The Straits Budget, 2 June 1927

Total Pages: 29
2 5 The Straits Budget
  • 6 2 THE STRAITS BUDGET June 2, lf>27
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  • 843 2 The Rev. Father Herman, who has l)«en the parish priest to the Tamil Catholic congregation of North Perak for quarter of century, leaves Taiping to-day aays the Times of Malaya of May 21 4or Kuala Lumpur, where he takes the place of the late Father Le Mahcc. His tk»ck at
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  • 406 2 Strange Story by Widow Of Dead Man. On Monday in the Coroner’s < '*uit before Id.Col. I’. Hope-Falkner, the inquest was held into the death of a Chinese who was lound dead on the S.C.C. ground on tlu* loth instant. Detective Inspector Pouiuin conducted the inquiry
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  • 97 2 Australian Cricketers to He Entertained. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May lit). At the annual meeting of tlu* Swimming t lub. the hairman stated that after allowing amounts to be written oil’ there was an excess of expenditure over income of Sb.'IO. During the year $7,700 debentures
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  • 58 2 •Mishap to the Conus Near Palembang. I lie Standard Oil Company’s vessel, f onus, went ashore at the Royal Captain shoal near Palembang on May 15, and was refloated on the IfHh. The Conus, which is of :{,42K tons nett, is tlu* vessel which was in collision with
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  • 91 2 I b«* Malay Mail i> officially informed that the following telegram was received b\ His Excellency the High Commissioner Iron the Secretary of State for the Colon ies. 1 lie olonial Office Conference assembled in Ixindon sends greetings to you and the people of the Federated Malay
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  • 140 2 Valedictory Address on Leaving Ceylon. (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnang, May ”*0. Ai (‘oloml o on Sunday nuirniiiu public farewell was given to Sir Hugh < litl'ord, who went through decorated streets lined bj large crowds to the jcli> where he boarded a launch which took him
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  • 263 2 The Narrow Escape of Insp. Kinjr. In the Second Court, on May »-i b I’oie Mr. Hull, two Chinese were charged wiJi aiteiiipted murder, the first with .-hooting Inspector iv’ng on April 22. ami the -croud with shooting at I\C. Nti:*. Court Inspector Johnson prosecuted, and Mr.
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  • 108 2 Shots Exchanged in Race Course District. On Friday night about half past eight a police patrol from Kandang Kerbau station saw a number of Chinese on the Raie Course, but when the patrol approached them they took to their heels. The patrol then went back to the
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  • 51 2 Arrival of Foreign Vessel Being Awaited. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penanc:, May 2f>. The Colombo correspondent of the I'inung (fazette states that a foreign \es?el carrying ammunition and guns in-m Europe to China is awaited there. It she does not call at Colombo i>ornap* Singapore will tackle
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  • 816 2 Nanking and Hankow. Kvents in Chirm are still obscure. Tin extent of Chian# Kai Slick’s efforts and inHuence is uncertain, and it is yet ini possible to forecast what the result of tin •‘split” between him and the “Hods” will he. Meanwh'le the position ol those optimistic
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 895 3 —Straits Times, May 26. Mr. Baldwin’s speech announcing the I in ion of the Government to break oTj re hit ions with Russia is calculated to vike a deep impression throughout the civilised wcrld. It shows Britain in a determined mood which has not always boen evident
      —Straits Times, May 26.  -  895 words
    • 942 3 —Straits Times, May 27. The showing of the Nelson film at the Victoria Theatre to-morrow night is an event of considerable interest. It marks the introduction, for the first time in Singapore history’, of ai> All-British cinematograph entertainment. Not only’ is the feature film British, but the
      .—Straits Times, May 27.  -  942 words
    • 814 3 —Straits Times, May 28. We never discourage enterprise whether of a social, philanthropic or economic character. As a rule if we think that its objects are sound and will meet with a fair measure of success we are ready to accord it every support. Many wireless enthusiasts
      .—Straits Times, May 28.  -  814 words
    • 862 4 would regard as romance.”—StraitTimes, May 30. The cabled announcement, which appeared in Saturday’s issue, that the National Assembly of Czecho-Slovakia had elected at the first ballot M. Masaryk to be President of their country was not unexpected. That it will be accepted throughout Europe, excepting in the Union of
      would regard as romance.”—Strait- Times, May 30.  -  862 words
    • 961 4 Straits Times, May 31. The decision of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners to increase the tax on motor buses appears to be a perfectly logical one, and we cannot see grounds for the suggestion which has been made that there is something vindictive about ’t. Ihe mattt r
      Straits Times, May 31.  -  961 words
    • 925 4 J i-nefit by recreation.—Straits Yim.s June 1. One has only to look back over the sixty years’ files of the Straits Times to realise a very notable instance of where those who have been responsible for the 4'ood administration of Singapore have grievously failed. We refer to the
      J i-nefit by recreation.—Straits Yim.s June 1.  -  925 words

  • 163 5 Farewell to the General Officer. i Pi Siit'da'* the (..O.c Major-! uncia Sir The* mot’** Fraser attended a ful of tin S.V.C. for the purpose of >a> in-/ fa-t we!i to the loeai corps. The parade numb* red about -100 strong, and I.t.-Col. Rost let hwaite,
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  • 195 5 Thief ('aught on the Wharf With Passage Ticket. Chinesi*. n aim'd t.iin Yong. was charged in the District Court yester- before Mr. N. D. Mudie with the thof* of >:*«♦*♦». Tlte complainant, a Tamil, said that ht "mplovcd n the Johore IWV.D. and the •ii’ iisni was
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  • 111 5 Junior Service (I ran ted Site In C antonment Road. I he Singapore Harbour Hoard have f'lnfod a ‘.e in Cantonment Hoad to t 1 S.H.H. Junior Service Club for the mu-poses o r a recreation ground and club M: v have agreed to construct a
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  • 1713 5 [Straits Times, May 2fi t,, June 1 j I tom an oflu ial intimation circulated to the Press by the Secretary of the Malav States Information Agency we began *to wonder whether we had fallen toul of our friends in Cannon Street. As previously mentioned in March last
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  • 706 5 P. W. D. Employees Stop Work. i j Massey and Co.’s Position. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Madras, May 'll. The strike epidemic in the city to-day culminated in the workmen of the P.W.D. workshop at Itoynpuram, numbering l.t;p*. staviny away from work. Interviewed by the
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  • 1415 6 [Reuter Telegram.] Hearne Makes His Highest Score. Cambridge 11at Well Against Notts. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 27. The following are tin* results «*T tin* remainder of t h* matches commenced «*m Wednesday First Innings A fl air. Sheffield Yorkshire heat Hampshire on the lirst innings. Hatting lirsl, Yorkshire
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,415 words
  • 203 6 From Europe to Indo-China Under Her Own Power. A peculiar h> king craft in the SingaI tut roads yesterday is a dredger that nas heen brought out all the way from Havre under her own power, on her way to Haiphong, in Ind -China, wnere sh»* will
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  • 133 6 Singapore Bar Committee’s Request. (From Our Own Correspondent) 1’etiang, May •”>1. Yesterday .Mr. K. C. Watson, formerly a .lodge in the F.M.S.. applied through Mr. .1. Crabb Watt, of Adams and Allan, for admission as an advocate and solicitor in the Colony and F.M.S. Owing to the
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  • 69 6 Assisted to Emigrate To Europe. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Madras, May dl. (»ne hundred and seventy-four skilled labourers emigrated through Port Dhanuskhodi during the past year. Of these 111*, consisting of jugglers, acrobats, dancers and snake-charmers ware assisted to emigrate to Europe for tin* purpose of
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  • 101 6 Whenever the Uoyal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes assemble on pleasure bent, it can be taken that a pleasant time will be spent. On Saturday last they held a fancy dross dunce at the S.Y.C. drill hall, most effectively decorated. when several hundred friends and guests
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  • 744 6 Annual General Meeting Held At Ipoh. The twentieth annual general meeting of the F.M.S. Chamber of .Mines was held at Ipoh on Saturday at 11 a.m. In the absence ol Mr. T. 11. A. Wimicatt (l'rcs'dent Mr. A. J. kelman (VicePrejddenU, occupied the chair, and the
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  • 5712 7 Good Second Innings Showing of S.C.C. INTERESTING PLAY. Visitors’ Substantial Victory In First Match. \’:1 the good things expected of the Australians were realised when they turned out against the S.C.C on Iri.iay i>i tite first match of the Malayan t *ur. Iipv irave a splendid exhibition
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  • 141 8 Chin cse Shot Near Victoria Street. Yet another ease of shooting is report'd from the Kandang iverbau Police Station. About 1\50 p.m. on Saturday, a Chinese informed the police that a ni: n was dead 11 a rc-om in a house at V. Cheng Yam
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  • 186 8 Lodge Zetland in the East, No. oOh E.C., is to be congratulated upon the very successful ladies’ festival which Wor. Bio. W. S. Elmslie and the brethren gave at the Europe Hotel on Friday. It must be close upon fifty years or so ago since such an elaborate
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  • 691 9 Taxes on Motor Buses 1 To be Increased. Cold Storage to Erect Generating Plant. !pc Municipal Commission met at tin Municipal ollices on Friday. The business occupied a comparatively short space m' time th'* most important item being the n.eiulim nt of the by-laws affecting motor mnibuses. r
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  • 662 9 Legislation Forced by Tramway Boycott. The meeting then resolved itself into a special committee for the purpose of considering the amendment of two bylaws. The first was the amendment of the petroleum by-laws to permit of bands around (hums or tins, being of any coloui approved by the
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  • 159 9 Outspoken Criticism of The Government. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, May 3tf. The Chamber of Mines annual meeting on Saturday was remarkable for outspoken criticism at the lack of Government cooperation with the miners in the new legislation and new rules whereby recently t>ui !i time and
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  • 1341 9 Financial Position Steadily Improving. The annual general nice ring of Central Eng ine Works, Ltd., was field at the company's offices at Gey lung on May 2>. Mr. .t. uni presided an«l there were also promt Messrs. Tay Lian Teck, J. J. Morey, J. Reid and 1*’.
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  • 174 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, May 2f>. The death has taken place of Mr. \V. L. Summers, for many years the manager of Pritchard’s furnishing department., at noon to-day at the (General Hospital, following an operation for appendicitis. The deceased, who was very popular,
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  • 42 9 Ucnong Tin ’hedging Co.— First half 'nonIh of May, dredge No. 2 lU'd piculs, dredge No. !i 101 piculs. Dredge No. 2 lost fid hours boiler cleaning and general repairs, and dredge No. lost oil hours installing new jib engine.
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  • 64 10 [The Straits Times is not responsible fo. the opinions of its corronpontieiitH. Corr* spondentj should bear in mind that letter must be short and to the point. L<>n} epistles are liable to be rejected or cu down. Correspondents must enclose theii names, not necessarily for publication but hs Guarantee
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  • 275 10 Io the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, i he visit cf Australian cricketers to Singapore biings home to some of u--the tact thut although there are numbers ol Austra.ians resident in Singapore and throughout Malaya generally, we have no soci(‘ y which binds us together.
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  • 946 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Bir, A our edi orial in Monday’s issue 0,1 Vanity in Sport was pertinent and timely, but is it not true that 2in important requisite in the same pursuit of spoil is to 21II0W oneself 21 reasonable length of time
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  • 152 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—-Some months ago 1 directed youi attention to the danger to children in the bandstand circle of the Botancial Dardens by reason of the circulation of not<»r cars. You emphasised the importance of the matter in an Occasional Note and
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  • 600 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Some .years ago, if I remember correctly, there was considerable agitai<>n :.t the lack ot co-operation between 'he various departments of the Municioality. and the Municipal Engineer staeu dial he wi.uld take steps to see that lie roa<i makers, for
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  • 286 10 Old Offender Recaught At Alor Star. A Chinese was brought up in the District Court, on Tuesday, and charged with escaping from the Criminal Lunatic Asylum. Dr. K. E. Stone, of the Asylum, said the man had been sent from the Criminal Prison to the asylum as
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  • 40 10 Penanjf-Sinffapore Route Under Consideration. (!’rom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 20. It is understood here that the Federal Government are considering a scheme for air mails by seaplane, probably throne-’ I enang, Lumut, Port Swcttenham an Singapore.
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  • 362 10 Special Provision by Federal Council. Moving a special provision of $5o,02"> under Miscellaneous {Services, Perak, for expenses incurred on Government account on blood Relief Work in Perak th mt ng Financial Adviser at the Federal V’ ll, ‘V :1 meei.njr mi M relay, according t„ '.lie Malay
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  • 363 10 Forty Years in the Government Service. Dr. Herbert J. Gibbs, whoso death at St. Leonards-on-Sea, Hastings, occurn d on May 21, was i55 years of age. Having studied medicine in Madras, he fii> came to Singapore as an assistant surgeon at the beginning of
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  • 3740 11 iiKl'TKK TKl.KUUAM Plain Statement of Facts In Note. WARNINGS IGNORED. Certain Employees of Arcos To Remain. [IiKl'TKK TKKKIiKAM London. May 27. i-irjiish note handed to Rosengolz. Russian Charge d’Atfaires. recalls .‘lie note ,if February 2”*, adducing spec Ii* instat es o*. anti-British propagaif ia and requesting
    [ iiKl'TKK TKl.KUUAM ]  -  3,740 words

  • 379 12 Sir Neill .Malcolm Returns From i Tour. According t/o Sir Will Malcolm, the new president ol lhr Br’Gsli North Borneo Chartered Company, who has just returned to Singapore after a prolonged tour, big de\< lopmen s are pending in the nn cent rolled by the company. One
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  • 339 12 Chief Justice’s Opinion On Estate Option. In tin* Supreme Court on Monday the) Chief .lustin'. Sir William Murison, gavel a judgment having hearing upon the granting of options by the administrators) of a will. The plaintiff was Seet l»eng Ong and the defendants Seet lieng Sin and Chong
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  • 389 12 Dissatisfaction at the Annual Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 30. The annual meeting of the Selangor Golf Club took place on Saturday evening. The majority of the members present showed themselves thoroughly dissatisfied with the manner in which the dub was being run. The
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  • 265 12 Farewell Visit of (General Officer Commanding* On May a farewell visit was made by Major-General Sir Theodore Fraser, General Officer Commanding the Forces. Malaya, when the Malacca Volunteer Gorps was inspected on the Club padang. i be parade consisting of 17 Officers and H’b other ranks, under the
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    • 112 13 Details of the opening matches of the Au-Italian cricketers tour in Malaya are given on ano her pare. Tilts.* pictures were taken durirg their match against the S.C.C. in Singapore. The top picture shows some of the visitors leaving the pavilion. In the centre is a group
      Photos, hy Mivtitii.; Photos, hy /*'. J. Treusetn; Photo by /•' J. '/Vi'Mscm,  -  112 words
    • 45 14 Pathwa> h'adinu i<> tin* (iunonß. A clearing through tlu* jungle. Ilu* lvi"»ihouse on a clearing near the summit. Innumerable waterfalls make pictures«]i:e >ccnes on the way to the summit. |{ii> hint* .vatcrs in flu* jungle. Photos, by II. J>\
      Photos, by II. J>\  -  45 words
    • 35 14 liiiaid 1 1 Uonoi.r ut Kuala l.umpur. ll«*n. Mr. NN. I’eel presenting the King's 1 oliee Medal to Mr. (J. llannigan. I lu* 1’oliit* Parade*. Photo. s /»v IV’. 7 /.it.
      Photo.s /»v IV’. 7 /.it.  -  35 words
    • 63 15 1 he above photograph wa> taken at the Madras Club during Sir Hugh Clifford's \isit to the city. Standing (left to right).—Capt. Macartney. A.H.C., Mr. B. (i. Holdsworth. I.C.S., (Collector. Madras), lion. Mr. T. He id (Ceylon Civil Service), Mr. Charles Wilson (Malayan Civil Service).
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    • 27 15 Group photograph taken on the occasion of the farewell to Mr. A. H. Glover, the Municipal Secretary, Malacca. l hoto. I>\ C I Jiu, Miiltucii
      l,hoto. I>\ C I Jiu, Miiltucii  -  27 words
    • 24 15 Group taken during the recent \isit oi the Chief Commissioner for Malaya, Mr. Frank C. Sands, M.ICE. I'hutu hy Jiu, A/w/«UwU*
      I'hutu hy / Jiu, A/w/«UwU*  -  24 words
    • 130 16 The above photograph shows the teams of the Australians and the S.C.C. which met on Friday and Saturday. From left to right Top row O. I*, (.rillith-Jones empire), l»r. I.indow (scorer), W. H. Stuart Clark (secretary, S.C.C.), Vaughan Jones (scorer). W. Millard-Watts (umpire) Second row E.
      Photo, by H .V. liuokxriJgc.  -  130 words
    • 60 16 A itroup photograph taken at the Si igapore Swimming Club on Sunday, when the Australian erieketers were entert lined to tillin. Mr. Macartney, captain of the Australians, is seen in the centre of the front row, on the right of Mr. W. A. White
      Photo, by II. S'. liiickci itl^c  -  60 words
    • 24 16 Major•litncriil Sir IWor, 1 ra*cr .he aalu.c u, the March past, hl oll Slmt|ay J u^
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter, British Imperial Radio and Special Telegrams.
    • 438 17 [REUTER TELtr.HAMj Debate on the Russian i Rupture. i SOVIET SPY SYSTEM. i Most Complete and Nefarious! Ever Known.” iKJELiTEK TELEGRAM) j London, May 2d. li the House of Commons Mr. Hynes; !lillUl the Labour Party resolution to *lu- ert'eet that the House was of opinion that
      [REUTER TELtr.HAMj  -  438 words
    • 545 17 How Chinese Communists Were Incited. Referring to China, Sir Austen Cham•erlain traced the Bolshevik activities m<T early in lt)2d, when the executive d the Third International instructed the central committee of Chinese Commuuists to prepare to strike a heavy blow against foreign imperialism and complained that Chinese
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    • 152 17 “Seadromes” Along Atlantic Route. J.ondon, May 25. Philadelphia The establishment within five years of a half-hourly air passenger service between New ork and Europe is the dream of Edward Arm-i-trong, inventor of the "seadrome," a kind of floating dock which can be moored anywhere and on which
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    • 20 17 London, May 2*’*. Abe* Mitchell has been operated <-n for appendicitis. He is progre- c ;ng avournblv.
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    • 309 17 King’s Striking Tribute To War Record. Presentation of the New Colours. Rugby, May 21k The King delivered a stirring add rose to the Iri-h Guards when yesterday, accompanied by the Queen, he presented the regiment with new colours in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. His Majesty said:
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    • 263 17 Inlluence of Asia in The World. London, May 25. Geneva The international Labour Conference. of which Sir Atul Chalterjee was elected present, lias opened. The proceedings deal, inter alia, with a resolution by the Indian worker Gin requesting the Labour Office to inquire into'the question of forced labour
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    • 50 17 Further 40,000,000 Francs (Jiven To France. London, May 27. Paris Mr. John Koekfeller, who donut* ed is,000.000 francs in 15)24 for th** upkeep of t.he national palaces at Versailles and Fontainebleau and the restoration of Khiims Cathedral, has donated a further 40,000.000 francs to complete the work.
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    • 254 17 Our Aeroplanes Must Obscure the Sun. European Crisis Due in Ten Years. London, May 27. Home: Speaking in the Chamber on the estimates of the Ministry of Interior, Signor Mussolini denied the “stupid foreign assertions that 200,000 Italians had been banished under the Fascist regime. The facts were
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    • 255 17 Aiming at Moderation Not Prohibition. London, May 27. Simla The Viceroy of India, in opening a conference of representatives »»I 40 Indian States to distus* measures to suppress the opium e\ il in the states, emphasised that India was bound by interna ional undertakings for the ultimate
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    • 44 17 New Zealand's Representatives Appointed. Iiondon, May 2(1. New Zealand has appointed the High Commissioner, Sir .lames I’arr, and Karl .Tcllicoc to represent it at the ThreeBower Armaments Conference opening in (teneva on June 20. Karl Jellicoe was (iovernor-CJeneral of New Zealand 1020-1024.
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    • 422 18 Mr. Baldwin's Speech At The Albert Hall. Grave Anxiety Over C hina Situation. London, May 27. Add n* ssing a meeting of women I’liiitnislH in tin* 11 r t Hall, Mr. Maidwin rcferreel to tin* situation in Ha* Far Last, which. In* said is causing us
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    • 142 18 U. S. Marine Officer Shoots (ieneral. London, May 2S. <'binamlcga, Nicaragua: (’apt. Richards ■of the Cnited Stales .Marines, has shot dead the Liberal ieneral Cuhulla. It i- alleged that t'ahulla was drunk ami firing at people in the streets. The Details. London, May 2s. Washington Details of the
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    • 57 18 Merlin. May I!0. Tin < iceman profc? sor of ph'/sie.* I»r Mux IManck has received I lie gold Lorens/ Medal from the N««t licrhind-- A< ademv f«• r conspicuous serve es in natural >ri'»?:res The medal v.a-» founded in 1P2." to be t.ivrn »»>ery four y»*ars. Ttu-
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    • 244 18 President Coolidge’s Appeal For Peace. Need for Understanding And Goodwill. London, .May “<>. Wu'hingte.n We* want our relationship with either nutiems hase*<l, not on a me*e*ting e.f hayoiiet. hut of mind., de i la red I *re*sident (oolidge* in a Memoria Hay aele|re*ss at tin* Arlington National C4*me*tery.
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    • 89 18 Promptly Extinguished And Little Damage. I.onelon. May 2S. 'The* Aelniiraltv antteeunces that an oil lucl lire* occurr«*d in e.m* e.f the* heiiler rooms eef II.M.S. Renown between Fremantle* and Mauritius <m May 2*1. The ship was steeppe I anil the lire* was extinguisheel. There were four slight
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    • 82 18 Action of Hong Kong (iovern* ment Approved. Hong Kong, May 2S. Owing to persistent seditious Communistic activities subversive of law and order, the police raided the headquarters ot the Hong Kong branch of the Canton Seamen's l ninn after a (iovernment prescript ion. 1 he closing down
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    • 73 18 Effort to Meet Crisis in The Industry. I/ondon. May 20. New ork In the oll'ort to meet the over production crisis in the petroleum industry, representatives of twenty producers operating in the Seminole oilfield have unanimously decided to continue limitation of output until at least ten operators
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    • 99 18 London, May 27. New York It is reported from L<»> Angeles that the will of the late hook collector and philanthropist, Mr. Henry Huntingdon, provides for the erection of a h ispital at a cost of $2,000,000 in Los Angeles. It is also stated that in 1022 the
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    • 415 18 M. Harthou Explains (Government Standpoint. L tiulon. May 2-». l* ar j.< M. Rarthoii, Minister of Justice. addressing tin.- committee «!orilinjr with the j (iow-rnmeiit's application i" sii'pind t.i 1 privilege of immunity in the cu*e ol loriot ami other Communist Deputnv (charged with carrying on seditious pro
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    • 70 18 (ierman Bill to Meet Allies' Wishes. London. May 2'‘>. Hfi'li?i The Reichstag approved a Li'! for i«!i m* the importation or manufac-art for export purposes of war material. It i> claimed that the hiil fulfils a! ill.* demands of the Allies arising Jeon, .!>.<• Treaty of Versailles
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    • 40 18 Negotiations with Russians Not Countenanced. London. May 27. New York According to the Washington correspondent of the Journal of Commeree, the Inited States refused to countenance negotiations at the (Jeneva Economic Conference between the American and Soviet delegates.
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    • 65 18 London, May 28. Washington President Coolidge hopes to leave on June 1-5, for his summer holiday in Black Hills. South Dakota twelve miles from the railway and amid pineclad mountain peaks. It was the President’s own choice that before the tempestuous Presidential campaign of H>28 he should have
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    • 33 18 London, May 20. Mo'lyv.oo l Tlu* millionaire theatre owner. Sidney Ciraunmn, haa offered a I rix* of S do ,000 for a non-stop flight from Lo» Angeles to Tolfio.
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    • 176 18 I Four Flying Boats For 25,000 Mile Flight. Alter wards to he Permanentfy Stationed Here. London, May 2U. 'Flu- Air Ministry is sending fourtsu per-Marine Napier all-metal Ilyina boats on a 2a.0M0 miles flight. They have iieen specially built atie just tested for service in the tropics.
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    • 106 18 Anniversary Passes Oft Quietly In Shanghai. Shanghai. May -in. To-day. the second anniversary of the famous Nanking Road inchh nt passed oti quiet !y. Kuomintang llags were half-masted, and at 2.dll in tin- afternoon, which was the hour of the shooting, the guns ot the hinese forts
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    • 132 18 May 27. M Musaryk was re-elected President ot C/.echo-Sl *\akia a* the first Ivaliot. May 27. The Socialists gained slightly in tlu Muni -ipal elections in Her!in. May 27. M. Tiraiii's appointment a> (Jovernor of Liege mark' the tirst time a Socialist ha' become (Joveinor of
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    • 28 18 London. May 27. Washington President Coolidge Im.accepted the resignation of Mr. Stephen Davis 4 acting Sccroiary of Commerce in the absence of Mr. Hoover.
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    • 35 18 Berlin, May 30. The of Holland will speak to the Dutch Mast Indies through th« Kindhoven wireless station next week, on Tuesday at midnight and Wednesday af 0 p.m., Kuropean time.
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    • 29 18 London, May 2<». Madrid The King has signed a decree extending for another six months the commercial agreement between Spain and the t’nited States.
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    • 414 19 Numerous Wounded Arrive In Hankow. I’ood Shortage Acute Prices Soaring. Shanghai, May 25. llankow Two thousand wounded from the Honan front have arrived during the ast two days. Military headquarters claim to have ontinued* the Nationalist progress in liouan. but details are few and vague. Heking Reports
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    • 249 19 C ireal Battle Being Waged In Honan. Shanghai, May 27. The Nationalist mi it ary power is now put to its greatest test in the plains of Honan, where the biggest ba-tle tiie Southerners have ever fought began yesterday. Pile latest wireless from Hankow, dated the 20th,
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    • 367 19 Reported Rapprochement With Chiang Kai Shek. Shanghai, May 28. Hankow There is no definite nows from tlie Honan front but it is believed here that the Southerners have rude red a reverse north of the Tasha River, near the railway. The Southerners are reported to have been
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    • 414 19 Southern Success in Honan Battle. Shanghai, May 31. j- Reuter learns from a reliable source that the Fengtien attack in Honan, launched on the Gth, was a complete i failure. The Southerners counter-attacked on the j ijsth, ar.d by menacing the flanks com1 p dletl a general retreat
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    • 167 19 Russian Adviser’s Departure From Hankow. Shanghai, May 27. Hankow Mr. Eugene Chen, interviewed by Reuter, regarding Borodin’. 5 departure to Wuchang, said no particular importance was to be attached to his absence from Hankow, which was for a couple of days only. Asked if the Hankow Government
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    • 58 19 Resident of Singapore to Pay £1,200. London, May 27. Miss Agnes Graham, of West Newport. Fifeshiro, was awarded in the King’s Bench £1,200 damages for breach of promise of marriage against Mr. James Mackechnie, employed in a mercantile firm in Singapore. it was stated in court that
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    • 51 19 Size of Notes to he Beduced One-Third. London, May 27. New York Mr. Mellon has announced that the size of paper currency of all d( nominations will be reduced by about one third, by which it is expected that I he Government will save $2,000,0011 a
      51 words
    • 72 19 London, May 20. Now York Distress signals were re ported from the new 22,000 ton steumei Malolo after a collision with another steamer oil* Nantucket lightship, 100 miles from New York, in the course of a trial run. There are 310 people on board. Later
      72 words
    • 32 19 London, May 2H. Wellington, New Zealand The import itien of certain publications expounding Communistie and other subversive doe tine-;, Iv of Russian authorship, ha been prohibited by an Order in-Cour.cil.
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    • 353 19 Eight Warships Arriving At Portsmouth. Arrangements for Entertaining Visitors. Rugby, May 20. Portsmouth is preparing a magnificent welcome for the squadron of eight French war: hips which, under the command of Rear-Admiral Pirot, wid arrive there to morrow. On Thursday French officers and nun, accompanied by British
      353 words
    • 260 19 Courageous Battle with Violent Storm. London, May 2* r >. Devizes A wireless has been received stating that dc» I’incdo’s aeroplane has been .owed safely to Fayal. London, May 27, Home An account of an airman's courageous descent on th<* Atlantic, intending to resume his flight when a
      260 words
    • 1434 20 [kks ter telegram] Remarkable Scenes At Aerodrome. CROWD RUSH THE GROUND. Tumultuous Welcome For American Airman. [kk: TKIt telegram] London, May 2.">. Paris ('apt. Lindbergh had anothei busy day, including a luncheon at the American Club and a reception by the Thi 1 ty-l'ouith Air Regiment at
      [kks ter telegram]  -  1,434 words
    • 106 20 Conclusion of Trial at Old Hailey. London. May 30. At the conclusion of the trial in camera, at the Old Hailey, of Colin Mayers, who was charged under the Official Secrets Ait, the Lord Chief Justice admitted the pros and stated that the prosecution had withdrawn the
      106 words
    • 129 20 International Congress Opens In Berlin. Berlin, May 26. The eleventh international congress of the League of Nations Union assembled this morning in the Keichstag, M. Aulard presiding. The Keiths Chancel’or, Herr Marx, welcomed the delegates and sail Ger- < any s entry into the League had no:
      129 words
    • 119 20 Interesting Career of Mr. Payne Whitney. London, May 26. Now York The death occurred sudleniv while playing tennis at his countr> hone in Long Island of Mr. Payne Whitney, whose fortune was estimated at £30,000,000 to £40,000,000. Mr. Harry Payne Whitney was into rested in hanking and mining
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    • 64 20 Legation Raised to Embassy Status. Rugby, May 25. The King has approved the raising o' His Majesty’s Legation at Buenos Aim to the rank of an Embassy to date from July 1) next, and has approved the an poirtment of S*r Malcolm Robertson, HiMajesty’s Envoy Extraordinary and
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    • 446 20 Deputation Visits Foreign Secretary. (lOvcrnment Desire to Avoid Interference. I/ondon, May 31. A deputation from the China Committee has waited on Sir Austen Chamberlain particularly in regard to the safety of British interests at Hankow. the depu at ion was led by Mr. Uavi.l Lj.ndnlv, in the
      446 words
    • 56 20 Damage by Violent Storm In Virginia. London, May 2d. Norfolk, Virginia A seventy mile an hour wind wrecked* the grand stand at Portsmouth Baseball Ground while a game was in progress. One person was killed and over 50 were injured. The storm blew ofT the roof of
      56 words
    • 49 20 Disaster to United States Army Plane. London, May 30. New York Four airmen of the United States Army were incinerated at Augusta. The machine had just risen 400 feet when one of the engines failed. The plane crashed in flames in view of several thousands of people.
      49 words
    • 1568 21 Military Preparations Of The Powers. JAPANESE REPORT. “Outlook is Anything But Satisfactory.” Shanghai, May 27. Tokio It is understood that the troops which the War Office is proposing to despatch to Tsingtao are for the purpose i»t‘ protecting Japanese lives and property in the Shantung railway zone.
      1,568 words
    • 43 21 Rugby, May 21k Mr. Baldwin, addressing a meeting of Conservative women at the Albert Hall yesterday, made reference to the proposal to extend votes to women at the age of ’2l and thus put them on equal terms with men.
      43 words
    • 37 21 London, May 31. Paris The Belgian M. Dclattre ha? been provisionally appointed to succeed Mr. II dgos as secretary of the International Minors’ Association. The si notariat is being transferred from London to Brussels.
      37 words
    • 39 21 Hong Kong, May 31. Canton reports that during the recent anti-Rod drive Paong, the Russian director of the Red peasant corps, was captur ed and taken to Swatow. lie is bein;brought to Cant, n for trial.
      39 words
    • 59 21 London, May 2fi. Rina The authorities seized a (planti 'V of Soviet grai l iri an elevator, ’< !i« Soviet trade deVgati >n not having com plied with a court order to deposit .lending tin* delegation's appeal against i decision of the district court ordering lv*m to p'
      59 words
    • 33 21 Paris, May 2fi. M. Poincare skated In fo o the firnne d comaiittco of the hambo.’ tliat tb'> re i;f, consolidation loan had so far pro bleed fifteen billion francs.
      33 words
    • 34 21 London, May 27. I.os Angelos A section of t s L id o supplying water 1o the city w damaged hv an expb ion braved mve lx en caused by dynamite.
      34 words
    • 127 21 Interesting Speech by Mr. Choo Kia Peng. Chinese Loyalty to the Crown Emphasised. London, May 31. Mr. Choo Kia Pong, senior unofficial member of the Federal Council, F.M.S., and a leading planter and miner in Malaya, speaking at a largely attended dinner of the Association of British
      127 words
    • 148 21 Parliamentary Labour Party’s Plans. London, May 31. The Parliamentary labour Party has established a committee, consisting of Mr. J. It. Clynes, Mr. Arthur Henderson and Mr. Sidney Webb, to “consider the situs, ion arising from the break with Russia and to examine means of continuing to foster
      148 words
    • 154 21 Mr. Hodges’ Resignation Due To Pressure. London, May 31. Mr. Frank Hodges' resignation of the secretaryship of the International Miners’ Federation was due to pressure by tho principal officials of the British Miners’ Federation, primarily because he opposed the Federation’s policy in last year’s coal strike and more
      154 words
    • 117 21 Driver Killed in Collision At Indianapolis. London, May HI. Indianapolis The driver Kohler was killed in a collision at the annual mem rial day .">00 mile motor car race Subsequently InO.OOO spectators wop* thrilled by a car driven by Batten T Brooklyn bursting into flames and carolling
      117 words
    • 44 21 lom'.M, May :><». w V rt- 'I" Malol has been tfi’.vod int h irliour. T' e V n t }> t now T.J/'(M onoio*■, lido with n tbnr '’tu-’H'l on Mny *«v y t*v» Mnr'o ’.vt lightship, U>o miV '■II, N'.'.e Vn’r..
      44 words
    • 1327 22 Reason for Despatch Of Battleships. EXTREMISTS’ AGITATION. An Artificial Atmosphere 01 Tenseness.” London, May 30. Malta Regarding the despatch of the battleships Egypt, Barham, Royal Sovereign and Malaya, presumably for Egypt, there has been evident disquietude during the past week in political circles in Cairo, where
      1,327 words
    • 1203 22 A New Pensions Scheme Suggested. i Coordinating Medical Research Work. London, May 25. The Colonial Conference approved a scheme to enable an officer with service in several administrations to be pensioned approximately as though h’s service had been all in one administration, with the object of encouraging the
      1,203 words
    • 83 23 Rirmimia Declares a State Ot' War. Berlin, May .'11. A Bucharest telegram states that the Humanian Government have proclaimed i stale of war in Bessarabia and twenty Kilometers in the zone of the Russian frontier. This is prompted by the dieted Russian war preparations. The Paris paper Excelsior
      83 words
    • 85 23 No C ontravention of Versailles Treaty. London, May ill. In the House of Commons, Connie. Locker-Lampson said arms valued a. ;.Si:».iU4 taels were imported to China •n from German ports. This, how* did not prove that arms were manufactured in tlerirany in contravention of the Treaty of
      85 words
    • 81 23 Not Affected by Anglo-Russian .Break. London. May ill. 1 1> tin HmiM* of Commons, Sir William Milchell-Thomson. replying t«» Corndr. Kenwi.rthy, said the despatch of British in: ils via Siberia and the transmission >f t* legrums from England t«* Russia and ountries beyond we:e governed by the
      81 words
    • 54 23 London, June 1. Flu* lloii'C of Commons by :>0o votes to 1 Jo adopted clause «i of the Trade Cnions Bill, rendering it illegal for any local or public authority to make a condition of mployment of a worker that he i< a liemher or non-nu mber
      54 words
    • 28 23 PariMay SI. 1 In- Government announce that lu* consolidation loan finally totalled Fr>. i >,200,000,1 tOO. Since 10-0 no loan has reached such m amount.
      28 words
    • 21 23 Berlin. JVlay SI. l i:c destroyed several warehouses in •■eneva harbour, causing damage to the vtent of £2,000,000.
      21 words
    • 28 23 London, May 31. Ashland, Kentucky It is reported "nt 2n fatalities occurred fr m a cloud •nrst at Prcstonburg and the surrounding towns last night.
      28 words
    • 35 23 London. May 28. Xew ork Five were killed iti an xplosion in a mine at Delague, Colorado. About a hundred miners were below t*nie of the explosion, hut nearly dl escaped.
      35 words

  • 66 23 < harge in Calcutta Ends In Acquittal. 1 Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, May SI. I he first case under the While Slave 1 !> Act in India resulted in the Muittal 5t} a Frenchman named l.avarti t,M an Italian named Paduuno, who ,t
    66 words
    • 439 23  -  I BY CENTRE The S.C.F.A. were perhaps a trifle fortunate to annex both first division league points at the expense of the S.R.C., at the Stadium on May ’Jo, when they won their match by a penalty
      439 words
    • 469 23 A meeting of the General Council *»f I the S.F.A. was held at tin* Secretary's <.f1ice. 27. Winchester House. <n May 20 at which the following wire present l>r. Lim Han Hoe (Vice-President), G. W. A. Trimmer, (Inde|>e:ident member). A. J. Tail
      469 words
    • 202 23 The second division match between the Y.M.C.A. and the Police, played at the Stadium on Tuesday, ended in a draw, no goals being scored. Towards the end of the first half the Police almost scored when Kum Seng shot .at goal. Coates however saved it.
      202 words
    • 210 23 Selangor Club Heats Ipoh C lub. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 29. ’I he annual football match between the Selangor Club and the Ipoh Club was played on the local padang yesterday afternoon in bright weather and before a fairly large gathering of spectators. The football
      210 words
    • 55 23 [Reuter Telegram.] England Heat France. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 2(’>. Paris In an Association football mutch, played in elorious weather before 2a.(100 spectators, l-ngland heat France by 0 0. Berlin, May 30. The King of Italy was present at a football match at Bologna in which Italy' defeated
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  55 words
    • 89 23 [Reuter Telegram.] Fine Form Shown by German Girl. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 27. St. Cloud Tin* first Herman team to compete on French soil since the war, participating in the French hard court* championships, has produced a second Suzanne Lenglen in the person of the eighteen-year-old 1 raulein
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  89 words
    • 84 23 [Reuter Telegram.] Fine Win for Air Force Competitor. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 28. In the Polytechnic Harriers Marathon race from Windsor to London, 2d miles d."»8 .\ards, S. Ferris (Air Force) was first in 2 hrs. dO min. .12 l a secs. S. Natale (Italian champion) took 2.44.21
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  84 words
    • 114 23 Eurasian Co. Rifle Club. S.V.C. At a spoon shoot hold on Sunday at the link it Timah range the following were the results A class.—200 yards, won hy L.-Cpl. J. McKenna f»oo yards, won by Pte. John Abud 000 yards, won by i*pl. F. M. Crosse. 1 he
      114 words
    • 161 23 Official Details of The Firing. j The Singapore team tired for the Interpol t Shield at the IJukii Timah range on Saturday. The scoring was hy no means high, hut the poor light probably accounted a food deal for the moderate scoring itt eertain ranees. The score, however,
      161 words
    • 134 23 Opening of S.C.S. Racing Programme. The Swimming Club’s racing season < pened very promisingly on Sunday, when no fewer than 2'5 entries were forthcoming for a 10 yards novices’ race. De Haas, swimming in very good style, was the winner, heating Crawford and Drew, to whom he had to
      134 words
    • 775 24 [Reuter Telegram.] > Tweddell Easily Wins Amateur Final. I Renter Telegram. 1 Urndon. May 2H. Hoy lake In the final of the amateur Coif championship Dr. Tweddell, Stour* ridge, beat D. Lamlale, Liverpool, 7 mnd 6. There was alight shower during the morning round but it was fine in
      [Reuter Telegram.] >  -  775 words
    • 188 24 [Reuter Telegram.] Hill Beats Iiarber for Flyweight Title. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May .’50. In a contest for the flyweight champions hip of Britain Johnny Hill, of Leith, beat A If Barber, of Brighton, the referee intervening in the fourteenth round to save Barber from further punishment. At the
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  188 words
    • 811 24 [Reuter Telegram.] Conclusion of S. C. C. Tournament. Anticipations ot' a close ami exciting match were disappointed when Hall and Huggins met lore ami L'tcrmark in the final of hainpionship Hairs a« the conI eluding event of tlu? S.( tournament on May 25. (Terc and Ftermark won easily at
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  811 words

  • 193 24 Scope of the F.M.S. Branch Extended. The scope of the Criminal Intelligence! Branch was extended considerably during] the year, savs the Federated Malay States Police Report. Reduced pressure due to the general improvement in the state of crime |K»rmits of more attention being given to thei habitual or
    193 words
  • 31 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. May 20. Ihe wireless broadcasting scheme from Kuala I.unipur is understood to bo progressing. Ihe capital of the new company has been underwritten.
    31 words
  • 48 24 In response to the appeal for Pearson’s Fresh Air Fund published on Wednesday last, we have received the following dona turns G.< ’.S. t > G.M. and G. (Muan 15 We shall be pleased to receive and acknowledge further contributions to thN most worthy object.
    48 words
  • 570 24 Annual Report of the Directors To Shareholders. The report of tin* directors ot Rontiunak Cold Dredging Concessions. Ltd., for theperiod from the incorporation of the company to March .’51. H.*27 states that the area of tin* property which is held in tlu i*ante of the Anglo-t hinese Mining
    570 words

  • 1707 25  -  Notes by A. W. S. A. W. S., writing from London under date May 4, says We are at the beginning of a World Economic Conference which is being held at Geneva, under the auspices of the League of Nations. I cannot
    1,707 words
  • 50 25 [Reuter Telegram.] Slight Mishap to Favourite But No Damage. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 30. While at Newmarket station this morning being boxed, the Derby favourite Call Boy became restless and slipped up and slightly grazed himself. The horse is quite well and entrained w’ith the other Newmarket horses.
    [Reuter Telegram.]  -  50 words
  • 162 25 Sickle Drawn by Bombay Resident. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Calcutta, May 31. The first prize in the Calcutta Turf Club Derby sweepstakes amounts to 27 lakhs of rupees. Sickle was drawn by Mr. T. D. Lowe, a signaller in the Eastern Telegraph Company, Bombay. A
    162 words
  • 41 25 BISHOP. —At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on May 27, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. N. G. Bishop, a son. QUINTON.--At the Maternity Hospital, S ngapore, on May 23, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Quinton, of Penang, a daughter
    41 words
  • 138 25 Singapore, June 1. EXCHANGE. On London, Bank 4 m/« 2/4 1/lfl Demand 2/3 23/a Private 3m. credit 2/4* On New York, Demand A Private 90 d/a 67% On France, Bank T.T. 1411 On India, Bank T.T. 153\f On Hong Kong, Bank T.T. 11 p.c. dia* On Shanghai,
    138 words
  • 656 25 Singapore, June 1. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 57/- 58/£1 £1 Bangrin Tin 32/- 33/6 1 1 Batang Padang 0.70 0.75 £1 £1 Chendcriang 23/6 24/6 £1 £1 Eastern Siam 23/- 24/£1 £1 Haad Yai 27/6 28/6 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.02%
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 88 25 NOTICE vll communications for both tha Straits Times and the Straits Budget should Dt addressed to the Head Oitice, Cecil ano Stanley Streets, Singapore. Straits Settlements. I'hv post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $46 a year. The post free price of
      88 words
  • 141 25 DEATHS GIBBS.—At 8, Cople Gardens, S*. Leonard's-on-Sea, Sussex, England, on Mny 21, 1927, Herbert Jennings Gibbs, L R.C.P., M.K C S M P.S., late Medical Superintendent of the I unutic Asylum, Singapore. Age 04. TIIOMAS DAVIDSON—On May 25, 1927, at Kuala Kubu, age 80. LAMBERT. —At Sourabaya, May 26, 1927
    141 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 73 1 eneral Pag® Singapore Official Quotations 1 Rubber Price Averages 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auction Robber Position (By A. W. S.) 1 Indian Labour Labour Position Local Rubber Auction Bread on the Waters 2 New Uses for Rubber 2 Alleged Rubber Theft 2 Rubber Smuggling 3 Rubber
      73 words
    • 88 1 Singapore Official Quotations. Forward Contract Quotation!! Spot Seller Price* r A v f a N July Oct. lute L’don S’pore June Sept. Dec. h. d. I lay )f, i 7T H 0 71 0.71*4 0.7 W 0 73% 0.76 >7 1 7\ 0 70% 0.71 0.71 Vj 0.731*
      88 words
    • 28 1 Rubber price averages in the current 'second) (Restriction quarter of 11)27 up o June 1 were as follows Singapore 70.30 cents London Is. 7.8 d.
      28 words
    • 28 1 Lewis and Peat’s cable from theii London office gives 385 t.»ns increase nuking the total London rubber stock* it May 31, as revised 07,000 tons.
      28 words
    • 127 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its HI-1th auction on June 1, when there were catalogued 1,560,924 lbs. or 696.84 tons offered 1,317,309 lbs. or 588.08 tons sold 1,100,012 lbs. or 491.34 tons. Spot London I s 1 New York 40% cts. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed
      127 words
    • 1365 1  -  Notes by A. w. s. A. W. S., writing from London under date May 4, says There is again a substantial incroasi of stocks, which now stand at <57.0:11 the highest ligure recorded since March 192.'1. The landings last week were heavy,
      1,365 words
    • 219 1 Rules for Emigration To Malaya. (Special Cable to the Straits Times.) Madras, May 28. The following is from a Government order recording the Emigration and Immigration Report for 1926, prepared by the Commissioner of Labour Ceylon and Malaya are the only two countries to which, under section 10
      219 words
    • 117 1 An approximate idea of the state of labour supply in Malaya is obtained by extracting Indian, Chinese and Dutch Indies figures from the Arrivals and Departures by sea from and to Foreign Ports,” published monthly in the Strait.* Settlements Government Gazette. Figures for the month ending April 30,
      117 words
    • 692 2 (Jcncral Improvement In Prices. Lewis and Prat report Singapore, May 26. Renewed interest has been shown this week on some speculative buy in? for forward positions and a tighten in? on the spot where supplies are limited. The statistical position may he considered v> have shown a
      692 words
    • 1229 2 Percolation of Propaganda For Rubber. (Contributed.) There is not a propagandist living, 1 suppose, wh t has not at some stage of his activities “halted in his tracks.” so to speak, and wondered where it was all leading to. Some earnest-looking enquirer, it may be, conies
      1,229 words
    • 436 2 Prince of Wales Sets A Fashion. 1 he following interesting notes have been collected by the Rubber (ilowers Assoc iation:The Prince of Wales' red rubber carnation, worn with dress (lollies, ha- I given a fillip to the trade, and small rubber flowers suitable for men s
      436 words
    • 63 2 (Th« Strait* Timet is not reapomible for the opinion* of it* correspondent*. CorreHpondent* should bear in mind that letters r.uxt be short and to the point. Long ■pi*lle» are liable to be rejected or cut Jown. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but guarantee of good
      63 words
    • 553 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. -From what one reads in your leaders, coi respondent e and the reports «»f company meetings, combined with other knowledge, it would appear that the enactments, rules and deliberations of those people who control—or are supposed to control—restriction do not
      553 words
    • 76 2 Chinese Charged with Stealing 143 Cases. On Saturday tin* Third Court. Iiefore Mr. C. I*. Smith, six (’hint's** were charged with the theft of l-ltt fuses of rubber, belonging to K. A. Barliour and (o. It is alleged that the rubber was taken from one of their
      76 words
    • 791 3 Total Distribution of 11 2-3 Per Cent. The seventeenth ordinary general motIng of t*.e Sungei Kruit Rubber Estate. Ltd., was held on April 20 at the registered offices of the company, 2(1 Mincing-lane, 1Mr. 11. A. Barrett (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman in the course of hi.*
      791 words
    • 207 3 Four Kulaks and Four Praus Captured. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. May 27. On t lit* 2l?t iu*t.. while patrolling off I Pttliat Besar, tin* Pennmgat sighted and bused o ko ilk heading toward? Sumatra ml overhauled it. about an hour later. It was found to contain
      207 words
    • 398 3 Messrs. Eraser and Co.*a Weekly j Report. Fraser and < o.’s weekly report, dated May 21, states On balance both Tin and Rubber are unchanged during the past week and the volume of bu.-iness passing in both sections of the share market has been on a limited
      398 words
    • 14 3 Ankola.—:<,Si29 lbs. H.'ijoc Ki-dofl.—141,892 !l>* ■Nfl sinKft.—lbs. Kaffffftoc*.— :»5.G2ti lbs. LAK«iftt~~C:VJ63 lbs.
      14 words
      • 530 3 Stuck p af Kachan*. Value. Company. Ce# t*l Abaco 2 Allagar t‘l Anglo-Malay 11 Ayer Klining 3 i'l burner g 1 2 Rant eng Consolidated 2. 'Vs i*l Katu Caves > 11 Hatu Tiga 3/13/lt> 2 Bekoh 3 2 2/ bertain Consolidated 7/1*2 2/
        530 words
      • 749 3 Capital Issue Closing Price*. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall A Company Co. Kvatt. 389,293 1 JO p.c.*int. a/c yr. 28-2-27Allenby ($1) 3.00 3.10 3.00 3.10 100,000 1 10 p.c. int. year 30-9-2?Alor Gajah iSI) 2.75 2.85 2.73 2.85 479,425 1 40 p.c. int.
        749 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 59 1 H)U SALK, KUBBKK SEEDS from third generation own selection. Proved yield Kt() lbs. per acre per annum. Orders for next Autumn delivery booked in strict rotation. Supply limited. Customer bought seed F.»17 18 und has now given repeat order on account of high yields obtained. Price $lf» per thousand f.o.r.
      59 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 343 4 mr ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< f •'V t 7 mr a cmt\' v, 'jt tv* v. a/i >•■'.. i a. IfcMt ■I < N* ,r *£rf?*V ;ArI V f h» Jv, M-Ze* TwOT Vv jM.L > jlll7ilHMrC'<|Kiy. -r- r»r *1.- *-7l 1*- 4 3ii k ’'i£v% p i 1 W r K IS
      343 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 294 5 k r i if.. m: >:. >i SigH i' ir SECURITY EPFiam THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUS' W: AND EXECUTOR CO. (Incorporated irv the traits Scttbi jP»I RE (’TO<,r man A. E. BADDKLKY, JBWAY, K.B. Hon’bl* Sir D. j.iCNG LOCK. iHon’blc Mi TAf J- WARD. Hpn’ite arffWAM, J5#q. Esc,. jy prepared
      294 words
    • 135 5 RAITS ■♦♦♦>♦♦♦ i < If ou can delivered -V, f yr.■ V' t^ y^ 1 $T <■ have Fresh Drinking and Cooling Water, direct from the well to the taps, by using. 1 Type I, 225 gals, per hour. 'wDG-Jumtto LIFTING HEIGHT 82 ft. with in. pipe. SUCTION 22 ft.
      135 words