The Straits Budget, 22 May 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget iv,o. 3,7 <1 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.) SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930. Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7(L
    30 words
  • 306 1 LEADERS— Page Hills for the Colony 3 Wild Life 3 Pioneers’ W ives 3 Freight Rates—I 3-4 Freight Kates II 4 Freight Rates —III 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 Teleprams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 23-28 iPictures Penang Wedding 17 H E. Sir W illiam Peel 18 Mr.
    306 words
  • 1941 1 1 he funeral of Mr. Lee Kim Chve of K‘ stall of the Borneo Co., Ltd., took i a* c on Wednesday last, at Bukit ,r v Cemetery. W’reaths were sent, tv e .airman and directors of the Borne °;’u Lt( J’’ Messrs F. E. Dilley, E.
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  • 1086 2 Text of a Remarkable Letter. AVOIDING SINGAPORE; How Freight Revenue Is Divided. Apropos the speech by Mr. Roland Braddell at the annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, which is reported fullv on another page, we have been supplied with copies of the following letter and
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  • 431 2 Stone in Hand Crushed By Bullet In a cuse at the Singapore on May 19 before tbe Chief Justice (Sir William Murison), a policeman gave a remarkable explanation of a wound which he received in the palm of his hand while struggling with a Chinese
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  • 746 2 Building Inspector’s Opinion Disputed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. Three architects gave evidence for the defence in a case tried in the local poliee court in which the occupiers of three houses were prosecuted by the Sanitary Board with failing to vacate
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  • 849 2 Local Pilots’ Task. SINGAPORE FLIERS* m MILES TRIP. Two seaplanes belonging to th*» Singapore Flying Club—piloted by Flight-Lieut. S. H. Potter (club instructor) and Mr. G. Watts, of the Borneo Co., (assistant nstruetor) —left their base in Singapore Harbour at 3.30 on Saturday afternoon in an
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 944 3 Straits limes, May IS. th straits Settlements (Singapore) lot ion has recently been considering V 4O uSn of hill station facilities for tht ‘I people, and as that Association st, i h„ d its general meeting tomorrow, u- u-ould appear to be an opportune thls to
      Straits limes, May IS.  -  944 words
    • 942 3 —Straits Times, May lfi. \Ve published a few days ago the official record of the proceedings in the House of Commons on April 9 when the Under-Seeretary of State for the Colonies announced the appointment of Mr. Theodore Hubback to report on the question of the wild fauna
      —Straits Times, May lfi.  -  942 words
    • 1062 3 VIIIVUJ IO III —Straits Times, May 17. If the fact of constant reference in the public Press indicates the possession of an arresting personality, the European women of Malaya have good reason for fading flattered. They may resent the things which more or less talented writers have said
      — * VIIIVUJ IO III •—Straits Times, May 17.  -  1,062 words
    • 1142 3 —Straits Times, May 19. Mr. Roland Braddell, by his speech at the annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Associatioa on Friday, has revived a controversy which has recurred with varying degrees of intensity for over thirty years. The question of rings and trusts is one which has
      —Straits Times, May 19.  -  1,142 words
    • 1184 4 merchants of this Colonv.—Straits Times May 20. How far is it permissible or desirable for Government to interfere in the affairs ol private enterprise Such interference may take two foi ms. In the case of rubber and tin, intervention has been advocated with the object of assisting the
      merchants of this Colonv.—Straits Times May 20.  -  1,184 words
    • 1198 4 —Straits Times, May 21. In 1907 the Singapore Chamber of Commerce appointed a sub-committee to inquire into the matter of Conferences or shipping rings. Among the appendices to the report of that sub-committee is u circular, dated London, Jan. 1, 1907, issued by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam
      —Straits Times, May 21.  -  1,198 words
    • 270 4 Picnic Party’s Alarming Experience. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 20. The Europeans of Kuala Kangsar were greatly excited on Monday when the rumour spread that four well-known residents of the town had not returned from a trip to the jungle. The party consisted of Dr. (Miss)
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    • 178 4 Surprise for Depositors In Savings Bank. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. A remarkable story is published in the Malayan Daily Express of a clever fraud by a clerk employed in the Kuala Lumpur Post Office. The postal authorities, when approached by the Straits Times,
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    • 100 5 1 v this may come in time !—Straits Time*. May 15. Yesterday. in Singapore, the writer 1 a small snowball. No, this is not a Put an actual fact. During a visit the' new Rotterdam Lloyd motor-ship Hil etan. which arrived at this port on Pk*r
      1 v „ this may come in time !—Straits Time*. May 15.  -  100 words
    • 348 5 •'•M'.it' Timss, May 15. si nificant expression of opinion on May tapping stoppage appears in ••The Planter.'* It is known that the q- -h and Dutch organisers of this 1 .'heme in Europe are hoping that another l onl) age later in the year will be
      •'•M'.it' Timss, May 15.  -  348 words
    • 420 5 —Strait? Time?, May 15. Singapore is pre-eminently a city of smells. Some of them, no doubt, are unavoidable and the average citizen, with handkerchief to nose, is apt to mutter “ti.ia apa.” Like the poor, the river mud j> always with us and low tides are
      —Strait? Time?, May 15.  -  420 words
    • 206 5 —Straits Times, May 16. The connection between shapely ankles m vf t M CkmtfS aml street acc ‘dents may not strike one at first. Yet that the three are closely inter-related is the firm conofficer f a veteran Shanghai traffic T he situation,” said the traffic officer,
      —Straits Times, May 16.  -  206 words
    • 244 5 —Straits Times, May 1G. In an interesting article in the Police Journal, which is the quarterly review for the police forces of the Empire, Mr. C. Hannigan, the Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., gives an account of conditions as they were in the Malay States only a
      —Straits Times, May 1G.  -  244 words
    • 263 5 CLEANING UP” HARBIN. ’—Straits Times, May 1<>. Some cities live on reputations which they do not deserve. The number will never be known of tourists attracted to Paris by talcs of the alleged wickedness •f the Gay City, to return sadder but wiser in the knowledge that it is no
      ’—Straits Times, May 1<>.  -  263 words
    • 51 5 Straits Times, May IT. No comment of ouivs could improve on f ho bare recital of a news item that of 600 skeletons unearthed near Moundsville. Alabama, and believed to b” 10.000 years old. all the women had their jaws oner, while those of the men were
      Straits Times, May IT.  -  51 words
    • 179 5 tt KUl avanaoie ior hire to ave h s vehicle unattended ?—Straits Times, May 17. We notice that a committee of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners ha* recommended that part of the Anderson end of the Esplanade green should he set aside for the use of hire
      . . tt KUl avanaoie ior hire to "\ave h»s vehicle unattended ?—Straits Times, May 17.  -  179 words
    • 166 5 .—Straits Times, May 17. Volunteers not unnaturally expect Generals to say nice things about them in annual reports, even if a few judicious criticisms are woven with the compliments. Not for a long time, however, has the case for the S.S.V.F. been quite so happily put
      .—Straits Times, May 17.  -  166 words
    • 400 5 SAVING SHAKESPEARE’S BACON —Straits Times, May 17. The highest compliment one nation can pay another is to lay claim to its greatest artist. The dust of conflict has not yet settled on the thorny question as to who wrote Shakespeare’s plays—the Bard himself, Francis Bacon, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl
      —Straits Times, May 17.  -  400 words
    • 449 5 enough and to spare.—Straits Times, May 19. Singapore extended to Miss Amy Johnson just that quiet, dignified, phlegmatic, typically English welcome which that mociest and unassuming young woman would undoubtedly have chosen had she been consulted in the matter. There was no fuss and bother at
      enough and to spare.—Straits Times, May 19.  -  449 words
    • 215 5 Straits Times, May lit. The news of the deplorable affair in Penang, where an incident on the football field led to an affray between Malays and Chinese in which knives are alleged to have been used, caused a deep shock in sporting circles. Following it, comes a
      Straits Times, May lit.  -  215 words
    • 118 5 Straits Times, May 20. Have flies their favourite colours A jam factory in Northern England is puzzled because when they installed yellow glass in a room to prevent the jam fading, they noticed the room was sedulously avoided by the flies. Dr. S. A. Neave, honorary secretary
      Straits Times, May 20.  -  118 words
    • 209 5 THE “IMMENSE SURRENDER Nations is well remembered.- Straits Times, May 20. j From the proceedings in the House of Commons and the United States Senate, i it would seem that it is not a case of all being over bar the shouting in the matter 1 of the Naval Treaty.
      Nations is well remembered.- Straits Times, May 20.  -  209 words
    • 189 5 be able to learn things !—Straits Times, May 20. Are there any fie Ms left for Chinese athlete.'} t*» con&lt;| We have become fnrnillni; with Chinese ft otballcrs, and their prowess is generally recognised. There is even talk of a team from China visiting England. The idea
      be able to learn things !—Straits Times, May 20.  -  189 words
    • 293 6 OUR TAXIS —Straits Times, May 20. Much has been said and written about Singapore’s taxi drivers but nothing undeservedly according to an experience of the present writer recently. Having hailed a cab from the rank in Beach Road, he waited while a squabble ensued as to who should take the
      !—Straits Times, May 20.  -  293 words
    • 38 6 —Straits Times, May 21. Rule 1 of the Rules of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce says The Singapore Chamber of Commerce is established (a) To protect the general interests of the trade of the Settlement.”
      —Straits Times, May 21.  -  38 words
    • 150 6 —Straits Times, May 21. Sir Oswald Mosley has resigned from the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Iiancaster owing to dissatisfaction with the Labour Governments policy on the question of unemployment. The news indicates that the rumours of discontent in the party resulting from Mr. Thomas’s policy
      —Straits Times, May 21.  -  150 words
    • 289 6 LI IUl|;O f &gt;» L Ollctll IlciVc IU —Straits Times, May 21. A writer of a futurist story some years ago prophesied that woman in her fight for sex equality would eventually surpass man and reduce him to a mere cipher in the scheme of things. He
      LI IUl|;Of >» L Ollctll IlciVc IU .—Straits Times, May 21.  -  289 words
    • 274 6 nc wnngc of Communist party.”)—Straits Times, May 21. If the Communist activities in the East have been responsible for nothing else, they have at least provided a certain amount of amusement for those who read the crude and mysteriously worded messages in badly printed pamphlets. At present
      nc wnngc of Communist party.”)—Straits Times, May 21.  -  274 words

  • 270 6 Sentence of Three Months R.I. Imposed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. A European named James Herbert Hogg was sentenced to three months rigorous imprisonment in the local police court yesterday as a sequel to a motoring accident. Hogg’s car collided with two rickshas in
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  • 113 6 Nine Months for Theft From John Little Co. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. Charles Brown, 21 years of age, a European, was sentenced to nine months’ simple imprisonment at the Selangor Assizes this morning for the theft of jewellery and cash valued at $1,830 from
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  • 104 6 Mr. L. F. Hopkinson and Miss Violet Tomlins. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 15. At St. George’s Church today, the Rev. Keppel Gamier officiating, Mr. Lionel F. Hopkinson, of the British American Tobacco Co., and Miss Violet Tomlins, of Melbourne, Australia, were married. Mr. H. E. Roberton,
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  • 451 6 Association Reviews A Year of Useful Work. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. The committee of tho Selangor Automobile Association is able to point to some erv useful work in its annual report. Among the more important matters on which it took action were
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  • 908 6 Irrigation Schemes In The F.M.S. DREDGES AND RIVER BARRAGES NECESSARY. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 10 As a result of Sir Cecil dementi’s interest in rice production, renewed attention is now being given to schemes for the creation of padi-growing areas in the
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  • 4210 7 V vv 11 uuviv wwr *Uioo Johnson a welcome there.—British Wireless. Lone Girl Flyers Fight With Monsoon Storms. LOST ABOVE THE MOUNTAINS. JHE GYPSY MOTH land plane in which Miss Amy Johnson is flying from Croydon, London, to Darwin, Australia, made a perfect landing at
    . V vv * 11 ■ uuviv wwr *Uioo Johnson a welcome there.—British Wireless.  -  4,210 words

  • 144 8 Miss Amy Johnson Bert Hinkler’s Time. The respective records of Miss Amy Johnson and Bert Hinkler compare as follows Miss Johnson Bert Hinkler Croydon to Croydon to Days D:»v«* Karachi fl Karachi 7 '•&gt; Calcutta K Calcutta 10 Rangoon 0 Rangoon 11 Bangkok 12 Victoria Point 12 Singora
    144 words
  • 729 8 More Bad Luck for Girl Pilot. Weltevreden, May 19. Miss Amy Johnson has landed on a sugar estate at Tjomal, near Pekalongan, in mid-Java, owing to lack of petrol. After flying over Tegal at 4 o’clock, she reappeared above the town shortly after searching for a suitable
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  • 437 8 Miss Johnson’s Further Bad Luck. Weltevreden, May 21. Miss Amy Johnson reached Sourabaya from Semarang on Tuesday afternoon and engineers were busy all through the night until early this morning overhauling her aeroplane. But when Miss Johnson arrived at the field to take off for Bima or,
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  • 527 8 Right of Private Defence Plea Fails. Replying I have nothing to sav j leave it to you,” to the Court’s inquiry' as lo whether he hat! anything to say a Chinese named Lee Boon Cook received unmoved the sentence of death passed upon him at the
    527 words
  • 52 8 Health of Former Archbishop Causing Anxiety. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 20. The health of Baron Davidson, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, gives cause for anxiety. Baron Davidson, who is 82 years 6f age. was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1903 to 1928. lie was created Baron on
    52 words

  • 2344 9 i a n.A Ambitions and Small Salaries. WHAT CAN BE DONE nriLPINO SOCIETY’S ESSENTIALS. (From Our Own Corrcrpondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 16. time ago a scheme was mooted in Sinrapore for the formation of a building j. v &gt;.*ty to cater for the needs
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  • 198 9 Proposed Club Scheme “Too Ambitious.” There was a good attendance at the last meeting of the Overseas League general committee, when Major R. R. Robertson, vice-president, occupied the chair. It was decided that Empire Day should take the form of a dinner and dance to be held at
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  • 846 9 Widow’s Evidence At Inquest. The full story of the murder cf a young Malay police constable by a Hylam cook who used a police revolver issued to Mr. K. F. Mallard, A.N.I\, at Rad in Mas, Kampong Bahru Road, was told to Mr. F. G. Bourne,
    846 words

  • 67 10 lTf Strulti limn* is out rf*poa»lbl# for tho opinion* of iti correspondents. Correo pendent* should hear in mir.d that Utter* must ho short and to the point. Long epibtles are liable to he rejected or *ut down. Correspondents mast encloss their nunits end addresses, not necessarily for publication but
    67 words
  • 452 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I was very interested in a lettec published in your issue of May 6 by Freedom referring to the extreme suffering frequently inflicted on captured wi’d animals- in this country, of which the authorities seem to Dike
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  • 380 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—If we take the extracts from Cameron’s letters as given in Sir George Maxwell’s report on his first visit to Cameron’s Highlands in March, 1925, and also his reprint from the issue of July, 1926, of the Malayan branch of the
    380 words
  • 946 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—For the last six months the public mind of the United Kingdom has been focussed on the magnificent project of Empire Free Trade. Nothing can more vividly illustrate the appeal which Empire Free Trade has made than its effect on
    946 words
  • 328 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The case against the Shipping Conferences may be stated in very bald language as follows, so that any of your tenders may understand it. (1) The trade of the Colony in produce bet we.'n Singapore and the Dutch East Indies
    328 words
  • 1178 10 The following passengers proceeded per Kashgar pn Friday for Penang, Colombo s Europe Mr. Bloomberg, Mr. R. H. Rainnie Mr Horn, Mrs. Parry, Mrs. R. F. Mallard ‘'t7 Ockerby, Mr. F. S. Egan, Mr. W. llarn -k Mr. F. Dick, Mr. Watts-Carter, Mr I i* Randell, Dr. Costello, Miss
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 352 10 PROPERTY SALE Much Residential Property Being Sold. The following Singapore properties A'ere sold by auction at Messrs. C’ncong Koon Seng Co.’s saleroom. No. 30 Chuliu Street, on April 16, 23 and: 30 900 years’ leasehold land and houso,. No, 145 Prinsep Street, area 1,192 sq. ft., bought by Mr. Too
      352 words

  • 4234 11 produce trade lost Mr. Braddell Provides A Way Out. S.S. ASSOCIATION MEETING. A highly interesting speech by Mr. Roland Braddell was the outstanding teature of the annual general meeting of tlu* Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association in the Exchange Room, Fullerton Building, on Friday. Mr. H.
    4,234 words

  • 1520 12 Trade Mark Prosecution. INTERESTING EVIDENCE IN LOCAL CASE. I Some interesting light on the local ghee trade and the composition of certain kinds of ghee which would come as an unpleasI ant surprise to consumers of the commodity, was thrown on May 11 in the
    1,520 words
  • 106 12 Theft of Cheques From Bankruptcy Office. Arrested on a warrant issued at the instance of the Official Assignee, William Tessensohn, a local Eurasian, who absconded to Kelantan, was brought down on May 14 and produced before Mr. r Wilson, the Criminal District Judge in a charge of theft
    106 words
  • 540 12 A GREATER KUALA LUMPUR Plenty of Electricity And Water. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May ltj. In the inquiry which is to be conducted into the question of extending the limits of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, with a view to controlling building and avoiding future difficulties, water and
    540 words
  • 180 12 Australian Accountant Found Shot. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 14. A distressing tragedy has occurred at Chemor, where Mr. R. M. Every, an accountant for the Malaya Consolidated Tin Dredging Co., was found dead under circumstances which indicate suicide. Half an hour previous to the tragedy he
    180 words

  • 2745 13 LEGAL discussion. Magistrate’s Decision Reversed. WHEN is A PRIVATE lottery private? Chinese Association in Kuala I cm pur organised a lottery and Issued books of tii-keU to &gt;"«■“'•«» Subsequently two of those tickets were found by the police in the possession of non-members of
    2,745 words
  • 488 13 Mother-in-Law as Cause Of Trouble. A mother-in-law is the cause of the whole trouble again,” said Chief Court Inspector Meredith when an Englishspeaking Chinese was churgcd with voluntarily causing hurt to his wife before Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge* on May ID. The accused claimed trial,
    488 words
  • 94 13 Scotland Yard of Bangkok Organised. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, May 20. A new branch of the police embracing detective, linger print and photographic sections has been formed and will conn* into operation in the course of the next six weeks. The department will bear practically the* same
    94 words

  • 6085 14 A Frenchman’s Life of Byron —Don Juans in Bowler Hats —Arnold’s Unfulfilled Prophecy —The Confusion of Art and Morality Unhappy Home Influences —Precocious Passion —Greece’s Debt To Byron —How Prohibition Came To Kentucky. Don Juan. Byron. By Andre Maurois. Translated from the French by Iiamidi
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  • 133 15 Jury Recommend Mercy in Last Penang Assize Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 20. 1 he last case at the local Assizes was heard yesterday when Ee Mah Hoo was charged with the murder and attempted murder of two other Chinese and sentenced to death, the
    133 words
  • 66 15 Father Attacks Wife And Children with Axe. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 20. A shocking afrair has occurred in a local Eurasian household. A father attacked his wife and two children with an axe, injuring them so badly thu* they are not expected to live. The
    66 words

  • 549 16 Sir C. dementi’s Forecast Of Development. The May issue of the Malayan Agricultural Journal publishes a striking message from the Gcverno” and High Commissioner. His Excellency expresses the hope that this century may witness in Malaya both extensive development of the r ?e industry and effective
    549 words
  • 193 16 Appointment of M. Ballereau To Singapore. M. Paul Arthur Ballereau has been appointed French Consul at Singapore, lut it is not known yet when he will take up his duties. From the Annuaire Diplomatique et Consulaire we take the following account of M. Ballereau’s career Born, June, 12,
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  • 94 16 Further Arrests by Detective Department. Arrested by a detective at the race course during the meeting of the Singapore Turf Club on Saturday, an Indian Mohammedan and a Malay were charged before Mr. P. S. Williams, the Second Police Magistrate, yesterday with loitering in a public place for
    94 words
  • 41 16 Severing Long Connection With India. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, May 20. J,i "J 1 r 1'!■ her, an outstanding Phonal y ,n Methodism in India, has ;‘ver;d his connection with the East to sity Church! r thf Mich!
    41 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 268 16 I V ft: vY t ri r\ i Mci u !■--a/ /v s ,-s &lt;** V*. v. Cc 4 rC •v“ (5 m C*-*A r» CL'AN W2 A SB V K \y Nc Cxly ft K &gt;A *»-&gt; \V Vs,/ f i m.* &lt; !'K& B *V v LW iff
      268 words

  • 4872 21 Problems of Restriction Policy. CHAMBER’S DEBATE. I K \1 WORK, OR SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST ioni Our Special Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 17. The annual meeting of the F.M.S i .n.b r of Mines was held here today, Vj. i II. Rich, president of the Chamber,
    4,872 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 52 21 Adel phi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. ROOF GARDEN CINEMA Every Sunday and Monday Evening. LADIES’ LOUNGE PALM COURT. ADELPIII HOTEL, LTD., Undo
      52 words

  • 271 22 Allenby Chairman on Present Cooperation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1?The May tapping holiday was stoutly defended by the chairman of the Allenby Rubber Company at the annual meeting of that company here today. After pointing out that the estimated output for the current financial year,
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 54 22 N 950 Unit C«i»&gt; **T|&lt; IlN)*,, Greatest of Batteries! More powerful, more dependable, more brilliant, Eveready Unit Cells last longer, too. Unquestionably, Eveready is the world’s finest flashlight battery. Obtainable from all first class dealers. Beware of imitations UNIT CELL8 they lost longer Factory Representatives MULLKR Pllll'I'S (Malaya), Ltd. ItiiiMing
      54 words

  • PAST WEEK'S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 2399 23 British Wireless. —Reuter. Conservative Criticism of Naval Treaty Provisions. breeze in house of commons. Personal and Secret instructions Quoted. “IN immense surrender” was the description applied to the London Naval Conference decisions by Mr. Winston Churchill, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, in a
      British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  2,399 words
    • 535 24 .—British Wireless. ,—Reuter. Great Britain’s Duty. MR. HENDERSON’S REPORT AT GENEVA. Rugby, May 15. At a meeting of the Council of the League of Nations this morning, Mr. Arthur Henderson, the British Foreign Secretary, made a statement regarding the general situation in Palestine, lie said the Council
      .—British Wireless.; ,—Reuter.  -  535 words
    • 57 24 .—Trans-Ocean. Many Villages Have to Be Evacuated. Munich, May 15. The Alpine rivers and Takes in upper Bavaria and northern Switzerland are rising steadily owing to cloud bursts and melting snows. Many villages have been evacuated, and traffic is paralysed. The famous village of Obevammergau where the Passion
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  57 words
    • 55 24 —Traca-Ocean. To Assist of Nations Investigation. Geneva, May 14. The League of Nations has accepted n gift of $120,000 from the Rockefeller Institute to investigate the traffic in women in the Fur East. Three experts will conduct the investigation, and they will be accompanied by representatives of the
      —Traca-Ocean.  -  55 words
    • 552 24 r —Reuter. 'American Admiral's Strong Criticisms. Washington, May 14. In the course of the examination of the London Naval Treaty by the Senate foreign relations committee, Senator Hale, the chairman of the naval committee of the Senate, referring to the Japanese question, said apparently the United States had
      r—Reuter.  -  552 words
    • 122 24 liritish Wireless. Possible Compromise Suggested. Rugby, May 18. The newspapers suggest that if the House of Lords’ amendments to the Coal Mines Bill are contested when the Bill returns to the Commons the differences will bo settled by compromise. The most mporlant amendments made by the Lords
      — liritish Wireless.  -  122 words
    • 126 24 .—British Wireless. Value of Mission To Seamen. Rugby, May 14. The Prince of Wales today made his first public appearance since bis return from Africa, when, as Master ot the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, he presided at tht* annual meeting ot the Missions to Seamen.
      .—British Wireless.  -  126 words
    • 146 24 III. I’UUI IV U I.IMI wilt. I V V ilk &lt;• |*I IV v that wi’l not bar a wide circulation.—Diitish Wireless. Report Issued at Cheap Price. Rugby, May 18. The first part of the report of the Simon Commission on Indian Constitutional Reform, which will be published
      III. I’UUI IV U I.IMI wilt. I V V * ilk <• |*I IV v that wi’l not bar a wide circulation.—Diitish Wireless.  -  146 words
    • 103 24 —Reuter. Mystery Ship Bound For Far East. Geneva, May 14. News of a mystery ship bearing an illicit cargo of opium valued at £250,000. bound to the Far Fast from a western port,” started a discussion in the League of Nations Council. Mr. Arthur Henderson, the British Foreign
      —Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 73 24 —Reuter. Worldwide Tributes To Explorer. Oslo, May 14. The death of Dr. Nansen, which came unexpectedly while the explorer was talking to his daughter-in-law, has evoked worldwide expressions of condolence. It was commemorated at an extraordinary meeting of Parliament, when a crowded House listened to an oration by
      —Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 69 24 —Reuter. Big Loss for Wood Oil Dealers. Hankow, May 15. Fire started in wood oil godowns belonging to Chinese dealers in Hankow yesterday and spread rapidly to godowns occupied by Speidel and Co., who leased the property from Jcsset and Co., the German exporters. The damage is estimated
      .—Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 65 24 —Reuter. How Quorums are Secured In Washington. Washington, May 15. Wearied by a six-hour “filibuster,” but powerless to act in any direction or even to adjourn, the House of Representatives had to order the arrest of members outside the House in order to secure a quorum. One of
      .—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 210 24 —liouter. Impetus to Campaign. “INSIST ON SWEEPING CHANGES” London, May 13. With 1,700,000 unemployed and the revelation that Empire trade dropped over three per cent, in the first quarter of 1&lt;K10 the advocates of Empire Froe Trade were busy yesterday. Lord Beaverbrook told a mass
      —liouter.  -  210 words
    • 122 24 —British Wireless. New Landing Stage Opened. Rugby, May Id. The Port of London’s new passenger ’antling stage at Tilbury was officially opened by the Prime Minister. Mr. MacDonald, today. The landing stage 742 feet long anti SO foot wide, floating on huge steel pontoons and carrying a doubledeck
      —British Wireless.  -  122 words
    • 90 24 dissolution of the Reichstag.—TransOcean. Stormy Reichstag Session? Expected. Berlin, May 15. The second and third readings cf the Budget BiM, which began today, are cxnected to last until the end of June, and some stormy sessions arc anticipated. It is expected that all the persuasive eloquence of the
      dissolution of the Reichstag.—Trans-Ocean.  -  90 words
    • 76 24 .—Reuter. Rainbow Launched At Chatham. Rugby, May l b The British submarine, Rainbow, of the R class of the 1928 programme, was successfully launched at Chatham dockyan this afternoon by Mrs. Addison, the "llcf Vice-Admiral Addison, Director 0 Dockyards.—British Wireless. London, May HThe Rainbow (1,475 tons) was ]a«j
      .—Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 68 24 .—Reuter. Bandit Attacks on U.S. Marines. Managua, May 15The- commander of the n r Marines and the National 9 ua nounces that six encounters with occurred between May 5 and 12. 1 bandits were killed. t nP The bandits were successful in or &gt; encounter, that on May 7.
      .—Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 1520 25 .—Reuter. Move Against Rebel Tribesmen. AIR FORCE WORK. Two Pilots Killed In Crash. Peshawar, May 14. Th) authorities, assisted by the Frontier .r-fibula ry, surrounded Utmanzai vilu huh was the source of the activi- of th? so-called Red Volunteers, and m ?d all the tribesmen. Several
      .—Reuter.  -  1,520 words
    • 812 25 —Reuter. Police Compelled To Fire. Calcutta, May 16. A bomb was thrown into the house of the officer in charge of a police station at Howrah this morning, wi n the family W’ere asleep. A window xvl smashed, but nobody was hurt. Mymengsingh, Bengal, May 16. Ninety people
      —Reuter.  -  812 words
    • 1457 25 Reuter. Improvement in Several Directions. Rugby, May 19. A detailed appreciation of the situation in India, received from the Government of India at the week-end, was circulated to the members of Parliament this evening by the Secretary for India, Mr. Wedgwood Bf ML While the situation, according to
      ,— Reuter.  -  1,457 words
    • 164 26 ,—Reuter. Striking Indictment by Mr. Dwight Morrow. New York, May 17. Mr. Dwight Morrow, the former United Ambassador to Mexico, opening hi? eppairn for a seat in th? Senate, titled the p Ait• c 1 world by advoca v of •a. rep al of the Eighteenth (Prohibition) \mcndmer.t. Ho
      ,—Reuter.  -  164 words
    • 93 26 ,—British Wireless. British Figure Lowest Since 1916. Rugby, May 17. On May 1 the average level of retail prices of commodities was approximately 55 per cent, above that of July, 1914. as compared with 57 per cent, last month and 61 per cent, a year ago. The
      ,—British Wireless.  -  93 words
    • 73 26 .—Reuter. League of Nations to Call Conference. Geneva, May 15. The Council of the League of Nations adopted the committee’s reports in favour of convening a conference for the limitation of the manufacture of dangerous drugs. It will be composed of the representatives of 25 countries, including Great
      .—Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 48 26 .—Ucutcr. Rocket-Driven Aeroplane Explodes. Berlin, May 17. Herr Valier, the pioneer of the rockctdriven aeroplane, has been killed while experimenting with a new type of such machine. The aeroplane exploded, and Ilcrr Valier hied to death as the result of a cut artery before doctors arrived.—Reuter.
      .—Ucutcr.  -  48 words
    • 598 26 UNITED STATES OF EUROPE.” .—Router. .—British Wireless. —Trans-Ocean. Briand Scheme Criticised In Germany. Paris, May 15. The proposals of M. Briand for the organisation of a “United States of Europe” are outlined in a Note which is being sent to the principal Powers and will be published on Saturday. It
      .—Router.; .—British Wireless.; —Trans-Ocean.  -  598 words
    • 51 26 .—Keutcr. Enormous Damage Done In Rumania. Bukharest, May 17. A great petroleum fire, which is visible 60 miles away, has broken out in the Scortani district, near Ploeshti. At least eight tanks are on fire. One engineer was incinerated and three were injured. The damage done already is
      .—Keutcr.  -  51 words
    • 222 26 'hcltor.—-Aneta (Straits fiJTo""! right). Disaster in Java. VILLAGE WIPED OUT. 47 DEATHS. Semerang, May 19 A stream of mud from the «i.i. mountain Telemojo has wine,, d °J ,he whole of the village of [fi, ut ‘he Java. Forty-seven of the perished, and only five
      ••!*! 'hcltor.—-Aneta (Straits fiJTo""! right).  -  222 words
    • 163 26 —R: liter. Death of Well-Known Novelist. Pans, May 10. 1 no/eh.-t, Mr. William John L cl; last night.—Reuter. It vvi* be recalled that Mr I.oclu uwk 1 \v.ns a serious abdominal op.rr.ti&gt;:i in Pans emly in April, and his coivliiDn .at time was regarded as criiica!.
      —R: liter.  -  163 words
    • 111 26 Reuter. Opposed by Japanese General Staff. Tokio, May 18. Admiral Takarabe, who is apparently destined to become the centre of a revived storm over the London Naval Treaty, arrived at Tokio and was greeted at the station by Mr. Hamaguchi and other Cabinet Ministers. Owing to fears of
      Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 93 26 —Kci:tor. Enough Opium For Several Years.” Geneva, May 15* Enough opium to supply the medicinal needs of the world for several year* said to bo on board the mystery ship which left a European port for the r ;i: East. It is learnt that Great Britain and i
      —Kci:tor.  -  93 words
    • 382 27 .—British Wireless. in Labour Ranks. UNEMPLOYMENT POLICY 1 CRITICISED. London, May 20. rht Government’s majority was reduced i- in the House of Commons last night, t0 puience of the abstention of the in conseqv left wing an d several La 1 b U V on the
      .—British Wireless.  -  382 words
    • 214 27 —Reuter. Death of Sir William Gordon-Cumming. London, May 20. The death of Sir William Gordon Lordon-Cumming at Altyre, Scotland, this recalls the famous Tranby Croft s a ‘i(l:d of 1891, in which Sir William was accused of cheating at baccarat at a house party and brought
      —Reuter.  -  214 words
    • 51 27 Reuter. Commissioner Grover Whalen Resigns. New York, May 20. Grover Whalen ir :i ’■&gt;(? and returning to his old post v a! manager of a leading New departmental store at a salary of 1 009 a year. J Edward Mulrooney, assistant chief ''vlor of tho detective division,
      • – Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 461 27 —Sin Kuo Min. President’s Armies Must Retire First. Shanghai, May 20. Fighting is still progressing on all fronts, hut the general position remains unchanged. General Hsu Yuan-chuan’s pro-Govern-ment troops have reached Yihhsien, in West Honan, and a big battle is being fought with a large Kuominchun
      —Sin Kuo Min.  -  461 words
    • 124 27 b '.or. Police Surround Congress Headquarters. Bombay, May 20. Three hundred unarmed and 50 armed police, under high officers, surrounded the Congress headquarters at seven o’clock '.his morning, and a raid is going on at •'resent. Suspending (he Offensive.” Eclgnum, May 20. Gokhalo, the captain of tho
      —]•! b '.or.  -  124 words
    • 128 27 thus saving hundreds of lives.—Anet* (Straits Times Copyright). Many Lives Saved At Telemojo. Batavia, May 20. Following the disaster at Telemojo, where the village was overwhelmed by a sea of mud from the mountain side, the village of Kajoemas has had to be evacuated and the
      thus saving hundreds of lives.—Anet* (Straits Times Copyright).  -  128 words
    • 263 27 to the aftermath of the War. —British Wireless. Liberal Party’s Support For Government. London, May 20. The House of Commons passed the second read in? of the Finance Bill relating to the last Budget, after u motion for rejection moved by a former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir
      to the aftermath of the War.—British Wireless.  -  263 words
    • 102 27 —British Wireless. To Reduce the National Debt. Rugby, May 20. Asked in the House of Commons if, In view of the desirability of encouraging investments in British industries by British investors, he would reconsider the reparations loan under the Young Plan, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Philip
      —British Wireless.  -  102 words
    • 62 27 —Trann- Ocean. Hands off India Painted On The Walls. Cologne, May 20. A crowd of more than twenty Communists smashed the windows of the British consulate here, and painted in red the inscription Hands ofF India,” on the walls. The police arrived too late to make any
      —Trann- Ocean.  -  62 words
    • 33 27 Reported Decision on Singapore Rase. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 20. Acc'.iv’inrr to Truth, the Government .1 *i N that Si fnporo N j'n.:;- mu ,l he comple ted.
      33 words
    • 277 27 Opposition to Treaty. TENSION CROWING IN JAPAN. Washington, May SO. A variety of advice on the Londan Naval Treaty was given boforo Senate committees by high naval officers today. Roar-AdmiraJ. Jt. V. Chase and RearAdmiral J. IL Pr.tnglo described the cruiser provision as unfair, and strenuously
      277 words
    • 123 27 Alleged Despondency Over Treaty. Shanghai, May 20. The political tension in connection with the London Naval Treaty has been heightened by the death through harakiri (suicide) of Lieut.-Comdr. Kusakari, of the Naval General StafT. His action is alleged to be due to hitter despondency regarding the Navy’s future
      123 words
    • 112 27 liritish Wireless. No Chance of Preference To Canada. Rugby, May 20. The President of the Board of Trade, Mr. William Graham, stated in the House of Commons that an effort would be made to introduce, before the end of July, a Bill dealing with the purchase of mining
      liritish Wireless.  -  112 words
    • 95 27 liliti ll \Viivlcs3. Lists Quickly Closed In London. Rugby, May 20. The Government of India Roan, which was underwritten ye terday, offered for subscription today and the I: Is were elorrd early this aft moon. The is u&lt;* con is! s of t7,000,000 of six per cent,
      liliti ll \Viivlcs3.  -  95 words
    • 455 28 British Wireless. Duties Must Lapse. TENDENCY OF EXPORTS TO DIMINISH. Rugby, May 14. In a debate in the House of Commons on the estimates for the Board of Trade, Conservative members deplored the intention of the Government to allow the safeguarding duties to lapse, pointing to
      British Wireless.  -  455 words
    • 76 28 Nichi-Nichi. Decreased Taxation Expected In Japan. Tokio, May 15. The question of how to utilise the large surplus of funds which will be in the hands of the Government as a result of the London Naval Conference decisions is now being actively debated. It is stated that the
      Nichi-Nichi.  -  76 words
    • 70 28 .—Reuter. Foreign Syndicate’s Contract Annulled. Teheran, May 19. The Government has annulled the c«atraet of the railway syndicate embracing British, American, French and German interests, according to the newspapers, owing to the syndicate’s failure to adhere to the terms of the contract. The idea was to construct a
      .—Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 84 28 w rurrupuon \vhr*n t® was Minister of Education,-Nichi-Nicni. Another Scene in the Lower House. Tokio, May 14. The session of the Upper House of the Diet closed today after all the important Bill' had boon adopted. In the Lower House there was another scene during the debate on
      • w rurrupuon \vhr*n t® was Minister of Education,-Nichi- Nicni.  -  84 words
    • 101 28 -—Trans-Ocean. Successful Test ol German Machine. Berlin, May 14. After a ten hours cruise, the world’s land aeroplane, a Junker all-metal machine, alighted at Tempelhof aerodrome. The pilot v. as complet ly satisfied with the response of the controls in ■.pile of the bad weather which was encountered
      -—Trans-Ocean.  -  101 words
    • 541 28 Shanghai, May 7. According to a new set of regulations, any “rebel” officer who joins the Government with his entire command will be promoted one rank, while cash awards will be granted to soldiers individually. Handbills announcing these regulations are being distributed by Government aeroplanes over
      541 words
    • 104 28 .—Reuter. Evacuation of Third Zone. Paris, May 17. M. Tardieu ordered the evacuation oi the third Khimdhnd zone after a meeting &lt;d the Reparations Commission this afternoon. The Commissioner recognised that all the conditions necessary for carrying out the Young plan were fulfilled, including Germany’s delivery of a
      .—Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 110 28 —Reuter. Regular Service to South America. Friedrichshafen, May IS. The Graf Zeppelin, with a few passengers and a crowof 42. has left for Seville, on the way to Lakehurst. The airship w ill leave for Lakehurst on Tuesday and proceed via Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. From Lakehurst
      .—Reuter.  -  110 words
    • 83 28 Abandonment of Food Pledge Demanded. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 20. There are growing indications of trouble in the Conservative Party. Many backbenchers wish to offer active opposition to ihe Naval Treaty, and there is widespread dissatisfaction regarding the conduct of the central offices, particularly on
      83 words

  • 189 28 Mr. A. M. Pearson and Miss Eileen O’Sullivan. The wedding of Mr. Arnold Maurice Pearson and Miss Eileen O’Sullivan took place on Saturday at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, the Rev. Father Ruaudel officiating. The bride, who was given away by Mr. A. E. Thornley Jones, wore
    189 words
  • 273 28 Demand for Share in Deiri Man’s Estate. A curious case opened before jj,. Justice Stevens in the Supreme four Singapore, yesterday. The claim of a Chinese to be n son 0 f Vong Swee Tong (who died in Canton China, in 1905) and to share
    273 words
  • 144 28 Acting British Adviser, Kelantan. We are officially informed that Mr. A. S. Haynes, at present Acting Secretary for Postal AtTairs, S.S. and F.M.S., will succeed Mr. R. J. B. Clayton as British Adviser, Kelantan. when the latter leaves for home prior to retirement in the course
    144 words
  • 148 28 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended May 10. p ;V 5 the total numlier of deaths as male and female 97. This represents a death rate of 29.57 per mille, per annum, compared with 28.10 in the preceding "e k and 26.34 in the corresponding
    148 words
  • 110 28 Value of Imports and Exports During 1st Quarter of 1930. The Department of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., has forwarded the following conipo nt:Vl statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel po e t a’’ 1 jmported to and exported from British Malaya during the first
    110 words

    • 1300 29 ,—Reuter. Conditions Favour Visitors totIEY AND WETHERED DO WELL. London, May 14. Wlrlo the British women are fighting ofT th,- American challenge at Formby, the rs 0 f the Walker Cup teams will fnc up tomorrow for foursomes at St. GeorgeV Sandwich, follows Voo Elm
      ,—Reuter.  -  1,300 words
    • 62 29 Crusaders beat Hailcybury.—Straits Times Copyright. Eton and Oxford Authentics Draw. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. The cricket match between Eton School and Oxford Authentics, which finished today. resulted in a draw. Cheltenham School defeated Cheltenham Town. Rugby beat B.T.H. Epsom beat Leatherhead. Toulridge beat Blucmantlos. Eton
      Crusaders beat Hailcybury.—Straits Times Copyright.  -  62 words
    • 36 29 —S. T. Copyright. Oxford University Beat The Army. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. In a lawn tennis match today Oxford University beat the Army by eight matches to six.—S. T. Copyright.
      .—S. T. Copyright.  -  36 words
    • 114 29 r-~ i.—Reuter. Typical Fighting Finish At Sunningdale. London, May 11). 1 he “Royal and Ancient .game” was never so Royal as today at Sunningdale, when it was watched by the Prince of v|vtilt***., the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester and Prince Georg'*. Bobby
      r-~ “ \ «*«*»• i.—Reuter.  -  114 words
    • 214 29 —Reuter. Exciting Finish in Match With Mitchell. London, May 17. The Anglo-American golf battle front was transferred today to Moor Park. Rickmansworth, where a 36-holc skirmish between the respective mutch play champions, Diegel and Mitchell, for side stakes of £250, resulted in a v/in for Diegel, one up.
      .—Reuter.  -  214 words
    • 230 29 —Reuter. Wins for Australia And U.S.A. London, May 15. In the Davis Cup tie in Dublin between Australia and Ireland, Crawford (Australia) beat McGuire, 6—1, 6—2, 0 —4, and Moon (Australia) beat Lyttelton-Rogers, 4—G, 2—G, G —3, G—2, 12—10.—Reuter. London, May 1G. The following Davis Cup results are
      —Reuter.  -  230 words
    • 28 29 England’s Success Against Scotland. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 18. England defeated Scotland by the odd goal in three at ice hockty today.—S. T. Copyright.
      28 words
    • 682 29 ,—Reuter. Great Victory Over Miss Collett. London, May 14. In the fouith round of the British women’s go if championship at Formby, .Miss Gicnnu Collett (U.S.A.) heat Musa Molly Gourlay (Groat Britain) at the 21st hole. Miss t o h it was o:.e up when half the
      ,—Reuter.  -  682 words
    • 74 29 Yew Teng Hoon’s Good Effort In Open Jump. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 18. The annual inter-house sports of Anglo-Chincse School took place yesterday at the Renong ground. Rahlemtone House won the Mydin Shield for the championship. There was one open event, the long jump, which was
      74 words
    • 2456 30 Grimmett Again in Form. TOURISTS’ WEAK REPLY TO LANCASHIRE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 14. The Australians’ match with Lancashire opened at Liverpool today in sunny v/eatlher. At the close of the day’s play Lancashire were out for 176, and the Australians had made
      2,456 words
    • 224 30 Result of Guillemard Cup Competition. The final round of the Singapore Golf Club Guillemard Cup competition Was played on Saturday, and resulted in u v -i n for Mr. S. L. Kelly, who defeated M r W. R. Boyd by 6 and 4 m the final. Details
      224 words
    • 132 30 Third Successive Victory Scored. Rugby, May 18. Sir Thomas Lipton’s yacht Shamrock V, which has been specially built t challenge for the America’s cup. created an excellent tirst impression yesterday, when she won a raee over a course of 10 miles at Harwich. —British Wireless. Rugby, May 20.
      132 words
    • 99 30 Lucky Tor’s Success At Kempton Park. London, May 17. The Groat Jubilee Handicap (1 1 nv.h.'l run at Kempton Park this afternoon resulted as follows LUCKY TOR 1 SIX WHEELER LION HEARTED 3 Won by one length two’n&gt; between second and third. Fifteen ran. Betting Lucky Tor
      99 words
    • 2127 31 Singapore Races. DRUNKEN dan wins AGAIN. s DU* tine finishes were seen at the c: n ,poiv Turf Club on May 11, ;T1( the fourth programme presented at t u spring meeting proved altogether a very interesting one. Fields were quite good, three places being
      2,127 words
    • 171 31 Diolite First in Betting At 6—1. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 21. Diolite is favourite for the Derby at 6 1. Diolite is owned by Sir Hugo Hirst and won the 2,000 Guineas Stakes on May 7 from Paradine and Silver Flare in a field of 28.
      171 words
    • 817 31 Chua Lai’s Game Display. DISAPPOINTING ENDING TO CONTEST. It was very disappointing that what promised to be the best fight that has been seen in Singapore for many a day, between Boy Walley and Chua Lai, at the Lion City Ring on Tuesday should
      817 words
    • 1097 32 —Keuter. Worcester’s Defeat pf Middlesex. London, May 15. Derby Derbyshire beat Sussex by an innings and six runs. Batting first, Sussex could score only 121, Slater taking five wickets for 45 runs. Derbyshire replied with 191, Tate obtaining five victims for 54. In their second innings the
      .—Keuter.  -  1,097 words
    • 438 32 Settlement Reached with Mr. Hamilton. The directors’ report to the shareholders of Central Engine Works, Ltd., is as follows Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of accounts of your company for the year ended Nov. 30, 1929. There is a net profit for the year
      438 words

  • 98 32 Penang Player Charged With Causing Hurt. (From Oor Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 18. The sequel to the affray on Thursday at the Renong ground between two parties of Penang footballers is that Inspector Hunt, of the Central Police Station, yesterday charged Samsudin bin Sahabhdin with voluntarily causing hurt
    98 words
  • 158 32 Talam Mines.— 435.50 piculs. I'egang Prospecting.—150.18 piculs, amount realised $7,715.20, tribute at 7 per cent. $540.06. iemengor Tin. 233*2 piculs. P.ntrut Basin Tin Dredging Nl. (tirst half of May).— 546 hours, 52,000 cubic yards, 587 piculs. The following returns are for the first half of the month of
    158 words
  • 77 32 LiiOO.- On May 20, 1930. at 5.40 p.m. sit Xo. 70, Wilkinson Road to Mrs. Choo Ang Tee of Haiphong Villa, a daughter. (I.e Courner D’llaiphong, please copy). COWAP. On May 19. 1930, at Berkhampsted to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cowap, a son. I.EACH—At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore.
    77 words
  • 138 32 Singapore, May 21 EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/a o Demand i &gt;2 Private 3 m. credit a 3 2 On New York, demand Private 90 d/s oii On France, Bank T.T. On India, Bank T.T. .H 3 On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. On Shanghai, Bank T.T.
    138 words
  • 811 32 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, May 21. MINING. Issue Vul. Fd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 20 22 A cd. 5-5.- Ayer Hitam Tin 14 14 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 23/- 24 1 1 Batang Padang 0.13 0.16 1 1 Batu Caves 0.77's 0.82'^ 1 1
    811 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 85 32 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore,'Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countrier is $48 a year. The post free price of the
      85 words
  • 65 32 DEATHS b-\ 1 OSTA. At 1 u.m. on May 15, tt h.*r residence, 24M, East Coast Road, Singapore, Rosario Maria Bayot da Costa, beloved wife of Mr. G. II. da Costa, age 33, leaving 4 children. Deeply regretted. Manila. Zamboanga. Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan papers please copy. IN MEMORIAM
    65 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 109 1 General Rubber Situation 1 Ixjndon Rubber Stocks i The Singapore Auction 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 U.s! Imports .‘1 Weekly Rubber Report 4 Rubber Restriction 4 April Rubber Returns 4 fable News— Dutch Indies Rubber 3 Optimism Over Rubber 3 Correspondence Johore Planters 3 Sunday
      109 words
    • 56 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices d. 1 &lt; X Tate I/don S'pore May June July May 1 T 0.23% 0.24 0.24*1 0.24% 6 15 16 0.23', 0.23% 0.24 0.24% IV 6\ 0.23'i 0.23% 0414 0.24% 19 6% 0.23 0.23% 0.23% 0.24% 6% 0.22% 0.23%
      56 words
    • 38 1 A raMp received by Lewis and Peat (Sinjjnl,, r Ltd., from their London correspondent t»'tr &gt; that rubber stocks show an increase of tons during the past week, the total now "»i him*! being 101,392 tons.
      38 words
    • 152 1 I he Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rul l"*r Association held its 968th auction on 21, when there was catalogued 1,591,325 I 1 *r &lt;10.41 tons; offered 1,329,558 lb. or 55 tons sold 1,111,916 1b. or 496.39 tons. Spot. komlon 6%d. N v York 13** cts. PRICES REALISED.
      152 words
    • 83 1 h^v. tSSrs BoUs *ead and Co., Ltd., Penang, &lt; received a telegram from the secretariIsi,* United Patani (Malaya) Rubber L, l J ld‘&gt; Messrs. Ed. Boustead and Co., for Vu' 1 H d y ising that the annual accounts a or yonr 1929 have been issued showing &H.706
      83 words
    • 54 1 i,‘ 5®;' Plantations, Ltd., board recommend fin ..i 0,1 1 H d* v »dend in respect of the 11 Vear J Ust ended of 6 per cent., payuurl•« M ne 13- Carry forward subject to f" lt a n d usual adjustments £22,121. The Ik* "j eur of
      54 words
    • 1034 1  - LONDON RUBBER MARKET. What Will the R.G.A. Do Next INADEQUACY OF THE MAY STOPPAGE. (By A. W. Still.) London, Apr. 23. The impending May stoppage refuses to raise prices by so much even as a sixteenth of a penny per pound. In fact, the tendency is rather in the downward
      1,034 words
    • 308 1 Output Gradually Improving. I he annual general meeting of Ayer Tanas Rubbery Estate, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries. Derrick and Go., Hong Konj: Bank Chambers, on Friday. Mr.'J. M. Simo presided, and the others present were Messrs. E. Kong Guan, W. E.
      308 words
    • 819 1 Satisfactory Report Of Year’s Working. The annual general meeting of The Chang* kut Soniang Estates, Ltd., was held at the offices, of the secretaries, Kvatt and Co., French Bank Buildings, on Muy 15. The Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell presided, supported by Messrs. II. D. Mundell,
      819 words
    • 1192 2 Excellent Results in A Difficult Year. The twentieth annual general meeting of shareholders of Jasin (Malacca) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at W inchester Tlouse, Old Broad Street, London, K.C. 2, on Tuesdav, April 15, Mr. G. H. Champion (chairman of the company), presiding. Mr. V.
      1,192 words
    • 780 2 Satisfactory Year’s Working. The ordinary general meeting of the members of Bahru Selangor Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on Apr. 2*1 at the rigistered office of the company. 139, Cannon Street, London, E.C., .Mr. R. Aitiold (the chairman) presiding. The secretary (Mr. A. B. Simson) having i ad
      780 words
    • 277 2 Total Dividend of Ten Per Cent, for Year. The tenth report of the directors to the shareholders of the Mentakab Rubber Co., Ltd., is as follows Gentlemen, —Your directors beg; to submit their annual report together with a duly audited statement of accounts for the twelve
      277 words
    • 267 2 Dividend of Five Per Cent. Recommended. The following is the report of the directors of Trafalgar, Ltd., for the year ended March 31. 1930, to be presented at the twentieth ordinary general meeting on May 27, 1930, at 12.30 p.m. at the ryyistered office of the company. No.
      267 words
    • 297 2 Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Co. At the meeting of Harpenden (Selangor) Rubber Co., Ltd., held on April 15, at 20 Eastcheap, London, E.C., the chairman, Mr. W. P. Metcalfe, said that 1929 had proved a disappointing year. Although the crop had increased by some 6 per cent, above
      297 words
    • 982 2 Voluntary Reduction Of This Year’s Output The tenth annual general meeting of ,l Allenby Rubber Company, Ltd., was heln! Kuala Lumpur on May 19. There wvio at Messrs. F. G. Souter (chairman). K (:'i* Hnt and W. E. Wallis (directors), G. Shelton a''”* (shareholder) and R. St.
      982 words
    • 66 3 rThe Straits Times Is not rosponsibls for •k. opinions of its correspondents. Corres11should bear in mind that letters P l n be short and to the point. Long are liable to be rejected or cut y n Correspondents must enclose their James and addresses, not necessarily for Jnhlication but
      66 words
    • 429 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. gj ri Reference your account of the Johore Planters’ Association meeting and the latter part of your editorial of the 13th inst., I think a mistake has* crept in. A point you are rather inclined to harp on is that Mr.
      429 words
    • 194 3 Jo the Editor of the Straits Times. to S |V r r 7 5‘ er i* s ms to be so, as t ann ,Jfoct tho cessation of Sunday inouirirJ^ 8 °o nutnul 1 have made some tannin ,n Sumatra where there is no Lst- apV'iVhV da&gt;S eath
      194 words
    • 1030 3 T&lt;&gt; the Editor of the Straits Times. r have followed with much interest i j Vcr,ts °f the last week or so and n P lu °h food for thought therein. The unnortant item is the suggestion sidin' oTne to the R.G.A. for a week’s i, ri na
      1,030 words
    • 40 3 Messrs, and Co. have received the following telegram from the secretaries of Nordnnal (Johore) Rubber Estates, Ltd., in London Annual report issued, profit for the year ended Dec. ID. 1029. £5.824 dividend recommended, nil carry forward £21,4.1:;.
      40 words
    • 349 3 Devon Estates (Malacca), Limited. The directors’ report to the shareholders of Devon Estates (Malacca), Ltd., is as follows Gentlemen, Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of accounts of the company for the year ended Dec. 31, 1929. The net profit for the year amounts to
      349 words
    • 121 3 Crude Rubber Received During March. Iniports of crude rubber of all classes info the United States during the month of March totalled 45,430 long tons, according to an estimate issued by the Rubber Manufacturers' Association. This compares with imports of 53,824 long tons in March, 1929. Plantations. From
      121 words
    • 58 3 Native Growers Asked to Join Restriction. Ratavia, May 17. A conference representing Dutch pro ducers and residents in the more important rubber regions of Palembang Djambi and Borneo resulted in a deeisior to investigate the rubber growing district: and explore the possibility of inducin' native growers to
      58 words
    • 48 3 IVIr. E. Macfadyen Confident A* To the Future. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, May 20. Mr. Eric Macfadyen, presiding at n dinner organised by the rubber industry said hi* believed that good times would return, and ho was confident in the futun of the industry.
      48 words
    • 1013 3 Sir F. A. Swetten ham’s Address. T he thirty-first annual (general meeting of shareholders of the Selungor Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on April 10, at the registered office, 121, St. Vincent Street, (ilasgow, Sir I*\ A. Swettcnham, G.C.M.C., C.H., presiding. The chairman, in moving the
      1,013 words
    • 216 4 Market Still Very Quiet. Messrs. Barlow and ('o. report as fellows under date of May 15 The market is still very quiet and after touching 23 n nts, the period now closes slightly easier at 23*4 cents for London standard spot. This morning’s cables quote both London
      216 words
    • 166 4 Dutch East Indies View Of Scheme. In an interview, Dr. Bernard, the Director of Agriculture in the Dutch East Indies, stated that he did ni t expect much benefit from the rubber restriction scheme, as the extenrion of planting should be taken into account, which extension might lead
      166 words
    • 488 4 Home Rubber Stocks Reach Six Figures. Messrs. Fraser and Co., under date of May 20, report as follows After an advance earlier in the week the price of tin has again receded and closes About £3 per ton lower on balance. Recent sales of smelted metal in
      488 words
    • 604 4 Anglo-Malay.—llB,9B3 lb. Allen by. 57,193 lb. Ampat (Sumatra). 64,100 lb. Ayer Molek.- 13.502 lb. An kola. 1,996 lb. Amalgamated Malay. 64,000 lb. Buluu. 34,500 lb. Beranang. 41,250 lb. Bertam tTnisho 1.- 63,814 lb. Borelli. 33.000 lb. Brook lands. 109,300 lb. Bukit Kepoiig.— 20,881 lb. Hukit Jelotong. 11,587
      604 words
      • 617 4 Alaco i£l&gt; 2'j; Allagar (2/) 1/11; Anglo* Malay ill) IT Ayrr Kuning (11) 11/JO; Lli hru (Sri.) (2/) 4/1»; Bukap (.£1) 4; Bauung (i’l) Batang Consolidated (2/) 1/3; Batu Caves (£1) 7 Batu Tiga lilt f /!0; Bekoh (2/) 1/3; Beranang '2/,5 1 104! Bertain
        617 words
      • 711 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall ft Company ft Co. Kvatt. 389.293 1 5 p.c. for year 28-2-30 .Allenby isls 1.40 LftOxd. 1.50 1.«6 160,000 174 p.c. year 10-9-29 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.40 436,425 1 74 p.c.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 277 5 SERVICE Malay bb Motors, with their own bra n c h e s throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service after purchase. We welcome an inspection of our spare parts before any intending buyer commits himself to purchase. AFTER Agents for CARS ROLLS-ROYCE MORRIS ARMSTRONG-SIDDELEY SUNBEAM
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 802 6 May zz, 1 ysu A Xiu k/ A r YOU NEED A CHANGE!! ENJOY GOOD HEALTH BY YOUR WEEKENDS ON THE SEA The change necessary in this climate in order to keep fit can be obtained by going for a sea trip each week-end with the aid of an EVINRUDE
      802 words