman Beats Webster In First Round. London, May 21. There is a new lightweight champion of Great Britain as a result of a contest at Premierland tonight. A1 Foreman i formerly of Canada) knocked out Fred Webster, the holder, in the first round.— Reuter. In knocking-out Fred
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  • 81 9 An Amazing Story From Lisbon, A number of Chinese street vendors in Lisbon were recently arrested on a charge of gathering seaweed at a watering place out vide the city and selling it as China tea. The Chinese explained that they gathered the seaweed to eat, and
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  • 56 9 Extraordinary Train Accident In India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, May 27. A passenger train was blown over by a cyclone near Monghyr, in Bihar and Orissa. The entire train left the line. One passenger was killed, and a large number of people were seriously injured,
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  • 122 9 Router. Interesting Boxing At Olympia. London, May 22. Two champions successfully defended their titles at Olympia tonight, when four important contests were staged by the National Sporting Club. Len Harvey, the middleweight champion, beat Steve McCall, Glasgow, the referee stopping the tight in the ninth
    — Router.  -  122 words
  • 321 9 Large Profits; Future Plans. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 27. Presiding at the half-yearly meeting of the Turf Club yesterday, Mr. I). A. M. Brown said that the position of the Club had greatly improved since the last meeting. The surplus for the half year was
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  • 104 9 Colours for Singapore Volunteer Corps. A meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners will he held on Friday afternoon. Mr. K. A. Brown will make a proposal with regard to the presentation of Regimental Colours to the Singapore Volunteer Corps. Mr. I*. Griffith-Jones has given notice of a motion
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  • 59 9 I* ngt*r« from Hufavin univitig «it Snore non* l&gt;y ncrnpliinp «&gt;n Tuesday wort* Mt VV K. Diimmr him! Mr. Patrick Hciiiicssn From I’aleinliaiig t" Singapore. Mr. M. I’. T'clrns ami Mr. Miinafaka Kubota. I’nsjo'ngers leaving Singapore for Batavia y Mr. II \V. Gerber. Mr .1 F. Vallet, Mi.
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  • 451 10 Position of Tarau, Limited. (From Our Own Corresponding) Penang, May 24. Presiding at (lie second annual meeting cf Turau Tin, Ltd., today at the office ot Messrs. Kvatt and Co., the secretaries, Mr S. Wood-Hill, the chairman, announced that as the mine had been working
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  • 281 10 Successful Appeal In Supreme Court. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 21. At the Supreme Court this morning Mr. Justice Sproule quashed the conviction and set aside the sentence of six months’ rigorous imprisonment passed upon Att bin Hassan, a constable attached to the Central Police Station, by
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  • 51 10 Coming Visits of Cruisers And Submarines. Six British warships and four submarines will visit Singapore during the months of June and July. They are the cruisers Vindictive, (’astor, Berwick and Suffolk; the sloop Magnolia, and the Submarine depot ship Medway with the Submarines Odin, Osiris, Oswald and
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  • 604 10 Charge Against Dirt Track Racer. Allegations of causing a terrific noise on a public road by riding a motor cycle used f »r dirt track racing were made against a Singapore Speedways’ dirt !ir.( k rider before Mr. K. (I. A. Dohoo, the Fourth Police Magistrate, on May
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  • 160 10 Death Through Motor-Cycle Accident. The death occurred in Muar Hospital on Sunday morning of Mr. C. M. Bennett, assistant on Lanadron F,state, as the result of a fractured skull received in a motor-cycle accident. Deceased, who was only 22 years of ago, had been in the
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  • 326 10 Charge Against Ipoh Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, May 26. Officers from the Chinese Protectorate, assisted by the police, have raided the office of the Perak Weekly, a Chinese newspaper which began publication on May IS. The first issue contained certain articles which were considered seditious and
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  • 248 10 Arrests During Turf Club Meeting. Bookies appear to be a persistent lot and in spite of the number of plain clothes men on duty illegal betting is still being carried on at the Singapore racecourse. During the meeting of the Singapore Turf Club on Saturday three Indians and
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  • 115 10 Application for Arrest Of Partners. The failure of Chop Hwa Ming was the subject of a rather unusual application in the Bankruptcy Court, before Mr. Justice Stevens, on Friday. Mr. F. H. Collier, acting on behalf of a creditor, applied for the arrest of two partners of
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  • 659 10 Slight Profit Despite Bad Trade. The annual meeting of the Central Works, Ltd., was held at the offices of auditors. Messrs. Kvatt and Co., French u. i Chambers. d’Almcida Street, on Satur.l. PM S i ’J in ,res i dod nd others present included Messrs. C.
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  • 140 10 Celebrated in Singapore Schools. Empire Day was celebrated in the Singapore schools on Monday, as Saturday was a holiday. The scholars sang national songs, following which they marched past and saluted the Union Jack. They were then informed of the King’s annual Empire Day message, and this was
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  • 33 10 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report that th‘ copra market has fluctuated within narrow limits. There are no shipments to report this week. Closing quotation* are us&gt; follows Sundried stf, mixed $8.50.
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  • 1329 11 Supreme Court* Appeal. DECISION GIVEN AGAINST OWNERS. Tiu difference between law in England ;u prevailing in the Colony in contion with public nuisances was pointed t by Mr. C. Smith in the Supreme iVurt on May 26 before Mr. Justice Thorne when appealing, on behalf of
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  • 109 11 Action by Racing Official In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 26. A racing cause celebre is promised during the course of the next few months. At the Supreme Court today among the cases mentioned and postponed till the July sittings was one in which Major E.
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  • 97 11 Charge Against Indians At Klang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, May 2G. An epidemic of house-breaking here, had a sequel in the District Court, when six accused, Vellan, Gopal, Murugaisu, Muthusamy, Nadason and Sodian were produced before Inche Osman bin Ta’at. Evidence was submitted by Mr. A. Pearce O.C.P.D.,
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  • 516 11 Australian Venture To Extend Here. Arrangements are being made for the' establishment in Singapore of the head office for the Far East of the Australian Whaling Co., LUl., of Australia. These arrangements are being made by the company’s managing organiser in the Far East, Mr. R.
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  • 238 11 Annual Meeting in Singapore On Friday. The annual meeting of the Singapore St. Andrew’s Society will be held at the Singapore Cricket Club on Friday at 5.15. The report for thL year ended Mar. 31 states The following constituted the Committee at the end of the financial
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  • 803 11 Robbers’ Desperate Bid. CHINESE ON TRIAL AT ASSIZES. A story of a desperate bid for freedom by two armed robbers was related at the Singapore Assizes on Monday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) and a special jury*, when three Chinese stood their trial on various
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  • 1163 12 Club Dinner m Singapore. INTERESTING SPEECH BY THE GOVERNOR. The annual dinner of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club was held at the Europe Hotel on Friday when *v’er two hundrad members and their guests were present, presided over by the Commodore, Mr. C. Boden CIosh. H.E.
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  • 244 12 New Amusement Centre Opened. In magnificent surroundings with deli cate shades of ever-varying colours encircling the large dome overhead, the Capitol welcomed its patrons cn Thursday night at the inaugural opening. Numerous appreciative remarks were passed as the guests threaded their way up the staircase and through the
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  • 189 12 Man Who Attempted to Bribe Court Interpreter Fined. For attempting to force a bribe of two dollars on a police court interpreter for services rendered an Indian, named Shah Latiff, was on Friday fined $25 by Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, the Third Police Magistrate. The accused, who
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  • 566 12 FAILURE OF CHIN GUAN HONG CO. Public Examination Of Former O.B.E. The failure of Chin Guan Hong and Co. was echoed in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday w’hen Mr. Lee Peck Hock, at. one time a holder of the Order of the British Empire, and a partner in the firm,
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  • 189 12 Open Verdict Returned By Singapore Coroner. A fatality occurred in Buffalo Road on May J when Jerome Baskaran Abisheganaden, a two-year-old Indian child, was knocked down and killed by a car owned by Mr. E. E. C. Thuraisingham, a Singapore lawyer. No one saw the accident except
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  • 260 12 Work in Progress. TO BE READY BY SEPT NEXT YEAR. Work has begun on the new terminal station of the F.M.S. Railways, a sketch of which is reproduced. The building will be situate at Tanjong Pagar, opposite Harbour Board Gate No. 3. It will be constructed of
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  • 117 12 Films Sent by Mail Stolen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Fenang, May 21. At the District Court today another Government employee was convicted, Osman bin Musa, till recently a postman at the General Post Office, Penang, being sentenced to twelve months’ rigorous imprisonment on a charge of committing theft
    117 words
  • 128 12 Noted American Writer’s Sudden Collapse. The death has occurred in Singapore during a world tour of Mr. Phil tus Clarke Knowlton, of Memphis, Tenn, U.S.A. Mr. Knowlton was taken ill suddenly and died from pneumonia in a nursing home. He was a noted American writer of short stories
    128 words
  • 79 12 Murdered Children Interred At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. A pathetic funeral was held yesterday when two children, aged four and t\'° years, who were fatally wounded by their father, E. A. T. Dias, a Ceylon Eurasian, with an axe, were buried. Their
    79 words

  • 3420 13 Refusal to Abolish In Kuala Lumpur. FOOTPATHS WANTED. problems in federal CAPITAL. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 21. The local Sanitary Board today decided against a suggestion by the Chief Police Officer that the speed limits in force on two streets in Kuala
    3,420 words

  • 4406 14 The Making of Utopias—Lytton’s “The Coming Race’’ Republished —A Conspiracy of Neglect?—The Dullness of Complete Perfection —Another First Effort Extraordinarily Fascinating Singapore. I Antony the Prophets. I The Coming Race and The Haunted) and the Haunters. By Lord Lytton. \N ith j An Introduction by
    4,406 words

  • 149 15 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended May 17 gives the total number of deaths a* male 227, and female 112. This represents a death rate of 55.55 per mille, per annum, compared with 29.57 in the preceding week and 41 in the corresponding week of
    149 words
  • 1110 15 Claimant Alleged to Be An Imposter. Property in Smith Street, Singapore, allied at $320,000 some years ago, uecording to the pleadings, is involved in a Supreme Court claim that came before Mr. Justice Stevens on May 21. This is the case in which the claim of
    1,110 words
  • 570 15 Company Working at A Loss. M lhe report of the directors of Turua Tin, Ltd., to ho submitted at the second annual general meeting of the company to he held at the registered office, Chartered Hank Chambers, Penang, on May 24, is as follows The directors submit
    570 words
  • 32 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 22. One of two army planes engaged in a training flight was forced to descend, in the course of which the aviator was killed.
    32 words

  • 223 16 Fifty Houses and Contents Destroyed. (From Our Own Correspondent,) Ipoh, May 24. Nearly fifty shophouses in the village of Mulim Nawar were gutted by fire on Thursday morning between 11 o’clock and noon. The cause of the fire is unknown at present. The village consists of one
    223 words
  • 434 16 Singapore Chinese Charged With Murder. While attempting to separate two brothers who were engaged in a fight, a Chinese carpenter is alleged to have been stabbed to death bv one of the enraged brother, who now faces a charge of murder. The story was told to Mr.
    434 words
  • 71 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 24. A Tamil named Mariappen, who received a sentence of five years’ rigorous imprisonment at the last Assizes here for the attempted murder of his wife, and was serving his sentence, owing to serious illness was removed from the prison to the
    71 words
  • 181 16 Shot by Marine Police In Pagar. Just before noon on May 22 Sea View’s crocodile came to life. In hotels and clubs rumour had it that the crocodile made its appearance in the swimming pagar the previous evening. Reports differed as to details and size and one
    181 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 231 16 X fl p &gt;2 V '1 A (k r_ nu At ntceiei k#^52 r .s?V|«2 rs nil. c\ 1 IV uot«ti*5*s«£»Mrr y, N-_ w 7 7'^ ■i ii When Beauty and Charm Reveal Themselves. Many women look with envy at the marvel of their sex who spends her early morning
      231 words

  • 5059 21 Alleged to Have Cut His Nephew’s Feet. •MADE A MISTAKE.” HEATH discussed with HOY’S MOTHER. case which has created considerable insertst among the Chinese of Singapore m &gt; before the Chief Justice (Sir William Mm son) and a special jury in the cumeine Court on May
    5,059 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 53 21 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT. ADELPHI HOTEL. LTD., Cables :—ADELPHI.
      53 words

  • 134 22 Tcja Malaya Tin Dredging (first half Ya&gt; —No. 1 dredge, 121 piculs No. dredge, piculs. During Iho half month No. 1 'j n lost 50 hours for repairs, and No. 2 dr» stopped four days owing to repairs and rt placements. Ayer Wong (Rahman). —50 piculs (Apj^ Taiping
    134 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 75 22 Convenient! m n 4. N O O GROPING—no stumbling about the nursery at night. No open flame—no danger of fire! An Eveready Flashlight with Eveready Batteries is safe, unfailing and so convenient. Extremely durable, always dependable, Eveready is the world’s finest flashlight. All the first class dealers sell Eveready. Beware
      75 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1576 23 British Wireless. .—Reuter. Mr. Wedgwood Benn’s Statement SOLID FINANCES. Growth of External Trade. Rugby, May 26. The situation in India was discussed in the House of Commons this evening •during the debate on the India Office vote. The Secretary for India, Mr. Wedgwood Penn, said that,
      British Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  1,576 words
    • 445 23 Reuter. Naval Treaty Differences Disclosed. Washington, May 22. How two British Dominions objected to the cruiser building programme of the United States during the London Conference has been disclosed by Senator Reed, one of the American delegates. Cross-examining Admiral Pringle before the Senate foreign relations committee. Mr. Reed
      Reuter.  -  445 words
    • 165 23 —Ileuter. Campaign in West Australia. Perth, May 25. A campaign for the secession of West Australia from the Commonwealth waa enthusiastically initiated at a public meeting presided over by the Prime Minister, Mr. P. Collier, and attended by the Lord Mayor and Members of Parliaments. A
      —Ileuter.  -  165 words
    • 137 23 —Keutcr. Mussolini Warns His Countrymen. Rome, May 25. Signor Mussolini, in another striking speech in Milan before .*500,000 people, said the object of his recent speeches, which hud been perfectly attained, had been to prevent Italians being lulled to sleep by the bleating of lambs which were really
      ’—Keutcr.  -  137 words
    • 113 23 Polish Guards’ Attack On German Station. Berlin, May 26. Vigorous diplomatic action is forecast in the German Press as a result of the incident on the German-Polish frontier when two Polish frontier guards crossed into East Prussia and attacked a German frontier station. In attempting to arrest
      113 words
    • 86 23 1 I'f UliniU\ I WI I V YI\# British Wireless. Proposals for Closer Union. Rugby, May 21. The Under Secretary for the Colonic*, Dr. D. Shiels, stated in the House of Commons that it was proposed to present to Parliament, on June 20, the conclusions of the Government
      1 I'f « UliniU\ I WI IV YI\# ,— British Wireless.  -  86 words
    • 48 23 —Reuter. Mr. G. W. Forbes as Prime Minister. Wellington, May 23. The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Cl. W. horbes, i« succeeding Sir Joseph Ward as Prime Minister nnd leader of the United Party, lie will form a new Cabinet. Mr. Forbes is a prosperous sheep farmer.
      —Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 915 24 British Wireless. Britain’s Negotiations With Egypt. SUDAN QUESTION. Documents Published By Government. Rugby, May 22. The documents relating to the recent abortive Anglo-Egyptian Treaty negotiations are published in the form of a White Paper. The discussions began on the basis of the British proposals of last
      British Wireless.  -  915 words
    • 223 24 umy tii —Reuter. Statement by Nanking Government. Nanking, May 22. The Mongolian Affairs Conference to discuss the internal development of Mongolia was formally inaugurated yesterday, more than 40 delegates of the Mongolian tribes being present. In connection with the Conference the Foreign Ministry, in a statement addressed to the
      umy tii —Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 168 24 r vt vwinj/aitru wim uruai Britain s decline of 9.1 per cent.—British Wireless. House of Lords Demands Safeguarding. Rugby, May 21. In the House of Lords, a motion expressing grave concern regarding the industrial outlook, and demanding, as the most immediate and practical remedy, a comprehensive policy of
      ~ . . rvt vwinj/aitru wim uruai Britain s decline of 9.1 per cent.—British Wireless.  -  168 words
    • 87 24 .—Reuter Five Men Mortally Wounded. Hong Kong, May 24. A building in Queen’s Road housing employees of the Chinese Bank was the scene of a shocking tragedy early this morning, when a dismissed employee ran amok with a large kitchen chopper and mortally wounded five employees by
      .—Reuter  -  87 words
    • 145 24 ,—Reuter. Marvellous Escape In Malta. Malta. May 23. The Prime Minister, Lord Strickland, was fired at point blank today, but was not hurt. Lord Strickland, accompanied by a police superintendent, was entering the Court of Appeal for the case in which the Prime Minister is
      ,—Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 110 24 —Reuter. Australian Coal Mines To Resume. Newcastle, N.S.W., May 22. A conference of the miners’ and mineowners’ representatives today agreed to general resumption of work next Wednesday, thus terminating the protracted stoppage in the New South Wales coalfields. Sydney, May 22. Plans for the exploitation of 30,000 acres
      —Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 100 24 i (it IlillV D —Renter. Cannot be Held In London. London, May 22. In the House of Commons, Mr. J. Marlev l Lab., St. l’ancras, X.) asked whether the Home Secretary had received an application from “the provisional international trade union committee cf the negro workers of America”
      i (it IlillV D —Renter.  -  100 words
    • 65 24 ,—Reuter. Publishing Trade Changes In New York. New York. May 2:’,. The increased distribution of bocks through book clubs is the principal reason for the revolution in the publishing trade started by a number of New York publishers. They announce a drastic cut in nrices. Novels formerly sold
      ,—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 55 24 v o |sv/i it y —Reuter. Succeeds Sir Oswald Mosley. London, May 23. Major C. R. Attlee, who is a member of the Sirnon Commission, succeeds Sir Oswald Mosley as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Sir Oswald Mosley resigned as a protest against the Government’s
      v o |sv/iity .—Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 72 24 Router. Bank of England Takes Direct Interest. London, May 22. A big industrial rationalisation scheme, in which the Bank of England will take a direct interest, is announced. The bank will have a controlling voice in two now steel, iron, and coal companies, named the. Lancashire Steel Corporation
      — Router.  -  72 words
    • 530 24 ui vuti ui.i vvimv^w .—British Wireless. me —Reuter Statement by Sir Oswald Mosley. WHY HE RESIGNED. Confidence Vote Sought By Prime Minister. London, May 21. Sir Oswald Mosley, whose resignation from the Chancellorship of the Duchv of Lancaster was announced yesterday, made a personal statement ia the House
      ui vuti ui.i vvimv^w .—British Wireless.; me —Reuter  -  530 words
    • 87 24 —British Wireless. Need to Amend League Covenant. Rugby, May 21. Implying to Sir Austen Chamberlain in the House of Commons, Mr. Arthur Henderson said the Government thought it desirable that the Covenant of the League of Nations should be amended as to bring it into harmony with
      —British Wireless.  -  87 words
    • 2273 25 Reuter. British Wireless. Girl Pilot’s Account of Flight To Port Darwin. AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WELCOME. Miss Amy Johnson, the brave young English girl who essayed to make a lone flight from England to Australia in a Moth machine, completed her wonderful effort on Saturday by
      — Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  2,273 words
    • 85 25 i: id —Reuter. Flotilla on Voyage To Far East. London, May 26. The new submarine depot ship Medway and the rVw O class submarines Odin, Osiris, Oswald and Otus, have left Portsmouth for the China Station. The new flotilla will be the finest in the submarine service when
      i: id —Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 36 25 —Sin Kuo Min. Amoy, May 25. At 10 a.m. today a party of 40 Communists attacked the Amoy prison. They shot two warders, severely wounded three sentries and liberated 54 prisoners.—Sin Kuo Min.
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  36 words
    • 2277 26 —Straits Times Copyright. ,—Reuter. Congress Offices Raided. ALL OFFICIALS NOW IN CUSTODY. Bombay, May 21. The police raiding tho Congress headquarters arrested n’l the office bearers, including the President, Nariman. The raid on Congress House was ef a very thorough nature. A large area around the
      —Straits Times Copyright.; ,—Reuter.  -  2,277 words
    • 134 26 .—Router. Conservative View. CRISIS POSTPONED TO AUTUMN. London, May 23. The idea of an early General Election is discounted in Conservative circles Prominent members declare that the party, in the main, do not desire tc throw out the Government and force a General Election at present,
      .—Router.  -  134 words
    • 82 26 Reuter. Let the Family Come First.” London, May 2J\ Pleas for Imperial economic unity in preference to entering into European commitments wore voiced at the Congr&lt;.sof Empire Chambers of Commerce. Lord Iveagh, in his presidential address, referring to the possibility of a European customs union, said the Congress
      — Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 53 26 —Keuter. Scretary of Labour Nominated For Senate. Philadelphia, May 22. .Mr. J. J. Davis, the Secretary of Labour, defeated Senator Joseph Grundy, the spokesman of the pxtreme Protectionist by 250.000 votes in the election for nomination to the Senate. Mr. Davis ran as the candidate of the William
      —Keuter.  -  53 words
    • 455 27 UI1CU 111 .—Reuter. Uritish Wireless. Former Archbishop Of Canterbury. A GREAT PRELATE. Many Tributes Of Affection. London, May 25. [he death occurred today, at the age I ot of Archbishop Lord Davidson, who ua \rchbishop of Canterbury from 1903 til 1928. Lmd Davidson died in his
      UI1CU 111 .—Reuter.; — Uritish Wireless.  -  455 words
    • 14 27 ,—Keuter. Pernambuco, May 26. 1’he Graf Zeppelin has returned here from Cuba.—Reuter.
      ,—Keuter.  -  14 words
    • 272 27 —British Wireless. In Readiness for Flight To Canada. Rugby, May 21. The Air Ministry’s airship R100 was taken from its shod at Cardingtm before dawn today, and an hour-and-a-half later she was safely locked home to the mooring mast. Major Scott was in charge of the operation, which
      —British Wireless.  -  272 words
    • 152 27 British Wireless. Work to Proceed At Devonport. Rugby, May 21. Tho First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, said that orders had been given for work to be begun on the six-inch gun cruiser, Leander, to be built at Devonport, and for two destroyers at Portsmouth.
      British Wireless.  -  152 words
    • 121 27 —British Wireless. Discussion with Soviet Shortly. Rugby, May 22. Replying t»» questions in the House of Commons the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Philm Snowden, said the sum due by •he Government of Russia to this country on Mar. 31 last amounted to £900,000,000. Up to the present
      —British Wireless.  -  121 words
    • 115 27 ciasn, wiiiLii 'it u m lutci.v confident they can prevent. TransOcean. Austrian Fascists Demand A New Minister. Vienna, May 22. A sensation has been caused in Austria b v the leaders of the Fascist homeguards presenting Chancellor Schober with an ultimatum demanding within twenty-four hours tho appointment
      ciasn, wiiiLii 'it u . m lutci.v confident they can prevent.— Trans- Ocean.  -  115 words
    • 223 27 —Reuter. Empire Delegates to Meet In Ijondon. London, May 22. 1 he fou’th Imperial Press Conference will assemble in London on June 1 and conclude on June 30. The headquarters are at Grosv&lt;*nor House, Park Lane. N.netv-two delegates will attend, representing 13 Empire countries, including the Dominions and
      —Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 124 27 .—Router. President and Naval Treaty. Washington, May 24. Complete agreement has been reached on the Tariff Bill by the spokesmen of both Houses. The agreement followed a compromise on the provision for taking from the President power over flexible rates. The debate on the Bill will be resumed
      .—Router.  -  124 words
    • 136 27 Ill Oil UII rmmiM 1*250,000 for the Service charities.— British Wireless. Military Tournament Plans. Rugby, May 23. The Royal Military Tournament, in which the Navy, Army and Air Force combine annually to give, at Olympia, a display which is one of the pleasantest and most picturesque events of
      Ill Oil UII rmmiM 1*250,000 for the Service charities.— British Wireless.  -  136 words
    • 72 27 Reuter. Charge for Britain-Java Service. London, May 22. The Post Office announces that a limited telephone service will be opened between Great Britain and Java, via Amsterdam, tomorrow. The hours of service at the outset will be restricted to the period from 1.40 p.m. to 5.10 p.m. (British
      – Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 61 27 —Sin Kuo Min. Rumours of a British Loan Denied. Hong Kong, May 21. The British Legation has denied the-n-port that British industrialists have concluded with Mr. Sun Fo, the son of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, a I’eking-Mukden Railway loan. —Sin Kuo Min. Mr. Sun Fo has been several
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  61 words
    • 111 27 Ancta (Straits Times Copyright). Fresh Avalanche of Mud In Java. Batavia, May 22. A further disaster has occurred near lYlemojo, in mid-Java. Released by Persistent heavy rains, a second avalanche of mud swept down the mountain side and destroyed 16 houses in the village of Likasan. I
      – Ancta (Straits Times Copyright).  -  111 words
    • 99 27 —Reuter. Anxiety in Shanghai Markets. Shanghai, May 26. The Shanghai tael selling rate for ‘elegraphic transfers this afternoon was Is. Pd. This has given rise to great anxiety in business circles in view of the internal turmoil, which is disorganising the export trade, the partial failure of the
      .—Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 112 27 —Reuter. British Residents Warned In China. Peking, May 24. The British authorities have declared that all territory in Honan south of tho Yellow River and the provinces of Hupeh and Kiangsi are danger zones in which it is not safe for British nationals to reside, the former owing
      —Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 102 27 —Keuter. Important Ruling Ry Supreme Court. Washington, May 2b. On** of the mod important decisions n the history of Prohibition has been oade by the Supreme Court, which ruled ■bat a person who buys bootleg liquor •annot. in ordinary circumstances, be prosecuted in a court. However, the court aereded
      —Keuter.  -  102 words
    • 78 27 —Reuter. Detachment to be Formed In Colonies. London, May 23. The formation of voluntary aid detachments in all the overseas Dominions and Colonies on the lines of the British icheme was advocated in a resolution passed at the Imperial Red Cross Conference just concluded in London. It
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 63 27 lieu ter. Disturbance Created In Paris. Paris, May 22. Sixty Annamites tried to force their way into the Klysee shouting Down with the Prcsidcnt'oi the Republic I hey were brandishing strips of ealieo wath black borders. The police easily dispersed them and arrested 11!. The disturbance was due
      lieu ter.  -  63 words
    • 599 28 .—Reuter. Indians are concerned.—Straits Times Copyright. City Desolate Through Riots. INDIAN UNRESt. Fresh Trouble Occurs In Bombay. Rangoon, May 26. A number of people were killed or injured in communal rioting which had be n browing for a week through the icsentment of striking dock workers «i
      .—Reuter.; Indians are concerned.—Straits Times Copyright.  -  599 words
    • 427 28 Router. Asia A Total Loss 110 Lives Lost. Port Sudan, May 22. Fire broke out on the French steamer Asia off Jeddah. The vessel was taking Mecca pilgrims hack to Red Sea ports, and it is feared that 100 people perished. Marseilles, May 22. A wireless message
      Router.  -  427 words
    • 99 28 —Trans-Ocean. Rumours of Deep Dissensions. Moscow, May 27. Rumours of deep dissensions between Stalin and Voroshilov, the Commissar for War, have been intensified by Voroshilov’s failing to appear at the Red Army Congress in Leningrad. The chairman read a letter to the Congress from Voroshilov, in which
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  99 words
    • 116 28 I.—Reuter. is likely to open early in June.—Sin Kuo Min. Rifcsia Ready to Open Conference. Moscow, May. 26. It is semi-officially stated that M. Karakhan, the acting Foreign Commissar, who is a delegate to the forthcoming SovictChina conference, yesterday sent to the Chinesu Government a list of
      I.—Reuter.; is likely to open early in June.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  116 words
    • 26 28 .—Reuter. Loaves Rio do Janeiro For Cuba. Rio de Janeiro, May 25. The Graf Zeppelin landed at 7.5 a.m., and later left for Cuba.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 263 28 the formal convention take place.—British Wireless. Details of Fisheries Agreement. Rugby, May 27. The Anglo-Russian Temporary Fisheries Agreement, which comes into force immediately, and is to serve as a modus vivendi pending the conclusion of the formal convention, permits British registered fishing boats to fish at a
      the formal convention take place.—British Wireless.  -  263 words
    • 253 28 lion of the National Debt.—British Wireless. Questions Answered By Mr. Snowden. Rugby, May 27. Answering a numl&gt;er of questions regarding the reparations’ loan under the Young Plan, the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Mr. Philip Snowden, in the House ct* Commons today, said the detailed conditions of the
      lion of the National Debt.—British Wireless.  -  253 words
    • 97 28 —British Wireless. To Resume Work at The Bar. Rugby, May 27. Sir John Simon chairman of the Royal Commission on Indian Affairs, the members of which signed a unanimous report yesterday, has intimated his intention of returning to his practice at the Bar almost immediately. Sir John
      —British Wireless.  -  97 words
    • 83 28 Rritish Wireless. Believed to be Richest Man In Britain. Rugby, May 27. The death occurred today of Lord Ashton, the wealthy manufacturer, who was reported to he the richest man in Growl Britain. He distributed large sums to charities, mainly in his native Lanca-shire.—-British Wireless. Lord Ashton
      Rritish Wireless.  -  83 words
    • 81 28 —Reuter. Dropping Leaflets Over Bucharest. Bucharest, May 20. Accompanied by the Princess, p r j nf M ircea Cantacuzeno was piloting aeroplane when he crashed near the Baneasa aerodrome. The Prince w killed and the Princess slightly inim-J The Prince had been dropping leaflet over
      —Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 543 28 —British Wireless. .—Ueutcr. Rugby, May 21. The Foreign Secretary, Mr. Arthur Henderson, replying to questions in the House of Commons, said the various questions connected with Communist propaganda were receiving his serious attention.—British Wireless. Geneva, May 21. M. Motta, on behalf of the Swiss Government, and
      —British Wireless.; .—Ueutcr.  -  543 words
    • 130 29 Reuter. Ulose Economic Relations Urged. STRIKING REPORT. New Recommendations To Socialists. London, May 28. remarkable report has been drawn 5 V the influential Economic Committee J Trade Union Congress unanimously recommending that, at the forthcoming Imperial Conference, it would be in the interests of the trade
      Reuter.  -  130 words
    • 63 29 —Reuter. Standard Oil Extending Interests. New Y'ork, May 27. The Standard Oil Export Corporation i? increasing its capital in order to acquire the Anglo-American Oil Company. The merger will be carried out by means of an exchange of stock on the basis of Standard Oil five
      ■.—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 43 29 Reuter. Expected to Reach £900,000. Calcutta, May 27. The total pool of the Calcutta Turf Club Derby sweep amounts to £900,000. I: is expected that three first prizes will be given, each worth about £120,000. Starters will be worth about £800.—
      Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 74 29 Atlantic Liners Wanted On Pacific Ocean. Writing in the Daily News of complaints from Malaya of slow mail services, Mr. St. John Wright says: I should like to see one or two of our fastest and finest Atlantic liners slicing the days off the Indian I Kean run.
      74 words
    • 66 29 Dr. C. T. Wan)? Aims to Abolish Extrality. Nanking, May 18. In an interview with Press representations, Dr. C. T. Wang, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, said in regard to the extrality question, that he hoped to complete th is within this year, and that after the
      66 words
    • 59 29 jiicaciit dt mo poi 11 —British Wireless. Minister Knocked Down By. Motor-Car. Rugby, May 27. Although he was knocked down by a motor-car when leaving the House of opinions last night, as the result of v hich he sustained a broken collar-bone, j'lr. Arthur Greenwood, Minister of
      jiicaciit dt mo poi 11 .—British Wireless.  -  59 words
    • 46 29 Sin Kuo Min. British Naval Instructors Arrive. Shanghai, May 27. The Chinese Minister of the Navy has invited the two British Naval Instructors, 'vho have arrived at Shanghai, to sail for ukien tomorrow, to make arrangements for the establishment of a Naval School.—
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  46 words
    • 647 29 ,—Sin Kuo Min. Vague Reports of Big Battles. Shanghai, May 27. The news to hand from the main battle fronts today is scanty, vague, often contradictory and, generally speaking, &lt;vcn more difficult to follow than usual. It seems clear, however, that fierce fight in-* continues, that
      ,—Sin Kuo Min.  -  647 words
    • 208 29 —Reuter Mr, J. Petrie Injured In Practising. London, May 27. Croat Britain’s predominance in motorcycling will be keenly challenged at the forthcoming Tourist Trophy races over the tricky Isle of Man course. There is an unprecedented entry of the cream of riders and machines from all parts
      —Reuter  -  208 words
    • 141 29 French Troops to Leave Trail of Ruin. Berlin, May 27. A discordant note has marred the joy in Germany concerning the approaching evacuation of the Rhineland by the French. At a conference of Ambassadors it was decided that all aerodromes, their hangars and workshops, in
      141 words
    • 82 29 Reuter. Ten Death Sentences At Hanoi. Hanoi, May 27. Ten men were sentenced to death by the Criminal Commission at Phutho for participation in the attack on Munghoa and the siege of I.amthao during the native outbreak against the Government early in the year. Four of these were
      Reuter.  -  82 words
    • 268 29 British Wireless. A Few Days’ Rest. CONTINUING ROUTINE WORK. London, May 27. It is oflkially announced thut the Kinjp has to r some days been sufl'ering from painful, though localised, rheumatism in the right hip. His Majesty has been advised not to attend Courts tonight and
      British Wireless.  -  268 words
    • 98 29 Italy and an Agreement With France. &gt; Rome, May 10. For two hours Signor (irandi surveyed the London Naval Conference in the Chamber. The most striking part of his speech dealt with parity with France. He de- dared that naval parity was a principle of moral international right—something
      98 words
    • 114 29 Narrow Escape of Occupants Of K.L. Dwelling. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 27. The occupants of a house in Batu Load, Kuala Lumpur, a two-storey dwelling, had a narrow escape from injury when the roof fell in. It appears that the entire roof
      114 words
    • 23 29 Proposed new terminus for the F.M.S. Railways at Tanjong Pagar, Singapore, a description of which appears in this issue.
      23 words

    • 1443 30 Good Bowling By. Hornibrook. London, May 21. The Australians visited Chesterfield today for their match with Derbyshire. Woodfull, Grimmett, Walker and aBeckett Were given a rest, and Richardson captained the side. Slight rain over-night made the wicket and somewhat in favour of the bowlers. Derbyshire won the
      1,443 words
    • 282 30 —Keuter. England Wins St. Andrews Preliminary. London, May 24. The customary preliminary to the amateur championship took place at St. Andrews today in foursomes and singles between English and Scottish sides. England won by eight matches to four, and three were halved. In the foursomes England won by
      —Keuter.  -  282 words
    • 107 30 Victim of Unsatisfactory Decision. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 25. Battling Key, the Singapore boxer, lost to an African boxer on a technical knockout in the la'-t o? a ten-round contest here. For the greater part of the time Key was in trouble. The decision caused a
      107 words
    • 992 30 Ideal Weather Conditions, KELAT ANNEXES BLACK SWAN TROPHY. Ideal weather conditions on Sunday f, P the Royal Singapore Yacht Club events gave both classes some keen racing, tu south-west monsoon has now set in perly, and the breeze blew from that direction with moderate strength all
      992 words
    • 3068 31 Good Forward Work. ROYAL engineers offer STOUT RESISTANCE. Malays 5 Royal Engineers 1. Superior in every department and the dominating force in almost all the xchanges, the Malays took full points in tlu ir encounter with the Royal Engineers j n a First Division fixture
      3,068 words
    • 87 31 Malays’ Close Win Over Kedah. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 12(5. After an interval of four years the Penang Malays sent a football team to Alor Star on Saturday, and defeated Kedah by three goals to two in a thrilling encounter, which was witnessed by a large
      87 words
    • 1179 32 R( liter. Home Cricket Results. RAIN INTERFERES WITH PLAY. London, May 23. Lord’s Somersetshire obtained points for a lead on the first innings in their game with Middlesex. Batting Somersetshire compiled 338, R. W. V. Robins taking six wickets lor 101 runs. Middlesex were disposed of
      R( liter.  -  1,179 words
    • 216 32 Muar Beat Malacca in Clip Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 23. Muar regained the trophy, which has baen presented for inter-team shooting between Muar and Malacca at the Bukit Sebukor Range yesterday. The detailed scores were as follows MUAR. 200 500 GOO yds. yds. yds. Total.
      216 words
    • 43 32 t —Reuter. Notable Victory for Miss Sandison. London. May 24. I n jhc final of the women’s singles in In- Surrey championships, Miss Sandison, the woman champion of India, beat the holder, Miss Betty Nuthall, 3 -6, 7—5 6- 4.—Reuter.
      t —Reuter.  -  43 words
    • 318 32 Cheap Wickets in Low Scoring Match. In a low scoring match at Tanglin on Sunday an S.C.C. XI lost to the 2nd Welch by the narrow margin of 20 runs The Welch batted first and except for a l'uc innings by Ivimey, who compiled i
      318 words
    • 169 32 have veveaiea no —British Wireless. —Reuter. Owner Confident O? Success. Rugby, May 21. Sir Thomas Linton, who. in the past 30 years has spent £500.000 on five yachts. &gt;ui!t to sail across the Atlantic anil challenge, in American waters, the holderof ihe America’s Cup, is confident that Shamrock
      have veveaiea no —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 170 32 Empire Day Parade Sport In Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 25. Hutchings School annexed the Cheeseman Shield at the annual Empire Day sports yesterday, in which the various scouts units of the Settlement participated. The winners scored 82 points to the 59 obtained by the Anglo-Chinese
      170 words
    • 306 32 Reuter. R. Kyle Beaten. JONES AGAIN THRILI s THE GALLERY. London, May 20. Play &gt;» the amateur golf championship at St. Andrew’s began today in heavy mist. There is a record entry of 27* In the first round Harrison Johnston the American champion, beat the veteran Bernard
      Reuter.  -  306 words
    • 201 32 rt Hams ,—Reuter. London, May 27. There was a further American iw-;: in the British amateur pdf champions’’'.:;., it St. Andrew’s today, when the 25-ytar-o!d Scottish player, W. Spark, of M &gt;n:rv&gt;.\ defeated Willing, 2 and 1. D. Fiddian, playing in his first Brit! 4
      rt Hams ,—Reuter.  -  201 words
    • 76 32 —Router. United States Beat Mexico. Washington, May In the second round of the Davis C competition, Lott (United States) beat Deborbolla, 6—0, 6—0, 6 —0.—Reuter. Washington, May 23. The United States beat Mexico in tb Davis Cup tie, and the American team tnu? enters the inter-zone final. f
      —Router.  -  76 words
    • 39 32 Men’s Foursomes at Garriso" Club. Four cards were taken out 3 nv.ns Shanghai foursomes at the p“\ son Coif Club, and the best rctun 1 by Capt. F. Dearden and R. 15. U u 81 11 70.
      39 words
    • 1716 33 Two Days’ Results. UNEXPECTED WIN FOR RAMMY. Th&gt;' Singapore Turf Club’s amateur meeting began on May 23 with a programme of five races, and offered some nic«T problems to race-goers. In amateur racing, according to popular opinion, a V ;,rv r’ r eat deal depends upon
      1,716 words
    • 64 33 -Reuter. Tilden and Coen Lose To French Pair. Pa:K May 24. In the final of the wome ’r doubles in the French hard court championships Miss Wills-Moody and Mrs. Ryan beat Mme. Mathieu and Mile. Barbier. 6 3 6 1. In the fourth round of the men's
      -Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 59 33 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 25. The following are the results of cricket matches played yesterday Harrow School beat Harrow Town. The Butterflies beat Eton. Brasenose beat Rugby. Epsom beat the Grasshoppers. Dulwich beat the Incogniti. St. Paul’s beat I Zingari. The Free Foresters beat Westminster
      59 words

  • 81 33 B’NNIE. On May 24, 1930, at General Hospital, Singapore, to Mima, wife of A. C. liinnie, a son. HARDMAN. At the Government Hospital Muar. on May 17, 1930, Mr. and Mrs. John Uaidmuit, a daughter. McDONAI.D. At Penang on Sunday, May II 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
    81 words
  • 156 33 Singapore, May 28. EXCHANGE. &gt;n London, Bunk 4 m s 2/3 15/16 Demand 3/4 Private 3 m. credit 2/4*4 On New York, demand 66 1/16 Private 90 d/s 57% On France, Bank T.T. 1431 On India, Bank T.T. if,4.^ &gt;n Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 37*4 On Shanghai,
    156 words
  • 793 33 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 28. MINING. Issue Vul. I’d. Buyers Sellers i'l £1 Asani Kumhang 21/- 23'- xd. 5 '&lt; Ayer Hitam Tm 11 i 1 i i 9 i'l 11 lii.ngiin Tin 21/- 22'6 1 1 B.itang Padang 0.10 0.14 I 1 Hutu Caves
    793 words
  • Page 33 Advertisements
    • 87 33 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post frte price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 132 33 DEATHS BENNETT. Suddenly, in Muar Hospital (the result of an accident) Cyril MacDonald Bennett of Lanadron Estate, Muar, brothel of R. J. M. Bennett of Sungei Way Estate aged 22. FARQUHARSON. At The Lodge, Cortachy Kirriemuir, Scotland on May 21, 1930, Mr James Howe Farquharson, father of Mr. F Farquharson
    132 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 83 1 General— Rubber Situation 1 Dahan Rubber 1 The Singapore Auction 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 Customs Enactment 1 Weekly Rubber Report 1 April Rubber Returns 2 U.S. Rubber Report 2 Asiatic Planters and Restriction 2 Correspondence— Rubber Holiday 2 Meeting and Reports— Straits Rubber Co.,
      83 words
    • 70 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward t’oi,tract Spot Seller Trices Dote I.’don S’por* June July Julv May 22 6 13 I it 0.23 1 0.23 0.24 1 ft 2 p, 23 6 13/16 0.231, 0.21 0.21 1 0.25 24 G\ 0.23’- 0.21*4 0.24*i* 0.25*4 2*, 6 15 16 0
      70 words
    • 141 1 Offer of Convertible Debentures. In order to provide addi.ional working capital r.nd further funds to carry out oiltiva.ion programme on the old estate of Dahm Rubber Estates. Snrawak, the comI »V i* offering to shareholders £10.0'iP 'ait of £20,000) annveriible and redeemable •Vhenture stock at par, says The
      141 words
    • 137 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 969th auction on May 28, when there was catalogued 1,769,304 lb. or 789.87 tons offered 1,528,869 lb. or 682.53 tons sold 1.281,387 lh. or 572.05 tons. 8pot. l«ond»n 6%d. New York 13?% cts. TRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet
      137 words
    • 110 1 The annual general meeting of Amherst Fstatos (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on April 23 at the offices, 6 Lloyd’s Avenue, London. K.C., when the report and accounts were adopted. At an extraordinary general meeting subsequently held a resolution was passed to increase the capital to £137,537
      110 words
    • 1128 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) (Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights KMrrvrH 1 London, Apr. 30. On the eve of the May stoppage. I London spot price is down to &lt;d. It is i rad figure, particularly in view of
      (Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights KMrrvrH 1  -  1,128 words
    • 347 1 New Schedule of Export Duties on Rubber. A supplement to the K.M.S. Gazette, published on May 23, contains the following In exercise of the powers vested in him by section 21 of The Customs Enactment, 1923," the Chief Secretary to Government hereby cancels so much of Notification No.
      347 words
    • 260 1 Annual Report by The Directors. The directors submit their tenth annua! report and the statement of accounts for tin year ended Dec. 31, 1929. During the year 13 acres were planted on Nova Scotia Kstate, and after making certain adjustments in respect of nurseries, etc., the
      260 words
    • 445 1 Market Featureless Prices Decline. Messrs. Guthrie ami Co., Ltd., follows under date of May 22 The market has been fontureless -inor the date of our last report* and price., have dined by *j cent, 3-lild. and cents in Singapore, London and New YurK respective Ir. Production during
      445 words
    • 69 2 BTho Straits Times is not responsible for i opinions of its correspondents. Corres- i en ts should bear in mind that letters he short and to the point. Long Kstli'' !iru be rejected or cut f* n Correspondents must enclose their r s 2in(i addresses, not necessarily for Klication
      69 words
    • 101 2 I To the Editor of the Straits Tiroes. I sir.—l have read with much interest various suggestions by fellow plantand permit me to voice mine. Instead having a tapping holiday, why not .70 Lck on to the quarter cut, alternate daily istead of daily Most estates think of
      101 words
    • 622 2 ■Average Yield of 483 Lb. Per Acre. H |1 A profit double that for the previous Krar was reported at the annual general Kiev ing of the Mentakab Rubber Co., Ltd., K-hieh was held at the offices of the Kccreturies (Harrisons, Barker and Co., td.l. on Saturday. tM
      622 words
    • 25 2 Hatu Village.— 1,070 lb. •*eram Kuantan. -41,973 lb. Jvapnla.—8,248 lb. Mentaknb.— 35,500 lb. 4 ulau Bulang.—33,535 lb. Hagan.—54,400 lb. lung Moh.—17,359 lb.
      25 words
    • 826 2 Increased Profit Despite Low Prices. The tenth annual general meeting of the shareholders of Mrrunti United, Ltd., was held at the registered office, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, Mr. A. C. Hayton presiding. The chairman, in moving the adoption of the directors’ report and accounts for the year
      826 words
    • 131 2 Messrs. Shaw nnd SmyJie report undei °the Resumption of the market after the Easter holidays, prices developed a sagging tendency and a decline ol about %d. per lb. There has been some selling by first hand interests and it has been noticed that (he whole of
      131 words
    • 601 2 Company’s Improved Position. The twenty-third annual ordinary general i meeting of the Ulu Rantuu Rubber Estutes Company, Ltd., was held on April 29 at the London Chamber of Commerce, Oxford Court, London, K.C., Mr. A. A. Baumann (the chairman of the compuny) presiding. The representative of
      601 words
    • 189 2 Market Continues Lifeless And Uninteresting. The crude rubber market continues lifeless and utterly uninteresting, says the report of Mr. O. VV. Krucht, of New York, dated April 15. Due to continued absence of demand from manufacturers and further stock increases here and abroad, prices have eased off
      189 words
    • 357 2 Legislation Called For. STOPPAGE FOR TWO DAYS A WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 21. Legislation to impose restriction in the rubber industry was advocated at a meeting of Asiatic producers of rubber held in Ipoh today. A report was read stating that at present
      357 words
    • 78 2 Committee’s Announcement To Planters. The chairman of the Malayan local committee of the Rubber Growers’ Association asks us to publish the following There would appear to he some doubt whether it will be in order for Kstatea which are adhering to the May Cessation Scheme to re-open tapping
      78 words
    • 227 2 Net Profit for Year Of £10,779. Tlie directors submit their tenth annual report and the statement of accounts for the year ended Dec. 31, 1929. The crop harvested for the year amounted to 550,752 lb. and the net profit per acre of mature rubber was
      227 words
    • 1387 3 Profit on Year. SATISFACTORY RESUETS REPORTED. The annual general meeting of Devon Estutes (Malacca 1 Ltd., was h* Id at the offices of the company, French Bank Buildings, on May 27. There vvi.* prisiet: The Mr. H. E. Nixon (in the chair', the Hon. Mr. A. P.
      1,387 words
    • 390 3 General Complaint of Business Paucity. _Messra. Fraser and Co., under date of May 27, report as follows Paucity of business was again a general complaint in the share market throughout the week and gloomy conditions have prevailed in both the tin and rubber sections. Sentiment as regards
      390 words
    • 99 3 In his speech at the meeting of the Ilewagam Rubber Co., a Ceylon concern, the chairman (Mr. N. S. Pryor) reported that the company had not joined the May tapping cessation scheme, the hoard’s advisers considering that there was a distinct danger of incurring bark rot if tapping
      99 words
    • 318 3 Dividend of Five Per Cent. Declared. The twentieth ordinary general meeting of Trafalgar, Ltd., was held at the registered office of the Company, No. 2 Prince Street, Singapore, on May 27. Mr. F. H. Temperley (chairman) presided and others present were Messrs R. S. Nelson i?*M W inter
      318 words
      • 673 3 Abaco (fl) 24; Allagar (2/) 1/11; AnjrloMalay (£1) Hi/; Ayer Kunmg U'l) -&gt;»s; Bahru (Sel.) (2 4 Dakap UU ‘si Bunting (£i) 5 16; Haiaiig Consolidated (2/ 1 2; Batu Caves (£1) 13 Mix; Batu Tijra 1-1 1 5/10; Hekoh (2 &gt; 1/2; Beranang (2
        673 words
      • 707 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Ly all Company Co. Evatt. 389,293 1 5 p.c. for year 28-2-30 Ailenby ($1) 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 160,000 17*4 p.c. year 80-9-29 Alor Gujah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.20 1.30 485,425 1 74 p.e. int.
        707 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 275 4 t Y &gt; ♦&lt; V SERVICE Malayan Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service after purchase. We welcome an inspection of our spare parts before any intending buyer commits himself to purchase. AFTER Agents fer CARS ROLLS-ROYCE MORRIS ARMSTRONG-SIDDELEY SUNBEAM PACKARD
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 572 5 YOU NEED A CHANGE!! ENJOY GOOD HEALTH BY SPENDING YOUR WEEKENDS ON THE SEA The change necessary in this climate in order to keep fit can be obtained by going for a sea trip each week-end with the aid of an EVINRUDE or LOCKWOOD Outboard Motor. These are the speediest
      572 words
    • 210 5 ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telef rams STATETRUST,” SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley's and Liebers. Telephone No. 241. A Trust Company Registered under the Trust Companies Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. REGISTERED AND HICAn OFFICE Nos. 1, 2 and 8, RAFFLES CHAMBERS,
      210 words