The Straits Budget, 1 May 1930

Total Pages: 38
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES tESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.) i\o. 3,768 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. MAY 1, 1930. IVkv 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 397 1 LEADERS- Pa e plav the Game 3 Democracy’s Future Reptiles Wanted Business as Usual 3-4 The Church Triumphant 4 Kampong Economics 4 Occasional Notes *>-6 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 23-27 Pictures— Sir Cecil Clementi at Penang 17 Mr. Ramsay MacDonald 17 S.R.A. (Volunteers) at Siglap
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  • 1801 1 v, r Dft ce announces that Major- aI( R. Newman has been appointi ff. mm, n der 01 a District in India to be effective from Oct. 18. Mr. W. A. N. Davies is an inmate of the General Hospital, Singapore. Mr A. S. Haynes, District Officer,
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  • 1166 2 Sir Cecil Commends Padi Planting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 28. H.E. the Governor and Lady Clementi received an enthusiastic welcome on Saturday at Alor Star. Replying to the address of welcome, the Governor said he was very glad Kedah had become a valuable connecting
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  • 12 2 IN ENGLAND NOW: A weekly commentary on Life at Home By “O.P.”
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  • 135 2 Renong Tin Dredging (first half). —No. 2 dredge 194 piculs, No. 3 dredge 235 piculs. No. 2 dredge lost 72 hours and No. 3 dredge 24 hours owing to restriction. Teja Malaya Tin Dredging (first half). No. 1 dredge 166 piculs, No. 2 dredge 220 piculs. Taiping Tin
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  • 216 2 Motor Ship Discharges Heavy Cargo There. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Apr. 27. Some mild excitement was caused at the Prai wharves on Saturday when it became known that a stea t h e tended berthing alongside. By n motor vessel Finn had succ berthed. The Finn
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1194 3 spirit of the game—Straits Times, Aor. 24. i w ;th considerable pleasure the Me read Kura i Board to limit the cU I l 0 .iuisance from the beginning of •ardm* u ind we congratulate both the B ext i > v of the Board and those
      spirit of the game—Straits Times, Aor. 24.  -  1,194 words
    • 1092 3 -Straits Times, Apr. 25. Of all the persons who are flatteringly designated economic experts few have a better claim to the title than Sir Josiah Stamp, whose remarkable ability and genuine modesty found expression in. a iecent contribution to the “Points of View series which is being broadcast
      -Straits Times, Apr. 25.  -  1,092 words
    • 952 3 -Straits Times, Apr. 2G. This article is an appeal, but before the impoverished reader turns away hastily let us reassure him that it is not his money we want neither do we want his old clothes nor his signature to a petitioi praying for an improvement in the
      -Straits Times, Apr. 2G.  -  952 words
    • 1037 3 ■weakness for spotting winner.”—Straits Times, Apr. 28. At long last Government has expressed its views—and expressed them in no halfhearted manner—on the custom which has flourished in this country for many years of closing down business on i ace days. It is the Government’s wish that, so
      ■weakness for “ spotting winner.”—Straits Times, Apr. 28.  -  1,037 words
    • 949 4 THE CHURCH TRIUMPHANT —Straits Times, Apr. 29. It is impossible to reflect on the proceedings at last night’s meeting in Singapore of the St. Andrew’s Parochial Church Council without feelings of profound regret, not untinged with disgust. It is notorious that repeated meetings of various church bodies, as their objective
      —Straits Times, Apr. 29.  -  949 words
    • 1200 4 —Straits Times, Apr. 30. '"-operative preparation and marbt't n f rubber from smal > holdings, which is now commencing in a verv small way ,n Selangor and Perak, may 0 v? to 111 r l o!! V? ortant development in the iuial life of this country since the
      —Straits Times, Apr. 30.  -  1,200 words

  • 370 4 Law Contravened by f Chemists. A bottle of potassium cyanide H in the words of counsel, had career, was the subject of a ch against the Hinnam and Little I)hn a well-known local chemist’s e'tal.S’M ment, before Mr. C. Wilson, the CrbJSiH Districe Judge, on April
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  • 75 4 Australians’ Machine Damaged. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 26. It is not yet known whether the Australian airmen, Dave Smith and Wally Shiers, will be able to continue their flight. Their machine was damaged when, owing to shortage of petrol, a forced landing had to be made
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  • 49 4 Smith Shiers Leave Bangkok For Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bargkok, Apr. 30. The Australian airmen Smith and Shiers, whose machine was damaged in a forced landing, left for Singapore by tram this morning. The aeroplane will be brought to Bangkok by train and shipped to Australia.
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    • 204 5 Straits Times, Apr. 24. are the stories which centre I ar S the Italian Art Exhibition which ■around omJon in ma il wee k. One reads i‘f a Piccadilly thronged with a quaintly Ifttired Bohemian crowd, and of the exodus ft tl the London suburbs of people
      Straits Times, Apr. 24.  -  204 words
    • 275 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 21. Every man who has to earn his living Lv daily attendance at some office or works has at the back of his mind some shadowy dream of how he would like things to be. Perhaps just a slightly higher salary, a little more leisure,
      —Straits Times, Apr. 21.  -  275 words
    • 314 5 Times, Apr. 24. The Empire Marketing Board posters at the Malayan Exhibition cannot be said to have had any practical value beyond showing what the Board is doing to stimulate the “Buy British*' sentiment in the United Kingdom, and the specific phase of the Board’s work which benefits
      Times, Apr. 24.  -  314 words
    • 174 5 the story from its files.—Straits Times, Apr. 25. This is a true story. Once upon a time there was a P.W.D. overseer in Perak who wrongfully marked off some ccclies as absent on his check-roll, and thus incurred their enmity. The eame niJht J!l?iLi a £P eare<1 i at
      the story from its files.—Straits Times, Apr. 25.  -  174 words
    • 243 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 25. A good resolution is about to be broken. \\ecks ago we decided that the chain-letter fiend was no longer a fitting subject for reference in this column. In his persistent folly he had ceased to be amusing and had become merely dull and
      -Straits Times, Apr. 25.  -  243 words
    • 404 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 25. Further details have reached u* of the -'durational scheme launched by the Negri Scmbilan Eurasian Association and commented on in this column some days ago The Association was formed in December. 1923. and has functioned ever since. The 'vening classes for Eurasian children
      —Straits Times, Apr. 25.  -  404 words
    • 125 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 26. A fortnight ago we had a note on the recollections of a veteran of the Perak troubles of 1874.” It has inspired another old tinier,” who well remembers the steamer Pyah Pekhct, which carried troops fi'om Penang to Perak. He recalls that the
      -Straits Times, Apr. 26.  -  125 words
    • 218 5 TREATING ’EM ROUGH nad to watch the blaze in silence.—Straits Times, Apr. 2G. If half the ungenerous mutterings of harassed travellers who are delayed by late trains were fulfilled railways would have a difficult time. While some merely resolve to write to the traffic manager, others take a vow they
      nad to watch the blaze in silence.—Straits Times, Apr. 2G.  -  218 words
    • 469 5 summer is awaited.—Straits Times, Apr. 26. Malaya has seen some remarkable careers ducing the past thirty or forty vears, and none more so than that of Mr Nance Williams, who has just re-visited Ipoh to look over the Kay Yew Tin Mine Tn 1897 Mr. Nance
      summer is awaited.—Straits Times, Apr. 26.  -  469 words
    • 146 5 THE INDIAN PRESS —Straits Times, Apr. 28 With every day bringing a fresh story of riots and disturbances in seme part of India, it is obvious that the decision to enforce the Press Ordinance again and the Viceroy’s clearly worded warning to the vernacular papers have not come any too
      —Straits Times, Apr. 28  -  146 words
    • 186 5 —Straits Times, Apr. 28. 1b the current issue of Air, the advantages of the Air Force in policing our dependencies and mandated territories is emphasised and the example of Iracf quoted where, by the substitution of the R.A.F. for the British Garrison, a considerable saving in money
      —Straits Times, Apr. 28.  -  186 words
    • 411 5 MM UMi VIIV lIV A I —Straits Times, Apr. 28. The circulation of the Malayan Agricultural Journal has improved markedly since its appearance in its enlarged and more popular form, but the public is not supporting it to anything like the extent that it deserves or
      MM UMi VIIV lIV A I —Straits Times, Apr. 28.  -  411 words
    • 139 5 -Straits Times, Apr. Frum New York comes the report that the first police sky patrol has made its rppearance. 'this machine, a seaplane, so we are told, kept a watchful eye over Manhattan, and is part of a unit of twelve fully trained aerial policemen. This seems
      -Straits Times, Apr.  -  139 words
    • 210 5 -Straits Times, Apr. 29. It is not often that that staid and careful journal the Observer is caught napping, but there seems to be something decidedly curious about a news item in the latest issue to hand. Under the title “The World’s Largest Flying Machine’’
      -Straits Times, Apr. 29.  -  210 words
    • 207 6 engineers outlaws. —Straits Times, Apr. 29. Telephone operators were ever a muchabused section of the community in any country where the telephone has made its uppearance. Whether they secretly enjoyed a little revenge by whispering softly, but firmly “Number Engaged” after abuse or brusqueness on the part
      engineers outlaws.—Straits Times, Apr. 29.  -  207 words
    • 219 6 —Straits Times, Apr. 29. The new Treaty of Friendship signed with the State of Perlis, the full text of which will be found on another page, is eloquent testimony to the cordial relation? which have existed during the twenty-one years that the State has been under
      —Straits Times, Apr. 29.  -  219 words
    • 258 6 will have been achieved !—Straits Times, Apr. 30. The Americanisation of Malaya proceeds apace, and now it has gained a foothold in that stronghold of English orthodoxy, the Government service. A particularly obnoxious example of what we mean has appeared in the lavatories on the F.M.S. Railways.
      will have been achieved !—Straits Times, Apr. 30.  -  258 words
    • 416 6 -Straits Times, Apr. 30. Racial co-operation is so trite a subject for oratory in Malaya that we are apt to forget its truth. That thought is suggested by a ceremony which took place the other day in Seremban, a town which is particularly happy in the friendliness of
      -Straits Times, Apr. 30.  -  416 words

  • 479 6 Two Years for Causing Death of Child. A Chinese thug who was on of those indirectly responsible for the death of a child during an attempt to extort “protection money” was on Tuesday sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, on
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  • 1202 6 What Raid Revealed. 4 WORKED NEAR POLICE STATION. Illicit stills for the manufacture of contraband liquor have been discovered at various times in the past hidden away in the suburbs of Singapore, in unfrequented plantations and out-of-the-way places, but none would have suspected the existence
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  • 173 6 Australian Airmen’s Bad Luck. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 2$. Owing to the damage sustained by the machine when a forced landing was made near Petricw, the Australian airmen Dave Smith and Wally Shiers have had to abandon their attempt to fly to England. It was found
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  • 179 6 Injunction Granted In Chop Krusi Case. Judgment was delivered by Mr. Justice Stevens on Tuesday in the suit in which C.H. Kizar Mohamed and Co. asked for an injunction restraining A. N. D. Arumugar.i Mudaliar from using two trade mark? which, plaintiffs claimed, were likely to attract
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  • 2961 7 Will It be Cured in The Future tropical wealth. nw TEMPANY PREDICTS 1 developments. Tin* tropics are the agricultural I'lnfinii regions of the future” de- 1 l)r. H. A. Tempany, Director Wiculture for the F.M.S. and S.S., •-I urv interesting address delivered before the Seremban Rotary Club.
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  • 191 7 Judgment Against Malay Siamese Co. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 29. At the Supreme Court, this morning, Mr. Justice Sproule gave judgment >n tho suit in which Mr. A. J. Kin*, a well-known mining engineer, sued the Malay Siamese Prospecting Co. for $12,137.33,
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  • 933 8 Needs of the Port. PROMISE OF EARLY DECISIONS. (Fnm Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 23. Too various functions in connection with the visit of H.E. the Governor (Sir Cecil Clementi) passed off successfully. As report id in my previous message an address was presented to
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  • 617 8 Tightening Up Public Garage Requirements. The following action was taken at a meeting of committee No. 4 of the Singapore Municipal Commission held on Apr. II Decided to suggest to the' owner of the \lhambia Theatre that an additional emergency staircase be provided, and that the existing stair-rails
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  • 284 8 Chandu Smuggler Who Made a Clean Breast. A sequel to the midnight search on a three-masted junk moored off the coast at Pasir Panjang was heard in the Criminal District Court on April 23 when two Uylam smugglers were fined $5,000 each or two years’ rigorous
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  • 194 8 Conference Interrupted By Local Police. What is believed to have been an important centre for the spreading of Communistic propaganda in Singapore was I'rokcn up on Tuesday by th° Specia’ Branch of the Criminal Intelligence Department when eleven arrests were ffected. The alleged “Rids” include r woman. A
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  • 232 8 Nine Months for Careless Driver. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 28. A Tamil motor-car driver who knocked nown and killed a schoolboy was severely dealt with by the Klang magistrate on Saturday. The case for the prosecution, according to the Malayan Daily Express, was that when
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  • 682 8 The Position in Malaya. FALLING INTO LINE With THE WEST. 8 The question of whether Chinese won* should take part in athletic games as debated at the Chinese Christian As* ciation Hall on Apr. 24 by member* the Straits Chinese Reading Club large majority a vote
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  • 62 8 To be Entertained by Society Of Yorkshiremen. On Saturday the Society of Yorkshii'cnien, Singapore, are giving a luncheon at the Europe Hotel to Sir William Peel >” honour of his appointment as Governor > Hong Kong. S;r William Peel resigned the ptv-:-ency of that society before proceedin'ome
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  • 1008 9 Vacuum Company’s Suit. 1 CHINESE AND TAMPERING I CHARGE. I The question as to whether the standard I market price of a tin of a particular I brand of heavy motor oil was $3.20 or $2.60 in Singapore was a point in a case I which
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  • 471 9 Annual General Meeting In Ipoh. The tenth annual general meeting ot Talnm Mines, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Evatt and Co., Ipoh on Tuesday, April 15, Mr. R. P. Brash presided and the following were present: Messrs H. R. Rix C Lomont,
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  • 89 9 Scottish Officer from the Mata Hari. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 28. On Saturday evening Mr. Robert Lister, chief engineer of the s s. Mata Hari, died at the Penang General Hospital, aged 51 years. Deceased was a native of Dunformline, Scotland, and had been in
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  • 1319 9 Successful Year Reported At General Meeting. The annual general meeting of Gammon (Malaya), Ltd., waa held at the registered office of the company, Ocean Building. Singapore, on Saturday, Mr. H. Klphick presiding. Others present included Messrs. J. A. larke, Caw Khek Khiam, H. W. Cowing, R. N.
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  • 280 9 Lowest Price Since 1922. BUT BOTTOM NOT YET REACHED. Tin has reached its lowest price since 1922, when it dropped to £144 per ton after the post-War boom. Even its present price of £155 per ton, which has caused wide-spread pessimism among shareholders, is not the
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  • 138 9 Chinese Bill Collector Goes To Prison. In spite of a plea for leniency by his counsel, a young Straits-born Chinese, Seow Teng Whuat, was yesterday sentenced to twelve months’ rigorous imprisonment by Mr. C. Wilson, the Criminal District Judge, on charges of criminal breach of trust. The accused
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  • 66 10 [The Straits Times Is not responsible lor the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in tmno chat letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are linblo to he rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily* for publication but us
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  • 526 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Is it net time that shareholders in Puchong Tin Dredging Co. demanded a general meeting lor the purpose oi criticising strenuously the present policy The Austral Malay Co. boasts it has never made a mistake, so that all the subsidiary companies
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  • 431 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In the interesting report of the presidential address to the British Medical Association in your issue of Apr. 19, a reference was made which is liable to confuse Christian Science in the minds of your readers. The P.C.M.O. states that
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  • 158 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In the Straits Budget of April 27 there is an article under the heading of Abattoir Reform in which it is mentioned that the slaughter of sheep and cattle is done in accordance with Mohammedan rites and so long as
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  • 147 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The question of the silver coinage appears to be becoming a serious atfair in this country. All Chinese shops and others in Singapore are refusing to accept 50 cent pieces except at a discount of 10 cents. This has now
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  • 237 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your literary page in the Straits Budget of Mar. 6 gives a very interesting account of Dr. Bridge's last contribution to English literature The Testament of Beauty.” Permit me to say a few words about this notable book, which
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  • 671 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Because of letters in the newspapers about the annual parochial meet•ng, our interest was aroused so we went snd asked certain church-people what it was all about and they explained to us hat it w'as a matter between the Bishop
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  • 293 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Your leading article on the sub- Spirit of Sport suggested that European teams should set an example to Asiatics insofar as clean plav and self-restraint are concerned. The match on Saturday, S.C.C. vs. Malays at Jalan Besar, was, with the exception
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  • 180 10 Slays Wife and a Man. FINALLY SHOT DOWN Rv CONSTABLE. 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 24 A case of a villager running amok is reported from Kota Bahru a Malay villager at about 3 p m seiJl a golok and attacked his wife
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  • 154 10 Perak Chinese Deplore His Departure. (From Oar Own Correspondent.! Ipoh, Apr. 25. Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Savi were entertained by the Chinese community at tea on the eve of their departure for Singapore. Mr. Leong Sin Nam, president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, toasting the
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  • 168 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your yesterday’s leader states:— “Those interested in racing in the East can scarcely claim consideration on the ground which is undeniably legitimate in the West, namely, that, quite apart from the enjoyment it gives to the individual, the sport
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  • 83 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The continued absence of any sort of news from Gath and Askalon surely very remarkable. How is it Reuter Or you Or has a Government stepped in once more Yours, etc., ONE OF THE U.C.’s. Singapore, Apr. 30. [We
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  • 1112 11 Chief Justice Puzzled. presumed total loss AT SEA. What was described by the Chief Justice (Sir William Murisom) as being suggestive of a mystery was hidden in a prosaically-worded claim that came before his Lordship on Apr. 24. The claim was for rent due for the hire
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  • 397 11 Visits Various Places Of Interest. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 25. Among the many places visited this morning by the Governor, accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Gilman (Resident Councillor), was the Khoo Kongsi House In Canon Street, which is somewhat unique in the way of kongsi
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  • 922 11 Endorses Request For English School. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 24. Province Wellesley residents for the first time today officially received and presented an address of welcome to a new Governor. The ceremony took place at Pratt Park, where a large gathering representative of all
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  • 191 11 Important Arrest. Post office employee CHARGED. Important developments have taken place as a result of police inquiries into two recent mysterious mail bag robberies in which notes dispatched from banks in Singapore to branches in Sumatra were lost or stolen in transit. In the Second
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  • 364 11 Business Houses Feeling The Pinch. Continued trade depression is beginning to have its effects on the general business community of Singapore. It is more farreaching than is commonly imagined, and several large business houses are reducing their staffs, having little or nothing for them to do. Among the
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  • 1703 12 Need for Progressive Policy. PUBLIC CRITICISM. Younger Men Wanted On Committee. The opinion that the development of Cameron’s Highlands is progressing too slowly is widely held, rhe author of the following article, who knows the Highlands well, criticises certain phases of the policy which is
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  • 104 12 NeWs Being Transmitted Daily. Wireless enthusiasts will be interested to know that a beginning has now been made with Empire broadcasting, and the Chelmsford Short Wave Station (call signal G5 SW) can be heard daily. A broadcast of news is being made from the station at
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  • 333 12 List of the Companies Curtailing Output. The Tin Producers’ Association forwards the following list of producing empanies which have agreed to curtail output, together with particulars of the methods being employed Thirty-two hours weekly and one week’s stoppage—January, February and March Batang Padang Dredging Co., Ltd., Batu Caves
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  • 90 12 Tragedies on the Penang Waterfront. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 25. On Wednesday, Abdul Majid, an eighteen-year-old student of the Hutchings School, was drowned behind the Nanking Hotel while bathing in company with another boy. Yesterday evening another drowning tragedy occurred in front of the Esplanade,
    90 words
  • 341 12 Why a Magistrate Became A Bankrupt. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr ‘>8 A Malay magistrate. Raja Vacob" L Jaabar, who appeared in the Kn i Lumpur Bankruptcy Court for examiin tion, told a sad story of debt caused U domestic troubles. He said
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  • 421 12 Attempt to Counterfeit Labels. An alleged attempt to counterfeit the trade mark and wrapper design of Mr. Aw Boon Haw’s Tiger Brand headache cure was inquired iito by Mr. C. Wilson, the Crimina 1 District Judge, on April 28 the accused being Lim Hee San, an elderly
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  • 1533 13 Who Was Saint George? L0CAL The Singapore branch of the Royal Society of St. George celebrated the anniversary of the birth and death of their M tron saint on Apr. 25. Dinner was served in the Rafflea Hotel ballroom, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion, and
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  • 72 13 Mr. Provis Arrives At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 25. Mr H. Provis, the new agent of the Mercantile Bank of India, arrived today from Madras. He relieves Mr. Norman Wilks, who goes Home on furlough. Interviewed, Mr. Provis said that the present dissatisfaction in
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  • 379 13 Strange Excuses for NonPayment of Debts. Do you mean to say you do not get any personal fees from clients Mr. Justice Stevens on Friday asked a solicitor’s clerk, who said his only income was his salary of $70 a month. The clerk was a bankrupt who had
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  • 322 13 New Resident Councillor And President. At the regular monthly meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners on Friday, the Hon. Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, newly appointed Resident Councillor and president of the Municipal Commission, was welcomed on behalf of the unofficial members by Mr. W. F. Zehnder, who
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  • 500 13 To Succeed Mr. J. Bagnall. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL ELECTION. Mr. W. J. Wilcoxson, deputy chairman of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce, was elected that body’s representative on the Legislative Council on Friday at a meeting of electors of the Chamber, in place of Mr. John
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  • 121 13 Mishap to Australian Airmen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 25. The Australian airmen, Dave Smith and Wally Shiers, who are attempting a flight to England, had to make a forced landing six miles west of Petriew while on their way from Singora to Bangkok. The forced landing
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  • 30 13 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report ns follows —The market has been steady throughout the week. Approximately I,ol*o tons were shipped. Closing quotations nri* as follows Sundried mixed SH.BO.
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  • 51 13 The Ipoh Tin Dredging, Ltd., announce that in accordance with the T.P.A. curtailment scheme both dredges were closed .'l2 hours each week-end during January, February and March, with an additional stoppage of one week in January and in February nnd that No. I dredge has now been closed
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  • 2535 14 STORMY MELTING. Report of Church Couficil Rejected. PARISHIONERS’ VIEWS ON APPOINTMENT. In striking contrast to the calm atmosphere in which, in this country, the business of public and semi-public bodies is usually discussed, feeling ran high at the annual parochial meeting on Monday of the
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  • 586 14 Resident’s Compli menh To New Justices. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr rg The sixty-fifth birthday of the D 1 Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan celebrated in that State last week one of the events in the programme t Seremban was the presentation of
    586 words
  • 144 14 The Singapore Municipal health ment for the week ended April 1"* the total number of deaths as iwalc and female 100. This represents a < e rate of 27.89 per mille, per annum, pared with 2.6.43 in the preceding and 22.66 in* the corresponding litv last year. The
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  • 2844 15 Exploiting the Jungles Of Malaya. IMPERIAL interest. Experimental Work Of Great Possibilities. (Fr< m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 25. On the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, near the railway workshops, there is a small group of buildings which is of Imperial u-ell as Malayan
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  • 265 15 Not Responsible for Crash With Motor-Cyclist. A motoring accident which occurred six months ago in which a young Eurasian motor-cyclist sustained a fractured leg was investigated by Mr. C. Wilson, tho Criminal District Judge, on Friday. The accused, a Malay motor-car driver, who was charged with causing grievous
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  • 156 15 Assaulted Chinese Vegetable Gardener. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 26. J. S. A. Lerwis, Asst Supt of Customs, was charged before Raja Omar, a local magistrate, with having caused hurt to a Chinese vegetable gardener. The story of the prosecution was that In the course of
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  • 421 16 Meeting of Penang Tin Prospecting Co. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 27. Presiding at the third annual meeting of the Penang Tin Prospecting Co., Ltdon Saturday, Mr. Crabb-Watt said that the directors had been unable to dispose of the Nawi property since the last meeting. This was
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  • 94 16 Case Against European Struck Out. A number of Europeans and other* were present in the Criminal District Court on Monday when a European named Mills was summoned at the instance of Mrs. A. C. Bcgg for using criminal force. When the case was called the accused claimed to
    94 words
  • 92 16 7 hi* following passengers for Malum in lived by the Antenor from the United King, i.iiiii on Friday M. r b W. Boyd Walker, Mrs. 1,. Trevor illiams, Mrs. H. G. Shannon, Mr. C. E. r Mr> und Mrs W I- Aitken, Mr. v Bell, Mr. M. E. Thomson,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 446 16 PROPERTY SALE. Many Residences Find New Owners. following Singapore properties were s/ 1 l>y auction at Mes- rs. Cheong Koon Seng it 1 saleroom, 30, Chulia Street, on Mar. 20 md Apr. 2 and 9 Freehold land and house, 939 H. off Upper S -rar.goon Hoad, area 31,308 sq. ft.,
      446 words
    • 193 16 k fa 'm DEAl'PCCULOtiNTY 7* r ciocMnoAssi irnr ,> IP *-< y J< •T Sh »evJ MfS Refreshing After Exercise. ‘*4711’* Eau de Cologne is the companion of sport. Its refreshing coolness after exercise is particularly appreciated by Women. Applied to the wrists and temples it has a tonic and
      193 words

  • 5506 21 An Anthology which is “Different”—How The Poetry Bookshop Fostered Genius-Early Days of Famous Artists—Bohemian Life In Attics -Giants of Twentieth Century Poetry— The Romance of The Calcutta Sweep The Thrills of Orchid Hunting— Straits Times Articles in Book Form. 1,11,*****| 1 Contemporary Poets. Twentieth Century
    5,506 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 60 22 J m% J 4 si. gs-*J* .•/-.-v.i: 7 N? 950 Unit CeU t &ad E mark REGlST E ASH LIGHT battery ——BKHWWiV iCMW—WB—M The world's finest FLASHLIGHT El VEREADY Unit Ceils are unfailing... long lasting cxiremelv brilliant most economical. Obtainable from all first class dealers. Beware of imitations M Factory
      60 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 361 23 -Reuter. Towns Sacked and Many Killed. PRIESTS SHOT. Threat of Strikes In Shanghai. Shanghai, Apr. 28. a recrudescence of Communist labour citation is indicated by the present motor v, U s and tramway strikes. There has been very active propaamong postal and electric power £mp ovm's
      -Reuter.  -  361 words
    • 128 23 -British Wireless. Bremen and British Tanker. Rugby, Apr. 24. A collision which took place off Dungebess, between the German liner, Bremen, of 46,500 tons, and the small British tanker, British Grenadier, of 7,000 tons, had fortunately no very serious results. It took place in a dense fog.
      -British Wireless.  -  128 words
    • 36 23 -Reuter. Returns Home after Serious Illness. London, Apr. 26. Lord Birkenhead, who three weeks ago reported to be seriously ill at Biarritz, has returned to England and is staying at his country house. —Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  36 words
    • 201 23 —Reuter. Wrecked Machine in The Sahara. Paris, Apr. 28. Capt. Goulette, the French airman who was engaged on a flight from Madagascar to France, has been found by native troops in the Sahara Desert, midway between Rongan and Ouallen. He was lying injured beside his wrecked
      —Reuter.  -  201 words
    • 156 23 Reuter. How 318 Convicts Perished. Columbus, Apr. 23. A pitiful sight was presented in the Ohio Penitentiary when the relatives of 318 convicts who perished in the fire came to claim the bodies. They formed a queue outside the Governor’s office, where the Governor’s nineticcn-year-old daughter received them.
      Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 132 23 -Reuter. Further Appointments Of Officials. Basle, Apr. 23. The board of the Bank of International Settlements agreed to the following appointments: —Dr. Hulze, head of the banking department as deputy director, Signor Pilotti, Italy, secretary-general, and M. Paul Van Zeeland, Belgium, head of the securities department. M. Quesnay,
      -Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 82 23 British Wireless. British Air Ministry’s Experiments. Rugby, Apr. 28. It is stated at the Air Ministry that experiments arc being made with two new types of parachute for delivering mails and goods by aeroplanes. One of theso types is a high velocity parachute which opens automatically after
      British Wireless.  -  82 words
    • 294 23 —Reuter. Another Attack on Mr. MacDonald. London, Apr. 28. Another open letter violently attacking Mr. MacDonald for his conduct of the Naval Conference is published in the Hearst newspapers throughout the United States. Mr. Hearst says We believe that your double dealing will prove
      .—Reuter.  -  294 words
    • 101 23 -British Wireless. Probable Route Being Surveyed. Rugby, Apr. 28. Colonel Ralston, the Canadian Minister of National Defence, who recently returned to Canada from the London Naval Conference, declared at a banquet that the possibilities of a two days’ air route between Great Britain and Winnipeg were
      -British Wireless.  -  101 words
    • 53 23 -Reuter. New Relief Scheme In United States. Washington, Apr. 29. The Senate has approved the establishment of a federal public works planning hoard, composed of the Secretaries for the Treasury, Commerce, Agriculture and Labour. The board will have a fund ot $150,000,000, which will be used in times of
      -Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 59 23 -Reuter. Feared Loss of 280 Lives. Calcutta, Apr. 28. The steamer Condor is reported to have sunk in the river Jumna, East Bengal, during a cyclone. Details arc at present lacking, but so far only 20 people are known to have been saved out of a passenger list
      -Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 39 23 —Reuter. Launching of Five New Warships. Trieste, Apr. 28. Within a week of the signing of the Naval Treaty, Italy has launched five new warships, four cruisers and one submarine. The cruisers include two of 10,000 tons.
      —Reuter.  -  39 words
    • 336 23 -Reuter. -British Wireless. Dr. Eckener’s Visit. PRAISE FOR BRITISH AIRSHIPS. London, Apr. 26. The Graf Zeppelin left Friedrichshafen for Cardington at dawn, and passed over Paris at noon. The uirship appeared over Wembley Stadium, flying very low, in the middle of the Cup Final, and many
      -Reuter.; -British Wireless.  -  336 words
    • 92 23 -Reuter. Protest Against Increased Costs. Paris, Apr. 29. At a meeting of the governing body of the International Labour Office, Mr. Forbes Watson, the British employers* delegate, protested against the constant growth of the budget of the office. He declared that he was astonished that the estimates had
      -Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 53 23 -Reuter. Missionary and Chinese Pastor Escape. Peking, Apr. 28. Mr. C. A. Bridgman of the United Church of Canada, and the Chinese pastor of Changshow’, who were captured by bandits a fortnight ago, have escaped and are now en route to Changshow. Apparently they are little the worse
      -Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 49 23 Strict Orders to Policemen In Siam. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 26. Strict instructions have boon issued forbidding Siamese police officers and men to bet at the races. Kvcn if they wish to attend the races they must obtain written sanction from their superiors.
      49 words
    • 307 24 -Reuter. A Rapid Journey. LANDING ON PRIVATE AERODROME. London, Apr. 25. The Prince of Wales ended his 18,000ar.iles tour in characteristic fashion by flying from Marseilles straight home, not to a public aerodrome but to his private landing ground in Windsor Great Park. The landing ground
      -Reuter.  -  307 words
    • 243 24 -Reuter. Boxer Rebellion Days Recalled. Nanking, Apr. 25. As a result of recent discussions the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Wang, and Sir Miles I.ampson have concluded satisfactory arrangemens for the disposal of the British Boxer indemnity refund by the promotion of Sino-British cultural co-operation, educational work,
      -Reuter.  -  243 words
    • 87 24 -Reuter. New York Announcement On Prices. New York, Apr. 24. It is reported that the price war in the Far East lietween the Royal Dutch Co. and the Standard Oil Co. of New York has been settled and prices have advanced a hundred per cent. Petrol and
      -Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 160 24 ,—Reuter. Mr. Scullin Replies To Opponents. Melbourne, Apr. 25. In a statement with regard to the Gov-ernor-Generalship Mr. Scullin, the Prime Minister, said he regretted that the rumours of the appointment of the t hie Justice, Sir Isaac Isaacs, should become an excuse for public controversy.
      ,—Reuter.  -  160 words
    • 178 24 -Reuter. Points in New Tariff Agreement. Tokio, Apr. 25. In the course of a speech on Japan’s foreign policy in the Diet, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Baron Shidehara, stated that the new Sino-Japanese tariff agreement was on the point of signature. Japan recognises China’s tariff autonomy,
      -Reuter.  -  178 words
    • 133 24 -Reuter. other important appointments.—Sin Kuo Min. Family of Seven Killed In Shanghai. Shanghai, Apr. 25. The city has been shocked by a terrible crime in a Chinese household in which seven people were slaughtered by a male cook owing to his employer’s refusal of permission to marry a
      -Reuter.; other important appointments.—Sin Kuo Min.  -  133 words
    • 59 24 —Trans-Ocean. Five Years as President Of Germany. Berlin, Apr. 25. President von Hindenburg will complete five years in his high office tomorrow. Newspapers of all shades of opinion publish leading articles laying stress on the faithfulness with which the President hns kept his oath to the Republic. Even
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  59 words
    • 60 24 —Reuter. Large Orders in Europe And US. A. Nanking, Apr. 25. It is learned that the militarists are defying the National Government and have ordered large consignments of munitions from Europe and the United States. It is understood that when the consignments arrive off the China Coast
      —Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 140 24 -Reuter. Depression in Great Britain WORST QUARTER FOR YEARS. London, Apr. 26. The March quarter was the worst experienced in the British shipbuilding industry for several years, according to a statement issued by the Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation. During the quarter 50 per cent, of the firms did
      -Reuter.  -  140 words
    • 189 24 British Wireless. Effect of Government Warning. Rugby, Apr. 24. Sweepstakes on the Derby are this year on a much restricted scale as the result of the declaration recently made by Mr. G. R. Clynes, the Home Secretary’, setting forth the Government’s views on the subject. Mr. Clynes* statement
      British Wireless.  -  189 words
    • 118 24 -Reuter. Measures for Further Curtailment. Washington, Apr. 25. The Senate has passed a measure by which immigration from Europe will be reduced from 150,000 a year, as admitted under the new law enforced in July last to 80.000 a year. The curtailment is the result of an amendment
      -Reuter.  -  118 words
    • 119 24 Reuter. —British Wireless. Deadlock in London Negotiations. Cairo, Apr. 23. An Egyptian courier arrived by air from London last night, bringing a memorandum from the Egyptian delegation with regard to the deadlock in the AngloEgyptian negotiations. The Ministers immediately studied the report until two in the morning
      Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  119 words
    • 302 24 —Reuter. AustralianTeam Welcomed SPORTSMEN’S CLUB LUNCHEON. Rugby, Apr. 24. The members of the Australian crick* team were officially welcomed at Austr«m. House today by the High for Australia. Many Australian residents in London were present. English cricket was roDro sented by Mr. P. F. Warner and
      —Reuter.  -  302 words
    • 186 24 Reuter. Marriage of Mussolini’s Daughter. Rome, Apr. 24. Edda, the eldest child of Signor Mussolini, who is 19 years age, and Court Galeazzo Ciano, aged 27, were married in Rome today. Edda. who has three brothers and a baby sister born only last autumn, is a modern girl
      Reuter.  -  186 words
    • 143 24 —Reuter. Protests at Labour Conference. Paris, Apr. 28. Miss Margaret Bondficld, the British Minister of Labour, Sir Atul Chattcr.K" (India) and Mr. Riddell (Canada) all P'"' tested against the frequency of national conferences at the opening Council of the International Labour Otha*. which discussed labour conditions in
      —Reuter.  -  143 words
    • 492 25 -Reuter. I Troubles in Bombay, I Calcutta and Madras. ■l<SH A WAR OUTBREAK Br r()(! |)s Fire on Frenzied Mob. Hj Karachi, Apr. 23. t lu a ith official has ordered the destrucH n of a quantity of contraband salt as unfit for consumption. ju a it
      -Reuter.  -  492 words
    • 509 25 —Straits Times Copyright. -Reuter. Baseless Rumours Denied. Calcutta, Apr. 23. in consequence of reports that the Mayor, Sen Gupta, had died in prison and Chandra Bose was very ill owing to hunger striking, thousands of people gathered outside the gaol and demanded to see the bodies.” The police
      —Straits Times Copyright.; -Reuter.  -  509 words
    • 127 25 -Reuter. Military Called to Restore Order. Madras, Apr. 27. The police had to fire on a mob of rioters here, and two people were killed and three injured. The crowd heavily stoned the police, injuring the Commissioner, the Deputy Commissioner and the Assistant Commissioner. Several warnings were given
      -Reuter.  -  127 words
    • 1476 25 —Reuter. Commission’s report.—Straits Times Copy right. and the Government of India.—British Wireless. -Reuter. Situation Well In Hand. Peshawar, Apr. 24. It is officially announced that a British soldier and 12 native rioters were killed in the rioting here yesterday. Serious disorder occurred and the police and troops were
      .—Reuter.; Commission’s report.—Straits Times Copy – right.; and the Government of India.—British Wireless.; -Reuter.  -  1,476 words
    • 50 25 -Reuter. London, Apr. 29. In view of the considerable number of casts of psittacosis during the past two months, the Health Ministry announces the prohibition of the importation of all birds of the parrot species from May 20 except for certified cases used in medical and veterinary research.—Reuter.
      -Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 260 26 Rumours as to Future Of Base. LABOUR VIEW.* Dominions to Be Consulted. Rumours to the effect that the decisions of the London Naval Conference may affect the future of the Singapore Base are given point by the cable published below. The Daily 1 elcgraph’s political correspondent
      260 words
    • 129 26 -British Wireless. Statement by Foreign Secretary. Rugby, Apr. 29. Questioned about the Anglo-Russian negotiations, Mr. Arthur Henderson said that a temporary commercial agreement between the British and th? Soviet Governments was signed on April 16. Negotiations were at present proceeding f >r the conclusion of a temporary
      -British Wireless.  -  129 words
    • 120 26 eminent at the present time.—British Wireless. Biggest Scheme Before Government. Rugby, Apr. 29. The Prime Minister, Mr. MacDonald, was asked in the House of Commons whether he had yet reached a decision regarding the construction of a Channel Tunnel or if he coujd find any date when ve
      eminent at the present time.—British Wireless.  -  120 words
    • 57 26 Reuter. Peking, Apr. 29. The British Legation states that the Priests captured at Sientaochen were P Lalfnn, of County Limerick, and J. Lineam. nl County Cork. They were attacht- 1 i. Coiumban’s Mission, Hanyang hu-ion Province. So. far no official Confirmation has been r reived of the report
      Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 236 26 Reuter. Bomb Found in Soviet Embassy. Moscow, Apr. 29. A Note has been presented to Poland protesting against the alleged attempt on Saturday to blow up the Soviet Emhassv in Warsaw by means of a bomb which, the Note declares, could have caused the death of the whole
      Reuter.  -  236 words
    • 116 26 Router. Hundreds of Communists Arrested. Helsingfors, Apr. 29. The authorities have banned Communist demonstrations on May Day. Bukharest, Apr. 29. The authorities have made many preventive arrests of Communists. Athens, Apr. 29. Wholesale arrests were made of Communists holding an unauthorised meeting yesterday to discuss Mav Day
      Router.  -  116 words
    • 147 26 -Reuter. Trial of Manager Opens. London, Apr. 29. A long queue, consisting for the most part of women, waited in the rain for hours for the opening of the trial of Charles Dorward, manager of the Glen Cinema, Paisley, who is charged at Edinburgh with culpable homicide in
      -Reuter.  -  147 words
    • 62 26 Effect of Dutch Producers’ Decision. Amsterdam, Apr. 29. 1 he Handelsblad learns from a comnetont source that the result of the co-opera-tion of Dutch Indian tea producers who i'u-’o Producing in 1!>2‘J would be that In 1.M0 the production would remain at nearly 10.900,000 pounds under 19‘>9 expected
      62 words
    • 211 26 methods of reorganisation.—British Wireless. Debate in House Of Lords. Rugby, Apr. 29. Lord Sankey, the Lord Chancellor, moved in the House of Lords, the second reading of the Coal Mines Bill, which, as he informed their Lordships, proposed, firstly, to regulate the production and sale of coal
      methods of reorganisation.—British Wireless.  -  211 words
    • 105 26 -British Wireless. League of Nations' Use Of Aircraft. Rugby, Apr. 29. The League of Nations Committee on Arbitration and Security discussed the question of the facilities to be granted to ’he aircraft used by the League to ensure swift communication in the event of a thuat of war.
      -British Wireless.  -  105 words
    • 134 26 -Router. Miss Bondfield Promises Ratification. Paris, Apr. 29. That the British Government would piocted with the utmost speed with the sreps ne.c-sary to ratify the Washington Eight Hours Convention was promised by Miss Margaret Bondfield, the British Minister of Labour, at this morning’s session of the governing
      -Router.  -  134 words
    • 80 26 —British Wireless. Cost of Conversations With Australia. Rugby, Apr. 29. The Postmaster-General, Mr. H. B Lees-Smith, stated in the House of Commons that the charge for the new telephone service to Australia would be £2 per minute with a minimum of three minutes. The charge would therefore be
      —British Wireless.  -  80 words
    • 82 26 —British Wireless. Nearly a Million Under Scheme Of State Aid. Rugby, Apr. 29. In the course of a debate in the House of Commons on the estimates for his department, Mr. Arthur Greenwood, the Minister of Health, said that up to Mar. 31 there had been completed,
      —British Wireless.  -  82 words
    • 501 26 MUKDEN WAR-LORD ’S PURCHASES. Sin Kuo Min. Aeroplanes, Guns And! Ammunition. I Shanghai, Apr. B It is reported that Marshal rw B Hsueh-liang, the Manchurian war-lorHcB bought from France 20 aeroplanes guns, 40 machine guns, 1,700 tons of 'JW llery ammunition and 5,500 tons 0 f mI ammunition. Marshal Chang
      Sin Kuo Min.  -  501 words
    • 55 26 —Reuter. Two Former British Officers Engaged. London, Apr. 30. According to the newspapers, the t\v 1 British naval officers whose services th Chinese Minister in London has secured to teach at the Government Nava Academy at Minkiang are EngineerCaptain Kelly and Instructor-Captain Alexander E. Monro Both have retired
      .—Reuter.  -  55 words
    • 54 26 -Reuter. Five Former Officials Sentenced To Death. Riga, Apr. 24. The trial has concluded at Zhitonu:'. Ukraine, of 127 officials and other; nected with the Ukrainian timber inductUwho were charged with sabotagin'? 1 u Soviet fivt-year economic plan. Rive were sentenced to death anil tremainder to various terms
      -Reuter.  -  54 words
    • 472 27 -Reuter. -British Wireless. Text Forwarded to League Of Nations. Tokio, Apr. 26. -PiO newspapers give prominence to viiniicnts by anonymous naval authoriY*. bitterly attacking Baron Shidehara’s YYch in the Diet yesterday and chargwith misrepresenting the effects f the London Treaty on Japanese naval ’•fences. Thv j y deny
      -Reuter.; -British Wireless.  -  472 words
    • 90 27 -Reuter. Campaign for World Revolution. Riga, Apr. 24. According to documents found in possession of Communist agents who were arrested here, the Third International has irawn up plans for a five years campaign leading to world revolution. It is gathered that emissaries have been dispatched to all parts
      -Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 70 27 -Reuter. Pilot and Aircraftsman Killed. London, Apr. 23. T'he Air Ministry states that Pilot 'nicer Francis Barron and Aircraftsman F. Davis were killed in an aeroplane orash at Heliopolis. Both men {‘Dnrhed to the bombing squadron at Khartoum. It was unofficially stated that the -aeroplane was the
      -Reuter.  -  70 words
    • 91 27 -Reuter. Mr. J. H. Thomas Still Not Perturbed. London, Apr. 29. \vhen the House of Commons reassembled after Easter Mr. J. H. Thomas the Lord Privy Seal, was immediately besieged with questions with regard to his unemployment plans. He replied imperturbably, generally referring to previous answers. Asked how he
      -Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 64 27 Only 24 Saved Out Of 250. Calcutta, Aor. 30. It is now definitely established that only 24 out of the 250 passengers and crew were saved when the steamer Condor turned turtle on the River Padma, near (ioaiundo, as the result of a very violent cyclone. Those on
      64 words
    • 473 27 —Reuter. .—Sin Kuo Min. —Trans-Ocean. Nichi-Niehi. blood lust and immorality.—Straits Times Copyright. Moscow, Apr. 24. The Tass Agency announces that the laying of the track of the TurkestanSiberia railway, a thousand miles in length, has been completed.—Reuter. Shanghai, Apr. 22. Rioting broke out at a sports
      —Reuter.; .—Sin Kuo Min.; —Trans-Ocean.; Nichi-Niehi.; blood lust and immorality.—Straits Times Copyright.  -  473 words
    • 190 27 -Reuter. Wrestling for Liberal Vote. London, Apr. 29. The by-election in West Fulham, where Mr. J. W. Banfield artd Sir Cyril Cobb are the Labour and Conservative candidates, is arousing unusual interest in consequence ot Mr. Arthur Gale, the Liberal candidate at the General Election, urging the Libeials
      -Reuter.  -  190 words
    • 98 27 -Iteuter. Commission to Clean Up” City. Chicago, Apr. 24. A special crime commission has been established to consider the problem of cleaning up the greatest criminal city in the United States —Chicago. The commission has drawn up a list of 28 men whom it describes as public
      -Iteuter.  -  98 words
    • 95 27 -Reuter. Queen Opens New Ship Canal. Amsterdam, Apr. 29. The Queen of Holland pulled the handle which opened the gates of the new lock at Ymuiden in the ship canal connecting Amsterdam with the North Sea. The hugo basin, the biggest of its kind in the world, took
      -Reuter.  -  95 words
    • 110 27 -British Wireles. Forced Landing When Nearing Home. Rugby, Apr. 29. Bad luck has befallen the Duchess of Bedford, who, with Captain Barnard, is on her homeward flight from Cape Town. If she can reach Croydon tonight, she will create a new wovld record by flying 19,000
      -British Wireles.  -  110 words
    • 64 27 -Reuter. England-Australia Tests Successful. Canberra, Apr. 28. The week-end test of the wireless telephone between England and Australia was completely successful. Listeners here even heard distinctly the rustling of papers on a desk in the London Post Office. The service will be officially opened at 6 p.m. on
      -Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 58 27 —Reuter. Good Visibility in San Francisco. San Francisco, Apr. 28. Astronomers from all parts of the world were favoured with good visibility when they assembled to witness the eclipse of the sun at 9.30 a.m., Pacific time. An uncanny shadow slowly blotted out the sun, which
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 198 27 British Wireless. Association’s Scheme For Extension. Rugby, Apr. 26. JThe Council of the British Medical Association has put forward for discussion its scheme for a general medical service for the nation. The scheme would provide all except institutional services by means of a national contributory insurance scheme, including,
      British Wireless.  -  198 words
    • 101 27 Plan for National Park In United States. Washington, Apr. 29. As part of the plan to restore the estate at Wakefield, Virginia, the birthplace of George Washington, the remains of over thirty members of the Washington family, all senior to George, have been removed from their present graves
      101 words
    • 90 27 -Reuter. Machine-Guns in Ohio Penitentiary. Columbus, Ohio, Apr. 29. Screaming and howling, a crowd of convicts went racing back to their cells before the rattle of machine-guns. This is the latest ugly incident at the penitentiary, which has been in a state of ferment since the fire, mutinous
      -Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 88 27 ,—British Wireless. Decrease in British Figures Reported. Rugby, Apr. 23. The number of persons on the unemployed register in Great Britain showed a decrease for the week ending Apr. 14, aa compared with the previous week of 10,147. This is the first decrease registered for some time, though the
      ,—British Wireless.  -  88 words
    • 66 27 Trans-Ocean. Opening of Negotiations In Geneva. Geneva, Apr. 28. The negotiations .regarding security began this afternoon, M. Unden, the former Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, presiding. Herr Goeppart represents Germany m the absence of Herr von Simson, the Secretary of State, who is detained in Paris by the
      Trans-Ocean.  -  66 words
    • 61 27 —Neuter. Terms of Reparation Loan Discussed. Paris, Apr. 28. The Hank of International Settlements has called a meeting of bankers in Brussels on May 1 to discuss the terms and conditions of the issue of the first Young reparation loan to the amount of $300,*****0. Mr. Montagu Norman,
      —Neuter.  -  61 words

    • 2482 28 Two Disputed Goals. FOUL PLAY AND RUFFLED TEMPERS. JMXC Malay* There has been much talk at Home about the appointment of goal judges for football matches, and Saturday’s game at the Jalan Besar Stadium between the S.C.C. and Malays was an outstanding instance in support
      2,482 words
    • 444 28 Reuter. -British Wireless. Huddersfield Lose 2—fl. CLASSIC FOOTBALL IN CUP FINAL. Londoir, Apr. 26. Woolwich Arsenal won the Enrich r at Wembley today, beating Huddw^jJ The King and the Duke of York present. The attendance was estimated *t For once the Cup final produced rla< 0
      Reuter.; -British Wireless.  -  444 words
    • 61 28 Beats Siamese Champion In Straight Sets. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Apr. 27. At tennis Khoo Hooi Hye, the Malayan champion, beat Snoh, the champion ot Siam, 6—3, 6—4. The placing of the visitor was superior to that cf the local man, and his court-craft was
      61 words
    • 38 28 Australians a Formidable Combination. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Apr. 2i. The editor of YVisden’s considers the Australian cricketers a very formidable combination, but is fairly confident of a r English victory in tire coming Tests.
      38 words
    • 389 29 ,—Reuter. Bitter Struggles. WEST HAM BEAT ASTON VILLA. London, Apr. 26. The following were the results of English and Scottish League games played today Flrtt Division. Villa 2 West Ham Utd. 3 n<*rbv County 3 Newcastle Utd. 1 Everton 3 Sheffield Utd. 2 Leeds United 3
      ,—Reuter.  -  389 words
    • 1089 29 Relegation Problem Still Acute. Another week of I>eague football will see tne end of the season, and already some of the honours have beon handed out. T he following is an analysis of the honours winners F.A. Cup. r ‘!I ners Arsenal; runners-up, Huddersfield Town. I"irst Division. hampions,
      1,089 words
    • 95 29 AUSSIES ARRIVE. Confident of Regaining The Ashes.” Rugby, Apr. 23. The Australian cricket tourists reached England today. They were welcomed at Dover by Lord Harris and Colonel Troughton, and at the Victoria Station, London, by Field Marshal Lord Plumer, president of Marylebone Cricket Club, and other prominent cricketers, including Messrs.
      95 words
    • 1040 29 S.R.C. Batsmen Fail To Stand Up to It. Exceptionally fine bowling by Capt. Hill, on the S.R.C. Padang on Saturday and the nervousness of the S.R.C. batsmen were responsible for the latter’s early dismissal after compiling only 83 runs against the S.C.C.’s total of 199 for 3
      1,040 words
    • 251 29 Large Crowd Attends Carnival. The swimming carnival at the Sea View Hotel on Monday was a big success, the large attendance being treated to some really good sport. A feature of the evening was the excellent display of Miss Riggin, an American visitor to Singapore,
      251 words
    • 213 29 —Reuter. Britain Beats Germany In Doubles. London, Apr. 24. British Davis Cup hopes had an unexpected reverse in the opening match against Germany at Queen’s Club. Landman beat “Bunny” Austin, 6—3, 8—6, 6—7, 6—4, 6—4, after a very stern battle lasting two and a half hours. Dr.
      —Reuter.  -  213 words
    • 1473 30 Successes for Irene And Kathleen III. Sunday morning opened with light breezes and a merciless sun for the yachting events of the R.S.Y.C. Shortly befare 10 a.m. the A class boats were mustered near the line, the sixes with the aid of the club launch and
      1,473 words
    • 78 30 Wins A. J. C. Plate by Ten Lengths. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Apr. 26. Reversing his Melbourne Cup form, Pharlap cantered home in the A. J. C. Plate (two and a quarter miles), and put up the record time for Randwick of 3 min. 41) Ms
      78 words
    • 509 30 Singapore G.C. Match On Sunday. The following was the result of the foursomes match between teams representing England vs. the Rest which was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday. Details (England players mentioned first) C. F. Snell and A. Cannell 0, E. C. Edwards and L \V. Gedtlcs
      509 words
    • 72 30 Result of Mixed Foursomes Competition. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. 27. Seven cards were taken out for the Malacca Golf Club mixed foursomes con 1 petitions which was played on Thursday. Mrs. Whitfield and Dickinson returned the best card. Scores G. >:. Mrs. Whitfield and Dickinson 50
      72 words
    • 79 30 St. George’s Well Beaten By St. Andrew’s Society. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 28. In the annual golf match between the St. George’s and St. Andrew’s Societies yesterday, St. George’s representatives fared badly, losing by 4% games to 11%. At a tiffin held after the match Mr.
      79 words
    • 65 30 Cenotaph Decorated and Ball Arranged. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 24. In honour of St. George’s Day a wreath of poppies was placed on the local Cenotoph by Mr. Huntsman, president of the Royal Society of St. George, Kinta branch. The wreath bore the inscription,
      65 words
    • 356 30 Demolition Notice Not Enforceable. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 2? A decision given by the local yesterday has left the Kuala Lumpur S a n tary Hoard in a cuiious position. The defendant, Mr. Yong Nee Chai. W| summoned for failing to comply
      356 words
    • 287 30 Successful Company Meeting At Ipoh. Ipoh, Apr. 25. The local M.S.V.R. details held a cessful Company shoot for the tii>: t this year. The competitions attnuuj entries and were conduc ted on a hav basis, giving all entrants equal c* winning. The object of the meeting: was to
      287 words

  • 581 31 Malacca Club Secretary In Trouble. (Kioto Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Apr. 28. \n extraordinary case came up for haring today before Mr. A. D. York, the Second Magistrate, when the police TiiMrir *il Fenwick Oliver, a European who 1 \h' secretary of the Malacca Club,
    581 words
  • 197 31 Government Peon Caught On Penang Racecourse. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Apr. 28. At the Police Court today, Hamad bin Thamby, a peon employed at the Supreme ourt, was charged with betting op the i'ace course during the recent meeting. Inspector Lewis, who prosecuted, said be saw
    197 words
  • 356 31 Young Towkay Convicted Of Rash Driving. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Apr. 29. how Sek Woo, a wealthy young Chinese, was charged at the local court with having at the third mile, Chemor, or. Tanjong Rambutan Road, driven a motorcar without having a driving licence and with having
    356 words
  • 148 31 Promising Pupil for Medical College. At a committee meeting of the Kesatuan Melayu held at the Darul Taalam Club, on Monday, presided over by the Hon. Inche Me hamed Eunos, it was unanimously decided that the Kesatuan Melayu, represented by the Hon. Inche Mohamed Eunos ind Inche
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  • 106 31 Death of Singapore Resident On Homeward Voyage. News has been received of the death of Mr. L. P. Jorgensen, lately manager of Tennamaram Oil Palm Estate, Kuala Selangor, on the s.s. Alsia, Homeward bound, in the Bay of Biscay. Mr. Jorgenson, who came to Malaya many
    106 words
  • 54 31 Two Annual Vacations In Future. In pursuance of a decision of a council of judges convened in Singapore, the Supreme Court will in future have two nnnual vacations. 21 days in June and n'nc days in December, instead of, as in he past, a single vacation of
    54 words
  • 287 31 ROBINSON CO., LTD. Annual Report of Board Of Directors. The tenth annual report of the Board of Directors of Messrs. Robinson and Co., Ltd to be submitted to the annual meeting on Saturday, May 3, is as follows I he directors have pleasure in submitting their tenth annual report together
    287 words
  • 113 31 DF. BURGH—-THOMAS. —At the Matenr.t) Hospital, Singapore, on April 24, 1930, U Mr. and Mrs. A. dc Burgh—Thomas, a son Both well. LANDER.- At Batu Gajah Hospital on April 21, Mrs. I). E. Lander (nee Eileen M Leach), of a daughter. MUSS. —At Ilkeston, on April 21. l’J3O, tc
    113 words
  • 35 31 BROOKS—HATTON—On April 3, 1930, at Holy Trinity, Kensington Gore Donald only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brook: of Hampstead end Kathleen, younges daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Hatton of Westminster.
    35 words
  • 31 31 DU SOUZA—DORAL. On April 24. lt)05, a the Church of the Assumption, Penang, th. late Rev. Father J. Meneuvrier ofliciat'ng Herman Marie de Souza to Alice I’lore net Doral.
    31 words
  • 151 31 Singapore, April 30. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 15/16 Demand 2/3% Private 3 m. credit 2/3% On New York, demand 66 Private 90 d/a 57*4 On France, Bank T.T. t.431 On India, Bank T.T. 164% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 32% On Shanghai, Bank T.T.
    151 words
  • 781 31 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, April 30. MINING. Issue Val. I'd. Buyers Seller* Cl £1 Asam Kumbang 22/- 28/- ftoni. Ayer Hitam Tin 15/3 1ft/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 26/- 2ft/1 1 Hatung Padang 0.16 0.20 1 1 Batu Caves 0.00 0.96 I 1 Bukit Arang 0.60 0.70
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 87 31 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 77 31 DEATHS LF E.—Mr. Lee Eng Khoon, of No. 97, Dcovn shire Road, passed away on Saturday, th< 26th instant, at 7 p.m., of apoplexy. Mcd'ii papers please copy. LIM. —Mr. Lim Muh Seang at his residenci No. 176, Neil Road, at 3.30 a.m., on Tuesday, April 22, 1930, aged 48.
    77 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 109 1 General Rubber Situation London Rubber Stocks J The Singapore Auction 1 London Rubber Market Bv A. W. Still Rubber Research A New York Rubber Market 5 labour Problem Next Month f Tyre Statistics Rubber Returns Native Rubber in D.E.I. Rubber in Sumatra Forbidden to Grow Rubber No Dividend 4
      109 words
    • 55 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spjt Seller Prices r A 7 d. Date L’djn S’pore Apr. May June Apr. JM 7 fi/L'J 0.21% 0.24% 0.25% 0.25 0.21% 0.25 0.2o% 0.25,4 71/1 <*, 0.23% 0.24% 0.24% 0.24% 6 |•'./1 -3 0.23% 0.23% 0.24% 0.24 7 0.23* 0.23% 0.21*4
      55 words
    • 38 1 A mble received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore). Ltd from their London correspondent *t;»U-s that rubber stocks show an increase ox 1,710 ton:, during the past week, the total now •mi tnnd being 97.642 tons.
      38 words
    • 135 1 Tu' Singapore Chamber of Commerce I'lilib.M Association held its 965th Ai il 30, v-hen there was catalogued 2,018,Hod II. i. r 901.28 tons; offered 1,693,384 lb. or 7; Mm tons sold 1.191,100 lb. pr 531.74 tons. Spot. London 3 d N'-w York 14% cts. PRICES REALISED. Itilihed
      135 words
    • 72 1 Messrs. Ilou.tend and Co., Ltd., Penang, have received n telegriini from the secretaries, Me .M Kd. Baustead and Co., London, advising that the annual accounts for the year 1 b'C.l have !>«•—.. issued, showing a profit of ai.d -vonnnontling payment of a dividund of 2''j per cent. An
      72 words
    • 1152 1  - LONDON RUBBER MARKET. Government Intervention Denied. SIR CECIL S DESIRE TO HELP. (fly A. W. Still.) [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] London, Apr. 2. A good deal of comment has been made In London on a cable message dated Malacca. March 26. which gives the text of th? letter
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  1,152 words
    • 44 1 Another Organisation Plan. Batavia, Apr. 28. Heer Marinus, the representative of the rubber producers in Holland, is mailing to Europe a full report on the fubbci situation, including a plan for n perman--nt organisation of rubber producers for the stabilisation of prices.—Reuter.
      44 words
    • 390 1 Marked Increase In Output. The ordinary general meeting of the Men, k.bol (Central Johore) Rubber Co.npanv Ltd., was held on March 31 at FinsbimHouse, Blomfleld Street, London E Mr. P. C. Turnbull. O.B .E. h ch jr man). that, with the removal at lion for
      390 words
    • 333 1 The Menace of Oidiurn Leaf Disease. The current quarterly journal, issued bv the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, contains an authoritative article by Mr. Edger Rhodes, dealing with some considerations as to the nature of Brown Bast. Mr. H. Sutcliffe discourses on the internal fissures in Hevea Cortex
      333 words
    • 71 2 strait* Time* la not raaponaiblt fox .vi rTtnions of its correspondent*. Correavr‘e ~u should bear in mind that letters Ve short and to the point. Long mu rf, e are liable to be rejected or eut j P n Correspondents must enclose their do and addresses, not necessarily for
      71 words
    • 1620 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. i see that Messrs. Lyall and Evatt i n their weekly report that the World's stocks of rubber, at this moment, ..mount to the enormous figure of 400,000 t ,ns But even that is a serious undertatement as
      1,620 words
    • 397 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir* 1 have lately been reading a booklet written by a Dutch ofticial who was for several years stationed in Djambi. i his gentleman has made a study of the natives of Djambi especially as regards their activities in rubber
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    • 404 2 Pessimistic Survey By Prominent Broker. Since writing our last report, prices in the crude rubber market have declined another fraction of a cent with business practically at a standstill, says Mr. O. W. Krnoht, of New York, under date of Mar. 15. Operations on the Rubber
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    • 663 2 Situation on Smaller Asiatic Estates. OPTIMISTIC VIEW. Tapping Holiday And Employment In view of the uncertainty as to the position of labourers on the smaller Asiatic estates during the tapping holiday next month, the Straits Times asked tha Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock, of Malacca, whether
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    • 33 2 Sumatran Native Producers To .Join. Batavia, Apr. 28. It is announced that 200 native rubber growers on the West Coast of Sumatra have decided to join in the May stoppage —Aneta.
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    • 3673 3 Association's Report QUESTION OF LABOUR SUPPLY. The annual meeting of the JoKore Planters’ Association will be held r.t Johore Bahru at 9.30 a.m. on Monday, May 12. Included in the business on the agenda is to consider an inquiry from the Government as to whether the members
      3,673 words
    • 130 3 Decrease in Stocks in Past Year. Statistics relating to the tyre industry for January as compared with previous periods compiled by the Rubber Manufacturers’ Association, are as follows Pneumatic Casings. (End of Produc- Ship- Inventory tion. ments. month. January, 1930 4,745,149 4,700,539 12.719.137 December, 1929 3,261,089 3,346,020 12.627.15*
      130 words
    • 77 3 Amalgamated Malay 62,500 lb. Balau.—34,000 lb. Beranang.—35,500 lb. Bertam (Taisho). —68,374 lb. Borelli.—34,000 lb. Brooklands.— 103,000 lb. Bukit Kepong.—22,541 lb. hem bong.—75,233 lb. Cheras.—49,000 lb. Connemara.—47,700 lb. Glenshiel.—59,861 lb. Juru.—31,020 lb. Kamasnn.—23,940 lb. Kepong Malay.—105,433 lb. Kong Sang.—7,153 lb. Lnbuau Bileh.—16,252 lb. New Serendah. —31,277 lb. Perak River
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    • 446 4 Effect of Low Prices. production not likely TO EXTEND. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 22. One of the moat interesting features ir the report of the Department of Agriculture Industries and Trade, which has just been published, is the prediction that, while the present low
      446 words
    • 86 4 High-Producing Strains Not Used Extensively. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Apr. 22. "I he use of high producing strains in rubber planting in Sumatra is much less than is generally supposed, according to an investigation made by the General AsRubber Planters in Sumatra. The investigation covered a
      86 words
    • 271 4 Notice to Squatters In Singapore. Squatters on the land adjoining the Yeo Chu Kang Road were disappointed recently to receive a notice from Government which forbade them to grow rubber on the land which they had rented from the crown. The notice, which bore no official
      271 words
    • 275 4 Ayer Tengah Rubber Estates, Limited. The following is the annual report by the directors of Ayer Tengah Rubber Estates, Ltd., to the thirteenth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders held on Tuesday, at Malacca The directors beg to submit the balance sheet and profit and loss account for
      275 words
    • 176 4 British mat aya dfot arfd exports of para rubber inclusiv e of latex for the month of march, 1930, showing local H A o rlg?N AS COMPILED BY THE TRADE REGISTRIES AT PENANG, MALACCA, KUALA LUMP UR AND SINGAPORE. it av- a GUMriljiSiU Possessions Continent of
      176 words
    • 777 4 New Serendah Rubber Company, Ltd. b e twentieth annual general meeting of Rubber Company, Ltd., was hold at the registered office of the company, Kua a Lumpur, on Apr. 22, the chairman, Mr. D. H. Hampshire, presiding. Notice convening the meeting having been read by a representative of
      777 words
    • 309 4 Five Per Cent. Dividend Recommended. *1 he following is the annual report by the directors to the twentieth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders of Radella Rubber Estate, Ltd., to be held on Tuesday, Apr. 29, 1930, at 11.30 a.m., within the registered office of the company
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    • 313 4 Market Has Fallen Away. Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., report aa follows under date of Apr. 26 The market has fallen away somewhat since re-opening after the Easter holidays, due to liquidation by “stale bulls.” Locally, however, at 24 cents for spot rubber, we are about I
      313 words
    • 1121 5 Review of the Solutions Proposed. Messrs. Wm. J. and H. Thompson whites us follows in the Rubber and Tea Quarterly The outlook for the rubber plantation industry is, ny general consent, more prob'emaUcibl G day than for many years past Prices have fallen to the lowest level
      1,121 words
    • 146 5 Views of Ulu Selangor Planters. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 29. At a lccent meeting of the Ulu Selangor Planters’ Association a long discussion took place on the amended resolution passed by the Council of the Planters’ Association of Malaya relating to the employment of
      146 words
    • 534 5 Depressed Feeling Due To Increasing Stocks. Messrs. Fraser and Co., under date of Apr. 29, report as follows Increases in stocks of both tin and rubber are responsible for a depressing feeling in the market both as regards the metal and the raw material, although strangely enough
      534 words
    • 89 5 Rubber paving has been laid in the Quai do la Rapee, Paris, near the (Jure du Lyon. One hundred square yards of four types of blocks were laid in March, 1929, and traffic at the spot is heavy, concentrated and fast moving. The rubber blocks aie laid on
      89 words
    • 89 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., received the following telegram from Lon 1 as secretaries for the United Sua I 1 1 Rubber Estates, Ltd. United Sua Betong Rubber Estates', Linn j board has decided to recommend a 1 dividend of 10 per cent, (actual) in r( of
      89 words
      • 587 5 A linen (£1) 24; Allagar (2/) 2/; AngloMHay (£l> 17/; Ayer Kuning (£1) 5 (Sel.) (2/> 4/9; Bakap (£1) Vi; Bnntnng 7/10; Batang Conaolidatcd (2/) 1/4; Balu Caves (£1) Butu Tiga (£ll 7/10; Bekoh (2/) 1/4; Beranang (2/) 2/1 Vi; Pertain Consolidated (2/) 4/0;
        587 words
      • 714 5 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall Company Co. Evatt. 889.293 1 15 p.c. year ended 28-2-29 Allenby ($1) 1.50 1.60 1.50 1.65 160.000 174 p.c. year 80-9-29 Alor Gajah (81) 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 435,425 1 74 p.c. int. a/e
        714 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 532 6 i RELIABLE HOME MEDICAL BOOKS. THE HOUSEHOLD DOCTOR. HY GEORGE BLACK, M.D., EDINBURGH IWrih., a. a nd treatwmit of diseases of every kind. It taJSttoten&i tTSJhS! mt>dic»I attendance in serious cases, but the instructions riven how! plication! until luch UeV,at,n ain a d comPrice $1.50. HUMAN AILMENTS AND THEIR TREATMENT.flfljj
      532 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 298 7 YOU NEED A CHANGE!! ENJOY GOOD HEALTH BY SPENDING YOUR WEEKENDS ON THE SEA The change necessary in this climate in order to keep At can be obtained by going for a sea trip each week-end with the aid of an EVINRUDE or LOCKWOOD Outboard Motor. These are the speediest
      298 words
    • 242 7 M m mk ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telegrams 8TATETRU8T," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th sad 6th Editions. Bentley's and Uebers. Telephone No. 243. A Trust Company Roistered under the Trust Companies Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICE Nos. 1, 2 and 8,
      242 words