The Straits Budget, 7 March 1929

Total Pages: 42
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED HGHTT TIABS.] No. 3,708 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    28 words
  • 401 1 LEADERS— p The Ripple on the 3 The Perfect Ways of Honour !l Mr. Hoover and Liberty 3 The Middleman 3-4 A Peace Policy 4 Friendly and Helpful 4 Occasional Notes 4-0 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 10-24 Gandhi Put Under Arrest 10 Military Pact a
    401 words
  • 2589 1 bv tk is a passage written Graham White in the DioPonulnH aßa s ,l i». Tbe swift changing at. RjJuT is a thing to wonder anH f. r m nts District Officers, officials fl:e B on C G and S like Mr. R. T. Foster, of Seremban,
    2,589 words

  • 996 3 attractive house has been built.—Strait* Times, Feb. St. The Lake is to be repaired at a cost of $10,000. This decision was reached at yesterday’s meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners after a refreshgiy brief discussion consisting largely ,,r quotations from and comments on the
    attractive house has been built.—Strait* Times, Feb. St.  -  996 words
  • 936 3 —Straits Times, Mar. 1. Pubhcation of an honours list is an occasion for reviewing the careers of those upon whom His Majesty has been pleased to confer distinction and for expressing appreciation of the compliment paid to the community in which the recipient lives. In
    —Straits Times, Mar. 1.  -  936 words
  • 1086 3 .—Strait, Tim«a, M»r. i. At the present time there are few, if any, offices in the world that are of greater importance than the American Presidency. The contest for the post wa? watched with close interest by millions and the spirited endeavour made by Mr Smith
    .—Strait, Tim«a, M»r. i.  -  1,086 words
  • 1004 3 Straits Times, Mar. 4. After repeated agitations and persistent suspicion in which, be it confessed, we have shared to a substantial degree, the question of the purchase of supplies for the Singapore Municipality through Home agents has been examined exhaustively and the situation explained with laudable lucidity. It
    Straits Times, Mar. 4.  -  1,004 words

  • 1087 4 .—Straits Times, Mar. 5. When we come to analyse this treaty and to consider what the treaty is, and what is behind it, and to compare it with what is in other treaties for peace and what is behind other treaties, why should this treaty be considered
    .—Straits Times, Mar. 5.  -  1,087 words
  • 947 4 "FRIENDLY HELPFUL." ’’—Straits Tinv-?, Mar. C. In the address which followed his invration into what has been described ‘‘the greatest office in the wo ••Id i’art Hoover immcdi-tely challenge. l worldwide attention. It was a ringing message from a man who bids fair to rank with the most illustrious of
    ’’—Straits Tinv-?, Mar. C.  -  947 words
  • 41 4 he Malay woman in whose house in y U 10 P olic e recently found a hrco-barrelled revolver of continental manufacture has been fined $10. She tli- weapon was left behind bv r nan who lived with her before the War.
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    • 125 4 afraid it must be so.—Straits Times, Feb. 28. What is that tag of school days about self praise being no recommendation The fact that such a profound remark cannot be entirely without truth is just the sort of thing that would occur to us at the moment of opening
      afraid it must be so.—Straits Times, Feb. 28.  -  125 words
    • 161 4 is out of his body.”—Straits Times, Feb. 28. The home papers contain many tributes to the late Mr. R. C. Lehmann, the famous rowing coach and former editor of Punch, who died on Jan. 24 at the age of 73. Well worth recalling is his definition of
      is out of his body.”—Straits Times, Feb. 28.  -  161 words
    • 217 4 matter for surprise.—Straits Times, Feb. Jo* Where is our Censor of Films Taken to the cinema the other evening, we were horrified to see perpetrated on the screen ?i*inething which may be true to life but is against all the conventional canons of art and
      matter for surprise.—Straits Times, Feb. Jo*  -  217 words
    • 305 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 2S. The proposed disbandment of a large portion of the armies of China is being viewed with alarm in many quarters which foresee trouble if some definite scheme of employment is not arranged for the men from the ranks who, for the main part,
      ■—Straits Times, Feb. 2S.  -  305 words
    • 202 4 Times, Mar. 1. Who says that Government Departments are soulless Consider the s'" pathy and tact with which the British Post Office treated a Scotsman named Benon Hullett, aged 73, living at Motfatt, Dumfriesshire. Mr. Hullett recently remembered that he had deposited a shilling in the Post
      Times, Mar. 1.  -  202 words
    • 236 5 RUMOURS BE- «omewhat differently.—Straits Times, Mar. 1. Surely the Deputy Municipal President was a little too obliging in his attitude towards Mr. Wee Swee Teow at the meeting on Wednesday. If there are people who believe that Commissioners grind their own axes in the standing committees they should either be
      «omewhat differently.—Straits Times, Mar. 1.  -  236 words
    • 351 5 more of this later.—Straits Times, •Mar. 1. The interim report on the St. Janies power station or, rather, that part of it which recommends the creation of two new posts for locally trained men, strikes the layman as a somewhat remarkable document. Mr. E. W.
      ’ more of this later.—Straits Times, •Mar. 1.  -  351 words
    • 180 5 SEGRAVES PLEASE NOTE —Straits Times, Mar. 2. ,l n P < u *y admiring the enterprise of c in .r u man who came from Penang to ,n; apore on a motor-cycle in 13% to vn,t' e hope that he will be persuaded NiMi* r n k' s laurels and
      .—Straits Times, Mar. 2.  -  180 words
    • 356 5 r arnarvon to Perth.—Straits Times, Mar. 2. Although routine entries make up the greater part of the log of the R.A.F. flying boats’ cruise from Singapore ti Australia, around that continent, anc back, there are passages which have tin authentic flavour of the old seafaring narratives. This
      rarnarvon to Perth.—Straits Times, Mar. 2.  -  356 words
    • 325 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 2. At Israelite Bay, an uninhabited spot 'otween Albany and Murat Bay, the airmen found that the nearest inhabitants. who lived on a small farm seventy miles away, had come to see the machines and assist in fuelling. There are no roads,” Group-Captain Cave-Brown-Cave
      —Straits Times, Mar. 2.  -  325 words
    • 96 5 .--Straits Times, Mar 4. To-day’s issue of the Straits Times narks n further step toward the permanent enlargement of th>s newspaper. A ew n't ago we experimented with he ide i of twenty-pace issues end it was decided to pri? t larger papers twice n veek, on
      .--Straits Times, Mar 4.  -  96 words
    • 190 5 falls under that ban, too.—Straits Times, Mar. 4.' Whenever we read a letter beginning with the words 41 For the purpose of settling a bet we reach for a well-thumbed reference book in which are collated all sorts of queer facts from the amount of strain per
      falls under that ban, too.—Straits Times, Mar. 4.'  -  190 words
    • 201 5 occasion demanded.—Straits Times, Mar. 4> Our sub-editors had the greatest difficulty in avoiding the expression 44 Birthday Honours” where 44 New Year Honours should have been in Friday’* paper. Even now we are not sure that they were entirely successful. This journalistic anticipation reminds us of the fact
      occasion demanded.—Straits Times, Mar. 4>  -  201 words
    • 311 5 he sat so uncomfortably.—Straits Times, Mar. 4. Amanullah is at last being revealed to the world in his true colours. Much of his past career was described in a recent article by Sir Michael O’Dwyer and now Truth adds a few supplementary details hus :—“When Amanullah was in
      he sat so uncomfortably.—Straits Times, Mar. 4.  -  311 words
    • 191 5 market for this infant industry.—Straits Times, Mar. 5. Many are the ways in which men have tried to extract wealth from Malaya, but Malayan Wood Distillation, Ltd., the equipment and assets of which are being advertised for sale by the Official Assignee, Pahang, was the first attempt
      market for this infant industry.—Straits Times, Mar. 5. ,  -  191 words
    • 238 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 5. Quite a flutter has been caused in social dovecotes in Malaya by the announcement that the Duke of Gloucester is to visit the country next month en route to Japan, where, on behalf of the King, lie will present the Order of
      —Straits Times, Mar. 5.  -  238 words
    • 456 5 uinr ngonv —Straits Times, Mar. 5. A cable from our Calcutta correspondent, published elsewhere, announces the arrest of M. K. Gandhi, following an outburst of violence at a demonstration to advocate a boycott of foreign cloth. According to our own message, with which Reuter does not
      ■ ... uinr ngonv —Straits Times, Mar. 5.  -  456 words
    • 276 5 quity of our ancestors.—Straits Times, Mar. 6. There was a pleasant international flavour about the luncheon given by the American Association yesterday, and fellow-countrymen of Sir Hugh Clifford must feel, after reading the friendly and cordial speech which is reported in our news columns, that His Excellency
      quity of our ancestors.—Straits Times, Mar. 6.  -  276 words
    • 301 6 —Straits Times, Mar. Sir Hugh Cli(Toni's recognition of the value of educational cruises is a timely answer to those who believe that this is merely a craze \\rhich has no serious motive or value. For lhat impression the first floating universities which visited the Eastern seaports were to
      —Straits Times, Mar. €.  -  301 words
    • 193 6 Straits Times, Mar. 6. Since the days of Mr. Justice Sercombe Smith and Mr. Justice Ebden, not to mention Mr. Justice Barrett-Lcnnard, witty repartee from the Bench has not been so pronounced as when such lepral luminaries as the dignified van Someren, the sarcastic Cockie Ellis, the ponderous Hugh
      Straits Times, Mar. 6.  -  193 words

  • 90 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 6. In the course of opening the first oil palm factory in Perak at Sabak Bernam, Lower Perak, Mr. A. S. Haynes, late nwmn ary °u a said that r»0.000 acres had been alienated for oi
    90 words
  • 398 6 The Singapore police and military authorities are investigating a brutal crime committed by soldiers in vicinity of Tanglin Barracks on Friday night. A Chinese farmer named Tan Chan aged 70, and living at 90 Holland Road, was
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  • 276 6 The third annual general meeting of the Singapore Traction Company, Ltd., was held on htb. C, at Basildon House, Moorgate, E.C. W. Hawkins (the chairman) said that it was satisfactory that they had reentered in a modest way the list of dividendpaying companies, their
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  • 646 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Mar. 2. The Straits Settlements (Malacca) Association held a committee meeting at the Malacca Club on Friday, when the following members were present Messrs. Strivons (chairman), Darby. Rabjohn. Hibbert, Graham, Zehnder, Esson, Loh Kim Swi, Goho, Munro and
    646 words
  • 76 6 ft on Cullen, managing director o Messrs Huttenbach, Lazarus and Sons 27with Mr« 7?f, and ]e Singapore on Feb. Z J J r 8 i en u They are making an of the worl( l before settlinp nat 110n »e, ar >d will visit Siam, Chino Japan,
    76 words
  • 601 6 Tfce Krabats (Royal family), Government officials, Orangkayas, Penghulu* and people of various communities as aembled at the Dewan, Johore Bahru" on Monday to pay their respect to His Highness the Sultan on the eve of his departure for Europe. The assembly
    601 words
  • 92 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 6. D rin S a Fang robbery on Tuesday night at Jalapang mine a party of ten Chinese entered the store, cut the telephone wires in the manager’s office and Fagged the watchman, securely binding
    92 words

  • 725 7 Five hundred tourists, nearly all from the United States, saw the sights of Singapore island on Tuesday. They were brought by the Red Star liner Belgenland, which arrived at daybreak from Batavia on her fifth round-the-world cruise and I,tithed at the West Wharf.
    725 words
  • 202 7 II.R.II. the Duke of Gloucester, the third son of His Majesty, will be in Malaya next month on his way to Japan to present the Order of the Garter to the Emperor on behalf of the King. His Royal Highness will travel
    202 words
  • 207 7 An alleged theft of $547 in jewellery and cash from a second class passenger on board the Straits Steamship Company’s vessel Ipoh while on the voyage from Penang to Singapore was the subject of a t ase in the fourth court on Tuesday.
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  • 115 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 4. Baron Koenig, the young German who is flying a light aeroplane from Germany to Singapore, and who is now in Bangkok is expected to arrive in Kuala Lumpur during the week-end. Baron Koenig has expressed
    115 words
    • 252 7 The marriage of Mr. Arthur Charles I’wyford, assistant Superintendent of Surveys, Scgamat, Johoro, and Miss Edith Overland Ward, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Ward, of Richmond, Christchurch, New Zealand, was solemnized in the St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Friday
      252 words
    • 211 7 Mr. Alexander Gordon— Miss Mary Rae. The marriage took place at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on Saturday afternoon of Mr. Alexander Gordon, the Municipal Architect Singapore, and Miss Mary Webster Rae, of Aberdeen. The Rev. G. H. Douglas officiated and the bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Donald
      211 words
  • 36 7 Ottawa, Jan. 25. Mr. J. I). McGregor, of Brandon, Manitoba, a prominent Canadian livestock owner, has been appointed LieutenantGovernor of Manitoba, in succession to the late Mr. Burrows, who died on Jan. 18.
    36 words
  • 1068 7 Mr. E. A. H. Ellis, the driver of the oar that collided with a stationary steam roller on East Coast Road on the night of Jan. 2o with fatal consequences for Mr, W. D. McLean, was committed for trial
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  • 997 9 A Chinese bankrupt, in the course of vj s public examination before Mr. Justice Deane on Friday, atated that he had received five loans from a local missionary at 24 per cent. interest. He also told a remarkable story concerning
    997 words
  • 238 9 From Penang to Singapore, a distance ot 511 miles, in 13*« hours by motor-cycle is a feat that was accomplished on Feb. 28 by Mr. Jimmy Robson, of Kuala Lumpur, one of the best known motorcyclists in the F.M.S. He started out Iron» the
    238 words
  • 138 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 2. That the club’s proceeds out of gambling were entered in the books as vegetable money was the police allegation made in the police court when three Chinese were charged with assisting in the management
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  • 61 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 1. Colonel Waley Cohen is in Bangkok completing arrangements for the observation of the total eclipse of the sun at Alor Star and Pattani by the British expedition in May. He intimated that the King of
    61 words
  • 807 9 In the Bankruptcy Court on Friday before Mr. Justice Deane, Mr. T. U. Cocker, the Assista ’t Ofiicial A. signee conducted the public examination of Lim Took Onn. Examinee said he was a Straits-born Chinese, ai d had one wife and two
    807 words
  • 172 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 28. At the annual meeting of the Perak Chamber of Commerce striking observations were made by Colonel Rae who, in commenting upon there not having been much dislocation owing to the removal of rubber
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  • 181 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 2. In the Xibong Tebal police court yesterday before Captain Pratt, Mr. R. Gibbons, manager of Sungei Bakap F.state, was fined $lO for obstructing a public servant in the execution of his duty. In a separate case
    181 words
  • 74 9 AUSTRALIA-ENGLAND. New Southern Cross Flight. (Front Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, Feb. 27. Caj)t. Kingsford Smith and Mr. C. Ulna ntended to leave Sydney to-morrow in their aeroplane the Southern Cross on a flight to London, but their departure lias been delayed for a fortnight owing: to heavy rains flooding the
    74 words
  • 40 9 Cassel Feb. 27. An aeroplane belonging to the Raabkatzenstein firm was coupled to two motorless machines and ascended to 4f>o metres. The motorless machines were then unfastened and both successfully glided down.
    40 words
  • 71 9 The joint weddings of the Misses Stella and Kna, daughters of Mr. and Mis. Arshak Sarkies, of Penang, and Singapore, will take place in St. George’s Church, Penang, on March 27. No invitations are being issued, hut all friends throughout Malaya are cordially invited. Miss Stella is marrying Mr. John
    71 words

    • 483 01 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Now that the C.unong Pulai dam, with the filter beds, are non ring completion, a consideration of the consulting «•ngineers’ report, dated October, 1922, is of particular interest. The first point to note is that it would not be safe to
      483 words
    • 98 01 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I w’ish to thank you for the remarks you made in your paper concerning the above company and to assure you that 1 quite appreciate the service you have rendered me. On the 23rd instant 1 received a
      98 words
    • 431 01 To the Editor of the Straits Times. < Sir, —As we are approaching a time of the year which is often selected for visits to the homeland, it may be well to mention one or two points arising out of recent cases which have been decided in
      431 words
  • 654 01 The first annual generul meeting of Alexandra Brick Works. Ltd. was held at the offices of the secretaries (the Borneo Co., Ltd.) on Saturday. Mr. F. E. Dilley presided, and the others present were the Hon. Mr. F. A. Pledger, the Hon. Mr.
    654 words
  • 382 01 Our Calcutta correspondent wires that Mr. Gandhi was arrested shortly before midnight on Monday following riotous scenes at Mirzapore Park, in the centre of the native districts of Calcutta. Clashes took place between armed police anti thousands of Indians who
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  • 100 01 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 4. It is officially notified that Lieut.-General Phya Vichit Wongse Vudikrai, the Siamese Minister to Washington, has been appointed Minister to Paris in succession to the late Prince Charoon. MajorGeneral 11.5. H. Prince Amoradat, chief A.D.C.-General to
    100 words
  • 615 01 Given the option of returning wr conditionally to their ship, the City r .f Bedford, or going to prison, 16 firerrtn chose the latter in the Marine Coun on Monday before the Master Attends»*: (Capt. Geoffrey Frey berg, R.N.) At
    615 words
  • 48 01 The Asiatic Officers of the Engineering Department, Federated Malay States Railways, w*ill be 44 At Home in honour of Mr. R. W. Hiam, Engineer for Ways and Works, F.M.S.R., on the eve of hi* retirement from the Government Service, at the Railway Institute, Kuala Lumpur, on March 9.
    48 words
  • 47 01 Under the heading, Man-eating Crocodile», Mr. V. G. Bell, Deputy Conservator of Forests of the F.M.S., writes a most, interesting article in the current issue ot l .he Illustrated London News. The article» is illustrated with some remarkable photoI graphs of the mother crocodile defending* ner nest.
    47 words

  • 198 12 A murder committed in mysterious circumstances was disclosed at a Singapore Coroner’s inquiry on Feb. It was related to the Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, that four Cantonese entered a Ilylam’s room in a tenement house in Jalan Besar on the morning of
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  • 114 12 In the bankruptcy court on Friday before Mr. Justice Deane Mr. W. E. Demuth examined several Chinese in respect of the insolvency of Chee Soo Boon. He interrogated the witnesses with regard to certain transactions in connection with the mortgage of certain shares in
    114 words
  • 173 12 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette of Mar. 1 Mr. H. K. Cornish to l>e an Engineer, Posts and Telegiaphs Dept. Miss N. F. Careless to be a European Woman Teacher, Education Department Mr. G. R. Lewis to be an Assistant Elecirical Engineer, Electrical
    173 words
  • 108 12 A policeman named Sahat bin Abdulvaliman was charged in the District Court, Penang, on Feb. 28 with voluntarily causing hurt to police lance-corporal llassan on Jan. 22 last. It appears that accused had been defaulted for some offence and bore a grudge against the lance-corporal. As
    108 words
  • 1164 12 There was much regret at the annual dinner of the* St. David’s Society, which was held at the Adelphi Hotel on Friday, that H.E. the Governor was unable to attend owing to indisposition. Mr. K. M. Williams, the president
    1,164 words
  • 218 12 In the Supreme Court on Feb. 27 before ihe Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) Kwah Gin Loo sued Cheong Kong Seng And Chew F.oon Tiang, trustees of hei !ale husband’s estate, for $5,000, alleged ‘.o hav? been lent to her husband during his
    218 words
  • 139 12 LEAN CO.’S REPORT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 1. Messrs. Lean and Co.’s report issued to-day states that tin has fluctuated within very narrow limits with a downward tendency and closes cash V 220 12s. 6d. three months £222 12s. fid., the loss on the week being 17s. fid.
    139 words
  • 385 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Feb. 7. The Malay States Information Agency stall' are busy making preparations for a brave show of Malayan products, curio., etc., both at the forthcoming British Industries Fair, which will open simultaneously at the White City, London,
    385 words
  • 128 12 Chapal bin Saat, an ex-lance corporal in the S.S. Police, unsuccessfully appealed before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) in the Supreme Court on Monday against his sentence and conviction on a charge of criminal extortion. Mr. M. V. Pillai was for the appellant
    128 words
  • 111 12 A cable was received in Kuala Lump') 1 on Feb. 27, says the Malayan Han> Express, to the effect that a Kongst o five local Chinese residents has won t,u first prize of $lOB,OOO of the Hong Kong Chinese Club’s annual sweep
    111 words

  • 205 14 The preliminary inquiry into a charge of causing death by a rash act. preferred i against the Hoyanese driver of a cai 1 that fatally injured an eight-year-old Chinese girl at Bukit Panjang, concluded on Feb. 27. The child's mother said that
    205 words
  • 88 14 A Reuter cable from London announces the dentil of Admiral of the Fleet, the Fit. Hon. Sir Kdward Hobart Seymour, aged KK y< nr?.. He was senior Admiral of th< Fleet nn<l commanded the force drawn from eight nations in an effort to succour the Peking Legations during the Boxer
    88 words
  • 1512 14 The system of buying through Home Agents, which has been discussed b> th> Singapore Municipal Commissioners on several occasions, was the subject of a report which was laid before that body on Fob. 27. The report was presented by
    1,512 words
  • 71 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Feb. 27. At the annual meeting of the Siam Society last_ evening it was reported that Lice Is 18,007 had been subscribed to the fund for the erection of a building for the society. It was felt that the subscriptions wen* not
    71 words
  • 774 14 The Young Women’s Christian Association. Singapore, held their annual general meeting on Feb. 27, and at an extraordinary general meeting that followed a re\ised constitution of the Association was unanimously adopted, subject to ratification at a subsequent meeting. There kV as a good
    774 words
  • 49 14 Major T. A. Lowe, D.S.O., M.C, who has been Staff Officer. Malaya, for tnc last three years, has been gazettedI Majo’ in the Highland Light Infantry. He wu leave Singapore on March 10, with Mrs I.owe and, after short leave at Home, w 1 jcin his regiment at Cawnpore.
    49 words

  • 1130 15 LONDON TO HONG KONG IN A WEEK. WONDERFUL PROJECT. German Aviation Co.’s Service. WILL IT BE DEVELOPED Many schemes have been discussed rettiuly with regard to the cstaMishment of a regular air mail service between Londor and China. Imperial Airways,, have been especially interested in this matter but, in
    1,130 words
  • 252 15 Princess Biilow, wife of the famous German Imperial Chancellor of tw’enty years ago, has died at Rome at the ago of eighty years. She was formerly Princess Camporeali, a Sicilian, and stepdaughter of the Italian statesman Minghetti. At the rime she married Count
    252 words
  • 860 15 Mr. F. B. Kilmer, of New York, the owner of a notable 44 physic garden,” writes in the Druggists’ Circular on the legends attached to various well-known medicinal plants. He states that 44 aconite is called monkshood because of
    860 words
  • 456 15 The border generally was free from any serious incident or disturbance affecting the public life of the province.” So writes the Hon. Lt.-Col. H. B. St. John, C.1.E., Agent to the GovemorGeneral and Chief Commissioner in Baluchistan, in his report of the Agency
    456 words
  • 57 15 During a reception to Young Australians at the University of California recently, Mr. Charles Moore, who organised the World Exposition in 1915, announced a project, under which 300 Californian business men will make a Pacific tour, embracing Australia, at the beginning of September, for the purpose of enabling
    57 words
  • 43 15 Calcutta, Feb. 21. No confidence motions against Nawab Musharruf Hosain, Education Member, and the Raja of Nashipur, Member for Local Self-Government, were carried by the Bengal Legislative Council this afternoon, by 05 votes to 50 and 02 votes to respectively.
    43 words

  • 394 16 With n general election in the effing, writes Major H. L. Nathan, Honorarj Secretary, London Liberal andidates Association,” in the Advertising World, posters, for the politician, take on a new significance. In ordinary times the politician is an observer rather than
    394 words
  • 220 16 Contract bridge, the thriving son of, auction and grandchild of whist, has 1 now thru«t its way even into the Port1 md Club, that august card-playing in- stitution which canie under fire two years ago for its conservative outlook on the i revision
    220 words
  • 71 16 Sudbury, (Ontario), Feb. 20. The Finnish newspaper editor, Arvo Vaaro, was to-day sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and fined $l,OOO for seditous libel. An earlier message stated that Arv< Vaaro was committed for trial for the publication of an alleged seditious slander
    71 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 223 16 It Pays To Buy Genuine iY Unit Cells I ifiliiki Eveready Unit Cells are built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long lasting qualities. That is why nearly every expedi' tion to the farthest north,
      223 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 179 17 I Telegrams FIRNATEX. F I R S T A N I O T A L N Telephones 4100, 5534. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved w her, kept their blind
      179 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.

    • 255 20 Labour Party Torn By Dissension.” U.S. CRUISERS. Home Secretary Not Concerned. .—British Wireless. “Postpom* .Singapore* until you ha'c* .attended to England.” whs a Liberal election cry suggested by Mr. Lloyd ti<H)r)(r at a luncheon of Liberal candidates. He declared that unprofitable expenditure on armaments must be cut down, and indicated
      .—British Wireless.  -  255 words
    • 480 20 POSTPONE SINGAPORE. Mr. Lloyd George’ s Election Cry. —Reuter. Ixmdon, Mar. 1. At n luncheon given by Liberal candidates in London at the forthcoming election, Mr. Lloyd George claimed that the Liberals formed the only united party in the State. He denounced the ineptitude of the present Government as a
      —Reuter.  -  480 words
  • 218 20 Tians-Ocean. Ixindon, Feb. 27. The re a.-on for the objection to the proI o-t <; flight of the aii>hip Graf Zeppelin ver Egypt, icgarding which the attitude 1 the British Government was sought l eft.ri )u;nd by the German Foreign Office, wj
    Tians-Ocean.  -  218 words
  • 116 20 sations of employers and trade unions.— British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 26. An important new step towards industrial peace was taken yesterday, when the General Council of the Trades Union Congress decided to accept the invitation of the Confederation of Employers’ Organisations and the Federation
    sations of employers and trade unions.— British Wireless.  -  116 words
  • 54 20 London, Feb. 21. An extraordinary accident due to the thaw occurred at Bestwood colliery, Notts. A huge chunk of ice from the pithead crashed dowm the shaft, dislodging masonry, and crashed on the roof of a cage bringing up miners. Two miners were
    54 words
  • 65 20 —Reuter. London, Mar. 1. As a sequel to the Conservative revolt regarding the question of payment for losses incurred by Irish loyalists, Mr. Amery introduced supplementary estimates for £-‘185,000 and said £.’177.000* would be paid on this account by Dec. .‘ll. He estimated
    —Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 106 20 air again in another aeroplane.—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 1. Flying-Officer Sealy-Allin was killed in a mid-air collision between his aeroplane and another at Kenley. The pilot of the other machine, Flight-Sergt. Freeman, jumped clear with his parachute and landed safely on
    air again in another aeroplane.—British Wireless.  -  106 words
  • 152 20 Rangoon, Feb. 27. The French airmen Le Brix and Paillard. who were flying to Saigon from Paris, crashed at Thtinzeik, 122 miles from Rangoon. Both are unhurt. Saigon, Feb. 27. It transpires that the machine was destroyed. Paillard and Le Brix will complete
    152 words
  • 180 20 —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 1. In the House of Commons, Mr. W. G. A. Ormsby-Gore, Secretary for the Dominions, moved the second reading of the bill providing for the extension of civil service pensions to Governors of mandated territories. He said there had
    —British Wireless.  -  180 words
  • 93 20 Gas Institute, in La Liberte*—TransOcean. Rerlin, Mar. 1. The German Ambassador in London, Herr Sthamer, refuted, on behalf of the German Government, the assertion that plague bacilli were used as a lethal weapon during the War. The German Press publishes statements by
    Gas Institute, in La Liberte*—Trans-Ocean.  -  93 words
  • 42 20 —Reuter. New York, Mar. 3. Mr. Coolidge has signed the resolution which was adopted by the Senate providing for a survey of the site of the proposed Nicaraguan Canal and also examination of the question of enlarging the Panama Canal.—Reuter.
    —Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 239 20 COLONEL LINDBERGH CRASHES. Slightly Injured. TAKING HIS FIANCEE FOR JOY RIDE.” .—Reuter. New York, Feb. 27. Colonel Lindbergh, the famous airman clashed while flying with his fiancee Mi? Morrow. Neither was seriously injure? Colonel Lindbergh was flying over Mexi City showing Miss Morrow the wonder?,!! view. They landed after a
    .—Reuter.  -  239 words
  • 122 20 —Reuter. London, Fob. 2$. Tho ico conditions on the Continent have created a rush of orders for British coal. Over 500.000 tons were exported from South Wales last week, which considerably exceeds the total in any corresponding week for the past four years.
    —Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 159 20 ADMIRAL RETIRES. Sir Reginald Tyrwhitt’ s Promotion. ,—Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 28. At his own request, Admiral Sir Richard Webb has been placed on the retired list and Vice-Admiral Sir Reginald Tyrwhitt has been promoted to the rank of Admiral. Admiral Webb, who has had a brilliant career, is only 58,
    ,—Reuter.  -  159 words
  • 79 20 Reuter. New York, Feb. 28. After two years of litigation, the Federal authorities have succeeded in breaking up the alleged Franco-German Potash Trust. The Federal Court signed a decree enjoining the Deutsches Kalisyndikat and the Societe Commercial dos Potasses d’Alsaco from combining in
    Reuter.  -  79 words

  • 451 21 .—British Wireless. London, Feb. 28. Introducing the Army estimates, the Secretary for War, Sir L. WorthingtonKvans, pointed out that effective expenditure has diminished from £36,250,000 to :32.’#00,000 in the past five years, as cont asud with
    .—British Wireless.  -  451 words
  • 405 21 British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 2. Submitting the Air Estimates for the coming year, totalling £16,200,000, the Secretary for Air, in a memorandum, -'ays that notwithstanding the growth of the Royal Air Force and civil aviation none of the votes shows any very notable variation,
    British Wireless.  -  405 words
  • 153 21 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 27. The Duke of York last night formally accepted on behalf of the State the cinematograph film The Epic of the South Pole,” which records the last Treat expedition of Capt. Scott to the Antarctic. This is the first
    .—British Wireless.  -  153 words
  • 157 21 machinery into an organisation.”—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 28. The report for the past year of the British Artists Exhibition, founded by Sir Joseph Duveen with the object of giving possible purchasers of pictures at home and abroad the opportunity of becoming acquainted with the
    machinery into an organisation.”—British Wireless.  -  157 words
  • 118 21 —Reuter. Tokio, Feb. 27. According to a source which is apparently reliable the Government is planning to dispose of negotiable bills in Great Britain and the United States for the purpose of increasing specie abroad, the intention being to prevent a further full in
    .—Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 37 21 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. 1. The well-known athlete Douglas Lowe is engaged to a Danish lady, Miss Kareen Thamsen, daughter of the late Surgeon Thomsen, of Copenhagen. Mr. Lowe was called to the Bar last year.—Reuter.
    ,—Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 177 21 .—Trans-Ocean. London, Feb. 28. The Anglo-American and the Power Petroleum companies will increase th-* price of petrol to-morrow by 2*Ad. u gallon. Moscow, Feb- 28. A three years agreement is announced between the Anglo-American oil combine and Russian Oil Products, by which
    .—Trans-Ocean.  -  177 words
  • 85 21 Rugby, Feb. 27. The 2nd Bn. of the Scots Guards arrived at Southampton to-day from Shanghai in the City of Marseilles.— Britsh Wireless. London, Feb. 28. On the arrival of the 2nd Bn. the Scots Guards at Southampton from China, Colonel F. G.
    —Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 40 21 ’—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 28. The following reply was sent: u The 2nd Bn. the Scots Guards respectfully thank their Colonel-in-Chief for his gracious message of welcome and rejoice at the prospect of His Majesty’s early return to health/*—British Wireless.
    ’—British Wireless.  -  40 words
  • 108 21 .—Reuter. Tokio, Feb. 28. In the Diet at question time the Prime Minister, Baron Tanaka, stated that the Government had more than once drawn the Soviet’s attention to the pernicious actions of the Third International—actions which justified protest whether the Soviet Government has
    .—Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 61 21 Reuter. Helsingfors, Mar. 1. There is remarkable evidence of the severity of the European winter in the unprecedented proposal to establish omnibus services between Sweden and Finland, via the Aaland Islands. Constantinople, Mar. 1. All traffic on the Bosphorus is suspended. The sea is
    – Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 56 21 T rans-Ocean. Berlin, Feb. 28. The famous castle of Limburg, one of the oldest and most beautiful mediaeval monuments in Germany, has been almost destroyed by fire. The fire brigades were helpless, us the water froze in their hoses.. The building contained many notable
    T rans-Ocean.  -  56 words
  • 242 21 .—Reuter. Rome, Mar. 3. The commission of inquiry into the loss of the Polar airship Italia, under Nobile, has reported that it found the loss of the airship was due to the commander’s faulty handling. There was no
    .—Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 148 21 —Reuter. New Deihi, Feb. 28. The Budget, which was introduced by Sir George Schuster, shows a surplus of .‘lO lakhs of rupees this year and estimates a deficit of 00 lakhs for next year, mainly due to a fortuitous factor, namely, the unequal
    —Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 101 21 Reuter. Wiesbaden, Feb. 27. The Rhine Valley is threatened by disastrous floods when the thaw breaks up the ice packs. A ceaseless watch by alarm guards is being kept on the banks from Switzerland to Holland, and flying columns have been formed from
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 63 21 -Renter. Pretoria, Mar. 1. Mr. Van Lear Black, the American newspaper magnate, who left Croydon on Feb. 11 in his Fokker aeroplane, with t*o Dutch pilots, arrived at Pretoria to-day. After he reaches Cape Town h*> intends to return to
    -Renter.  -  63 words

  • 362 22 —British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 2. Copies have been circulated to mem* hers of the league ol Nations of the Note which the British Minister in Teheran has handed to the Persian Government in reference
    —British Wireless.  -  362 words
  • 163 22 —Reuter. London, Mar. 2. 1 Mishap soon overtook the flight of Wen Lln-tschen, the Chinese airman, who started out from C roydon on an attempted flight to China, accompanied by a Danish colleague. He was nearly forced down into the sea soon after
    —Reuter.  -  163 words
  • 86 22 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 28. The Navy Supply Bill was passed in its final form by the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Mouse of Representatives passed the Senate Bill known as the Jones Appropriation Penalty Bill, providing for more stringent penalties
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 275 22 Cl her parts of the Empire.— British Wireless. —Trans-Ocean. .—Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 27. Renlvine to a question in the Hoie of Commons, about the Treaty between South Africa and Germany, Mr. Amery, the Dominions Seeretar'. pointed out that it provided that goods produced
    Cl her parts of the Empire.—British Wireless.; —Trans-Ocean.; .—Reuter.  -  275 words
  • 112 22 INSURRECTION PLOT IN CUBA. Opponents Thrown To Sharks.” —Reuter. New York. Mar. 1. Eight people, including three prominent professional men in Havana, have been arrested in connection with an alleged insurrectionary plot throughout Cuba directed against President Machado. This has provoked the report by Senor Seigle, the founder of the
    .—Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 111 22 ,—British Wireless. —Router. Rugby, Mar. 4. The War Office announces that this afternoon an explosion took piace in the primer and fuse factory of the filling factories at Woolwich Arsenal. Nineteen persons suffered minor injuries, but all were able to go home. Certain
    ,—British Wireless.; .—Router.  -  111 words
  • 112 22 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 28. Olympia, the largest exhibition hall in Fngland, passed yesterday to new owners. They have decided upon plans for further extension of the building which will take over a year to complete and will, it is |estimated, cost about
    .—British Wireless.  -  112 words
  • 202 22 —Reuter. Peking, Mar. 2. The west section of Peking was thrown into panic this morning, when a regiment of ex-northern troops suddenly revolted. At dawn 20 plain-clothes gunmen accosted Shansi guards in the vicinity cf the well-known Lama Temple and disarmed them and
    —Reuter.  -  202 words
  • 68 22 i.—Aneta. Medan, Mar. 5. Another rubber planter has been murdered by a Javanese coolie. Mr. H. Arbmanbcrgh, an assistant on Sookarandae Estate, was the victim, and it is presumed that trouble had arisen ever criticism of the coolie’s work. Mr. Armanbergh received three
    i.—Aneta.  -  68 words
  • 87 22 —British Wireless. Rugby. Feb. 27. Answering Lieut.-Comdr. J. M. Kenworthy (Lab., Hull, Central) in the House of Commons, Mr. G. LockerLampson said no reports of disturbances in Cairo had been received. He understood that pood order and political calm prevailed throughout Egypt.
    —British Wireless.  -  87 words
  • 64 22 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. 4. Early yesterday the Queen walked over from Bognor to Aldwick nearby to visit I the Archbishop of Canterbury, who arrived there on Saturday for a month’s convalescence after his recent illness. The Archbishop’s medical men have ordered him
    .—British Wireless.  -  64 words
  • 63 22 —British Wireless. Ilugby, Feb. 27. The trophy presented by Viscount Esher to be awarded annually to the squadron of the Auxiliary Air Force adjudged to be the best all-round squadron of the year has been won for the year li'2B by number 007
    —British Wireless.  -  63 words
  • 58 22 —Reuter. Belgrade, Mar. 2. Vuciterna, the Albanian who shot and killed Agividibcbi during the !atier's trirl ii a charge of murder, was released on the grounds that he was insane. To-day lie ran amok at Skoplje and killed an inspector of the Ministry of
    —Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 375 22 BRITAIN KELLOGG PACTS. Foreign Secretary’s Congratulations. —Reuter. Copenhagen, Mar. 2. The Riksdag has ratified the Kellogg Pact. Paris, Mar. l. The Chamber of Deputies voted for ratification of the Kellogg Pact by 570 to 12. The minority was composed entirely of Communists. The Hague, Mar. l. The Second Chamber, with
    —Reuter.  -  375 words
  • 162 22 .—Reuter. Mexico City, Mar. 1. Ten members of the gang of bandits which killed the American mining engineers J. M. Underwood and C. Caisthorpo were killed in a battle w’ith Federal troops. It was reported from Guanajuato, c a Feb. 24, that the two
    .—Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 89 22 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 20. Five Conservative members have given notice of the following motion for which they desire doscussion in the House ot Commons: “That in the opinion of this .1 'iic, it is desirable that the name of ‘War Office
    ’—British Wireless.  -  89 words

  • 662 23 .—Reuter. Front all indications, revolution on -a big scale has broken out in Mexico, hut the new* is scanty and conflict* ing. While Government reports from Mexico City state that the
    .—Reuter.  -  662 words
  • 118 23 Reuter. Dublin. Mar. fi. A sensation was caused in Dublin this afternoon when it became known that 40 young men had been arrested in houses in various parts of the city during the night. Later 15 nun were released. No information
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 171 23 Rugby. Mar. »5. Flying at a height of 2.40 b feet, men of the Royal Air Force have taken rt markable photographs of the Roman town buried underneath fields near Norwich. This town was known as Caistor. and theteaUmts lived 20,000 Romans in the
    171 words
  • 85 23 .—Reuter. Sydney, Mar. 1. A conference of the mining unions rejected all proposals involving a wage cutThe notices posted by the Northern Colliery owners expired to-day. Eleven thousand miners are directly affected. Mines not in the federation are continuing to work, and there is
    .—Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 69 23 Reuter. Melbourne, Feb. 28. The trial has concluded of five men charged in connection with the bombing affray in the Greek Club in December, during the troubles arising from the resentment of waterside workers at the employment of volunteer —largely nonBritish—labour. Fifteen people
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 52 23 .—Reuter. New York. Mar. 6. The authorities have seized a consignment of morphine, heroin and opium valued at $1,000,000. It was destined for Kentucky, California, Missouri and Texas. Four men who have boon arrested are suspected of being agents of an international
    .—Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 790 23 ’VC* ISO m J M IM Will British Wireless. London, Feb. 27. “His Majesty’s health is simply wonderful compared with what it was a month ago.’’ This tribute to the King’.* progress was made by an official of the Royal household in
    ’VC* ISO m J M IM Will – British Wireless.  -  790 words
  • 171 23 heult'i*. —British Wireless. Paris, Mar. 4. The now mechanism for Reparation» payments is nearing completion In tho shajK* of a hoard of trustees to supervise, on behalf of the creditors, all German payments. Sueh a hoard would inevitably displace at least part of the Dawes
    heult'i*.; —British Wireless.  -  171 words
  • 105 23 —Reuter. Geneva, Mar. 5. Mr. Elihu Root has drawn up a formula for replacing the fifth reservation of tba United States to adherence to the Permanent Court of International Justice. Mr. Root proposes to create machinery to consider specific cases to determine whether
    —Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 117 23 Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Mar. 4. The former Judge Orloff is said to b* involved in an affair of forged Soviet documents intended to compromise Senator Borah and Senator Norris, of the United States. Orloff was for a loogr time chief of the Russian counterespionage
    Trans-Ocean.  -  117 words
  • 68 23 —Reuter. London, Mar. 6. The Queen Mother of the Netherlands has engaged a special steamer to visit the exhibition of Dutch art in London. She will leave Rotterdam at seven in the evening, catch the train at Gravesend in the morning and
    —Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 36 23 Reuter. Tokio, Mar. 4. It is learned that the Government will .shortly present supplementary estimates to the Diet for 2,500,000 yen for themaintenance of troops in Shantung for three months from April I.—Reuter.
    . Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 32 23 ,—Reuter. London, Mar. 6. The owners of a numlx'r of independent mills controlling 2,000,000 spindles have signified their readiness to form an amalgamation distinct from other projected or accomplished schemes.—Reuter.
    ,—Reuter.  -  32 words

  • 149 24 Reuter. London, Mar. 5. The full executive of the Miners’ Federation waited on Mr. Baldwin at Downing Street to urge that immediate, definite action he taken to deal with unemployment in the coalfields, includmg the re-organisation
    Reuter.  -  149 words
  • 161 24 -Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Mar. 5. The Moscow correspondent of the Berlin Tageblatt states that a crisis is admitted to exist in Russia. No one knows exactly what is going on behind the veil of ecerecy, which is now greater than ever, but it is
    -Trans-Ocean.  -  161 words
  • 127 24 -Rt-r.ter. Nanking, Mar. f>. It is officially announced that Sir Frederick Wh yte, K.C.S.L, has been appointed honorary adviser to the Chinese Government.—Reuter. Sir Frederick Whyte was President of the Legislative Assembly, India, from 1920 to 1925, ami his success in that position
    -Rt-r.ter.  -  127 words
  • 80 24 Wireless a a,nst —British Rugby, Mar. 4. Mr. D. H. Hacking, Secretary to the Overseas I raile Department, stated in the House of Commons that although it was impossible to give figures of the value of the orders taken at tlx* British
    Wireless a«a,nst —British  -  80 words
  • 56 24 Reuter. London, Mar. 5. The Shareholders of tie* London. Midland and Scottish Railway have authorised tlx* Board to «.<*cl p.,,.1:,. mentary powers for the u-o of ai.vrafi loi the conveyance of passerg rmerchandise to and fro:,! acr^-mues in Great Britain in district* tamm.l trains. Other companie- are
    – Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 1116 24 ,—British Wireless. .—Trans-Ocean. —Reuter. .—Nichi-Nichi. Rugby, Fob. 27. Sir Alan Cobham will start a tour months Hying tour of Great Britain in April for the purpose of advising municipalities in their choice of aerodrome sites to cope with future the development ot inland air traffic. Municipal
    ,—British Wireless.; .—Trans-Ocean.; —Reuter.; .—Nichi-Nichi.  -  1,116 words
  • 123 24 .—Reuter. Washington, Mar. 5. Tht* Senate confirmed the formation of President Hoover’s Cabinet as follows Secretary of State, Mr. H. L. Stimson Treasury. Mr. A. W. Mellon Interior, Dr. W. L. Wilbur Commerce, Mr. R. P. Lament War, Mr. J. Q.
    .—Reuter.  -  123 words
  • 52 24 Reuter. Shanghai, Mar. t. Bar' n Lug- no Fould-Springor. a French philanthropist and cousin of the Rothdied last night at A.-tor House *rom pneumonia and pleurisy. He wa« in,ring the world accompanied by his ui.e and daughter. The widow was fort.aroness Springer,
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 525 24 at Cieneva this morning.—British Wireless. —Trans-Ocean. .—Reuter. London, Mur. *j. Sir Austen Chamberlain, still showin» signs of his recent chill, departed f or p ar en route to Geneva to attend the C’ouneG of the League of Nations.—Reuter. Rugby, Mar. 3. Sir Austen Chamberlain
    at Cieneva this morning.—British Wireless.; .—Trans-Ocean.; .—Reuter.  -  525 words
  • 92 24 ,—A net a Batavia, Mar. <>• A fatal stabbing affray in which a European husband and former wife were involved caused a sensation in Batavia this morning. A man named W. A r Fuhrmann entered the building of Public Health Service,
    ,—A net a  -  92 words
  • 22 24 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Mar. The Duke of Connaught has comp: recovered from his recent slight utta> influenza.—British Wireless.
    .—British Wireless.  -  22 words

  • 1018 25 Mr. Justice McCabe Heay was occupied i 1,0 whole of Feb. 27 at Johore Bahru in hearing a number of appeals from the decisions of magistrates. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. R. Moor, M.C.S., appeared /or the Crown. Xg
    1,018 words
  • 156 25 Eight persons were injured in a lemaikable accident at Upper Serangoon on Saturday. A taxi driven by its Bengali proprietor was proceeding along Upper Serangoon Road when, near the junction of St. George’s Road, it knocked down a pedestrian, who
    156 words
  • 213 25 A dinner party was held on Mar. 1, in the Singapore Club, by kind permission of the committee, at which MajorGeneral Sir C. C. Van Straubenzee, K.8.E., C. 8., C.M.G., the General Officer Commanding the Troops, was entertained by the officers of his
    213 words
  • 104 25 Mr. J. \Y. Harries, lion, secretary of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association, informs us that the following nominations have been received for the vacancy on the Municipal Commission caused by the resignation of Mr. Sefton Cullen:— Mr. O. P. Griffith-Jones, proposed by the Hon.
    104 words
  • 615 25 The 2nd Welch Regiment did honour to St. David at Tanglin Barracks onFiiday afternoon when an amusing gymkhana was watched by a large number of spectators, including a sprinkling of civilians. The festivities began with a hockey match in fancy dress. A
    615 words
  • 73 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 1. The King of Slam, after reviewing the Boy Scouts, said an important factor in national prosperity was wealth. The United States to-day formed a powerful country because of being the world’s creditor. They
    73 words
  • 597 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 28. A meeting of the Central Health Board was lu-ld at the office of the Administrator on Feb. I‘J. The Controller of Labour (Mr. E. W. F. Oilman) presided and the others present were the
    597 words
  • 132 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 4. '1 In* death took place with tragic* suddenmss on Sunday morning at the General Hospital, lVnang, of Mrs. Adelaide Diana Hears, wile of Mr. Arthur 11. Kvans, who is well-known throughout the Hast. Mrs. hvuiis,
    132 words

  • 1559 26 —Trnns-Occan. Reuter. London, Fil». 27. Political interest in the alleged secret military convention between I'ran.c <*ih Belgium and the British position i.'gai* ing it was evince d by a number «»r questions put down by members of
    —Trnns-Occan.; Reuter.  -  1,559 words
  • 109 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar- 4. Mr. .lustice Thorne to-day delivered an important judgment in the Malayan Wood Distillation, Ltd., appeal which was argued before the Appeal Court recently. In this case the Official Receiver of the company appealed against the judgment
    109 words
  • 315 26 Kinta Tin. —piculs 250. Ting Kii. —Plant 170.40. tribute 44. 214.1 T. Semenyih.—Output piculs 100, hours run 1 >2. yardage 6(1,000 cubic yards. C bender iang.— Dredge 5.271 hours. «O.OOC yards, 1.10 piculs. Hydraulicinir Jabus 38,000 yards and 130 piculs Lah 0.000 yards and 70 piculs. Tongkah Compound
    315 words
  • 30 26 M l’j N T Cuni mins, vice-chairman of 1 *}V has been appointed a member of the General Council (hiring the absence the Hun. Mr. J. S. Artcr un leave.
    30 words
  • 112 26 The result of the last Poppy Day effort in Malaya is now announced. Once again Malaya achieved a record, the sum collected being no less than $148,240.74, thus considerably exceeding the record mad in the previous year of $135,330. Mrs. Rupert Manasseh, the
    112 words
  • 773 26 The fallowing passengers left for Europe by the Sarpedon which sailed on Feb. 26 Dr. and Mrs. A. S. McKern, Mrs. Foug**ro, Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, .Mr. C. Falkiner. Mr. T. C. Hay. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Nixon, Mr. J. R. Gould, Mrs. W.
    773 words

      • 98 27 The S.C.C. frittered away chances against the S.RC. in a friendly game on the Padang on Monday, but nevertheless won to the tune of 3—l. On the run if play they merited their victory for they were the better side, but their forward play lacked
        98 words
      • 135 27 A team which has many chances and loses deserves no sympathy, and the side which has few' chances and accepts one or more, quite merits victory. Therefore the Chinese deserved to win their game against the S.C.C. on the Padang on Feb.
        135 words
      • 75 27 Another recruit to S.C.C. soccer ranks is H. Patterson, who arrived out from home ouite recently. He is a clever out-side-left and has repeatedly done good service for the Scottish League, First Division side, Third Lanark as an amateur. Fast and
        75 words
      • 240 27 At a meeting of the Singapore Football Association League committee, a body formed under the revised rules, several matters of importance were dealt with. Dr. K. K. Pathy was elected chairman and all clubs with the exception of the S.C.C., Malays and A.P.C.
        240 words
    • 52 27 A team from the Penang Chinese Swimnnng Club will visit the Singapore hinese Swimming Club during the Easter holidays, and races and water polo watches will be arranged. Members of the local club are asked to note that polo Practices wiV be arranged
      52 words
    • 764 27 The financial report of the Singapore Stadium Association prepared by Capt. G. L. Harris, Secretary, reads as follows It will be noted from the balance sheet 1 that cash assets at the end of the year 1 (apart from sundry debtors which
      764 words
    • 18 27 —Reuter. London, Feb. 27. In an inter-varsitv hockey match at Beckenham, Cambridge beat Oxford by 3—L—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  18 words
      • 415 27 A sporting declaration by R. L. L. Braddell of the Married Xl’s innings in the S.C.C. Married vs. Singles match on Saturday gave the bachelors a chance to pull the game out of the fire. However, in a keen finish time came with them only
        415 words
      • 229 27 The Bachelors of the S.R.C. were saved from defeat by the clock in the annual Married vs. Single match on Saturday. Batting first, the Married men compiled 166 for 7, and declared. They had secui ed seven of the Single men’s
        229 words
    • 144 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 5. Mr. H. F. Wlikinson, the handicanper of the Straits Racing Association, has been re-engaged fora further term of two years in the same capacity. Mr. Wilkinson arrived from Australia to act for Mr. R. C.
      144 words
    • GOLF.
      • 165 27 An interesting match was played at Kuala Lipis between mixed teams from Selbourne Plantations and Pahang Club. The result was a win for Pahang Club by matches to 3, but Selbourne Plantations were without the services of two or three of their best players, so expect
        165 words
      • 62 27 i E. R. B. Upton, the well-known Singai ;»ore player, has won the championship of i the Keppel Golf Club, with the excel- > lent score of 144 for 36 holes—74 end 7®. The score of the first «four players were as follows E. R. B.
        62 words
      • 276 27 m ««a The Singapore Golf Club March Bogey competition was played over Bukit Timah ‘ast week-end. and resulted in a win for Mr. W. Eldred in the A division and Mr. F. X. Lee in the B division. Eighty-one cards were taken out and the following
        276 words
      • 25 27 In the replay of the ladies’ monthly medal at the (larrison Golf Cluh Mrs. G. Savage beat Mrs. Lowe 2 and 1.
        25 words
    • 93 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Mar. 5. The last of the finals of the Tennis Association of Siam tournament, which has n proceeding for several weeks, was played last night in the presence of the King and Queen. H. 5.11. Princess Sasi heat Miss
      93 words
    • 363 28 ENGLISH SCOTTISH CUP-TIES. Few Surprises. LEADERS IN SECOND DIVISION BEATEN. —Reuter. London, Mir. 2. The following were the results of English and Scottish Cup and League games played to-day English Cup.—‘Sixth Round. Blackburn R. 1 Bolton W. 1 Aston Villa 1 Arsenal 0 Portsmouth 3 W est Ham l td.
      —Reuter.  -  363 words
    • 949 28 The positions of clubs in the English and Scottish League tables, after Saturday’s games, are as follows First Division. P. W. L. D.F.A. Pts. Sheffield W. 31 17 G 8 66 41 42 Sunderland 32 17 9 6 75 4U 46
      949 words
    • 26 28 —Reuter. London, Feb. 27. The Airdrieonians defeated Ayr United by 3—o in the first division of the Scottish League to-day.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 66 28 —Reuter. London, Mar. 3. One of the fourth round ties in the Scottish Cup, which had to be postponed on Saturday owing to frost, was nl-iyed tu-diy and resulted in St. Mirren ing Aberdeen by the odd goal in se*en. Ir.
      .—Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 50 28 The draw for the semi-final round of the English F.A. Cup, to be played on neutral grounds on Mar. 23, resulted as follows Aston Vilia vs. Portsmouth, at Highbury. Blackburn Rovers or Bolton Wanderers vs. West Bromwich A. or Huddersfield at Liverpool.
      50 words
    • 195 28 ST. DAVID’S DAY. Welch Regiment’s CrossCountry Race. The Welch Regiment began their celebrations of St. David’s Day on Feb. 28 when they held the annual cross-country run. The course was four and a half miles, the competitors going via Napier Road into Tnnglin Road, back behind the Military Hospital, and
      195 words
    • 527 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Mar. 2. An amazing and unsportsmanlike demonstration against Larwood marred the play at Melbourne to-day, when the match between Victoria and the M.C.C. was continued. When play closed on the previous da> Victoria had scored
      527 words
    • 165 28 —Reuter. London, Mar. 4. Playing All-Jamaica at Kingston, Mr. Cahn’s team of English cricketers could only draw. Batting first the home side compiled 462, of which Rao was responsible for 111, Martin for 64 and Bedford foi 74. The
      .—Reuter.  -  165 words
    • 483 28 London, Feb. 27. Australia’s team for the fifth and last Test match will be selected from the following J. S. Ryder, W. M. Woodfull E. a Beckett, D. Bradman, C. V. Grimmett’ W. A. Oldfield, A. Jackson, A. F.
      483 words
    • BOXING.
      • 120 28 Miami, Florida, Feb. 2S. Jack Sharkey beat Young Stribling on points in a ten-round contest at Flaming» Park. There were 30,000 spectators and tlv teceipts were £BO,OOO, so appaiently Jack Dempsey’s first promotion venture e c successor to the late Tex Rickard wa* successful. The
        120 words
      • 85 28 Boston, Massachusetts, Mar. 2. The New Zealander Tom Heeney v 1 completely outboxed by the Irish-A’", can Jim Maloney in a ten-round con' 1 Maloney won on points. Heeney stood up to Gene Tunney j rounds and seemed to be among tlm f of
        85 words
      • 670 29 I Four A class yachts were a?nt away by I J( ,t. Flett on Sunday to race for the 1 v on j of the series for the Club Trophy. M Kathleen was first away, but in the beat A® *o the Man-of-War Buoy in a light
        670 words
      • 339 29 The Port Dickson Yacht Club seventh v of 1929 was sailed on Sunday. The arks were, first of all, the island off Tth mile, a mark boat anchored about 1 miles off the 4th mile, round the Parting buoy, out round the mark boat nee more
        339 words
    • 116 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Mar. 2. The record time of 2 min. 59 V 6 sec. was done in the Flemington St. Leger today. The result was STREPHON l PRINCEDON 2 BALMERINO 3 Betting 9—4 on Strephon, 25—1 Princedom 3—l Balmerino.
      116 words
    • 57 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Mar. 5. The result of the Australian Cup. which "a> run at Flemington to-day, was afollows 1. SOME QUALITY. 2. KIDAIDES. 3. OCTEMBER. Betting 7—l Some Quality, agst. 25—1 Kidaides, 7—l Octember. There were 15 starters. Mondiaga, wlu. was
      57 words
    • 175 29 The following is the result of the Singapore Volunteer Ride Association spoon shoot Rukit Timah Range or. Sunday. Tne conditions five shots at 300 yards, lying, oayonet t:\cd. five shots at 300 vurds. kneeling. bayonet fixed, and five shots at 500 yards, lying in
      175 words
    • 81 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 2. At a lengthy and lively meeting of the Pc ml; Hockey Association much resentment was voiced against the method of selecting the F.M.S. team to meet the Colony. A subcommittee was appointed to
      81 words

  • 127 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Mar. 6. At the Assizes yesterday a Chinese named Lim Siew Pung was charged with the possession of seditious publications. The prosecution alleged that accused was arrested on Jan. 20 in Burmah Road while distributing leaflets
    127 words
  • 63 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Mar. 4. A Chinese employed in a shoemaker’s shop ran amok with an axe yesterday, killed his employer outright and seriously injured three other persons, one of whom died later. The man jumped into the river after
    63 words
  • 17 29 GIBBS. At Bedford, on Feb. 2, 1020, to Mr, end Mrs. 1\ J. Gibbs, a son.
    17 words
  • 149 29 BANFIELD RAYNKR. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral, Singapore, on March 1, 1929, by Veil. Archdeacon Swindell, Frederick Sydney, only son of Edward and the late Mrs. liantield, of Barcombe, Sussex, and Eileen Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs. E. M. Raynor. of Cottesloe, Western Australia and the late John Henry Rayner,
    149 words
  • 149 29 Singapore, Mar. 6. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/a 2/8 20/82 Demand 2/8 26/82 Private 8 m. credit 2/4 7/18 On New York, Demand 56 1/16 Private 00 d/e 68 On France, Bank T.T. 1431 On India, Bank T.T. 16?% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 12 p.c.
    149 words
  • 789 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Mar. G. MINING. Imui Val. I’d. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/3 45 3 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang Padang 0.46 0.50 1 1 Batu Caves 1.55 1.G0 1 1 Itukit Arang 3.00 2.10 i £1 £1 Burmah
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is S4S a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 49 29 DEATHS EVANS. On Sunday, March .‘5. at Pcnanjf. Adelaide* Diana (Putt, the beloved wife of Arthur 11. Evans. LJM. Beloved wife of Mr. Lini Konjc Tia o' (nee Tay Met* Si i, on Sunday, March 11)2:*, at her residence No. M, Uukit H< Swot*, at tJio uj?e of ,‘l2.
    49 words

    • 37 30 H.H. the Sultan of .lohore, who leaves for Europe by the 1*. and O. steamer Macedonia to>morrow. 11.K. Major-lieneral Sir C. C. Van Strauhenaee, (i-O.C., Malaya, kocs home on retirement by the Macedonia.
      37 words
    • 65 30 This group was taken a few days and shows, left to rinhl Major A. r. Mlllor. M C. <».\A. an, I <(AU. Maio. Sir C. C Van Straubenzcc, K II.K., C.B., C.M.O. (U.O.C.. Malaya). Major T. A. I.owe, U.S.O.. M.C. ural Mad Oflic-r)
      Photo. I'ii 11. liui l'i'i uhjc  -  65 words
    • 106 31 I lathing pool at the ft. Karrer's Kalla, l>a,ir INiteh. Kelantan. and named after the late Mr. I(. O. 11. Karrer. M.t'.S.. »h« made the road to the fall. Fine* specimen of a tiger shol at I! ikit Kuah behind Chin C hin Fin mine, near Jasin. Malacca.
      106 words
    • 174 32 I hi* wedding ot Mr. I. L. I.egg, of Mansfield and Co., Captain of the Singapore Flying Club, and Miss Jean Rennick Airey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. h. F. Airey, of Wellington. New Zealand, took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Feb. IK. Above front right
      174 words
    • 112 33 (iroup photograph taken in com mem ration of the forthcoming isit of H.H. the Sultan of Johore to Kuropc. He is seen with ollicers of the Johore Military and Volunteer Forces in Johore Bahru. Left to right: l T ngku A/.is. (Deputy Mentri
      I'hot os. bii I. J •  -  112 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 83 1 (ieneral Rubber Situation J London Rubber Stocks 1 Local Rubber Auction 1 Indian Labour 1 Rubber Co. Dividend 1 Statistics of Malayan Rubber By A. W. Still Rubber Research Criticised London Rubber Market 1 British Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 Rubber Auction f Rubber for Roads 2 Rubber Returns 2
      83 words
    • 55 1 Quotations Forward Contru.t Spot Siller Prices (I. S S Apl. July I*ate L'don Sport* Mar. June Sept. Mar. Spot 1 12% 0.1.*»% 0.46% 0.47% 0.48% 1 12% 0.41% 0.44*8 0.46% 0.47 4 12% 0.44 0.44% 0.45% 0 46** Cl 0.45 0.454 0.47 0.47 4 0
      55 words
    • 42 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool show an increase of 510 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 29,098 tons.
      42 words
    • 123 1 The Singapore Chamber 01* Commerce Rubber Association iiebl its 9o*!‘h auction on Mar. 6, when then* was catalogued 2,221.074 11. or 991.55 tons; offered 1.'.67,604 lb. 01 780.11 tons; .sold 1.139,299 11.. or 642.54 tour. Spot London 0». 127*d. New York 2ft 7 ct.«. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed
      123 words
    • 148 1 a l he Indian Immigration Committee, with the consent of the Chief Secretary t<> the F.M.S. Government, prescribes the rate payable under section 129 (a) of the Labour Code to be $1 in respect of every male labourer and 50 cents in respect of every female labourer for
      148 words
    • 3 1
      3 words
    • 1260 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London, Feb. 6. I had occasion the other day to make an attempt to calculate accurately the plantation rubber production in 1928. 7 o check my own figures, I referred to
      1,260 words
    • 98 1 .—Reuter. London, Mar. 5. The standing: committee appointed under the Merchandise Marks Act has leportedl that it finds the applicants have not made out a case to require rubber manufactures to bear an indication of oripm at the time of importation, but they
      .—Reuter.  -  98 words
    • 264 1 Scathing comment on Government’s policy in regard to rubber research was made by Mr. F. Denham Till, Chairman of the Kalutara Planters’ Association athe annual meeting of that Association on Feb. 23. Ceylon,” said Mr. Till, has at lasbegun
      264 words
    • 162 1 At an extraordinary general meeting of the Straits Plantations, Ltd., on Jan. 30, a resolution to amalgamate with the Coconut Plantations, of Perak, Ltd., wa* passed. Mr. J. McNeile Miller presided, and said that the amalgamation was of advantage to both concerns. The consideration for
      162 words
    • 140 1 Lewis and Peat, Ltd., report London, Feb. Plantation Rubber.—The market during the past week has been rather more active with a better demand from consumers, and a fair business has been done on c.i.f. terms up to the end of the year. Prices generally are about %d.
      140 words
    • 36 1 The manager's bungalow on Kimanis Estate, British North Borneo, has been completely burnt out and Messrs. Riddel and G. Stephens, who were occupying it, lost all their personal belongings The cause of the fire is unknown.
      36 words
    • 408 2 The Registrar of Imports and Exports haa sent ns the following comparative statement of the quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya, during February, 1929. The figures, which are in tens, represent totul
      408 words
    • 510 2 Messrs. Lewis and Peat report Singapore. Feb. 23. j There has been a further rise in values curing the week amounting to 11-10 d. in London, l-\ cents gold in New York and 2!» c;nts locally. To-day’s cables quote London at Is. Id. j
      510 words
    • 114 2 Some highway authorities, interviewed at home on Feb. 22, expressed the opinion that the scheme to provide an adequate supply of rubber at a fixed price was impracticable, as road maintenance was generally deputed by the borough authorities to contracting companies. It was
      114 words
    • 85 2 Alor Gujah.—2o,B49 lb. Ayer Punas.—7o,soo lb. Australasia. —25,700 lb. Rugan Serai. —47,000 lb. Batak Rabit. —37,000 lb. Balgownie.—4l,B9o lb. Bukit Kubu. —17,000 lb. Glenealy.—s2,ll2 lb. Harimau. —10,000 lb. Jalan Kebun. —9,360 lb. Kluang.—4s,soo lb. Kurau. —30.000 lb. Morohiston. —10,000 lb. Mountjoy.—24,soo lb. Mandai-Tekong.—lo,l4l lb. Mujedie (Johore). —13,000 lb.
      85 words
    • 25 2 Mr. J. H. Denton Moir has taken over the management of Telok Bharu t oconuts, Teluk Anson, vice Mr. G. A. R- CowIroy, on furlough.
      25 words
    • 47 2 The engagement is announced between Audrv, vounger daughter of the late Mr. J. H. Shillito and Mrs. Shillito, of Johannesburg, and John Bailie, -jungei Tankas estate, kajang, Federated M a t a y States, youngest son of the late C. Bailie and Mrs. Baihe, formerly of Johannesburg.
      47 words
    • 256 2 Mr. J. Gordon Carrie, Deputy Supervisor of Rubber, F.M.S., and Deputy Regis-trar-General (Statistics) S.S., has forwarded the following census of stocks of rubber held by dealers and on estates of over 100 acres on Jan. 31, 1929, together with certain export figures. (Stocks compiled from returns by estates
      256 words
    • 1229 2 At the twenty-first annual general meeting of the United Serdang i Sumatra i Rubber Pluetaiions. Ltd., held in London on F**K M.\ 11. Eric Miller, presiding, sail in ‘he course of his speech Our issued —lit* capital now stands
      1,229 words
    • 32 2 Tin* directors of the Kedah Rubber C>*. j have declured an interim dividend of l- 1 I per een*., on account of the year ending Anri! an, payable on tbi ‘Join ins*
      32 words
    • 931 3 A copy of the minute* of a meeting of the Indian Immigration Committee held At Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 2:>, with the Hon. Mr. E. W. F. Gilman presiding, ahawa that the question of restricting emigration from India was
      931 words
    • 556 3 LOCAL SHARE MARKET. Messrs. Fraser and Co’ s Weekly Report. Mess:.-. Fraser and Co.’s weekly le port, dated Mar. states During the period under review the Undemy of the tin market has been nlightly easier, although according to !>.n r lon advices there has been some revival in consumer.-’ demand.
      556 words
      • 539 3 Stock Stock r.r Exchange Pxr Exck« tt v'f' Comrxny. J*ric«. •>«« Coir.p.Bj. a,u x. IU 41 Muluccn 2 *2 Alknr 7 ’> •'J“; ~l uu U. ii f/ -•;>;« f.! {‘>i",S.“ n, K 15 2/ M.rb.. f r !;;r^. n, id t,d jjsfik 5,
        539 words
      • 710 3 Capital laaaa Claaiag Me#* Paid Up Valaa Diridaada Pvmaar Lpall Campaap A Co. Bratt. «*9,293 1 Nil for year 29-2-28 ..Allenby ($1) 2.20 2.40 2.20 2.50 160.000 Nil for year 30-9-28 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.90 2.25 2.00 2.30 435,425 1 74 px. int. a
        710 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 197 4 ♦■*44 4444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .AJFLIEI! TRIED 33TTT 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has teen chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. rriHE Work of 2 in 1 thoe Polish is to give a very high shine,
      197 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 > > 1 »6 A r > f A A *1 f A #S f e 1 A A A Alt 1 A A 1 Alt k i kit k Ik t# •"> Why Should You Fit Any OtherTyre? YOU have the experience of a world of motorists to aid
      424 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 600 6 It operates on a new principle of ignition without lint or friction, and is wind-proof. It does everythin! Boat expensive lighters do. It operates perfectly in any weather, dry or damp. so f-S «I w./» ftts the vest pocket. i 6506. i. i fli i'i’ i ♦♦-4-4 W-4 »»4444 «*>»*
      600 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 384 7 ■I V III»! M 4 9. I A m w A) i Wm. MC > X (tIA B#U DintribaUr*. CHEONG ONG CO. north bridge road. mf, Slrrs»**# mm4 JT [l C»X t mi. -0 Whtttinakei < OIL “better oil”? Highest refinement. Purity. Fullest resistance to heat and wear. A„ perfect
      384 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 181 8 -0-o a o >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦>»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ o *OOOOO SHORTLY H> OIPH 2UKOL «vd. JESSI L IASUT* HfiCNT' 1 SIR PERCIVAL WREN’S GREAT MASTERPIECE WTH GAM ODffRmVN BRENT NOW MD WIIUAM FOWfli The asisuw bo BEAU CESTE CtQanmotudQidure tg^Oa Strikes A tin tSTRMGHT TO THE I HEART! l’* where “Bcju Sabremr‘ ikes with
      181 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 310 9 r < i Have You seen the SNIP SNOT CAMERA A CHILD CAN USE IT FITTED WITH A Dallmeyer F. 6 Stigmatic Lens All-Metal Folding Camera 9 by 12 c.m. or plate size. Fitted with MEYER F/4.5 LENS in Ibsor Shutter Shutter 1 to l/100th second Jt ft Weighs only
      310 words