The Straits Budget, 30 June 1927

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES tKBTAHUSKEI) EIGHTY YEARS. N<». SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JI NK .10. 1!I27 I Vice 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 316 1 ..kaiikks- Motor Horn* nnil l rum* Atrri«-ullunil R«‘«e»ri-h Will Tin Ik* < ontrolled T ii-ultural Research (ll> The Australians’ \iwt 'j'h<' Marriage '"l* ,lu l lake I'liUV-" 4 B Occasional Notes r*l»sr»m«, Krutrr and S|i«i»l .Wrta* fax' N'«s Picture* .Inhere Rifle Shooting w Woodlands Road j j Malayan Dinner
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  • 3555 1 hf» v 0 ;V^ on judgment at 1 11 Assizes on June l l > ■V irn x r] aM i«. which T. 11. Morrison. VToto* partner of Morrison "as charged with um n }st in respect of a ino ‘proceeds from Borm vr n '°torcars belonging
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  • 303 2 Official Reception Addresses Presented. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan#, June 2K. H.K. the* (iovernor, Sir Hugh Clifford, landed at Victoria Jetty at U this morning. The jetty "as prettily decorated. His Excellency was met by the lion. Mr. II. Scott, Resident Councillor, and was also greeted
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  • 62 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 2S. H.E. the High Commissioner left Kuala Kangsar early to-day after a continuous round of festivities. He drove his Austin car to Taiping. where he visited a tin dredging plant, and went on to Batu Gajah where he met Perak Chiefs.
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  • 124 2 Terrible Examples Of Savagery. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta. June 28. Over 800 persons were murdered ii. Burma last year; and robbery with violence increased nearly 24 per cent, says an administration report. Terrible examples are given of the .savagery of Burmese criminals. In one
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  • 117 2 Alleged Theft of Traveller's Raincoats. Mr. R. Adair, a commercial traveller with an, ofliec at the top of Whiteaway, I .aid law s building, on returning to his olhec on June 21 after about an hours absence, found three raincoats valued at roughly missing. Subsequently enquiries led
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  • 152 2 First Aerial* Passenger To Singapore. (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, June *J7 The Dutch aviators with Van Lear Bi Uv as a passenger arrived at Uonmuang <r noon to-day from Rangoon. They leave to-morrow morning f 0r Singora and Singapore. They encountered bad conditions on tht flight from
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  • 79 2 Financial Adviser Replies To Straits Times. (From Our Own Correspondent.t Bangkok, June 2>. The Straits Times leader on Siam an Opium has aroused considerable interi*' here. Sir Edward Cook. Financial Adviser and member of the Opium Commission replies arguing that Siam is not neglect ing her international
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  • 93 2 Warning by British Postal Authorities. The Secretary for Postal Affairs, S. S and F.M.S., writes from Kuala Lumput t > inform the public that the importatic of dutiable articles into Great Britain b> Ictter post is strictly prohibited. Information has boon received from th British Post
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  • 51 2 (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, June 28. Of over 3,400 slaves in Hukawnt alley freed by the Government of Burm at a cost of nearly iIT.bOO, only l’» P* cent, of those liberated took advantage their freedom. Those who remained were apathc regarding supporting
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  • 181 2 Mr. Harold G. Thorpe and Mis* Nell Sands. The wedding of Mr. Harold G. Thorp* son of Surgeon Rear-Admiral Thorp* C.B.E., and Mrs. Thorpe, of London, j l!i Miss Noll Sands, daughter of the lat Mr. Charles T. Sands and Mrs. Sami--of Nassau. Bahamas, took place
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 926 3 Straits Times, June 23. Thore has boon another incident in Singapore showing that gang robbers are {iS daring as ever. A house was visited ~ml the inmates held up at 1.30 in the afternoon, and when the men were escaping one of them drew a revolver
      Straits Times, June 23.  -  926 words
    • 926 3 Empire to >?ive her support.—Straits Times, June 24. The recent Colonial Conference has done sound work. Firstly, in emphasising the need for scientific research secondly, in emphasising the advisability of seeking a suitable form of scientific cooperation and co-ordination within our X’rown C-domes, Dependencies and Mandated Territories—a problem
      Empire to >?ive her support.—Straits Times, June 24.  -  926 words
    • 781 3 WILL TIN BE CONTROLLED -Straits Times, June 25. We were most interested a few weekh back in the report of the annual meeting of Tavoy Tin Dredging Corporation ami Mie review of the chairman, Sir William 1). Henry, who dwelt at some length on the remarkable history of the company’*
      -Straits Times, June 25.  -  781 words
    • 1053 4 —Straits Times, June 27. I-dist week we discussed agricultural research in connection with the findings accepted by the spokesmen of five-and-twenty C lonial Gover;.nie:»‘s at the Colonial Conference. Siive that article was written we have received a precis of the recommendations made by Committee A. This committee
      —Straits Times, June 27.  -  1,053 words
    • 961 4 -Straits Times, June 2s. Malaya bade a regretful good-bye thi. morning to eleven Australians who have made things very interesting for us during the past m >nth. When first it was suggested that a strong Australian cricket team should be brought up here there was a good
      -Straits Times, June 2s.  -  961 words
    • 936 4 promise arrived at.—Straits Times, June -l*. Addressing the jury during the recent trial in which a Singapore man was mulct in ±'1,200 damages and costs for breach of promise, Judge Swift, one of the most thoughtful and worldly-wise of judges on the English Bench,
      promise arrived at.—Straits Times, June -l*.  -  936 words

  • 162 5 Dcatfc of Well-known Chinese Resident of Geylang. A verdict of death by a rash act was returned by the Coroner, Lieut.-Col. Hopelalkner, on Monday, against the Malay driver of a Ford car, at the conclusion of the enquiry held into the circumstances attending the death of Mr.
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  • 56 5 (Special cable to the Straits Times) Calcutta, June 20. y. i°. inauguration of the Cairo‘•uachi service, rich Indians have been ‘-lying great interest in civil aviation a any has been registered to engage 1 !"i‘ r< a l lights, new machines bein: from England. ((1,/ l u
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  • 1684 5 [Straits Times, June 23-29.] Vv ith reference to Mr. Gordon Marriott’s criticism of the Mining Geology and Structure of the Kinta Valley to which we have already referred we may be allowed to quote his concluding paragraph in which he says The Kinta Valley is now rapidly fil’ing
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  • 601 5 Mrs. Pat Zilwa Killed And Three Injured. Fatality Near Tanjong Malim. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 27. The road between Tanjong Malim and Sungkai was the scene of a sad motor fatality about 5 p.m. on Saturday, the victim of which was Mrs. Pat Zilwa,
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  • 72 5 Guthrie and Co., Ltd., as agents for tho Kerr Steamship Co., inform us that ‘hey have received cabled information that the third new vessel, the motor-ship Silverguava, was delivered to the owners r.n June 17. after undergoing successful trials at which an average speed of 15.3 knots
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  • 1949 6 President’s Replies To Correspondence. Legislation for Motor Buses Proceeding. The monthly meeting of the Municipal Commission was held on Tuesday, at the Municipal offices. Bye-laws affecting the control of motor buses, and many ether minor matters were discussed. There were present :—The President, Mr. R. J. Farrcr, Messrs.
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  • 178 6 Robber Caught Sleeping on A Roof. Thu case came before Mr. X. D. Mudic in the District Court a few days ago. in which a Sikh lift-attendant named Duk-p S ngh, employed in Whiteawav, Laidlaw’s building, was charged with housebreaking and theft. Chief Court Inspector Meredith pro
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  • 121 6 American Millionaire Reaches Karachi. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, June 23. The American millionaire banker van Learblach leaves Karachi to-day for Allahabad in the first monoplane to fly over India. He will proceed by easy stages tc Calcutta, Rangoon, Bangkok, Singapore and Batavia. His journey
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  • 251 6 Parent Company and TrolW Bus Boycott. The twenty-first annual general moot ing of the Shanghai Electric Construct i.n Co., Ltd., was Held at Basildon Hoik. 1 M >orgate, K.C., on June 1. Mr j Haskell (chairman of the company) sided, and in the course of hia spu.V
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  • 207 6 Allegations Against Ship’s Clerk. In the District Court on Monday a Chinese, named Choia Teng Piow was charged with importing Chinese copper coins into the Colony. Chief Court Inspector Meredith, prosecuted and Mr. J. Aitken appeared for the accused. A Chinese revenue ollicer said that on
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  • 72 6 Engine Derailed Between Ipoh And Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penapg, June 27. The day mail train from Kuala Lumpur met with an accident after leaving Ipoh yesterday. WTien between Pondok Tanjong and Bukit Merah the engine came off the rails. Fortunately it was travelling slowly.
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  • 120 6 Assassin Enters Sawmill And Shoots a Workman. Recently there has been a lull in the frequency with which shootings haveoccurred in Singapore from time to tinw. 1 his was broken on Monday, wh n a *uost daring shooting occurred at Kal* lang. A man, armed with a
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  • 1136 7 [Reuter Telegram-] Rain Interferes With Several Matches. Hampshire Score 521 Against Yorkshire. [Reuter Telegram.] Tendon, June 24. 'Hu 1 following are results of matches itiinnencetl on Wednesday. Sussex Heat Kent. Horsham Sussex heat Kent by thirty inns. Sussex batted first and were di<mi-s- ,1 t\»r 1 60. Heslee
    [Reuter Telegram-]  -  1,136 words
  • 57 7 Entries Constitute a Record. (From <>ur Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 20. Entries for the Ipoh races constitute a record, heiny: 41 ponies, 72 horses and 20 tfrifttns. new horse valued at i‘700 was rerently landed for the Sultan <>f Perak from England. The Perak Turf Club report shows
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  • 963 7 Coroner’s Inquiry Into Pathan’s Death. 1 he brutality exhibited in the course <>f the affray in Coleman• Street between Sikh and Pathun taxi drivers on June 2 was described by a European witness at the Coroner’s enquiry liefore Lieut.-Col, Hope-Kalkncr on June 2K. Mr. H. L. Hopkin
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  • 141 7 Unfortunate Meeting in Pawn Shop In the Third Court on Friday, befnn* Mr. 1*. Smith, a Chinese youth was charged with tin* theft of a gold hairpin valued at $ Inspector T. P. lit own prosecuted. The complainant, a Chinese lady, said that at about a.m. on June
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  • 134 7 Chinese Woman Resents Police Interference. Jumping into a river as a means of exit from this World of Woe appears to have acquired popularity of late among a certain class of people. Following an attempt hy n Chinese to seek extinction in the tioinhuk River recently, a
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  • 116 7 Swept Off Clift* by Falling Tree. (Jiving evidence before the Coroner, l.ieut.-Col. Jlope-Falkner. on Saturday, regarding the death of a Chinese quarryman at I’lilan Chin, a Chinese stated that the deceased was mv< pt oiT his feet by a falling tree. Deceased and witness were working on
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  • 107 7 Prisoners Not Produced From Penang. Three criminal appeals were to have }>orn heard in the Supreme Court yesterday by Mr. Justice McCnhe Reuy, but had to be postponed on account of the fact that the prisoners had not been brought from Penang. The D.fU\, Mr. N. II. I*.
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  • 63 8 [The Straits Time* in not responsible foi the opinions of its corronpundent s. Corrsspotuients should bear in mind that letter* must be short end to the point. Long epistles ere liable to be rejected or cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but es guarantee
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  • 93 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- The correspondent who recently inquired through the medium of your rolumn> ns to where a cattle wash whan would eradicate ticks could he purvhu'-e.* in Singapore was the undersigned. So far tio reply has been r« ceived l»y him. Surely
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  • 285 8 To the Editor of tlie Straits Times. Sir. With reference to your leading article in to-day's paper, you might have expressed \<u*>elf in considerably stronger terms with regard to the nuisance of motor iti.«e< along North Bridge Road between S’amfoid Road and Victoria Street. For some
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  • 300 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Eislencr*-in in Malaya \vh have been discouraged a; m»t being able I'ick up tin* Eindhoven station between the 2nd and 11th inst. will be pleased t• >! hem trial no transmission- were given! between those nates owing t an
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  • 247 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—Benno Moiseiwitsch jrnvc his second and final performance last lURht and a hrilliant performance it deeidcdl> was. So much the more deplorable that a i r ood deal of the pleasure of ilu* audience, at least of the dress-circle audience, was
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  • 191 8 Remarkable Story From Paris. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, June ‘JJ. i A r< markable -lory i> associated with a charge against Abraham i’erry of Colombo of breach of trust in respect of precious stones and art collections valued at riL'.imd. j While recouping bis health
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  • 123 8 Woman's Attempt to Commit Suicide. That she might conceivably have taken it in error, lor the same drawer contained a quantity of chocolate, was the suggestion put forward in the Second Police ourt «>n Friday when a Japanese woman pleaded guilty to attempting to commit suicide
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  • 97 8 Impressive Reception at Kuala Kangsar. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, June 2d. All Perak congregated at Kuala Kangsai‘ to-day to greet the High Commissioner, Sir Hugh 'Clifford. A special public and hank holiday was declared. &ir Hugh lilford arrived hy the night mail, slept in his
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  • 1041 8 Specially Contributed.] New ThorouKlifare Nearing Completion. Specially Contributed.] 'fix* new road which begins alter one leave? tiie Causeway aiul enter' pon* Maud is very neatly complete, an* should he open lor truffle within a h" weeks. This will he good news to tie hundreds ot nvt 'fists who
    [ Specially Contributed.]  -  1,041 words
  • 271 8 Southern Hotel Application (Granted. The Licensing Justices met m District C’ourt' on the 22nd in-tai Mr. D. Mudie presiding. Otherpresent were Dr. P. S. Hunter. Messr* W. A. Fell, Koh San 11in. A. P. Cam*r,,- P. (iritlith-J m*s and W. K. Ray-.-r The t 1*. O. Mr. 11.
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  • 155 8 Scene in Court Following Sentence. Before Mr. X. t>. Mini it*, ir. the Pi.-trie Court on .June *J:5. tin* trial of thm* Ara Molmmed bin Aiiwan. Ismail bin Mai'* mood and M<>hamed bin Mvdia. "'ho v.rn’ charged with the theft of diamond- valut-j at over S.’f.uon fmm
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  • 133 8 The Singapore Municipal health state mem for the* week ending June lb, the total number of deaths as male female HI. This represents a death ra of .”>7.41 i»c*r mille per annum coin pa 1 with lid. 10 in the preceding week an 40. XX in the
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  • 4516 9 Innings Defeat of The FJW-S. More Brilliant Bowling By Macartney. (Krom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 22. •jhe match between the Australian rs and the F.M.S., started here ordav concluded this afternoon three o'clock in a victory for ,K. tourist* by an inninirs and 120
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  • 788 10 Records of Matches Played In Malaya. The Australian Tour is drawing to a close, and on looking back at past matches, everyone will have to admit ihat although the tourists have given our teams the trouncing of their lives on occasions, as we quite expected they would
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  • 456 10 Proposal to Link Up With Singapore. Siamese Prince’s Mission l n Malaya. His Royal Highness Prince Puraehitr who with Princess Purachatra and in daughter, Princess Mayurachatr, are tm" *ng a visit to Australia, arrived in Singapore on Sunday by the Kistna. n The party was met on
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  • 227 10 Fierce Fight with Police At Jurong. In the* District Court on June* 3 Chinese was brought up before Mr. N. P* Mudie. charged with escaping from legal custody, being in possession of two daggers and resisting lawful arrest. Escape from General Hospital. The accused was one of the
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  • 974 11 S.C.C. Dinner to The Australians. Mr Macartney Gives Hope Of Future Visits. Tlu Singapore Cricket Club gave a fared*i 1U H*r to the Australian cricketers VV,M U Europe Hotel on Saturday. \u^tralia Night” was celebrated at the; time, and the hotel was crowded and 1 inu was
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  • 208 11 Co-ordination of Planting Interests. (From Our Own Correspondent). lpoh, June 25. The High Commissioner (Sir Hugh Clifford), in the course of his replies to addresses presented in Perak, spoke to planters and said that since coming to Malaya he had found that interests of the planting communities
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  • 137 11 An Unwise Practice of An Old Principle. The principle of punishing a person by depriving him of something, whether it be of liberty or cash, exemplified, perhaps unconsciously, in our penal system, but old as the hills nevertheless, was apparentlv the lines along which a hinese lad
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  • 106 11 Control of Calcutta During Hindu Festivals. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, June -•>. The aerial police control of Calcutta on the occasion of big Hindu festival*, which have frequently led to communal rioting, is engaging the attention ot Sir Charles Tegart, Commissioner ot 1 olux, who
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  • 669 11 Verdict of Accidental Death By Drowning. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 23. The inquiry was concluded in the Police Court, Klang, this morning, Ik?fore Mr. E. Jago, into the death of Mr. J. A. Rodrigues, who was drowned in the Port Swettenham harbour on the
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  • 92 11 We much regret to announce that nows was received in Singapore on June 1212 of the death in a flying acc'dent of Lieut. Rawdon F. G. Salmond, R.N., aged 2\, only son of Mr. H. B. Salmond, of the Eastern Fxtension Telegraph Co.,
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  • 513 11 Negotiations for Government Licence. Mr. Powell Robinson has sent us a report of an extraordinary general meeting of the Malaya Broadcasting Company held on June 21 at which a report was leetivod from the company's representative with reference to past and present negotiations with the Government re
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  • 141 11 Round-up of Motor Cyclists At Penang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 22. The Traffic Department had a day out in the Police Court to-day, five Kuro peans being charged with various traffic offences. W. L. Fincher was summoned for riding an unregistered motor-cycle without a licence and
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  • 919 12 Proceedings at the Annual Meeting. Tin* following report lia.«. been off! 11 > communicated The annual meeting ot dramatis ‘>1 the branches of the L\-Kcr\ice As’-orunio'i oi Malaya was laid at the Selangor j Club, Kuala Lumpur. on May 29, at 10, a.m. The Vice-President, Mr. R. Robertson
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  • 472 12 European’s Protest to Convict-; in« Magistrate. Two Indians seen by a police constable in tin* course of a merry go at each other with their fists in Orchard R*»ad were absorbed in this pleasant oecupat'en to th.* exclusion of tin* needs of tin* veliiculut traffic passing up
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  • 82 12 Wiles the I-oca I Salesman Has To (iuard Ajfainst. a Chinese purchaser of a poll.iMe His Master’s Voice gramophone and 20 records had tendered a thousand-mark note as currency for Guilders 1,000 was the complaint of a Chinese store salesman in a case on the Third 1‘oliee
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  • 1017 12 Building Operations in Full Swing. (From Our Own Correspondent). Johorc Bahru, June 24. The observant visitor who eares to take a stroll round this town to-day will tin*! a good deal of building activity. He will note fit.*t, of eouise, the line ustonis House always so busy
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  • 236 12 Allegations Against Bullock Washers. On Saturday in the District Court before Mr. N. 1). Mudie. a Bengalee, named Nagina, was charged with causing grievous hurt. The accused pleaded n..; guilty. Chief Inspector Meredith (Courts) 'aid that on June Hi the accused and ,-ome others were washing
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  • 214 12 Imprisonment for Chinese Who C ouldn't Sleep. During the past few weeks many Chinese have been brought up in the District Court on charges of being in possession of weapons without licences. On Saturday a Chinese appeared in the District Court before Mr. N. 1). Mudie,
    214 words
  • 50 12 The following institutions have ceas* to exist under the Societies Ordinance The Penang Ladies' Rifle Club, Brookda Rover*. Food Reform Society, Horne’ Football lub. Hoi Thin Club, Ranger" Recreation Club, White Cross Footta Club, Waterloo Football Club, Star Op* Football /"lub and International Corn pondence Schools Students Association
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    • 183 13 <>n Juno 18, a* Ih rifle range. Jo'tore Ruhr.i, an At II >;n.* wis given h; M > Ugliness Cal. C.innnlnt Sir Ibrahim, I) K S.F.M J.. C. J.M C ICH.h., el;., Sultan of Johore, C >.n nan lan' of the J,)'i >re Military horces
      Photos, hy /•' /. Trcusein  -  183 words
    • 60 13 A dangerous railway crossing which the new read will abolish. The new road shewing dereliet Wood I; mis Station and former railwa> trark on the right. ridge over the railway. Note the new deep cutting, the Strait of lebrau and the Johore Mainland beyond. Tho
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    • 80 14 The annual dinner of the Association of British Malaya was held at the Hotel Cecil, London, on May 30, when over 400 person* This flashlight photograph of the assembly was taken and the picture was ready, an Wallace Cook, O.B.E., presided over the largest attendance
      Photo hy S'u (///»<•, /./</ . l.onJon  -  80 words
    • 28 14 W ,M ialS in ,ht ma,Ch i,h ,ht Au8,rali ,l urinK f* U.Uib.r pl»y*wMI be found in the ne»‘ columns. Photo, by If -V. Hiwki'i'iilfi*
      Photo, by If -V. Hiwki'i'iilfi*  -  28 words
    • 98 15 M (In* Presbyterian Churrh on June 1(5 (lit* wedding "as solemnised of lr. John McCuflin, surveyor of ships, Singapore, and .Miss Mary McKellar 'lacMaster, of Port (Jlasgow, Scotland. Ihe bride was given away l»&gt; 'l r C. (i. Heron, actinp Surveyor-General of Ships Mrs. A.
      Photos, by l.iyjit Studio  -  98 words
    • 91 16 Tin* return European Inter-State soec r nai&lt; h between Perak and Selangor was played on the Ipoh Recreation tiround in .lime I s v hen the home team reversed the result of the first encou .ttr at Kuala l.umpur hy defeating the visitors hy goals
      by I toll, lf*oh.  -  91 words
    • 77 16 The Chief Secretary to Government (Hon. Mr. W. Peel, C.M.(L), visited the M.S.Y.R. amp at Port Dickson and accompanied h&gt; the Commandant. Lieut.-Col. W. R. Meredith. D.S.O., siw the Volunteers at work and witnessed an interesting demonstration by a platoon of the 2nd Duke of
      Photo, by Si / i iiiIuiii Photograph ic Snpp'  -  77 words
    • 25 16 Thv »&lt;m« teams, Manila and Singapore, met at the Stadium reeenti}, the viaitor* being beaten by four goals to one.
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 291 17 [REITER FAR I ASTERN SERVICE.1 Borodin's Departure From China Demanded. “A REST ABROAD.” Advice to Communist Ministers. [REI TER FAR EASTERN SERVICE.1 Shanghai. Juno 23. lcmr Yu Hsiang, after conferring l ("hiang Kai s u ‘k ami Hsu Chow Fu r .‘,th of Kii.ngsu, returned to
      [REITER FAR I ASTERN SERVICE.1  -  291 words
    • 98 17 Protective Legislation In Honff Kon#. Shanghai, June 27. Kone The Government is en.legislation the main object of A 1 «rm the colony against 'l,,’ llk the general strikes of PJ22 n "hieli are designed to c.ierce the ‘inment by indicting hardships on the "nunurnty. intended to strengthen
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    • 106 17 1 H'nial ot* Indo-China Charges. London, June 22. .crt &lt; 1 !i )ri »t has made a statet ‘e of Vr eot thfl t a special com1 &gt; u.n hamber has been appoint- &lt;&gt;n the Government's demand M r*l. us Parliamentary immunity permit of his prosecution for
      106 words
    • 259 17 Numbers Left Since Arcos Raid. Statement by the Home Secretary. London, June 23. In the House of Commons, replying to questions with regard to Russians connected with tin* Soviet Legation, the trade delegation and Areos still remaining in Knglanri, Sir W. Joynson-Hicks said all .31 members of
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    • 220 17 Decisions of the Court Of Cassation. London, June 22. Paris The Court of Cassation has begun the hearing of the final appeal in ;he case of the Banque Indusirielle de Chine. It heard the report of the court counsel and adjourned the examination ot the appeal until to-morrow.
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    • 88 17 Possibility of Airman Being Alive. London, June 22. Bio 1 &gt;e Janeiro: A message from Para slates that the wreckage of an aeroplane found at the mouth of the Amazon and believed to be tin machiiu of St roman, v as on a rail consisting ot the larger
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    • 167 17 De Valera Members Decline To Take Oath. Mr. Cos grave Again Elected President. London, June 23. In view' of the I)e Valeraites’ intention to appear in Dublin in strength to claim their seats without taking the oath, the city is feverishly excited in anticipation of the opening of
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    • 107 17 Explanation of the British Attitude. Rugby, June 22. Asked in the House of Commons as to the Government’s attitude on the recent economic conference at Geneva, Comdr-I.ocker-Lampson stated that the British Government had been favourably impressed by a first-hand study of its conclusions and was prolwildy in agreement
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    • 48 17 Question of Wartime Neutrality Raised. Berlin, June 22The former Swedish Foreign Minister, Wallenberg, has been impeached by Consul-General Ctonliolm for wartime neutrality infringement, when he is alleged to have transmitted coded telegrams oil behalf of the Central Powers while disclosing their contents to tie* Allies.
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    • 60 17 Examination of Documents Seized. London, June 2-L Amsterdam examination of the documents seized by the police is not yet completed, but it is understood that close relationship, principally of a financial character, is already established between the leaders of the Indonesian movement in Holland and Moscow. The
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    • 109 17 London, June 21. Moscow Heavy rains have danuige&lt;) the trans-Baikal railway in several places near Irkutsk. The traik was washed out and stations and bridges were destroyed. Traffic and telegraphs are interrupted. The Angara and Irkut. rivers are Hooded. L’rgent measures have been adopted. London, June 25.
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    • 141 17 No Fears of Synthetic Fuel Meeting of the Royal Dutch Company. London, June 23. Amsterdam At the annual meeting of the Royal Dutch Company the chairman. Sir Henry Dotcrding, replying to a question. deprecated apprehension with regard to the German dye industry's experiments in the manufaeluro of synthetic
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    • 176 17 Aliened Communist Itomb Plot. London, June 23. Athens: A Communist plot to lamib the British Legation was revealed to tho authorities by a &lt; omnumist tailor named Kavandas, who ga\e the address of two Communists alleged to have been involved. I In* police searched the house and found
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    • 143 17 New Standards Presented Ity The King. Rugby, June 25. Ucfore an immense crowd of spectators on t he Horse (2uaids Parade the King to day picscntcd new standards to the Household Cavalry. 11 is .Majesty was attended by tha Prince of Wales, Prince Henry, the I)uk»* of Connaught
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    • 50 17 Association to (’urtail Production. London, June 24. Owing to tie* t' ;l il in the demand for yarn the Cotton Yarn Association ban decided to curLail production of medium counts Twist and West by .*&gt;() per cent., beginning July 4. The counts affected arc thirty twos to
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    • 433 18 Duke and Duchess Return To London. GREAT WELCOME. Impressions of Canberra Ceremony. London, June 27. The Duke and Duchess of 'lork arrived home aboard the Renown at let their Kmpirc tour. The Prince of Wales. Princes Henry and George greeted them at Portsmouth and their Majesties, Cabinet.
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    • 116 18 Enthusiastic Reception In Budapest. London, Juno 22. Budapest Chamberlin and Levine arrived in the Columbia at ton this morning and after cruising over the city lauded at the Matyasfocld aerodrome where they were welcomed by M. Hermann, Minister of Conuneree, the Mayor and a large crowd. Later After
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    • 39 18 Berlin, June 2”. The Swiss President, M. Motta, spoke oi length to the National Council on the KmsoSwiss agreement. He said that ?v 1 agreement mentioned I /‘"'"‘l /‘‘••inapt ion of diplomatic relawould not initiate them.
      39 words
    • 398 18 Gold Standard Policy Substantiated. Cost of Living Materially Reduced. Rugby, June 27. Government’s currency policy was discussed during a debate in the House ot (’ominous to-day. The Chancell &gt;r of the exchequer said that a policy had been established ot a gold standard and the maintenance a&gt; far
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    • 99 18 Commerical Agreement Lapses This Month. London, June 24. Merlin T he provisional Franco-German commercial agreement lapses on June :i(). There is no prospect of its renewal because* the French Chamber cannot adopt the French customs tariff before the end of the year, and Germany refuses to prolong the
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    • 100 18 American Expedition to The Arctic. London. June 27. Now ork Twelve scientists accompanied Mr. Donald Macmillan, the famous Arctic explorer, when he sailed from Wiscasset, Maine, on June 25, on his eleventh expedition to the north. 1 hey will spend fifteen months in the interior of Labrador
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    • 135 18 Third Reading Passed By Commons. Labour Member Named li&gt; Speaker. London, Juno Tho report stage of the l r«tlo 1 ni° ni Bill was* completed in the Utilise ot eominous under the guillotine. London, June -o. In the House of Commons. Sir Thomas Inskip moved the third
      135 words
    • 186 18 To Safeguard Heritage Of Freedom/* London, June 27. A scene reminiscent of the pre-war suffragette campaign was witnessed in Hyde Park yesterday evening, when an eloquent woman held the attention of a vast audience. This was the ex-Viceroy’s daughter. I.ady Cynthia Mosley, who spoke from one of twelve
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    • 75 18 Semi-State Drive by King And Queen. Rugby, June 23. The Kiny; and Queen drove in semistale to-day along Regent Street, which lias been completely rebuilt since tin* war. riu* Royal visit was the occasion for a great outburst of popular enthusiasm, and the street was closely lined with
      75 words
    • 65 18 Petition to Massachusetts Governor. London, June 22. Boston The Sacco and Yanzetti Defence Committee has presented to the Governor a petition signed by .*&gt;00,01)0 persons throughout the world protesting against the execution of Sacco and Yan/etti for murder, which has been fixed lor tne week beginning July
      65 words
    • 17 18 Berlin, June 23. The Swiss State Council passed the Franco-Swiss Zones Convention In* 31 votes.
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    • 19 18 London, June 23. Cape Town The Assembly passed the third reading of the Flag Bill.
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    • 463 18 French Political Opinion Unconvinced. No Obligations from Locarno Pact. liHidon, June 24 Berlin The speech of M. Poincare at the unveiling of a war memorial at Luneville on the lbth inst., when he citetl instances of alleged militarism in tiermany, has received a vigorous reply from Dr. Streseniann
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    • 48 18 Charges Against War Office Officials. London, June Teheran Three War Office guilty of tampering with importin'; documents and codes have been execiitci. The death sentence on the fourth. "'r, is the son of a member of the Me.ih'' was commuted to fifteen years inipris &gt;" rhent.
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    • 34 18 Berlin, June The Hungarian Prime Minister, &lt; u,u Bethlen, declared that the Parliaments*: &gt; situation between Hungary and the of Nations is extremely acute, but hoped that a solution might be found &gt;&lt;•
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    • 27 18 Berlin, June Berlin lias negotiated a fii.OOO.C !l1 per cent, loan in London through f child and Sons for railway const: 1 etc.
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    • 197 19 Prospects of Japanese Boycott. Hong Kong Shipping Included. Hong Kong, June 27. Shaxeen It is reported that seven Rijs’.K’Cted Communists arrested last week Whampoa Academy were later execut1 "pickets, presumably from the Seamen’s Vr i&gt;n with two women, are still restrictj„ r Chinese from boarding British wearners,
      197 words
    • 165 19 Design not Acceptable To Government. London, June 27. I Ca"c Town The Senate has passed |h third reading of the Flag Bill, after I pi nr by 17 votes to 12 an amendment Ei »&gt;ing the substitution for the GovernK t's llag design of another design coniisting
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    • 91 19 fcccnforcement of the Quota I Called For. I London, June 24. I New York The Chamber of Com■v*co of New York State has passed a A lution urging that the immigration A'loias based on national origins which ■;.&gt; pr«.\ided in the Immigration Act of A'-,, and which
      91 words
    • 57 19 I Spreading’ Over Extensive Area. Berlin, June 27. &gt;n&lt;l ;n, Reval and other reports say a n anti-Soviet movement is ripening 'he Baltic States, Rumania and hu'uary. is understood that Warsaw answered last Russian note verbally, saying l its tone was unacceptable, therefore 'Vinten reply was impossible and
      57 words
    • 32 19 Berlin, June 27. Li v rr "idcnt, the Nobel Committee, I r r V tf an Premier, high officials and L h' crowds received I)r. Stresemann this morning.
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    • 17 19 I Berlin, June 27. I I i boviks have boon sentenced 1 il Kiev; and executed.
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    • 232 19 Sending British Children To Russia. Defiance of Refusal Of Passports. London, June 22. Despite the refusal by the Home Office to issue passports, five boys and a girl, of ages* between 12 and 13, were taken in taxi-cabs to the Free Trade Wharf, near London Bridge, and hurried
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    • 97 19 Suggested Alterations To Provisions. London, June 27. Washington The American Government’s decision not to alter the provisions of iho Washington Arms Conference treaty with only three Powers represented it Geneva was reiterated to-day. Suggestions from Geneva that a five Power conference, including France and Italv, might be called
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    • 91 19 Amalgamation of Welsh Companies. Rugby, June 27. Judgment permitting the amalgamaion of two large groups of anthracite oal companies in South Wales with a apkal of 4*5,000.000 was delivered to-day ■jy Mr. Justice Sankey at a sitting of the Rail wav and Canal Commission. He said the amalgamation
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    • 60 19 Paying Unofficial Visit To London. Rugby, June 26. The King, the Prince of Wales and ihince George were at Victoria Station ’ast evening to meet King Alfonso of Spain, on his arrival from Paris. He is ravelling incognito and is staying at 'Maride-e’s Hotel. This morning
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    • 38 19 London. June 28. The Ilrixton by-election, owing to the nee rage granted to Sir Davis &gt;n Dalziel, •esulted a&lt; follows: Mr. N. Colmnn, Conservative, 1U,300. Mr. J. Adams, Labour. 6,032. Mr. F. J. Laverack, Liberal, 5,134.
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    • 207 19 San Francisco to Hawaii Plans. Bad Weather Again Stops Byrd. London, June 24. Washington Mr. Davis, the Secretary for War, has authorised the Army Air corps to attempt a non-stop flight from San Francisco to Hawaii, a distance of 2,407 miles. The participants will be Lieutenants Maitland
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    • 250 19 Identical Notes Presented To Jugo-Slavia. London, June 24. Belgrade The Italian, French and German Ministers and the British Charge 1’Affaires have presented the Jugo-Slav Government with separate identic notes demanding that the Albano-Jugo-Slav dispute shall be settled by the release of Juraskovitch and simultaneously modification of the terms
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    • 26 19 Berlin, June 22. Moscow Prisoners mutinied at Pell hifu and seized the* guards' arms and lynamitod the walls, forty- no escaping Troops recaptured sixteen.
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    • 31 19 London, June 27. Moscow Orlov, chairman of the Moscow department of the military tribunal, ms been wounded by a revolver fired nside the tribunal premises. The assailant was arrested.
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    • 25 19 London, June ‘22. Ilurhon 4 M. Stirboy’s rahimt Im •rsiuned and M. Bratianu will form a ■'lovornn’.cnt and arrange for a general election.
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    • 501 19 Government Decision To Legislate. Liberals’ Opposition to The Proposals. London, June 22. In the House of Lords, in the course of the resumed debate on Lords reform, Lord Birkenhead stated that in view of Mr. Baldwin’s declaration at the last election the Government intended to enact a bill
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    • 70 19 Warship Saves German Schooner. Rugby, June 24. Midsummer day was marked by westerly gales accompanied at first by much rain. There were heavy seas round the Hritish coast and II.M S. Tiger, which played a prominent part in the Jutland battle, helped to save the German schooner
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    • 20 19 London, .Tune 2r». Rapr*. Switzerland: Th«&gt; Prince (\&gt;n-w.-t, f tin* Netherlands has arrived to take a cure.
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    • 2603 20 President Coolidge Still Optimistic. JAPAN’S ATTITUDE. No Five-five-three Ratio For Auxiliaries. London, Jane 22. Washington In spite of the apparent disagreement at Geneva on almost every point at issue. President Coolidge, who is in dailv telephonic communication with Mr. Kellogg, is represented as very hopeful for the
      2,603 words
    • 517 21 Extraordinary Hoax Succeeds in Paris. Prisoners Released Through Telephone Message. London, June 2"». Paris As a result of an astounding] practical j ke Leon Daudet, editor and !nanaK‘-r of the Royalist paper I’Actioi Francaise, Delest of l’Action Fruncaise. bn&lt;i Semart, a Communist, have l&gt;een re[,.;4sed from Sante
      517 words
    • 91 21 More l nited States Marines Returning. London, June 2”». r t 1 IV 11 11 T^ c Department l rt ;nt immediate return home .'Ctri'. nu riR ro,n Nicaragua in purj*' ,‘V plan to withdraw the tear, t xjx.-Jitionar.v force. London, June 2. r &gt;. V-!'V l r: y^V
      91 words
    • 31 21 London, June 25. The losses t Chinese nier- iUorio amount t) o.UCMt.OOu roubles Or 1 11 \l ie business section of LT!an- mgolia, which destroyed ad shops.
      31 words
    • 280 21 Health Reported As Satisfactory. Contract to be Strictlv Carried Out. j London, June UK. i The strength of the British forces in China was the subject ot* questions in the House of Commons this afternoon. Sir L. Worthington-Evans, replying to Sir Frederick Hall, stated that there
      280 words
    • 119 21 U. S. A. Disallows Wartime Claim. London, June 2o. Washington The government has rejected the claims of Mr. Christopher Hannevig, a Norwegian citizen, for alleged losses through the requisitioning in wartime by the Shipping Board of vessels under construction by his company in America resulting, according to the
      119 words
    • 167 21 London, June 27. Paris M. Poincare has made his statement on the budget of 1028 showing revenue of -12.160,000.000 francs, expenditure 41,527,000,006. Expenditure increases by 1,286,000,000 compared with 1027 mainly owing to the betterment of the jH&gt;sition of officials and modification of the military organisation, but the budget
      167 words
    • 19 21 London, June 28. Cape Town The Legislative Assembly rejected the Senate’s amendments to the Flag Dill.
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    • 482 21 Death Sentences Without Trial. i Questions Answered in The j Commons. i London, June 2 I The general council of the Trade j I'nions Congress and the national executive of the British Labour Party, at a joint, meeting in the House of Commons, pro-' tested against the policy
      482 words
    • 116 21 Increase in Manufactures Last Month. London, June liH. New York The Federal Reserve Hoard monthly report states that th" output ef manufactures increased considerably in May, while the production of minerals was maintained at the April level. There was increased activity in cotton and woollen mills
      116 words
    • 126 21 Mural Paintings in House Of Commons. Unveiling by the Prime Minister. Rugby, June 2^. The Prime Minister to-day unveiled in St. Stephen's Hall, Westminster, a serie* of eight largo mural painting.; which constitute tin* most extensive s home of this branch of art attempted in P.ritaiu ft many
      126 words
    • 71 21 New Impost by Nanking Government. Shanghai. June 2S. The director of the Surtax Revenue Department in Shanghai advertises that he has been ordered by the Nanking Ministry of Finance to collect a surtax of 2'j per cent, on exports from July I, this being in addition to the
      71 words
    • 73 21 (Jains and Losses of The Parties. London, June 2K. lJrixton, where Mr. N. Colman (C &gt;nservativel won, was the J2nd by-election since the general election. Only one was uncontested, namely Cambridge University. The Conservatives won IT, Labour 11 and the Liberals four. Labour gained five seats from the
      73 words
    • 73 21 Agricultural Research Committee Appointed. London. Juno 2#. In accordance with tho Colonial Confen mo’s recommendation, in connection with mrriJultural research, a committee has been appointed comprising Lord Lovat chairman) Mr. Ormsby-Gore Mr. SelI'orne Jelf Mr. Ambrose Stanton Mr. K.ilph Kurse Mr. A. W. Hill, of th«* Botanic Cardens
      73 words
    • 48 21 American Power Behind The Throne. Berlin, June 2S. Teheran The Persian Government want to renew the arrangement with th&lt; American financial inspector, Mr. Millspaujfh, whose term has expired. Mr. Millspauph is stated to be a very powerful person in Persia, even more so than the Shah.
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    • 55 21 London, June 21!. Moscow Ten persons were executed and l!&gt; imprisoned as the result of a trial in the district court at Korstcn, Ukraine. The gang were accused of robberies and murders in the neighbourhood of the Polish border. It was declared that tin murderers fled
      55 words
    • 34 21 Ix)ndon. June 27. Long Bench, California Five oilwells w.-re burned and the equipment of many others was damaged through a tire itv Alumitos Heights oilfield. The damage is estimated at 5200,000.
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    • 154 22 Labour Member Presses For Reduction. Consumption of Alcohol Decreasing* London, June^S. In the committee stage of the Finance Bill in the House of ommons the* 1 .ahour member Mr. Hudson moved an amendment to rtduce the tea duty from 4d. to Id., on the grounds that it
      154 words
    • 33 22 Question of Extension To Canada. ftugby, June 28. The question of extending the trans- Atlantic 1 telephone* service to Canada is under the consideration of tin* Impel ia; ami Canadian (lovernments.
      33 words
    • 45 22 Rugby, June 2*. It was stated in the House of Commons to-day that in British mines the* output of coal per man per shift during the March quarter was about l’&gt; per *ent. higher than in the corresponding quarter of last year.
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    • 37 22 Rugby, June 28. The latest returns show a further substantial decrease in unemployment. On June 20 the total of registered unemployed in (ireat Britain was 087,.'100, which whs 4J.1.12 less than in the previous week.
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    • 52 22 H&lt;.ng Kong, June 29. Canton: Following an abortive at* t*ivpt to s(&lt;t lire to the central arsenal, a Communist plot to blow up Shekchcng Arsenal has been discovered as the result of a lire and caused the greatest alarm. The outbreak was controlled by the »oncentratiuii of
      52 words
    • 34 22 Berlin, June 28. The well-known British test pilot Mr. f ourtney left in a German Pornierwal all-metal aeroplane from Friedrichshafcn lor London, lie will attempt a non-stop to New York flight.
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    • 48 22 Hong Kong, June 21*. Hsu Clung Tang, military commissioner of Kwnngtung garrison and commandant of Canton, has been ousted from office on the ground that he is a friend of Chan Fti Mok, whom he supported when the latter was a Bed lender in Canton.
      48 words
    • 56 22 London, June 28. Moscow The Minister OrlofT has been assaulted by an employee of the War Department named Benkendorf, who was recently released after serving a sentence of 2Mi years imprisonment imposed by OH off. Benkendorf has shown signs of insanity and lias been placed in an
      56 words
    • 35 22 London, June 28. bicogo urn prices jumped wildly alm&lt;tt seven rents a bushel and closed virtually at top. The figures were reached on predictions current of possible disaster to the corn crop.
      35 words
    • 156 22 j Standing of Proposed Medical Mission. London, June 22. Calcutta: A proposed Indian Medical Mission to China has been the subject of i interesting' correspondence between the Home Member of the (jlovernmcmt of India end Mr. T. C. (ioswami, President of the AII-India Volunteers. The (iovernment of
      156 words
    • 124 22 C hinese Threat to Fire On Aircraft. London, June 22. In the- House* of Commons. Mr. Harry Hay asked Comdr. Lockcr-I.ampson whether he had any information showing that 1 cal Chinese headquarters had instructed soldiers to tire on the aeroplanes of the Shanghai Hefence Force flying oxer strategic
      124 words
    • 126 22 Figures of British Exports Compared. London, June 2.!. In the House of Commons, replying to C;*mdr. Kenworthy, Sir Philip CunlitFeLister gave figures showing that the imports into the I nitod Kingdom from t hina, excluding Hong Kong, Macao and leased territories, in the first three months r»f
      126 words
    • 151 22 French Force Landed But No Disorder. Hong Kong, Juno 24. Shan i oon, June 24: Hundreds of labourers participated in a Shakce demonstration which took place at noon. A small party of sailors from the trench gunboat Arirus landed and took up positions in trenches in
      151 words
    • 78 22 Rugby, June 24. Telegrams from China state that Feng u Hsiang, the Christian” general, wh )se attitude towards the rival Southern g,,v- nmeats at Hankow and Nanking has M en l ue subject of conjecture, has postI oned his intended visit to Hankow, and has gone to
      78 words
    • 212 22 A (icncral with Twelve Executioners. Shanghai, June 23. Xingpo The Nationalist General Yang Hu, commanding the Shanghai area, has arrived with a bodyguard of 200 men and 12 executioners. It is understood that he is upending the week-end dealing with local com mu nisls. A cable of
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    • 191 22 Sun’s Three Principles. Chang Tso Lin Issues Declaration. Shanghai, June 20. Peking Apparently in an attempt to conciliate the Nationalists, who demanded primarily Chang Tso Lin’s adherence to Sum Yat Sen’s “three principles” before parleying, &lt; hang Tso Lin has issued a circular telegram pointing out that he was Sun
      191 words
    • 50 22 Dismissal of Russian Advisors. Shanghai, June 27. A wiivU-ss from Hankow states that th&lt;‘ rownmient conference is at present •J!si ussing an iti11 mat u n) from Chiang Kai inu,r alia th &lt;•£ of 20 R?/ uni0 n ami the dismissal j Russian advisers and certain Chinese Communists.
      50 words
    • 154 22 I'ckins Foreign Minister And Revision. Shanghai, June 22of T usnlf h Uan Yin Tai in the course Mini &lt; as um, “ff “dice as Foreign w m fi ,,aisiBed lhat a number S Tte n ult J® me »P f°r revision, ou th ir 7 th ftt a11
      154 words
    • 124 22 Request for Military Protection. Shanghai. June 28. Peking Japanese residents in Tsinanfu an* pressing the Consul-General to |&gt; r j n in Japanese troops, but the Japan*/ Legation states that at present no m ov is being made in this direction. Protection in China. Shanghai, June 28.
      124 words
    • 86 22 Prize Won by Goodyear Company. London. June 28. Washington The first prize in the Cnited States Navy competition for th« best design for a new dirigible of &lt;’.,500,000 cubic f&lt;*et gas capacity, which exceeds double the Los Angeles,” has been awarded to the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company.
      86 words
    • 30 22 London, June 37. Belgrade Ihe American journalist, Edgar Aldrich, and his wife, engaged in a tour of the world, have been killed i" a motor accident near Sarajevo.
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  • 123 22 Agriculture the Most Important Section. We have received a copy of the Agricultural schedule for the forthcoming Malayan Exhibition, to he held on the Race Course. Kuala Lumpur, from July to August l. The lists of classes are most comprehensive. as ir. previous years, aud should ensure a
    123 words
  • 175 22 Objected to Ragging.” School Boy's Attempt to Hanjr Himself. The ragging to which boys in a board-ing-house subject each other became s*&gt; intolerable in tHo case of a young Chinese 1 member of a local boarding school thathe attempted to hang himself with his necktie recently. He told the Second
    175 words

    • 1348 23 S. R. C. Defeat R. A. in -1 first division match played on the on the 22nd instant, the S.R.C the It.A. by the odd goal in three. •L ‘attendance in comparison with the /crowds which have gathered there Ki Z n ,iv was only average and numbered
      1,348 words
    • 159 23 Invitation to Singapore To Compete. The Calcutta Rowing Club will hold a regatta on October 8, at which Bombay. Poona, Madras and Rangoon are expect to compete, and the Royal Singapore Yacht Club (rowing section) have been nvited to enter crews for the following The Hoogly Cup (clinker
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    • 330 23 [Reuter Telegram.] Dempsey and Sharkey For July 21. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 22. New' York Jack Dempsey, after avoiding writ servers in connection with Jack Kearns’ threatened litigation by motoring instead of going by rail as an nounced, arrived from Wilmington and conferred with Tex Rickard as to the
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  330 words
    • 100 23 Mersing Beat Central ,Jchore. In a match between Central Johore and Mersing the latter won by 43 runs. Mersing scored 104 in the first innings, which Sceales made .70, and 118 in the second, of which no fewer than 88 came from Woodhull. Central Johore made 81 (Pratt 22)
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    • 62 23 [Reuter Telegram.] New Zealand v. Scotland Match Abandoned. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 25. In the match between Scotland and the New Zealanders Scotland batted first and scored 233, to which A. Stevenson contributed 59. Page took six wickets for 76. The New Zealanders made 90 for two. There
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  62 words
    • 29 23 [Reuter Telegram.1 Harvard Beat Yale. [Reuter Telegram. 1 London, .Juno 25. New London, Connecticut Harvard defeated Yale in the four nii’e University boat race.
      [Reuter Telegram.1  -  29 words
    • 48 23 ;n Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, June 27. T},o S\vi oip. r jab r t/rtainel p earn r r n II.M Pi. World* n nt L.r &lt;°bd t Puniiy and 'n a w. ter p !o at lie. i.. 1 y ii\ e al*? to m-.
      48 words
    • 281 23 [Reuter Telegram.] Tommy Armour Beaten. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 22. Sha\vnee-on-Delaware Johnny Farrell, professional of Mamaroneck, w »n the Shawnee open golf tournament with a score of 279. Tommy Armour, the champion, was well d -wn the list with .'112. British Players in Canada. Montreal The Canadian Golf Association’s
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  281 words
  • 234 23 Hut Weeps at the Thought Of Confinement. The brave act of a 15-year old Chinese youth in shad -win# an alleged armed robber was disclosed in the Third Court on Tuesday afternoon. Cheng Poh Yu, a street arab earning a living by touting for passengers for hire
    234 words
  • 130 23 The following passengers left by the MmvMa on Tuesday on route to Australia C. R. Crosxman, Mr. and Mrs. Do (lyulny, W. 11. Moorby, Miss V. Vyse, Mrs. A. Drummond, .1. Ilasdg, Mr., Mrs. and the Misses Thompson, Mrs. K. Sclander Philip M Williams, W. T. Potts, Mrs. A
    130 words

  • 2429 24 [iiELTKK TBIJCGKAM] Tilden Annoyed with FootFault Judge. Seeded Draw Affects Attendance. [liEL'TICK TELEGRAM] London, June 22. The weather was gl &lt;rious for the tennis at Wimbledon to-day, but the attendance was again below the usual, 'this is regarded as being due to the elaborate seeding of the? draw detracting
    [iiELTKK TBIJCGKAM]  -  2,429 words
  • 104 24 Joseph and Sassoon Still In Batavia. H. J. Scheffelaar, the Dutchman wtoj was arrested some time back with t\ others named Joseph and Sassoon charges of cheating, was committed the Assizes bv the Second Police 1;u strate, Mr. H.‘ R. Bud, on Tuesday aturno°n. There are three charges
    104 words

  • 1792 25  -  Notes by A. W. S. W S., writing from London under The J re ne U 1 i,n a uneii»y feeling just now hnut tlr* situation in Egypt, more bout tio yiew of the uncertainty P x ..vists in regard to
    1,792 words
  • 40 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, June 29. Kettlewell. manager of the Yukon Gold Company’s tin mine, has been sentenced to eighteen months’ rigorous imprisonment for a scries of unauthorised sales of tin ore during several years past.
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  • 150 25 Thin Soon Tin.—First half June, output 131 piculs. Chenderiang Tin Dredging.—Half month ending June. Dredge—Hours 294, piculs 75. Hydraulicing, piculs 70. Kamunting Tin Dredging.—lst half month of June. Output 752 piculs hours run 889. Estimated realised value oi ore $67,-”00. The following are the particulars of the output
    150 words
  • 68 25 MM. On Jure 28, 1:*27, :it Mandalay Viila Tanjong K.itong, to Mr. and Mrs. I/un (hong Pang, a son. Both mother and child doing well. d-'HKT At tin* Maternity Hospital, S’lign j* r*. on Jure 28, 1927, to Dorothy, wifi of V.’ni. Nisl.ot, a daughter. Both well.MAXSKLL &lt;&gt;n June
    68 words
  • 142 25 Singapore, June 29. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/3 31/32 Demand 2/3 23/32 Private 3m. credit 2/4 9/32 On New York, Demand 56 Private 90 d/s 57Vfc On France, Bank T T. 1411 On India, Bank T.T. 154 On Hong Kong, Bunk T.T. 11% p.c. dis.
    142 words
  • 676 25 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, June 29. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers IT £1 Asam Kumbang 56/- 57/£1 ill Bangrin Tin 30/- 31/I 1 1 Batang Patlang 0.70 0.75 1 1 Batu Caves 1.22 Vi 1.27 Vi £T 51 Chenderiang 22/- 23/6 £1 il F.astern Siam
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 90 25 NOTICE 'll communication* for both the Strait* Time* and the Straits Budget should be h*Mh -ased to the Head Office, Cecil and S'a; ley Streets, Singapore, Strait* Settlements*. '.it post fr*e price of the Straits Time* t«. the United Kingdom and foreign countricr is ?18 a year. The post free
      90 words
  • 37 25 DEATH SALMOND—On June 22, 1927, killed m flying accident in Eng and, L'eut. Uawdon i-\ (J. Sttlmond, Royal Navy, attached I-'leet Air Arm, beloved son of II. B. Sahnond and Mrs. Salmond, of Singapore, aged 2d years.
    37 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 79 1 General— I'aRC Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Average 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction 1 Rubber Position —(By A. W. S.) 1 The Rubber Pessimism 1 Unlicensed Rubber Storing 1 Rubber Returns 2 Rubber Restriction Statistics 2 Local Rubber Auctions 2 Malayan Exhibition 3 Empire Planteis’
      79 words
    • 83 1 Singapore Official (Quotations. Quotat ions Spot Seller Prices &gt; Forward ('ontr.ict Quotat ii.ns Spot Seller Prices r— Juiy Oct Jan. I).ite I/don S’pore Sept. l)»*c. Mar. J ene 2.*t i 5\ o.r-2 or»3*4 o.c-i'i o.G5», 2: 1 f.% 0.62*4 0 63*4 0.64‘a 0 65% 25 1 ft 0
      83 words
    • 27 1 Rubber price averages in the current (second) 'Restriction quarter of 1927 up to June 29 were as follows Singapore 67.2 cents London Is. 6.5d.
      27 words
    • 28 1 Lewis and Peat’s cable from their I ondon office gives 2,400 tons decrease making the total rubber stockr Pt June 28, as revised 64,500 tons.
      28 words
    • 138 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 818th auction on June 29, when there were catalogued 1,355,584 lbs. or 605.17 tons offered 906.865 lbs. or 404.85 tons sold 679.891 lbs. or 303.52 tons. Spot London is. 5%d. New York 35% cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed Smoked
      138 words
    • 1313 1  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London under date June 1, says Nearly a thousand tons more rubber reached England last week than during the previous week, and th.* stocks have increased by 380 tons. One hoped that reduction
      1,313 words
    • 163 1 Present Crisis Entirely Artificial. Authoritative Statement From London. Rather than embark upon vague specula, tions as to the cause of the recent drop in the price of rubber, and in view of the general uncertainty of the position, V( cabled to Mr. A. W. Still in Lond
      163 words
    • 229 1 [REITER TELEGRAM] “Preservation of Planters" Asked For. Mr. Amery and the Restriction Scheme. [REITER TELEGRAM] London, June 28. In the House of Commons Mr. Dixev, after pessimistic references te the condition of the British rubber industry, particularly in the Malay States, owing to the vast planting extensions in
      [REITER TELEGRAM]  -  229 words
    • 45 1 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, June 24. The proprietor of the Central Coniine.cial Agency, Butterworth, was fined M 1 for storing rubber without the t written authority, and failing to proper account books and having a na celled licence for storing rubber.
      45 words
      • 258 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. &lt;, r Before restriction there was no whatever on rubber When restricW a* iirst introduced in Novt,ui the tax was at the rate &lt; Vts per pound, or $2.66 a picul. When the price of rubber went up to a
        258 words
    • 424 2 Ayer M V;.—16,091 lbs. Ank'da. —4,6.3 lbs. Anglo Malay.—lll.7xo 11*?. Allenhy.—sB.l93 lbs. Bajoe Kidoel. llB,ooB U-S. Uikam fibber.—s2,3ss lbs. Broonn* (Selangor).—.‘ll.Boo lbs. Batu Tga,—lo7.Boo lbs. Bukit Ku.iang.—7s.2sl lbs. Cluny.—2o.BBB lbs. I'hangkat Salak.—ol.soo lbs. Djn- nga. 117,700 lbs. bna-ruld.— '•4,741 l’us. Hidden Her*. —*21*.250 lbs, Glasgow.—2.B7o lbs. Jli.»coti &lt;
      424 words
    • 635 2 Statistics for the Month of May. The Deputy Controller of Rubber Export, S.S. and F.M.S., forwards us the following statistics up to and including May, 11*27 (5th Restriction Year). EXPORTS AND IMPORTS OF RUBBER, BRITISH MALAYA (TRADE FIGURES). Total Imports Dry Rubber. Latex. Total Exports. Foreign Rubber. November,
      635 words
    • 746 2 The Hope Springs Eternal Element. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, June 2.5. There has been considerable fluctuation in the price of the commodity during the past week hut I/mdon is to-day quoted at is. 5‘-i,d. and New York at 86*1 cents p/Id, these prices showing an improve*
      746 words
    • 188 3 Rubber and (iutta Percha Section. Mr. F. Spring, non. secretary of the Rubber and Guttu Pejvha section of the Malayan Exhibition to be- held at Kuala Lumpur from July -1' to August 1, “»tds us the preliminary &lt;» hedule &lt;*f his see 1 ion, from which we note
      188 words
    • 66 3 Provisional Committee Now Appointed. London, June 1 •&gt; An Empire I’lanters* Club ha* been f M ined in London. The Provisional Committee includes Sir Colin Mackenzie and Colonel Hickman, with Mr. Kenneth Mackenzie, late Secretary of the Behar Planters’ A.-sih iation, as Secretary. It is understood that
      66 words
    • 283 3 An approximate idea of the state of labour supply in Malaya is obtained by extracting Indian, Chinese and Dutch indies figures from the “Arrivals and IX-1 jartures by sea from and to Koreiua i’orts," published monthly in the Straits Settlements Government Gazette. Figures, for tin' month ending May
      283 words
    • 314 3 Improving Health Conditions Jn Malaya. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, June 29. At the annual meeting of the Planters’ Association of Malaya this morning the Chairman. Mr. J. S. Arter, paid high tribute to the late chairman, Mr. T. J. nmming, whose premature retirement i was a
      314 words
    • 390 3 Messrs. Fraser and Co/s Weekly Report. i Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, elated June 2.S, states The tin market shows practically no change during the* past week and share quotations are* mostly unaltered. The volume* of business passing lias l*een small and little interest has been evinced
      390 words
      • 461 3 «&lt;** i.. r Kxch.ngt Value. Company. Price.. il Almco 2/ Allaifur J**’ 5 £1 A agio-Malay i’l Ayer “&lt;* il Bantenj: 2/ Kantenjr Consolidated t il Hatu Caves ;|J 11 i'l Batu I iwa 2/ Bekuh 2 Bert am Consolidate*! Jj. 2/ Brieh i'l
        461 words
      • 695 3 Capital Issue r*i r» J aiJ p Valu Dividends Kraser"**’ V.yail 4 1 |M-. year 28-2-27 All.'nl'iris’l. 10* "Sbxd io™“io l-'M--. P-c. *»t. year 30-9.27.\l„r Cajah ($1, i35 '2.50 -Isi 2&gt;al Kr’-I- ;pe. for yr. end. 31-3-2, A. liitam «1, l.oo l.80xJ. in f
        695 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 57 1 FOR SALE, RUBBER SEEDS from third generation own selection. Proved yield MO lbs. per acre per annum. Orders for next Autumn delivery booked in strict rota-1017-IK and has now given repeat order on account of high yields obtained. Price (15 per thousand f.o.r. Klang. For furthoi non Supply limited. Customer
      57 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 299 5 I I* SECURITY l EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO., LTD (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*) Cl DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. &gt; Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. P. J. WARD. GAW KHEK JfHlAM, Esq. R. M. MEYER, Esq.
      299 words
    • 101 5 You can have Fresh Drinking and Cooling Wat r, delivered direct from the well to -the taps, by usmg. •v 5 ij *l -'OF i. Type I 225 gals, per hour. lifting HEIGHT 82 ft. with 3 A in. pipe V, uW&Jumpz SUCTION 22 ft. with 1 in. pipe. to
      101 words