The Straits Budget, 19 September 1929

Total Pages: 37
2 38 The Straits Budget

  • 975 3 a truly pacific intention.—Straits Times, Sept. 12. T hc important question f disarmament is the subject of the disef nns at present occupying the As- i K nf the League of Nations now in '«■"'V’y f t Geneva.* 5 M. Briand, who has Greater tact than his predecessor,
    a truly pacific intention.—Straits Times, Sept. 12.  -  975 words
  • 985 3 races in the country.—Straits Times, Sept. 18. The European community in Malaya has only the smallest knowledge of the difficulties and handicaps borne by the local baby on its entrance into the world. Ignorance and superstition are still rife among the poorer classes and it is the usual
    races in the country.—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  985 words
  • 1090 3 we refer to Sir Stamford Raffles.— Straits Times, Sept. 14. We have our own statue problem in Singapore but fortunately it is not the cause of acrimonious dispute. At the opening of the Municipal Building Sir Hugh Clifford expressed the opinion that the present site of the statue
    we refer to Sir Stamford Raffles.—Straits Times, Sept. 14.  -  1,090 words
  • 1001 3 Malacca is indebted to them both.—Straits Timet., Sept. 16. Thanks to able representation, both European and Asiatic, in the Legislative Council, the local problems of Malacca town and territory have had their fair share of publicity, if not of official attention, during recent years, but the part which
    Malacca is indebted to them both.—Straits Timet., Sept. 16.  -  1,001 words

  • 1056 4 —Straits Times, Sept. 17. Though the conversations” of the British Prime Minister and the United Slates Ambassador have, apparently, prone a long way towards establishing agreement between the two Powers on the thorny question of naval disarmament, it by no means follows that the way is clear for
    —Straits Times, Sept. 17.  -  1,056 words
  • 1049 4 .—Straits Times, Sept. 18. One-Armed Sutton,” the Englishman who attained fame when he acted as munitions expert to Chang Tso-lin, has contributed a thought-provoking article to ii London newspaper on the advantages of going abroad. When Mr. Sutton was nineteen he lodged in a London suburb and travelled
    .—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  1,049 words
  • 566 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 17. The floods in the north of Siam are subsiding. Reports state that serious damage was done to the rice crop in the Chiengmai district. It is estimated that in certain cases the loss
    566 words
  • 73 4 Two Chinese fishing stake owners wove summoned in the Marine Court at the instance of the Fisheries department, for maintaining fishing stakes within the Limits of the Naval Base area. These people were given notices to remove their stakes about 18
    73 words

    • 163 5 THE B.O.P.” STILL ALIVE. —Straits Times, Sept. 12. n-ivine expressed a doubt in this column •ocenlly a* »o whether the BoyS Own •f C f" „as still in existence, it is onljr fair 'f;,- th at we have received a reminder Ar. Geosge O. Daniel—who has in11 himself for some
      —Straits Times, Sept. 12.  -  163 words
    • 177 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 12. That after-dinner speeches—if they retllv must be made—should be as brief nossible is an axiom which receives widespread support. Some institutions go further and decree that there shall be no speeches at all, thus gratifying those people who like to dine in peace
      —Straits Times, Sept. 12.  -  177 words
    • 212 5 reasonable proportion.—Straits Times, Sept. 12. The motoring fraternity in Singapore, a* least those with a road sense and a due regard to the safety of others, will probably have noticed what appears to be a new effort on the part of the Traffic Department to cope with*
      reasonable proportion.—Straits Times, Sept. 12.  -  212 words
    • 282 5 A MODEL CITY v. )l ave complained. Straits Times, e Pt. 12. A writer in the Christian Science Monitor who deseriber3 Medan as “the Model City of the East commits himself to an unusually risky comparison. Medan a charming town, with that restful atmosphere, that air of being lived in,”
      v.)l’' , !?ave complained.—Straits Times, *-ePt. 12.  -  282 words
    • 153 5 prreat value to many houses.—Straits Times, Sept. 13. According to the Post Office Express the Singapore mails dispatched on August 23 by the Dutch motor vessel Christiaan Huygens were delivered in London yesterday, a period of 20 days. This is excellent* time, though it does not constitute a
      prreat value to many houses.—Straits Times, Sept. 13.  -  153 words
    • 254 5 business in shorts and shirts !—Straits Times, Sept. 13. It seems that the story of a Hong Kong magistrate appearing in court in an open shirt and blazer was only half related in the news item published yesterday. According to another account, his Worship showed that he
      business in shorts and shirts !—Straits Times, Sept. 13.  -  254 words
    • 402 5 —Straits Times, Sept. 13. It is human to grumble about something, and the Londoner grumbles most about his journey to town. The trains are too slow, or too crowded, he says. He is alw f ay3 going to write to the papers about it but never
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 13.  -  402 words
    • 191 5 Straits Times, Sept. 14. A report from Batavia states that Sir Hugh Clifford will pay an official visit to Java in July next year. We understand that such a visit has not yet been definitely arranged, but if has been suggested. The news is of particular
      Straits Times, Sept. 14.  -  191 words
    • 185 5 Pagar will not be delayed.—Straits Times, Sept. 14. To the fifty or more lines of steamers that make Singapore a regular port of call is now to be added the Lloyd Royal Beige of Antwerp, whose steamer, the Cautassier, arrived here the other morning with a
      Pagar will not be delayed.—Straits Times, Sept. 14.  -  185 words
    • 187 5 LABOUR’ S SUCCESSES. Defence Contribution.—Straits Times. Sept. 14. The definite announcement that the Prime Minister will sail for the United States on Sept. 28 is followed to-day by the news from Washington that it should be possible to call a Naval Limitation Conference in December, and the United States, Great
      Defence Contribution.—Straits Times. Sept. 14.  -  187 words
    • 267 5 WHAT EVERY MOTORIST KNOWS .—Straits Times, Sept. 14. The report of the Royal Commission on Transport, which deals in particular with the control of traffic on roads, should be of interest to motorists in Malaya. It will not surprise many of them to learn from the document that no less
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 14.  -  267 words
    • 200 5 irksome foreign service.—Straits Timet, Sept. 16. Thomas Atkins is leaving the Rhine, and the occasion is being taken to bear tribute to his admirable conduct during eleven long years and the cordial relations which have existed betyveen him and the Germans amongst whom he lived. Nothing
      irksome foreign service.—Straits Timet, Sept. 16.  -  200 words
    • 258 5 an S. V. C. hill climb.—Straits Times, Sept. 16. The recent events at the Gap showed that the sporting side of motor-cycling is still very much alive in Singapore, and that the standard of performance is high. For utility and recreation the motor-cycle has gone out of favour
      an S. V. C. hill climb.—Straits Times, Sept. 16.  -  258 words
    • 323 5 which have been abandoned.—Straits Times, Sept. 1C. An apt comment on the Chinese claims that *the time has arrived to abolish extra-territoriality has been mado oy the Norwegian Charge d’Atfaires in Peking. The news wag received that the Norwegian steamer Botania had run ashore off Haichow and
      which have been abandoned.—Straits Times, Sept. 1C.  -  323 words
    • 171 5 THE SULTAN OF JOHORE Singapore on Sept. 29.—Straits Times, Sept. 17. Johorc Bahru and the other towns of the State are holding festival to-day in honour of the 50th birthday of His Highness the Sultan, who is now on his way back from Europe and will have resumed control of
      Singapore on Sept. 29.—Straits Times, Sept. 17.  -  171 words
    • 329 6 —Straits Times, Srpt. 17. Great interest has boen aroused by the decision of a standing committee of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners to recommend that one of the water tanks on Mount Emily should be used as a public swimming bath. For years ochemis to provide additional
      —Straits Times, Srpt. 17.  -  329 words
    • 370 6 the world,” we are told.—Straits Times, Sept. 17. Some years ago correspondents were perturbed at the confusion likely to arise owing to the old and new Chinese calendars being in constant use. Nothing of the kind appears to have occurred and the subject was permitted to
      the world,” we are told.—Straits Times, Sept. 17.  -  370 words
    • 252 6 PUBLICITY AND RETICENCE affairs is necessary.—Straits Times, Sept. 18. Reticence is an essentially English attribute. It is that quality which makes us reluctant to communicate our thoughts and ideas to other people It is very English, for it springs from conservatism, and that is the English character. But reticence is
      affairs is necessary.—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  252 words
    • 231 6 was powerless to prevent.—Straits Times, S'*pt. 18. The death, as the result of a hunger.trike, of Jatindranath Das, one of the most prominent of the accused in the Lahore conspiracy case, has inevitably resulted in a renewal of bitter feeling a;d a desire to idealise the dead
      was powerless to prevent.—Straits Times, S'*pt. 18.  -  231 words
    • 312 6 —Straits Times, Sept. 18. Motor traffic in Singapore is uncomfortably dense, but apparently its volume was somewhat exaggerated by the statistics given in this column on Monday. The number 8,320 is the latest which has been registered with the police traffic branch, but this does not allow
      .—Straits Times, Sept. 18.  -  312 words

  • 315 8 At a committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held on Sept. 9 with Mr. R. M. Williams presiding, it was reported that a communication had been received from Government stating that the question of a Pasir Panjang Park was still under consideration.
    315 words
  • 32 8 It is understood that the wedding of Miss A. O. Laurie, matron of Durian Daun Hospital, and Mr. R. D. J. Evans, manager of Serom Estate, Tnngkah, takes place on Oct. 12.
    32 words
  • 1016 8 The annual general meeting of McAlister und Co. was held at the company’s head offices, Singapore, on Sept. 11 Mr. J. W. de I'iro presiding. The chairman said Dealing in the first place with our liabilities, you will notice that the issued
    1,016 words
  • 756 8 Overcrowding has been a big problem in Singapore for a number of years. A constant flow of new inhabitants, with the growing commerce of the port, calls for an extensive building scheme. There are not nearly sufficient houses of cheap
    756 words

  • 613 11 In the course of a speech made at the annual meeting of the Singapore Municipal Empl°y ees Co-operative Thrift and oan Society, Mr. A. Cavendish, Director of Co-operation for the S.S. and F.M.S. urged that members should regard the organisation more as
    613 words
  • 146 11 Ihe Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Sept. 7 gives the total number of deaths as male 148, and female 95. This represents a death r »te of 26.34 per mille, per annum, compared with 23.53 in the preceding week and 28.08 in the corresponding week
    146 words
  • 101 11 Comparison of Total Value of Foreign Merchandise. Comparative statement of the total value of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel post, imported to and exported from British Malaya during 1928 and 1929. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Increase Increase or or 1928 1929 Decrease 1928 1929 Decrease (in thousands of January
    101 words
  • 545 11 Damages for trespass and for wrongfully tapping rubber trees belonging to the Yunnan Rubber Estates, Ltd., were claimed by that company in an action before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on Sept. 12, against Ng Leong, a manager of the estate prior
    545 words
  • 39 11 Bishop Lander, of New Barnet, assistant bishop to the Bishop of St. Albans, fell from a horse at Rock, Worcestershire, where he was spending his holiday, and broke his leg. Bishop Lander was formerly Bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong.
    39 words
  • 28 11 Dr. P. G. Currid, the Health Officer, Batang Padang, is now acting for Dr. E. A. Strut hers, Health Officer, Lower Perak, who has gone Home on leave.
    28 words
  • 585 11 A number of criminal appeals were taken before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay in the Supreme Court, Johore Bahru, on Sept. 11. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor, appeared to support the convictions. Chia Peng Kwee, who had appealed against his conviction
    585 words
  • 26 11 Mr. J. H. Spowers, assistant Superintendent of Revenue Surveys, Perak, will go on transfer to Pahang next month. Mr. Meyer from Tapah will succeed Mr. Spuwcra.
    26 words
  • 791 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 16. The Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Mr. John Scott, paid an official visit to Malacca on the 14th inst. He left Singapore by car at about 3 p.m. on Friday afternoon and stayed the night at the
    791 words

  • 1606 12 The impracticability of inter-marriage between Western and Eastern peoples was commented upon both by Bench and counsel on Saturday when the case in whieff Mis. Voon, a Swiss, sued her Chinese husband for using criminal force and failing to maintain
    1,606 words
  • 58 12 lI.M. cruiser Cumberland, which arrived in port from China on Sunday, proceeded to the Naval Base and was dry-aocked on Monday morning in the floating dock for cleaning prior to resuming her voyage to Colombo and Sheerness. The Cumberland is the first
    58 words
  • 67 12 [The Straits Timaa ia not responsible for the opinions of its correspondenta. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be abort and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
    67 words
  • 98 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The statement in my address to the P.A.M. meeting at Sungkai containing the words a restful contemplation of the Administrator’s activities would be a not unapt description of the attitude of the Central Health Board ever since” was intended as a
    98 words
  • 198 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—One reads with great interest of the Rotary movement started in Rangoon by Mr. James Davidson, a high Rotarian who has already organised Rotary clubs in many parts of the world. According to your Rangoon correspondent, Mr. Davidson will be visiting this
    198 words
  • 108 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I should like to say how much I appreciate the extracts from your paper of fifty years ago. How long ago that seems to the griffin just out to what he considers the glamour of the East,” but how
    108 words
  • 206 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your recent report on the progress achieved by the Singapore Chinese Girls’ School was much appreciated, and considerable interest was aroused among the Chinese community. To the supporters, the board of management, the tutorial staffs and others responsible for
    206 words
  • 682 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—-The account of Lavender Street Estate in your issue of Friday lacks one important particular. No mention was made of the impossible nuisance created by a chimney in the vicinity. It may be quite true that the windows of the houses
    682 words
  • 210 12 A Chinese debtor in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday cheerfully declared his willingness to convey to jno Official Assignee his share in some l anU in his ancestral village in China. But you have taken no steps to ao that pointed out
    210 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 145 16 Advertising in Newspapers Pays. There is no advertising medium so useful as the Press, and none that is responded to with such speed and profit. Newspaper Advertising pays better to-day than it ever did. Most of the goods now consumed by the public are sold under a branded name, and
      145 words
    • 126 16 When Beauty and Charm Reveal Themselves. To maintain daintiness and freshness, even after a whole day’s tennis, use “4711.” A little dabbed on the wrists or temples or inhaled immediately refreshes and restores vigour. For daily use pour a little “4711” in the toilet or bath water. Its action on
      126 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 90 17 9 m THE LEGION sc OF rsam THE S' CONDEMNED 'ji MAGNIFICENTLY ACTED If It’s A Paramount GARY COOPER i/\tmwcunt (pttujt'i FAV WRAY PARAMOUNT PLAYER PARAMOUNT SUPER OF SUPREME WORTH cSsW d XHUf; SUPERB STORY It’s the Best. Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in
      90 words
    • 136 17 DALLMEYER CINE LENSES ARE BEST For Filmo Victor Kodak “C” J6 m m Film Fit an F. 1*5 Lens and TAKE PICTURES ANYWHERE ANY TIME. 6 in. F. 4*5 Telephoto Lens. <5? f V S3 ss r^r A VN V KJ O' '1/1 Ml SSF Have You Ever Blamed Your
      136 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 103 18 v t i t t WHEN ON LEAVE RETAIN YOUR LINK WITH MALAYA BY HAVING THE I STRAITS j BUDGET X Weekly Edition of the Straits Times I SENT TO YOU REGULARLY EACH WEEK 1 $14 for 12 monlhs $7 for 6 months INCLUDING POSTAGE T T Address: CECIL STREET,
      103 words
    • 202 18 t «js^SsS» s i s j VaiB tv««?* W a tt v>\e ito d FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES J —they last longer Factory Representatives MULLER PHIPPS (MALAYA). LTD. J W’O L'nion Bldg., Collyer Quay, Singapore 4 4 f 4 4 i— i l l 1 PATENT MEDICINES j Adas Oil, Kayu Puteh
      202 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1718 19 —Reuter. SOME idea of the problems awaiting the coming Five Powers Naval Conference, which it is now expected will be held in London in January, is given in the cables below. The scope of the
      —Reuter.  -  1,718 words
    • 86 19 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 16. Notwithstanding the plea by Lord Cecil to avoid further delay, the third committee decided to remit to the sub-committee for further consideration the first article of the draft convention with regard to the granting of financial aid
      —Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 132 19 —Reuter. Peking, Sept. 16. It is now learned that all five officers of the steamer Bothnia, which was pirated off Haichow, were taken prisoner by the pirates. Peking, Sept. 16. The French Legation has made
      —Reuter.  -  132 words
    • 185 19 —British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 16. The Colonial Office announces that the terms of reference of the West Indian Sugar Commission, the appointment of which has already been announced, are as follows To inquire, firstly, into the causes of the present depression and
      —British Wireless.  -  185 words
    • 131 19 ,—Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 16. The situation regarding opium traffic is still serious, according to the Rapporteur of the fifth committee. He urges that all the governments which had not ratified the 1925 Convention should do so as early as possible, otherwise the League
      ,—Reuter.  -  131 words
    • 44 19 —'Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 16. The continued drought has seriously affected agriculture throughout Germany, and threatens tc paralyse river traffic. Shipping is held up at various points owing to the low water, especially on the Kiver Elbe.—Trans-Ocean.
      —'Trans-Ocean.  -  44 words
    • 550 20 —Reuter. Washington, Sept. 12. A Note received from the Chinese Ministry for Foreign Affairs in reply V» Mr. Stimson’s dispatch with regard to extra-territoriality says the Chinese Government would protect American rights in the event of the abandonment of extraterritorial privileges. Nanking,
      .—Reuter.  -  550 words
    • 75 20 —Reuter. Mukden, Sept. 12. An official communique states that fighting was resumed at Pogranichnaya this morning. The Russians were repulsed. A Chinese magistrate was captured by Russians near Taheiho.—Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 16. It is reported from Mukden that 117 Civilians were killed in the
      ’—Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 151 20 month or easily in October.—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 14. The Colonial Secretary has appointed the following Members of Parliament to serve under the chairmanship of Sir Walter Shaw, formerly Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, on the Commission of Inquiry regarding the recent
      month or easily in October.—British Wireless.  -  151 words
    • 289 20 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 12. At the meeting of the second committee of the League of Nations Assembly dealing with economic questions, two important resolutions relating to tariffs and coal were submitted in the name of the British delegation. The first of
      .—British Wireless.  -  289 words
    • 111 20 .-—Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 12. A somewhat complicated position has arisen in connection with Mr. Chao-chu’s resolution calling for the appointment of a committee to consider the best means of making article 19 of the League Covenant more effective. The agenda committee, which is discussing
      .-—Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 62 20 —Reuter. Washington, Sept. 11. The Senate has ordered a formal investigation of the activities of American shipbuilding corporations at the Geneva Naval Conference in 1927.—Reuter. Washington, Sept. 12. Senator Shortridge, Senator Robinson .ind Senator Allen have been appointed a Mib-committec of
      .—Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 156 20 —Reuter. Baghdad, Sept. 11. Brig.-General Sir Gilbert Clayton, the High Commissioner of Iraq, collapsed after playing polo and died.—Reuter. Sir Gilbert Clayton was born in 1875, and educated at the Isle of Wight College, and R. M. A. Woolwich. Entering the
      .—Reuter.  -  156 words
    • 134 20 —British Wireless. —Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 12. Squadron-Leader Orlebar, flying a Super-Marine S 6, made an attempt this afternoon at Calshot to set up a new world speed record over a straight course of three kilometres. He was about 29 minutes
      —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  134 words
    • 138 20 —Reuter. Paris, Sept. 14. The newspapers are up in arms with regard to the land disarmament proposal, which, it is understood, Viscount Cecil is to submit to the League of Nations on behalf of the British Government, suggesting the limitation of trained reserves. France
      —Reuter.  -  138 words
    • 180 20 —British Wireless. Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 16. Lord and Lady Hailsham left Southampton yesterday for Japan. Lord Hailshan is chairman of the British delegation to the biennial conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations, several members of which sailed in the same liner, including Mr.
      —British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  180 words
    • 356 20 ,—Reuter. Lahore, Sept. 13. Jatindranath Das, one of the accused in the conspiracy case, has died in grol afttr a hunger-strike of 60 days. Five other accused have abandoned the hunger-strike and telegraphed a request to the Govern, ment
      ,—Reuter.  -  356 words
    • 58 20 —Reuter. Paris, Sept. 16. M. Bayle, the director of the Criminal Records Department, was shot dead while ascending the stairs to his office in the law courts. The murderer was caught in the street outside. He gave the name of Joseph Philipponet and
      —Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 103 20 ,—Trans-Ocean. Madrid, Sept. 13. On the anniversary of the proclamation of the Dictatorship, General Primo de Rivera issued a proclamation declaring that the regime was sufficiently consolidated to permit of the introduction of new constitution, guaranteeing the property of all citizens and
      ,—Trans-Ocean.  -  103 words
    • 40 20 —Reuter. Shanghai, Sept. 16. Mr. Alfred Sze, the Chinese Minister to Gieat Britain, will leave for Marseilles to-morrow on the Kitano Maru. He i* due to arrive in London about Oct. 2*.
      —Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 532 21 BOMB OUTRAGE SEQUEL. Arrest of Terrorists In Germany. CONSUL.” Plot to Overthrow Republic. —Reuter. —Trans-Ocean. Police investigations following the recent bomb outrages in Germany have resulted in the discovery of a terrorist conspiracy against the Republic. Many arrests have been m*de. It is staled that the men implicated are members
      .—Reuter.; —Trans-Ocean.  -  532 words
    • 65 21 ,—Reuter. Portsmouth, Virginia, Sept. 14. thrm'.*!' 0 8 roun ds of ammunition and liro n'f n lu r *fl es were destroyed in a C r naval magazine at St. Julian nm R'" e ammunition and numbers of in I i three-inch shells
      ,—Reuter.  -  65 words
    • 192 21 —British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 14. Mr. William Graham, the President of the Board of Trade, in an address at Oxford yesterday, said the World Economic Conference of 1927 had definitely recommended freer trade and progressive reduction of tariff barriers, but for various
      —British Wireless.  -  192 words
    • 298 21 ■—Reuter. Rome, Sept. 12. Signor Mussolini has relinquished six portfolios, those of Foreign Affairs, Air, War, Marine, the Colonies and Corporations. The respective Under-Secretaries have been appointed Ministers. —Reuter. Rome, Sept. 14. In the course of a bold speech in which he bluntly
      ■—Reuter.  -  298 words
    • 97 21 —Reuter. Bombay, Sept. 14. Drastic action against Communists in Bombay and also the institution outside Bombay of a settlement for Bombay hooligans on the lines of the Borstal institutions in England are among the main recommendations of the Bombay riots inquiry committee, which investigated
      .—Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 37 21 —Keutcr. Battle Lake, Minn., Sept. 11. The Minnesota labour Congressman Mr. O. J. Kvale was burnt to death owing to his house catching fire while he was asleep.— Reuter.
      .—Keutcr.  -  37 words
    • 378 21 .—Reuter. Canberra, Sept. 12. Parliament has dissolved.—Reuter. The Government decided to resign following a defeat by 35 to 34 on an amendment by Mr. Hughes in the committee stage of the Arbitration Abolition Bill. Geneva, Sept. 11. Major
      .—Reuter.  -  378 words
    • 165 21 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 11. Four of the leading men of the Conservative Party have now accepted important posts in big business undertakings. Lord Birkenhead, the famous lawyer, who has been Lord Chancellor and Secretary for India, holds directorships in important companies and
      .—British Wireless.  -  165 words
    • 58 21 Keutcr. Paris, Sept. 16. Two prominent Communists have been arrested. Monmousseau, the general secretary of the Communist organisation, is charged with plotting against the safety of the State. The other man is the wellknown Deputy, Vaillant Couturier, who is charged in connection
      Keutcr.  -  58 words
    • 648 21 I’ British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 11. The King will confer the Air Force Cross on Flying Officer Waghorn, who won th§ Schneider Trophy. This was announced to-day by Lord Thomson, the Air Minister, who presided at a luncheon given
      I’—British Wireless.  -  648 words
    • 64 21 Kcuter, Karachi, Sept. 11. The flood situation in South Sind is again very serious owing to breaches and spills of water from the Indus and canals. Sixty small villages near Khanwahan have been washed away. The whole of the Kandiaro district is flooded. Eight
      Kcuter,  -  64 words
    • 1051 22 .—Reuter. London, Sept. 12. Following a meeting between Mr. MacDonald and General Dawes at Downing Street, it was officially announced that the Prime Minister will leave for the United States on the 2Kth inst. While official
      .—Reuter.  -  1,051 words
    • 391 22 .—Reuter. London, Sept. 18. Mr. MacDonald is sending invitations to the French, Italian and Japanese Governments asking them to participate m the Five Powers Conference on naval disarmament, which it is intended should meet in London in the third week in January. The
      .—Reuter.  -  391 words
    • 141 22 —Reuter. London, Sept. 13. A serious situation is developing in the coal industry in consequence of the Mining Association’s rejection of the request of the Miners’ Federation for a national agreement. The men demand the inclusion in such an agreement of a
      —Reuter.  -  141 words
    • 87 22 —Reuter. New' York, Sept. 15. Within a few hours at least 14 people were killed in a succession of aeroplane accidents. Six were killed at Merriton, Ontario, where an aeroplane caught fire, and four others in a collision between two machines over Chicago.
      —Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 191 22 —British Wireless. —Reuter. Rugby, Sept. 12. A Note has been sent by the British Government to the Soviet Government, through the medium of the Norwegian Government, expressing readiness to resume conversations on the procedure to be adopted for resuming relations w-ith
      —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 54 22 Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 16. The Federal Council passed the hotly contested bills regarding unemployment relief. It is expected that the change will contribute substantially to the recovery of. the Reich’s finances, provided that the bills are passed at the special session of the
      Trans-Ocean.  -  54 words
    • 294 22 —Reuter. Nanking, Sept. 13. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Wang, has cabled to Mr. Chang Tso-ping at Geneva instructing him to notify the Soviet, through the German Foreign Office, that the National Government will
      —Reuter.  -  294 words
    • 97 22 .—Reuter. Cologne, Sept. 17. Fifteen people were killed and 30 seriously injured, while several are missing as the result of a series of firedamp of explosions at St. Charles Colliery, Petite Rosselle. It was one of the worst disasters in the Lorraine coalfield for
      .—Reuter.  -  97 words
    • 88 22 —Reuter. Amsterdam, Sept. 12. The fortnightly air mail service with the Dutch East Indies was inaugurated to-day, when a triple-engined Fokker left for Budapest on the first stage of the journey. The Ministry of Communications states, with reference to the inauguration of the
      —Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 57 22 i.—Reuter. Charlotte, North Carolina, Sept. 17. A one-day strike of cotton mill workers occurred in this region to-day, on the occasion of the funeral of Mrs. Wiggins, who was shot and killed near Gastonia on the 14th instant, when a lorry-load of
      i.—Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 33 22 —Reuter. Toulon, Sept. 18. The death has occurred of Vice-Admiral Stotz, who was appointed in 1927 to command (he French naval forces in tho Far East.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 243 23 TWO OUTRAGES IN CHINA. Bishop Priests Murdered By Bandits. ANOTHER PIRACY. Captain and Mate Held To Ransom. —Reuter. Two outrages are reported from < hina A Roman Catholic Bishop and t»o priests have been -murdered in WnDeh The Norwegian steamer Bot"i. Va's pirated off Hoichow, »nd the captain and the
      —Reuter.  -  243 words
    • 111 23 —Reuter. The Hague, Sept. 17. Queen Wilhelniina ceremonially opened :he new session of the States-General. In the speech from the Throne the Queen -aid she regretted that the desire to reach a fresh settlement with Belgium had not yet been attained.
      —Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 120 23 Reuter. London, Sept. 18. Half a million gallons of paraffin in a c ant oil tank belonging to the AngloAmerican Oil Co. is ablaze at the great depot at Salt End, Hull. Tons of chemical ml-nre extinguisher are being poured
      Reuter.  -  120 words
    • 89 23 -■Vlllllll Utf J ians-Ocean. Moscow, Sept. 12. i he Communist Party authorities have I'proved the resignation of Lunatcharsky, °romissary for Education, who will be ceded by a member of the Supreme Arn *y Council. luxurious mode of life his wife’s roll as
      -■Vlllllll Utf J ians-Ocean.  -  89 words
    • 190 23 British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 14. The trial of the new British airships is awaited with keen interest. Short trials of both the State-built airship RlOl and the privately constructed vessel RlOO are well advanced and are still proceeding. The flying trial will be
      British Wireless.  -  190 words
    • 336 23 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 12. Speaking before the Disarmament Committee, Sir Henry Strakosch, a member of the League Financial Committee, explained the working of the scheme for rendering financial assistance to States which were the victims of aggression. He said financial aid would
      —Reuter.  -  336 words
    • 124 23 LEAGUE WIRELESS. Providing for Times Of Crisis. —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 11. In the third committee the question of the League of Nations having its own wireless station in times of crisis was reopened on a motion by Lord Cecil proposing that steps should be taken as early as possible to
      —Reuter.  -  124 words
    • 346 23 —Reuter. Geneva, Sept. 17. A sub-committee of the League of Nations voted unanimously in favour of the proposal that the League wireless station should be worked in normal times by the Swiss wireless company and handed over to the League in times of
      .—Reuter.  -  346 words
    • 83 23 —Havas. Paris, Sept. 12. The Council of Ministers fully approved the action of the French delegation at Geneva. M. Cheron explained the constitution of the committees instituted under the Young plan, which will enter into operation next week. The council dealt at length with
      —Havas.  -  83 words
    • 70 23 —Nichi-Nichi. Tokio, Sept. 12. There was a heated discussion on the revised estimates at a meeting of the heads of the political parties held at the Prime Minister’s residence. The meeting lasted seven hours. It was contended by the Seiyukai party (the official
      .—Nichi-Nichi.  -  70 words
    • 35 23 Majesty’s favourite pastimes.—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 18. It is learned that the King has made excellent progress towards complete recovery. Shooting and yachting are His Majesty’s favourite pastimes.—British
      Majesty’s favourite pastimes.—British Wireless.  -  35 words
    • 39 23 less than a year before.—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 18. The total number of unemployed on Sept, 9 .was 1,149,700. This was 2,550 less than in the week before and 150,277 less than a year before.—British Wire-
      less than a year before.—British Wireless.  -  39 words
    • 296 23 ,—British Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 14. The second battalion of the shire Regiment and the second battalion if the Dorsetshire Regiment will leave thn Rhineland for England early next week. Advance parties will start to-morrow. General Sir William Thwaites, the commander-in-chief
      ,—British Wireless.  -  296 words
    • 119 23 Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Sept. 12. The national committee of the Conservative Party, opposing the Young plan, has issued the text of a bill on which a plebiscite will be held. The bill provides that Germany renounces acceptance of responsibility for the War which was extracted
      Trans-Ocean.  -  119 words
    • 195 23 ,—Reuter. Linden, New Jersey, Sept. 15. An oil barge which had caught fire slipped its moorings and drifted to the refineries of the Standard Oil and Swanfinch oil companies. These also caught fire and damage to the extent of $1,000,000 was done.—Reuter. Amsterdam, Sept. 12. In
      ,—Reuter.  -  195 words

  • 950 24 A gathering of about 120 people, most of them interested in tin mining in Malaya, was present at the Ipoh Club on Saturday night when Mr. 1*. \V. l'ayne read a most instructive paper on dredging
    950 words
  • 102 24 The following transfers have recently taken place in the Malayan police force Mr. G. B. Folliot, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from the Depot to Ipoh Contingent Headquarters. Mr. L. G. Valpy, Probationary Assistant Commissioner, from Jolebu to Kuantan a 3 0.C.P.D.; Che Hussain, Asiatic Inspector, from Kuantan to Kuala Kubu as
    102 words
  • 115 24 Sentence of one year’s rigort>t»3 imprisonment was passed at the Singapore Assizes on Tuesday by the Chief Justice (Sir William on a Chinese who, with two others, held up a compatriot on Ang Siang Hill and robbed him of s:>.
    115 words
  • 127 24 The reduction of shareholders’ holdings ia Pontianak Cold to a nominal value of 2h'j cents per share, under a scheme whereby the company is to be financed, was confirmed at an extraordinary general meeting of fhe company which was held at Raffles Chambers at noon
    127 words
  • 122 24 Ulu Piah. —60 piculs. Tejn Malaya Tin.—lB6 piculs. Rcnong Tin.—B3s piculs. Kuala Lumpur Tin No Liability.—No. 1 dredge 688 hours, 89,736 yards, 409.56 piculs No. 2 dredge 555 hours, 111,617 yards, 507.08 piculs. Talam Mines.—663.9o piculs. Tronoh. —2,871 piculs. (Kampar section 1,000 piculs). Southern Tronoh.—3oo piculs. Huey Yot
    122 words
  • 215 24 There was something approaching a panic among rice consumers in Singapore last week owing to reports of floods in one of the main rice-growing areas of Siam, and fears of a future shortage of supplies in Singapore. Local consumers proceeded
    215 words
  • 364 24 Thursday, Sept. 5. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended the final of the Men's Doubles at the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club. Lady Clifford presented the prizes. Friday, Sept. 6. Mr. Charles Wingfield, C.M.G., His Majesty’s Minister at Bangkok, arrived to stay. Saturday, Sept. 7. The Hon. Mr. G.
    364 words
  • 52 24 The Singapore brunch of the Mercantile Rank of India, Ltd., have received a telegram from their head office stating that the board of director» have declared an interim dividend of 8 per cent. (i.e. lfi per cent, per annum) for the half year ended June 30, 1020, less
    52 words
  • 407 24 The failure of the local shipping author, ities to notice a call for assistance from a ship were commented upon by Mr. F. G Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, a few days ago, following, an inquiry into the death of a Chinese
    407 words
  • 213 24 Raffles Hotel ballroom was crowded in every corner on Tuesday for a cabaret entertainment organised by Mrs. G. M. Alford in aid of St. Andrew’s Medical Mission, and an excellent programme was greatly enjoyed. A good deal of new talent was presented,
    213 words
  • 182 24 The following passengers arrived on .J" n day from Java by the Op Ten Noort From Sourabaya.—Mr. Ku Hai Hing. M r H. K. C. V. Zappe len Ober, Mr. Lbrahim Marican, Miss J. Mari Celia. From Semarang.— Mr. Lim Yean thuan. From Tanjong Priok. —Mr. Watn Nobe. Mr
    182 words

  • 1226 25 CURIOUS CHINESE BELIEFS. Some Superstitions. PURDAH” MUNICIPAL HOUSES. [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] ,Pv Our Chinese Correspondent.) (I’L i>oon Keng once said in a lecDr. L’t n i n Singapore that the culture ‘IrX 1 Chinese here might be likened tine ot the f local dish 0 f ma
    [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  1,226 words
  • 136 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 16. The other day I telegraphed that Captain Savino of the Italian Navy was expected in Penang at any moment on hb solo flight to Australia and back. The airman wa3 supposed to have left Italy on
    136 words
  • 196 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 13. Certain repairs and improvements have just been effected to the First Divisional Court in the Supreme Court building. For many years his Lordship and counsel have complained of the noise outside and sometimes it has been
    196 words
  • 1546 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 13. In the Supreme Court to-day judgment in the Jelai Concession appeal was delivered. The Chief Justice (Mr. L. H. Elphinstone, K.C.) and Mr. Justice FarrerManby allowed the appeal, while Mr. Justice
    1,546 words
  • 123 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 13. After several days hearing judgment was reserved in the Supreme Court yesterday in the case in which Alxlu 1 Karecm and Co., of Madras and Penang, sued Mohamed Noordin and Mohamed Hussain Sahib for alleged infringement of
    123 words

  • 1561 26 CO-OPERATION IN SINGAPORE. Expansion Necessary. MERCANTILE SOCIETY’ S AFFAIRS. The third annual general meeting of the Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., was held at The Y.M.C.A. Down Town Branch on Monday utternoon, with Mr. R. M. Williams, the president, in the chair. Proposing the adoption of the
    1,561 words
  • 79 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. IG. The R.A.F. flying boat which passed through Penang on Sept. 5 on its way Victoria Point, Mergui and Calcutta is expected in Penang to-morrow morning >n its return flight. It is expected to alight at Glugor for refuelling
    79 words
  • 1257 26 The need for a greatly increased membership and income, and the cruelty involved in the exhibition of trained animals at circuses, were stressed at the annual meeting of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals held in the
    1,257 words
  • 289 26 The anxiety of the Chief Police Officer to suppress gambling on the Singapore was expressed to IV£r. P. S. illiams, the Second Police Magistrate, on Monday, by Mr. Barry, A.S.P., Detective branch. Three Indians were charged with carrying on book-making business at
    289 words
  • 74 26 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Penang, agents for the Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have received a cable from the secretaries in London stating that the hoard has decided to recommend a final dividend of 10 per cent, t actual payable on Oct. 14, in respect of
    74 words

    • 633 27 pin- in the Singapore Golf Championk n began on Saturday and the second round was competed on Sunday. The results were as follows first Round. j- c van der Beck beat Lt.-Col. D. P. P E. Winter 2 and 1. H. Jackson
      633 words
    • 105 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 15. Penang, at long last, are to have an •nuateur athletic association. This was io result of a meeting held a short time 1< J:. Draft rules have now been printed d are being circulated prior to
      105 words
    • 311 27 ,—Router. London, Sept. 11. The St. Leger, the famous Doncaster Classic, was run to-day, and resulted as follows .St. Leger Stakes of 5 sovs. each with I 4,000 sovs. added for entire colts and fillies foaled in 1926 colts
      ,—Router.  -  311 words
    • 272 27 In spite of praiseworthy attempts on the part of the Indo-Ceylonese the Chinese were easy winners by 4—o when the teams net in the seecnd round of the S.A.F.A. cup competition at the Stadium on Monday. Play began rather scrappily and both sides missed
      272 words
    • 76 27 POLO IN U.S. Championship Won By Hurricanes.” —Reuter. New York, Sept. 14. n the final of the United States open no!o championship the Hurricanes heat Sand’s Point by 11—7. The holders, Meadowbrook, did not compete. The Hurricanes’ team was Mr. Step hei So hford, Capt. Roark (the only non\merican), Mr.
      —Reuter.  -  76 words
    • 462 27 —Reuter. London, Sept. 12. In a match in the Third Division (Northern) to-day Carlisle Utd. defeated Southport by four clear goals.—Reuter. London, Sept. 14. The following were the results of English and Scottish League matches today. First Division. Arsenal 6 Burnley
      —Reuter.  -  462 words
    • 1049 27 SINGAPORE YACHTING EVENTS. Sporting Conditions. RACES FOR SOMERVILLE FREYBERG TROPHIES. At 10 n.m. on Sunday, the time appointed for the start of the first race at the Royal Singapore Yacht Clttb for the Somerville Bowl for A Class Yachts over the Club course, there was a flat calm and the
      1,049 words
    • 2964 28 The standard of racing in Malaya seems to be improving for only two record times for the variout, distances on the Singapore course, which were set up last year, remain, all the others having been beaten this year, and
      2,964 words
    • 64 28 —Reuter. New York, Sept. 14. The Belmont Park Futurity Stakes, the richest horse-race in the world, was won by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney’s Which One. Mr. George Widener’s Hijack was second and Gallant Fox was third. Mr. Whitney’s Boojum, the favourite, was fourth.
      —Reuter.  -  64 words
    • 170 29 Inquiries made by the Straits Times t rday regarding the Rugby strength the 2nd Welch Regiment tor Ihe coming season indicate that the 1 nited Services’ prospects of retaining Lv Malava Cup—which they won by of eating Perak in the
      170 words
    • 94 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 15. third rugby trial was played on vV.i.-iay, two lull teams turning out. ilea y storms during the week had made I <:V und ideal for rugger. It is as vet ar iy to venture to forecast what strength is
      94 words
    • 61 29 —Reuter. Oyster Bay, Long Island, Sept. 13. The Seawanhaka Yachting Cup, for the best of five races, was w’on by three events to two by the Scottish eight-metre yacht Caryl (the challenger), belonging to Mr. F. \V. Robertson. The holders, the -Seawanhaka Corinthian
      —Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 120 29 —lieuter. London, Sept. 13. The Rest of England beat the M.C.C. 1128 Australian tourists by an innings and 103 runs. The Rest, batting first, scored 543, of which Hearne (Middlesex) was respon- i->*•-* for 121. The tourists were dismissed for totals of
      —lieuter.  -  120 words
    • 145 29 (1 rom Our Own Correspondent.) Raub, Sept. 16. ihe Government English School tenth athletic sports were held last 1 inlay on the Raub padang under the I.4,i nnago of Capt. North-Hunt, District br^i. rec( >rds of previous years were “Oniuri won
      145 words
    • 49 29 I.—Reuter. Forest Hills, Sept. 14. W. T. Tilden won the American lawn tennis championship for the seventh time to-day, beating Hunter, 3—6, 6—3, 4—6, 6—2,_6 —4. This is the first occasion that the pair have met in the American championship final.—Reuter.
      I.—Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 216 29 (From Our Owu Correspondent.) Malacca, Sept. 14. With the rainy season approaching 'porting activities are waning, tennis especially being affected. The long drawn cut Malacca Lawn Tennis Association open tournament is coming to a lose, and it is expected to stage the final of the men’s
      216 words
    • 113 29 The Garrison Golf Club’s men's monthly medal (stroke) was played on Saturday and Sunday. Twenty-four cards were taken out and the following were the best returned Lieut. M. 11. F. Waring 86—16 =7O W. Hay 78—7 =7l F. E. Rowland 89—14 =75 Lt.-Col. D. P. Dickinson
      113 words
    • 111 29 Thirty-four cards were taken out foi the September medal at the Keppel Golf Club, and the following returned. 11. Hall All square F. V. Boardman 1 down H. I. Jones 3 dowm J. Strachan 3 down E. L. Morgan 3 down Hall Sweeps. Saturday Divided between F.
      111 words
    • 143 29 The Public Services Rugby Football Club, Singapore, anticipates a good season. Players will have the use of the groun 1 at the Thomson Road police depot., and a practice ground is also available cn Balester Plain. A total of twenty subscriptions has
      143 words

  • 157 29 Singapore, Sept. 18. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m s 2 3 15/1*1 Demand 2/3% Private 3 m. credit 2/4 13/32 On New York, Demand 65 15/16 Private 00 d/s 57% On France, Bank T.T. 1431 On India, Bank T.T. 154% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 144
    157 words
  • 805 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Sept. 18. MINING. Issue Val. Tad. Buyers Sellers l’l £1 Asuni Kunibang 38/C 39/6 5 -.V- Ayer Uitam Tin 13/6 14/6 11 £1 Bungrin Tin 35/6 36/6 1 1 Butung I’udang 0.35 0.40 1 1 Batu Caves 1.37‘/4 1.424 1 1 Bukit
    805 words
  • 188 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Sept. 16. Major-General H. L. Pritchard, G.0.C., Malaya, carried out his annual inspection of the Penang and Province Wellesley Volunteer Corps yesterday in the course of a tactical scheme. All companies were well represented, the total taking
    188 words
  • 39 29 The engagement is announced between Mr. Hubert Miller Browne, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy L. Browne, of (ullercoats, Northumberland, and Gertrude Edith, third daughter of Mrs. King, and the late Capt. D. A. G. King, of Kobe.
    39 words
  • 88 29 BARTON. —On September 14, 1929, at the Maternity Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Howard Barton, a son. BOWEN. In London, on Sept. 14, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Bowen, a son. HUELE.—At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on September 12, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Huele,
    88 words
  • 31 29 FARQUIIAR -PETERS.- On Sept. 17, 1929, at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, by the Rev. S. Band, George Mackio Farquhar, of Ayer Tekuh Estate, Malacca, to Mary D'cki*; Peters, of Arbroath.
    31 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 88 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price of
      88 words
  • 91 29 DEATHS KOH. Mr. Koh Cheng Kint at his rcsidenct No. 12, Kirk Terrace, off Dhoby (.huut, on September 10, 1929. KOH. (>n Friday, September 13, 1929, at n.m. at his residence, Rubber Lodge," No. 90, Grange Rd., Singapore, Koh San H'*> Deeply regretted. LEGGE. —In the British Hospital, Marseilles on
    91 words

  • The Straits Buduget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 75 34 General Rubber Situation J London Rubber Stock! Singapore Rubber Auction London Rubber Market By A. W. Still 1 British Planter Murdered 1 Rubber Statistics 2 Rubber Returns 2 Local Rubber Auction 2 Malay United Rubber 2 Exports of Para Rubber 2 Hunting Rubber Rubber Exports Pahang Para Rubber Correspondence—
      75 words
    • 71 34 Quotations Forward Contract Spot Setter Prices d. Date I-'don S'pore Sep. Oct. Nov. S» pt. 12 10 3 Id 0.34 H 0.35 0.35 0.36 3 i 13 10 310 0.34’a 0.34% 0.35 H O.3G\ 1* 10 3 16 0.34 0.35 1 4 0.35** 0.366* It.
      71 words
    • 38 34 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondent states that rubber stocks show an increase of 1,590 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 46,509 tone.
      38 words
    • 132 34 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held it a 954th auction on Sept. IS. when there was catalogu 'd 2.15*0,351 II» or 077.S3 t»>nx ottered 1,593,432 lb. or 7i2.27 tons sold 1,197,671 lb. or 534.07 toii«. Spot. London 1014 d. New York 20 S* eta. PRICES
      132 words
    • 163 34 Mr. W. P. W. Ker presided on Aug. 9 nt London House, New London Street, E.C., ak nn extraordinary general meeting of Benar (Selangor l Rubber Estate, Ltd., when the resolutions passed at the meeting held on July 12 last for the sale of the estate to
      163 words
    • 1058 34  - LONDON RUBBER MARKET. World Consumption This Year. ALL-IN COST PROBLEM DIVIDEND RATES. (By A. W. Still.) [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.] London, Aug. 22. Landings of rubber in London during the week ending Aug. 17 amounted t® 3,638 tons. During the same period the landings at Liverpool were 1,680
      [Straits Times Copyright.— Reproduction Rights Reserved.]  -  1,058 words
    • 503 34 A meeting of the shareholders of the 1 uan Mee (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on Sept. 3, at the Gaffoor Building. Main Street, Colombo, Mr. F. F. Roe presided, and the others present were Messrs. C. J.
      503 words
    • 124 34 —Aneta. Sourabaya, Sept. 12. Mr. R. A. Heming, a British planter, has been murdered by a Madurese coolie on Doerdjoe Estate, belonging to Djcmher Rubber .Estates, Ltd. After an altercation, the coolie stabbed Mr. Heming in the back, and
      —Aneta.  -  124 words
    • 473 34 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Medan, Sept. 7. The alarming number of murders and assaults on plantations, Communist propaganda, and possibly other causes nave led to the forming of an organisation to further the interests of planters in Sumatra. The employers already have their
      473 words
    • 69 35 fTho Straits Times is not responsible for ouinions of its correspondents. Correndents should bear in mind that letters P u,t b« »h»rt .nd to th. point. Long nUtles are liable to be rejected or cut j P n Correspondents must enclose their and addresses, not necessarily for na E!cat?on
      69 words
    • 330 35 To Ihtt Editor of the Straits Time*. gil Sumatran Planters are invoked to take lessons from the Java planters in the lav of handling Javanese labour. In no "i are conditions with regard to labour, it laws etc., the same in both countries there is no indentured
      330 words
    • 590 35 At the meeting of Merlimau Pegoh, Ltd., in June last, reference was made to the desirability of mnking a debenture issue, and the directors now announce in a circular that they have resolved to create £350,000 of 7 per cent, convertible first mortgage debenture
      590 words
    • 534 35 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Sept. 12. The local market has been quiet throughout the week, but with a rather firmer undertone. To-day’s cables quote London down l-16d. at 10 3-16 d. and New York down cent gold at 201* cents
      534 words
    • 145 35 Profit of Malay United Rubber Estates for year ended Mareh 31, 1929, after charging whole of expenditure relating to Kamparinalim Estate (with exception of that on new buildings and machinery) and two-thirds of London administration expenses, was £6,551, against £1,627. Amount brought forward
      145 words
    • 165 35 United Kingdom. British Possessions. Continent of Europe. United States of America. Japan. Other Countries. Total. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Quantities. Value. Tons. Tons. Tons, Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Singapore 4.003 3,241,045
      165 words
    • 221 35 Mr. J. Gordon Carrie, Deputy Supervisor of Rubber, F.M.S., and Deputy Regis-trar-General (Statistics) S.S., has forwarded the following census of stocks of rubber held by dealers and on estates of over 100 acres on Aug. 31, 1929, together with certain export figures. (Stocks compiled from returns by estates
      221 words
    • 329 35 Allenby.—57,600 lb. Amalgamated Malay.—02,000 lb. Anglo-Mulay.—138,137 lb. Ayer Molek.—14,414 lb. Bertam Consolidated. —234.800 lb. Bertam Extended.—40,600 lb. Bassett. —35,000 lb. Brunei United.—38,120 lb. Bukit Timuh. —17.280 lb. Balau.—41,500 lb. Berunang.—49,000 lb. Bertam (Taisho). —73,099 lb. Broome (Selangor).—59,910 lb. Borelli.—34,000 lb. Brooklands. —132,000 lb. Batu Tiga (Selangor).—184,000 lb. Bukit
      329 words
    • 1197 36 The fourth ..nnual generul meeting of the Kuala Muda Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held on Aug. 9, at the Abercorn Rooms, Great Eastern Hotel, Bishopgate, E.C. 2. Sir Francis M. Voules, C.B.E. (chairman of the company), who presided, in the course of
      1,197 words
    • 83 36 Rubber exports from the F.M.S., on which customs duty was paid, during August, amounted to 22,373 tons. Figures for the other States are Kedah, 3,338 tons Kelantan, 535 tons Trengganu, 220 tons. Exported here means left the territory irrespective of destination.” The figures are not
      83 words
    • 124 36 Profit of Pahang Para Rubber Syndicate for year ended April 30, 1929, was £3,046 (against £2,199), plus profit on realisation of investment £552, and balance brought forward £1,744, together £5,342. Written off buildings and machinery £l,OOO (same), and director# recommend
      124 words
    • 507 36 In their report, dated Sept. 1", Messrs. Fraser and Co. state Thorn* is little change to record in the price of tin during the past week, and the share market both in sterling and dollar issues has |,een quite neglected. Rubber
      507 words
    • 97 36 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, have received a cable from the secretaries of Banteng (Selangor) Rubber Co. advising that the directors of the company have decided to recommend, subject to audit and usual adjustments, a final dividend in respect of the financial
      97 words
      • 628 36 Abaco (£1) 2,3/10; Allugar (2/) 2/44 Anglo* Malay (£ll 3 16 Ayer Kuning (£1) 9/10; llahru (Sel.) (2/) 0/0; Bakap (£1) Bantei g (41-) 4; Batang Consolidated (2/) 1/9; Batu Caves (i'll 24/; Batu Tiga (£1) 2; Bekoh (2/) 1/U; Beranang (2/) 2/7Vi; Bertani Consolidated
        628 words
      • 750 36 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividend* Fraser Lyall 4 389,293 1 16 p.c. year andad 18-2-12 ..Allenby tfl) 2.35 2.50 2.30 2.50 160,000 10 p.c. int. a/c yaar 80-8-29 .Alor Cajah ($1) 1.70 1.90 1.70 1.85 435,425 1 20 p.c. for yaar
        750 words

  • Page 37 Advertisements
    • 325 37 W W W w w T V T T s »4 »1E SAVINGS BANKS The Best Gifts for Children of all ages. They encourage Thrift and make Saving a Pleasure. x I -a! 'Si V Home Barrel Bank $2.50 Home Oval Bank $3.00 Postage Kxlra. \\o>tf Savings Bamjs r I
      325 words

  • Page 38 Advertisements
    • 405 38 >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ !:%PppyiN#^ BLOCKS LINE OR HALF-TONE Made by the Straits Times Press, Singapore. Prices Quoted Upon ion. > i ■•If 3 *3 iky >;.> B til it t En^Sl I M 1 aft* k. -\Vre “!w 1 V iwS vs tvt, V* m .$*MtrĔr ml m J 5- ISkGW ►/sy*
      405 words