The Straits Budget, 10 November 1927

Total Pages: 34
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] lo. :i.«39 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d«
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  • 421 1 Leadersr Th a.muuvrn Against the 'i; ,,k-\Voiin Uoolidge’e Successor I Britain and Egypt '> I .-to the I t' <, ,i,i and the Death Penalty 1 and the Royal Commission 4 I, nal Notes Lleirrams. Reuter and Special f Pa>t Week’s News 19-25 licturt!* Haldanes tor Singapore lo I
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  • 3092 1 Engor Coal Syndicate mined 831 tons last month. The Hon. Mr. A. S. Bailey and Mrs. Bailey are sailing on leave by the Macedonia, on the 1 Sth inst. Mr. K. K. Menon, a cousin of Dr. V. P. Menon, died on Sunday at the General Hospital
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 TO OUR READERS. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE STRAITS BUDGET. In view of the facts that so law a proportion of the circulation of the Straits Budget is outside Malaya and that all or nearly all of its readers in Malaya, the Dutch Indies, Siam and other adjacent territories will also
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  • 490 2 6,200 ACRE SCHEME. BIG RESERVATION AT I»AYAR LEBAR. Friday’s Govimment Gazette contains a notification that 0/200 acres of land 1 m the mukims of Fayar Ix*bar anti l lu Bedok are to be acquired for the purpose of a housing scheme tor Malays of the poorer classes
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  • 916 2  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, i» I have been watching but r f' *rtivu pa ting in the great Celone-« L arrf) which has been going on in 1 some weeks past. Artificial much a big thing of the future Puhi was in
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 548 3 Straits Times, November 3. The first steps towards what promises to be a great victory in' Ihe near future have been successfully undertaken. We refer to the :iass campaign to unhook the hookworm. In conducting this campaign we are undertaking a really tremendous task. The
      Straits Times, November 3.  -  548 words
    • 719 3 .■•Traits Times, November 4. Though more than a twelve month still separates us from the date of the next Presidential election, there is but one topic on the lips and in the minds of the interesting and loquacious inhabitants of the United States. That topic is, of
      .■•Traits Times, November 4.  -  719 words
    • 600 3 Straits Times, November 5. The oft-postponed visit which King Fuad paid to London last summer was a sign of the recent improvement in the relations between Great Britain and Egypt. King Fuad was then accompanied by his Prime Minister, Sarwat Pasha, and, while it was generally
      Straits Times, November 5.  -  600 words
    • 693 3 —Straits Times, November 7. Are you going to the dogs This question became very familiar to those of us who spent the? last summer of unlovely memory in Kngland. (Vrtainly there were some Puritans on the prowl who regarded the journey to Shepherd’s Hush as synonymous
      —Straits Times, November 7.  -  693 words
    • 649 4 penalty is a beginning.—Straita rimes, November 8. It is difficult to essay what interpretation should be placed on Mie Soviet Government’s decision to abolish the death penalty, as reported in a cabled message from -Moscow, via Berlin. Does the proposed abolition refer to the
      penalty is a beginning.—Straita rimes, November 8.  -  649 words
    • 694 4 Straits Times, November 9. In recommending to His Majesty the appointment of a purely’Parliamentary Commission to enquire into the working of the present Constitution of India and to make recommendations as to the future status of that great country Mr. Baldwin and Lord Birkenhead have
      Straits Times, November 9.  -  694 words
    • 353 4 collaborated.—Straits Times o e shall have occasion tomorrow to touch upon some of the deeper thoughts that arise as we reach yet another Armistice Day. I his morning we would remind our readers that to-morrow is Poppy Day, when in all parts of Malays ladies will be
      collaborated.—Straits Times \ o  -  353 words

  • 212 4 Mental Hospital Inmates Death. The Coroner, Lieut.-Col. Hope-Falkiu r. occupied on Wednesday in tv the evidence relating to the death hinese inmate of the Mental Hospital, following an by five other inmates. also Chinese. Five to One. Evidence was to the effect that an attendant saw five
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  • 196 4 C.R.E. of Gunong Pulai Works. Colonel H. L. Pearson, P.S.O., v. h<» been the chief resident engineer in ihar> yf the water supply woiks from John for the past three years, has left Sit.u.i pore for a short holiday at 1 in prior to saying jrood-hye
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  • 2115 5 \dvertising that an assistant electrical ..mcer is required by the Lovei’nnvent the F.M.S., at a commencing salary of ,i a month, plus the temp raiy eost-ot- iM g allowance, the Crown Agents i'areful to add that “the purchasing 1 UJ r of the dollar in Malaya i< at!
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  • 312 5 List of Cases for November Sittings. John Wisdom (respondent) v. Roebourne Finance and Investment Co., Ltd. (appellant) (District Court Appeal). Chop Kong Moh v. the Assurance Franco-Asiatique. Tan Cheng Seah v. Heap Kng Moh Steamship Co., Ltd. Kwek Gan Chor v. Chop Kwang Whatt. Ng Cheong Mow and
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  • 598 5 Redaction of Licensed Rickshas. Action taken at a meeting of committee No. 1 livid on November 1, included the following: Derailed to reromnnind that in future all dogs should he (reduced before the Registaring Officer in payment of tax. and that payment should he made at tho Rcgit&rur
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  • 47 5 Kr*»ni Our Own ('orrospondont.) Hanjrkok. Nov. 7. A sailor on one of the* Amoriem do •troyors on arrival had to h* admitted to a nursirur homo. Ho dud this i.. >rtt• i :i '.r. 'I ho do. yo: o duo to louvo to-day.
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  • 329 6 [REUTER TELEGRAM] BRITISH POSITION. STEAMERS RESUME ON UPPER YANGTSE. [REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. K. In the House of Common*, implying to Sir John Power (Cons., Wimbledon), Sii Austen Chamberlain reviewed events in China since Uie end of July. He eoneluded by saying that the Government was considering
    [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  329 words
  • 117 6 Pistol and Bogus Number Plates. Some members of a dangerous gang, consisting of four Chinese and a woman of the same nationality, were captured at J.oO p m. on Tuesday by officers of the Detective Department in a house in Gopeng Road. The gang, some members of
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  • 929 6 Chinese Firm’s Claim Under Policy. There was a sequel in the Supreme ourt on Tuesday, before Mr. Jusi’ Deane, to the loss of a twakow and iteargei off the Johore coast lust tne plaintiffs, Chop Kong Moh, suing the Assurance Franco-Asiatiqu** for 81«. T i
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  • 391 6 Financial Result of Past Year’s Working. Eastern S.:v.**ltin*r Co.. Ltd., has re-ci-ivtd i-nbli* advices from its London to i that the report for the year emit d duly Jl, 11*27. was to be is* ued in London on Pth inst. i ho Mott ;ir >fiI amounts
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  • 217 6 Entertained on Eve of His Retirement. (Fr< m Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Nov. 7. On November o, the president and members of the Jasin C lub held a supper and dance on the occasion of the departure of the Hon. Mr. R. Crichton or. ictiral. A
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  • 80 6 (ar Smashes into Alighting Passenger. C. E. Smith, assistant surgeon at lan Tock Seng’s Hospital, had a painful expedience on Sunday on the East Coast Road. He was about to alight from a bus when a car that came up from behind la-hed into the stationary vehicle. Dr.
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  • 238 6 (Aneta’s Service.) Austrian Refused Admission To Dutch Indies. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, N ov The immigration officials de. u day not to allow the Austrian Y j> kovie to enter the Dutch Indies Ijjjr his peculiar financial possess, t and other luggage, such as chemicals large doses of poisons.
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  238 words
  • 221 6 Revised Schedule Of Fares. The Registrar of Vehicles ha- a revised schedule of fares for 2i 'a** motor hackney carriages within M pal limits. These are as follow Three Passengers.— If the distal.< rot exceed one mile 40 cents. If thti nee exceeds one mile, for every 1
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  • 114 6 A Danger To Vehicular Traffic. The danger hawkers who tak< unauthorised and unsafe positions stitute to traffic was emphasized by Coroner, Lieut.-Col. Hope-Falkner. n Thursday, at an enquiry into a t 11 traffic casualty. The enquiry was into the death 1 five years old Chinese boy who knocked
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  • 458 7 Ii W.C.A. and C.E.Z.M.S. Efforts. i, T were bargains galore for the buyers at the Y.W.C.A. jumble ;l t the Town Centre on Thursday nMon# And the rapid diminution of 19 was a cheering sight to stalland organiser alike, and a tribute V Igenerosity of the contributors.
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  • 202 7 I.urasian Company Win The Murray Cup. 1 he figures returned by Penang and '•‘.nca in the Murray Cup have just received, and show that the S.\ .C. t'.ur.oian company has won the trophy the fourth time in succession. The rd reflects the greatest credit on ,v, v v
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  • 230 7 Former Resident Of Singapore. Mr. John Emslie, spirit dealer, 22 Kintore Place, whose home is at HI beechgrove Terrace, Aberdeen, died on October 4 at the residence of his elder son, I)r. J. A. Simpson Emslie, Valbrook, Banchory. Mr. Emslie, who was HH years of
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  • 434 7 Exciting Races in Strong Breeze. The first race of A class for the L. Blake trophy and that of B class for the Vice-Commodore's Cup on Sunday will go down in memory as affording a morning’s sport that thrilled all owing to the struggle of the boats to finish
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  • 496 7 Passport Regulations In Singapore. In view of a letter published in the Straits T imes on Thursday it mry be advisable to explain what the position of Irakian subjects in this Colony is in regal <1 to passports. Local residents of this nationality usually belong to the
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  • 47 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. Captain Mason, a pilot, was proceeding last night in a car to take out the P. and O. Mantua when he crashed into a wall in Karquhar Street, receiving facial injuries. Captain Perkins took over his duties.
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  • 936 7 Dr, Wu Lien Teh’s Notable Career. LECTURE AT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Dr. Wu I.ii*n Teh, who left IVr.ang noun* twenty years ago tor China, ami who has since won distinction by hi' plague prevention work in Manchuria and public health activities under the Peking Government, gave a
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  • 942 8  -  (By Richard Sidney.) (’Inna the* I*'acts. Ily Col. I*. I. KHierton (Benn 12/<* net). I have a.tempted to read many hooks about China. I say attempted purposely, because it seems to me very difficult l-rally to understand much about a country until one has
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  • 647 8 R.S.Y.C. Regatta. Saturday’s interport race between Singapore and Malacca holds more than ordinary interest on account of the unKimwn stiength of such a newly-formed club as the visitors. Malacca’s rowing is probably fewer days old than Singapore’s ;s years. They obtained their first boat .>:i ‘loan from the Royal
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  • 1097 8 A PROSAIC ROUND OF USEFUL TOIL. (From a For respondent.) It was seven years since I had last worked in the Pistriet, and a walk round headquaiters was therefore bound to be interesting, for it would recall past memories and the changes that had taken place in
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  • 67 8 FIRE ON STEAMER K Hm SHORE. UM (From Our Own Correspm ont Hon K Kong, N ov 4 When the steamer Shing Or ‘IS pf^, feeding along the Silani Channel route from Hong Kong t,, U j, pirates fired from the shore, killn,,r and wounding two of the
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  • 174 8 C enotaph Ceremony of N onReligious Character. With reference to the official 0 ni munique published on Novemk r p i’ Excellency the Governor wishes it u emphasised that the ArniMice p av ceremony at the Cenotaph, at 7.:;o a l,: on November 11. will this year
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  • 211 8 “BAD HATS IN SINGAPORE In the course of an inquest on :h. > if a Chinese who died from *tai* > received in a fight which started in t •offer shop in Changi Road between rival gangs of Chinese, the Coroner. Licit.-' Hope-Falkner. referring to th, part cipants of the
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  • 758 9 THE ARRIVAL OF THE OP TEN NOORT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Oct. 29. The new K. P. M. steamer Op Ten Noort will make a series of short cruises jn the Java Sea prior to setting out on [he thirty-one days’ tour to which reference
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  • 941 9 Ff«- following passengers were booked by the P. and O. steamer Mantua which Uft London for the Straits on October 7 and arrived here on Saturday Mrs. K. Adamson, Mr. j. E. Addinsell, Mr. M. K. Anderson. Mr. L. Atttield, Mr. 1>. L Adamson. Mr. G. Ashby, Mrs. \V.
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  • 228 9 Adjournment of Cathirvaloo Petitions. Bankruptcy matters occupied Mr. Justice Deane in the Supreme Court on Friday. Motions for substituted service were granted in the cases of ('hop Leant; Choong and hop Hup Chin. Receiving orders were granted against Tan Yew Eng, Low (boon Paey, J. L. D’Almeida, and
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  • 122 9 GROWING FEARS IN ITALY. London, Oct. 24. The Daily News Naval correspondent •ays that official circles in Horn** are uneasy regarding Naval development m Yupo-Slavia. who is plying marked attention to her fleet, originally <*otn* posed of Austrian and (lerman units. The Yugo-Slavian fleet at present is
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  • 102 9 British Naval Guard Fired On. i From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Nov. 7. Owing to recent attacks on British craft at the junction of the channel on the West River, a Naval guard was placed on an A.I’.C. boat at Kulo. A few hours after leaving
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  • 82 9 Wong Ah C'hai, an Anglo-Chinese Beiiool student from Malacca, and more recently an employee of the Cycle and Carriage Co. in Kuala Lumpur, arrived in Singapore on Tuesday on a bicycle tour of the world. He started from Kuala Lumpur on November 1. From Singapore his
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  • 45 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) FVnang, Nov. 1. The two Chinese who were 1 charged in connection with the seizure of chandu to the value of $10,000 on board the Seang Bee, were- discharged by the District Judge without the defence being culled on.
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  • 291 9 [Reuter Telegram English and Scottish Results. 1 [Reuter Telegram London, Nov. Results of matches in the Knglish »n«f Scottish leagues to-day were Dixision llirminghum 1 Aston Villa 1 Pluck hum -1 Arsenal 1 Holton 7 Kurnley 1 Cardiff 1 Liverpool ft. Kverton 7 Leicester ft )l udder-field 2
    [Reuter Telegram !  -  291 words
  • 77 9 (Anita’s Service.) Number of Bombs Explode Prematurely. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, Nov. fi. A plot was discovered in the Korintji district, Sumatra, laid hy the Contract I.ahourrrs’ Trading Society Amsterdam, to create disturbances last night. Nine arrests were made. In the Siloengkang district on the .'lr«l inst. 10
    (Anita’s Service.)  -  77 words
  • 176 9 Heavy Hail for* an Arrested Drivei. In a recent robbery of a < hinese house in a lorong off Geylung Itoad it was rinteil the men arrived and left in a Citroen ear. But the number which the bystander* noted was that of a bus. Subsequent
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  • 66 10 (Th« Straits Timaa la not rasponsikW foi Ilia opinions of ita correspondents. Corre apondenta should bear in mind that letter* must be abort and to the point. Long epiatlaa are liable to be rejected or col down. Correspondents moat enclose theli names and addresses, not necessarily for publication but
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  • 333 10 To the Editor of the* Straits Time* ■Sir, Malay Spectator's l«.»tt«*r ir your issue of the 2Kth instant is a misnomer. 1 (1 <ubt whether lu* i- a Me lay at all, though he calls himself one. What vt say is by all means give the
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  • 191 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —The Iraquian subjects (Jews) of this city had no trouble about getting passports since the end of the war, hut now the police authorities insist on the above, and these can only be obtained from Baghdad as the majority
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  • 175 10 To the Editor of the Straits Timea. Sir, —I am an owner-driver and cannot afford the luxury of keeping a ‘syce’ for jnv car. Therefore, 1 must leave my car in some place unattended during office hours. The police take the number of my car and inform
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  • 424 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir. As the close of our financial >'«ar 1 a opr laches, it has been my custom, foi some years past, to appeal, through the pi ess to the generosity of the public. I l know of no more deserving
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  • 564 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In your issue of Saturday there is an official announcement to the effect that ‘‘llis Excellency the Governor wishes it to be emphasised that the ceremony at the Cenotaph will this year be entirely of a non-religious character.”
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  • 122 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.—This station was received here on three occasions last week. Full detail reports concerning the transmission have been forwarded to Sydne>. As regards strength, thi- was loud enough to work my loud speaker. 1 here was very little
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  • 441 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, —It may l>e of interest to your wireless readers to know that I tuned in 5 S. W. Chelmsford last night tSaturday) at 8.30 p.m. This is the B. B. C’s. experimental Empire broadcast station on 24
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  • 229 10 Coroner’s Comment On Growing Nuisance. In returning a verdict of death f r natural causes in the case of an known Chinese whose body had dumped by the side’ of the road h Chinese ricksha puller, the Coroner. i. u ut Col. Hope-Falkner, said: An unknown Chinese
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  • 83 10 Request for Japanese Loan. Tokio. Nov. 1. It transpire* that in hi* interview with Mr. Jotai Yamamoto, President of th South Manchuria Railway l omnan.\ l hang 1 so-lin asked for a loan of 12.0P0.ii00 veil for the purchase of rolling s t ock. He explained that on
    83 words
  • 221 10 Hiu Surprise for Accusing Kangani. He that diggeth a pit shall fall intc a a vin the truth of which wail lust rated in a tale told before the actSecond Police Magistrate. Mr D. .Muller, on November 4. The principal actor in the events described
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  • 49 10 Wiling from Ipoh on Fridav otircorre spondent said :—The floods at Ipoh hav. subsided, hut some portions near sl to the river are still awash. Owin' o minor washaways and floodings tin trains were slightly delayed on the Pera! lon railway and roads normal this morning.
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  • 754 11 INTERVIEW with new COMMISSIONER. i r growing importance of Singapore strategic centre for the Malaysian n is indicated by the decision to t ls f or> the headquarters of the AmeriTrade Commissioner, Mr. Donald I li p haw, from Batavia to this port. II i \ir
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  • 913 11 Increases in Wharf Tonnage. T < i re P u t of Singapore Ilurbour tor tin* \ear ended June 30, 1927 that after providing for interest and sinking-fund contributions in the sum of •5-.ov!.4 f>0 and crediting $335,921.29 interest earned on investments, the income and expenditure account
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  • 220 11 PROGRAMME OF THE TOUR. Wo have received the following programme of the forthcoming tour of H.E. the High Commissioner (Sir Hugh Clifford) to Kuala Lumpur, i'enang, Kedah and Langkawi Islands Sunday, Nov. id, H a.m. Leave Siugapore by Sea Belle. Monday, 14th, 8 a.m.—Arrive Port Swettenham. 10 a.m.—
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  • 116 11 NON-STOP BANGKOK TO, CALCUTTA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Nov. 3. The French airman Captain Challe and his companion arrived at Calcutta at 1 p.m. t -day on their return journey to Paris from Saigon. The airmen made a non-stop fight from Bangkok to Calcutta in nine
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  • 93 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 4. In the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice Piichard, dismissed with costs a case in which Jelaba hinti Mohamed Aritf and her two daughters claimed distributive shares in the estate of the late Mohamed A riff held by Pusi Fatimah, who claimed
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  • 797 11 Judgment in Claims Against Local Company. Matters went against the Java Sea an 1 Fire Insurance Co. who were defendants in two actions brought by Cow IIink bef re the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, in the Supreme Court on Nov. The pluintiff was represented by Mr.
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  • 812 12 GOVERNOR’S SPEECH. “Hysterical Essays” Of Junior Officers. NOTHING TO JUSTIFY TERM “SCANDAL.” Reference* was made to the Penang Hospital controversy by H. K. the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford! on .Mon lay afternoon. The occasion was the lecture Riven by l r. Wu l.ien Teh, a distinguished Straitsborn
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  • 159 12 TO HE PUBLISHED WITH COMMENTS. We understand that the Government ;ave decided to publish the report submitted by the visiting committee of the Penang General Hospital to the Hospitals Board last dune, together with the official •omments thereon. Considerable interest attaches to this lecision in view of
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  • 204 12 Imprisonment and The Cat. You will have three years’ rigorou imprisonment and 2<» strokes of the cat.’ These were the words of Mr. X. I 1 Mudie in the District Court on Tuesday in sentencing a Chinese named Won. Hong for being in possession of a pistol, and
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  • 102 12 Rank’s $50,000 Guarantee Abused. At the instance of the Oversea Chinese Bank, a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Lint Yuen Guan, a Chinese merchant. It is alleged that on the guarantee of 'he bank he obtained delivery of goods consigned to him. Having obtained deivory,
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  • 445 12 SENSATIONAL POLICE CAPTURE. A party of armed robbers who rained a lluki: 1 a;ah residence on F ralay evening walked into the arms of a party ol’ wailinjr Police. of their number were eaptmcU after a 'In rt ami sharp scuffle in the .•oiu>e of whieli the only
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  • 274 12 Chinese Singing Girl Acts As Decoy. In the District Court on Friday bef< ri Mr. X. D. Mudie two Chinese, Chan FooK and Ia-o Sang, were charged with extor tion The complainant was a Chinese sing injr girl who said that she was living at •>*» Sago Street.
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  • 307 12 Retirement of Well-known Former Resident. Reference is made in Model i for October S to the impendn... r nient of Sir John Nicholson. u u remembered by older residents eessful chairman and manage!- 'V\h <l V' a great deal to do with h n 1 Singapore Harbour
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  • 232 12 Engagements During Past Week. The following items from G>v«: House have been officially -upp ■<. Oct. 30.—His Excellency ami La Clifford visited the Hon. Sir. :r V- Shaw at Johore t meet Tuack.; Puan of Pahang. Oct. Ml.— His Excellency the t attended by Mr. J. Huggins. 1
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  • 42 12 Departure of the French Airman. (From Our Own Correspond* Bangkok, N |A The French airman Capt. C ha at 7 a.m. to-day for Calcutta, return journey to France. Five United States destroyers yesterday. They will stay six da
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  • 1850 13 A SOUND AND HEALTHY COMMUNITY. (From a Correspondent.) It is very evident that the Governor’s speech laid on the table at the Legislative Council meeting of October in foreshadows a very important and interesting periodic cycle in the finances t.l this Colony, and to a perhaps lesser
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  • 357 13 Mr. Southar'd to be Minister In Abyssinia. Distinction has been conferred upon Mr. Addison E. Southard, the American Consul-General at Singapore, by his promotion to the rank of Minister, ami his appointment to the American Legation in Abyssinia. Sir. Southard has had a long and varied nareer
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  • 158 13 A Little Waster and His Companion. ‘*If you do not like having to live peaceably in this country, you had hotter gt*t hack to your own country, where there is a lot of fighting going on.” Thus the tiding Second Police Magistrate, Air. J. V. Mills, on
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  • 38 13 We are informed by the secretaries that North Taiping Tin has declared a 10 per cent, dividend, payable on the 22nd inst. and the Klang Kiver Co. 12'j jiur cent., payable on the 20th inst.
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  • 455 13 Judge Takes a Merciful View. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lum|iur, Nov. 2. At the Assizes to-day before the Chiet Justice (Sir Henry Gum pert/.), a young Eurasian named, Noel Hay, an exInsj lector of Police, stood charged using a* genuine a forged document. ’1 he facts briefly
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  • 127 13 Incident Outside Police Court. A Chinese who had a few minutes previously been fined by the Third I’olice Magistrate, Mr. C. II. Makers, on tin allegation tif theft, on leaving the Police Court building on November li let olf several loud shouts. Whether the shouts were of
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  • 83 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Nov. 2. Mr. I’. J. Shuttleworth, manager of the Wakefield Castrol Company, was fined $25 for driving a motor car to the danger of the public. A police inspector stated that the accused was driving at about thirty miles per hour in
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  • 2002 14 ELECTRIC SUPPLY. FORMAL OPENING BY THE GOVERNOR. SPEECHES AT INTERESTING CEREMONY. A milestone in the Municipal history of Singapore was reached on Monday morning when H.E. the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford, G.C.M.G., G.B.E.), formally opened the new power station at St. James, Keppel Harbour, in the
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  • 73 14 Founding of the Second Caisson. Another step forward in the construction of the new Elgin Bridge for the Singapore Municipality by Messrs. Fogden and Brisbane was marked on Frida\ afternoon in the founding of the second of the six big caissons. The second one founded is No. 6,
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  • 1134 14  -  (By Richard Sidney.) It had all started so casually. jf j were you,” a friend had said, i >hou]<J Broadcast.” How does one do *> j asked. ‘‘Oh! just write to t hi B Be and tell them
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    • 38 15 *—•*"—*■—sssrr*T" port Hying lub in January of next year. I). 11. Moth seaplanes m flight. Their engines are the :{O-S0 h.p. Mark II (ii rus. A I). II. M elh seaplane at her moorings.
      38 words
    • 33 15 The Kedah is now on her way to Singapore from to he engaged in the heal coasting trade Luxuriously fitted lounge. A corner oi the (lining saloon.
      33 words
    • 82 16 I lu- l'.nyli-li (ollruc Irani, in wliitr uni I hi 1 Aral) (up onipoti* lion. I:\ In* it inn tin* liiiuil /.ill.trail tram. Mr. II. Mortimer. art ini: Knulish Kdneat ion Ollicer, .lohore, presentI hallenue up to \’ip l>. II. Hussein. thi* captain of the Knulisli <
      PhoUs. by F J. 7Y,Msf-v.  -  82 words
    • 15 16 Jo be reaily lor unveiling to-morrow. P>'i > o. by J. I) Si
      P>'i > o. by J. /•’ I) Si  -  15 words
    • 9 16 iew from North Kidj;t. Photo ?'Y
      Photo ?'Y /•’ / (  -  9 words
    • 26 16 A \it*" across drove Rubber Estate. The largest culverts. (uherts for anti-rnalarial work stocked on Grove Estate- Photo*, h v Snotty
      Photo*, hv / .\ Snotty  -  26 words
    • 25 16 itiiIoii husiiK'.ss centre. .kid* c no i Miameen is seen just beyond the clock tower. P-.otos l>\• Clioti Mtiu Chi.
      P-.otos l>\• Clioti Mtiu Chi. *  -  25 words
    • 28 17 11. 11. the Kajah ol Sarawak with the members ot the Sarawak (General Council taken on the occasion of its triennial sessi on October 17.
      28 words
    • 51 17 Mvrriladx Musirnl Axxwiali .11 m liir Nr» World Nim'mlicr .1. II K\rrll.-nr> U <al..l in I hr rrnlrr II. h. thr (.nvrrnnr. Sir Thr ri.lrri;, «i> I. .In, II ..I I' l.a> I uml. on tin* extreme rijjht i> .'tr. i.n» I ‘.'ill/ II /»l f I
      I ‘.'ill/II /»l / f I. / 1/  -  51 words
    • 32 17 *ik‘n.l;ir.s «.f the Sinua Swrril (l..l». "'y' lu uU (>l A Hamilton) seated m the ceiitrt. lhiiit s m 1 In I I'lliiixin II. ill. I'li'ito, 1 lit StllUnj,
      I'li'ito, 1 lit StllUnj,  -  32 words
    • 39 18 (•roup taken i;i l!u» row ballroom at tho Kosidenoy. Seri n.ban, at a da net* jiiv.n l the Hon. Mr. 11. \N Kilos and Mrs. Kilos on Octohor 27. into l\ f it.i S
      /* into l\ f it.i S ■ ,  -  39 words
    • Article, Illustration
      30 18 Battling Kcc in training H. R. H. Prince l’urachatra. Commissioner (ieneral. Royal State Railways of Siam. Photo, by John. Mr. 11. S. Banner. Publicity Agent. Malay States Information Bureau.
      Photo, by John.  -  30 words
    • Article, Illustration
      11 18 Brown Owl of the Ist Singapore Brownie Pack.
      11 words
    • 86 18 I lu- outstanding feature- »f the Milan Brand I'rix run «>n \l,„„, tho lirsl time after an ahsenee of two ye ars, of a new I 100 e e tw t >lv p f r < n Sop tm,,( r was ~u*u appearance for I,
      86 words
    • 26 18 Harper, wlm claims to l><' years old. told a Straits reporter that she had horn < front her Indian heme l>> famine. hv S'tik ijinhi 1 1
      26 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 331 19 [REUTER TELEGRAM] ferry boat sunk, death roll of fifty FEARED. \1\NY SCHOOLCHILDREN AMONG PASSENGERS. \REUTER TELEGRAM] London, Nov. 3. Svdney The liner Tahiti and a harir ferry steamer, crowded with issengera, collided. Tlu* ferry wee a>hcd to matchwood, and serious i>unities resulted. Trie Tahiti struck the ferry
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  331 words
    • 93 19 Mission to Extend Foreign Markets. London, Nov. 4. v l»t-lhi The Government of India •i. ided to send a mission consisting It. Meek, Director General of om1 ml Intelligence, and Mr. Maloney, tary to the Bombay Millowners Asso’ii, to investigate the potentialities Tersea markets for Indian cotton
      93 words
    • 31 19 Berlin, Nov. 7. ■lgrade: The Jugo-Slav foreign 'ter proceeds to Paris on Thursday m r n the Franco-Serb treaty involving :i, al military assistance in case of A «ir.
      31 words
    • 255 19 “I Can Ban Books But Won’t.” London, Nov. 3. Chicago I can ban the books but won’t,” was Mayor Thompson’s reply to the suit of a taxpayer named Boha: regarding the Mayor’s threat to bum pro-British books. The reply will bo tiled in the form of a
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    • 109 19 Career, of Dr. David Hogarth. Rugby, Nov. 7. The death has occurred of Dr. David Hogarth, keeper of the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford and president of the Hellenic Society. Dr. Hogarth was well-known for his extensive explorations in Asia Minor and excavations in Greece and Egypt. He was
      109 words
    • 76 19 Big Consignment Leaving England. London, Xov. 3. Greyhounds to the number of are being trained at Harringay, some for l\iii-, and some for Shanghai. 1 hey will sail about Nov. 14. Major Duncan Campbell will be genera* manager of the Shanghai tr»uk. It was previously announced that (’apt. Jones,
      76 words
    • 17 19 Fifty-five per cent. In United. States. London, Nov. 7. Jntvst uo (.ffice in New
      17 words
    • 149 19 Not Favoured by The Ex-Kaiser. London, Nov. 5. Berlin It is stated that the ex-Kaiser has informed his sister Victoria that if she marries Zoubkoff he will break off all relations with her. It is reported from Bonn that I he ecclesiastical authorities have intimated that they will
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    • 252 19 Seizures by Uniformed Pickets. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hong Kong, Nov. 4. Canton: A boycott of British goods has been imposed. Goods have been seized by uniformed pickets patrolling the West Bund. Large numbers are al.-o searching Chinese passengers. The pickets are not yet operating on the
      252 words
    • 83 19 U.S.A. Marines Engage Rebels. London, Nov. 3. Managua A combined font* of L’nited S1 11 1 > .Marines and Nicaraguan “National Guards” claim to have caused BO casual;jf.v among followers of the Libera. General Sandino in an engagement yes 1 Two of the National Guards were killed and one
      83 words
    • 180 19 PRINCE BRITISH MOTORS. GROWING INDUSTRY. FOSTERING OVERSEAS TRADE. Rugby, Nov. 4. The Prime of Wales, opening the Scottish motor ear show at Glasgeiw toelay, saiel lie was always glad to be associated with any British industry and was specially pleased to do anything to encourage an industry which had gon«
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    • 151 19 TRAINING IN HOUSEHOLD DUTIES. Rugby, Nov. 4. J he Duchess of York has consented to open on Nov. 10 the hostel recently established by the British and Australian Governments at Market llarhorough, Leicestershire, tor training British girls as household workers for employment in Australia. The hostel is a
      151 words
    • 131 19 Burial Space at Westminster Abbey. London, Nov. 4. The immediate erection of a new Building within the grounds of Westminster Abbey to provide spare for the burial of ttn* nation’s illustrious dead is urged in the report of the Cathedrals Commission of the Church Assembly. I his
      131 words
    • 54 19 Visits London with Two Daughters. Rugby, Nov. f>. The Queen of Spain, with her two daughter. 4 Princess Beatrix and Princess Maria Christina, arrived in London yesterday evening. They were met at the station by King (Jeorge, Queen Mary anti Princess Beatrice. Their visit will extend for
      54 words
    • 211 20 LATEST LEADER. WANG CHING-WEI OBTAINS SUPPORT. CANTON TO BE MADE HEADQUARTERS. Shanghai, Nov. II. Still another Nationalist Government being inaugurated at Canton under the aegis of Wang Chrng-wei. who is at the moment the outstanding Nationalist in Iiolitical China. He is supported by the military of Kwangtung
      211 words
    • 105 20 Discovery in North Siberia. London, Nov. ft. The expedition to north-east Siberia last year, which resulted in the discovery of probably the last great mountain range on the globe, is described by the explorer Sergei Obruchev in the Geographical Journal. The mountains are <»-."> miles long and
      105 words
    • 98 20 Question for U.S.A. Customs. L mdon, Nov. 2. Washington Customs officials arc puzzled with regard to the famous Nassak diamond, valued at $200. M 00, which is supposed to have formed one of the eyes of an ancient image of the god Siva in India. It was
      98 words
    • 65 20 Big Gams for Labour Reported. London, Nov. 2. Hig Labour gains are shown in the Municipal elections held yesterday in over :«00 cities find boroughs in Kngland ar.d Wales, not including tendon. I he gains and losses an* hitherto; Labour 10.> gains and 12 losses j Conservatives 7
      65 words
    • 225 20 NEED FOR DEVELOPING RESOURCES. Rugby, Nov. Sir Alfred Mond, speaking upon the subject of Empire economic unity at a meeting held under the auspices of the Empire Industries Association, said that on the proper and true solution ot the organisation of the British Empire as an economic unit
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    • 98 20 Conversations in London Continue. Rugby, Nov. 1. The Egyptian Prime Minister. Sarvvat Pasha, again visited the Foreign Office to-day and continued the informal conversations on Anglo-Egyptian relations with high officials of the department. Rugby, Nov. J. Sir Austen Chamberlain gave a dinnet to-night at Claridge’s Hotel, London,
      98 words
    • 149 20 Unemployment Figures Improve. Rugby, Nov. 2. The unemployment figures have an unusual and h >peful character. A seasonal increase of unemployment is customary i" early August, and such an increase began this year, but it was almost immediately arrested. Minor fluctuations occurred in October, but the latest return,
      149 words
    • 82 20 Report to Mandates Commission. London, Nov. 2. Geneva: The International Labour Office spokesman, Mr. Grimshaw, made a statement before the Mandates Commission outlining the views of the Native Labour Commission, namely, that compulsory labour should only he employed on essential public works‘and should be paid local rates and
      82 words
    • 226 20 Comment on Chancellor’s Speech. Berlin. Nov. 1. Tiio Chancellor’s speech at hssen on Surulav arouses profound echoes purtieularlv in France, where the Matin stresses its high political importanThe paper says that by separating the war guilt question from the peace treaty question Dr. Marx puts it
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    • 204 20 Reported Shantung Successes Doubted. Shanghai. Nov. Poking Marshal C hang Tsung-chang officially reports further successes against Feng Yu-hsiang. The Shantung forces north of the Yellow Kiver have captured Wei Hwei after defeating Feng Yu-hsiang’s forces, who are retreating to Sinsiang. while the Shantung forces operating in the middle
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    • 62 20 MURDEROUS ATTACK ON BRITISH LADY. Shanghai, Xov. f». Mrs. Forestier, wife of the assistant resident engineer of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, died this afternoon without recovering consciousness as the result of a murderous attack. She was found in the kitchen of her residence on Wednesday afternoon dreadfully injured
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    • 46 20 Threats of Pogrom In Kovno. Berlin, Nov. 2. Kovno A crisis is feared in Lithuania. Kovno woke up this morning to find the streets placarded with proclamations urging open revolt. Mysterious leaflets urge a pogrom, and the large Jewish population clamours for Government protection.
      46 words
    • 204 20 Three Defendants Found Guilty. London. nv ,> A thick-set, swarthy man witi ,j r ing moustaches, who was referred a Bolshevist executioner, arid otlu-i s.o ofi vials, including a member of th < }r( (Cheka), were among nunierou p.. v 1 v v *ur witnesses for the defence
      204 words
    • 207 20 To be Reheard Bv New Jurv. w London, Nov. Washington A joint stateme? t by counsel f»*r Mr. Harry Sinc.a.r w'r with Mr. Fall. cx-Secretary Interior, was charged with consp.' .v defraud the Government in vir i with the Teapot Dome oil leases, d* that they joined
      207 words
    • 151 20 Importance of the Visit. Berlin. Nov. I Madrid The Press raises the P' hility of an Italo-Spanish alliance, view of tlu* similarity ot their Me i c. ranean interests. The semi-official El Debate ad' the alliance and publishes an o’ graphed message and portrait ,p Mussolini. Berlin,
      151 words
    • 246 21 >1R. BRUCE’S VIEWS. HAPHAZARD METHODS MUST GO. MR. AMERY’S VISIT TO CANBERRA. Rugby, Nov. 3. At a Parliamentary dinner at Canberra, the Australian Federal capita), Mr. Bruce, the Federal Prime Minister, welmed Mr. Amery, Secretary for the 1 (oininions. He said no Empire statesman had done i
      246 words
    • 89 21 U.S.A. Ambassador And Britain. London, Nov. .’>. Washington Subtle influences «n. mating from Great Britain, Russia ..rid other countries are alleged to be •king to undermine the confidence of v ath American countries in the United vutis, according to a report made by •’.i Ambassador to Peru, Mr.
      89 words
    • 69 21 Amalgamation of Leading Firms. London, Nov. 3. The armament firms Vickers, Ltd., and Xrmstrong, Whitworth, Ltd., have sign'd a provisional agreement amalgamatin'.: certain of their important works and businesses, principally those engaged m Naval shipbuilding and the manufacture t armaments and heavy special steels. Rugby, Nov. 3. The
      69 words
    • 73 21 Chief Business of New Session. London, Nov. J. Laris Parliament has embarked on a new session in which finance will occupy the hulk of attention. M. Poincare i* seeking t > get the Budget definite J adopted before Jan. 1. Interest in the Senate centres in tne re-appearance
      73 words
    • 117 21 M. Franklin Bouillon’s Resignation. London, Nov. 4. Fans: Pr ieediR.> in the Chamber of in? put leg were enlivened by the announcement that M. Franklin* Bouillon, a notoriously stormy petrel in politics, Lad icsjgneil trom the chairmanship of the foreign Affairs committee and severed twenty-tiee years’ ccnnection
      117 words
    • 128 21 Fines on Miss Logan And Trainer. London, Nov. 7. Miss (Dr.) Dorothy Logan and her trainer (arey pleaded guilty to having made a talsc* affidavit. Miss Logan was fined i 100 \cith £10 10s. costs and Carey t”»0 and 15 os. costs. Rugby, Nov. 7. The Lord Mayor,
      128 words
    • 148 21 Profits Likely to Be Reduced. London, Nov. 2. Sir John Cadman, presiding at the annual meeting of the Anglo-Persian Oil mpany. p inted out that excessive probation in the United States and the areer experts from Russia were necessarily disquieting factors, but fortunately .lie Anglo-Persian Co. wa- not
      148 words
    • 146 21 Disputes Over New Bills. London, Nov. 4. i i Cape Town The cordial atmosphere engendered by the flag settlement was notably lacking in connection with the Senate’s discussion of the Precious Stones and Iron and Steel bills. The former emerged from the committee stage considerably amended, in
      146 words
    • 186 21 NO HOTEL REVELS. BROADCASTING ALBERT HALL GATHERING. London, Nov. 7. i hore will he no revels in London or restaurants on Armistice Day. 1 he secretary of the Hotel and Kestau•ants Association said that public opinion seemed to he against revels, ami uatiy establishments were artunginc
      186 words
    • 173 21 Trial of Prince Carol’s Agent. London, Nov. 7. Bucharest Following on thi* report f the Royal Commission enquiring into h s .ctivities, Manoilesco, who is still detained in a military prison, will be charge! with an attempt against the person o King Michael by declaring i:i favour of t
      173 words
    • 114 21 Atmospherics Spoil Sydney Programme. Rugby, Nov. 7. Atmospherics yesterday interfered considerably with the reception of the broadcast relayed to Britain from the short wave station in Sydney, Australia, ami parts of the speeches delivered by tin Secretary to the Dominions were inaudible. These speeches were made at liv< o’clock
      114 words
    • 73 21 Death Roll Between Twenty And Thirty. London, Nov. 7. .Madras: Travellers arriving from Nellorc give details of the cyclone. They state that a tidal wave swept for t mile and a quarter inland, adding to th« devastation wrought by the cyclone Thousands were rendered homeless, and many
      73 words
    • 371 21 ECONOMY NEEDED. REPARATIONS AGENT’S .MEMORANDUM. London, Nov. ti. Berlin A severe warning to Germany is contained in the memorandum by Mr. Parker Gilbert, Agent-General for Re parations, the text of which i now published. The memorandum declares that if the present tendencies are not cheeked tInconsequences
      371 words
    • 196 21 LLOYI) (J EOIM J E CON DEMNS ALLIES. v London, Nov. 7. Mr. Lloyd George, in a speech in London, declared that the conquering nations were at present over lu.ouu.uou trained men better equipped for war than in 1014. while Germany, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria aggregated 200,000 to
      196 words
    • 913 22 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.] NEED FOR PEACE. SPEECH BY THE NEW MINISTER. “ALWAYS LEI) THE WAY IN ARBITRATION.” [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.] Rugby, Nov. 5. Lord Cushendun (Mr. Ronald M’Neillf made at Canterbury last nij-rht his first speech since his promotion to the Cabine* lie said the most
      [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.]  -  913 words
    • 177 22 Manv Chinese Women Killed. Shanghai. Nov. 5. A meeting cf 500 Chinese female .iiature workers which gathered at a cir.i li.a in Chapei this afternoon for the purpose of inaugurating a new Labour I’m r. had a u>astrous termination when 'he building collapsed as the audience stood up
      177 words
    • 92 22 Brilliant Ceremonial In Naples. London, Nov. 5. Naples Three Kings, a Queen, 40 Princes and Princesses, and 20 Cabinet Ministers and Ambassadors, with their wives, attended the wedding of the Duke of Apulia, the elder son of the Duke of Aosta, to Princess Anne of France, thin!
      92 words
    • 120 22 Regrouping of Parties Expected. London, Nov. 5. Johannesburg Mr. Tielman Roos, in n speech on the occasion of the Afrikander Day celebrations, declared that the constitutional position following the flag settlement was excellent and there was a chance for all well-meaning Afrikanders to co-operate for economic prosperity. In
      120 words
    • 110 22 Attempting to Beat Height Record. Loudon, Nov. t>. Sparta Tennessee Captain Hawthorn*? (Lav w a found dead while attempting t break the world's height record tor tree I bath is believed to have toen due to suffocation, as the oxygen tube was tounu severed, having, apparently, accidentally, bi-en
      110 words
    • 227 22 French Reply to Signor Tittoni. London. Nov. I'uri 4 Peferrin r to the statement •"ado v Signer Tittoni. President of tin* !ta inn Senate. Le IVtit P.irisien says that the stated (juai d’Orsa'. :*.ji cement between M. Briarul and Signor Tittoni in 1 referred only to tho
      227 words
    • 163 22 Issue of Special Court Circular. Rugby, Nov. 4. A special Court Circular is now being issued for the household of the Duke of Vork. The Prince f Wales, as Heir to tlv Throne, has always had his own COur. Circular, but for rhe King’s second son
      163 words
    • 95 22 Materials for Bombs Seized. London, Nov. 2. Delhi The police searched houses in Lahore, Allahabad and Cawnpore and seized proscribed literature, revolvers and materials for the manufacture of bombs. Several people were arrested. MISS ELDER RETURNS. London, Nov. G. Paris A delegation including the United States Air
      95 words
    • 181 22 NEW ANTISEPTIC. WONDERFUL PROPERTIES OF COAL TAR PRODUCT. Rupby, Nov. t Sir Alfred Mond, chairman of Inr Chemical Industries, speaking j n l to-day, before an audience of oln miand doctors, made his premised stai i regarding the new antiseptic. The name Mongol*' has been gi\,., it.
      181 words
    • 239 22 Britain to Challenge Italian Achievement London. Nov. »l. Home Major de Bernardi. one Italy's Schneider Cup competit r 4 rtyvg a seaplane in the presence of British i American Air attaches, over a three k:. metres course at Venice, reached an average speed cf 2B6.P miles an
      239 words
    • 146 22 Construction of Dam In Abyssinia. London, Nov. 3. Well-informed circles in London atsceptical regarding the report in the New \°rk Times to the effect that the Whi'.i Engineering Corporation of New York b likely to obtain a concession from th< Abyssinian Government to build a dam across
      146 words
    • 972 23 II A PURELY PARLIAMENTARY BODY. I INVITATION TO CENTRAL AND PROVINCIAL I LEGISLATURES. I I PERSONNEL OF THE COMMISSION: CRITICISM IN I INDIAN CIRCLES. I The re-opening of Parliament was signalised by an announcement ■t,v the I rime Minister, Mr Baldwin, regarding the Statutory Commis|s«*n
      972 words
    • 174 23 London, Nov. 5. ulcuttu 1 he Governor of Bengal conferred separately with the editors of the four party newspapers with reference to the appointment of an Indian Statutory Commission. It is understood that the editors informed the Governor that the exclusion of Indians from the Commission
      174 words
    • 518 23 A Parliamentary Body. The Royal Commission which is to inquire into the working of the MontaguChelmsford Reforms is an exclusively Parliamentary body, consisting of two members of the House of Lords and five members of the House of Commons. Its chairman is a Liberal, Sir John Simon,
      518 words
    • 17 23 London, Nov. 8. Buenos Aires The 2oth game betwoen Capablanca and Alekhine was drawn.
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    • 555 23 Provisional Convention At Conference. London, Nov. 3. Geneva At the Trade Barriers conference the draft of an international fiveyear Convention for the abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions was drawn up. It provides for the abolition of all such restriction, subject to certain exceptions. The signatories
      555 words
    • 40 23 Berlin, Nov. 7. C.cneva The International Labour Bureau at (Ionova, pointing out that 0(M) workmen Hied in the I’nited Slatein one year as the result of labour accidents, recommends stern legislation everywhere to ward off such accidents.
      40 words
    • 799 24 BRITISH CONCERN. CONFIRMATION FROM U.S. SOURCES. TREATY WITH MENELIK RECALLED. London, Nov. 4. New York: Mr. White*, President of the White Engineering Corporation, and Mr. Yuttner, who is agent for the Abyssinian Government’s envoy, Mr. Martin, both interviewed by Reuter, confirmed the details of the Blue Nile
      799 words
    • 88 24 Restriction on American Spinnings Removed. London, Nov. 4. I he Cotton Yarn Association has withdrawn all restrictions on production and prices of American spinnings. The announcement came like a bombshell, and the situation in the market is chaotic. Business is seriously affected. Merchants refused to place important contracts
      88 words
    • 105 24 CONSIDERED AT CABINET MEETING. Rugby, Nov. 2. A meeting of the Cabinet was held this morning, Sir Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, presiding, in the absence of Mr. Baldwin, who had gone to Edinburgh. It is understood that Mr. Churchill, C hancellor of the Exchequer, submitted a rep >rt
      105 words
    • 149 24 American Companies To Collaborate. London, Nov. 5. New York Five of the leading American oil companies have acquired an important interest in a scheme for developing oil in the Mosul region in co-opera-tion with groups from Britain, France and Holland under the direction of the Turkish Petroleum Company.
      149 words
    • 717 24 Fatalities and Widespread Damage. London, Nov. 4. New York: FI ods, owing to the continued heavy rain, i>aused widespread damage in Nt*w ork. State 1 and N»*w England. mr hour fatalities occurred at Vermont. The damage is estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Many bridges were
      717 words
    • 327 24 REPLY TO USA PROVISIONAL REGIME SUGGESTED. HOPES TO CONCH Dp TREATY. London, )(V j Paris The French reply u the cent United States note con. t: new tariffs was communicated to United States Charge d’Atfa t vening. It proposes the establishment provisional regime pending tt u a
      327 words
    • 132 24 SERIOUS ALLEGATIONS OF SHAREHOLDERS. London, Nov. Affidavits by the Marconi sharch« Idtrs which, it is alleged, amount to charges of fraud against the directors were read in the Chancery Division hearing of the Marc oni Wireless Telegraph Company s petition to write down the capital from £4,000,COO to
      132 words
    • 384 25 SHANGHAI SCENE. WHITE RUSSIANS STORM CONSULATE. INMATES FIRE ONE MAN KILLED. Shanghai, Nov. 7. 1 lie Soviet C late was elaborately decorated for the reception this morning A small anti-Red demonstration occurred and a few evergreens in the portico were torn down. This evening about 300
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    • 92 25 Slump Regarded As Temporary. Berlin, Nov. 8. he Berlin Exchange rallied this mornin K. but small holders are expected to H out, causing a renewed temporary lump. Notwithstanding yesterday’s slump considered more a psychological reaction the memorandum than an economically .'notifiable movement) German expects display confidence and point
      92 words
    • 30 25 London, Nov. S. I’aris The Socialist M. Paul Boncour has been elected chairman of the foreign n hit ions committee in succession to M. 1 tanklin Bouillon.
      30 words
    • 109 25 Reasons for War Secretary’s Visit. Rugby, Nov. 8. 1‘etarv foi" uf W See n f r ih r L atuU d in House, of Govern^ portant „u .,tions TrgLua-' futun"' n n Stn,t J on—for example, the the f gres 8 uf me ehanisation and he
      109 words
    • 74 25 A Permanent Exhibition For London. Rugby, Nov. 1. An interesting development in the textile world is the movement, now well advanced, for the establishment of a permanent exhibition in London. The exhibition, which is to include textiles of all kinds, is to be international in scope, and has
      74 words
    • 50 25 British Gift to Arlington Museum. London, Nov. fi. Washington The British Ambassador ha> presented to the Historical Museum at Arlingt »n the original of the message which King George sent to President Harding in connection with the presentation of the Victoria Cross to the American Unknown Soldier.
      50 words
    • 50 25 Sinning of a Provisional Treaty. Shanghai, Nov. 5. Tokio The Foreign Office has announced the signing of a provisional treaty of commerce and navigation with Bulgaria, providing for reciprocal most favoured nation treatment being effective from Nov. 17. in substitution for the 1919 treaty, which has expired.
      50 words
    • 34 25 Creation of Monopoly Not Favoured. London, Nov. ft. Paris All the experts heard by the petrol commission of the Chamber opposed the creation of a monopoly for the importation of petrol.
      34 words
    • 58 25 Heavy Fine for Dutch Captain. London, Nov. (5. Perth The captain of the Dutch steamer Almskerk has been lined to,000 for having prohibited immigrants on board. Tin* Almskerk arrived at Fremantle with f>J Chinese stowaways, who were found unconscious in a ballast tank. They were believed to
      58 words
    • 38 25 London,- Nov. New York Bradstrent’s index number for October is ld.Tj:J7 compared with 12.7570 a year ago. Oils, naval stores and building materials have decreased, while others have increased. Fruits, coal and chemicals are unchanged.
      38 words
    • 73 25 Satisfactory Progress In Discussions. Rugby, Nov. 7. Sarwat Pasha, the Kgyptian Prime Minister, leaves London to-morrow alter a week’s visit, during which he and the Foreign Secretary, Sir Austen hamberlain, were enabled to continue the informal conversations which began duiinjr Sarwat Pasha’s visit in July upon the
      73 words
    • 132 25 Very Little Political Interest. London, Nov. 8. New York Very little political interest attaches to the elections being held to-day in a number of towns and states throughout the United States. The issues before the voters are mostly only local, with no bearing on national politics. Numerous municipal
      132 words
    • 68 25 London, Nov. ft. Allahabad The airman Koennccke made a forced landing here and damaged his machine. SALVATION ARMY ANI) CHINA. London, Nov. 7. General Booth, referring to Salvation Army activities in China, states that the commanders on both sides promised to respect Salvation Army property and people,
      68 words
    • 45 25 London, Nov. 7. Washington: The Treasury has announced the offering of about 8100,000,000 3 Mi per cent, certificates indebtedness maturing in seven years. The proceeds will be used to pay off the holders of outstanding second Liberty Bonds, redeemable on Nov. 15.
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    • 54 25 London, Nov. 8. New York Mr. Alexander Phillips, a hanker associated for many years with the Guaianty Trust Company and well known in Bombay, Melbourne and Paris, died from a fractured skull through jump ing out of a window at a hospital where he had been taken
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    • 34 25 Returned After Seven Divisions. London, Nov. 1. ape Town After seven divisions, the Assembly returned the Precious Stones Bill to the Senate, whose amendments the Minister of Mines refused to accept
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    • 49 25 Resignation of M. Franklin Bouillon. Paris, Nov. ,‘l. The recent congress of the RadicalSocialist party proved that the party is not disposed to support the national union. M. Franklin Bouillon, the prominent Radical-Socialist leader, has left the party and resigned tin* presidency of the Chamber foreign committee.
      49 words
    • 69 25 Congress Opens at The Hague. London, Nov. 8. The Hague The congress of the in ternatinnal Association against Communism opened under the presidency of Beer Rijkc. General Snyders, commander-in-chief of the Dutch Army during the war. and Ileer Patyn, Burgomaster of the Hague, were also present. M. Aubert, France,
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    • 80 25 Population Returned at Fourteen Million. London, Nov. I Constantinople: The census shows that the population amounts to 1 1,000,000, of whom 850,000 are in Constantinople. Shanghai, Nov. <5. It is reported from Tokio that the Finance Ministry has approved a liveyear subsidy for the establishment of a 17-knot
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    • 314 25 BUSY WEEKS. SIX IMPORTANT BILLS FOR DEBATE. Rugby, Nov. 7. J "\jumvnt re-assembles to-morrow altvr the summer recess to continue the work of the session which opened in February and will, it is anticipated, be prolonged to Dee. 21. The six weeks available promise to be exceptionally
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    • 59 25 Paris to Tokio in Fourteen Days. Berlin, Nov. I. Riga The Railway Conference, in which sixteen nations are participating, i.« elaborating a scheme for a fourteen day Paris to Tokio train service. The delegate have binding powers and expect an early agreement. The Japanese delegate says it will
      59 words
    • 66 25 Temporary Release to Attend Parliament. London, Nov. A. Paris In accordance with the vote of be Chamber, the Communist Deputies Doriot, Cachin, Marty and Duclos have been released from the Santo prison. T he Chamber, by 2b 1 to 221, passed a resolution demanding the temporary release of
      66 words
    • 73 25 Conversations Continue In London. Rugby, Nov. b. The conversations regarding AngloEgyptian relations, which have been proceeding in London between Sir Austen '’hnmberlain and Sarwat Pasha, the Kgyptian Prime Minister, during the past week, have not yet concluded. Sarwat Pasha has accordingly postponed his deoartuie from London until
      73 words
    • 1037 26 PROBLEMS OF ANIMAL WELFARE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Oct. 29. The annual general meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Animal Welfare was held the o'.her evening, when the public were given an opportunity to judge the extent of the woik ilial has been carried
      1,037 words
    • 424 26 Report on Working During Past Year. The report of the directors of Kinta Tin Dredging Co for ihe year ended July 31, 1 t*L?T. states that after providing for depreciation hut sub. jest »o directors’ fees there was a loss of $15,568.18 from which ha< to i>e
      424 words
    • 36 26 (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 2. .The Municipal Commissioners yesterday discussed the budget for next year, the •stlimited revenue being $4,,'170,741. expenditure $4.7f1R,4K7, and the estimated surplus at the end of 1028 $72,254.
      36 words
    • 114 26 Ihe current issue of the S.S. Government Gazette contains notification of the following appointments The Hon. Mr. V/.o Jin ban to be a nominated unofficial member of the Legislative Council, Mr. f N c p ru s l to A lK temporarily a member Rubber Assessment Committee for
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    • 659 26 THE ANIMAL MART OF SINGAPORE. (From a Correspondent.) The main traffic of Rochore Hoad passes by on foot. There is the continual t lic-clac of wooden clogs, the Hit-flit of bare feet, the chiff-chaff of sandals, interspersed with the honest tread of good .shoe leather. Motor cars
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    • 109 26 One Man Killed in Free Fight. f Jn r l )U,,1 be i t r e n the runner s of two M SumlMv" lod >- r,n >''. h »uscs culminated «hi, h morning n a free fi K ht in Whirh one man was killed. 1 took
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    • 624 26 Murder Committed Under Provocation. The case was concluded in the £ourt on November 2 in which a Ta mil Naryanan, was charged with the imirtUr of an aged Tamil woman at Seletar on September 20. The murdered woman was the mother of another Tamil, Yellasamy, with whom iho
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    • 104 26 Somersetshire with Drafts For Garrison. H.M. Transport Somersetshire arrive'! at Singapore on Nov. ,*1 with deta>-" for the Duke of Wellington’s Regina"and other Garrison units numbering sevi n officers, six warrant officers and 140 otn« ranks. Lieut.-Col. C. J. Pickering, D.S.O., commanding officer of the Duke Wellington’s
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    • 444 27 Singapore Malays Easily Beat Johore. The Singapore and Johore Malays met the Stadium on November 3 in a natch on behalf of the Poppy Day fund which resulted in an easy win for Singapore by six goals to nil. The Colonia’ Secretary, Sir Hayes Marriott, and Lady Marriott, Mr.
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    • 443 27 [BY CENTRE.”] In a match for the Poppy Day Fuml I'n.vtd at the Stadium the Malajfs •a featcd the S.C.F.A. by three goals to The match was witnessed by 1.998 spectators, including H.E. the Governor 'Mr Hugh Clifford). Weather conditions w»re wretched and made anything like
      443 words
    • 353 27 Draw for the Irish 1 Maidens. The consignment of thirty Irish maidens brought out for the Singapore Turf Club was drawn for on Sunday. The horses have stood the long journey veiy well, and appeared to be in good condition. Appended is the result of the draw
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    • 174 27 Singapore V .R.A. Practice Shoot. Following were the results of the Singapore Volunteer Rifle Association interport practice shoot at Seletar range on Sunday at 200, 500 and 000 yards. Aggregate Nett heap. Capt. D. H. Steers, R.E. scr. 00 Set H. S. Kirwan 8C r \T 101
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    • 686 27 Selangor Beat Kedah. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Nov. 6. Selangor defeated Kedah in the inter state rugby match at Sungei Patani by -ix tries (eighteen points) to nil. The ground was water-logged. Selangor was the superior team throughout, though in the second half the Kedah forwards made a
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    • 417 27 The Malacca Rugby team met the 2nd Hattn. Duke of Wellington’s Regiment at Malacca on Saturday and the result was a win for the visitors by 21 points to 1. The teams were Dukes.—Cpl. Hardimcnt; Lieut. F.xham, Lieut. Frankis, Pte. I’ayne and Pte. Foster 2nd-Lieut. Kxham
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    • 73 27 [Reuter Te'egram.] First Match Against Knute Hansen. [Reuter Telegram.] Lon Ion, Nov. .‘1. New York: Phil Scott, the Brit .sh heavyweight champion, is quietly confident that he will win bis fir-t fight in the heavyweight eliminating series to decide on a challenger for (lene Tunney. He
      [Reuter Te'egram.]  -  73 words
    • 125 27 Golf The Captain’s Prize. Play for the Captain’s Prize at t h«* Malacca (Jolf Club, resulted in a win for Mr. A. MacNab, with Mr. C. Roberts as runner-up. Other events held on the same day resulted as follows Long Drive Mr. A. K. Mullaly ru i-ner-up Mr.
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    • 85 27 Mr. Butcher’s Achievement At Keppel. Mr. J. 1). Butcher, playing at Kenp'd on Nov. 1 1, had the satisfaction of Jo ,i.. g the select company of golfers who have done a hole in one. He achieved this at the sixth, and it is recorded that
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    • 347 28 [Reuter Telegram.] Walker Knocks Out McTigue. [Reuter Telegram.] London, Nov. Ik Chicago Mickey Walker, the middleweight champion, knocked out Mike McTigue, former light heavy-weight champion, in a ten round bout at the Coliseum. The knock-out came in the first round after 2'i minutes fighting. Walker recently lent Tommy Miliigan
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  347 words
    • 1272 28 Song Disappoints in Main Event. C. Song was a sad disappointment I to the big crowd of supporters who turn-1 ed up to see him go ten three-min I rounds with Joe Mate, of Manila, at the New World on Friday night. H is victories over Reyes,
      1,272 words
    • 329 28 Criticised by Fellow Professionals. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta. Nov. 5. Roy Loy’.and and Dclnhin ex-pie.-sid strong views regarding the api ointment of S.itclitfe as captain i>f Yorkshire cricket when they landed at Bomi ay to-day. They are going to Patiala as coaches. Kilner said they
      329 words
    • 309 28 The Shanghai Team Selected. The following have been selected to proceed to Hong Kong to represent Shanghai in the Interport matches against Hong Kong and Singapore Captain E. I. M. Barrett (capt.), H. W. Allison, E. G. Barnes, J. T. Hegarty. J. A. Quayle, J. A. Isaacs, D.
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    • 208 28 [Reuter Telegram.] U.S.A. Professional Tournament. [Reuter Telegram.] London, I)V o Dallas Thirty-two qualifiers e«, MU Jt ia the tirst round of the American p, fessional Golf Championship oV r holes. The results were as follow J M. Dutra bi>at Aleroft 12 and 1! a tholly Alanero beat Rob t
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  208 words
    • 90 28 Lond n. N >\ Dallas Walter Hagen retairc l nited Stans Professional Golf i ..c pionship title by defeating Joe Turnesa The latter was two up at the halfwg mark but Hagen became one up at .“.Ist and the five remaining holes \\\*.o halved. In the
      90 words
    • 310 28 The Singapore Golf Club November bogey competition was played on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted in a between Messrs. W. H. Elkins and S. 1. Guy. Seventy-five cards were taken out and the following were returned W. H. Elkins scr. 1 up S. F. Guy 13 1
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    • 944 29 Lirst Month of the Season I Reviewed. I \V th over a hundred names on the ,«ig li>t, a rugby tournament run- 1 f rr the first time in the history of j Club, and several outstanding out- among the newcomers, the S.C.C. ■njoying a record rugby season,
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  • 590 29 Nau i et Tin. Hours run 115, yardage treated 2-.106 output 1-6 piculs. I’hin Soon Tin Mines. Hours run 31a. yardage treated 28.992. output H2 piculs. The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin. Ltd. ••••ports the following outputs of its associated companies for October. Kampong Kanripting Tin Dr** Iging.—
    590 words
  • 119 29 Squadron to Visit Malayan Ports. The First Cruiser Squadron arrived at Singapore from Hong Kong at ten o’clock on Tuesday and is now anchored in the roads. The ships, which comprise H.M. ships Frobisher, Dragon, Danae, Delhi and Dauntless, will stay here until to-day and a number of
    119 words
  • 114 29 i lIEW, On Kund:i'\ November 0, 1927, a No. 11, Blair Road, to Mr. and Mrs. Chew Keow Biiik, of Kong Lot Co., Shipchandlers, etc., a daughter. Mother and child well. DAWSON At Maternity Hospital, S nga pore, on November 3, 1927, to Rut! (ii’tgory, wife of Dr. Walter
    114 words
  • 95 29 KING WEST. On August 21, 1927, at St Andrew s Cathedral, Sydney, by the Deal of Sydney, Mervyn King, of Singapore, t< Marie West, of Rockdale, N S.W. VALLIXSON KNOCKER. At Kearsney Kent, on November 1, 1927, Robert 11 Mallinson, of the Asiatic Petroleum Company, S.ngapore, to Cecillo Josephine,
    95 words
  • 147 29 Singapore-, Nov. 9. EXCHANGE. On Leaden, Bank 4 m/a 2'S 31/32 Demand 2,3 23/32 Plicate 3m. credit 2/4*4 On New York, Demand 66'i» Private 90 d/s 57'i On France, Bank T.T. 1420 On Tndia, Bank T.T, 153'* On Monte Kong, Bank T.T. lo V* p.c. dis. On
    147 words
  • 747 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, Nov. 9. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asa in Kurnhang 66/- 67/£1 IT Rungrin Tin 32 33 1 1 Datung Pudang 0.52 0.57 1 1 Batu Caves 1.22** 130 £1 £1 Chendcriung 19/- 21/6 l i Chin Chin 1.22*4
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 89 29 NOTICE *11 communications for both the Strain Times arul the Straits Budget should b* addressed to the Head Utlice, Cecil am Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle nients. t he post free price of the Straits Times l tiie United Kingdom and foreign countrie is $48 a yeur. The post free
      89 words
  • 222 29 DEATHS CIIl'A. On November 5, 10li7. at fi.15 am at !ur residence So. 57, t'antounxMit Road Mrs. Yeo Kim St ng t nChua Hok Neo) aged S'! years. RL’SHTON. In West Australia, on Novembet 0, 11*27. tin* re*su t of an accident, Arthur Wil.iam Francis (Hill), tin* beloved son of
    222 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 61 1 General— I‘ajje Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction 1 Rubber Position —(By A. W. Still) 1 Rubber Returns 1 Rubber Restriction 2 Local Rubber Auction 2 Briish Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 Weekly Share Market 2 London Share Prices 2 Meetings
      61 words
    • 73 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotat ions* Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices* Jan. Apt. I>;,te I.Mon S’poiv \ov. hfi*. Mar. June s d. Nov. 1 .*i ii.iiO'.* o.«» 1 1 u o 4 1 o.iil’* o.oj’a 002 o«»:]».. n.;i.V* i r»'» o.oj o.oa oj;:*’- o<»*» oro 7 l n.r.:t
      73 words
    • 21 1 Rubber price averages for the current Restriction quarter tire as follows: Singapore ti 1.21 cents London Is. i>.22d.
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    • 29 1 Lewis and Peat’s cable from their London Otlicc gives 100 tons increase making the total London rubber stock 5 at November h, as revised. i»0.*5*>d tons.
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    • 230 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubier A s< ciat ion held its s",7th auction on Nov. i*. when there was catalogued bTh.S'dl llis. or Lid.Id tons; offered 71-1.108 «»r MIn.NU tons sold bdd.Tftd lhs. or i’bp.ol tons. Spot London Is. r »%d. New V>rk Holiday PRICES REALISED.
      230 words
    • 1127 1  -  (By A. W. Still.) London, Dot. 1--Stocks at the end of the week were 70,107 tons in London, compared with ;*7 f 220 tons at the same date last year, iri spite of this rise 1 .♦’-IS tons in a we k. price remains
      1,127 words
    • 164 1 Arr..> H»..'*00 lit.. Benia 30,153 lbs. Ilak.ij'. 1 II;. Ra .u Mat a hi;.— 12.000 i Billing.. 12.660 ]1is. Rat u T.intam;. .7,0.00 llis h 1C,.17,2 lbs. Bairan Serai.- '.0.500 11»«*. Ratal-; Rabit. 22.000 lb--East Asiatic,- 27,2 >1 lb*. •l-'o: 1 trvlor. :<»,»;<! t n, s Kmvsui. in,
      164 words
    • 584 1 Singapore and Rj ow Branch. The annual general meeting of Singapore and Riow branch l f* Incorporated Society of I'lai tllc held at the Europe Hotel on i WiU ■Mr. J. O'Doud Neill .J 1 therr was a lair attendant of Arising out of tho minut.. 0 d
      584 words
    • 1249 2 35 Per Cent. Dividend For Past Year. The following report is officially <■ up plied:— The seventeenth ordinary annual general meeting of shareholders of Kempas Ltd., was held at 4, Fort Road, Malacca’ on October 2D, Mr. T. F. Anderson Pole presiding. The Chairman, in proposing the adoption
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    • 389 2 Incompetence of Colonial: Governments.” Mr. Arthur A. Baumann, who, in addition to his commercial interests, was formerly Conservative Member of Parliament for Peckham and Kditor of the Saturday Review and who is now the Truthful Tory of Truth, made some very outspoken criticisms of the rubber restriction scheme
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    • 384 2 Statement of Quantity and Value of Rubber Exported During October, 1927. The Registrar of Imports and Exports hus sent us the following eomparativo statement of the quantity and value of lubber exported from British Malaya, during October. 1927. The figures, which are ia tons, represent total
      384 words
    • 853 2 295 Tons Offered; 264 Tons Sold. Rarlow atul Co. rrpnrtr: Singapore. No”. The market has fluctuated slightly during the* week but to-day’s prices indicate an improvement of 'sd. in I.ondon, cent gold in New York and cent locally since tho data of our last report. The latest
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    • 913 3 SECOND STRING TO ITS BOW. The seventeenth ordinary general meeting of Kinta Kellas Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held in the Council Room, Rubber Growers’ Association, 2 to 4, Idol Lane, London, E.C., on Oct. 5, Mr. Edward Bedford, C.E. (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman, in the
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    • 579 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co. s Weekly Report. Macphail and Co.’s weekly report, dated Novembef 8, states The outstanding features of the week have been the hardening in the price of 1 rubber and the further drop in that of tin. The rubber price has had small fluctuations
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      • 523 3 Stock Stock Exchange Par Kxohane* Company. Price*- Value. Company. 2U i'l Malacca 2 i*l A >ai o 2/7*4 2/ Merbau 21 >4 2' Allagar oK/niL i'l Malaya General j il Anglo-Malay Mantbau £1 Ayer Kuning 2/ Merah i 41^ £1 Banteng f. 6 2/
        523 words
      • 759 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lvall A Company A Co. Evatt. 389,293 1 35 p.c. year 28-2-27 Allenby ($1) 2.70 2.80 2.70 2.80 160.000 1 10 p.c. int. year 30-9-27 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 2.10 2.20 2.15 2.30 727,964 1 10
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 JSSu V' jJ :JSir* v* >3*/, ;'V -MmiSSk M w r A. 5? t 1 5 Seater Touring $3,000 3,100 4 Door Saloon 3,500 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Pass Touring 4,100 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD (Incorporated in S.S.) Malayan, Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 291 5 SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in the Strain Settlement*) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. L>. J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. R. M. MEYER, Esq. The Company is prepared to
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