The Straits Budget, 14 March 1929

Total Pages: 38
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISH» EIGHTY YEARS.] No. .*{,709 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    28 words
  • 347 1 leaders Page Cult of the Shocker 3 Rubber Milieu The Bored Citizen J Scrap the Lot Straits Citizenship Occasional Notes Telegrams, Reuter and Special Covering: l*ast Weeks News ..14-21 2*ictures The Sultan of Johore j Wearne Bros., Penang The Banvard English i omedy Co. 14 After Chinese New Year
    347 words
  • 2548 1 The Rev. R. Richards has left Singapore on six months’ holiday at Home. The Bishop of Singapore has returned to Singapore from his visit up-country. Capt- J. C. McLeod has taken over the duties as senior boarding officer, Singa-! pc re. Dr. Pinthu Sai, of the Siamese
    2,548 words

  • 1195 2 Throuvh the ojien door the half-nnke<-* figure of the steamship Sunda > scran.. was silhouetted against the dark curtain of night. In that elusive outer darkness i were scattered gleaming clusters of stars i thousand conflicting lights «lancet! in reflection on the long,
    1,195 words
  • 286 2 i he < unard r >untl-tht-w >rld 1 ?ioi* l i«!VO!;ia arnvid in j .*t vai'.y .n Tin*** •a\ morning fr.-m iYnrr.g with ever 4i m 1 lie visit rs caiik' ashore after breahla*' a tv I nn't* red 1 var.>u> ao e?s
    286 words
  • 155 2 The Chinese Nationalist flag was in evidence all over the City on Tuesday in < o m menioi at ion of the fourth anniversary of the death of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. In order to prevent attempts at demonstrations, which are
    155 words
  • 272 2 (From Our Own Correspondent., IVnang. M ar The last case at the Penang :1S ,a,u n «»>1 is two day.. It is the in .A Shaik M«»hamed Malimiar, hp*. t jot the Straits tattle Trading Co. p (i j Abdul Subhan, cashier of
    272 words
  • 305 2 (Kr<>m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala f.ut pur. Mar. 7. Before .Mr. Justice Farrer-Ma”.i»y t> lay a Chinese, the owner of a Chevrolet hiring ear. sued a Tamil lad> and Kyle Palmer Motors for $.>1.50 being da matrix which he alleged he suffered by reason of
    305 words
  • 51 2 The result of the ballot taken by Ptraits Settlements (Singapore) ciution for a Municipal Commission* Place of Mr. Scfion Cullen result 1 > follows :—Mr. O. F\ CnfiHii-Jone votes. Mr. 11. W. Paper 171. spoilt pat 1. The Association will now siibmP Panic of Mr. Giiflith-Joncj to ILL.
    51 words

  • 1051 3 CULT OF THE SHOCKER.” Dracula and The Beetle.”—Straits Times, Mar. 7. The European resident in the tropics has many methods of beguiling his leisure hours, but perhaps none of them is tfo popular or so widespread as the reading of what has been described, not ineptly, as Thick-Ear Fiction. The
    “ Dracula ” and “ The Beetle.”—Straits Times, Mar. 7.  -  1,051 words
  • 978 3 follow the example.—Straits Times, Mar. 9. Since the days when the rubber industry was very prosperous indeed critics have not ceased to warn producers of the wrath to come, declaring that co-operation was necessary if they were to present a united front to the buyers and reap a
    follow the example.—Straits Times, Mar. 9.  -  978 words
  • 927 3 —Straits Times, Mar. 0. It is a truism that there are no politics in Malaya, and we are supposed to rejoice in the fact. In so far as public opinion, though differing violently on such occasional controversies as Rubber Restriction, is not organised on party lines, the
    —Straits Times, Mar. 0.  -  927 words
  • 949 3 av, tru.y sc rapped !—Straits Times, Mar. Scrap Singapore After much striving Mr. Lloyd George has hit upon a slogan for his election campaign. Scrap Singapore It is attractive. It implies destruction and opens up tremendous possibilities in the way of that fiery vehemence which is so
    av, tru.y sc rapped !—Straits Times, Mar.  -  949 words

  • 1005 4 Straits Times, Mar 12. Something may usefully l>e added to our recent article entitled “The Rored itizen Jest it should seem to have struck on v pessimistic and negative notes. The public life of Malaya is calm and peaceful >n rom ”;LliSbri with the vigorous and often vmVittered
    Straits Times, Mar 12.  -  1,005 words
  • 82 4 At the annual meeting of the Siam Electric Corporation Mr. Jules Jadot, who is well known in raihvay and financial circles in Belgium, presiding, said that the sale of current had increased by 'ver 8 per .cent, as compared with the previous year. Tramway receipts were nearly
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    • 177 4 THE RUBBER MERGER little material progress.—Straits Times, Mar. 7. The circles in which rubber shares are bought and sold will be highly interested in the details of the proposed big merger of estates which we are able to give in another column of this issue. It denotes a definite move
      little material progress.—Straits Times, Mar. 7.  -  177 words
    • 257 4 has to say in reply to them.—-Straits Times, Mar. 7. Some of the most outspoken criticism w’e have ever seen directed against a > Government Department appears in the Times of Ceylon. The new Customs > Building in Colombo, w’hich will be occu- pied next month,
      has to say in reply to them.—-Straits Times, Mar. 7.  -  257 words
    • 449 4 Straits Times, Mar, 7. The somewhat startling letter from i Mr. W. Dunraan published in the traits j Times on Saturday vs worthy of .erious attention. Mr. Dunnan was formerly a member of the standing commitu>p of the Municipal dbmmiMKiuners which ,ieai> l with water supplier.
      Straits Times, Mar, 7.  -  449 words
    • 249 4 FAREWELL, AND LIVE HAPPILY.” and respects straits We bid farewell to-day to \r General Sir Casimir CartwrightT St.raubenzee, K.B.E., C.B c M r an has left for Home by the M«e do ni,*' ho relinquishing command of the t, on Malaya which he has held since lo.? 8 in is
      and respects ?-straits  -  249 words
    • 211 4 Straits Ti.nes, Mar. 8. We have every sympathy with V thousands in North China who arc fjf f L om fa n we fully appro,: tw cffVins of those in Singapore who doing their utmost to relieve the dhtr»*» At .he same time, these are ccrtaidoubts, according
      Straits Ti.nes, Mar. 8.  -  211 words
    • 286 4 JUSTICE IN JOHORE Straits Times. Mar. 8. At the -%nou* Assize cour 1 a Johore I curing ths part »ix months ir so Mr. Justice JftCabe Reay has repeated Iv passed stvetur e* members tf the Government t.'rvioa fur derelictic oof duty in more me. By sentences he is ,tbtcv»ri3rted
      Straits Times. Mar. 8.  -  286 words
    • 84 4 —Straits Times, Mar. 9. Women are perverse creatures. For years and years and years they have tought for freedom; the vote is theirs, womanly tresses have been sacrificed in if c raae for emancipation, cocktails and latchkeys are a commonplace. And now that all has been won
      —Straits Times, Mar. 9.  -  84 words
    • 231 5 Straits Times, Mar. 9. A great deal of commotion has been ausC( l in Home newspapers by the u* marks of Mr. Richard Burbidge, '■t-neial manager of Hnvrods, who has xplained at some length the enormous Visso* incurred every year by his firm on coun t of
      Straits Times, Mar. 9.  -  231 words
    • 254 5 AMERICANS IN EXILE its Time#, Mar. 9. Please talk and preach, wiite and ’phone to everybody and everywhere that Tahiti is no place for Americans. Here they would be spei’ed and they would -poil us.” Lest this explosion should offend American readers we hasten to add that the author of
      ■* • its Time#, Mar. 9.  -  254 words
    • 352 5 derail*. Straits Times, Mar. 9. !);;>ing the past few months inc.vasingf-r-istent rumours have be n reaching S.vaits of an impending civil 'var in ra. sentiment onions the ein this country is so stron" that .k’ i has been a natural tendency to take timistie view,
      derail*.— Straits Times, Mar. 9.  -  352 words
    • 204 5 anpear in Pinafore.”—Straits Times, j Mar. 11, A showman born, Mr. C. B. Cochran j has hit upon a new idea which seems likely to attract all the attention he could wish. He has declared that choius girls inu.-t be plumper, and to that end
      anpear in ” Pinafore.”—Straits Times, j Mar. 11,  -  204 words
    • 182 5 Straits Times. Mar. 11. The language of Truth is simple— indeed, in the particular instance we are about to quote it is excessively gentle, j The Truth to which we refer is the i mbanassingly outspoken weekly journal of that name which has discovered in two Home
      Straits Times. Mar. 11.  -  182 words
    • 244 5 including transport. Straits Times, Mar. 11. Penang is wont to lament the inadequate proportion of Colonial expenditure which goes to that Settlement, but it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Penang hill railway, which was construct'd at great expense with Government fundt-. is nothing more than a
      including transport.— Straits Times, Mar. 11.  -  244 words
    • 250 5 will be the envy of the country.—Straits Times, Mar. 11. \V<- arc told that the denud-'tmn of f-e iungl?‘-clad slopes of Penang lii’l is not, •is has often been stated, duo to official vandalism, but is practically tuning •dace at the I,GOO-loot Je\«*l and ..•> mostly >n
      will be the envy of the country.—Straits Times, Mar. 11.  -  250 words
    • 195 5 side of Mr. Ryan !—Straits Times, Mar. 12. Even an editor will turn An 1 if lie happens to be a eo-ed editor editing foi a hobby, he is liable to arouse much dust in the process. With a praiseworthy touch of originality, Mr. L. T. Ryan, the
      side of Mr. Ryan !—Straits Times, Mar. 12.  -  195 words
    • 325 5 Straits Time*. Mar. 12. llung Kong has an unenviable reputation for spectacular disasters involving serious loss of life. The fire at the King Edward Hotel yesterday constitutes one of the worst catastrophes of the kind in any city of recent years, and this followed a similar
      Straits Time*. Mar. 12.  -  325 words
    • 325 5 hante, witnessed that ruca.— Straits Times, Mar. 12. llow many people now living in .Singapore remember The Motor tar and Ath’eric Journal." which was published by v. Edwin John Dingle and printed in the Straits Times OJlide? A correspondent lias kindly suit us a copy, dated Apr/
      – hante, witnessed that ruca.— Straits Times, Mar. 12. „ _  -  325 words

  • 1053 6 Th® King Edward Hold. Hong Kong, was the scene of a disastrous fire on Monday. According to the details so far received eleven fatalities are known to hate occurred. Nine people were killed and two atlt*rH
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  • 208 6 Thanks to assistance from R.ATofficers, the Singapore Flying Club is now able to undertake intensive instruction, and it is hoped that several more members will be passed out very shortly. Flight-Lieut. Carnegie and Flight-I.ieu:. Nicbolotts are now acting as hon. instructors,
    208 words
  • 180 6 New York. Feb. 2s. X-rays were invoked on behalf ot tae plaintiff in the Hahn-Duveen iibel action. A physician testified that an X-ray examination had revealed differences :rs the pigments of the eyes, one ot wh en looked as if there was
    180 words
  • 733 6 Th* Queen Street shooting affair. which aroused considerable interest sometime ago. was the subject of a case commenced .efore Mr. Justice Deane and a special 1 u,r. a’ the Singapore Assizes on M >ni aay. when Ho Pong and Chan Fook Weng claimed trial
    733 words
  • 68 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 11. Another round-the-world cruiser, the arrived here yesterday from uangoon. hut unlike the Resolute, which came alongside, the Franconia anchored m the roads, the passengers being brought ashore in launches. The tourist, were taken round in two batches to -oc the
    68 words
  • 499 6 Major-General H. L. Pritchard. C B C.M.G., D. 5.0., A.D.C.» the new General Officer Commanding the Troops in Malavu arrived at Singapore on Saturday aft*/ noon by the P. and O. Naldera, and mud,i an official landing at Johnston’s Pier 5.15 p.m.
    499 words
  • 132 6 A dispute between two rival s *eci'* t societies over the recruitment of members is believed to have led up to a cowardly murder. Two Chinese while sipping their '•on<' ,> at a stall in Selat Road, in the Tione Pham district, were
    132 words
  • 87 6 Among Singapore properties sol i auction at Messrs. t'henng Ko"n St*;'/ Co.’s salesroom. 30, Chulia Street, on were the following —Lnml and hou Albert Street, area H3o sq. ft., bough* Awnth Baobid for $7,200 110-!. A*' Street, area P02 sq. ft., bought bv S''" Abdullah Alhnbshu for $7,100:
    87 words

  • 65 8 [The Streite Time* is not reeponelble for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should beer in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
    65 words
  • 280 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Your correspondent Sympathy has brought up a subject which should call for comment by a large circle ot thinkers and it would be interesting to hear the views of economists, commercialists, moralists, the medical profession and the Church on
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  • 92 8 To the Editor of the Straits Timas. Sir, —It is very refreshing to read the above article in your paper. The practical truths expressed therein should be widely preached for the real benefit of the people of this country, where false ideas of democracy and
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  • 251 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. •Sir, —I am confident that every businessman in Malaya would he very grateful to you for one or more articles in your valued paper uiging the Post Office to give more service to the public. Here are a few
    251 words
  • 1228 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I was much interested in read in* your article entiUed “The Education of -he Malays in your issue dated Dee. 12 and as I believe there are misleading statements in it, I shall consider it very kind of you
    1,228 words
  • 270 8 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 7. The hearing of the action brought by J. A. Leigh, Ltd., of Lancashire, England, to restrain R. E. Mohommed Kassim Co., of Klang. from infringing their trade mark 170.1 on white mull, concluded to-day before
    270 words
  • 228 8 There was a tragic occurrence at Belait. station of the Sarawak Oilfields, Ltd., somo distance from Miri, early last week, involving the death of Mr. G. H. Webster, a young employee of the company, who amo out from home about two years ago. ind
    228 words
  • 380 8 The nuisance caused in Singapore nf smoke fogs a quarter of a mile long W a described in a Municipal prosecution on Saturday. n The case was one in which the owner of a saw-mill at 90, Grove Road, was pro secuted
    380 words
  • 136 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 11. The funeral of Sir Hayes Marriott took place at Abbots Ixtngley, Herts, <v. the 12th inst. Bishop Ferguson-Dav e officiated, assisted by the vicar, the Ke 11. C. Finch, brother-in-law of Sir Hay Marriott. The principal
    136 words
  • 131 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. Id. A lecture highly interesting, ins’iva tive and entertaining to all imbued ’•'’>* j the real co-operative spirit was debvy’.e yesterday at the Town Hall by Mr. 1 Strickland, a member of the Civil Service who holds
    131 words

  • 1444 10 In two cases heard at the Singapore Assizes on March 6. it was stated tha* Malays had assisted the police in arresting Chinese robbers. After a hearing lasting over six hours Tong Sang, Iajw Ilua Eng and Wan Kam Choon were found guilty
    1,444 words
  • 193 10 On March 4, reports the Malay Mail, Mr P ,rch until recently 0.C.P.D., Kuala Lijms, was charged at the local Police rt Mr. E J ago under Sections an<l °s of the Penal Code (wronglully confining any erson and assault or criminal force
    193 words
  • 342 10 Mr. R. W. Meredith, secretary and treasurer of the Destitute Strangers’ Aid Fund, forwards the report for the year 1928 from which it appears that passages to England, Australia, etc., were provided for in 20 cases, at a total cost of $4,092.91
    342 words
  • 173 10 SHOPKEEPERS FINED. Magistrate s Experience in A Cloth Shop. There were 29 prosecutions in the Third I Police Court, Singapore, on Thursday lor infringement of the regulation*» imposed under the Weights and Measures Ordinance, and fines ranging from $5 t* $3O were imposed. One ot the defendants was the manager
    173 words
  • 104 10 A hare-footed soldier wearing shorts and a singlet was arrested in Napier Head at 1 ().:;0 p.m. on Friday while chasing a ricksha puller. Attention was drawn to what was happening by the cries of the puller which reached Mr. \V. N.
    104 words
  • 84 10 L UarUll be^’ een i t vo office tumbies ownership of an almanac which came near to terminating fatally had a sequel in the District Court, Singapore, cn 1 riday, when one of the men was sentenced to three months’ rigorous Tm’“L, for
    84 words
  • 497 10 FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE C.P.O Serious Charges Against Constable. An Indian policeman was accuse the Second Police Court. m I on Thursday afternoon of having charged a Chinese schoolboy and u y 1 at i ult A°r n caus they had remonst™ I ed w ,th him for molesting
    497 words
  • 116 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 7. Some months ago it was announced that the h-M.S. Government had agreed to alienate to Mr. A. B. Milne, the wellknown planter, a large tract of land in tac vicinity of Cameron’s Highlands
    116 words
  • 164 10 The report of the Association of St. Anthony de Padua, Singapore, on the administration of the fund of St. Anthony’s Bread for the year 1928 discloses the fact that applications for relief have grown to such an extent that for the past four ears there has been
    164 words

  • 224 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. f. The King’s speech delivered during the Coronation anniversary ceremonies was publicly issued to-day. His Majesty refers to the increased wellbeing of the people in the provinces and says it has been decided
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  • 164 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 0. At the Assizes to-day a Chinese named Khoo Lau Beh was sentenced to mna months’ imprisonment for rashly driving a hire bus along Perak Hoad and causing the death of a Malay. According to the
    164 words
  • 100 11 In -the Penang Police Court on Mar. 6 Chinese named Toh Sean Ghee was convicted and fined $lOO or six weeks imprisonment for giving false information to the police. Insp. Livingstone said the accused, who was a general goods merchant, came and reported
    100 words
  • 114 11 Mr. H. H. Willies, the managing director of the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore, and tha chief shareholder in the company, has disposed of his interests and left for home on March 7 by the Ruth Alexander. The new purchasers are repreaented by
    114 words
  • 374 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 6. The most important subject discussed at to-day’s meeting of the Sanitary Board was the expenditure incurred in antimalaria measures in the tow'n. The Health Officer, Dr. Vickers, brought to the notice of the Board a decision
    374 words
  • 359 11 It was the deceptive appearance of a I cow in calf that led to the appearance of two Indians in the Second Police Court on March (x Rangasamy, a few days after he had sold the cow, discovered that it had calved.
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  • 269 11 A mandor and eight coolies of the Topographical Survey Department had a most unusual and terrifying experience last Monday night, writes a Kuala Pilah correspondent of the Malay Mail under date Mar. 2. They w’ere surveying to the west of the
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  • 434 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Mar. G. The local branch of the Ex-Services Association held their ahnual general meeting at M-V.C. headquarters and had a very poor turn out, there being present only Messrs. H. \Y. Esson (President), J. D. Sanderson (vice-President), \V. Gilliam
    434 words
  • 483 11 It is rarely that two such distinguished residents of Malaya as H.H. the Sultan of Johore and the retiring General Officer Commanding (Major-General Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee) leave Singapore by the same steamer, and there was accordingly a record
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  • 83 11 The Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Jfcmrnc) held an inquiry on Thursday into the death of Miss Clara Sanderson, 24-year-old Eurasian girl who died at the General Hospital after drinking an antiseptic fluid at her home in Orchard Road. Medical evidence was
    83 words
  • 137 11 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended March 2 gives the total number of deaths as male 128* and female 65. This represents a death late of 20.92 per mille, per annum* compared with 22.66 in the preceding week and 25.50 in the corresponding week of
    137 words

  • 783 14 The recent announcement that the busby had been approved as the future full-dress headgear for the gunners and sappers is a reminder that sartorial changes are an important feature in the records of all armies. The cynic, says Mr.
    783 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 142 14 Great P rice Reduction on eVEREADy Trade Mark UNIT CELLS BATTERIES Highest Quality Longest Life Beware of Imitations For Sale Everywhere Ask Your Dealer NQ 050 teas* w a. A. A402J MULLfcR PHIPPS (Malaya), LTD. Union Building, Coilyar Quay Singapore No bug escapes -not one fly, mosquito or roach survives
      142 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 131 15 Telegrams FIRNATEX. F I S R T A N I L O A T N She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in her Here is
      131 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 640 17 ,—British Wireless. London, Mar. 8. The Navy estimates, which were presented to-day, show a total £55,865,000, a reduction of £1,435,000 compared with 1928 Mr. Bridgeman, the First Lord of the Admiralty, in n statement accompanying -.he estimates,
      ,—British Wireless.  -  640 words
    • 549 17 Rugby, Mar. 8. The Admiralty announces the award ef good service pensions of £l5O a year to a number of officers in succession to officers who have been promoted to flag rank. The recipients include C’apt. Kenneth G. B. Dewar, who was
      549 words
    • 66 17 ,—Reuter. Wellington, Mar. 10. A severe earthquake occurred in the province of Canterbury, and minor shocks were felt in Wellington and Chirst church. The centre of disturbance was Arthur's Pass, where the railway line was damaged, but traffic will probably be resumed
      ,—Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 174 17 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 8. Lord Kylsant, chairman of the White Star Line, last night gave an interesting statement regarding the new 60,000 for. White Star now being built at Belfast. When completed the vessel, which will have a length of 1,000
      .—British Wireless.  -  174 words
    • 161 17 New York, Mar. 6. The sensational developments in air transportation plans which occurred yesterday reminded the older Wall Street frequenters of the early days of railway development. Following the announcement of the formation of a $35,000,000 aviation holding company to acquire a number
      161 words
    • 48 17 Reuter. Paris, Mar. 6. The Air Minister has again suspended authorisation for long-distance flights, and consequently the flights proposed by ('apt. Postcs. ('apt. Weiss, Capt. Girier, Capt. Challes, Capt. Rignot, Lieut. Paiis ar»»l the brothers Arrachart have been postponed indefinitely.— Reuter.
      , Reuter.  -  48 words
    • 47 17 an additional factor of safety.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 10. A than hydraulically-operated brake has Uen invented by Vickers’ aviation branch tor use "U lie wheels of aircraft. It will greatly facilitate landing and will prove an additional factor of safety.—British
      an additional factor of safety.—British Wireless.  -  47 words
    • 79 17 c nil at Singapore on May 13.—NichiNichi. Tokio, Mar. 7. The Trade and Industry section of the Tokio Prcfcotural Government, with a view to introducing Japanese textile and other miscellaneous goods to the SouthSeas, has decided to hold a samples show in various centres
      c nil at Singapore on May 13.—Nichi-Nichi.  -  79 words
    • 41 17 —Reuter. Constantinople, Mar. 10. Trotsky and his wife and son have been allowed to leave the Soviet Consulate, and are living in a hotel at Pera. Trotsky has undertaken to maintain complete reserve and not to organise demonstrations.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 169 17 —Reuter. London, Mar. 7. Piquancy is lent to the appearance of Mr. Winston Churchill’s fifth volume ol The World Crisis and the Aftermath,** which brings the story to the end of by patent discrepancies in the recollections of
      —Reuter.  -  169 words
    • 162 17 —Reuter. Geneva, Mar. 7. The Council of the League of Nationa adopted the Opium Committee’s report, which was presented by Mr. Dandurand (Canada). The report drew attention to the fact that over half the members of the League had not ratified the Geneva Opium
      —Reuter.  -  162 words
    • 210 17 British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 8. The death took place to-day at Liverpool of the Rev. Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, popularly known as Woodbine Willie." During the War he acted as temporary Chapiain to the Forces in I' ranee, and he was given his
      British Wireless.  -  210 words
    • 43 17 Trans-Ocean. Tehorun, Mar. 8. A numb! r of Italian officers have arrived to organise the proposed Persian Navy. Tb!' Navy Commission proposes to devote attention in the first place to. the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean.—
      Trans-Ocean.  -  43 words
    • 839 18 Reuter. j Shanghai. Mar. ft. Chinese official circles consider thnt n tense situ.t.on is exist'"* h the Government in connection tn relied Kwemrsi clique, end a the ehadow ofwer .s mobilisT„°r tr y nd
      Reuter.  -  839 words
    • 390 18 to consider the evidence.—British Wire-!e.-s. Rugby, Mar. 6. j The joint report of yesterday’s inter-j view between the Prime Minister, who! was accompanied by other Ministers,, and the executive of the Miner* Federation is officially issued. I Mr. Herbert Smith, the
      to consider the evidence.—British Wire!e.-s.  -  390 words
    • 60 18 —Reuter. Detroit, Mar. 6. The death has occurred at the age of 74 of Mr. David Buick, the pioneer motor-car builder. He lost two fortunes and spent his last years in poverty, living in a shabby flat, while outside passed thousands
      .—Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 140 18 India and the British Dominions.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 6. An International Sportsman’s Club ia to be established in London in the spring with headquarters in Grosvenor House, Park Lane. The club owes its foundation to a remark of the Prince of Wales—
      India and the British Dominions.—British Wireless.  -  140 words
    • 115 18 ,—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. C. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Amery the Dominions Secretary, stated that ’the Government, at the instance of the Maltese authorities, had instructed the British Minster at the Vatican to approach the Holy Sec with a request
      ,—British Wireless.  -  115 words
    • 101 18 London, Mar. 0. The death has occurred of Sir John Denison Denison-Pender, G.8.E.. K.( .M.G.. chairman of the Eastern and other Associated Cable Companies.—Reuter. Sir John Denison-Per.d r. who w s in his seventy-fourth year, was chairman of the Eastern and other
      101 words
    • 71 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 11. H.E. the High Commissioner (Sir Hugh Clifford) arrived at Kuala Lumpur from Singapore by the night mail train on Sunday, and wa3 met by the Chief Secretary (Sir W. Peel) and other official».
      71 words
    • 32 18 -Trans-Ocean. Kovno, Mar. 8. A Latvian newspaper publishes details of an alleged secret military pact between Poland and Rumania directed against Russia and Lithuania.—Trans-Ocean.
      -Trans-Ocean.  -  32 words
    • 791 18 —British Wireless. 4 Busby, Mar. The proposal by Senator •f Canada, to modify the procedure re farding petitions from minorities Wtl discussed by the League of Natioiu Council to-day. Mr. Dandurand propose that in future petitions should lx» dealwith by
      —British Wireless.  -  791 words
    • 642 19 ’—Reuter. oeen attributed to me.’’—British Wire- Sir Austen Chamberlain made a striking statement at Geneva on Mar. 6 correcting a misinterpretation in the American Press of his views on the Kellogg Pact. He
      ’—Reuter.; oeen attributed to me.’’—British Wire-  -  642 words
    • 63 19 .—Reuter. Cape Town, Mar. 8. ir van Lear Black, the American (•wspaper magnate, who left Croydon Die 4 n his Foklcer plane with M r i Pd°ts and arrived at Pretoria on j has arrived here and has left for tn
      .—Reuter.  -  63 words
    • 150 19 —Reuter. Rome, Mar. 10. Signor Mussolini received a wild ovation when he addressed an audience of 4,000 people in the Royal Opera House, including Cabinet Ministers, 400 general election candidates and all the prefects. Reviewing the work of his regime, the
      —Reuter.  -  150 words
    • 108 19 —Reuter. Whiting, Indiana. Mar. 7. The battle between Col. Stewart and the Rockefellers for control of the >900,000,000 Standard Oil Co. of Indiana was fought out at a shareholders’ meeting and resulted in victory for the Rockefellers. The latter claimed that Col.
      —Reuter.  -  108 words
    • 106 19 United States and elsewhere.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 10. The exhibition of Dutch art which, in he last few weeks, has attracted 220,000 isitnrs to Burlington House, closed yeserday. Sixty per cent, of the exhibits •ame from English collections, while the Dutch authorities
      United States and elsewhere.—British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 167 19 .—Reuter. Trans-Ocean. Brussels, Mar. 0. Heine, the Activist who admitted forging the alleged Franco-BJgian military treaty, has been released on the order of the examining magistrate in accordance with the application of the Public Prosecutor. It is semi-officially stated that the charge of
      .—Reuter.; Trans-Ocean.  -  167 words
    • 63 19 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 10. The Lord Mayor’s fund for the relief of listless in mining areas amounted last evening to £739,000. A supplementary Government estimate issued t/vday ncludes £OOO,OOO as contribution from the Government towards this fund and "80,000 for the Scottish
      .—British Wireless.  -  63 words
    • 136 19 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. 7. A deputation representing every branch of the motoring industry and the motoring public urged on Mr. Churchill the necessity for relief from high motoring taxation and the cost of petrol. Mr. Baldwin, replying to a number of questions
      ,—Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 184 19 Reuter. Washington, Mar. 8. With the stricter enforcement of Prohibition under the new regime, members of legations may have to get own lorries <) convey liquor destined for their use. The exemption from seizure of liquor used at legations has up to now been
      Reuter.  -  184 words
    • 89 19 Reuter. New York, Mar. 8. Another prominent chairman has been ousted, with his family, from the management of a company in Mr. William Childs, the founder of a nationwide chain of restaurants. The profits of the restaurants have recently been declining, and this is alleged
      Reuter.  -  89 words
    • 86 19 ,—Reuter. Geneva, Mar. 7. The Secretary-General of the League ann »unced that the Nanking Government had invited the medical director of the h ulth organisation of the League, Dr. Rairhman, and also Sir Arthur Newsholme and Dr. Victor Boisen, of the International II
      ,—Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 856 19 ,—Reuter. —Hr it ish Wireless. London, Mar. Introducing the Air Ministry estimates in the House of Commons, Sir Samuel Hoare remarked that Great Britain would welcome a reduction in Air Forces provided that it was general and did not leave Great
      ,—Reuter.; —Hr it ish Wireless.  -  856 words
    • 672 20 British Wireless. —T rans-Ocean. Essen, Mar. 8. Farther information regarding the proposed international doming house indicates that a board of control of nine members would be formed. Creditor powers would have four members, Germany two, the Intel national Chamber of Commerce
      British Wireless.; —T rans-Ocean.  -  672 words
    • 315 20 —Reuter. New York, Mar. 9. A cable received here states that only British shareholders will be authorised to purchase the additional shares which will he voted at the general meeting ot the British General Electric Co. to be held in London. A
      —Reuter.  -  315 words
    • 231 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 7. In the House of Commons at question time, Earl Winterton, Under-Secretary for India, said Mr. Gandhi was not arrested. The Government of Bengal had intimated that lighting a bonfire bo burn foreigr clothes was illegal. Mr. Gandhi said the
      —Reuter.  -  231 words
    • 103 20 Reuter. London, Mar. 11. It is understood that the members of the Cabinet are consulting their advisers rcjrardinp the constitutional issue ’•aised bv the forthcoming dissolution of 1 nrliament in case the Kinpr is insufTinently recovered to undertake trm heavy duties connected with the
      Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 578 20 .—Reuter. Mexico City, Mar. 6. The tide of battle has turned in favour of the Government. A communique states that Federal troops have retaken Monterey and are confident of recapturing era Cruz in three days. i The Government announces tnat General Escobar, the
      .—Reuter.  -  578 words
    • 68 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 6. A British trade delegation will leave for tussia on the 25th inst., representing 150 prominent firms. Mr. Douglas Hamilton president of the Bradford Chamber of industry™’ W re P rosent the woollen (hit th J l' S n V a
      —Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 119 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 8. The standing committee on tea reeorr mended the rejection of the applicant* that the British or foreign origin „f contents of packets should be mark»-.! them. The committee’s decision \v—based on the seriousness of the pru-Mt** difficulties
      —Reuter.  -  119 words
    • 138 20 —Reuter. Cologne, Mar. The milder weather and blasting i>nerations have hardly affected the ice pack* in the Rhine, and 2,300 vessels and Hmh lighters, aggregating 4.000,000 tors, artlying idle in the river. They are not i.kciv to be freed in the near
      .—Reuter.  -  138 words
    • 13 20 Scribner is a banking post-village rz the Elkhorn River in Dodge Countv Nebraska.
      13 words
    • 122 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 11. Great Britain and Europe generally arc now revelling in a mild heat-wave, which forms a striking contrast to the recent Arctic conditions. There has been nc rain, and the serious floods once apprehended have not materialised. Cologne, Mar.
      —Reuter.  -  122 words
    • 83 20 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. <• Comdr. Barr, of the Chinese N\v y. visiting London on a secret mi?.-«:on 1 behalf of the Chinese Government. According to tho Daily Express, hi; a nroaehed the* British Government l n a request for the loan to China
      ,—Reuter.  -  83 words
    • 78 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. The Earl of Airlie, on behalf of '<.ing, was at Victoria Station to \ve!< he Queen Mother of the Nether. anPwho has come to visit the exhibition <•- Dutch art. Her Majesty, who looked ij markably fresh and bright
      —Reuter.  -  78 words
    • 1016 21 MOTOR RACING SENSATION. Major Segrave’s Great Performance. 23 1½ MILES AN HOUR. All Records Beaten At Daytona Beach. —Reuter. Major H. O. I). Segrave, the British racing motorist who became famous by being the first to surpass ;l speed of 200 miles an hour in a car, has left all
      .—Reuter.  -  1,016 words
    • 147 21 Reuter. London, Mar. 12. The necessity for thoroughly reconditioning the organisation and equipment r >f British industries is stressed in the final report of the committee on industry and trade established in 1924 under the chairmanship of Sir Arthur Balfour. The committee does not
      Reuter.  -  147 words
    • 200 21 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 8. The King passed a good day. Springlike weather conditions, with much su.i, prevailed at Bognor, as throughout the country generally, and His Majesty enjoyed the first warm day of the year. llis Majesty yesterday conferred the insignia
      .—British Wireless.  -  200 words
    • 71 21 .—Reuter. Berlin, Mar. 6. On the ground that public performance would endanger law and order, the President and the Police have prohibited production of the Communist play ‘‘ThreeAct Dictatorship of the Future,” originally entitled 44 Poison Gas over Berlin.” The play was performed yesterday
      .—Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 471 21 .—British Wireless. Router. Trans-Ocean. Teheran, Mar. 6. Negotiations are proceeding for an Anglo-Persian Trade Treaty.—TransOcean. London, Mar. 6. De Valera, who was arrested on entering Ulster, has been released and placed on a train bound for Dublin.—Reuter. Rugby, Mar. 6. The King passed another good day.
      .—British Wireless.; — Router.; Trans-Ocean.  -  471 words
    • 60 21 .—Reuter. Washington, Mar. 7. As forecast in President Hoover’s inaugural address, a special session of fortress is to be held on April 15 to consider the questions of agricultural relief and limited changes in tarilF. The President has already had several conferences with the
      .—Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 42 21 London, Feb. 27. A third portion of the library of the late Sir Edmund Gosse was sold at Sotheby’s* to-day for £5,781. A presentation copy of Stevenson’s South Sens fetched £370 and one of “The New Arabian Nights £70.
      42 words
    • 444 21 ,—Reuter. .—Trans-Ocean. London, Mar. 9. The Minister for Labour. Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, has left for Geneva to attend the meeting of the governing body of the International Labour Organisation. The meeting will be a very important one, because for
      ,—Reuter.; .—Trans-Ocean.  -  444 words
    • 84 21 Router. London, Mar. 11. According to the International Federation of Master Gotton-Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Associations, the world’s cottonmill (onsumption for the six months ended Jan. ‘51 was 12,750,000 bales* This showed a slight decrease compared with the corresponding period of last year. Fast
      Router.  -  84 words
    • 88 21 Reuter. London, Mar. H. The Imperial Airways have complete preparations for opening the Lotah nIndia mail route with a 22-seater Arm-strong-Siddeley liner from Croydon on Mar. 30. The first machine is due to arrive at Karachi at 10.30 a.m.
      , Reuter.  -  88 words

    • 331 22 The Over 30 eleven Rave a splendid display against the Under .‘lO side on the S.C.C. I'adang on Saturday, and took tneir over-night total of H 3 for three wickets to 278 for six, at which they declared. A feature of the
      331 words
    • 580 22 S.C.C. Eleven Badly Beaten By S.R.C. A typical Leijssius century gave an ,S.R.C. eleven a runaway victory over S.C.C. visitors on the Padang on Sunday, the Recreation Club being victors by just under a hundred runs. Batting first, the S.R.C. early batsmen paved the way for a big
      580 words
    • 226 22 London, Mar. 9. Two important Rugby matches played to-day ended in draws. At Belfast Ireland drew with Wales five points all, and it Twickenham, in the final of the Rugby county championship between Middlesex and Lancashire, each side scored
      226 words
    • 110 22 Miss Daphne Akhurst, the Australian r»dy tennis champion, who was seen in .Malay a some months ago, recently created i n o"d by a triple win in the Australian championships. She won the dnglcs. beating Miss L. Bicker ton (her companion
      110 words
    • 118 22 Breast Stroke Race At S.S.C. A handicap breast stroke race of one 'ength (42 yards) was competed at the Swimming Club on Sunday. There were > starters, and a close finish resulted. F. Graham, who went at 4, was first. 1.. C. Cooper (1) second and Thompson (2) third.
      118 words
    • 100 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 10. In a match on the esplanade yesterday the Penang Recreation Club proved much too strong for the Eastern Smelting Co., PRO. wore without their cna k batsmen, Orr and Rodrigo, but, "< v. :n hides*, rm up
      100 words
    • 492 22 A new and welcome departure in Muni-: cipal policy in Singapore is signified by j the recommendation of the Talks and Open Spaces Committee to call for tenders for eight public tennis courts. In all public parks in towns in Great,
      492 words
    • 564 22 Mansfield’s Qualify p or Semi-Final. Mansfield’s earned the right to meet Robinson’s in the semi-final of the l ntei Commercial Cup on Friday when thoy defeated the Hong Kong Bank by the odd goal in three. The game was interesting uul well contested, but on the run of
      564 words
    • 476 22 1 Mai iv in Chinese Football tior» is making preparations for the >i' K of the Hong Kong National Amateur Athletic Association i’ontl'au tourists, who arc due to arrive here the end of April. It will be recalled t>ialast year the Malayan Chinese,
      476 words
    • 1283 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Mar. 10. Ir» fine weather and before a fairly Urge crowd, the first day’s races in connection with the Selangor Turf Club Spring meeting were held on Saturday. \be feature of the
      1,283 words
    • 249 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney. Mar. 7. Backers at Flemington had quite a good time to-day, for most of the well-fancied runners found a place in the first three. The most popular win of the day was that of Strephon, who carried ofif
      249 words
    • 475 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Mar. 7. The Deli Turf Club races wor*» held on Friday and Sunday last. The programme consisted of five professional races, one amateur event, and two races for Batak ponies each day. The outstanding performance of the meeting: was
      475 words
    • 270 23 The election of officers at the annual meeting of the Singapore Chess Club at the Adelphi Hotel on Friday, Mr. Justice McCabe Reay presiding, resulted as follows —President, Mr. Justice Me Cabe Reay; Committee. Messrs. F. O Peck, M. Maschoieff and
      270 words
    • 364 23 Col. Saunders sent away four yachts to race for the final of the series for the Singapore Yacht Club A class trophy •n Sunday. Jean got the bent of the start and quickly forged ahead, while EllaDorotJiy completely outsailed Kathleen, making three or tour
      364 words
    • 283 23 The report of the committee of the I adies’ Lawn Tenni* Club, Singapore, for the year ended Dec. 31, 1B2H, which will be presented at the annual meeting on Wednesday, Mar. 20. is as follows The income and expenditure account fur the
      283 words
    • 1996 24 IU'iiter. England a ’!•!> i r< aii ung j v* art m I he Mth u*’! 1 datch of (lu present i< nhlcii beg in at MelUoarnt* en 1 r »1;»
      IU'iiter.  -  1,996 words
    • 382 24 HOME FOOTBALL RESULTS. Leaders’ Poor Day. STOCKPORT AND RANGERS SUCCESSF UL. —Kcuter. London, M,» r The feGMwirg League g: u •'laved to-day Third Division CS:»:i hern). Crystal Palace 2 Norwich i py j Third Division (Nor:o* rn i. B "ad ford C.ity S Ti i-iiv Scottish League 4 i;i*.. t
      —Kcuter.  -  382 words
    • 818 24 The fallowing are the position* of iubr in i glish and Scottish L *'atur<i.iy s games:-— 1 ir<t Division. P. W. L. I>. K. A. I’t«. Sheffield W. 33 18 7 ;i Sunderland 33 17 1<* *< > 4 Leicester City 31 15
      818 words
    • 168 25 —Reuter. Battle of the Roses In Semi-Final. London, Mar. 6. The English Cup sixth round replays took place to-day. Bolton Wanderers, who won the Cup in 1922-3 and 1925-6, defeated the holders, Blackburn Rovers, by 2—l. Huddersfield Town beat West Bromwich Albion by 2—l. Huddersfield were run-ners-up last
      .—Reuter.  -  168 words
    • 73 25 Router- Bcaconsfield, Mar. 9. There were 275 competitors, represent.ntr 30 clubs, in the ten miles race for •ik* national cross-country championship. Harper, Hallamshire Harriers, was first to 56 min. 20 4/5 sec., T. Kay, Tipton Harriers, second in 5G min. 45 and Lance-Sergt. W.
      Router-  -  73 words

  • 153 25 A Reuter cable from London announces ifK death of Viscount Finlay, ex-Lord ('hancellor, at the age of 86 years. He giaduated in medicine before being callec the Bar and was a conspicuous figure in 'he Whittaker Wright action in 1903. It may
    153 words
  • 1548 25 The P. and O. Macedonia which sailed from Singapore on March 8, took a very large number of passengers from Malaya, incluue the Sultan of Johore, who is going on tour of Europe which will last for about eight months, and also Major-General Sir C. Van Straubenzee, who is
    1,548 words
  • 272 25 The report of the directors of the Taiping Tin Dredging Co., to Dec. 31 states that the plant of dredge No. 1 has continued to run smoothly, and treated 35 acres of ground for a recovery of .355 catty (7.57 oz.)
    272 words
  • 68 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 11. Damage estimated at $50,000 was done >y a fire which destroyed Tungku Abaldch’s house at Pompom, Kedah, last Friday. The fire is believed to have been started by children playing with matches. Tlii* is said to be the third time
    68 words
  • 54 25 CHAMARETTE.—On March 10, 1929, 8 a.:n. at Cicely Villa, St. George's Road, Singapore, to Cecile, wife of A. King Chaniarette, a daughter tMaisie Cecile», both well. (F.M.S., Ilong Kong, Rangoon and India papers please copy). DL GUID. —At Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on March 7. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs.
    54 words
  • 22 25 GRAHAM -DE BONDY. On March 0, 192:», at Kuala Lumpur. Richard Graham, A.L.A.A., to Gladys, widow of Count Pierre de Bendy.
    22 words
  • 147 25 Singapore, Mar. 12. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 20/32 Demand 2/3 26/32 Private 8 m. credit 2/4 7/16 On New York, Demand 66 1/16 Private 00 d/s 66 On France. Bank T.T. 1481 On India. Bank T.T. 16?% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 12 ft
    147 words
  • 789 25 Singapore, Mar. 12. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/- 45/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang Padang 0.43 0.48 1 1 Batu Caves 1.62 ft 1.67 ft 1 1 Bukit Arang 2.00 2.10 £1 £1 Burmah Malay
    789 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 87 25 NOTICE AH communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $lB a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 42 25 DEATHS HOLGATE. On March 1921», at Eastbourne, J. K. Holgate, of Godwin, liolgate Co. (Far East), Ltd. I’OH. Mr. Ton Cheng Ilock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Toh Tiung Swe, youngest brother of Mr. Toh Cheng Kiat, passed away on Mar. 11.
    42 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 60 1 General Rubber Situation Rig Rubber Ross London Rubber Stocks Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber The Upward Movement in Rubber liy A. W. Still Labour Recruit ini; Rubber Co. Dividends 1 Rubber Auction 1 Malayan Rubber Merger Rubber Returns 8 Meeting and Reports— Labuan Bileh, Limited Restriction in Retrospect Tapah Rubber Estates
      60 words
    • 55 1 Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices d. 1 A pi. July l»ate I.Mon S’pore Mar. June Sept. Mar. Spot 7 0.44 > 2 0.45 0.40*4 0.4J a 12 *h 0.43*4 0.43 0.45 0.45-% y !•>>._. 0.44 (1.44*4 0.45 0.45‘S 11 |2'" 0.44*4 0.44’- 0.45 0.46
      55 words
    • 75 1 The Malayan police are investigating the disappearance of a twakow with 37,570 lb. of rubber on board. The craft (No. 1,011) left Bukit Pulai Estate, South Johore, on Feb. 2 for Singapore, and since then all trace of her has been lost.
      75 words
    • 42 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool show an increase of 3f>o tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 30,058 tons.
      42 words
    • 82 1 Messrs, Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, are in receipt of a cable from the secretaries of Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber Go. informing them that in respect of the financial year ended Dec. 31 last the directors have decided to recommend the payment of a final dividend of 7Vi
      82 words
    • 103 1 The report of the directors of Labuan Rileh Limited for the year ended Nov. 30, 1928, states that the’ nett profit after providing foi depreciation and property amortization, amounts to $7,029.94 to which falls to be added $5,577.32 being the balance brought forward from the pervious year,
      103 words
    • 904 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] lA»ndon, Feh. 13. From a market point of view the lubber situation has undergone practically no change during the past week. Price remains at the same level, stock* have increased by
      904 words
    • 145 1 Recruiting has been generally resumed n Madras Presidency, but the following taluks are closed to recruiting owing to nrevaknee of disease :—Cuddapah, Paroddatur, Pulivendla. Rajampaet, Jammalamadupu and Siddhavattam Chinglepet. Conjeevaram. Saidapet, Sriperumbudur. Tiruvallur and Madurantakam in Kurnool all taluks except Kurnool, Koilkuntla, Cumbam
      145 words
    • 89 1 The Wnmpoe Tobacco and Rubber Estates. n 5” o'J in dp a P e P r °fit for the year ended hofi ol f 0^ 3,726 The annual meeting, held on Feb. 22, authorised a dividend of of*£s 007 CCnt PSS taX) and U carry forward The
      89 words
    • 19 1 Mr. Ascoli, of Dunlop Plantations, Ltd., has arrived in Malacca from London, and is slaying with Mr. G. Wiseman.
      19 words
    • 712 1 Messrs. Barlow and Co., in their r* dated Mar. 7. state The market hus been rather unset; e' since the date of our last report, and af* daily fluctuations, with an easier tender the period closes ’a cent down on haia* London is lower on
      712 words
    • 11 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Strong, AbacEstate, Taiping, have just returned England,
      11 words
    • 1121 2 We were able to announce .on Mar. 7 the proposed amalgamation of four leading rubtier companies in Malaya, the conclu>.on of which will form one of the biggest combines of its kind in the country.
      1,121 words
    • 337 2 Tin* report of the directors of tlu* Tapah Rubber Estates. Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31, states that the not profit for tlu* year amounts to $89,890.76 (as against 8137,489.00 for the previous yean to which must he added the
      337 words
    • 1540 2 The annual general meeting of the Malacca Planters’ Association was held on Sunday at the Malacca Club, the Hon. Mr. H. E. Nixon presiding over a good attendance. The Chairman said that the membership of the Association at the end of
      1,540 words
    • 717 3 The eighteenth j.’-mial *»rdin.. y g"H,*rmeeting f the Hi la 1 umatrai I j* I i I. r.* 1 1.ti1., wiii 11*• I I o’l Jan. "I I' 1 Lane, London, F Mr. If. 1 H** r chairman of tin* »rip *n v
      717 words
    • 265 3 London, Feb. 13. Messrs. Lewis and Pont, Ltd. report Plantation Rubber. —When it became known that the bank rate had been raised to s‘j per cent, there was a setback of about a farthing per lb., but as there was no pressure to
      265 words
    • 466 3 AI i* (Injfth.—lS.7oo lb. Ayer Par n 5.—45.000 lb. Aiistiala-.ii. Is.OOO lb. Anglo-Johoic on.- JM'OO lb. Am r I* lb. A; i*i 13.532 lb. Aur M* 1* k.—l 1.244 lb. Ah r J’ui'.g-U. .jd.J.i.» lb. Brieh. ..:{.;77 .b. Malaya '.—1 "',1*70 lb. 1!.. t Kktil !;:.!07
      466 words
      • 617 3 Stock y tock Tai Exchange Par k Xc u Value Company. Price.. Value Company. i’ r c W it Abaco 1 V. i 2 2' Allagar l'* 1 Al Mambrna v il Anglo-Malny 20/ ,4- Malaya General 2 Ayer Kuniiig 2 3 10 2
        617 words
      • 702 3 1 apital 1»sui' Closing Pruc" ra il I p alue I 'videruin Fra>er l.ya.l < *.ipany k o. 1‘vatt. >6.'.293 1 Nil for year 29-2-28 .Allenby i$l) 2.00 2.25 2.00 2.2® 180.000 Nil for year 30-0-28 ..Alor Gajuh ($1) 1.30 2.00 I .TO 215
        702 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 134 4 7TT _a.:r,:ei triejd but 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. ITIHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that it
      134 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 418 5 v 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 PLENTY OF AIR Retained THERE you have the two major requirements of balloon type tubes. There you have two good reasons why you should use Goodyear Tubes. For Balloon tyres, lest they sutler the
      418 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 555 6 SOMETHING NEW! Self-Starting Cigar and Cigarette Lighter It operates on a new principle of ignition without flint or friction, and is wind-proof. It does everything most expensive lighters do. It operates perfectly in any weather, dry or damp. It is small and light, and fits the vest pocket. What Makes
      555 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 312 7 Wm. JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD. S«le Distributor». CltEONG ONG CO. north bridge roar Sub-Agents, Singapore and Johore. What makes OIL "better oil”? Highest refinement. Purity. Fullest resistance to heat and wear. A perfect flow in any weather. And no hard carbon! Texaco Motor Oil meets those requirements. There is a
      312 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 145 8 ♦-♦♦♦♦< TO-NIGHT 4001 PH ZUHOH JESSt l lASur. rui6N*r SIR PERCIYAL WREN'S GREAT MASTERPIECE WITH GAKY CXDFIR.EVFLYN BREffll NOAH BEERVIWIIUAM POWER The answer to BEAU CESTE d Qammount (picture (Straight' to the \HEARTt it's .wbsre-'Bcau Sabmir' ikes'with its flaming romance. Kit'tinclhif’thrust lio the spine rkhJttiAbsiU^ THE ANSWER TO BEAU GESTE
      145 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
      274 words