The Straits Budget, 29 November 1928

Total Pages: 42
1 13 The Straits Budget
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  • 384 1 LEADERS Page \n Interesting Experiment 3 The Waste-Paper Press Malaya’s English Schools 3 Actionable Defamation? 3-4 Safeguarding British Industries 4 Glorious Beer Enemies of Society 4 Occasional Notes 5-6 Telegrams, Reuter and SpecialCovering Past Week's News 19-24 The King’s Illness .Pictures— Malavan Personalia lo Weddings in the Straits 16
    384 words
  • 3906 1 A< E Lawi *cnce, of the Sarawak Service, is retiring this month. l'mo b P Bradne >’* Auditor-General, r-M.b., has recently returned from leave. r H. O. MacGregor is appointed a Probationer in the Police Force of the Cc leny. Mr. L. V. J. Laville, M.C.S., is
    3,906 words

  • 381 2 Share in Bankrupt’s Profits Claimed. Litigation over the sale of the Pembroke Rubber Estate in Perak was recalled i n Mr. Justice Deane’s court on Wednesdav when Mr. W. J. Lingard sued the Official Assignee of the estate of Mr. F. r D’Almeida, bankrupt. The claim was
    381 words
  • 164 2 incident At Tanglin Barracks. A rathe!’ sensational story is cold of a midnight marauder who entered the quarter;- of Major Hodges, of the 2nd- Welch Regt.. at Tanglin shortly after midnight. The intruder effected an entry to the house, and went into the bedroom of a Kuropean governess,
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  • 142 2 Sequel to Overdue Instalments. I (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 27. The Cycle and Carriage Co., Ltd., appcakd successfully to-day before the Court of Appeal, now sitting i‘n Kuala Lumpur, j *"°w tho judgment of the Seremban court i against them in the case in
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 635 3 throughout Malaya.—Strait? Xov. 22. r aia Lumpur has a flourishing Rotary b to which representatives of nearly 1 A U adcs and professions and of all “immunities in the Federal Capital i ,i 0 ng. H is at rather a dining 4 debating society than a real
      throughout Malaya.—Strait? . Xov. 22.  -  635 words
    • 1210 3 THE WASTE-PAPER PRESS.” bankruptcy Court.—Straits Times, Nov. ei. lunation of the view that the creature to see the end cf the mad rush •r fabulous money prizes in an t to stimulate circulation existed the ofifending newspapers themi: to ho found in the alacrity with the British Pros? has accepted
      bankruptcy Court.—Straits Times, Nov. ei.  -  1,210 words
    • 1128 3 educational system ?—Straits Times, Nov. 24. Our Government has concerned itsell with the provision of two main types of school, vernacular and English. It p*ovides Malay vernacular education free. !t has established Tamil vernacular schools, where there has been a demand, ind gives grants-in-aid to Tamil Estate
      educational system ?—Straits Times, Nov. 24.  -  1,128 words
    • 947 3 ACTIONABLE DEFAMATION J-oMKin, has recently t t mies. Nov. 20. l The action for libel which Sir William Horwood, until a few days ago Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, and Sir Wyndham Childs, lately Assistant Commissioner and head of the Criminal Investigation Department of Scotland Yard, are bringing against the
      J-oMKin, has recently t t mies. Nov. 20. ‘‘*l  -  947 words
    • 561 4 SAFEGUARI DING BRITISH INDUSTRIES t<> !>»' nipped in the bud.—Straits Times. Nov. 27. Taxpayers at Home, no less than Bri-' In i T e 5 dent8 out here will be shocked and indignant to learn that there is a ur > real danger of a large sum of on° n
      t<> !>»' nipped in the bud.—Straits Times. Nov. 27.  -  561 words
    • 842 4 GLORIOUS BEER. .—~Stmit.—~ Times. Nov. :37. Yet another attempt to found a new local industry is now before the investing public in the shape of the Singapore Brewery, Ltd., which, with a nominal capital of $750,000 in $1 shares, is making an issue at par of 450,000 shares of $1
      .—~Stmit.—~ Times. Nov. :37.  -  842 words
    • 1174 4 ENEMIES OF SOCIETY.” -—-S:mits 'l‘imoe. .\'u\'. L“. They are often dissuaded from industry on the preposterous and insincere excuse that if they were industrious they would be taking the bread out of some poor girl’s mouth. As if anybody who did a fair day's work for a fair day’s pay
      -—-S:mits 'l‘imoe. .\'u\'. L“.  -  1,174 words

  • 195 4 LLOYD S REGISTE R OF SHIPPING. Lioyds Register of Shipping fur year IP 2. -2&gt; indicates that the Soi cty'operations have shown a marked imn.iover those of the previous twelve month-, mainly attrii utable to the depresowing to the coal strike in the prcccJirg yt-ar an,I to the demand for
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  • 83 4 Saigon, Nov. 23. Strasburg celebrated with enthusiasm the 10th anniversary of the entrance of the French troops. There was a grand military review and the whole of the civilian societies marched past General Gouraud, who attended the opening ol tin* 1 r versity. The degree of Or. hoiv
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  • 36 4 amount rf tin exported from I !;l: itionth wns 86,70 l piculs, l ,f 41 totn 1 oi $00,210 piculs for the veiir. 71 r,.Old piculs for the c,',.,i,csponding period of last year.
    36 words

    • 131 5 PROSPEROUS JOH ORE. '111" 1 v* v liiiU'S .Nos. The flourishing condition of the State of T IV is rather strikingly illustrated by figures of the draft estimates for next -ar which were approved at a meeting y -\he State Council yesterday. While h revenue for 1929 is estimated at
      '111"1'.' *, v* v liiiU'S .Nos. ■—  -  131 words
    • 197 5 LORD HAIG’ S STATUE. —-.\‘tr:m.~‘ Tum-s. Nov. 22. on- former Governor, Sir Arthur v w ho retired in 1919 and celebrated "-7th birthday on Oct. 31, does not -v the best of health nowadays and x &gt; v quietly near the golf course at .qrVlnlc. lie still takes, however, a
      —-.\‘tr:m.~‘ Tum-s. Nov. 22.  -  197 words
    • 230 5 .i t' Time?. Nov. ~'2. jvr.ang reader writes to say that the -v e vf peddling sharos, upon which nu ntovl recently, is being seen in k r-v'v: at undesirable form in that s. cr.t. where an Asiatic represeni ,’v. a certain company (not a M..
      .i t' Time?. Nov. ~'2.  -  230 words
    • 242 5 Mr. A. \Vil!ian&gt;". M.f v\-:* y&lt; v. 22, responsibilities of the Singapore Board are in inverse ratio to the i f publicity which it receives. So y ibi'i The Board love the untroubled ’.v vr* i f the country districts which inisters that when inquisitive re- ■i'
      Mr. A. \Vil!ian>". M.f v\-:* ' y< v. 22,  -  242 words
    • 148 5 moutrn Singapore.—Straits Timse, Nov. It was with something of a shock that Saw the other day a spectacle which efore the War was common enough in Singapore streets-a Chinese towkay v. taring a bowler hat, from whi-h emerged a lengthy towchang. The bowler, which for some obscure
      moutrn Singapore.—Straits Timse, Nov.  -  148 words
    • 285 5 Straits Times, Nov. 23. Despite the recent speech of Mr. Lloyd tieoige, political writers in Home newspapers continue to harj) on the possibility a Liberal-Labour pact in the next i; Lament. It is generally agreed that t 1 le cannot he any permanent reconvi inn between
      Straits Times, Nov. 23.  -  285 words
    • 376 5 QUEEN’ S SCHOLARS. v innirsr tht m is tipi VV 1 npfir'il V harmful.- «l.' miff hf I'*' poiiiai'.' v .v i 1V.I J (&gt;&gt; Some remarks which Dr. Winstedt made the other day about the Queen's Scholarships were very much to the point. Tht present Director of Education has
      v innirsr tht m is tipi , , .... . VV 1 npfir'ilV harmful.- «l.' miff hf I'*' poiiiai'.' v .. .v i : 1V.IJ *« *\ (>> •  -  376 words
    • 253 5 —Straits Times, Nov. 21. The Malayan Daily Express is grieved because Mr. Justice Thorne has, on two i event occasions, permitted ladies to sit as guests on the Bench of the Supreme V ourt ft Ipoh. This is a rare occurrence in Malayan courts, though that
      .—Straits Times, Nov. 21.  -  253 words
    • 268 5 —-Straits Times, Nov. 21. The parlous state of the railways at home strikes the recent visitor most strongly and, concomitantly, the seriously congested condition of all the main traffic thoroughfares, especially approaching large centres of population. At weekends on such thoroughfares it is common to form one
      —-Straits Times, Nov. 21.  -  268 words
    • 263 5 ~8trnits 'I'inu-c. Nov. 2-1. Current events affecting industry and labour and the work of the International Labour Organisation are dealt with in a brochure entitled Industrial and Labour Information published weekly at Geneva by the International Labour Office. The issue for Oct. 29 is to hand and
      ~8trnits 'I'inu-c. Nov. 2-1.  -  263 words
    • 149 5 QUIN INE AND MALARIA. being: one of them,—Straits Times, Nov. 20. Some alarm has been caused in Indin by a statement that quinine tails norninallv containing five grains hut actual.'■&gt; ,,olv one a’e being sold in that country. Malarial subjects know almost exacih i, r v much quinine they require,
      being: one of them,—Straits Times, Nov. 20.  -  149 words
    • 182 5 will* v 14 I v 1111 II UIV V «li&lt;l not appeal to Iiis oonseionee.— Straits Times, Nov. 2(5. That the extremes to which religious orthodoxy can be pushed are just as curious in the East as in the West is shown by a controversy which is
      “ will* v 14. I v 1111 II UIV V «li<l not appeal to Iiis oonseionee.— Straits Times, Nov. 2(5.  -  182 words
    • 214 5 FEMINISM IN CHINA quite recent years.—Straits Times, Nov. 26. Commenting upon the rapid emancipation of Chinese women from the semipurdah status in which they remained until the overthrow of the Manchus, a Hong Kong contemporary recalls that less than 20 years ago it was still unusual to see a Chinese
      quite recent years.—Straits Times, Nov. 26.  -  214 words
    • 286 5 Straits Times, Nov. A welcome departure from the ordinary lines of school architecture, and one signalising the interest which the Straits-born Chinese are taking in English education, is to be found in the new building of the Anglo-Chinese School in Cairnhill Hoad. The building cost $llo,000,
      Straits Times, Nov.  -  286 words
    • 217 5 A SHOCK FOR TENNESSEE —Straits '1 i.iM-s, !&gt;&lt;*■ l: A most precious example of the irony of fate lias just occurred in the American State of Tennessee. It is but a year or ago since the government of this State entertained the world by prosecuting an rhsmire s» hoolti ncher
      —Straits '1 i.iM-s, !><*■ . l: •.  -  217 words
    • 265 6 —Straits Times, Nov. 27. In an article on Wo Tourists,” Mr. ALc Waugh, the novelist, who visited the East a year or so ago, has a good word to** Malaya and l’enang in particular. He lingered enchanted hy the beauty and friendliness of that green island” But lu*
      —Straits Times, Nov. 27.  -  265 words
    • 327 6 i’ac*vii/ fj, i 11 mams v e Pointless.— Straits Mines, Nov, 27. hen, in his last Budget sneech. Mr Churchill'described in detail bis scheme of de-rating and r.atm.g reform, devised primarily with the object nid’ng th* depressed industries of Great Britain. 1 ho proposals were hailed in Con.-crva-t.’.•*
      i’ac*vii/ fj, •.. . , » i 11 mams : ve “ Pointless.—Straits Mines, Nov, 27.  -  327 words
    • 229 6 .Straits Times, Nov. 2S. Now that tho*rains are upon us there seems to bo a general determination to make the best possible use of all the sunlight that comes our way. Every Sunday the Swimming Club becomes a lounge for towel-draped figures sunning themselves in a variety of
      .Straits Times, Nov. 2S.  -  229 words
    • 261 6 .—-Straits Times. Nov. 28. A really useful hint for the Malayan !j!iic:i? ion’ Department is to he found in an offer made by the Go\eminent of Burma of a prize of lis. 1,000 for the i st school text-book written during the it twelve months. A
      .—-Straits Times. Nov. 28.  -  261 words
    • 351 6 Nov 28 Car S tf&gt; mako Stra5ts Time?, Some time ago Tan Kam Choon. a prominent member of Malacca’s Chinese community, was convicted at the Malacca Assizes of forgery and abetment of forgery and was sentenced to three years’ rigorous imprisonment. Apparently this sentence was not generally
      Nov 28 Car°S tf> mako ~Stra5ts Time?,  -  351 words

  • 91 6 New Colours for Ladies And Gentlemen.” (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 28. At the meeting of the Municipal Commission, yesterday, amended bye-laws were introduced for the better control of the and destruction of clogs Tho main change, Mr. J. H. Pedlow said, was that bitches would
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  • 467 6 FORMER COMPLAINANT IN THE DOCK. Ong Guan Swee, at whose instance Inspector J. Judge, of Kandang Kerbau Division, was recently arrested on an allegation of extortion and subsequently ills, barged, the case being withdrawn by ihe Deputy Pubic Prosecutor, was product u be.ere the District Judge (Mr.
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  • 223 6 Confusion in Penang Supreme Court. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. In the Supreme Court, yesterday. Mr Justice Stevens heard a suit in which Dollah b&gt;n Mohamed sued a Chinese noma named eoh C hai Loan, for repossession or certain land in Bayan Lepas. I la.ruiff
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  • 412 6 ROAD AND VILLAGE SIGNS. The following are extracts f rom nimutes of a committee meeting f the Selangor Automobile Association h,.M e 12., Market Street, on Nov. hl d Th«* Secretaries read a letter of g.. r rfom thv* Ag. Director of Public* W i K.M.S.. stating
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  • 316 6 Penang Towkay’s Sentence Reduced. (From Oor Own Correspondent) Tensing. Nov. 27. In the Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr. Justice Prichard dismissed the appeal Lee Seo Naun, a Penang towkay, who had been convicted by the District Judge for robbery of jewellery from a Chinese girl whom he had
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  • 1182 7 Assessment and Wages Rates. meeting of the Indian Immigration i .mnvittce was held at Penang on Nov. ..,1 the vice-chairman and secretary (Mr. H Bathurst. M.C.S.) presiding. Thl minutes of the meeting of the submit tee appointed to consider the* lay- f ,t’ the new depot at Avadi
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  • 193 7 It is interesting to note, says Truth of Oct 31. that while Americans arc extending their interests in tin shares, and are getting ready to speculate more in the metal, their grip of the tin-smelting side of the business is apparently weakening. Some City men acquainted with the
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  • 88 7 Singapore Chinese Sentenced At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 23. In the District Court, yesterday, Tan Hock Hong, a Straits-born Chinese from Singapore, was sentenced to four years rigorous imprisonment on charges of dishonestly retaining stolen property. Evidence was given that the accused entered three private
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  • 176 7 Chinese Detective Convicted At Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 24. In the Kuala Lumpur Police Court today Wong Fall, a Chinese detective stationed at Pudu, was convicted of accepting an illegal gratification of $l(J on two occasions and was sentenced to one month
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  • 166 7 Kuala Lumpur Town Overseer Discharged. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 25. In the Kuala Lumpur police court yesterday, Mr. T. S. Adams, the magistrate, discharged Govindasamy, Town Overseer employed under the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board, who was charged with criminal breach of trust in
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  • 73 7 (From Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 26. I.atc last night, Mr. 11. F. Richards, 0.(’.1M)., Kopong, and a number of Chin»M detectives visited the servants’ quarters of two European bungalows on Sungoi Buloh estate and arrested two Hylam servants, Boh Lim Puang and Foo Lai Chcc, in whose
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  • 927 7 Long-looked-for Results In Sight. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 24. the twenty-first annual general meeting of Kahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., was held to-day at Hong Kong Hank Buildings, Penang. Col. Cecil Kae, Chairman of Directors, presided and the others present were Messrs. E. II. Bulford, D.
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  • 386 8 JOINED FORCE TO SPREAD COMMUNISM. Canton, Nov. (’&gt;. The military authorities have executed 20 policemen who were found to be ommunists. These men recently joined the police force with the avowed object ol spreading Red propaganda in the ranks. Thanks to excellent work the plot was
    386 words
  • 237 8 Lean and lo/s Weekly Report. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 23. Lean and t».’» tin report states that, notwithstanding the heavy shipments forecasted for this month and amply borne out by clearances to date, the metal has steadily advanced in price to £232 l.&gt;s. cash and
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  • 66 8 Paris, Nov. 23. Speaking at the opening sitting of the National Kcnnomic Council, M. Poincare insisted on the formation of a Superior ouncil for air development and the management of aerial lines, lie snid th;ut the (Jovernment could not leave commercial aeronautics in a state of uncertainty
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  • 735 8 METHODS OF DECIDING CHAMPIONSHIP. In view of the latest scheme of determining positions in the County Cricket it is of interest to note tin* many and various experiments that have been tried. When the Championship was begun in 1873, the method employed was that the smallest number of
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  • 54 8 Iwaki, Nov. 23. 1 lie Communist trial at Osaka was resumed on Friday morning in camera. 1 he defendants were disorderly and 92 were ordered out of court. Four of the counsel for the defence de- lined to represent their clients further. P is I eared that
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  • 635 8 NO PRINCESSES IN SINGAPORE." Members of the 2nd Bn. the Welch Regiment, now garrisoned in Singapore, will be interested in the following breezy account of their departure from Shanghai which appeared in the North China Da»ly News of the 13th inst. The skirl of pipes, the
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  • 124 8 Messrs. K. A. N. Aiyer and Ngoh Kong Tiani, Klang, joint hon. secretaries of the farewell entertainment to Sir Malcolm Watson, M.D., LL.D., have addressed the following letter to Major H. Lockwood Stevens, secretary of the Ross Institute and Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Putney Heath Wo
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  • 188 8 Crimes in Singapore and At Seletar. The Singapore police are investigating three murders which were reported ,,n on Nov. 2d. Two occurred in North Bridge Road near the junction of Jalan Sultan, where the bodies of two Chinese were found on Monday night. One had been stabbed i
    188 words
  • 195 8 How the New Service Is Controlled. The Dutch civil air service opened to Hast India is controlled by the Netherlands Indian Airways Co., with a capital of 5.000.000 guilders (about £415,O0O&gt; and an annual Netherlands Indian Government subsidy of 1,000,000 guilder? t about £83.000). The shareholders, we
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  • 180 8 The depredations of Achatina fulica. Fer., hotter known perhaps as the Giant Snail, have l&gt;eon causing some uneasiness up-country where it is thought in some quarters that it may become a serious pest. The acting Secretary of Agricu.ture S.S. and F.M.S. writes to the Malay Mail, however,
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  • 58 8 [Nichi-Niehi Service] Tokio, Nov. 20. The Government has instructed Mr. A a&lt;ia. who is representing Japan at the Nanking parleys, to continue negotiations regarding tariff revision and to cease discussing the Tsinan incident, which cannot he solved so long as China insists on a date being fixed
    [Nichi-Niehi Service]  -  58 words
  • 34 8 Saigon, Nov. 23. A diplomatic conference for the organisation of international exhibitions signed a convention deciding that general exhibitions shall only take place every two years. The expression “hors concouts will be üboliohed.
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  • 1401 9  -  (By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London, Nov. 1. British Trade may be on the down g-rado —we are constantly being assured that it is—but it seems to be capable of iriving some tremendous kicks while dying. The opinion of big men in the industrial
    1,401 words
  • 193 9 After the dose of play at the last nicotine of the Club 157 games had been completed with the following results:Class Names Games w. P. L. i ts. I,o Kain Woon 2fi 21 -J ‘-1 1( M. MaschoiofT 2d Ifl j If J. McCabe Rcay 21 15
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  • 66 9 [Th* Strait* Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short- and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose tbeir names and addresses, not necessarily for publication hut as
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  • 148 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—As a student of average ability, may I be allowed a little space in your journal to bring the following to the notice of the public A student after having passed, say, the school certificate examination, secures a job. During
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  • 675 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —On reading to-day’s leader I feel that in your anxiety to please everybody you have wandered from the chief point in Underpaid’s letter. In the letter, professionals were not mentioned nor were women who have been in firms for many
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  • 605 9 AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your leading article under the above heading appearing in your issue of Nov. 22, merits more than fleeting attention. I wish to make it clear at the outset that it is far from my intention to lament or criticise
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  • 72 9 ALL-SUFFICIENT To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, There is one all-sufficient answer to your leader of to-day headed Safeguarding British Industries!” (sic). It may be couched as a question —If wo do not buy goods from America, how can America buy goods from us ?—Yours, etc., FREE TRADE.
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  • 378 10 THE POSITION AND OUTLOOK. A KUALA LUMPUR OPINION. Reporting on Nov. 26, Messrs. Baker. Morgan and Co., Ltd., of Kuala Lumpur, state The price of tin shows a very considerable improvement over any figures recorded for some little time, being, in fact, the highest for some six
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  • 145 10 Questions at Coming Municipal Meeting. A meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners will be held on Friday. The following questions will be asked by I)r. K. K. Pathy:—What are the causes that contribute to the hooding of Orchard Road and the Somerset Road-Grange Road area? Will the
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  • 161 10 At the annual meeting of the Jaflfnese Co-operative Society at Kuala Lumpur, Mr. R. N. Thamby-Thurai, presiding, mentioned that the capital of the Society which was $229,815 at the beginning of the year, reached $337,123 on June 30, 1928. The amount since collected was $21,670, making a
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  • 1138 10 SUNNY DAYS AND COOI. NIGHTS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Nov. 20. The rains over save in the extreme south, bright sunny days and cool nights j with the crops ripening well all over the country are the conditions generally prevailing in Siam just now. In the
    1,138 words
  • 280 10 N. T.”, which disguises the personality of Mr. Noel Trotter, writes to The Times as follows :—May I supplement the short obituary notice of Sir George S. Murray in your issue of yesterday He was very successful as a bank manager, and hi9 success
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  • 160 10 Communist Injured in Police Raid. Further particulars of the raid made on a Hylam school in Stamford Road on Saturday afternoon show that three men, two Hylams and a Cantonese, were arrested, and have since been charged in the police courts. Allegedly seditious documents were found on
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  • 332 10 PERAK MYSTERY STI11 UNSOLVED. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Nov. 22. The mystery of the disappearance of A rum ugarn Chettiar, a partner in a local money-lending firm, is still unsolved. o n Thursday last he went to Banir, a village beyond Tapah, to collect money
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  • 393 10 When she was last in Singapore Miss Cecilia Hansen deplored the fact that the repertoire of the violinist is so limited. This is certainly true —though there must have been a considerable amount of violin music written in the last ten years which artists are, perhaps, reluctant
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  • 1117 11 C.P.R. DEVELOPMENT. BRITISH HARVESTERS IN CANADA. The finest and fastest liner on the Pacific in the near future will be a new 30,000ton Empress ship, said Sir George Mcl.aren Brown, K.B.E., European general manager of the Canadian Pacific Railways, w ji, passed through Singapore on
    1,117 words
  • 246 11 Second Volume of Mr. H. C. Robinson's Book. Messrs. W’itheruy have issued the nd volumi f Mr. H. &lt;'. R binson’s Birds of the Malay Peninsula." This part contains an acce rt of all the poeies that are known to inhabit or visit the mountains at he
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  • 146 11 Judge's Doubts As To Case Being Made Out. At the Assizes on N’ov. 22 before Mr. Justice Deane tiie trial of Mali Hi tain binte Yassim on a charge of having caused a miscarriage was adjourned until the next Assize. The D.P.B. (Mr. N. H. Ik hitloy&gt;
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  • 431 11 ADDRESS BY CAPT. L. D. GAMMANS. Members of the Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society assembled at the Y.M.C.A. Down Town Branch on Nov. 20 for their annual meetipg. but were unable to hold it owing to tne attendance being insufficient to form a quorum of
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  • 171 11 Civilian Friends at The P. and 0. Wharf. The 2nd Battalion, the Duke of Wellington'.' Regiment, embarked on board the .Somerse' shire &gt;&gt;n NV.v. 2l for India. wh.*r liiev will be stationed at Ahmadnagar. lie Battalion v.a- conveyed in lorries to the old I’, and O.
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  • 1013 11 TERRIFYING ORDEAL. AMERICAN PASSENGER IN SINGAPORE. The wreck and looting of the steamer bnin-shi off the China coast a fortnight was described to a Straits Times representative on Nov. 22 by Dr. \V. &lt; I Da relay, who arrived from Shanghai on i le Muruna Maru. i
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  • 645 12 SURPLUS OF 8302.015 ON YEAR’S WORKING. The report of the Singapore Harbour Board for the year ended June 30, 1928, states that after providing for interest and sinking fund contributions in the sum of .$2,583,479 and crediting $322,821 interest earned on investments, the income and expenditure account
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  • 96 12 Captain Cave-Brown-Cave, head of the British good-will flight, and six of the commissioned officers of the Royal Air Force who are taking part in the flight, paid a visit to the United States Army Air Corps station at Camp Nichols, Manila, on Nov. 11. Arriving at
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  • 1685 12 Four Wins for Mr. Whittaker. (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Nov. 23. 5 Ruin somewhat marred the first day of I the Taiping Amateur Meeting, affecting both the attendance and. to a smaller II degree, the sport. Owing to the .vet I wtatiier the going was heavy, but
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  • 425 12 Ownership of Provident Fund Monies. A legal point of considerable iir,p„ r ance, and one which might have f-, r reaching effects, was brought up before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) hi the Bankruptcy Court on Friday uk' the Assistant Official Assignee i$}' n r. B. Cocker)
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  • 156 12 Former Health Officer In Singapore. Xi\vs wns received from Homo on Satuiv.av of the (Rath in Glasgow. &lt; n Oct. 20. 1 j am j k v M( Vail, late of th« Straits Settlements Medical Service, who on pension in October, 192a. He
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  • 522 13 ST. JOSEPH’S OLD BOYS IN LONDON. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Nov. 1. Sir Hugh and Lady Clifford will be sailing for Malaya by the P. and 0. Morea, leaving London on Nov. 30. Lady Shaw, wife of the late Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, w’ill
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  • 225 13 fallowing is the' report of the Singar';\ ing Club for iweek ended 1 al tl ;&gt; ing time, 15 hours 10 iuir.. j 1 h« ,;r 5 min. dual instruction 15 min. air experience 0 hours o joy rides 45 min. cable was received during the week
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  • 693 13 Use Of Invisible Ink Explained To Jury. W U Q r ,i nR f e hearin s of a case at the Singapore Assizes on Nov. 22, which resulted in Soh Pak Ngi being sentenced to three years rigorous imprisonment for possession of seditious literature, it was stated
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  • 66 13 Armed Chinese Let Fifteen Strokes. Sentence of 18 months’ imprisonment m d of the cat"was passed OV the District Judge (Mr. C. H. Clarke) on Nov. 20 on two Chinese wh. were arrested in a coffee-shop at Geylang while in possession of daggers. The men were caught by
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  • 225 13 EXPENDITURE OF OVER $17,000,000 NEXT YEAR. A meeting of the Johore Council of ►State was held at the Dtwan on Nov. 21 the Hon. the Dato Montri Besar, Dato Mustapha bin Jaafar, presiding. The majority of the members were in attendance, and included H.H. the Tungku Mahkota, the
    225 words
  • 482 13 Good Results in Association Shoot on Sunday. (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Nov. 21. The Mitla**.-’ Yo!un oc-r*« IbUinlion R ;l Association held a shoot at the Bukit Sebakor Range on Sunday afternoon, and the scores were as under Nett Tay Kim Yong 86 yy.Jis Chun Boon Tan
    482 words
  • 604 13 Action Taken at Committee Meeting. Action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 4. held on Nov. 16, included Jit following Accepted the tender of Lau Chang, at $22,000, for six blocks of coolie lines at Jalan Be'sar, and that of G. It. Oehlers, at $7,400. for pre-cast
    604 words
  • 93 13 At the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 20, t!:»• Chief .In.- ;&lt; «"ir lien Comport/.) trove judgment iti favour Zaidullah Khan, a native of Afghanistan, who sued Zanian Shah, of Kuala Lumpur, for revocation of grant of prohate under the will of (Jo/.ani, deceased, the wife
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  • 887 14 Sir Laurence Guillemard’s Review. In a foreword to the Malayan Trade Annual for 1928, Sir Laurence Guillemard gives n review of the present position in the country, and emphasises that matters calling for special attention are public health, sanitation, prevention and cure of disease, the position of
    887 words
  • 462 14 ■Embarkation Into Realm Of Sport. Mr. Denis Santry presided at the I mnual meeting of the St. Patrick’s Society, held at the Europe Hotel ■■.I Nov. 2'*. Thi -epert referred to the success of the j? v. in! dinner and ball on St. Patrick’s ii ,y; the
    462 words
  • 189 14 Sime, Darby’s Successful Claim. In the matter of the appeal of Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd., in the Court of Appeal on Monday Mr. Justice Deane read a written judgment, their Lordships the r ’hief Justice (Sir William Murison) and Mr. Justice Stevens concurring. Mr. Justice Deane,
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  • 898 14 Per P. and O. Mantua, from Europe, due in Singapore on Dec. 1 Mrs. Allen, Mrs. J. M. Allan, Mr. K. W H. Austin, Mrs. K. W. H. Austin. Captain G. Ambler, Mrs. Ambler, Mr. H. C. Abraham. 1 Mrs. Abraham. Mrs. Allard, Mr. O. Beckett.
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  • 132 14 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ended Nov. 17 gives the iotal number of deaths as male 162, female 89. This represents a death rate of 29.49, per mille per annum compared with 29.49 in the preceding week and 30.48 in the corresponding week of last
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  • 506 14 Sentenced for Trafficking n Chinese Girls. At the Singapore Assizes on v -j; Mr. Justice Deane and a common ;r were occupied all day in heatin' .he charges of kidnapping two &gt; ;i Chinese girls preferred against a Chin,-. woman of the name of Koh Ah l&gt;
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  • 187 14 Falsification of Police Court Accounts. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 24. In the Penang District Court yesterday Mohamed Sheriff, who was until recently a shroff in the police court, pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust in respect of two sums totalling $150 and falsification of
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    • 73 15 A ,,a w K &gt; vi 0 the 2nd lin. the Welch Kent, disembark from the transport Somersetshire. 3. The The Duke's and their baggage awaiting embarkation. &lt;n J* Shatvliai homeward boned. I. 2nd Itn. the Weleh Regiment en route to Tnngliit troopship Somersetshire at the old
      73 words
    • 50 16 Floods garden off Hukil liman U&lt;»ad hu.i!a I nmpnr MethiKlUt I'n\ Scho tiNithall \l on th. 1 It i ofourvf. Sinsap ro. prew'nted racin' on N«»\. 17. Deep water in a lUikit Tintah compound '!t h».IM i&gt; &gt;'* Sihi* I unbeaten relax team. Kuala I .uni
      50 words
    • 38 16 1. Manj spectators attended the Japanese parts on Kadle* Keclaniation on Nm. ,s. ■&gt; omiictPors ii.,,.,1 i 1. Obstacle race. 5. Pushing Ihc urld relay race. More the meeting. 3. Juu nile competitors.
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    • 171 17 Ih.’ wedding took place at St. Eeorgt'*■ hurch. I’enang. on Nov. 17. of Mr. live (ieorge (orke, of .leram I’adang Estate, llahan, Negri Semhilan, and Miss (Dr.) Winifred Harriet Mitchell, formerly Lady Medical (Hlicer. Negri Semhilan. The Rev. heppel (tarnier oiljciated. Seated Mr. I*. K. W interton (Inst
      171 words
    • 176 18 |he wedding took place on Nov. lb at St. (ieorge’s hurch. Penang. of Mr. I*. N. Bintley. of McAlister A. Co.. l td.. Penang, to Mis* Barbara (ireenwood. Seuthr »rt. I.ancashire. I.elt to Right.— Mi Juniper. Mr*. Mathwin. Mrs. Juniper, bridegroom, bride. Mis* Ma’hwin. apt. S.
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 780 19 [31mm menu] [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] MORE RESTFUL NIGHT. TEMPERATURE LOWER: mRENGTH MAINTAINED. i iiINCE OF WALES TO RETURN. came through from Home on hursday that His Majesty the King indisposed. Subsequent messages Juated that the illness was const- a |,|y more serious than was at first
      [31mm menu]; [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO]  -  780 words
    • 48 19 RUMOURS OF ILLNESS DENIED. Rugby, Nov. 27. The Admiralty announces that the Commander-in-Charge of the America and West Indies Station reports that the rumours appearing in the Press as to the illness of Prince George are entirelv incorrect. His Royal Highness is in excellent health.
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    • 43 19 Korean’s Vain Attempt In Tokio. Tokio, Nov. 25. A Korean vainly attempted to make a &lt;’ rect appeal to the Emperor and was arrested. Ho tried to break through the cordon of police when the Imperial cortege was approaching Higashi Temple.
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    • 52 19 Italian Communist Arrested At Liege. Rome, Nov. 22. The Liege police have arrested an Italian Communist in connection with the murder of the Abbe Caravadossi in Metz. The crime continues to Ik? given prominence by the French and Italian Press. The Popolo d’ltalia pays tribute to the Abbe’s
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    • 68 19 OI L EXPORT ASSOCIATION. New York. Nov. 26. The Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey announces that the Standard 0:1 Export Corporation has been formed to handle the export business of five operating sub?:diaries of the New Jersey company. This step is preparatory to the formation of the General Oil
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    • 42 19 Shanghai, Nov. 26. The text of the Treaty between China and Norway was issued to-day. The Treaty annuls the tariff provisions of previous treaties and grants the principle of complete national tariff autonomy, subject to most favoured nation clauses.
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    • 50 19 Bombay, Nov. 26. e; x thousand hands employed at four cotton-mills have struck, alleging that wages have been reduced. The stnkcis assaulted thref* members of the superior .-iaff at one mill, using sticks and stones. Armed police have been rushed to the area to prevent further trouble.
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    • 33 19 Dar-cs-Salaom, Nov. 26. The Prince of Wales’s tour firom Arusha moit successful. His Royal (five lions at Bat,ati Tic K 8 ft. 8 ins. from tip to tail.
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    • 344 19 ADMIRAL VON SCHEER’S DEATH. Berlin, Nov. 26. Admiral von Scheer has died at the age of 65. Death was due to heart failure, and occurred while the Admiral NVi s journeying lrom Dresden to Mannheim. President von Hindenburg, in a message 4 &gt; the Admiral’s daughter, said he
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    • 86 19 American Labour Approves Of Quota Provision. New Orleans, Nov. 27. The report of the committee of the Convention of the American Federation of Labour advocates the extension of the quota immigration system to Latin America, the West Indies, the Philippines and Canada. A motion was adopted at the
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    • 90 19 New York, Nov. 27. The directors of the National City Bank have recommended to the stockholders of $50,000,000 w'orth of stock that the issue of $10,000,000 of this be used to increase the capital from $90,000,000 to $100,000,000. The sum of $36,000,000 will be added to the surplus,
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    • 52 19 Panama, Nov. 27. The coffee crop in Cartago Province, Costa Rica, has been ruined by a storm, which stripped the trees. The Government will probably have to re-establish the small growers financially. Cartago coffee fetches good prices in He London and Hamburg markets, where it is used
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    • 45 19 Rugby, Nov. 27. The Postmaster-General announces that, owing to the suspension of certain connecting a’r services abroad, the letter air mail services to Denmark, Sweden and Norway and the air parcel services to Denmark and Sweden have been suspended until further notice.
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    • 367 19 MUCH CONTROVERSY. RELIEVING DEPRESSED INDUSTRIES. London, Nov. 22. The important Government measure known as the Local Government Derating Dill, which is aimed at the remission of rates on industries and agriculture and counter-balancing taxation, will come n;&gt; ioi* consideration in the House of Commons on Nov.
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    • 73 19 Graf Zeppelin to Make Flight In 1930. Berlin, Nov. 27. Dr. Eckener, commander of the Graf Zeppelin, and Dr. Nansen conferred with the Ministry of Transport, and it was decided that the Graf Zeppelin will bo flown over the North Pole for scientific purposes during 1930. The
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    • 86 19 Geneva, Nov. 27. At the Conference on Economic Statistics, the Dutch delegates asked for the exclusion of production figures from the Dutch East Indies on the ground that publicity would be harmful to industry. The debate revealed great difficulties in the way of carrying out the draft convention,
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    • 37 19 Rugby, Nov. 27. The fleet repair ship Resource was launched at Vickers, Armstrong and Co.’s yard at Harrow by Mrs. Headlam, wife o! Lieut.-Col. C. Headlam, Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admirii’;
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    • 28 19 London, Nov. 27. General Booth is «&gt;ut of danger th» doctors have ry hope for his complete recovery. No further bulletins will bu issued.
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    • 1699 20 MANY WRECKS. BAY OF BISCAY AT ITS WORST. FURTHER DAMAGE IN BRITAIN. London, Nov. 23. Eight people were killed and many injured through another furious southwesterly gale, accompanied by torrents &lt;&gt;f rain, which swept the country yesterday. Shipping was dislocated, houses were unroofed and trees and
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    • 194 20 "SPIRIT OF AUSTRALIA" AT CAIRO. Cairo. Nov. 23. The aeroplane, the Spirit of Australia, in which Capt. Hurley and Flying-officers Moor and Ryan are flying from Australia to England, has arrived here. Capt. Hurley Injured. Athens. Nov. 2*’&gt;. The aeroplane Spirit of Australia (which is bound from
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    • 109 20 MUST NOT HECOME “SELI centred;* Rugby, Nov. 25. Major-General Sir Frederick Mauriv.. opening the New British le gion Club a* Harrow yesterday, .said it was ten year the War ended and the British Legion must look to the future. They must avoid becoming a narrow and self-centred
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    • 27 20 New Treaty Signed In Nanking. Nanking, Nov. 23. Be^ium* Treaty between China and Belgium was signed yesterday. The teims have not yet been divulged.
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    • 278 20 BRITAIN’S POSITION. DECREASE IN PERSONNPi SINCE 1914. Rugby. Nov. 21. Mr. G. Locker-Lampson, Under-Se tary for Foreign Affairs, stated in House of Commons that the renlio* V *v 6 Note of the United States Governing! regarding the limitation of naval ments and to that of the Gov.-rnnn-.
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    • 130 20 Police Protection for Grand Jury. New York, Nov. 27. The authorities have at length instituted proceedings for the apprehension of the murderers of Mr. Arnold Rothsteir. the well-known racing man, who was shot while walking in the street on the 4th instant. After the grand jury ha
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    • 107 20 FIN AT. RESULT OF ELECTION. Wellington. Nov. 2". The final state of the parties, foi ir.g the General Election, is as follow.' Reform Party (Government). 23: 8 Joseph Ward's United Party, 27: Lai lb; Independents, 5. Three imkpemif.: members are pledged to supra rt v Joseph Ward. The
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    • 72 20 FORTUNE OF 40,000,000. New York, Nov. 22. Mr. Payne Whitley, the financier S5S rtS n A who died on June 25. It*-’"-£40,000,000, the largest f* rt"* KTiown in the history of the Tax Btm ihe sum of $45,000,000 was bequ'’a:’' to educational institutions and charii 1 0 'y. ,d ow
      72 words
    • 584 21 LABOUR PROTESTS. bill PASSED BY HOUSE OF COMMONS. London, Nov. 21. Moving the second reading of the Imperial Telegraph Bill in the House of Commons, Mr. A. M. Samuel, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, said the partner governments were satisfied that the price was entirely adequate.
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    • 102 21 Not to Stand Again For Colchester. Rugby, Nov. 21. Sir Laming Worthington-Evans, Secretary for War, to-day announced to the l oleheater Conservative Association his decision not to stand for re-election for that constituency in the coming general election. He stated in a letter that his health is
      102 words
    • 206 21 NO BACK DOOR FOR PROTECTION. Rugby, Nov. 21. Lord Arnold, in the House of Lord* XvJh 0 h,! from' the Cov^nmolrZ^TnT''^ Si's mpeo,! Clar&lt; ti0n f its in 1 he Earl of Plymouth, replying for the Government said the declare policy of tk?n L nf P aity to
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    • 102 21 Railway Companies to Enter New Field. Rugby, Nov. 21. In order to he prepared for future developments in the use of air transport, the railway companies have given notice of their intention to apply to Parliament for powers to conduct air services. It is understood that if the
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    • 101 21 THE WORKE R’ S WAGE. Index Figures for European Capitals. Rugby, Nov. 21. The International Labour Office has compiled index numbers of real wages in various European capitals. The figure for Moscow is calculated upon information received from the Scientific Bureau of the People’s Commissariat of Labour, and based upon
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    • 83 21 Representatives in Berlin And Paris. Dublin, Nov. 21. It was announced in the Dail that Fn T. A. Smiddy, the Free State Mn&gt;ut* t i the United Stale-, h;; i b&lt; cn rtvuiic 1 and appointed High Commissioner in London. The decision 1 1 establish Free State
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    • 44 21 Anglo-Persian Purchases Controlling Interest. Berlin, Nov. 21. The Anglo-Persian Oil Co. has concluded negotiations with the German Petrol Co. for the purchase ol a controlling interest, under which the price of German petrol will be raised to that ruling in world markets.
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    • 60 21 Well-known Shipowner’s House Attacked. Sydney, Nov. 21. Serious damage was caused by a bomb thrown at a house in Lew, Monging to Mr Swanton. a prominent mentbei of thi Overseas Shipping Representatives Association. Mr. Swanton was absent, but the members of his family. »ho were in bed
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    • 111 21 THREE BRITISH FIRMS TO AMALGAMATE Rugby, Nov. 21. Details are published of the proposed merger ol the three motor manufacturing firms of Humber, Hillman and Com met cars. The two first are engaged ’0 the production of motor-cars and their 1 act ones are near each other at
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    • 73 21 No Change in Status Of British Minister. London, Nov. 21. In the House of Commons at question time, Mr. G. Locker-Lampson, Undersecretary for the Foreign Office, said that, as far as the Government was aware, no Power intended immediately to raise the stains of its representative in
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    • 65 21 Trade Agent Instead of High Commissioner. St. John’s Newfoundland, Nov. 21. The Prime Minister of Newfoundland. Sir Richard Squires, stated in an interview that the Government’s policy included abolition of the post of High Commissioner in London, and the substitution of an efficient trade agency. The abolition of the
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    • 62 21 Impressive Ceremony At Canterbury. Rugby, Nov. 21. Dr. Lang was elected Archbishop of Canterbury by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury to-day. The ceremony was impressive. Each member of the Chapter proceeded to the table of the Notary Public and affixed his signature to the voting form.
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    • 64 21 .Mr. Churchill Contradicts Humours. Rugby, Nov. 21. Mr. Churchill, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, stated in the House of Commons that, contrary to reports, there was no intention to revert to penny postage for letters in the near future. The reintroduction of penny postage on the pre-war
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    • 109 21 London, Nov. 21. In the House of Commons, Viscount Sandoii (Cons.. Shrewsbury) asked whether, n view of the altered composition of the hinese section of the board of trustees ~f the United States Boxer Indemnity Fund, action would be taken to forestal -uch a development in the
      109 words
    • 92 21 Rugty, Nov. 21. The first meeting of the financial supervisory committee, appointed in accordance with the recommendations of the Imperial Agricultural Research Conference of ]'.)27 to consider the establishment of further Imperial bureaux and correspondence centres in connection with agricultural Research, was held yesterday at the Dominions Ofiice.
      92 words
    • 215 21 DEADLOCK INTENSIFIED. SERIOUS DISTURBANCES FEARED. Duisberg, Nov. 25. 1 he .Steel Barons lost their appeal in the Provincial Labour Court, claiming that the arbitrators’ award was illegal. The employers will now appeal to the Supreme Couit at Leipzig, and thus another month is likely to elapse before
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    • 95 21 Declared Illegal By Court Judgment. Rugby, Nov. 22. As a result of a judgment delivered yesterday in the Divisional Court, to the effect that the football competitions conducted in three Sheffield newspapers were illegal, the Ixtndon newspapers which have been conducting similar competitions have decided to discontinue them
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    • 107 21 Extraordinary Frauds In Italy. Milan, Nov. 22. The Milan Police have discovered a factory for the making of spurious works of sculpture, which are exported to the United States as the works of Italian masters. A sum of 40,000,000 is involved. It is reported that the Boston Museum
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    • 81 21 Thirtv-five New Vessels To He Built. New York, Nov. 22. Mr. O’Connor, chairman of the United States Shipping Hoard, stated in a speech that he estimated that .'55 vessels, mostly of the* fast passenger and cargo type, would be built within five years under the loan agreements, in
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    • 77 21 Plan to Build Up Huge Reserve Fund. New Orleans, Nov. 22. A plan to build up a $.'{,000,000,000 reserve fund for the construction of needful public improvements was submitted to a conference of Clovernors yesterday, as part of Mr. Hoover’s policy for United states’ prosperity. It was endorsed
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    • 279 22 i MR. BALDWIN’S SPEECH. SPIRIT OF AMICABLE DISCUSSION. Rugby, Nov. 23. The Prime Minister, who addressed a party meeting at Glasgow last night, devoted his speech mainly to the discustoon of domestic affairs. He prefaced bis remarks, however, with a brief review of the changes effected in
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    • 111 22 Mr. Willing to Re-Open Negotiation^ Washington, N\v. 2”. It is understood that President Coolidge has expressed his willlnvn. to w Mr. Kellogg to re-open negotiation?, with a view to obtaining the appr. vui f foreign i'overs to t e rcservatii r.s which form the condition of th Un'ed
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    • 71 22 Breakdown of Negotiations In Nanking. Tokio, Nov. 2.’). Mr. Yada, the Japanese Consul-General at Shanghai, has left Nanking, where he was representing Japan at the negotiations, which are believed to have broken down. It is announced that the rupture was unavoidable so far as Japan i.- concerned,
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    • 71 22 Second Reading Passed By Commons. Rugby, Nov. 23. The House of Commons to-day passed the second reading of tho Oversea Trade Bill, the object of which is to extend the period under which guarantees can be given under the Export Guarantees Scheme for two years, until September, 1931,
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    • 66 22 Recovery from Sharp Drop In Prices. New York, Nov. 22. Yesterday’s sharp drop in prices on the stock market proved merely a natural reaction, largely caused by the sudden collapse of Radio Corporation. Spectacular advances were resumed to-day guying orders pouring in from all over the country
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    • 131 22 SUGGESTED REVIVAL OF ALLIANCE. Berlin. Nov. 22. The Berlin Press gives prominence to th;- Tokio report that an accord between Great Britain ami Japan is suggested. The Boersenzcitung declares that the proposal is the outcome of American economic expansion, which has received fresh impetus through the election
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    • 152 22 Britain and the Treaty With Germany. Rugby. Nov. 26. Mr. L. S Amerv, Secretary for the Dominions, was asked in tho House ot Commons whether, in tlie case of the recent trade treaty between th-. Union of Suuth Africa and Germany &gt; m consultations with this country
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    • 155 22 ALLEGATIONS OF ROUGH TREATMENT. Rugby, Nov. 26. Questions were asked in the House of Commons about the circumstances the death of the Punja’ leader, La!a Lajpat Rai, with particular reference to the allegations of Lajpat Rais fiiends that his death resulted from blows delivered by a
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    • 65 22 Berlin, X’ov. 22. Tho death has occurred, at Treves, of tho veteran Jesuit missionarv, Father Johannes Hoffmann, the founder of the Catholic Co-operative Society in Chota Nagpur, India, and the author of the first lexicon of the Mundari The last article of the lexicon, which was printed
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    • 50 22 London, Nov. 21. A railway signalman named James Gray was charged in the Glasgow Sheriff Court "fith culpable neglect of duty in connection with the collision in the Queen Street tunnel in October, in which two people were killed and 50 injured. He was remanded on bail.
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    • 27 22 Berlin, Nov. 21. The first broadcast of television attempted in Germany proved a complete success. Portraits of President von Hindenburg and various Ministers were transmitted.
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    • 255 22 Charges Brought Against Ex-Sergeant. London. Nov. 26. As a sequel to the investigation carried ■out by the Police regarding corrupt practices by proprietors of London night clubs, Station-Sergeant Goddard, of ine Street Police Station, who had a record of 2o years service, was dismissed the force
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    • 130 22 Proceedings Terminated at York Assizes. London. X v. 21. After the Judge ;.t York As-'ze- had the ca Sir Walt 1 in his u Gr; tttei proceedings wen. therefore terminated. r t« r Cock, Cine. tie well-known 11 alt sc.: p owner wu 1 com nutted to
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    • 65 22 Negotiations Opened With Lufthansa Company. Nanking, N v. 24. Representatives of the Ministries of ati ns, V\ ar, Inti r, Ind ar.d h inar.v yestcruay iliscussed the proP -ed Smo-Geiman Aviation Corp ration with Herr Schmidt. the representative of Lufthansa. The German company has offered to
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    • 44 22 Gold Medal Presented to (/apt. Wilkinson. Rugby. Nov. 22. The gold medal of the Institution of Automobile Engineers was last night presented to Capi. G. S. Wilkinson, the brilliant designer of the Xapier-I.ion used in the seaplane which won the Schneider Trophy.
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    • 69 22 Tax on Subjects Abroad Rejected. The Hague, Nov. 23. The First Chamber of the StatesGeneral rejected, by *21 votes to 16, a bill levying death duties and gift duties on Dutch subjects living abroad. The bill provided for the payment of an amount of duty equal to
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    • 51 22 Accident While Hiding In Shanghai. Shanghai, Nov. 22. Major-General Wardrop, General Officer Commanding the Shanghai Defence Force was the victim of an accident this morning, while out with the Shanghai Drag ’unt, his horse pluoging into a sma'l ravine. The General was rendered momentarily unconscious and sustained
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    • 392 22 GOVERNMENT WARNING. LOCAL FORCES MUST nr STRENGTHENED. London, Nov. 2‘* Sir L. Worthington-Evans. the tary of State for War, was the priming speaker at the annual meeting 0 f th China Association. Mr. Stanley DodwtP presided. Sir L. Worthington-Evans paid a t buto to the Shanghai
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    • 109 22 LORI) MAYOR OF LONDON'S FIND. Rugby. Nor. it. The national sympathy for women atm children in distressed mining areas ifinding expression in n*.an&gt; form", thi chief being ihe Lord Mayor of London s Fund, which exceeds £100, OOP. The people of Worthing have adopted the South Wales district
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    • 165 22 Moscow, Nov. 22. The conflict between the Left Wing an.* the supporters of Stalin is likely to come to a crisis at the present conference of the central committee of the Bolshevist party. Meanwhile Russia has made renewed overtures to Great Britain suggesting the resumption of relations. The
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    • 205 23 BRITISH COMMENT. restricting trade to THE COAST. London, Nov. 27. A circular regarding the Chinese tariff proposals has been received by the Far Fast section of the Manchester Chamber Commerce from the British Chambei j 0 f Commerce in Shanghai. Commenting ,r. tiie circular, the Manchester Guardian
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    • 283 23 I HAVE SEEN WORSE.” Mr. Hoover Keeps Calm In A Gale. On Board the Maryland, Nov. 24. A gale blowing at 70 miles an hour struck the battleship Maryland, on which Mr. Hoover is proceeding to South America. Spray was thrown over the bridge, and water entered the port of
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    • 132 23 Faithful Service for 100 Years. Rugby, Nov. 27. I he recent disaster to the lifeboat at Ryo, in which 17 lives were lost, was recalled hy a question put in the House of onimons by Lieut.-Comdr. J. M. Kenworthy (Lab., Hull, Central) as to the position of the
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    • 1235 23 Vienna, Nov. 22. Dec. 5 has been fixed as the date of the election of the new President of Austria. Bucharest, Nov. 22. A Government decree orders the dismissal of 6,000 members of the police torce, thus ensuring a saving of 100,000,000 lei. The whole country
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    • 673 23 Allied Views on Proposed Commission. Rugby, Nov. 21. I*, is authoritatively stated in London that, although, so far as is known, na differences of view exist on any important points of principle, the full terms of the reply which Allied Governments will in due course send to the
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    • 746 24 SAFETY AT SEA. WIRELESS OPERATORS’ POSITION. USE OF AUTOMATIC APPARATUS. New York. Nor. 21. At the resumed hearing of the inquiry into the loss of the Vestris, StateAttorney Tuttle expressed his intention of adopting the suggestions made by Capt. McConkey, the British assessor, with a view
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    • 716 24 Good Results in Slump Year. The sixteenth annual meuting of the Chinese Commercial Rank, Ltd., was held at the Bank premises on Nov. 20. with Mr. Cheok Cheng Kee. the chairman of directors, in the chair. Others present were the Hon. Mr. S. Q. Wong, Dr. Wee
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    • 176 24 Excellent Progress With The Dredges. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 22. At the second annual meeting of Penawat Tin Dredging Co.. Ltd., held at Evatt’s yesterday, Mr. H. S. Russell, presiding, said the c .balance in hand at Aug. 31 was $730,357.29. The pontoons for the
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    • 568 24 Kuchai Tin Dredging Company, Limited. Tin* fourth annual general meeting o 1 the Kuchai Tin Drodgii g Company, Limited, will he held in Singapore on Nov. 30. According to the report of the directors the accounts show a profit of $82,212 made in the five months’ actual miring.
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    • 238 24 Takuapa Valley Tin Dredging X. 1.. r; r&lt;l Halt N'ovt-fiiber No. 1 dredge 3«n hour.*., T:;ViOO yar.! a 003 piculs. So. 2 dredge 222 h„u-&gt; J V i ‘u ds 210 nicuK *«&gt;. dredge i.-st factor” hours otherwise opening out &gt;atisChenderiurg Tin.- Output for half month ending Nov
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    • 246 24 Calcutta on Singapore’s Grievance. At the conclusion of a leading article on the recent public meeting in Sing*, pore to protest Against the attempt to saddle this Colony with an unjustified share of the cost of the defence work* here, the Statesman says It may be argued that
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    • 240 24 Bank Compradore Robbed i One of the most daring robber** perpetrated in Shanghai recently was carried out on Nov. 13 in broad daylight, and so astounded were the hundreds of w-it nesses of the daylight hold-up ia Ningpo Road that they stood in amazement, thus giving the
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    • 314 24 Increased Volume Of Business. The thirteenth annual general meeting shareholders of the F.M.S. Tile Co., Ltd., we held on the 2&lt;&gt;th inst. in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. John Hands presiding. In proposing the adoption of the director.' report and accounts for the year ended Aujj. 31, 1928,
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    • 738 25 MARRIAGE OR NO MARRIAGE. A CATASTROPHIC JUDGMENT. A judgment recently delivered by Mr. C. G. Shannon, Sessions Judge of Nasik, conies with catastrophic effect to a considerable number of persons in India, declares the Calcutta Statesman. The judge had before him a man charged with bigamy. His first
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    • 250 25 IRISH MAIDENS ARRIVING NEXT MONTH. Clul/by Car mar thenshire about I li h n ai(k s arriving for the Singapore Turf No. Age Colour Sex Name c irp n im 1 11. r» ,re D«m 2 3 b S 1 risoner Loch Lomond Ladylike P Drinmore Halsamo
      250 words
    • 157 25 Negro in Cells While His Audience Waits. Montreal. While hundreds of negroes awaited in Montreal the appearance of Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican Negro Moses,” who wants to set up a Black Empire in Africa, he was quietly taken into custody by the Immigration Department. The officers detained him
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    • 279 25 Advice to Intending Brides In England. i Now that aircraft are built on a large scale to carry crew, passengers and goods, 'the powers of the man in command have become of increasing importance, and the question of that to celebrate marriages 1 has been raised.”
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    • 184 25 TSAR’S DAUGHTER.” U.S.A. Lawyer Reasserts Woman’s Claim. New York. The New York Times says that a lawyer. Mr. Edward H. Fallows, has been engaged to protect the interests of Mme. Tchaikowskaya, who claims to lie the Grand Duchess Anastasia, the youngesi daughter of the late Emperor Nicholas II. In an
      184 words
    • 254 25 A Bishop and The Schools. Advocating the teaching of science in Birmingham’s elementary schools, Dr. Barnes, the Bishop of Birmingham, speaking at the opening of a mission hall, made the following points The fundamental struggle in the English Church to-day is between modern scientific culture and primitive religious
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    • 606 25 REFEREE’S VIEW ON UMPIRING. Captain W is ley J. White, the referee of lhe International Polo matches of 11)21, 1!*27 and 1!*2H, who was largely responsible lor the new altitude existing towards umpiring, writes in “Polo” on the siinject ot umpiring, which is so important to the
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    • 190 25 Curious Shanghai Case. Protesting against a judge's decision to ieturn two little girls to a mother who helped to sell them into a life of degradation Senior Consul Deputy Stevens lodged the following protest against an action of Judge Shen in the Provisional Court at Shanghai on Nov.
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    • 262 26 Jury Throws Out Alleged Forged Note Case. When the Assizes were resumed on Nov. 22, Chan Yew Lan was tried on a charge of being in possession of forged 20 guilder notes, but when expert evidence was called in the person of Mr. Johannes Hermans, accountant at
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    • 314 26 State Treasurer Threatened With Assault. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 22. Mr. R. S. Jervoisc, formerly Magistrate and now State Treasurer of Selangor, today charged his Malay motor car driver with criminal trespass. He stated that on Wednesday the accused drove him from the bungalow to
      314 words
    • 142 26 A Profit Despite Adverse Conditions. (hrom Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 25. J 1 1 annual meeting of the 1 ‘Tiping Tin Dredging Co. was A 1 0,1 Saturday at the offices of Katz brothers. M**- n A M. Brown, who presided, am the output for the
      142 words
    • 280 26 Joy Riding With a Dead Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 23. Penang Assizes concluded yesterday Jwitii th*- trial of the Malay chauffeur, i Awnng Bin I.ah, charged with causing the death of an elderly Chinese at Bagan j Jermal, Province Welleslev. oil Sept. 30. by
      280 words
    • 192 26 FORTUNE OF 60.000.000. Death of Well-known American Financier. The death of Mr. Thomas Fortune Ryan, the well-known American financier, i&lt; reported in a Reuter cable from New Y&lt;»rk. Mr. Ryan, whose fortune was estimated at f60.000.000. was 77 years of ago. He was employed in a Baltimore diy goods house
      192 words
    • 218 26 A Fairy Godfather.” Old friends of Sir Frederick Seton James in Malaya will be interested in the following reference to him in a new role which appeared in the London Daily Mirror in mail week At the farewell party given for Miss Denise Peel the other night
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    • 28 26 A Ilylam night school at 47, Stamford Ivoiul. was raided by detectives under Mr A. IT. Dickinson, A.S.lh, on Saturday night, ami 11 persons were detained.
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    • 193 26 Position of Secured Creditors. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 23. i Further argument was heard in the Supreme Court, yesterday, in the action in which the judgment creditors of the Malayan Wood Distillation Ltd. (in liquii Nation* submitted, through their counsel. ,' of priority over
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    • 177 26 Question of Chinese Succession. An administration suit which involves the question of Chinese succession was fixed for hearing at the Seremban Supreme Court on Nov. 22. the plaintiff (Koh Ban Tok) a minor, is suing the defendant, Mr. Koh Geoh Seng, by his next friend Mr. Yeoh Bok,
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    • 188 26 Terrible Crime By Mad Chinese. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 22. At th. Penang Assizes yesterday i, Chinese, I.&lt;&gt;k Gap Hoi. was charged with the murder of another Chinese and also with cutting two others in Pitt Street on Aug. 2'.*. Evidence for the prosecution showed
      188 words
    • 102 26 Resentment at European Dress Order. (From Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Nov. 21. A message from Peshawar says that through traffic has been resumed between Jalalabad and Dakka after suspension for seven days. To-day s arrivals from Kabul state that trouble arose over King Amanalla’s order requiring Maliks
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    • 367 26 Alterations in Berthing Arrangements. The steady increase in the number of coasting steamers using the Inner Kn ai jl has occasioned considerable alarm anmi the port authorities and shipping circle&gt; during the past ten years. Various suggestions have been advanced with a vj«.\v to minimising the danger
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    • 226 26 Points for Immigration Committee. The question of toddy as supplied t Indian labourers in Malaya has again cropped up and is being discussed upcountry. A Planter maintains that there are only three main points to the problem, viz Separate the control of the toddy sh p* from
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    • 157 26 A correspondent at Malacca writes a lengthy letter criticising the action of th p Hon. Secretary of the Straits Chinese British Association (Malacca branch) in sending notices to a few selected memIkm s, announcing an extraordinary meeting to consider the advisability of th e Association petitioning
      157 words

    • 1509 27 Merchants’ Last-Minute Goal. The A.P.C* Lad bad luck in a friendly 1’,’cby game played on the Radarg sov. *22, in which they were beaten ,v a goal anti two tries (11 points) three uies (9 points). The Company! lH j u .&gt; a 9-points lend and
      1,509 words
    • 997 27 Easily Beaten by Weak Chinese Team. Disappointment awaited the spectators at the charity match in aid of the St. Andrew’s Mission Lift Fund played at the Stadium on Tuesday, when the 2nd Welch Regiment were defeated by a weak Chinese side in a somewhat uninteresting came. The Chinese
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    • 507 27 Somerville and Columbine Trophies. The final race of the Somerville Bowl series for A class boats was held on Sunday in rather uncertain weather in which light airs from all directions kept the various skippers in full spate, and ended in a brilliant win for the Joy, I her
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    • 992 28 [names TELEGRAM] F.A. CUP FIRST ROUND. LEADERS BEATEN AT HOME. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. 21. The following are to-day’s results of the matches in the first round proper of the E.A. Cup. and also of games in the two premier divisions of the English League, and first
      [names TELEGRAM]  -  992 words
    • 130 28 [mum TELEGRAM] New Method of Deciding Championship. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. 23. A meeting of the Advisory Committee, held at Lord’s, adopted the recommendation of a special sub-committee that in 1929 every county competing in the championship shall arrange 2S matches, ami 2e only, against other competing counties,
      [mum TELEGRAM]  -  130 words
    • 120 28 [351mm museum] Dutch Girls Make New World Records. [REUTFJt TELEORAM] Brussels, Nov. 25. At a swimming fete held here, Mile Braun, if Holland, v ho won the women’: 100-metre back stroke race at the Olympic Games, established a new world record for 200-metres back stroke for women 2 min.
      [351mm museum]  -  120 words
    • 75 28 [KITE* TELEGRAM] London, Nov. 24. Playing at Manchester against Newman. Willie Smith made a break of 2,743, which is a world’s record under the revised rules. The previous best break was 1,487, made by Smith in the same match last Wednesday. In the final of the Singapore
      [KITE* TELEGRAM]  -  75 words
    • 67 28 Manchester November Handicap. London. Nov. 24. The result of the Manchester November Handicap (lk miles) was as follows Major Cortauld’s SARACEN 7.8 1 Sir H. Nugent’s NORWEST, 6.10 2 Mr. Fletcher’s NESTORIAN, 6.3 3 Winner [by Gay Crusader-Love Oil] trained by Jarvis. Twenty ran. Won by a length
      67 words
    • 583 28 Scotland Just Beaten By “The Rest.” The following was the result of the game, Scotland vs. the Rest, played at ;he Singapore Golf Club &lt;n Sunday, wla i the Scots were beaten by 10 points to 9k* Scottish players mentioned first Purves and Wedgewood 1, Storr and Haydon &gt;4.
      583 words
    • 25 28 [REUTER TELEGRAM] Nov,haven. C'.or.eeficut, Nov. 2”. tt In the annual football match Ik two r. and the founcr won b\ i —0.
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  25 words
    • 339 28 QUEENSLAND OUTCLASSED. BOWLERS IN FORM \t BRISBANE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, N ov 27 The M.C.C. realised little difficulty in obtaining the seven outstanding Q Ue€r&lt; land wickets when the game at Brisban was resumed this morning. The nr players who caused any trouble were Litster,
      339 words
    • 309 28 M.S.\ .R. hampionship Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Nov. !’*&gt;. The championship of the Kuala Lun:pu: branch of the M.S.V.R.. P.R.A. for 1p:&gt; ,,va; s hot for on the last (wo Sundays on *h local range. Capt. A. F. Hayward, after a closely contested rnatc.h. won
      309 words
    • 651 29 Second Welch Beat Y.M.C.A. The 2nd Welch Regiment made theii debut in Singapore sport on Saturday when they entertained the Y.M.C.A*. hockey team at Tanglin, and following a really* good game won by the odd goal in ,hree. The adverse conditions, owing to ihe early rain, made playing somewhat
      651 words
    • 62 29 Lord Derby Heads Winning Owners. Rugby, Nov. 25. i he flat racing season ended yesterday, with Lord Derby, for the second year in succession, at the head of winning own"!‘s, the stakes won by him amounting to neatly £64,000. Last year he won stakes valued at over
      62 words
    • 660 29 Players’ Co-operation Wanted In Malaya. A correspondent who believes that ignorance of the laws of Rugby is responsible for many poor games in Malaya sends us some comments which wijl be read with interest by all players and supporters of the game. Most rugger players will admit that
      660 words
    • 85 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 25. first annual sports of Hutchings e,,; were held on Saturday in the of a large gathering. M Kiong had presented a cha 'V,YM and medals for house com- .V' 1 Mrs. Mohanied Arm him ,Jor an The usual events ii
      85 words
    • 46 29 [um-n mun] Kid Pattenden Retains Title. [REUTER telegram] London, Nov. 26. In a contest at the National Sporting &lt; !ub with the British bantamweight title at stake, the holder, Kid Pattenden, heat Young Johnny Brown, the latter’s seconds throwing in the towel in the twelfth round.
      [um-n mun]  -  46 words
    • 138 29 Unprecedented Cricket Success Last Season. (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 2.3. The Penang Recreation Club held its annual meeting yesterday, Dr. Smith presiding. The chairman, in his femarks, said that the clulr had, for the first time since its inauguration, became the champions oi the local
      138 words

  • 72 29 AROOZOO. —At Johsre IJahru. on Monday. November 19, 192’', to Mr. and Mrs. P. Aroozoo, a daughter. CAITHNESS.- Un November 21, 1928, at Maternity Hospital. Singapore, to Dorothy wife of Captain F. Caithness, a daughter. HERON. —On Nov. 23. 1928. at lllawarra. Dalvey Road, to Mr. and Mrs. F.
    72 words
  • 147 29 Singapore, Nov. 28. EXCHANGE On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 5/32 Demand 2/4 Private 8 m. credit 2/4H On New York Demand ka 7/ia Private 90 d/s 58 w. On France. Bunk T.T. mia On India, Bank T.T. 151 On Ilong Kong, Bank T.T. 10% p.c. dis.
    147 words
  • 787 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Nov. 28. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 44/3 45/3 xd. £1 £1 Bangrin Tin 40/6 41/0 1 1 tiatang Padang 0.50 0.53 1 1 Batu Caves 1.574 1.624 1 .75 Bukit Arang 1.05 1.10 pm. £1 £1
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 87 29 NOTICE Ail communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free pi ice of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $48 a year The post freo price
      87 words
  • 127 29 DEATHS Mr?. CIIl'A TYE NAM, nee Tan Kim Boev, beloved mother of Chun Ah Kow, of G. II. Kiat Co., Ltd., at her residence 3S-A. Fern Hill Road, on November 25, 1928. age 63 years. NAMAZIE. —At 6 a.m. on November 24, 1928, at No. 12, Scotts Road. Mr. Haji
    127 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 51 1 General— Rubber Situation London Rubber Stocks J Rubber Position (By A. W. Still) 1 Local Rubber Auctions Freight on Rubbor 1 Rubber in 1929 Rubber Dealers’ Stocks Use of Rubber in Surgery Rubber Planting in the Old Days l Meetings and Reports— L&lt; ndon Share Prices Weekly Share Market
      51 words
    • 606 1 BARLOW AND CO.’S REPORT. Messrs. Barlow and Co.’s report, dated Nov. 22, states The easier tendency in evideiic at the uatc of our last report has neeived a c’wok and tlit* market has remain' d quvt and idy throughout the wck. London is now quot- t at
      606 words
    • 61 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices t A Jun. Date I.’don S’pore Spot Dec. Mar. d. Nov. I.* Ml 16 0.29'l 0 29 1 a 0.29"» 0.30 1 7 1C 4I.21* 1 j 0.2 f ’4 n.30 0.30 Vi 0 0.29■’H 0.30Vi &gt;Vj| 0.30 27
      61 words
    • 1233 1  -  By A. W. Still.) [Copyright] London. Nov. 1. Even* rubbor plantation in Malaya is free from to-day to harvest and expo it much rubber as it pleases. Twe.w months hence we shall haw the answer to two important questions (1* W thcr it is
      1,233 words
    • 155 1 The Times of Ceylon thinks that stcp&gt; •hould be taken to put into effect the promise given by the Freight Conference that with the removal of restriction rubber freightage rates should be reduced. Our contemporary also points out that when the freight conference was formed they were
      155 words
    • 92 1 The census of stocks of prepared rubber for sale or export, held by dealers and on estates of over 100 acres on Oct :it in what v.t s lately the Restriction areas issued by the Deputy Supervisor r; Runner in Kuala Lumpur on Satnrd" morning shows total estate
      92 words
    • 427 1 ESTIMATE OF THE WORi D POSITION. The following interesting estimate of the world's rubber position in 102'.* ha* been forwarded by Mr. R. A. Barbour:— On Nov. 5. 1927, 1 estimated that th world’s con-sumption for 1928 would ox. iced production by 100.000 tons, and that London
      427 words
    • 58 1 Mr. A. Roose, Ag. Registrar of lie: *rts and Exports, sends the following Statement showing the nunn’.tv rubber held by dealers in Sim: ri. Penang, Province Wellesley ami i uJ?8 ln S and Malacca as at (K 1 11 o Ton*. Singapore 10.7.'Penang, Province
      58 words
    • 33 1 A received by Lewis nr.d (.-in era port*), Ltd., from their toirespondents states that ridihor in London are now 18,721 tons, sh a decrease of 1,470 tons during 1 tl.
      33 words
    • 1050 2 NEW DISCOVERIES. REPLACING BONES AND TISSUE. (By a Medical Correspondent) A new use for rubber has been found accidentally by a surgeon. For some years past rubber has been given a prominent position in the operating theatre and in the surgery, where it has been
      1,050 words
    • 152 2 The article in the Planter in which Mr. Charles Watney dealt with the treatment of certain planters who were dismissed from their billets when at Home on leave on the plea of economy, has brought a spirited reply from a Shareholder in the columns of the Malay
      152 words
    • 1336 2 REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER. N\e often hear old stagers talk of former days in Malaya, and generally it is the care-free life of those pioneering days which is recalled, sickness and other hardships being forgotten. The present generation of planters cannot find it easy
      1,336 words
    • 889 2 Singapore United Rubber Plantations, Ltd. The seventeenth annual general meeting of Singapore United Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held on Oct. 23 at Winchester House, E.C., Sir Ivor Philipps, K.C.B. (tho chairman), presided. Mr. F. M. Jones, representing the Secretaries (British Industries and General Investment Trust, Ltd.), read the
      889 words
    • 794 3 Anglo-French Trading Co.’s Appeal. In the Court of Appeal, on Monday their Lordships the Chief Justice William Murison), Mr. Justice Deane and Mr. Justice Stevens delivered their judgments in the matter of the appeal 01 the Anglo-French Trading Co. against L. G. Odell. J. D. Keay and Kian
      794 words
    • 517 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co/s Weekly Report. Macphail and Co.’s weekly report, dated Nov. 27. states Tiie price of tin has taken a mo.v favourable turn and that of rubber is s tiady. the share markets have been distinctly more active although rubber ..hare* are still sought more
      517 words
    • 84 3 Amalgamated Malay.—40,674 lb. Beranang.—50,000 lb. Bert am (Taisho).—03,135 !b. Borelli.—35.000 lb. Brooklands. —129.000 lb. Chembong.—82.225 lb. Cheras.—52,500 lb. Connemara.—33.500 lb. Glenshiel. —63.734 lb. Juru.—31,582 lb. Kamnsan.— 22,210 lb. Kepong Malay.—157,099 lb. Kong Sang.—5,450 lb. Labuan Bileh.— l 1,500 lb. New Serendah.—34,192 lb. Perak River Valley.—32,668 lb. Rassak.—15,114 lb.
      84 words
      • 509 3 Stock Par txcuaugi Value Company. Pru-es. *1 Abaco 2 Allagar Anglo-Miilay ci Ayer Kuning J s s £1 Banteng .,V, Batnng lonsolidatcd £1 Batu Cave* £1 Batu Tiga f®'* 2' Bekoh J Bert a in Consolidated 2/ Brioh £1 Bidor J 2 Bikam ,4
        509 words
      • 742 3 Capital Issue Cloting Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall A Company A Co. Evatt. 389,293 1 Nil for year 29-2-18 ..Allenby ifl» 1.471, 1.55 1.35 1.40 1G0.000 1 20 p.c. for year 10-0-87 Aior Gajah til) 1.10 1.30 1.00 1.20 435,425 1 15
        742 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 126 4 .A-IFLIE TRIED BTJT 2 in 1 SHOE POLISH IS CHOSEN 2 in I Shoe Polish has been Chosen by many unsatisfied users of other shoe polishes. IT1HE Work of 2 in I Shoe Polish is to give a very high shine, and the most important thing is that it cleans
      126 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 o t I J aysTo Buy Genuine Unit Cells n 15 n fiijif? Jn fill *i|m, ifoyP^Ue Eveready Unit Cells are built especially to withstand all climatic conditions. Heat or cold have no effect upon the brilliant, powerful light they give or their long lasting qualities. That is why nearly
      158 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 258 6 iNovemoer Z9, 1928 TIMELY GUESTS—WORTHY COMPANY. HOST.—Hullo you both look jolly smart to-day GUESTS.—We reckon, sure, Jimmy. HOST. —By the way, were they made at home GUESTS.—What do you mean HOST.—I mean, those suits of clothes you are wearing now. GUESTS.—Oh, no; they were made locally at BANDAR A’S, late
      258 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 151 7 Radio Supplies 3, COLEMAN STREET, SINGAPORE. We are removing to more commodi- ous premises in ORCHARD. ROAD at the end of this month. J We have a number of bargains on our sale table many at less than j cost price. Look out for our Advertisement towards the end of
      151 words
    • 222 7 X t ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES 1927, j LIMITED Telefraaw t STATETRUST," SINGAPORE. A.B.C. 5th and 6th Edition*. Bentley'* and Liebera. A Trust Company Registered under the Trust Companies l Ordinance of 1926, with Security deposited with the Straits Set- l tlements Government. j& REGISTERED AND HEAD OFFICE: Nos. 1, 2
      222 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 115 8 EMIL JANNINGS IN II THE WAY OF ALL FLESH V-. IP -1- t «'r»— J r i v rMJ V I /V I PHYLLIS HAVER and EMIL JANNINGS. -More powerfully el uent than any sermon.*’ —WEEKLY DESPATCH. “Certainly I cannot think of any finer actor of character*on the hint than
      115 words
    • 115 8 WHEN ON LEAVE RETAIN YOUR LINK WITH MALAYA BY ORDERING THE STRAITS BUDGET WEEKLY EDITION OF The Straits Times To be sent you regularly each week $14 for 12 months $7 for 6 months Including postage. Address .—Cecil Street, SINGAPORE. Obtainable from newsagents throughout Malaya. MAKE A BIGGER SUCCESS OF
      115 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 187 9 BEAT RECLAIM AND THE DUTCH! Talk to your Tamils in ACTUAL TAMIL out of the IDEAL pocket field book PLANTER’S EASY TAMIL We have REDUCED the PRICE to $2. Direct from the publishers, PETER CHONG CO. SINGAPORE. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦44MAKAN BESAR Sambal goreng Udang, Sanibal goreng Paging, Sambal goreng Pendeng, Sanibal goreng
      187 words
    • 427 9 Another New Book on China FOREIGN DIPLOMACY IN CHINA 1894-1900. A Study in Policital and Economic Relations with China. By Philip Joseph, LL.B. (McGill). Ph. D. (London). This book explains the legal status acquired by the foreigner in China during 1H*****0 analyses the interests and ambitions of the Great Powers
      427 words
    • 210 9 &gt;♦♦♦♦ A Text-Book for Engineers and Architects. THE THEORY AND DESIGN or STRUCTURES A text-book for the use of Students, Draughtsmen, and Engineers Engaged in Constructional Work (with numerous illustrations and worked examples.-) fourth**? tion new impression, by Ewart s Andrews M( j THE STRENGTH OP MATERIALSA text-book for engineers
      210 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 200 10 LOSE NOT THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY AT SINGAPORE CONSULTATION FREE. FOR 14 DAYS ONLY. From November 22 to December 5, (both days inclusive) The Eminent Pulse Specialist, Renowned and Talented Physician, Ayurveda Ratna Pandit Dr. N. V. SRIRAMACHARLU, Ph. I).Sc., M.D. (H.) Managing; Director and Senior Physician of THE MADRAS AYURVEDIC
      200 words
    • 294 10 DALLMEYER CINE LENSES OVER 5 TIMES PASTER Will fit all leading makes of Cine Cameras. Hi -^TJL Compare the two lenses shown here illustrating the tremendous differenee on the amount of light a Dallmeyer F. 1.5 lens passes against the standard F. 3.5 fitted to your camera. A 4 inch
      294 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 306 11 4 4 4 t 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 4 ,V 4 V O, 7 f —/-7 f taujQZt'J miljrp^in S. i v\i i*. X3. /M X i I, i. i •&lt;a V&gt; r v J]: |V Refreshing Grace Beauty &gt;.* n •4* 4 7 2\ 7 ((I
      306 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 *&lt; ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦&lt; Telegrams firnatex. a V F S T M O M A LWl FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES (EAST), LIMITED Ha\e the honour to announce the release at an early date of THE GREATEST AIR SPECTACLE OF THE AGE COLLEEMoVfOORE Telephones 4100, 5534. Hi mu iM S X 6 X. W
      167 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 338 13 I HMU1 Yf? j^OTPPPiP 2pp»Rnt&ting wheels t«* t." 4»» Protect* perfectly V//A //?&lt; 17 YEARS have been spent in developing and perfecting the five novel, practical and patented features of the “Security WE GIVE YOU (1) A heck Protector concealed in the end of the cap, equal to any expensive
      338 words
    • 310 13 ♦❖♦A. m V/. u 7 Si 7/. 7' m A a BA 1 M« *i Be v !!i2rSi N I ►&gt;; c»^ *25 s«*£. M The Perfect Mealtime Drink Drink it Because it 9 s Delicious—but Know it f s Qood for You Too YOU drink Instant Postum because you
      310 words