The Straits Budget, 8 December 1927

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
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  • 327 1 I y \PEHS— al!e Malaya’s Feres t Resources Iho Hire Purchase System 3 Criminal Court of Appeal 3 dipping I ork-Out in Australia 3-1 Register the Lot w Motor Ordinance Needed -1 iinasional Notes J -;> l.legrams. Reuter and Special i 'overinir Week’s News IT-23 Pictures' S*ikais of the
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  • 3420 1 The marriage of Mr. H. A. Kofe, elder °n of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kofe, of NU, Warwick Hoad. S.W. and Marguerite, tKi rd daughter of the late Mr. H. Browne lend of Mrs. Browne, of «>l, Comoratrh Komi W. will take place to-day at Penang
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  • 233 2 Action for Damages In Supreme Court. An action for damages, arising out of a motor car accident, was commenced in the Supreme Court yesterda> btfort Mr. Justice Deane. The plaintiffs were Ng Cheong Mow and Ng Sing I’hang, who were represented by Mr. Smith, and the defendant Toh
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  • 142 2 Reference to Pontianak Shares. Chav Ho. managing partner ot a firm of general merchants doing business at 121, South Bridge Road, was the accused in a charge of criminal breach of trust before the District Judge. Mr. X. D. Mudie. on Tuesday afternoon. It was alleged for the
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  • 986 2  -  (By A. W. still.) that Germany is trying to ignore the stern realities of her position. Manchester Cotton Trade. A mild sensation has been produced by the decision of the Manchester Cotton Yarn Association to withdraw the minimum price and curtailment
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 648 3 Straits Times, December 1. While fully appreciating the motive which prompted a correspondent to write from Johore against lie exploitation of the forests of Malaya we think that he takes far l K) pessimistic a view of the resources of the country in spite of an assertion
      Straits Times, December 1.  -  648 words
    • 631 3 However much •we may feel disposed to sympathise with the Pahang motorist whose motor car was recently seized under a hire purchase agreement, yet we must give Justice her due. The law, and very properly so, was on the side of the vendor. The facts are
      interested.—Straits Times,. December 2.  -  631 words
    • 666 3 such a court should exist.—Straits Times, December 3. It is, we know, a matter of concern to some members of the legal profession in the Straits Settlements that no criminal court of appeal exists here. The Assizes thus form the final court in a trial on
      such a court should exist.—Straits Times, December 3.  -  666 words
    • 632 3 tit ude.—Straits Times, December r». The Shipping crisis In Australia still wears a threatening look. Modern trade is such a sensitive plant that any dislocation in one part of the world re-acts on other places. A defective cog and the whole machinery creaks. Should, therefore, the
      tit ude.—Straits Times, December r».  -  632 words
    • 601 4 REGISTER THE LOT available.—Straits Times, December G. We intend once again to stress the urgent necessity for putting into immediate operation the provisions upon the statute books of j the Colony for the registration of domestic servants. We do so with j confidence as we believe that we nave the
      available.—Straits Times, December G.  -  601 words
    • 562 4 .—Straits Times, December 7. The time is long overdue for the enactment of a new comprehensive Motor Ordinance covering as far as may be practical the whole of the Malay Peninsula. In Singaoore traffic control is improving, hut there is urgent need for many further improvements.
      .—Straits Times, December 7.  -  562 words

  • 384 4 Chinese Widow and Her Sale. I cannot make an order but I certainly think it is a shame that she should have to pay these costs.” Thus the Second Police Magistrate. Mr. H. H. Bull, on Monday afternoon in a preliminary enquiry in which he held that
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  • 2017 4 A new menace to the satisfactm-v trol of stieet traffic is springing l n Singapore—ricksha “crawling” ln ln don a few years ago “taxi-cr-.wi; grew to such an extent that < K Yard had to issue special reg^ht and forbidding the practice, and seven on s ties were
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  • 99 5 Serious Crash on Thomson Road. A lorry conveying 13 European soldiers from Seletar to Singapore crashed into a tree on Thomson Road on Friday afternoon injuring 12 out of 13 passengers. The accident occurred at the seventh mile. In trying to overtake a bus the Malay driver went
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  • 130 5 Appointment of A Committee. With the approach of tin* festive season, the matter of the entertainment of the troops in our midst has arisen. It was the subject of a meeting at the Union Jack Club m Monday evening at which the following committee wa.; appointed to deal
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  • 101 5 Imprisonment and I* logging Ordered. In the District Court yesterday afternoon before Mr. N. D. Mudie, a < hinese ,.«,!ie was .'haw! with 'n Posses'ion of an automatic revolver, two daggers, and K> rounds of flat-nosed amIgnition. The accused pleaded guilty to 1,1 Chief *Court Inspector Meredith,
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  • 254 5 Bride’s Bouquet Deposited On Cenotaph. A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the Presbyterian Church on Saturday-, the Rev. G. 11. Douglas officiating, when Edward S. Matthew, son of Mr. James C .Matthew, Cucub Rubber Estate, Johore, was married to Phyllis Ferguson, daughter of the late Mr. John
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  • 420 5 The Municipal Improvement Rate. The following items are from the Orders of the Day for next Monday’s meeting of the Legislative Council. Mr. P. Simpson will ask Will the Government state the reason for the delay in gazetting the name of the successor on the Hospital Board to
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  • 780 5 Welcomed by Singapore Clergy. The new Bishop of Singapore (the Rt. Rev. 11. C. Roberts) accompanied by Mrs. Roberts and their two children arrived in Singapore by the Haruna Maru on Tuesday. They were met by the Ven. Archdeacon F. G. Swindell, in whose charge the diocese
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  • 1403 6  -  (By H. L. Hopkin.) The periodic entertainment offered in Singapore of young men handing out hard knocks to each other under the guise of the “noble art” is, when one looks back on it, quite an old established affair of nearly seven years. It
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  • 295 6 $700,000 BUILDING. FEATURE OF SINGAPORE BUSINESS AREA. Work is to commence shortly on the, new Mercantile Hank otuces in Raffles Square. The contract, which is worth about $700,000, has been awarded to Hrossard md Mopin. Ltd., and the design of Messrs. Keys and Powdeswoll,
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  • 72 6 [The Straits Time, is not responsible the opinions of its correspondents. C spondents should bear in mind that u,. must be short and to the noim f ter epistles are liable to be rejected 0 r g down. Correspondent# must enclos t u CUt names and addresses, not necessarily
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  • 62 6 To the Editor of the Straits Tinv.v Si^ W y U kind ly settle an are u ment through your valuable column, o' ~w ^i ch. .J? the Proper flag *1 Lritish civilian or a British commercial house to fly on a flag day Yours. et BRITISH KR.
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  • 65 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With reference to Mr. u n Martinus’ letter appearing in the Strait, Budget of Nov. 24, seeking information regarding reception here of Armbtuv li r happenings in the Albert Hall, I regrtto say that nothing was known t programme till the
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  • 184 6 Dog Taxes and Motor Bus Fares. Action taken at a meeting of (.Ym-. tee No. 1 of u»e Municipal < onimis •n Pec. 2 included the fotlowing:Pr ided to withdraw i\\omm. •< t»at in future all dogs should be pr.-d 1 :?A the time of payment of
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  • 238 6 Liquidation of Consolidated Cotton Fields. following from a South Air: in paper Arising out of the recent liquidation of Torso'idated Cotton Fields of Africa, Linaled, the liqtirtlator applied at the Rand Division of the Supreme Court recently, for an order attaching the pinat Parfctown. Johannesburg, of
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  • 1189 7 SUIT -AGAINST LADY MANAGER. STORY OF $69 PROFIT IN SIX MONTHS. The Chief Justice (Sir William Muri„,n I was occupied on Tuesday with an ,uti«»n in which Mrs. Linda Mackechniej >ucd Mrs. Janet Taxeira for damages for alleged misrepresentation and mismanage-1 jnent. Mr. E. A. Stevens appeared for
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  • 49 7 Tonirkol’s Rescue from Capsized Craft. rapsized twakow was found drifting in the Straits of Malacca, abou eleven miles from Batu Bahai.-J*™ 1 states 1 ™the master of the Government trawler Tongkol. M/- K {U Si Zd a™popu r ar ,,f foothall returned to the Settlement.
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  • 206 7 The Malayan Visit To Hong Kong. Mr. N. .1. A. Foster’s team which went to Hong Kong to represent Malaya in the triangular cricket tournament returned on Monday. Mr. Foster stated that they had no excuses to offer for their heavy defeats hy Shanghai
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  • 152 7 Negotiating Deals in Arms And Drugs. Some interesting disclosures were made in Court on Nov. 20, says the Hong Kong Daily Press, when James Christie, a former Colonel of the British Army, (well-known in Singapore some 15 years ago) and C. Bluhm were brought on remand before Mr.
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  • 89 7 H.E. Major-General C. van Strau- benzee and Mrs. van Straubcnzee wen* ith'> guests of honour a* St. Andrew's ball hd i at the Europe Hotel on Nov. 0. They were received at the entrance by the Chieftain of St. Andrew’s Society, Sir William Murison, and a bodyguard
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  • 65 7 Widespread Nature Of Epidemic. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Dec. holora continues to sweep Bengal. It h estimated that the weekly cases number 15,00ft, and those unreported are probably treble that number. In one village alono 170 people died. I* ort v inoculation centres have been opened
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  • 279 7 Twenty-three Years Residence In Singapore. A popular resident of Singapore who during his twenty-three years here has been an enthusiatic supporter of all sports leaves for Home on retirement to-morrow in Mr. M. B. McKean. For twelve years Mr. McKean was manager for the Vacuum
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  • 105 7 Charged with Being A Lunatic. Louis Fbert, the young Furasian who started out from Penang in 1025 to walk round the world, was produced before the third Police Magistrate, Mr. C. H. Dakers, on Monday on a charge of being a lunatic. He was sent, for
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  • 90 7 Arrest'd to Be Banished. Tb» seizure last week in the servants’ quarters of 5 Chatsworth Road, of a nuantitv of literature relating to the (General Labour Union, and the arrest of a Hylam boy on a charge of assisting in bo management of th«* General Labour Union,
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  • 88 7 On Vessel Arrived From China. A seizure of IK pounds of cocaine was made on Monday evening on board the Hong Peng by a party of revenue officers led by Supervisor Cordon The Hong Peng was in the outer roads She arrived from China ports and was on
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  • 1741 8  -  (By Major W. (i. St. Clair.) Colpetty, Colombo, Nov. 21. In my opinion Mr. W. Dunman has done a great public* service by publishing his excellent articles on Cameron’s Highlands in the Straits Budget of Nov. and, above ali, by bis inclusion of
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  • 452 8 Good Times In C.S.C. Hundred Yards. The 100 vanis flub championship race swum otr at tho Chinese Swimming C lub resulted in a good win for Chia I oh Chong in .*>."> •»/.“> seconds with Ng Gunn second in f»< 5 seconds and lt<> Sicw Kiat third in 02
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  • 808 8 Ml bIOC t k t Grant, Cessford, AnderBarton McMU e Willson Caldbeck and I —Gotch Goldman, Ablitt and 0 L°^n n a S n t d ur Bs R Unequal Sides on The Padang* Scotland turned out a r*>lutivel weaker fifteen than they have d„ ne f 0r several
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 173 8 PROPERTY SALE. Tht* following Singapore properties, all >tatutoi\ land grants, were sold by auction by heong Koon Seng and Co. at their saleroom, 30. Chulia Street, on Nov. 30 m a !L^ s n Queen Street, 1,595 square feet, Mr Tan Teong Seng at $6.40 per square foot $10,208 and
      173 words

  • 744 9 Tributes to the Infantry Subalterns.” j Instead of the usual quarterly eonferi nee and dinner of medical officers being confined to the medical members of th.» department, the wives of officers, and the nursing sisters were invited to attend the medical conference dinner, held at the Station Hotel,
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  • 743 9 Acute Shortage Of Houses. (From a Correspondent.) Medan, Nov. 2ti. Connin' me ting of the Me(lan Town un for H he h< us n g question again came itvnf (i SCUss ,on ihe continued prosperHv f umatru anfl the consequent inin? ?L LUr T a V mmi
    743 words
  • 294 9 DECREASE OF G. 16,429,000 IN 1926. Official figures were issued by the Gov- rnment Statistical Department on Nov. IS, showing the total value of all imports to and exports from the Netherlands East Indies during the twelve months ending Dec. 31, 1926, and are as follows IMPORTS.
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  • 133 9 Stabbed to Death on Collyer Quay. The inquiry was concluded in tin Coroner’s Court on Thursday before Licul.-Col. Hope Falknei, into the death of a Chinese, who was stabbed to death in an eating house on Collyer Quay on Nov, 6. The finding was culpable homieid; amounting to
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  • 210 9 STOWAWAYS CAUGHT AT SINGAPORE. TWELVE CHINESE ON AMERICAN SHIP. An attempt by twelve Chinese to defeat the American immigration regulations by -towing away on hoard the American ship Steel Navigator, hound from Singapore to New York, hail a sequel on Friday when the men were charged before
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  • 292 9 Suit Follows Building Of Bungalows. A case arising out of the building of two bungalows at Meyer Road was beard by Mr. Justice beam* in tin- Supreme Court on Thursday. The plaintitr was Yeo Kng I'eng \sho was represented hy Mr. K. A. Stevei.s, ami the defendant Mr.
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  • 150 9 Armed Man Who was Making For Town. On a Teochow named I.ini Soak Yony pleading yuilty before the District Judye, Mr. N. I). Mudie, on Saturday, to homy in unlicensed poises ion of a pi to! and a quantity of ammunition, Chief Court Inspector Meredith stated
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  • 924 10  -  (By Jehu). Anyone who has been lucky enough to spend a few days at Fraser’s Hill or for that matter any hill station in Malaya must have noticed the presence of a large broad-winged bird, circling, generally in pairs, over the tops of the
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  • 246 10 Overturned Car Bursts Into Flames. The five occupants of a Singer car car driven by Mr. K. Woodford had a miraculous escape from death on Saturday night when their conveyance somersaulted before it finally burst into flames on Kallang Bridge. In an attempt to avoid a collision. Mr.
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  • 1712 10 Homeward and Outward Hound. Thr following passengers are proceeding to Kurope by the Mongolia which sailed on Friday Mr. Boxall. Mr. Wilson. Mr Furslow. Mu. j. K. Allen. Mr. W. Powell Lt. took, Mr. .a M rs p. D. Abbott. Com Jr. J. N. HaniM>, ('apt! and Mrs. Pole
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  • 361 10 SELECT COMMITTEE APPOINTED. RESERVE FUND AM) COLONY FINANCES. Sir Hugh Clifford’s announcement at the Legislative Council some weeks ago that he proposed to appoint a commission to consider the opium finance p 0 li vV and general financial situation of the Colony has now been put into
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  • 218 10 Chinese Appeals Before Chief Justice. An inti*! est ing appeal w tlu* Supreme Court on Monday he hief Justice tSir William M .r •< "hen a Chinese Tan Senp appi against conviction on three charge- lepard i«» the importation of non-C'v.i’ ment chandu. Mr. M. C. Johannes
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  • 43 10 The Sinpapore apents of the N. I’inform us that they are iu receipt o! < able from their general apents at Shn hai. dated Dec. a, rcadinp as follows Klberfeld steamer submerped. noth: salved so far, salvage steamer still thei
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  • 1140 11  -  (By Jehu.) -> ur are several ways of going to i I(s t Kramer from Singapore. Some pre- r to take the train to Kuala Kubu ami l 0 d thence by car. Others may, ~r the whole way with a possible break
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  • 605 11 Ex-Policeman’s Remarkable Allegations. An extraodinary story was told in the District Police Court on Thursday before the District Jutlu’e*. Mr. X. D. Mudie,during a case in which a Malay was charged with making false representations and thereby inducing the Inspector General of Police, the Hon. Mr. H.
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  • 644 11 Troubles of Jalan Besar Residents. The case in which Mr. Norm an I Carmichael Hegg is charging Messrs. I'eieira and Monumed with causing hurt to his wife and himself, and is charged on a cross-warrant with criminal intimidation, was begun before the District Judge, Mr. N. 1). Mudie,
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  • 121 11 Mrs. N. C. Bepp was (harped before the Third Police Magistrate, Mr. C. H. 1 hike rs, on Thursday with disrrderly conduct at the Kurope Hotel at a.m. on December 1, obstructing a Police Officer in the execution of his duty and with usinp indecent lanpuape
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  • 456 11 REVEALED TO WORLD TO-DAY. DESCRIPTION CABLED TO SINGAPORE. (Straits Times, ltcrcmbcr 2, 1027). '1 he new Ford car, which has been the subject of endless rumour and speculation ior the past six months, is being announced throughout the World today, and the Ford Motor Company of Malaya
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  • 93 11 First Meeting of Privy Council (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Per. I. Yesterday afternoon the first meeting of the newly-eonstituted Privy Council took place. Prince Hidyalongkorn, on a vote, was elected President. The King was represented by his principal private secretary. In a message the King said his
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  • 40 11 (From i>ur (>\wi Correspondent.) Bangkok, Dec. 1. St. Andrew’s society celebrated St. Andrew's P; y by a dinner confined ta roemliers and their families. The Chieftain, Mr. James Dunn (Hong Kong and .Shanghai Bank) presided.
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  • 490 12 PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE PUBLIC. STRICT WATCH ON BEACH OBSTRUCTIONS. Considerable* interest is being shown st present in the question of foreshore rights, and the obstruction of the beach by owners of private property which is so noticeable along the Katong and Siglap sea front. A Straits Times
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  • 199 12 Clerk’s Appeal Dismissed. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 2. The appeal of Mohammed C. lljaga the Ipoh postal elerk who was. sentenced to two years rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Thorne at the last Perak assizes, was heard by the full court of appeal this
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  • 351 12 Affairs of a Government Clerk. The unfortunate position of a Government dork, with 23 >4 years service to > his credit, wa- disclosed in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday before Mr. Justice Deane, when J. Almeida appeared 1 for public examination. t Questioned by Mr. T. B. Cocker,
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  • 250 12 World Cruise Resumed From Fremantle. In a picturesque setting, with her stately lines reflected in the placid waters of the harbour, the private yacht Black Swan, which was named after the Swan River, left Fremantle for Durban on Nov. Iff. The West Australian of Nov. 17 says
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  • 51 12 \ow Vessel Arrives From Kong. The Sclatna, a new vessel which has been built at Hong Kong for the Strait* Steamship Company, arrived at Singapore on Friday. She is a vessel of 70 tons net. has a bunker capacity of 2."» tons, and a speed ci fcutht
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  • 834 12 COUNSEL’S ELOQUENT PLEA FOR MERCY. The ease in which H. H. Madill, manager of Moutrie ami To., was remanded on Saturday on thru charges of criminal breach ot trust as a servant in respect of $2,000 on June 21, l‘.*27, $1.01*0 on Sept. 1 4 am $1,774.0*5 on
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  • 470 12 Modern Scientific Methods In Water Supply. (From a London Correspondent., Singapore, as represented by Gunong Pulai scheme at Johor.. j s to have the latest principle* „f filtration and coagulation treatment This is being supplied by the p at son Engineering Co., of London it have also
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  • 176 12 The Currency Commissioners’ Abstract at Nov. 1, 1927, is as follows c Whole amount of Currency Notes in Circulation on Nov. 1. 1927 117.392.984 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of Oct., 19-7 11 > i 1 1 (a) Currency Guarantee Fund Liquid
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    • 70 13 w Wl ur child. I. iH.wr the sumpitan. or blowpipe. IKm.m-i. ,1 nM in- method of using blow 1. The rising f.eneralion. 2. S»ku I'amily. ihrouuh the* ju iulr at nlmut I wo miles an hour. 7. House in jungle near Klang. pipe. (i.
      L'nf'yi /'/lo/o/; !•.//•//.% by I )> H I ' II Illicit  -  70 words
    • 59 14 Leaving St. Mary's CLureh. Kuala I uirpur. under areh of swords formed by Police Officers. N'.iss KthJ Cad nan and Mr. C S Asst. Commissioner of Police. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kinder. Miss Sells and Miss M. I\m k and Mr. R. K.
      Photos, by S. M  -  59 words
    • 60 14 A rush In 1 he* Scottish forwards. Scotland turned out a relatively weaker fifteen than they have done for several years in the St. Andrew’s Day fixture al Singapore, and they were beaten by four goals, a try. and a penalty goal (26 pts.)
      S‘i\itts Times Photo  -  60 words
    • 45 14 (rtahO F.M* r K M V T* ">«• centre). with Mr. Seng On. l.nndon University ( Mr. Knk kirn all. Birkbt.k ollcge. son ..f lowkay hok ha. in. of Pudu (standing centre). The other pictures show the party at the Pyramids.
      45 words
    • 68 14 Mr tt ttir. 1 scretary to the British Ifesident, Ne-ri Semhilan. gees on U.ue shortly, lie ts the central ligure in the photograph of the secrelariat slalT. ny *ciymi><nt u Snpp/ui lilHu, I'l u: V h CVMrv ar <* ,r I- Nfuboult (IM).. JiUl)ii, who IS
      Photos liy Si'i t nihiin iihlii\ Snfrfyhi'i's ■  -  68 words
    • 47 15 Mr. \V. H. 1'ajie Hall. Johure, and M >s Kuliy Cade. Mr. J. V. S. Itrookt* and Miss Muriel H. I*ell. Mr. <iU*n (iardncr-l.owis and Miss Margaret Mamie Williams. Mr. II. K. I Irmc* and Mi*> (iwcmlolym* Anrhanl. 1‘hntu h\ \,iI ii 11 inii C>i
      1‘hntu h\ \,iI ii11 inii •' C>i  -  47 words
    • 25 15 n,-ill M ill rn Nowinher J'». a The K.A.U.U. ealieo Wall at tin* complete success. /’/'/(ito l>\ I
      /’/'/(ito l>\ I \  -  25 words
    • 59 16 New llund at Tump it to minimise damage hy monsoon. Railway pier in distance. New p rt linhi. Kuala Hesar. Kelantan. Tumpat, the chief port of Kelantan. New electric power station Kelantan. Federated Malay States Railway jetty. New hotel buildinc at Kota llharu. The C'lu!>, Kel.intan.
      Photos, by Chciih luifi Tens  -  59 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 402 17 (muter telegram] MALAYAN HELP. PROPAGANDA IN DUTCH INDIES. local laws to be AMENDED. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London. Dee. In the House of Commons Sir Walter H e p'reee (Cons., Blackpool! asked whether the Government were aware that Communist propaganda in the Dutch Indies was stimulated by agitators British
      (muter telegram]  -  402 words
    • 51 17 Germans Ratify the Paris Decisions. London. Dec. 1. Merlin After a meeting between Mr. Tarafa, and German, I’oltsli a 1( •near industrialists the latter a n that after hearing Mr- lar'tas *1 the negotiations in Amsterdam ratified the Paris decisions to was intimated, the Hungarwi was also favourably
      51 words
    • 563 17 Progress of The Negotiations. Rugby, Nov. 30. The question was asked in the House or Commons whether, in view of the Vdluo of thy Dead Sea salts concession to the British Empire, the Government woulel take* steps to ensure that control remained in British hands or whether
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    • 39 17 London. Dec. L i Violette, ex-Governor of Darts M. 1 Mars Hllrs de-Alf-'iria. on ho. arma ()i( flared that thr lo..' »j ,;nn,(Hm,OhO. Alirrrmwerrrstl.atrt H was -sum-: rd Ds-t Vl VK Kuropean and pmfam> > tim*#.
      39 words
    • 377 17 Remarkable Facts And Figures. London, Nov. 30. New York A financial campaign to raise $3,000,000 to provide for a referen dum on prohibition was launched by the National Association against the Volstead Act at a dinner attended by numerous hankers and business men. London, Dec. 3. Albany, New York
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    • 101 17 Bombs Thrown By Comitadjis. London, Dec. Belgrade A woman and a child were killed and several civi ians and poir e were wounded in an outrage by < omitadjis at Strunmitza yesterday evening. A bomb was exploded in front of a hotel in the centre of the town
      101 words
    • 130 17 Well-known American Revue Actress. London, Dec. The death ha." occurred in Washington, •.ftcr an o|M*ration. of the revue actress \i,_ White, who toured the Ooniir ioris with her husband Mr. < lay Smith ;ifter ucresses in London. M, x L-C White is well remembered in
      130 words
    • 226 17 P. O. COMPANY’S YEAR. ADDITION TO FLEET. MANAGING DIRECTORS APPOINTED. London. Dec. 5. The I*, and C). Company report states that the credit balance, including 1.Ir>*> brought forward, is £Dlx,oll, compared with £!>1!UKm; in the previous year. It was decided t<» carry forward 4‘lIK,d20. A new 10,000 ton vessel with
      226 words
    • 161 17 US. Post Office Expectations. London, Dec. r >. Washington The Postmastor-tJeneral, in his annual report, asks authority to make four year contracts for the transportation of mails overseas by air, ami .says his department is ready to inaugurate such a service immediately overseas air transportation is demonstrated
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    • 183 17 APPOINTMENT OF SIR (JEOROE SCHUSTER. I The India Office has announced that Kinjf has approved of the appointment of Sir (ieortfe Schuster to be a member the executive council of the (Jovernor(ieneral of India from September next. Sir Schuster will continue in his present appointment as financial and
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    • 3667 18 A RUSSIAN VIEW. THE DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE. LITVINOFF ASTONISHES THE DELEGATES. London, Nov. 30. Genova The preparatory Disarmament Conference opened at ll.lf* the morning, Jonkheer Loudon (Holland) presiding. The glass hall was packed. Remarkable precautions had been Liken. Not a single car was allowed to he parked in
      3,667 words
    • 89 19 Further Rich Finds Reported. Berlin. Dee. 1. Mount Magnet, West Australia A re-lieetor, newly returning from New Guinea, states that he is very confident „f the future of the goldfield* recent!v discovered there. Gold is to he found not only in rich veins but also in easily
      89 words
    • 65 19 Dominions and Permanent Court. Rugby, Dec. 5. \sked in the House of Commons which f the Dominions are not in favour of lir ni„.r the optional clause in relation Bermament < "Urt ot mu onulr. Lockcr-Lampson said tha of.... •i (.rent i" 11 it x..< then
      65 words
    • 444 19 POSITION DEMANDING REMEDY. Rugby, Dec. 2. Franco-Italian relations and the relations between France and Yugo-Slavia and Italy and Albania are discussed in The Times. The paper considers that a serious and novel feature in the situation is that, as a result of the diplomatic manoeuvres of the
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    • 37 19 Fourteen Killed: Much Damage. London, Doe. •">. Tin- Hague Fourteen natives are reported to have been kille«l and 50 injured in earthquakes in the north-west Celebes, especially the Dongala and I’aloe districts. Much damage was done.
      37 words
    • 788 19 WORKERS INTIMIDATED. SHOTS FIREI) AT TRAM PASSENC.ERS. Shanghai, Doc. 1. A very menacing situation is developing locally as a result, firstly of the continued serious growth of crimes of violence secondly the resuscitation of virulent Communist propaganda accompanied by very aggressive and daring intimidation of workers. Hardly
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    • 332 20 BANDITS’ TURK ATS. AITHOKITIKS TAKINIi IWAUTIONS. IIOPKS FOR KARl.V KKI.KASK. Ku*h>. IV* l h a a t > ua.noii hamhl*. »H **umpau* .11 \N H |.ht at 1*4 *0*1 l* 1 t>*. *>t u t'iu'i SaauRian nhoaa aanhv'.vsl .'imS i -v- u* pil« i i t v>
      332 words
    • 60 20 Wonderful Now Intention In l so. N V c “a 4 4 .v A v j v a. :mU o i\ t N’f' ’CV A i A N .a r*A > v. u i .''a r 4 v »A V *4 l K A V V v: V;'
      60 words
    • 46 20 U’fntni ihxfctuK To (HL x >. S. *1 ,.x A .*.> *V ,1 A -T• x v' X NX VX *t '•> s- «< V. >V. Maa*. S *v >„ a 'V- ,'w n. -0 > i t X x l > X x ,x -V M
      46 words
    • 7 20 x-% —x Tlx T»V;r* '•"Jd.
      7 words
    • 119 20 Journey to Australia Shortened. Rugby. Nov. SO. jV’S .nTh'rIU.uW I T^,n -0 EXiTO* Hca.W^t .t was not rn the public how many were bu;lt n h > l ir rv that date. Rugby. IVc. Th,- now Provdon 4-.r nation, which »mW .v-nr'ot on. and wf.l bo oponod ,h
      119 words
    • 10 20 Wrecks on American Coast. V ■i*. T® T
      10 words
    • 10 20 n Brush ksoois. -i >' m mm -Oc' z^.
      10 words
    • 10 20 2jc a*.- ru>: 'fK *s M 1
      10 words
    • 125 20 RUSSIA CONCERNED. PLANS OF COM.Ml Art AGENTS. Lender. r 0. On the resumption of th* charges at Bow Street, cour. prosecution stated that \V r mi Cartney. alias Hudson, was a -V. the Rhtish Communist Par r. Hansen, alias Johnson, was a r b subject. The
      125 words
    • 43 20 Nationalist Government Mandate. .-l-: j 5-_* -l' *U. —a' .l 7< 1* >r l '.S. S'. .IV "1“ a x~' a ~ia r. i. f a.* ir.-: i tae i -:a. t. -*r a V i~- r:r aa* i ni.
      43 words
    • 25 20 Continual Reports I Revolts. I r r? I T. T. r-" '.ti .<■ I v -a. a w j >»t r*;- *r Jct-rSi
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    • 13 20 pc laeth or ?ts A I SIMON I *VC r !^Hh|
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    • 3 20 1
      3 words
    • 120 21 STRIKING SPEECH. VERY LOW STOCKS IN BRITAIN. URGENT NEED OF INCREASED PRODUCTION Rugby, Dec. 6. Speaking nt a meeting of the London Pm Syndicate to-day. Lord Askwith, the hairman. declared it was idle to dispute the menace of the tin shortage. He said he threatened shortage would
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    • 172 21 Dissatisfaction of Small Capitalists. London. Dec. Moscow Reviewing the internal situa<»i in Russia at the Congress of the 'ommunist Party, Stalin admitted that -satisfaction against the Soviet was growing among tens of thousands of .-mall capitalists who were being ruined >• the growth of Socialistic industry and trade,
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    • 61 21 Treaty of Friendship Signed. London, Dec. 2. Teheran Afghan and Persia have .gned a three years treaty of friendship security. They undertake to remain utral if a third power attacks either reaty. The treaty will be automatically valid f >r a further three years unless denounced ;>'
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    • 44 21 Claims for Geneva Discovery. Berlin, Nov. 30. I he well-known Professor Keysser has iiseovered a new electro-thermic treatment for cancer, applicable when surgical uethods cannot be used. It is claimed hat 10 per cent, of seemingly hopeless ases are thus curable.
      44 words
    • 65 21 STERLING’ S RISE. Consignment of Gold From New York. London, Pec. New York The first movement of -:<»ld to Britain since sterling rose above Parity several weeks ago and the first his year is being made to-day by the International Acceptance Bank shipping a aiillion dollars. Yesterday’s sterling cables 188*4,
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    • 147 21 Another Long Note To Geneva. London, I>ec. 2. Another long note has been addressed o tht‘ secretary of the League of Nations inu al,1< m aras. Prime Minister of Lithuania, alleging that more revolutionary plots against the Lithuanian Government have been hatched in Roland by Lithuanian po.itical refugees with
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    • 108 21 TROUBLE IN GERMAN STEEL INDUSTRY. London, Dec. 4. Berlin Trouble has arisen in the German iron and steel industry, owing to tlu- trade unions insisting on a decree by the Ministry of Labour providing that the oight-hour day le strictly executed from Jan. 1, and also demanding an
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    • 45 21 Complaint of Lascars Working. London, Dei*. t>. Sydney: The removing of passengers’ luggage from the I', and O. Maloja by the ship's lasears occasioned complaint by the local secretary of the the Waterside Workers’ Federation that the “White Australia” policy was being violated.
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    • 90 21 General Dawes Declines To Stand. London. Dec. 2. Washington: General Dawes reiterated at the White House that he will not stand for the Presidency, ile said ho favoured the nomination of Mr. Lowden, ex-Governor of Illinois. London, Dec. Washington: Congress opened with everv likelihood of a discordant session.
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    • 93 21 Internal Revolutionary Movement.” London, Dec. 4. Moscow Stalin, in a six-hour report to the Congress of the ommunist Party >n the work of the party in the last two years, dealing with the growth of what he called the international revolutionary n'frrml to tho dove onmont of
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    • 23 21 Capture of Ringleaders Announced. London. Dec. 3. Tulaci, Solomon Islands Ouaf N"l u andt-Val of the'Of whi* officers, hare boon captured.
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    • 379 21 Good Points in Both Systems. Rubgy, Dec. *2. in view of the adverse effect on the receipts of the telegraphic cable companies resulting from the development of wireless telegraphy, and notably of th<* Beam system linking Britain and the Dominions, negotiations have been opened by the cable
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    • 184 21 Statement of Casualties Sustained. london, Dec. 1. The casualties in the British Kxpeditionary Force in China were enumerated by Lord Onslow in the House of Lords as follows Army Seven died and 33 were injured owing to accident or disease two died and 13 were injured owing
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    • 37 21 Bridegroom Injured in Motor Cycle Accident. London, Dec. 5. Godesberg Zoubkoff, who married Princess Victoria of Schaumberg-Lippe, had an accident to-day while mounting a motor-cycle, and was taken to hosjutal with internal and othar injuries.
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    • 191 21 CHAIRMAN RE-ELECTED. UOI’ES FOR IMPROVED HEALTH. Rugby, Dec. fi. .Mr. Ramsay MacDonald was to-<iay unanimously re-elected chairman anil leader ol the Parliamentary Labour Party. Mr. < lynes was re-eleeted deputychairman. in view of the recent rumour of Mr. MacDonald’s impending resignation of the leadership and the;
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    • 146 21 IJTVINOFF SATISFIED WITH MEETING. l-ondon, Dec. *7. (ieneva LitvinofT has left for Moscow via Merlin. There was no demont rat ion. Interviewed by Reuter, LitvinotT said he was satisfied with his visit, which corresponded to his expectations. He hoped to meet Sir Austen Chamlierlain at (ieneva in
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    • 125 21 Many Times OverSubscribed. Rugby, Nov. 80. The sulmoription list of the Palestine (iovemmeni loan of £4,475,000, lirarmf interest at fiv«• per cent. and offered at lOOli per ••out., was opened this morninj; and dosed in about two hours. It is understood that the loan has been many times
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    • 35 21 Italian Electcd its President. l/ondon, I )ec. 7. The Hague Signor An/.ilotti, Italy, has been elected president of the Permanent Court of International .Justice. He will hold office from 1!>2H to *****.
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    • 51 21 GREECE’ S DEBT TO U.S.A. London, Dec. 0. Washington An agreement has been reached regarding the Creek war debt of $10,500,000, which wdl be settled by a. 02 year funding operation. The t’nited States will advance (irecca a new loan of over 12,0(H),000 at four yn-r (vnt., redeemable in 20
      51 words
    • 856 22 MR. COOLIDGE SPEAKS. “IMPORTANT EXAMPLE TO THE WORLD.” WILL NOT STANO AGAIN AS PRESIDENT. London, Dec. 6. Washington “We are determined not to enter into a covenant assigning the United States a secondary place among j the Naval powers of the world.” was an outstanding passage in
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    • 74 22 Number of Questions Outstanding. London. Dec. 1. In the House of Commons Mr. Saklatvala a.-ked tor tho contents of the recent note from Britain to Persia and the state of Anglo-Persian relations. Comdr. Locker-Lampsoti replied that relations were friendly, but several questions were outstanding. The note was
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    • 67 22 Outnumber Men on New Basis. Rugby. Dec. 1. Tho Home Secretary was asked in the House of Commons, how many electors would be males and how many females if the existing Parliamentary’ franchise were extended to women of 21. He said that- on the basis of the most
      67 words
    • 99 22 DIVISION IN POLITICAL PARTIES. Rugby, Dec. 1. Three days have been set aside by the House of Lords within the next fortnight for discussion of the measure for reform of the Knglish Prayer Book. If the measure is rejected by* the Lords it will drop automatically. If
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    • 73 22 London, Dec. 1. Johannesburg Two of the three natives arrested in connection with the Miarder of Irene, the 18-year-oid daughter of Mr. F. E. Kanthack, the well-known engineer, have been released the third is still in custody. Mr. F. E. Kanthack, C.M.G., is a consulting engineer and was
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    • 40 22 London, Dec. f». Stockholm According to the Svenska Dagblad, a young Swedish Reserve officer i aS on *be doorstep of the Soviet Legation on a charge of spying on behalf of Soviet Russia. An enquiry's proceeding. J
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    • 622 22 Waterside Workers’ Dispute Settled. London, Nov. 30. Melbourne Hone* for settlement of tho waterside workers dispute have been the strikers have refund to accent the owners teriu>. Paralysis of shipping throughout Australia appears to be inevitable. None of the cargo of the P. and10. Maloja. which
      622 words
    • 384 22 JAPAN’S INTENTIONS. REPLY TO CHINESE CRITICISMS. Shanghai. Peking Baron Yoshizawa. the i nese Minister, has made a st v foreign correspondents to thi ViV'TV 0 he is astounded at Yang v i lh#l ferences to the Morgan loan. s re Jupan, he said, is perfectlv entitle raise
      384 words
    • 62 22 Damage to Seaplane At Malta. Rugby. Pec. 1 The extent of the damage caused h> rough seas to Sir Alan Cobham's 'ea plane after alighting at the base at M r*' 1 on Tuesday is not known, pending thorough examination, but the repairs wilt probably occupy some weeks.
      62 words
    • 68 22 No Further Battalions Being Sent. London. Pc In the House of Commons at •<" i V 1 or time, after Capt. H. D. King had dciai*‘ Hl the number of troops stationed in ',,Hhe added that no battalions :< route thither. Mr. Harry Day <1** Southwark Central)
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    • 41 22 Henry Ford on Coolidge Plans. London, Pc Detroit Mr. Henry Ford. wfm member of the Michigan com which is trying to bring the Republican convention to Detroit, that he was certain Mr. Coolidgt not run again for the Presidency
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    • 174 23 LIFE OF GERMS. may revolutionise PRESENT VIEW. Rugby, Nov. 30. The Evening Standard learns that a .•markable result has followed an experiment made with deadly germs by Sir A illiam Simpson, director at the Hospital r Tropical Disease. Twenty-six ago Sir William .'-'impson placed in a test
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    • 132 23 Keen Bidding For Shares. London. Nov. 30. \Vw York: Two-thousand daily news;rrs are carrying full-pace advertise,.M:< to herald the api>earance of the w Ford car on December 2. is described as a revolutionary with a 40 horse-power engine, able of 05 miles an hour. Publication of the
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    • 54 23 Fourteen More Tribesmen Captured. London. Deo. *5. Fulugi, Solomon Islands: Fourteen re hill tribesmen were captured on Saturday. All the ringleaders in the recent dis- ’banco are now in custody, anil over suspects are awaiting trial in con* tun with the murder of the two Briofficers and 15
      54 words
    • 76 23 Charges Brought Against Two Officials. London, Dec. 2. Cairo A chief chemist and a clerk nave been arrested on charges of malp!.»ctices in connection with police seizures ■f drugs sent to the Public Prosecutor’s Mice for analysis. It is aileged that the chemist substituted a harmless drug
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    • 43 23 London, Dec. 2. •New York The Rockefeller Foundan has made a donation to the American Hege of $1,000,(TOO for a new medical '"’•tie at Beirut. Half the estate’s fund has been simi* V donated for an American College 1 Athens.
      43 words
    • 33 23 London, Dec. o. •be Exchequer revenue from April 1 t 3 was £447,393,788 and expenditure 1.471,048, compared with £434.40 1 1*504,003,689 respectively in the cor ■'ponding period of last year.
      33 words
    • 438 23 Highest Wages in The World. London, Dec. 1. WashinKt 0 Mr. Hoover. Secretary fid Commerce, in his annual report says tht fiscal year ended July 1 exceeded all sumnt* m vo lun J e of Production and conimDorVr T)? th<? qUahty v f ex P° rts and imports.
      438 words
    • 55 23 Gang with Many Branches Arrested. London, Dec. 3. Berlin A gang of alleged traffickers in c >caine and heroin, with branches all >\er the country, has been arrested. The post offices have been receiving samples for transmission to addresses in Shanghai and Mexico. The multiplicity of samples aroused
      55 words
    • 62 23 Commissions Begging for Lack Of Men.” London, Dec. 3. Washington Commissions are going hc-wing for lack of youngsters to take hem,’’ savs the lrst report of the assistant Secretary for Air, emphasising the shortage of commissioned personnel in tnc Vir Corps. He declares that it is a
      62 words
    • 45 23 London, Dec. <5. Geneva At a meeting of the League Council the Hon. Kamil "nn.lur.n,! .Canada) annoum-ctl that tho (an.niian [iVvornmont ha,l .10ci,1,• I to aubmit th« ieneva Opium Convention 1 >2 > to I arlia;;,nt with a view to its early rauheatton.
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    • 15 23 London, Dec. <>. Leninifta.l: The tleajh has occurrcl of the writer, Feodor Sologub.
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    • 238 23 Military Scheme Under Review. London, Nov. 30. In. t’Jitf House of Commons at question 1 1 m Ui. M.r. Bridgenmn. said that the sum of A7,.750,000 estimated as the cost of developing the Naval Base at Singapore di<li not include the cost of military and air defence in
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    • 59 23 Over Four Thousand New Hills In Washington. London, Dec. 5. Washington: The 70th Congress of the United States is being convened today. Over 4,300 Bills are awaiting attention, but most will never see the light. One of outstanding importance is the new $230,000,000 Tax Reduction Bill, which it
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    • 83 23 Rumanian Fired At In Hois I)e Boulogne. Berlin, Dec. 3. LTntransigeant of Paris gives details relating to an attempt against a Rumanian citizen named Marinescu, who was shot at in the Bois de Boulogne in Paris yesterday, the bullet penetrating only his clothes. Marinescu informed the police that
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    • 21 23 London, Dec. 0. New York: The £3,000,000 American portion of the Irish Free State loan was over-subscribed.
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  • 223 23 Troubles of a Theatrical Manager. Mr. C. Chamier, proprietor of “Our Cabaret Company was the complainant in a ease before the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. H. R. Bull, on Tuesday. Mr. Chamier, who was charging his Tamil boy,” Hetnam, with the theft of a quantity of property,
    223 words
  • 148 23 Chinese Merchants And Co-operation. Hon# Kong, Nov. .'{0. At a conference between representatives of the Hong Kong General and Chinese Chambers of Commerce to considiar trade revi,vaA, the spokesman for the latter gave assurance of Chinese willingness to combine- in the efforts. to cement closer friendship and
    148 words
  • 55 23 Ixmdon, Dec. 1. Brussels The Chamber passed a vote of confidence in the Government by y. r to GH after a speech by the Prime Minister, M. Jaspar, who stated that the Government would settle all big questions with the Socialists if the latter liked, if not
    55 words
  • 41 23 London, Dec. 5. A Ministerial reply to a written question reveals that the Admiralty in the present year has ordered the scrapping of ,TJ vessels, comprising one cruiser, nine destroyers, four submarines and a number of auxiliary vessels.
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  • 50 23 London, Dee. New York: The Irish Free State is appearing as borrower in the American market for the first time to-day with an offer of a loan of la,000,000 at live per cent, issued at !>7. Four million pounds’ worth is also being issued in Ireland.
    50 words
  • 393 23 Takuupu Valley Tin Dredging November, r»r»l hours Worked, 072 piculs, I.‘(7,000 cubic yard.; treated. Rawang Tin. Ilucket dredge, 040 hours, I! 0,00(1 yardage, 420 piculs. a I i r>i N’awar. 135 hours, 105,000 yardage, .‘{.‘Id piculs. Malim N’awar South. 400 hours, 145,000 yardage, 588 piculs. Kim dung I
    393 words

    • 1420 24 Negri Heavily Beaten At Singapore. Singapore won their Malaya Cup game with Negri Sembilan on the padang on Saturday by three goals, a penalty goal, and three tries (27 pis.) to a penalty goal (3 pts.). It was a most attractive game to waU\h. Singapore, against the
      1,420 words
    • 29 24 [Reuter Telegram.] First Anglo-German International Since War. [Reuter Telegram.] London. Dec. At Folkestone the first Anglo-German hockey international played since the war was drawn at two goals all.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  29 words
    • 22 24 [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dec. 3. At Oxford in the inter-varsity relay races Cambridge heat Oxford by foul events to three.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  22 words
    • 638 24 Good Bouts at Happy Valley. It often happens that si boxing programme which on paper does not offer anything sensational turns out to bt a capital evening's entertainment. I his was the ease at the Happy alley on nday when the two main events and the supporting items provided
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    • 85 24 Rain Spoils Match Against Natal. London, Dec. 2. Maritzburg Overnight rain prevented play between the M.C.C. and Natal today. and the match was drawn with the first innings score :—Natal, 171 M.C.C. 3:53. Astill took five wickets for 38. E Tyldesley made 161. Drawn Match at Durban. London,
      85 words
    • 380 24 A. and B. Class Races. In ideal sailing conditions the the Boden Kloss Trophy, (B ClaU) 1 r the Hear Commodore’s Trophy 7m an< were sailed over the North Fast \i, m ass| Club course on Sunday morning. on At U.55 Dr. Webster sent the B away and Corrib
      380 words
    • 181 24 S.G.C. Monthly Medal. The Singapore Golf Club December medal competition wa? played on >aturday and Sunday, and resulted in a lor Mr. D. Sturroek. Eighty-seven cards were taken out. ar the following were returned D. Sturroek 86 1-' J \V. de I’iro 94 1' *6 J. Donaldson 91 14
      181 words
    • 49 24 [Reuter Telegram.] No Reinstatement Oi Professionals. [Router Telegram.] London, Paris The French Lawn Federation, with two dissentients, r* a Tequest for the requalificat i< amateurs of players who had professionals. The applicant was Paul Feret a’ had been stated that if he ha<i successful Mile. Lenglen might ar
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  49 words
    • 380 25 [Reuter Telegram.] English and Scottish League Results. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Dec. 3. Matches in the English and Scottish '.ague to-day resulted as follows; DIVISION I. Valuable Points For Leicester.' I'.imingham 0 Leicester 2 Blackburn 0 Sunderland o n |itr 2 Aston Villa 1 verton 0 Sheffield Un. 0
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  380 words
    • 224 25 Ciolf Club Transferred To Olugor. I r IVnang Turf Club, which has been kin- out for a way of making exteui has completed negotiations with e IVnang Golf Club for the latter to \e up its present site and move to liuuor. i'he Turf Club can now carry
      224 words
    • 168 25 Encouragirg Results of Week-end Practices. Singapore marksmen put in *i our,,sins shot on bum ay m ..ration for thrnr .-Hort m tho inter- >rt Competition. The rcores were- «ellent, •i total of tki7 being obtained, and it fullv expected that with good conditionthis may he heltoro,!. Tho
      168 words

  • 264 25 Frauds Extending Over 18 Months. The ease was mentioned before the District Judge, Mr. N. D. Mudie, on Saturday, in which J. Samuel, a clerk in the employ of John Little and Co., on Friday afternoon pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust as a servant. In doing
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  • 220 25 Succumbs to illness In Hong Kong. We much regret to record the death of Mrs. Rix, wife of Mr. H. R. Rix, of the firm of Maxwell and Kenion, advocates and solicitors. Ipoh, which occurred in Hong Kong on Saturday. Mrs. Rix accompanied her
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  • 191 25 Successful Concert in School Hall. The success of the committee of th. Did Rafflesians Association in arranging social entertainments for Old Boys was fully evidenced at a concert given last Saturday in the School Hall. The proceedings opened with the School March by the O.R.A. Orchestra. Vocal .‘ontributions
    191 words
  • 43 25 LAZAKQO. On November 30, 1027, at the Boarding Officers’ Quarters, Robinson Rd. Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 1* Lazaroo. a son. F.M.S. and Penang papers please copy. 7ALBOT. At the Maternity Hospital, Singupore, to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Talbot, daughter.
    43 words
  • 44 25 MATTHEW. FERGUSON. At the I'resby terian Church, on Saturday, December .1 1027, the Rev. (i. H. Douglas officiating Edward S. Matthew, son of Mr, James C Matthew, Cucub Rubber Estate, .failure, to Phyllis Ferguson, (laughter of the late Mr John Ferguson, Kirkcaldy, Scotland.
    44 words
  • 151 25 Singapore, Dec. 7. EXCHANGE. <»n London, Hunk 4 m a 2 '4 1/8 Dcmund 2'3 7/8 Private H in. credit 2 4 21/32 f)n New York. Demand 56'H» Private 00 <1 s 58*,* On France. Hank T T. 1431 )n India, Hank T.T. 153'* On llonj? Hank.
    151 words
  • 795 25 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Ilec. 7. MINING. Issue Yal. I'd. Buyers Sellers l'l fl Asain Kumbang 57 50 t'l fl Hangrin Tin 30 40 I I Butung Padang (M>u 0.<0 I I Pat ii Caves 1.27'a 1.32 fl i'l Chenderiang 10 21 1 1 Chin Chin
    795 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 88 25 NOTICE All communications for both the Stratti Time* and the Struits Budget should b* addressed to the Head Office, Cecil ant Stanley Streets, Singapore, straits Settle menta. The post free price of the Straits Times t< the United Kingdom and foreign couturier is $48 a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 234 25 DEATHS CHOPARD. (In December 1i, 1027, at the residence of Mr. R. Tessensohn, .V), Meyer Road. Singapore, Mary (’aniline, daughter of the late H. D. Chopard, in her T.'lni year. INUIIE K AT UAH BINTK A RSI I AD. At her residence 117, Telok Hlangah Road, on December d, I'.*27,
    234 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 81 1 General— **age Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction 1 Rubber Position—(By A. W. Still) 1 The Rubber Rise 2 A Planter’s Problem 2 Rubber and Our Neighbour 2 Rubber Returns 2 British Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 London Share Prices 3
      81 words
    • 79 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices Jan. Apl. July Dat. l.Mon S'pore Dec. Mar. Juno Sept. a d. 1 *ec. 1 7*, 0.69 0.69*4 0.70*- 0.72*3 0.74 l 1 7\ 0.69 0.70*4 0.71 0.73\ 0.75 1 a ;t 1 7*« 0.*;9*4 0.71 0.73 0.74 :i
      79 words
    • 20 1 Rubber price averages for the current Restriction quarter are as follows:— Singapore 65.61 cents London Is. G.3d.
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    • 28 1 Lewis and Peat’s cable from their London Office drives 1,450 tons decrease making the total London rubber stocks at December 6, as revised, 65,864 tons.
      28 words
    • 246 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Lubber Association held its 841st auction •n December 7, when there was cataleeued 1.401.872 lbs. or 052-02 tons offered 1,105,001 lbs. or 520.0 1 tons v 79,514 lbs. or 1188.02 tons. Spot London Is- 7*sd. New York 40 7 ets. PRICES REALISED.
      246 words
    • 1100 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, Nov. 9. There has been a slight increase in the London stocks since 1 last wrote, but it is only 109 tons, due to heavy landings, and causes no anxiety. It is noteworthy that to date the increase of
      1,100 words
    • 139 1 [REITER TELEGRAM] Problem by no Means Solved. 1 REITER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. .JO. Translations of Dr. von Weinberg's speech at Frankfort on Nov. 13 regarding synthetic rubber have been received by the Department of Overseas Trade from the consuls-general at Frankfort and Cologne. They discount the importance of
      [REITER TELEGRAM]  -  139 words
    • 136 1 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] OPENED IN LONDON. REMARKABLE GROWTH OF INDUSTRY. [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Rugby. lVo. 2 The Imperial Rubber Exhibition opened to-dav at the Imperial institute by Captain Hacking. Parliamentary Secretary to the Department of Over* a- rra.itCapt. Hacking said this was tS first f a series
      [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO]  -  136 words
    • 489 1 Reports, Dividends And Notices. Kajnng. I»t. divd. 5 p.c Aengsono. Bivid. 5 p.c Las? >• 11 Klabnng. Int. divd. 3-\ p.c. .r 7*? p.c Bindings. Int. divd. 5 pc. 7 1 pc year, i Alor Pongsu.— Int. divd. 5 p.c. 7. i-t >»*:.: 7 1 p.c.) Busun Burian.
      489 words
    • 738 2 fifteen cents in three WEEKS. effect of restriction IMPROVEMENTS. The* following appeared in the Straitg itnes of Dec. 1 The last three weeks have seen a rapid ,.nd welcome rise of fifteen eents in the j rice of rubber, which was selling at cents in the Singapore
      738 words
    • 447 2 Statement of Quantity and Value of Rubber Exported During November, 1927. statement of the quantity^nnd"va/ue P °of 8 h ?l 8Pnt U "i th< fo,lowin K comparative October, 1927. The ficuVea whl rubber exported from British Malaya, during porta of British Malaya ,n ton8 re P
      447 words
    • 252 2 The Virtues of Green Manuring. A circular issued by R. Bachofen and Co., of Medan-Deli (East Coast Sumatra provides the following interesting points in regard to green manuring. There is no system of fertilisation, in cheapness, efficiency, and permanent improvement of the land, to compare with .he
      252 words
    • 62 2 Hagan Serai. 30.500 lbs. RaUk RuHit. 22.000»»*• Fast Asiatic. 20l,0,i0 lb*. Harinmu. 9,900 lbs. Kurau.- 1M00 lbs. Maicdb’ Mohnre). 12.2i>0 Munr It am. 10.862 lbs. b Mount Austin t.lohore). ID Merchiston. 30,000 lbs. Mount joy. 27.000 lb*. prrniHs. 25,000 lbs. Ponang. -181.500 lbs. Rubana. 60.500 lbs. Sub rang.
      62 words
    • 329 2 Investment in Selbourne Property. The meeting of the Rocbournc Finance and Investment Co., Ivtd., was hold in London on Nov. 4. ('apt. H. F. Jackson (the chairman) said the profit for the year was 1X02') 10s. 2d., and they proposed to devote £'>,004 of that amount to the
      329 words
    • 702 2  -  (By H. M. M.) uns and had it not been for the alleged ItiO.OOO tons of reclaimed this would probably have Iwen a near figure. He predicted a shortage tor 19:50, 31 and 3 ,f approximately 131,000, 200,000 and q;;; poo,
      702 words
    • 770 3 Improvement in Market Conditions. Harlow and Co. report Singapore, Dec. 1. During the greater part of the period under review, the market continued to advance until Is. 8d. was reached in London, 41*<4 cents gold in New York, and 711 cents locally. A reaction then set in
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    • 235 3 Preventive Launches Activities. 1 From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Pec. 2. The Pikat when on patrol otr Sarang Buova, Johore. at 8.30 a.m. on Nov. -U. arrested a twakow' with‘four Chinese ami 7.10 piculs of rubber. When the crew ot the twakow saw the launch approaching ,hev
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    • 628 3 102 to 103. S.S. 1918 54 per cent. 102 4 103. S.S. 1919 54 per cent. Conv. 102 to 1024. Victory Bonds 103% to *****. Dividends. Balau Planting 6 per cent. int. payable December 14, 1927. Lahats Is. payable December 6, 1927. Hamiltons 5 per cent. »nt.
      628 words
      • 530 3 Stock Exchange V SS. Company. r 41 Abaco 2/ Allagar 17 3 .j 4*1 Anglo* Malay f 4*l Ayer Kuning 41 Bantong f, 11 •_> Batang l on soli dated 1 rt i 41 Hutu Gave* 41 Hatu Tigu j, 1 Bekoh X u
        530 words
      • 771 3 Capital Issue Closing Trices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser' Lvnll A Company 4 Co. Kvatt. 389,293 1 36 p.c. year 28-2-27 .Alienby ($11 3.00 3.20 3.00 3.20 160 0C0 1 20 p.c. for year 30-9-27 A’.or (lajah <$1> 2.40 2.70cd. 2.40 2.70 727,964 1
        771 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 1927 Models 5 Sealer Touring $3,000 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Sealer Touring 3,100 7 Pass Touring 4,100 4 Door Saloon 3,500 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) SERVICE Malayan, Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service
      149 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 307 5 I Ip 'i fr For Tropical Wear ’Phone 1627 HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. S WIN6 LOONG V 1 e-e .'i,'# t\ v*i ■to '.-.V -A: •;> >• r ./> ‘Vj i’ V-' SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY,
      307 words