The Straits Budget, 26 September 1929

Total Pages: 38
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.] ■o. 1. 7.57 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 74%
    30 words
  • 404 1 eaders— The Police More Restriction The Cotton Trade ’j Wrong Impression «1-4 British Tiade Overseas 4 Paying The Price 4 Occasional Notes eleerams, Reuter and Special—- Covering Past Week’s News ..19-24 >ictures Birthday of H.H. the Sultan of Johoie Liana Nagari, Kuala Kangsar 16 Tennis Champions in Malaya 16
    404 words
  • 1825 1 Mr. G. W. Seabridge has been appointed editor of the Straits Times. The Hon. Dr. R. O. Winstedt and Mrs. Winstedt are going on leave shortly. Mr. W. T. Mackie, of Merlimau-Pegoh Rubber Estate, has gone on leave to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Worley and
    1,825 words

  • 1047 3 —Straits Times, Sejrt. 19. torv comes from China of a police I v ho pluckily tackled a band of five “S robbers in a pistol duel and shot IhL all down. He was himself hit, but r rod no serious injury because he was !*-earing a steel waistcoat
    —Straits Times, Sejrt. 19.  -  1,047 words
  • 1178 3 Straits Times, Sept. 20. In May last the Straits Racing Association decided to refuse registration to any worses imported into Malaya privately. 1 his decision was taken in an endeavour to sulve the problem presented by the ci-iy large number of racehorses already in the country. Recently, an
    Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  1,178 words
  • 973 3 —Straits, Times, Sept. 21. Tho noise of the cotton trade dispute has been drowned recently by the thunders of applause that have acclaimed Mr. Snowden’s vigorous doings at The Hague, but it must not be thought that we have heard the last of the difficulties which are
    —Straits, Times, Sept. 21.  -  973 words
  • 1126 3 energy and enthusiasm Inspires.—Strftlts Times, Sept. 2S. Considering the conditions under which the majority of Singapore’s population lives, Dr. R S. Hunter is able to present a remarkably good report on the health ot this city last year, and he does well to combat in vigorous language
    energy and enthusiasm Inspires.—Strftlts Times, Sept. 2S.  -  1,126 words

  • 969 4 to repent the venture.—Straits Times. Sept. 24. Home newspapers have boon I'ull recently of descriptions of the great preparations that are going forward to ensure that the next British Industries Fair, to be held from February 17th to the 28th, shall he an unqualified success. It is
    to repent the venture.—Straits Times. Sept. 24.  -  969 words
  • 1083 4 sure of self-protection.—Straits Times Sept. 25. It has never been the policy of the Straits Times to gibe at the great American experiment of Prohibition. We hold that the ideal in itself is so laden with possibilities for the good of mankind that its pursuance is worth
    sure of self-protection.—Straits Times Sept. 25.  -  1,083 words
  • 582 4 Members of the congregation 0 f Andrew’s Cathedral attended an informal tea party in the Victoria Memorial H»i on Sept. 18, for the purpose n bidding farewell to Archdeacon p r Swindell and Mrs. Swindell who left Malaya on retirement on
    582 words
  • 71 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 21In the Police Court to-day Ratnum, a milk vendor, was produced by Inspector Dawson on a charge of selling aduUoriued milk in 1920. Accused it was stated, had gone <■ India in 1920 and
    71 words

    • 229 5 SMOKERS, BEWARE Straits Times, Sept. 19. Sisrns of rebellion are being shown by hitherto mild and inoffiensive section of h English nation-the non-smokers In if the National Society of NonSmokers has its way, it will be necessary f’ u the permission of men as well as women before lighting up.
      Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  229 words
    • 251 5 .—Straits Times, Sept. 19. Voting men are rot seriously minded a* i do but those of Singapore are apparent- the exception. They are very anxious know how they are progressing with th .ir work, how soon they will be promoted. and when they will be married, j
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  251 words
    • 418 5 SPORT —Straits Times, Sept. 19. According to an up-country correspondent, the destruction of deer with the aid of artificial lights, even spot lights from motor cars, still goes on merrilv in many 1 laces throughout Malaya. One cannot imagine that the most unintelligent would designate this practice as sport. It
      !—Straits Times, Sept. 19.  -  418 words
    • 301 5 DECEPTIVE APPEARANCES of All the Russias was travelling.—Straits Times, Sept. 20. Once again a cinema star has descended upon London and come within an ace of precipitating a riot. According to the Home papers, the appearance of Gloria Swanson in Regent Street drew an enormous crowd and necessitated strenuous work
      of All the Russias was travelling.—Straits Times, Sept. 20.  -  301 words
    • 430 5 --Straits Times, Sep-. TO An interesting comment on the new Municipal housing scheme at the junctioi >i‘ Lavender Street and Serangoon Road .vas made yesterday by cur Chinese correspondent, who pointed out that the twoiv.omed villas do not a.Tcid L’i-* p:lva:; which Chinese, and indeed all
      --Straits Times, Sep-. TO  -  430 words
    • 171 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 21. Tn these days of forgetfulness and “tidapnthy” it is just as well to gin prominence to a conservancy by-law pub- Vd in the Government Gnrctto wind ill shortly come before the Governor-in Council for confirmation. It will tighten •ip a slackness that
      —Straits Times, Sept. 21.  -  171 words
    • 322 5 SUMATRAN LABOUR The system by which an indentured coolie in Sumatra can be arrested and charged under the criminal law if he leaves his estate before his three-yeai term of service has expired is apparently doomed, thanks to the International Labour Office. A striking comment or. the proposed abolition of
      astrous effect on estate discipline.—Straits Times, Sept. 21.  -  322 words
    • 352 5 A SIGNALLING PROBLEM dignity and etiquette.—Straits Times, Sept. '2l. The reply made by the Master. Attendant to comments made by the Singapore Coroner concerning an incident in Singapore harbour is scarcely reassuring. The facts were that a coolie fell into the hold of a steamer and received injuries necessitating urgent
      dignity and etiquette.—Straits Times, Sept. '2l.  -  352 words
    • 317 5 Straits Times, Sept. 23. Mr. Clarence Charles Hatry, the centra figure in London’s newest financial sensation, is of a very retiring disposition—so far as the reference books arc concerned. r n person, ho docs not confirm this impression. He first attracted public at tenion as one of a
      Straits Times, Sept. 23.  -  317 words
    • 328 5 A VERY SMALL BEGINNING —Straits Times, Sept. 23. Tom Webster, the cartoonist, whose marriage to a former member of the Ziegfeld Follies is reported to-day, ha*, moie leason than most people to bless newspaper competitions. At one time he was the highest paid newspaper cartoonist :n Great Britai.i at an
      —Straits Times, Sept. 23.  -  328 words
    • 211 5 THE OPIUM HABIT the pipe and the bench.—Straits Times, Sept. 23. u The chandu smoking shop which was opened by Government at Alor Gajah has been closed owing to lack of business and the premises have been turned into a vernacular school for the fifth standard.” These few lines were
      the pipe and the bench.—Straits Times, Sept. 23.  -  211 words
    • 222 5 AN EPISCOPAL PUNTER.” —Straits Times, Sept. 24. A curious ethical issue is creating much newspaper discussion in the United States. Bishop Cannon, of tin* Southern Methodist Church, has apparently fallen a victim to the fever of speculation which hi. swept over the States, and the question to be settled is
      —Straits Times, Sept. 24.  -  222 words
    • 251 6 —Straits Times, Sept. 24. Workmen’s compensation, which Sir Hugh Clifford described at Malacca the other day as “an essential part of the machinery of legislation in every up-to-date country,” is still not embodied in the statute books of the Straits Settlements, but the Government is wise to
      —Straits Times, Sept. 24.  -  251 words
    • 312 6 Straits Times, Sept. 24. It may l** recalled that with the help ot the Empire Marketing Board and tin Malay States Information Agency, exhibits of Malayan (Singapore) canned pineapples wero staged at the British Industries Fan in London, the North-East Coast Exhibition at Newcastle-upon Tyne, the Canadian
      , Straits Times, Sept. 24.  -  312 words
    • 151 6 TALKING TO THE BASE telephone business.”—Straits Times, sept. 25. It is to be hoped that by the time the N ival Base really is a Naval Base it will have achieved efficient telephone communication with Singapore. In the space of two hours this morning an unfortunate member of the Straits
      telephone business.”—Straits Times, sept. 25.  -  151 words
    • 305 6 —Straits Times, Sept. 25. The extent of the infant welfare organisation in Singapore, as revealed in Dr. P. S. Hunter’s rejmrt, is surprising. Its history dates back to 1911, when a nurse was appointed to supervise the local ilidwives. Now there are six sisters and fourteen health
      —Straits Times, Sept. 25.  -  305 words
    • 361 6 f iiuiitci a; Ufl Straits Times, Sept. 25. Other points in Dr. Hunter’s report deserve the attention of more fortunately situated, but perhaps no more competent, mo.hers. For example, there is the question of vaccination. Even though many children are vaccinated by private doctors, the fact that
      f •” iiuiitci a; Ufl Straits Times, Sept. 25.  -  361 words

  • 142 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 21. At the Municipal Commissioners meeting to-day Mr. L. E. Slowe sat as new commissioner in place of Mr. E. Newbold, who has gone on leave. The president said Mr. Slowe was nominated by the Straits
    142 words
  • 117 6 According to a report made to the Singapore police, a Chinese who had arrived in Singapore from Rhio with a cheque for $5OO to make purchases, was robbed by two armed Chinese at about 7.30 on Monday night in Connaught Drive.
    117 words
  • 557 6 The following particulars are officially supplied from Government House, Singa- > pore Sunday, September 15. His Excellency and Lady Clifford 1 attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 8 a.m. and afterwards paid the Right Reverend Emile Barillon, Bishop of Malacca, a visit of
    557 words
  • 305 6 There was a double ceremony at the new Chinese Presbyterian Church i n Prinsep Street on Tuesday, its dedication being accompanied by the ceremony 0 f induction of the new Chinese pastor, Rev Tan Leng Tien. After stating that the congregation of
    305 words
  • 198 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 20. The Dutch air mail arrived at Don Muang this afternoon after a fine flight from Akyab. At the aerodrome the ground was soft from the recent rain and in landing one
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  • 108 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 24. A session of the F.M.S. Court of Appeal assembled to-day. The Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Elphinstor.e) presided, and Mr. Justice Robinson and Mr. Justice Prichard were the other judges. The court heard the appeal of Kantan,
    108 words
  • 48 6 The following appointments are notified in the Sarawak Gazette :—Mr. G. T. M Mac Bryan to be Secretary for Native Affairs, in addition to his other duties. Mr. G. R. H. Arundell to act as Assistant District Officer, Kalakn and Mr. R. Summers to be a Land Officer.
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  • 66 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Lon# epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
    66 words
  • 461 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I have pleasure in forwarding a statement of comparative rainfalls and temperatures in the ten districts of Java, •Sumatra, Ceylon, North Indiu and Malaya which shows that drier weather conditions prevail in Malaya between JuneAugust than any other similar
    461 words
  • 342 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —While fully appreciating the efforts being made by the local authorities to devise means of effecting improvements in the control of traffic, it is my contention that in instituting the taxi rank between the intermediate abutment of Anderson Bridge
    342 words
  • 315 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —At a public meeting held at the Adelphi Hotel in August the propqsal to form a Kennel Club in Singapore was well supported, and the majority of those present immediately enrolled ns members. A committee was elected the same evening,
    315 words
  • 208 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —In your issue of September 13, you complimented a Dutch steamship company l’or being able to deliver letters in London 20 days after dispatch from Singapore. It is a deserved compliment considering r.hat a British company, subsidised by the Imperial
    208 words
  • 593 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, —In a recent leader you made very well-deserved commendation of the efficient traffic control in Singapore, and any one who has experienced traffic management in other cities must admit being similarly impressed. Mention was also made of the renewed effort
    593 words
  • 511 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The crux of the situation now existing between China and Russia may be succinctly expressed as Defence vs. Aggression.” According to facts, China has ever since the beginning of the trouble played the part of defend and Russia, in spite
    511 words
  • 179 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In an article appearing in your issue of the 18th instant you state that your representative was informed at the Municipal Offices that the authorities had received complaints regarding the coal dust nuisance from residents in Lavender Street and
    179 words
  • 351 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The article by Senator W. E. Borah, which you publish in your issue of to-day’s date, leads me to think and prompts me to wonder whether, after all, there is going to be peace on this earth, after
    351 words
  • 121 10 The rigorous measures alleged to have been adopted by a Committee of Chinese members of an examining board led to the appearance of two members before Mr. C. H. G. Clarke, the District Judfce. on Tuesday to answer charges of usinfc criminal
    121 words

  • 291 11 Armed with a packet of powdered pepper a Chinese gained entrance into the huUsC 0 f a Eurasian family and after throwing the powder into a woman’s eyes 1( ,1)1,od her of a bangle which she was wearing at the time. The story
    291 words
  • 483 11 As reported in these columns a few 1 days ago, a preliminary meeting was held lately, under the chairmanship of the Colonial Secretary, to discuss the advisability of reviving the old Philharmonic Society. As a result of that meeting, a sub committee was
    483 words
  • 233 11 The report of the directors of Singapore Cold Storage Co. Ltd., for the twelve months ended June 30, 1929, states that the profit amounts to $340,036, add amount brought forward from last year $61,537, making $401,573, out of which un interim dividend
    233 words
  • 253 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 24. At the invitation of the Taiping branch of the Ex-Services Association, ex-ser-vicemen from Kedah, Penang, Ipoh and Sitiawan, spent the week-end at Taiping. Several entertainments had been arranged in honour of the visitors, including a supper dance
    253 words
  • 103 11 In a Supreme Court claim, before Mr. Justice Stevens yesterday, when the claim of Tong Hong and Co., contracting, against Goon Chin Ann was mentioned, Mr. C. R. Stewart, for defendants, said he accepted the onus of proof. Mr. Stewart said plaintiffs claimed
    103 words
  • 83 11 Since his return to Singapore in August, Mr. Herbert Welham has been too ill to resume the editorship of the Straits Times and, acting on medical advice, he left for Europe on Sept. 19, and will not come back to the Straits. Mr. Welham’s connection with Malayan journalism—which began in
    83 words
  • 60 11 Batavia, Sept. 19. It is alleged that the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank has been victimised by fraud to the extent of 500,000 guilders. A European has been arrested, and a warrant has been issued for the arrest of
    60 words
  • 92 11 In consequence of the poor rainfall that has been experienced during this year, the water in the Singapore reservoirs is remarkably low. No shortage is anticipated, however, for the rainy season is due to begin in October, and the amount of available
    92 words
  • 95 11 The Malay, however ignorant and illiterate, is particular about his appearance and generally knows what he wants, more especially the young Malay. His baju is well cut but his sarong is necessarily ready made.” Mr. Justice Sproule made this observation in the Supreme
    95 words
  • 84 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 24. The condition of H.R.H. Prince Mahidol, heir to the throne of Siam, during the last 24 hours has taken a turn for the worse, and a good deal of anxiety is felt. The infection of
    84 words
  • 142 11 Ratrut Basin (first half). —591 piculs. Takuapu Valley (first half). —790 piculs. Kamunting Tin (first half).—62o piculs, 1,007 hours. Kampong Kamunting Tin (first half). (Kamunting dredge): 2X3 hours, 29,000 yards, 206.41 piculs, value $12,863. Asam Kumbang (first half). —264 hours, 54,000 yards, 203.57 piculs, value $12,621. Ulu Yam
    142 words
  • 68 11 Mr. W. H. Perry, manager of the Runnymedc Hotel, Penang, for two years, is leaving with Mrs. Perry for a .short holiday at the end of this month and will not return to the Runneymede. Mr. George Goldsack, formerly of Singapore, succeeds Mr. Perry as manager of the Runnymedc Hotel.
    68 words
  • 517 11 Jn about u year’s time club land in Singapore will receive a very important addition under the name of the Island club. Ihe Municipality arc mainly responsible for the birth of this new centre of social and sporting activity. By taking over
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  • 119 11 The growth of the Planters' Association of Ceylon from small beginnings to a huge concern having a very wide scope and very great power,” has made it necessary to provide for more funds. At a special general meeting new rates of subscription
    119 words
  • 82 11 Thu wedding took place on Sept. 14 at St. George’s Church, Penang, of Mr. Henry Raymond Joynt, acting Controller of Labour, Malaya, and Miss Eleanor Carolina Copinger Hill, until recently of the Education department, Kuala Kangsar. The bride was given away by Mr. George Walker, Mrs. Walker was matron of
    82 words
  • 66 11 Tan Ah-moo, auto salesman, driver of the ear which collided with a motor-cycle on Bubbling Well Road, Shanghai, and caused the death of Mr. George Albert Griffiths of the Shanghai Mutual Telephone Co. Ltd., was found guilty of negligent driving and causing death and was sentenced to IK months’ imprisonment
    66 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 349 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Advertising in Newspapers Pays. There is no advertising medium J so useful as the Press, and none that is responded to with such speed and profit. J Newspaper Advertising pays better to-day than it ever did. Most of the goods now consumed by
      349 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 229 17 4-4 4 4-4 *****-4****************-*****44*4444 4-/f PAVILION Commencing SEPTEMBER 30 PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENT Harold Lloyd 9 in s p E E D Y His Funniest Picture. m 3*l S m .4 1 s s p E E D Y A Laugh A Minute Film. IK IT'S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE, IT’S THE
      229 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 310 18 I WHEN ON LEAVE RETAIN YOLK LINK WITH MALAYA BY HAVING THE STRAITS BUDGET Weekly Edition of the Straits Times SENT TO YOU REGULARLY EACH WEEK $l4 for 12 monlhs $7 for 6 monlhs INCLUDING POSTAGE Address: CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. Jbtaioable irom Newsagents throughout Malaya. ir j i: lls cd
      310 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 363 19 —Renter. Geneva, Sept. 19. The representatives of Great Britain, N-w Zealand, South Africa and India signed the optional clause of the statute of the World Court. The signatures are appended, for a period of ten years,
      —Renter.  -  363 words
    • 131 19 —Reuter. ,—Trans-Ocean. Moscow, Sept. 22. The Tass Agency states th»t stormy ■ppfause followed the concluding words of Rykov in a speech before the First Moscow Regional Congress of Soviets M We do not intend to recall otrr Far Eastern army in the coining autumn,
      —Reuter.; ,—Trans-Ocean.  -  131 words
    • 45 19 .-Trans-Ocean. Bucharest, Sept. 18. jto unconfirmed reports from Bessarabian border rebellious Russian «*-?u aDks clashed at Tiraspol, near Odessa, wuh Soviet troops, and the latter’s casalry only routed the peasants after Pitched battle in which machine-guns used.—Trans-Ocean.
      .-Trans-Ocean.  -  45 words
    • 206 19 —British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 19. At a meeting of the Corporation of the City of London it was unanimously resolved to present the honorary freedom of the City to the Premier and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The reasons for
      —British Wireless.  -  206 words
    • 224 19 British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 23. An important success for British industry has been secured by the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, Limited, who have been successful in obtaining one of the largest orders given in recent years in connection with broadcasting services. This
      British Wireless.  -  224 words
    • 150 19 —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 23. Two hundred and sixty Parliamentarians, representing forty-three countries, (the United States and Russia being exceptions) attended the opening of the International Parliamentary Commercial Conference in the Reichstag, where the Vice-Speaker, Herr Vonkardorff, cordially welcomed the delegates. The Minister of
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  150 words
    • 223 19 MOBILISATION IN RUSSIA Mongolian Report. CAVALRY MOVING TO THE FRONTIER. —Reuter. Tokio, Sept. 19. A message from Changchun to the Rengo agency states that according to information emanating from a White Russian source in Outer Mongolia the Government has mobilized all males between the ages of 20 and 40, and
      —Reuter.  -  223 words
    • 197 19 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 19. The first committee of the League, after discussion, resolved, on the motion of Mr. Noel Baker (Great Britain) to refer to a sub-committee which will meet on Sept. 20 the Chinese proposal for the appointment of a
      —Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 83 19 Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 19. In the course of discussion of the Tariff Holiday resolution in the second committee, the spokesmen for the British Dominions emphasised that the younger countries must be entitled to impose tariffs in order to protect growing industries.
      Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 49 19 —Reuter. Simla, Sept. 23. The Legislative Assembly by 67 votes to 14 passed the Child Marriage Bill, which imposes a month’s simple imprisonment on anyone solemnising the marriage of girls below the age of fourteen, and boys below the age of eighteen.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 291 19 BRITISH TRADE IN CANADA. Mr. Thomas Completely Satisfied.” NEW CUSTOMERS. Cabinet Minister Carries Samples of Coal. —Reuter. Rugby, Sept, 18. Mr. J. H. Thomas, the Lord Privy Seal and Minister of Employment, arrived at Liverpool to-day on his return from Canada. Interviewed, he said I am completely satisfied with the
      —Reuter.  -  291 words
    • 155 19 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 20. The first committee of the League Assembly decided to appoint a committee of eleven members to meet during the first quarter of 1930 to report on the proposed amendments to the League Covenant in order to bring it into harmony
      —Reuter.  -  155 words
    • 85 19 .—Reuter. New York, Sept. IS. The New York Herald-Tribune announces the formation of a huge trust, styled the Marine Midland Corporation, to acquire the controlling ownership of banks and trust companies.—Reuter. New York, Sept. 20. The formation of what is claimed to
      .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 37 19 —Reuter. Washington, Sept. 22. Mr. Hoover has declined to exercise clemency in favour of Harry Sinclair and Henry M. Day for commutation of their sentences in connection with the Teapot Dome oil fields scandal.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  37 words
    • 689 20 .—Reuter. Foreign Minister, as chief delegate.—Nichi Nichi. Tokio, Sept. 20. Although official confirmation is not obtainable, it is learned from a usually reliable source that the Foreign Office has received a formal invitation from the British
      .—Reuter.; Foreign Minister, as chief delegate.—Nichi Nichi.  -  689 words
    • 254 20 —Reuter. London, Sept. 20. The death has occurred of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Hedworth Meux, G.C.B., K.C.B., C.B., K.C.V.O., C.V.O., at the age of 73. —Keuter. A British Official Wireless message states that Sir Hedworth Meux was associated with one of
      .—Reuter.  -  254 words
    • 145 20 LEAGUE COMMENT ON PALESTINE. Pursuing The Ideal Of Civilisation.” —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 18. The sixth committee adopted the report on the work of the Mandates Commission, together with a resolution renewing the expression of confidence in the work of the Commission. The resolution expresses profound regret at the recent events
      —Reuter.  -  145 words
    • 197 20 —Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 22. News from Hankow states that details of the Jans, Bruno and Rupertus murders last week, received from Ichang, show that while the bishop was walking in his garden at the village of Siaoyang on the evening of Sept. 9,
      .—Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 201 20 THE FIRST POWER IN THE PACIFIC.” American Expansion. GERMAN INDUSTRIALISTS STATEMENT. —Trans-Ocean. Dusseldorf, Sept. 20. Presiding at the tenth annual meeting of the Association of German Industrialists, Dr. Duisberg, describing his recent world tour, expressed the opinion that the economic centre of the world was «lowly but surely shifting from
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  201 words
    • 134 20 —Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 20. One of the first measures which will be introduced on the reassembling of Parliament is the Coast Protection Bill. The President of the Board of Trade has this in hand. The Bill is founded on the report
      —Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 156 20 —Reuter. Barcelona, Sept. 18. The 14th International Cotton Congress has opened in the Barcelona town hall. There are 800 delegates, including representatives of Great Britain, Egypt, India and Japan. Mr. Howarth, Great Britain, gave details of cotton growing in the British colonies, and said
      —Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 106 20 -Trans-Ocean, Hamburg, Sept. 17. A rousing public welcome waa accorded to the commander of the Graf Zeppelin, Herr Eckener, on his return from the United States. Hundreds of thousands of people cheered the air veteran as he slowly drove into the city,
      -Trans-Ocean,  -  106 words
    • 281 20 Reuter. Washington, Sept. 21. Mr. Clinton L. Bardo, vice-president of the New York Shipbuilding Corporation was the first witness to appear before the* Senatorial investigation into the alleged activities of Mr. William B. Shearer at the 1927 Naval Conference,
      Reuter.  -  281 words
    • 221 20 —Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 20. Capt. Haaland, master of the Norwegian ship Botnia, who was taken prisoner by bandits when his ship ran aground off Haichow' on Sept. 12, has escaped and arrived at Haichow. No details are available at present of
      —Reuter.  -  221 words
    • 88 20 —Reuter. Berlin, Sept. 23. A hundred persons, mostly Communist?, were arrested in the course of collisions between Nationalists and Communists this afternoon during a Nationalist demonstration in favour of a plebiscite on a Bill repudiating all post-War treaties and agreements, and providing that
      .—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 538 21 —Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 18. The following statement has been issued 1.. *hc Ministry of Finance: The instructions of the National Government of Sept. 26, 1928, for the allocaion to each salt revenue district of a
      —Reuter.  -  538 words
    • 192 21 REPARATIONS BANK. Former H. K. S. Bank Chairman’s Appointment. —Reuter. London, Sept. 20. Ihe Governor of the Bank of England ur ,s a PP°intcd Sir Charles Addis and Mr. *>. 1. Layton as the British members of he organisation committee of the Bank of nternational Settlements.—Reuter. Sir Charles Addis, K.C.M.G.,
      —Reuter.  -  192 words
    • 79 21 .—Reuter. Mukden, Sept. 24. A message to the Rengo Agency states that a quarrel which started between Chinese policemen and a Japanese soldier at a restaurant at Tiehling yesterday afternoon assumed serious dimensions when the Chinese police fired on Japanese railway guards
      .—Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 548 21 financial assistance to States.—British Wireless. —Nichi-Nichi. —Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. Vienna, Sept. 19. The danger of civil war is again looming over the Austrian horizon, following the Fascist Home Guards’ ultimatum to the Government either to curb Socialism or to resign. To this the Government spokesman in Parliament
      financial assistance to States.—British Wireless.; —Nichi-Nichi.; —Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  548 words
    • 107 21 Reuter. Wiesbaden, Sept. 23. To the accompaniment of such tunes as 44 Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and 44 Auld Lang Syne,” played by the Regimental band, the first unit of the British Rhine Army
      Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 108 21 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 18. An animated debate on the drugs traffic in the fifth committee revealed a complete change of method in combatting the traffic by the abandonment of Government control in favour of limitation of manufacture. All the speakers strongly
      —Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 109 21 —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 18. The Press expresses satisfaction at the agreement between British Talking Pictures, Ltd., and the German Tobisklangfilm Corporation under which both companies pool their interests in the British Empire and its mandated territories. The alliance is regarded here
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  109 words
    • 76 21 —Reuter. Seattle, Sept. 23. The Russian aeroplane Land of the Soviets has left Attu Island, Russia, bound for Dutch Harbour, Maine. Seattle, Sept. 23. It is now learned The Land of the Soviets is still at Attu as the weather
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 64 21 Reuter. Pretoria, Sept. ID. At a meeting of representatives of tobacco growers in Rhodesia and the Board of the Central Co-operative Tobacco Society it was decided to call a conference of delegates of the Union, Rhodesia, and Nyasaland at Salisbury in October
      Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 61 21 British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 18. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald motored to Sandringham to-day to visit the King. The Prime Minister, who was accompanied by his daughter, Miss Ishbel MacDonald, will stay overnight at Sandringham, returning to London to-morrow. The Prince of
      British Wireless.  -  61 words
    • 104 21 —Reuter. Bagdad, Sept. 19. The new offer of the British Government to recommand unconditionally the admission of Iraq to the League of Nations in 1932, and meanwhile to take steps to prepare a draft of an Anglo-Iraquian treaty generally
      —Reuter.  -  104 words
    • 134 21 .—Reuter. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 19. Another I’m Alone case seems imminent. Mr. Mcleod, captain of the motorship Shawnee, which has arrived from Bermuda, declares she was fired on without warning by a United States coastguard cutter when 26 miles
      .—Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 201 21 lions, and it was time it went.—British Wireless. London, Sept. 22. Mr. Ben Turner, Minister of Mines, in a speech at High Green, near Sheffield, announced that as soon as Parliament reopened steps would *be taken to reduce the working hours of
      lions, and it was time it went.—British Wireless.  -  201 words
    • 86 21 —Reuter. Nanking, Sept. 18. The treaty of industry, commeree and navigation between China and Poland was signed this afternoon. The text will not be published until it has been approved by both (Jo vein men ts, but it is understood
      —Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 66 21 Reuter, Berlin, Sept. 24. The long-mooted Anglo-German Association has been definitely formed. The President of the British branch is Lord Reading, and of the German branch, the former Chancellor, Herr Cuno. The Association aims at promoting Anglo-German friendship and closer understanding between the two countries.
      – Reuter,  -  66 words
    • 1054 22 STOCK EXCHANGE SENSATION. Big Financial Group In Difficulties. DEALINGS STOPPED. Directors Interview The Police. Reuter. London, Sept. lid. A sensation on the Stock Exchange was caused yesterday by a slump in the shurcs of five companies belonging to the Hatry financial group. It was followed up this morning when, after
      Reuter.  -  1,054 words
    • 353 22 —Reuter. London, Sept. 25. Interest in the Hatry affair is beginning to move to the whereabouts of the Italian. Giovanni Gialdini, one of the principals in several of the Hatry companies, who is alleged to have left London a week ago for Italy.
      —Reuter.  -  353 words
    • 385 22 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 19. The league Council discussed China’s request for cooperation with the League health organisation and announced that the League medical director would reach Nanking in November. The director will consider on the spot a scheme of cooperation and also
      —Reuter.  -  385 words
    • 142 22 —Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. Kovno, Sept. 20. The sudden resignation of the Lithuanian Premier, Voldemaras, who wielded dictatorial powers, is expected to have far reaching repercussions, both in Lithuania’s domestic affairs and in her relations with her neighbours, notably Poland. Denunciations of Poland by Voldemaras
      —Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  142 words
    • 45 22 —Trans-Ocean. Madrid, Sept. 24. The Government has issued a decree providing for heavy punishment for men convicted of accosting women in public places. 'Women are entitled to appeal to the nearest constable, who must arrest the flirtatious offender.—Trans-Ocean.
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  45 words
    • 611 22 ANOTHER REVOLT IN CHINA. Ironsides Marching On Canton. LEFT WING PLOT. Chiang Kai-shek Acting Vigorously. —Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 24. A situation which has been brewing for some time came to a head on Sept. 17, when Chang Fa-kuei’s Communist Ironsides (who carried out the coup d’etat at the instigation of
      —Reuter.  -  611 words
    • 17 22 ,—Reuter. Paris, Sept. 2S. The death has occurred of the Archbishop, Card ini Dubois. —Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  17 words
    • 2138 23 DIFFERING VIEWS AT GENEVA. British Delegate’s Tribute To France. RESERVES PROBLEM. Extreme Idealistic Aims” Criticised. —Nichi-Nichi. —Trans-Ocean. ,—British Wireless. —Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 19. Viscount Cecil, one of the British delete a t the League of Nations Assembly at Geneva, submitted to-day to the dis- i manient committee a resolution exorcising
      —Nichi-Nichi.; —Trans-Ocean.; ,—British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  2,138 words
    • 38 23 Reuter. Tokio, Sept. 24. News from Harbin to the Rengo Agency states that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce has banned the local Japanese newspapers, prohibiting the merchants from subscribing to them.—
      Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 216 23 —Reuter. —British Wireless. London, Sept. 24. The Soviet envoy, M. Dovgalevsky» arrived to-day, almost unnoticed, and visited the Foreign Office. M. Dovgalevsky made a statement thatf he was glad that misunderstandings bad apparently been cleared up and that thw
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  216 words
    • 88 23 —Trans-Ocean. Vienna, Sept. 24. The Congress for Men’s Rights opened under the auspices, of the World’s League of Men’s Rights, whose promoter, Herr Hoebcrth, violently denounced women, appealing to men to oppose feminine encroachments to the end and to work for the revision of
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  88 words
    • 84 23 keenly resented by the Vatican.— TransOcean. Rome, Sept. 24. Vatican circles are highly indignant at the Fascist Government's abolition of tha clause in the police law restricting polic* control of all political bodies and organisations, under which the Vatican’s Catholic Union has hitherto
      keenly resented by the Vatican.—Trans-Ocean.  -  84 words
    • 93 23 ,—Reuter. Bridgeport, Connecticut, Sept. 24. Gene Tunney, the world’s boxing champion, has filed a counter-suit to the actions by Fogarty. Tunney denies the truth of Fogarty’s complaint and asks for $lOO,OOO damages.—Reuter. Originally Tunney was sued for breach of promise by Mrs. C.
      ,—Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 52 23 —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 24. The International Parliamentary Congress which is being held here adopted a resolution suggesting that the League of Nations should assume the initiative in furthering international broadcasting cooperation and in framing an international radio covenant which should be ratified bjf all
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  52 words
    • 121 24 —Reuter. Washington, Sept. 25. It is officially announced that Mr. Vlamsay Macdonald and Miss Macdonald «rill be the guests of President Hoover mnd Mrs. Hoover at the White House from Saturday to Tuesday. London, Sept. 24. It is noteworthy that no
      —Reuter.  -  121 words
    • 73 24 ,—Reuter. Paris, Sept. 25. France now boasts the possession of the fastest commercial aeroplane in the world The machine is fitted with a 500 h.p. engine and is capable of carrying eight passengers and about a ton of cargo. It lew from Le
      ,—Reuter.  -  73 words
    • 71 24 ,—Reuter. Perth, Sept. 24. The steamer Anthea picked up the crew wf the Silton Hall, who fought the flames for several days before abandoning their ship. The Silton Hall’s cargo was coal. The Anthea was 390 miles distant when she received the
      ,—Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 59 24 —Reuter. London, Sept. 23. Opening the Imperial Mycological Conferuace in London, Earl Buxton paid a tribute to the work of the Bureau of Mycology and announced that the Empire Marketing Beard wau granting £.\ooo haaraadb the £t2,oOOv which was the cost •f
      —Reuter.  -  59 words
    • 33 24 —Reuter. Moscow. Sept. 24. Forty-five passengers were killed and 36 injured whoa an express from Moscow to Athena was derailed fifty miles from fiatka.—Renter.
      —Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 78 24 —Reuter. —Trans-Ocean. Moscow, SepL 10. The central executive committee of the Soviet Union has dismissed the ViceCommissar of Finance, Frumkin, who lately has been prominently identified with the right wing movement in the Communist Party.—Renter. Moscow, Sept. Id. The Vice-Commissary of Finance, Frumkin, is the latest victim of
      —Reuter.; —Trans-Ocean.  -  78 words
    • 34 24 —Reuter. Amsterdam, Sept. 22. The issue is announced of a £5,300,000 sterling issue of 416 per cent, bonds of the Dutch Indies Government at 96% for conversion of the 1923 loan.—Renter.
      —Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 39 24 less than the year before.—British Wire- Rugby, Sept. 25. The total number of unemployed on Sept. 16 was 1,147,500. This was 2,192 less than the week before and 145,159 less than the year before.—British Wire-
      less than the year before.—British Wire-  -  39 words
    • 409 24 How long do we intend to allow food to be prepared in fiithy hovels and hawked under the most abominable conditions indiscriminately in our streets This question is asked by Dr P. S. dlunttr, the Health Officer of the Singapore
      409 words
    • 186 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 19. The scheme for the new village at Alor Gajah has been commenced and is progressing rapidly. On one side of the village there will be a row of about 24 shophouses, others at the far end, and
      186 words
    • 144 24 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Sept. 14 gives the total number of deaths as male 147, and female 80. This represents a death rate of 24.61 per mille, per annum, compared with 26.34 in the preceding week and 29.38 in the corresponding week of
      144 words
    • 1042 24 The following passengers are proceeding to Europe by the Morea, sailing at l p.m. on Thursday Mr W. E. Morris. I* light-Lieut. L. W. O’Gowan, Mrs. R. J. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. 5. R. H. Beard, Mr. and Mrs. R. Maclean, Vliss M. T. O Sullivan, Mrs. Meredith, Major
      1,042 words
    • 44 24 It is notified in the Government Gazette that invention privileges have been granted to Mr. F. V. Boardman, assistant manager, Oriental Telephone and Electric Lo., Ltd., Singapore, for a system of controlling traffic by means of a multi-contact switch and reflex indicator.
      44 words
    • 609 24 SUNGEI LUAS TIN DREDGING. Early Shipment of Th e Pontoon. The statutory meeting of Sungei Luas T;„ Dredging Ltd. was held at the registered offices of the company, Station Road limb Sept. 9. on Mr. R. P. Brash presided and the others present were Messrs. F. E. de Paula T
      609 words
    • 233 24 The directors of Batang Padang Dredging Co., Ltd., in their report for the financial year, ended June 30, 1929, state that the dredges made 13,662 hours running time recovering 3,900 piculs tin ore and 288 tael? gold dust. 1,236,500 cubic yards were treated
      233 words
    • 36 24 Tokio, Sept. 18. Mr. S. Saburi, the new- Minister to China, will leave Kobe on Oct. f° r Shanghai aboard the Shar.ghai-Maru. Hr will visit the Nanking Government cp route for Peking.
      36 words
    • 1424 25 The alleged burglary of a Chinese cashier’s safe in the grille at the sales branch of the Asiatic Petroleum Company’s premises at Ocean Building, Singapore, in February this year, which resulted in a charge of theft as a
      1,424 words
    • 60 25 Already acknowledged $10,318.70 Lee Choon Seng 100.00 United Indian Association (Penang) 50.00 Govt. Junior Officers Association, F.M.S., K.L., per hon. sec. (3rd. contribution 156.00 Asiatic community, Kuala Lipis per Mr. V. Eliatamby 68.51 Perak Chinese Amateur D r a m
      60 words
    • 24 25 —Nichi-Niehi. The Department of Agriculture and Forestry is contemplating a plan for restriction on imports of rice from Sian and California.—Nichi-Niehi.
      —Nichi-Niehi.  -  24 words
    • 791 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 30. The adjourned public meeting of creditors of the chetty firm of T.S.N. was held this afternoon in the Supreme Court? Mr. Sennett, the Assistant Official Assignee, presiding over a gathering of more than 50 creditors, said
      791 words
    • 290 25 The Batu Pahat Assizes opened on Sunday before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, and after the fixing of the civil list, the criminal cases were disposed of. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor, appeared for the Crown. Tan Ah Mok was produced on
      290 words
    • 400 25 Action taken at a meeting of committee No. 4 of the Municipal Commission, held on Sept. 17, included the following Approved height of 12 ft. .‘1 in. in excess of one and a half times width of street for proposed new building for
      400 words
    • 1306 26 With good weather, and the turf in good condition, the Singapore Polo Club Amateur Meeting, run in conjuction with the Turf Club, opened on Friday. The band of the Welch Regt. played throughout the meeting. A larger attendance might have been expected
      1,306 words
    • 106 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 19. The Chief Secretary (Sir William Peel) spent yesterday afternoon driving round the town on an inspection of building developments. At night he entertained a pavty at dinner, the gueats including Mr. Justice and Mrs.
      106 words
    • 870 26 Murder among Sikhs in Singapore :s infrequent and comparatively few when compared to such crimes among other local Asiatic communities, but whenever a case occurs it is accompanied by the most ferocious brutality. Not long ago there was a murder
      870 words
    • 516 26 [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] (By Our Chinese Correspondent.) Speaking from experience as a Munich pal Commissioner and a member of th e Rural Board for Malacca, the Hon. Mr Tan Cheng Lock said at the last meeting of
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  516 words
    • 89 26 When a judgment summons against F. C. Bishop, of the Straits Trading Co., Pulau Brani, issued by John Little and Co. for $136, was called before the Civil District Judge (Mr. J. L. McFall) on Tuesday, the judgment debtor did not
      89 words

    • 813 27 The S.C.C. defeated the R.A. by two le ir goals on Friday in their second round tie of the S.A.F.A. Cup, but their victory must have left a somewhat unpleasant impression, because of certain unfortunate incidents in the closing
      813 words
    • 172 27 ,—Reuter. London, Sept. 18. The Rest of England defeated the champions, Nottinghamshire, in the annual match at the Oval, by eight runs. This was the last first-class cricket game of the season. Batting first the Rest compiled 399, of which
      ,—Reuter.  -  172 words
    • 355 27 There was a turn-out of five boats of this class on Sunday to compete in the second race for the Somerville Bowl. Jean il made a welcome re-appearance, under her new owner’s colours, and succeeded in scoring full points, on handicap. The oreexe was light throughout
      355 words
    • 108 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 22. The half-yearly meeting of the Perak Hockey Association was held on Saturday Mr. V. G. Savi presided. It was r< ported that the Association’s financial position was sound, they having a credit balance $386. The election of
      108 words
    • 835 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) 1 Penang, Sept. 20. Not for years has Penang had so many names on its rugger list as this season, and although a number are in the novice stage, there is some promising new material. The team
      835 words
    • 612 27 There was a large turn-out of boxing enthusiasts at the Moonlight Hall, New World, on Sept. 19, when the boxing tournament between the Royal Navy and the Army took place for the Lowther Grant Cup. By winning ten out of the
      612 words
    • 58 27 Shelsley Walsh in an open hill climb won 14 premier awards in a Riley car. fie gained five firsts, four seconds ami four thirds. (lideon, who drove a standard Riley Nino from Singapore to London. 11,000 miles, arrived in London on
      58 words
    • 1326 28 —Reuter. London, Sept 18. The following were the results of League inatchcs played to-day First Division. Holton Wanderers 2 Middlesbrough «I Second Division. Bristol City 2 Preston N.E. 2 Third Division (Southern). Bournemouth 2 Crystal P. 1 Fxcter City 0
      —Reuter.  -  1,326 words
    • 1087 28 (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Sept. 21. A festival atmosphere prevailed over the Padang when the Malacca Lawn Tennis Association held their At Home on the occasion of the staging of the finals of the men’s singles and the mixed doubles championships and the
      1,087 words
    • 334 28 —Reuter. New York, Sept. 24 Phil Scott, the British heavyweight champion, beat Vittorio Campolo, thArgentinian, on points in a ten ruund contest.—Reuter. New York, Sept. 24. At Ebbett’s Field, before 25,000 spectators, Phil Scott, the British heavyweight champion, had
      —Reuter.  -  334 words
    • 104 28 (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Sept. 22. The following were the results of Australia races run yesterday at Rosehill ROSEHILL GUINEAS. 1. PHAR LAP. -2. LORASON 3. HOLDFAST Betting 2 to 1 8 to 1 7 to 1. lIILL STAKES. 1. WINALOT
      104 words
    • 176 28 Sunday’s Events at The S.S.C. There was an interesting programme of events at the Singapore Swimming Club, on Sunday. In *the ten length» handicap, Dobbs, who went at 15, came m first, and Iken, who went at 100, came second. Leonard, who went at 80, third. In the throwing
      176 words
    • 1019 29 It will be generally agreed that the S C C. were rather fortunate to negotiate successfully the semi-final hurdle of the S.A.F.A. Cup on the Stadium ground on Tuesday when they defeated the Malays by the
      1,019 words
    • 736 29 September Mixed Foursomes At Bukit Timah. The Singapore Golf Club September mixed foursomes competition was played on Friday afternoon, and resulted in a win for Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller. Fifty-two cardB were taken out, and the following were returned Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller 39 6%
      736 words

  • 35 29 Mr. Franklyn Robinson having been appointed to act temporarily as a Judge of the F.M.S., Mr. C. C. Brown is acting temporarily as Legal Adviser, and Mr. G. E. Clayton, M.C., as Assistant Adviser, Kedah.
    35 words
  • 84 29 DRYSDALE. At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on Sept. 20, 1929, to Mr. ant’ Mrs. A. M. Drysdale, a son. Both well. Penang papers please copy. EBER. —On Sept. 20, 1929, at 30, Cavanagh Road, to Mr. und Mrs. O. N. Eber, n son. MONK. —At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore,
    84 words
  • 160 29 Singapore, Sept. 25. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 3/32 Demand 2/3 29/33 I rivate 3 m. credit 2/4 19/32 On New York, Demand 56)4 Private 90 d/s 58V4 On France, Bank T.T. 1439 On India, Bank T.T. 156% On Hong Kong, Bank TT. 14% n.
    160 words
  • 796 29 Singapore, Sept. 25. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 38/6 39/4 5/-6/- Ayer Hitam Tin 14/- 14/9 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 34/9 35/9 1 1 Batang Padang 0.28 0.39 1 1 Batu Caves 1.40 1.45 1 1 Bukit Arung
    796 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $4B a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 83 29 DEATHS CHEW. Madam Chew Chye I.uan, aged 69, beloved wife of Mr. Yeo Bian Chuan, passed away on Tuesday. Sept. 17, 1929, at No. 153, I’asir I’anjang Roa.i CHOA.--Mrs. Choa Jeon Hean (neo Chcone Swat Leh) at 4 a.m. on September 19, 1929. IYER. —M. Kupuswamy Iyer, late Interpreter. Police
    83 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 96 34 General— Rubber Situation J London Rubber Stock* Singapore Rubber Auction 1 London Rubber Market By A. W. Still l Crude Rubber J Sumatra Estate Crimes 1 American Rubber Statistics 2 U.R.I. Publication 2 1 ‘Rubber Returns 2 JMt a for Central Selling 2 I‘respects of Rubber Cheng Rubber Co.
      96 words
    • 66 34 Quotations Forward Contract S,/ut Seller Prices d. t —> I «at" (/don S’pore Spot Oct. Nov. C, li 10% 0.34% 0.34% 0.35 0.36 Vs Mi J 0 5/I6 0.3511 035%. 0.36 0:37 21 10 5/16 0.35 0.35 V, 0.35% 0.36% 2'. 10 5/16 0.34% 0.35
      66 words
    • 38 34 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondent «totes that rubber stocks show an increase of 3.37 Q tons during the past week, the total jiow.on hand being 49,929 tons.
      38 words
    • 139 34 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 935th auction on .pt. 25, when there was catalogued 1,916,964 11». or 855.79 tons offered 1,553,950 lb. or 73 tons sold 1,206,818 lb. or 538.75 tons. Spot. London 10 3%6d. Now Y’ork 19% cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked
      139 words
    • 29 34 The directors of Anglo-Dutch (Java) Plantations, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 15 candareens per share on account of the financial year ending Dec. 31, 1929.
      29 words
    • 36 34 Notice has been given to shareholders that fhe Repah Rubber and Tapioca Estate, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 5 candareens per share on account of the year ended Dec. 31, 1929.
      36 words
    • 36 34 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette that the price of rubber for assessment of duty for the period Sept. 20, 1929, to Sept. 26, 1929, inclusive, is 34% cents per pound.
      36 words
    • 1030 34 LONDON RUBBER MARKET. Nervous and Depressed Condition. NOTHING IN STATISTICS TO CAUSE ALARM. [Strait* Time* Copyright.— Reproduction Right* Reserved! (By A. W. Still.) London, Aug. 28. United Kingdom stocks still rising, and market somewhat nervous and depressed about sums up the position as it has developed during the past week.
      [Strait* Time* Copyright.— Reproduction Right* Reserved!  -  1,030 words
    • 143 34 We are indebted to the Planters’ Association of Malaya for the following details of the importations of crude rubber into the United St. Les during July, 1929. The figures have been compiled and distributed by the Rubber Association of America. The estimated net
      143 words
    • 62 34 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, have received a telegram from the secretaries of Knmuning (Perak) Rubber and Tin Co.. Ltd., that the directors have decided to recommend payment on Oet. 10 of a dividend of 12%. per cent, for last financial
      62 words
    • 24 34 Anglo-Java Estates, Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 40 candareens per share on account of the year ending Dec. 31, 1929.
      24 words
    • 441 34 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 18. The problem of attacks on planters continue to occupy the attention of all circles, and a recent development is a request ov the British consul, acting on instructions from his Government, to be given
      441 words
    • 76 34 The directors of the Bukit JelotonJ Rubber Estates, Ltd., in their report foM* 11 year ended May 31, state that the profit a.'"r providing for directors* fees and deprecu tion on buildings etc. amounted to add amount brought forward from last $8,264 making available for disposal The directors
      76 words
    • 41 34 A net loss of £729 is shown by t!’". counts of the Peureula (Sumatra) Estates for the year ended Feb. 2' a net loss of £2,174 for 1927-281. now a total debit on profit and lo« •f £2,447.
      41 words
    • 1256 2 The twelfth annual general meeting of the Kiuantf Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at the company’s registered office, Hong Kong Bank Chambers, Singapore, at noon yesterday. Those present were Messrs. S. Q. Wong I chairman), W. E. Rayner and J. A. Elias.
      1,256 words
    • 112 2 —Straits Times Copyright. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 18. Statistics just published show that last year the United States used 230,000 tons of reclaimed rubber as against 73,535 tons in 1919, and it is expected that another inincrease will be
      —Straits Times Copyright.  -  112 words
    • 260 2 An interesting booklet has just been published by the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya. It is entitled The Natural Coagulation of Hevea Latex oy A. S. Corbet, Ph. D., B. Sc., (Lond.), and will prove of considerable interest to planters. The cost of
      260 words
    • 73 2 Ampat (Sumatra). —57,687 lb. Ankola.—-3,521 lb. Bedford Plantations. —28,620 lb. Balombissie.—l2,99o Ih. Bajoe Kid0e1.—52,347 lb. Bruseh.—43,4oo lb. Continental P1ant.—109,549 lb. Donowarie.—3l,3Bo lb. Djasinga.—lo9,92s lb. G1enea1y.—57,463 lb. Hill Ri5e.—29,700 lb. Kuala Reman.—l4o,o94 lb. Kwa10e.—52,488 lb. Langen.—29,B62 lb. Lok Kawi.—-45,500 lb. Reyland.—lB,ooo lb. Ratanui.—s6,ol9 lb. Sungei 8uaya.—73,020 lb. Sumatra Caoutchouc
      73 words
    • 148 2 balance at any time.—Straits Times Copyright. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Sept. 19. A plea for co-operation among rubber producers has been made by Mr. H. W. Hewitt, managing director of Kota Tinggi (Johore) Rubber Co. Mr. Hewitt thinks that
      balance at any time.—Straits Times Copyright.  -  148 words
    • 366 2 If the anticipated rally in the rubber market hangs fire confidence is still displayed in the share market, where the underlying tone remains steady, says a Home paper. Stocks of the raw material are increasing, and it is no use blaming America for
      366 words
    • 324 2 The profit for the year of the Cheng Rubber Estates, Ltd., was Tls. 32,637 for the past year’s working and’ the directors have announced the payment of a dividend of 10 candareens per share to shareholders. The annual report is as follows The
      324 words
    • 103 2 —Reuter. London, Sopt. 25. Mr. Edgar B. Davis, a prominent American financier who is connected with several rubber companies, speaking at a luncheon in London in honour of Mr. seiberling, the President of the Rubber Manufacturers Association of America, said the rapidly
      —Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 500 2 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Sept. 19. The local market has been very quiet throughout the week, but with a steady undertone prices improved from 34 to 34% cents. Yesterduy, however, a slightly easier tendency set in and spot is now
      500 words
    • 140 2 TAMBALAK ESTATE. 7 Per Cent. Dividend to Be Declared. The directors of Tambalak Rubber Estates, Ltd., in their report for the yeur ended June--30, 1020, st-utc that the profit is $30,743 to which has to be added the balance of $21,077 brought forward from last year making it total of
      140 words
    • 712 8 Commercial houses at Home and «specially those intimately associated with the rubber industry of Malaya will welcome the signs of activity being displayed by the Government in removing the longstanding reproach respecting the paucity, of statistics and their late publication directed against
      712 words
    • 361 8 The directors of Brunei United Plantations, Ltd., in their report for the year ended June 30, 1929, state that the net profit amounts to $26,649 (as against $27,168 for last year) to which must be added the balance of $42,749 brought
      361 words
    • 402 8 In their report, dated Sept. 24, Messrs. Fraser and Co. state There is no alteration in price to record in either tin or rubber during the past week. Advices from London anticipate a decrease in the visible supply of tin for
      402 words
    • 47 8 The following taluks in Madras Presidency are now closed to recruiting on lccount of infectious disease :—Chicacole, Chatrapur, Kodala, IcHapuram and Sompota Bobbili Harapanahalli and Hadarrallee Hindupur Venkatagiri division Hosur and I>armapuri Odayarpalayam and Kulitalai Periakulam and Nilalcottal Mudukolathur, Sattur, Aruppukottai, Paramakudi, Tirupathur and Sivaganga and Koilpatti.
      47 words
      • 627 8 ALaco (£1) 2/3/16; Allagar (2/) 2/4 fti Anglo Malay (£1) 3/16; Ayer Kuning (£1) 9/16 iluhru (Sel.) (2/) 6/6; Bakap (£1) ft; Banteng (£1) ft; Batang Consolidated (2/) 1/9; Batu Caves (£1) 23/6; Batu Tiga (£1) 2; Bekoh (2/) 1/tt Beranang (2/) 2/6 Bertani Consolidated
        627 words
      • 728 8 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividend* Fraser Lyall 4 Company 4 Co. Evatt. 389,293 1 15 p.c. year ended «8-2-29 ..Allenby ($1) 2.36 2.50 2.35 2.6« 160,000 10 p.e. int. a/e year »0-9-19 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.70 1.90 1.70 1.86 436,426 1
        728 words
    • 132 8 Report of North Borneo Trading for 1928 states that there was no new transactions in company’s land during year. Net amount received in respect of dividend upon Turan holding was £2,963, against £13,830 in 1927. Bode Company did not pay a dividend.
      132 words
    • 159 8 Messrs. A. R. Burkill and Sons, secreUr»** and general managers of the Kota Bahroe Rubber Estates (1921) Ltd., report that th* profit for the year ended June 30, 1929» amounted to Tls. 55,358 which added to thfl sum of
      159 words

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    • 533 9 Tfck FOULSHAM S HOME LIBRARY a -'JREach Volume is a Standard Worit of Reference. FOULSHAM’S LETTER WRITER. (What Shall I Say FOULSHAMS ETIQUETTE FOR ALL. (What Shall I Do 1) SPEECHES AND TOASTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. MODERN DANCING FOR EVERYBODY. By Maxwell Stewart, World’s Champion Ball Room Dancer. TEACUP
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    • 337 10 4 o PRINTING BLOCKS •T*p wy LINE OR HALF-TONE i Made by the .JV T J*!» J <* 'v' 1 > V*f: J.l J >*; U- *fc r* V s ,*hv' V Straits Times Press, Prices Quoted Upon Application. v if >. 4- >*, SULTAN OF JOHORETS BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS CLASS
      337 words