The Straits Budget, 9 June 1927

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHCI> EIGHTY F.AKS.J No. SINGAPORE. TM’RSPAY. .11 NE ‘I. ***** Pi ire L':> rents (S.S. Currency) or 7d*
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  • 267 1 ■LEADERS P f Th»> Tin Position Welcome in Si? HfK* Flirtonl The Sirdar British nr Egyptian .5 l Kailway Control ami Efficiency Those Mosquito Buses Occasional Notes telegram*. Reuter and Special >o Covering Bust Weeks News 1,pictures— Sir Hugh Clifford in Singapore king’s Birthday Parade Sir T. Fraser at
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  • 2829 1 Hie vernacular papers at Hong Koii •*<p«nl that tin* strike of tin* workers in Xanyang Tobacco Company has been '■‘tied, and the Chinese correspondent of 1,1 ljail.v Cross states it is generally be:ie\<id that ail the Hong Kong employees '•tile Company who are now in Canton jMll
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  • 230 2 Splendid Work by Three Chinese Detectives. At the Birthday I'arade on June 55 three Singapore Chinese detectives whose initiative and gallantry in effecting the arrest of a number of armed Chinese secret society men attracted the attention of the auhorities were presented with the Police Medal. The Chinese
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  • 180 2 Thanked from the Bench For Assisting Police. The story of the chase and capture of a thief was told in the District Court last week when a Chinese was brought up on a charge of theft. The complainant, who is a little Chinese girl, was walking along Victoria
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  • 73 2 Large Find on the Steamer Antung. On information received by the Preventative Officers of the Government Monopolies, the steamer Antung. which arrived in Singapore on June I from hina has been thoroughly searched, and a discovery of 5,(500 tahils, valued at about $50,000, was marie in the engine
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  • 188 2 Sustains Strain While Out Riding. We regret to hear that His Excellency the Governor, Sir Hugh Clifford, sustained a strain while out riding on Monday. It was announced that he would he not he afole to attend the races that afternoon. His Excellency lost no time
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  • 190 2 Call Boy Drawn by Cape Town Dental Mechanic. Sells Three-quarters of Share For £19,500. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta. June 2. It is understood that Mr. Kilpatrick, a dental mechanic in Cape Town, was the drawer of Call Boy in the Calcutta Turf Club sweep on
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  • 181 2 Arrival in Singapore During July. We learn from Government House that Lady Clifford, C.B.E., the wife of H.E. the Governor, and belter known to the world under her former name of Mrs. Henry de la Pasture, under which she won for herself so great a reputation in the
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  • 106 2 Chinese Shot in New Market Road. While in Newmarket Road on Saturday about 8..'50 p.m., four Chinese are alleged to have attacked a Chinese coolie anil to have ***** him in his right side and chest. The man was removed to tho General Hospital where he is detained.
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  • 859 2 The King's Birthday. That Sir HmsJi Clifford was pleaset with his reception, yesterday, wad obvious to all. Ho was more than pleased for time and again he expressed himself as delighted with the manner in which tljc Colony had turned, out to bid him welcome. It was
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 906 3 —Straits Times, June 2. At the annual meeting of the Federated Malay States. Chamber of Mines last week an interesting review of that institution’s activities and of the general conditions of mining in the States was read from the President, Mr. T. R. A. Windeatt, who recently
      —Straits Times, June 2.  -  906 words
    • 860 3 —Straits Times, June 4, Our new Governor made the happiest of impressions at yesterday’s ceremonies. It is refreshing to meet with an administrator who is prepared to admit quite frankly that for the first time in his career he takes up an appointment with a light
      —Straits Times, June 4,  -  860 words
    • 910 3 THE SIRDAR—BRITISH OR EGYPTIAN anchored ofF Alexandria.—Straits Times. June 0. Described as a precautionary measure, three British battleships have been ordered to Alexandria. It is strange how some places of the world seem destined to be storm centres. Certainly Alexandria is one. For a period of over one thousand years
      anchored ofF Alexandria.—Straits Times. June 0.  -  910 words
    • 887 4 Straits Times, June 7. It is many years since we last had occasion to refer to the working of the Federated Malay States Railways and the effects of Government control. We probably would have refrained from doing so again had not several paragraphs in a somewhat
      Straits Times, June 7.  -  887 words
    • 940 4 -Straits Times, June 8. According to the President of the Singapore Municipality it was last September he first realised that something had to be done about the citv’s mosquito fleet of motor buses. Since this realisation, six months have passed and nothing material has eventuated. It is
      -Straits Times, June 8.  -  940 words

  • 282 4 Application to Join Straits Bar Granted. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, June 7. The application of Mr. E. C. Watson, formerly Judicial Commissioner, Perak, tor admission as an advocate and solicitor, Straits Settlements, was heard by Mr. Justice Sproule to-day. Mr. de Buriatte, secretary of the
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  • 118 4 Bottles, Carrying: Poles And Axes in Court. Numerous bottles, carrying poles and an a::e were exhibits in a case, before the Second Police Magistrate, Mr. H. R. Bull, yesterday, in which 15 Chinese were charged with unlawful assembly. The charge is a sequel to an occurrence in the
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  • 225 4 The following appointments are notified in the F. M. S. Government Gazette Mr. W. J. Haskins to be Engineer for Construction, F. M. S. R.; Mr. R. H. Whitty t) be Reconnaissance and Plantations Officer, Malayan Forest Service Miss W. H. Mitchell to be a Lady Medical
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  • 1117 5 [Straits Times, June 2-8.] No Governor ariiving to take over the reins of cfliee in this Colony has been called up n to face an ordeal the like of which confronts Sir Hugh Clifford tomorrow. After a delayed steamer connection at Colombo arid a wearisome train j ,urney
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  • 145 5 The Provision and Control Of Ambulances. Action taken at> a meeting of committee No. 2 of the Municipal Commission el Id on June 1, included the following Decided to inform Government that the Commissioners are of opinion that the provision and control of ambulances for accidents should be
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  • 158 5 Bid Not Cough in Police Court For Pleasure. Mr. C. P. Smith, the Third Police Magistrate, is indisposed, and the cases of that court were taken on Wednesday by Mr. II. li. Bull, the Second Police Magistrate. If the crowded court was any indication the list was a
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  • 70 5 Donations to this fund have come in very slowly and we ask those who desire to give a sum, however small, to forward it to the Editor as soon as possible. All contributions will tbe sent home for use this summer and the list will be
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  • 1413 5 Singapore Dismissed Twice In Three Hours. EVERETT IN FORM. Visitors Win by Innings And 91 Runs. Calculations went sadly astray on the Padang on June 1. With the Australians out for 281 and that S.C.C. innings of 210 in nnnd, we reckoned confidently on the Singapore baismen
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  • 64 6 [The Straita Timea ia not reaponaibla tot the opiniona of ita correspondent!. Corre ■pondents ahould beor in inind that letter* must be abort and to the point. Long epistles are liable to be rejected or cat down. Correspondents must enclose theii names, not necessarily for publication bul as guarantee
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  • 504 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Prevention is better than cure. Mignt we be allowed t> suggest that the Municipal Health Officer, in collaboration with the Inspector of Schools, lay down a list of hawkers who may be allowed to scdl in the tiffin sheds of
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  • 357 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Adverting to an Occasional Note in your issue of May 27, I would specially mention the appalling condition of Dunlop Street (Serangoon Road end). After 9 p.m. this portion of Dunlop Street is oftimes practically impassable. The
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  • 220 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Your leader deserves the urgent attention of the authorities concerned, as well as that of the leaders of the different communities who wish to see the young of Singapore grow up to be not only peaceful and more contented citizens
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  • 501 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The Vice-President (Lady Munson) and the committee of Children’s Day would be much obliged if you would publish the statement of accounts, etc., in connection with the Children’s Day organised by Lady Guillemard in aid of the St. Andrew's
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  • 81 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I will be very grateful if anybody can enlighten me as to the wave length of the Eindhoven wireless station. 1 noticed in your valuable paper yesterday that the Queen of Holland would speak to the Dutch East Indies
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  • 476 6 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Wireless enthusiasts in Malaya who are experimenting in short-wave iong distance telephony will be interested to know that it is now possible to obtain regular transmissions from Eindhoven, Iolland, on a wave-length of AO.2 meters. The broadcasts are given
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  • 134 6 Accused Prefers Longer Period In Gaol. Two Chinese, Te > Hong and Ong Chek, were produced in the District Court before Mr. N. D. Mudie on Tuesday afternoon, charged with being in possession of two daggers. Chief Court Inspector R. W.„Meredith, who prosecuted, said that six men were
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  • 1055 6 The following passengers are proceeding to Europe by the Morea which sailed on Friday Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. J. Beatty, Mrs. C. A. Momber, Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. P. Du Pon, Mr. and Mrs. D. Brown, Mr.
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  • 1357 7 [Reuter Telegram.] Surrey Beat Sussex In Local Derby. Cambridge Heat the Army By Eight Wickets. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 2. The following are results of matches iiegun on Wednesday Win for the Tykes. Huddersfield Yorkshire heat Northamptonshire by ten wickets. Northants only collected 89 in their first innings.
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,357 words
  • 100 7 Total Haul of $100,000 On Antunjf. On Friday, iev\ nue officers of the Prc\eiuive Service, Government Monopolies Department, seized 5,500 tahils of illicit chaudu on hoard the Antung from Amoy. Luier the same night, oti furthei information Mr. Listerman. acting Head ol Preventive Service, accompanied by oilier
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  • 72 7 A Chinese who was produced in the District Court on Tuesday, before Mr. N. D. Mudie was sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment and two years police supervision for picking tin* pocket. Chief Court Inspector .Meredith, who prosecuted, said that the accused was arrested in South
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  • 1287 7 Mr. Peck’s Statement At Annual Meeting. Adjourned for Mr. Wilson To Attend. 1 hr annual general meeting of the Pontianuk Gold Dredging oncessions Ltd., whs held on Tuesuu.v at Raffles Hotel, llie chairman, Air, ti, .S', j*errors, presiding. ’t here were also present Mr. F. C. Feck, who
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  • 3732 8 Australian Visitors Defeated By 39 Runs. BRILLIANT FIELDING. Tribute to N. J. A. Foster’s Fine Captaincy. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. June 3. The first innings of the Malaya v. Australians match has been concluded and to-day’s play was noteworthy’ lor a sensutionat collapse eft the
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  • 566 9 Text of Messages to the King And Mr. Amery. The following is the text of the two telegrams sent on June 3, by His Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford, G.C.M.G., G.B.E. M.C.S. (1) From Sir Hugh Clifford, G.C.M.G. G.B.E., M.C.S., to Ills Majesty the King, Buckingham Palace, London
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  • 64 9 Sensational Fire at Ipoh Cinema Hall. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, June 4. A sensation was caused in the Harima Hall Cinema by the sudden blazing of a film. The fire rapidly spread towards the stairs and the crowd rushed out. Several Europeans and Boy Scouts preserved orders.
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  • 393 9 Further Views of Mr. Wee Hap Lang. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur June 1. At this morning’s meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board after the business of the meeting had been con eluded Mr. Wee Hap Lang addressed the meeting. In the course of
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  • 209 9 Sikhs Attack Other Drivers One Man Killed. A feud between two clans of Indians who drive hire cars in Singapore culminated on June .2 in a terrible scene in Coleman Street, close to Meyer Mansions and a stand for hire cars. About 8.15 Sikhs armed with long
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  • 67 9 (Aneta’s Service.) Falls Into Sea While Flying Off Sourabaya. (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, June 2. Three naval seaplanes flew out from Sourabaya and one of them fell into the ea 10 miles from the lightship in the west channel. The seaplane was carrying a pilot and in observer. After
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  67 words
  • 320 9 Threatening Crowd Dispersed By Police. Strikers Lose Privileges. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Madras, June 1. This morning the strikers at Massey and to. created trouble outside Masseys workshop at Itoyapuram, Madras. At eight o’clock, the strikers in mob numbering 100, many of whom were armed
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  • 339 9 Funeral with Masonic Honours At Malacca. We regret to record the death of Mr. C. A. Lacey, Jasin Lallang Estate, Malacca, which occurred on June 1 at the Durian Daun Hospital after a long illness. The funeral took place in the evening and was
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  • 1705 10 Two Accidents in The Steeplechase. Lieut. liourkc and Lieut. Woods Injured. The second and final day of the amateur meeting at the Singapore Turf Club was marred by two accidents in the steeplechase, involving injuries to wellknown local sportsmen, Lieut. VV. A. Woods, A.D.C. to II.E. the Governor,
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  • 177 10 Taxi That Ran Into A Municipal Coolie. Thai the man’s dc-atn had been cause'* by a rash ait. was the finding of the coroner, Col. Hope-Falkner, on Tuesday in thg enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of a Tamil Munieipa coolie, who was knocked down bv
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  • 130 10 Summary of Results of Recent Examinations. A summary of the results of the Cambridge Local Examinations held in December last has been furnished by the •ting Director of Education, S. S. an«. F.M.S. From this the following informati n is available School certificate :—Entered for whole certificate, boys
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  • 137 10 The Singapore Municipal health statement for the week ending May 28 gives the total number of deaths as male 196, female 86. This represents a death rate of 34.25 per mille per annum compared with 38.01 in the preceding week and 40.75 in the corresponding week last
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  • 367 10 European Injured in Coleman Street. Mr. J. Sharpnel, a European, was i n iured in a traffic accident in Coleman Street on June 1 in which a Morris lorry was involved. During the police investigation that ensued it transpired that the lorry driver did not possess a licence.
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  • 82 10 Breach of New Car Parking Regulation. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Fenang, June 1. As a result of failing to comply with a new iraffic order prohibiting the parking of cars and other vehicles in Beach Street between Union Street and Bishou Street. Mr. F. V. Duckworth, of the
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  • 125 10 Building Surveyor’s Advice To Municipality. In his annual report to the SingaporeMunicipality, the Building Surveyor states that during the year 151 licencesfor garages were issued which is an increase of 28 over 1925. The shophouse docs not lend itself to conversion into garages, due to its narrow width
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  • 66 10 In the name of His Majesty the Emg His Excellency the Governor has neon pleased to award Certificate of Honon to the following persons in recognition y their loyal and valuable services to tfH Government of the Straits Settlements j Dcmang Abdul Ghani bin Haji Ab'J 1
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  • 6260 11 Colony’s Welcome to Sir Hugh Clifford. First Time Taken l/p Office With a Light Heart.” After an absence of twenty-four years from Malaya, His Excellency Sir Hugh Clifford, G.C.M.G., G.B.E., returned on 'Friday to take up tin- highest post the country has to offer—that of Governor of the
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    • 111 13 .’1 Vii* 0 'f rn r arr, e a Koad station from Henang at 6.30 a.m. on Friday and after meeting numerous otlicials and civilians went to the ounci am tr to e sworn in. He then took the salute at the King’s Birthday parade
      Photos, tty /•'. ./. Treusem  -  111 words
    • 35 13 S.V.C., C. (Scottish) Co. March Past. 2nd Bn., Duke of Wellington’s Kliment. Photos, hy l'. J. I'riiisi’tii 2nd Bn. The Duke of Wellington's Regiment on Parade. I’hutus. by Mtyata
      Photos, hy l'. J. I'riiisi’tii; I’hutus. by Mtyata  -  35 words
    • 48 14 His Excellency the (General Ollicer Commanding. Malaya, (ieneral Sir Theodore Fraser, k.C.IL, C.S.I., I’.M.ti., spent a morning at the M.S.V.R. Camp at Port Dickson. After luncheon His Excellency hade farewell to the Volunteers in Camp. Photo. b\ tin Si i\mhiin Suppliers
      Photo. b\ tin Si i\mhiin Suppliers  -  48 words
    • 61 14 The Singapore team tired for the Inter-port Shield at the Hukit Timah range on May 2S. and scored Still points as against S.*l7 last year. Preparing to move to the (>U0 yards range. Looking down the Range. At the <iO<) yards range. Sergt. H. S. Kirn an
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    • 78 15 Caithness —Ardley Wedding. I he wedding of Captain I-. Caithness, of the Straits Steamship Co., and Miss Dorothy Kathleen Ardley took place at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, on May 19. Mrs. Keys was matron of honour and Mr. J. Hird best man. The bride was given away by Major I*.
      Photo, bv II. \. Huckcruigc  -  78 words
    • 30 15 The well-known farcical comedy. Our Fiat, wa; recently and very successfully produced at the Victoria Theatre by the Singapore Amateurs. /’/»«/o. by II. S'. Iliickci'iil^c
      /’/»«/o. by II. S'. Iliickci'iil^c  -  30 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 15 H.K. \dmiral Viscount M. Saito, (JovernorI'Ctteral of Chosen, who was appointed •Japanese chief delegate to the Naval Disarmament Conference at Geneva. Jack llare, the world’s champion globetrotting lighter, recently in Singapore. /lata, a talented young Russian dancer who has been appearing with much success at the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore.
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    • 113 16 Details of the splendid cricket match at Kuala l.umpur where the Malayan team heat the Australians by W runs art gi\tn on another pagt. Beneath n (\i «l i the ton scorer. are a few snaps sent in for reproduction. ibdiaa. Australians going out to field. Spectators
      /Vjo.'ov by /’.;/</ (tin:; Photos. I>\' /.. V. I.ooi Pint it; Photo, by P. Onn, Pitilu.  -  113 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 582 17 f REITER TKI.EGRAM J Knighthood for Mr. Hayes Marriott. OTHER MALAYAN AWARDS. Mr-. Fcrguson-Davie Receives The O.B.K. f REITER TKI.CGRAM] London, June 2. Birthday honours arc announced afollows Batons. -Sir Davison Dul/id. ami Sir ilbert Greeiuill. Barcneti i*&gt;.— S r John Brit kwood. '•us R.irvy W. 11.
      f REITER TKI.EGRAM J  -  582 words
    • 183 17 Sequel to Rear-Admiral Harper’s Hook. London, June 1. “The Narrative of the Battle of JutPaid." ofiivially published in 102-1, is now tidlowid by a RL;e Look entitled R production of the Record of tin* Rattle Jutland," prepared by Captain (now Rear-Admiral) Harper and other officer* I y direction
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    • 79 17 Apportionment Among Allied Powers. London. June '5. Washington Britain, Japan and Italy have notitied the State Department of their willingness to resume tin* conference interrupted in 1022 to deride the final apportionment of pre-war German cables in accordance with the jr*ace treaty. France is renorted to be unwilling
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    • 95 17 No Roycott of American Goods. London. June 2,. Mexico City: The Foreign Ofl’nv now explains that the decree in no way means a boycott of American goods, which may still be purchased in Mexico 'or Government departments, it was issued •wing to the delay in
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    • 71 17 French Government Intend To Remain. London, June R. Paris The Kcho i!c Paris says tint a few days ago Britain informed lb* French Foreign Oflice of the possibili y of removing the Peking Legation to Tientsin. The news pau&lt; r says France is no* iu(litK (I to follow
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    • 32 17 Paris, June The Chamber Finances Committee has adopted a bill for a two millions credit for evacuating and helping French r e p’c in regard to China events.
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    • 206 17 Acknowledges London’s Birthday Greetings. More Than Ever Appreciated As Life (iocs On.” Rugby, June The King addres-ed the following reply to the. message of good wishes sent by the Lord Mayor of London on the occasion of His Majesty’s birthday Another anniversary of my birthday has been
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    • 147 17 Impressive Parades in Shanghai And Hong Kong. Shanghai, June Against a background of misty, grey skies, through which pierced the lofty spires of the Nanking Road buildings, Sir Miles Lamp-on took the salute as the Mrit'sh Defence Force, the Coldstream* hailing, marched past on the racecourse this
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    • 145 17 Trooping of the Colours In London. Rugby, June f&gt;. The King was present to-day at the annual picturesque ceremony in celebration of His Majesty’s birthday of th trooping of the colour on the Horse Guards Parade. Owing to the incidence of tlv* Wh't suntide holirlays the crowds were
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    • 46 17 London, June 1. The House of Commons, by tfdo to 12”. adopted clause 7 of the Trade Unions Bill uthorising the At.tnrney-Henernl to apply a court injunction to restrain any application &lt;f funds of trade unions contrary *o the provisions -»f the Act.
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    • 243 17 No Intention of Hindering Trade. Mr. lynes Acknowledges Reassuring Answer. m Rugby, June Replying to a question by .Mr. (dynes. Labourite, the Home Secretary said that Government bad no desire to place any difficulties in the way of trade between Russia and this country and Russians desiring
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    • 121 17 Most Spectacular Session Of The Year. London, June Vew X »&gt;rk With the tape twenty minutes behind, and the floor of the exchange in a turmoil us overworked brokers struggled frantically to execute a delug** of orders, the stock market witnessed the most spectacular session of
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    • 48 17 Liberal’s Narrow Victory Over Labour. London, June I. The bv e!c i«o) at Bnsworth, due to the iesignation &lt;*) the "iiservative menilier, t’antnin Geo. who settled in Australia, resulted as follow s Sir William Kdge, Liberal, ll.X'.H. Mr. Minto, Labour, 11.710. Brig.-(Jem i al Spears, Conservative, 7/;sr».
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    • 59 17 Nine Killed When Express Is Derailed. London, June -‘I. Peris Vine were killed !&gt;y the derail merit of the Paris-Vimes express near Moulins. A!! the coaches hut four were overt umed. The casualties were all French. The smash occurred owing to the express crashing into several goods
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    • 49 17 (Juoen of Holland’s Speech Heard in Australia. J. 'ii'ion, June 2. Syilm v Despite static interference, th" ••••catf r part uf the addresses of Ottcen 1’neimina ami Princess .)uliana at Kind*i ven were picked ut&gt; by a local listener* who took a verbatim note of Piinees* Juliana's address.
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    • 902 18 French Troops for Shanghai And Tientsin. FENGTIEN WITHDRAWAL CONTINUES. Japanese Brigade and Several Battalions. Shanghai, June 1. Peking With reference to the message from Washington it is understood that the United States Legation yesterday, after meeting the diplomatic corps, wired Washington again urging that the Legation should
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    • 138 18 French Dinner in Honour Of Mr. Amery. London, June Paris A Franco-British Colonial Entente was virtually officially inaugurated at a dinner of the Union CMoniale Francaise in honour of Mr. Amery, British Colonial Governors ami Commissioners of Dominions resident in laris.. It was attended by Lord Crewe, M.
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    • 45 18 Berlin, June 1. Russia is reported to be replying to the British Naval visit to Baltic ports with a similar demonstration. A battle squadron has been ordered to tour the Baltic and Scandivanian harbours, and army manoeuvres have been ordered at Kronstadt.
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    • 44 18 London, .Tune 2. Boston Governor Fuller has appointed President d Pr fessor Stratton. I resident of the Massachusetts Institute °f Technology, and other prominent T.:z%r l a a r rd r ‘^oTinZ (nsrs of Sacco and nnzetti. The Cover ISMSS?"*' wU:
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    • 266 18 Albania’s Declaration To The League. Seeking to Conciliate Jugoslavia. Berlin, June Th&lt;* situation is serious in Tirana, when* tile Jugo-Slav Minister will request passports for himself and staff unless the arrested Legation interpreter is immediately released. The Foreign Office points out that the interpreter is an Albanian subject
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    • 90 18 Slight Injury in Motor Accident. London, June 4. Sir Austen Chamberlain was the victim of a motor accident after dining with diplomats at the Foreign Otf.ce. His car swerved to avoid a woman in Parliament Square and struck a refuge. The glass was shattered and Sir Austen
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    • 58 18 Three Destroyers Ordered In Britain. Rugby, June 5. An order has been placed by the Argentine Government, represented Admiral Galindes, Chief of the Argentine Naval Commission in Europe, with Samuel White. Limited, shipbuilders and engineers of the Isle of Wight, for the construction of three destroyer flotilla leaders.
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    • 45 18 Generous Grant from Carnetrie Trust. Rugby, June 5. The trustees of the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, following the King’s lead have decided to set aside £200,000 over a period, 1027-1930, to assist the movement started by the National Playing Fields Association. s
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    • 25 18 London, June 2. Bombay The Imperial Bank of India has reduced the discount rate from seven to six per cent.
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    • 23 18 Rugby, June 5. T nc French. Naval squadron which hafornBrS«ta*v S,t t0 Portsm °uth is leaving lor Brest th.s morning.
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    • 111 18 Terrific Concussion Startles City. At First Taken to be An Earthquake. London-, June Warsaw Sick and maimed inmates &lt;, hospitals jibbering. and wailing in tl, streets of Cracow and worshippers rush ing and screaming from the churches f«*l lowed an appalling concussion at fl !Vi believed to be
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    • 123 18 French Airmen Cover .‘{,120 Miles. London, June 4. Paris The airmen Costes and Rigno* have started on their long-distano flight. Paris, June 4. The airmen Costes and Rignot depart etl at a.m. on their non-stop High* to Tohita. London, June (5. Paris The airmen Costes and Rignot
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    • 57 18 President Reviews Combined Fleets. London, June 5. Norfolk, Virginia The President reviewed the combined Atlantic and Pacitn fleets oft’ ape Henry where t&lt;7 vessels comprising the greatest concentration ot *ea forces since the war, proudly paraded past during a hundred minutes. President Coolidge was visibly impressed and ordered
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    • 62 18 Berlin, June 2. Riga reports that Russia is ordering y.000,000 roubles worth of war supplies, nine Fokker planes and eight submarines abroad.' Berlin, June President von Ilindenburg presente* Bishop Loire with a shield in recognition of the Swiss Episcopate's help to (ierniat sufferers during the war and after. Berlin,
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    • 114 18 Berlin, June L I he International’s threat to exclude Sinovieff and Trotzky sharpens th&lt; internal conflict in Moscow, where the opposition is gaining ground. Last night there were mass arrests ii Leningrad, where a thousand were incarcerated, reflecting the seriousness of the situation. Berlin. June 3.
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    • 21 18 London. June Brussels The King has confirmed tl appointment of Prince Deligne a- Be gian Ambassador at Washington.
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    • 675 19 Statement by Sir Austen Chamberlain. POLITICIANS AND ARMY. Necessity of Maintaining Safeguards. London, June 1. In the House of Commons, replying to a number of questions, Sir Austen Chamberlain said the Egyptian Army had for a long time past attracted the attention of a section of
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    • 220 19 Reply to Lord Lloyd Not Acceptable. London, June 7. Cairo There are pessimistic rumours in connection with the Anglo-Egyptian dispute over the Egyptian Army. 1 lie Egyptian reply to the British note was handed to Lord Lloyd on the 3rd mst. The terms were not divulged,
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    • 175 19 Forced Descent at Lympne Owing to Fog. London, June 1. Washington A telegram from Capt. Lindbergh has been received at White House accepting President Coolidge’s invitation to return immediately to Washington in the United States cruisei Memphis. It is planned that the Memphis wil. come direct to
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    • 101 19 Huge Sum Goes in Lawyers’ Fees. London, June 2 New York Payment of £540,800 in fees to lawyers employed by the children, gr.’.ndchildren, and great-grandchildren of the late Jay Gould in litigation with regard to his estate has been appr &gt;ved by the State Supreme Court, which
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    • 586 19 Favourite Wins in Record Time. Easily Beats Hot Night by Two Lengths. London, June 1. The Derby (mile and a half) which was run at Epsom to-day, resulted as follows Mr. Frank Curzon’s CALL BOY (E. C. Elliott) 1 Sir Victor Sassoon’s HOT NIGHT (Hr Wragg) 2
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    • 38 19 London, June 3. Copenhagen The Municipality has accepted the offer of the International Acceptance Company of New York of r loan of $15,000,000 at 5 cent, at a price of 92.29, repayable within 25 years.
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    • 233 19 Villages Damaged: Forty People Killed. Awe-Inspiring Triangular Snioke Column.” London, June 1. Amsterdam A cyclone raged this afternoon over parts of Belgium and Holland, smashing trees, farms and walls. Three people were killed and several injured through the collapse of a factory at Neede, in Holland. A
      233 words
    • 142 19 Professors’ Proposals for A New Treaty. London, June 1. New York The proposal promulgated by Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University, for a new treaty with France will he drawn up by Professors Shotwell and Chamberlain. Newspapers cite in this respect M. Briand’s recent
      142 words
    • 149 19 Hopes to Visit England In October. London, June 1. Senator Borah has informed Lord Derby that he will be happy to accept his invitation to visit England in October il’ his plans permit. In a speech at Manchester on April Lord Derby remarked that there was a prominent
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    • 56 19 London, June 1. St. John’s, Newfoundland Major Sidney Cotton, the airman, who has flown extensively over Newfoundland, is leaving New York by seaplane to-m rrow to search the south coast of Newfoundland for Capt. Nungesser and Capt. C-oli, the French airmen who were lost in attemptng to
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    • 565 20 Chang Tso Lin Seeks To Compromise. CHIANG KAI SHEK APPROACHED. 44 Realises That Country Is Tired of War.” Shanghai, June fi. Peking Negntiati -ns are on foot for a tripartite alliance between Chang Tso Lin, Chiang Kai Shek and Yen Hsi Shari, according to a Fengtien
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    • 450 20 Withdrawal of Donation Forces kv Denied. Shanghai, June 3. Peking: Owing to developments in 1 n»‘ sit M«it ion, many llritishcrs art 1 sending their valuables to the Legation quarter, elvo from Peking to Tientsin, where the British authorities are arrangin'' fo: storage. Some women and. children
      450 words
    • 186 20 Decision of the Chamber Committee. Ixxndon, June 1. Paris The Chamber committee which has been examining the Government’s request for authority to take proceedings against the Communist Deputies Vaillaut. Couturier, Duclos, Clamamus and Doriot, refused the request with regard to the hrst three and postponed the ruling
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    • 65 20 London, June 7. Riga The execution without trial of ad active members of a hand of .ce.idiaries is announced by the Ogpu. l&lt; known as (he Cheka, in Leningrad! file let mis Were found responsible for ;.r..on and the dispatch of threatening li-iLt in the Leningrad ,urf
      65 words
    • 465 20 Recommendations of The Board Rejected. No Increase hi Duty on Piece Goods. London, June 0. The G vernment of India have announced tiiat they have decided to reject the recommendation of the Indian land Hoard on the cotton textile industry in favour of a general increase in
      465 words
    • 45 20 London, June 2 Paris A subscription opened by an American committee for the families of Nungesser and Capt. Ooli, lost in an attempt to fly from Paris to New York, new amounts to Frs. 750.000 in eluding $1,000 fr.m Mr. Mellon
      45 words
    • 45 20 London, June 1. Washington President Coolidgc anlho Vl TT (I e tailod P lan worked out by the Lnitcd States delegation for the forthcoming tripartite Naval Arms Limitati n Conference. The details will be kept secret until ney ore revealed at the conference.
      45 words
    • 17 20 London, June .°&gt;. n/ T,u dta,b hr.s occurred Callcs, wife of the Presijtn i Mexico.
      17 words
    • 372 20 Prince Stirbey Forms New Cabinet. Dramatic Intervention by Sick i King. Berlin, June 1. A serious crisis has broken out in Rumania. The King, in view of the critical intcrJ national situation, urged the formation of i a Ministry of National Union. The Premier, M. Averescu, refused to
      372 words
    • 49 20 London, June 1. Madrid Spain’s new National Assembly will meet on September 13. The Government have issued a lengthy statement to the Press explaining that the Assembly will consist of 300 members. A plenary sitting will be held weekly, and Press and public will be admitted.
      49 words
    • 46 20 London, June 4. Saarbruecken The crucial question of the personality of the chairman of the &gt;~aap Government commission which aroused heartburnings and jealousies when the Canadian, Major Stephens, announced his intention of resigning, has •een decided by the appointment of Sir Lrnest Wilton.
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    • 47 20 London, June 1. Mexico City As reprisal for what is interpreted here as the “systematic embargo placed by the United States on merchandise bought by the different Mexican Government departments in the United States,” President Calles has ordered all Government departments to boycott American goods.
      47 words
    • 33 20 London, Juno 7. \v auhington President Cool id ge 1ms Mr. Hugh Gibson, Amin so- Belgium, as chairman of the V.mncan delegation to the Naval Disa* 4,iament onfcrence in Genova.
      33 words
    • 915 21 Forced Landing When Near Berlin. SHORTAGE OF PETROL. Huge Crowd’s Fruitless Wait At Aerodrome. London, June 4. New York Lieut. -Chamberlin, the American airman, left at 6.ft0 this morning in his monoplane Colombia on a flight to Europe. He was accompanied by a passenger in the
      915 words
    • 310 21 Enthusiastic Reception In Berlin. London. June 7. Berlin Lieut. Chamberlin arrived at Tompelhof Aerodrome this evening in the Columbia, amid the eheers of ftO.OOo people. The Columbia was escorted by fourteen aeroplanes. The airmen, prior to landing, cruised over the city for twenty minutes, while crowds in the
      310 words
    • 138 21 Governor Announces Practical Suppression. London, June 6. Rangoon The Governor of Burma has spin a letter to the Viceroy announcing that slavery has practically ceased in Burma. Over 4,000 slaves have been released in the “triangle” district of North Burma. It is estimated that 4,000 to 5,000
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    • 63 21 Death Sentence Follows Espionage Charge. London, June 1. Riga General Kleschinsky, ex-chief of the Lithuanian General Staff, who was arrested a week ago on a charge &lt;*f espionage, has been sentenced to death by court martial at Kovno for receiving a regular salary frun the Soviet Legation for
      63 words
    • 53 21 Allegations Denied By Germany. Berlin, June 1. The Hamburg port authorities deny Coindr. Loeker-Lampson’s statement in Parliament that war material is being shipped from Hamburg to China. Berlin circles recall Dr. Stresemann’s Reichstag statement about a gentlemen’s agreement that no war material would l&gt;e shipped to
      53 words
    • 54 21 Order Secured by Marconi Company. Rugby, June ft. A contract for the supply of wireless telegraph transmitting ami receiving stations to the Bulgarian Government for the purpose of placing Bulgaria in direct wireless telegraphic communication with England, Austria and other European countries, has been secured b\ the
      54 words
    • 55 21 Japan s Democratic Party. Shanghai. June 1. Tokio The Kenseikai Seiyuhonto is being dissolved and will amalgamate to form a Rikkenminseito (Constitutional democratic parly) which was formally inaugurated this afternoon under the presidency of Mr. Hamaguchi. The new party will hold about 22 seats n the Lower House against 180
      55 words
    • 22 21 London, June 7. Washington Mr. Mellon announced that the Treasury surplus for the current fiscal year exceeds $600,000,000.
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    • 19 21 London. June ft. Paris The court granted Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt a decree of divorce.
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    • 275 21 Satisfactory Settlement Of War Claims. Cordial Relations Continue To Be Maintained. Rugby, June 1. The following communique is issued hy the Foreign Office “On May 19, notes were exchanged at the Department of State in Washington putting into effect the agreement between Great Britain and
      275 words
    • 128 21 Minister Presents Credentials At Ottawa. London, June 1. Ottawa Mr. William Phillips, the United States Minister to Canada, has arrived to present his credentials to the Governor-General. lie will be met at the station hy the Prime Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, abinet Ministers and other
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    • 57 21 Hutfe Orders Promised To Tokio. Shanghai, June 1. Tokio That the Anglo-Soviet rupture will facilitate the development of Russian and Japanese commercial intercourse was averred by M. Anikieff, the Soviet commercial commissioner, when leaving for Moscow last night. He declared that he would return to Japan in
      57 words
    • 76 21 Sequel to Black Friday Crisis. London, Jun* 2 l*&lt;‘i lin I In* .stock exchange ha* suffered Mother Muck day quotation in many cases falling even below the level of Black Friday,” May l”. The new slump was due to the inevitable sales hy private parties needing cash
      76 words
    • 345 22 Shot by Young Russian Monarchist. SCENE IN WARSAW STATION. Russia Accuses Poland Of Negligence. London, June 7. Warsaw A young Russian Monarchist tired a revolver at Voikow. the Soviet Minister to Roland, as the latter was leaving for Moscow. The Minister succumbed to his injuries. The assas«in
      345 words
    • 133 22 General Stoppage Of Business Suggested. Trading Impossible Under Present Conditions. Shanghai, June 2. Hankow As a result of the ever increasing taxation to which the commerce of Hankow is subjected, and the ineffectiveness of Consular protests, a movement is on foot to organise a general stoppage of
      133 words
    • 18 22 Berlin, June H. Eight workmen were killed through a charabanc falling down a precipice near Verona.
      18 words
    • 573 22 i Charge d’Affaires Leaves London. Farewell bv Large Crowd 01 I Reds.” i Loudon, June 1. In the House of Ixirds replying to Lord 1’armoor, who initiated a debate or. Rusa, Earl Balfour, defending Government action, referred to the •‘infinite injury” Russia had done and was doing in
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    • 25 22 London, June 1. New York Slight earthquake shocks occurred tins morning on the NVxv Jersey coast. No damage was done.
      25 words
    • 481 22 Mr. Chu’s Remarkable Speech. Called to Order by The Chairman. I. ndon, June 2. Geneva At the plenary sitting of the International Labour Conference, Mi. Biila, India, complained that India w*s suffering on account of the great coin* petit! n of the Japanese weaving mills and said that,
      481 words
    • 51 22 International Catherine Opens At The Hague. London, June 7. The Hague The Prince Consort, as 1 resident, opened the nineteenth session e1 the International Colonial Institute in the Peace Palace. 'the conference is attended by 42 delegates, including representatives of Britain, Holland, France, Japan, the United otates and
      51 words
    • 36 22 Berlin, June 0. M. hicherin will see Dr. Strcsemann at Baden-Baden to-day. Dr. Strcsemann has wired to the League of Nations insisting that the question of Mem el be discussed at the June session.
      36 words
    • 161 22 Capt. Cave Brown-Cave In Command. Squadron-leader Livock \L ft Coming. London, j jnt (iHMp-t upturn il. M. t ave will bo commander, and Squadron-].*; ,U. &lt;i. K. Livock second in co i.nuiud of p, Jiving *H»;.ts in the flight t&lt;* Siamm,,,. ai.d Australia, via the Dutch Ka.
      161 words
    • 155 22 No Chance of Resumption At Present. Spirit of Lawlessness Met Everywhere. Shanghai, dune 7. Hankow A group of British bu.-ine-N men have returned fr»m lehang. whither they went to investigate the possibility of resuming the Vangtse trade beyond Hankow. They recommend that conditions arc .it present not
      155 words

  • 204 22 Young European Planter Shot Dead. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, dune tf. Details of the tragic death of a young planter on Arras Estate, Kuala Kangsar, show that the deceased, A. H. Morgan, was entertaining two friends during tn» Holidays. They were returning to the estate through a
    204 words

  • 1580 23  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing under date May 11, jays i am rot quite sure whether or n t one jli &gt;u!d describe the Economic Conference, r.v\v being held at Geneva under the Hu-•pices the League of
    1,580 words
  • 216 23 [Reuter Telegram.] Beam Beats Book Law by A Head. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 3. 'i he Oaks was run to-day and resulted j as follows Lord Durham’s BEAM 1 Lord Astor’a BOOK LAW 2 Sir George Bui lough’s i GRANDE VITESSE 3 I Sixteen ran. Won by a
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  216 words
  • 355 23 Comparative Statement of Import and Export of Principal Goods. thp Ma ya R e V? rn Foreign Imports and Exports for the month ended April 30, 1927, is issued by me Registrar of Imports and Exports. The following points should be noted:— K a, Hcles imported into or
    355 words

    • 923 24 Malacca C.C. Beat the D.O.W.R. 0 (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, May 31. Malacca Cricket Club had as their guests in a two days match, the cricket eleven of the 2nd Balt. Duke of Wellington’s Regiment. The weather was all that could be desired, and a good gathering watched
      923 words
    • 355 24 Wives Beat Their Husbands At Malacca. The competitive spirit was very apparent on Bukit Sebuker range on May 30, writes a Malacca correspondent, when a rifle shooting competition between a team of six ladies of the newly-formed Malacca Ladies Rifle Association and their husbands took place. The husbands
      355 words
    • 56 24 [Reuter Telegram.] The Walker-Milligan Contest. [Reuter TelegTam.] London, June 2. Mr. G. B. Cochran and Mr. Jack Kearns manager of Mickey Walker, have agreec that the fight for the world’s middlechampionship between Walker and Milligan will In? over twenty rounds, i un^rn d° 0 d that Milligan objects Mr
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  56 words
    • 592 24 [Reuter Telepram.] Tilden's Revenge Over Cochet. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 1. j St. Cloud In the quarter-finals of the tennis championship, Mrs. Peacock. South Africa, beat Fraulein Aussem, Germany, 4— 6. 6 —2, 6 —4. Spence, South Africa, ln*at Borotra's conqueror Gentien, France, 6 —2, 3 6, 6—4, 6—3.
      [Reuter Telepram.]  -  592 words
    • 300 24 The Colony’s Victory (W.The F.M.S. C1 The Colony v. F.M.S. tennis eha mpion ship tournament was played on Sun.lon S.R.C. courts before a verv f.,;,. J *ttll Jittendance, which included H.K. ihc ernor, Sir Hugh Clifford. Pl av Wa k t0 have commenced on Saturday, but w cu
      300 words
    • 64 24 [Reuter Telegram.] Reported Intentions of Tilden And Johnston. [Reuter Telegram.] London, June 7. New York The professional tennis promoter Pyle prophesies that Tilden an 1 Johnston, in addition to noted Frenchmen. ill turn professional before the end of the year. Aecreditc»d sporting authorities do not believe that Tilden
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  64 words
    • 274 24 Chinese Club Results. On Sunday the 75 yards handicap races for the A and B classes were swum oil at the Chinese Swimming Club and resulted as follows In A class Teo Siew Kiat, starting at go, was first in 50 1/5 secs., with Chia Poh Chong (scr.) second,
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    • 857 25 S.C.C. Obtain Full Points In Second Division Game. The S.C.C. second eleven met the Y.M.C.A. in a second division match on June 2 Jit the Stadium when the club were successful by two goals to nil. The match was played at a steady pace and the first half
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    • 96 25 The Colony Retains Macrae Cup. The interest which II.E. the Governor, S'r Hugh Clifford, shows in Polo was evidenced by the keen way in which he watched the match between the Colony and the F.M.S. at Balestier Road on Sunday when tyams played for the Macrae Cup and the
      96 words
    • 240 25 The Navy Challenge Cup. The Navy Challenge Cup, 1927, was competed for at the Singapore Golf Clul on Monday afternoon, and resulted in a win for Mi s Law and Mr. Hardie, representing the Singapore Golf Club, j The following cars were returned i Miss Law ami L. I&gt;.
      240 words

  • 472 25 RawangTin.—Bucket dredge Gl4 hours, 1*7,000 yardage, 588 piculs; Sluicing plant 603 hours, 00,000 yardage, 756 piculs, total 1,344 piculs. Malim Nawar.—3s7 hours, 56,000 yardage, 252 piculs. Malim Nawar South.—sB6 hours, 148,000 yardage, 1,008 piculs. Kundang Tin Dredging.—3l4 hours, 66,000 yardage, 201 piculs. Kuala Knmpar Tin.—s 47 hours, 140,00
    472 words
  • 61 25 CHUA. —On Wednesday, June 1. 1027, at No 21-5, Loronjr 16, off Geylang Road, to Miami Mrs. Chua Kok Tong, a daughter Both mother and chi’d are well. LOVEDAY.- To Mr. Loveday of the Bridge Department, Municipality, and Mrs. Loveday of 13, Wi'kie Road, Singapore, borr. a son. Mother
    61 words
  • 146 25 Singapore, June 8. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/« 2/4 1/16 Demand 2/3 23/32 Private 3m. credit 2/4 9/32 On New York, Damatui 5b Private 90 d/s 57Vk On France, Bank T.T. HI l On India, Bank T.T. 153Vi On Hong K&lt; ng, Bank T.T. 11 Vi
    146 words
  • 662 25 Singapore, June 8. .MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers i‘1 £1 Asam Kumbang 57/- 58/£1 i‘l Bangrin Tin 32/- 33/6 1 1 Batang Padang 0.70 0.75 £1 £1 Chenderiang 23/6 24/6 £1 £1 Eastern Siam 23/- 24/£1 £1 Ilaad Yai 28/3 28/9 1 1 Ilitam Tin 1.05
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 88 25 NOTICE All communications for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should bt addressed to the Head Oifice, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle menta. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is ?4K a year. The post free price
      88 words
  • 187 25 DEATHS PiRNIK.- After two days’ i'lness on board the s s. Johan de Witt, on June 3, 1927. William John Burrows, age 7 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Birnie, of Soebar.g. Java (Inverness, Scotland). Mr. Chua Boon Chunh.—At No. 127, Rivei Valley Road, at 4.30 a.m. on June
    187 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 61 1 General Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Average# London Rubber Stocks Rubber Position (Bv A. W. S.) 1 Local Rubber Auction Rubber Returns British Malaya Rubber Statistics 2 Ci i reapwwlence— Longevity of Kampong Rubber 1 Meetings and Report* Ledbury Rubber Chersonese Estates Lanadron Rubber J Cluny Rubber Estates
      61 words
    • 59 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Quotations Forward Contract Spot Seller Prices &gt; July Oct. Jan. Date L’don S’pore June Sept. Dec. Mar. s. d. Jme 2 l 7% 0 69% 0.70 0.72 0.74 O.16 1 1 7% 0.69% 0.70 0.71% 0.73% 0.76% 7 068% 0 69 0.70 1 4 0.72%
      59 words
    • 27 1 Rubber price averages in the current (second) Restriction quarter of 1927 up to June 8 were as follows Singapore 70.20 cents London Is. 7d.
      27 words
    • 284 1 Lewis nnd Peat’s cable from their London office gives 51 tons increase making the total London rubber stocks at June 7, as revised 67,111 tons. Recruiting has been generally resumed in Madias Presidency but the following taluks are closed t &gt; recruiting owing to prevalence of disease
      284 words
    • 1367 1  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London under date May 11, says Prices have been hovering between Is. 7d. and Is. 8d. during the past week, and future quotations are not very much better. The landings during
      1,367 words
    • 101 1 LONGEVITY OF KAMPONG RUBBER. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The following may be of interest 200 trees planted 12 by 12, 1908. First tapped, 1913. Daily yield on half-cut 2% katties, 1927. They are situated on the island of Boeroe, N. E. I., on a very
      101 words
    • 455 1 Easier Tendency and Lower Prices. Lewis and Peat report:— Singapore, June 1. Interest in the market this week has not been good. The frequent repetition of dull and lifeless markets can but breed inactivity, with the result that prices have fallen away slightly for all positions and
      455 words
    • 447 2 Satisfactory Condition of The' Estates. The eighteenth ordinary general meet()f the Ledbury Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 29 at 2-4, Idol-lane, Mr. Eric Macfadyen (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoption the report and accounts, paid Our aphid expenditure, after allowing the usual depreciations,
      447 words
    • 134 2 Anglo-Sumatra.—85,072 lbs. Asuhan.—ol,oU0 lbs. Lagan Serai.—24,000 lbs. l&gt;ataK Habit.—2&gt;,o9d lbs Bah Lias.—102,ho7 lbs. Biia.—74,309 )us. Central Sumatra. —37,535 lbs. East Asiatic.—207J)2h lbs. rianniau.—10,250- lbs. Jim ah.—20,003 lbs. Eurau.—19,590 lbs. Kuala Kangsar Plantations. —75,578 ll»s. '.augkat.—&gt;3,000 lbs. Mt. Austin ijohore).—235,341 lbs. Mendaris.— 100,094 lbs* M andai-Tekong.— 11,859 11 &gt;&lt;.
      134 words
    • 406 2 Statement of Quantity and Value of Rubber Exported During May, 1927. Tht Registrar of Imports and ”Exports has sent us the following comparative statement of the quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya, during May, 1927. The ligu**es, which are in tons, represent total
      406 words
    • 703 2 Dividend of 18% Per Cent. For The Year. The seventeenth annual general meeting of the Chersonese (F.M.S.) Estates, Ltd., was held on April 27 in the ouncil Room of the Rubber Growers* Association (Inc.), 2-4 Idol Imne, Eastcheap. K.C., Mr. Noel Trotter (Chairman of the company) presiding. The
      703 words
    • 703 2 Veteran That Upholds Its Tradition. The nineteenth ordinary general meeting of the Lunadron Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 29 at 2*1, Idollane, K.r. Mr. Kric Macfadyen (the Chairman), referring to the company’s investment in Suma.ra Tea Estates, Ltd., which, he remarked, had been sold at a
      703 words
    • 512 3 Now Regarded as First-Class Company. T he seventeenth ordinary general meeting of Cluny Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 2!) in the (’ouncil room of the Rubber Growers’ Association (Inr.), 2-4. Idol-lane, K.U. Mr. Charles McArthur (the chairman) prcTdcd. The Chairman, in the course of his
      512 words
    • 242 3 Messrs. Maephail and Co.’s Weekly. Report. j Maephail and Co.’s weekly report, dated dune 7, states 1 The intervention of the Whitsun holi- 1 day which, in this year, have combined with that for the birthday of His Majesty has considerably interrupted the j continuity of business—so
      242 words
    • 800 3 Thieving alls for (iovernmenl Action. The sixteenth annual g. neral of the members of Bukit .Vemhuwuug Ruimer Co., Ltd., was held on May 10 at J Winehesler House, Old Broad Street, K.C., 'Sir Ivor Philipps, K.&lt; .15. (the Chairmanl. I pre siding. 1 h&lt;* hairman said:
      800 words
      • 491 3 Stock Par Emchang* Par J* k Value. Company. Prieea. Value. Company. pJJjfW tl Abaco 2T4 2 1 s&gt;\vcr iVrak v 2/ Allagar 2/ il Maluica tl Anglo-Malay 32/6 jtT Malacca Pref. ;;i* tl Aver Kuning 3/ ,ent 3/3/16 il Banteng 2‘a .j AJ&lt;&gt;njh 2/
        491 words
      • 760 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall A Company A Co Evatt 389,293 1 20 p.e. int. a/c yr. 28-2-27AUcnhy ($1) 2.95 3.05cd. 2.1*0 3.00 100,000 1 10 p.c. int. year 30-9-27Alor Gajuh ($1) 2.05 2.75 2.60 2.m&gt; 170,125 1 55
        760 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 51 1 from third p- «r» j'zvL??* n.xt Autumn delivery booked in «V for l o S y J imiUd '&gt;"*»"&gt;« bought "rood 1-1/ lH wnd hurt now eivon ronont x mfoun l t f »&gt;'Kh yield* obtained. JV.ic *15 J ‘r thousand f.o r. Klanir. For kunf 01 ,r&gt;P,y IVlunni &gt;
      51 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 186 4 Al 35;V^ .c%V hK A A r&lt; i t S*. £Nk« Models "k v 5 Seater Touring $3,000 7 Seater Touring 3,100 "tL' 4 Door Saloon »x 3,500 5 Pass Sports $3,750 7 Pass Touring 4,100 7 Pass,Saloon 5,250 GUTHRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in SJ3.) ■t I x t T
      186 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 237 5 SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO., LTD (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELKY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. CALLOWAY. K.B. Hon’blc Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon'ble Ml. D. J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. R. M. MEYER, Esq. V s 1 5 f
      237 words
    • 90 5 You can have Fresh Drinking and Cooling Water, delivered direct from the well to the taps, by using. I Type I. 225 gals, per hour. uitfCrJumpz LIFTING HEIGHT 82 ft. with in. pipe. SUCTION 22 ft. with 1 in. pipe. it aired Jh*the well r w Automatic Simply open the
      90 words