The Straits Budget, 28 February 1929

Total Pages: 42
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YIARB.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d. No. 3.707
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  • 366 1 leaders— The Aesthetics of Advertising 3 The Caged Lion 3 Settlement Overseas 3 The Old Ladies of the Lake 3-4 Malaya and the 8.8. C. 1 Two Views of China *1 Passport* Warning 4 Occasional Notes 4-0 Telegrams, Better and Special— Covering Past Week's News 19-23 Pictures Malacca Swimming
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  • 3382 1 f death sentence passed on Supadoo i- the murder of a Tamil compatriot at w a^a P has been commuted by /f". *he Governor to ten years’ penal servitude. Batu Caves Tin Dredging Co.’s dredge commenced work on the 19th inst. Mr. N. T. King has returned
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  • 940 2 —Straits Times, Feb. 21. W’e are continually being told that the Colony is backward in some respect or not her and occasionally there may be itason for the charge. Unfortunately ur advertisers are showing signs of Icing quite unpleasantly progressive and wo feel bound to protest
    —Straits Times, Feb. 21.  -  940 words
  • 943 2 Straits Times, Feb. 22. About two years ago Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co., Ltd., issued the liist of a series of small books written by distinguished men of science and of letters dealing with the more pressing problems of civilisation and forecasting the future of
    Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  943 words
  • 976 2 which it professes to represent.— Straits Times, Feb. 23. In a particularly opportune speech al the dinner which marked the opening of the British Industries Fair, the Prince of Wales rightly emphasised that the heaviest task confronting Great Britain to-day is to deal with the huge mass ot
    which it professes to represent.—Straits Times, Feb. 23.  -  976 words
  • 1102 2 r ally important Straits Times, Feh. 25. Singapore Municipal Commissioners will present at their meeting on Wednesday .ho third —and, wo hope, the last act of Comedy ot the Lake. We use the word comedy after examining with great cart the case put forward
    r ally important !— Straits Times, Feh. 25.  -  1,102 words

  • 1022 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 20. Mr. Powell Robinson’s letter regarding the position of the Malaya Broadcasting ompany, Limited, which is dealt with in another column, contains little to justify a revival of optimism among people in th s country who hsid been thrilled at the
    —Straits Times, Feb. 20.  -  1,022 words
  • 936 4 evidence at present.—Straits Times/ Feb. By that irony of circumstance which uar, so often attended affairs in China, an unusually optimistic view of the outlook in that country comes at a time when there is a fresh gathering of armies and a threat of civil war
    evidence at present.—Straits Times/ Feb.  -  936 words
  • 91 4 st G< u e rnmvnt communique notice of Mipb b en broUKht to the i Government of Burma that n hl p a <leck passengers frequently arrive in Rangoon without the nassnorK MS'S,!:, 1 rt wsf Jjdo India, if Unoti f fi ed m fo? y K^ C
    91 words
    • 299 4 REAL PATRIOTISM —Straits Times, Feb. 21. Be Patriotic—Spend the winter 5. London,” reads an advertisement hv chain of London hotels. This ill-tip, appeal appeared in one of London’s Sun' 1 day newspapers some weeks ago, and V u to be hoped that it was withdrawn hefrJ. the Bruckner cycle,” or
      —Straits Times, Feb. 21.  -  299 words
    • 290 4 Straits Times, Feb. 21. Having regard to certain criticism* directed against the F.M.S. Government during the last rubber boom, it is interesting to find that Ceylon planters are becoming restive over the difficulty of getting land in that colony. Ever sime interest was focussed on the subject
      Straits Times, Feb. 21.  -  290 words
    • 317 4 •rh,i camera never lies Straits Times, I’cb. 21. Looking, the other day, at tome photographs oi Singapore events of not more than ten years ago, the writer was amazed to behold scenes which appeared to belong to another clime and another century Closer inspection showed that
      •rh,i camera never lies ! — Straits Times, I’cb. 21.  -  317 words
    • 141 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 22. Knowing so we’l the proof-reader’s awful power, we should be the last to pull the leg of any fellow pressman in distress therefore we refrain from mentioning the name of the contemporary which perpetrated the following recently The extinguishers were brought to bear
      !—Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  141 words
    • 218 5 mark Come alonp, old dear." —Straits Times. Feb. 28. Youthful days and youthful fancies were recalled by Mr. Baldwin in mail week at a luncheon given in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the first publication of the Boys’ Own Paper. The Premier. who made one
      mark “ Come alonp, old dear."—Straits Times. Feb. 28.  -  218 words
    • 228 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 22. A shareholder in the Malaya Broadcasting Company has written to the Strains Times asking for information about this company. He states that in December of last year he received a circular from the company, signed by Mr. Powell Robinson as managing director, announcing
      —Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  228 words
    • 219 5 Straits Times, Feb. 22. The upshot was that in April, 1924, the Malaya Broadcasting Company was registered with a nominal capital of $100,000 in $10 shares. This company took over the rights and privileges of a company which Mr. Powell Robinson had formed in 1923 for the
      Straits Times, Feb. 22.  -  219 words
    • 326 5 upon circulation for his profits.— Straits Times, Feb. 23. The jubilee of the Singapore and Malayan Directory, issued next week, is evidence that a volume of this kind compiled with care is appreciated, even at a high figure. Singapore has had the directory for a dollar type,
      upon circulation for his profits.— Straits Times, Feb. 23.  -  326 words
    • 290 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 2H. Those were the days when the Governor, Vice-Admiral and Commander-in Chief was Major-General Sir Harry Ord R.E., whose salary was $23,529.84, ar i the Colonial Secretary was Mr. J. W. W. Birch (afterwards murdered in Perak) who drew $8,184 84 per
      ’—Straits Times, Feb. 2H.  -  290 words
    • 292 5 BEWARE —Straits Times, Feb. 23. When you are asked to express nn opinion on other people’s poetry, take care. This is the sort of thing that might happen to you TO A KINDLY CRITIC. The choice of name is thine My friend, it is not mine A kindlier choice is
      —Straits Times, Feb. 23.  -  292 words
    • 257 5 Straits Times, Feb. 25. At first sight it is startling to learn that belief in witchcraft still flourishes to an appalling extent in the United States. Recently Nelson D. Rehmeyer, a farmer of North Hopewell, near York Pennsylvania, was killed by John Blymyer, an alleged hex doctor, and
      . Straits Times, Feb. 25.  -  257 words
    • 297 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 25. There are still many people in Singapore who have never been to Fraser’s Hill and are never likely to go there so long as certain local firms pursue the policy of never granting local leave until a mar. becomes too ill to
      —Straits Times, Feb. 25.  -  297 words
    • 283 5 ,—Straits Times, Feb. 2"). Thrills of a pleasanter sort await the visitor when he reaches the hill station. The glorious panorama of hills and valleys to be seen from Lady Guilleniard’s Road is nearly, but not quite, as good as that which is spread beneath Penang Hill.
      ,—Straits Times, Feb. 2").  -  283 words
    • 149 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 26. Frequently people comment on the depressing sight of diseased and starving dogs wandering about the streets of Singapore and ask whether “something cannot be done about it.” The Municipal employees whose duty it is to remove such animals and put them out of their
      —Straits Times, Feb. 26.  -  149 words
    • 191 5 A GOVERNMENT FORGER Straits Times, Feb. 26. It happened in Singapore a good many years ago and is recalled by the death of Dr. Frederick Dent, at one time a Government Analyst in the Straits Settlements. There had been a very large haul of currency note forgeries followed by the
      Straits Times, Feb. 26.  -  191 words
    • 364 5 broadcasting pioneers.—Straits Times, Feb. 2«. The letter from Mr. Powell Robinsoh concerning the Malaya Broadcasting Company, published in the Straits Times yesterday, was read with interest. The result of five years’ strenuous endeavour to establish broadcasting in Malaya is that the Government has not granted a licence
      broadcasting pioneers.—Straits Times, Feb. 2«.  -  364 words
    • 130 5 THE MAIDEN SIGHED. -Straits Times, Feb. 20. Contrary to expectation, Saturday’s verse in this column failed to produce any letters of protest. That must be our only excuse for repeating the offence. The following is taken from a volume of poems written by no less a person than Elsie Janis
      • -Straits Times, Feb. 20.  -  130 words
    • 200 6 Straits Times, Feb. l!7. Flags were flying bravely in Orchard Road this morning- large flags and <>i a redness that could n<>t i>e improved upon by Moscow itself. Along the roadside stood mountains of granite (a sorted sizes) and other hard things which delight the heart of those
      — Straits Times, Feb. l!7.  -  200 words
    • 322 6 Straits Times, Feb. 27. In June last a sub-committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was appointed to examine the provisions of the Naval and Air Bases Ordinance (1928). After several sittings the committee issued a comprehensive report suggesting certain alterations to remove all possibility of the Colony
      Straits Times, Feb. 27.  -  322 words
    • 369 6 AN ANNUAL SLANGING MATCH Straits Times, Feb. 27. The Singapore Chinese, having had 1 heir New ear orgy of noise and produced the usual crop of newspaper correspondence from Pro Bono Publico and his ilk, are now settling down to another year’s steady pursuit of the elusive dollar. The Straits
      . Straits Times, Feb. 27.  -  369 words

  • 487 6 The Chinese Consul-General in Singapore, Mr. Tong Lao, has written to the Straits Times to protest against a cablegram sent by our Hong Kong correspondent which gave currency to a runioui that Generals Chiang Kai-shek and Acn Shi-shan were combining against General
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  • 111 6 Two Chinese who were charged in the Fourth Court yesterday with disorderly •onduct bv fighting proved to be a dentist and his patient. The magistrate asked what happened, ind the following details wore divulged. I im dentist was at work on a particularly
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  • 49 6 I The late Capt. E. A. Shepherd, of the j Singapore pilot service, who died at sea ;-»n April 11, 11)28. left an estate in •fj'.l-?', an,l t J‘ L ‘3' ai,s Settlements of I ts. ltd. The Straits Settlements assets were sworn at $15,'1,420.
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  • 695 6 Action token at a mooting of Committee No. 4 of the Municipal Commission held on Feb. 13. included the following Disapproved application by the owner of King’s Road rubber factory for renewal of licence, licence having expired on June 30, 1927. Disapproved application for renewal of
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  • 244 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 21 Tho death took place at hi s, nce m Aratoon Road on Saturday even!,,.. Mr. Robert Greening, a member 0 f‘\vd editorial stall* of the Pinang Gazette accordance with his last wishes his )0
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  • 265 6 A provisional contract for the a-.V-gamntion of the Straits Plamati. n < .j pany with the Coconut Plantation* iVrak on the basis of the absoipihr hut company by the Straits plant; bus been entered into, subject to approval cf the shareholders of both
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  • 98 6 At the annual meeting of George Town Diaper «aiy, Ltd.. Penang, on Tuesday a final dividend of 20 per rent, making 3<* per cent, for the year was declared an! the. suift was voted two months’ salary while the direct ra were voted an tional remuneration of $2,000.
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  • 90 6 The Budget figures for Sarawak for 1 1 •>JU provide for an estimate of SOJ 392 revenue and $0,324,050 expendit i P, u Vrf s taxes, licences, etc., provide $3,678,072 and revenue from Government property, including rent, for $1,280. > u On the expenditure side, the chief items
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  • 824 7 A serious fire occurred at the premises f the Cycle and Carriage Co., Ltd., crehard Road, on Saturday afternoon, and hut for the splendid work of the Singapore Fire Brigade the damage might havt reached a much greater ficure
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  • 290 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 21. Hundreds of Penang residents witnessed a spectacular blaze early this morning when Messrs. Wearne Brothers main building in Anson Road was partially destroyed by fire which is believed to have started in the manager’s office
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  • 189 7 Lady Clifford gave away the prizes at the annual prize-giving of the Singapore Chinese Girls’ School, Emerald Hill, on Saturday afternoon. The proceedings opened with an entertainment by the pupils. The principal, Miss Nisbet, in the course of her report,
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  • 87 7 A bill is to be introduced into the Legislative Council with the object of substituting for the Superannuation and Provident Fund, which it was intended to establish for the benefit of the staff of Raffles College, a scheme whereby policies of assurance shall be effected on the
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  • 46 7 We are informed that the outbreak of fire in a hold of the Last Asiatic Company’s steamer Lalandia, outward hound for Singapore, and which had to put in to Bizorta. has now been overcome and the vessel is proceeding to Port Said.
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  • 163 7 Brass taps are in great demand at second-hand dealers’ shops, where they may be purchased by the householder at i much cheaper price than that asked for ’he new article. This demand was presumably in mind of a Chinese who recently
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  • 65 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Feb. 20. The steamer Ping-pu, which was reported to be badly ashore across the channel of Kunglingtin Rapids, on the Upper Yangtse, has been looted and burnt by pirates. Salvage is impossible, and as soon
    65 words
  • 61 7 The death has taken place at the (icneral Hospital, Penang, after a long illness of Miss Lulu Smith, sister of Dr. .1. E. Smith. The funeral was on Saturday at the Western Road Cemetery, Father Devals conducting the services both in the chapel and at the grave-side. There was a
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  • 1280 7 The Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) delivered an important judgment on Saturday in the case in which E. A. Barbour and Co. sued the Ho Hong Bank for $10,000. His Lordship granted the plaintiffs the amount claimed, with
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  • 143 8 The Chinese who was alleged to have deenvcd two brothers into u plantatior oir Buona Vista Load and stabbed to* m in one ease fatally, because bis .rnlmmj bad been aroused hv the but tbit be, accompanied his wife on her vnva re
    143 words
  • 248 8 The report ol the directors of Alexandra Brickworks, Ltd., for the period ended Dec. 31, 1928, states that since the property was taken over from the vendors an additional block of land has been purchased at Butti rworth, adjoining the other area. Buildings
    248 words
  • 235 8 Tli" report of the special lommittce jiMjx'irtoil to inquire into the h ‘rv'Ht.* derived from Ihe employment of Homo Agents was to In» presented at yesterd i.v’s meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners. Tlu> interim report of the committee appointed to investigate
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  • 92 8 Anording to ;i Renter cable from Paris Bie death has occurred of the wellknown French composer Andre Messager at the age of 70 years. To English audiences he is best remembered by his remarkably cm cess ml light opera Veronique his other works were La Basocho, M ire lie, Les
    92 words
  • 315 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Feb. 23. The French Consul-General for the Dutch Hast Indies, M. Bodard, wh left for Hanoi a short time ago to make irrangements mr Governor-tit nt i.«l las tuier’s visit here >n the near, is !ue to
    315 words
  • 360 8 Ka.iipoi,; Kamunting Tin Dredging. Half month i. Hours run i one dredge) 213. yard* treated 13.000, total pice s 1P2.02. nett Miue 1 82.». Lost »"8 hours Chinese New Year a’. I boiler clear ing. Aeon Kumbang Tin Dredging «Half moll til). Hours run 2*B, cubic yards treat-
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  • 69 8 A Reuter cable announces the death of H.E. Admiral Sir Henry Felix Woods Fas ha, formerly in the Imperial Ottoman i V, u' vas Nd years of age and entered the naval service of Turkey in 1870 associating himself with the late Hobart l‘ash;i in the reorganisation of f»he Turkish
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  • 136 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 25. The local Scouts have lost a very pood friend and leader by the departure on leave of District Commissioner Brunton. When Mr. Brunton took over the Association in IU2B, there were, I believe, only *0 boys.
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  • 88 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Feb. 27. Another mining accident involving the death of two Chinese coolies is reported to have occurred at Setapak near here on Monday. Several coolies were working at the bottom of an open cast mine
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  • 146 8 Mr. F. W. Lyall. senior partner of Messrs. Lyall and Reira, Ltd., left Singapore yesterday on retirement after upwards of 25 years work in Malaya. Mr. Lyall first came to Singapore to join Messrs. Brinkmann and Co., and after a number of years
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  • 61 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Feb. 20. Introducing the Budget for Bengal in the Legislative Council, the Finance Member, Mr. A. Marr, announced a windfall of 52 lakhs of rupees from probate duty on a rich estate. It is understood that the
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  • 24 8 The Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. has declared a 5 per cent, interim dividend for the year ended June 30, 1929.
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  • 49 8 A quarrel on Saturday afternoon between a ricksha proprietor in Solomon Street and a ricksha coolie, over the latter s alleged refusal to pay for the hire of the vehicle, resulted in the proprietor .ati.lly stabbing the coolie and then turning his knife upon himself, also with fatal result.
    49 words
  • 57 8 1 he marriage will take place on March at the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Penang, of Mr. J. G. Lorimcr, of I ort Dickson, and Miss Alice Reid, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. keid, of Billhead, Kllon, Aberdeenshire. .Mr. and Miss Reid arc travelling out on the
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  • 419 8 Mr. H. S. Banner, of the Malay States Information Agency in London, gave a very interesting illustrated lecture entitled Malaya the Marvellous,” before the Victoria League on Jan. 28. Sir Lawrence Guillemard (who was have occupied the chair), was prevented at the last
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  • 54 8 A letter received from Mrs. Nutha mother of Miss Betty Nuthan, the wellknown tennis player, states that it may be possible for Betty to visit Singapon next year. It is possible that Mr. P. D. B Spence, the South African champion, will
    54 words
  • 120 8 The Malayan Engineers’ Association, with whom Selangor, Penang, and other places were strongly represented, led by the Hon. Mr. J. Straehan, had a busy week-end in Perak. Early on Saturda> they motored to Upper Perak to inspo t the great works of the Perak HydroElectric Company, where a
    120 words
  • 95 8 In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court on Thursdaq Perumal, an estate coolie, "acharged with voluntarily causing hurt t > another coolie who died as the result a ruptured spleen. The two men api"’ ar to have quarrelled after drinking toddyThe deceased hit the accused once, j\ u the accused hit
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  • 67 9 r Th» Straits Timas la not responsible for tka opinions of its correspondents. Corra•ooadents should bear in mind that lattars must b« short and to tha point. Long «oistlas art liable to ba rejected or cut Sown Correspondents must enclose their auniee and addresses, not necessarily for publication but
    67 words
  • 892 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —My attention has been draw* to the article published in your issue of the J2nd instant under the heading of A Radio Prophet.” At this juncture I am not desirous of raising the question of motive or motives, being solely
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  • 147 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Is it not time that the Strait» Settlements came into line with the civilized parts of the Empire as regards marriage law I was recently married here and had it not been for the fact that my fiancee was
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  • 150 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, May I ask you to advocate legislation adopting the solar calendar when paying house rent? Some landlords, taking advantage of the fact that people must go to them to rent houses, suggest payment of rent according to the Arab
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  • 558 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A leading article appeared in the columns of one of your contemporaries on Feb. 20 w’ith reference to the work of the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society. There are several points of interest touched upon and the signatory is only too
    558 words
  • 134 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 26. The Coronation anniversary ceremonies have been taking place during the last three days. Yesterday afternoon the King received congratulatory addresses from the Princes and officials. This afternoon his Majesty will review the troops and in the evening
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  • 112 9 Ong Swee Hock, a young Straits-born Chinese, claimed ti ial in the Third Court on Tuesday on a charge of causing hint by a rash act. Court Inspector Farquharson said the charge might at any time have to be altered to a
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  • 30 9 Cairo, Feb. 14. Mr. Rudyard Kipling has arrived here representing the Imperial War Graves Commission to inspect military cemeteries in Egypt, especially graves of Indian soldiers.
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  • 469 9 Sunday morning found only three boats on the line at gunfire, Colonel Sanders starting the June, Kathleen and Jean 11 at 10.10 a.m. over the club course. The F.lla-Dorothy was an absentee being eviscerated at Tanjong Rhu, while Joy was also enjoying a rest.
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  • 247 9 The Port Dickson Yacht Club race on Feb. 17 was sailed under less favourable conditions than usual. The sky was overcast and the breeze very erratic, never fresh enough to be really satisfactory. Ten boats started, crossing the line in the following order Iris, Kittiwake, Grampus,
    247 words
  • 200 9 The sixth race of the year at Port Dickson was hold on Sunday over th« same course as that held a fortnight ag«>round a mark boat out to sen, round Pulau A rani? and back. There was a much stronger ebb tide and rather less
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  • 782 10 The H*20 cricket season in Singapore opened last week-end. The prospects of the S.C.C. for the season appear to Ikvery bright as far as local cricket is- concerned, and although there is the usual lack of really class howling
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  • 104 10 i. tj.i vhiuf of foreign merchandise, excluding parcel lO T™'Zl*r!id Ti Malaj a during 192 b and 11*29. JM TORTS. EXTORTS. Increase Increase or or ]‘)2B 1929 Decrease 1928 1929 Decrease <;'n thousands of January 83.856 76,905 €.lOl *4.004
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  • 344 10 In their weekly report issued yesterday Messrs. Baker. Morgan ami Co., Ltd., of Kuala Lumpur, state After a slight reaction, which we were warned by cable from London to expect, rubber has again risen to a higher level than any attained since
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  • 102 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 25. The Dika Court, the highest in the land, has given judgment in a ease in which Chao Phya Surisakdi sued His Royal Highness Prince Svasti, father of the Queen, for a sum of
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  • 74 10 The Club tournament, which starts in June, should again prove to be a most interesting contest, as on paper the respective sides appear to be very evenly matched. The Merchants, who have a strong batting side, will be shon of bowling, as will also the Services. The 6.8. and I.
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  • 883 10 The following passengers are proceeding to Europe l.y the Kashgar which sailed on Friday Mr. H. Sartdyo. Mr. R. Davidson, Lt. Collett, Lt. J. hair, Mr. W. Shelford, Mr. K. '1 hotn|»*on, Lt. H. Hilback, Lt. W. Monk, Mr. H. (I. Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. II. Savage.
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  • 408 10 At the Johore Government Rest Hi Jchore Bahru on Monday the ChineJ community in Johore entertained H H the Multan at dinner in honour of t impending departure for Europe. His Highness was welcomed bv Hon. the Dato Toh Ah Boon and the
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  • 151 10 The remarkab.e case of a prifener holding up and robbing his fellow pr.sor»r came up before the Second Police Magistrate' Mr. C. Wilson on Monday afternoon. Both men are Chinese, and were among a number cf prisoners confined in the cell
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  • 183 10 A number of changes in masters of vessels of the Straits Steamship Co. have taken place during the week. Capt. Johnston has been transferred from the Kelanran to the Calypso. Capt. Moore, of the Calypso, has bee* appointed acting Superintendent of
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  • 897 11 \t the resumed inquiry on Feb. 20 n to the charge of causing death by a rash act against Mr. E. A. H. Ellis, the driver of the car in the recent East (east Road tragedy, an opinion
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  • 614 11 The annual meeting of the Singapore Branch of the Ex-Services Association of Malaya was held in the Singapore Cricket Club on Feb. 20 when Capt. S. P. Groves presided over a fairly good attendance. After the formal confirmation of the minutes and
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  • 56 11 It is notified in the Government Gazette that the Counsellors of State will not he advised to exercise on behalf of His /dajesty his power of disallowance in respect of the Ordinance to consolidate and amend the law regulating the granting of pensions, gratuities and other allowances in respect of
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  • 530 11 A committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was held on Monday, Feb. 18, over which Mr. R. M. Williams presided. The minutes of a committee meeting held on Jan. 14 were approved subject to an amendment under the heading of Payment
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  • 151 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 21. The annual report of the Strait? Settlements (Penang) Association shows that the present membership is 155. Members are asked to stimulate interest in the association among their friends and business confreres and make a real
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  • 179 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 23 The Chief Secretary, Sir William Feel, was the chief at the Rotary Club dinner last evening when a number of representatives from Sercmban, including the British Resident, the Hon. Mr. J. W. Simmons, who
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  • 166 11 Mr. Chew Woon Poh, a well-known Singapore Chinese, had an alarming.experience in Jalan Besar last Thursday night. He was returning home by ricksha when he was set upon by three strange Chinese. One of Ih«*m produced a dummy pistol, hut fists
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  • 343 11 (From Our Correspondent.) London, Jun. 31. Sir Ernest Birch, K.C.M.G., is the new chairman of the Malayan issue, Sungei Pari Hydraulic Tin, which acquires a group of four hydraulic sluicing mines in Perak. The issue closed yesterday, being fully subscribed. Mr. H. A. Huntley, another ex-Malayan, is
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  • 417 14 The Gorgeous Lo\er*. I») Marjorie H«wen. The llodley Head. i s *>d. It is very cheering t<* the tired reviewei to pitk up what appeals to In- another novel and find that it is a collection t Oort stories. There is something comforting as well as
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  • 180 14 Federal Finance in India, by K. T. Shah. I). B. Tara poreva la and Sons, I Bombay, Ks. 6. These arc a series of six lectures delivered at Patna for tlie Bind.Hi Readership of that University, for 1U28-29. They give an exhaustive study of the financial relations
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  • 108 14 Malayan Dollar Rubber Companies, by E. C. T. Matt. Kelly and Walsh $1. This little publication comes at a very opportune time when investors and speculators alike are keeping a very close eye on the tendency of the market. It gives as full particulars as possible regarding
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  • 139 14 The Motor Electrical Manual." Temple Press, Ltd., London. 2s. 6d. The fourth edition of The Motor Electrical Manual has just been introduced. It has long been recognized as the most popular handbook treating of the many electrical applications to the modern car. Every motorist will find
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  • 614 14 At an inquiry held by the Singapore l( oroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, on Friday into tin death of a C hinese pedestrian, following a motor-car accident, Lee Ngah, a young t'hinese woman, and Anthony < hew Yoon, a clerk employed by the
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  • 100 14 Three Siamese worships and the Siamese royal yacht Maha Chakkri arrived :.t Singapore on Feb. 21. This squadron, which includes a cruiser and two destroyers and is under the command of Rear-Admiral Phya Rajawangson, was sent to meet H.M. the
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  • 241 14 KELLY WALSH, LTD. Proposed Increase Of Capital. An extraordinary general meeting ot Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., was held on Feb. <, at Shanghai Mr. R. W. Wedderburn being in the chair. The only business of the meeting wru? to pass two special resolutions, which follow That the capital of the
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  • 258 14 Report for year ended Sept. 30, 1028, states that accounts show a satisfactory recovery as compared with those of preceding year, which was seriously affected by boycott. Profit, after charging debenture stock, interest and London expenses, is £37,260, and amount brought forward is £2.367,
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  • 118 14 The wedding of Mr. G. Barry Page, son of Mr. 1). G. T. Page, of Birmingham, and Miss Dorothy Muriel Richardson, daughter of Mr. Sydney Richardson, of London, took place at St. Andrew’s Cathedral or. Saturday afternoon, Archdeacon Swindeli officiating. The bridegroom
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  • 56 14 Miss Clara Sanderson, aged 24, living with a married sister in an Orchard Road Hat, expired at the General Hospital on Sunday. She was taken ill earlier in the day and after her death a letter was found bidding good-bye to her sister. It is believed that
    56 words
  • 474 14 Nanking. F*K Great interest is being taken heri r r» f landing in Shantung of the ex-war I<.,j Chang Tsur.g-chang, the former zl]y the late Chang Tso-lin. There is 4 w speculation as to the
    474 words
  • 141 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb- 22. The court of appeal to-day ordered the retrial of the civil suit brought by Seng Lee and Co. against V. Singh for money due on a transaction regarding Rahman Hydraulic shares, and in which Mr.
    141 words

  • 663 16 The smuggling of Chinese into Mai/la received a setback when Mr. H. C. Anderson, special agent of the United States Treasury, began action based on the results of some three years’ investigation into violations of the internal revenue laws,
    663 words
  • 27 16 London, Feb. 15. Considerable structural damage was caused by a fire at Caius College, Cammulge, which burnt out one side of the staircase.
    27 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 103 16 Great Price Reduction. on eVEREABy Trade Mark UNIT CELLS BATTERIES N2 950 ON IT CELL r rusHuaKi* r**** 0^ *<>** CAN a. A Highest Quality Longest Life Beware of Imitations For Sale Everywhere Ask Your Dealer 4o:j MULLtR THIPPS (Malaya). 1 TD. Union DuilJmg, Co!lyer Quay Singapore u Strangle them"
      103 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 183 17 Telegrams FIRNATEX. F I S R T N A I O T A X L Telephones 4100, 5534. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in
      183 words

  • 732 18 44 We understand that the ship and cargo are covered by insurance.” These two lines invariably are the last to bo |M»nned in a report* of a shipping disaster, says a writer in the N. C. Daily News.
    732 words
  • 857 18 Mr. John R. Baker, in a paper which he read to the Royal Geographical Society, described the biological and anthropological investigations made by him during visits to the Northern New Hebrides in 1922-23 and in 1927. Mr. Baker said that
    857 words
  • 474 18 Hell Hole Swamp,” Devil’s Elbow, Damnation Bridge and such highly descriptive, if too expressive, names as these carry 44 a stigma that affects the State as a whole,” says the South Carolina Baptist Convention, which recentlypassed a resolution seeking to have less
    474 words
  • 188 18 There is pleasure in following a machine or other invention from its earliest form, through the various changes and improvements, until ultimately it reaches full development. Since John Jardine, Ltd., took over the manufacture of the BarLock typewriter in 1925, they have completely re-designed the machine, and have introduced new
    188 words
  • 126 18 There is no truth in the statement mane in A Dictionary of the Language m Mota that the lake is called tas Au St a, L i water) because it is brackish. .'>• <4it half a dozen boiling springs are lose together on the hillside within the crater which surrounds
    126 words
  • 632 18 The Parliamentary Correspondent of The Times says that one, at least, of the alterations in the law which became operative in the New Year comes as a pleasant solace to many thousands of income-tax payers. Income-tax is payable in
    632 words
  • 104 18 Ihc longest journey ever undertaken by an Admiralty or dockyard tug has just been completed, says a Home paper in mail week. -on a tug of between 600 and <00 tons, normally used in Portsmouth I dockyard for towing purposes, has
    104 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 854 19 •rtain sections of the Press.—British W ireless. .—Reuter. London, Feb. 20. Ir the House of Commons at question the Foreign Secretary, Sir Austen Chamberlain, said the Government had no r.tcntion of issuing invitations to a v inference
      •rtain sections of the Press.—British W ireless.; .—Reuter.  -  854 words
    • 270 19 Reuter. Cape Town, Feb. 20. The Native Parliamentary Representation Bill passed the committee stage after many divisions, the Government majority ranging from 8 to 12. General Hertzog subsequently moved the second reading of the Coloured People’s Rights Bill. This provides that coloured
      Reuter.  -  270 words
    • 113 19 Reuter. Washington, Feb. 20. Senator King, a Democrat, has introduced a bill for granting independence to the Philippine Islands. Senator King declared that United States sovereignty over the Philippines was being maintained to permit exI loitation by American capitalists.” Senator Dill, a Democrat, asked
      Reuter.  -  113 words
    • 150 19 BRITAIN HANKOW. Hopes for a Friendly Settlement. Reuter. London, Feb. 20. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. J. S. W. Milne (Cons., Kidderminster), who sought information regarding the safeguarding of British interests in the Hankow concession areas, Sir Austen Chamberlain said he was unaware that the Hupeh Government
      – Reuter.  -  150 words
    • 191 19 —Reuter. London, Feb. 22. In the House of Commons at question time, Mr. Baldwin said the Government had reviewed the question of payment for the losses incurred by Irish loyalists. He repudiated the suggestion that the Government had thought to compound a
      .—Reuter.  -  191 words
    • 147 19 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 20. The Lord Mayor’s Fund for the relief of miners amounts to £700,000, which, with the pound for pound contribution by the Government, exceeds £1,400,000 for distribution. All requisitions for boots and clothing for women and children in the
      .—British Wireless.  -  147 words
    • 84 19 Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Feb. 24. A sensation has been caused by the Chancellor. Hr. Mueller, writing to the Morgenpost stating that whatever happens the establishment oif a dictatorship in Germany cannot be entertained. The methods of Italy, Spain and Lithuania are impossible in
      Trans-Ocean.  -  84 words
    • 327 19 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 25. The Army estimates for the financial year total £40,545,000, showing a reduction on the present financial year of £505,000. The decreases include £293,000 in army pay, £133,000 for supplies, road transport and removals, £192,000,000 for works,
      .—British Wireless.  -  327 words
    • 121 19 Baron Koenig, the 22-year old German airman who is making a solo flight from Germany to the Dutch Indies in a Klomm-Daimler light aeroplane, expects to leave Bangkok on March 1, states a message received by the German ConsulGeneral at Singapore. The
      121 words
    • 93 19 —Trans-Ocean. Vienna, Feb. 23. Catholics are entertaining a proposal to invite the Pope to visit Austrai on the occasion of the 1,000th anniversary of the town of Speyer in 1930. Should the Pope accept he would be the first Pontiff to visit
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  93 words
    • 56 19 ,—Reuter. Karachi, Feb. 22. The airmen Le Brix and Faillard, who are flying to Indo-China, have left hero for Calcutta.—Reuter. Paris, Feb. 24. The French airmen Le Brix and Paillard have arrived at Calcutta. Le Brix graphed stating that he intends to stop at Akyab, Rangoon and
      ,—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 263 20 iii'UU'f. P.king, Feb. 21. Mr. E. II. Oliver, lvpiv.-entatiye of the China Intel nat ion. 1 l*i’* rru* Relief onianission, has sent to Peking a repott on the appalling condition? in tlu* area of Shensi bctwppn thi*
      . iii'UU'f.  -  263 words
    • 199 20 -Reuter. Trans-Ocean. Geneva, I*’eb. 21. Interviewed hv journalists, M. Albert Thomas, director ol the League of Nation» Labour Bureau, who has just returned from a t**ui* of the I*ar Last, said the ideas of tin* League of Nations, were imperfvtly
      -Reuter.; Trans-Ocean.  -  199 words
    • 112 20 .—Reuter. Jacksonville, Feb. 22. One student w:»s killed and eight others were injured, tin* Matron seriously, during •a lire in the gymna.-ium of the Illinois Women’s College on the occasion of the celebrations of the bi-centenary of George Washington. The student who was
      .—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 43 20 lU-uter. Havana, Feb. 24. George Haldeman, who accompanied Ruth Elder in her unsuccessful transAtlantic* tlight last year, has completed a Ti«n-stop flight from Windsor (Ontario) to Havana. He left Windsor at 2.41) send arrived at Havana at 4.42> p.m.—
      lU-uter.  -  43 words
    • 174 20 FUTURE OF BRITISH SHIPPING. An Optimistic Speech. NOT SPOON-FED BY GOVERNMENT.” Router. London, Feb. 21. Sir William Currie, in his presidential address at the annual meeting of the Chamber of Shipping of the l nited Kingdom, said the most important and gratifying sign during the past year ha /a on
      Router.  -  174 words
    • 293 20 l>riti>h Wireless. .—Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 22. Sir Austen Chamberlain, speaking at Torquay last right, said: "Great Bri*a r. uni the United Stales have many roots in common in their past history, and we live iai’gelv under the same laws ami speak ini*
      l>riti>h Wireless.; .—Reuter.  -  293 words
    • 103 20 —Reuter. London. Feb. 21. Sic Philip Cunliffe-Lister, President of tlu* Board of Trade, speaking at a dinner given by the Chamber of Shipping of thCnited Kingdom, said the Board of Trade estimated that the trade balance for th< past year was approximately i’l
      —Reuter.  -  103 words
    • 49 20 —Reuter. Ottawa, Feb. 22. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Woodsworth, a labour member, with regard to the possibility of Canada* officially resuming trade relations with Soviet Russia. Mr. Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister, said the matter" was being considered.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  49 words
    • 292 20 '—R.'irer. Hong Kong. Feb. 2'b \t tho annual meeting of the Hong \ong ami Shanghai Banking Uorporati -n *'he chairman. Mr. A. H. Compton, made a ,'peoch re\iewing the trade ot l bin i, and said that, taken as a whole, last
      '—R.'irer.  -  292 words
    • 162 20 Reut p New Y Feb. 24. Mr. Henry G'.elovv, ii.'vevt r of lirn*. «it naval architect', announce- tr.e f rthcomd'g cor. muni, n of a fl oating air p »rt. > be red dOo miles out at sea ay
      Reut p  -  162 words
    • 174 20 —Router. London, Fo 1 15. Lm* I!lor of the Exchequer. Mr. inst >n hur* hill, replying to a deputation represent*r.-j industries ami the EmP in Press, led ly Sir Harry Brittain. M.P.. which urged the return to penny postage, said
      .—Router.  -  174 words
    • 69 20 .—Reuter. Cairo, Feb. 20. Paiilard and I.e Brix, the French airmen who are flying to Indo-C’hinu, havi arrived here from Tunis. Paris. Feb. 20. of (a P t Cos tea’ aeroplane is attubuted to water freezing in the feed syf T a*
      .—Reuter.  -  69 words
    • 671 20 .—British Wiivless- lieutor. New York, Feh. 21. The discovery of a vast new Antarctic territory, which he claimed for the United States, is described by Comdr. Byrd in a dispatch to the New York Times and associated newspapers. The
      .—British Wiivless-; —lieutor.  -  671 words
    • 62 20 British W irelc»*- Rugby, Feb. 24. The Empire Marketing Board has inad a grant to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, to assist in the complete classihc* tier, of all plants in the Empire, a ho grant, which is for a period of four years, amounts to
      British W irelc»*-  -  62 words
    • 256 21 K uter. —British Wireless. Canberra, Feb. 21. Speaking in the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister, Mr. Bruce, announced the appointment of a Royal Commission to investigate the position of the Australian coal industry, similar to the Commission appointed by Mr. Baldwin in
      K uter.; .—British Wireless.  -  256 words
    • 149 21 .—Reuter. vho Keparations commitments. Trans- )oean. London, Feb. 21. The inquiry instituted by the Ministry of Transport into the CharlioM railway disaster on Oct. 13, found that responsibility re.'ts on the driver of t ie mail train E. H. Aldington, who pm the signals
      .—Reuter.; vho Keparations commitments.—Trans' )oean.  -  149 words
    • 225 21 “-neuter. Madrid, Feb. 20. The artillery corps responsible for the recent revolt has been temporarily dissolved. The officers will be regarded as civilians and will not be entitled to wear uniform or draw salaries until the corps is reconstituted in June. They have been
      “-neuter.  -  225 words
    • 287 21 ‘h<* committee they proposed.—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 22. In reply to the request of the Iron and Steel Trade Confederation for a commission of inquiry' into the conditions of the industry, the Prime Minister, while expressing sympathy with their difficulties, says he thinks a
      ‘h<* committee they proposed.—British Wireless.  -  287 words
    • 188 21 —Reuter. Berlin. Feb. 22. Col. Fitzmaurice and Cant. Koehl, the ah men who flew Hie Atlantic from east to west »og ether with the late Baron von ruenv:* Ki, will introduce novel features v.lur, they again attempt the feat in June. Their
      —Reuter.  -  188 words
    • 101 21 London, Feb. 22. In view of the rumours regarding the affairs of the Banca Italo-IJritannica, an auxiliary of the British-Italian Banking Corporation, which was founded in 1910 with the co-operation of the British Government, Reuter’s Agency is informed that London banks have made arrangements
      101 words
    • 88 21 ,—Reuter. Washington, Feb. 2ft. It is learned that Mr. Hoover hiis chosen Mr. Charles Francis Adams as his Secretary for the Navy. Mr. Adams is ,1 well-known lawyer and treasurer of the Corporation of Harvard College. He is a &gt;veat-grandson of President
      ,—Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 237 21 SOVIET ESPIONAGE. Head of British Firm Charged. .—Reuter. Riga, Feb. 22. By virtue of secret processes of manufacture which the local manager, a Latvian named Volfman, steadfastly refused to divulge to the Soviet, the British concern known as the Morgan Crucible Co. has successfully carried on a branch in Leningrad
      .—Reuter.  -  237 words
    • 112 21 —Ueutor. London, Feb. 20. The newspapers give prominence to the scene in the House of Commons last nigh% when Mr. Baldwin’s eleventh hour intervention saved the Government from defeat. A debate was being held on the question f compensating Irish loyalists who suffered
      —Ueutor.  -  112 words
    • 162 21 New Delhi, Feb. 15. The Legislative Assembly, by 57 votes to -15, despite strong Government opposition, to-day carried an Unofficial motion ;\,r the appointment of a Committee comprising the party leaders and the Home Me mb- r t&gt; ’inquire into
      162 words
    • 109 21 —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Feb. 22. Prior to th-' general meeting of the General Electric Co., the whole of the membership of the Hamburg Bourse, for he lirst time in its history, made an ap;avl for the company’s shareholders to allowed a greater participation in
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  109 words
    • 458 21 —Reuter. Cape Town, Feb. 25. Capt. Malcolm Campbell, the British racing motorist, has been the victim of two remarkable aeroplane accidents in one day. This morning at Calvin ia, Cape Province, he was proceeding by aeroplane to Vemeuk Pan to make
      .—Reuter.  -  458 words
    • 137 21 .—Niehi-Nichi. Tokio, Feb. 21. The veteran politician, Mr. Yukio Ozaki, who leads the neutral members in ♦he House of Commons, has decided to •pposc the Bill to ratify the Kellogg’:; anti-War Pact on the ground that the wording peoples in a
      .—Niehi-Nichi.  -  137 words
    • 125 21 —British Wirehss. Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 20. The Prime Minister received the newlyappointed General of the Salvation Army and Mrs. Higgins at the House of Commons yesterday afternoon, together with most of the members of the High Council who have not yet departed for
      —British Wirehss.; Reuter.  -  125 words
    • 317 22 —Reuter. Shanghai, Feb. 24. The Foreign Minister, in a press interview, stated that the Sino-’apanese negotiations are held up pending satisfactory assurances from Tokio that any agreement henceforth reached by Mr. Wang and Mr. Yoshizawa
      .—Reuter.  -  317 words
    • 110 22 —British Wireless. London, Feb. 23. Twelve of tho Prince of Wales* 15 hunters were offered by auction at Leicester and fetched £4,196. —Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 24. The highest price, £750, was obtained for Miss Muffet, the Prince’s favourite marc. The Prince watched the
      ’—British Wireless.  -  110 words
    • 96 22 -Router. Mexico City, Feb. 2i. It is reported from Cuanajua'o that two d States niinin J. y,_ I nd' iwiifid and Cai thorpe, wore n.urbrod during a tight between men who h &gt;d k-dua ned them and Federal troops. I bey b.ei !&gt;“ n
      . -Router.  -  96 words
    • 39 22 —lit.'liter. New Delhi, Feb. 24. Gama, the famous Indian wrestler, defeated Peterson in a contest at Patiala »1» scribed as for the world’s wrestling championship. The match lasted 1 min. 1 sec.—Reuter.
      .—lit.'liter.  -  39 words
    • 1436 22 —British Wireless. —Trang-Oeean \ia Pan-A&gt;ia. —Keuti. l Bangalore, Feb. 22. Rumours of the kidnapping of children nave spread in the city and excited Hindu crowds. Some assaults on alleged kidnappers have occurred, and 11 people j«ve been injured, including two policeofficers. —Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 20. Acceptance
      .—British Wireless.; .—Trang-Oeean \ia Pan-A>ia.; —Keuti.l  -  1,436 words
    • 265 22 —Router. New York, Feb. 20. It transpires that four trains crammed with 2,000 homeward-going New Yorkers were concerned in the fire in the tube in which 50 passengers were injured and 200 affected by smoke fumes. Twelve of the injured are still
      .—Router.  -  265 words
    • 149 22 —Reuter. London, Feb. 25. Mr. A. R. Martino, of New V announces that ho has acquired American manufacturing and opera! rights of the Blackburn Aircraft Cm-; ration of England. He states that $10,000,000 American company will 'v organized in the United States, and
      .—Reuter.  -  149 words
    • 112 22 —Reuter. New Delhi, Feb. 20. The Assembly, by 55 to 42, carried the motion proposed by Sarabhai Ha.ii inferring to a select committee the bill abolishing deferred rebates in the coast ing trade of India. The bill was onpost.i by the Government and British
      .—Reuter.  -  112 words
    • 47 22 F —Reuter. —AneU. Washington, Feb. -I. The State Department estimates 400,000 Americans live outside the t;i. States, of whom 230,000 are in Canada and 77,000 in Europe.—Reuter. Batavia, Feb. 2.'. The Java Bank has increased the &lt;!i■ count rate by a half per cent. —Aneta.
      F .—Reuter.; —AneU.  -  47 words
    • 1303 23 British Wireless. .—Reuter. —Trans-Octun. London, Feb. 21. The tardy thaw has at length arrived n England. Traffic dislocation is disappearing and plumbers are reaping a golden harvest from burst pipes. Meanwhile melting snows
      British Wireless.; .—Reuter.; —Trans-Octun.  -  1,303 words
    • 1138 23 .—Reuter. British Wireless. —Trans-Ocean. Amsterdam, Feb. 24. The terms of an alleged secret military convention between France and Belgium are published in the Utrechtsch Dagblad, which explains that possession of them was obtained through fortuitous circumstances
      .—Reuter.; . British Wireless.; .—Trans-Ocean.  -  1,138 words
    • 89 23 —Router. New York, Feb. 26. The formation of the biggest bank in the United States and Ihe sixth largest in the world is announced through th* consolidation of the Guaranty Trust Cau and the National Bank of Commerce. The combined resources exceed $2,000,000,000,
      —Router.  -  89 words
    • 27 23 Trans-Ocwin. Rome, Feb. 25. The Italian balance of trade for 1928 shows a deficit of 7,514,000,000 lire as against a deficit of 4,743,000,000 in 1927.—
      Trans-Ocwin.  -  27 words
    • 15 23 —Reuter. Hollywood, Feb. 25. Charles Chaplin is suffering from, acute ptomaine poisoning.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  15 words
    • 1481 24 .—British Wireless. —Trans-Ocean. I.—Reuter. tish Wir*le«s. at mh»war.-Bri. Peshawar, Feb. 20 The evacuation of foreigners from Kabul by air has l&gt;een completed. The Anly foreigners remaining are the staffs of the Legations. London, Feb. 20. In
      .—British Wireless.; —Trans-Ocean.; I.—Reuter.; tish Wir*le«s. at mh»war.-Bri.  -  1,481 words
    • 100 24 Reuter. Miami Beach, Feb. 25. Jack Dempsey, the ex-champion boxer, had a narrow escape when a shot was tired into his bedroom last night but went w;de. Dempsey was occupying the same bedroom as the promoter Floyd Fitzsimmons in a friend's hou&gt;e
      Reuter.  -  100 words
    • 89 24 British Wireless. Rugby. Feb. 25. The experts committee on Reparations in Paris to-day received the report of the sub-committees on the procedure to be applied regarding that section of the German annuities which are transferable under conditions. It has been decided that a second
      British Wireless.  -  89 words
    • 88 24 Reuter. Los Angeles, Feb. 21. Convicted, with two co-defendant*, on a charge of conspiracy and bribery in connection with the Julian Petroleum Co. fraud cases, the former District Attroney. Keyes, has been sentenced to imprisonment ranging from a year to 14 years, according to his
      Reuter.  -  88 words
    • 140 24 .—Reuter. ,—Trans-Ocean. Berlin. Feb. 20. The German Consul in Constantinople has forwarded to the German Foreign Office Trotsky's request for permission to enter Germany.—Reuter. Berlin, Feb. 22. Count Westaip addressed a letter to the Reich Chancellor on behalf of the onservative Reichstag members stating that Trotsky’s admission
      .—Reuter.; ,—Trans-Ocean.  -  140 words
    • 41 24 —Reuter. London, Feb. 25. It is announced from Lambeth Palace that the Archbishop of Canterbury is now convalescent. A friend has put a house near Bognor at his disposal, and here the Archbishop hopes to reside during March.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 649 24 —Reuter. British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 20. It was officially stated at Craigweil House, Bognor, this evening that the Kin» had passed a satisfactory day. Hu Majesty was able to sit at a window again and enjoy the sunshine. It is now understood
      ’—Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  649 words
    • 66 24 —Reuter. London, Feb. 22. The Irish Free State Parliament authorised the ratification of the Kellogg Peace Pact by 83 to 60. A number of Republican Deputies fiercely attacked the Treaty, describing it as an open and manifest lie and an act of universally
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 271 25 —Reuter. —Trans-Ocean. Berlin, Feb. 26. The loaders of the Nationalist SteelJlclmet organisation have submitted to President von Hindenburg a statement of the policy and aims of the organisation. They declare that it does not oppose the Republican Government but the Parliamentary system, which
      .—Reuter.; .—Trans-Ocean.  -  271 words
    • 63 25 British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 26. Major Segrave, the British motorist, who is about to make an attempt on the motor record, states that he has attained a speed of 180 miles an hour on his first test on three-quarter throttle. Weather
      British Wireless.  -  63 words
    • 69 25 ,—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 26. The first week’s attendance at the London section of the British Industries Fair at the White City was 75,000 being an increase of 5,000 over last year’s record figure. There was an increase of buyers from all the Dominions.
      ,—British Wireless.  -  69 words
    • 75 25 —Reuter. London, Feb. 27. Before a great assembly in the Albert Hall, the Duke of York accepted, on behalf of the nation, from the trustees of the British Empire Film Institute the tilm story of Scott’s last expedition to the Antarctic, “The
      '—Reuter.  -  75 words
    • 67 25 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 26. The total number of unemployed in Groat Britain On Feb. 18 was 1,458,000. his was 115,495 more than in the week before and 321,313 more than a year ago. I he increase over the previous week was s I ,r ead over the
      .—British Wireless.  -  67 words
    • 24 25 —Reuter. London, Feb. 24. It is understood that the New Year honours list will be issued at the end February. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  24 words
    • 28 25 •—Trans-Ocean. Rome, Feb. 25. Signor Mussolini has convened a general Assembly of the Fascist regime on March It will afterwards be held every five .'cars.—Trans-Ocean.
      •—Trans-Ocean.  -  28 words
    • 146 25 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 26. Another Conservative M.P., Mr. A. E. Jacob, who sat for the East Toxteth division of Liverpool, died to-day. He is. the fifth member to die this month. All five were Conservatives. Since this Parliament was elected in 1924
      —British Wireless.  -  146 words
    • 60 25 —Reuter. Washington, Feb. 26. The Senate ratified the convention signed in Geneva in September, 1926, to suppress the slave trade. Mr. Kellogg issued a statement declaring that certain territories in Africa still have slave traffic and the convention was designed to suppress it and
      .—Reuter.  -  60 words
    • 56 25 ,—Reuter. London, Feb. 26. The increasing cost of social legislation 's revealed in the joint estimates of the Ministries of Health and Labour, which amount to £79,056,000, showing an increase of £2,417,000. Housing grants account for £490,000, unemployment for £265,000, old age pensions for
      ,—Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 33 25 ;■—Reuter. Hollywood, Feb. 26. The condition of Mr. Charles Chaplin, who is suffering from ptomaine poisoning, has improved, but be is likely to be in bed for at least a week-—Reuter.
      ;■—Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 27 25 ,—Reuter. London, Feb. 27. The submarine Orpheus has been launched at Glasgow. The Admiralty has placed contracts for five new submarines and two sloops.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 40 25 —Reuter. Prague, Feb. 26. The Governor of the National Bank of Czecho-Slovakia has announced the forthcoming stabilisation of the currency at 33 crowns 75 hellars to the dollar at the equivalent of 44.58 milligrammes of gold to the crown.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 34 25 .—Reuter. London, Feb. 26. The 20,000-ton oil-burning Orient liner Orontcs has been launched at Barrow. It is designed for the Australian service and will carry 500 first-class and 1,100 third-class passengers.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  34 words
    • 35 25 —Router. London, Feb. 26. The General Council of the Trades Union Congress accepted the invitation of the employers to attend a conference, which will probably be held within a week or two.—Reuter.
      .—Router.  -  35 words
    • 32 25 .—Reuter. New York, Feb. 25. Twenty people are reported to have been killed and 100 injured by a cyclone at Duncan, Mississippi. There were only 600 inhabitants. —Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 65 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Feb. 25. It is understood from reliable sources that the Butler Committee almost completely rejected Sir Leslie Scott’s suggestion lor direct relations between the Indian States and the Crown, and reaffirmed the fact that the Viceroy, as
      65 words
    • 106 25 .—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 20. Mr. G. Wilym Rowlands, a working man who spent many years in a coal mine in Wales, was to-day elected chairman of the Council of the National Union of Conservative Associations in succession to the millionaire, Col.
      .—British Wireless.  -  106 words
    • 32 25 ,—Reuter. Paris, Feb. 25. Marshal Foch has had a slight setback, one lung again becoming inflamed. This indicates that the critical stage of the illness has not yet been passed.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  32 words
    • 32 25 Hritish Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 25. Earl Wintcrton, the Under-Secretary for India, stated in the House of Commons that the situation in Bombay was now, and had been for days, normal.—
      Hritish Wireless.  -  32 words
    • 157 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 26. The Chap Coh Meh procession was held during the past three evenings on an elaborate scale although it was spoilt to a certain extent by rain. Beach Street was a mass of illuminations, and other streets,
      157 words
    • 162 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Feb. 26 The Hon. Capt. Meadows Frost. M.C., Resident Councillor, presided at the annual meeting of Penang Library yesterday. He said the financial position was sound the balance in hand had gone up from $4,145.48 at the beginning
      162 words
    • 99 25 Gan Hock Chyc and Lim Kim Puat. two Straits-born Chinese, pleaded guilty before the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. C. Wilson, on Monday, to assisting in the management of a common betting house. Mr. B. F. Oakcshott, Asst. Supt. of Police, said the accused were
      99 words
    • 518 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 24. At the half-yearly general meeting of the F.M.S. Posts and Telegraphs Thrift and Loan Society Mr. W. H. Green, vicepresident, welcomed Mr. Strickland I.C.S. Director of Co-operative Societies in the Punjab, and thanked him for the
      518 words
    • 196 25 A Straits-born Chinese named Teo Swee Hong was censured by the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. C. Wilson, on Monday for failing to report a robbery. It was disclosed that he failed to report to the Police that his woman servant had been
      196 words
    • 1909 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 21. Five weather prevailed for to-day’s races, and there was a lurgo attendantc. Some useful dividends were paid, including $7l for lauly Remington in the first race, where the favourite Hop Over was
      1,909 words
    • 131 26 The following amendments to the Straits Racing Association’s classification of horses and ponies is notified 1 ransfers.—Burra Peg from Class 2 to Class 1, Monte Palace from 2 to 1, Greer.ut from 2 to 1, The Nile from 2 to 3, Orexis from
      131 words
    • 150 26 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Jan. 1G gives the total number of deaths as male 134 85, This represents a death per annuni &gt; comaml 9nfi h 2 *u B 111 the P recedin 2 week ana zi.3B in the corresponding week of vpL
      150 words
    • 199 26 The Students in Britain Committee Singapore, has received information that the Victoria League, London, has secured from the P. and O. Steamship Company the concession of special half-price rates for University students in Great Britain who may design to return to Malaya
      199 words
    • 373 26 When a Straits-born Chinese named Lee Peng Nam was charged in the District Court on Monday with refusing to maintain his wife, Kwch Ah Toh, after two weeks of the marriage, he pleaded that the lady refused to live with
      373 words
    • 96 26 1 lie Right Hon. Sir Charles Eliot, P.C.» G.C.M.G., C. 8., arrived in Singapore on Monday and left on Tuesday evening for Japan. Sir Charles has had a long and most distinguished career in the British diplomatic service. He was
      96 words

    • 230 27 Keuter. «cotland beat Ireland by 7—3 in a match Belfast. The weather was fine and ?L ve were 35,000 spectators. Scotland forced three corners in three minutes, the third of which was fruitful X “ugh Gallacher. This player speedily drawing out the goalkeeper slipping
      Keuter.  -  230 words
    • 504 27 it was Deering who won the game for the 2nd Bn. the Welch Regt. a inst &lt;rc at the Stadium on teb. 21, for minutes of the game, to give his «&lt;&gt;« showed pretty footwork, excellent understanding and remarkable speed, repcated!v beatfng
      504 words
    • 530 27 BRILLIANT REST.” Splendid Display Against Europeans. The match between the Europeans and the Rest, played at the Stadium on Saturday in aid of Diocesan Funds, ended in a victory for the Asiatics by four goals to one. There was no doubting the superiority of the winners, for throughout they played
      530 words
    • 782 27 In spite of tho fact that they had practically all the play, the United Engir eers gave their spectators an anxious time on Fob. 20 when they met Adamson •md Gilfillan’s in the Inter-Commercial On, for It was not until after the inter\al that
      782 words
    • 90 27 The annual meeting of the Selangor Polo Club was held on Friday 7 ,ir William Peel presiding. Sir William •vas elected president, and the committor nosed of Messrs. Benson, Gibson iv'.giish, Sidney Smith and Gater. Th? Pro dent thanked the Selangor •hi-f Club
      90 words
    • 425 27 Two international Rugby matches were play on Saturday. At Dublin Scotland beat Ireland by 16 points to 7. At Cardiff Wales beat France by 8 points to 3. Glorious weather prevailed at Dublin, and 40,000 people witnessed the match. The Scots carried the
      425 words
    • 339 27 Mr. Claude Falkiner gave his usual good exhibition at the Singapore Club on Thursday, playing Lt.-Col. J. H. Tyte in a game of 600 up. The professional won easily, running to points in 45 minutes. His biggest break was 199. He afterwards played straight
      339 words
    • 318 28 Reuter. London, Feb. 23. The following are the results of to-day’s matches in the English and Scottish Leagues First Division. Birmingham 4 Sheffield Wed. 1 Burnley 5 Leeds Utd. 0 Bury 2 Aston Villa 2 Cardiff City 2 Manchester Utd.
      Reuter.  -  318 words
    • 40 28 .—Reuter. London, Feb. 23. At Seihurst Park, London, in the Army Soccer Triangular Tournament, between the British, French and Belgian armies, Great Britain beat France by five goals to four in the first mutch.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  40 words
    • 946 28 The following are the positions of clubs in the English and Scottish Leagues to dute: First Division. P. W. L. D.F.A. Pts. Sheffield W. 30 16 C 8 63 43 40 Sunderland 31 16 9 6 74 49 38 Aston Villa 29 16
      946 words
    • 202 28 The following are the results of matches played yesterday, as cabled by Reuter First Division. Aston Villa 3 Sheffield Utd. 2 Bolton W. 2 Sunderland 2 Second Division. Middlesbrough 1 Oldham Ath. 0 Notts. Forest 2 Swansea T. 1 Third Division (Southern). Southend Utd. 3
      202 words
    • 41 28 Iteutcr. London, Feb. 21. In the First Division yesterday Leicester City beat Cardiff City by 2—0. The match between Ayr United and Kilmarnock was a reserve team match and not a Scottish League game, as reported.—
      Iteutcr.  -  41 words
    • 26 28 .—Reuter London, Feb. 26. Playing in the First Division *of the Scottish League to-day, Glasgow Rangers defeated Third Lanark by 6—1.—Reuter
      .—Reuter  -  26 words
    • 110 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 22. Playing at Bathurst, the M.C.C. tourists easily defeated the Western Districts of New South Wales, winning by an innings and 109 runs. The M.CC. batted first and made 319 runs, Ames being responsible for 123,
      110 words
    • 127 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 26. The M.C.C. tourists’ match with the Southern Districts of New South Wales at Goulburn resulted in a draw. Batting first, the tourists compiled 250, of which Ames was responsible for 94, Hobbs foi 54, Tyldesley 33 and Geary 31.
      127 words
    • 161 28 CRICKET TOURISTS. Beaten Easily by AllJamaica XI. Reuter. London, Feb. 26. Playing at Kingston against an AllJamaica side, Mr. J. Cahn’s team of English cricketers was beaten by seven wicKets. Batting first, the visitors compiled 217 runs, Iddon being the chief scorer with 72. Hylton bowled well foi the Jamaicans
      Reuter.  -  161 words
    • 366 28 The first cricket match of the scaler commenced on the S.C.C. Padang on Friday when R. L. L. Braddeli’s eleven was opposed to W. N. Hansell’s side in a practice game. Hansell won the toss and elected to bat, but he was
      366 words
    • 686 28 At Chinese New Year (writes a correspondent) a band of cricketers steamed out of Labuan for the opposite Borneo part of Weston to entrain for Beaufort On arrival at Beaufort the captains decided to start the match after lunch Mr. Gilmour, Labuan’s
      686 words
    • 107 28 The report of the Discharged Prisoners Aid Society for 1928 shows a credit balance of $2,878. Payments included $1,297 for assisting Europeans, Eurasians, Malays, Indians and Chinese. Two Europeans, two Eurasians, two Malays, four Indians and five Chinese were referred to the committee member of the community concerned. Applications for
      107 words
    • 257 29 Th? Singapore Golf Club mixed foursome competition, played on Friday, resulted in a win for Mrs. Perkins and Hon. Mr. G. C. Clarke, who returned the excellent nett score of 32. Forty-eight cards were taken out and the following were returned Mrs. Perkins and G. C.
      257 words
    • 126 29 Twenty-one cards were taken out for the ladies’ medal at the Garrison Golf Club. Mrs. T. A. Lowe and Mrs. G. Savage tied at two up, and will play off by match play. The following cards were returned Mrs. T. A. Lowe 2 Up Mrs. G. Savage
      126 words
    • 109 29 Ten cards were taken out for the Shanghai foursomes at the Garrison Golf Club on Sunday, and the following were returned G. G. Franklin and S. H. Moss 77—11 =66 Capt. B. U. S. Cripps and Capt. S. E. V. Quin 76 6*4 69% W. L. Stevens
      109 words
    • 45 29 The following were the three best scores returned in the Guillemard Cup competition at Keppel Golf Club C. I). Cox and J. M. A. Lowson 78 —6=72 F. H. Bradley and J. M. Watt 87—9=78 •J. Thomson and J. Strachan 84 —5=79
      45 words
    • 59 29 Three players tied for first place in the monthly medal (bogey) competition at the Sepoy Lines Golf Club. Eleven cards were taken out and the following returned J. C. Cowap 3 down D. Hillary 3 J- M. A. Lowson 3 J* C. Barry 4 B. M. Johns
      59 words
    • 192 29 A mixed foursomes competition was Played at the Garrison Golf Club on Tuesday. Nineteen cards were taken out ami the following returned Mis* llope-Falkner and Capt. H. B. W. Savile 44—10 —34 Mrs. Perkins and G. C. Clarke 46 8%—37% Major and Mrs. E. J r B.
      192 words
    • 770 29 The annual meeting of the Racecourse Golf Club was held on Tuesday, Mr. E. S. Manasseh presiding. After the disposal jf the formal business the chairman, in moving the adoption of the Committee’s report and the balance sheet, addressed .he meeting as follows
      770 words
    • 198 29 An S.C.C. team defeated Port Canning on the Padang on Feb. 20 in a rather onesided game, running out winners by seven goals to one. The home side put on four goals in the first half» and slackened down somewhat after the resumption, when
      198 words

  • 102 29 D1LLON-CORNECK. —At 5, Bishop’s Gate, Singapore, on Feb. 20, 1020, to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dillon-Comeck r a son. M)H. —At 26, Emerald Hill Road, on Saturday, Feb. 23, 1020, to Mr. and Mrs. Koh Lian Seek, a daughter. KYLASAM 1’ILLAI. —On Feb. 21, 1020, at the residence
    102 words
  • 144 29 Singapore, Feb. 27. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/» 2/3 29/32 Demand 2/3 25/32 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 7/10 On New York, Demand 6U Private 90 d/e 58 On France, Bank T.T. 1431 On India, Bank T.T. 153% On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 12 p.c. dis.
    144 words
  • 774 29 Singapore, Feb. 27. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers 91 £1 Asain Kumbang 44/3 45/3 xd. £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang Padang 0.46 0.60 1 1 Batu Caves 1.57% 1.62% 1 1 Bukit A rang 1.87% 1.92% £1 £1 Burmah
    774 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 88 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle* Mata. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 26 29 DEATH Mrs. SKOYV CHYE WATT (nee Yeo Boe.v Neo) departed this life at Oberon, II' Emerald Hill Road, Singapore, on Saturday, Feb. 23, 1020, age 70,
    26 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 86 1 General— Rubber Situation J London Rubber Stocks Local Rubber Auction 1 World Outlook for Rubber— By A. W. Still 1 Batu Kawan Rubber Wilkinson Process Rubber Co. Lean and Co.’s Report Rubber Returns 2 Rubber on the Amazon 2 Rubber Auction 2 Policy in North Borneo Rubber Industry 3
      86 words
    • 62 1 Quotations Forward Contrarl Spot Seller Prices d. S A pi. Pate I,’don Spore Spot Mar. June Feb. Spot 21 12% 0.42 0.12% 0.43 0.44 22 12% 0.43 Vi 0.43 0.44 0.45 23 12% 0.44 0.45 0.45% 0.46 V, 2&gt; 13 0.45 0.454 0.46 V* 0.47’*
      62 words
    • 42 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool show an increase of 313 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 29,168 tons.
      42 words
    • 129 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 005th auction on Fob. 27. when there was catalogued 1,027,8?.'? lb. or 860.64 tons; offered 1.611,425 lb. or 710.38 tons sold 1,448,060 lb. or 646.85 ton Spot London Is. lHd. New York 26% cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
      129 words
    • 73 1 At a special meeting of the Kuala Lumpur District. IManters’ Association on Saturday the following resolution was passed unanimously: “That although this Association does not agree that a minimum wage of 50 cents for men and 40 cents for women is justified, yet in view of the’fact
      73 words
    • 45 1 Messrs. Evatt and Co. inform us that the directors of the Changkat Serdang Estates, Ltd., have made the following forward contract: 25 tons ribbed smoked sheet equal to London standard at 4(54 cents per lb. ia eases, delivery 24 tons monthly MarchDecember, 1929.
      45 words
    • 1163 1  - WORLD OUTLOOK FOR RUBBER. LONDON VIEWS. Will the Rise Be Maintained “RECLAIMED” IN U.S.A. (Bv A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London, Jan. 30. Writing under date Nov. 28 I expressed the view that if the actual output by Malaya in 1929 was not more than 325,000 tons, I think it may
      1,163 words
    • 169 1 Profit of Batu Kawan Rubber and Coconut Plantations for year ended Sept. 30, 1928, was i3,005, against £7,641. With £1,692 brought in, available balance is t‘4,698. Directors have allocated to reserve for taxation £2,000, leaving to be carried forward £2,698. Rubber harvested totalled 192,910 lb. making,-with addition
      169 words
    • 43 1 A fire took place on an estate owned by a well-known Japanese rubber company Sembilan at Semenyih on inst. A large number of rubber rec? "’ere destroyed. The fire was caused n&gt; a smoker throwing the butt of a cigarette among dried leaves.
      43 words
    • 119 1 —Trans-Ocean. Frankfurt, Feb. 20. At a general meeting of the German Dye Trust the agreement with the s. v i«« International Holding Company was’an proved. It is understood that the holding coir rany’s capital will eventually be raiuri to 260,000,000 Swiss francs. d
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  119 words
    • 62 1 —Reuter. London, Feb. 20. At a meeting of creditors under the failure of G. Page-Smith and Co., rubber brokers, of Mincing Lane, the Official Reeeiver reported ranking liabilities of £67.000 and assets of £14,000. The debtor mainly attributed his position to the
      .—Reuter.  -  62 words
    • 49 1 wmmm-Km VI —Router. Washington, Teb. 20. The Radio C mimission has refused the bord Company’s application fo:* commercial licences for six stations through which it is desired to establish communication between the plant at Dearborn, near Detroit, and the rubber plantations in Brazil.—Keuter.
      • wmmm-Km VI .—Router.  -  49 words
    • 301 1 The directors of the Wilkinson Process Rubber Co. in their annual report for the twelve months ended Sept. 30, 1928 state that a gross profit of $45,848.fc6 was earned for the period accounted for. The increase in output of process material
      301 words
    • 171 2 Sourabaya, Feb. 23. Mr. Groeneboom, an assistant on an estate at Goenoen-Graoen, has been murdered by two coolies, receiving 11 knife wounds. Trouble had arisen because Mr. Groeneboom refused to pay for bad work. The murdered man
      171 words
    • 189 2 LEAN CO.’S REPORT. The Group’s Interest in Tin Prices. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Feb. 22. Messrs. Lean and Co.’s report issued to-day states that tin after a smart fall rallied a little in price during the week but closes with signs of weakness spot being £221 10s. and three
      189 words
    • 151 2 Ankola.—3.991 lb. Bajoe Kidoel.—180.80* lb. Balombisae. —12,505 lb. Bruseh.—45,948 lb. Bang Na ra.—17,513 lb. Clovelly. —10,500 lb. Donowarie.—47,081 lb. Djasinga.—120,281 lb. Kuala Reman. —141,070 lb. Kota Tinggi.—41,000 lb. Kuala Kepis.—17.000 lb. Langen.—95.266 lb. Lok Kawi.—45.000 lb. Pelepah Valley.—70,000 lb. Pekgeok. 2,708 lb. Sungei Bilut. —‘20,000 lb. Siginting.—37,200 lb.
      151 words
    • 509 2 There is rivalry between the rubber enterprise of Henry Ford and the Japanese colonization enterprise on the banks of the Tapajos River, a tributary of the mighty Amazon, in getting land under cultivation. Old-timers in the Amazon Valley think that
      509 words
    • 228 2 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Feb. 21. The firmer tendency recorded last week culminated in a rapid rise to in London. 25*4 cents gold in New York and 43cents locally, after which a reaction set in and to-day’s cables quote London at is. 5-16 d. and New
      228 words
    • 644 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 20. A special general meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya was held in the Scottish Masonic Hall, Venning Road, Kuala Lumpur, this morning, the Chairman the Hon. Mr. J.
      644 words
    • 28 2 It is* notified that the price of rubber fori assessment of duty for the period Feb. 22 to Feb. 28 inclusive, is 42 H cents pe j pound.
      28 words
    • 667 2 A distinguished former resident of Singapore arrived by the outward-bound Malwa on Saturday in the person of Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, a former General Officer Commanding the Troops in Malaya and now the President of the Chartered
      667 words
    • 35 2 Messrs. Guthrie anil Co., Kuala Lumpur, advised by telepram from the secretaries that the directors of the Beaufort Borneo Co., Ltd., have declared an interim dividend of 2\» per cent, payable on March 12.
      35 words
    • 903 3 Messrs. Lewis and Peat, Ltd., London, forward us a copy of their chart port on Para and Plantation grown rubber for 1928, the year which will long be remembered by the industry not only for the release of plantations from the fetters of
      903 words
    • 639 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co.’s weekly report. dated b eb. 26, states Rubber: The past week has continued I lie steady progress of its forerunner, a slight set-back* at its commencement 1 roving to be of a passing and temporary Mature. The
      639 words
      • 523 3 Stock I Stock r.r E,ch»ng« P« Kxrh. t Value Company. Price.. V»'»» Cwnpw,. Pri,.,.** p 1 a hnro 1/4 M41SCCS 1 L Allairar 1/7 4 £1 Mamba* l a Anglo-Matey M««. C.D.«I. 2/1/1, 11 Aver Kuning £1 Hanteng 14 2/ Merbao 2/ Batang Consolidated
        523 words
      • 714 3 Capital Issua CUaia* Prfeas Paid Up Valaa Diridaada frutr Lyall A Company A Ca. Intt 319,29* 1 Mil far yaar 89-8-M v.AUenby ($1) 2.30 2.50 2.30 2 160,000 Nil for jaar 10-9-18 ..Aior Gajah ($1) 2.00 2.35 2.06 2.30 435,425 1 74 p.c. int.
        714 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 129 4 f &lt; &gt; 3VCA.3Snr TRIED IBTTT 2 In 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. THE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is
      129 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 118 5 *y Air-Tight! Goodyear tubes hold air longer solely because they are made better. Only high quality red rubber —tough, lively and durable —is used in their manufacture. And because Goodyear Tubes are inflated and tested under a 25% stretch before leaving the factory, you are assured that each tube you
      118 words
    • 318 5 HOVELS OF ROM NOUCMETTE CAREY Uniform Edition. Crown 8vo. $350 each. No Friend Like A Sister. Mrs. Romney end ‘But Men Most Work The Mistress of Brae Farm The Highway of Fate Uncle Max The Old Old Story Robert Ord's Atonement Barbara Heathcote’s Trial Only The Governess Lover or Friend
      318 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 576 6 #A 4 CINEMA STAR POST CARDS N f &gt; 7 Post Cards of all the famous Film Actors and it poses. Real photofraphps beautifully Large framing* selection always ia stock. Bebe Daniels Billie Dove Dolores Del Rio Doris Kenyon Douglas Fairbanks Eddie Polo Eleanor Boardman Gloria Swanson Greta Garbo Greta
      576 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 281 7 RADIO f i JR 12, Orchard Road, SINGAPORE. z We have a number -of short wave sets selling at bargain prices. P Gramophone pick-ups and amplifiers, good tone, good volume. COME AND HEAR THEM t &gt;♦♦♦♦ m»mm ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telegrams STATETRUST," SINGAPORE. A.b.C. 5th and 6th Editions,
      281 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 239 8 SHORTLY 4001 PH ZlAX*. ini J£S5t l IASay fUJCNT SIR PERCIVAL WREN’S GREAT MASTERPIECE with GARY CXDFIR.EVRVN BRENT: NOAH BEERY! WILLIAM FCMli The answer tv BEAU CESTE CL Qkmmounl Qicture /STRAIGHT TO THE HEART! where "Beau Sjbrcur* wilh it» flaming romance. &gt;A tingling thruit to the spine with its tbrilk
      239 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 224 9 t t Have You seen the CAMERA A CHILD CAN USE IT FITTED WITH A Dallmeyer F.6 Stigmatic Lens Weighs only II ozs Folds up, fits your pocket, complete in Morocco leather case, takes sharp pictures at any distance. Price $45.00 All-Metal Folding Camera 9 by 12 c.m. or l
      224 words