The Straits Budget, 21 March 1929

Total Pages: 42
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED BIGHTT THAXS.) |No. 3.710 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7 dm
    29 words
  • 357 1 Readers— The Suicides’ Club Costs and Dividends 3 The Film of the Future 3 HI a Second Gibraltar 3-4 -The Noblest Answer, Unto H Such.... Are We Seif Satisfied 4 Occasional Notts 3-0 Hlelegrams, Reuter and Special—- Covering Past Week’s News 10-25 Hlictures—- Hong K«>ng Volunteer Defence 15 P
    357 words
  • 2644 1 w Adams, Kuala Lumpur Police agistrate, has been appointed as Advisor, Office, in Kedah, relieving Mr. H. C. The vacancy will bo filled by 1L Nu.-h, formerly District Officer Kuala I’ilah. It is understood that Mr. nanaa will go n ihort leave some tin VP0 *v prior
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  • 601 2 There was a large gathering of the Jewish community of Singapore on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Sir Manasseh Meyer to hear an account of the Zionist development of Palestine under the mandate of Great Britain. The meeting was in the nature
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  • 64 2 Baron Koenig, the young German airman who is making a leisurely solo flight in a light aeroplane from Europe to the Dutch Indies, will leave Bangkok today, according to the latest news received at Singapore. He will stay one night at Singora,
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  • 20 2 Mr. Henry Waugh, Chairman of Katz ..•others, Limited, Penang, arrived from Home by the P. and O. Naldera on March
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  • 22 2 Messrs. Charles J. Ingram and William Mu:,nut have joined the staff of th" J ongkah Harbour Tin Dredging Co n f Uiuor.
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  • 497 2 At Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council the Commissioner of will move that a special provision of $50,000 be approved for the acquisition of a piece of land as a reserve for a civil aerodrome in Singapore. The agenda also includes the
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  • 92 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 20. In connection with infant welfare work in the Province a gathering under the auspices of the Government Health Department was held yesterday at the liutterworth health centre. Over 400 women and children attended. Refreshments were
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  • 56 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. IP. For the first time in local court practice :he assumed the black cap when Mr •Justice Thorne to-day sentenced a Tamil’ 000 named Sockalingam to death for the under et a Tamil woman coolie
    56 words
  • 295 2 There were amusing passages i n the District Court yesterday during some interesting medical evidence in a ease of alleged assault following which the complainant’s splieen had to be removed. Mr. P. H. Battishill (counsel for the defence) suggested that as the
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  • 347 2 The Bishop of Singapore, in the annua' report of the Singapoie Diocesan Association. states that the estimates sho* a deficiency of *$2,692 of which 1.-545 is covered by the carry forward from the previous vear. The S.A.D.A. in Eng.anil did well with $2,583
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  • 24 2 The death occurred on Friday afteinoon at the General ITosnital. Penang. nt Mrs. Ward, wife of Mr. H. Word, \\hart 'Superintendent, Sungui Nvok, Prai.
    24 words
  • 32 2 The Governor has granted to the Samuel M. Thevathasan and the B' j Edward S. Lau. Ministers of I’.elif u .er.ecs to solemnize maviiaccs i th? t’clony of the Strait* 5 Settlements.
    32 words

  • 1070 3 —Straits Times, Mar. 11. Major H. O. D. Segrave, the British raring motorist, has succeeded in manipulating a mechanically propelled vehicle overland at a speed greater than anything previously attained by a human being Mr. Lee Bible, in endeavouring to wrest this distinction from Major Segrave, has
    —Straits Times, Mar. 11.  -  1,070 words
  • 991 3 fate that is hound to be hers.—Straits Times, Mar. 15, The visit of Mr. H. Stuart Hotchkiss to Singapore is a pleasant reminder that America is not without expert, balanced and friendly students of the plantation rubber industry. There has been too much bad blood l>etwecn producer
    fate that is hound to be hers.—Straits Times, Mar. 15,  -  991 words
  • 1167 3 no.—Straits Times, Mar. 16. In the last few weeks there have been unmistakable signs that some of the leading English authors are at last prepared to do something more for the film industry than they have done in the past and, which is better still,
    no.—Straits Times, Mar. 16.  -  1,167 words
  • 942 3 concern of th" whole Empire.— Straits Times. Mar. IS. Various references to Singapore in the discussions on the Army and Navy Estiluat* s in the House of Commons serve as a further reminder of the great changes which, slowly but surely, are taking place on this island.
    concern of th" whole Empire.— Straits Times. Mar. IS.  -  942 words

  • 1040 4 “THE NOBLEST ANSWER. UNTO SUCH —Straits Times, Mar. 11». Sir Hugh Clifford has paid sever il generous huf by no means extravagant tributes to the police of Malaya for the extremely efficient manner in which the attempts to spread the doctrine of Communism among the masses in this country have
    —Straits Times, Mar. 11».  -  1,040 words
  • 1114 4 »»OII UUi HHclLUMI Wltlliu couple of thousand miles. —Straits I Mar. 20. Some months have passed since local -'oeiety was considerably moved, and exeel by the outspoken pronouncements of ni.nont globe-trotter. At the time of <1,(l n °t. on the whole, take (inr 1 rdl' S
    »»OII UUi HHclLUMI Wltlliu *■■■•■** • . couple of thousand miles.—Straits I "" Mar. 20.  -  1,114 words
  • 295 4 Remarkable evidence was given i„ Singapore District Court on Tue i c when two Chinese women were com,!, of offences under the Women and r Protection Ordinance. s Mr. H. Gatflcld, Protector of pu' ese. said that one of the documents whit*
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  • 165 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. L’O. In the Supreme Court yesterday a Chinese named Tech Goo Bah appealed from the conviction and sentence of »;x months' rigorous imprisonment pa»e4 upon him by the Police Magistrate, be! re whom he
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  • 100 4 The report of the Hast Asiatic Co. shows, in kronen, a surplus of plus 5,160,799 curried forward from u-‘-The directors recommend a 10 per tt dividend, the same as the previous two jea that four million be placed to
    100 words

    • 192 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 14. No better example of the sublime optimism of the politician when a General Election is approaching is to be found than the remarks of Mr. Lloyd George on the new Liberal panacea for unemployment. Part of the scheme envisages the construction of huge trunk
      —Straits Times, Mar. 14.  -  192 words
    • 194 5 —Straits Times. Mar. 14. Once upon a time a cricketing genius, tired of undecided matches, evolved the idea that Tests should be played to a finish. The people hearkened to him, and now he is being answered in full measure. How many days and weeks the matches have
      —Straits Times. Mar. 14.  -  194 words
    • 468 5 HOW TIME FLIES th'in aci v u,,ore ucwier n uanuiew J 4 ftopn years old.—Straits Time», By one of those curious coincidence# without which columns of this kind could never be filled, we had only just dotted the i’s and cros?ed the t’s of Tuesday’s Note dealing with the Singapore
      th'in aci v“*u,,ore ucwier n uanuiew J4ftopn years old.—Straits Time»,  -  468 words
    • 206 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 15 Mr. R. J. Minney is in luck. His book Shiva, or The Future of India,” the recent addition to the To-day and Tomorrow series which formed the subject of a leading article in the Straits Times a few days ago. has been banned
      —Straits Times, Mar. 15  -  206 words
    • 296 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 15. When the Singapore Municipal Commissioners decided to spend $lO,OOO on covering the ceiling of the Victoria Memorial Hall with a material which the /endora, a Chicago firm, said would improve the acoustics of that funereal '•uilding the tone of public comment was decidedly
      —Straits Times, Mar. 15.  -  296 words
    • 317 5 'Mitage in Malaya.—Straits Times. Mar. 15. Considerable interest is being shown in London in the problem of sound prevention. and apparently the results obtained are such as to promise the foundation of a new industry. Board rooms, rooms and halls in hospitals and schools, courthouses and council chambers
      'Mitage in Malaya.—Straits Times. Mar. 15.  -  317 words
    • 287 5 CRACKERS PATRIOTISM. American goggles !—Straits Times, Mar. 16. We published a full report of th° Chin '•>? Christian Association’s debate or '•rackor firing because it seemed a usofu’ to nonvey to the copo-n’ public some Chinese opinions on this peculiarly Chinese custom. On the whole, we think our readers will
      American goggles !—Straits Times, Mar. 16.  -  287 words
    • 309 5 Straits Times. Mar. IG. Two very interesting letters on the education of Malays have been published in the Straits Times this week. Both expressed a desire for a closer association between secular and religious instruction than se*ms practicable unless the Moslem community is prepared to finance
      – Straits Times. Mar. IG.  -  309 words
    • 211 5 -Straits Times, Mar. If}. We are indebted to the theatrical correspondent of the Daily Mail for the following examples of epigrammatic wit and biting satire from Mr. Reginald Berkeley’s play 44 The Lady with a Lamp which is drawing all London to the Garrick Theatre Nobody grudges Labour a
      -Straits Times, Mar. If}.  -  211 words
    • 117 5 nursery for place-kickers.—Straits Times, liar. 18. There is a striking: lesson to be learned from the reports of the Calcutta Cup match between Scotland and England at Murrayfield on Saturday. We hail from that side of the Border where men smile as they contemplate the actual result
      nursery for place-kickers.—Straits Times, liar. 18.  -  117 words
    • 270 5 MORE HUB-BUB Straits Times, Mar. 18. It has been asserted—and we believe that Malaya can truthfully lay claim to the distinction—that the roads in the Peninsula are second to none in the world. For this amenity we have to thank the various Public Works Departments and, of course, of sundry
      Straits Times, Mar. 18.  -  270 words
    • 510 5 LIONS AND LIARS from “decrepit man-eaters Straits Times, Mar. IS. This was the heading to a note published a few weeks ago regarding the story in a paper called The Policy of an insurance official’s adventures in the Far East. Remarking that these globe-trott-ers have some interesting experiences, The Policy
      from “decrepit man-eaters " ! Straits Times, Mar. IS.  -  510 words
    • 169 6 typewriter.—Straits Times, Mar. lib A circular recently went round the Government offices urging economy in the departmental stationery, and suggesting that, as the evaporation was very great, a little water might with benefit now and then be added to the ink. '1 he same day a
      typewriter.—Straits Times, Mar. lib  -  169 words
    • 196 6 HIGHLANDS ASSOCIATION.” ‘among its members.— Stir.'ts Time*. Mar. lib One cannot help wondering how the F.M.S. Government will regard the proposal to form a Cameron’s Highlands Association." The anonymous author of this scheme is inviting support in the following advertisement 44 Will everyone who is interested in procuring land on
      ‘among its members.— Stir.'ts Time*. Mar. lib  -  196 words
    • 229 6 Stratis Times, Mar. 11*. The road will not be through to the Highlands until 19fll, so that the Development Committee would seem to be justified in going slowly before granting land for building, farming or planting. In any event, if the committyb does make mistakes, the best
      Stratis Times, Mar. 11*.  -  229 words
    • 199 6 unduly affected English nerves. Straß* Times, Mar. 20. It remained for a correspondent of our Ipoh contemporary to discover means of reprisal for certain incidents in the recent Test matches. He has written in all seriousness suggesting that, as a sign of our displeasure,” no invitation should be issued
      unduly affected English nerves. Straß* Times, Mar. 20.  -  199 words
    • 303 6 at tht* end of its first four years.— Straits Times, Mar. 20. Once again the founders of a public nssocmt.on in Malaya are faced with that, familiar and not peculiarly tropical «mi n fil' 10n °r n ~n- ,athy amonir the rank and file. In this case it
      at tht* end of its first four years.— Straits Times, Mar. 20.  -  303 words
    • 333 6 WHEN I WAS IN NIGERIA —Straits Times, Mar. 20. From Nigeria—the place whence the Straits Settlements obtains its Colonia Secretaries—comes a letter making interesting comparisons between that country and Malaya. The writer livtd here for many years and so is in a position to judge. On the whole, it seems
      •—Straits Times, Mar. 20.  -  333 words

  • 178 6 A police patrol on stopping a taxi at the junction of Lavender Street and Kaliang Road on March 12 was fired on by one of the five Chinese occupants. The shot went wide. The five men jumped out and dashed away in
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  • 84 6 At the annual meeting of the Permanent Way Institution of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur, the Hon. Mr. J. Strachan general manager, F.M.S.R., presidin'' 'aid that during his life he had been ir many Colonies, hut he did not think that he had yet seen one where the permanent way
    84 words
  • 846 6 (Straits Times and Anglo-American S. copyright.) The famous flight across unexplored wastes of ice and ocean made by (apt. Sir Hubert Wilkins and Lieut. C H. Eielson is dealt with by Sir Hubert Wilkins in this article, which shows
    (Straits Times and Anglo-American S. copyright.)  -  846 words
  • 337 6 A wedding of much interest v solemnised at the Presbyterian Chur, h Mar. 12 when Mr. George Richardson Parrott, elder son of the late Mr Mrs. T. Parrott of Edinburgh, was r\v d ried to Miss Muriel Annie Dudgeon
    337 words
  • 353 6 The following appointments are notim-i in the current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. J. L. Humphreys, C.M.G., C.B.E., Malayan t. ivil Service, to be a Supernumerary Start' Officer of the rank of Ir tish Adviser, Kedah Mr. L. L. Mills to he a Deputy Commissioner of
    353 words
  • 40 6 Tho marriage took place in London on March 9 of Mr. W. J. Caldwell, of Kampong Kapayang, Perak, anil Mi* 5 Eleanor McKenna of New York. bridegroom is an old resident of IYvak «and has many planting and mining interests.
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  • 2060 7 A case which has aroused considerable interest began at the Assizes before Mi. Juitice Deane and a special jury on March 15 when E. A. Ellis appeared charged with that on Feb. 23 he caused the death of William D. McLean by
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  • 437 7 The Singapore Rural Board on Monday decided to ban advertisements from residential areas and beauty spots. The Chairman, Mr. W. Bartley, said the local Press had concentrated on this matter. The Board had recently instituted bye-laws requiring all hoardings to be
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  • 750 7 The Batu Fahat Assizes opened on Sunday before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay. After disposing of a number of civil matter», Ills Lordship proceeded to hear the criminal eases, of which three have been concluded. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr.
    750 words
  • 36 7 Mr. M. Andal, the late Bandmaster of the Perak State Band, who early this year retired on pension after serving the Government for years, ha-' come to Singapore from Ipoh en route for the Philippine Islands.
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  • 67 8 [Ths Strait* Tim** i* not r«*pon*ibl* for th* opinion* of it* corr**pond*nt*. Corrs■pondent* should bear in mind that l*tt*r* mast b* short and to tb* point. Long •piatlt* ar* liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondent* must enclose their name* and addresses, not necessarily for Rubllcation but as
    67 words
  • 159 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I had occasion this week to send one of my assistants up-country to visit several places entailing a considerable number of separate journeys on the F.M.S. and Siamese Railways. I sent him to a British firm to obtain tickets
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  • 518 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—The views of your Malay correspondent concerning the Education of Malays present the problematical question ratfter in a broad and general manner. He is quite right in saying that Malays cannot tolerate sending their children to schools where no religious
    518 words
  • 272 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Last night about I received the experimental short wave transmission of toe League oi Nations from Kootwyt, Holland. Reception was clear and at good loud-speaker strength. An Australian member of the League secretariat gave an account of some of
    272 words
  • 446 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Having read your references to Major Segrave’s feat, appearing in your .ssue of Mar. 14 under the heading of The Suicide Club, I take the liberty of submitting ihe following facts for your consideration. To stimulate international rivalry is,
    446 words
  • 326 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. —Is* it not time that something was done to speed up the delivery of the English mail When the boat arrives in Penang late on Thursday night or not later than (5 a.m. on Friday morning por- ♦ions of the mail
    326 words
  • 314 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 16. After a trial lasting for six days the three employees of the Strate Cattle Tradimr Company. Penang. Mohamed Malimiar, Abdul Subham and Salleh Malimiar, were found guilty and the first accused was sentenced
    314 words
  • 146 8 The Singapore Municipal health statement lor the week ended Mar. 9 gives the total number of deaths as male 13*’*, and female 07. This represents a death rate of 22.01 per mille per annum, compare.! with 23.92 in the preceding week and 28.08 in the corresponding week of
    146 words
  • 195 8 Two local motorists left Singapore on Saturday on a journey which they ho»« will end in London. op There have been several attempts to achieve this feat during the last years. The first to try it were Messrs M. Canagasaby, P. Scully
    195 words
  • 350 8 Action taken at meetings of committee* of the Municipal Commission included the following: Accepted the tender of the Africa a and Eastern (Malaya) Ltd., for 5,000 casks of cement, the Home Agents to arrange for independent tests of the cement before shipment.
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  • 61 8 Hong Fatt (Sungei Besi) Ltd. Dweek received a shipment of five engines their mine at Sungei Besi. The total non* power of the five engines is *****. engines are of the popular Fairbanks-.Mot > Diesel improved type imported by > 1 Borneo Company, Ltd. This shipment
    61 words
  • 37 8 Mr. J. D. Hussey, officer superintendPolice Circle, Kuala Kangsar, has iccci\> a letter of commendation for his courag ous and determined arrest of an a 1 and dangerous bad character M 1 Kangsar on Jan. 11, 1929.
    37 words

  • 1187 9 The first annual general meeting of Malacca Electric Lighting, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries, Messrs. Evatt and Co., yesterday. Mr. P. M. Robinson presided and others present were Messrs. W. H. Maegregor, and C. V. Bailey. In proposing the
    1,187 words
  • 429 9 The Rev. G. H. Douglas, who has been in charge of the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, for the past eight years, and has been a well-known and popular figure in the public life of the city, left for Home on Monday with Mrs.
    429 words
  • 109 9 One of the biggest and most destructive fires which has occurred in recent .imes broke out in the town of Old Klang in the small hours of Sunday morning, when three stores, one containing rubber and the others copra, were totally gutted.
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  • 843 9 Rallies Girls’ School had several distinguished visitors on Monday afternoon, when the first prize-giving ceremony to lake place in the new' building was hold. The main hall was filled with pupils, parents and friends. On the platform were
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  • 241 9 Arrangements are well in hand for loyal and hearty welcome to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester when he arrives at Singapore next month on his way to Japan. A reception committee has been appointed as follows :—The Colonial Secretary, Colonial Engineer, InspectorGeneral
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  • 88 9 Mr. Peck Hock, a well-known resident of Singapore, appeared before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. C. S. Findlay, on Tuesday on a chargo of offering an illegal gratification to Mr. Tongue, Asst. Superintendent of Police in charge of the Marine Division.
    88 words
  • 245 9 The annual business meeting of th« Presbyterian Church was held on Friday in the Tomlinson Hall, the Rev. W. Murray being in the chair. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The reports of the Church Session and Board of Managers werw adopted, and the
    245 words

  • 185 12 The English Test Match Averages. Name O. M. R. W. Avg. H. Cleary 239.4 120 458 19 21.33 J. C. White 397.4 134 709 25 30.72 H. Larwood 259.1 41 729 18 40.45 M. W. Tate 371 122 098 17 40.91 V»’. R. Hammond 119 30 293 5 58.4^
    185 words
  • 88 12 First Test. England 521 and 342 for 8 wkts. Australia 122 66 England won by 675 runs. Second Test. Australia 253 and 397 England 636 16 for 2 wkts. England won by 8 wickets. Third Test. Australia 397 and 351 ,,:n ,and 417 332 for
    88 words
  • 165 12 For England (8). First Wicket. Ilk J. B Hobbs and H. Sutcliffe (4th Match). 105. J. B. Hobbs and H. Sutcliffe (3rd Match». Second Wicket. 133. 11. Sutcliffe and W. R. Hammond (3rd Match). Third Wicket. 2C. 1. 1). R. Jardiiu* and W. R. Hammond (4th Match). A
    165 words
  • 105 12 FOR FNT.LAM) .8 169 F. H. Hendren 1>: Match at Brisbane 3 1 W. !i. Hammond 2nd Sy>i «.y 2o0 II. Hammond 3rd M*'Lourne 13.’» H. Sutcliffe 3rd 119 W. R. Hammond 4th Adelaide ITT \V. H. Hammond 4th 142 J. P.
    105 words
  • 97 12 For England. •L M h.te 8 wkts. for 128 (Ith match' H. Larwood 6 32 (1st H. Geary 5 35 (2nd H. Geary 5 105 (5th J. C. White 5 107 (3rd L <’. White ft 130 (4th «L C. Whit.» 4 7 (1st M. \V. Tate 4
    97 words
  • 64 12 By England (43). Duckworth 12 and 1 stumped. C hapman 8 Larwood 6 Tate 5 Jardine 4 Hendren 3 deary 3 Hammond 1 White 1 By Australia (47). Oldiield 8 and 2 stumped. Ryder 7 Woodfull 5 Fairfax 5 Ponsford 4 A’Beckett 3 Bradman 2 Blackie 2 Hornibrook
    64 words
  • 41 12 THE VALUE OF MR. EXTRAS.” OLDFIELD ALLOWED 117 EXTRXS (1021 PCr inninpr3 of 11.7. \Ji 4-25 lour average per inns, of 11.00). DUCKWORTH ALLOWED 103 EXTRAS na®4 oE®5. a|f per innin s of 10.30. iS-4-,.5 lour average per inns, of 13,8).
    41 words
  • 249 12 The Hve matches have been productive of ~820 runs and the following records have also been set up Highest Aggregate In Te>»t Series. Hammond 005 runs. Run Win Margin. ViC ry y 675 fir., T t Highest Total. England’s first innings’ total nf second Test Match. of 63
    249 words
  • 278 12 The annual general meeting of t Singapore Natural History Society v held at the Medical College on March The following were elected officers 1929: President, Mr. R. E. Holttum: vice-president* Dr. Brooke <hon.). R v. Dexter Allen, the Hon. Mr. G. C. Wils
    278 words
  • 132 12 At the Perak appeal Court, Ipoh Mr. Justice Pritchard dismissed the Perak D.P.P’s. appeal against the Tapan Magistrate’s decision in which he lined a European, Thomas Hurst, $250 f’ l causing the death of a Chinese at Bidof by rashly and negligently
    132 words

  • 226 14 The last hatch of round-the-world tourists who will arrive in Singapore his vkiv were brought by the HamburgAmeriean liner Resolute on Friday. The Resolute has 31*9 passengers on board, and the list includes prominent pe< )d»' from the- United States, Germany, Spain,
    226 words
  • 181 14 FRASER NEAVE, LTD. Final Dividend of Sixty Cents To be Paid. The directors of Fraser and Neave, Ltd., state in their annual report that after making ample provision for depreciation and doubtful debts the net profit amounts to $3<8,014, which, with the balance of $15,280 brought forward from the last
    181 words
  • 37 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 15. Bangkok is experiencing a particularly coki spell. Old residents cannot recall a February in which there was so much rain or a March which was so cold.
    37 words
  • 1302 14 The members of the St. Patrick’s Society of Singapore held their annual dinner at the Europe Hotel on Saturday night. There was a very large attendance, and the function was one of the happiest national festivals of the
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  • 216 14 An extraordinary general meeting of Tiang <iuan Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co., was to have been yesterday for the purpose of considering the winding up of the compaar and appointing Mr. B. Lowick and or Mr. Beeching, liquidators also the payment of
    216 words
  • 53 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 14. The new Straits Steamship Co. ves»* l Pangkor, which is hnaking a trip to an kok, arrived to-day and was visited or many people. Heavy seas were encounter ed on the way up, but the Pangkor
    53 words

  • 638 16 T hn Bureau of Soria! Affair» of the municipality of Greater Shanghai recently marie an interestinK series of investigations with the object of ascertaining the extent of unemployment in Shanghai. As a first approach to the problem, a «extern of voluntary registration
    638 words
  • 29 16 Mr. A. V. Aston, District Officer, Bukit Mertajam, has been entertalnod to dinner at the Court House, Bukit Mertayam, in honour of his departure for England on long leave.
    29 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 220 16 Buy Genuine Unit Cells l> EVEREADY Unit Cells are built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long lasting qualities. That is why nearly every expedition to the farthest north, to the equator and to the
      220 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 134 17 Telegrams FIRNATEX. s F I R T N A I O A L T NL Telephones 4100, 5534. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in
      134 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 1960 19 —Reuter. —British Wireless. Introducing the Navy Estimates in the House of Commons. Mr. Bridgeman. the First Lord of the Admiralty, pointed out they showed a reduction of 11.435.000 upon those of last year, fn the course of a
      —Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  1,960 words
    • 109 19 his tours of the Dominions.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 16. The Prince of Wrles, who, it was recently announced, will act for the King ar the forthcoming investitures, yesterday conferred the honours of Knighthood at St. James’s Palace. He knighted
      his tours of the Dominions.—British Wireless.  -  109 words
    • 111 19 —Reuter. Rugby, Mar. 18. The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. Bridgeman, will proceed to Gibraltar at the end of the week on a short visit to the Mediterranean and Atlantic Fleets, which are this week engaged in the usual spring exercises. They are
      —Reuter.  -  111 words
    • 256 19 Reuter. British Wireless. New York, Mar. 18. The copper market is in a turmoil on account of the heavy demand and scanty stocks. Sales are reported at 22 cents which is one cent
      Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  256 words
    • 181 19 British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 16. The Archbishop of Canterbury will leav* England on Easter Monday for a tour ia the Mediterranean in Mr. Picrpont Morgan’s yacht Corsair. The tour was planned some two years ago as a purely private holiday. It now
      British Wireless.  -  181 words
    • 152 19 British Wir«le«a. Rugby, Mar. 18. Over 200 officers and men of the now cruiser London were entertained to luncheon by the City of London» Corporation at the Guildhall to-day. The Lord Mayor, Sir Kynaston Studd* presented to the ship’s company throe pieces of
      British Wir«le«a.  -  152 words
    • 682 20 —I.ritish Wireless. -Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. London, Mar. 13, The Duke and Duchess of York arc leaving for Norway to-morrow to attend the marriage of the Crown Prince Olaf and Princess Martha of Sweden
      —I.ritish Wireless.; -Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  682 words
    • 242 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 12. The joint committee representing the group of employers headed by Lord Melchett and the Trades Union Cmigrc—has issued a new interim report, dealing chiefly with measures for fostering emigration, stimulating industry and oping with unemployment. The report recommends
      —Reuter.  -  242 words
    • 133 20 London. Mar. 14. Mr. J. C. Denison-Pender is to succeed j his father in the chairmanship of the! Eastern Telegraph Co. and associated companies.—Reuter. Mr. John Cuthbert Denison-Pender is, 47 years of age. After leaving Eton) he entered the service of the
      133 words
    • 129 20 .—British Wireless. —Reuter. Rugby. Mar. 13. Flight-Lieut. Moir and Flying Officer Owen, two Australian airmen, who are attempting to fly to Australia in an allmetal Vickers-Armstrong-Siddeley seaplane, left Lympne aerodrome this morning. Their big machine, which is driven by a single 400
      .—British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  129 words
    • 75 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 16. The death has occurred of the Right Hon. Stephen Walsh, M.P. (Lab.) for the Ince division of Lancashire, who was Secretary of State for War in Mr. Ramsay Macdonald’s Cabinet from January to November, 1924. London,
      —Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 168 20 Router. —Nichi-Niehi. Shanghai. Mar. 17. I Marshal Feng Yu-hsiang. who is at present resting at a health resort in I North Honan, telegraphed to Nanking on i the 12th inst. resigning his post as I Minister for War on the grounds of illhealth.
      Router.; .—Nichi-Niehi.  -  168 words
    • 148 20 ,—Reuter. London. Mar. IS. It i' officially announced that the King acting on the advice of a medical authority, has approved that Prince George should now retire from active participation in the work of the Royal Navy. His Majesty has decided, with
      ,—Reuter.  -  148 words
    • 119 20 —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 10. Th* new cruiser London is on a special visit to the Thames to etiabl Londoners to view her before she leaves for the Mediterranean. The Lord Mayor of London and the Mayor of Gravesend paid official visits
      —British Wireless.  -  119 words
    • 189 20 —Reuter. Geneva, Mar. 12. During the League of Nations Labour Office discussion the delegates of German and French employers and the Swedish Government supported the British pror*vision of the Washington Light-Hour-Dav Convention, but all the workers’ delegates opposed. The Italian Government delegate said Italy
      —Reuter.  -  189 words
    • 359 20 SUICIDAL MOTOR SPEEDING. Fresh Protests. CAPT. CAMPBELL TO MAKE ATTEMPT. Cape Town, Mar. R Since the death of Mr. Lee Bib> attempting to break Major SegriJ" speed record. Capt. Malcolm Campfeii has been inundated with messages trv England urging him to abandon his i posed suicidal attempt. Interviewed by Reuter's
      359 words
    • 184 20 —Reuter. British Wireless. Mexico, Mar. 1'.'. The British Legation has made strong representations to the Mexican F<>rei?» Office urging that steps should he taker to secure the release of Mr. J. W. Retct a British employee of the San Nichols? Mining and Milling
      —Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  184 words
    • 106 20 .—Trans-Ocean. Warsaw, Mar. 14The Polish Cabinet crisis is assuming grave dimensions. It is rumoured trut the Prime Minister, M. Bartel. v* replaced by a General from the Pilsud»** camp and the Skeym dissolved. Tran.-»-Ocean. Warsaw. Mar 1 The increasing friction between Marshal Pilsudski and
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  106 words
    • 576 21 —Reuter. Daytona Beach, Mar. 13. Motor speeding at Daytona Beach has resulted in another tragedy. To-day the acing motorist Lee Bible was piloting White’s Triplex 36-cylinder car when he crashed into the sand dunes while travelling
      .—Reuter.  -  576 words
    • 123 21 Reuter. Hong Kong, Mar. 13. The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Dobson, two of the victims of the fire at King Edward Hotel, on Monday, took ace to-day with naval and military no u l *s (Mr. Robson was
      Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 616 21 .—Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. Paris, Mar. 13. Details of the Madrid disturbances received in Paris by telephone state that 2,000 students serenaded the Ministry of Instruction with satirical lyrics directed against the Minister. Then they proceeded to newspaper offices and smashed the windows. Police
      .—Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.  -  616 words
    • 265 21 —Reuter. 202.848 more than a year ago.—British Wireless. London, Mar. 12. We can conquer unemployment is the title of a booklet which gives details of the Liberal party’s scheme mentioned by Mr. Lloyd George in his recent speech. The scheme proposes the employment of
      —Reuter.; 202.848 more than a year ago.—British Wireless.  -  265 words
    • 100 21 —Reuter. London, Mar. 14. In the House of Commons at question time, the Air Minister, Sir Samuel Hone, announced that the negotiations with the various African governments, particularly the Union Government, for the inception of a weekly air service between London
      —Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 55 21 —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Mar. 14. Professor Einstein celebrated his 50th birthday to-day, and received many congratulations, including a telegram from the Chancellor on behalf of the Government. The directors of the New’ York Jewish National Fund are seeking to have a forest in Palestine named
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  55 words
    • 68 21 Pritish Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 18. The Gull lightship was sunk at her mooring off Goodwin Sands to-day in collision with the liner City of York. The latter, whieh will dock at London to-night, has five men on board who were rescued from the lightship.
      Pritish Wireless.  -  68 words
    • 53 21 —Reuter. Brussels, Mar. 14. The executive committee of the International Steel Cartel has decided to increase the annual output by 2,000,000 ‘■«ns, in view of the fact that all the contacting countries are obliged, owing to he demands of the market, to exceed
      —Reuter.  -  53 words
    • 658 21 Reuter. London, Mar. 13. A meeting of the General Electric Go. held in London considered the special resolutions for increasing the capital by the creation of 1,000,000 new pound British ordinary shares which would not be transferable
      Reuter.  -  658 words
    • 401 22 —Reuter. Nunking, Mar. 15. The capital was bedecked with flags this morning on the occasion of the opening of the third National Kuomintang Congress at which 211 delegates are present from a total of 356 elected to
      —Reuter.  -  401 words
    • 124 22 —Reuter. London, Mar. 12. Sir Samuel Hoare rendered the House of Commons an account of the progress end plans of the airships R 100 and R 101. He stated that they would be completed about the same time in the late spring. Both
      —Reuter.  -  124 words
    • 98 22 —Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 18. The Chief Inspectorate of the Salt Revenue has issued the following statement “Sufficient funds have now been provided in Salt Revenue account in the group hanks to meet the interest payments due on the Crisp and Anglo-French loans in
      —Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 1782 22 Nichi-Nichi. -British Wireless. —Havas. -Trans-Ocean. ,—Reuter. Paris, Mar. 13. Marshal Foch is worse. His condition is causing some anxiety.—Reuter. Rugby, Mar. 15. Under the will of Mr. John Humphrey Plummer, of Southport, who left 1*271,000, a bequest of £200,000 is made to Cambridge University for the
      Nichi-Nichi.; -British Wireless.; —Havas.; -Trans-Ocean.; ,—Reuter.  -  1,782 words
    • 229 22 —British Wireless. —Reuter. Rugby, Mar. ig. One of four Fairey-Napier Koval i Force aeroplanes engaged on a flight to Cairo from Cape Town crashed to-day after leaving G\*elo, i n South SJ Rhodesia. Sergt. Turner was kide-1* ;he spot, while Flying-Ofiieer
      —British Wireless.; —Reuter.  -  229 words
    • 313 23 I London, Mur. 18. I The members of the Royal Commissi >n lon police powers and procedure have I rreye nted a unanimous report to th" I Home Secretary. It is understood that I the report
      313 words
    • 261 23 —Reuter. Berlin. Mar. 11. Introducing the Budget in the Reichl>r. Hetftrding said the Reich needed '00.000.000 marks cash for urgent expenditure. This must he raised by *h rt-term loans. Although the situation undoubtedly serious, it was absurd t* talk another inflation period, for
      —Reuter.  -  261 words
    • 69 23 T i ans-Ocean. Hamburg, Mar. 17. V 1 f| h* the former German Ambas(i,,r in Tokio, was the guest of honour banquet given by the Far Eastern <K tv. tit which 300 representatives tj; ‘oking. commerce and shipping a R«-nded. *i‘
      T i ans-Ocean.  -  69 words
    • 413 23 —Reuter. present under consideration. —British Wireless. London, Mar. 18. In the House of Commons Sir Walter de Frece (Cons., Blackpool) asked if Sir Austen Chamberlain would suggest to the other Power* concerned the desirability of taising the embargo on the importation of arms
      —Reuter.; present under consideration.—British Wireless.  -  413 words
    • 94 23 count of the French war debt. —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 15. The Italian Government duly paid to dio British Government to-day the sum of £2.125.000, being the seventh instalment payable under the Italian war debt funding' agreement of 192f>. flie sum of 1
      count of the French war debt.—British Wireless.  -  94 words
    • 82 23 Calcutta, Mar. 11. It is understood that about 800 cut motions have been tabled by the Congress and other party members in connection with the Bengal budget demands. The Council was to meet on Mar. 16 and 12 days were to Ik* allotted for
      82 words
    • 56 23 -Brill-h Wireless?. Rugby, Mar. IS). The latest unemployment returns show a striking improvement in the position. On Mar. 11 the total number of people without work «at I.2H.VMJO. «Im-h wa--118,532 lc*s than in the week be.ore. <. oir.oared with a year ago there was s.n
      – -Brill-h Wireless?.  -  56 words
    • 270 23 —Reuter. Paris, Mar. IS. A sensation has been caused by the summons to Paris of General Gobeau from Mayence, Genera) Partoneaux from Treves and Colonel Marminia from Durrcn. It is understood that M. Painleve, the Minister for War, questioned the officers regarding their orders
      .—Reuter.  -  270 words
    • 147 23 Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 13. The inward-bound Norddeutscher Lloyd cargo boat Giessen, formerly the Southwestern Miller, has been totally wrecked on Button Rock 80 miles from Shanghai. The Khiva, which was proceeding to Hong Kong, answered distress signals and found the Giessen broken in
      – Reuter.  -  147 words
    • 106 23 —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 15. A new anaesthetic which is not yet on the* commercial market is described in the current issue of Tlu* Lancet by two distinguished anaesthetists, one of whom, I)r. Shipway, acted as anaesthetist to the King in his recent operation.
      —British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 95 23 Ri uter. Peshawar, Mar. 12. Major M. C. C. Harrison, D. 5.0., M.C., of the First Armoured Car Co., Royal Tank (’oil's, who was charg<*d with culpable neglect and conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in connection with the Jamrud
      . Ri uter.  -  95 words
    • 375 23 Reuter. New York, Mar. 14. The heavy floods which have occurred in Alabama and Georgia were responsible for two train wrecks, the inundation of four villages and the extensive dislocation of traffic. The rain is likely to continue for another
      Reuter.  -  375 words
    • 159 23 Reuter. Geneva, Mar. 13. The committee of jurists considering the statute of the Permanent* Court of International Justice decided to fix the I number of judges at 15 and to abolish the four deputy judges. They would be entitled to six months vacation
      Reuter.  -  159 words
    • 112 23 Reuter. London, Mar. 13. In the House* of Commons, replying to Mr. K. Ramsden (Cons., Hrattl'ord, N.) with reference tx> the recommendations of the Ixjvat Committee on agri cultural organisation and services in non-self-governing colonies, Mr. Amery said Mr. Frank Stockdalc, Director of Agriculture,
      – Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 241 24 —Reuter London, Mar. 10. In the House- of Commons, replying to Lieut.-Comdr. J. M. Kenworthy’s request for a further statement on the price of petrol and other oils, Mr. Baldwin «aid he had received a long
      .—Reuter  -  241 words
    • 203 24 .-Reuter. Mexico City. .Mar. 13. Federal troops are rapidly advancing on the rebel headquarters. An unconfirmed report states that the Federal troops captured Raco in Sonora, in the heart of rebel territory. Two members of the United States Border Patrol were wounded in a
      .-Reuter.  -  203 words
    • 38 24 Reuter. New York, Mar. 17. Thirteen people were killed and one •eriously injured when a Colonial Airways machine crashed at Newark Meadows, New Jersey. The pilot was unhurt.—
      Reuter.  -  38 words
    • 30 24 —Reuter, New York, Mar. 2t. The Hanover National Rank and the Central Union Trust Co. are amalgamating The new concern will have resources <uf over sG7o,ooo,ooo.— Reuter.
      —Reuter,  -  30 words
    • 367 24 —British Wireless. Daytona Beach, Mar. l”>. Major Segrave is proceeding to Miami to-day to compete against Mr. Garwood I for the motor-boat speed championship I of the world, the record for which is at I present held by' Mr. Garwood s Miss I
      —British Wireless.  -  367 words
    • 102 24 .—Trans-Ocean. Berlin. Mar. 18. In \iew of the Opel Company—General Motors merger, great interest is attached to the statement that Mr. Henry Ford regards Germany as the centre of the European automobile market. He has decided to produce 20,000 cars a
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  102 words
    • 125 24 will be gratefully remembered.— British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 12. The funeral took place at Worcester M the Rev. Studdert Kennedy, who as army chaplain endeared himself to the men who served in the Great War and P°P u,arl y known as “Woodbine Millie
      will be gratefully remembered.—British Wireless.  -  125 words
    • 73 24 —Reuter, Tokio, Mar. 18. A Finance Ministry statement shows hat Japanese trade with Africa has made marked progress in seven years. Exports have doubled and imports are nearly five times as great as in 1921. Last vear imports were yen 33,000,000. principally made
      —Reuter,  -  73 words
    • 441 24 —Reuter. London, Mar. 19. Speaking at the Royal Empire Society luncheon. Mr. John Ryan, director of the newly-formed Lancashire Cotton Corporation. said the Corporation started under I the finest official auspices, free of interest burden» in respect to the indebtedness of the companies absorbed.
      —Reuter.  -  441 words
    • 126 24 —Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. 19. The highest offer made for the Shan--hai Municipal Electricity Department which ranks with the largest in the world m size and output, was submitted by the American and Foreign Power Co., Inc which bid over ±'10,000,000. The British Trusts Association,
      —Reuter.  -  126 words
    • 91 24 CATERER’S ECLIPSE. Attempt to Vegetarianize America. New York, Mar. 8. Another prominent Chairman has boon ou f te,, ith his fami|y from '7 h n e h n^n^ of a company, namely Mr. William Childs founder of the nationwide chai> of restaurants, whose profits have been \l L r Cn
      91 words
    • 245 24 British Wireless. w Rugby, Mar u I Mr. W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore .Secretary for the Colonies, the House of Commons that the CoU Office had received a reply r Trans-Jordanian Government m tte the question of the Dead Sea Both the
      British Wireless.  -  245 words
    • 183 24 —lieu ter. —British Wireless London, Mar. 17. His Majesty was wheeled around th< grounds of Craigweil House in brilliant sunshine for an hour to-day. As th* bath-chair was nearing the house the King expressed a desire to walk. S:r Stanley Hewett had
      —lieu ter.; —British Wireless  -  183 words
    • 201 24 —Reuter. Peshawar, Mar. 1-. General Nadir Khan, ex-Generalissinw of Afghanistan, who has been living 1° retirement in the south of France f» r some years, recently arrived from N' 01 and proceeded to Khost from Peshawar week ago. He was last heard of at Kohat. where,
      —Reuter.  -  201 words
    • 123 25 —Reuter. I London, Mar. 19. I Labour members renewed the periodical |ittack on the Singapore Base in the House of Commons with a motion for deduction of the Navy vote. In addition |c asserting
      —Reuter.  -  123 words
    • 101 25 —British Wireless. I Rugby, Mar. 19. Lecturing to the Royal Aeronautical Society, Signor Issicco, inventor of the 'ivlL'O gyro flying machine for vertica. ascert and landing, said experiments conducted with two machines made for the French Government had shown that with :i
      —British Wireless.  -  101 words
    • 63 25 —Reuter. Berlin, Mar. 19. The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Reichstag adopted the bill to give effect to the Geneva protocol prohibiting the use of poison gas in wartime. Herr von Schubert emphasised that the protocol was the best means of dispelling any
      .—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 65 25 l'cuter. New York, Mar. 20. The Swedish airman Lundborg, who rescued General Nobile in the Arctic, has arrived. In an interview he said he took lull responsibility for the action which le«l to Nobile’s disgrace. He declared that he insisted that Nobile should
      l'cuter.  -  65 words
    • 67 25 .—Trans-Ocean. Rotterdam, Mar. 19. Ihe Stateedam, Holland’s largest passenger liner, which has a displacement 11 f 10,000 tons was launched on Saturday, and three days of successful trials in the North Sea have been concluded. A speed of 19 knots was attained. The
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  67 words
    • 59 25 —Nichi-Nichi. Tokio, Mar. 18. The Tokio Municipal elections resulted !n a hig victory for the Minsei party, nich secured 40 seats out of 90. Fifty:>*e seats were won by new candidates. The Seiyukai party, of which the Prime mister, Baron Tanaka, is the leader,
      —Nichi-Nichi.  -  59 words
    • 30 25 Reuter. Rome, Mar. 19. The airmen Flight-Lieut. Moir and ln -!-OfTicer Owen, who are attempting I 11 1 10 a flight to Australia, have arriv- "ere.— Reuter.
      — Reuter.  -  30 words
    • 112 25 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. 20. Difficulties are reported to have arisen between Italy and Greece with regard to ports of call on the air route to India; According to the Daily Telegraph, these will almost inevitably entail postponement of the opening
      ,—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 68 25 Reuter. London, Mar. 19. The by-election at East Toxteth, following the death of the Conservative member. Mr. A. E. Jacob, resulted a? follows u Mr. H. Mond, Conservative, 9.692. Mr. J. ,T. Cleary, Labour, 6,563. Mr. A. I. Roberts, Liberal, 6,206. At the last
      Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 93 25 at ion of his visit to Australia.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 19. It is announced that Lord Lovat has been compelled by considerations of health o tender his resignation of the chairmanship of the Oversea Settlement Committee, and the Prime Minister has regretfully accepted it.
      at ion of his visit to Australia.—British Wireless.  -  93 words
    • 97 25 —Router. London, Mar. 19. It is officially announced that the Secret; ry of State l’or India, Viscount Peel, has anited the Viceroy, Lord Irwin, to come “o England in June, on short leave not exceeding four months, in order that iscount Peel
      .—Router.  -  97 words
    • 60 25 —Trans-Ocean. Liegnitz, Mar. 19. Count Stolberg Wernegerode, a scion of one of Germany’s oldest families, was found shot dead in his castle in Silesia. Police investigations revealed no trace of burglars and it is thought that the murderer belonged to the Count’s own
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  60 words
    • 62 25 PROHIBITION. No Drastic Drive Contemplated. —Reuter. Washington, Mar. 20. President Hoover stated that ho has no intention of instituting any drastic Prohibition “drive” as a means of bringing about enforcement of the law. Contrary to Press reports, no orders have been given for any spectacular raids. It was his wish
      —Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 34 25 —Reuter. London, Mar. 19. The Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice has sanctioned the scheme involving the reduction of the •apital of Armstrong, Whitworth and «’o from £11,000,000 to £l,2so,ooo.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 415 25 Mr. Justice Deane and a common jury were occupied at the Singapore Assizes most of yesterday with the trial of Ahmat bin Ali, a Malay motor-car driver, on a charge of cansing the death of a Chinese child by a
      415 words
    • 208 25 The case in which Ho Peng and Chan 5 Fook Weng were charged with murder, attempted murder and armed robbery concluded at the Assizes on March 12. < The hearing lasted nearly two days, and the jury, after an absence of an hour,
      208 words
    • 91 25 News has been received in Ipoh that the Rev. W. E. Horley, M.8.E., of Ipoh, who was due back this month from a year’s Home leave to take up duties as Methodist Chaplain to the Forces at Singapore, has been granted a year’s extension of leave by the Board ot
      91 words
    • 187 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 20. Visitors to Ipoh who are impressed by the great limestone hump honey-combed with cavea, against which quarrying for marble has been in progress for many years, will be astonished to learn that a
      187 words
    • 271 25 In the Marine Court, Singapore, on March 12, two Indian mess boys on the City of Delhi were sentenced by thj Deputy Master Attendant (Commander Oldcrshaw) to six and four weeks’ rigorous imprisonment, respectively, for assaulting the third engineer. Capt.
      271 words
    • 74 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 19. The Southern Railway between Tungsong and Rompibon is flooded and ordinary traffic between these places is suspended. The southern express due here at 7 p.m. to-day is not expected to arrive till 6 a.:n. or 7
      74 words
    • 25 25 Mr. H. Gilmour, Lay Superintendent, Leper Asylum, Pulau Jerejak, Penang, who has been granted long leave, left for Home with Mrs. Gilmour on March 9.
      25 words
    • 94 25 The London representative of The Planter writes :—I hear from Mr. J. W. Campbell, who is still at Sidcup, that he is still confined to bed except for a period of two hours daily when he gets into a deck chair. The fog and damp recently has been against him
      94 words

    • 303 26 Edinburgh, Mar. 16. Scotland beat England by 12 points (four tries) to six (two tries) in the Rugby international for the Calcutta Cup at Murrayfield. The match was played in dull weather before 76,000 spectators. The turf was in splendid condition. Scotland attacked
      303 words
    • 117 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 17. The Penang Cricket Club New Year Tournament has just concluded. The outstanding feature was the triple success of C«. A. M. llyde, who won the Championship Singles, the Championship Doubles (with J. Utermark), and the Mixed
      117 words
    • 98 26 SHOOTING. D Co., S.V.C. Rifle Club. At a I) (Eurasian) Co. Spoon Shoot held at Hukit Timah llangc on Sunday the following members secured spoons A Class .300 yards standing in trench, Sgt, E. Galistan. B (’lass 300 yards standing in trench, Pte. C. A. R. Bateman. A Class 300
      98 words
    • 35 26 Suva, Mar. 16. Swimming in the Municipal sea baths at Suva, Arne Borg made a new world's record by covering 660 yards in 6 mm. 67 2/6 see.—Reuter,
      35 words
    • 2157 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 13. There was a large attendance for the s«cond programme of the Selangor Tun Club meeting, and some interesting racing was seen. The sensation of the day was the unexpected
      2,157 words
    • 416 27 H London, Mar. 13. H fhe following w'ere the results of ,,r lu > matches played yesterday and toDivision I. 1 Arsenal 1 Hcwcastle Ltd. 2 Aston Villa 1 Hortsmouth 2 Blackburn R. 2 jH i; "i. 1 2 West Ham.
      416 words
    • 955 27 1 lu' following are the positions of Clubs in hnyiish and Scottish Leagues after aturday’s games: irst Division. P.W. L. D. F. A. Pts. •'■u-.lieId Wed. 34 19 7 o 70 48 40 Sunderland 31 18 10 8 tf l M 42 Viby
      955 words
    • 238 27 According to the Malay Mail, there ire excellent prospects of another tour of Malaya by a team of Australian cricketers. Nothing has been heard ot this at the Singapore Cricket Club, hut it is stated in the Kuala Lumpur paper 4 hat several
      238 words
    • 61 27 Reuter. Kingston. Mar. IT. All-Jamaica defeated Mr. Calm’s XI by 144 runs. The scores were All-Jamaica Ist Innings 317 (Holt 126, Rae 64). 2nd Innings 417 (Headley 143, Holt 56). Mr. Cahn’s XI: Ist Innings: 271 (Sandham 159 not < t Small
      . Reuter.  -  61 words
    • 93 27 Reuter. London, Mar. 19. Everything is contributing to make the centenary boat race, to be held on Saturday, the greatest ever known. Two finer and more closely matched crews have never before gone out. Practice has been favoured by ideal conditions and
      Reuter.  -  93 words
    • 501 27 The B class sailed a new and long course for Sunday’s sweepstake race, and a good sporting race it was. At the start the wind was blowing very light from the N.E. and with difficulty the starting line was crossed and the
      501 words
    • 26 27 Reuter. London, Mar. 16. In an amateur soccer international at feeds, England heat Scotland by 3—l. There were 10,000 spectators.— Reuter.
      Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 55 27 The result of the March medal competition at the Race Course Golf Club was as follows T. Morita 6 up G. C. De Silva 1 I)r. S. I. M. Ibrahim all square Phra Sri Banja 1 down Neo Yew Kiang 2 A. C. Carncgy 4
      55 words
    • 663 27 Garrison G.C. Medal. The Carrison Golf Club men’s medal for March was played for on Saturday and Sunday. Eighteen cards were taken out and the following returned A. C. Potts 80—10—70 G. F. Murphy 76— 5—71 Lieut. C. E. R. Hirsch 83-12—71 Lt.-Col. D. P. Dickinson 75— 2—73 C.
      663 words

  • 291 28 A feature of the S.C.C. practice game on Saturday, when the Vice Captain’s XI defeated the Captain’s XI by sii runs, was the splendid batting of StewartBrown, the former Penang player. He scored 112 before he retired unbeaten, and obtained his
    291 words
  • 469 28 PENANG AFFAIRS. The Esplanade Electric Lighting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 12. j At yesterday’s Municipal Commission meeting Mr. Yeoh Chean Guan was down to move three resolutions as follows That j the Commissioners do not renew the! licence to the Penang Cricket Club and the Penang Recreation Club
    469 words
  • 119 28 Comparative statement of the total value of foreign excluding pare# 1 post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1928 and 1929. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Increase Increase or or 1928 1929 Decrease 1928 1929 Decrease (in thousands of
    119 words
  • 300 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Mar. 19. At the annual general meeting of the North Taiping Tin Dredging Co.. Mr. D. A. M. Brown said the output last year was a record for the company’s life. Dividends totalling •JO per cent, had
    300 words
  • 101 28 TAIPING TIN DREDGING. New Land for Exte nding Operations. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Mar. 19. At the annual meeting of the Taiping Tin Dredging Co., yesterday Mr. D. A. M. Brown, presiiling, said the output for the year was 50 per cent, higher than in the previous financial year.
    101 words
  • 161 28 Tronoh Mines.—2,200 piculs. Talam Mines.—783.88 piculs. Pahang Consolidated.—3,496.91 piculs. Ipoh Tin.—732 piculs. Sungei Kintn Tin.—565 piculs. Huey Yot Tin Dredging (first half).—219 hours, 41,000 yards, 215 piculs. Haad Yai Tin Dredging (first half). —201 hours, 28,000 yards, 125 piculs. Ratrut Basin Tin Dredging Co. N.L. No. 1 dredge,
    161 words
  • 21 28 c Mr H T Clark. Inspector of Schools, Singapore und Labaan, and Mrs. Clark were in Nice when the mail left.
    21 words
  • 145 28 The following passengers arrived by the President Garlield lor Singapore Mrs. Ida Reese Benton, Miss Amelin Brown. Mr. W. I*. Chambers. Mr. Henry J. Kddo. Mr. and Mis. T. R. Geddos. Mr. Milion Goodman. Mr. Russel G. Holton. Mr. John N. Johnson. Mr. C. G. Knight, Mis. Kovach. >*iss
    145 words
  • 44 28 LOVEDAY. On March 14. 1929, to Mr. an i Mrs. T. C. Loveday. of 84. Wilkie Roau, a daughter. Mother and child doing well. \vil.LiAMS. "n March 11. Ib29 at Broad '->oid>. l'at»*i.>«r. Ro'i>i, to Mr. and Mrs It. M. Williams, a sun.
    44 words
  • 55 28 < iiOt 1 AX. i ntratjement ha* Seen arrant: od between Mr. Choo Anjr tiuan. son of thlute rowkay t’hoo Hint (,'hoon. of Saigon and Madam Lim Chto Xeo. with Mis* Tan loh Xeo. daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Tar. Kim Wah f Miner of No. 6. Cavanutrh Rd.
    55 words
  • 131 28 Singapore, Mar EXCHANGE j On London, Bank 4 m/s Demand S 29 g Private 3 m. credit 2 8 Il/g On New York, Demand 1/4 T/|§ k rivate »0 d/s 36 lqj On France. Bank T.T. 6« On India, Bank T.T. Ujn On Hong Kong, Bank T.T.
    131 words
  • 863 28 Singapore, Mar. 20. II MINING. II Iitne Val P<1 Buyer* Seller* H £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/. 45 II il £1 Bangrin Tin 39/. 40 1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.45 I 1 1 Batu Caves 1.54 1.57’*, I 1 1 Bukit Arang
    863 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 87 28 NOTICE ▲II communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets. Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the I'nited Kingdom and foreign countries is S4K a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 99 28 DEATHS D'ROZARIO. -On Monday, Match 18, 192 J at 6-4.», p.m. at No. IT.», Waterloo Street. Ja-'o'.) Bernard D'Rozario 1 Peter» late o’ Messrs. I heong Koon Seng Go. Deeply icgretted. C.OO\ AERTS —Passed away on Tuesday n:ght, March 12. 1929, Mrs. Clara Goovat-rU j’.».-.* < lunies-Ros.>. Relations and friend*Kindly
    99 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 73 1 i;**neral Rubber Situation 1 Garing Malacca Shares 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 Singapore Rubber Auction 1 Koient Improvement Warranted Itv A. W. Still Rubber Road Paving 1 Rubber Auction J Asiatic Planters’ Apathy f Xnalysis of Rubber Dealers Stocks Rubher Returns Future Rubber Yields Correspondence Rubber Merger Meeting and
      73 words
    • 62 1 Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices d. A pi. July li.tte I.Mon S’porc Mar. June Sept. Mar. Spot n l 0.434 0.43V* 0.444 o.4ft 4 pJ4 0.42 0.42 0.42 ;l i 0.44 p»i* 0.114 0.41 1 0.424 0.434 0.414 0.414 0.42 0.434 Ula 10 0.41
      62 words
    • 154 1 According to Truth, at the annual meeting of Garing Malacca Rubber Co. the chairman referred to the satisfactory position of the company. In the matter of finances lie pointed to the existence of £10.500 Conversion Loan. £4.200 cash, and a rubber stock of
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    • 46 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks London show an increase of 522 tons <oui in Liverpool a decrease of tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 30,544 tons.
      46 words
    • 154 1 Ihe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Khci X'sociution held its 1108th auction ich ’o, when there was catalogued I ,006,712 s:.|.21 tons offered 1 ~r 3 i II». or t.-„N «old 1,1118,731 II». or »44.07 tons. Spot London Os. 11 '*d. New York 24’s cts. PRICES REALISED. Nibbed
      154 words
    • 980 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London, Feb. 20. The most striking fact of the past week is that London stocks have fallen by GSC tons to 24,757 tons, and Liverpool stocks by 20 tons to 4,086
      980 words
    • 287 1 Thu London correspondent of tho Times of Ceylon Ims interviewed Sir Edward Rosling, Mr. W\ Duncan (Chairman of the R.G.A.), Mr. C. H. Figg, Mr. D. Erroil Sinclair, Mr. \V. Forsythe, and others, and ascertained their personal opinions regarding the scheme to
      287 words
    • 33 1 It i.s reported that 50 per cent, of the 20,000 rubber plants despatched from the Fast Coa*t of Sumalra to Liberia withstood Ihe voyage and at rived in good condition at their destination.
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    • 769 1 Messrs. Harlow and Ch., in their report, dated Mar. 15, state The market has been dull throughout the period under review and with the exception of a slight recovery at the beginning of the week prices have continued to ease. To-day’g cables quote
      769 words
    • 1771 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 13. Complaints of apathy union# the members won* made at a general meet in# ot the Asuitic Planters’ Association of Malaya IHd to-day at the Selangor Chinese hninher of Commerce, with the
      1,771 words
    • 123 2 The following is the analysis of dealers’ stocks as at Feb. 28 i<,.>, Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Province Wellesley and the Dindings, as n the Acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, Mr. A. Roose pplle d by Ribbed Smoked Unsmoked T Districts Sheet Sheet Crepe Scrap
      123 words
    • 292 2 A n gl o M a 1ay.—105,591 lb. Allenby.—4s.4oo lb. Anglo-Sumatra.—s3,27B lb. Asahan.—so.soo lb. Bikam.—o4,loo lb. Hatu Vail age. 1.352 lb. Bukit Kajang.— lb. Bah Lia 5.—110,249 lb. Broome (Selangor).—49.2oo lb. Batu Tiga (Selangor).—l3o.2oo lb. Bila (Sumatra).—7s,soo lb. Brunei United.—3s.o2o lb. Bukit Tiniah.—lo,674 lb. Benar (Selangor).—2l.46o lb. Bruseh.—36,9lo
      292 words
    • 63 2 Strait» Time» i» not rciDomiKu the opinions of its correspondents spondenta should bear in mind that must be short and to the point L™ epistles are liable to be rejected or c down. Correspondents must enclose th.i names nnd addresses, not necessarily publication but aa guarantee of good hith
      63 words
    • 221 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—While agreeing with vou that there are many groups of estates which might amalgamate their interests with advantage to all, as a shareholder in Connemara, I do not consider that the proposed merger is such an amalgamation. No pait of the
      221 words
    • 167 2 Bah Lias, the well-known Sumatra company, shows a healthy position in its report to Oct. 31 last, working capital at that date amounting to £120,000 exclusive of a taxation reserve of £28,500 and a holding of 4 ».000 Sumatra Tea Estates shares,
      167 words
    • 69 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Mar. 1& At the annual meeting of Rivcrvie" Estates, Ipoh, Mr. W. Paterson, presiding, said that unless rubber was at Is. 6d. pen he was of opinion no extensive new clearings would be attempted in Malaya. A n na dividend of 15 per
      69 words
    • 85 2 At the annual meeting of Bruas Bubbe Go. »>n Mar. 12 Mr. S. B. Palmer said tnai a dividend of eight per cent, having boon paid since the close of the year, the board commended that the balance of $54,597.91 < H carried forward. The report and
      85 words
    • 1564 3 ■The combined effect of native rubber ■o-iuction and scientific cultivation or. fcure dividends, recent developments in Buth America and Liberia, rubber road* Hy. a nd the use of liquid latex were Bucs discussed by
      1,564 words
    • 1994 3 The fifteenth annual general meeting of the Amput (Sumatra) Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held at the offices of the company, 5, Whittington-avcnue, London, E.C., on Keb. 8, Mr. A. G. Angier presiding. The Chairman, in the course of his remarks, said It is a satisfaction to
      1,994 words
    • 1150 4 At the annual general meeting yesterday, vt The Tapah Kuhber Estates, Limited. the chairman (Mr. W. If. Maegregorl spoke of the necessity for co-operating with other companies in the planting of new areas, in view of the fact that the company’s available reserves
      1,150 words
    • 618 4 Me-M’s. Fraser and Co. s weekly report, dated Mar. 19, states During the past week fluctuations in tne Tin market have been between narrow limits and the price shows a small advance on balance. Tin shares continue dull and there are
      618 words
      • 539 4 Stock p fc Exchange Par Tr** Value Company. Pricea. Value Company. p\; £1 Abaco 1 ‘*J 2 Mer.*Pcgoh 3 j* 1 a limrur .23 iA Malacca 11 2 A tv £1 Mambau 2 £1 Anglo-.Malay 1 4 Malaya General 1 tl Ayer Kuning 48
        539 words
      • 720 4 IS Closing Price» 1 it id Ip alue Dividends Fraser Lvall A Company A Co. Kvatt. 389.293 1 Nil for year 29-2-28 ..Allenhy ,$1> 1.80 2.00 1.90 2.05 100.000 Nil for year 30-9-28 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.43 435.42.-» 1 7’ 2
        720 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 < nvEA.3sry .a.:r,:e tried but 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. rpHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that
      156 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 437 6 >♦♦-♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*' ii ru A > 1 2*-« V A #5 > r > 5* > V #S #s g?i £3 I ii 1 m k i X k 1 £t k Why Should If ou Fit Any Other Tyre? YOU have the experience of a world of motorists to aid
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 610 7 11 SOMETHING NEW! "*f u i. T* VT y, r» f S MM >V ><;V. igar and n It operates on a new principle of ignition without flint or friction, and is wind-proof. It does everything moot expensive lighters do. It rates perfectly in any weather, dry or damp. It
      610 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 333 8 Sr.. Mr What «makes OIL better oil”? Highest refinement. Purity. Fullest resistance to heat and wear. A perfect flow in any weather. And no hard carbon! Texaco Motor Oil meets those requirements. There is a grade for every type of car—and every grade is full-bodied TEXACO MOTOR OIL Clean, Clear,
      333 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 155 9 COMING SHORTLY Paramount Super Attraction Old Ironsides is thundering her message once more, doing battle with pirates and routing corsair lairs, sweeping the seas with her message of freedom. The story of a boy who ran away to sea. P A V L X cT JAMES CRUZE PRODUCTION o OLD»
      155 words
    • 42 9 The blocks in the illustrated section ,s of this issue were made by the Straits Times Photo Process Department Prices quoted upon application. t44««444.4« »44 44 4-44 4 444-4 »4 4 4 4 4-4 4 44 4 »44 4 4 444-4 ♦44»4»»»»M»m»»»04»»4»m444»4»444
      42 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 271 10 ♦4 4 4 ARE BEST For Filmo Victor Kodak “C” J6 mm Film Fit an F. 1*5 Lens and TAKE PICTURES ANYWHERE ANY TIME. V r 6 in. F. 4*5 Telephoto Lens DOUBLE EXTENSION All-Metal Cameras 9 bv 12 or *4 plate size. With Zeiss Tessar F/4.5 Compur shutter Price
      271 words