The Straits Budget, 21 February 1929

Total Pages: 42
1 9 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLIBBBD EIGHTY YEABB.J No. 3,706 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7«L
    28 words
  • 398 1 leaders P»f« The New Learning 3 The -Affairs of 4 The Army 3 The Gimbing Price of Rubber 3 The Gramophone in Malaya 3-4 Class, Caste and Climate 4 Riva! Religions 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 IVIrgrams. Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 19-24 f Set u res— Lady
    398 words
  • 2498 1 Lady Loch and the Hon. Jean Loch have been staying at the Kunnymede Hotel, Penang. Mrs. Swindell and Mrs. Brooke arrived from Kuching on Monday by the steamer Vyner Brooke. It is stated in Kuala Lumpur that Mr. Justice W. H. Thorne is expected to go on
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  • 978 3 it may be in training the young.—Straits Times, Feb. 14. The Associate Professor of English at the College of Business Administration of i;<»ton University has had a great idea, on reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet reuntly he became convinced that the play contains human interest stories covering almost all
    it may be in training the young.—Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  978 words
  • 950 3 Straits Times, Feb. 15. We believe that the news published yesterday of General Bramwell Booth’s deposition from the command of the Salvation Army will be received with widespread regret. Apart from the sentimental appeal of- the continued association of the’ Booth family with the control
    Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  950 words
  • 1024 3 ,—Straits Times, Feb. 16. In a leading article published on April 10 of last year, we were optimistic enough to state It may even be found that Malaya has actually been exporting 75 per cent, of standard during the pasi year instead of 60. It
    ,—Straits Times, Feb. 16.  -  1,024 words
  • 1054 3 n««mirable invention.—Straits Times, Feb. I n. We have read recently in the pages of eur contemporaries plaints about the backwardness of Malaya. We have no broadcasting arrangements worth mentioning, and musically we are far behind Siam, where a symphony orchestra may now be heard, thanks to
    n««mirable invention.—Straits Times, Feb. I n.  -  1,054 words

  • 1079 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 19. Among the many rumours which from time to time gladden the heart of the normally miserable victim of the glamour of the East is the story that this, that, or the other shipping company is about to reform. In her most expansive
    !—Straits Times, Feb. 19.  -  1,079 words
  • 987 4 iVm from the East—Straits Tinn* Feb. 20. A Labour Member in the House of Commons is reported to have said recently tba* if a Labour Government was returned at the next election it would make it Legal for any Christian missionary to fcmong coloured population# over v hi
    iVm from the East—Straits Tinn* . Feb. 20.  -  987 words
  • 446 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Feh. Jfi, The new contract between the Government and the K.P.M. Steamship Co., i s I understand, at present being considered by the Minister for the Colonies at The Hague. The existing agreement expire* in 1930, and many
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  • 138 4 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazette :—Dr. E. H. Black to be Senior Health Officer, Negri Sembilan, Mr. A. C. Maxwell to be a Probationary Assistant Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., Mr. F. L. Llewellyn to be an Assistant Electrical Engineer, Electrical Department, F.M.S., Mr.
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  • 39 4 Messrs. Guthrie Co., Ltd., Penang, agents for Rcnong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., have received cabled advice from the board that an interim dividend of IVz per cent, (actual) has been declared payable on March 5.
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    • 287 5 Straits Settlements are better.—Straits Times, Feb. 14. Surelv there is food for deep thought the part of the layman in the fact i n the very columns of the Law lU rnai itself we find the admission that t _r a i abuses and legal anomalies exist
      Straits Settlements are better.—Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  287 words
    • 246 5 WANTED—A MUSSOLINI worth of business transacted.”—Straits Times, Feb. 14. Local politicians and social reformers have received a new recruit in the shape of the Singapore Intelligence Society,” a mysterious but well-meaning body which has sent a circular to Goyernemnt officials dealing with the evils of 6ur time. Some of its
      worth of business transacted.”—Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  246 words
    • 344 5 of our Chinese citizens.—Straits Times, Feb. 14. Next we come to a nasty smack at the press. The newspaper offices sometimes offend the law. They should be brought under the control of the Government and the salaries paid by the Government official.” So far as
      of our Chinese citizens.—Straits Times, Feb. 14.  -  344 words
    • 250 5 .—Straits Times, Feb. 15. We read that a scheme for providing London with faster and more luxurious taxicabs has been launched by Mr. Morris, jf Cowley fame. They will be capable of a speed of 50 miles an hour, so that they can combine town work with touring,
      .—Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  250 words
    • 304 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 15. How' these heavyweight boxers do get on Before we had quite accustomed ourselves to the idea of Georges Carpentier as a light comedian, Jack Dempsey succumbed to the temptations first of the ineina and then of the legitimate Tom Heeney yielded to the blandishments
      —Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  304 words
    • 318 5 ing a definite period of years.—Straits Times, Feb. 15. The manifold worries of the Presidentelect of the United States of America n rior to taking up his residence at White House will not be minimised by news from Australia that may recall to Mr. Hoover the important part
      ing a definite period of years.—Straits Times, Feb. 15.  -  318 words
    • 98 5 THE SIGNIFICANCE O F should provide a clue.—Straits Times Feb. 16. Lord Beaverbrook, proprietor of th« Daily Express, and Lord Rothermere, proprietor of the Daily Mail, were passengers by the Cunard liner Laconia which left Southampton recently on a West Indies cruise. The Morning Post reeorJed the incident without any
      should provide a clue.—Straits Times Feb. 16.  -  98 words
    • 269 5 .—Straits Times, Feb. Id. Here is a strange story contained in a letter from a man whose knowledge of the people to whom he refers is extensive and peculiar I can’t say that I’m at all sorry for Amanullah in his troubles. I think the
      .—Straits Times, Feb. Id.  -  269 words
    • 403 5 PIONEERS NO LONGER .—Straits Time«, Feb. lrt. Those who believe that the post-Wai British stock, brought up during a perioc of industrial depression and extremist agitation, has suffered no decline in morale should read a renort presented I>> Mr. R. M. Pym, a representative of the Canadian Immigration and Colonisatior
      .—Straits Time«, Feb. lrt.  -  403 words
    • 196 5 —Straits Time*, Feb. 18. Melancholy proof of the bitter weather now being experienced at Htome is afforded by the death of Lady Marriott a week after that of her distinguished husband, and from the same disease—pneumonia. The tragedy of this news seems almost beyond comment. Malaya has
      —Straits Time*, Feb. 18.  -  196 words
    • 174 5 is probably the best joke of all.—Straits Times, Feb. 18. Mr. Philip Snowden, so often accused of dullness as a public speaker, largely in consequence of his weakness for juggling with statistics in a manner which completely baffles the layman, is reforming to such an extent that
      is probably the best joke of all.—Straits Times, Feb. 18.  -  174 words
    • 188 5 CINEMA MANNERS —Straits Times, Feb. IS. It w'ould be as well if local cinema managers made a note of the fact that the yells and cat-calls which occasionally emanate/ from the cheap seats are a source of extreme annoyance to people who have paid the highest price of admission, and
      —Straits Times, Feb. IS.  -  188 words
    • 275 5 hearable than err heS! \v*- T'mes. Feb. IS. During the first phase of the Chinese New Year celebrations the opinion was expressed generally that the absence ol crackor-firing had been more pronounced than its presence. So we believed until 1 a.m. to-day. Full of happy thoughts about Chinese and
      hearable than err heS! \v*- T'mes. Feb. IS.  -  275 words
    • 215 6 SAINTS GETTING READY ,—Straits Times, Feb. lib We are approaching that season of the year when tho great ones of the land have to undergo a short but intensive season of dining out. It is a time of national revelry, for the sons and daughters of Wales will make merry
      ,—Straits Times, Feb. lib  -  215 words
    • 222 6 Straits Times, Feb. 19. We have to thank Mr. Gossip of a London paper for the appended illuminating paragraph on life in Singapore, which he gives under the heading, The Far Knds of the Earth iVople are rushing to the ends of the earth. The other
      Straits Times, Feb. 19.  -  222 words
    • 449 6 Stmib, Times, Feb. 19 In a recent note we touched upon the prophecies of a cycle of seasonable weather at home which appear to be justified by the beautiful summer of the past year and the present Arctic visitation. We note that the Meteorological Correspondent of The
      Stmib, Times, Feb. 19  -  449 words
    • 88 6 —Straits Time's, Feb. 20. We made a bad break, it seems, in ascribing last week’s sudden appearance of flannel bags in large quantities to a cold snap in the local air or to shivers induced by reading of the severe weather n Europe. The real explanation is a much
      —Straits Time's, Feb. 20.  -  88 words
    • 92 6 -Straits Times. Feb. 20. The tragie deaths of Sir Hayes and Lady Marriott lend a melancholy interest to the reports of the alarming degree ot illness prevalent in Europe in consequence jf the intense cold. A medical correspondent, writing in mail week with reference to the influenza epidemic,
      -Straits Times. Feb. 20.  -  92 words
    • 203 6 —Straits Times, Feb. 2<b Malaya is still awaiting—in no optimistic mood—the findings of the Colonial Office committee which inquired into the Straits Settlements and F.M.S. legislation relating to prostitution. It is in- !motive to see how our social hygiene probb m came to he examined in
      ’—Straits Times, Feb. 2<b  -  203 words
    • 198 6 Siraits Times, Feb. 20. Mr. Ormsby-Gore subsequently set up a ammittee under the chairmanship of Lord Jalfour of Burleigh, and it is the findings of this committee that are now awaited. The Colony has protested as effectively as it can against the dictation from London of a
      Siraits Times, Feb. 20.  -  198 words
    • 231 6 time to be married three times.—Straits limes, Feb. 20. IW Although mere man has had to take a back seat in almost every branch of life in recent years, he has still managed 10 Preserve the illusion that his sex has made a corner in those things which the
      time to be married three times.—Straits limes, Feb. 20. "IW  -  231 words

  • 996 7 Nearly ten years have passed since the centenary of the foundation of Singapore was celebrated and, perhaps, in no period, since Sir Stamford Raffles made history by his establishment of the Southern Settlement, has there been greater development than
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  • 62 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Feb. 18. The Yangtse Rapids steamer Chita, which flies the American flog, went ashore 50 miles above Wanhsien and was attacked by bandits. The United States gunboat Tutuila came to the rescue in the nick
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  • 105 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Feb. 13. Nicholas, a Singhalese formerly employed as a clerk at the Runnymede Hotel, was charged to-day in the police court with being found in the hotel compound with intent to commit an offence and secondly with wilful
    105 words
  • 73 7 A Reuter cable from London announces the death of the Rt. Rev. Dr. W. 0. Burrows, Bishop of Chichester since 1919. Before going to west Sussex Dr. Burrows had been Bishop of Truro for seven years and Archdeacon of Birmingham from 1904 to 1912. He was 71 years of age
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  • 155 7 It appears that the Sarawak Government experienced a little difficulty in finding a suitable site for a seaplane base. The question was first mooted some three months ago when it was suggested that a piece of land at Pending, held under grant by
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  • 407 7 In view of the reports of the severe cold in Europe and the recent death of Sir Hayes Marriott, particular interest attaches to the following which we have received from Sir David Galloway, a doctor whose knowledge of health conditions in the
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  • 335 7 The wedding of Mr. William Ivor Lionel Legg, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. I&lt;egg, of Mosley Hill, Liverpool, and Miss .lean Renwick Airey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. F. Airey, of Wellington, New Zealand, took place at
    335 words
  • 46 7 In spite of the Chinese New Year holidays there was a large crowd of Chinese residents on board the Khiva on Feb. 11 to wish bon voyage to Mr. lii Tchuin, the former Chinese Consul(icneral at Singapore, who sailed for llong Kong, accompanied by his wife,
    46 words
  • 424 7 A flying accident occurred in Sarawak recently which resulted in the wreck of a seaplane and nearly caused the death of its two occupants. The machine was the Royalist,’’ one of two Moth seaplanes which were hi ought out from Home
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  • 260 7 A Chinese woman, wife of a Seletar shopkeeper, appeared in the Second Police Court on Friday afternoon with a healed bullet wound in one of her hands and another in the leg. She said she had been shot by robbers who forced
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  • 2120 8 A case of interest to hankers nnd their clients was begun heiore th* Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) on Feb. 14 in the Supreme Court when Messrs. E. A. Barbour, Ltd., sued the 110 Hong Bank, Ltd., for $lO,OOO, in respect of a cheque
    2,120 words
  • 268 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 19. In the Supreme Court yesterday reference was made to the* death of Mr. Thomas Gawthorne which occurred suddenly in London while on holiday. Mr. Balfour E. Ross, President of the Penang Bar Committee,
    268 words
  • 40 8 —Anuta. Batavia, Feb. 19. f l‘' r eruptions in the course of y actlvit y of Krakatau sud' itnly ceased at eight o’clock yesterdav t nly S,i ht clouds «»rt now to be seen.—Aneta.
    —Anuta.  -  40 words
  • 500 8 Action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 3 of the Municipal Commission hem on Feb. 8 included the following: W Confirmed estimate and provisional apportionment of cost of making up and draining Campbell Lane, from Serangoon Road to Clive Street, under section 101
    500 words
  • 47 8 At the annual general meeting of the Subordinate Service Association at Kuala Lumpur considerable disappointment was expressed over Government’s failure to redress the grievances of the Railway and Survey departments regarding which petitions have been forwarded to the High Commissioner and even to the Secretary of State.
    47 words
  • 144 8 Plans for another important building in Singapore have just been submitted to the Municipality, and tenders will probably be called for in a few days. The building will occupy a corner site in Raffles Square —that opposite the Banque de l’lndoChine and the
    144 words

  • 1345 9 Rubber thieving on Singapore Island the most important matter which c»me up at the annual meeting of the Singapore District Planters’ Association, j, e ld »t the Europe Hotel on Fridayfl Mr. r. A. Dix presided and others present were Messrs. St.
    1,345 words
  • 506 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to your report of the Singapore District Planters* meeting, Mr. Dix very kindly read the report on the year’s working owing to the absence of the secretary at the meeting, at which I presided as last year’s
    506 words
  • 150 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 18. Lim Leng Lee, a Chinese vegetable seller, was produced before the magistrate this morning for the attempted murder of his wife and w*as remanded to police custody till the 25th inst. The woman was
    150 words
  • 166 9 Mr. J. L. Beardon, who has been connected with Robinson and Co., Ltd., since duly, 1911, is retiring and leaves by the Kashgar this week, accompanied by Mrs. Beardon and children. For some ten years Mr. Beardon very successfully represented Robinson and Co. in British North Borneo,
    166 words
  • 141 9 The following passengers have arrived by the President Polk from America For Singapore.—Mr. Alfred Bailey, Mr. Stephen T. Bannister, Mrs. W\ E. Cake, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Caldwell. Master Arthur Cake, Mr. H. C. Devery, Miss Irma V. Dobbyn. Mr. J. R. Hayes, Mr. Hsieh Cho Ming, Mr.
    141 words
  • 39 9 Mambau Tin. —633 hours. 37,000 yards, 190 picul j. Kint* Kellus Tin Dredging.— 400 piculs. r&gt;oo hours, 9 &lt; *.000 yards. Estimated realised value of ore $28,000. Bundi Tin Dredging.—9M hours. ir&gt;3or&gt;o yards, 823 piculs, estimated value $59,229.
    39 words
  • 594 9 Five yachts were sent away by Mr. A. H. Blake at 10.10 a.m. on Sunday to race for the final for the aeries for the Lipton Challenge Cup. At the beginning there was a light breeze with a light rain falling which ceased with
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  • 227 9 Seven boats of the Port Dickson Yacht Club competed in the race held on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 11 a.m. The course sailed was a delightful change to the customary laps round a triangular course. One mark boat was placed about mile off tha Club.
    227 words

  • 60 10 [Tkt Strait* Tim** la not raapetaibj* lb* opinion* of it* corrotpondonU. {-oit#- pendent* ahoold bear in mind that Wttar* ■mat b« ahort and to tb* point. Long lUklt t. b* r.j.rt.o Mown. Corraapondanta nouat #nclo*« t^* l udm and addroaaaa. not ntfoaaarily for publication but a* /^.^triur'a Mo lottar
    60 words
  • 1153 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir —In vour issue cf the 4th insi.. ant' in the Straits Budget of 7th inst.. you publish under the heading of Truth and Oil Palm Plantations —with sub headings of your own—a short article which appeared in Truth early
    1,153 words
  • 721 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to the article on the above subject in your issue of yesterday, may I be permitted to add a few further facts to the statements contained therein The shark-fishing operations at Carnarvon, W. Australia, to which you referred, were
    721 words
  • 84 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your leading article in the issue of the Straits Times dated Dec. 17 headed “An Unfortunate Affair” has been brought before our notice, and we would point out that, despite all that is said in the article, British firms in
    84 words
  • 242 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A Singapore Contributor’s reply to Bishop Ferguson-Davie is sensible and to the point, but it only treats of the problem from the man’s point of view and does not mention what is much more important—the danger to innocent women
    242 words
  • 114 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir» —Permit me a small space in your columns relating to the train services during the Chinese New Year. While travelling with a concession ticket from Kuala Lipis to Singapore and vice versa, I noticed that practically no arrangement was made
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  • 155 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times, Sir,—Having lived in various parts tf Malaysia for the past 17 years I canntt help wondering what part of Johore answers to M.S.'s description in the Daily Express, quoted by you in your issue of the 6th inst. One of the
    155 words
  • 287 10 To the Editor of tbe Straits Times. Sir, —A Tamil coolie on a Chines estate opened a Post Office Savings Bank account. He obtained a payment warrant to withdraw’ $3B but for four days could not draw the money. The Post Office told him to get
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  • 149 10 OWNERSHIP DISPUTE. Land in Will of WellKnown Chinese. In the Supreme Court before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) this morning Haji Mohamed Serat bin Haji Salleh, claimed a declaration of ownership of the house and land at 552, Kampong Bahru Road, Singapore. The defendants were Siew Kwan Wong and
    149 words
  • 54 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 16. Following a 9erious spell of dry weather lasting for seven months, heavy rain fed throughout New South Wales to-day-The break in the weather has come as great relief to farmers, as the dry
    54 words

  • 1940 11 There was an echo of the Alsagoff codicil case in the Supreme Court ora Feb. 13 before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison), when Mr. J. G. Campbell, appearing for Syed Mohained bin Ahmed Alsagoff, the plaintiff in the original
    1,940 words
  • 224 11 The Singapore military authorities were busily employed at the East Wharf on Feb. 13 ar.d 14 in supervis ing the transfer of troops from the troopship Somersetshire to the Dorsetshire. Both troopships arrived on Feb. 13, the Somersetshire having turned back
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  • 134 11 A daring theft of copra in transit on the Singapore River to a local Chinese firm was described in the District Court on Fob. 13. When a Chinese pleaded guilty to the theft of 189 bags of copra, Chief Court Inspector Meredith said
    134 words
  • 124 11 Tr. the Supreme Court on Feb. 14 tln Chief Justice (Sic William Murison) delivered judgment in the case in which H* Hup, a Chinese contractor, sued Ahma. Shah (bailiff) and P. A. Bcins, Ltd.* f iam ages for alleged wrongful seizure o. his premises.
    124 words
  • 275 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 18. A fashionable wedding took place on Saturday afternoon at SL Mary’s Church, the Rev. O. B. Parsons officiating, when Miss Molly Green, daughter of Mr. C. F. J. Green, acting Resident, Pahang, and
    275 words
  • 318 11 Sunday, Feb. 10. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended High Mass at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. Monday, Feb. 11. His Excellency and Lady Clifford, accompanied by Lady Loch, the Hon. Jean Loch and attended by Mr. F. Chick, A.D.C., and Mr. L. F. Knight, A.D.C.,
    318 words

  • 762 14 hat the Isthmus of Kra is in Siamese territory, and, for reasons connected with tKf expansion of French Indo-China, the Siamese have no cause to like the French. Consequently the canal is merely a possibility and not a probability.” We breathe freely again and pass on to vote that Kuala
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  • 93 14 The Hamburg-American liner Resolute is due at Penang on March 4 with 500 American sightseers aboard. The party will be divided into two groups, one proceeding to the Botanic Gardens, the Hill Railway, Ayer Itam Temple and then to lunch at the E. and 0 Hotel. The aocond party will
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  • 385 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 15. During the course of yesterday's Municipal Commission meeting there was a mild breeze one Commissioner complaining about the waste of time. The business included the hearing of objections from owners to the construction
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  • 196 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 14. An accident that occurred on the Klang Road near the bridge two miles from here was recalled in the Supreme Court, before Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby to-day when Sangaia Pillay, the owner of a Euick
    196 words
  • 85 14 An ex-detective from Amov was one of two Chinese produced before the District Judge! G. G. Clarke, on a charge of being in possession of unlicensed arms. Chief Court Inspector Meredith said both men were arrested on Feb 7 in a coffee
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  • 392 14 Possibly as a result of the recent inquiry into the grievances of employees at the F.M.S. central workshops, the British Labour Party is showing curiosity concerning Tamil education in Malaya. With reference to the announcement that Colonel Wedge wood, Labour Member for
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  • 263 14 A Chinese armed with a pistol was arrested outside Rochore police station while driving in a richsha. the puller of which he is alleged to have robbed. His capture was due to the pluck of the puller, who attracted the attention of
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  • 45 14 .—Reuter. New York, Feb. 14. A s a sult experiments on Inulin, a starchhke substance found in dahlias, chicory, artichokes and other plants scientists of the Department of Commerce have discovered a new kind of sugar, which has been named diifructose anhydride.—Reuter.
    .—Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 331 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Feb. 14; If present indications materialise it is probable that the era of huge prizes in the Royal Calcutta Turf Club sweep on the Derby has come to an end. The
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  • 185 14 LEAN CO.'S REPORT. Bull Holdings in the Metal Market. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Feb. 15. Messrs. Lean and Co’s report states that tin. as predicted in their last report, has dropped back to lower levels closing at 4224.10 spot and i*225 for three months a loss during the period
    185 words
  • 124 14 An inquiry' w*as held on Feb. 14 by Che Singapore Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, into the death of a Chinese whose body was found hanging in a half-completed buildirg. A Chinese woman said the deceased was her husband, a contractor named
    124 words

  • 719 16 Speaking at tin- annual general meeting of the Institute of T/rndon l rder-, writers, Mr. 11. M. Merriman. the chairman, paid that when handing over the' veins of office, it would be ns onejhaving lost much of Isis hopeful outlook. As regards “hull”
    719 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 250 16 It Pays To Buy Genuine if Unit Cells m c. b s am ,0 «3 min it c? at uh It :i s: EvrREADy Unit Cells are built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long
      250 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 137 17 Telegrams FIRNATEX. I s F R T A N I O A L T N Telephones 4100, 5334. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in
      137 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 621 19 —British Wireless. Th&lt;? High Council of the Salvation Army has adhered to it* decision •that General Bramwell Booth is unfit to continue in command, and Commissioner E. J. Higgins has been elected his successor. Recently
      .—British Wireless.  -  621 words
    • 204 19 ,—Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 14. Advices have been received in London to the effect that the 2nd Bn. of the Scots Guards, which left Shanghai last month in the City of Marseilles, has just passed Aden. The battalion is due at Southampton on Feb.
      ,—Reuter.  -  204 words
    • 156 19 —British Wireless. London, Feb. 15. After a lapse of 34 years, the race for the international amateur ice-skating championship and the Prince of Orange Cup was held to-day over a 1,500 metres course at Lingay Fen, near Cambridge. The result was a
      .—British Wireless.  -  156 words
    • 77 19 ,—Reuter. London, Feb. 18. The United States Bureau of Mines estimates the world’s petroleum production in 1928 at 1.322,000,000 barrels, of which the United States produced 202.000,000. The latter is slightly above the output for 192 T. The bureau states that there has
      ,—Reuter.  -  77 words
    • 81 19 ,—Reuter. New York, Feb. 16. There has been a wave of selling on the New York stock market owing to the Federal Reserve Board’s campaign to prevent the diversion of funds for the purpose of carrying loans based on speculative values, which
      ,—Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 66 19 —Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 16. A contract of about £10,000,000 from the Greek Government for the reclamation and irrigation of great areas of land for agricultural purposes has been secured in the face of keen international competition by Henry Boot and Son, Ltd.,
      —Reuter.  -  66 words
    • 184 19 —British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 15. The statement issued by the Royal Aero Club of the general arrangements for the Schneider Trophy race over the Solent next September indicates that the cooperation of the Air Ministry, the Admiralty, the Southampton Harbour Board, the Comraander-in-Chief
      —British Wireless.  -  184 words
    • 107 19 —British Wireless. London, Feb. 16. The Lord Mayor’s fund for the Miners is now £6B4,ooo.—Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 15. Sir Robert Ho Tung, one of the merchant princes of Hong Kong, has given £l.OOO to the Miners’ Relief Fund. He was led to
      —British Wireless.  -  107 words
    • 151 19 ,—Pan-Asia. Berlin, Feb. 13. A political sensation ha.s been caused iu Germany by the action of the President of Poland in dissolving the Sejm of Upper Silesia and ordering the arrest of the German Deputy Ulitz, secretary of the German Volksbund on previous
      ,—Pan-Asia.  -  151 words
    • 51 19 ,—Reuter. London, Feb. 18. Replying to Sir Robert Thomas (Lib., Anglesey), Mr. Herbert Williams, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Trade, said there had been a substantial improvement in British trade with China during the last quarter, as compared with the preceding
      ,—Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 51 19 —Reuter. Washington, Feb. 18. Mr. Kellogg has announced the conclusion of an informal agreement between the United States, Great Britain, Japan and 11 other nations for closer cooperation in combatting the drug traffic. The agreement involves the direct exchange of information regarding persons violating the drug
      —Reuter.  -  51 words
    • 557 19 —Router. New Delhi, Feb. 13. Flying Officer Davis, one of the Royal Air Force officers who were stranded in Afghanistan, has been brought to Peshawar by air by Flight-Lieut. Hancock, whose aeroplane only accommodated two. Flight-Lieut. Chapman
      —Router.  -  557 words
    • 25 19 Reuter. Washington, Feb- 18. Colonel Lindbergh has arrived on the completion of his journey to inaugurate tho American air mail to Panama.
      Reuter.  -  25 words
    • 2893 20 Reuter. I London, Feb. 13. Skating was general throughout Great Britain to-day, and this was the only compensation for the severe frost, which intensified in the afternoon. More deaths due to cold
      Reuter.  -  2,893 words
    • 870 21 —British Wifeless. London, Feb. 13. It was officially stated at Craigweil House that the King passed a good night. Reuter’s Agency understands that His Majesty’s progress is such that he is now able to read occasionally. He is now on ordinary
      —British Wifeless.  -  870 words
    • 126 21 wore stopped by strikers.—British Wire.ess. Rugby, Feb. 18. Replying to questions in the House of Commons, Earl Winterbon, the Undersecretary for India, said a telegram which had been received stated that the conditions in Bombay were approaching normal on the 15th
      wore stopped by strikers.—British Wire.ess.  -  126 words
    • 173 21 Reuter. Constantinople, Feb. 13. Trotsky, accompanied by his wife and two daughters, has arrived here. He is using the pseudonym of Seibroff. Trot;ky came in a specially chartered steamer, and was taken under escort by three Russian agents to the Soviet
      Reuter.  -  173 words
    • 151 21 ,—Reuter. New York, Feb. 18. Edward Doheny, son of the oil magnate E. L. Doheny, has been shot dead at his home by his secretary, Hugh Plunkett. The latter, who was mentally deranged, committed suicide. Doheny and a doctor w*ere vainly trying
      ,—Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 37 21 —Trans-Ocean. Moscow, Feb. 16. The former Commissar of Finance, Sokolinikoff, has published an article in the leading Moscow economic paper advocating that foreign capitalists should be invited to invest in Russia’s chief exporting industries.—Trans-Ocean.
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  37 words
    • 336 21 .—Trans-Ocean. Rugby, Feb. 14. At this morning’s meeting of the Experts Committee on Reparations in Paris Herr Melchior, the German expert, spoke at length on Germany’s financial position and on her taxation.—British Wireless. Paris, Feb. 14. According to well-informed quarters, Herr Schacht’s standpoint is
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  336 words
    • 101 21 ,—Reuter. Paris, Feb. 18. It is reported from Madrid that a sequel to the recent rising has been a serious divergence of opinion between King Alfonso and General de Rivera. It is reported that the King favoured clemency for those concerned in
      ,—Reuter.  -  101 words
    • 79 21 Reuter. Madras, Feb. i 5. The Simon Commission has arrived from Rangoon and was presented with nine addresses of welcome by local residents. Acknowledging these, Sir John Simon said it was a great encouragement to receive such a striking demonstration of co-operation in
      Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 58 21 .—Reuter. Dublin, Feb. 19. Colonel Fitzmaurice, whose resignation from the Irish Free State Air Force has been reported, stated that he has allied himself to important American financial nter6sts in working out a scheme for n trans-Atlantic steamship service between Halifax and
      .—Reuter.  -  58 words
    • 173 21 ,—Reuter. New York, Feb. 14. The Utility Power and Light Corporation, one of the principal public utility systems in the United States, announces that it has acquired the entire ordinary shares of the Greater London and Counties Trust, Ltd., thus indirectly securing
      ,—Reuter.  -  173 words
    • 115 21 Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 16. Great improvement is being shown in the British iron and steel industries. Last month’s output of steel was 769,600 tons, which is nearly 140,000 tons more than that for January of last year. Reports from the shipbuilding districts
      Wireless.  -  115 words
    • 92 21 —Reuter. Washington, Feb. 14. The Senate Commerce Committee has approved the sale of 13 vessels belonging to the United States and American Merchant Lines to Paul A. Chapman, Inc., for 116,000,000. They include the Leviathan, the second largest liner in the world, which
      .—Reuter.  -  92 words
    • 86 21 —Reuter. Rome Feb. 18. Eleven soldiers have been torn to pieces by wolves in Albania. A group of recruits, accompanied by two gendarmes, were marching between Premeti and Koritxa, when they were surrounded by al&gt;out 60 famished wolves. Only the gendarmes
      .—Reuter.  -  86 words
    • 86 21 he saw in the Dutch Colonies.—TransOcean. Marseilles, Feb. 16. Interviewed on the conclusion of his tour of the Far Bast, M. Albert Thomas, director of the League of Nations Labour Bureau, stated that he had collected valuable information and hoped to promote
      he saw in the Dutch Colonies.—Trans-Ocean.  -  86 words
    • 48 21 .—Trans-Ocean. Teheran, Feb. 18. A treaty of friendship between Germany and Persia was signed in Teheran on Sunday, after two years of negotiation. Germany is thus the first country to establish relations with Persia under the new regi me on a most favoured nation basis.—Trans-Ocean.
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  48 words
    • 312 22 Washington, Feb. 14. President Coolidge has sent to Congress the recommendation for the appropriation of $12,370,000 to begin the construction of the cruisers authorised in the Naval Bill, which is little more than half the amount proposed by the Navy Department.
      312 words
    • 136 22 Reuter. Washington. Feb. 1G. Giving evidence before the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Commiltet on the resolution *o »posed by Mr. Capp to permit the President to i: mos &gt; e*» n embargo against an aggressor ration in wartime, Mr- Kellogg declared that
      . Reuter.  -  136 words
    • 72 22 Reuter. London, Feb. 14. The by-election at Wansbeek, Northumberland. due to the death of the Labour member Mr. G. IT. Warnc resulted as follows Mr. Shield, Labour, 20,308. Mr. Moffat Pender, Conservative, 9,012. Mr. Briggs, Liberal, 5,183. At the General Ejection Mr. Warne
      Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 68 22 .—Reuter. Washington, Feb. 18. President Coolidge has issued an order regulating the flight of foreign aircraft eve- th&lt;* Panama Canal zone. It is laid Gewn that such aircraft must travel along a notified rout" and land at a certain spot h fore
      .—Reuter.  -  68 words
    • 1500 22 .—Reuter. —Trans-Ocean. —Pan-Asia. British Wireless. Rome, Feb. 13. Rojo bungs over the Vatican I rent y conlirue ihrouithout Italy. Many thousands Of pooplo attended a Te &gt;eum in Milan Cathedral. The Italian and Papal national anthems were sung. The Papal and Italian flags were hoisted on
      .—Reuter.; —Trans-Ocean.; —Pan-Asia.; British Wireless.  -  1,500 words
    • 537 22 British V.’ ire less. Router. Washington, Feb. 13. Olficial circles are very interested in the reports from London that the British Gov. eminent may soon make proposals for a new approach to settlement of the J»B. armament problem. Such a move
      British V.’ ire less.; — Router.  -  537 words
    • 1315 23 —Reuter. British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 17. There will be no ceremony when the British Industries Fair begins to-morrow at the White City, London, and Castle Bromwich, Birmingham, but in the evening the Prince
      —Reuter.; British Wireless.  -  1,315 words
    • 124 23 .—Reuter, Geneva, Feb. 19. Interviewed on his return from his Far Eastern tour, M. Albert Thomas, director of the League of Nations Labour Bureau, said he had been struck by the way in which the racial problem was everywhere to the
      .—Reuter,  -  124 words
    • 304 23 BRITAIN VATICAN. Premature Questions In Commons. ,—Trans-Ocean. —British Wireless. Reuter. Rugby, Feb. 13. Replying to questions in the House of Commons, Sir Austen Chamberlain, the Foreign Secretary, said he had no official information that the new Vatican State intended to apply for membership of the League of Nations, and it
      ,—Trans-Ocean.; —British Wireless.; Reuter.  -  304 words
    • 151 23 Reuter. London, Fob. 13. Sir Austen Chamberlain stated in the House of Commons that he did not consider it necessary to make representations to the Belgian Government with regard to the detention at Ostend of Mr. J. Maxton (Lab., Bridgeton) and Mr. S.
      Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 79 23 Reuter. Tokio, Feb. 16. A fire early this morning was discovered in the Brain Diseases Hospital in this city and the building was gutted. Eleven patients were incinerated. Tragic scenes were witnessed, the inmates laughing, shrieking and acting hilariously as the rescuers
      Reuter.  -  79 words
    • 101 23 by Fascism in Italy.—Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia. Berlin, Feb. 15. Surveying the latest phase of German domestic politics Herr Joseph Wirth, a former Chancellor and now a Centre Party Deputy, has caused a stir by an article in the Deutsche Republik. Herr Wirth interprets the present situation as the
      by Fascism in Italy.—Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.  -  101 words
    • 440 23 .—Reuter. Melbourne, Feb. 13. Shouts of Bushrangers are gentlemeas compared with you were raised by Labour members in the Assembly whan Mr. Bruce unsuccessfully invoked the rules of procedure to prevent Labour members moving publication of the arbitrator’s award in the
      .—Reuter.  -  440 words
    • 90 23 —Reuter. New York, Feb. 17. Sensational newspaper report* have» been published to the effect that the new 33,000-ton aiicraft-carriers Saratoga and Lexington, which cost $86,000,000, aiw, destined for the “junk pile,” owing to that cost of operating them. These reports have undoubtedly induced Mr. Wilbur,
      —Reuter.  -  90 words
    • 41 23 minent politicians also signed.—Tran»Ocean. J Berne, Feb. 19. A petition calling for women’s suffrage has been addressed to the Federal Government. Every woman’s association in Switzerland participated, and many prominent politicians also signed.—Trann-
      minent politicians also signed.—Tran»- Ocean. _ – J  -  41 words
    • 347 24 —Trans-Ocean. Reuter. —British Wireless. London, Feb. 20. The frostv weather in England, which experts think is likely to last lor some days, besides providing skaters with more opportunities than for years, has created a temporary boom in the
      —Trans-Ocean.; — Reuter.; —British Wireless.  -  347 words
    • 153 24 Reuter. Cape Town, Feb. 19. After a joint sitting of the House of Parliament lasting for two hours the aecond reading of the Natives Parliamentary Representation Bill was passed by 80 to 68. General Hertzog. replying to questions, intimated his willingness to insert
      Reuter.  -  153 words
    • 91 24 Reuter. London, Feb. 14. The Times, in a leading article on the breakdown in the Sino-Japanese negotiatimes, emphasises the deep interest taken I&gt;T Great Britain as a friend of botn countries and points out that at present the coming into operation of
      Reuter.  -  91 words
    • 35 24 —Trans-Ocean. Belgrade. Feb. IT. The King of Albania laid the foundation stone of the independent Albanian Orthodox Church, and appointed Bishop Wizarion, who was formerly an enemy of the King, as Metropolitan.—Trans-Ocean-
      —Trans-Ocean.  -  35 words
    • 282 24 CHINA’S DIPLOMACY. Position Known to be A Fiction.” —Reuter. London, Feb. 14. Thf* Daily Telegraph, in a leadm JkT. on Dr. C.V Wane's report* r&gt;roiK&gt;sai to open negotiations tor tne retrocession to China of the Legation Quarter in Peking, says it is unhappily characteristic of the diplomacy which Dr. Wung
      —Reuter.  -  282 words
    • 43 24 A Chinese bank clerk has been sentenced to 13 years and eight months’ for the embezzlement of ticals 43.000 from the Siam Commercial Bank. He had previously been sentenced to three years and four months imprisonment for the era bezzlement of ticals
      43 words
    • 151 24 —Reuter. Washington. Feb. 19. Mr. Kellogg handed the diplomatic representatives all powers for signature of the World Court protocol note, intimating that the United States Government was willing to become a member of the Court of International Justice at the Hague,
      —Reuter.  -  151 words
    • 103 24 Paris, Feb. 19. Three aviators, including the famous apt. Costes. met with misfortune on the first stage of a projected flight to Hanoi. The machine, which was carrying mail valued at 90,000 francs, was forced to land on the outskirts of Paris and
      103 words
    • 102 24 .—Reuter. Washington, Feb. 19. The Secretariat of the League of Nations has informed the Federal Radio Commission that it will conduct shortwave broadcasting trials in March to the United States, South America, Japan and Australia. Speeches will be broadcast to America on March 12,19
      .—Reuter.  -  102 words
    • 176 24 .—Reuter. Washington, Feb. 13. It s believed that Mr. Hoover, the President-elect, who has just returned here from Florida, will devote all his energies to the enforcement of Prohibition and intends to remove the responsibility for enforcement from the Treasure to the
      .—Reuter.  -  176 words
    • 71 24 .—Reuter. E&gt;etroit, Feb. 13. A Federal Court injunction permitting huuJreis of r.on-British aliens living in Canada to enter the United State- for daily work has been revoked on the ground that the Jay Immigration Treaty, on which the injunction was based, applies to
      .—Reuter.  -  71 words
    • 42 24 ,—Hava*. Paris, Feb. 13. The airmen Paiilard and Le Brix have started on their flight to Saitron. It is hoped to establish a mail and freight aerial service between France and IndoChina.—Havas.
      ,—Hava*.  -  42 words
    • 99 24 —Reuter. Newark. New Jersey, Feb. 1?. A combination of two recent inventions was demonstrated at the air port when in response to a siren sounded on an approaching aeroplane, the landing ground was automatically flooded with light from a 24.000.000 candle-power electric beacon, without the aid of
      —Reuter.  -  99 words
    • 49 24 subsequently carried by air mail.—British Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 10. The Postmaster-General stated in the House of Commons that last year IOfi.OOO letters originating in this country were carried by air mail. There were *350,000 letters sent abroad by ordinary ma Is and subsequently carried by air mail.—British
      subsequently carried by air mail.—British Wireless.  -  49 words
    • 56 24 —Reuter. New York, Feb. 19. Ballyn, the chief steward of the liner Berengaria, pleaded guilty in the Federal Court to being implicated in a conspiracy to smuggle in diamonds. It was stated that Ballyn was expected to testify on behalf of the Government at the trial of five
      —Reuter.  -  56 words
    • 35 24 .—Havas. Paris, Feb. 10. The French revenue returns for January were 3.003.000,000 francs, showing ar. increase of 497,000,000 on the Budget estimates and 401.000,000 on the returns for January of last year.—Havas.
      .—Havas.  -  35 words
    • 41 24 —Reuter. New York, Fe’o. 10. Fifty passengers were injured and 200 affected by smoke fumes through fire in the first car of a tube train proceeding to New Jersey on the underground railway beneath the Hudson River.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  41 words
    • 112 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 19. The steamer Kanowna. owned by Huddart. Parker, Ltd., struck the rocks at Cleft Island, near Wilson’s Promontory, in darkness and fog. All the passenger* and crew, numbering 250,
      112 words
    • 53 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 20. The East Asiatic Company’s steamer Lalandia outward bound for Singapore and Siam has had to put in to Bizer-a, Tunis, with a fire in one of the holds. No details of the damage has so
      53 words
    • 23 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Feb. 19. The British gunboat Moth, which went ashore near Wuchow, has been refloated
      23 words
    • 24 24 .—Reuter. Ottawa. Feb. 10. The of Commons unanimously passed a resolution proposed bv Mr. .Mackenzie King ratifying the Ke’iogg Pact.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  24 words
    • 26 24 —Reuter. Key West/Feb. 19Two naval officers again tested the submarine safety device and escaped successfully from S 4 at a depth of 120 feet.—Reuter.
      —Reuter.  -  26 words
    • 33 24 ,—Reuter. Paris, Feb. 19. Eleven people were asphyxiated in night shelter by an escape of gas. The escape was due to a pipe bursting, on account of the frost. —Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  33 words
    • 23 24 Trans-Ocean. Prague, Feb. 19. Under an agreement signed in Prague on Monday, Czecho-Slovakia acquires tree zones in Hamburg and Stettin harbours-
      Trans-Ocean.  -  23 words
    • 27 24 .—Trans-Ocean. Constantinople, Feb. 19. According to press reports, the remnant •f Denikin’s army which has not accepted Turkish nationality will be shipped to Brazil.—T rans-Ocean.
      .—Trans-Ocean.  -  27 words
    • 27 24 ,—Reuter. The Hague, Feb. 19Queen Wilhelmina has sufficiently re covered from her recent indisposition to grant audiences, and was able to transact State business to-day.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  27 words
    • 31 24 ,—Reuter. London, Feb. 19. As an outcome of satisfactory testa, th’ Blue Star Line announces the very early conversion of its vessels to the burning of pulverised coal entirely.—Reuter.
      ,—Reuter.  -  31 words

    • 1100 26 .Imlfrin** the nx«-«*llc*nt displnv givsn Vy th* R.A. on Feb. 11 at the Stadium when, for the lire* time for years, they beat the Chinese by one peal to nil, the standard of football dining the coming season is not only going
      1,100 words
    • 460 26 Both teams were evidently suffering from the beginning-of-the-season feeling an the Padang on Feb. 19, when the S.C.C. defeated the R.A. by one goal to nil, and neither side found its best form. Iho exchanges were even, and at times keenly contested, but
      460 words
    • 258 26 London, Feb. 18. A Reuter wire states that the draw for the sixth round of the English Cup resulted as follows Blackburn Rovers vs. Bolton Wanderers. Aston Villa vs. Swindon Town or Arsenal. Chelsea or Portsmouth vs. Bournemouth or West Ham Util.
      258 words
    • 382 26 A meeting of the general council of the Singapore Football Association was held on Friday. Mr. J. M. Sime, the president, w*as in the chair and others present were Dr. Lim Han Hoe, and Messrs. G. W. A. Trimmar, K. H. MacFarlane, Yee Cheok
      382 words
    • 22 26 —Trans Ocean. Berlin, Feb. 17. In a water polo match here Germany beat England by 11—4,--Trans Ocean.
      —Trans Ocean.  -  22 words
    • 573 26 Describing the final of the Siam tennis championship, in which Paul Clerc oV&gt; pion of Malaya, was beaten bv v Sanoh, Obscure wrote in the Bano-Li* Times :—The general expectation that the title was doomed to go out *5 this country. A
      573 words
    • 223 26 Despite the rain it was possible to wind up the Open Invitation Tournament at the Ladies’ Lawrn Tennis Club, when the four remaining finals were played. The Ladies’ Open Singles, with whifli went the championship of Singapore, proved a very well contested game. Even
      223 words
    • 1402 27 ENGLISH SCOTTISH CUP GAMES. Many Surprises. BAD WEATHER CAUSES POSTPONEMENTS. —Reuter. London, Feb. 16. The results of matches in the fifth round of the England F.A. Cup were as follows English Cup Fifth Round. Reading 1 Aston Villa 3 Huddersfield T. 5 Crystal Palace 2 Swindon T. 0 Arsenal 0
      .—Reuter.  -  1,402 words
    • 284 27 The season at the Singapore Polo Club has started well, and promises to be a very successful one. The following playing members are playing regularly Mr. Rupert Manasseh, Captain Mansell R.A., Mr. R. T. C. Arthur, Mr. W. A. Noel Davies, Lt,-Col. Hore,
      284 words
    • 733 27 The annual meeting of the Race Course Golf Club, which has now been in existence for four years, will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 26, at 6.30 p.m. In the course of the committee's fourth annual report it is stated that
      733 words
    • 86 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 16. A start with the M.C.C. v. New South Wales match could not be made until today, owing to the heavy rains which fell throughout the State. Chapman won the toss and sent New South Wales
      86 words
    • 132 27 —Router. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 18. The M.C.C., showing superiority on a wet wicket, dismissed New South Wales lor the small total of 128. J. C. White was the most successful bowler, taking five wickets for 48 runs ,while Tate’s couple of victims
      —Router.  -  132 words
    • 372 27 Sixtv-s’x matches, including first eleveh and tournament games, have been fixed &lt;Ol- the S.C.C. this season, 19 being on tjie I’adang and 47 away. The list is nearly double that of last season, and includes a game at Tanglin for each tournament
      372 words
    • 75 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 16. In a match to-day the Municipality defeated a Penang Cricket Club A team by 77 runs. The Municipality made 142, of which Orr scored 41 and Fletcher 29, and the club were out for 66. Lesslar
      75 words
    • 39 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 2"). The Malayan Non-Renders’ cricket card includes two days’ fixtures with Selan.ov in April, with Singnp re in May, ~e«rri Scmhilan n June, Penang in July and Perak in August.
      39 words
    • 1978 28 From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 10. There were a number of upsets of form to-day in the opening programme of the Perak Turf Club spring meeting, with the result that some big dividends were paid. In three cases
      1,978 words
    • 119 28 London, Feb. 16. The final of the amateur billiards championship, played at Thurston’s Hal!, resulted in a win for H. Coles, of Cardiff, who beat S. Lee, of London. Coles reached his 3,000 up with Lee at 2,215. Reuter. Both players were in
      119 words
    • 114 28 W ith boxing, for the time being, quite at a discount in Singapore, some of the artists have turned their attention to Java, where the Batavia Boxing Club is still in operation. The secretary complains, however, that some of them ask
      114 words
    • 384 28 The Evening News of London recently published the following letter from \t,. J. S. M. Rennie I have followed with much interest the letters of your old Rugger readers with reference to methods of scoring, and should like to cap the statement of
      384 words
    • 103 28 As a result of a pointless draw with the A. P. C. on the Padarvg the B. P. I and P.S. won the B.C.C. Rugby T ment. finishing one point ahead of the Merchants. The deciding game was very even, and the
      103 words
    • 50 28 .—Reuter. London, Feb. 18. George Duncan, the professional at Wentworth Club, has resigned and intends to play as a free lance, giving him greater freedom to take part in championships and tournaments and facilitating his work as captain of the Ryder Cup team.—Reuter.
      .—Reuter.  -  50 words
    • 81 28 —Reuter. London, Feb. 18. In the British amateur ice-skating championship over a quarter of a mile at Ruislip reservoir, C. Horn, of Upwell, was first in 40 2-5 sec., G. Martin, Cambridge, second in 40 3-5 see., and F. Bott, Leicester, third in 44
      —Reuter.  -  81 words
    • 61 28 An open men's competition for foi'-j has been held by the Singapore Sworu Club during the month and was concluded on the 14th. Theie were 1entries and the results were as follows Winner L. B. Brunelli, runner-up R- K* Gardiner. The prizes were presented on Tuesday at
      61 words
    • 211 29 The 2nd Welch Regiment beat the S.C.C. n a closely contested hockey game on the padang on Feb. 13, winning by three goals to one. Campling scored the first Welch goal fairly early in the game, after a series of
      211 words
    • 165 29 The Medical College Union and the Raffles Institution teams met in a friendly match on Monday on the S.R.C. ground, when the Medicos won by four goals to nil. All the goals were scored in the first half. It was a well contested game.
      165 words
    • 470 29 The Muar Rifle Club held its annual open prize meeting: on Feb. 10, at the Bukit Treh rifle range, Muar. The meeting was well attended and proved a great success. Thirty-eight competitors took part including entries from Malacca, Batu Pahat and Singapore. For
      470 words
    • 640 29 The fourth Imperial Social Hygiene Congress, to be held in London this year, will mark another important* stage in the wqjld-wide campaign for the preservation and improvement of public healthDominion ar.d Colonial Governments are already nominating their delegates local
      640 words
    • 78 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 14. W. Penrice won the Penang Swimming Club quarter mile championship on Sunday, beating all previous records by his time of 6 mins. 47 seconds. J. C. Davies was second and K. J. Cassy third.
      78 words
    • 72 29 .—Reuter. London, Feb. 19. Following the example of the American governing body, the English Lawn Tennis Association has decided to institute ranking lists for both sexes. The first will be issued at the end of the forthcoming season. It was also resolved that
      .—Reuter.  -  72 words
    • 75 29 Baron Koenig, the German airman who is flying to Java, expects to leave Bangkok on the 28th inst. and travel to Singapore via Singora and Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 20. Baron von Koenig is to lly from Don Muang
      75 words

  • 194 29 BURNAND.-On Feb. 19, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Burnand, a son, at Durian Daun Hospital, Malacca. DE VILLA. —At the General Hospital, Singapore, on Feb. 9, 1929, to Doris, wife of E. M. de Villa, of Singapore, a son. VINE. —On Thursday, Feb. 14, 1929, at the
    194 words
  • 143 29 Singapore, Feb. 20. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 29/32 Demand 2/3 25/32 Private 3 m. credit 2/4 7/16 On New York, Demand 66 Private 90 d/a 68 On France, Bank T.T. 1431 On India, Bank T.T. 153 On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 13 p.c. dis.
    143 words
  • 775 29 Singapore. Feb. 20. MINING. IsSU6 Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kuinbang 44/3 46/3 cd. £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 39/- 40/1 1 Batang Padang 0.46 0.50 1 1 Batu Caves 1.60 1.65 1 1 Bukit Arang 1.85 1.90 £1 £1 Burmah Malay
    775 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times anil the Straits Budget should be nddressed to the Head Olflce, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $4B a year. The post free price of
      87 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 67 1 General— Rubber Situation London Rubber Stocks 1 Local Rubber Auction 1 Rubber Stocks and Prices By A. W. Still 1 Rubber Auction Rubber in th;* Limelight Why Rubber Has Gone Up Analysis of Rubber Dealers’ Stocks 2 London Rubber Position Rubber Returns ('abb* News Rubber Prospects 1 Synthetic Rubber
      67 words
    • 67 1 Quotations Forward Contra t Spot Seller Prices (1. T Date I.Mon S'pore Feb. Mar. June Feb. Spot 14 IP* 1».38 :i 4 O.3U 0.40».. 15 ll a H 0.40 2 0.40 0.41 0.43 1« 11 0.43'* 0.44 *4 0.44 '2 0.45 &gt;2 in 12'2 0.4:1
      67 words
    • 42 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in London and Liverpool show’ a decrease of (776 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 28,845 tons.
      42 words
    • 113 1 Ihe Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 904th auction on Keb. 20, when there was catalogued 1,565,457 or 698.86 tons offered 1,285,238 lb. or 573.76 tons sold 995,987 lb. or 444.63 tons. Spot London Is. o\d. New York 25 cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet
      113 words
    • 86 1 The annual meeting of Nalla Rubber Estates, Ipoh, declared a five per cent, dividend. The chairman stated that the current year’s contracts were six tons monthly till December at 30% cents and two tons monthly July to December at 31 cents. In view of the uneconomic and
      86 words
    • 1061 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London, Jan. 23. London stocks increased last week by 5.31 tons while Liverpool stocks decreased by 15 tons, so the United Kingdom does n *t yet realise the expectation of speculators who
      1,061 words
    • 182 1 London, Feb. 5. Mr. H. S. Firestone, President of the F irestone Tyre and Rubber Co., discussing the rubber outlook, said he believed that American manufacturers had a supply on hand sufficient to meet all demands, and if the price advanced, it would be
      182 words
    • 727 1 UWi d P Si "K«Po„» Singapore, Feb. i«. Early in th« week after the Chinese ,\ĕ w Year holidays the market remained quiet but firm awaiting the publication of the American consumption figure for January This has now been received at 43,000 tors
      727 words
    • 122 2 The following: is the Analysis of Dealers’ Stocks as at Jan. 31, 1929, in Singapore, Penang, Malacca, Province Wellesley and the Dindings, as supplied by the Acting Registrar of Imports and Exports, Mr. A. RoOse Ribbed Smoked Unsmoked Total Districts Sheet Sheet Crepe Scrap Lump
      122 words
    • 908 2 Rubber has come into the limelight **ain. Orly a week or two ago little thought v.'as given to it, there being nothing to bring it to notice. The price had been steady for months except for minor fluctuations.
      908 words
    • 322 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 14. A special general meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya will be held on Feb. 20, in the Scottish Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur. The most important item on the agenda is the declaration of the election
      322 words
      • 541 3 Stock Stock Isr Exchange Par Kachan» Value Company. J ’j) e B £i a Ue ya!acca C0n0,, ,,y t ft Aiiiifo ..IV* «.u.atia j.. V, 2ttmr 1/74 £1 Mwnbau i f r Anglo-Malay *O/ £1 Malaya a. 1,1« 11 Ayer Kumng J, 11 Banteng
        541 words
      • 705 3 Capital leene Closing Prieee Paid Up Value Diridende Frnear Lyall A Company A Ca Kntt 389,293 1 Nil for yaar tmi v.Allenby isl) 2.20 2.46 2.30 ZAO 160,C00 Nil for year 80-9-28 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.90 2.23 2.00 2.70 435,425 1 7Vi p.c. int.
        705 words
    • 249 3 Ayer M01ek.—20,657 lb. Anglo-Sumatra.—66,oo9 lb. Asahan.—B2,ooo lb. Anglo-Ma1av.—136,247 lb. Allenby.—sB,4oo lb. Ampat (5um.».—72,507 lb. Bukit Jelotong.—ll,l99 lb. Benar (Selangor).—24,6oo lb. Batu Village.—l,s66 lb. Brunei.—4o,l2l lb. Bukit Timah.—l3,749 lb. Bintan.— 53.354 lb. Bedford.—23,6lo lb. Bila (Sumatra).—B9,ooo lb. Bikam.—B4,6oo lb. Bah Lia 5.—170,656 lb. Batu Tiga.—l74,ooo lb. Broome (Selangor).—s6.B6o lb.
      249 words
    • 1265 2 Some encouraging comments on the present rubber situation were obtained by the Straits Times from leading rubber firms in Singapore on Tuesday. The general opinion appears to be that present prices will be
      1,265 words
    • 44 2 Paris, Feb. 12. Several newspapers state that two German chemists have discovered a means of extracting india-rubber from charcoal. Negotiations are proceeding for the use of this discovery, which several American chemists consider to be of importance.
      44 words
    • 61 2 Messrs. Evatt ami Co., secretaries of Indragiri Rubber, Ltd., inform us that the following forward contracts have been made :—l5 tons ribbed smoked sheet equal to London standard at 41*4 cents per lb., delivery 5 tons monthly April-June, 1929. 15 tons ribbed smoked sheet equal to London standard
      61 words
    • 592 3 The recent rive in robber pricv took the martlet by surprise, says the rxononist of Jan. 19. From the Ume that the removal of restriction was announced in 1928 until the end of last year the view obtained that in January, 1929
      592 words
    • 526 3 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, dated Feb. 19, states The price of tin since our last report «■hows a further decline and with Jittle j trade demand in evidence the outlook at the moment does not appear very assuring. Tin
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 130 4 _£lßL:e TRIED BUT 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. iTiHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that it cleans
      130 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 469 5 Now—Fit the New Goodyear Balloon W HATEVER size or type of tyre you fit, the new r *r t V &gt; 2' fey, CU‘ sV I El i E'iv.-ai -fv.FV ft w! v /s\| U Sj\ IV*,-: m wt 1 I* vy good covers deserve good i GOODVE4R roacr 1-28-7
      469 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 578 6 CINEMA STAR POSTiCARDS i 3RE Post Cards of all the famous Film Actors and and beat poses. Rea) photographps beautifully framing. Large selection always in stock. Actresses in their latest tinted and suitable for Bebe Daniels Billie Dove Dolores Del Rio Doris Kenyon Douglas Fairbanks Eddie Polo Eleanor Board man
      578 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 263 7 ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LOOTED Telegrams 44 STATETRUST," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions, Bentley’s and Llebers. Telephone No. 243. A Trust Company Registesed under the Trust Companies Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits Settlements Government. REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICE Nos. 1, 2 and 3, RAFFLES CHAMBERS,
      263 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 75 8 «11*. DOROTHY GISH AND ANTONIO MORENO in POMPADOUR ROMANCE. —LUXURIOUS LOVE SCENUS.—THRILL!N(: ADVENTURE. PAVILION TO-NIGHT IT'S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. Adel phi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every Tuesday. AFTER DINNER DANCES Every Wednesday,
      75 words
    • 93 8 Wm. JACKS CO., (MALAYA) LTD, Sole Dis'ributorH. CHEONG ONG CO. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. Sub-Agents, Singa pore and Johore. PS? li w i CO What makes OIL better oil”? Highest refinement. Purity. Fullest resistance to heat and wear. A perfect flow in any weather. And no hard carbon! Texaco Motor Oil
      93 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 140 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 LENSES ARE BEST For Filmo Victor Kodak C 16 mm Film Fit an F. J*s Lens and TAKE PICTURES ANYWHERE any time. m 'A 6 in. F. 4'5 Telephoto Lens. THE PREMIER ESTABLISHMENT OF ITS KIND IN MALAYA
      140 words
      32 words
    • 61 9 ♦-♦&gt;♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ All-Metal Folding Camera j &lt; 9 by 12 c.m. or plate size. I &lt; Fitted with MEYER F/4.5 LENS in Ibsor Shutter Shutter 1 to l/100th second DOUBLE EXTENBiON PRICE $49.50 Sole Agents Singapore Photo Co. Phone 389. HIGH STREET. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING KNOWN ADVERTISE IN
      61 words