The Straits Budget, 28 March 1929

Total Pages: 42
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISBID BIGHTT YIARS.] ko. .5.711 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7<L
    28 words
  • 282 1 Ijeaders— I Ferdinand Koch I Tt !i I s the Worst I Aggressive Altruism •> I Air Services anti Subsidies 3-4 I The Opium Position 4 I h. on lor Improvement I Occasional Notes ■elegrams, Reiter and Special— I Covcrirg Part Week’s News 19-24 p'ictures I Niw Municipal Offices,
    282 words
  • 1984 1 H.H. the Sultan of Johore in Council has appointed the following to be members >l' the Licensing Board for Johore Bahru f"r the year 1929 :—The First Magistrate, Johore Bahru, (chairman) the Presi- lent, the Town Board, Johore Bahru, vice-chairman) the Hon. Dato Mohamed Salleh the Senior
    1,984 words

  • 957 3 —Straits Times, Mar. 2L Ferdinand Foch, the greatest soldier produced by the World War, is dead. The son Kf a solicitor, enlisting as a private soldier Vor the duration of the Franco-Prussian Kvar, Foch lived to command, nearly fifty dears later, the whole of the Allied forces Kperating
    *—Straits Times, Mar. 2L  -  957 words
  • 1015 3 TELL US THE WORST been no bungling.—Straits Times, Mar. 22. We have refrained from commenting earlier on the references made by Mr. Loh Kim Swi at the meeting of the Asiatic Planters’ Association of Malaya last week-end to his treatment at the bands of the Rubber Research Institute in the
    been no bungling.—Straits Times, Mar. 22.  -  1,015 words
  • 916 3 altogether in vain.—Straits Times, Mar. 23. This phrase has been coined by an American historian to describe the better side of modern imperialism, and it was that side which was stressed by Sir Hugh Clifford in a notable address given to American university tourists in Singapore recently. I
    altogether in vain.—Straits Times, Mar. 23.  -  916 words
  • 1012 3 Straits Times, Mar. 25. At long last there are signs of movement toward the introduction of commercial aviation to Malaya. We have endeavoured repeatedly to emphasise the urgency of this matter and we welcome with an enthusiasm which is not easily curbed even the faintest indication
    Straits Times, Mar. 25.  -  1,012 words

  • 1019 4 Straits Times, Mar. 2G. The dispatch from Mr. Amery which was laid on the table at yesterday’s meetng of the Legislative Council sets out very clearly the position of the Straits Settlements with reference to its opium revenue and the international obligations of Great Britain. F<*r that
    Straits Times, Mar. 2G.  -  1,019 words
  • 1096 4 v .c* m me Unt’sh Empire.—Strait* Times, Mar. 27. 1 au? We noticed with pleasure a recent decision of the Rural Board to dismantle certain unsightly hoardings already erected n the “beauty spots’’ of the island and •o ensure that no more disfiguring boards shall be put
    , v.c* m me Unt’sh Empire.—Strait* Times, Mar. 27. 1 au?  -  1,096 words
  • 14 4 B ™d.-ll°Vp V- Worthington, British .id nt of Perak, personally inspected in An u
    14 words
    • 108 4 Straits Times, Mar. 21. Complaint has been made so r. in the past of alluring advertis^ qUentl >' ne Home press offering emnlo! ents >n the East and giving a totally wro? 1 in pression of the conditions of livi* g in >- «waft the beginner that it
      Straits Times, Mar. 21.  -  108 words
    • 108 4 tCSS 2*i au^ft wh T ichHf a r"or n ded baldly" would possess little point in justifies ionT JR appearance in print. The trite 0 J 1 the prophecy, or the recollection essence of the matter. Othei C ai’. h m which embellishment would destructive. is placed
      tCSS 2*iau^ft-  -  108 words
    • 304 4 >• v ■a v a c* V I'l r —-Straits Times, Mar. 21. Further details of the Hone Kone f which we published yesterday hav.. very disturbing feature, and that 'Z «veral of the residenta of the kt! Edward Hotel who were killed parently no chance
      .. » >• v »* ■a v a ’ c* V . I'l r —-Straits Times, Mar. 21.  -  304 words
    • 311 4 fines of a girls’ school ?—Straits Tin Mar. 21. T, h f speeches delivered at the Rafiks Ul1 prize-giving other day would have made a Victorian b’ue-stock-•np: foam at the mouth, but feminists aie growing more human than they used io be and the fanatic who
      fines of a girls’ school ?—Straits Tin *• Mar. 21.  -  311 words
    • 132 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 22. The Lincoln has gone with another 100 ♦o one winner to delight the bookies in<i the result prompts the thought that V hilo it is no unusual thing for outsiders to romp home in this first of the big races of the flat-racing season,
      .—Straits Times, Mar. 22.  -  132 words
    • 263 5 THE FIELD.” ment this morning.—Straits Times. Mar. 22. At the moment of writing, the latest stable tip for the Grand National has not been received in Singapore, but sundry other pieces of information cencerning the race have trickled through. One cable published in this issue has already caused the organisers
      ment this morning.—Straits Times. Mar. 22.  -  263 words
    • 239 5 .—Straits Times. Mar. 22. The following passage occurring in the annual report of the Geological Department, F.M.S., for the past year is too good to be missed, although we are constrained to remark that offers to carry out experiments in this office will not be accepted. Mr. J.
      .—Straits Times. Mar. 22.  -  239 words
    • 235 5 "jually uncomplimentary.—Straits Times, Mar. ?.2. Some people like to think that the Americana section of the review edited by Mr. II. L. Mencken is really representative of American life and provides legitimate grounds for a Thank-God-we-are-not-as-other-men attitude. It is possible to pick out from newspapers serving very small and
      "jually uncomplimentary.—Straits Times, Mar. ?.2.  -  235 words
    • 260 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 23. Apart from the Singapore Mutiny, the nearest that the people of this country ever came to actual hostilities during the Great War was the sudden and destructive appearance of the Emden in Penang Harbour on Oct. 23, 1914. The only other British port
      —Straits Times, Mar. 23.  -  260 words
    • 156 5 reward he had so richly earned.—Straits Times, Mar. 23. There is a pathetic reminder of the ttagic deaths of Sir Hayes and Lady Marriott in the issue this morning of notice of a motion to be put before the Legislative Council on Monday. The present Colonial Secretary
      reward he had so richly earned.—Straits Times, Mar. 23.  -  156 words
    • 272 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 23. How the 44 bookies must have chuckled as they watched 66 starters go to the post for the Grand National Already a 100 to one winner had turned up in the Lincoln and the stakes in 99.9 per cent, of the Spring doubles
      —Straits Times, Mar. 23.  -  272 words
    • 260 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 25. One hundred years ago the inhabitants of Singapore were dependent for their water supply on wells and streams. Today, in addition to the two reservoirs on the island which have met the needs of the city since 1912, a pipe runs across the
      —Straits Times, Mar. 25.  -  260 words
    • 333 5 receive, was supplied to Mr. Arter.— Straits Times, Mar. 25. We received this morning a copy of the minutes of the twenty-second meeting of the board of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya held on January 23 last. At the head of the document is this note
      receive, was supplied to Mr. Arter.— Straits Times, Mar. 25.  -  333 words
    • 314 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 25 The account published in the Straits Times last week of the club which studies ju-jitsu in England calls to mind a curious incident which occurred in Singapore some years ago. A European exponent of the] Japanese science of self-defence arrived here and set
      —Straits Times, Mar. 25  -  314 words
    • 223 5 THE EMDEN AND THE WOLF —Straits Times, Mar. 26. While little of a major character that is new emerges from the record of the Emden’s exploits in Eastern seas during the early days of the War, the story we now publish will interest the younger generation. Both the Emden and
      —Straits Times, Mar. 26.  -  223 words
    • 243 5 .—Straits Times, Mar. 26. This world is full of people with grievances. And we exist for the sole purpose of removing an endless number of injustices. Those, at all events, are the impressions remaining after examining this morning’s mail. First of all we lighted on a pathetic
      .—Straits Times, Mar. 26.  -  243 words
    • 333 5 -> ff onti»n in the next ten years.—Straits Times, Mar.. 2fi. One passage in Mr. F. A. Pledger’s speech at the Hay tor Rubber meeting on Saturday is of particular interest in view of the recent warning given by Mr. Stuart Hotchkiss, president of United States
      ->ffonti»n in the next ten years.—Straits Times, Mar.. 2fi.  -  333 words
    • 214 5 EGGS IS Straits Times, Mar. 27. In mail week a man was fined £8 at Tottenham Police Court for not indicating that the fresh eggs he was offering for sale were imported. He told an inspector that they came from China and other places, the shrewd occupant of the Bench
      Straits Times, Mar. 27.  -  214 words
    • 283 5 ■jeh unconvincing explanations?—Straits 'iimes, Mar. 27. The year 1928 was a prosneroiH e»i for the lawyers. The Alsagoff codicil n was, if memory serves, the only sonsV on of the year, but the annual report of the Supremo Court registry reveals n pronounced briskness in local
      ■jeh unconvincing explanations?—Straits 'iimes, Mar. 27.  -  283 words
    • 351 6 A PILOT GOING HOME Straits Times, Mar. 27. One of the best-known members of the Mercantile Marine in this part of the world is leaving for Home on retirement to-morrow in Capt. G. D. Rushton, of the Singapore Pilot Association. Thus ends a connection with Singapore which began as long
      Straits Times, Mar. 27.  -  351 words

  • 1313 7 mm An in<iuiry was opened on Tuesday by Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, into the IjHcnth of a Chinese farmer who was fatally SjHssaulted by Europeans—stated by deto have been soldiers—in Holland on the night of Mar. 1. Mr.
    1,313 words
  • 285 7 At the meeting held on Saturday, 23rd inst., at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce the following were elected to form a general committee to organise a Lantern Procession in honour of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester’s visit on April 20 Chairman, Mr. Lee
    285 words
  • 995 7 A new system of training members of the Singapore Flying Club was explained at the annual meeting held on Mar. 26 in the Club pavilion, Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer presiding. The report and accounts weie adopted without
    995 words
  • 67 7 [Tho Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Costs* spondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for Bublication but
    67 words
  • 184 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —After reading your non-con-structive leading article of the Mar. 14 devoted to the subject of the recent land speed record set up by Major Segrave and the regrettable death of Mr. Lee Bible, it was refreshing to find the
    184 words
  • 184 7 To the Editor of the Straits Timeß. Sir, —In view of the references to the F. Railways which appeared in your leading article of Mar. 20 the enclosed cutting from the Times may not be without interest. It will be observed that it is proposed to build some
    184 words
  • 74 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent, who signs himself A British Manager in Sumatra (late F.M.S.) expresses views which exactly coincide with those of other shareholders in Kundong, Allenby, and Connemara. In order to protect his own interests, and ours, he should complete the
    74 words

  • 274 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Mar. 2<. At the Municipal Commission meeting yesterday Mr. Yeoh Chean Gaun withdrew :!u* three resolutions he had brought forward regarding the future of the Espla- nade. Mr Chean Gaun moved that the annual icences issued
    274 words
  • 301 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 27. The new and magnificent building -ituated on one of the mo.-t commanding sites in Kuala Lumpur which ha> been built for the higher school of the Victoria institution was to-day formally opened by Sir Hugh Clifford,
    301 words
  • 49 10 lo assist complete classification of all plants in the Empire a grant of 15,000 has been made to the Royal Botanic Wardens, kew, by the Empire Marketing i>oard. A previous grant from the board enabled the director, Dr. A. W. Hill to visit Australia, New Zealand. Ceylon and Malaya.
    49 words
  • 597 10 (From Our Own Correspondent:.. Penang, M ar or,. The Police Court was crowded to-day for the continuation of the case i n which Dr. E. Kandiah, a local medical practitioner, is charged with assaulting a aetective in Campbell Street on Feb. Mr.
    597 words
  • 137 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Mar. 26. In the Supreme Court to-day a Chinese named Ooi Boon Poor was defendant in a suit and was sentenced to six weeks rigorous imprisonment for perjury. The defendant together with another were sued 'l s partners for
    137 words

  • 2121 11 i advocate the making of films, showing local children with all the faults of their bringing-up, the sad results on babies of laziness and ignorance,” said Mrs. R. Manasseh, 0.8. E., when speaking at the annual meeting of the
    2,121 words
  • 136 11 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Mar. 16 gives the total number of deaths as male 136, and female 84. This represents a death rate of 23.85 per mille per annum, compared with 22.01 in the preceding week and 25.26 in the corresponding week of
    136 words
  • 157 11 Kamunting Tin (first half).—666 piculs 973 hours. Renong Tin (first half).—No. 2 dredge 186 piculs, No. 3 dredge 157 piculs. Teja Malaya (first half). —No. 2 dredge 107 piculs. Dredge stopped for four days to rehush links, and restarted on the morrJng of March 16. Taiping Tin (first
    157 words
  • 157 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 22. Following an accident at the entrance to the Golf Club road this week in which a lady’s car was thrown into a ditch in collision with a hire car, the lady being
    157 words
  • 671 11 A correspondent who signs him sell A British Manager in Sumatra (late F.M.S.)’’ writes as follows in distributing capital for investment in dollar companies, Rundong, Allenby and Connemara (in which my holdings combined would form a substantial interest) could be chosen with
    671 words

  • 295 14 The Principal Civil Medical Officer said that Government was really going tMM «iderably beyond the recommendations of the tuberculosis committee which i eporU» in *****. That committee recommended that some provision should lx* made in tna new General Hospital in Singapore. Iha
    295 words
  • 370 14 Mr. Abdoolcader referred to the grievances of the technical subordinates of the Survey Department of the Strait* Settlements and the F.M.S. '1 he I™ 1 member on the Federal Council had spoken at length at the last meeting of that Council, and from
    370 words
  • 523 14 The Resident Councillor for Penang moved that the Council approve of a •pccial vote of $600,0000 for the acquisition of lh<' land known as Rcnong and Edinburgh ilousm, The ana comprised 2.'»0,000 square feet, he said. It >va* purchased by the F.M.S.
    523 words
  • 552 14 Mr. Tan Chens: Lock asked :—Owing to the continued high death rate from tuberculosis in the Colony, will Government cause to be established at such centres as Singapore and Penang clinics under the charge of specialists for the purpose of affording facilities for
    552 words
  • 235 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 25. The question of whether the F.M.S. Court had jurisdiction to try a man charged with murder in a licensed boat on the high seas outside of the three-mile lirr.'t arose in the
    235 words
  • 126 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 26. The Presbyterian pastors of Singapore. Penang and Kuala Lumpur assembled at Ipoh for the stonelaying ceremony of the first Scots’ kirk in Perak by the British Resident, the Hon. Mr. A. F. Worthington. M.C.S., in
    126 words
  • 865 14 FRASER NEAVE, LTD. Satisfactory Business Last Year. The annual general meeting of \r Fraser and Neave, Jjtd., was s,r company’s offices. Trafalgar St'r V Saturday. Mr. W. II Maegivgor p r id 2 and others present included \!.J Walker. F. E. Dilley. R. L. Haiti, p McNair, H. E. Somerville,
    865 words
  • 38 14 The case in which Mrs. Grace Ben r charged Mr. Edward Charles in tno Second Court recently with criminal breach of trust in respect of a ni'dliphono has been withdrawn. No actiou was laken in Court.
    38 words

  • 564 16 How to bring about Socialism in tw< years is the subject of a report just ac cepted by the Council of the Independent Labour Party. It is to be discussed a< the annual conference at Easter.
    564 words
  • 194 16 Within the last few months, states a Home paper contract bridge has made astonishing strides in popularity among card players. The result is that something akin to a feud has sprung up in many clubs as to the relative virtues of auction
    194 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 134 16 Great P rice Reduction on eVEREADy Trad* Mark UNIT CELLS BATTERIES NSSSO Longest Beware of Imitations For Sale Everywhere Ask Your Dealer 403) MULLER PHIPPS (Malaya). LTD. Union Btildinf. Collyar Quay Singapore Nasty pests -don’tUt one fly, mosquito or roach live in your home 5 minutes. BLACK FLAG kills them.
      134 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 134 17 Telegrams firnatex. F I s R T N A I O A L. T M Telephones: 4100, 5534. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in
      134 words

  • 89 18 Tht* Verdict of You All, by Henry Wade. Constable, .'is. 6d. Carteret's Cure, by Richard Keverne. Constable. 3s. Gd. When books run the gauntlet of the first edition and appear again j n three-and-sixpenny form it is a sure hall-mark of success. Detective fiction, so popular nowadays, is
    89 words
  • 272 18 Goodwill in Industry, from a new angle. A symposium by five practical men. London General Press. These are five prize essays out of 94 papers contributed in a competition set by a committee of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen for
    272 words
  • 181 18 Anglo-Chinese Calendar for Sixty Years, by Tan Pong Guan. G. H. Kiat, $3. Just at the time when the Chinese New Year was being ushered in with the usual hanging of crackers, correspondents wrote us complaining of the hardships being inflicted by landlords enriching themselves to the
    181 words
  • 200 18 A deficit of over $1,300 was the subject of much discussion at the meeting of the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club on Mar. 20, Sir William Murison presiding. Many suggestions were made but eventually it was decided to increase the subscription from $2
    200 words
  • 1367 18 An interesting case came before the Chief Justice (Sir William Munson) on Mar. 20, when S. Muthucumaroo, a contractor, of Racecourse Road, Singapore, sued Alkaff and Co., land and estate owners, of the Arcade, Singapore, in connection with building contracts. Mr.
    1,367 words
  • 149 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 20. In the Police Court to-day a Chinese landowner named Teh Tock Seng was charged with clearing a number of ravines on his land at Batu Ferringhi without the previous sanction of the Senior Health Officer, Penang.
    149 words
  • 320 18 The maximum penalty of sioo Was posed on a Chinese driver of a Bharu taxi who was convicted in the TK Court on Mar. 20 of causing hurt rash act. a It was stated that after knocking w a child in
    320 words
  • 555 18 In a memorandum to shareholders o i Puchong Tin Dredging. Ltd., the secretary. Mr. Henry K. Rennett, states that in consequence of much heavier expenditure having been incurred than was anticipated in equipping the property and bringing it up to the <tage of
    555 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1130 19 —Reuter. Following the Indian Governaieni's determination to suppress communist agitation, a number of agitators have been arrested in Calcutta. 'Bombay and other cities. They have been charged under section 121 of the Penal Code, dealing with 44
      —Reuter.  -  1,130 words
    • 105 19 British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 24. Arrangements are being made f Ol staging contest for the Schneider Tropnv, which Will be flown for over he Solon course in September, so that the fullest opportunity will be afforded to spectators on land of following its
      British Wireless.  -  105 words
    • 199 19 Reuter. Oslo, Mar. 21. The Crown Prince Olaf of Norway and Princess Martha of Sweden were married at noon to-day at the Church of St. Saviour’s, with the Duke of York as best man. Oslo kept high holiday, and all the church bells in
      Reuter.  -  199 words
    • 227 19 Reuter. Rugby, Mar. 21. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Churchill, stated in the House of Commons that the Egyptian Government had ratified the financial agreement arrived at last month for the settlement of financial questions outstanding between the British and Egyptian Governments,
      Reuter.  -  227 words
    • 93 19 Reuter. Patna, Mar. 22. As the result of an agrarian riot in the territory of the Dumraon Raj, two State officials were shot dead and six injured. It is reported that 500 armed men attacked a body of officials under Capt. Duff,
      Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 50 19 ,—Reuter. London Mar. 21. The British Government has decided to nominate Sir Cecil Hurst ns British representative in the permanent Court of International Justice in succession to Lord Finlay. Si r Cecil Hurst is the legal adviser t f > the Foreign Office.
      ,—Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 192 19 —Reuter. London, Mar. 22. The public examination of Mrs. Bradley Dyne, who was the defendant in the celebrated francs case,” was held in the London Bankruptcy Court to-day. It was adjourned from Oct. 31
      —Reuter.  -  192 words
    • 172 19 —Reuter. Cape Town, Mar. 22. Opening the election campaign, General Hertzog referred to the recent manifesto issued by the Archbishop of Cape Town and other prominent people in Cape Province appealing for support against the Government’s native policy as embodied jin the reeent bill.
      —Reuter.  -  172 words
    • 85 19 —Reuter. Paris, Mar. 22. Making it a question of confidence, the Government obtained, by 334 votes to 24 2, the decision of the Chamber to discuss the bill authorising nine missionary congregations to re-establish seminaries in France and also the restoration of certain
      —Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 62 19 Reuter. New York, Mar. 22. Mr. Lamont, the Secretary for Commcrce. in a statement reviewing business conditions in the United States, notes that there is only one decline, namely in the building industry. He says the motor industry in January and February» increased
      Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 520 20 i.—Reuter. The General Election in Great Britain ia to be held on May 30. Parliament will dissolve on May 10. In a speech at Leicester setting forth the Conservative policy, Mr. Baldwin strongly criticised the
      i.—Reuter.  -  520 words
    • 87 20 1 o' iiuiii^ t.—Reuter. Canton, Mar. 21. The Lazarist Bishop O’Shea wired from Hankow, South Kiangsi, on the 19th inst.— “There are Communist uprisings everywhere. Several missions have been burnt at Nananfu and foreign missionaries forced to flee. The local Chinese General admits
      1 o' iiuiii^ t.—Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 116 20 instinct and love of adventure. —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 20. The Prince of Wales, in his capacity of Master of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners and of the Merchant Navy and Fishing Fleets, presided at the Company’s dinner last night. The
      instinct and love of adventure.—British Wireless.  -  116 words
    • 116 20 Reuter. New York, Mar. 21. The contract has been signed for the sale of the United States and American Merchant Lines to Paul A. Chapman. Inc., for $16,000,000. The purchasers undertake to build two vessels of similar class to the Leviathan for a weekly
      Reuter.  -  116 words
    • 156 20 Ottawa. Feb. 18. During January 4.164 immigrants entered Canada, an increase of 13 per cent, o'er the number for the preceding Janu:.ry. Immigrants were classified as British 1.133. United States 1,373, Belgian 37, Danish 53, Dutch 45, Finnish 134, Fiench
      156 words
    • 123 20 —Reuter. Washington, Mar. 28. Under the Immigration Act establishing national origins as the basis for the immigration quota from Julv next, the new yearly quotas are as follows P ranee, 3,086 Germany, 25,957 Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 65,721 l rish Fr St4
      •—Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 91 20 1I M I I 1 I Reuter. New York, Mar. 20. The anxiety felt regarding three members of Coindr. Byrd’s Antarctic ne!niv tlon ''t 10 had bo(>n missing for !p. u,,y week, has now been allayed «rvnn u out l) V air to
      * 1I M I I 1 I ] Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 85 20 .—Reuter. London, Mar. 20. Router’s agency understands that certain details still remain to be settled regarding the route of the new air mail service to Karachi, which was due to be inaugurated on Mar. 30. Negotiations are now in progress, and
      .—Reuter.  -  85 words
    • 114 20 —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 20. The Exchequer returns up to Saturday last show the total receipts to date for the financial year, which ends on Mar. 31, to be i 778.000,0000. This is 1*53,000.000 below the budget estimate for the whole financial year. The
      —British Wireless.  -  114 words
    • 123 20 result of the safeguarding duties.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 20. Mr. H. G. Williams, Under-Sccretary to the Board of Trade, stated that according to particulars supplied by the General Industrial Council of the glovemaking industry. the quantity of leather gloves produced in this country
      result of the safeguarding duties.—British Wireless.  -  123 words
    • 71 20 -Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Mar. 23. Indians were involved in a murder and suicide drama which occurred in Berlin last night. A wealthy Indian merchant named Mohamed Nazar, aged 30, committed suicide after shooting and killing his partner, Ali Zareem. Nazar invited Zareem to his
      -Trans-Ocean.  -  71 words
    • 75 20 —Reuter. Peshawar, Mar. 20. Major Harrison, of the First Armoured Car Co., Royal Tank Corps, who was tried on charges arising out of the Jamrud bombing disaster, was ordered to be severely reprimanded in respect of the second charge, namely neglecting to take proper
      .—Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 101 20 -British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 21. In response to suggestions by a large nf fly ot members of the House of Commons that a comp ete record should be prepared of all past members of that 1 tiamber, the Treasury has appointed a committee
      -British Wireless.  -  101 words
    • 318 20 pounds mark for the first time.—British Wireless. Rufirby, Mar. 20 The Postmaster-General information regarding the British ail traffic in 1928. He says the use of airm*' continues to grow and during nearly 37,000 pounds of letter mails l?* dispatched from this
      pounds mark for the first time.—British Wireless.  -  318 words
    • 230 20 Reuter. Bombay. Mar. 23. The report of the committee recently appointed by the Bombay Government to inquire into the strike at the cotton mills expresses approval of the scheme tor standardisation of wages and duties and the numbers of operatives, agreement to which
      Reuter.  -  230 words
    • 107 20 Reuter. London, Mar. 24. Regarding the reports that Prince George’s position at the Foreign Office is a prelude to him taking up the Gov-ernor-Generalship of one of the Dominions, Reuter’s Agency learns that trie King has long considered the question of his representation in
      Reuter.  -  107 words
    • 357 21 —British Wireless. Two by-elections held on Friday resulted in defeats for the Conservative party. At Holland-with-Booton the Liberals Rained the seat previously held by Mr. A. W. Dean, and at North Lanark Mbs Jenny Lee, a 26-year-old
      —British Wireless.  -  357 words
    • 87 21 Reuter. Washington, Mar. 22. The possibility of an American incursion into Mexican territory is admitted by Mr. Kellogg in a statement which says “The United States Government considers that it has a perfect right to prevent the firing of shells across the
      Reuter.  -  87 words
    • 57 21 ,—Reuter. Washington, Mar. 23. President Hoover has decided to dethe Presidential yacht May>’.vor and render the officers available for new warships and thus save £«(1.000 a year. he Mayflower was built, at Clydebank. 0 v,as the flagship of Admiral Dewey, ""<> destroyed the
      ,—Reuter.  -  57 words
    • 197 21 ,—Reuter. Monte Carlo, Mar. 25. A constitutional crisis has occurred in the Principality of Monaco as the result of the postponement of the general elections. It came to a climax in a collision between the police and a party of seven demonstrators
      ,—Reuter.  -  197 words
    • 450 21 .—Reuter. London, Mar. 15. The cold winds yesterday and to-day prevented the King from going into the grounds of Craigweil House. His Majesty, however, was cheered on both days by visits from his baby granddaughter, Princess Elizabeth, who spent a long
      .—Reuter.  -  450 words
    • 58 21 Reuter. Nankins:, Mar. 23. n 'h" Government famine relief committee, at its first meeting yesterday, lecided to petition the National Government for a levy for the year of two and a half per cant, on the customs surtax, the oroceeds of which
      Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 353 21 r. —Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 24. With reference to the conference between Dr. Wang and Mr. Yoshizawa, it is a practical certainty that they will sign tne agreement settling the Tsinan incident, as Reuter’s Agency is informed that all the documents were ready for
      r.—Reuter.  -  353 words
    • 130 21 take them on to Moscow. —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 25. The British Industrial Mission to Russia left London to-day. The delegation numbered 85 members, representing 150 firms and trading organisations and covering nearly every important branch British manufacture and commerce. It is
      take them on to Moscow.—British Wireless.  -  130 words
    • 79 21 Reuter. Berlin, Mar. 22. Dr. Schacht, head of the German delegation at the Reparations Experts’ Conference in Paris, has returned to Berlin to discuss the difficulties which have arisen at the conference with regard to the annual amount of reparations to be paid to Germany.
      Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 29 21 London, Mar. 15. In the North Dublin by-election, the voting was as follows Mr. O’Higgins (Government) 28,400 Mr. Traynor (De Valera Party) 28,276
      29 words
    • 159 21 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. 23. The report of the Royal Commission on police powers and procedure has been published. The findings are substantial* Iy the same as were cabled on the 18th inst. It is stated that the Commission formed a very
      ,—Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 423 21 Reuter. London, Mar. 26. Mr. Baldwin announced in the House of Commons that, having examined the recent statement by the oil companies, the Government did not consider that any action was called for in relation to the recent increase in prioes. Comparisons between
      Reuter.  -  423 words
    • 94 21 Shanghai, Mar. 18. It has just leaked out that a plot to murder Mr. T. V. Soong, the Nationalist Minister of Finance, with political motives behind the plan, was foiled at Nanking over the week-end, information reaching the authorities in the nick
      94 words
    • 1106 22 ,—Reuter. Something of an international incident has been created by the sinking of the British rum-running schooner I’m Alone by an American coastguard cutter off the coast of Louisiana. It is reported that 100 rounds were fired
      ,—Reuter.  -  1,106 words
    • 94 22 —Trans-Oeean. ,—Reuter. Rome, Mar. 25. Eighty-nine per cent, of the electors voted in the elections through Italy. Only 136,000 votes were cast against the Government list of candidates, and there were 8,000 spoilt papers. The remainder of the votes were for the Government.—Reuter. Rome,
      —Trans-Oeean.; ,—Reuter.  -  94 words
    • 80 22 ,—Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 24. The North China Command is being abolished, and in future all the British forces in China will be under the command of Hong Kong. As a result of this decision, Major-General A. E. Wardrop, of the North China
      ,—Reuter.  -  80 words
    • 24 22 '-Havas. Paris, Mar. 25. The rumours of riots in Syria are absolutely untrue. Complete calm pre-
      '-Havas.  -  24 words
    • 891 22 —British Wireless. -Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. Munich, Mar. 20. After 13 years’ of estrangement, the ex-Kaiser and Admiral von Tirpitz have become reconciled, the ex-Kaiser sending congratulations on the Admiral s HOth birthday.—Trans-Ocean. London, Mar. 21. In the House of Commons, Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, President of the Board
      .—British Wireless.; -Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  891 words
    • 305 22 cord of 231 miles an hour.— British ireless. .—Reuter. Miami, Mar. 20 Piloting his motor-boat Miss En»i in a race which was preliminary t/Tiu world championship attemnt e H. O. D. Segrave boat the Miss VII. The latter was leading bv half" 3 lap
      cord of 231 miles an hour.—British \\ ireless.; .—Reuter.  -  305 words
    • 87 22 Geneva, Mar. 21. The United States Government has ticposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations the instrument of accession signed by Mr. Coolidge and Mr. Kellogg to the International Slavery Convention of 1926, with a reservation with regard to compulsory labour
      87 words
    • 1866 23 —British Wireless. —Reuter. Marshal Foch, who was in supreme rommand of the Allied troops in the rlosing stages of the Great War. died un Mar. 29 at the ago of 77. He had suffered
      —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  1,866 words
    • 946 23 -British Wireless. —Reuter. Paris, Mar. 20. The funeral knell for Marshal Foch was already tolling from the north tower of i Notre Dame at midnight, when crowds j started to assemble in the Cathedral i Square and take up positions along the route.
      -British Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  946 words
    • 41 24 —Reuter. Paris, Mar. 23. The death has occurred of General Sarrail, one of the leading French Generals during the Great War and the former High Commissioner of Syria. He mas 73 year* of age.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 86 24 .—Reuter. Rio de Janeiro, Mar. 26. The Spanish airmen Capt. Jiminez and Capt. Iglesias successfully accomplished their non-stop flight to South America. They set out from Seville on Monday and landed at Bahia to-day. They flew the same machine as that in which went
      .—Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 108 24 with post-war financial problems.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 26. Mr. Montague Collet Norman was today re-elected Governor of the Hank of England. Before the War the Governorship of the bank was held in rotation and not for more than year unless in exceptional circumstances,
      with post-war financial problems.—British Wireless.  -  108 words
    • 88 24 .—Trans-Ocean. Friedrichshafen, Mar. 25. The Graf Zeppelin started on the flight to the Near East on Monday morning and passed over Marseilles at 7.45. The airship is earning 15,500 letters. Rome, Mar. 25. The airship arrived over the city at 3 p.m., flying
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  88 words
    • 67 24 ,—Reuter. Washington, Mar. 27. Mr. Chao Chu-Wu, the new Chinese Minister to the United States, has presented his credentials to President Hoover and expressed gratification that the United States Government had at its head a statesman who had an intimate personal knowledge of
      ,—Reuter.  -  67 words
    • 73 24 —Router. Berlin, Mar. 22. It is semi-offlcially learned that Trotsky’s request for permission to enter Germany will not be granted, because he would undoubtedly choose a Prussian health resort in which to live, and in view of the fact that the
      .—Router.  -  73 words
    • 37 24 «gcidontally fired the fatal shot.—Trans- Berlin, Mar. 26. The mystery surrounding the death of Uount Stolberg has been dispelled by the •onfjKsion of his eldest son that he accidentally fired the fatal shot.— Trana-
      «gcidontally fired the fatal shot.—Trans-  -  37 words
    • 827 24 —Reuter. Fears of renewed civil war in China, following the dispute between Nanking and Wuhan, have now been realised, for reliable Chinese reports from Nanking state that an official declaration of war against Wuhan has
      —Reuter.  -  827 words
    • 81 24 LI CHAI-SUM SHOT Sensational Report From Shanghai. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Mar. 26. A prominent British firm is reported to have received a cable from Shanghai announcing that Marshal Li Chai-sum, the Governor of Canton, had been shot. No confirmation has been received. Li Chai-sum went to Nanking
      81 words
    • 503 24 The following report is officially supplied :—The second annual general meeting of the Fresh Food and Refrigerating Co., was held at the offices of Evatt and Co., d'Almcida Street, on Monday last. Amongst those present were :—Messrs. J. M. Sime (chairman),
      503 words
    • 359 24 —Reuter. Hamburg, Mar. 26 The new giant liner Europa has i almost destroyed by fire. s The flames spread very rapidly enveloped the whole vessel i n L t minutes. The efforts of all the brigades in Hamburg were unavailing Fire-floats pumping
      —Reuter.  -  359 words
    • 96 24 —Reuter. London, Mar. 26. In the House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin stated that owing to the imminence of the dissolution of Parliament, the co-operation of party leaders in the Channel runnel inquiry would be inconvenient, ami tre Government had decided to establish, under the
      —Reuter.  -  96 words
    • 32 24 Reuter. Trans-Ocean. Jerusalem, Mar. 26. The Graf Zeppelin has arrived here.— Reuter. Berlin, Mar. 26. Brilliant weather favoured the trip, which proceeded smoothly throughout.
      Reuter.; Trans-Ocean.  -  32 words
    • 50 24 —Trans-Ocean. Madrid, Mar. 26. General Primo de Rivera has announied that his resignation is imminent. Pro* bable successors mentioned are Admira Magaz, the present Ambassador to t*i o Vatican, and General Berenguer, and this indicates the retention of the dictate r-ship.—Trans-Ocean.
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  50 words
    • 31 24 The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd. reports that the pontoon of the first dreuye of Pnngah Tin Dredging Lid., waa launch*® at ftke nine on Mar. 21,
      31 words
    • 1788 25 Correspondence between H. E. the Governor and the Secretary of State for the Colonies with reference to the Opium Revenue Replacement Fund was laid on the table at Monday's meeting of the Legislative Council. The letters
      1,788 words
    • 510 25 The annual general meeting of the Singapore Diocesan Association was held at St.. Andrew’s School on Mar. 20, the Bishop of Singapore presiding. There was a large attendance. In presenting the report and account?, the Bishop said that though the assessment for Singapore
      510 words
    • 60 25 The Chief Secretary and Lady Peel were present at a luncheon given by II.H. the Yam di per Tuan of Negri Sembilan, on Thursday, on the occasion of the marriage of bis son, Tungku Abdul Rahman, and Tungku Kurshih, daughter of the Tungku Besar. Sir William Peel proposed the health
      60 words
    • 816 25 At an extraordinary general meeting of the Tiang Guun Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., held at 18, Battery Road, Singapore, on Mar. 20 the following resolutions were moved That the company be wound up volun* tarily and
      816 words
    • 47 25 Messrs. Fraser and Co. have received teli* Riaphie advice from Messrs. Osborne and Chappel, Ipoh that the Sunßei Lima Tin issue has been heavily over* übsciibcd and thnt the application lists which opened yesterday, the 131st inst., at noun were closed au hour later.
      47 words
    • 2064 26 Problems connected with medical research in Malaya, and particularly the question of research prosecuted by the piofessors of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, Singapore, are considered in a report which has just been issued.
      2,064 words
    • 51 26 Lt.-Commander J. C. Derrick, R.N.R., ™J as .been appointed Deputy Registrar of Shipping and Observer for Time-balls, Singapore, arrived from Home on Mondav. by the s.s. Mexico Maru. He is filling the position made vacant by the death of Lieut. C. J. Wilson, R.N.R, Lt-Cmdr. Derrick was Assistant Port Officer,
      51 words
    • 123 26 Over 200 dancers took the floor at the Advertisement and Fancy Dress Ball which was held at the Drill Hall, Beach Koad, on Saturday evening. The fancy dress costumes, in advertisement of local commercial firms and their business, had as a background advertising matter ingeniously displayed about the walls, while
      123 words
    • 610 26 Thirteen convicts, among them two men convicted of murder, escaped from the Singapore Prison on Sunday morning The actual time when they regained their freedom is not known, but at 8:» a.m. on Sunday the married daughter of Mr. Tan Peng
      610 words
    • 113 26 During his brief stay at Colombo on his journey to Europe the Sultan of Johore was entertained by the Malay community in the island. On landing His Highness went to the Galle Face HoH where an address of welcome was presented
      113 words

    • 398 27 The final of the Inter-Commercial Cup •mpetition at the Stadium on Tuesday vas reminiscent in many ways of cup..t.s at Home, for the strains of a comic ,zz band, hooters, sirens, bells etc., to av nothing of hundreds of crackers,
      398 words
    • 240 27 —Reuter. nalf-an-hour after the race.—British reless. London, Mar. 23. Cambridge won the Boat Race, beating I Word by seven lengths in the time of 11* min. 24 sec. Glorious weather prevailed, and there "as practically no wind. Over 1,000,000 i- mlc crowded the
      —Reuter.; nalf-an-hour after the race.—British *» reless.  -  240 words
    • 34 27 Reuter. Cambridge scored another success i* •nter-varsity sports at Stamford r, ug(\ winning seven events to Oxford’s ion The weather was glorious, and »()0 people witnessed the sports.—
      Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 607 27 At a meeting held in the Victoria Theatre on Thursday evening, Mr. Denis Santry presiding, it was decided to form an Amateur Boxing Association for Singapore. It was stated that a year’s free grant had been obtained for the use of a portion
      607 words
    • 143 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Mar. 23. In the last game of the tour the MCC. were opposed to an Australian \I at Perth, and when time was called the English side were in a difficult position. Eventually, however, the match jnded in
      143 words
    • 71 27 .—Reuter. Paris, Mar. 23. The international cross-country championship took plaec here with 90 runners representing ten countries. The course was approximately eight miles. The result was W. Cottrell, (England) 1 H. Dartigue (France) 2 R. Courtier (France) 3. Won by ten yards. Time
      .—Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 451 27 Mixed Foursomes at Singapore Golf Club. A mixed foursome competition was played over the Bukit Timah course ou Friday and resulted in a win for Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wild, who returned a net score of 34%. Forty-six cards were taken out and the following returned Mr. and
      451 words
    • 62 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Mar. 26. It is reported that after the drawing of the 80,000 ticals sweep at the Turf Club next month, the Government will not permit any more of these big sweeps to be drawn. It will be recalled
      62 words
    • 298 27 .—Reuter. London, Mar. 22. The greatest steeplechase in the world, the «Grand National, was run at Aintrec, Liverpool, to-day, when a record field faced the tapes. The result was as follows THE GRAND NATIONAL STEEPLECHASE.
      .—Reuter.  -  298 words
    • 207 27 Reuter. London», Mar. 20. The Lincolonshire Handicap, which ushers in the English flat racing season, was run to-day. The race is for three-year-olds and over, for a purse of 2d sovs., with 1,000 sovs. added. Distance, one mile (straight). The result
      Reuter.  -  207 words
    • 91 27 --Reuter. Chicago, Mar. 26. Jackie Fields beat Young Jack Thompaon, a San Francisco on points in a ten-round contest recognised by the National Boxing Association as for the welterweight championship of the world. Fields weighed lOst 5% lb. and Thompson was 10.5. The match
      --Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 55 28 London, Mar. 20. The results of matches played to-day in the English and Scottish Leagues ■were as follows First Division. Bury 3 Birmingham 1 Third Division (Southern). Exeter City 6 Newport County 1 Bournemouth 2 Northampton T. 0 Scottish League (Div. I). Queen's
      55 words
    • 278 28 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. Cardiff’s Dilemma Grimsby Reuter. Out for Promotion. Matches played in the English and Scottish Leagues to-day resulted as follows First Division. Bury 1 Blackburn R. 0 Cardiff City 0 Everton 2 Leicester City 1 Derby County 0 Manchester Utd. 2 Sheffield Wed. 1 Newcastle Utd. 4 Manchester City
      Reuter.  -  278 words
    • 987 28 —Reuter. Ihe following are the positions of clubs in the English and Scottish League tables after Saturday’s games l'irst Division. P. W. L. D.F. A. Pts. Sheffield W. 35 19 8 8 71 50 46 Sunderland 34 18 10 6 81
      —Reuter.  -  987 words
    • 238 28 (F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 23. There were no fireworks at the annual general meeting of the Selnngor Club which was held this evening with the lion. Mr. C. W. H. Cochrane in the chair. There was a large attendance
      238 words
    • 122 28 The Singapore Ladies’ Rifle Association monthly spoon was held on Mar. 21. The spoon and ammunition sweep were won by Miss Holt. Twelve cards were taken out. Total 300 200 100 with u l 4 yd»- yds. yds. Nett h’eap. Miss Holt 30 30
      122 words
    • 896 28 The report of the special sub-committee appointed to inquire into the questions of an alternative site and the future developments of the Singapore Swimming Ciub has been issued, together with the annual report and accounts. i The committee,
      896 words
    • 356 28 At the invitation of the Chief r and Lady Murison, a large r* gathered at Nassim Hill on MondaT" 11 witnessed a tennis match in which J Kleinman and Khoo Hooi Hve the Rev. W. Aitken and Mr. H.E. the Coventor and Lady
      356 words
    • 53 28 New York, Mar. 24. J. Borotra won the national indoor tennis championship, defeating W. T. Hunter, 6—4, 6—4), 4—6, B—6. Borotra thus gains permanent possession of th? trophy, which he won twice previously. In the doubles finals Tilden and riunter defeated Borotra and Washburn, e—4,
      53 words
    • 25 28 London, Mar. 24. In the annual covered-courts match between Paris and London, played at Dulwich, Paris won bv 12 matches to nine.
      25 words
    • 39 28 London, Mar. 23. In the replayed final of the Rugby county championship, at Waterloo, Middlesex beat Lancashire by nine points to eight. In the previous match the sides drew at eight points all.
      39 words
    • 21 28 .—Reuter. In the Navy v. Army match at Twickenham the Army were successful by 1" points to 11.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  21 words
    • 39 28 H.M.S. Malaya, which has been > n dockyard hands at Portsmouth since Sept., 1927, undergoing extensive reconstruction, was completed to full crew on Feb. 21, under the command of Captain N. E. Archdale, C.B.E., for further service in the Mediterranean.
      39 words
    • 1043 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 20. Favourites were to the fore in to-day's racing, which formed the fourth day of the Selangor Turf Club meeting. The eoing was good, and some exciting finishes were seen. THE PAHANG HANDICAP.
      1,043 words
    • 677 29 The following passengers for Malaya were booked by the P. and O. liner Mantua which left London on Feb. 22 and arrived in Singapore on Saturday :—Mr. H. C. Anderson, Mr. Ayres, Rev. and Mrs. Band, Misses Band, Mrs. R. C. Banks, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Breach, Col.
      677 words
    • 39 29 Mr. W. Blackwell, Controller, Posts and Telegraphs, Negri Sembilan and Malacca, I» spending a short holiday at Fraser s Hill prior to going Home on furlough. Tlis successor, Mr. R. E. Caradine, arri\td at Seremban on Sunday from Ipoh.
      39 words
    • 392 29 Both the A and B classes combined for a team race, on Sunday, and were divided into two fleets, as nearly equal in sailing qualities as possible. The fleets were < commanded by the Vice-Commodore and Rear-Commodore respectively. The Vice- Commodore’s fleet was
      392 words
    • 42 29 COLLINGE.—On March 24, 1929, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mr*. C. E. Col|inge, a daughter, GRAY.—At the Middlesex Hospital, London on March 15, 1929, to Mona, wife of H. G. Gray, Miri, a son, Kenneth Mervyn. (By cable).
      42 words
    • 25 29 RACHELL--SOLOMON.—Before the Regis trar on March 27, 1929, Francis Richard George Rachell, to Hannah Solomon, widow of the late E. E. Solomon, of Singapore.
      25 words
    • 146 29 Singapore, Mar. 27. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/a 1/8 B/M Demand t/t 16 /S2 Private 8 m. credit 2/4 18/82 On New York, Demand 66 1/16 Private 90 d/a 6e On France, Bank T.T. 1481 On India. Bank T.T. 163 On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 11%
      146 words
    • 798 29 Singapore, Mar. 27. MINING. laaae Val. Pd. Boyera Sellere £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 41/- 42/8 81 81 Bangrin Tin 38/- 39/1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.46 1 1 Batu Caves 1.60 1.56 1 1 Bukit Arang 2.06 2.15 81 81 Burmah Malay 41/-
      798 words

  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $4B a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 29 29 DEATH PROFEIT. —At Parkstonc, Dorset, suddenly, on March 22, 1929, Ada Winifred, widow of the late Henry Salter Dickinson, Solicitor, Poole, and wife of Alexander Profeit, of Ballater, N.B.
    29 words

    • 4 30
      4 words
    • 31 30 The Sultan Ibrahim reservoir opened at Cunong Pulai on Sunday last by H.E. the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford). An account of the ceremony appears on another page.
      31 words
    • 34 30 is&’i«troii« fire at bine l-.dward Hole», I'onß Kontf. <»n Mar 11. wl en nine people lost their lives. Photographs aUcr cstitlgllisheJ R g h,: A., .ha, ~nain, taM go.
      34 words
    • 134 31 At the- Presbyterian Church. Singapore the wedding took place of Mr. A. Gordon. F.R.I.B.A., Municipal Architect, Miss Mary Webster Rae Left to light :—Mr. I). C. Rae (brother of the bride). Mr. C. F. Snell (best man), bride, bridegroom. Mrs. W. Marsh (matron of honour). Iho wedding
      I'holn. by Sakajnna it Co.  -  134 words
    • 80 32 I'hotoßraphs lake of the ahipmeit from the lamdon docks of two 35 ft. ('«a-lal Motor•lloals constructed hy Thorny er of V» 1-ondon work» 1« Ihe order of the Government of the Dutch hast indies. rt. I n Motor Boats used during the War. being
      80 words
    • 23 33 The tamp at .l«*r Htuatec at the twentieth mile Bridge acro>s ravine at Jor Koad excavation work in progress.
      23 words
    • 104 33 Entrance to the (•overnnient Ihiiii'ulm ;it ('hangi showing the effects of exter>i\e clearing of vegetation since the district has come under the control of the militar\ authorities in connection with the de\ elnpiuent of operations at the Naval Hast*. A \ii“w taken Irom the compound of
      104 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 108 1 General Rubber Situation 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 Roebourne Finance 1 Jasin (Malacca) Rubber 1 Prospects for Rubber Producers— By A. W. Still 1 Rubber Auctions 2 Rubber Returns 2 Rubber Statistics 3 Cable News— American Rubber Consumption 1 Meeting and Reports— Parit Perak Rubber Co. 1 Sungei Choh
      108 words
    • 69 1 Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices d. 8 A. Date L'don S'pore Spot April May Mar. Spot 21 11 0.38 0.381» 0.38 0.39 V 4 22 ll'/i 0.39 »4 0.39 Vi 0.39 0.404 23 ll\ 0.38 *4 0.38 1 0.38 4 0.38 4 23 11
      69 words
    • 38 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks show an increase of 1,450 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 31,994 lons.
      38 words
    • 71 1 The report of the directors of the Parit Perak Rubber Co. for the year ended Dec. 31, 1828, shows a balance available of $120,180 from which dividends totalling 124 per cent have been paid leaving $82,680 which the directors recommend be allowed as follows Payment of
      71 words
    • 61 1 The report and accounts of Sungei Choh Rubber Co. for the year ended Dec. 31 last were issued on Mar. 25. At the annual meeting the following recommendations will be made by the Board :—To pay a dividend of 3 per cent., to place to reserve
      61 words
    • 56 1 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, write that with reference to their letter of the 7th inst., advising the payment of a ftnhl dividend of 74 per cent, by Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber Co., they are advised by cable that the dividend is payable on Apr. 23 and
      56 words
    • 39 1 Roebourne Finance and Investment Company states that the Government has now agreed to clear the Rambah River, which will obviate flooding in future, and this is expect--360 000*nf ble hc output t 0 be increaB ®d U
      39 words
    • 44 1 thu M, thi S L"' e n r by Co. inform u, That the hoard of director* nf t»u (Malacca) Rubber Estates, Ltd., h V^’Tk n<l d f,nnl div »dend of 10 per cent for the year ended Dec. 81, 198«.
      44 words
    • 842 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London. Feb. 27. The rubber position is working: out very much as anticipated after it was realised that public stocks were not likely to be greatly affected by the shipment
      842 words
    • 532 1 The annual general meeting of Radella Rubber Estate. Ltd., was held at Malacca, on Mar. 19, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts, the chairman said :—After writing off depreciation and providing for directors' fees and manager’s commission,
      532 words
    • 124 1 London, Mar. 15. American rubber consumption in February totalled 41,594 tons. In view of the fact that there were only 22 working days, the daily consuir.ption was 1,890 tons, compared with 1,654 tons during January, which had created
      124 words
    • 120 1 We are indebted to the Planters’ Association of Malaya for the following details of the importations of crude rubber into the United States during January, 1929. The figures have been compiled and distributed by the Rubber Association of America. The estimated net weights
      120 words
    • 153 1 The annual general meeting of the Sungci Bilut Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at leBattery Road, on Monday. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. G- M. Harding, Mr. B. Lowick presided, others present were Messrs. R. V. Ross, F. Herose, and W.
      153 words
    • 1082 2 At the annual general mee ting of liaytor Rubber Estates, Ltd., held at French Bank Buildings on Saturday, the Hon. Mr. F. A. Pledger presided, and others present wera Messrs. J. Murray and C. V. Bailey. 1:j moving the adoption
      1,082 words
    • 633 2 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Mar. 21. Since the date of our last report the decline in price has been continuous and at cents the local market shows a fall of 3 4 cents on balance. To-day’s cables quote London at 11
      633 words
    • 116 2 Speaking at the annual meeting of Val d or Rubber Estates, Ltd.. Mr. V. R. Wickwar said that although their output was practically the same as the previous year’s, it produced £7,346 less, but the larger crop of coconuts realised £1,205 more, and, with the help
      116 words
    • 25 2 The death has occurred of Mr. M. L Anderson, formerly mannsror of Smvrc Reyla Estate. Suntyei Siput, and lately oi C hersonese Estate, Kuala Kurau.
      25 words
    • 401 2 The annual general meeting of Ayer Tengah Rubber Estates. Ltd. was held at Malacca on Mar. 19, Mr. T. F. Anderson Role presiding. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts, the Chairmun said :—The profit for the year, utter charging all
      401 words
    • 271 2 The report of the director* of Teluk Anson Rubber Kstate. Ltd., for the year ended Dec. SI. 1028. state* that the profit, after nrovidinir for depreciation and directors’ fees, amounts to $.’10,003 to which has to be added the balance of $24,040
      271 words
    • 199 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 22. The annual meeting of the Kedah Planter*’ Association was held recently with Mr. R. S. Chantler in the chair. Mr. W. Jack was elected chairman for the ensuing year and Mr. O’Malley vice-chairmnn. A letter was
      199 words
    • 795 2 The annual meeting of the Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., wa« held at the odices of Derrick and Co., Hong Kong Bunk Building, on Monday, Mr. S. Q. Woag presiding. (Ithers present included Mr. W. E. llayrer and Mr. A. J. Turner.
      795 words
    • 69 2 An kola. —4,195 lb. liang ,\arn. 10,012 lb. Ilcdford. 10,119» lb. RalombisKi'e. —13,132 11». Hajoe Kid0e1.—172,092 lb. Ujasinga.—l2.2,3ol lb. 1 >onov* nrie.—52,495 II». (Jlrnonly.- 19,722 lb. Hill Rise 25.000 lb. Lnnicen. —88,190 lb. Key land. 10.000 lb. llntani'i. 35,470 lb. Tr.<l;<k 25,000 U>. Tjikasintoe.—o2.o:in lb. Tanah Datur. -44,5(50
      69 words
    • 256 3 Mr. J. Gordon Carrie, Deputy Supervisor of Rubber, F.M.S., and Deputy trar-General (Statistics) S.S., has forwarded the l’cilowinir census of i stocks or rubber held by dealers and on estates of over 100 acres on heb. -H, IJ-J, toget with certain export figures. (Stocks compiled from returns by
      256 words
    • 530 3 The annua) general meeting »f Bukit Timah Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the office* of Evott and Co., on Tuesday. Mr. K. A. Gibson presided, and others present were the Rev. J. M. Ouilloii and Messrs. J. A. Ruinat and C. V.
      530 words
    • 363 3 An extraordinary general meeting of the Nyalas Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held at the Secretaries’ Offices, French Bank Buildings >n Cue day. Mr. Koh San Ilin presiding. ‘>thcr> present included the Hon. Mr. Tan heng Lock, and Messrs. A. McE Marshall, Lee him
      363 words
    • 260 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co.’s weekly report. dated Mar. 2G, states The past week has continued the dull record of its predecessor and now the hastcr holidays are approaching there l* small likelihood of anv revival of interest during the current period.
      260 words
      • 524 3 w M. JLJ Xj 7 J Stock fai Exchange Par Mock Value Company. Prices. Value Conpany. p Xch *»le 1*1 Aba co 1 2/ Mer.-Pegoh rice, 2' Allagar 23 *J Malacca 3 11 *1 Anirlo-Malay l l i f* JP!" 1 T, k 6
        524 words
      • 517 3 Capital Issue Paid I p Value Dividends r CIos,n S Prices r rrmser Lyall k 389.293 1 Nil for year 29-2-28 AlbTnby $1) 1 70**1 jf 160,K,0 Nil for year 30-9-28 ..Alor G.j.h ($1) J V*. l*' Vi*,% yMr31 3 lf A Hitam (,1)
        517 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 3VCA.3ST"2’ jm M' 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. rpHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that it cleans
      130 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 133 5 good covers deserve good r °6£ I GOODVE4R n/fi^r 12b 7 Now— Fit the New Goodyear Balloon WHATEVER size or type of tyre you fit, the new Goodyear Balloon offers you a larger, fuller measure of tyre value. For today’s Goodyear Tyres are the greatest tyres ever made And that
      133 words
    • 275 5 JUST RECEIVED NEW NOVELS BEGGAR TOUR NEIGHBOUR k Magbeth and A. B. Conway R by T m E .4? U,RES daughte by r B'RDS OF PREV. by Andr.. Cm*,, MOUNTAIN GOLD, by Basil r.. TH B E ro EA n TI,ER b> »32* THE PRISON HOUSE, by D P r
      275 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 829 6 FICTION. E 4aT ‘Jt'.' V. •fYMmXk wM A l iW> >fc Aston HIS TO EV Ki J. ON W S THE LO RIC TH EC OLEN STATESMAN, AVE KT^ PATH El FATI OP SH I OR P IA DRA Vf HE Ki >4 iWot i WWjtaS&LZ -frr ft ivV, m
      829 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 115 7 w Wm. JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD. Sole Distributors. CHEONG ONG CO. nortb bbidck «oai». Sub*Agents, Sings pore and Joksw. What makes OIL “better oil”? Highest refinement. Purity. Fullest resistance .to heat and wear. A perfect flow in any weather. And no hard carbon! Texaco Motor Oil meets those requirements. There
      115 words
    • 217 7 I ESTATE TRUSTAGENCIES (1927), LIMITED 1 Telegrams 14 STATETRUST." SINGAPORE. A.B.r. sth and 6th Editions, l Bentley's and Liehers. Te Phot* N". 241 A Trust Company Registered under the Trust i omn» Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits? tlements Government. REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICII j Nos. 1,
      217 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 95 8 Coming THE GREATEST PARAMOUNT SUPER WITH SOUND WINGS i SSSft "v*-. m m ■Xa sSfe >: r' > -'^r x r THE DRAMA OF THE SKIES DEDICATED TO THE FLYING FIGHTERS OF THE WORLD WAR. If It's A Paramount Picture It's the Best in Town. Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home
      95 words
    • 24 8 The blocks in the illustrated section of this issue were made by the Straits Times Photo Process Department I t Prices quoted upon Application.
      24 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 232 9 Have You seen the DMIMEYER SNAP SHOT CAMERA A CHILD CAN USE IT FITTED WITH A Dallmeyer F. 6 Stigmatic Lens t 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 t 4 l .4 4 4 4 4 i nr N Weighs only II ozs. Folds up, fits your pocket, complete
      232 words
    • 68 9 DOUBLE EXTENSION All-Metal Cameras 9 by 12 or '4 plate size. With Zeiss Tessar F/4.5 Compur shutter Price $70.00. With Meyer Trieplan 4.5 Compur shutter Price $56.50. With Meyer Plasmat-set F/4.5 Compur shutter Price $120.00. Sole Agents Singapore Photo Co. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. Phone 6389. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE
      68 words