The Straits Budget, 29 December 1927

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
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  • 342 1 U'MiF-RS- Virtues of Work 3 u ami Politics at Home 3 l .:,r|" rt Cricket w spa|H*r Trusts <1 <• Malayan Police j -ional Notes L.> u /ranis, Reuter and Special nnT Past Week's News 17-22 Pictures—- pore Poliee Ball L» i al Sanitary Institute v Trophy Match (J
    342 words
  • 2294 1 Ihe appointment of Mr. F. T. Kindei Deputy Colonial Engineer, and the act that instead of being transferred to he is to remain in Penang. rinirs that post back to the status it heal the time of Mr. (1. U. May—a Penang •i'pointment, says the Pinang Gazed*.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 TO OUR READERS. I SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE STRAITS BUDGET. In view of the facts that so large a proportion of the circulation of the Straits Budget is outside Malaya and that all or nearly all of its readers in Malaya, the Dutch Indies, Siam and other adjacent territories will
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  • 987 2 SIX-WHEELED LORRY IN MALAYA. I COMMERCIAL USES OF NEW TYPE. On Tuesday. !*«•<■• 13. a .ix-whecled army lorry left Singapore for Johore am Mu acta w ith the object of giving illustrations of the advantages of this type o vehicle, as compared with the ordinary four-wheeled lorry, which
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  • 379 2 Expert Evidence in Murder Charge. Inti restir.p expert evidence regarding tlx- similarity »f the markings on bullets tired from the same pistol was given ,’H December 21 before the Second police Magistrate. Mr. H. K. Bull, in an allegation of muider in which the principal exhibits
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  • 45 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penanp. Dec. 21. The Government has refused lepislation for a rent control scheme asked for by the Municipal Commissioners as the result of several discussions recently in which the continual raisinp of rents was made subject of complaint.
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  • 812 2 SUGGESTED MUNICII’ll i 11 BYLAWS. I ELECTRIC STREET I LIGHTING. In K..! Action taken at committee meeting ®G the Municipal Commissioners include t® following M Recommended amendment of hyl,*w s I. cover a fee of $2 per square yard fl externally illuminated advert Dom®' 1 hoard inps. Approved
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 568 3 T HE VIRTUES OF WORK. —Straits Timos, Docomber I sneaking at the Ex-Servicemen’s on Armistice Night, His vney Sir Hugh Clifford paid 1; (V to the virtues of “work/’ I is with assurance that it I 1 c said that, when His ExcelI speaks on the subject of K :iv.
      •—Straits Timos, Docomber --  -  568 words
    • 675 3 '-traits limes, December 2,‘{. most Mid-Channel/* one of his Z J P a b S S,r Arthur! r nuo Idul down the thesis that ii’av 6 k°a7 S tn f crisLs > w h‘ch married f shipwreck, in every! o‘curs Aurally that crisis omus n
      '-traits limes, December 2,‘{.  -  675 words
    • 606 3 lor many months to rome.—Straits Times, December 21. Shortly before Sir Hugh Clifford arrived in this country we expressed some alarm at" a reported iitteiance ot his in Colombo, in which His Excellency said that in the days when he knew Malaya it was the custom for cricket
      lor many months to rome.—Straits Times, December 21.  -  606 words
    • 616 3 ownerships.—Straits Times, December 27. The news o’f the sale by /ml Burnham of the Daily Telegraph, that great organ of middle class opinion, which has >een associated intimately with his amily from the year of its foundation in 18V>, comes as a great surprise, though it had been
      ownerships.—Straits Times, December 27.  -  616 words
    • 594 4 Straits Times. December 28. When he addressed the members ot the Legislative Council a couple of months ago, Sir Hugh Clifford said it would probably be necessary to ask them to consider during the coming year proposals for the bettei equipment of the Police force of the
      Straits Times. December 28.  -  594 words

  • 116 4 Disorderly Europeans at Town Hall. (From Our Own Correspondent.» Penang, Dec. 21. The IVnanp Municipal Commissioners decided to-day to apply for summonseugainst tho Europeans responsible for the disturbance at the Town Hall last Thurslay night, if evidence can be obtained. The disturbance occurred during the performance of
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  • 185 4 Too Small Chimneys a Source Of Danger The danger of fire from flues too small for their purpose was illustrated in a Cecil Street two-storeyed building to which the Fire Station received a call n Monday afternoon. It was not known at the time that the hoki::;r of
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  • 135 4 Two Passengers Detained By Police. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 27. A daring theft occurred on la<t night’s mail train from Penang. A Malay gentleman, named Sheik Ahmad, who was travelling first class to Kuala Lumpu”. fell asleep at Tapah Road an I on
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  • 2110 4 Sinpapore residents still have \ei> pleasant memories of the two impressive I'apeants presented by our friends of tne 1 Garrison in 192a and 1920 on behalf of Service charities. I he last Pageant m 3 particular was a really sp.cndid effort on j i scale never before approached
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  • 137 5 C hinese and Admiralty Pipe Line. iin Dec. 13 last. Mr. W. Norster. Fore- of Works at the Naval Base, while ng in his car from the direction ot Hands, noticed two hinese appal ent»tigaged in breaking some pipes tmw alongside the road. Hie pipe d
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  • 98 5 At a meeting of the Perak Branch "mmittee of the F.M.S. Chamber of tnnierce, at Ipoh on the 14th inst., the ‘hject of registration of domestic serants again came under consideration. A ■’•ter from the Secretaries of the Plant- rs' Association of Malaya was read, in »v hich
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  • 67 5 A cable from Mr. C. F. F. Wearne at 'urban has reached Wearne l* 10 ■Announcing that he and his party about d 'e Black Swan reached that P’>" "at'irdav afternoon, Christmas Fv**. The Black Swan left Australia <»n November 12 and was therefore thirty-
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  • 80 5 T Spin B io7i t, of T u,** not Jo. ♦Pondenta should bear in P n J en^ B Corre tnu *t be short and to ?L ,nd that lett r> -pintles are liable to K point> k>ng Correspondents mu*f ejfeCt 1 d r cut lames and addresses nfo*
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  • 392 5 T ,h< K,lil r »f the Straits Times a ,v l i;m-t M! i„ at v l nti has b called to cui ill. i ur >»*ue of yt-terdav of wl l, V l r >’ the Second llajtisuate on luesday the 2mh instant. instructed to
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  • 149 5 The annual children’s party was held at Raffles Hotel on Dec. 21. and was a urea! success. The large ball room was packed with the wee tolk. who were thoroughly well entertained by the management of the hotel in the prettily decorated ball room. A large
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  • 102 5 Bishop Titus Lowe, who has been in harue of the Methodist Episcopal woik in* Malaysia during the past two years. |t Singapore on Mon ay by tin* p N'oort for Medan, where he will Sumatra conterenee of the Mitho,iu* Episcopal Church. From Medan he will Jf*» to
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  • 376 5 Alleged Cheating in Respect Of £2,000. On a warrant Issued in Singapore at the instance of a lady named Nathalie P* ttn i -M.S. planter named John H. train was arrested in Seromban on aturday on a charge of cheating n. respect of 1*2,000. He was produced before
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  • 151 5 Master Attendant in Motor Accident. A motoring collision which might hav* had much more serious consequences than those which actually attended it occurred in Chancery Kane about < ne p.m. on Christmas Day. ('apt. Frey berg, R.N., the Master Attendant, and Mrs. Freyberg were returning from
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  • 151 5 CURIOUS ACCIDENT IN MUAR RIVER. After leaving Batu Pahat. bound for Singapore, on th night of Dec. 21, the •oasting steamer Mena collided with a sunken twakow, and sustained slight ia-iii’ge to her upper works. the Singapore oflice ot the H«» Aik Stinmship Company on Friday a
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  • 147 5 BIG OUTBREAK. REMBAU STATION DESTROYED. TABLET SYSTEM DESTROYED. (Freni Our Own Correspondent.) Kua a I.umpur, He, li t. Mystery surrounds a great tire which occurred between one ail i three a.m. ye terduy and razed to the ground Reuiba Railway Station, about U> miles from Serembaii southern
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  • 82 5 Due in Bangkok On Feb. 6. (From Our Own ('< >rr* > |»«•inl* Tit lpoh, Dec. 21. Sir Hugh <'litT*»r*l. accompanied by I.ady Clifford. will arrive in Bangkok "ii Feb. ami leave oh kelt. I2 f*»r Saigon, travelling overland. An elaborate programme has been arranged, including
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  • 48 5 Disapproval of I he l*erak Union. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Iji«h, Her. 21*. Tin* I’eiak Motor Union lias circularised members warning them that participation in unauthorised motor competitions will entail dr-qualification and asserting that the Penang trials are in contravention of the Royal Automobile rules.
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  • 151 5 At a meeting of the Municipal Comnnssioners of Penang, the following questions were tiled in the name of Mr A. II. Thornton. The Presi lent’.s replies are also given What is the cause of the Penang Hill Railway trains not running according to the scheduled time table,
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  • 67 5 HIGH COMMISSIONER ’S CHRISTMAS. (Fr o n f > ;r t >u n < <*r! pond. n* i I poll. He 22 II F. fli" High 'oimni iom r l S r II "*'l •'1 it "f I. it* T pelld nif two da> s 1 i eft 1 mail
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  • 822 6  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, Nov. RU. I have had an opportunity of discussing the tin position with some of those who are behind the movement to stabilise prices, to which a good deal of reference has been made recently. I notice, also,
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  • 376 6 Alleged Fraud on Liquor Consuming Public. When buying a bottle of whisky, one looks to the* label as a guarantee that the bottle contains the liquor indicated. In a Chinese shop licensed to sob liu'jor to iv consumed off the premises the Singapore Monopolies Department have .list
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  • 386 6 The following appointments are notified in t)ie F.M.S. Government Gazette Mr. r I., Newman to bo an Agricultural Field Officer. Agricultural Department. S.S »nd F.M.S, Messrs. F. R Thurston. R. D. Macintyre. T. K. Kmme":. and \V. L. M. R.*or )■> be Assistant Engineers. I'.W D.. F.M.S.
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  • 1102 6 MAJOR ENRIQUEZ AND MALAYA. Malaya An account of Its People. Flora, and Fauna. By Major Enriquez. F.K.G.S. Published by Hurst and Blackett. Fully illustrated by photographs. Price 21 shillings. In a leading article in the Straits Times a few months ago, reference was made to the services
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  • 393 6 SERIOUS INCIDENT AT SINGAPORE. LADIES IN FAINTIX(; CONDITION. A serious incident of a type w p r fortunately has previously been unkm in Singapore occurred in Anson Koaii the early hours of Tuesday morning A ear containing two European lad their husbands, and a child, and
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  • 157 7 Twenty Per Cent Dividend For Past Year. The annual general meeting of the shareholder* of Wearne Brothers, Ltd u hell yesterday at the firm’s premises M t Orchard Road, presided over by the I: man. Mr. T. J. B. Mearne. Mr. Wearne l,.f Singapore with Mr. C. F.
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  • 101 7 Dead Coolie and Ricksha In Sea. tragic discovery was made or.TuesUi sea off the Telok Ayer godowns. mksha was noticed in the mud at tide, a few yards from the waterand when the Marine Police were *.i i they found a dead bodv tloalitig t ar. apparently that
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  • 454 7 M; Dear Tina, *’> "tidertel *iays on ihe golf course and v* mi* rful nuhts at *ne Europe. Mv .x'. last night we had the gayest. 1 'ri*st party, and Singapore was in mu everyone bubbling over v h j".v anti laughing with evcryoiu else. V
    454 words
  • 548 7 LONDON’S VISITORS discussed. lionV leasonif v 'isaorl? nderS LonprovH fortum s h( “"f hT, .'I"' 1 s| null th*<itr*» u ,.i ,1 hotel.*, and the best Thoi ’,n < k th b Bt ‘-"'''-I times. i nen the Germans are coming back in f und U !fs'J‘'v
    548 words
  • 86 7 The report of the directors of the Duff 1 1 *\.r th*- vear ended Development <'• l(,r th ai ,u *»i 1007 states that tti* >*«*' March «>l, iai „mtit SmSST aTJiS? wh"h.‘«w«d to th, balance of t'K.Sot jvi lion under l ,..m e •<; 10d cm,,,.,iscio.1.
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  • 533 7 HOW HE LOST HIS TREASURES. A remarkable story, unknown to the world at large, lies behind the announcement that the Kmir of Bokhara has despatched an envoy to Geneva with a full statement to be laid before the League of Nations regarding the tragic situation of his
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  • 139 7 Pyrrhus Arrives After Eventful Voyage. Tiie Blue funnel steamer Pyrrhus, which left Singapore for Hong Kong on Mondav. had an eventful voyage out to the Last. She was a day behind her schedule at Gibraltar, having had to heave to for •*ight hours during a storm. In
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  • 350 7 Amateur Dramatic Society Production. \N e have received the following report from a correspondent at Miri For some months past odd hursts of melody and frenzied exhortation from the European School had Iicon wafted across the evening silence of the Pudang, harassed looking individuals had tottered home
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  • 340 7 Facts About Old-Age And Middle-Age. Everyone talks al»out this age of youth, hut facts prove that old-age and middle-age often nave the best of the business. daim> the lion. Mrs. Kit/.iov Stewart. History tells of women who preserve*! their charms into tin* seventies, such le Ninon de
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  • 1798 8 The Fairy Peer—A Blow For Mr. Baldwin. (By Our Special Correspondent.) London, Dec. 1. Da>> of gloom are upon us—the fogs of November, followed by the darkness of December, and we have only the brightly lighted windows of the shops, filled with alluring presents, to guide us on
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  • 157 8 Successful Raid at Tanjong Rhu. A successful raid on what was appa rently a regular gambling den was carried out by the Marine Police at Tanjong Rhu on Christmas Eve. A party of constables ami detectives headed by Inspector Yorke went across to Tanjong Rhu about
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  • 256 8 The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin, Ltd., reports the following outputs of its associated companies for the half of December Kampong Kamuntmg Tin Dredging Hours run itwc dredges! 518. cubic yards treated 72,000. total piculs 425.43. nett value Sdd.J2H.ln No. 2 dredge lost 35 hours on account of
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  • 853 8 ITS EFFECTS IN DREARY PLACES. During the lucid intervals vv}i iV K have marked the passing of a mad summer we have had a chance of recognising something still more apparent in a normal season, says a leader writer in The Times. It is that even in this country
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  • 2076 9 RAIN REVELS. HOW THE HOLIDAY WAS SPENT. WELCOME BREAK IN OFFICE ROUTINE. Christmas weather in Singapore up to its reputation. It was n »t Id as last year, when European ,-hivered seasonably and enjoyable ar**ly-use*l st**re clothes, but it wa> uny a> ever, and the sunshine to
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  • 388 9 Fifty Per Cent. Dividend for Past Year. A summary of th** report of Pahang Consolidated Company for tin* year ended July .‘II. 11*1*7, shows results as follows ut- treated 120.700 tons, Filark tin obtained l.l*no..7 tons, Alluvial and rivei tin tons, total production l,lMi*5.M *i ns. percentage «»f
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  • 446 9 GREAT VIOLINIST AGAIN IN SINGAPORE. Mi. hfr**m Zimbalist, one of th** four great vtolini-ts of the world, returned t*» Singapore on Monday by the I're.-ident (ijirtield, after a very successful tour of I tuna and .Japan, and gave a far well recital at the Victoria Theatre on I
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  • 145 9 Ihr following appointments are notified i m the government Gazette l-.M** W* Btulibs to b** a member of he Board of. Visitors to the SingaporI Reformatory in tlie plaee of M,- j.i (l a ft ey Mr. K. S. \air, Municipal Veterinary Surgeon, is given tin- powers l
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  • 1084 10  -  (*By F. IX Burdett.) Of all the interesting experience* I enjoyed during the five months I "as exploring and prospecting in British North Borneo the one that appea’ed to me most was an experience we had with the snakeeating Dusuns of the
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  • 171 10 The IvOan to Tebak Tin Fiekfs. The annual general meeting of tin Tian Guan Brick and file Manufacturing Co.. Ltd., was held at noon on Thursday at the registered offices of the e onpany.'» Battery Road, Singapore. Mr. C. J. Schirmer was in the
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  • 137 10 Budget for the Ensuing Year. The budget of the Singapore Improvement Trust for 1928, published with Friday’s Government Gazette, gives the estimated revenue as $1,570,000 of which one mi lion is derived in equal parts from the Improvement Rate and Government contribution. The balance at the end of
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  • 60 10 Vessels Arriving Report Rough Passage. Seven hundred deck passengers were devoutly thankful when they reached Singapore on Friday. They were on board the Armanestan, which ran into a severe ty phoon on the way down from C hina. The Antung, which came in later, also reported
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  • 97 10 1 here was a large gathering at the annual ball of the Straits Settlement*Police Force held in the Drill Hall on 1 hursday, those present, the majority of whom were in fancy costume, including 7? r H. Sansom, acting Inspector General of Police, and .Mrs. Sansom, the
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  • 562 10 Informal Christmas Party At Kreta Ayer. Organised by Mrs. Lowick. an informal Christmas party was given on hndav the Health Clinic at Kreta Ayer, "huh was attended by crowds of Chinese women with their babies anil a sprinkling t Sikhs and Malays. The clinic started four years ago
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  • 76 10 (Aneta's Service.) Another Successful Experiment In Batavia. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, Dec. 22. A highly successful experiment in wireless telephony was made yesterday even ing, when Aneta’s representative at the Hague addressed all the Consuls-General and the chief editors in Batavia indivi dually in their own languages, this being
    (Aneta's Service.)  -  76 words
  • 69 10 Singapore to Penang in 10' Hours. The Straits Steamship Co.’s new vessel, the Kedah, has accomplished her first direct trip from Singapore to Penang in record time. Leaving Singapore at 11 a m. on Dec 22, she reached Penang at 6.30 the next morning. Allowing for half
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  • 268 10 MR. J. M. ALLINSON. We regret to announce the death, the night of Nov. 24. of Mr. Joseph .\i.. Taggart Allinson. The deceased was ac 71 years, and was well known in the rubber plantation industry, being a dir*,-, or of the following companies :—Bail. Rubber
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  • 154 10 Extension of Original Option Granted. The fourth annual report of the T*; ah Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., covering th< \-.*r ended June 30 last, to be present* »t the annual meeting at Per.ang on th* in*!., states During the past financial year company’s indebtedness has been reduced to
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  • 146 10 Demanding Money Tnder Threat Of Injury. You will not be able to arrest all ot us, and whichever of us you arrest their will always be some one of our company at large and able to deal with you.” This passage was quoted to the Secon Police
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  • 127 10 The report of the director* of Maynard and Co. for the Jwelve months ended Oct. 31, 1927 states that the net profit for the year, subject to directors’ fees, is $10,171.47 which, added to the balance carried forward from 192*3 shows a balance at credit of profit
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  • 1749 11 aboard the tongkol \N INTERESTIN(i REPORT. 11 report on the steam trawler Tong- ,i i the period May 2*5 to December J pcjfi, now published, makes very in, reading and is distinctly hopei i*s tone. Mr. C. F. Green, Director l isheries, S.S. and F.M.S., and
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  • 74 11 Bengal Flying Club Inaugurated. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta. Bee. 211. Rapid developments are being made in civil aviation in India. The Bengal Government is undertaking a 1 millsurvey of trai ts in Bengal and Orissa with the object of Hood prevention and land settlement scheme-. At
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  • 222 11 Fireman Fined in Marine Court. A Chinese fireman was fined $10 or 14 days imprisonment in the Marine ourt on’ Saturday for throwing ashes overhoard from the Mersing while the ship was anchored near the Hylam Kongsi. The defendant he was a new man and did not
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  • 82 11 I'nprofitable Sequel to a Joy Itide. On a Malay |.lra.linir Kiiilty the Si-eoinl e«.li<<- Magistrate. Mr. II. <■ BuI t„ (he theft of l» eents worth III hen/.im. a i'olire nfl'H'i'l- stale.) that the eharite was s| ,eet .if the amount of use. Ill ihe of
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  • 852 11 Husband Pleads for His Wife. The case in which Mrs. N. Bcgg was charged with disorderly conduct in the Europe Hotel, obstructing a police officer, and using indecent language was concluded before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. H. Baker, on Friday. Mrs. Bcgg was titled
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  • 427 12 SMOKING AMID 1,600 GLS. OF KEROSENE. HEAVY PENALTY IN MARINE COURT. It would be difficult to find a more perfect example of Oriental fata.ism than was discovered in the Singapore River on Dec. 21, when the Marine Police caught a Chinese coolie in the Ret of smoking chandu pipes,
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  • 181 12 Wife’s Complaint Before Magistrate. Before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. G. T. Peall, on December 21, Mrs. Roza Rozario sued Victor Rozario, of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Co., for maintenance for herself and her children. The lady stated that she had been married tc the defendant in
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  • 96 12 On a neksha puller being chargee before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Dakers, on Dee. 22 with causing an obstruction, Insp. Bostock stated that the complainant was Mr. W. S. Elmslie and that the puller had come howling down from John Little’s towards the Japanese
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  • 410 12 Strong Start Made At Port Dickson. The Port Dickson Yacht Club is an accomplished fact and apparently will become one of the strongest in the Malay Peninsula. It is the first to he formed in the F.M.S. and the idea has been taken up with such a
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  • 335 12 Arrangements for Hospitality To Troops. We have received the report of the Singapore Garrison Entertainment Committee, which shows that subscriptions received have amounted to $4,535 JO of which $4,440.60 has been expended, leaving a balance of $95.50. In February the troops of the Garrison were entertained °y .roe
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  • 924 12 HOUSES ON INSTALMENT PLAN. (From a Correspondent.) Medan, l>ec. 10. A new company is in process of formation in MtvJan for the purpose ot financing the building of houses and so aMeviate the present distress, From the scantv details to hand, the idea is to erect houses
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  • 341 12 ADELAIDE, CALCUTTA AND SINGAPORE. NO WORK TO BE H4I) iv AUSTRALIA. Two young Britishers, who stowed u on board the British India lt ay Sirdhana at Adelaide, were caught! sent to prison at Calcutta, and u *s..,.2 trom the Sirdhana at Singapore wtvK, were produced before the Mi
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  • 176 12 Collections in West and East Pahang. Mr«. Worthington, honorary organiser of the Poppy Pay collections in Pahang, forwards the following statement relating to 1 anang West Hentong. $1,65S.35. Organisers, Mr. J. Macpherson. Or. 8ivag*nam, Inche Sri JatTar, owkay Ian Liam. Frasers Hill. *****. Organiser. Mrs. Pinkerton. Lipi< Kuala
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    • 34 13 mwi u r<i. m A large gathering attended the annual lancy dress ball, which the Singapore Police Force held in the Drill Hall. Singapore, on Thursday evening Photo h\ l.iyht Sin,/m
      Photo h\ l.iyht Sin,/m  -  34 words
    • 95 13 Students and Lecturers during the l«< Session were as lollow Mlir i)r j w. Seharlf. Dr C K. Brooke 'Chairman., Mr. Hay Barclay. Mr Jameson Front Row Sitting: J. hj jkhaj (jeikic. S R Chcttiar, K lumariah. M R Deb. U George. i n Swaminathan. Second Row:
      Photo by S',ih,i/i ni,i <V- Co.  -  95 words
    • 24 14 Singapore beat Selangor in the Rugby Trophy match at Singapore by 43 points to S. Photo, by H S'. ti.i s
      Photo, by H S'.  -  24 words
    • 8 14 Pluto, by King Sul*
      Pluto, by King Sul*  -  8 words
    • 17 14 New S\. iss Club at Bukit lirnah, formally &lt; pened In Sir William Murison
      17 words
    • Article, Illustration
      25 14 Mr. M. li. McKean lias retired alter 23 years in Singapore. Inch Mob. bin Mohammed Amin awarded Imperial Long Service Medal. Photo, /»v John.
      Photo, /»v John.  -  25 words
    • 17 14 Hon Mr. J. Lornie and Mr. H. Lloyd. Supt. Ladder Drill. Photos, by John.
      Photos, by John.  -  17 words
    • 35 15 An intrepid python hunter Dusan fishing alarm Mr. F. I). Burdctt and a day's catch Fanning in a Borneo river Natural bridge over Borneo river Vi oto s. I&gt;y llunlvtt
      / Viotos. I>y llunlvtt  -  35 words
    • 11 15 Nan,asivi,y Finalists in .he and Chat A*'
      11 words
    • 16 15 F EAST OF ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, MALACCA. Gathering at Mart Where the body rested. I'lln .)&gt;. S
      I'lln .)>. / / S'"' '**  -  16 words
    • 81 16 Sir lluph and l.ady Clifford and Bishop Til us l.oue. Mr. T. W. Hinch. Principal of the School. Rev. E. F. Lee. Mr. T. W. Hinch. Lady C I iff or d. Sir Hugh Clifford, Bishop Titus Lowe. Kev. R. A. Blasdell. Hon. Dr.
      Photet. by Loot.  -  81 words
    • 23 16 Lady Clifford and Hon. Mr. H. \V. Thomson (left). Children on the Chute. Photos, by S. M Won-.
      Photos, by S. M Won-.  -  23 words
    • 15 16 'Jht* six- wheeled army lorry described in another column.
      15 words
    • 8 16 Photo, by l\o»£ Stew
      Photo, by l\o»£ Stew  -  8 words

  • PAST WEEKS’ IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 346 17 [REITER TELEGRAM] LINTSING AFFAIR. HIGH-HANDED CHINESE METHODS. STRONG PROTEST SENT TO CHANG TSO-LIN. [REITER TELEGRAM] Ln idt n, Dec. 1. In the House of Commons Fir X. irattan Doyle (Cons., Newvastie-on-Tyne V and Mr. W. Foot Mitcne.l D on-., Walden &gt; enquired regarding ’he 'oizurc and confiscation
      [REITER TELEGRAM]  -  346 words
    • 90 17 Good Work by The Liquidators. Let don, Dec. 23. That almost CSG.OOO has been salved and the guarantors' final instalment of 2s. »'d. in the pound is not needed, is indicated by the final report of the Empire Exhibition liquidators after two years work. Nearly lOd. in the
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    • 69 17 Betrothal of Italian Crown Prince. Berlin, Dec. 21. Rome The semi-official newspaper *Gazetta del Popolo states that the engam ment between the Italian Grown Prince and Marie Jose, Princess of Belgium, will lx* officially announced next Easter. The coincidence of this announcement with the appointment of an
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    • 404 17 Plans of Leading Industrialists. I Rugby, Dec. 21. Tfie group ot leading indust ria'i-ts whose invitation to a conference on industrial relations has been accepted by Die general council of the Trade Union Congress, does not officially represent the employers’ organisation, but it comprises m*iv.o ot the
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    • 216 17 GERMANY TAKES CHARGE OF CONSULATES. London, Dec. 21. Berlin The Orman Government has agreed !&lt;&gt; the Soviet's request to take charge of the latter’s interests in South China, and has instructed its Consuls accordingly. It is -emi-oflicially announced that tlu* fulfilment of the Soviet’s request is a
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    • 238 17 Need lor Central Organisation. London, Doc. 21. Mr. S. S. Hammorsley, M.]\ (Cons., Mock port) interviewed with regard to his cotton proposals, laid stress on the necessity for establishing a central information bureau for the Lancashire trade, which at present, he -'aid, had no intelligence organisation. It. was,
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    • 71 17 British Measures on The Yangtse. Rugby, Dec. 22. According to advices from China, pirates arc* again active on the Yangtse between Shasi and Chenglin. British gunboats have captured a pirate tug, but the crew escaped inland. A convoy of lighters was attacked from the river bank, and British
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    • 198 17 London, Dee. 21. The death has occurred of the wellknown actor and vocalist Mr. Courtice Pounds. A matinee for his benefit at His Majesty’s Theatre, London, ten days ago produced i’3,000. Mr. Charles Courtice Pounds was one of the most popular actors on tho English
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    • 93 17 Compensation for A Hack On Caravan. Rugby, Dec. 22. Sir Austen Chamberlain was asked in the House of Commons what was tin* conclusion arrived at by the Court of Arbitration regarding the attack made by Abyssinian soldiers last June on a British camel caravan. He replied that the court,
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    • 482 17 BRITISH APPROVAL MILESTONE IN EUROPE’S RE( (INSTRUCTION.” I.'/lulnii, Ilet*. 22. Rome: l he King has signed a Cabinet iicrr&lt; r making it obligatory for th® Lank &lt;*l Italy to convert its notes to a PTolil basis as from to day. I ho obligation has hot n
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    • 59 17 Not bound Profitable In l-S.A. London, Dec. 2.1. New Y'irk In connection with th® statement in the British House of Common.- that the British Post Office is losing on the Van- Atlantic telephone service, the American Telephone and I olograph oinpany ha*&gt; also found tlie service unprofitable, hut
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    • 48 17 Ian Liner Total I At Suva. London, Dec. 2»i. Su\a. I The Clan line steamer i Inn M&lt; William caught tire and is a total loss utide completing loading copra at V’avau Tonga, before sailing for home. Captain Thomjisofi and the chief engineer urn: drowned.
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    • 392 18 SCHEME FOR SALE. NOT DETRIMENTAL TO INTERESTS. BRITISH POLICY TO RELAX CONTROL. London, Dec. 21. In the House of Commons, questioned regarding the leases surrendered in the* s&gt;ix concessions in China, Sir Austen f ham her la in said he did not anticipate that the change was
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    • 145 18 Discoveries by Berlin Police. London. Dec. 22. Berlin Three person- suspected of Being members of a bie* international crug smuggling organisation have been traced with the aid of documents and codes seized in Berlin last October as the result of co-oneration between the German police and the
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    • 80 18 Rugby, Dec. 21. The new pensions benefits, to operate from Jan. 2. will increase the total numor persons benefiting under the Gov&lt;*rnment’s willows and orphans and old mre contributory Pensions Act to 4-onon V“ n ion J s hav hoi n awarded to 1 ,ns r ,f
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    • 406 18 “KILL THE COMMUNISTS.” NEED FOR COMPLETE SUPPRESSION. Hankow, Dec. 21. Arrests and executions of Chinese Communists continue. Two youths u:id two bobbed-haired girls were executed yesterday afternoon, while a huge crowd of sightcer- shouted. Kill the I ommunists." The garrison commander apologised to the French Consul-General for
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    • 73 18 Notes Presented In Australia. London, Dec. 23. Sydney On the arrival of the steamer Moldavia a young w*onian presented to the Commonwealth Bank £100 in English notes, the numbers corresponding to those on notes taken in the recent robbery in olombo of £5,000 from a mail-bag. during
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    • 113 18 U.S. Company's Payment To Russia. London, Dec. 23. New Vork The explosion at Blacktom ammunition dump, New y or k Sr''’ u” 1 was recalled to-day when a cheque lor $08,104 was paid in karo n nU J nt r*’ 1 a su,t for Ha mages bv
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    • 404 18 THE KING’S SPEECH. VALUE OF IMPERIAL CONFERENCES. London. 1V\\ Parliament has been prorogued until Feb. 2. The King’s speech on the prorogation dwells with satisfaction on the er.thusiasi tic reception accorded to the Prince ot I Wales and Prince George in l’anada and the Duke and Duchess of
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    • 123 18 Charge of British Discrimination. London, Dec. 21. New- \ork The Maritime Exchange recently presented a memorial to Pre-id-ent Coohdgo alleging that Britain. Canada and Australia were discriminating against fnited Mates shipping and urging American retaliation. It instanced that Canada required that cargoes to Canada must be forwarded via
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    • 53 18 London. Dec. 2d the Hn-im-ii/ SUb ,t a nie &gt;norandum on I Vo, condition to the Internat,onal Bankers Committee. Officials do not explain the purport nf h.. mission except say thaTSf U| l tr to oicet debt payments thr.v strineenev “'rhi f th&lt;&gt; |,resent financial payments. UStl&gt;on Knt
      53 words
    • 236 18 £100,000 GIFT. TO BE ALLOWED TO ACCUMULATE. AMENDMENT TO TRUST FINDS BILL. Rugby, Dec. It i- stated in political circles that r otTcr was recently made to the Trea- ,r. of a considerable sum of money which h' donor proposed should be allowed &gt;. accumulate for a
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    • 237 18 THREE RESIDENTS TO I5K DEPORTED. London. I &gt;«v. 2.‘ Wellington O. F. Nelson, F. (in* ami A. G. Smyth, whose names were mum tioned prominently in connection with tin recent enquiry into conditions in Samoa have been deported from West Samoa, the first two for five years ami
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    • 86 18 Big Contract for Electrical Work. Rugby, Dec. It is stated from Vienna that an ag:« s metit has been completed between th&lt; Hungarian Government and a Brit« &gt; t group for the establishment of electricP.v works at Banhida for electrification of tli** railway line from Budapest to
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    • 49 18 Y.M.C.A. Appeal for Special Effort. London, Doc. 2 1 T he A.M.C A. is appealing for fu* f»&gt;r special Christmas festivities for 1 &gt;ish troops abroad, inciudin* r th&lt;&gt;s» Shanghai, Hong Kong and Wei-hai The sum of £40o has previously contributed, but much more is rcquii
      49 words
    • 335 19 I PREMIER’S PLANS. I prompt response in NEW YORK. I -lMILAR ACTION BY FRANCE POSSIBLE. I London, Dec. 22. I c The new rates of the lira are I rung 02.40, to the dollar IP, and to ul lira 3.00. •nnection with Italy’s return to .1
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    • 219 19 LORI) BURNHAM NO LONGER INTERESTED. London. Dec. 22. The proprietors of the Daily 1 olograph, whom Lord Burnham is the principal. «ve arranged to dispose of the papei *uul -idiarv interests to Sir illiam Ben Mr. .1. Corner Berry and Sir Edward Hiffe, who are acquiring it for
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    • 47 19 London, Dec. 23. P iris The Government measure relisimr the tariff on oils has been issued. It provides for protection to the iSt of Frs. 31L98 per metric quintal of oil for French producers and hr. per 100 kilogrammes of medium crude &lt; for refiners.
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    • 307 19 Possibilities of New System. London, Dec. 22. t-i-?| tU 't.*V. r l h!.2 nStallatlon of ,ke ‘omnur2rL. iv h r u" n,ce ,u aM L 1 7 ,hl •"■mil system was f„nshu, "We,l &gt;&gt;• Invert'., rth at the m. m V.\ ,,UH *ong ol the Marconi Company he
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    • 103 19 “Red Rose” Coming To Singapore. London, Dec. 22. Rangoon The light aeroplane Red Rose made a forced landing near Monkey Point on account of a broken piston. 1 he machine was not damaged, and it ;s expected that the repairs will take two or three days. The occupants
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    • 64 19 Nine Lives Lost: Castle Destroyed. London, Dec. 22. Warsaw Nine persons were incinerated and 15 seriously injured in a great tire at Dzikow Castle, near Cracow. A valuable collection of Old Masters and relics of Polish and Austrian history was destroyed. Those who l*»st their lives included
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    • 63 19 Brother’s Who Sometimes Quarrel.” Berlin, Dec. 22. According to the German Press, the Franco-Italian rapprochement is proceeding rapidly. It is believed that Brian*! and Signor Mussolini are now well aware of the necessity for a good understanding and will overcome all however considerable. Signor Mussolini's statement.
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    • 33 19 London, Dec. 22.. Paris: The Senate, by 27.5 to 1* passe 1 the Budget in the form showing estimated receipts of Fr*. 42,«.?dHMM«.t with excess receipts over expend..u.e &lt;* Frs. 100,000,000.
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    • 365 19 SENNAR DAM MARKS NEW ERA. Rugby, Dec. 22. I he annual report on the administra- ;&gt;&lt;’ n "l the Sudan, published tu-*lav, -tate ; the completion of the Sennar Dam. .t.icn wa- officially opened n January &gt; tar tRRi'ke i a new ra in the development nf the
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    • 257 19 Plans for the New Airships. Rugby, Dec. 22. Questioned in the House of Commons regarding the airship R100, now under •(instruction privately for the Government, Sir Philip Sas-oon, Cnder-Secrctary for Air, said it did not appear 1 ik* Iv that the otal fixed weights of the airship,
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    • 66 19 London, Dec. 23. Turin: The Italian airman Donat: reached a height of UK,*02 feet, which T i laimcd as a world record. London, Doc. 22. Paris The Air Department states that Colonel Antoinat and his companions on hoard the aeroplane Georges Guymmer arc retained at Adalia, Turkey,
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    • 248 19 BISHOP’S STATEMENT. VOTE NOT ACCEPTED AS FINAL. London, Dec. 22. 1 he Archbishops of Canterbury an 1 "rk, after two days consultation w t i the Ri.-hops at Lambeth I'alacc, have is ued a statement to the -fleet that it i impossible, within a few days of
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    • 355 19 EVILS OF JUVENILE BETTING. I.ondon, I)«*&lt;*. U2. A warning to investors in dog raring wa- given by the Homo Secretary, Sn William Joynsoii-Hicks in reply to a non-party deputation of members ot tea* House of Commons. lie said he was examining the power' posseted hy the Home
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    • 77 19 Berlin, I&gt;»•«•. Llli. The rui'i r 1*t 1 in has ;11 r i% itt t arid born warmly w«*li &lt;»ni&lt; d. Thi- i &lt;• first Gorman Naval v. it Ita the War. Before proceeding to th«* Far I a tin* Her! i ri awaits &lt; aptain K»&gt;
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    • 463 20 HOPE ABANDONED. PUBLIC CRITICISM OF SALVAGE WORK. London, Dec. 22. Provincetown The wreck of the submarine S4 was lost through the line attached to the vessel being torn away by the fierce gale, hut has now been found again. An attempt will Ik* made to drill a
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    • 66 20 Sir Frederick Field Appointed Commander-in-Chief. London, Dec. 24. The Admiralty announces that ViceAdmiral Sir Frederick Fie’d has been appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean fleet in succession to Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, to date from Jan. 5, 192K. Vice-Admiral Field has been Deputy &lt; hief of the Naval StatT
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    • 91 20 Rugby, Dec. 22. The Prime Minister stated in the House of Commons that the proposal which was made by the Chancellor of the Kxchequer in his last Budget statement, that the Ministry of Transport. th&lt; Department of Mines and the Depur 1 nient (&gt;f Overseas Trade should lr
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    • 246 20 FATE OF AMERICAN WOMAN AVIATOR. London. Dec. 24. Anxiety is growing in America in regard to the fate of the occupants of the amphibian seaplane Dawn whiin le--Roosevelt Field yesterday evening *‘i Harbour Grace with a view of making a trans-Atlantic flight. The occupants ar» Mrs. Grayson. Oscar
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    • 69 20 Tram Workers Safe From Agitators. Shanghai. Dec. 24. 1 .e full tram service was resumed thi- morning. The ex-st:ikers are n w assisting the P 1 ye to arre.-t agitat &gt;rs. apparently l»eiieving that the risks of reprisals have parsed off with the departure of the representatives
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    • 53 20 Father Killed Piloted By Son. London. Dec. 20. Johannesburg Mr. Oliver Davis, secretary of the Durban Turf Club, piloted by his son. attempted to fly from Durban to Johannesburg to attend a big race meeting. The aeroplane crashed at Dundee and Mr. Davis, senr.. wa* killed. His son
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    • 100 20 London, Dec. 21. The death has occurred of Sir Frederic Young, who was head of the salvage section of the Admiralty during the War. Sir Frederic Young was for 30 years Chief Surveyor and Salvage Officer to the Liverpool Salvage Association. After heir.g head of
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    • 115 20 Yacht and Small Steamer Damaged. London, Dec. 24. The steam yacht tre-idu collided with the small pa-s'*r.ger steamer Prince of Wales in (owe road- yesterday evenmg. The Prince of .Wales was bound from Lowe- to Southampton with (30 passenger- on board. In re-pel to the yacht’s S.O.S.
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    • 134 20 Definite Split in The League. London. Dec. 24. Lahore A definite split has occurred in Muslim ranks fundamentally on the attitude that the All-India Muslim League should aiiopt towards the Statutory C om-mi-don ami communal electorates. The trouble began as to who should preside at the League’s
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    • 62 20 Sequel to Japanese Disaster. Tokio. Dec. 2*’&gt;. Cup;. Mi.tuki. ex-commander of the -er r. filing himself responsibfi ti Nava r on Aug. 2«• when J mtsu sank thi destroyer Wa v.n.itted -uici ic. n art ia whicl w as try if Lap". .UK'. and otue:- i c utt
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    • 115 20 Explosion in Buenos Aires Bank. London. Dec. 24. Buev. Aire-: Several bark employ*.. wvie am ng the fifteen injured in a bond c\pb si on at the local branch of tin National City Bunk. The premia s were badly damaged. There was a similar ixpi at tr.e First
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    • 198 20 Ill-Treatment of Prominent Writer. London, IKc. 2*. War-aw The playwright. M. Novvaczynski, who is also a leader-writer for the conservative press against the presint regime was visited last. evening by t*vo civilians and another man uniformed aa senior police officer, who produced a warrant showing ho was
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    • 45 20 Lon lon, Dec. 2". sice i. The death is announced of M. Sazonofr, who was Russian Foreign &gt;1 mister in 11)14 and subsequently represented Koltehak in Paris. M. Sazonoff played Heading part in inter* national politics prior to tho Great War.
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    • 154 20 French Proposal to United States. London, IV&lt; j j Washington: The Foreign R, committee of the Senate has recent! &lt; examining M. Briand’s proposal r treaty outlawing Franco-American ur J Mr. Borah, chairman of the com. suggested that M. Briand should t. ed to extend the proposal
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    • 141 20 Warehouse Destroyed: Five Killed. London. Die. Four firemen were killed at t&gt; during a lire which destroyed a -tore.* warehouse in Graham Sq;a:\. tie Gallowgate district, on i h: Kve. Santa Clau- is scratchin* uttered by a four-year boy when ing the staircase of a tenement I in
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    • 69 20 Frenzied Buying Of Stocks. London, Dev Now York Frenzied buying of Ur. States Steel Corporation broke ’he fir.a! hour on the stock carrying the price up nearly five to I.*4. the highest figure for mWu \v c e k s. The rise is attributed to a rcvi\a rumours
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    • 41 20 STEAMER LOOTED MAM KILLED. Shanghai. Dec. It i.- reported from Ichan£ that French steamer Shuheng. proceeding Shasi, was pirated below lchang on 'A* 22nd inst. The pirates thoroughly looted tin* "c’ sel and many passengers were killed. *r.d winded.
      41 words
    • 92 20 French Airmen Return From Saigon. London, Poe. Paris The airnn*n Challe and K- i: have completed their return journey tr Saigon. London Dee. Mexico City Using a Fairchild t monoplane, which he had never see fore, Col. Lindbergh took President •&gt; and General Obregon on their first a plane
      92 words
    • 1107 21 HEAVY SNOW. FIRST FOR TWENTY-ONE YEARS. ROADS BLOCKED IN SURREY. London, Dec. 21. Fv.utimil -kulls. broken arms, legs, bones and wrists and dislocated •i„g, rs are among the 1.000 casualties I i( fails in the icy streets after the ,i«*n thaw which were treated in 30
      1,107 words
    • 96 21 Work of the Clearing House. London. Dec. 2i. The work of the clearing office dealing with claims against ex-enemy states ami subjects is nearing completion. Ih report of the Controller for the year ended Oct. 1 last, shows a total ot ftH ,000,000 paid to claimants, "t wh'cn
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    • 200 21 C. S. A. AND CALCUTTA CARGO. London, Dec. 28. New York It is believed that the deeiMori of the United States Shipping Board ,n rt tluce th cargo rate on jute, burlap) ,.n»i aggmg front (gilcutta to Boston and I V w V ,rk from 35 to
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    • 149 21 MOVE TOWARDS FRIENDLY SOLUTION. London, Dec. 27. Mexico City The House of Representatives passed the first reading of a Bill sent to the Chamber by President Calles which will have the effect of amending articles 11 and 15 of the Mexican oil regulations. This is in accordance with
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    • 126 21 Quickly Taken l&gt;p In New Y’ork. London, Dec. 21. New York A l.’»-year Peruvian national loan of $50,000,000 at six per cent, is k ing offered to-day at a price yielding an average interest of fi.80 per rent. It is being issued by a syndicate headed by .1.
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    • 36 21 C elebration of Her Ninetieth Birthday. Berlin, Dec. 27. Mrs. Cosima Wagner, widow of the great composer, celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Christmas Day. Congratulatory telegrams were sent from all parts of the world.
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    • 60 21 London, Dec. 28. ficncvn The Swiss Federal Council as announced that it will not permit the establishment of an official Soviet news agency in Geneva, but cannot refuse the presence of an ordinary journalist m (Jcneva merely exercising his profession, so long as he does not act
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    • 26 21 Berlin, Dec. 27. Constantinople Twenty-six passengers were drowned through a sion in the Sea of Marmora. Ibe steam, r Sewindj was sunk.
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    • 400 21 Resolution to Boycott Commission Passed. London, Dec. 26. Madras: l)r. A nsari in his presidential address at the forty-second Indian National ongress urges concentration of their energies and resources on lighting communal political discord. He advised t h&lt;* Congress to have nothing to do with the Statutory Commission
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    • 40 21 I.ondon, Dee. 28. Hilda pest Many passengers were injured as a re-nlt of a goods train colliding with the Budapest Bukharest express, which was held up near Kolnzsvar as the result of severe frost affecting the railway lines.
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    • 43 21 Condon, Dec. 23. Angora The aeroplane (leorjff* (Juyncmor is now reported to have left Adalia for Aleppo on Wednesday after taking m fresh "petrol. Condon, Deo. 20. Paris The aeroplane (Jcorges (#uynemer landed at Alexandretta on Deo. 25.
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    • 44 21 Condon, Dec. 25. Pan- The Hudgct after going backwards and forwards between tin* Chamber and tne Senate was definitively adopted by both houses with substantial majorities. The receipts are put at k r*. 42,400,000,000 and the expenditure aFrs. 12, I 11,000,000.
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    • 43 21 Paris, Doe. 21. French imports for the first eleven, months of l'.»27 totalled Krs. I7,*l.!*i,rt00,000. showing a decrease of rs. (»,f*7a,000,00ffc compared with the same period of last year. Exports amounted to Krs. 5(1,204,&lt;&gt;00,00(1, showing a decrease of I'rs. 4,102,(8)0,000.
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    • 39 21 Condon, Dec. 20. .lohanne-burg Five natives were killed and 20 injured in a fight between rival ’actions m the western township. Threw of the injured are not expected to live. A pobcerrauj was not seriously injured.
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    • 218 22 FAMINE RELIEF. MILUONS ON BRINK OF STARVATION. SMALL PERCENTAGE OF CROI'S HARVESTED. Peking. Pci'. 27. Foreigners in Shantung confirm the reports of famine relief societies that 4.0O0.000 people are on the brink of starvation in that province. In 25 districts out of the 107 in the province
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    • 84 22 Lojr. ]or.. Dec. 2**’. Amsterdam A- a i&gt; -ult f t t-ir 11 ot -r ear falling i: t cana- :.&lt; we! -xn&lt;»vvnj Amsterdam lawyer Van Nier.-p ..*-i h-s vfe and daughter dr wr.ei Ber’.ir. Dec. 2’*. Driving across r» squar* n front *&gt;f the Reichstag building. Jor.xheer
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    • 63 22 Etr. r.. Dev. 27. The statement of the Sxuili-t, M C»..ude&gt;, in the French Chamber incoming French Navy e-vr.centrati &gt;n in tr. Meditorranvar. has caused unea&gt;:nes&gt; ut Italy. Tr.e Press j»-.nts out that the g&gt;vernntent c-'es not reply to the s:.i*&lt;. r.t the French Press suppress'd it.
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    • 102 22 L rT'.Dr.. r*ee. 2*. Figure- ir.dAaticg the eTict rf the ♦.ent-ra. &gt;tr:Xi. ar.d *.r.t- miring -toppagv on thi rr.xmbership ar.c r.i f the trail* ut&gt; art give* ir. a rt-tuiT. x*t the Registrar i f Friir.d.y S vietV-- r T r statist es ow 1 r then
      102 words

  • 70 22 NIGHTJAR WINS. VENTOSE BEATEN BY NECK. (From Our Special Correspondent.&gt; Calcutta. Dev. J'x TtK- race for the Yicer y’s Cup resulted as follows Mr A Bowk’s NIGHTJAR I Mr Kelac’s VENTOSE Mr. Wadia’s DOMESTIC BOND Eight ran Won by a x. a length •'ir.i2 a half between
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  • 665 22 London. Dec. 23. Mexico City: Mrs. Lindbergh ha* arrived, aceompar.k'd by her son, who dew to meet her. Berlin, Dec. 2i-. Parrs A Swis* named E. Coffey, formerly the ex-Kaiser’s masseur, wa* sentenced here to pay a high fine for giving electrical treatment. -T he court
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  • 46 22 Berlin. E*ec 2“ An earthquake ye-:erdav itiWs .rt-rr. R.rr.e caused great i am 1 hre-e were Juried n v. v :.&lt;r whkh they dui oat ‘S vPril vu.lwir.fs m R-.iiue were «tan aged fa c rg th* sport i grounds led t *
    46 words
  • 638 22 GREATER FREEDOM THAN IN OLD DAYS. One cannot help wondering whether th** modern child ever realises how lucky 1 it is to be a modern child, in a genera- tion when children are studied and coni' sidered as never before. Whether, for instance, it appreciates being allowed butter
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  • 49 22 An Exhortation to The Powers. Lor.i r.. Dec. 27. r.t P res 1 message Sacred *?&lt; nter] feu i a- ar. -he Powers to intervene in r Britain exert res sun n ntries with ict sinilarly while the ed on to um v. —-r..v ir. Mex.:o
    49 words
  • 616 22 A RHODESIAN STORY OF .1 WITCH EXPOSED. Mr. L. K. Robinson, member L 1 Legislative Assembly f.»r the I District in the South Rhodesia I'nr n writes to The Morning Po*t a- foil. the subject of the hyena'-* spell The incident related in your colun 0 June
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 119 22 PROPERTY SALE 0 following Singapore p ro p n: o i t»y auction at the sale-room of 1 Koor. tn-njr and Co.. SO. Chulia H-c H and 21 i&lt; &lt; &gt;" ,,ar leasehold land and &gt;tree.t 000 sq. ft. Mr. K S. Man. *00: freehold land and houses S2 r,
      119 words

    • 876 23 I Scheme for Chinese I League. -w and promising development in al football world is the scheme announced to start a Chinese .11 League in Singapore next year I he auspices of the Straits Chinese H .11 Association. 1 Association at present comprises I r„ ndemeor Club, Aston Club,
      876 words
    • 244 23 [Reuter Telegram.] French Champions Lose In U.S.A. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dec. 24. Philadelphia The United States made a clean sweep of three matches against the visiting French tennis players, Borotra. Brugnon and Boussus, who are on a world tour. Tilden beat Borotra. 7—5, 0— 1. Manuel Alonzo (who now
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  244 words
    • 164 23 Singapore Beat Johore. The inter-club race between Singapore n&lt; l Johore resulted in a win foi Singapore hy four minutes and five seconds. Hu- winners were represen toil &gt;&gt; Kathleen, which was sailed hy Mr- while Mr. Hedley-VVhite sailed Pollv f, At J&lt; the* start Kathleen got a lead
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    • 366 23 S.C.C. Win at Tanglin. I'kvmgat TangbHon Dee. 21. the S.C.C. h a the Duke of We.lington’s hy two goals to one. I J h V isi V’ r Wer (he first to score, h‘*n Baughan on the wing sent the bail ti* t0 K Murphy, the latter breaking t
      366 words
    • 191 23 Possibility of Australian Team's Visit. There is a possibility that an Australian polo side will be seen in action in Malaya next year. The New South Wales Polo Club are sending a team to India next spring, and a letter has been sent by the Singapore Polo t
      191 words
    • 209 23 Match at Chinese S.C. The water-polo match between the married and the single teams at the hinese Swimming Club provided a well contested game. The married relied on their defence line while the singles had a strong forward lino. I’lay was fast and the exchanges even at the
      209 words
    • 230 23 fßouter Telegram.J Another Two-Day Match Drawn. [Reuter Telegram.J London, Dec. 22. Benotii The two-day match I etween the M.( and a South African eleven ended in a draw. The South African eleven hatt&lt;d tir.-t and were all out for HO. Hammond took six wickets for 22. 'Die M.C.C.
      fßouter Telegram.J  -  230 words
    • 66 23 London, Itee. 27. Johar n« -burg L eland heat So.jtii A fra a hy t* who*' S i i 170 They w&lt; re 7s for 8 and th» n .m int put on .'i &gt; and t’otn n not out. .i record for a nint.i wicket
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    • 142 23 [Reuter Telegram.) H. A. Barry’s Ten Length Victory. [Reuter Telegram.) London, De 27. Vancouver The match for the world* sculling championship was over a thr«v mile course. II. A. Harry (Britain &gt; I tea Major fiood.'ol! (Australia) hy ten length in the time of 21 min. I see.
      [Reuter Telegram.)  -  142 words
    • 145 23 Singapore Hoys for Saigon. Three well-known Sin.-apor*- hovers Battling Key, Mohd. Amin and Yo:n/ Aman nre leaving lor Saigon on Snmlay. with their manager Mr. Oci. I'he&gt; ha ontratt for several eorrt« luring 11 hair w hitii i making Saii’on an af’r.e centre this month and next, and they
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    • 1624 24 [Reuter Telegram.] Christmas and Boxing Day Results. LEAGUE POSITIONS. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dec. 26 The following are the results of Saturday’s and to-day’s fixtures SATURDAY. Division I. Arsenal 3 Everton 2 Aston Villa 5 Sheffield Wed. 1 Burnley 2 Cardiff 1 Bury 2 Blackburn Derby 4 Binningham 1
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,624 words
    • 880 24 Singapore Win the Southern Section. Singapore’s triumphant career through the southern section of the Malaya Cup competition ended at the Stadium on Saturday with the team qualified to enter the final, but only after an extremely nasty and unexpected jolt at the hands ot the United Services.
      880 words
    • 255 24 Field Notes on Singapore Hugby. The following excerpt from Ti. I will no read with interest by foil. H Singapore Rugby:— *‘Fr. Eric Lindow, the old Ea.-: V I lands ami Northampton outside i ami centre three-quarter, is hon H Singapore, and brings good new- H
      255 words
    • 132 24 Strong Opposition From Java. lYnar.g ructgoe.s have r smr.e intert-tir.g t-v. u.t- at ti e r.&gt; v. meeting. Nu'.e n ih&gt;, &gt;o:ik* crack.- t the Java o&gt;U'. iu. it and as t hes animals iir which v.ry pi..ij'aid. it wvuld tint be .*urpr »ing if .1 number
      132 words
    • 60 24 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Prince Loses Hard Natch. [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Rugby. Pec. The IVince of Wales, who yesterday beat Lieut.-Comdr. Kershaw in the round of the Royal Navy and U *&gt;' a Marines squash racquets champion'hip. was defeated in the semi-feruil to-day Surgn.-Comdr. Mackenzie. It was a fiercely
      [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO]  -  60 words
    • 92 24 Wire to the Governor and Lady Clifford. Christmas preetings have been y changed between the Singapore Fo&lt; 1 Association and H.E. the Governor, &gt; l Hugh (lifford, at Kuala Lumpur. The cable from the association t" Excellency read Flayers and otb of all denominations unite in sendinyour Excellency
      92 words
    • 863 25 Hong Kong Writer On Malayan Critics. v. 0 reprint without comment the followir.. notes by the cricket correspondent of Kong Daily Press. 1 am interested in, though not sur- *1 at, the Malayan criticisms of the 1 which come from Malaya to Hong 1 had, as
      863 words
    • 782 25 Exciting Incidents In Steeplechase. (I Gun jr Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Dec. 21. w ",c, a^n. H H. th.‘ Sultan 7;’f *IVrak! inCt ,mlu&lt;liMlt ’Igmy of incident attended the stcepen n,"? 1 ‘r° *ourw, whirl) w»&lt; u spectacular event of the nro/»amme. Ghost refused at the first fin -e
      782 words
    • 143 25 I cnnni? hintse Defeat Singapore Team. On Christmas Day and B«.xing Day an muicstmg rlU ;ket match was plaved hemw ou the Straits Chinese Rccreition Club, c inh' ZTv an&lt;1 Recreation t lub at I enang. The match resulted in a i v,n tne ho »H* side by seven
      143 words
    • 58 25 During the Chinese New Year a Hong Kong Rugby team is to leave Hong Kong D*r Shanghai for an inter-port match. The invitation was tendered by Shanghai and Hong Kong accepted. It i- said that both ports po.-sess crack teams th'.year ami the match should, th n
      58 words

  • 107 25 Passengers arriving by President lart.eld from America included the follow11 g For Singapore. Mr P. Clover, Mr M c Duck, Mrs. B. M Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. 1 u.*e .dr. L. Greenwuld, Mr Walter (irothe. lr. and Mr- F. E. Keller, Mr. A. IJevis, Mr. •’ltd Mrs.
    107 words
  • 45 25 BiNXIE. On December 21, l; 27, at Mater nity Hospital, Singapore to .Mr. and Mrs A. B nnie, a daugl.ier. HARKISO.Y. On Deeeinm r 2a. 1!*27, at S ngapore. to tin wife of A L. Harrison. HSO., Itukit Serantpang Estate, TangUak Johore, a daughter.
    45 words
  • 20 25 WEBSTER PACE. On December 17. 1927 at Singapore, John Sutton Webster, M.M.S.. to Edith Margaret Page, of Hong Kong.
    20 words
  • 155 25 Singapore, I tec. 2h. EXCHANGE. (*n I.nndon, Hank I m s 2 4'4 Demand I'riyate 3 m. credit 2/4 21/31 (tn New ork, (leinand ftr, 4 Private 90 &lt;1 1^ 'n France, Hunk T.T. 143ft t*n India. Hank T.T. |-,4 "11 Hong Kong. Hank T.T Hi 1
    155 words
  • 819 25 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. SingU|H&gt;r&lt;‘, Pec L’S. MININ(J. I Val. I’d. Buyers Seller* £1 £1 Asam Kunihung 67/- 69/£1 £1 Binirin Tin 3M 39 l 1 Hulling l’ailang 0.674 1 1 Itatu &lt;’aves 1.27 1 a 1.324 £1 1 riienderiang 1'.' 21 6 c«I l I C
    819 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 89 25 NOTICE .A I! communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget snould t* addressed to the Head Oftce. Ocil anr Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle ments. The post free price of the Straits Times t&lt; the United Kingdom and foreign country is $48 a year. Tf’e post free
      89 words
  • 137 25 DEATHS BOOTH. *&gt;n December 21. 1927, John Booth aged 73. Leaving a widow and a daughter CHEW. On December 2*1. 1927, at 2, Tanglii Hill, Chew (ieok Liati, beloved wife &lt;0 Chun Seek Koon, sister- n-Inw of Mr. Chin Yeow Koc and niece of Mr. Lim Hong Kiat. (iOll. On
    137 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 64 1 General— I'age Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages 1 Rubber Position—(By A. W. Still) 1 Rul her Smuggling 1 Rubber Restrictinn Statistics Local Rubber Auctions Labour Position Weekly Share Market London Share Prices J able News— Rubber Merger 4 Rubber Restriction orrespondence— Rubbgr Mr. Still’s Phantoms Restriction Meetings
      64 words
    • 63 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Self r Pi ces Jan. Apl. July 1 Lite I.Mon S'pore Spot Mar. June Sept. s. d. Ilt-C. "j 7‘ 4 &gt;, Pa’ll* 1 n.71 n.7.U» t*.~« 2:{ l 7 i• ♦;•.*&gt;ii.Op t 0.71'a 7x t».7."*’•« 2 1 1 h o.7u
      63 words
    • 21 1 Rubber price averages for the current Restriction quarter are as follows Singapore 69.13 cents I."’u! in Is. 7.3*2d.
      21 words
    • 106 1 [REITER TELEGRAM Plan for Big Combine Passed. [REITER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 22. Meetings of shareholders approved the proposal for the merging of the Amalgamated Rubber and General Hstates and the Amalgamated Rubln-r Development o. into the United Serdang (Sumatra) Rubber Plantations. Mr. James Fairburn, presiding at the meeting
      [REITER TELEGRAM ]  -  106 words
    • 129 1 PREVENTIVE FLEET'S ACTIVITIES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 23. A telegram from the Lalat reports the capture on Dec. 18, off Batu Pahat, I of three boats, 80 piculs of rubber and i i2 Malays. Prosecutions are pending. I here was a joint capture by the
      129 words
    • 1379 1  -  (Hy A. \V. Still.) London. N w. 30. It has bt n a rather t wnttm week. For s"im* time p..-t_ i a&gt; tuat 1 tween 1 wet k it t* st* rat’, i''H-u ,1,1 •i •'ire. Thet. there «a- a mow dec. u
      1,379 words
    • 710 1 Further Cut Made By Assessment Committee. Hu 1 annua! general meeting of Maiaka Pinda Rubber Co. was held ••jwarie* ,r?i 1 on rhursda Hon. Mr. Ian Chon- Lock, presided m proposing the adoption of tho r, and account? said:—The profit am j account shows a not profit of
      710 words
    • 797 2 1541 rlow and Co. Report. Singapore, Dec. 22. slightly better tone has prevailed c oughout the past week and prices in all .rkets show a fair improvement. ..viidon price of represents an adice of ***d. whilst New York at 40d. cents a- d has advanced cent gold.
      797 words
    • 394 2 Statistics for the Month of November. -ho (&th Restriction War* R 8 AND MP0RTS P BRITISH MAI.AVA 'TRADE FIGCRrs,. Novomhor, 11*27 jj, 1 1 6 '-“'p- Total Export.. Fon'lJ.,,'Huhbor. r"portri„TKipiVt9ir.i\i r r v ,i 4 r** imported or exported durin E the’ eelendiir""inonit'i"5li ll "I 'uaUy been taken
      394 words
    • 62 2 [REUTER TELEGRAM] No Selling Without Coupons In Ceylon. [retiter telegram] London, £&gt;&lt;h\ -4. Colombo Legislation became effective vesterday making it illegal to purchase or sell rubber without coupons. The marriage .arranged between Mr. George Shelton Agar, ot .'»hvl is Estate, Kuala Lumpur, and 1 1( &gt; s Lloyd
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  62 words
    • 307 2 Extension of Cultivated Area. The twentieth annual general meeting of the Sumatra Para Rubber Plantations. Ltd., was held on Nov. 22, at 2-4 Idol Lane. K.C. Mr. H. A. Barrett (the chairman) said that, taking into account the course of the rubber market during the past year,
      307 words
    • 372 2 Company’s Financial Position. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the Brieh Rubber Kstate, was held in London on Nov. la. Mr. K. K. Moreau, C.B.K. ithe rhairnianI. presiding;, in his speech said: I he profit and loss account for the yeai shows a credit halanee of i‘1
      372 words
    • 380 2 (&lt; m vl NV kei'orts. mviDKMIS AND NOTICES. p.c &lt; Uny I-., 7', d la, |M ,ury l,vJ «u« i.. U,uNa. ,|iv,l. ;i Snm,&lt;liv.l r, y n lr i '&gt;"• u t Ini i" ■''*•&lt;• a,.,, ,0 S |?.c I' l r, k ,llv r I"' ''•»'&lt; &gt;-»r
      380 words
    • 249 2 Amalgamated Malay/ 10,1170 Mm Palau. 21,300 llm Herunung. 21,000 llm Bertnm (Taishui. 32,142 IP Bunlli 2I.*»00 Dm. Rrooklands. 37,(10(1 ||&gt;s. Bukit Kepong. 12,6(1(1 Mm (‘hemPong. 38,1100 |l»« t'heras. 2H.000 IPs Connemara. 20,302 IPs tilensliiel. 2(1.(120 IPs. Kamasan 10,500 IPs kepong Malay. Il(l,3!((i llm Kong Sang. 8,575 IPs I.aPuan
      249 words
    • 66 3 IThe Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
      66 words
    • 740 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I am glad to note from yo»r issue of the 21st inst., that your late esteemed Editor, Mr. A. W. Still, who was so doughty a champion of restriction, is at last beginning to appreciate the realities of the
      740 words
    • 231 3 m m. M A W I© the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,-We understand that, if the present rate ,,f restriction fails to maintain rubber at the pivotal price of Is. 9d. per pound there is a possibility of restriction and the pivotal price being reduced to 50 per
      231 words
    • 392 3 Messrs. Fraser and Co/s Weekly Report. Macphail an.l Co.’s weekly report, dwfwl December 27, states The intervention of the hristmas holu navs has not only curtailed thV working uavs of the week we are expected to reviJw. but has limited the volume of business done during few
      392 words
    • 96 3 An approximate idea of the state of labour supply in Malaya is obtained by extracting Indian, Chinese and Dutch Indies figures from the Arrivals and Departures by •ea from and to Foreign Ports published monthly in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette. Figures for the month ending Nov. 30.
      96 words
      • 540 3 Stock I 8toe a Exchange I Par Excbaoe* v£. C-P..7. Pri 1“ 4 I 2/ Merbau l 13 tg i‘l Abaro gj Malaya General 3 3 J Allagar £1 Mumbau £1 Anglo-Malay Z. 0 I 2 Merah 1 £1 Ayer Kuning Merbau 1 2
        540 words
      • 754 3 ClMiBff Pri«Bt Paid Up Valna Dividend* Praaar Lyall 41 Company A Co. Evatt. S89.298 1 85 p.c. year 28-2-27 ..AlUnby ($1) 8.00 8.20 8.00 8J8 160.000 1 20 pc. for year 30-9-27 ..Alor Gajah ($i) 2.40 2.70ed.2.40 2.8® 727,964 1 10 p.c. int. a/e
        754 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 December 29, 1927 ..r J?A •A r r v if &gt; n. ■kT I i i $i i v 1927 Modeis 5 Seater Touring $3,000 7 Seater Touring 3,100 4 Door Saloon 3,500 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Pass Touring 4,100 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD (Incorporated in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 300 5 7r tuft,. SECURITY m &gt; EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO- LTD. (Incorporated in the Straita Settlementa) &gt; v *1 &lt; V; DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. D. J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq.
      300 words