The Straits Budget, 1 December 1927

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget being the weekly issue of the straits times [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEAKS.) No. .*Wvl2 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1. 11(27 Trice 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d«
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  • 276 1 ~K \I>EKS ~aKe Tho Naval Base j| Britain anil the .League •> Agricultural Policy India To-Morrow Matters Municipal -operative Credit 4 Ueeasional Notes IVlecrams. Reuter and Special C,.vering Pas* N,tWS ln>armament Conference Manchurian Railways h Pictures prepress of Raffles College IS Penang Veteran’s Shield, I'd-* English College, Johore Li
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  • 2623 1 Ihe Municipal Engineer’s Department nearing l the end of the scheme started hree years ago which involved the rcnstruction of nearly sixteen miles <>t 'ramway routes, and*it is interesting to "te that the work will he completed one > r ‘‘ar before the date specified by the
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  • 777 2 Letters of Administration Revoked. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison. was occupied in the Supreme Court on Monday wiih the hearing of a motion brought by the Barque <!e Undo Chin* against the administrators of tin* will of the late Chew Ji«> hiat, that tin letters
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  • 318 2 Engagements During Past Week. The following items from Government House. Kuala Lumpur, have been officially supplied Nov. 20. —His Kxcellency the High Commissioner attended by stall presented Volunteer Long Service decorations ami medals to the following officers and other ranks at Government House Major James Parry Swettenham. Major
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  • 81 2 Asiatic Probationary Officer Convicted. A Ceylon Eurasian named F. X. Andre was fined $.>'• before the Third Police Magistrate. Mr. C. 1L Dukers. >n Monday on a charge of attempting to e\t«»rt •Shi froln a Tamil named Rajah Gopal. i storekeeper in the employ of united;neers. The
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  • 58 2 Sunday Morning March Through Town. The transport Somersetshire arrived at Singapore from Shanghai at seven o’clock on Sunday morning with 1.300 troops on boaru. and left again at 11 a .m., bound tor Southampton. L>t Middlesex Regiment landed at the Main Wharf and went on an exercise
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  • 68 2 (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia. Nov. 28. ith reference to the paragraph in th” Straits 1 imes on the 23rd inst. in which -Mr. Robins Browne stated that the Aneta Agency report that hi* had been asked leau -lava was wholly incorrect, the acts are that Mr. Browne was
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  68 words
  • 56 2 Penang. Nov. 28. K.M tic Covernor arrived by the Seat,ll> nuirnmg. The Resident (oun W (the If on. Mr. Ralph Scott l went, on .o.ud and accompanied the Governor to Munic il 10 Kx<tll m v inspected the i unu ,p«ii electric power station the Harbour Rouid
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  • 770 2  -  (H.v A. W. Still.) London. Nm. I have b.vii watchina .level,,,,m, t fie discussion on proposals to >. the price ,.f tin. but I ,lo not think "il*, the position has been very nu vanced. a<| At the meeting of the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 717 3 in the I aciric Ocean.—Straits limes. November 21. The insatiable curiosity of that .qilwart and aristocratic recruit to ttl V Labour Party, Commander the H,, r .1. M. Kenworthy, elicited from Hu* First Lord of the Admiralty ..c interesting information as to t j U t ost
      in the I aciric Ocean.—Straits limes. November 21.  -  717 words
    • 751 3 I'lemont.—St aits Times, November Tlie failure of the Geneva Conference on naval disarmament for (he summons to which Mr. Coolidgc was responsible and the attitude adopted by Sir Austen Chmberlain .t the recent meeting of the Assembly of the League of Nations induced that eminent pacifist,
      I'lemont.—St . aits Times, November  -  751 words
    • 694 3 .—St rails l imes, November li'». The decision of the Federated Malay States Government to ap1 point an expert agriculturist from outside the Malayan Civil Ser1 vice to direct the Agricultural Department is very sound —providI eil always that there is no Civil Servant able to fulfil the
      .—St rails l imes, November li'».  -  694 words
    • 653 3 “India To-morrow/’— Straits Times, November 28. The unanimous approval of the House of Commons—after a clear ami effective explanation by Lord Winterton, the Cnder-Secretary for India, of the functions of tin* Koval Commission and that ancillary body which the Indian Legislatures u i I be asked to nominate—of
      “India To-morrow/’—Straits Times, November 28.  -  653 words
    • 653 4 the budget.—Straits Times, November 29. Though it is discouraging to a committee to have its decisions referred back, there seems to have been good reason for the action ot the general body ot Singapore Municipal Commissioners in the case of the lease of land to the Singapore Hume
      the budget.—Straits Times, November 29.  -  653 words
    • 644 4 I vi t f VC traits Times. November Co-operation has had a hard row to hoe in this country. It has met I with much official and unofficial opposition. AN hen Mr. Aloxaiuiei I Cavendish, the officer in charge ot the co-operative societies ot the Straits Settlements and
      – I vitf VC traits Times. November ,**().  -  644 words

  • 402 4 Busses on the Geylans* Road. If a pedestrian fails to lo >k crossing a road and gets knocked he cannot blame anyone else. The District Judge, Mr. i> expressed tb*U view on Monday in a charge of rash driving "agi nu*tor bus driver. The driver was alleged
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  • 124 4 (Aneta’s Service.) Dutch Officer Killed At Bandoeng. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, Nov. 2*>. Bandoeng Lieut. Buysen crashed i' ft* coarsc °f a trial flight a few minuti*after he had started. fire, and Buysen "a» killed instantly. p ann 0 ual general meeting of the St til c'i S Soc,et
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  124 words

  • 2039 5 m v lee”, or, as it is called by one /acturer, “Carbice,” is now a comil proposition. Tons of this new V. of refrigerant are being turned ,'tily in New York, and by its use perishable articles as tish and nn are being economically transby the car-load across
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  • 332 5 INAUGURATION DINNER AT SINGAPORE. The inauguration of the Pan-Asia New? Agency was celebrated by a dinner held at Raffles Hotel on Saturday night. Ex cellent arrangements had been made by the hotel management, and the function was very successful. Mr. Granville Roberts, editor of the Malaya Tribune,
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  • 329 5 $261,000 CASE. SINGAPORE LEGAL BATTLE ENDS. SIME, DARBY AND CO. WIN IN LONDON. The end of a longdruwn legal battle was marked on Tuesday by the arrival in Singapore of news that the Privy Council in London have given a unanimous w rdiet, with costs, in favour
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  • 65 5 [REL’TKR TELEGRAM] Price of $500 in United States. k [reutkr telegram] I.ondon, Nov. 2D. New York It is understood that the price of the new Ford car will be about $500. The price of the obi model in the United States was about The new model marks
    [REL’TKR TELEGRAM]  -  65 words
  • 156 5 Bengali Detained in Custody At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 2D. In connection with the murder of a Bengali, named Sifoot Kola, which oc eurred in Assam recently, Sakom Mula. a Bengali, appeared in the I'enatii' Police Court and tin* case was ordered to Ik*
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  • 852 6 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] GENEVA MEETING. BRITAIN’S CONTRIBUTION TO PROBLEM. GREAT REDUCTIONS SINCE THE WAR. [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] Berlin. Nov. 27. Geneva Litvinoff states that Russia is ready to agree on total or partial di> armament provided it is general. The rumour that Luna harsky has been appointed
    [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO]  -  852 words
  • 127 6 [REUTER TELEGRAM] New Ambassador Carefully Guarded. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London. Nov. ’29. Washington Mukhtar Bey, the new Turkish Ambassador to the United States, ms arrived. Since landing in New York from the liner Leviathan yesterday he ha keen guarded by detectives from th State Department as a precaution
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  127 words
  • 96 6 [REI TER FAR EASTERN SERVICE.] Arrests follow Murder Of Mrs. Forestier. [REUTER FAR EASTERN SERVICE.] Shanghai, Nov. 28. A Chinese detective trailed the murderer >f Mis. Forestier to a mountain cave 70 niles from Ningpo and eventually arrest'd him. The murderer was a house coolie, who made a
    [REI TER FAR EASTERN SERVICE.]  -  96 words
  • 125 6 French Vessel Hound Front Far East. London, Nov. 29. It is reported from Hamburg that th* French steamer Docteur Pierre Benoit hound from the Far East to Hamburg vith general goods, is ashore near Brunstausen. Tugs are standing by. It is said, according to the Malay Mail, that
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  • 951 6 Lingui and Kuchai Annual Meetings. The ninth annual general meeting <*fi 1 ingui Tin. Ltd., was held at neon on Friday at the registered otlices oi the company. 04. 05 and 00, Market Street. Singapore. Mr. J. M. Si me presided and in mo\ in i the
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  • 391 6 [REUTER TELEGRAM] AMERICAN LOANS ADVERSE COMMENT IN PEKING. STRENGTHENING THE JAPANESE HOLD." [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, No\. j; Washinpton No comment i> forthcominp from the Stated Depart nu t.' repard to the protests of < loiuv. financiers and business men against th,. loans which Morpan's and other
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  391 words

  • 833 7 cholera alarm in JAVA. f rom Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Nov. 2(’>. alarm of cholera has been sounded, i, ;v alleged that the infection was ui; ht over here from Singapore on the T;t'’>'aii and had obtained a slight hold i, re it could be dealt with.
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  • 647 7 Illegal Seizure by The Sheriff. Mr Jm til’.!'' "as riven hy in ',|u1 am h <‘ Supreme Court ..Ii a 1 1,1 Scow Eng Tin (l.umed damages from V. R Vj t .fc J! from l T the seixure of Roods j dams. plH,nt,ff8 stor by the defen-
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  • 1052 7  -  <1* y Richard Sidney.) When we think of our school days L it not the nicknames that we remember? At any rate that is one of my most lasting memories. It mattered tittle whether it were master or l>oy; once give him a good
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  • 511 7 Matrimony and Mothers-in-Law. In a case before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Mr. (J. T. Peal, in which a hinese woman claimed maintenance from her husband, on the ground of desertion, tin latter, a treasury clerk m.medium Sievv 1 ei k, leplied that when tie left his molhcrin
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  • 66 8 (The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long •pistles are liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but as
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  • 169 8 To the* Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, 1 observe that at a meeting of the Malay I‘eninsula Agricultural Association held at Barit Buntar on November 20. 1927, it was stated that I hail said recently in the Federal Council that it was easier to get Medical
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  • 281 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Many readers who travel daily by tram through the East End. are well acquainted with erie» of “Throw n> a copper” from the children of Slumdom children who are the future citizens of our great Empire, but we
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  • 128 8 To the Editor of the Stnaits Times. Sir, 1 read with interest the report m your paper concerning the Commissioners attitude with respect to the proposal of the Hume Dipt* Co. to establish works in Singapore tor the manufacture of their product for the 1 whole of
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  • 112 8 To the Editor of the Strait* Times. Sir, Let me say it. It is time that the practice of sending ouf unrepresentative st<lts under the name of “Malaya” ceased. This nrinv or may not have contributed to Hie duLucIc.s in Hone; Kong but ii j: W*h time
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  • 583 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In the recent Federal Council meeting, I see it was stated that measures are now being taken to exploit the forests of Malaya. Regret is expressed that such measures were not taken years ago, and it is aimed at starting
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  • 151 8 To the Editor of the Stnaits Times. Sir,—With your aid, I would like to draw' the attention of the authorities to the danger caused by cattle and horses roaming about the Se ran goon Road, between McPherson Road and Bidadari Cemetery, after dark. Lask week I was returning
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  • 179 8 Are the Authorities Satisfied Are the authorities satisfied with the present ambulance facilities and the organisation which controls them l That question was asked on Thursday last at a Coroner’s enquiry into a casualty which, in the words of the Coroner, Lieut.-Col. Hope-Falkner. “it was considered that the
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  • 206 8 A FAMOUS DOCTOR’S CHARGES. Ottawa. Oct. 10. Dr. F. ti, Banting, the young Toronti doctor who attained international fame a few years ago as the discoverer of insulin, ha> created a mild sensation in Canada by a public attack made through the medium of an interview in the
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  • 404 8 Tlu* following passengers left by the Suwa "iaru for Europe on Saturday Captain K. A. Shepherd, Mr. R. R. Robins Browne, Mr. W. Lythgoe, Pr. and Mrs G. Clausen. Mr. A. Xishiniura. Mr. K. A. Staines. Mr. B. I), de Silva, Mrs S. Rajmaitri, Luang Siri Rujmaitri. Mrs A.
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  • 378 8 [Reuter Telepram.] English and Scottish League Results. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. The following arc results of n v played in the various divisions to d Divitdon I. Aston Villa 2 Blackburn Burnley 4 Manchester Id Bury 2 Evert on Derby 4 The ednesn> c Leicester 3 Newcastle Liverpool
    [Reuter Telepram.]  -  378 words
  • 166 8 Chcnderiang Tin Dredging.—Half nu»nt'* ending Nov. 15. (Dredge).— Hour." piculs 100. Hydraulicing.— Jabus, picul.- vl S. I.ah. piculs 50. f The following outputs for the first l’’ 1 of November are notified Taiping Tin Dredging (2 dredges).193. hours 629, yards 155.000. North Taiping Tin.—Piculs 404.*houi yards 40,000. South
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  • 1468 9 [Reuter Telegram.] HONG KONG WINS TOURNAMENT. MALAYA DEFEATED IN DOTH MATCHES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong. Nov. 28. Malaya collapsed in surprising fashion they faced the bowling of Shanghai > morning. Isaacs and Ollerdessen n g most of the damage. I -jde was all out for 77. the
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,468 words
  • 317 9 Year of Quiet Progress Reported. The annual general meeting of the British Malaya Trustee and Kxecutor Co., Ltd., was* held on Saturday, at the secretaries’ offices. The Chairman, Sir David Calloway, presided and in the course of his remarks said :—Profit and loss account shows that our
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  • 32 9 I reciter telegram J Accident While Hunting With Quorn. lUEt'TKR TELEGRAM J London, Nov. 28. The Prince of Wales was thrown while hunting with the Quorn, but was unhurt.
    I reciter telegram J  -  32 words
  • 568 9 Wins for Jazz Fiend And Jean II. The race for the R class trophy, predated by Mr. C. Boden-Kl oss, was sailed over the usual club course on Sunday last also the first race for the A class »ound 1‘ulo Joiiy. *1 he It class hints weie -ent away
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  • 231 9 Mr. W. T. Hallam and Miss P. M. Gray. The marriage was solemnized 0:1 Saturday, October 1. at Beerhen Grove Church, Watford, hy the Kcv, G. II. Ruffcll l.aslctt, between William Titus, only son of Mrs. Hallam of (lorleston and the late Mr. W. II. Hallam, an I Phyllis
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  • 2950 10 SITE REFUSED TO NEW COMPANY. COMMISSIONERS TO REVIEW DECISION. At Fri lay’s meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the decision to refuse the Singapore Hume Ripe Company a lease of six acres of land at the sixth mile, liukit Timah Road, was criticised b> Mr. H. Wolskel, who pointed
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  • 154 10 Difficul lies In Grove Ron cl Overcome. The difficulties experienced recenth 1 uilding the new Grove Hoad bridge he now been overcome, and work is I (•ceding satisfactorily. In this sch the river is carried through a tlumc, a’ a dam has been built to keep the tid
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  • 1694 11 4\ UNUSUAL PATH TO THE PAST. (Special to the Straits Times.) I, becoming more difficult every year rv, apture me atmosphere of \ear\y J j, 0 re, and even of that comparativei fi-'"cut society in whieh the present tu- it ion of tuans besar spent their fri-itlm day#.
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  • 372 11 Lady Clifford Elected As Patroness. There was a good attendance of members at the annual meeting of the Singapore St. Patrick’s Society at the Europe Hotel on Monday afternoon. The President, Mr. Denis Santry, was in the chair. The President, in the course of his review. said
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  • 183 11 Committal Orders Made For Imprisonment. Mr. Justice Deane was occupied with bankruptcy matters in the Supreme Court n Friday morning. Receiving orders were granted against Scow Teong Watt, Goh Cheng Yong and S. Cathirvaloo. The affairs of S. Cathirvaloo have been in the court for several weeks and
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  • 778 11 COURT OF APPEAL’S DECISION. LEGAL MEANING OF TERM ABUTMENT.” An interesting decision affecting the right ot shop house owners to place goods on the live-foot way was delivered by tho hief Justice (Sir William Munson) on Monday morning. Mr. Justice Sproule and Mr. Justice Prichard, the other appeal
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  • 1594 12 A SPECTATOR IN THE COUNCIL. (From a Correspondent.) The last meeting of the Federal Council left the spectator with the satisfying conviction that the future proceedings of the legislative bodies of the F.M.S. and the Colony are going to be considerably more interesting, and much less unreal and
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  • 734 12 INTERESTING SCHEME AT SINGAPORE. IMPROVEMENT TRUST SETS AN EXAMPLE. What will he the first example of building in Singapore by the authorities for the public from the tenements erected by the Government in Cross Street several years ago—is about to be commenced by the Singapore Improvement Trust shortly
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  • 605 12 $17,646 CLAIM ON POLICY SUCCEEDS. JUDGMENT IN INSUUANCE CASE. Mr. Justice Deane delivered a ler.gihv judgment on No. 24 in the action j n which Chop Kong Moh claimed from the Assurance Franco-Asiatique under a marine insurance poli. y. s Lonlship gave judgment for the plaintiff for the
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  • 109 12 Allegation of Bn ach of Trust As Ser*, nt II. II. Madill, manag Moutrie and k’iV H'" l? P °M' W S Arged before the 1 nird I once jj i) a kers on Saturday on three all( Ka u„ ns „f erimma 1 breach of trust a
    109 words

    • 31 13 Mana»ch Meyer Science Itlock. The Principal's Lodge. Quarter* lor the Professional Stall nearing completion. (iarages for Staff and Students. Ku Tong Sen Hostel. I'hutu,. hy J Trcusnn
      I'hutu,. hy /•' J Trcusnn  -  31 words
    • 29 13 i.< I’jitig him Seng. Sgl. Won liv Chinese Co., U < Tan Cheng Cine. Jim* tU l.iin. C«pl. Koh IK«k <Ua.lrr). >•'<• CpI. Khoo him I-ian.
      29 words
    • 41 13 Mr. (i ml K. I>. Haley (in Iron!) v err entertained In a farewell pari) l>\ I hr college hn\ 11 1 Mil to Iea\ mg Ini l'<linlilM(|. I > ll( it (I l>\ I I I I, II'lilt
      I >ll( it (I l>\ I I I I, II'lilt  -  41 words
    • 39 14 Snapped near lhe lote. Photo, hy MlUltil Thompson on Marquise, w inner Perak Stakes. photo, by F J T»\us A Collection of Cups. Billett tin Melgeo. winner of Penang Purse. Photos by M:\Jt.i.
      Photo, hy MlUltil; photo, by F J. T»\us,; Photos by M:\Jt.i.  -  39 words
    • 22 14 In a match at Singapore in aid of Poppy Day funds Singapore defeated Selangor by three goals to two.
      22 words
    • 81 14 Photograph taken on the occasion of the l\umha-Ahishegnm (inaugural ceremony) of the Mariamman Temn1» .Ichor,.. n,|,u on 2.1. ill \V,.»k> njtton Estate. R.-nnam, Seated (left to right).—Mr. S. R. Sarma Iyer, Priest. Singapore; Mr. K. C. Krishna her Priest Siv t i *lr. J. Pratt, Mr. 1).
      81 words
    • 87 15 I.ady Clifford. Sir Henry C.ompcrt/ Chief Justice and others awaiting arrival of the High Commissioner to open Federal Council Meeting. (.nard of honour drawn up in front of the <internment ntlices. Inset The Acting Chief Secretary to (Internment (Hon. Mr. II. \V. Thomson) who was decorated
      I'liotos. b\ U'uMjj*  -  87 words
    • 39 15 .h, M.laeea Club »he.i Ihe (.ill..r. the Hon. Mr. It. Criehl n> itiu-n a lar. ll dance. A most enjoyable evening wae aptnt a I'hnta l>\ I \il ll.
      I'hnta l>\ I \il ll.  -  39 words
    • 25 15 Camouflaged f‘» entice the ><» a u t> them to the railway roach <>r to Hanghok. hr mol lor and her halo.
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    • 15 15 «.f fhr 7'» eggs laid l*> a python on hoard of flu* I’yrrhus,
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    • 62 16 Hallam —Gray Wedding. The marriage took place on Oct. 1. at Beechen <iro\e Church. Watford, rf Mr. W. T. Ilallam. of the Municipal Oas Works. Singapore, and Phyllis Margaret, eldest daughter of Mrs. (ira> of Watford and the late Mr. A. W. Cray. Standing (left to right).— Bridegroom. Miss N.
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    • 24 16 Negri Sembilan «a> beaten by I’erak. 2b points to tor the Farleigh Robert son trophy at I p«»h on October 22.
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    • 16 16 A group of boxing fans. Battling kee. P'lotos l>y S N U
      P'lotos l>y S N U  -  16 words
    • 28 16 Mr. H. Klphiek, one of the oldtime residents of Singapore, left on the Mongolia last week for Home. He will return after eight months lea\e.
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    • 19 16 The first Siamese Kuddhist temple in Singapore has been erected on Race Course Road.
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    • 26 16 TwelM* }t*ar> ago this Buddha, weighing fight tons. was* brought from Mandala} and has just been housed in l PI** 1, Serangoon Road.
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    • 35 16 The importation of motor cars into Mala\a is increasing rapidly owing greatly to daily smashes I* 0 'er ™r and lorry collide at Bukit Timah, near the Chinese High School.
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 2282 17 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO] SIR AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN ANSWERS HIS CRITICS. DEBATE ON DISARxMAMENT POLICY. NO POWER HAS DONE MORE FOR SECURITY.” 4 striking speech on disarmament problems by the Foreign Secretary T Sir Austen Chamberlain, was the feature of a debate in the House f Commons
      [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO]  -  2,282 words
    • 122 17 Joint Committee’s Report Rugby, Nov. 23. The Kcelesiasfical Committer* of the tw*» Houses of Parliament, having decided, by 2J votes to 5, that the new Prayer Book for the Church of England does not infringe the constitutional rights of the Kind’s subjects, has now reported to the
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    • 145 17 Foreign Secretary’s Hard Task. Rugby, Nov. 23. Sir \iMrn harnborlain was askrd in I ho IIoijm’ of Commons wbothor hr? would iiso h*s good oflicos with th<* I’umanimi (Jovornmont m it. dispute with Hungary. lb- replied “The League Council did me the honour a very arduous and invidious
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    • 248 18 TEN YEARS WORK. NO INTENTION TO DELAY. LIMITATION OF CRUISER BUILDING. London. Nov. 28. In the House of Commons, replying to Conidr. J. M. Keiiworthy (Lab., Hull, Central) Mr. Hridgcman said the expenditure on the Singapore Base up to now amounted to A*422,i)O0. It was exacted tnat
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    • 171 18 Murder of an English Girl. London, Nov. 27. Johannesburg The population has been greatly shocked by the brutal murder «*f an lH-year-old girl named Irene rvanthack. the daughter of a distinguished Liverpool engineer. The girl hail been missing since Nov. 24, and her body, which was found in
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    • 109 18 Mass of Rocks Crash On Line. London, Nov. 27. Paris A mass of rocks crashed down *.u front r f a local train from Marseille's near Valence. The driver jammed on the brakes but the engine and first carriage were overturned down the hank. The •driver was
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    • 135 18 A CHALLENGE. DECLARATION BY FOREIGN MINISTER. Shanghai, Nov. M. Mr. Wu. the Nationalist Foreign Minister, ha* issued the following declaration 1. As ttieie is no reason for the existence of unequal treaties and agreements between ifirmer Chinese governments and governments, corporations or individual-* Nil foreign states,
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    • 112 18 Views of President Coolidge. London, Nov. 2m Washington That Mr. Coolidge is anxious to discuss with world powerproposals outlawing war were disclosed by the Whit" House -pokesmun. The President is of opinion that, while the constitution of tlu* United State.1 resents a serious difficulty in the way **f
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    • 41 18 Mishap to Brussels-Calais Train. London, Nov. 27. Brussels The Brussels-Calais express was derailed on entering the station at Ghislcnghier, north-east of Mons. Five couches were overturned. A mother and child were seriously injured and iHhor persons received minor injuries,
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    • 174 18 Death Sentences on Seven Chinese. Hong Kong, Nov. 24. The jury returned a unanimous verdict of guilty iu the case of seven Chinese accused of piracy on the steamer Irene on tk't. 22. All were sentenced to death. T gc Irene wa.« pirated in Bia? Bay, but Intel
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    • 53 18 Surprise Expressed at Spanish Attitude. Shanghai, Nov. 20. Peking The F oreign Office, replying to the Spanish note, expresses surprise at the Spanish attitude and denies the Spanish statement that the Foreign Minister promiesd that, pending a new treaty, Spain would be granted the same treat men*,
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    • 252 18 j Loans for Peru And Vienna. London. Nov. 28. NVw York The industrial stock market has reduced a record high level while the total of sales exceeded 8.000,000 shares for the second time this year and the fifth time in history. The sale of membership of the
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    • 184 18 Missions Being Sent Abroad. Rugby. Nov. 27. Lord Bledisloe. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture, leaves on a mission to South America on Dec. 21. He will confer at Buenos Aires and Montevideo on bchu f of the British Government with the representatives of the Argentine and
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    • 82 18 Italian Motorist’s Escape From Death. London. Nov. 27*. The Italian racing motorist Foresti skidded while driving at a speed of 150 miles an hour on Pendine Samis. Carmarthen. The car somersaulted twice ami was completely wrecked. A dense column of smoke arose, from which staggered, black-faced and
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    • 47 18 Death of Ex-Austrian Prime Minister. London, Nov. 24. lonna The death has occurred of Prince Alfred Windischgraetz, ex-Aus-trian Prime Minister and President of the Austrian Upper House for 21 years. Washington The death has occurred of Rear-Admiral William Bullard, chairman of the E ederal Radio Commision.
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    • 248 18 WARDER KILLED. SCENES IN UNITEDSTATfs GAOL. London, Nov 2:" San Francisco A thousand com i t* at the state prison at Folsom mutinied Five hundred militiamen and deputy sheriffs are bitterly besieging the con victs. At least nine have been killed, I including two prison guards, and
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    • 74 18 End of Amsterdam Negotiations. London. Nov. 25. Amsterdam The sugar supply refu lation negotiations between Culm and Holland have been concluded. A communique states that both parties concerned will keep in touch with each other and continue to co-operate within the limits of their mutual interests. They intend
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    • 78 18 Scenes at London Docks. London. Nov. 25. Mothers and wives who trudpred through miles of docks in the morning mist were the first to hear the marching songs which heralded the return of the Reservists from China by the Karmala. The authorities closed their eyes when 1,200 soldiers
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    • 51 18 Conservative Elected At Canterbury. London, Nov. 25. The Canterbury by-election, due to the elevation of Mr. Ronald McNeill to the Peerage, resulted as follows Sir W. Wayland, Conservative, 1-8,657. Colonel Carnegie, Liberal, 10,175. 1 result of the last election was M*'. Ronald McNeill, C., 10,693, Col. L>. Carnegie L.,
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    • 49 18 London, Nov. 2‘t. Mexico City The Chamber of Dopu ties has passed a measure extending the presidential term from four years to si* At least seven years more of the alles-Obregon reprime is therefore a probability as Ohrepron is at present the onl? candidate in the field.
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    • 221 19 FOUR SUSPENDED. PROTESTS AGAINST THE CLOSURE. the unemployment INSURANCE BILL. London, Nov. 24. :e were very angry* scenes in the t* Commons on the committee nf the Unemployment Insurance The Labour member- Mr. J. Maxtoti g.iw. Bridgeton). Mr. G. Buchanan -e \v, Gorbals), Mr. Neil Mel>*an
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    • 95 19 Mr. Mackenzie King’s Visit. Rugby, Nov. 23. Mr. Mackenzie King, the Canadian c Minister, arrived in Washington ;>t'tcrday on his first visit since the ‘anl shment of the Canadian Legation there. lb* will stay with the Canadian MinisMr. Vincent Massey, for some days, g which time ho
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    • 107 19 Airman’s Terrifying Experience. London, Nov. 23. m Francisco How the ocean almost I another aerial victim is described 1 apt. Giles, who was forced to n't urn an attempt to fly to Honolulu. i< relates his terrifying experience of mtering a rain drenched air-pocket, machine turned upside
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    • 46 19 Members of Kandy Club Segregated. London, Nov. -1 Colombo: Following an outbreak ot 'ague in the Kandy Club, five European 4 I: 'l 2l( native servants have been sogte'"•1 in barracks ns indirect contact-. I’he Europeans include the chai’'iaan tlie Kandy Municipal ounci
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    • 454 19 PLAYING WITH MATCHES. COMMENTS IN THE FRENCH PRESS. London, Nov. 21. An Italian-Albanian treatv of .cicr.-ive au:ance has been signe 1 It i*'"j f •Oratiun. If oitho, party is hr*awii..! by a war which it dbl not s ba i render assi-tanee. 1 •*ba;I > negotiate a peace,
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    • 54 19 [hang Tsung-chang Reported Wounded. Shanghai, Nov. 2<>. Nanking message officially c nini h capture of Hsuchowfu. an importan* unction on the Ticntsin-Pukow and LunlKh“t r a£ ay a-serts that Chang Tsunjrrhang was shot in the leg in a ba He "dl Feng Yu Hsiang’s forces at Tsining. am
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    • 22 19 Berlin, Nov. 25. Salonika Nine Omiitrxljis ri.r..-pni<«l > sl v Fr s rh bunk have n sentenced t<> <!i at h.
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    • 134 19 A COMPARISON. THE FRENCH FORCES STRONGER. Rugby, Nov. 23. 1 he Secretary for Air was asked in tin* House of Commons wha-t were the comparative figures for the British Air Force and the largest air force possessed by any power on the continent of Europe. Sir Philip
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    • 87 19 Suspended by T.U.C. Council. London, Nov. 23. As already foreshadowed, the Trade Union Congress decided to suspend the affiliation of the National Union of Sea men. Rugby, Nov. 23. The suspension is a sequel to the troubh which arose lietween the Trades Union Congress and the Seamen’s Union,
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    • 104 19 Reichstag Adopts Trade Agreement. London, Nov. 23. Berlin The Reichstag adopted the Franco-German trade agreement. The agreement provides for the reciprocal grant of do facto most favoured nation treatment for practically all exports. In exchange for the present French minimum tariff, (Ierrnany grants France the tariff already
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    • 101 19 Capture of Native Ringleader. London, Nov. 23. Tulagi, Solomon Islands The native ringleader of the massacre, Basiana, was •aptured by stratagem by unarmed native volunteers six miles from Sinarango and lodged in goal. Lasiana had been deserted by bis fellow clansmen. Ho was bound with canes and handed
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    • 63 19 Britain’s Agreement With Germany. Rugby, Nov. 23. Si»* Austen Chamberlain announced it ’he House of Commons that h<* hope 1 hortiy I" conclude an agreement wit I Germany for afolifion of th<* visa, IL •■is also in communication with tie ''ovornnient C/echo S’ov.akia with ierv 4 o
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    • 368 19 THE CONCESSIONS. EFFECTS OF HANKOW AGREEMENT. London, Nov 23. In the House of Commons Mr. El. W. Looker (Cons., Iv-sscx, S.K.) suggested '"•hat the conclusion, of an agreement for handing over the municipal administration of tin* British, concession m Tientsin to a mixed AngloChinese administration should he
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    • 128 19 Promise of a New Process. London. Nov. 25. Berlin Lecturing in Berlin, Dr. Brueckmann, director of the German Mineral Oil and Coal I tilisntion Gonipany, deelared that with an expenditure of 120,000,000 to t‘2f>,000,000, <ierrnany would be aide within ten years to erect sufficient coal refining plant
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    • 101 19 "Mayday” as Equivalent Of S.O.S. London, Nov. 2*. Washington The Ir 1 1«*rn;it• >ir.:i! Rutin ohfi rmce decided that R:idi I'c!. a iiiv distress (all, equivalnt to t i rapky’ S.< ).S„ wi'l he Mayd t\ Mayday already a J«»;»i«•<! hy f v Bn'i-h Air Force i
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    • 197 20 ELECTRICITY SUPPLY FAILURE. HOUR’S DELAY. COMMONS DEBATE BY CANDLE-LIGHT. Rugby, N*e\ 25. Owing to the .failure of sorro* high tension electric Ught cables, a considerable area of London was plunged in darkness for alxmt an hour last night. The area affected included the Houses of Parliament and
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    • 134 20 Sentences on World-Be Assassins. London, Nov. 24. Mexico City A summary court-mar-tial ordered the shooting of a Roman Catholic priest, his brother and two others in connection with the attempt to assassinate Obregon. The sentence was carried out immediately. Scnnr Obregon was driving to a bullfight on tho
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    • 97 20 Four Arrests Made In Paris. —*1 London, Nov. 23. Paris Four persons whose names have not been divulged, have been arrested following investigations by the French Criminal Investigation Department in connection with the leakage of information with regard to national defence. The persons arrested are alleged to
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    • 92 20 London, Nov. 25. The death has occurred of Sir Alfred Dent, K.C.M.G. Sir Alfred Dent occupied an interesting position in Eastern affairs on account of the faet that he obtained the Royal charter for the British North Borneo r 'ompan.v in 1HH1. He was a
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    • 144 20 Why His Passport Was Cancelled. London, Nov. 28. In the House o.f Commons at question Line. Karl WinterUM stated that the pass1 ,ur: for India of Mr. S. Saklatvala (Com Battersea. N.) was cancelled because Mr Sakiiitvala, when b* j was in India earl> this war made speeches
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    • 73 20 Shareholders Agree To Amalgamation. London, Nov. 2''. Vicker’s and Armstrong’s ordinary shareholders have ratified the agreement for amalgamation. Vickers’ debenture-h- idtrs also agreed q> the amalgamation, only a smal 1 minority voting against. The Armstrong Whitworth shareholders endorsed the scheme of fusion with Vickers. The chairman, declaring that fus'or.
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    • 93 20 Actor Fires Revolver At Mayor. London, Nov. 27. Vienna A well-known actor named Strebinger tired a revolver at Dr. Seitz. Mayor of Vienna, as he was leaving th*‘Snow Palace" after a public function. The Mayor was not hurt. His assailant was arrested. The Mayor’s assailant does not belong
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    • 76 20 Bengal National Bank Case. V London, Nov. 28. Calcutta Lahiri, a member of the Bengal Legislative Council and exmanaging director of the Bengal Lakshmi Cotton-mills and director of the Bengal National Bank, which was compulsorily liquidated, has been committed for trial on a charge of criminal breach of
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    • 78 20 Yorkshire Spinners Demand Inquiry. London, Nov. 23. The General Committee of the Yorkshire Cotton Spinners and Doublers Association has decided to ask the Board ot Trade to grant an inquiry into the state of the industry under the safeguarding regulations. The Yorkshire spinners declare that foreigners are dumping
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    • 39 20 A New Hijjh Level Reached. London, Nov. 20. New York: Sterling reached a new high level of $4.88. The rise is attributed in banking circles to heavy dealings in transfer balances and other commercial requirements.
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    • 611 20 London, Nov. 24. Berlin The Soviet delegation to the disarmament commission at Leneva has arrived here. Litvinoff will see Dr. Stre-wt-mann before proceeding to Geneva on the 2oth init. Benin, Nov. 24. The Reich* Cabinet, after consulting V jth the coalition leaders, decided not to ii*selve
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    • 22 20 London, Nov. 24. airo Lloyd’s Bank has furnished a Mte»* of guarantee in connection with the Soviet cotton deal.
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    • 270 20 HUNDRED PASSENGERS. LIKE A FOUR-STORKY I HOTEL. I Rugby, N I The Air Minister, Sir Samu.l h r I ir» to-day inspecting the 5,<)0i I feet Empire airship Rloo, which I ing completion in east Yorksh >, I It will be the world’s largest I powerful airship,
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    • 100 20 Force of Wahabis Advancing. London. Nov. 2* Basra The Sheikh of Koweit h;.urgently recalled from his visit Ra-ru owing to the advance of a large f.>:\. Wahabis under Feisal-ed-Dowtsh air;. Koweit. Every etTort is being madi cope with the emergency and warn tr:Cmen on the Koweit frontier.
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    • 109 20 Question Answered In Commons. Rugby, Nov. 2v Captain Hacking, Under-Secretary Overseas Trade, stated in reply to 8ir Nicholas Grattan-Doyle, that he aware of the opinion entertained by >ome authorities regarding the prospecthe shortage of the tin ore supplies ot t:.e world. He was following closely tin cussions which
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    • 60 20 Winning Seaplane on View In London. Rugby, Nov. 2A platform is being erected on H" guards Parade in Ixmdon to aceomnioi. the Super-Marine-Napier racing seal in which Flight-Lieut. Webster recei won the Schneider trophy at Venice. His speed over a course with about score of difficult turns
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    • 1935 21 IMPORTANT SPEECH BY EARL WINTERTON. DISMISS ANY IDEA OF INFERIORITY.” PRIME MINISTER’S ASSURANCE TO INDIAN OPINION. MOVING the appointment of the Statutory Commission on Indian Reifl forms in the House of Commons, Karl Winterton made an important speech on Indian affairs, emphasising the responsibility of Parliament
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    • 522 21 TOWN OVERWHELMED. HOUSES COLLAPSE LIKE CAROS. London, Nov. 2H. Pari- Heavy rains have caused widespread havoc in Alyeria. A dam hurst west of Keryoud and an appalling catastrophe at Perreyaux, which is situated below the dam, was narrowly averted by the presence of mind of an
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    • 1433 22 COUNTER CHARGES. LITHUANIA ACCUSES POLAND. HOPES OF AMICABLE SETTLEMENT. London. Nov. 20. Rumblings in the Balkans, where the Franco-Yugo-Slav pact and the ItaloAlhanian treaty have caused obvious uneasiness in Rome and Paris respectively, while the repercussions in the more explosive atmosphere of the Balkan States
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    • 108 22 Prohibition of Foreign Stations. London, Nov. 24. Washington At the Radio Conference the delegate of the Peking Government served notice that the Chinese Gov eminent will not. without its expressed consent, recognise the right of any foreign power, or its nationals, to instal or operate any radio
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    • 101 22 Not to Exclude The Foreigner. Rugby, Nov. 29. The second reading of the Cinematograph Films Bill was carried in the House of Lords last night. Lord Reel said the Bill was an attempt to free a great British industry needful for the education of rising youths, which,
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    • 89 22 No Response to British Gesture. Rugby, Nov. 20. In the House of Commons the Prime Minister was asked whether his speech adumbrating the conditions for renewal of relations with Russia had yet received any response from the Russian Government and whether he proposed to take anymore steps
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    • 702 22 i PRIME MINISTER S i DEATH. NOTABLE CAREER STRONG SUPPORTER ok THE BOY KING. London, Nov. 24 Bucharest The death has occurred „f the Prime Minister, M. Jonel Bratianu His brother, M. Vintila Bratianu, hai been appointed Prime Minister and retains the former members of the Cabinet, who have
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    • 386 23 IMPORTANT STEP. INDUSTRIALISTS AND TRADE UNIONISTS. favourable reply FROM CONGRESS. Rugby, Nov. 27. \n important step has just been made :he movement to bring about improve-,-iit in industrial relations. Sir Alfred M*,u*l. Lord Aberconway, Lord London>;ry. Sir Josiah Stamp and other leading dustrialists have taken
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    • 64 23 Final Victory For Alekhine. London. Nov. 2D. Buenos Aires The Russian Alekhine wrested the clicks championship of the world from the Cuban Capablanca, who La* been invincible since 19-1. The conditions of the match pro\ h o< that the title should go to the first winner of six
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    • 38 23 Training Squadron to isit Australia. Shanghai, Nov. 2D. Tokio: In spite of reports to the contrary, the Navy Office states that tne plan for a Naval training squadron to visit Australia in the spring remains unchanged.
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    • 49 23 Rugby, Nov. 20. •lafar Pasha. Prime Minister ot I r «ik> who left London on Sunday to return to Baghdad, has been recalled by KinUeisal in connection with th^discu 851 now in progress with the British Cove ment unon the future relations of I3ritau and Irak.
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    • 441 23 OWNERS’ ACTION. INSIST ON OBSERVANCE OF AGREEMENT. London, Nov. 24. Melbourne; A joint conference of iM «i and inter-state shipowners, which considered the waterside workers’ over Im ?i deeded henceforth to insist ‘ii the tuil observance of all awards and igicement- with the Waterside Worker- > (‘deration.
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    • 63 23 Political Training Department Established. Shanghai, Nov. 20. Tim Chinese Defence Commissioner at Shanghai has established a political raining department the duties of which Pclude the composition and publication q- anti-imperialist posters and pamphlets, ,nd the censoring of news mails and ole-rum* >»v officials attached to the leading Chinese
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    • 44 23 Big Orders Placed In Britain. Rugby, Nov. 2D. The London representative of the Japanese Railways Ministry announced that large new orders for railway material, exm-dinif tr,0fM>00 >n value have just been placed »>'h Ilr.ti. h firms, and he beli.ned others would follow.
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    • 89 23 Great Progress in Few Years. Rugby, Nov. 2D. The High Commissioner for Australia ''ir Granville Ryrie, referred, in a speed it a dinner to the winners of the Schnei :lcr trophy, to the progress of aviation it Australia. There were in Australia, In aid, .>,000 miles of air
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    • 95 23 Suggested Cheaper Rates On Sundays. Rugby, Nov. 20. 1 he Postmaster-General, replying to a question in the House of Commons, said he telephone authoiities in the United States and he were agreed that it was .<>o early to consider any alteration in the present charge for trans-Atlanti.
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    • 91 23 ROYAL DUTCH AND SHELL COMPANY. London, Nov. 2D. The Evening Standard states that important negotiations are ocurring in London between the Royal Dutch Shell group and the Burma Oil Company for amalgamation of their marketing interests in India. Lord Debenham, director of the Royai I Dutch, stated that
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    • 58 23 £4,500,000 Offered In London. Rugby, Nov. 20. Another overseas loan made its appear ance to-day, the underwriting being ar ranged for the issue of £4,500,000 in fiv< per cent, stock of the Palestine Govern inent. This loan is guaranteed for both principal and interest by the British Government.
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    • 58 23 Steps to Ratify Zone Compromise. Berlin, Nov. 20. Paris Following the Swiss antiFrench press campaign, M. Briand harequested the senate urgently to ratify the Framo-Swiss “zone compromise” and has informed Switzerland accordingly. The Ft Jinco-Swiss trade treaty nego tiations will he resumed immediately P forestall the Swiss
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    • 52 23 Fine Record of Safety In Flying. Rugby, Nov. 29. Ad Messing shareholders of Imperia' Airways, Sir Eric Geddes, the chairman mentioned that since Jan. 1, 1925, to dat' —almost three years—the company had carried 22,000 passengers and flown nearIv 2,500,000 miles without a single accident causing injury to
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    • 37 23 Rugby, Nov. 21*. The services of Royal Air Forc< machines have been offered to the Kgyp tian (Jovcmment to combat the rdaguc of locusts, which is caus'ng great damagi in parts of Egypt.
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    • 315 23 NO DAMAGES. SCATHING COMMENTS BY THE JUDGE. London, Nov. 2!*. In the Divorce Court Haylcy Morris- was granted a decree nisi on tlie ground ot h:s wife’s alleged adultery with Dudley Wood, of Bark Lane, London, against whom damages were claimed. The charges were formally denied. Counsel
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    • 103 23 Increased Duties on British Goods. Rugby, Nov. lit). Questioned in the House of Common as to the new Australian tariff on iron and steel, partietilarly the increased duties against British export of such items as bar iron and steel tubes and rails, Captain Hacking. Under-Secretary for Oversea’s Trade,
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    • 89 23 Agreement with American Group. London, Nov. 29. Moscow The Soviet Government ttnd the American Farquhur croup nave con eluded an agreement for a six year loan of .< to,nun non for the re-nryani*ation of the Makkeyev nietallurgie cotnhine in tlie Donetz coal basin, t h«* Soviet to
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    • 65 23 Death of Mr. George Gillen. London, Nov. 29 Adelaide: The death is announced of Mr. George GifFen, the veteran Australian test match player. (iiffen, who was fix years of ujfe, was a contemporary of Gregory, Marling. I redale and Trott. Mis highest score in a test match,
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    • 563 24 Outram School Beat Raffles Institution. Rallies Institution met Outram School, winnings of the school league, on Friday and were defeated by tn*\c goals to two. The Outram hoys wer two goals down at half time hut in the second half their forwards played with great effect and managed
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    • 40 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 25. The second replay of the final of the Stonor Cup competition last evening resulted in a win for the Chinese, who beat the Tamils by two goals to nil.
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    • 39 24 Annual Diving Competition. The annual diving competition took place at the Swimming Club on Sunday and resulted in u win for McCrae with Moffett second. An interesting game of polo ended in a draw of four all.
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    • 144 24 Final of Selangor Cup Competition. (From Our Own Coriespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 2L The final of the Selangor inter-s.bools football competition for the Thomson t up .vas played on the padung last evening between* St. Johns Institution and th Anglo-< hirtese school. Klar.g. 1 he gann was drawn
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    • 33 24 [Reuter Tt*lofirram.] Army Heats Navy. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. 27. Xcw Voik The annual match between he Army and the Navy resulted in a win for the Army by 14 —9.
      [Reuter Tt*lofirram.]  -  33 words
    • 127 24 [Reuter Telegram.] To Act as Scorer For Surrey. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. 24. The famous Surrey wicket-keeper, Herbert Strudwi.k. has retired. He will act a- scorer for Suriey nexf season. In spite of his advancing years—he was born on Jan. 2s. 1880—Strudwick ha? remained one of the marvels
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  127 words
    • 146 24 [Reuter Telegram.] The Manchester November Handicap. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. 26. 1 he result of the Manchester November Handicap (mile and half), the fast of the important events of the fiat racing sea-on. was Mr. J. J. Murphy’s OLD ORKNEY 3 yrs. l Mr. F. W. Horlock’s ADIEU
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  146 words
    • 113 24 Successful Events at Hukit Timah. A successful meeting was held at the Bukit Timah Rlange by the S.R.A. (v) Battery. v Battery Sergeant-Major T. 0. Mayhew hand,t a P eve "t with a score of i u u e ,P a nd aggregate was won bv
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    • 694 24 Need for a Board Of Management. We have received the appen ied from T. H.” on the subject of the Malayan side which fared so disastrously j,, tne triangular cricket tournament in liong Kong. Before the team lett we •*eferred to the need for a Cricket
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    • 48 24 [Reuter Telegram.] British Athletes Will Participate. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. 28. The British Olympic Council, at a mee*matter L nt nd a n <lecid<1<1 no to allow the timc n«vLn, SttKrCe ent on the I'rokon nme payment question to affect British participation in the Amsterdam games
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  48 words
    • 452 24 Scotland y. Rest At j Rukit Timah. I The an nual foursomes match i Scotland and The Rest was nl,' Lukit Timah on Sunday and wm for The Rest by 14»» to Ip was over IS holes, match p'.av a point for a bye. Results were as follows, Scott
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    • 88 24 [Router Te5*gram.] Huge Score Against Orange Free State. [Reuter Te5#gram.] London, N iv. 2v After defeating Griqualand West by an innings ami 75 runs at Kimberley, the M.C.C. tourists proceeded to Bloemf< nt« :i where they beat the Orange Free State by an inn-ngs and 1*>L The Orange
      [Router Te5*gram.]  -  88 words
    • 64 24 London, Nov. 19. Kimberley.— The M.C.C. team began their match against Griqualand WeThe weather was sultry. There wo! several interruptions owing 1 to dust an rain storms. The M.C.C. scored 300 for thro wickets. Sutcliffe made 100 in 195 minute?, an hit fourteen 4’s.
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    • 36 24 Victory Over Wales. London, Nov. 2*>. Ths N’<* w South Wales team met Waif a Cardiff to-day before 25,000 speeta tors. The result was a win for the tourists by 18 points to 8.
      36 words
    • 501 25 Singapore’s Runaway Win At Malacca. ngapore woi their second Malaya mime at Malacca on Saturday, when defeated the home fifteen by 31 ,t< to nil. The ground was in good iit ion and favoured the Singapore s who wore too fast for Malacca in second halt. iM the first
      501 words
    • 41 25 Army Championship Semi-Ffnals. London, Nov. 18. fn the semi-finals of the Army Squash 'uicijuets Championshnp, Scott Chad (the 1 *D!er) beat the Hon. Lytton Milbanke, 10 D-4, 9-5. Major Marriott beat (apt. hy nvy, 7-9, 9-6, 10-8, 1-9, 9-4.
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    • 196 25 [Reuter Telegram.] Suspension of Mickey Walker. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. 2(1 with rnS si,nila,l > 1 he action, which amounts to indefinite suspension, followed Walker’s failure to cop y tothechaUenge of George Courtnev. Uixlahomut for a title match. Wins for Walker and Risko. London, Nov. 20. hi ago Mickey
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  196 words
    • 66 25 Perak Win Hard Game At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Nov. 28. Perak beat Penang by 12 points to 6 in the Malaya Cup game played here on Saturday. The Resident Councillor (the Hon. Mr. Ralph Scott) was present, and the largest crowd of the season
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    • 62 25 Selangor Heat Perak. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Nov. 27. After beating Negri Sembilan and Penang, the Perak hockey team was comnVtcly outclassed by Selangor yesterday, the visitors ruling the game and winning (5—0. Perak were without Ford, Alhvright, Allen and Mathieson. Holland Heats England. London, Nov. 21. Amsterdam.
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    • 40 25 [REUTER TELEGRAM] D.S.A. and The Davis Cup. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. 2.>. New Volk The United States Lawn Tennis Association Davis up committee decided that the United .'Rates would challenge for the cup in the Amcrhun zone in 1028.
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  40 words
    • 41 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 28. At the school sports here on Saturday the champion athlete was Mohd. Hussain, ivhn won three events. He was eredite with the time of 10 3/» sees, m the 10 yards.
      41 words

  • 350 25 UNTRIMMED BEARDS TO BE THE VOGUE. Jerusalem, Nov. 14. A message from Mecca states that a ouncil tor Good Morals has been established by Ibn Sa’ud to enforce the (jovernment edict that the population shall not trim or .shave their beards, and must either clean-shave the head, or
    350 words
  • 49 25 REA.- At 11 icklov. Kent, on November 25 1927, to Mr. an' 1 Mrs. Juntos Rett, a son SA.YKI.BY. At a Private Huspitftl, Novembei 2, 1927, Paramatta, to Mr. and Mrs. II. R Saxelby, late of Singapori and now of Slamat Farm, Castle Hill, Paramsitta X.S.W., a daughter.
    49 words
  • 31 25 HALL CADE. At St. Andrew’s Cathedral S ngnpori, on November 23, 1927, Wil iam Herbert Page Hall, of Sedenak Estate Johore, to Miss Ruby Cade, ul Herne Bay Englan i.
    31 words
  • 150 25 Singapore, N »v. .Ur EXCHANGE. ••it London, Rank I m s t I 82 I remand Private 3m. credit 2 5 16 (*n New York. Demand 56* 1 Private t*0 d s 7,7 j* 11; »n France. Bunk T.T. 1426 On India, Bank T.T. 153% Oo Hung
    150 words
  • 772 25 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, No.’, ill'. MINING. Issue Val. I'd. Buyers Seller* It II Amim Kuiiihang 56 6 57 0 xd. I II Bongnn Tin 30 6 41 6 I I itufang Pailang 0 55 0.65 I I Hutu Caves 1.25 1.30 II II Chenderiang 10
    772 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 88 25 NOTICE All communications for both ths Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should b« addressed to the Head Office, Cecil anc Stanley Streets, Singapore. Straits Settle ments. The post free price of the Straits Times t< the United Kingdom and foreign countrie* is $48 a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 85 25 DEATHS I AROt KWELL. At Leeds, the Rev. Canon Brockwell, in his Mth year. By cable (ilLROA At the («eiieral Hospital, Sing.’i pore, un Ni.veinlu. r 29, 1927, George Alfnd WiUiam I’ict un-Gil roy, youngest son ul Mrs. A. R. Reid, Singapore, and the late Ala colni (i I roy,
    85 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 65 1 General— Page Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction i Rubber Position—(By A. W. Still) 1 Robber Smuggling 1 Labour Position 1 Rubber Restriction Statistics 2 Local Rubber Auctions. 2 Rubber From Cactus 2 Weekly Share Market 3 Hon. Mr. 1L
      65 words
    • 68 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotat ii.ns Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices X Jan. Apl. I'. t« I,’don S’pore I*ec. Mar. June s. d. 2 j i it". a*;- u.r.s l o.7" '*.72'. l 7", o.7uo.Ti w o.T.'t o.Tb •j.; 7 0.71*4 0.71 !'.7.'5'.* 41.7b 1 7". o 7.*! 0
      68 words
    • 20 1 Rubber priee averages for the current Restriction quarter are as follows: Singapore 04.09 cent? London Is. O.Old.
      20 words
    • 30 1 I.cwis and Peat's cable from their London Otliee gives 2.532 tons decrease i. il itnr the total London rubber stocks at November 2fi. as revised, **T.-*514 tons.
      30 words
    • 248 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Hub 1 or Association held it- > 40th auction. n November •'!<*, when there was eata- loglied 1. f20.301 lbs. or tot’s i ffored 1.(fS'.»lS3 lbs. or lSfi.2 1 i„n.- qld f bG.fl:! lbs. or 382.13 ton-. Spot l ondep. Is. 7
      248 words
    • 1337 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London. Xov. 2. There has been a fraction;!, rrse in price during the past week, but do not for the moment attach very much im oortatue to it. more particu’ I’ffy a- thi eports from tire l nited State- inau
      1,337 words
    • 261 1 Captures By Preventive Launches. (From Our Own Corresp,, m Kuala Lumpur, x,.\ The following: reports of tap- rubber smugglers have been supp';',. the Customs Preventive branch At (>.30 a.m. on Oct. 25, the p when on patrol off Pulau a kotak containing 27.40’ picul> uland three Chinese. The
      261 words
    • 206 1 An approximate idea of the state of J u Pplj in Mu is obta i* d b.v Italian, (hino so ant! Du*oh In-lit" 11 ®tn the At t i\ als and I>■ part Irom and to Foreign Ports'* j ed monthly iti the Straits Settfem* rnmer.t Gazette. Figures
      206 words
    • 866 2 Statistics for the Month of October. The Deputy Controller of Rubber Export SS puc < following statistics up to and including October,’1927 forwards 118 lh# (5th Restrict ion Year) EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF EUjfBER. BRITISH MALAYA (TRADE Dry RuW>tr Total Exports. ForeignRubUr November, 1926 34,302 59 34,36! 12,202
      866 words
    • 786 2 General Improvement In Prices. Harlow and Co. report Singapore, Nov. 21. A fair improvement in the price of the ommodity has been experienced in all I markets and with London now quoted a l New A ork at 29 1 4 cents gold an< tbi 1 local
      786 words
    • 158 2 While luded inventors m-ek a substitute for rubber, hr. John P. Wtshniaun, a ln»s Angeles chemist inventor, has patented a proee-s whereby a ruhlsT substitute ioldaineil from the lowly cactus, says the Pittsburgh Press. “Put a slab of cactus across, rub the taw edges together, draw them
      158 words
    • 559 3 Secretaries’ Report On Present Position. As dealings in the shares of the Sungei Bilut Rubber Co., Ltd., have recently commenced on a public scale, the following information with reference to the company has been supplied to us by the secretaries, Rennie, Lowick and Co. The company
      559 words
    • 11 3 The Hon. Mr. H. B. Egmont Hake.
      11 words
    • 595 3 Messrs. Fraser and Co/s Weekly Report. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, dated November 29, states The past week has seen a further hardening in the price of tin which show's an aivance of £2 5s. on balance There has lawn a certain amount oi enquiry for Sterling
      595 words
      • 498 3 Stock Pmw Eschange V alue Company. Pnw*£1 Abnco 2 2/ Allagar i'l Anglo-Malay £1 Ayer Kuning 15/1,5 £1 Banteng 37/6 2 Batang Consolidated 2/7 Hltl> C.v« „L £1 Batu 1 >ga 2/ Bekoh t! Bertani Consolidated 6/y 27 Brieh 2 Ift £1 Bidor 2\
        498 words
      • 739 3 I v B, i® rx- 1J Clotinf Prices Paid Up Value Dividend* Praaer Lvall A Company A Co. Evatt. 389.293 1 35 p.c. year 28-2-27 .Allenby (sl> 3.00 3.20 3.00 320 160.000 1 10 p.e. int. year 30-9-27 ..Alor Gajah (|l) 2.40 270 2.40
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 147 4 1927 Models 5 Seater Touring $3,000 7 Seater Touring 3,100 4 Door Saloon 3,500 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Pass Touring 4,100 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) AFTER Malayan, Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya, are in a unique position to offer efficient service
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. I). J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. B. M. MEYER, Esq. The Company is prepared to
      230 words