The Straits Budget, 14 February 1929

Total Pages: 39
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] No. 3,703 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
    28 words
  • 340 1 leaders— p*«* The Colony at the Crossroads 3 Training Teachers The Cost of Marriage 3 An Institute and its Critics 3-4 Chinas New Year 4 Occasional Notes 4-o Telegrams, Reuter and SpecialCovering Past Week’s News 19-24 Pletaree Late Colonial Secretary 15 New Colonial Secretary 15 View of Cameron’s Highlands
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  • 4238 1 Mr. R. H. Wilson, of the Singapore Harbour Board, left on Thursday by the Morea on home leave accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. Mr. W. L. Blythe, M.C.S., is to act as Registrar of Societies and Protector of Chinese, Johore. The Rev. A. Eklund will officiate as Chaplain
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  • 370 2 A sequel to the Alsagoff Will Case which aroused considerable interest some time ago, was reached in the Supreme Court yesterday before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) when a motion to v» t aside the judgment and to make an ordt
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  • 234 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 12. Though crowds flocked in to Ipoh for Chinese New Year, the real significance of the day was not so enthusiastically celebrated as before, because of the increasing favour given to Jan. 1. The Nationalist
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  • 36 2 he return of Chinese immigrants arriving at Singapore in January shows a total of 22.182 against 20,821 fluring January, 1028. Those who left in January totalled 12,988 against 7,922 in lh" corresponding month of last year.
    36 words

  • 1004 3 bloodshed and corruption.—Straits Times, Feb 7. Nothing emerges from mature reflection on the speech delivered by His Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford at the annual dinner of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association to disturb the impression created in our mind at the time of its delivery.
    bloodshed and corruption.—Straits Times, Feb 7.  -  1,004 words
  • 1105 3 Straits Times, Feb. 8. In tlie course of his speech at the Straits Setth merits Association dinner Ilis Excellency the Governor observed that he considered that we had in Malaya a system of education as good as anything which could be found in any neighbouring Colony with the
    Straits Times, Feb. 8.  -  1,105 words
  • 1172 3 Straits Times Feb. 1». What is the of living to a married European in Malaya over and above liv.: which his bachelor colleague finds it necessary to have in order to support existence It is interesting to find that one authority, writing from Kuulu Lumpur t<>
    ! Straits Times Feb. 1».  -  1,172 words
  • 1059 3 Straits Time?, Fob. 12. It 5: a matt r of common knowledge j that, tK.■ Rubber Kw arch Institute *'l' ?.J:daya lux; been the subject ef con- itki' tM conimv -ivy during the comp; rati vely slant period of i s career, a eonhover y
    Straits Time?, Fob. 12.  -  1,059 words

  • 987 4 Straits Times, Feb. 18. Hope tempered with very real anxiety are the emotions with which any wellwisher of China must view the year that has just opened. It was unfortunate that the cloud of the Tsinanfu dispute should still have been hanging over Sino-Japanese relations during the
    Straits Times, Feb. 18.  -  987 words
    • 192 4 LIES, LIARS, LIONS AND LYING bottoms of the c inruns of Pinuh. Straits J ime., Feb. 7. In case there exists among the readers if this paper one who, for some reason or another, was unable to read yesterday s issue from tirst page to last, we hereby confess that
      bottoms of the c inruns of Pinuh. Straits J ime., Feb. 7.  -  192 words
    • 214 4 AN APPEAL TO THE LADS.” Straits Times, Feb. 7. We rejoice to soe that our morning contemporal> s fund for the miners i- *v.thing wisibly,** but \w. and pioba .> any of tiers, are strucK by trie liut t:..* a mounts sc* far a.o i.iige in.; ta.:. a in.*
      Straits Times, Feb. 7.  -  214 words
    • 210 4 Straits Times. Feb. 7. This is the sad story of a recruiting campaign carried out recently in the capital city of Ogopogo Land. It seem.» that the volunteers in that city resembled the Singapore corps in that they were u little under strength. As a preliminary
      – Straits Times. Feb. 7.  -  210 words
    • 309 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 7. A w'eek .r .,o ago a correspondent drew attention to the difficulty experienced in Singapore in obtaining medical literature nl i casonable prices for the use of students and also complaining of the barrenness of booksellers’ shelves of technical worksother than those
      ’—Straits Times, Feb. 7.  -  309 words
    • 184 4 Straits Times. Feb. S. There is a deal of slovenliness loeallv in the application of the expression, public holiday and bank holiday We have sometimes received formal notices ier advertising designating bank holiday, as public holidays, and vice versa. For practical purposes, perhaps, it is six*ot\ u
      Straits Times. Feb. S.  -  184 words
    • 196 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 8. It is perhaps as well for the Conservative Party that the situation with regard to the forthcoming general eleuio: i.» considerably obscured by the mysteiv to the destination of the flap pc vote.” I'nless the Government is viewing that aspect of the coming
      —Straits Times, Feb. 8.  -  196 words
    • 182 4 Straits Times, Feb. 8. A committee consisting of Lord Buxton •nd Mr. Ormsby-Gore has recommended *n increase in the pensions of colonial governors, and the Secretary of State for tne Colonies is to introduce a Bill giving effect to that finding. The matter is of interest to this
      Straits Times, Feb. 8.  -  182 words
    • 274 4 v.traits Times, Feb. 8. l ake the case of Sir Laurence Ouillcmard. a Home Civil Servant who had probably never been farther afield than the Riviera before he was sent by the Coalition jovcrnniont to administer the Government of Malaya. Sir Laurence spent many years in the Inland
      v.traits Times, Feb. 8.  -  274 words
    • 189 5 conducted with Sarawak —Straits Times, Feb. 9. The Siam Post and Telegraph Department comes in for a good deal of criticism, mainly in connection with its telegraph lines to Burma via Moulmein and to Penang via Kedah. But it must iu- given credit for the enterprise it has
      conducted with Sarawak —Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  189 words
    • 189 5 Straits Times, Feb. 9. The F.M.S. Government is experimenting with small transmitting sets for use in i utlying areas, and here they are follower the example of Sarawak, which has r only used wireless in preference to telegraph lines for years, but now has an Air Department, with
      Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  189 words
    • 194 5 5 A correspondent writing from Malacca with reference to a note which appeared in this column on Thursday last appealing to the lads of the village to give their support to the funds now being raised to assist the distressed miners and their families, adopts an attitude for
      5  -  194 words
    • 281 5 Straits Times, Feb. 9. Although certain words which shocked Victorian ears have now passed into everyday use thanks, in the case of one lurid adjective at all events, to the playful mischievousness of Mr. Bernard Shaw, there still remains an impression that only Labour members and Communist rowdie6
      Straits Times, Feb. 9.  -  281 words
    • 226 5 Straits Times, Feb. 12. This note has nothing whatever to do with the recent annual dinner of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association. It concerns an insurance official who has just returned to London after an extended tour of the Far East. Being kind-hearted by nature, we suppress
      Straits Times, Feb. 12.  -  226 words
    • 290 5 TRAGIC NEWS FROM HOME Straits Times, Feb. 12. Although the tragic news which became Known during the week-end was not unexpected, in view of the grave note struck by the telegram published last week, it was with feelings of very real shock and regret that the public of Singapore heard
      Straits Times, Feb. 12.  -  290 words
    • 290 5 *he Johore Assizes.—Straits Times, FcH. I£. J. At Muar Assizes a few weeks back a native was charged with the murder of a young Tamil girl under revolting circumstances near Segamat, a number of witnesses bearing testimony to the fact that the accused was very drunk on
      *he Johore Assizes.—Straits Times, FcH. I£. . J.  -  290 words
    • 173 5 Straits Times, Feb. 13. Most people will be inclined to agree with the protest of a London newspaper against the theatricalism and mystery which surround the doings of Colonel Lawrence of Arabia, alias Mr. Smith, alias Aircraftsman Shaw. There may be perfectly good service reasons why the
      Straits Times, Feb. 13.  -  173 words
    • 193 5 •n India to this country—Straits Times, Feb. 13. We understand that at long last steps are being taken to provide Malaya with a commercial air service. Details are not yet available but, according to report, it i3 proposed to connect Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh and Penang
      •n India to this country—Straits Times, Feb. 13.  -  193 words
    • 445 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 13. We can most sincerely commend to those agriculturists of Malaya who have the country’s interests at heart the current issue of the M.A.H.A., the official organ of the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Association. In particular we would direct attention to a leading article emphasising the
      —Straits Times, Feb. 13.  -  445 words

  • 436 5 The opinion that provision should be made in the design of large buildings for the parking of cars is expressed by the Singapore Municipal Commissioners in a letter sent to local architects. The letter accompanies extracts from a report on traffic made by an
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  • 329 5 The road between the Cap and Fraser’s Hill, though possible for traffic duiing the week-end, says Tuesday’s Malay Mail, will probably be closed again this week to allow of the removal of the loose boulders which now overhang the road very dangerously. The removal
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  • 1834 6  -  (IK Col. Charles A. I.indberjh.) (Straits Times i.nd Anglo-American News Service copyright.) Aviation holds so many possibilities that any attempt to prophesy as to the future of flying would sound fantastic. The progress of the last few years has been remarkable, but
    (Straits Times i.nd Anglo-American News Service copyright.)  -  1,834 words
  • 464 6 Following the announcement by the president of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (Mr. A. A. Simpson, C. M. G.) at the end of May last, that it was intended to send a properly organised expedition to explore unknown portions of Centra! Australia,
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  • 160 6 Health bulletin of the League of Nations’ It)*’!) 1 Bureau ft>r the vcok entity Feb 2. Bombay Two plague deaths 41 smallpo\ cases and 2.1 deaths as against 42 case* am! «leaths during the preceding week. •*Ieutta 23 cholera deaths seven smallpox cases and three deaths. Madras: Four
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  • 82 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. y. A lane off Macalister Road, which i one of the main streets of the town w the scene of a triple murder shorttv before noon yesterday. y An Indian Mohamedan armed with knife killed his father-in-law,
    82 words
  • 312 6 The scheme for acquiring Small Hythe Place, at Tenterden. Kent, Dame Ellon Terry’s home for the last twenty-live years of her life, as a national mem *riai to her, was launched in London recently. Mr. Bernard Shaw, a very
    312 words
  • 133 6 i sm f^l, dilapidated motor-car which stood outside Acton Police Court had the following chalked on the bonnet A 1 Repair Depot. Haling Road. One of me lrying Squad. Born 1-.K>6. Still going The Dustmen’s Revenge. Thev ont take it
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  • 149 6 fi lu to see the reason of the luss that has arisen on account of the Commentary on Holy Scripture edited by Bishop Gore. The verbal inspiration of the Bible has long been given up by the average student, as well as by nine-tenths of the clergy: it is only
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  • 1528 9 A verdict of causing death by a rash act was returned by the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. <». Bourne) on Saturday against Mr. E. A. Ellis, the driver of a car which
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  • 87 9 It is reported that there has recently been a drastic pruning of the ranks of the Sarawak Government Service, the Rajah deciding that the administration can be carried on quite successfully with considerably fewer officials than have been deemed necessary up to now. There has accordingly
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  • 152 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Feb. 7. The Fourth Division has joined the brigands lor an attack on Chefoo. Officials and their families are leaving the city though the arrival of H.M.S. Magnolia has somewhat relieved anxiety. Later The Fourth Division has
    152 words
  • 434 9 Sunday, Feb. 3. His Excellency and Lady Clifford attended High Mass at 8 a.m. Monday, Feb. 4. Major Husey arrived to stay. Mr. Tong Lao, Consul-General for China, called on His Excellency and stayed to luncheon. At 5 p.m. a Committee meeting of Students in Britain was
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  • 41 9 DENTAL SURGEON S FATE. London, Jan. 30. Mr. Harry Renfrew Hunter, who was a dental surgeon at Army Headquarters at Simlst during the War, was to-day found shot dead, with a gun by his side, in a quiet thoroughfare near Brighton.
    41 words
  • 238 9 A remnrkah?e disclosure was made on Friday in a District Court ease in which the grandfather and mother of a 12-year-old Chinese b. y were chatted with cruelty. Doth the toy’s relatives admitted having confined him in the manner
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  • 313 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Feb. 4. An interesting programme of events has been issued for Malacca Swimpiing Club gala to Ik held on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 10 a.m. There are various competitions for both sexes, and for members of all ages and ability. At an extraordinary
    313 words
  • 136 9 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Feb. 2 gives the total number of deaths as male 120, and female 74. This represents a death rate of 22.12 per mille, per annum, compared with 2.7.02 in the preceding week and 24.20 in the corresponding week of
    136 words

  • 66 14 (The Straits Times is not responsible for tha opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should beur in mind that letters must be short und to the point. Lonjj epu*tles are liuble to bo rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, nut necessarily, for Sublication but as
    66 words
  • 185 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- May I be permitted to appeal in your columns on behalf ot the Singapore Sailors’ Institute for second-hand tennis racquets, badminton racquets and tennis balls. The lawn tennis and badminton hard courts at the Institute have recently been relaid
    185 words
  • 179 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With reference to your leading article under this heading, I was a guest of a nunibi r of luncheon clubs during a recent visit to the United States and I saw no trace of the self advertising which you
    179 words
  • 260 14 To th" Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Friendly Neighbour’s letter will have interested all aliens residing here. I had the same experience once, but novt r since, because now I go on board the ship without reserving a berth and so far 1 have never been a keil to
    260 words
  • 157 14 T 1ho Editor of the Straits Times. S j r «wl with doubt the statements made by Mr. T. Hindc in the Straits Buoget of Dec. 12 as follows As far as I know, health statistics here to-day i are no worse than anywhere else in Malaya.
    157 words
  • 137 14 SOAP To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —This is written —in heat —on the back of a programme, in doubt whether i: will survive the chill of Wednesday morning. A great deal has already been said an written on the failings of our magnificent theatre, but familiarity breeds
    137 words
  • 100 14 To the Editor of the Straits TimeSir.—Heading “Notes of the Day’’ in Monday’s issue of the Straits Times will possibly create the impression that C Co., Singapore Volunteer Corps, is »omposed of Scotsmen and that the 37 new recruits for that Company are all
    100 words
  • 587 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Ootacamund is the chief town in what are called the Nilpiri Hills er Blue Mountains. The elevation rises from .■><<> feet at the Lake to 8,000 feet on the surrounding peaks. The climate is one of the best in
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  • 611 14 LAMP-POST ADVERTISING.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The article under “Notes of the Day in your issue of the 6th inst. is a distortion of the facts. Lit me first explain that lamp-post kiosk advertisements have nothing whatever to do with reflector advertisements or, to use the correct
    611 words
  • 20 14 rant a in M**?* 6 is announced of o Howkes, of the F M s fuc The 0 weH|- Ert,yn
    20 words
  • 398 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, J an 17 The wedding took place on J un 1: St. James’s Church, Spanish-place. 0 f Mr Ben Stuart Hawes-Wilson, second son 0 f Mr. Allcroft Wilson, to Clare, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Reginald
    398 words
  • 133 14 LEAN S SHARE REPORT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 8. Messrs. Lean and Co’s report issu» i to-day states that tin unexpectedly developed a firm tone, advancing sharply in 10 lbs. ar >d three months £--1! H's., showing a gain on the week of bd.. an( l 7s. 6d.,
    133 words
  • 141 14 Actum taken at meeting' of Committee p°. the Municipal Commission held on e 1 included the following :—Approved the names Soon Teck Road and Hoc ian Road for the two reserve roads !e--uveen Cantonment Road and Tanking Pagar Road. Decided that the portion of the row road (now
    141 words

  • 618 16 THE LONDON POLICE. General Lord Byng s Purge. In the year 1048 Colonel Thomas Pride performed the duty with which his nam has conn* to be chiefly associated in history. Standing at the door of the House of Commons, ho caus'd lit* arrest or ejection of those members who ere
    618 words
  • 103 16 INDIAN DEATHS AT SEA. Mr. Saklatvala s Question In Parliament. London, Jan. 28. Replying to a question asked by Mr. S. Saklatvala (Communist) regarding the death of !>7 Indians who were being repatriated from British Guiana on board the s.s. Sutlej last September, Karl Winterton said that 80 deaths were
    103 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 Great P rice Reduction on eVEREADy Trade Mark UNIT CELLS BATTERIES N9 950 Highest Quality Beware of Imitations For Sale Everywhere Ask Your Dealer MULLER PHIPPS (Malaya), LTD. Union Building, Collycr Quay Singapore 4023 “Watch them drop 19 And they all drop—dead 1 Black Flag kills every fly and mosquito
      97 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 131 17 Telegrams firnatex. F I s R T K A I T O N A L Telephones 4100, 5534. She had made the one fatal mistake for a woman, and all the world had turned against her. Only her father, and the boy who loved her, kept their blind faith in
      131 words

  • 663 18 During the past two years much ink has been spilt in discussing the failure of Oxford in sport, writes G. M. Butler in the Morning Post. Here 1 am not concerned with her failure in the past, continues
    663 words
  • 112 18 Moscow, Jan. 27. The Izvestia publishes the text of a treaty between Soviet Russia and Yemen providing for the establishment of normal official relations between the two countries on a friendly basis. The Soviet recognises tne full and absolute independence of emeu. The latter (lovernmcnt emphasises that
    112 words
  • 367 18 Within a comparatively short time there will be no great stretches of bald-head-ed M Prairie in Western Canada. Thirty years ago, on the Canadian Prairie —a slice of land 800 miles long and 200 miles wide—trees were as scarce as motor cars
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  • 232 18 IGNORANT UNDERGRADS. Very Few Know Position Of European Capitals.” Mr. L. Woodward, Fellow of All Souls’, Oxford, in an address to the Historical Association Conference at Oxford, spoke ol the limited knowledge possessed by undergraduates. "\ery few of the undergraduates who read history,” he lemarked, “come tc Oxford knowing the
    232 words
  • 103 18 A gigantic saw fish caught in the w'nTnV t°P the Lankawi Islands was anded at Penang on Saturday afternoon. its girth was so enormous, savs an exchange, that it took six men To manoeuvre it through the Municipal gateway adjoining Donnybrook. From the ip of the saw to the extremity
    103 words
  • 512 18 SOLOMON ISLANDS MURDERS. COMMISSIONER S REPORT. The report of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir H. C. Moorhouse, D. 5.0., who was appointed by Mr. L. S. Amery, the Colonial Secretary, to inquire into the murders at Guadalcanal and Malaita, in the British Solomon Islands, has been issued. On Feb. 14, 1927, three armed
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  • 190 18 OPERATION ON LION. Appeal Court Reduces Doctor s Fee From £125 to £8O. The Appeal Court of Nancy has been called upon to decide whether a surgeon is entitled to demand a fee of 15,000 francs (£125) for operating upon a lion. The surgeon, Dr. Denier, was called upon to
    190 words
  • 477 18 A romantic story lies behind the ar in Leeds of a zine-lined box. mealin' no more than a eubic yard, sa\s a correspondent of the Morning P,J ,S f r-y f how a “"ioue colleen of Bronte relics went the way of so man
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  • 264 18 STRADIVARI S SECRET. Reported Discovery in Old Desk At Bergamo. According to a report from M "ar. dfished in the Messaggero." the *bat made Antonio Stradivari tl o jolin maker of all time has at last discovered, after two centuries of va n. :v search. The alleged discovery was made
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 656 19 Rugby, Feb. 6. No bulletin was issued from Buckingham Palace to-day, but it was stated tlicially that there was no change to report in the King’s condition. It is learned officially that yesterday His Majesty signed two State documents,
      656 words
    • 1095 19 London, Feb. 11. It is officially announced that the King spent a quiet day. His Majesty’s condition continues to be satisfactory. His Majesty the King was conveyed to Bognor in a motor ambulance on Saturday, and is now in residence at Craigweil
      1,095 words
    • 126 19 New Delhi, Feb. 11. The Secretary for the Army, in the course of a statement in the Legislative Assembly with regard to the Jamrud bombing disaster, attributed it partly to a combination of misfortunes and partly ‘o an error of judgment on tho part
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    • 84 19 Rugby, Feb. 10. It was a mere coincidence that two gifts each of one gramme of radium, together worth £2-1,000, were received simultaneously yesterday by the London Hospital. They came from anonymous donors who are unknown to each other. Botli have already made
      84 words
    • 91 19 London, Feb. 8. On the occasion of the enforcement of the tariff autonomy treaty between China and Great Britain, Dr. T. Wang, the Minister for Foreign Affairs at Nanking, cabled to Sir Austen Chamberlain ex pressing the hope that the treaty would
      91 words
    • 222 19 ,—Reuter. Mexico City, Feb. 10. A bomb exploded under the train carrying President Portes Gil between Comanfort and Rineoncillo. The locomotive and two coaches were overturned, and a fireman was killed, but the President was unhurt. It is believed that the outrage was
      ,—Reuter.  -  222 words
    • 149 19 Washington, Feb. The Shipping Board has authorised the granting of a loan of #0,525,000 to the Ward Line for the construction of two 10,000 ton passenger and cargo ships for the New York-liavana service to compete with the Cunard Line. They w.ll
      149 words
    • 91 19 Rugby, Feb. 11. Mr. Locker-Lampson, the Und£>r-Sc<re-tary for Foreign Affairs, stated in the House of Commons that negotiations have for some time been proceeding between the United States, Great Britain and Irak for the conclusion of a convention, similar to the Anglo-American Convention
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    • 107 19 Rugby, Feb. 10. Commissioner Higgins, chief of the Salvation Army stafT, in a letter issued yesterday, refers to the question of the leadership, which will be discussed at a meeting of the High Council on Wednesday. It is understood that Mr. W. A. Jowitt,
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  • 2117 20 —Reuter. Bombay, Feb. 6. Rioting was resumed this morning, when a turbulent crowd of Hindu millhands proceeded towards the Mohammedan quarter at Parol and stoned tramcars. Mounted police fired on the crowd but no
    .—Reuter.  -  2,117 words
  • 47 20 Boxer Indemnity and Chinese Railway. Moscow, Feb. 8. Moscow has protested against Sun-fo’s plan to use the Russian portion of the Boxer indemnity to complete the Canton, Hankow railway, on the grounds that this would be a violation of the Russo-Chinese agreement of 1924.
    47 words
  • 86 20 London, Feb. ij. Trouble has occurred at a collierv Ynysddu, in Monmouthshire, and* t? 1 police were compelled to make two bit charges against 500 men and women arm ed with sticks and stones, who wdr menacing four men leaving the colli,l
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  • 89 20 Rugby, Feb. 10. Group-Capt. Cave-Brown-Cave, who commanded the Far East flight of the Southampton flying boats which are now stationed permanently at Singapore has arrived in London to report to the \\v Ministry. The flight left Plymouth‘in October, 19:27, and
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  • 66 20 Rugby, Feb. 10. s »r Herbert Walker, chairman of the Southern Railway, discussing the recent railway accidents, which, he said, had led some people to exaggerate the risk of railway travel, declared that on the basis of the latest figures available-—those for 1927
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  • 38 20 New York, Feb. 9. Mrs. Viola Fokker, the wife of the famous Dutch aeroplane designer, fell from the window of a Riverside Drive apartment on the fifteenth floor and was killed.
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  • 108 20 London, Feb. 7. Concern is expressed by City correspondents of London newspapers at the heavy shipments of gold to the United States. Yesterday’s withdrawal of over t1.«5d,000 reduces the Dank of England bullion reserves to slightly under th« £150,000,000 recommended by the CunliilV
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  • 52 20 London, Feb. 0. Firms interested in the dispatch of a trade delegation to Russia, which number 50, predict that a big boom would result from it. They point out that £450,000,000 worth of public utility work remains to be done
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  • 55 20 Constantinople, Feb. 10. The trial of 36 men who were charged with forming a secret organisation with the object of killing members of the Government and overthrowing the present regime ended in five being sentenced to death and hanged and 16 being sent for various terms of
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  • 46 20 London, Feb. 6. The Dutch steamer, Merauke, which was beached between Hythe and Sandgate after being in collision, has arrived at Dover, towed by tugs. Moji, Feb. 8. The Messageries Maritimes liner General Metzinger, which ran ashore near Moji, has been refloated.
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  • 728 21 London, Feb. 7. The Bank of England discount rate has Stin raised to per cent. A considerably larger crowd than usual waited in tho lobby of the Bank of England in view of tho expectations
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  • 36 21 Berlin, Feb. 7. Among the many new decrees issued in Jugo-Slavia is one which orders all officials of the various Ministries to attend church on Sundays and holidays.
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  • 236 21 Rugby, Feb. 6. It was stated in Parliament by the Secretary for Mines that the weekly output of coal in Great Britain was 500,000 tons above the weekly output in October. Owing to the considerable increase in demand on account of the weather,
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  • 143 21 Chicago, Feb. 5. The Standard Oil Co. of Indiana has announced the distribution of a 50 per cent, dividend, a regular cash dividend of 62’j cents per share and an extra cash dividend of 50 cents per share. Financial circles are of
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  • 173 21 Nanking, Feb. 6. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. C. T. Wang, and the British Consul-Gene-ral. Mr. Meyrick Hewlett, authorised by their respective Governments, to-day signed the protocol declaring that the terms of the tariff treaty between China and Great Britain,
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  • 112 21 Berlin, Feb. 7. The Chancellov, Herr Mueller, reported the position arising from the resignation of Herr von Guerard to President von Hindenburg, who endorsed the view of the Cabinet that on the eve of the Reparations negotiations a crisis must be avoided. The Minister of Posts, Herr
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  • 181 21 Rugby, Feb. 7. The Egyptian Government has decided to proceed with the scheme for heightening the barrage of the great Assouan Dam in Middle Egypt, and have invited Sir Murdoch Macdonald, some time adviser and under-secretary to Egypt with the irrigation development in
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  • 179 21 Rugby, Feb. 6. The world’s shipbuilding returns for last year issued by Lloyd’s Register show that Great Britain and Ireland together continue to produce more than all the other countries in the world combined. The output of British and Irish shipyards
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  • 95 21 Athens, Feb. 7. Forty-two Communists were wounded, 12 of them seriously, as a result of the fight which occurred at a demonstration at the Apollo Theatre. Trouble l>egan when the provincial delegates, who are mostly Marxists, accused the Athenians of not sufficiently protecting
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  • 95 21 Colombo, Feb. 6. Five people were killed and 25, including three policemen, are in hospital as a result of yesterday’s rioting outside police headquarters by striking railway and harbour workers. Stone-throwing at police headquarters was renewed this morning. Colombo, Feb. 7. Order
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  • 69 21 New York, Feb. 0. A new Wall Street bank known as the National Union Bank and Trust Company, which has a capital of $55,000,000, will be opened in the near future. According to the New York Times, the board of directors will include Colonel Stewart, of StaAdard
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  • 266 21 Rugby, Feb. 6. An International Aircraft Exhibition will Ik* held at Olympia, London, in July. It is fxing organised by the Society of British Aircraft constructors, in conjunction with the Society of Motor Manu fact are is. The last time
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  • 101 21 Bucharest, Feb. 8. M. Madgearu, the Minister for Industry. has issued a statement to the effect that as a result of the stabilisation o currency, Rumania will again enter into the economic life of the world. Under the State Monopoly Fund Bill
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  • 59 21 Berlin, Feb. 8. A Japanese commission under Admiral Godo has arrived in Berlin to study German railways and industrial undertakings. Admiral Godo has recently become a dim tor of the South Manchurian railway, in connection with which developments arc contemplated. It is
    59 words
  • 80 21 Berlin, Feb. 7. Messages of sympathy in the death of Baron von Huenefeld, the famous airman*, continue to be received from all parts of the world. They include letters from the Irish Flying Corps. Col. Fitzmaurice, who was the Baron’s companion in the Bremen’s flight across the
    80 words
  • 79 21 New York, Feb. 6. Two naval officers using masks inflated with oxygen successfully tested the escape hatch fitted to submarine S 4, which sank a year ago and has now been transformed into a safety-testing ship. The experimenters safely emerged from 40 feet of water at Key
    79 words

  • 276 22 London, Feb. 7. The by-oleetion at South Battersea. due to the elevation of Viscount Curxon to the Peerage, resulted a.s follows Mr. W. Bennett, Labour 11.780. Mr. H. Shelley. Conservative. 11.218. Mr. V. Albu, Liberal, 2,x:»8. This is a Labour
    276 words
  • 78 22 Hankow. Feb. 8. A meeting of ratepayers in the former Russian and German concessions passed a resolution endorsing the resolutions passed by the British Chamber of Commerce with regard to the joint Council and further recording that the meeting was of «pinion that the
    78 words
  • 88 22 Melbourne. Feb. 8. A dispute has arisen in the timber industry owing to the workers’ rejection of the arbitration court’s award declaring for a working week of 48 hours instead of 44 hours, and is becoming more serious. The delegates of 32 federal
    88 words
  • 61 22 Rugby, Feb. 6. Sir Samuel Hoare. the Secretary for -Air, stated in the House of Commons that excellent progress had been made in the preparations for the London to India civil air service and all the necessary arrangements for opening this
    61 words
  • 80 22 London, Fob. 8. <l 4^nnnnnn r loHses over «UjOOO.OOO are shown in tho reconstruet4on scheme of Armstrong, Whitworth and (x). Under the scheme the capital obligations will henceforth U, reduced dr°nnn nno 2 1’ 000,000 U> approximately wG,000,000 hy moans of writing down
    80 words
  • 337 22 Rugby, Feb. 8. The First Lord of the Admiralty. Mr. W. C. Bridgeman, was asked w tne House of Commons to state the position regarding the 1928 shipbuilding programme and to specify whether and where the two cruisers, one submarine depot ship, one
    337 words
  • 85 22 Riga. Feb. 8. It is reported from Moscow that the workers are clamouring against the bad quality of the bread and the inefficient machinery for the distribution of bread coupons instituted in Leningrad. The Pravda declares that in face of the inadequacy of
    85 words
  • 79 22 Moji, Feb. fi. In spite of rough seas, a salvage tug brought off the passengers and crew of the M.M. liner General Metzinger, which ran ushore near here. There is water in 1 and 2 holds, and it is difficult
    79 words
  • 47 22 Londi/n, Feb. 7. A bulletin issued from the Piccadilly residence of the Duchess of York states that the Duchess is suffering from influenza. The attack is running its normal course, but necessitates Her Royal Highness remaining in bed.
    47 words
  • 62 22 Rugby, Feb. 6. News has been received from Nairobi bat another flight from Africa to Lngland started from there this morning when Capt. Black, formerly of the Roy? Air Force, took off in Lord Carry's i-okker machine, Miss Africa. He has with him as passenger Mrs. Wilson,
    62 words
  • 165 22 New Delhi, Feb. 6. The Public Safety Bill was the subject of a bitter debate in the Assembly. Sir Denys Bray, the Foreign Secretary, urired that the executive must be armed with powers to meet the ommunist invasion of India anil said he.
    165 words
  • 126 22 Berlin. Feb. G. The political developments of Tuesday right have created a new situation, and the Chancellor. Herr Mueller, is putting forward fresh proposals for mediation between the parties concerned and refusing to accept the resignation of llevr von (iuerard. The
    126 words
  • 120 22 New York. Feb. C. A warning that the use of Federal Reserve credit for speculative purposes must be restrained i- given in the course of a long statement issued by the Federal Reserve Board. It is pointed out that the loans granted
    120 words
  • 126 22 London, Feb. 5. This year’s attempts on the world’s motor speed record of 207.55 miles an hour are likely to be very exciting. While Capt. Malcolm Campbell is preparing to make his attempt in South Africa and Major Segrave is on
    126 words
  • 42 22 A MONTH S GAOL. Belfast Sentence on De Valera. London, Feb. 8. De Valera, the Sinn Fein leader, who was arrested on entering Ulster, contrary to an order made, was sentenced to a month s imprisonment in the second division at Belfast.
    42 words
  • 48 22 Berlin, Feb. 0. Well-informed circles .state that unolficial inquiries are being made regarding the attitude of the German Government towards Trotsky’s desire to enter Germany. The Vossische Zeitung states tnat no German Government would grant such permission. Meanwhile it is reMoscow 3t Trotsky has arrived i"
    48 words
  • 411 22 Shanghai, Feb. 9. The Chinese Foreign Office spokesman in an interview with Reuter’s represent tive in connection with the breakdown of the negotiations yesterday evening said tho Foreign Minister was thunder-tnJJ at the reversal of Mr. Yoshizawa’s utti tude on the subject of
    411 words
  • 140 22 Madrid, Feb. C. General de Rivera has challenged th* rumour-mongers in connection with the recent trouble at Ciudad Real and Valencia, and announced that the Government will pay a reward of £l.OOO tc anybody able to prove that he witnessed firing or
    140 words
  • 116 22 Tho Nicaraguan Legation has announc'd that it has been officially informed tha Sandino and his bands of insurgents ha\ left Nicaragua and peace has been r« established everywhere. Apparently however, the Nicaraguan Government i- v only temporarily relieved of the presence
    116 words

  • 262 23 .—Keuter. I New York, Feb. 5. I Col Lindbergh, the hero of the famous I l ine flight from New York to Paris, I celebrated his 27th birthday by taking off from Miami this morning, piloting the first regular air
    .—Keuter.  -  262 words
  • 63 23 —Pan Asia. Geneva. Feb. 12. The German Government has been Unformed that the British Government m>\W submit to the League of Nations Kropies of the Hilton Young Commission |f>rof>o<als respecting the former German Cs>lonie> in Africa. It is understood that [the matter will be
    —Pan Asia.  -  63 words
  • 53 23 —Router. Washington. Feb. 12. The Budget Bureau, to which the Naval Construction Bill was submitted for e.-ti-mates and monetary appropriations, recommended that a small amount should be set aside in the current fiscal year and $46.000,000 to $60,000.000 should be appropriated during the fiscal year tiding June
    .—Router.  -  53 words
  • 44 23 I Rugby. Feb. 11. It is claimed by the Central Bureau of Hospital Information that the financial aspect of operating under the Local Government Bill now before Parliament would l)e to relieve provincial voluntary hospitals of an annual payment of approximately £dfi,000.
    44 words
  • 56 23 Rugby, Feb. 11. It is stated that the total sum raised by the 1928 Armistice Day street sales of artificial poppies made by disabled exservice men at present amounts to £530,000. When the overseas collections are added the total will probably exceed £550,000. The amount of the
    56 words
  • 30 23 Rugby, Feb. 10. Mr. Lloyd George arrived in London last right from his Mediterranean health trip. He looked well and apparently had benefited greatly by his holiday.
    30 words
  • 33 23 New Delhi, Feb. 10. The standing finance committee sanctioned the payment of £187,000, plus a yearly grant of £6 1,000 in connection with the establishment of u Central Agricultural Research Council.
    33 words
  • 22 23 —R.»uter. Athens, Feb. 12. The Chamber of Deputies ratified the Pact of friendship and arbitral.oil between G-jece and Italy.—Reuter.
    —R.»uter.  -  22 words
  • 159 23 Rugby, Feb. 11. The 15-mile long tunnel w’hich has been driven through the Ben Nevis range at Fort William, Scotland, is nearing completion, and on Saturday the last shot was fired by the wife of the consulting engineer of the contractors. The
    159 words
  • 302 23 Washington, Feb. 5. It is officially announced that the forthcoming Reparations Conference will doubtless discuss the question of European debts to the United States, hut such discussions will in n<> way bind the United States Government. Berlin, Feb. 5. With the
    302 words
  • 49 23 ,—Rtuter. Fort Meyer. Florida, Feb. 12. In connection with the celebration of Mr. Thomas Edison's 82nd birthday Mr. Henry Ford promised to contribute £1,000,000 towards the erection of an Edison museum house for the collection of the inventors’ models. —Rtuter.
    ,—Rtuter.  -  49 words
  • 45 23 ,—Pan-A'ia. Tiflis, Feb. 11. Nine hundred Mohammedan women engaged in a demonstration in favour of the abolition of the veil. The police dispersed demonstrators in the neighbourhood of the Governor’s palace. Several had to be i r rested.—Pan-Asia.
    ,—Pan-A'ia.  -  45 words
  • 45 23 —Pan-Av.a. Berlin, Feb. 12. John, the second Sovereign Prim" o' Liechtenstein, has died at 1* elds berg Castle, Czeeho-Slovakia. at the age oi >9. He was famous for his wealth nr.l benevolence. His or taer rratuus, v\ho is 7">, succeeds him. —Pan-Asm.
    —Pan-Av.a.  -  45 words
  • 118 23 —Reuter. Amsterdam, Feb. 12. The ancient town hall of Leyden has been burnt down, together with all its priceless art treasures and archives. F ve fire brigades were powerless to do anything owing to the severe frost. All Holland is aghast at
    —Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 72 23 Reuter. London, Feb. 12. An express bound from London to Glasgow was partly derailed this morning by collision with a goods train near Alfreton. Derbyshire. The bodies of the driver and fireman were found in the debris. No passengers were injured.— Reuter. Rugby, Feb.
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 83 23 Rugby, Feb. 12. The President of the Board of Trade. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, stated in the House of Commons that the reply from the Shipowners’ Association to the memoranda on the overloading of ships, which was addressed to them by the Board,
    83 words
  • 79 23 Rugby. Feb. 12. The Earl of Granard represented the King at the solemn requiem Mass for the late Queen Marie of Spain held at St. Janms’s Chu»eh, London, this morning. The Snanish Ambassador. Marques de Merry del Val, and members of
    79 words
  • 53 23 Rugby, Feb. 12. Mr. Bruce, the Federal Prime Minister of Australia, announces that he has given assurances of Australian co-operation in the proposed weekly airship service between Grout Britain and Australia, if thorough examination of relevant subjects reveals that Australia will derive
    53 words
  • 79 23 —Heritor. I.eeuwarden, Friesland, Feb. 12. For the first time in nearly ‘20 years. Holland's greatest ice tradition the “Eflstedcntocht,” has been held. It con•ists of an ice-skating Marathon race, covering 11 Friesian townships in om lay. the distance being about 120 miles.
    —Heritor.  -  79 words
  • 29 23 Pan Essen, Feb. 11. A complete hou-e has been constructed from Krupp’s Niaosta stainless. steel, .vh'.ch previously has been used only for rv.—Par. -As. a.
    – Pan \  -  29 words
  • 143 23 ,—Reuter. Ottawa, Feb. 12. After a discussion lasting only five hours, the House of Commons, without division, approved the Address in reply to the speech from the Throne. In the course of the debate the Conservative leader, Mr. R. B. Bennett, alluding
    ,—Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 95 23 .—Reuter. Bucharest, Feb. 12. Not only the stabilisation of currency but extensive economic reconstruction will be effected by the international loan for which contracts have been signed with an international group representing leading American and European bankers. The loan will reach a
    .—Reuter.  -  95 words
  • 138 23 Rugby, Feb. 12. British overseas trade started the new venr with a big spurt. The figures for January given in the Hoard of Trade returns are higher, both for imports and exports, than for many months past. The imports are valued at
    138 words
  • 92 23 Zurich, Feb. 11. The annual report of the Swiss National Rank for 1928 reveals that in spite of the continued depression of agriculture there has been a general improvement in Swiss trade as compared with the previous year, especially in machinery and the
    92 words
  • 55 23 Rugby, Feb. 6. Asked in the House of Commons what was the object of Lord Lloyd's six weeks visit to the Sudan, Sir Austen Chamberlain stated that it was to acquire first hand knowledge of the problems confronting the Sudan Government and to maintain personal touch with
    55 words
  • 23 23 Moscow, Feb. 9. Russia, Poland, Rumania, Ksthonia and Latvia have signed the LitvinotT protocol to mak° the Peace Pact elective.
    23 words
  • 23 23 Washington, I'V>. 12. Tin* S-»nate has rn.tiiio«i the taiirf ai* n.nny treaty with China nr..i th.* contr. al trout*, with Austria.
    23 words

  • 1166 24 ReuttT. ,—Pan-Asia. —British Wireless. London, Feb. 11. The whole of Europe is in the grip of :i<*. Telegrams from various capitals describe the cold as the most seven* in living memory. t1 Berlin, Feb.
    .— ReuttT.; ,—Pan-Asia.; —British Wireless.  -  1,166 words
  • 58 24 Helsingfors, Feb. 11. Foui men, believed to be liquor smugglers, were shipwrecked on the ice in the Gulf of Finland. Two were rescued alter several days. < )ne was discovered to be dead and parts of his bofiv were cut off. One
    58 words
  • 67 24 Washington, Feb. 10. The Senate has passed a bill for settlement oi the Greek debt to the United MaU*s\ providing for payment of •>lh,12o,00(), spread over 62 years, and S *?iC7nm tht T U u ilwl States I<)an of VI u-Vi°u un(,er the agreement of 1918. Mu*
    67 words
  • 69 24 London, Feb. 12. An expedition led by Dr. J. Jackson, of <am bridge, will leave Liverpool for -nang on the ICth inst. to observe the t ,ta l eclipse of the sun on May 9 The I e xpedition will take over 100 eases of in-
    69 words
  • 244 24 London, Feb. 11. The Daily Express states that the Prince of Wales has decided to give up hunting and point to point racing and to dispose of his L'> hunters. The decision i- due to the rapidly increasing duties devolving on the
    244 words
  • 365 24 Rugby, Feb. 7. In the House cf Commons to-day, Mr. Churchill,‘the Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated that the total amount of the National Debt OH Dec. 31 last VII i 7.738.000.000 ami the charge for interest and management n the financial vear ended Mar. 31, 1028.
    365 words
  • 65 24 THE C. J. CONFESSES In the Supreme Court on Friday when lhe hief Justice (Sir William Murison) nas listening to arguments on an originat,nf summons in connection with an Arab <>iate, one of the counsel said he appeared for an honest trustee who 'osonted an attack on his bona fides.
    65 words
  • 567 24 —Reuter. New Delhi, Fib. e. The forces of the new pretend*» \v Ahmed Khan, were repulsed Id 1 from Kabul. 16 Peshawar, Fio. 6. Two Royal Air Force aeropVt, brought persons to Risalpur Kabul. The only European among iu,
    —Reuter.  -  567 words
  • 73 24 1 ICeuter. Cape Town, Feb. The Assembly yesterday rejected, by «1 votes to 53, a motion of non-confidence n the Government, proposed by General Smuts, in connection with the poly towards natives. The Assembly and the Senate to-* began a joint
    1 ICeuter.  -  73 words

  • 895 25 It was fitting that Feb. (5, the 110th •.niiiversary of the Settlement of SirgaV itl ,v. should be set aside as an import,,t event in the progress of this city, for i t!.. saw the completion of the Fort
    895 words
  • 257 25 An interesting wedding took place at the Singapore registry on Feb. when Mr. M. S. Bonaventura, of Singapore, son of Mrs. E. M. Bona ventura, of Dublin, was married to Miss E. D. Abeles, daughter of Mrs. Adele Abeles, of Shanghai.
    257 words
  • 239 25 Archdeacon Swindell officiated at St. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday at the wedding of Mr. William Anderson, only son of Mr. James Anderson of Mussellaugh, Midlothian, and Miss Frances Mary Arcoll Hodder, only child of the late Mr. Henry George Hodder, of
    239 words
  • 107 25 Messrs. Rennie, Lowick and Co., secretaries of Oil Palm Plantations, Ltd., have issued a progress report for the information of bondholders from which It appears that applications for bonds received up to Feb. 7 represent a capital of over $399,099. The nursery site on the estate has
    107 words
  • 351 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 7. The Penang Court of Appeal yesterday, without hearing counsel for respondent, dismissed the appeal from the judgment of Mr. Justice Stevens in the case in which Lai Yew Song had sued Ng Boon Yong for the recovery
    351 words
  • 356 25 An interesting passenger on hoard the President Hayes, which arrived here on Feb. 4 is Dr. W. Bade, a well-known archaeologist, who is returning to Palestine to continue excavations and research work launched there three years ago. Dr. Bade is director of the
    356 words
  • 108 25 Singapore telephone subscribers are to be given a year in which to get used to the new system of numbering which is required by the automatic exchange to be installed next year. The re-number-ing will come into effect on the 15th of
    108 words
  • 302 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 6. A meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Hoard was held this morning, the Chairman (Mr. O. W. Bryant) presiding. Arising out of the minutes of the previous meeting in which Mr. Yap Tai
    302 words
  • 175 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 7. At the annual meeting of Totaling Tin,, Mr. It. P. Brash, presiding, disclosed remarkable progress and stability. The old and disgarded cutter dredge was now completely written off the books with $50,000 as
    175 words
  • 55 25 (Nichi-Nichi Service.) Tokio, Feb. 5. The Minseito party (opposition) has submitted a resolution to the Diet calling attention to the alarm prevailing among the citizens of Tokio owing to the activities of armed bandits around the city. special meeting was held at the residence of the Home
    (Nichi-Nichi Service.)  -  55 words

  • 908 26 (By a Medical Correspondent.) Of all the many mysteries which surround our lives perhaps none is more interesting, and certainly none is ot greater blessing, than sleep. Lite itself is a mystery, or perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it
    908 words
  • 630 26 “He wise -biologist.* is the kernel of .advice contained in two official pamphlets u dished in England recently, which point ui ii nt tor young men well trained in blop'j.'v tin iv is an cver-ihcriasiug demand wii.'vu greatly exceeds the supply.
    630 words
  • 26 26 London, Jan. 2'J. Major Ronald Ross (Conservative) has been returned unopposed in the Londonderry by-election to replace Mr. Maenagnten, appointed to a judgeship.
    26 words
  • 1022 26 Tin* following passengers proceeded to Europe by the Moron, which sailed on Mr. B. Barker, Mr. P. M. Baxter, Mr. It. Smith. Mr. W. F. de V. Skrine, Mr. J. \S. Kvans. Pay-t'dr. Budcoek. Mrs. B. Barker, Mr 11. I', ltussell. Lt. Tyrwhitt, Pay-Lt. Ware ham, Mr. H. B.
    1,022 words
  • 321 26 .Mr. A. M. S. Angullia, president of Moslem Association, was entertained b" members of the Association on vu afternoon in honour of his being annoil^. ot the iw for e ine function took the form of a party
    321 words
  • 452 26 Xawng Pet.—South, hours 65, yards 4,300, north, hours 55. yards 2.700, piculs 103. Restarted sluicing north end Jan. 31. Huoy Yot Tin Dredging.—Hours 545. yurds 110.000. piculs 753. Haad 4ai Tin Dredging.— Hours 527. yards 64.000, piculs 410. 26 days run. Malayan Tin Dredging.—3,ooo piculs, 560,600 yards. Southern
    452 words

  • 889 27 After a disappointing opening South Malaya won a deserved victory against v (l e North on Monday by two trie# points) to a penalty goal (3 points.) rp ho stadium ground was in excellent .condition and the weather dull
    889 words
  • 54 27 On Monday the teams were entertained to dinner at Rallies Hotel by the Malayan Rugby Union. Mr. J. r. M. 8011, non secretary, of the Unior, presided and >thers present were I)r. H. W. Jack. Uapt. Dearden, Mr. Vaughan Jones, Mr. B. E. Ablitt, Dr. Hickey
    54 words
  • 216 27 The Irish Rugby team continued their run of success at Twickenham on Saturday. when they defeated England by six points (two tries) to five (a goal). The weather was dull, but the ground was in excellent condition. There were 58.000 spectators, including the
    216 words
  • 249 27 At the annual meeting of the Malayan Rugby I rion, held at Kuala Lumpur on lan. 2<>, the Malaya Cup rules were considered and it was decided to recommend to the Cups Committee that the final tie (Rugby) should be played on the
    249 words
  • 127 27 [better telegram] New York, Feb. 10. Hitherto regarded as almost invincible, the Finnish runner, Nurmi, was decisively U. in a mile run at Madison Square Gardens yesterday evening by Ray Conger (Illinois Athletic Club), who finished 12 yards ahead of
    [better telegram]  -  127 words
  • 79 27 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Sydney, Feb. 9. In the New South Wales 150 yards ladies’ swimming championship, free style, in 50 yards laps, Jean Cocks was first, r’dna Davey second, and Dulcie Raine third. The winner's time was 1 min. 45Vi sec., which is an Australian record and only
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  79 words
  • 98 27 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Adelaide, Feb. 7. In a race for the Australian one-mile swimming championship Arne Borg, of Sweden, again won, with Ryan, New South Wales, second and Walter, Victoria, third. Borg won by 150 yards in the time of 21 min. 55 sec. Walter was ten yards
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  98 words
  • 175 27 Playing at the Stadium on Feb. 6, the Uniteers, holders of the trophy, had little difficulty in defeating the Malaya Publishing House in the first round of the Commercial Cup competition. The final score was four goals to one in favour of the
    175 words
  • 107 27 Playing an S.C.C. eleven on the Parking on Friday, the Y.M.C.A. won a well contested game by 3—l. In the first half the exchanges were fairly evenly distributed and the only goal came from Gotch, wlv netted with a hard
    107 words
  • 814 27 On Sunday and Monday the R.S.Y.C. fixture for both classes was a cruising race to Changi and back for a challenge cup to be presented by Messrs. Cox, Hay, Pestcll and C. C. Blake. Sunday’s start from the Yacht
    814 words

  • 1370 28 In spite of the ruin excellent progress was made with the open invitation tournament ut the Indies Lav.n Tennis Club on Sunday morning and Monday, thanks to the enthusiasm and co-operation of the competitors, who played their ties in drizzle and rain,
    1,370 words
  • 83 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 9. Paul (’lore, who won the tennis charn'■ionshtu of Malaya last year, wher. he beat Khoo Hooi Hye, met defeat to-day in the final of the open singles of the tournament organised by the Tcnni \srociation of
    83 words
  • 104 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Feb. 11. The English batsmen were in great form when they met Ballarat. Batting .st the tourists compiled 493 for nine wickets, when they declared. The chief contributors to this total were Ames 127 Hobbs H 2 not out,
    104 words
  • 1324 28 [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Feb. 6. Results of English and Scottish League matches and Scottish replays, played today, were as follows Third Division (Southern). Bournemouth 4 Torquay Ltd. 3 Third Division (Northern). New Brighton 2 Accrington St. 1 Scottish League (Div. I).
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  1,324 words
  • 170 28 Garrison G.C. Monthly Medal. The medal (B »gcy) ,v playoi at the Garrison Golf Club "ii >•»;• „rday and Sun lay. 2i) cards were t. '<ct. out and the following returned. Lieut. E. F. S. Brodie All > G. G. Thomson All Sq::a:v Lieut. \V. One II. Kent
    170 words
  • 24 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Feb. 1>Mr. A. C. Moore won the golf rhaJi* pionship of Siam, played at Hua Hin.
    24 words
  • 29 28 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Paris, Ft*h. v Paul Feret has been reinstated a- 11 amateur by the French Lawn 1 Federation. He is a former Davis 1 player.
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  29 words

  • 209 29 From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 12. During the Chinese New Year holidays picket match was played in which Mr. Harkay’s XI beat Mr. Knight’s XI by two pickets. Batting first the losers comj;V,l 10*5, of which Scharenguivel stored m an d Knight
    209 words
  • 328 29 The Selangor cricket season opened on I S.:urday, when matches were played on 1 raetically all the cricket fields in the town. On the Padang Grenier’s XI beat Green’s X! by 27 runs. For the winners Coopai* (51). Bailey (20) and Scott-Dalgleish (23) were
    328 words
  • 74 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Feb. 8. Penang’s most important cricket fixatures during the coming season will be against Porak at Easter, against Selangor at Kuala Lumpur on May 18, 1U and 20, and against Kedah at Home on June 1 and 2.
    74 words
  • 277 29 At a meeting of cricketing members of the S.C.C. held at the Club on Feb. 6, Mjr. tt. L. L. Braddell was elected captain of the first eleven, Mr. W. H. Hansell vicecaptain, Mr. P. R. A. Hoblyn convenor, and Mr. R.
    277 words
  • 575 29 Singapore followers of boxing are waiting anxiously to hear further news of Bud alley, the Singapore flyweight, who made his debut at the N.S.C. on Jan. 14. Though he lost to Dick Inkles, Walley made a great impression and drew from
    575 words
  • 66 29 New York, Feb. 12. W. T. Tilden, playing in his first tournament since he was reinstated as an amateur, was decisively defeated by John Van Ryn, of Orange, New Jersey, in the finals of the Brooklyn Heights Casino invitation tournament. Van Ryn won 6—l,
    66 words
  • 54 29 [REUTER TELEGRAM] New York, Feb. 9. At a meeting of the United States Lawn Tennis Association W. T. Tilden was reinstated to complete amateur status, lie leaves for Europe with Hunter on May 8 on a tennis tour. It is intimated that probably both will be unavailable for
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  54 words
  • 36 29 [REUTER TELEGRAM] New York, Feb. 7. Tilden and Hunter are going abroad on May 8, on an international lawn tennis campaign. Neither will play in the Davis Cup American zone matches.
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  36 words
  • 110 29 Mr. J. Douglas Butcher, chief electrical engineer of the Singapore Harbour Board, who recently visited Hong Kong, has been appointed manager of the Hong Ivong Electric Company, and will take up tbs duties of the appointment in the spring j of next year. Mr. Butcher succeeds Mr. F. R. Marsh,
    110 words
  • 28 29 N’ I BRuNXER. At 5, St. Michael’s Road, on Feb. *****. to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan 0. N. Xeubronner, a son. Java and Sumatra j-apers please copy.
    28 words
  • 43 29 ANDERSON HODDER. On Feb. U, 1929. at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singuporc, by Yen. Archdeacon Swindell, William Anderson, only son of James Anderson of Musselburgh. Midlothian, and Frances Mary ArKco!l Hodder, only child of the late Henry George Hodder, of Singapore and t’heltenlam.
    43 words
  • 143 29 Singapore, Feb. 13. EXCHANGE On London, Rank 4 m/a 2/3% Demand 2/3% i’rivate 3 m. credit 2/4% On New York, Demand 56 I'rivate 90 da 5* On Frunce, Rank T.T. 1431 On India, Rank T.T. 153% On Hong Kong, Rank T.T. 12 p.c. dls. On Shanghai, Rank
    143 words
  • 782 29 Singapore, Feb. 13. MINING. IMOS Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/3 45/3 £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 38/- 89/1 1 Batang Padang 0.46 0.50 1 1 Batu Caves I.CO 1.65 1 1 Bukit Arang 1.80 1.90 £1 £1 Rurtnuh Malay 41/-
    782 words
  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 88 29 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle* ments. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 59 29 DEATHS M0N1S. On Wi-ilnesduy morning, at Taipis* Hospital, Mr. Francis Moms, of Topharu Jones and Railton, Ltd. Deceased was th< eldest son of the late Mr. Alfred A. Munis of Singapore. Aged 36 years. Deeply re (fretted. LEE. IVter Lee Soon Khcng, died at 7.20 p.m., Feb. S, 1920, at
    59 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 60 1 General Rubber Kxcited J Rubber Situation London Rubber Stocks Rubber Position Hy A. W. Still 1 Local Rubber Auction R.(I.A. and Rubber Institution Rubber Returns Rubber Res-arch Institute 2 Rubber Paving for Roads Rig Rubber Merger Cable News— A Substitute for Rubber 1 Meeting anil Reports— Pahang Planters ..2
      60 words
    • 416 1 Yke Louden lui-bir statistics disclosed landing-- for t week of 2. s 87 tons, and with > *1 id ahiy l etter deliverio amount- t'» I.sji t.*ns, tie «'it 1,063 k .1- 'D lJ.'XT ton: was well under last \\oc!.’ expectation.--, state:
      416 words
    • 49 1 ■>“ it? >t!j Forv.-iM i nti i.l B |>ot Seller Pricer. ,A d. S l. iT, A pi. I I. don S pore Mar. Jrno Urii. Spot. ri o.M7"i o. 7 o.aTri 1 0 7 1 j <).' 7' ii (> i 1,5 11 o.:u
      49 words
    • 43 1 < :>!>!'• received hy i, and a <; I.M. fr-m t.s r i,,mhn v hip« ti. c kt« m I/wlon aml Li v.. moo] y\ u yr r of 270 tons (In, ins? the past. week tilt* total now on hand 20,510 ton-'
      43 words
    • 1403 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) [CorYRir.HT] London, Jan. 16. For tho first time since April last we have had a little flurry in Mincing Lane. It came more or less as a surprise, but 1 think the verdict upon it should be natural causes.” Since
      1,403 words
    • 113 1 [REUTER TELEGRAM] New York, Feb. n. The announcement of the discovery of a substitute for rubber is being m.v\> day by Mr. Thomas Edison on ih. •evasion of his 82nd birthday. According to the
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  113 words
    • 434 1 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, Feb. 7. *he market has been quiet and steady uuring the past week and following minor .'.actuations prices now close below* best at London. 22 cents gold in New Yori and 37 cents locally. Fhese prices, however
      434 words
    • 945 2 fallowing the conference organised by t he Rubber Growers* Association and the Institution of the Rubber Industry on j in. 3, a dinner was given at the First Aunue Hotel, High Holborn, in honour 0 f the Rt. Hon. Lord
      945 words
    • 389 2 Ayor Kuning.—9s,ooo lb. AI or J’ongsu.—4l,oo9 lb. Anglo-Johore Consolidated.—39,ooo lb. Batu Lintang.—7s,lo9 lb. Hukit Kati 1.—20,344 lb. Huloh Kasup.—4B,l6o lb. Hagan Serai.—ss,ooo lb. Hatuk Habit.—lB,soo lb. Batu Matang R.P. and Arras E.—41,000 lb. Bakap R.l* and Titi Karangan E.—34,080 lb. Baling.—4l,Boo lb. Bukit Pa 10ng.—24,700 lb. 8rieh.—45,149 lb.
      389 words
    • 870 2 We have received from the President of the Rublter Research Institute of Malaya, Mr. F. W. South, a copy of the following statement containing the conclusions reached by the Board as the result of a special enquiry into the affairs of
      870 words
    • 638 2 Tho Central Pahang 1 Planters’ Association met in Kuala Lipis on Feb. 3, Vicomta It. de Bundy presiding. Mr. Graham wrote expressing regret at being unable to attend. Mr. referred to correspondence exchanged with the chairman of the Association on the question
      638 words
    • 448 3 The day when rubber streets and pavements in towns will be universal wras foreshadowed by Lieutenant-Colonel T. H. Chapman in a lecture delivered before the Rubber Conference held at the First Avenue Hotel, London. Rubber, like every ether material ever employed
      448 words
    • 240 3 The long-talked of merger between the Dunlop and Barnet Glass rubber companies has come about. The offer of 325. rash for Barnet Glass shares, made on behalf of the Dunlop Rubber Co. of Australasia, Ltd., is the first definite development in the negotiations
      240 words
    • 514 3 LOCAL SHARE MARKET. Messrs. Macphail and Co. s Weekly Report. Messrs. Macphail and Co., Ltd.’s weekly report, dated Feb. 12, states The intervention of Chinese New ear with its complete cessation of active business leaves only three and a halt’ days on which to report and they were not crowded
      514 words
    • 261 3 Messrs. Lewis and Peat report London, Jan. IG. j Plantation Rubber.—The past week has witnessed the most active and excited! trading since April, when it was an-! nounced that restrictions were to be removed, and there has been a very large volume
      261 words
    • 558 3 LONDON EXCHANGE STERLING PRICES JAN. 16. r r Exchange I Par f& c h k V.««. ft!"* il"* Malacca ft*" A uiar > 7l £l Mumbau f! Anglo-Malay »J J}alar a General M l6 4-1 Ayer Kuninir "•JJ* 9/ in Hunterir 1 Merbau i/ *i N't M.««klbol
      558 words
    • 709 3 w Capital Clo.iD* Pvteaa raid Up Value Diridende #r L A Company A Co. Eratt. 389.233 1 Nil for yoar tt-t-U ..AUenby ($1) 2.15 2.30 £.lO 2.30 100,000 Nil for year 30*9-28 .Alor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.60 1.35 1.55 435.423 1 74 p.c.
      709 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 137 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< nvc^iT'S" TURTLE ID BUT 2 In 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. ITIHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, X and the most important thing is
      137 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 7?4Z>/0 4 V SUPPLIES 12, Orchard Road, SINGAPORE. ITe have a number of short wave sets selling at bargain prices. IkJ Gramophone pick-ups and amplifiers, good tone good volume. COME AND HEAR THEM ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES (1927), LIMITED Telegrami: STATBTRUST," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. sth and 6th Editions. Bentley’s and Liebera. No.
      292 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 184 6 9 9 DOROTHY GISH AND ANTONIO MORENO in 9 A Af POMPADOUR i t ROMANCE.—LUXURIOUS LOVE SCENES.—THRILLING ADVENTURE. PAVILION FEBRUARY 19 IT'S A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. Adel phi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA DANCES Every
      184 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 220 7 DALLMEVER LENSES ARE BEST for Filmo Victor Kodak ‘C 16 mm Film Fit an F. 1*5 Lens and TAKE PICTURES ANYWHERE any time. u m fSs All-Metal Folding Camera 9 by 12 c.m. or plate size. Fitted with MEYER F 4.5 LENS in Ibsor Shutter Shutter 1 to 1/lOOth second
      220 words