The Straits Budget, 23 June 1927

Total Pages: 34
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2:5, 1927 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7<L No. IB
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  • 356 1 Page iK\I>KK>...,1 I ,»oks at Malaya •> (ifiu-rai ;4 .l.nune K. ;M Housing ProMcm 4 hiving aa«l Malaya 4 Siam ana Opium 4 Iri*h r«*lu>': 5 Occasional Notes '’tXiTof N,w Malaya 15 SST Sul is < r ('amp "f Ir.striution Vja.Vl. i Cniun. Sinirainav 11,11 Climbing lorn petition
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  • 2582 1 I Mr. .1. (I. Black is promoted to Supernumerary Officer in Class IV Civil Service. The Kim Mui iloey Kuan (Hoo Chayj Beov. > has been exempted from registra-t jtion in Singapore. I The gallery of the Victoria Theatre is' to he reconstructed and tenders are being
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  • 633 2 The Pope (Grants Permission For Chapel. The following telegrams exchanged between His Excellency the (Jovcrnor and the Vatican have been forwarded to us for publication From llis Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford, G.C.M.G., G.B.K., M.C.S., to His Eminence Cardinal Merry del Val. Dated June 10, 1927. Your Eminence, —The
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  • 98 2 Blood-Stained Dagger Found Beside Dead Body. A verdict of culpable homicide amountiik to murder against some person or leisoiis unknown was returned bv the Coroner (Col. Hope-Falker) vosteniav in connection with the discovery of the (ubh < "p f am| y r"’r C: C 9 n p S0
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  • 190 2 Sailing from India for Malaya Next Week. Mr. K. Arinni Williams, who is in Malaya in connection with Sir Rabindranath Tagore's forthcoming visit t) this country, has received a cable from the d stingujshcd poet stating that he is sailing from Calcutta for Malaya on aune 2”
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  • 231 2 Sir Hugh Clifford Consents To He Patron. the Governor. Sir Hugh Clifford. as shown his interest in Hying in Malava r \.f 0n i ientln i r cf° become Patron of thp r.ewl\ formed Singapore Flying Club U e understand that the only thing that Din ehib
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  • 158 2 Unofficial Visit to Kuala Lumpur. "Vl S u,Tnrd jliirh Commissioner, arrived '''in Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday from Singapore at 4 »y the (lay mail train, to which Vt ThP tt \i c^ e< •i Kxce,,ency s sa,o°ntv,I Ma ay V a 1 states that Sir Hugh V
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  • 61 2 Governor’ s Tour of Inspection. tttv th.T, V Kuala Lumpur His Vis i t',, C,0 V r or P«"l unannounced town. A„;„ nir ;;;r n ,,tHutions I'.ave been the rinerSl"'HoMtTttS iolK’o depot in Robinson Road nil Ik Sir rnff 1 0 Kof, 1 I'arbou,in ihT; ,lftor l d man,f <'*ted
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  • 654 2 i Representative Gathering At The \Y harfside. A Major-General Sir Theodor,. > K.C.B., C.S.I., C.M.G., the la 0flktr Commanding, and Aliw 1 wcr accorded a spectacular r asei j testilying to the warm personal they enjoyed, when they emb‘L l > the and O. steamer Kashinh"^ 1
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  • 95 2 Collyer Quay and Raffles Square Offenders. p ins titution by the police of tlv against the parking <>■ ais m (ollyer Quay and Raffles Squan r< di ced a crop of cases at the Thin. 1 ohee C ourt on Tuesday. 1,10 jMjropeans and a young Chines*
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 969 3 distinguished career.—Straits Times, June 16. V'ljor-General Sir Theodore Fraser, hll9 earned respect and esteem durine '1 three years he has been in Malaya, 00 d enough to answer certain tinns we put to him on the eve of retirement from the command. His ics have
      distinguished career.—Straits Times, June 16.  -  969 words
    • 983 3 Straits Times, June IT. It must be a matter of general regret that the late Jerome K. Jerome, whose death occurred last Tuesday evening, never kept a diary. It is on record that he had a habit in later years of religiously starting one every January 1,
      Straits Times, June IT.  -  983 words
    • 954 3 which has not yet bee me law.—Strains Times, June 18. Municipal officers are apparently less tied by convention than their brethren in Government* service, and occasionally there is a refreshing vigour of expression in the reports they present. Such a report is that issued by Dr. P. S.
      which has not yet bee me law.—Strains Times, June 18.  -  954 words
    • 916 4 siast in the cause of aviation.— Stiait# Times, June 20. There is a moral for Malaya in the' recent non-stop flights. The moral is to le found in the silent home-coming of the British R.A.F. Flight Lieutenants (arr and Gillman compared with the receptions accorded to Colonel
      siast in the cause of aviation.— Stiait# Times, June 20.  -  916 words
    • 1017 4 complete solution.—Straits Times, June 21. The report forwarded by our Bangkok, correspondent on the question of the sale ol °Phim dross by the Siamese Government discloses a situation that is of some international interest and import-i-nce. The question goes a great d?al deeper than the free sale
      complete solution.—Straits Times, June 21.  -  1,017 words
    • 1036 4 generations to come.—Straits Times, June 22. A school girl in an essay on Ireland once wrote The Irish are never at peace unless they arc fighting.” History does not say to what nationality the young essayist belonged, but we can gather from the text that her birthplace was
      generations to come.—Straits Times, June 22.  -  1,036 words

  • 179 5 Nearly a Disaster in Landing At Karachi. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, June 21. Dennis Rooke, the Australian airman, narrowly escaped disaster on arrival at Karachi yesterday. He failed to see the aerodrome seven miles frjm the city owing to semi-dark-ness and circled seeking a
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  • 125 5 Private Affairs Requiring Attention. In the District Court yesterday before Mr. N. D. Mudie, the case was menicned in which Mr. R. Moore is charged with cheating Miss E. Spencer, and was oostponed till August 4. The accused, whj is in custody Can you tell me why
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  • 221 5 We regret to hear that Capt. Hollinshead. of the Sarawak Steamship Co'mI any’s service, died on June 16, at the General Hospital from pneumonia. His last ship was the Auby. Capt. Hollinshead had been in the Straits about six years and prior to that w*as the
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  • 24 5 The following donations to Pearson’? Fresh Ail* Fund have been received Already acknowledged $149 Mr. Herbert Wilson 25 Total $174
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  • 1703 5 [Straits Times, June 16-22.] All visitors to Singapore admire that fine lung,” the Padang, or more properly, the Esplanade. Few towns possess a great. open space of this kind so ideally siuiated and so capable of being turned to good use. While we have heard admiration of the
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  • 1974 6 Victory Over Dr. Rogers’ Eleven. Interesting Cricket At Ipoh. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, June 15. 1 he last match of the Australian Tourists in Perak was played at Ipoh to-day. It was a one-day match played against a non-European team raised by Dr. Rogers, which contained three
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  • 322 6 Trolley Bus Inspector Shot Down. Pursuing Constable’s Plucky Capture. The passengers in a trolley bus on the Victoria Street route in the vicinity of Malay Street at about 1.30 p.m. on Tuesday witnessed exciting scenes, a trolley bus inspector who pluckily attempted to stop a fleeing robber
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  • 182 6 Magistrate Orders Removal To Hospital. The Second Police Court yesterday was the scene of a mild sensation, a lamu accused of causing hurt temporarily holding up the proceedings by falling to the floor in a faint. He was carried out under Court Inspector Johnson s directions
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  • 82 6 Disappears with Rubber Cargo Aboard. A rubber laden twakow on its way to Singapore from Johore sank off Changi on Saturday evening. There were four men in charge—two Chinese and two Indian Mohamedans. Just before their craft sank, they jump* cd overboard and made for the shor Ore
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  • 1186 7 Developments Outlined At Annual Meeting. The lirst annual meeting of the Cycle and Carriage Co. (1926) Ltd. was held in the company’s Offices in Orchard Hoad on Saturday. Mr. Chua Cheng Bok presided, iru j others present were Messrs. Chua Cheng Hock, Chua Cheng Liat, Lee
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  • 255 7 More Dwelling Houses At Cairnhill Road. Action taken at a meeting of committee No. 7 held on June 17, was as follows Approved provision of funds amounting to $30,000 to cover scrapping of meters and meter parts, Water Department. Approved revote of $26,845 for the completion of construction
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  • 884 7 Master and Officers Absolved From Blame. An inquiry was held in the District Court on Monday into the grounding of the Conus on the Royal Captain Shoal, Palawan Passage, on May 16. Mr. N. I). Mudic was president and had with him Capt. G. H. Freyberg,
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  • 62 7 [The Straits Time* is not responsible for '.he opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rojected or ent lewn. Correspondents must enclose their -James, not necessarily for publication but 4H guarantee of
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  • 118 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In answer to your correspondent M, who wrote a short time ago, drawing attention to the danger that children at p!ay on the bands.and in the Botanic Gardens run from the motor traffic on the upper ling road, I
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  • 280 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. 1 he study of public health may be divided into three important parts, namely, (1) the conditions of health that exist, (2) the factors that determine the conditions of health and (3) the laws intended to promote health. The first relates
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  • 269 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—! was very pleased to read the Radio-Holland letter which appeared in your paper, re short wave transmission from Holland. Such information must be of interest to wireless enthusiasts. Last night, between midnight and l a.m., I received the musical
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  • 1648 8 Three Widows in Promissory Note Case. On Monday afternoon in the Appeal Court, before Justices Sproule, McCabe Iieay and Deane, the case was commenced in which Leow Man Leong, a Chinese widow, appealed against the judgment of Sir Wi liam Murison in the suit against two Chinese widows,
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  • 516 8 Keen Competition at Annual Sports. Ideal weather favoured the' St. Andrew’s School sports meeting, which was held at the Raffles Institution ground on Friday, when the acting principal, Mr. J. R. Taylor, and the staff were “At Home to a large number of parents and friends. Among
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  • 152 8 me? t C f,?:T POre Mun i ci )al health state!u_ nt f th eck t,nd,n P June 11, gives female 75 nU Th5 er f dcath S as ma,e 223 ,.f ir! in. Th represents a death rate with 41 78 per annu, compared 11 tn
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  • 818 8 Goggled Swimmers At Their Work. A Japanese Method in Malayan Waters. It has been for Japan, with its exten sive knowledge of Eastern fisheries, to in troduce into Malayan waters a mcthcl of fishing that is proving highly success fu!, even if it has yet to be adopted
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  • 1336 9 [Reuter Telegram.] Matches Abandoned On Account of Rain. Over 000 Runs Scored in One Innings. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June IS. I'l„. fallowing are results of matches •oiiioiePrrd on Wednesday Several Centuries. 15, istol Gloucestershire and Essex Fs-ex. hatting tirst, scored m<8 tor six ■wicket' and declared, Cutmore made
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,336 words
  • 261 9 Prospects of Paying Dividend Next Year. The nnnual general meeting of the Jesselton Ice and Power Company was held at the secretaries offices, Chan S/.e Onn and Co., Market Street, on Friday M here were present Mr. E. A*. Elias, chairman, Messrs. Cnee Guan Chiang, Lee
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  • 122 9 Fatal Swerve to Avoid Ricksha. The death of a Malay cyclist, as the result of a collision with a motor bus on the Gey lung Road on June 5 last, formed the subject of a Coroner's enquiry liefove Lieut.-Col. 1*. Hope-Falkner, on June 1‘5. A witness stated that
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  • 228 9 Cantonese Arrested in Victoria Street. The recent arrest of two llylam “boys,” one of them in the employ at the time of the Singapore Club and the other in the service of a Tanglin resident, for tin* alleged possession of seditious literature had a sequel on Friday in
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  • 149 9 Bangkok Comment On Singapore Action. (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, June 15. The destruction of a full shipment of rattle from Bangkok by the Singapore authorities has caused a mild sensation here, and the details wen* awaited with interest. A wire in response to one from this end
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  • 747 9 The following passengers ure proceeding to Kuropo by the Koshmir which sailed at ft p.m. on June IT .Mrs. Nilson, N. Mclnnes, A. I-. Honor*, A. J. Denman, X. Nesbitt, W. I,. Allen, G. A. Hunk in. Mrs. <>. p. Smith. .Mr. and Mrs. Mills, Miss Waddell, .Mr. and
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  • 1417 10 Examinations and School Books. Comments by a Scholastic Correspondent. I Wo h avc* not yet been able to study closely the detailed results of the < ambridge cxaminali uis hold at the clo-c °t last year, hut the analysis of them published recently i» disquieting enough to
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  • 156 10 High Yields Tapping Force Problem. The possibilities of nipah palm estates as a future source of power alcohol have recently attracted some notice writes the Chief Secretary, F.M.S. in his annual report for 1920. There are two existing estates in Selangor with a planted area of over 900
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  • 1081 10 Directors and Proposed New UuildinKs. The annual general meeting of the Hotel Van Wijk, Co.. Ltd., was held on Saturday. In Juno, 102i. at the secretaries oflices, Chartered Hank Chambers. The Cliairtnan, Mr. Huisken, presided and there were also present Messrs. t\ .1. Judah. O. It. S.
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  • 308 10 Directors’ Report on Half Year’s Working. The report of the directors of tht Straits Trading Co., Ltd., for the hal; year ended March 111, 1027, states that art’ter writing off depreciation and making provision for bad and doubtful debts, tht net profits amount to $901,7xl.5t) which, with
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  • 133 10 Chinese Lady’s Experience In North Bridge Road. In the Third Court, before Mr. Smith on Friday, a Chinese was (.•harin' with attempted theft. Inspector L Brown prosecuted. The complainant, a Chinese lady. il that on the 14th instant, at about 11 ‘*:J; she and her sister-in-law were
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  • 1104 11 Trenchant Criticism By Health Officer. Opposition of Singapore Architects. In his annual report for 1926, Dr. P. S. Hunter, Municipal Health Officer, writes strongly on the question of building byelaws in Singapore. After pointing out that the total deaths fHun phthisis and pneumonia last year ‘re 3 137
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  • 272 11 Two Years for a Frightened Robber. In the District Court on June 16, before Mr. N. D. Mudie, a Chinese was charged with armed robbery. Chief Court Inspector Meredith prosecuted. The complainant, who is a Chinese, named Tay Ah Bah, said that on the l(hh
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  • 139 11 Remarkable Cartoon in Police Court. A preliminary inquiry was held in the Second Court before Mr. Bull, on June 16 Lee Kee Han being charged with having in his possession seditious literature. Court Inspector Johnson prosecuted. Giving evidence, Detective Inspector E. Tongue said that about 6 a.m. on
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  • 542 11 Western Methods in Eastern Waters. (Contributed.) While it is possible to replace, to immeasurable gain, the primitive methods of many Eas.ern trades, there are many ways of achieving results which, by their contact with Nature, are really the product of natural environment, and as such cannot be bettered
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  • 190 11 Young Thief’s Recollection Of The Rotan. Apparently six strokes of the rotan were not enough for a 'Chinese youth who, a tew days after he had been whipped for thieving, by the order of the Third Magistrate, again committed theft He was charged in the Second
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  • 297 11 Consecration Ceremony At Johore Bahru. The provision of a place of worship for the members of the Church of England in Johore has for some time cngaged the attention of the local clergy, and the foundation stone of St. Christopher was laid at J> >hore Bahru by
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  • 134 11 Causing Hurt with Dangerous Weapon. In the Second Court on June It’*, before Mr. H. R. Bull, a Malay sailor, named Osman, was charged with causing hurt with a dangerous weapon. Court Inspector Johnson prosecuted. The complainant, a Chinese, said that when he got out of his
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  • 108 11 Verdict of Death by Rash Act. A verdict of death b.y a rash .act was returned by the Coroner, Lieut.-Cob Hope-Falkner, on June 15, in enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a Chinese passenger in a taxi which came to grief on the Bukit Timah
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  • 127 11 At the Presbyterian Church on 1(5, the wedding was solemnised of Mr. John McGuftin, surveyor of ships,* Singapore, and Miss Mary McKellar MacMaster, of Port Glasgow, Scotland. The Rev. J. Campbell Gibson officiated. The bride, who was given away by Mr. G. C Heron, acting Surveyor-General c
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  • 1246 12 Heavy Going on Third Day. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, June 16. There was a much increased attendance at this afternoon’s races—the third day of the Selangor Turf Club meeting. Unfortunately the weather turned wet towards the latter part of the afternoon and some of the events
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  • 712 12 Successful Anglo-Chinesc Meeting at Stadium. The annual sports of the AngloChinesc School were held at the Stadium on Saturday, and were a success from every point of view. The prizes to the successful competitors wc re presented by Mrs. Lee (’boon Guan, M.B.E. The following are detailed resuus
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  • 605 12 Sir Hugh Clifford Commodore Of the R. S. Y. C. Although thunder was threatening all the time on Saturday aftern >ou fortunate. !y the weather held off till just before the prize giving and the Singapore Yacht Club were able to enjoy a very successful a' Home. The
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  • 164 12 Large Number at St. Andrew's Cathedral. On Sunday evening the Singapore Boy Scouts Association held a parade at St. Andrew’s Cathedral. The Commissioner for Malaya, Mr. b\ C. Sands, was present and Mr. B. I’urdy, District Commissioner, was in charge of the parade which numbered over a
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  • 1562 13 l.i,-re Military Forces Prize Meeting. 0 v.„.fKiy, .1 unc» 11*, at the rifle range, I 5ru. an At Home was given i i i j in <»!.• Commandant Sir S.P.M.J., G.C.M.G K.B.E., ,,f Johore, Commandant «.t’11u* Military Forres ami Officers to i*i mis both of .Johore ami [KM111
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  • 313 13 Dividends of k l~Vi Cent. For Fast Year. The report of the directors of Tiny Kil Tin Mine'*. 1 .til., lor too year ended April ;.U, P./27 jstates the profit for the year, after pro’, idiuy for depreciation, directors' tees ar.d auditors' fee, amounts to
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  • 1276 13 Full Week-End at the R.S.Y C. A very pleasant and i rite rest lit y after* nm.n was spent at the K.S.V.C. on Saturdi in celebration of the eiyhta annual at it me. The race for the Hurlon Cup was d <* to start at two-thirty ami sharp at
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  • 1277 14 Reception by Indians And Ceylonese. Tribute to Their Work In Malaya. There were I.Jnq persons present at t garden party at “Kaiikal Mahal,' the residence of Mr. M. Kader Sultan, on Saturday afternoon on the occasion of the entertainment of H.E. the (lovcrnor, Sir Hugh lifford, («■<'.M.H., H.B.E.,
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  • 113 14 Arrangements f or Penang Visit. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, June 15. Al a meeting in the Coventor's room, the 'Resident-Councillor, the Hon. Mr. It. Scott, presiding, a committee was appointed to arrange for Sir Hugh Clifford's reception on June 28. The Resident-Councillor said the arrangements would
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  • 430 14 The Preliminary Schedules Of ('lasses. \\V have received preliminary schedules of classes in the following sections of the forthcoming Malayan Exhibitions, which is to he held at the Race Course, Kuala Lumpur, from duly 21* to August 1, 1S»27:— Rubber, oils and fats, horticulture, cats and poultry. Rubber.
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  • 85 14 Hum-Boatmen as Alleged Distributors. The Marine Police were responsible for two seizures of counterfeit coin over the week-end. They point to another class of s i ail trader whom the counterfeiter has begun to use as a distributor. A bum-boat at Panchang Hylani Sea is lbgvil to have
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  • 60 14 A Johoic Phniu taxi driver was held up in llokicn Street on Sunday and i-i bed oi‘ $45. contained in a leather wallet. Sj\cral persons are alleged to have taken part in tho robbery. A Chinese name! fan Soon was arrested and produced before the Third
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  • 788 14 Maj.-Gen. Van Strauhenze« Arrives. Received by Guard of Honmi. 1 Of Roy ill Artillery. His Excellency Major-General r St rau hen zee. C.B., C.M.G., arrived in Singapore on June 15 on his appoint, nient io the Malaya Command. His Excellency, who is accompanied b v I Mrs.
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    • 48 15 Hi- Excellency Major-deneral C. C. van Strauhenzee, C.B., C.M.C. arriving in Singapore on June l(i on his appoin'meni to the Malaya Command. The (ieneral being introduced to members of the Civil Service by the Hon. Mr. E. C. II. Wolff. /*//«»/«».s. hy Miy,it,i
      /*//«»/«».s. hy Miy,it,i  -  48 words
    • 21 15 The Hen. Dr. A. I.. Hoops, vice-commodore, has tea with the guests. Photo. bv Miviitii
      Photo. bv Miviitii  -  21 words
    • 15 15 The I»i' Sweep at the Selangor Uaces. Photo, by Pi ml Oiiii
      Photo, by Pi ml Oiiii  -  15 words
    • 18 15 At Home at the conclusion of the Te.inis Tournament. Photo. !y J. Tivu .i iii
      Photo. !y !■' J. Tivu .i iii  -  18 words
    • 11 15 lewis gun demonstration at Siglap.
      11 words
    • 28 15 Ciroup photograph taken at the meeting of the Clerical I'nion, at Mr. Aw IJoon Haw’s bungalow, I’asir l’anjang. Photo /'v .\siiitu S/m/io, l.til.
      Photo /'v .\siiitu S/m/io, l.til.  -  28 words
    • 70 16 A series of successful motor reliability trials was held at Kua'a Lumpur, on June 12. C‘!vj at the Starting Point. Hitf cruwd» at the tir>t dangerous bond. I.oke Yiat .Jim’s spill at the hair-pin corner. I.oke Yiat Joo who won seven prizes. James Uobson
      Photos, by II’, T  -  70 words
    • 54 17 The S.U.A. (V.) held (heir second can,, f„ r 1927 at Si K la|» over the Whitsun neekend. On the Move! Column of Route l.:> Hovitzer hooked on to Lorry Transport. nhv»K The Howitzer being man-handled into position. Advancing into position with drag ropes.
      54 words
    • 45 17 leam of tho Malacca L. U. A. taken on the occasion of the match. Wives v. Husbands, which the ladies won by 22 points. Photo hy C Ishii, M<ihn\ti. I.ieiit. Donald Cameron and apt. Donald MacI.eod, S.V.C., Co., at O.C’s camp.
      Photo hy C Ishii, M<ihn\ti.  -  45 words
    • 14 17 Photo hv Ptiiil (Pin
      Photo hv Ptiiil (Pin  -  14 words
    • 26 17 Mr. Davison, manauinu director N. V. Ctneral Motors, .lava on the platform during the oilicial opening of the new works at Tamliong l'rtok.
      26 words
    • 87 18 Consecration of St. Christopher’s, Johore Bah ru. nf st chr j&gt;,i her’s Church. Johore Bahru, cn June !&lt;• The Itishnp of Sintra;ure c the service «f &lt;«nsecra„cn a. St. &lt; hr, r '*f. 11. Mo.’, acting Kwjlish educali» &lt; ffir-.r, .lohore, through whose efforts I lie ''hurrh has l»****n
      P'totos. hy F. J. Trcuscin  -  87 words
    • 32 18 Henna Moisei/it.s&lt;h v.h: c wonderful |.l*.yirg ha been greeted with enthut i is::i wherever he h is appeared, an:l who will be at the Victoria Iheatrc, Singapore, this evening.
      32 words
    • 41 18 I hi* leans, umpires and scorers in the match between the Australians and North Malaya played at Penan.? on June i7 and left drawn. llennessy leading out North Malaya. Hussey and Col in an returning for tea.
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 585 19 [KEI’TEK far eastern service.] Peking Forces Combined Under Chang Tso Lin. SUPPRESSING REDS. Practically in Position Of Dictator. [kectek far eastern service.] Shanghai, June 15. Japancs" *emi-'dlicial message from l&gt; indicates that negotiations bevvt'«" Chiang' Kai Slu-k, Chang Tso Lin Yen H'i Shan of Shansi are
      [KEI’TEK far eastern service.]  -  585 words
    • 354 19 Britain’s Readiness To Discontinue. Keen Interest in Geneva Proposals. Rugby, June 20. Speaking at the Naval Limitation Conference, Mr. Bridgeman said the British Government had not changed their minds since the Washington Conference, when their delegates expressed willingness to agree to discontinuation of the use of submarines
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    • 133 19 Lieutenant Convicted And Recommended to Mercy. London. June 17. Gibraltar Lieut. A. C. Duffield. of the 2nd I n. Fast Surrey Regiment, who was charged with the murder of bis commanding officer, Lieut.-Col. J. S. Fitzgerald. mi April 7, was found guilty and sentenced to death, with a
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    • 66 19 Ratification by the British Empire. London, June JO. (Ionova Britain, on behalf of Britain, India and the Dominions excepting Canada and the Irish Free Stale has forwarded to the league Secretariat ratification of the anti-slavery convention of CJonevn, dated September Jo, 1U20. The convention is now automatically enforced
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    • 116 19 De Valera Party Will Not Take Oath. Mr. Cosgrave Does Not Intend To Form Government. London, June 1(». The Irish Free State elections resulted in the strength of the constitutional parties being practically uni hanged, with I)e Valera’s party, the Fianna Fail, the strongest unit in opposition.
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    • 119 19 Episcopal Ring Missing After Tour. Rugby, June IK. Dr. Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of London, who recently returned from j world tour, has discovered that his episcopal ring is missing from his regalia. The Bishop believed that he last wore the ring at Colombo, and he cabled to
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    • 103 19 Enthusiastic Reception of Duke And Duchess. Rugby, June IK. The Duke and Duchess of York motored to Valetta through crowded and decorated streets amid tremendous cheering. At the (Jovernor’s Palace the Duke invested Sir I’go Mifsud with his badge as Knight Bachelor. After this the Duke
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    • 40 19 Importation Into Britain Prohibited. Rugby, June 16. The Minister of Agriculture announced in tho House of Commons that the importation of cherries from France had been prohibited for the remainder of the season oil account of maggots.
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    • 58 19 State Contribution for Seven Years. London, June 17. The Hague The Second Chamber passid a bill to establish a foreign aerial service by the Royal Dutch Aviation Company. The bill provides for a state contribution of FI. 500,000 to the company’s capital and a seven years state
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    • 34 19 Iyondon, June 10. Moscow There have been storms and heavy rain in White Russia with many casualties. Crops covering an area of 33,000 hectares were destroyed and 110 bridges blown &lt;kwn.
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    • 118 19 Important Results of New Treatment 4 Hi# C laims for llcngal Discovery. &lt; ulcutta, Juno 1H. A discovery which may have the most important results hi too m at moot of cholera in liuiia has licrn made in an obscure village of Bengal by the Health Association
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    • 116 19 Col. Lindbergh's Reception In Home Town. London, June 15. New York Four thousand New York men attended a municipal banquet at the Hotel Commodore in honour of Col. Lindbergh. London, June 17. New V*rk: Mr. Ortcig handed to Col. Lindbergh a eheque for $25,000, being the
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    • 169 19 Defect Develops Soon After Start. London, June IK. Flight-Lieutenant &lt; arr hopped otr from Cramvell for Karachi in a second effort to break the world’s long-distance nonstop record. Flight-Lieutenant Mack worth accompanying him as navigator. Later The airmen were forced to descend at Martlesham Heath aerodrome owing
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    • 49 19 Early Start in Giant .Monoplane. London, June IK. San Antonio Jt is announced that the United States army will attempt the first San Franciseo-llawaii non-stop flight not later than July 15. A ginnt. Fokker monoplane will 1st used. Preliminary tests are being made at San Diego.
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    • 26 19 London, June 20. Vienna: Lieut. Chamberlin and Mr. Levine had a vociferous reception on arrival from Berlin on board their transAtlantic aeroplane Columbia,
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    • 480 20 Sarwat Pasha’s St;»tefnrv»t In Chamber. NATIONAUST PROUSTS. British Rrutlcships I.Vind Withdrawn. London, .1 *JfU* in, ('win* r.da r«»vv&lt;l«*«i &lt; hamhci the* IViiiM* Mini ti r. .Sarwat Pa-dm, n a*!*- a statement on in* Anj-Jo-Il!. ypiian misund&lt; rstandinv Hi r&lt;-ferred to tin- P.iiti li memorandum of May L".».
      480 words
    • 116 20 Tributes in the House ()t‘ Lords. Rugby, Juno li&gt;. in tho House, of Kurds the Marquess of Salisbury, Conservative loader, referred to the loss which the Mouse had sustained by tlie death ol tin* Marquess of bans* downo who, during his career, had held the (Mines
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    • 24 20 Berlin, June lf». Lithuania solemnly undertaking to allow free elections in Meincl, Ormany lot.' a to adjourn the question until next session.
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    • 442 20 MALAYA LEADS THE WAY.” I Important Results of AntiMalarial Work. Striking Tribute of Sir Ron;: 1 Ross. i London, .Lino 1 Mo city in the Umpire lai.- progressed .-o far in malaria control a Singapore," i metis Sir Uonald Loss, whose report on j malaria &lt; on! ml has been
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    • 79 20 Conservatives Retain By Narrow Majority. London. June 17. I’ic Westburv by-election, due t&lt;* th*death of sitting member, (apt. W. \V. Shaw (Cons.) resulted as f -Hows Major I*.’rie Long, Conservative. 1O.dJ'5 Mr. llareourt Johnstone. Liberal, 10,171. Mr. Ward, Labour, *&gt;,Jt)G. At the previous by-election the late &gt;1 r.
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    • 90 20 Arrangements for Visit To England. Rugby, June Id. Masshanin Bey, First Chamberlain of the Court of Kgypt, has arrived in London to complete arrangements for the isit ot King Fuad, which begins on July f. I he Km pi re Marketing Board has decided to award three prizes
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    • 48 20 Paris, June 17. Havre The new liner He de France the most modern built since the war. habeen laid down. She will be 240 metres long, 28 broad, and of 4.’5,000 tons with engines of 52 000 horse power and a speed of 2.J knots?
      48 words
    • 695 20 Report of Finding In Quebec Denied. ;!tl i i \llUtfCsSlT iliul ol; Still a Mystery. London, Jane 1”&gt;. Qn Inti i:sc interest has been i .us d by a report i'-W* IX f-res’. CP haHi; .1 &gt; t lOV in j p ouikted district, norm "i
      695 words
    • 168 20 Rupture Between Albania And Jago-Siavia. Ilf.pps of League Council Inter vent ion. London, .Line r, Belgrade A complete rupture of lotions Utwien Jugo-Slav:a and has been reached. London, June 15. The Albanian Minister In- leceivod j passports and will leave imnn-iFaviy/' The Jugo-S.av Consuls have i„. instructed to
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    • 205 20 I’rosonted \viih British Air Force C ross. London, June L’i'iue Maruui- de Pinedo has n i luiied lii&gt; flight to Amori a anil hack. He landed at Ostia and was receive-: be Signor Mussolini and Ministers at an immense crowd. London. June IT Rome K;’.g (ieorge has bestowi
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    • 52 20 t S. Embassy Sends Second Note. London, June IT Mexico City: The American entbu-s' has -ent a secoml note to the Mexi»;u Foreign Oflice urging punishment of tin murderer of Aithur Brewer, the e\ Harvard foot ha ii star, who was recentiv killed at (ruadalajara during a
      52 words
    • 71 20 Berlin, June 1GM. Chicherin before leaviny Moscow visited Ilerv Marx and also converse with the German Ambassador. The Berlin Press stales that the German diplomats, in the friendliest way, did' attention to the impression created abroa»* by the recent executions and also advisn caution in the
      71 words
    • 38 20 Berlin, June I*’ M. Briand is ill and has been adviM M by his doctors to leave Geneva imniedia f&lt; ly. He postponed his departure until tb evening in order to interview Ur. Street uiann.
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    • 771 21 leturn to Hankow Under Precautions. Protection in Peking And Tientsin. London, June 15. In t i ie House of Commons, Comdr. I j.mnson told a questioner that were despatched to Pekin* ,i Tientsin in view of the agreement the Powers and the Chinese -’nmeiit of li&gt;01. Questioned
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    • 309 21 Decision on Minimum Wage Questionnaire. London, June 16. Geneva During the discussion at the Inter-Labour Conference on the minimum wage questionnaire, Mr. Lall, of the Government of India Industries and Labour Department, approved the questionnaire, and said the Raj favoured it and would gladly cooperate in the preliminary
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    • 124 21 Criticism of M. Poincare’s Speech. Berlin, June 20. The Berlin press comments very critically on M. Poincare's speech at Luneville yesterdav in which, though he asserted* his loyalty to the Franco-German conciliation, he brought up a number o: trifling complaints for instance, Germany was sending warships for
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    • 53 21 London, June 20. Geneva The Secretary-General of the League invited Mr. Koo Kung Chen, editor of the Shihpao, to be a member of the press experts’ conference at Geneva on August 24. Mr Koo, who is touring Europe and has made’ a ’good impression in League circles,
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    • 355 21 Debate on the Reform Proposals. The Inadequate Representation Of Labour. London, June 20. The House of Lords opened a three day debate on reforming the House of Lords. Lord Fitzalan, moving a resolution welcoming a reasonable measure for limiting and defining membership, said that at present any
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    • 91 21 French Nervousness.” Comment on Anglo-German Geneva Meeting. Berlin, June 20. The Paris press comments nervously on Dr. Stresemann’s and Sir Austen Chamberlam’s Saturday meeting. Pertinax, in the Echo de Paris, complains that no qualified French representative remained at Geneva to watch th«* session ending, and adds that though Sir Austen
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    • 88 21 London, June 16. Winchester, Virginia Commander Byrd has left for New York. He said the start of his trans-Atlantic flight depended entirely on the weather. London, June 16. New York: Commander Byrd, whose departure for Europe in the aeroplane America was imminent to-day, received the honorary degree
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    • 23 21 Berlin, June 20. Dr. Stresemann will deliver the customary address as the Ncbil Prize recipient it Oslo on June 20.
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    • 163 21 Important British Services Planned. Mooring Masts in Various Dominions. Rugby, June 17. It is understood that the Government of South Africa have decided to authorise the immediate placing of c mtracts by the Air Ministry for the supply of necessary material for the erection in South Africa of
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    • 178 21 To Be Arrested If He Enters France. London, June 16. Paris According to the newspaper IVlatin, instructions have been given f r the arrest of the Communist Doriot when he arrives at the French frontier on the grounds of flagrante delicto.’' Doriot is believed to be at
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    • 204 21 No Spying for British Mission. Rugby, June 15. In the House of Commons, a labour member asked whether any of the 2) Russians recently executed were employed as spies by the British mission to Russia. Comdr. Locker-Lampson, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said “The answer is emphatically in
      204 words
    • 27 21 London, June 17. Amsterdam Lightning caused flvi* deaths :*nd injuries to five people through ‘he sinking of the Juliana dry dock at A msterdam.
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    • 3039 22 United Front of Britain And Dominions. AUXILIARY CRAFT. Importance of Protecting Trade Routes. London, June 15. Geneva The Council of the League adopted a report in favour of continuing the work of the Preparatory Disarmament Committee. London, June 16. Paris Viscount Saito has proceeded to Geneva with
      3,039 words
    • 144 23 Twenty-four Hour Strike In South America. London. June IT. N"'\ A message from South America states that a twenty-four hour kc as a protest against the execution f Sacco and Yanzc.ti was carried out mi orderly fashion in certain of the capitals. du&gt;t ot the Buenos Aires
      144 words
    • 57 23 London, .June 20. New York The bodies of twenty dead v cve taken from the ruins of a textile 1 at Hosselon, near Medellin, Colom1 m which collapsed on Saturday during andslide. bor a hundred persons working in the •i were buried in the wreckage, but it
      57 words
    • 664 23 “Locarno” Discussions Held In Private. Russian Problem Said to Have Been Considered. London, June 15. Geneva What are described as Locarno discussions, arranged at short notice and conducted privately in Sir Austen Chamlierluin’s room at his hotel have greatly intrigued the journalists attending the League Council. M. Briand,
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    • 193 23 Foreign Ministers Meet Unofficially. &lt; &lt; Rugby, June 21. Private conversations which took place at Geneva between Foreign Ministers during the recent meeting of the League Council were the subject of a statement in the House of Commons to-day. The Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Comdr. Locker-Lam pson,
      193 words
    • 110 23 Feeling Intensified By Compromise Suggestion. London, June IS. Cape Town Feeling over the flag issue has been intensified by the breakdown of the committee seeking to evolve a compromise on the design. The Government then intimated their bitention to produce a new design which would probably embody
      110 words
    • 56 23 Bi- Demonstration In Canton. Hong Kong. June IS. Shameen A big anti-Japanese demon strati /ii took place to-day. A strong force of police guarded the streets t&lt; prevent incident. Propagandists are busy plastering th&lt; city’s wails with virulent anti-Jat aiiesv posters, and this afternoon an aeroplane flew
      56 words
    • 75 23 London. June J”. Amsterdam The first passengercarrying aeroplane for flight between Holland and Dutch Indies has left Schipol aerodrome. Mr. Lear Black and a secretary are passengers. It is hoped to complete the return journey in five weeks via India and Singapore. Budapest 'The aeroplane from
      75 words
    • 19 23 Shanghai, June U». Tokio A second 10.000 ton cruiser the Nuchi, has been launched at Kure.
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    • 383 23 Sentence of Penal Servitude For Life. Student Gives Reason for His Crime. London, June 15. Warsaw I killed Voikow, hut I am not guilty of murder,” calmly replied Kowerda at the opening of the trial. He added that he did so on account of what the Bolshevists
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    • 51 23 Hopes for Russo-Polish Relations. Berlin, June HI. The Russian Ambassador in Paris, M. Rakofl'ski, and the Polish Poreigti Minister. M. Znlcski, interviewed to-day, expressed optimism over Kusso-Pnlish relations and h iped for the conclusion of a kind of Kastern Locarno” in the shape of a non-kj-i'e ression guarantee
      51 words
    • 54 23 Paris, June la. The total revenue returns for May amount to Frs. J,2."&gt;f»,0011,000, of which Krs. .‘!,l 17,000,000 was from permanent normal sources, an increase of Krs. 1,118,000,000 over the futures for May, 1020. The total excess over Budget forecasts amounts to i’rs. 0.70,000,000 for the first
      54 words
    • 55 23 I.ondon, June l.*&gt;. New Orleans The United States Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the United States district court of Northern Texas granting Ur. Cook, of North Pole fame, five years parole. Dr. Cook is at present serving a sentence for using the American mails in
      55 words
    • 1103 24 Lull More Apparent Than Real. Breakdown of the Peking Negotiations. Japanese* reports s'afe that &lt; hiang Kui Shek’s troops capture'! Ifai«lio\v. a seaport in Northern Kiangsu, alter fierce fighting. When it was known that the S utherners were approaching, Sun Chuun Fang's troops commenced looting: the town. The
      1,103 words
    • 52 24 Berlin, June 21. Although the F.cho do Paris states that M. Poincare was warned by M. Briand that his Lunevillo speech would be misunderstood, M. Briand did not know tho text of the speech. 'Die Radical Socialist and Communist groups will raise the matter in the C
      52 words
    • 24 24 Berlin, June 10. Baron Covers left Berlin to-day on the completion of twenty-one wars as Minister for the Netherlands to*Germany.
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    • 133 24 Information as to Chinese Girls Untrue. Questioner in Commons Expresses Regret. London, June 21. n tho House of Commons, the Labour member Mr. Wei look made a personal explanation. He said he had enquired on the subject his question of last week with repaid to young hinese girls
      133 words
    • 246 24 j Finnish Government Demands Explanation. Berlin, June 15. Kiga reports that a Polish officer named Jani, accused of espionage, was shot at Xinsk yesterday. London. June 1«». Helsingfors The Soviet Government's reply with regard to the reasons for the execution of the Finn Klvengivn arc considered inadequate by
      246 words
    • 79 24 Wreckage Found at Mouth Of Amazon. London, June 21. IJio de Janeiro A fisherman has discovered tin? wreckage of an aeroplane at the mouth of the Amazon. It is believed to be that of St roman. Paris Experts are of opinion that the marks mentioned, by Reuter’s Rio
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    • 57 24 Last Groups of Druses Accept Terms. Paris, June 21. Beirut: The last groups of Druse rebels who have taken refuge in TransJordan i a for over a year, have asked and accepted the conditions of the French authorities. I wo hundred Druses, including prominent members of the Atrash
      57 words
    • 137 24 Agreement on Question At Geneva. Allied Inspection to R e rnostentatious." London, June Paris Agreement on tin* vexed ,,ut*«. lion i Herman fortresses reached at Geneva. According to P‘*l it Putisicn the points in tne settle nn in were as. follows 1. Aerification of the destruction v »f
      137 words
    • 227 24 Result of Lightweight International Race. Rugby, June IS. ilu* race for the light weight international auto cycles Tourist Trophy t«»cK place to-day over seven hips, equalling 2d4 miles odd yards, in the Isle of Man. Handley, on an Acme, won after leading all the way in I
      227 words
    • 141 24 Increase Advocated by Col. Lindbergh. London, June 16. Speaking as a guest at a luncheon in the New York State* Chamber of Commerce, at which .'1,000 people were present, Col, Lindbergh advocated an increase in the United States Air Force. He expressed the opinion that New
      141 words
    • 43 24 Ellis Abduction Case of 192 Recalled. Calcutta, June Para Gul Akbar, one of the Kohat gan* which murdered Mrs. Ellis and abduct* Miss Ellis in 102:1, has been hanged h&gt; the authorities at Peshawar, where was arrested while in disguise.
      43 words
    • 173 25 Much Power Already In People’s Hands. Lord Winterton Answers Labour Criticism. Rugby, June 17. in the House of Commons a debate on Indian affairs was raised by Mr. Lansbury, La oni Winterton, Under-Secretary for India replying to various points raised, 1 Si he did not think s &gt;me
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    • 155 25 Wonderful Performance Of Equine Veteran. Rugby, June 21. Colonel Graham’s mare Broncho, which came second to Quinine, mounted by Lieutenant Begard, of the Seventh French Hussars. in the competition for the King’s Cup for jumping at the International Horse Show yesterday, is 23 years old and has
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    • 33 25 London, June 21. New York: Forty bodies have so fai been recovered from the ruins of the tex tile factory near Medellin, Colombia, which collapsed owing to a landslide.
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    • 34 25 London, June 21. arose Lieutenant Borra, one of the Italian pilots selected to participate in the Schneider Cup race, was drowned in Lake Varese when his aeroplane fell during a practice flight.
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    • 28 25 London, June 21. hapids City, South, Dakota President oolidge has accepted the resignation of Admiral Bristol, the United States High Commissioner in Turkey.
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    • 111 25 Berlin, June 19. A police search in Antwerp of houses occupied by Flemish agitators revealed Important material. A number of arrests expected. At the fifth annual general meeting of j/' onang Building Society, held in the Chamber of Commerce on the n ftant, Mr. D. McLeod Craik in
      111 words

  • 2030 25  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London under date May 25, says The Economic Conference at Geneva has very nearly completed its labours and it has not belied expectations. It lias come to the conclusion that tariffs put
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  • 92 25 [Reuter Telegram.] Sir Thomas Lipton to Challenge Again. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 15. New York Sir Thomas Lipton has definitely announced that he will chalIcncc in 1928 for the America Cup. The America Cup, the famous yachting trophy for competition between the United States and Britain, has
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  92 words
  • 198 25 Kinta Tin.—125 piculs. Tin?' Kil.--178.40 piculs. Talam Mines.—550 piculs. Tronoh Mines.—1,475 piculs. Pahapg Consolidated.—3,830 piculs. Ipoh Tin Dredging.— 030 piculs. The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin,, reports I ho following outputs of associated companies for the half month of June Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging; Hours run (two
    198 words

  • 1204 26  -  By Leonard Arndt. [Special to the Straits T mes.] Soerabaya, .Java, .June 1 &lt;». 'i he prospect a are considered good for a specta. ular display of meteors on the nip.hts ot June 20, 27 and 28, when the 1 ons-Winneckc
    1,204 words
  • 150 26 Comparison of Total Value of Foreign Merchandise. Conii.::i»tive statement ef the total value- of foreign merchandise, excluding pjuvtl post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1J-0 and J927. ,-vnnnTC IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Increase Increase or or j&lt;j2G 1927 Decrease 1926 1927 Decrease (In thousands
    150 words
  • 104 26 Victim Stabbed in Twelve Places. A Chinese named Lee Chan Hong, who was the victim of an armed robbery in Alexandra Road at 7.45 p.m. on June 15. eecivud twelve stab wounds. Two Hokkicns are alleged to have aken part, and when it is stated that the looty
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  • 83 26 Chief Secretary Emphasises Its Importance. In his annual report, the Chief Secretary, L.M.S., states that the importance of pineapple cultivation in Malaya was emphasised in the report of the Imperial Kconomic Committee. The principal areas under cultivation and factoiies are in Johoro, the only factory in the Federated
    83 words
  • 292 26 Father Wants Son Severely Punished. In the District Court on June U&gt;, before Mr. X. D. Mudie. a Chinese was charged with theft of jewellery valued at about $800. Chief Court Inspector Meredith prosecuted and the accused pleaded guilty. Mr. Meredith informed the court that the
    292 words
  • 212 26 Definition of the F.M.S. Government’s Policy. The development of Cameron’s Highlanos as a hill station has been definitely decided on by Government. A Development Committee consisting ftltu ls a»d two unofficials was appointed on May 28, 1926, under the -•hairmanship of the Director of Public Works. The Committee
    212 words
  • 494 26 Discussion on Hospital Administration. Krom the minutes of a com,„j t u, meeting of the Straits Settler,, (Singapore) Association held in the x change Room on June 13, we ea that Messrs. S. L. Thompson S. J. Chan were unanimously elected to fill the vacancies occasioned by
    494 words
  • 198 26 European Who Refused to Move His Car. Prosecuting before the Third Police Magistrate (Mr. C. P. Smith) on Tuesday, in a summons against a Malay sycefor an alleged breach of the traffic regulations, Ch’ef Inspector Randell, of R 16 Traffic Department, stated that the huropean owner of the
    198 words

    • 2445 27 -Raiment Easily Beat The Malays. a,, attendance of 4,184 spectators saw Ihi'u' of Wellington’s eleven defeat Malays on June 15 by four goals to match, in spite of the improved f the Ma ays, turned out to be an v thin- for the soldiers and the ulti- j,
      2,445 words
    • 185 27 Possible Champions at Albert Hall. London, June 3. At the Albert Hall several championship eliminating contests were held. In a fifteen-round welter-weight contest Harry Mas n (Leeds) outpointed Alf Mancini (London). In a fifteen-round heavy-weight contest Ted Sandwina outpointed Con O’Kelly. In a twelve-round bantam-weight contest Archie Bell (America)
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    • 38 27 [Reuter Telegram.] Woman Beats World’s Record. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 18. At Stamford Bridge, in women’s interclub athletics, Miss Edwards, of Middlesex, ran 220 yards in 2d sec., beating the world’s record by one-fifth of a second.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  38 words
    • 79 27 Brighter Soccer In Paris. Swansea Team Strikes A “Rough House.” London, Juno 12. Paris.—The Arena resembled a boxing ring more than a football field during the second half of the soccer match between Swansea and the Red Star Club. Play degenerated into a series of fights; but the final encounter
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    • 55 27 Negri Sembilan Meeting Abandoned. Ow’ing to the very poor entries it has boon decided by the committee of the Negri Sembilan Sporting Club to abandon the proposed amateur race meeting which was advertised for June 25 at Seremban. It is proposed to endeavour to run a meeting in
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    • 148 27 Veterans’ Race at the Chinese Club. The 30 yards handicap race for veterans of 40 years of age and over was was swum off at the Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday. ChiaTek Chye (scratch) who went at six, was first home in 31 1/5 seconds, while Seow Siew Kim
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    • 1045 28 [Reuter Telegram.] American Open Championship. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 15. Oakmont, Pennsylvania: Leading fro I fers to the number of 142, including the British Ryder Cup players, are competing in the American open title competition. It c -nsists of two rounds of IK holes, after which the 04 lowest
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,045 words
    • 98 28 [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.} Foxlaw Wins Coveted Trophy. [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.} Rugby, June 1C. The British horse Foxlaw, owned by Sir Abe Bailey, won the coveted Gold Cup at Ascot. The race is run over two and a luarter miles and the conditions are weight for age. Of
      [BRITISH IMPERIAL RADIO.}  -  98 words
    • 122 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) The following results are to hand ir. he Malacca lawn tennis championship •onducted by the M. L. T. Association:— Singles. K. Tajiri beat E. W. Hide C—4, 6—1. Dr. Lung beat A. II. C. Allen 3—6, 7—5, (retired). Doubles. J. A. St. Stewart and
      122 words
    • 589 28 [reutek telegram] Opening of Great Tennis Meet. Draw Seeded According To Ability. [reutek telegram] London, June 15. For the first time in the history ol Wimbledon, the leading players were seeded according to ability, irrespective of nationality. The special committee ranked those seeded in the following order Lacoste Tilden,
      [reutek telegram]  -  589 words
    • 300 28 Unexpected Victory F„, Crole-Rees. r n J London June 21 Dull, showery and chilly wentt, vailed at Wimbledon, and the iu r pr was small. The outer courts t U ndafic slippery. Play was stopped v ®&gt; matches owing to rain. n 8eVt 'ft| In
      300 words
    • 132 28 [Reuter Telegram.] Tilden and Hunter In Manchester. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 16. At Manchester, in an Anglo-American tennis tournament on Davis Cup lines, Hunter heat Higgs, 7—5, 3—6, 9—7. 6-l-and Tilden heat Greig, 6—0, 6—0, 6—2. Tilden and Hunter Win. London, June 1". At Manchester in doubles Tilden and
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  132 words
    • 91 28 Perak Beats Selangor By 3 to 1. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, June 20. Before a large crowd and in &lt;l!lt weather Perak beat Selangor at Ipoh, o Saturday, in the return European soece match. The game was very fast, hut P at ‘'b both side missing several
      91 words
    • 221 29 I Charlesworth Scores 118. j L hc notable achievement of scoring 118 C WHS performed by V. Charlesworth, r for Brinkmann and Co. against tY MCA. At this point he was run 1 His hits included three sixes and Bril'kmann’s made 213, and the Y.M.C.A. with 94 for
      221 words
    • 500 29 me Vries Makes 111 Not Out. Kone of the best matches of the season &lt; played on Malacca Padang on Kurdav*. when Malacca Club met the Hlaeca Schools eleven. A feature of K- match was the high scoring al ■und. chief credit going to C. A. de ■i
      500 words
    • 871 29 Singapore Boxer Matched With! World Champion. A letter from Mr. Kim Lin in Manila gives further news of the Walley brothers, the products of Singapore boxing who promise to make the name of the country well-known among followers of the ring. The most important item
      871 words
    • 74 29 [Reuter Telegram.] Royal Hunt Cup Result. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June IT). The result of the Royal Hunt Cup (7 furlongs 1G6 yards) run at Ascot was M. M. Boussac’s ASTKRUS 1 J. J el’s PRIORY PARK 2 R. Walker’s DELIUS 3 Twenty-nine ran. Won by a neck same
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  74 words

  • 25 29 w»K SOUZA. —On Jure 21, 1927, nt 171, Bukit Timah Road, to Mr. and Mrs. David de Souza, a son. Mother and child well.
    25 words
  • 113 29 DAY—HENDRY. —At the Presbyterian Church, on June 16, 1927, Alfred Cyril Day, of D. D. Mackic, to Helen Scott Gibb Hendry, of Port Glasgow. V.cGUFFIN McMASTER At the Presbyterian Church, S ngapore, on June 16, 1927, by the Rev. J. Campbell Gibson, M A., John, eldest son of Mr.
    113 words
  • 139 29 Singapore, June 22. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 ra/s 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 23/32 Private 3m. credit 2/4 9/32 On New York, Demand 66 Private 90 d/s 67 On France, Bank T.T. 1411 On India, Bank T.T. 164 On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 11% p.c. dis. On
    139 words
  • 683 29 Fraser and Co.’s Quotations. Singapore, June 22. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 56/- 57/£1 £1 Bauer in Tin 30/- 32/1 1 Batang Padang 0.65 0.70 1 1 Batu Caves 1.22% 1.27% £1 ,‘il Chenderiang 22/- 28/6 £1 £1 Eastern. Siam 22/- 23/£1
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  • Page 29 Advertisements
    • 86 29 NOTICE All communication!! for both the Strait* Time* and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is |48 a year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 180 29 DEATHS CHUA. —On June 16, 1927, at his residence 123, Neil Road, Mr. Chua Chim Chuan, age 57 years. FERNANDEZ.—At the Genera' Ilospita', on June 17, 1927, Gregory Fernandez, 70 years/ Deeply regretted. HOLLINSHEAD. —At the General Ilospita’, Singapore, on June 16, 1927, Capt. S. S. Hollinshead, of the Sarawak
    180 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 63 1 General &gt;aße Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages J London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction Rubber Position (By A. W. S.) 1 Local Rubber Auction 2 Rubber Smuggling 2 Rubber Returns 2 Crude Rubber Telegrams— Price of Rubber 1 Meetings and Reports— Ayer Hitam Rubber 2 Serdang
      63 words
    • 89 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotsit oils Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices Ju'y Oct. Jan. Date l.Mon S’pore June Sept. Pee. Mur. s. &lt;1. J i'd* 1 p. i r»'» or»8\ 0 58*2 o .•&gt;:»’4 o c.o' a o.fl j•■** 17 i i v ooi*'.. o.r.os out 1 1 oivj
      89 words
    • 29 1 Rubber price averages in the current (second) Restriction quarter of 11)27 up to June 22 were as follows Singapore C 7.8 cents London Is. 6.6 d.
      29 words
    • 30 1 Lewis nnd Peat’s cable from their I .or. don office gives 500 tons decrease, making the total London rubber stocks at June 21, as revised 66,000 tons.
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    • 200 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 817th auction on June 22, when there were catalogued 1,587,490 lbs. or 708.70 tons offered 956,064 lbs. or 426.81 tons sold 815,899 lbs. or 576.74 tons. Spot London Is. 5V4d. N’t w York 55*4 cts. TRICES REALISED. Ribbed
      200 words
    • 1511 1  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London under date May 25, says For the first time this year the London weekly stock report shows a marked decline, fiom 08,041 to 66.6G8, a reduction nf 1,575 tons. The landings, 1,715
      1,511 words
    • 114 1 [REUTER TELEGRAM] No Intention to Abolish Restriction. Sharp Rally in London Market. [REUTER TELEGRAM] j London, June i; '"tile .House of Comm ms, re;, Sir rank Nelson, who drew anomic?. the heavy fall in the price of raw rubC recently, Mr. Amery said His Maie&lt;:- Government were
      [REUTER TELEGRAM]  -  114 words
    • 55 1 London, June IT. New York The banks intimately c nec'.ed with the rubber pool organised z December last year with the object c! stabilising crude rubber prices declare the ciedit will be extended for a year fre: June 1. he declaration follows recent rumour; that the pool
      55 words
    • 132 1 London, June IS. The Daily Telegraph, commenting 8?* provingly on the Government’s decisi: to adhere to the Stevenson rubber restriction scheme, says there is little do::' that the price of rubber was artificially driven down during last week by those whose object is to produce
      132 words
    • 65 1 London, June 21. In the House of Commons, replying n question with regard to American cables assorting that the pivotal price of the Stevenson rubber restriction scheme asapresent enforced would be altered, Mr* Aniery said the rumour w’as groundless; If any change in the scheme
      65 words
    • 821 2 The Market Quiet But Steady. Harlow ami Co. report Singapore, June 10, The sudden fall in the price of the mmodity recorded in our last report 1" continued, almost without a check, ’I j to-day London is quoted at K »Ud. o.rket steady, and New York gold,
      821 words
    • 524 2 Evidence of Tin Found in Small Areas. Me have received the following report from Whittall and Co., Klang l he twentieth annual ordinary general 1 meeting of the Ayer Hitam Planting .Syndicate, Ltd., was held at Whittall and Co.’s offices, Klang, on June 15, when the following
      524 words
    • 159 2 Closer Control of Dealers In Johore. An amending bill is about to be introduced into tho Johore Council of State with tho object of effecting a closer control over tho actions of rubber dealers, as it is thought that tho great bulk of smuggled rubber passes through their
      159 words
    • 569 2 More Captures by Preventive Launches. Quite a number of captures of rubber smugglers are again reported by the preventive launches. In one ease the Lalat chased five praus and succeeded in capturing them but only after the smugglers had abandoned the boats and escaped into the mangrove swamps.
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    • 90 2 Bukit Katil. —10,804 lbs. Bedford Plantations.—14,109 lbs. Brunei United.—19,095 lbs. Bukit Timah.—10,202 lbs. Bruseh.—17,000 lbs. Benar (Selangor).—19,000 lbs. Changkat Serdaug.—13,872 lbs. Clenealy Plantations.—23,821 lbs. Havtor. —Nil. Hill Rise.—19,300 lbs. Henrietta.—47,500 lbs. Indragiri.—50,117 lbs. Juru.—‘21,071 lbs. Kuala Reman.—101,535 lbs. Kuala Pergau.— 32,400 lbs. Lunas.- 42,000. Lara? (Sumatra).—-55.545 lbs. Lok
      90 words
    • 407 2 Large Increase Shown In Rubber Crop. Presiding at the meeting of the Serdung Central Plantations, Ltd., held on May 11, at Bunge House, St. Mary Axe, Mr. Herbert Wright said that the cost of the estate and expenditure thereon was now £58,020, the account having been increased by
      407 words
    • 157 2 Importations into the United States. W(&gt; arc indebted to the Planters Association of Malaya for giving the following details of the importations of crude rubber into the United States during April 1027. The figures have been compiled and distributed by the Rubber Assoeia»ion of America. The estimated net
      157 words
    • 888 3 One of the Oldest Companies In Malaya. The seventh ordinary g'« neral meeting of the Anglo-Mulay Rubber Co., Ltd., was held in mail week in the Council Room of the Huhher (Irowers’ As-oc,ation 4Incorporated I, Sir A. Swottcnhain. (J.C.M.G., r.H. ttlie chairman of th« company), prcseding. The Chairman,
      888 words
    • 766 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co.’s Weekly Report. Macphail and Co., Ltd.’s weekly report, dated .Pin:* 21, states purli.g the past week the price of rubber has con'imied its downward trend and to-day’s spot London price is quoted at Is. 4 *d. which is l *sd. lower than i
      766 words
    • 493 3 Stock p Kxcbang* Value. Company. Il Abaeo 2/ A llagat il Anglo-Malay il Ayer Kuning il Banteng SV, 2/ Can ten g &lt; onsolidated i l Batu Paves f.L n £1 Batu Tiga 2/ Bekoh /3 2 Bertani Consolidated 2/ Brioh
      493 words
    • 725 3 SINGAPORE DOLLAR S HARE PRICES JUNE 22. Capital Issue Closing Prices. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser I.vall Company Co. Kvatt. 389,293 1 35 p.c. year 28-2-27 .Allenby ($1) 2.40 2.00cd. 2.40 2.00 100,000 1 10 p.c. int. year 30-9-27Alor Ca.iah &lt;S1) 2.25 2.45 2.25 2.15 470,425 1 55 p.c. for
      725 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 62 1 I OK SALK, RUIUIKK SEKDS from third generation own selection. Proved yield MU Ih.s. per acre per annum. Order?, for next Autumn delivery hooked in strict rotn1 7 1H and has now given repeat order on account of high yields obtained. Price $l."i P&lt; r thousand f.o.r. Xiang. For further
      62 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 157 4 I *&gt; 2a k 1 ira r t -V I1927 Models 5 Seater Touring $3,000 5 Pass Sports- $3,750 7 Seater Touring 3,100 7 Pass Touring 4,100 4 Door Saloon 3,500 7 Pass Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in S.S.) SERVICE Malayan Motors, with their own branches throughout Malaya,
      157 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 374 5 SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR (XL LTD (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) t; J DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J.'GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN C HENG LOCK, if. Hdn'ble Ml. I&gt;. J. WARD. A GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. A 2* R. M. MEYER,
      374 words