The Straits Budget, 15 December 1927

Total Pages: 34
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] \o. .‘U» 1 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1927 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 74»
    29 words
  • 384 1 Page LEXDERS— 16 N1 oolidge’s Message ;J ivnN of Speeding •i r School in Malax a r u) nal Court of Apical w Xmamillah s Tour protect the Honest Trader p,, .i-.onal Notes 0 T,Iterant. Reuter and Special Past Week’s News lb-2d Pictures v „.r. ore W eddings M
    384 words
  • 1755 1 Dr Gossip is returning to Penang by the Hector, due to arrive on Jan. J. Mrs. 1). \V. Brisbane has left by the City of Palermo on a three month*-’ vi*it to Australia. The- Solicitors’ Clerks Association, Singapore, has been registered under the Societies Ordinance. Mr. A.
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  • 1039 2 SHORT MEETING. RELIEF FOR RUBBER PRODUCERS. NEW LEGISLATION IN VARIOUS STAGES. A meeting of the legislative Council wa- held on Monday H.E. the (J'lvernoj* 4Sir Hugh Clifford, M.C.S., G.C.M.G., G.B.E.) presiding. A Malay Honoured. At the commencement II s Excellency presented the Imperial Service Medal to Jassid bin
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  • 208 2 Drainage Scheme Carried Out by Municipality. The work which is being carried out by the Municipality on the Padang should in luture prevent that most useful area of grass land from becoming waterlogged on the slightest provocation and thereby preventing the playing of important fixtures in
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  • 135 2 Judgment in Motor Car Case. At the conclusion of the ease in the Supreme Court on Thursday, in w hich Ng Chong Meow and Ng Seng Phang, sued I oh Tuan for a total of $2,175, damagearising out of a motor car smash on the Sigiap Road, Mr.
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  • 680 2 VALUED MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL. We greatly regret to record the death of Mr. Ha»*old (’arpmael, the Municipal Assessor, which occurred at the General Hospital on Saturday night, following an operation. Mr arpmael, who was unmarried atui afi years of age. came out to Singapore manv years
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  • 79 2 Tokio, Dec. 11. Tf.the I Met should be dissolved during the coming session (as some believe is likely) »ho date of the General Election is likelv to be fixed sixty days from the date of dissolution. in accordance with the manhood suffrage law. Should the dissolution take
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  • 197 2 REMARKABLE ACCIDENT. NORTH BRIDGE RO\|> SCENE. The driver of a lorry along v> Bridge Road on Saturday hi. miraculous escape from death thnuu the collapse of the front portion of ;i house into which it is believed the y h-|( had run. The shophouse in question
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  • 182 2 Planters and the Chinese Opposition. At a genera: meeting of the kuai. Lumpur District Planters’ Assouator. !;old at Kuala Lumpur on LKc. 5. Mi U. I.vggatt. presiding, mentioned that arising out of the minutes was the qu* lion of the registration of servants, with which the Association was
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  • 67 2 Fancy Lights Resembling Fireworks! Penang. Dee. 7. A test case was brought to-day again>' Ahmed bin Mastan for having ornamental headlights on the front of his car. Ar inspector stated that the D-P.P. had givei him a ruling that this constituted a; offence. The Magistrate inflicted a
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  • 108 2 THE KEDAH S NEW RUN. Fast Direct Cargo and Passenger Service. I he Straits Steamship Co.’s now tw r screw steamer Kedah will on the 22n" instant inaugurate a fast direct cargo am* passenger service between Singapore an* Penang. Her time table will approxi mately bo as under Leave Singapore
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 684 3 MR. COOLIDGE’ S MESSAGE. St »’•!it t; T accomplished.--1 1 i 1 1 > rimes, December 8. I„ his message to Congress. j I y<iii« nt Coolidge has discussed ,j/, M »licy with a bluntness not ‘j.' lul IL adopted by Presidents nearend of their term. Judging V| t .|x
      St »’•!it • t; T ' accomplished.- -11 «i 11 > rimes, December 8.  -  684 words
    • 623 3 siuercd seriously.—Straits Times, December 1). Speaking at a recent dinner in Singapore on his experiences as a motor car driver, Sir Hugh Clifford made the following remark: “1 ‘•rive a car with one hand on the steering wheel, and the police re gillation** of this town imposing
      siuercd seriously.—Straits Times, December 1).  -  623 words
    • 603 3 interest.—Straits Times, December 10. I he particulars which we were able to publish of the trade school which the authorities propose to establish in Singapore will be generally welcomed by the public, for, although the method of provision has been a debatable matter, it has always
      interest.—Straits Times, December 10.  -  603 words
    • 630 3 conviction.—Straits Times, December 12. The Oscar Slater Hill has passed both Houses of Parliament and now only awaits the Kind’s assent to become law. It would seem, therefore, that (he efforts—remarkable in their persistence—of those who have at no time believed that Slater was guilty of
      conviction.—Straits Times, December 12.  -  630 words
    • 662 4 her.—Straits Times. December 13. U*r l->. The forthcoming European tour of His Majesty Amanullah Khan, King of Afghanistan, is something more than a picturesque pilgrimage it promises to be an event of genuine political importance which may have real repercusssions upon the security of the Empire of
      her.—Straits Times. December 13. U*r l->.  -  662 words
    • 646 4 main a commercial matter.—Straits limes, December 11. At the last Annual Dinner of the Straits Settlements Association the Hon. Mr. Clement Everitt uttered an eloquent plea for increased specialisation in Government Departments. Therein he was only '.riving voice to a sentiment that is generally, if
      main a commercial matter.—Straits limes, December 11.  -  646 words

  • 96 4 Smart Work by Detectives In Everton Road. hour Chinese were charged in th* N D Ut M„ C t" Un Z\ »""<'•>• '-"f-r- Mr V I>. Mudie with being in possession of rV Vt t r amI a nuail >er of dagger" hiel ourt Inspector Meredith wb
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  • 35 4 hinese Woman and Her Conviction. (From ()ur °wn Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 13. In< r Cheah y nrst, y. by burn'vii^'Tr,r^^fet^8ervant nn, J wntonw on the fimVhaV” nV J ti0n umltdli f
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  • 2294 4 There has possibly been grumbling among members of thi- s Ul1 pore Cricket (.’tub on account of m ln *> rule which necessitates members ,L nH mg tickets for admission to the cn ln on the occasion of important matches. The rule, however L made solely with a
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  • 62 5 President Adams Picks Up Japanese. who arrived by the President Adams at Singapore on 1 uesday m interesting experience in tin laiiti ,hr. Ship shrill.<1 a small .Iapana«....f, a ,liift SDH miles <mt fi"m K." Th ermv were reset hy means of ropes out from the Prts*.t
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  • 255 5 STRANGE CRAFT IN SINGAPORE HARBOUR. Some astonishment was created in the narbouron I uesday morning whin a craft strange and somewhat humorous appearance emerged from a Tanjong vhu slipway and threaded its way among shipping to the quay opposite the shipping Office. It was built on
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  • 247 5 Why Hegg Took Veronal Tablets. In the Second Court on Tuesday before Mr. H. R. Bull, Mr. N. C. Begg was charged with attempted suicide. The accused pleaded guilty. Mr. Bull 1 understand that you are out of work. Accused Yes, your Honour. 1 have 1 een out
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  • 220 5 Death of Mr. G. E. Krickenbeek At Seremban. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 13. The death has occurred at Seremban General Hospital of Mr. G. E. Krickenbeek, assistant manager of Muller am; Phipps (Ma'aya) Ltd., Singapore, as th< result of injuries sustained during Sun day’s
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  • 607 5 River Congestion Remedies. w SERIOUS SITUATION AT SINGAPORE. Inquiries made by a Straits Times representative on Saturday showed that the mercantile community, and particularly owners ot native cargo craft, have warmly welcomed the statement of the Master Attendant ((’apt. Freyberg, R.N.), in the Marine Court, that action
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  • 94 5 IS Persons Removed !o Hospital From Chinese House. Eighteen persons had to ho removed to hospital from a hiriese in New Market Road on December 1. suiTeriii;** from poisoning believed l*y the head of the house to have been administered by a person who bad a grudgo against
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  • 1040 6 ARGUMENT IN SINGAPORE COURT. CLAIM BY MILLIONAIRE’S DAUGHTER. An application involving a legacy of £1,000,000 left by the late Oei Tiong Ilam, the Java millionaire, to one of hi.daughters, Mrs. Gwendoline Kan, a dispute as to whether the trustees of the estate should pay this legacy to Mrs.
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  • 307 6 Former Employee’s Allegations In Police Court. Lin: Tiang Kwee. an ex-employee of lluttenhach an i Lazarus, giving evidene ir. a District Court case in which the a it ::i ate i nqboycrs are charging Tan J o Song, an electrical fittings store roj-ru tor. :n connection with
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  • 159 6 Successful Gathering at S.V.C. Drill Hall. The Girl Guide Rally, held at the Volunteer Drill Hall by kind permission of I.t.-Col. Postlethwaite, was attended by over 150 Rangers, Guides and Brown>e3. Among those present were also Mrs. 'an Straubenzee, President of the Singapore Girl Guides, Mrs. L.
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  • 1087 6 225.000 PERSONS UNDERGO INOCULATION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. Dec. fi. The prompt Government measures tor the prevention of the spread of ciudoi and me ready response of the people to the ait vice mat everyone should be inoculated have been successful in checking ,he outbreak. 1
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  • 140 6 Hoard Disapprove of Lad> Licencees. A meeting of the Licensing Ju-:i was held in the District Court on Tu > Mr. N. D. Mudie presiding. Others sent were Messrs. T. W. Stubbs. Fell. W. E. Rayner, E. S. Mana-st h Dr. Hunter. A. S. I*. Harnur appear for
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  • 202 6 Ceremony at Lodge Elliot Malacca. There was a large influx of Masonic visitors to Malacca on Saturday, for t*u installation of Bro. W. H. G. Graham Master of Lodge Elliot, including t <' Rt. Wor. the District Grand Master —the Hon. Mr. Justice Sproule—and brethren from Penang, Kuala
    202 words

  • 913 7 Proposed Site Not Suitable. ,m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 7. 4 meeting of the Kuala Lumpur 1 y Board held this morning the 'of the proposed Kuala Lumpur mi was discussed at some length. Chairman (Mr. G. W. Bryant) ia: a sub-committee had been ap-
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  • 185 7 Comparison of Total Value of Foreign Merchandise. Comparative statement of the total value, t t lost, imported and exported to and fr?.n, v m orcha ,li G excluding Parael vn)nu 0 nU lr,,m Hntish Malaya during 1926 and 1027. IMI ORIS. EXPORTS. increas Increase 19 6
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  • 336 7 WORKS CONTEMPLATED AT SELETAR. A London technical journal of Nov. 4 prints the following interesting information regarding the Singapore Naval l ’>. i e Five firms in this country which under-' take heavy contract work overseas, have been invite 1 by the Admiralty to subrnr tenders for
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  • 504 7 IMPROVEMENTS IN HOTEL ACCOMMODATION. (From a Correspondent.) Macao, Nov. 28. There will be no lack <>f hotel a<*commo*| dation at Macao shortly. The only! European hotel worthy of the name at present is the Boa Vista Hotel, but possibly before the end < f the year the
    504 words
  • 632 7 I.GJ*’s Unknown Visitor Sentenced. With unbrushed hair and in clothe, that were certainly not suggestive of the attractive personality of the plausible and pleasant young man who was said lo Ik* travelling round the country imposing on Government officials, Mohamcd bin Teh. the Malay who was alleged
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  • 103 7 Round the Island Race. The first part of the R".val Singnpor* Yacht riul. Round the Island im*e f«*r H" class boats was sailed "Ji Sunday, under somewhat stormy conditions, .la' Fiend was the first to tret away and lied the lead until Keppel Harbour wa- reached, when Irene went
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  • 1242 8  - ALWAYS AFTERNOON.” A CONTRAST BETWEEN EAST AND WEST. (By Richard Sidney.) ‘Courage!’ he said, and pointed towards the land, ‘This mounting wave will roll us shoreward soon.’ In the afternoon they came unto a land In which it seemed always afternoon. Tennyson. It must have been this passage that the
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  • 178 8 Singapore Lady Robbed in Rroad Daylight. The evidence of Mis* I. Rodrigues was taken before the District Judge, Mr. N. D Mudie. on Friday, when a t hlm-se. Man Sam. was charged with robbery. Chief Court Inspector Meredith prosecuted. Mi.*.* Rodrigues, of 0 Rowell Road, said that
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  • 173 8 OVER 1,250,000 PROFIT. Amazing Progress Of Carreras. London, Nov. 30. The amazing progress made by Carrearas, Ltd., is demonstrated by the fact that the profit for the year ended October 31 was well over £1,230,000, on a capital of 11,200,000. The shareholders will receive a dividend of 3o per cent.
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  • 196 8 action against oil POLLUTION. Thif port rule* of Singapore ami all ports un.lor tho control of the Master Attendant. Singapore, have been rewritten durinir the last twelve months and have now been brought thoroughly up-to-date. It is hoped to publish the ♦iew rules on January 1 of
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  • 301 8 Farewell to Miss Nelson At Teluk Ayer. The Church and Sunday School at Teluk Ayer, attached to the Methodist Mission, with which Miss Eva 1. Nelson has been zealously labouring for some years, held a farewell reception in he: honour in the Church on Saturday afternoon. Among those
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  • 257 8 illiam Jacks and Co. rcpoi't London Nov. 10. upper.- After a final burst of bear coveritiK prices pave way sharply, l>ut substanial purchases of electrolytic by consumers caused a change of sentiment, and this combined with rumours of further withdrawals !rom standard stocks checked all weak tendencies, and
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  • 361 8 Opportunity for Malayan Visitors. As is generally known, our neigl in Saigon have made arrangement f,, r a Fair on a particularly generous a, this year. It opens on the 17th ns* and besides a fine display of Ea>:«*r n industries in which a large nui;i: )tr
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  • 399 8 The funeral of Mrs. If. R. Rix, wife one the Malayan cricketers, who j a** away at Hong Kong on Hoc. was lari'* attended and among numerous \v:\ sent were those from H. E. the Govevr. of Hong Kong and Lady Clementi. 11 Mr.
    399 words

  • 1279 9 [Router Telegram.] Dupre Outclassed by Mate. i;,, N ng is used out of courtesy in the heading, but the proceedings at the! jtKi'' u .rld on Friday did not justify the V0|V Pi roe out of four bouts were by the referee, and these in i in* main event
    [Router Telegram.]  -  1,279 words
  • 186 9 T, ••pliowir.g .ippointments ?.r* *.*»t lift! in *he K.M.S. Government Ga.*tt» ot Mr G W Bell to be an Assistant Traffic Manage). F.M.S.K. Dr. H O. Hopkins to be Malaria Research Officer. Institute for M*«lio'l Research. FM.S Mi. <’• I p Sc., and Mr. R. G. Heath to
    186 words
  • 580 9 Bankruptcy Administration Proposal. At committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held in the Singapore Exchange Room on Dec. 12, Mr. R. M. Williams (President) i in the chair, Mr. A. P. Robinson announced 1 his resignation as President and promised in his stead Mr. R.
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  • 57 9 Missionary Problems Discussed At Singapore. The annual conference of the Methodist Kpi-copul Mission in Malaya opened at Wesley Church, Singapore, this morning, under the presidency of Bishop Titus I owe, and the session will conclude on Sunday. A large number of missionaries engaged in religious and educational work
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  • 305 9 [Reuter Telegram. 1 LEAGUE AN!) ENGLISH CUI* RESULTS. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dec. 10. I he following were the remits in tha second round oj the FA. Cup Gainsborough o Lincoln 2 Bradford ity 2 Itotherhain ’I Bradford n Southport 2 Crewe 2 Stockport O Wrexham I Carlisle o
    [Reuter Telegram. 1  -  305 words
  • 97 9 Consignment of Dogs For Shanghai. (From u ,r Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dee. 1.1. The greyhounds whieh are on the way to Shanghai aboard the Glenoglc are standing the journey well, but >ix caught chills through lying on deck and died. A litter of pups was born aboard the
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  • 135 9 Fire Engines (Called Out To Malacca Street. At about 7 p.m. on Saturday the Fire Station received a rail from Malacca Street, from the general produce godown of Sirne, Darby and Co. The fire was located at the far end or the godown, where some packing cases
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  • 66 10 [Th« Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters ■inst be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cot down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily fos publication but as
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  • 98 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Many young push cyclists indulge in a dangerous practice at big trafiic corners. notably on the Stamford Road. They ignore the constable holding up the traffic •tream and streak across when an opening occurs. While held up this morning at
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  • 108 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —You wi I he granting a favour if you will give space tor the correcting ot what appears to he a widespread misapprehension. The film recently taken, showing Malayan lift* and industries, was not controlled by any organization entitled
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  • 218 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. A rainbow caused by the moon is an occurrence which to me seem- exceptionally unusual. The rainlniw appeared a- a semi-circular band, lighter in colour than the background which was very dark owing to heavy cloudiness (nimbus) covering the
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  • 292 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Will you kindly allow me space in your paper to announce the fact that it has been decided to perform The Messiah once again in St. Andrew’s Cathedral early in the New Year. To do this as well as
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  • 207 10 MAGISTRATE AND POLICE DISAGREE. Before Mr. N. D. Mudie, in the District Court on Monday a Chinese, Tio Kim Kiat. was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of <>2 cases of rubber belonging to Katz Bros. hief t ourt Inspector Meredith said that the
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  • 166 10 Feted by Perak Miners At Ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Dec. 12. Lord Klibank. chairman of the HydroElectric Power Company, was the chief guest of Chinese and other miners in Perak at a dinner given on Saturday by Mr. Leong Sin Nam, chairman of the Perak Chinese
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  • 125 10 Objection to Dividend Payment. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Dec. 12. At the annual meeting of Ayer Weng Tin Development and Prospecting Syndicate it was reported that the tin output had doubled over last year and in view of the maintenance of output it was intended to
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  • 19 10 liOndon, Dec. 1. The Oscar Slater Hill has been passed by both Houses of Parliament.
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  • 750 10 WOMAN’S STRUGGLE WITH POLICE. I cannot say anything I must sec my husband first.” protested Mrs. N. C. B. of 17. Wilkie Road, on a case in which .-ho is the accused being i.iilt .1 before the Third Police Magistrate. Mr. C. H. Bakers, on Monday afternoon. The
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  • 780 10 EFFICIENT SERVICE TO THE TIN INDUSTRY The sixteenth ordinary general me. of the shareholders ot' the Eastern So inf? Co., Ltd., was held at Stafford H .use King William Street, K.C. 4, on No\ if* Sir Ernest W. Birch, K.C.M.G. (chan man of the company), presiding. The
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  • 599 11 DETAILS OF SINGAPORE INSTITUTION. ij;,; SCOPE FOR SKILLED WORKMEN. partial provision made in this Budget for a trade school at Sing t- dicates that the Government haw* led upon a new and extremely ,<inu educational experiment in the hool will probably not come into until but in
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  • 836 11 STRAITS to RR AST AG I EXODUS. (Hv a Correspondent.) With tne Christmas holidays dost* at 1,0 ll,)u!j t many Straits readers are ai kin up already to come to Brastatri. I am not g. in- to hold forth on tin ramies of Brastagi—these are already Kn
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  • 1035 11 A SINGAPOREAN VISITS DETROIT. (From a Correspondent.) 1 he new Ford model is out at last, announced in a worldwide flare of publicity, and the event brings hack memories of a short hut exceedingly interesting visit paid to Detroit and one oi the Ford factories in
    1,035 words
  • 245 11 EXPECTED IN MALAYA IN MARCH. SEVERAL WEEKS TOUR OF PENINSULA. I he I’mier-Secretary of State for the Colonies (tlu* Hon. Mr. W. (1. A. OrmsbyHore), i- i x pee ted to arrve in Malaya next March or April and will spend several weeks in this country. This will
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  • 190 11 (Anota’s Service.) Tests Between Holland And Java. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, Dec. H. The first successful radio telephone j I test for Press purposes between Europe I land Asia has been made by the Netheri I lands traffic administration at the request of tin* Aneta Press Bureau, through tfie
    (Anota’s Service.)  -  190 words

  • 1932 12 ALTERED SCRIP. SENSATION IN LOCAL MARKET. LOSSES THROUGH ALLEGED FORGERIES. The Arcade, the haunt of Singapore brokers, is buzzing on Saturday with talk of what seems to be the biggest swindle ever worked in the Malayan share market. The swindler is said to be a Chinese broker
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  • 131 12 Discoveries in Cheese Cargo. London. Nov. 27. Two years’ operations by French divers over an area of forty miles off Ostend. in an endeavour to recover bullion believed to have been concealed in Dutch cheeses on board the Dutch steamer Tubantia which was torpedoed on March It’,
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  • 319 12 The following passengers left by the City of Palermo on Friday For Melbourne.— Mr. Saunders, Mr. R. Huxton, Capt. and Mrs. Travers, Miss D. 5ourg. Miss D. Travers. For Fremantle.—Mr. E. H. Toft. Mrs. Pelson. Miss G. James. Mr. A. P. Keightley, Mr. J- M Paterson, Mr. F. Donovan.
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  • 559 12 Mr. Gordon Donald And Miss Mary Skey. A wedding of unusual local interest cel el rated in St. Andrew’s Cathedra! Saturday afternoon, when in the proof a very large congregation Mr. lit, Donald, of Joseph Travers and Sons, married to Miss Mary Constance S the elder daughter of
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  • 88 12 To be Used for Muar Trade. Th c Han Tong, an oilburning vessel which has been built at Hong Kong for 1 an Kwai Steamship Company. < f ri\e. at Singapore on Sunday, and \vi! 7° fbe Muar-Singapore run, or. ch tho Karnah and the Barratta. 1V
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  • 24 12 received by Messrs. Brinknmnn f i a a tes that the finr.l estimate of bale* enCan cotton cro P ia 12,750,001
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  • 1399 13 Decision in Appeal Court. I N NECESSARY WORDS USED. w important decision, having bearing v he acceptance of bills ot exchange, u; s -ivc*n by the ('hief Justice, Sir Wili Murison and Mr. Justice Deane at nclusion of a District Court appeal the Supreme Court on Saturday
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  • 90 13 ♦I-,.. < < (»<<,wnThe current issue <>t mem liazette contains notification following appointments it Sansom to act a- n* m (’moral of Police in addition to h; 'wn Vhief Police Officer. Mngapote “T w. (Sian In* y.u‘ Postal Department, Malacca. Mr P Robinson to be a membci h
    90 words
  • 1298 13  -  (Hy R. f*. Anderson.) My friend strolled in on the eve of three days public holiday and asked me the question 1 have so >ftvn asked myself in similar circumstances and have found so difficult to answer. We are both free tor
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  • 262 13 Agitation for Female Franchise. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I’enang, Dec. K. The Colimilxi correspondent *»f the* Finang (iazette laMcs that i rn p«* 11 .‘<1 by tin* inten.-e political atmosphere created by the presence of tin* Reform Commission a public meeting of women representing all communities has formed
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  • 1540 14 FAIR COMMENTS. UNIVERSITY SPECIALIST’S IMPRESSIONS. RELIGIONS AND HOPE OF PROGRESS. Some of the aspects of Indian life which strike the newcomer to the country most forcibly were discussed by Dr. John F'isher, dean of the school of religion at the University of Southern t alifornia, in
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  • 390 14 Detectives’ Tale Of Street “Battle.” On« of the not infrequent street battles between opposing Chinatown factions wa> described before the Third Police Magistrate. Mr. C. H. Dakers. on Thursday afternoon in a case in which Choo Cheng Buk. admitting a previous, conviction on a charge of being a
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  • 255 14 “A Shameful State Of Affairs,” Says Coroner. It is a shameful state of affairs.” commented the Coroner. Lieut.-Col. HopeFalkner. on Friday, on being t-Md by a Police witness that he had unsuccessfully rung up the Telephone Exchange, Tan Tock Seng’s Hospital, and the Teluk Ayer Station for an
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  • 296 14 Fountain Pen that Was I Finally Found. It was related before the Seem, p I Magistrate. Mr. H. R. Bull, on T ur s ,V j how mystified detectives, after *v vain searches, finally discovert* I Chinese a fountain pen regarding J an allegation of pocket picking 1
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  • 297 14 NO EXPLANATION OK LEAP OVERBOARD. The Master Attendant I Captain hr.-> hi lx I heard a case in the Mat in** C i n Friday in which a Chino** wu charged with leaving the steamer \r r.i before the ship had been examined b> tt boarding otVtcer
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  • 100 14 According to the return of foreig imports and exports for Malaya, f‘-' October, the total value of imports < merchandise, including parcel P°" amounts to $81,959,235 and the totu value for the year up to October 31. t $833,423,903. The corresponding figur* for exports are $80,452,583 ui
    100 words

    • 59 15 MR. G. DONALD AND MISS C. M. SKEY. Tht* wedding took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral rn Dec. 10, of Cordon, son of the late David l.aird Donald, and Mrs. Donald, and Constance Mary, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Noel Skcy. i f Singapore. A description
      Photo by Wikii/initi «V Co.  -  59 words
    • 53 15 |)oll j,| as officiating, of Kdward S. Matthew, son of Mr. .lames C. Matthew, ~i pn.tilivfcrian Church. n Dec. •>. u f i u a i t Mr. John Ferguson, Kirkcaldy, Scotland, •n,, weddi„K ,«..k b r l <•»>"- Photo li\
      Photo li\ 11. A Illol'i i him’  -  53 words
    • 148 16 IIk* village *>f I'rapat. cn the shore of l ake Tola. Sumatra, is .{.too ft. almve sea level. It ha* .1 c|j m ;l t|,i„ r sailing, lishirr;. and mountaineering can l:e indulged in and a pleasant holiday passed at the one
      148 words
    • 84 16 (•n.und after clearing and burning ready for pegging and planting. plantation of yeunu rubber trees. Rub'ier at the a no of two years and ten months. Twelve-years old trees in full hearing, thinned to 60 trees to the acre Colli'i-tinit lak'X. (Not.- r u u 1u
      Cufiynxht fthotoxniph* by Denis II ll.uxll.  -  84 words
    • 36 17 How it/or al'o.ul to he lirod. IlnwiUt'r lirod. S<’l<' B«» m ,il d ,a,r Hie range finder and the range taker. Itattrry Sergt. -Major preparing and luring shell. f 'Y V
      f'Y ’ V  -  36 words
    • 92 18 Mott in,' Nfjrri Sembilan in a return matih on the 1‘adang on Dec. 10. the S. \i\ aven,ed the previous defeat, winning a gi»od match by t-2. The teams were as follows Singapore.—M. Osborn apt. II. < ngdrn and K. K. Co\ II. K.
      Photo, by // .V. .  -  92 words
    • 25 18 ilr. Man Id Carpmael. the Municipal Vssessor, Singapore, died at the t.eneral 11. ispital on Saturday. An obituary appears in another column.
      25 words
    • 86 18 Singapore Itred in the Interport Ri.le match en the Farrer Range on Sunday, hut did not secure the shield. Derails are gi\en on another pane. Ihe team is shown above, reading fro a left to right :—(Stand ng). Sergi. H. C. Mrctt, Spr. .1. \V. .Icnes, apt.
      86 words
    • 36 18 Betty I.unisden Milne, of the Strain! and otlvr I.< ndon theatres, who in private life is the wife of Mr. A. I Milne < f Stmirei Suka Estate, arrivein Singapore by the Devanha Saturday.
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    • 6 18 "t »C3*5T
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 585 19 I REUTER TELEGRAM] PRESS COMMENT. NO COMPETITION IN WARSHIPS. ENOUGH FOR DEFENCE AND NO MORE. IREITER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 7. V a York There has been a sharp sion in the stock market in many ;:1 p »*t;it.t issues, ranging from one dollar t f.'Ur dollars
      I REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  585 words
    • 246 19 Successful Tests In Sheffield. Rugby, Dec. 7. fll L hc n r ew h h frequency electrical furnace for melting steel was demonstrated yesterday at the Sheffield works ‘‘1 Edgar Allen and Company. The furnace is the first of its kind in the world l be ust
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    • 146 19 Motion Defeated In Commons. London, Dec. 7. The accusation that the Prime Minister by his silence regarding the Labour motion <»n the lfith inst. had insulted the Opposition was made by Mr. MacDonald in moving a vote of censure. Mr. Baldwin followed and said he resented the suggestion
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    • 133 19 Why Britain Did Not Ratify. Rugby, Dec. 7. The Minister of Labour was asked in the House of Commons whether, now that the government of the German Reich had ratified the International Labour Convention on maternity protection, he would expedite ratification by the British Government. The Minister replied
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    • 53 19 No Agreement as to I rode Treaty. Berlin, Dec. 7. The pourparh rs _h; tw.K-n u ruOy »n^O- r many concern! j? Treaty are stated is is reported from Lonu. that In German ciu" Court of Germany will oi l forest en in the Arbitration, wnu n
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    • 474 19 Estimates for Defence Measures. London, Dec. 7. Washington President Coolidge has presented his Budget to Congress. Iti amounts -to $4,25S,7D3,7«5. The total appropriations approved by Mr. Coolidge exceed last year’s by $221,222.(141 atul the current year’s hy $11 s,(>40,210. 1 he largest item is for national defence, $t>4>,000,00(1,
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    • 109 19 General Sutton on Chinese Warfare. London, Dec. 7. General Sutton, who for the last few years has been on (’hang Tso-lin’s staff, has arrived in London after an absence from Kngland of eight years. In an interview with Reuter fie said it was quite wrong to
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    • 267 19 BRITISH MEASURES. NfcEl) FOR PROTECTION IN BIAS BAY. London, Dec. 7. In the House of Commons, in view of increasing piracy, Mr. II. W. Looker (Lewis., Kssex S. K.) requested the (Mivernment to provide additional gunboats for the* China station in the* next Naval estimates. Sir Bridgeman
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    • 188 19 Findings of Royal Commission. London, her. 1 Wellington At the conclusion of invest igation on the spot of complaints against the administration of Samoa by a seif-constituted citizens’ committee, headed hy a inerehant named Nelson, the Royal Commission has voluminously reported that tin* conditions under which the*
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    • 106 19 A HAPPY CHRISTMAS IN SHANGHAI. Shanghai, Dee. 7. A striking expression of gratitude from the nationals of the thirteen eountries not rcpioscnted niilitai ily-in Shanghai. inelud inir Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Switzerland and Spain, for what the defence forces of land and sea here meant for them,
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    • 523 20 NEWS SERVICES. THE PRESS CONFERENCE REPORT. London, Dec. 7. Geneva The Council of the League to-day approved the report of the recent Press Conference. Several delegates emphasised the importance of the recommendation of the Conference in favour of the improvement of telephonic, telegraphic and wireless communications all
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    • 40 20 Japanese Naval Aviators Killed. Shanghai, Dec. 9. Tokio While carrying out night flying at Oniura Aerodrome last night, two Naval planes collided in mid-air. The two pilots and two observers were killed and the planes were completely wrecked.
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    • 347 20 Protection of Americans In China. London. Dec. 7. Washington The House of Representatives appropriations committee has agreed to ask the House to decide on the advisability, or otherwise, of authorising the elevation of the big guns on American battleships. London, Dec. 9. Americans, as far as we can
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    • 244 20 OPINION OF MR. PHILIP SNOWDEN. Rugby, Dec. 11. Mr. Philip Snowden, who was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Labour Government, referring to the Labour party’s proposal for a 2s. surtax on personal income from investments, said yesterday that, v. hile he favoured the principle of surtax, he
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    • 283 20 Labourers Resumed Work. London, Dec. 7. Melbourne The waterside dispute has been settled. It was announced m the Arbitration Court that the Waterside Workers Federation had advised its branches that the embargo on overtime was lifted and that they had instructed the branches to carry out the
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    • 167 20 Effects of Important Lawsuit. London. Dec. 11. St. Louis A special court of three Federal judges has sustained the ruling of the Inter-State Commerce Commission of St. I>aiis in the O’Fallon railway case by which it was held that the valuation of the railway property should he on
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    • 124 20 Question of Britain’s Position. London, Dec. 7. Mr. W. Foot Mitchell (Cons., Saffron Walden) asked whether the British Government were aware of the nature of the proposals contained in the treaties at present being negotiated between China ®t her P° we in of the fact that these
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    • 189 20 FURTHER SUBSIDY. UNFORESEEN INCREASF IN PRODUCTION. Rugby, Dec. Parliament is to be asked to gram addit ioiKil 1*900,000 for the sugarsubsidy in the present financial y. bringing the amount of the subsidyV year to r >.400,000. A supplementary estimate of Ministry of Agriculture published t. decribes the
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    • 170 20 VERDICT IN SENSATIONAL CASE. London, Dee. A May's Landing, New Jersey: A \cr<iit of manslaughter was brought in at *l.t trial of Willis Beach ami Mrs. .Margaret I.illemlah], who were accused of t murder of the latter’s husband. Dr. 1. dahl. who was shot while motoring :h
      170 words
    • 93 20 SENSATIONAL SEIZURE BY POLICE. London, Dec. 11. Belfast A sensation has been caus« i here by the biggest seizure of munition ever made in Belfast. The police, after searching for two days, entered a vacant house in Whitenn Koad and found rifles, revolvers, bayomv. a machine-gun and
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    • 72 20 Special Programme At Christmas. Rugby, Dec. 9. A special Christmas programme is be broadcast on a short wave length between tf.l.Y and 4 p.m. on Dec. 24. an. 1 it is hoped that it will be heard in Australia early on Christmas Day. This will be the first
      72 words
    • 45 20 London, Dec. Buenos Aires Alekhine has be* officially proclaimed champion by ftArgentine Chess Club, under the auspi* of which the tournament was held. _Ot the $lO,OOO purse Alekhine receiv* $5,400 and Capablancn $4,000. Alkehii also received a gold medal from C club.
      45 words
    • 260 21 northern gain. nationalists retreat from HSUCHOWFU. i n \N(I TSUNG-CHANG’S fortunes change. Shanghai, Dec. 9. .i y to previous statements from n Chinese and British reports now at very heavy fighting has been for a fortnight. Hsuchowfu ha< an i*nce been on the point ef it
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    • 182 21 Sir Austen Thinks Meeting Premature. London, Dec. 1L a Sir Austen Chamberlain into British journalists that there prospect at present of further ’-aliens between him and Litvinoti. wanted proof that the abuses Led of had ceased. London. Dec. ID. Daily Herald’s Geneva corropon- rviewed Sir Austen Chamber.
      182 words
    • 1017 21 T Berlin, Dec. 9. «v i ,k n^ uith< ''> oft” or tiur the Ui I,! m! Minister T. it. .1 to l,o propartnir for the ostttl :<h. Miimr'i p nsul u s in Smnsun I Asia ilviino (Southern Persia> Th^, h, r?\ h ofe Us't
      1,017 words
    • 79 21 SWITZERLAND S VON MOLTKE. Death of General Sprecher Von Bernegg. Berlin. Doc. 7. The death has occurred at St. Gallon, Switzerland, of the well-known General Sprecher von Bernogg, called the Moltke of Switzerland, aged 77 years. (Jonernl Sprecher von Bernegg was Chief of the Swiss General StatF during the years
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    • 59 21 Not Visible over Great Britain. Rugby, Dec. 9. Over the whole of (irent Britain lost evening the ntoon and stars were invisible owing to thick mi-t. The observation of the eclipse of the moon by the earth’s shadow was consequently impoi sible. In Dublin, although the
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    • 55 21 Rugby, Dec. 10. Sir Ronald Graham, British Ambassador in Rome, is visiting Sir Austen Chamberlain at Geneva to-day. Sir Ronald has not seen the British Foreign Secretary for over a year, and -In* latter’s presence in Geneva offers n favourable opportunity for discussion of questions on which
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    • 314 21 LORDS DEBATE. RESOLUTION MOVED BY ARCHBISHOP. London, Dec. 12. I he House of Lords presented its liveliest appearance since the War when the Archbishop of Canterbury moved the resolution in favour of accepting the new Prayer Hook measure. T here was an extraordinarily large ct tendance. Bishops
      314 words
    • 279 21 British Proposals For Reduction. London, Dec, 7. Comdr. J. M. Kciiworthy (Lab., Mull < nf rai a-ked in tin* House of ominous whether the Admiralty had prepared a srlieine for reduction ol Naval armaments for submission io the (ieneva Disurmainent (.'onfereiiee. Comdr. Locker-I.ampson stated that the British delegates at
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    • 54 21 London, Dec. Hh Washington President CooPdgc has written to the <i\il aeronautical conference, which is at present in session here, recommending that an international civil aviation conference be held at Washington in December, P.t'JH, the iK-th anni versary of man's first flight G>v D**vp\ Wright) in a
      54 words
    • 191 22 Scheme of Migration To Other Districts. Rugby, Dec. s. In the House of Commons the President of the Board of Trade, Sir Philip CunliffeLister announced that the Government had decided to set up a small committee to assist unemployed workers in distressed areas to migrate to other districts
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    • 307 22 NEW CONSERVATIVE PARTY SCHEME. Rugby, Dec. 8. The proposal to issue Premium Bonds as a means of raising money for the State «-n advantageous terms has K en mad", and Conservative Members of tIlou-e of Commons are beinp circularised on the subject. The circular is signed by Colonel
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    • 49 22 Ban on Australian Photographers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, Dec. 8. The Australian Tennis Association has lorbidden photopraphers to enter courts The decision follows the short-lived outcry in England apainst photographs of women players taken from pround level, displayinp limbs. The newspapers ridicule the ban as stupid.
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    • 64 22 Taking Switzerland As Model. Berlin, Dec. 8. The Turkish Government is stated to have adopted a propramme for the education of 5,000 Turkish Judpes durinp the next few years. The new Judpes will he trained on the lines of the Swiss system, having repard to the fact that
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    • 136 22 What a Lady Journalist Gathered. London, Dec. 0. Details of the Sinpaporo Base are described in an article in the Daily Telepraph by a New Zealand woman c aiming to be the liist journalist shown over it The i a so beinp constructed on the Straits of Jo
      136 words
    • 107 22 London. Dec. 10. Miles ef mangrove swamps and ft 1 .ick m'cd must be cleared and t a a nd article in the on tht Singa] r< Base) fni’e it- four-mile fr ntape on a deep ’.at 1 u:il» can be erected inside the lUs.r.t ill-defined sh
      107 words
    • 60 22 London. Dec. 8. A further secti >n of the Singapore l".k ha- been launched at Wall send. The remaining two sections of the seven .n which the dock has been built are to be launched in a few days. The sections will then be tested and
      60 words
    • 85 22 Eighteen Perish in Burning House. London, Dec. 8. Calcutta A fire which broke out in a •cicar shop last nipht spread to an adjoininp house Eighteen pers n were in■inerated. (Fiom Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Dec. 8. The I s Indians who perished included three women and five
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    • 78 22 mportant Changes Thought Probable. Berlin, Dec. 8. Rome It is reported from the Vatican that important chanpes in the diplomatic service of the Church will be announced shortly. The present State Secretary, Cardinal Gasparri, is expected to resign and Cardinal Raponisi is mentioned as the most probable successor.
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    • 73 22 Attempts to Bribe Legation Servants. London, Dee. 0. Stockholm The newspapers state that no So\ let Legation tried to suborn servants ol the Italian and British Legations, •ut a Swede who acted as go-between ex‘osed the plans. 1 he Labour daily Social Dcmokraten oms the non-Socialist organs in
      73 words
    • 348 22 Betting Not Favoured In Australia. London, Dec. 8. Sydney A measure prohibiting tettinu on ni u ht greyhound racing has passed both Houses of Parliament. It is anticipated that this will knl dog-ra.-irr, which is not expected to survive the opposition of horse-racing. Meihourne The Legislative Council passed
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    • 90 22 Complaints of “Grievous Oppression.” London, Dec. 9. Berlin Grievous oppression" by troops occupying the Rhineland forms the subject of a report by Herr Marx to the Occupied Territories Committee of the Reichstag. He alludes to the extraordinary damage (iue to the autumn manoeuvres, also the numerous excesses committed
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    • 131 22 Manchester Export Firms Combine. London, Dec. 7. A great cotton amalgamation which may have far-reaching effects on the entire* outlook of the Manchester trade is to he made early in the new year, when a dozen Manchester export firms, the largest of which are concerned in the South
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    • 67 22 Woman Driver’s Fine Performance. Rugby, Dec. l\, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bruce, who lIf attempting to establish many new n ing records at Montlhery track, Pan to cover la,000 miles in ten day> nights, .yesterday covered 1,000 iiiib 24 hours, averaging nearly 80 milt hour. Mrs. Bruce maintained
      67 words
    • 97 22 London, Dec. Oslo The paper Aftenpost i.stands that the Nobel Peace Prize v divided between the French Prof, Ferdinand Buisson and the German i‘* fessor Ludwig Quidde. The fornu president of the League of the Hig 1;* Man and the latter a well-known pm Berlin, Dec. 11
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    • 183 22 REPORT OF BRITISH FOOD COUNCIL. Rugby, Dee. v The Food Council which was set up :u .'ears ago to watch the interests of public regarding the retail prices of f i has completed the examination of the trade, which does not disclose a:.v grounds for believing that
      183 words
    • 102 22 Berlin-Madrid Service to Nt* Started. Berlin. Dec. T. In the development of the air tratlic between the Kuropoan capitals a most important step is now made through the arrangement of an aeroplane service connecting Berlin with Madrid. It is report* i that air-communication between tin •> vitas
      102 words
    • 59 22 Condemns Boycott Of Commission. London, Dec. 10. Bombay The Aga Khan has refused the offer of Sir Muhammad Shart to resign the presidency of the Muslim League Council. Bombay The Aga Khan, spiritual leader of a powerful Muslim sect, condemned the proposed boycott of t'l Statutory Commission
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    • 71 22 Berlin, Dec. 11. Paris The newspapers states that by order of the French Foreign Minister, the representative of the Kuomiritang in I aris will have to leave French territory within a week. The newspapers of the left parties oisatfree with this procedure of the Quay <
      71 words
    • 418 23 KING’S TOUR. WIDESPREAD INTEREST IN INDIA. appeal to settle DIFFERENCES. Ix*ndon, Dee. 12. p viresque scenes were at t. parture of the King of Afghanistan t n t Luropean tour. His Majesty picket it a uialik, an ordinary so dier, and h jit ivator from the crowd
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    • 166 23 Early Full Statement Promised. Jtygby. r*iv. 12. "fiimandcr J. M. Kenworthy (Lab., Ue!l Central) asked in the House of oniwhen it was proposed to make a •“••tement in Parliament regarding the T, 'ults of the conversations with the rcprescuitatives of the Egyptian (fovern-r-fiit as to the future relations
      166 words
    • 539 23 I CASUALTIESINRUMANIAN London, Dec. 7 Budapest: Police, reinforced by R0 i)i l <«iy r c C onm ct fa al y e fmally town y „f Cn N n aR ra d th n e ex Hu nirarian Hun,an, a ylvania’atieni UChar< st all Tran- of "tudent. Jews
      539 words
    • 87 23 Memorial to President Coolidge. Berlin, Dec. 7. The former natumal m e ec ted permanent Judge l,u Kr an( i also a mem-e-M z Bsc Bssr- President of the Court. London, Dec. I--v v (> rk* A memorial hits been N to’ President Coolidge the presented Dcnm
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    • 165 23 Exports Rise with A Bound. London, Dec. 12. The Board of Trade returns for November are: Imports iff 07,417.000, exi^.3S,.000 and U.442,000 respectively compared with October. Rugby, Dec. 12. British exerts rose with a found in November, amounting in value to <0,.>0(1,000. This is the highest monthly figure
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    • 76 23 Plight of Home-Going Draft. London, Dec. 12. Send us smokes was the new form ot S.O.S. sent out from the steamer Bellerophon, which is nearing the Mersey from Shanghai with *>00 troops. The tobacco supplies were exhausted. A tender was despatched from Liverpool and dispensed cigarettes to
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    • 72 23 No Suggestion Of Renewal. Rugby, Dec. 12. Asked in the House of Commons whether the British Government had any intention of starting negotiations with Japan with a view to renewing the Anglo Japanese Alliance. Comdr. Locker Lampson said the Anglo-Japanese Alliance agreement was merged into the FourPower Treaty
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    • 122 23 Rugby, Dec. K. The death occurred in London yesterday of Lieut.-General Sir Arthur Holland, Conservative Member of Parliament for Northampton, when- at the last election he had a small maioritv in a three eorner•d contest over Miss Bondfield, ex-mem-1, er of the Labour Government. General Holland
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    • 37 23 London, Dec. 1 I. Washington The House of Representatives welcomed Colonel Lindbergh (hero t|„. lone trans-Atlaidir flight and-after fie had departed passed a vote in favour n f presenting him with tfie Congressional Medal.
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    • 50 23 Berlin, I>ee. 1 f. i It is stated that tin* Swiss Govern- 1 merit has agreed to hand over to the French authorities the hanker Carl r.luinenstciri, one of the brother.- impiienfed in the case <-f the notorious bond j forgery which i- now proceeding at Paris,
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    • 301 23 ADDITIONAL ESTIMATE. ASTONISHMENT IN HOUSE OF COMMONS. Rugby, Dec. 12. The War Office to-day issued supplementary estimates amounting to £2,OHO,000 to meet the cost involved in the employment of extra troops in China. This C additional to the sum of £’1*50,000 voted hy Parliament for the
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    • 240 23 ARCHBISHOP ON NEED FOR CHANGE. Rugby, I >«•<•. 12. The Mouse of Lords was crowded throughout yesterday’s session, when the three days dehate on the new prayer hook was begun. The Archbishop of Canterbury, in moving tliat the prayer hook measure he presented for the Royal assent,
      240 words
    • 48 23 London, I >«•«*. 12 F’.iri- fn obedience 1o M. Poincare’> ((••Ik st tn speed up the l*'ii»«net* Hill, the (‘h.imliiT .-at al < I ay on Sunday and imicentrated on tin- Budget, which was parsed 1 1 lit.', votes to 125 at an early hour this morning.
      48 words
    • 1345 24 DISPUTE SETTLED. DRAMATIC MEETING AT GENEVA. INTERVENTION OF LEAGUE PREVAILS. London, Dec. 7. Geneva The Council hall was packed for the opening of consideration of the Polo-Lithuanian dispute. M. Valdemaras, Prime Minister of Lithuania, outlined the case against Poland, and M. Zaleski, for Poland, followed. The latter
      1,345 words
    • 164 24 Tunis and Tangier Questions. Berlin, Dec. 12. Geneva There are reports that this morning Italian demands arrived in Paris, asking France to convoke a FourPower Conference to settle the Tangier question in accord with the Italian Government, which has not accepted tin 1 political situation, created without consulting
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    • 59 24 $300,000,000 Prevention Scheme. London, Dec. 8. Washington President t’oolidge has transmitted to Congress the $300,000,000 engineering scheme planned by the Army Engineers Corps for controlling Mississippi floods from Cairo, Illinois, to the Mexican Gulf, introducing new floodways an 1 strengthening and raising the existing levees. Only a small
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    • 48 24 Candidate at Next General Election. Rugby, Dec. 8. Miss Megan Lloyd George will, it is stated, stand as general candidate for a seat in Wales at the next general election. She lias had wide experience as her father’s constant companion on his big political engagements.
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    • 56 24 Efforts to Extinguish Volcano. London. Dec. 7. Managua: With the idea of permanontl\ extinguishing the Santiago volcano, the poisonous fumes of which have ruined a quarter of Nicaragua’s coffee crop for years. German engineers dumped thousands of tons of earth into the etater with the result that the
      56 words
    • 48 24 London, Dec. if. Washington Mr. Vare was denied the oath of office by the Senate, his ease being referred to the Reed campaign funds committee, which discovered the evidence on which the Republicans Vare and Smith were accused of campaign financing contrary to public policy.”
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    • 63 24 London, Dec. 11. Washington Jane Adams, on behalf of a deputation of the Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom wmch went to White House, has announced that Mr. Coolidge said he hoped negotiations with France for a treaty to outUw war between France and the I
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    • 38 24 Rugby, Dec. 13. It was stated in Parliament that during the year ID2H the total number of persons assisted to emigrate under the Empire Settlement Act was 65,530. The total net expenditure involved was £1,046,000.
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    • 462 24 SHOOTING OUTRAGES. REQUEST FOR MILITARY AID. Shanghai, Dec. 8 Following the shooting of a Chine.e tram inspector by gunmen intimidators yesterday, the remainder of the employees who have been maintaining a skeleton strviee were afraid to go on duty thi< morning, with the result that the tram
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    • 53 24 Sentences on Indian Editors. London, Dec. 12. New Delhi Professor Indra, the son of the murdered Swami Shradanand, and his assistant editor, Pandit Satyraama, have been respectively (sentenced to 42 and 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment and tines of 1,500 and 75 rupees for publishing newspaper articles tending to
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    • 41 24 Chinese Porcelains and Jades For U.S:A. London, Dec. 12. New York The famous Veitch collection of Chinese porcelains and jades, exhibited for the past 25 years in the Birmingham Museum, will be sold to the Anderson Galleries on Thursday.
      41 words
    • 1826 25 HOPES TO RESTORE CANTON. RESCUE WORK. «c(>\ IKT CONSULATES TO HE CLOSED. I he latest news from Canton states although the Communists are .till in control, there is good prospect order l>eing restored by the antil.mniunist forces. I oreigners have been successfully t atnaled from outlying districts,
      1,826 words
    • 361 25 BRITISH DECISION. EFFECT OF CONCESSIONS AGREEMENT. London, Dec. I t. A Treasury minute dated the 7th in-t., issued as a White Paper, relating to rown leases in British concessions in China, particularly Tientsin, Hankow, Kiukiang, Chinkiang, Amoy and Canton, states that the Government’s occupation of the
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    • 222 25 No Trace of Mr. Knowles In Shansi. Rugby, Dec. 12. I he (inventor of Shansi, Yen H -i shav. has informed the Briiish authorities in Peking that, in spite of careful enquiries, no trace has been found in the province ol Lieutenant Knowles, of tin* !!riti<h Lega.ion tiuard,
      222 words
    • 261 26 POLICY OF HOME GOVERNMENT. NO SEVERITY. GRIEVANCES TO BE ADJUSTED. London, Dec. 13. The Hague In a memorandum on tha Colonial estimates Heer Koningsbergor, Minister for the Colonies, dealing with the* disorders in the* Dutch Indies, says the* Government’s efforts continue to be directed towards leading the
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    • 138 26 Breakdown in The Negotiations. London, Doc. 13. The Evening Standard states that the 1 egotiation-i f< r the formation of a European chemical cartel have broken down. It is understood that the German Dye ’Trust demanded the leadership of the 1 irti 1. while Imperial < hetnieal Industries
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    • 114 26 Comments in the Paris Press. London, Dec. 13. Paris Commenting on the Communist seizure of Canton, Le Petit Parisien says that the Red minority, repulsed elsewhere, sought revenge in Canton. A few’ Russian agitators and insignificant Chinese generals stirred up the Labour I’nions and Bolshevik cells of
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    • 50 26 Rugby, Dec. 13. The Duchess of York, who was gazetted Colonel-in-Chief of the King’s Own Yorkr>cre Light Infantry last August, will pay h'*r first official visit to the regiment on 3 hursday, when she will carry out an inspection of the first battalion at. Backdown, Hampshire.
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    • 676 26 MISSIONARY’S SUCCESSFUL EFFORTS. Shanghai, Dec. 9. It is reported from Ichang that a hitch has occurred in the proceedings for the release of Capt. Lalor. The Rev. Forbes l ocher proceeded to the agreed rendezvous only to find that the pirates had again removed the captive further
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    • 138 26 OIL-TANKER DAMAGED. TONS OF I'ETROL AFLOAT IN MERSEY. London. Dec. 14. Liverpool There was grave danger of j» great fire when an oil-tanker broke its back in the Mersey a mile from the landing stage at Liverpool and 8,000 tons ol petrol was released late to-night, the
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    • 208 26 Extraordinary Scenes In Oklahoma. London, Dec. 13. Oklahoma City Faced by a machine gun and troops posted before the Chamber, members of the House of Representatives found themselves locked out by Governor Henry Johnstone, and the Speaker therefore summoned the members to sit in the street to receive
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    • 36 26 Death of the First Captain. London. Dec. 13. The death has occurred of Commissioner Elijah Cadman, the first Salvation Army Captain, whose adoption of the title led to the system of ranking of Salvationists.
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    • 51 26 London*. Dec. 12. Stockholm The Swedish officer charged with spying has been released, the police being of opinion that the examination did not justify further legal proceedings The officer was arrested on tfce doorstep of the Soviet Legation on a ebatrge of spying on behalf of Soviet
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  • 422 26 Poor Conditions Affect Singapore’s Score. As a result of Singapore's score Interport ritle shooting match on 8 morning, on the Farrer range, Hong 1. win the shield for the thirteenth Tliis year’s final scores are Hong Kong 94-1 Shanghai 94.-, Singapore 915 The form displayed by our
    422 words
  • 236 26 Murmi. Piculs 275. Mamhau. Hours run 602, cubic treated 45.000, piculs 300. Kuyoh Tin Dredging.- 20.T00 cubic y 4804: hours run. 148 picul-*. Three dayin the first half of the motv.ri owing to o pairs to top tumbler shaft and boiler c ing Renong Tin Dredging.—Second half n’otv
    236 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 106 26 PROPERTY SALE The following Singapore properties were sold by auction by Cheong Koon Seng and Co., at their saleroom. SO, Chulia Street, on Dec. 7 —Freehold land off Changi Hoad, 11,525 sq. ft., K. N. N. S. Sockalingam Chettiar at 19 cents per sq. ft. $2,189.75 freehold lands and houses,
      106 words

    • 1667 27 [Reuter Telegram.J S.( 7s Hard Game Against Regiment. c r.C. beat the 2nd Duke of Wel- Regiment at the Stadium on v afternoon by five tries to two pts.) to two goals and a try i. in a notably hard and exciting Flub led t> —S at the interval,
      [Reuter Telegram.J  -  1,667 words
    • 659 27 S.C.C. beat Negri Sembilan. Meeting Negri Sembilan in a return match on the Padung on Saturday, the S.C.C. avenged the previous defeat, w inning a good match by 4—2. The Negri’s victory a few weeks ago was by the sum figures. It was unfortunate that rain fell in the
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    • 183 27 [Reuter Telegram.] Amateur as Yorkshire’s Captain. [IU-uter Telegram.] London, Dec. 1*. Herbert Sutcliffe has declined the captaincy ot the Yorkshire County < ri k<* lub. to which he was appointed on Nov. 2. Sutcliffe s retusal was contained in a cable horn Sou h Africa (where he is
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  183 words
    • 336 27 Results of Rromhead-Matthews Competition. The results of the Bromhead Matthews competition have been received and show that the Eurasian Co., S.V.C., have tied with the Eurasian Co., IVnung Volunteers, both having a total of 42x points. The tii* shoot will be tired before Dec. .'{0. Principal scores in
      336 words
    • 858 28 [Reuter Telegram.] Final at the L.L.T.C. The Men’s Handicap Doubles final match in the Ladies’ Lawn Tennis Club tournament was playetl on Thursday, C. T. Miles and V. J. Coleman opposing J. Duguid and J. R. Strachan. An interesting match resulted in victory by 6—3, 2—C, 6—3 for Miles
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  858 words
    • 36 28 [Router Telepram.] Loss of Amateur Status Threatened. [Reuter Telegram.] London. Dec. 12 The Lawn Tennis Association, at the annual meeting in London, passed a resolution prohibiting player-writers, who will henceforward lose their amateur status.
      [Router Telepram.]  -  36 words
    • 326 28 S. Mixed Foursomes. The Singapore Golf Club December mixed foursomes competition was played in Friday afternoon and resulted in a wir for Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hesta. Forty-nine cards were taken out and the following were returned Mr. and Mrs. Hesta 49 11% 37% Mr. <». Cullen and
      326 words
    • 43 28 [Reuter Telegram.] New York, Dec. 13. In a fight for the world’s cruiserweight championship, Tommy Loughran ,was awarded the decision over Jimmy Slattery in a 15-round contest. Fifteen thousand spectators roared their disapproval of the verdict anc heerod the loser.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  43 words
    • 66 28 [Reuter Telegram.] Drawn Match With Transvaal. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dee. 12. Pretoria The match between the M.C.C. and the Transvaal was drawn. Hatting first, the M.C.C. were out for 205, Vincent taking six wickets for .>9. The Transvaal replied with 382 for seven, at which they declared. Going
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  66 words
    • 118 28 Half Mile at Chinese S.C. The result of the half mile race swum ofT at the Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday was 1. Too Siew Kiat 14m. 37 2 as.. 2. Ng Mong Guan 12m. 50s. 3 Yeo Jui Hwa. In the 90 yards race for Novices Chan Sie
      118 words

  • 105 28 1! ST. At il i r 1 evidence. Woodleigh, Pump ins S’.it ion, on Dec. 10. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. J. B Best, a son. GOMES. On December 8 1927, at Belvil'c 310, Sorangoon Road, Singapore, to Mr and Mrs. Frank R. Gomes, a daughter. tvKNNEDY <>n December
    105 words
  • 175 28 11 < KNALL ALLAN. At the Presbyt* ri.n Church, Muar, Johore. on December 9. 1927 by the Rev. W. Murray, M.A., Cedric (Jordon Bucknall, Public Works Dept. Muar, son of the late Mr. Cedric Bucknal' and Mrs. Bucknall, Clifton. England, to Isobel Knox, daughter of the Rev. .1 T
    175 words
  • 153 28 Singapore, December 14. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2 '4 g Demand 2/3 s Private 3 m. credit 2. 4 21 On New Y’ork, Demand Private 90 d/s r^ N On France, Bank T.T. On India, Bank T.T. j- 11 On Hong Kong Bank. T.T. 10*
    153 words
  • 747 28 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, December 14. MINING. Issue Nal Pd Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asnm Kumbang 57 59 £1 £1 Buugrin Tin ys 40 1 Batang Padang 0.65 0.70 l l Batu Caves 1.071;, go £1 £1 Chenderiang 19 l*i T; l 1 Chin Chin 1.20
    747 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 89 28 NOTICE .All communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should b» addressed to the Head Oft.ce. Cecil anc Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle ments. The post free price of the Straits Times t* the United Kingdom and foreign countne* is 148 a year, lhe post free price
      89 words
  • 40 28 DEATHS KOEK.- At the General Hospital, on Decern ber 10, 1927, Alfred Joseph Kook, 19 years MADAM 5 LO KAM NEO.—On December 9 1927, at her residence No. 12, Enggoi Street, Singapore, Mrs. Low Keng Jian (net 5Vo Kam Nee).
    40 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 85 1 i Page (Jriierul—■Singapore Official Quotations 1 IYIdler Price Averages 1 1, union Rubber Stocks 1 Singapore Auction I liubber Position— (By A. \V. Still) 1 \,«.i'>sincnt uts 1 v |,m Rubber Control 2 1 a l Rubber Auctions 3 Weekly Share Market I radon Share Prices I (able News—
      85 words
    • 63 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Trices .Ian. Apl. Iul> l.Mon S’pore Dec. Mar. June Sept. d. oTo 0.70 hi 0.72‘t 0.740 75*, 7 0.70 0.71 *2 0 73*” u.71*, o.70»... 0.71 0.73 i*75 0.70*” ,i0‘»*. 0.70 0 72 0.71 0.75’” T'- o.O‘» 4 O.00 l
      63 words
    • 23 1 K.i' fier price averages for the current Ke-triction quarter are as fol.oxvs v r.gapore M».18 cents 1 ion Is. fi.ald.
      23 words
    • 27 1 li-uis and Peat's cable from their ndcii Office gives 141 tons increase aking the total London rubber stocks December 13. as revised, 00.005 tons.
      27 words
    • 129 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce k 1 »r Association held its 842nd auction December 14. when there was cata* .vi 1.584.354 lbs. or 707.30 tons; r -r. .l 1.155.170 lbs. or 515.70 tons sold D T.'T lbs. or 114.10 tons. Spot 1 mlnn Is. P l «d.
      129 words
    • 74 1 I REUTER TELEGRAM] Dupont Interests Acquire Control. tREUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 13. Xt '\v York The Dupont interests have ‘"luiTd a controlling interest in t,H ,lll,, d States Rubber Company. is understood that Mr. D. S. Dardnci, irt, l recently manager of (’astlefieli hst ate, Puchong, has
      I REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  74 words
    • 1320 1  -  By A. W. Still. London, Nov. 1«». I n tord a somewhat quiet week. There has l>»*t'ii a slight decrease of London stocks—from •'•P.iWiu to dp.MM—but the hopes whit h a g«»od many observers had formed of brisk autumn trade must now he
      1,320 words
    • 65 1 IREUTER TELEGRAM] Big New Sumatra Combine. IREUTER TELEGRAM] London, Dec. 12. One of the biggest rubber-producing companies in the world will be formed by the merging of Amalgamated Rubber and General Kstates and the Amalgamated Rubber Development Company into the United Serdang (Sumatra) Rubber Plantations, tin* latter increasing
      IREUTER TELEGRAM]  -  65 words
    • 61 1 Progress Reported By Dye Trust. London, Dec. 11. Frankfurt-on-Main Considerable progress in the synthesising of rubber was reported at a meeting of the directors of the Dye Trust hut wholesale utilisation is not likely in the near future. The ii eeting decided to recommend the. issue of 250,000,000
      61 words
    • 309 1 Minor Hardships in Rubber Industry. With assessment cuts coming into force in respect of the current restriction year, says the Financial News of Nov. 7, there may he some who have little or big grievances in mind as to the manner in which the new scale affects them.
      309 words
    • 2812 2 INTERESTING DISCUSSION ON ASSESSMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 11. The q iai telly general meeting of the Planters’ Association of M-alaya was held in the Malacca Club at 10 a.m. on Saturday last when there was a l ‘i> interesting discussion on the subject of
      2,812 words
    • 266 2 DI TCH EAST INDIES CULTIVATION. The Department of Agriculture. I mi'.;? try and ommeree has now published Mr A. Nuytjes’ final report on the nat ;w ilibber cultivation in the Netherlands E.i.*'. Indies. The report is issued by the Department in co-operation with the Native Rubber Investigation Committee
      266 words
    • 108 2 Exports of Rubber from Ceylon. 6th Restriction Year. Month Actual Exports Exports Export? Ceylon-Produced Imported Latc v Rubber Rubber Tons Tons Gallons Nov. 1927 4,110 435 Nil The standard production figures for ti restriction year commencing Nov. 1, l'. v nre pot available yet and the exportnM*
      108 words
    • 1500 3 The Position of Indian Immigration. V a meeting of the Indian Immigratj(ll committee held on Nov. 24, Mr. u Bathurst, M.C.S., presiding, the fijrur... of Indian Immigration and j;,,., ration for the current year to th« of October together with comparal;V(. tigures for recent years were laid
      1,500 words
    • 583 3 Ayer Molek. ***** lbs. Anglo-Johore Consolidated 23,000 lbs. Anglo-Fumutra. <57,1*57 lbs. Asahan. 01.107 lbs. Alor fiajah. 10 2X1 |f, s Ayer Punas. 49,500 lbs. Australasia. 10.400 lbs Arras. 10,500 lbs. Ayci Kuning.-K.370 lbs. Alor Pongsu 29,008 lbs. Rukit Jelotong. 12,047 lbs. Hukit Palling.— 10.5X5 lbs Hah I.ias. 142,000
      583 words
    • 722 3 Harlow and Co. Report. Singapore, Dec, X. I he past week has been characterised by variou., ups and downs in all markets bu* today's prices show an improvement on haiiinee ot 'id. in London, ~h relit gold in New York and b cent locally. Cables this morning
      722 words
    • 203 3 Distribution of Protits for Past Year. The report of the directors of Devon Hstates (Malacca), for the year ended June 30, 11)27, states that the net protit for the year amounted to $518,934.78, to which must he added the balance ot 100,{)<)1.35 brought forward from last account making
      203 words
    • 806 4 DEGREES AWARDED TO MR. LIONEL CRESSON. Honour was conferred upon a Singapore rubber chemist when the Institution of the Rubber Insdustry, at their Council meeting held on October 14, admitted Mr. Lionel Cresson, chemist attached to the Singapore Rubber Works, as an associate member and awarded him
      806 words
    • 481 4 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, dated December 13, states During the past week tin shows a .-mall decline on balance and on a dull market there has been less activity in in shares. Sterling issues continue stcaJy round quotations but local
      481 words
    • 58 4 The following is the statement of Singapore and Penanr dealers’ stocks at the end of November, 1927 Smoked Un- Crepe Sheet smoked Shoot Gross Weight Singapore 7.043 3 423 12,215 Penang 2,636 667 1,520 Lump Scrap Estimated Dry Total Weight Singapore 80 1.601 23,503 Penang nil 157 4,866
      58 words
      • 536 4 Stock p Exchange > Value. Company. Pricoa. ou £1 Abaco 2/ Allagar £1 Anglo-Malay £1 Ayer Kuning £1 Banteng 2/ Batang Consolidated 6 £1 Batu Caves J” £1 Batu Tiga lo 2 Bekoh -1 2 Bertam Consolidated y J 2' *Rrieh £1 Bidor 2/
        536 words
      • 748 4 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall A Company 4 Co. Evatt. 389,293 1 35 p.c. year 28-2-27 ».Al!enby ($n 8.00 3.20 3.00 3.20 160 000 1 20 pc. for year 30-9-27 A!or Gajah ($1) 2.40 2.70cd. 2.40 2.70 727,964 1
        748 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 —r >MMM» X iV' Si; 1927 Models 5 Setter Touring $3,000 <’ 7 Setter Touring 3,100 4 Door Stloon 3,500 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Pass Touring 4,100 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) 1 1 x X SERVICE Malayan, Motors, with their own branches throughout
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 293 6 4 I SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO. LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. L>. J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. R. M. MEYER, Esq. The Company is
      293 words