The Straits Budget, 7 February 1929

Total Pages: 40
1 10 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] No. 3,704 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7. 1929 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7<f.
    28 words
  • 321 1 <L BADERS— P«f» Railway Grievances 3 An American View 3 A Double- Edged Sword 3 A Literary Censorship 3-4 Boost and Bunk 4 The Colony at the Crossroads 4 A Gruesome Suspicion 4 Occasional Notes 5-0 Telegrams, Reuter and Special— Covering Past Week’s News 19-24 (Pictures— Major-General H. L.
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  • 5179 1 The Governor in Council is satisfied that the Kok Kok Night School, Singapore, is being used for the purpose of political propaganda detrimental to the interests of the Colony and has declared it an unlawful school. The marriage arranged between Donald M. Cameron, of Kuala Lumpur, and
    5,179 words

  • 973 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. II ie p rt of the committee appointed M M-uire into the grievances of the work- ‘employed in the central workshops of L Railways at Sentul was pub- l i UH i“yesterday. From the public point 'view*it is a satisfactory document. With r V'hoo
    —Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  973 words
  • 933 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 1. The Times of Ceylon has obtained, through a correspondent in San Francisco, an interview with an American rubber manufacturer which is of interest to Eastern rubber growers. It is good for the producing side of the industry to know .vhrt the consuming side
    —Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  933 words
  • 1104 3 -Straits Times, Feb. 2. One more effort to reach a final settlement on the question of re pavaJors and to fix a definite date for the evacuation of the Rhineland is to be made in the course of the next few weeks by the Committee ot Experts
    -Straits Times, Feb. 2.  -  1,104 words
  • 1223 3 Tin-os, *F 0 h. 4. children ?-Strait s The year of grace 1928 was one of excursions and alarums in the world of m.rV”* I l ome Secretary’s care for public morals found an outlet in th.* suppression of The Well of Loneliness Ul ’d works ol
    Tin-os, *F0h. 4. children ?-Straits  -  1,223 words

  • 1150 4 >orio-comio Rotary movement !—Strait? Times, FeK .*>. Efforts to establish a Rotary 100 in Singapore cn ttie lines of thc successful experiment which lias been carried out u* Kuala Lumpur Have aroused little enthusiasm and tne prospects of the project materialising in the mar future appear very
    >orio-comio Rotary movement !—Strait? Times, FeK .*>.  -  1,150 words
  • 708 4 leading article to-morrow.— Straits Tim r Feb. 6. None of the startling revelations sc eonndently predicted were forthcoming at last night's gathering of the Strait. Settlements (Singapore) Association, but t.i the Governor and the Chairman wen in excellent torm and gave us a couple ol
    leading article to-morrow.—Straits Tim r Feb. 6.  -  708 words
  • 294 4 control o: a sub-continont.—Straits Times, Feb. 6. There is a firm belief among certain sections of Indians, notably Bengalis til Pathans and other up-countrymen emp’ov (d on constructional works report tn human sacrifice in order that the pro,!, of their labours shall have “spirit” Th story goes
    control o: a sub-continont.—Straits Times, Feb. 6.  -  294 words
  • 242 4 At last week's meeting of the Federal Council, the rules drawn up by the Chief Justice, F.M.S. (Sir Henry Gompertz), Mr. Justice P. A. Farrer-Manby and Mr. Justice W. H. Thorne, to be applied in connection with the Divorce Enactment. lbiS. were
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  • 93 4 in2? < report of St Andrew’s School for snows there are 705 boys on th° roll, and the average attendance was 05 per cent., though in the upper classes it was as high as 97 per cent. The races arc as English-speaking 124. Chinese 497, Indians 20, Jews 20, Malays
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    • 257 5 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. There will he much jubilation in the opposition camps at the defeat of the liovernment candidate in the North Midlothian bye-election. Figures, of course, rail be t wisted to tell ail sorts of quaint Rories and every newspaper office possesSl s at least
      —Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  257 words
    • 255 5 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. From time to time our Bangkok correspondent has written enthusiastically regarding Siam’s Royal Orchestra, which is composed entirely of Siamese players and is under a Siamese conductor. Naturally it has been thought by readers in Malaya that the music was being judged in
      .—Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  255 words
    • 307 5 THE LAKE DECISION. perfectly pood house.—Straits Times. Jan. 31. Although the Straits Times has previously protested against the proposal to spend «$30,000 to put “The Lake” property in order, when no definite promise could be given that this finely situated house would be used as the official residence of the
      perfectly pood house.—Straits Times. Jan. 31.  -  307 words
    • 197 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 1. Here we have it in a nutshell! Retire ijom the Last and run a country inn at Home. This on the authority of no less a personage than a nephew of Lord Kitchener of Khartoum who recently ret used 23,000 acres of
      —Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  197 words
    • 287 5 Straits Times, Feb. 1. Some days ago the Straits Times criticised the manner in which the Municipal building by-laws were being enforced on Grove Estate. Doubtless as a result of that article, quest'ons were asked at Wednesday’s meeting of the Singapore Commissioners which brought out the
      Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  287 words
    • 365 5 ,—Straits Times, Feb. 1. It is easy to see why the Municipality are not over enthusiastic about Grove Estate as a residential area. The estate has been divided into plots, the majority of which have been sold, and when they are all sold the estate trustees have
      ,—Straits Times, Feb. 1.  -  365 words
    • 264 5 —Straits Times, Feb. 2. Mr. Wolskel showed commendable pub lie spirit in bringing the question of the prices at the Victoria Theatre before the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. We are informed at fairly frequent intervals that the theatre belongs to the public of Singapore and is administered
      —Straits Times, Feb. 2.  -  264 words
    • 309 5 Straits Times, Feh. 2. A considerable amount of criticism of the directors of Kuchai Tin is being heard in Singapore, and it seems advisable to state what the grievance is. On Jan. 13 the dredge at this mine stopped working. No announcement was made by the
      – Straits Times, Feh. 2.  -  309 words
    • 317 5 cit£ to suffer slackers gladly.— Straits Times, Feb. '1. Subjected to a close examination by the head of the administration, the alleged grievances of the subordinates in the Survey Department, about which we have heard so much lately, seem to have dwindled down to very little indeed.
      cit£ to suffer slackers gladly.— Straits Times, Feb. '1.  -  317 words
    • 209 5 security of Malaya.— Straits Times, Feb. 4. The latest figures for the Singapore Volunteer Corps recruiting campaign that the response has been remarkably good. The greatest gain is 81 Europeans, who include four doctors who wil! be appointed officers in the ambu5i nee section. The younger members
      security of Malaya.—Straits Times, Feb. 4.  -  209 words
    • 289 5 lion may 1u* left to our readers.—Straits Times, Feb. 4. The British public has just had a striking reminder of the place which the modern woman is winning for herself in professions hitherto monopolised by men. Since Miss Fawcett beat the Senior Wrangler in the Mathematical Tripos
      lion may 1u* left to our readers.—Straits Times, Feb. 4.  -  289 words
    • 369 5 bri on results excuse me sr. .Straits Times, Feb. 4. Talk about babu English A letter has arrived in this office from a Chinese correspondent which beats anything ever produced by the educational system of India. It appears that our correspondent observed, in certain public gardens, a
      bri on results excuse me sr. .Straits Times, Feb. 4.  -  369 words
    • 181 6 jtritish Minister (<» Siam. Straits Times, I 'eh. ft. In the correspondence columns ol to-day's issue a correspondent refers t our recent lending article on the passport mnsanec, and <|Uotcs a case in which Nu present regulation.- proved an rase me hindrance to the wife of a well-known resident
      jtritish Minister (<» Siam. Straits Times, I 'eh. ft.  -  181 words
    • 226 6 at thi* Hal Hullior next. Strait* Times Kcb. ft. This progress is a bad bu-iiu t i.wiu all&gt; it is removing all the thrills I mi life and soon we shall have p 0N' •■sco y such an extent that tliere xxib t) no risk, left to
      at thi* Hal Hullior next. – Strait* Times Kcb. ft.  -  226 words
    • 211 6 ATHLETE’S FOOT.” unininjr bulletin on th«» subject.—Straits limes, Feb. 5. *ll ritons who arc unfortunate enough to have contracted that form of political rallies known as anti-Americanism will liarn with gratification that ten million persons in the United States are suffering from Singapore Foot.” This is not, however, the result
      unininjr bulletin on th«» subject.—Straits limes, Feb. 5.  -  211 words
    • 318 6 Straits limes, Feb. 5. A year or so ago the polite were exercising effective control over glaring head in- x U ‘Singapore. A driver whose headlights were not frosted received a notice ordering him to take hi» car to the police traffic branch for inspection, ana it
      — Straits limes, Feb. 5.  -  318 words
    • 224 6 conr»* ruction of the Nava! Ba t'. StraiTs Tones, Feb. &lt;&gt;. A few days ago we published a Reuter t' lcgram stating that a question had been raised in the House of Commons regarding 'lie purchase of crushing machinery for :sc ,n the construction of the Singapore
      conr»* ruction of the Nava! Ba t'.— StraiTs Tones, Feb. <>.  -  224 words
    • 297 6 Straits Times, Fc’&gt;. &lt;\ L‘. will be fiesh in the minds of our leaders that the epidemic of reflector advertisements which has broken out in c b gupore was preceded by vigorous discussion among our Municipal Commissioners. Those who doubted the wisdom of granting this concession—which brings in
      — Straits Times, Fc’>. <\  -  297 words
    • 341 6 tuir li lues, Feb. G. J wo things have demonstrated recently he strength and persistence of the British rnoi. ion throughout the English-speak- world—-the King’s illness and the distress o. the miners. The last issue ot lM0 Ilr f es Liteiary Supplement contain* some interesting and rather
      tuir lilues, Feb. G.  -  341 words

  • 70 7 f Straits Timet is not responsible for minion* of its correspondents. CorreI the n !Jerit3 should bear in mind that letters po ij short and to the point. Long n,u j nre liable to be rejected or cut V’ n Correspondents must enclose their io and addresses, not necessarily
    70 words
  • 148 7 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. I c ir —Your correspondent “Safety First'’ I ~Jis ’attention to the great danger of I daring headlights. In spite of regulations which as usual in Singapore have fallen into abeyance—so lar as any attempt to enforce them is
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  • 300 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A perusal of Mr. M. J. Kennaway’s monograph on the above subject leaves one with the desire for more definite knowledge generally and for the elucidation of the following points in particu--8 How is the capitalisation figure arrived at
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  • 233 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —By the new method of fixing the tax on privately owned motor cars, the owners of the cheaper makes are in some cases hard hit as compared with the lucky owners in more difluent circumstances who can afford
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  • 651 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—The actual conditions regarding the Grove Estate as a residential ar do not appear to be corvectly understood. As verbatim reports of the monthly Municipal Commissioners’ meetings are not made it is possible that discrepancies may occur. Your remarks
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  • 505 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Recently in the report of a claim for damage caused by a falling trolley wire it was stated that the failure in that case and in similar ones was due to crystallisation of the copper and that it was
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  • 327 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Some time ago you had a leader in your valuable paper regarding the inconvenience which the question of passport occasionally causes the travelling public, and I would appreciate if the following typical instance of such inconvenience which was experienced to-day could find
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  • 97 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to your heading under Notes of the Day in your issue of the 2nd inst. to An Efficient Department.” perhaps you are unaware that it takes any time up to three years or even longer to get
    97 words
  • 130 7 is already feelinar the dry spell 1 Cl left in The rainfall since the beginning of the year is less than one inch. Both reservoirs are receiving less water from the catchment areas and as a matter of fact it has been recognised for some time tha* the hill
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  • 398 7 TRUTH OIL PALM PLANTATIONS. A SINGAPORE PROPOSITION. SHARP COMMENT ON “BOND HAWKING.” Oil Palm Plantations, Ltd., a company lately formed under respectable auspices at Singapore, has come in for criticism in consequence of its adoption of the newfangled method of raising capital hitherto associated with sundry New Zealand and Australian
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  • 282 7 The following appointments are notified in the F.M.S. Gazette of Feb. 1 Messrs. G. W. Leeder and L. K. Jones to be Charge Engineers, Electrical Dept., Mr. T. Q. Goffikin to bo a Probationary Assistant Commissioner of Police; Dr. C. J. Wilson, M.C., to be Principal Medical Officer,
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  • 1770 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. .‘10. The first meeting of the Federal Council for the year was held at 10 a.m. today in the (’ouncil Chamber. There was a ceremonial opening H.F. the High ommissioner, Sir Hugh Clifford,
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  • 122 8 London, Jan. 23. Second Officer Brewer, whose recent imprisonment at Benguella on a charge of theft aroused much feeling, related on arrival at Southampton how on an occasion while serving his sentence a football team attached to the warship Lowestoft came to play
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  • 135 8 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Jan. 26. gives the total number of deaths as male 173, and femaje 67. This represents a death rate of 25.81 per mille, per annum, compared with 25.70, in the preceding week md 25.26 in the corresponding week of
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  • 340 8 [REUTER telegram] London, F v b .&gt; The following were the result* played in the Englisji League First Division. Arsenal 0 Manchester Citv Aston Villa 4 Burnley K tJ 0 Blackburn R. 4 Birmingham 5 ui 7 n
    [REUTER telegram]  -  340 words
  • 752 8 The positions of clubs in the English League, including the matches plaved on Saturday, are as follows First Division. c P. W. L. D. F. A. Tts. Sheffield W. 27 15 5 &lt; 55 37 37 Sumer.nnd ..27 14 8 5 67 44 33 Blackburn R. ..27
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  • 118 12 Mr. Shafe asked why the application to lease Municipal land between Jalan Besar and Kallang Road for a motorcycling track had been disapproved. The Deputy President said that the application was refused because the land was unsuitable for the proposed purpose
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  • 429 12 THEATRE PRICES. Does Singapore Pay More Than Hong Kong Mr. Wolskel, referring to the Theatre Board of Control’s decision to permit the Banvard Company to charge $5 for the front seats at the Victoria Theatre, asked if there was any special reason for this increase in price. For many years,
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  • 78 12 Mr. Harries inquired whether any reply bad been received from Government with regard to the proposed site for a park at Pasir Panjang. The Deputy President Yes. I have been informed by Government that the site is not available for
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  • 132 12 Mr. Brown asked i Will thi Deputy President say :~L n any portion of the river bund adjoining the Grove Estate is kept up by the Municipality. 2. If the answer to (1) is in the negative, has any arrangement
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  • 257 12 Mr. Laycock asked Is it not considered that storage of •opra is a dangerous trade Is there not considerable danger of spontaneous combustion in a copra store and is it not more inflammable than rubber Will the •xecutive recommend that copra stores
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  • 187 12 Mr. Laycock asked V.'ith rerard to the present extensions of the sewage disposal works, how long is it estimated that these will suffice for the growing needs of Singapore in the ordinary course of development of the carriage system Reply by the
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  • 378 12 Dr. Lim Han Hoe asked Why is it necessary to produce th" police registration certificate when paying taxes for motor vehicles. k Rpply by the Deputy President The new form of registration card which is made necessary by the recently amended rules made
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  • 462 12 It was stated that no reply had yet been received from the Military authorities as to whether they would be willing to pay for the connection of Tangiin Barracks with the Municipal sewer. In reply to Mr. Parbury, who suggested that the
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  • 59 12 (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, Feb. 1. TV- have H over 7,000 eruptions oi Krakatau during the last two days. &lt;me if Hum reaching n height of 1,000 The erater rid"»* ’s now five net.vs above sea level and extend? 0 11 hmgtli cf 210 metres. The new ird v
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  59 words
  • 789 12 Staprc puturcs reminiscent of ami Corot; the music of Chonin GlazounotF and Delibes beautifully while a supreme dancer showed heights in the art of the ballet ti!’*"' are impressions which remain from ft* opening night of the Singapore of Anna Pnvlnvn—** ason o
    789 words

  • 2667 14 The Co-operative Movement in India. A comparative study, by J. L Itaina. I). 11. Taraporevala Sons and Co., Bombay, Its. 2. This work should be* read with considerable* interest in Malaya where the cooperative movement though comparatively young is already well
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  • 550 14 An important extension of Singapore’s transport facilities will be inaugurated during the next four weeks, when the Singapore Traction Company will open a motorbus service from Geylang to Finlayson Green. The main purpose of this service will be to speed up long distance
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  • 126 14 The wedding of Mr. L. A. Laffan, D. Sc., of the Public Works Department Straits Settlements, son of Mr. T. La of WestclifF-on-Sea, and Miss Irene Olu’e Midffley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Midgley, of Westcliff-on-Sea, took place at St. Andrew’s
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  • 901 15 The following pen-picture of Queen Souriya, written just before King Amanullah’s abdication, shows the tremendous influence wielded by the Queen in bringing about the reforms which have ended in such unfortunate results Surayya-I-Malika, Queen of Afghanistan, has caused a
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  • 378 15 An illuminating account of certain aspects of the Great War as they affected the East is given in Mr. A. W. Jose’s history of the Royal Australian Navy, just published as volume 9 of the Official History of Australia during the War.
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  • 177 15 Paris, Dec. 27. Women smokers in France have received a vote of thanks from the Treasury Department for the large part they have taken in increasing the tobacco bill. Smokers in France bought from the State, which owns the tobacco monopoly,
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  • 1026 15 By comparison with the players of other games, the golfer lies painfully open to attack from those who write about him, declares the Golf Correspondent of the Times. At football and cricket the chronicler must stand afar off he can see but he cannot hear. Consequently
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  • 570 15 New York, Jan. 1. New Year’s Eve throngs in night clubs and other places were routed by* the New Tork police and Federal Prohibition agents ast night in a series ofi raids in all parts of the city. Liquor nevertheless flowed freely, and
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  • 582 21 Peshawar, Jan. 30. One of the Riant trooping planes with which members of the Royal Air Force have been evacuating Europeans from Kabul was forced down in mountainous country en route to Kabul. Search is being made for them
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  • 796 21 New Delhi, Jan. 31. Bachai-i-Sakao is reported to be concentrating troops in Kabul. It is authoritatively stated that Mohamed Omar Khan, the Afghan Prince who absconded from Allahabad, is in Afghanistan. It is reported that Amanullah’s youngest brother and several Cabinet Ministers and
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  • 892 21 Madrid, Jan. 30. Leaflets dropped by aeroplane helped to quell the revolt at Ciudad Real. They bore the message, 44 The whole of Spain is quiet. Surrender immediately and return to barracks, otherwise you will be bombarded to-morrow.” Half-an-hour later the rebels
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  • 192 21 Rugby, Feb. 1. The Union Castle liner Garth Castle ran aground early to-day off Aldeburgh, on the Suffolk coast. The liner does not appear to have suffered any damage. Help has been sent from London to assist in refloating her,
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  • 133 21 London, Jan. 31. In the House of Commons at question time, Mr. Bridgeman, the First Lord of the Admiralty, stated that an order for crushing machinery costing about £ll,OOO for the Singapore Base had been placed with an English-registered company. Fifty-five per cent, of
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  • 63 21 London, Feb. 5. In a written reply to a question asked by Mr. A. Duff Cooper (Cons., Oldham), the War Office states that at the end of this trooping season there will be four additional battalions in China, besides the three normally stationed there, as compared
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  • 1122 22 London, Jan. 30. The Prince of W ales, as patron of the Lord Mayor’s Belief Fund, is visiting the coalfields in Northumberland and Durham where distress prevails. The Prince trudged over snow-covered slag-heaps to miners’ cottages, gripping grimy fists
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  • 103 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Jan. 31. Increasing sympathy has been aroused throughout Perak by the distressing tales of the plight of miners at home. Subscriptions to the Times of Malaya fund ire pouring in steadily. The Perak Turf Club has donated $5OO, enabling the paper to
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  • 78 22 Lceal contributions to the fund started by our contemporary, the Singapore Free Ft &gt; aid the Lord Mayor of London’s Fund for Distressed Miners and Their r:\miiio* now total Among the amounts acknowledged yesterday was a donation of S2.’»0 from His Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford. ft is hoped
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  • 159 22 London, Feb. 1. 1* ilty cotton mill companies have applied to the Lancashire Cotton Corporation for valuation in the event of the new spinning combine materialising. Each will receive 1 u statement with regard to the basis o. purchase by the Corporation.
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  • 562 22 THE KING’ S PROGRESS. TO LEAVE FOR BOGNOR SHORTLY. London, Jan. 31. Reuter’s Agency is officially informed that His Majesty's progress has been maintained. it is expected that His Majesty vid leave for Bognor on Feb. 7, weather permitting:. The Kinjr s medical advisors are believed to be anxious that
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  • 88 22 Los Jan. SO. Questioned before the co&mittee of investigation with regard to his acceptance of $2,500 from Mrs. Aimĕe Macthe cvengelist, which the latter described as a love gift,’* Judge Hardy said the contribution was a surprise to him. He «as
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  • 43 22 London, Feb. 5. A meeting of prominent manufacturers nr.d others interested in an extension of the export trade to Russia passed a unanimous resolution to the effect that a representative delegation should proceed to Russia not later than March 8.
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  • 395 22 Washington, Feb. 1. Speeking in the Senate debate on'the Cruiser Bill, Senator Johnson declared that the United States, in the course of economic success, was breaking against world barriers. That success must be yielded or protected,” the Senator added. Realising
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  • 130 22 Toki*u Jan. 31. A* unsucce-yrful attempt force the Government to publish the esults *of the investigations into the death of Chang Tso-lin came *x&gt; a climax in a very warm: debate in the Lower House riis afternoon.. A speech wa made charging the
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  • 149 22 Rugby, Feb. 2. Sir William Scager, the president of the Chamber of Shipping, speaking at the shipowners’ dinner at Newcastle, said ho had it on good authority that Sir Thomas Royden, the head of the Cunard Line, would at no distant date place
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  • 87 24 London, Feb. 4. In the House of Commons, replying to tho suggestion of Mr. J. P. I, Hammersmith, N.) that Mr. W. G. Ormsby-Gore’s report on his visit to Malaya, Ceylon and Java contained discrepancies in connection with the tin industry in Malaya. Mr.
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  • 101 24 London, Feb. 5. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. W. C. Robinson (Lab., Elland) with regard to the desirability of establishing penny postage for letters throughout the Empire, and the cost of the change, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
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  • 79 24 Rome, Feb. 5. It is stated that under the new agreement between the Vatican and the Italian Government the latter offered the Vatican 2,000,000,000 lire as compensation for the wrongs suffered by the Holy See by the loss of temporal power.
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  • 79 24 Berlin, Feb. 5. A deadlock has been reached in the negotiations between the Reich Chancellor and the representatives of the various parties. The Centre party divided to withdraw the Traffic Minister, Herr von Guerard, from the Cabinet, and he has now handed in his resignation. Whether the Centre
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  • 52 24 Berlin, Feb. 5. A Junkers mammoth aeroplane equipped with a heavy-oil 600 horse-power motor made a successful flight over Dessau. A year’s research work was entailed in the perfection of the machine. The Graf Zeppelin made a trial flight ®ver Lake Constance. The test of the cabin-heating apparatus
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  • 55 24 Rugby, Feb. 5. The Belgian Ambassador in London announced last night that an exhibition of British arts was being prepared and would take place in Brussels at the end of the year on similar lines to those of the Flemish and Dutch exhibitions held in London
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  • 50 24 Rugby, Jan. 31. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, President of tho Hoard of I rude, stated in the House of Commons that an inquiry would be held into the loss of the steamer Vestris l»y a Wreck Commissioner, assisted by assessors. Mr. Butler Aspinall, K.C., would act as Commissioner.
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  • 30 24 Rome, Feb. 4. General Gualticri the chief of the Italian General Staff, has retired. Ko will be sueeeeded by General Bonznni, who recently re-organized the Air Force
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  • 34 24 New York, Feb. 5. Capt. Frank Hawks, piloting a Lockheed-Vega monoplane, established *i •new record for a non-stop High*, lly :i--from Los Angeles to New York in IS hour’s 21 minutes.
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  • 122 24 BRITAIN REPARATIONS. Mr. Churchill Answers Questions. Rugby, Feb. 4. Mr. Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was a-skcnl in the House of Commons whether it was the polic&gt; of ru Government to connect the settlement of the Reparations question with the problem of the evacuation of the Rhineland. Mr. Churchill
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  • 19 24 Paris, Feb. 5. Marshal Foch became worse during the night. liis condition is now described as serious.
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  • 228 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2. Mr. Bennett E. Shaw, the former headmaster of the Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur, was the guest of old Victorians at the 0.8. A. premises this afternoon. There was a strong force of old boys
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  • 168 24 “WILD FABRICATIONS.” Alleged Interview With Dr. Francis Havelock.” New Delhi, Jan. 21. The Foreign and Political department have issued the following communique.— The attention of the Government of India has been drawn to what purports to bo a reproduction from the Empire News of an interview with Dr. Franci« Havelock
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  • 102 24 New York, Dec. 29. Many firms and private individuals are to receive from the Treasury millions of collars o| taxes illegally and erroneously collected during the fiscal year, 1928. In ten cases the refund will total over a million each. The R.
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  • 453 24 As already announced in our columns, the death occurred at Wimbledon on Jan. 2 1 0 f Mr. John Ferguson, general manager in Malaya of the Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Co., Ltd., at the early age of 42. The
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  • 229 24 The interesting news comes from Singapore, says the China Express in mail week, that direct telegraphic communication in both directions between Singapore and London has been established by r the Eastern Telegraph Co. This does away with the old system by which
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  • 843 24 Commenting on one of our recent articles on Volunteering, the Malay Mail says Ex-Servicemen who contend that thev need not join the Volunteers because they are already trained but that they would be perfectly ready to “do their bit” if the necessity should
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  • 1079 25 (F rom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 31. In view of the very severe criticisms which have appeared in some newspapers of the administration of the Survey Department and the grievances of technical subordinates in that department the
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  • 279 25 The round-the-world cruise season opened on Sunday, so far as Singapore is concerned, with the arrival of the Empress of Australia with nearly 400 passengers on board. During March three liners carrying a •ctul of 1.300 tourists will call at Singapore.
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  • 97 25 A Eurasian from AVeltevreden, Java, named M. Theyssen committed suicide by taking corrosive sublimate at the Malaya Hotel, Bencoolen Street, on Saturday afternoon. A ship’s engineer out of work, Theys*cr. was stopping at the hotel and was a stranger in Singapore. He
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  • 53 25 Not many people know that Sir Arthur Young, a former Governor of this Colony, is a former Rugby International. Sir Arthur and Lady Young watched the England trial at Twickenham in mail week, and Sir Arthur recalled to friends from Malaya that it was just 55 year? since he played
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  • 1001 25 The annual general meeting of the Royal Singapore Yacht Club was held cn Monday evening at the Club. Dr. R. O. Winstedt, C.M.G., the ViceCommodore, presided, and there was a good attendance. The chairman, commenting on the report, said that the increase in
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  • 561 25 Thu Rev. A. McNab, principal of the Anglo-Chinese School, Singapore, and Mrs. MciSab were entertained to dinner by the Old Boys’ Association of the school at the house of Mr. Cheong Koon Seng, president of the Association, on Monday prior to their departure
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  • 61 25 The total arrivals in Singapore from foreign ports during the month of December numbered 41,975, of whom 13,837 were from the Netherlands East Indies, 16,859 from China, 7,502 from India and 3,777 from miscellaneous ports. The departures to foreign ports during last month were 34,453, made up as follows Netherlands
    61 words

  • 2099 26 The Singapore Coroner, Mr. F. G. Bourne, opened an inquiry on Tuesday into the death of Mr. VV. D. McLean, aged 25, an officer of the Straits Steamship Company, who was killed in a motoring accident on the
    2,099 words
  • 188 26 In the Civil District Court on Tuesday, before Mr. J. L. McFall, S. Anthony sued \V. T. Cherry, the Government Printer, for $2OB in respect of a wireless set alleged to ha\T been sold and delivered to the defendant. Mr.
    188 words
  • 138 26 o^D gkah Compound No. 2 N.L.—554 hours 80,927 yards, 277 piculs. ,o7°, nfrkah Compound No Liabilitv.—Setul 421 hours, 110,404 yards, 912 piculs; Mantin--562 hours. 136,317 yards, 539 piculs. Hitam Tin.—2Bo piculs. Chenderiang Tin Dredging.—Dredge 548 hours, 80,000 yards, 180 piculs. Hydraulicing r a v. US T^M OO yards
    138 words
  • 791 26 NOTES FROM SIAM. NEW DANISH BRITISH MINISTERS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Jan. 30. As is usual when the Court is away Bangkok is rather quiet just now, but there were two fires on Sunday night last, one of which resulted in the known loss of eight and the possible
    791 words

  • 2692 27 \t (lie close of the fifth day of the lourth lest Match which is being i)!;i\*d at Adelaide, Australia appeared to have a good chance of winning. Cngland were out for 343 in their fr&gt;.t innings to which Australia replied with .369. esterday
    2,692 words
  • 210 27 A successful year was reported at the annual general meeting of the Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scouts’ Association, held on Friday at the Y.M.C.A. Mr. E. A. Brown, President of the Association, was supported by Mr. F. C. Sands, Commissioner for Malaya, and
    210 words
  • 259 27 The following passengers arrived by the President Hayes For Singapore. —Miss Anne Atkinson, Miss Frances Atkinson, Mrs. L. Butterick, Miss Mildred Butterick, Mr. George Buzza, Mr. A. Compton, Mr. W. H. Childers, Miss S. Cresswell, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Clark, Mr. James Oliver Curwood, Mr. J. E. Crawford, Miss
    259 words

  • 243 28 REST AGAIN BEATEN. Good Work by England’ s Three-Quarters. 1.upland brat the* Rest on tin* Prolan? on Saturday by a poal. a penally p&lt; al an;’ two trios (I I points) to a penalty peal points), and their victory was the mor meritorious in that they were a man short
    243 words
  • 233 28 IREUTER TELEGRAM] London, Feb. 2. i o-day s Rugby international at Swansea resulted in Wales scoring the lirst victory against Scot land on Welsh soil since prewar days Wales wua by 11 points (a poal and thr&lt;« Hues) to 7 (a dropped goal
    IREUTER TELEGRAM]  -  233 words
  • 314 28 ,r the host, cleanest and most keen ;r «r ii in Singapore for many months wa‘. oilYr d at the S. V. C. Drill Hall, .I. Friday when a match was siangcd between trams lroin 11. M* k* :nlu i land and
    314 words
  • 157 28 [reuter telegram] London. Jan. 31. The Albert Hall was the scene of an important heavy-weight contest to-night when Lhil Scott, the British champion, defeated the young German-American. Ted Sandwina. The contest had a rather unfortunate termination, Sandwina being disqualified on a foul
    [reuter telegram]  -  157 words
  • 126 28 D is a new experience for the water polo team of the Singapore Swimming 1 to suffer defeat from naval visitors, but tlii. was the case on Friday afternoon, whoa a team from M.M.S. Cumberland was entertained. The marking of the ‘■a’tors was
    126 words
  • 383 28 Itccnrds were broken at the half-yearly reg itta of the Royal Singapore Yacht t'lub on Sntuulay afternoon, when the attendance was one of the largest tnai has been present at this event. 1 lie Commodore (Sir Hugh Clifford) and Lady Vutfoid were present,
    383 words
  • 617 28 Cant. Flett sent away four boats •A class) to race for the second round of the Lipion Cup in a fresh easterly breeze, which made the first leg to the Man o’ War buo\ a dead nip to windward. EllaDorothy rounded first, closely followed by
    617 words
  • 422 28 Monthly Medal Competition At Bukit Timah. The Singapore Golf Club February monthly medal was played on Saturday and on Sunday. The A Divi: ion was won by J. J. McMichael and the B Division by R. D. Standish. Seventy-one cards were taken out, and the following were among those
    422 words
  • 39 28 REUTER telegram] Melbourne, Feb. 4. The Australian cyclist Lamb has established a new world’s record for motor-paced cycling, covering five miles in 4 min. 37 sec. This is two-seconds under the previous record, held by Blekemolens.
    [ REUTER telegram]  -  39 words

  • 179 29 [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Feb. 2. A draw of two all was the result of the SOOC er international between Wales and Ireland, which was played at Wrexham be fore 10,000 people to-day. The weather was wet and the ground heavy. After a
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  179 words
  • 477 29 Rarely has a more even game been seen at the Singapore Stadium than that in which the 2nd Welch Regt. drew with the Chinese on Saturday. From the first to last whistle the exchanges were or the keenest type, evenly distributed
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  • 129 29 The Singapore colleges met on the foothall field for the first time on Tuesday, when the Medical College beat Raffles College by three clear goals. From the kick-off play was fast and interesting. In the first half Choon Keng opened the Medicos’ score from a pass by
    129 words
  • 147 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 2. On the Selangor Club padang this afternoon the Colony beat the F.M.S. by 3—2, and thoroughly deserved their victory. Several of the F.M.S. stars were off-colour and the forward line was weak, slow and lacked combination.
    147 words
  • 117 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. ■D. At a meeting of the committee of the Perak Hockey Association held yesterday there was considerable discussion as to the method of selecting the F.M.S. teams and the need for greater co-ordination was urged. The committee received
    117 words
  • 181 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Feb. 3. A large and representative gathering of Perak cricketers met at the Ipoh Club on Saturday and adopted the constitution and rules of the Perak Cricket Association, to which it is expected that most of
    181 words
  • 137 29 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Paris, Feb. 4. The draw for the first round of the Davis Cup has now been completed, and is as follows :—Austria vs. Czechoslovakia Belgium vs. Rumania Denmark vs. Chile, Greece vs. Jugo-Slaviu Norway vs. Hungary Monaco vs.
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  137 words
  • 524 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 30. In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court before Mr. T. S. Adams this morning Leong Ah Heng and Goh Seng Tin, pupils of local schools, were charged with disseminating seditious matter written on posters, also with attempting
    524 words
  • 82 29 A Bill is to he introduced in the Federal Council with the object of removing any suspicion of conflict between section 188 of the principal Enactment, which requires tho registration of the person named in the distribution order, and s'» 1 tion 95 of the Land Code,
    82 words
  • 147 29 A Chinese who was arrested over the week-end in a saw-mill in Syed Alwi Hoi'!, on an allegation of being a member of the General Labour Union, a communist organisation in Malaya, lias boor identified ns one of the 14 Communists for whose arrest a Police reward of $200 was
    147 words
  • 108 29 (Aneta Service.) Medan, Feb. 6. Mr. J. F. E. Waller, a Sumatra planter, has been murdered by Javanese coolies. He was the acting section manager of Damarsipoet Estate, Langsa district, and It is presumed that trouble arose because he
    (Aneta Service.)  -  108 words
  • 242 29 Two Chinese were sentenced to one month’s rigorous imprisonment each by Mr. T. S. Adams, the Kuala Lumpur Police Magistrate, on Jan. 28, for impersonating public officers at Sungei Besi. It was alleged (reports the Malay Mail) that the two men went to
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  • 177 29 Geneva, Jan. 110. The Consultative Opium Commission considered the Indian report yesterday. Sir John Campbell announced that there had been a considerable decrease in the culture of the poppy during 1020-27. Ho described cocaine as a still more serious menace than
    177 words
  • 74 29 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Mildura, Australia, Jan. 30. The famous swimmer Arn Borg broke the quarter-mile record for Victoria, with a time of 5 min. t 2-5 sec. Adelaide, Feb. 4. In a race for the Australian 220 yards swimming championship Arne Borg, of
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  74 words

  • 733 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Feb. 2. Yesterday Mr. O. Lac.;ch, a member of the board of directors of the HnniburgAmerika I.inie, and Mr. Ucinppics, of William Muller and Co., Batavia, iepresenting the Deutsch Australisehe Dampfsehitfe (Jesellsehaft. left for Mnctnssar in
    733 words
  • 603 30 A very useful gathering of rubber manufacturers, road surveyors and borougn and council engineers, with a few repreI sentatives of the producing side, has been I held, at which some practical information was exchanged. After Sir Stanley Bois, who presided at the
    603 words
  • 77 30 A of $200, in default six months’ rigorous imprisonment, was imposed in the District Court on Monday on a Tamil ship’s coolie convicted of possession of ganja in Tank Road. The accused said he was one of several others seated round ganja pipe, and was awaiting his turn for a
    77 words
  • 39 30 —Accord', nr t communications r roivod f rfl .tv mograpfciml 8&lt; io Krakat i t x 7/:;0 oa.- h chav, v‘ith a maximum (-1 hr. ra&gt; 1 1 250 motors shapi &gt;i is still rising.
    39 words
  • 140 30 Lahore. Jan. 21. The Indian ex-soldiers, who unsucev.- sfully adopted Satyagraha by lying for several days on the road leading to Government House, finally chose a deputation which to-day waited on the Governor. The deputation pleaded for the allotment of lands for
    140 words
  • 86 30 At the Perak Criminal Assizes Iasi Friday the lion. Mr. JustLe Prichard, K.C., seMten.ed Coong Keng. til! recent 1\ ikrk in ino employ of one F Jiv: .S:ng, of Ipeh. to three years’ hard labour fv r\ criminal breach of trust it. r»'spect of a sum of $1,882.0»; belonging
    86 words
  • 54 30 MtCUIRE. At loh ore Bahru Hospital, or. Feb. 1. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. S. McGuire (r.ce Elisabeth Press», a daughter. Both 'veil. Kuala Lumpur papers please copy TENNENT. —At In&gt;ng Ditton. Surrey, on Feb 1929, to Mrs. Tennent. wife of Mr. J. H Tenncnt, Singapore, a son. Both
    54 words
  • 40 30 M» »NT AINSLIE. &lt;jn FYh. 5, 1929, it Si. Andrew s athedral. by the Yen. Areao aeon Swmdell, Archibald (i. Beaumont, oi t ie Ministry of Public instruction. Siam to Miss Beatrice Airoiu*. of the General Flospital, Singapore.
    40 words
  • 55 30 The engagement is announced of Mr. K Ramiah, nephew of the late Dr. N. Yeer.isaniy of India Dispensary, to Miss P Neelambal, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Packerysamy of Messrs. Bnddoli Brothers, and the marriage will lake place at the residence of the Bridi at Siglap,
    55 words
  • 141 30 Sngapore, Feb. 6. EXCHANGE On Lorulun, Dank 4 m/s o'n L Demand ,/«i Private 3 m. credit o/i k i*. On New York, Demand Private 90 d/s On France, Bank T.T, On India, Bank T.T. On Hong Kong. Bank T.T. ip; On Shanghai, Bank T.T. On Java,
    141 words
  • 806 30 Singapore, Feb. 6. MINING. Isane al Buyers Seilers ii £i Asam Kumbang 44 3 45/3 £1 £1 Bangnn Tin 38 39 1 1 Batung Padaag 0.46 0.50 1 1 Batu Caves 1.65 1.70 1 1 Bukit Arang 1.80 i.yj £1 £1 liurmah Malay
    806 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 87 30 NOTICE All communications for both the Strait* limes and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Odice. Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the I’nited Kingdom and foreign countries is S4S a year. The post free price of
      87 words
  • 80 30 DEATHS J Lew Soon 1 iiiutig passed away a* his residence No. 25, Ch -ng Tuan Street, a*. 8.46 p.m. on Wednesday, Jar.. 50. 1920. at the age 51. Mis. id. K. YIN.- At Ainov, China &lt; n /an. 29. 1929. Mrs. K. K. Yin. in hos;th year, the
    80 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 50 1 General Rubber Situation J London Rubber Stocks 1 Singapore Rubber Auction 1 Rubber and Politics 1 Rubber Position By A. W. Still 1 Local Rubber Auction 1 British Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 Rubber Returns 2 Meeting and Reports— London Rubber Market 2 Local Share Market I,ondon Share Prices 2
      50 words
    • 57 1 Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices Date L'don S'pore Feb. Mar. June Feb. Spot 1 10 7 0.37 V4 0.37*4 0.38 0.38 H 2 11 0.37V* 0.3794 0.38*4 0.39 4 11 0.36*4 0.37 0.37 *-4 0-3&V* 5 10 T s 0.36 0.37 0.371* 0.3S».* 6
      57 words
    • 40 1 A cable received by Lewis and Peat (Singapore), Ltd., from their London correspondents states that rubber stocks in Ixmdon show an increase of 1,002 tons during the past week, the total now on hand being 29,251 tons.
      40 words
    • 122 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 902nd auction on Feb. 6, when there was catalogued 1,909,8:.4 lb. or 552.60 tons offered 1,546.452 lb. or 690.38 tons; sold 1.362,373 lb. or 605.20 tons. Spot Ixmdon 10-sd. New York 22 cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet
      122 words
    • 111 1 How private interests are often the explanation of national action is explained by Mr. John Donaldson in his book, International Economic Relations, and he quotes an example which has a particular interest for Malaya. Rubber restriction,” he writes, excited 4 national* feeling in America because it interfered
      111 words
    • 67 1 Invention privileges have boon granted to the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., for improvements in or relating to the manufacture of rubber articles, to Mr. John Fillans Harr, of Drogheda, Irish Free State, for an improved process and apparatus for the examination of geological formations and to Messrs. O. E. Pooh’.
      67 words
    • 1132 1  -  (By A. W. StiU.) [Copyright] London, Jan. 9. Uncertainty and a little uneasiness are what one finds among folk in London who have a big interest in rubber. Restriction ended two months ago. The cabled figures from Malaya show that a total of 136,835 tons
      1,132 words
    • 260 1 who retired from the managership of Malakoff Estate, Province Wellesley, in Decemlier, 1925, dic'd at Home on Jan. 26. He left Malaya owing to ill-health after over 20 years service, and a division of Malakoff Estate is named alter him. Ho was living at I rowan, rieff,
      260 words
    • 616 1 Messrs. Rurlow and Co. report Singapore, Jan. 31. After advancing steadily to lid. in London, 22‘4 cents gold in New York and 37*4 cents locally the period now closes below best with London at 10 4d., N w York at 21 V4
      616 words
    • 22 1 The price of rubber for assessment of duty for the period Feb. 1 to Feb. 7, inclusive, is HO cents per pound.
      22 words
    • 56 1 The Hon. Secretaries of the Sir Malcolm Watson Entertainment Committee, Klang, recently sent a donation of £71) to tha Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, and have received a letter from the Secretary conveying tha grateful thanks of the Chairman, Sir Charles McLeod, and the committee of the
      56 words
    • 282 2 January, 1929. The figures, which ure in tons, represent total exports from a porta of British Malaya. Export Declared Declared Exported 2» In- De- d y a rr d T c c M C ,M
      282 words
    • 581 2 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, dated Feb. 0, states There has been a better feeling in the tin market during the past week and although the price of the metal shows only a small advance on balance London advices point
      581 words
    • 228 2 Messrs. Lewis and Peat, Ltd. report London, Jan. 9. Plantation Rubber.—During the past week there ha.s been more activity and a considerable business has been done, prices showing an advance of *ths of a penny per lb. There is very little new
      228 words
    • 25 2 Ankola.—l,ll3 lb. Bajoe Kid0e1.—146,311 lb. Balombissie.—l6,s2o lb. Djasinga.— l32,ll3 lb. Donowarie.—4s,242 lb. East Asiatic.—369,l3l lb. Langen.—94,4B7 lb. Mount Austin (J0h0re).—304,588 lb. Tjikasintoe.—66,l66 lb.
      25 words
    • 98 2 Details which have reached us respecting the recent floods in Kelantan show that at Kota Bahru the water rose to within a few inches of the high water mark reached during the deluge of 1026-27. All contingencies, however, were arranged for in advance and the damage done was very small.
      98 words
      • 506 2 Btoek Stoek Par toehaaft Par Exeh**^ Valov Company. Prlcaa. Valae Gampaaj. Pr»«“ £l Abaeo 1/ Malacca M 1% 2/ Allagar l/« II Mambau £1 Anglo-Malay 17/ £1 Malaya General \\l £1 Ayer Kuning ..1% Merah y £1 Banteng 2/ Merbau i/ 2 Batang Consolidated
        506 words
      • 710 2 Capital Imq« Closing Price» Paid Up Value Dividends Fra Mr Lyall Company 4 Co. Ev»m 389,293 1 Nil for year 19-MI ..Allenby ($1) 2.15 2.30 2.10 2 JO 160,000 Nil for year 30-9-28 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.40 1.60 1.36 1.65 435,425 1 74 p.c.
        710 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 141 3 ♦-44 ♦-♦♦♦♦&lt; 1 i 3VC-A.3Snr ARE TIRTEID BUT 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has teen Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. iXlHE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important
      141 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 400 4 «♦♦4&lt; &gt;4 ♦&gt; 4 *444 *****4-444 4-4( •5 &gt; l js &gt; &gt;» r S» &gt; &lt; 45 &gt;» f 'A £3 f &gt; f 25 ii 1 A t 1 Alt k i a k i a Why Should You Fit Any Other Tyre? YOU have the experience of
      400 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 462 5 1 FRESH V f ii./ suj4Ly Sit S S SO S 14 &gt; »»M »-»♦♦♦»♦»«4 »»»♦»♦»»&gt;»»#» »»»&lt; GENTLEMEN’S i QUALITY TIES Made of Pure Silk, Art Silk Silk-Cotton and Silk-Wool. r*k* raw From LONDON, ITALY and SWITZERLAND. Latest and Popular Shape*. New Stripes, Checks, and Original and Lattnt Patterns. Colours
      462 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 289 6 RADIO l W &gt; 12, Orchard Road, SINGAPORE. We have a number of short wave sets seUing at bargain prices. Gramophone pick-ups and amplifiers, good tone good volume. &gt;• COME AND HEAR THEM ESTATE TRUST UNITED 0 0 0 0 0 (1927), Telegrams STATETRUST," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Editions,
      289 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 173 7 0 M A N C E Dorothy Gish A D Antonio Moreno V n E T U OUPr E PAVILION FEBRUARY 19. 111*. It’s A Paramount Picture. 9 Adelphi Hotel SINGAPORE. The Home—Away—From—Home of Discriminating Travellers. The ONLY HOTEL in Singapore fitted throughout with modern Sanitation and Shower Baths. TEA
      173 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 198 8 4- 4~44 4 4 4~4 «4 4 4♦ &lt; Have You seen the SNAP SHOT CAMERA A CHILD CAN USE IT FITTED WITH A Dallmeyer F.6 Stigmatic Lens r 4--S -vT—Weighs only II ozs Folds up, fits your pocket, complete in Morocco leather case, takes sharp pictures at any distance.
      198 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 203 9 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦&lt; Telegrams firnatex. F I R S T N A I T O A N L Telephones 4100, 5534. The Picture Acclaimed by the Public as the Greatest of Screen Romances Jehw Gilbert Uillian Gish Supported by a cast of Stars such as no one believed could be brought
      203 words

  • 665 10 How greatly the vogue of football ha* grown abroad &lt;iurin K the Present eentuo, and especially trav&lt; ,Hed on the nothing like so widespread as Jery largo Crowds watch the international Shea Which are frequently ijyed almost every capital,
    665 words
  • 61 10 For giving false information to Hie police a Malay woman was on Wednesday sentenced in the Penang Police Court t throe voel;:d imprisonnmnt and a tin* o' $100 or a further three months. It nr pea’*-» that the woman eomnlniro 1 P&gt;a a police constable had vnbhod her of hei
    61 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 202 10 foy r?j. It Pays To Buy Genuine rfERE&DK Unit Cells Everfady Unit Cells arc built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long lasting qualities. That is why nearly every expedition to the farthest north, to
      202 words