The Straits Budget, 18 March 1926

Total Pages: 30
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] •ft v. SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, MARCH IX. 1921, Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 350 1 i.i:am:ks- l 'f e IVdeial Subjects la < •>:'» Trade 1 s, I'MxllKtlHll Ira i’t ouncil i >in;i >'•''•* Tl- ill iii'h Ai aiv Tirai.i*. Reuter and Special v t -i i:.u Fast Wick’s Ne"s I'*- 1 I’itturcs r wl; ,jtl «»f Sultana of Johor.* VI .1 .R.J. B.
    350 words
  • 3539 1 AlllOlVr tlimm.i,'' o- Passengers who passed 11 rci o '"gaporc for home on the lav. and m <J«y* n -o, were the N K. Mackenzie. Mr. 0r the tv f s been a missionary •South Chi, t |Uarter of a century in East W ith t Hc
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  • 22 2 The 20,000 tons tourist liner Franconia arrived here, <>n Saturday, on her third round-the-world cruise, and left on Sunday.
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  • 47 2 We are informed by the Colonial Societal iat that the Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved of the appointment of the Hon. Mr. Hayes Marri »tt. C.M.G., as Colonial Secretary, Straits Settlements, in succession to the Hon. Mr. E. S. Hose, C.M.G.
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  • 44 2 A serious motor car accident, fortunately unattended by any personal injuries, occurred on Orchard Road at 9.d0 p.m. on Wednesday. A light Rover car was completely overturned. A European, Mr. G. B. Pape, has been charged in connection with the accident.
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  • 62 2 A Hokien, named Lin# Kim Hok, was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment and 12 strokes of the cat. by Mr. P. A. F. David, in the District Court, on Monday for extortion. Three charges were preferred against the accused to which ne pleaded guilty. Court Inspector Kenny said
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  • 64 2 Between J5O and 400 guests were present at a ball at Government House by His Excellency and Lady Guilleniard on March 5, the occasion being a farewell to the 2nd Bn. the Royal Sussex Regiment, who left by H.M.T. I)cibyshire on March 7 for Rawal Pindi—and a welcome
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  • 80 2 A motor lorry was smashed to pieces on Sunday about 4 o’clock, near the fi 4 mile on the Bukit Timah Road, by an uptrain from Singapore. The lorry was crossing over from the Kilbum Estate and the driver failed to notice the approach of
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  • 162 2 We have received from John Swain and Son, London, a copy of an adjustable astral planisphere for latitudes 40 deg. North to 10 deg. South. In other words it ij a north polar stereographic projection, containing all the constellations of the heavens and by it one is
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  • 207 2 Speaking at the yearly meeting of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation on February 27, Mr. G. M. Young the chairman, in the course of his address, said :—Prosperity in the Straits Settlements and Java has led to a moderate but steady demand for gold in the
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  • 120 2 The Hon. Mr. E. C. H Wour In the condensed account of in the Federal Council on the to appoint a professional educati,?- 1 n Director of Educati m, FM S t,^. n,st as issue of the 10th instant 1 am reno«“! as expressing the opinion that .V
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  • 125 2 In the course of the next few Singapore will have a visit from one of Britain s most distinguished war w omen —one wh > had an enviable record 7 service-Mrs. G. F. Hatfield, OB E Honorary Secretary of the National Women’s Auxiliary, Y.M.C.A.. of Britain. Mrs.
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  • 129 2 The Singapore Volunteer Corps training year started on the sth of the month with a six-days’ camp at Siglap for the Officers and N.C.O.’s of the Malay Companies from Singapore and Malacca, About 50 of all ranks attended. During the camp a shooting match was held between
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  • 192 2 A special general meeting of the Tallin Club was held at the Club House on Friday evening the 12th instant when the following resolutions were after a short discussion unanimously carried 1. That the Committee of the Club be authorised to borrow from Commercial Union Assurance Company
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  • 204 2 The article by “Ut Prosim/’ in the Nautical Magazine, which will be J in another column, deals with a nia which mercantile marine officers keen interest. They hold the v* e v a degrades their profession when certitu> to command ships are given loca y men who
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  • The Straits Budget.
    • 978 3 strate that it pays.—Straits Times, March 11. haw read through trie* letters of v ..> (Wi*. Fitzmamice, Wilson and and of Mr. I\ A. Anthony on tht question of the Prai Docks. We hix,* also read the speech in which Sir Maxwell dealt with these documents and we
      strate that it pays.—Straits Times, March 11.  -  978 words
    • 1071 3 Stiaits Times, March lli. The Coal Commission has struck out a line of its own. It rejects the view of the employers that the only practicable remedy is to reduce wages, lengthen hours and decrease railway rates. Also it disagrees with the Miners Federation advocacy of nationalisation,
      Stiaits Times, March lli.  -  1,071 words
    • 1095 3 Straits Timv:<, March |:i. A jro'vi many people will realise when they read the report issued by the Rubber Control Department, that we have had reason for our oft repeated requests, for a statement of Malaya’s Standard Production in the current year. Less than six months ago, we
      Straits Timv:<, March |:i.  -  1,095 words
    • 988 4 Straits Times, March la. Tiie crisis at (Jencva lias become gravely acute. France makes the admission of Polar (1 to the League Council a sine qua non. The (iernian delegate.appear to have assented to a rum-perma-nent seat being conceded to Poland, but this bid for peace was subject
      Straits Times, March la.  -  988 words
    • 1026 4 Straits Time*. March I*’.. We should Ik very sorry indeed it' the naval forees in the Far Hast deemed it necessary to silence the foits at Taku. It may he nu»*t neecssary action, but in the present state of Chinese public opinion, and in view of the rapidity
      Straits Time*. March I*’..  -  1,026 words
    • 1029 4 available for emergencies.—Straits Times, .March 17. Small, highly efficient, capable of going anywhere and doing any thine: within the limit of its numbers—&lt;uch is the ideal f"f the British Army. There has been tai k of disarmament. We disarmed two or three million men within a few
      available for emergencies.—Straits Times, .March 17.  -  1,029 words

  • 176 5 Tributes from The Marine Department. There was a full gathering of members of the Marine Depurment stall' at tho department’s club at Pulau Brani ,i&gt; Sunday afternoon, when an address was presented to the Master Attendant (Capi. Calthrop-CV.throp, K.X., O.B.E.), who will br going on leave on
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  • 173 5 Activities of Traffic Department During: February. Below we publish figures of prosecutions conducted by the Traffic Department for five c »urt days during February Twenty cases of failing to furnish name and address of driver, #10 each lfi cases of disobeying traffic regulations, $5 each 24 cases of
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  • 316 5 A telegram has been received fro n ih Secretary of Takuapa \alley lin Di edging. N. L. in Svdney to the following Hfoct. No. 2 dredge. MemlH*rs of the b- nrd, having thoroughly satisfied thenselves that the company’s dredging area is, with latest additions to
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  • 933 5 Comprehensive Survey Of Year’s Work. The .annual meeting of the Singapore i)ioeo.-un Ass elation was held at 1 be Pars'nugo, Penang, on the 1 t i'. i h- lit. Rev. k'. .1. l‘V)M.-on-lm»ie. Bishop of Singapore, t »ok the chair and ot tiers present were the* Resident
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  • 371 5 Particulars of Customs Duty Payments. The following information is taken from the Malay Mail :—The following notice with regard to the customs duty payable on (a) silk and artificial silk, and (b) lace and embroidery, sent by post to Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is to be
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  • 358 5 Fatal Attack of Malaria At Penang. \W regret t;» record the* death of Mr. I'.. Heading, of Sandilands, Buttery and Co., which occurred in the Penang hospital i n Thursday night from malaria. The deceased, who was only 124 year.* of ago. came out from
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  • 1984 6 Buildings to be Opened Next Month. Seventy-five l’er Cent. Of Scheme Completed. (Special to the Straits Times.) The new General Hospital which is being built at Sepoy Lines, Singapore, at a cost of over $4,500,000 was commenced as far back us 1020, anti since that time other
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  • 808 6 Action taken at a meeting of Committee No. 3. held on March, 5 included the following In connection with the recommended purchase of six additional cars for transport of Inspectors in the Miscellaneous, Drainage, and Bridge (Maintenance) Departments, decided that four new ears be purchased n iw, the
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  • 173 6 Singapore's Effort to Re-claim The Ashes.” The annual interport shoot will take place between April 15, and May 31. The actual shoot will probably be on Sunday. May 30. The match is open to teams from Shanghai, Hongkong. Penang and Singapore, picked from residents who have resided
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  • 268 6 The report of the Serendah Hydraulic Tin Co., i»r the year ended December, states that the profit for that period including interest on investments, is $11,199.24 which, with the balance of $7,914.73 brought forward from the pre vious year makes a total of $19,113.97 available. The directors
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  • 1726 7 Home Expert’s Inquiries In Singapore. Nino Shipbuilding I' Represented. i,&gt;,, importance attaches to ,J 1 M S. 1*. Staples, ot tli IU I, f i-avnl arc meets **»&gt;.■ .j who arrived in i alk v \he Saroedon a t rtnight ay: &gt; who will sp-rnl rlMMU month
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  • 135 7 Comparison of Total Value of Foreign Merchandise. Comparative statement of the total value of Foreign Merchandise, excluding Ha reel Post, imported and exported to and from British Malaya during 1925 and 1020. IMPORTS. EXPORTS. Increase Increase or or 1025 1026 Decrease 1025 1926 Decrease (in thousands
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  • 1260 7 44 Ut Prosing” writing in The Nautical Magazine, says It must be a pretty cheap one according to the heading but I trust that readers will agree with me after perusing these few lines that the qualifications 1 am going to refer to are
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  • 1249 8 Ladies Not To He Admitted On Sundays. Tin* annual meeting of the .Swimming (lub was hold v*. tlu* I’luh-imu.'-i* «»*i m» day morning, there* being a large attendance of membeis. The question of admitting ladies -*ii Sundays was again discussed, and a motion to take another referendum
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  • 421 8 Uonsidorable interest was aroused in i!ie Mining Market yesterday, says the financial Xews of February »&gt;, hy the leport of the interview which our representative had with Sir Montague Hat low regarding the concession for the provision of hydro-electi ic power
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  • 1081 8 A Remarkable Snail. How Did Achatina Fulica Get To Singapore Considerable interest has recently been aroused by the sudden and unexpected appearance of some very largo snails in gardens in different parts ot Singapore. '1 he surprise would be much greater ii the tinders knew that the true home ot
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  • 568 8 Award Increased in Serangoon Case. Judgment was given in the Supreme C urt on March 11, in the appeal heard yesterday against the award of the Commissiotier of l.ands in respect of the acquisition of four and a half acres of land and buildings in the Serangoon district.
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  • 983 9 (Kl m Our Own Correspondent.) Uatavia, March 12. f lPP letters 1 have H't-.-n had to mention so-a he i I Minn out.J.iid to have beta ci. •'.*u by i Ol' ti'.'"-! VU&lt;‘JS« i'IUi -it* o't ime I have out that L V -rU. thrown
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  • 659 9 17 Per Cent. Dividend for The Past Year. The annual meeting of the Lower Perak Coconut Co., Lid., was held on March h, ■i v-uitoot* buildings, Col m bo. Mr. F. .1. Hawk s, Director, presided. in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, the Cht.irman
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  • 69 9 For the first time since the war, n ’erman cruiser i- ox|&gt;ected to visit the tutch Fast Indies. This -*,f&gt;oo ton ruiflpr, the Hamburg. mounted with ■' guns. has a crew ol on including officers ami 1(&gt;0 nnvu■ tdets and midshipmen. The Hamburg expected to
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  • 644 9 imprisonment for Doyancse Driver. A sequel to the motor car accident on Orchard Kurd, during February, in which three Europeans were seiiousiy injured, was heard m tin* District Coins on luesday aiiemoon, when a Doyaucse diivcr Weis ineiged witn causing grievous hurt oy a la.-n act. i'he
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  • 193 9 Complaints of Piracy in The Straits. (Prom the Straits Times &lt;&gt;f Saturday, March 10, Ihtifi.) One of the principal topics here of late has been the prevalence of piracy in the neighbourhood, and this not only in the China Sea, but in the creeks and coast-lines of
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  • 420 9 Six Months’ Imprisonment i*or Gratification. C. Iiayncy, an inspector employed in the keg,strati n of Vehicles Departnient, was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment in the District Court on Wednesday by Mr. I*. A. F. David, for receiving illegal gratification of Hi. Mr. N.H.l*. Whitley, D.P.P., appeared f -r
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  • 194 9 Sequel to Motoring Smash At Klang. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 12. A Chinese hired ear driver named Cheng J!ee appealed before the Chief Justice (.Mr. Justice tiompertz) this morning against a eonvicti »n and sent Mice of throe months’ hard labour for it* ivi
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  • 142 9 Five Arrests in (ileylang Raid. Another secret society case came befoje Mr. I*. A. F. David in the District Court, on Saturday, in which five (Tuneso have various charges preferred against them. Mr. A. V. L. Davies appeared for No. ."&gt; accost d. Members of the police
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  • 2535 10 Organisation of Japanese Boycott. The fa so in which 41 Hylams are charged in connection with a secret society, cairn* up he lore Mr. i\ A. i*. David, in the id trict Court, on Mar* i 11, having 1 hoen t ri.nsferred f• cm th Second Court.
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  • 178 10 Mr. A. C. Pearson Dies At Jessclton. At We iv-ret to announce tin* tWu Mr. A. C. Pearson, C.M.G., Governor ,,.ms.i NotUi Borneo, which oivuiie. Jessclton n Monday, necordi,,., J dt .e.ogram received f 1*0111 Jessclton' bv Government authorities at Simr-m. Th? laU* »Ir. Pearson,
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  • 514 10 Moneylenders’ Tout Granted Discharge. Some twenty bankruptcy matters were disposed of very expeditiously before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison) oa rridyy, most of the cases being- adjourned. The International Banking Corporation petitioned for a receiving order against F. C. D‘Almeida, a partner in D’Almeida and Co. Their
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  • 498 11 Comparative Statement of Import and Export of Principal Goods. The British Malay* Return of Foreign Imports and Exports tor the month ended January 1)1, 1020, issued by the Registrar of Imports and Exporta. The following points should be noted Only articles imported into or exported out of British
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  • 462 11 London Chamber of Commerce Examination. s T ho following pupils of the Y.M.C.A. 0,1 Commerce passed the London i., m 111 °f Commerce Examinations he,, in November, 1925 I Junior. I T k J kec e*?K (Distinction) Lau Pent; I* s m 1 Soei, Tan Eng Bo, and
    462 words
  • 869 11 MooomJ Jutie for Jt;tn ii Troph\. (G ntributed 1 i iiis rat e will always bo n tod for the runaway victory in Eve as a combination &gt;i events eventually landed her the winner with la points, giving a clear lead »t seven marks over and above her nearest
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  • 1232 12 Imprisonment for Rash Driving. The defence was opened on March 11 in the action in which ('how Sek &lt;&gt;o, the .son of a well-known Chinese miner at I poll, was chared with causing death by a lash act, and which was tried before Mr. Justice McCabe Keay at
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  • 453 12 Sporting Record of New Regiment. The defeat of the Chinese footballers by the 2nd Battalion, Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, at Singapore, indicates the calibre of the newcomers in one branch of sport but the Regiment appear to have reaped a full share of sporting honours in
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  • 65 12 [The Strait* Time* is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Corre spondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but
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  • 342 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Mr. Aboo bin Adhem in his article appearing under the heading of Malay Association in your paper of yesterday’s issue beyond expressing his indignation at the project of forming such an association gave no good reasons why it should not
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  • 288 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I should be glad if you would give publicity to the following circular which has been sent to all principals of English schools under the signature of the Acting Director of Education (the Hon. Mr. M. B. Shelley) :—Principals
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  • 193 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- A much needed educational institution, built by generous public donations is now lying desolute at Bukit rimah Road, the students having gone on strike. Public interest in this very highly unsatisfactory state of affairs is keen and the matter
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  • 165 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Having read with interest VuU r review' on the book “Tamil Vocabulary by Mr. R. C. Manners in which you writ* “The purpose of the book is to provide a very simple and straightforward ins troctor in the Tamil language.” I carn
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  • 113 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Some fifteen years ago whilst digging somewhere in South Johorc a pot was found to contain hundreds of coin' which appear to have been in use, perhaps centuries ago. I forward herewith a coin which on one side bears, call
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  • 378 12 Congratulations on Opening of New Building. Dr. G. H. Macalister, Principal of King Edward VII College of Medicine, sends us copies of two letters from two leading members of the medical profession in Great Britain, conveying their good wishes on the occasion of the opening of the
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    • 39 13 The Funeral Procession of the late Sultana of Johore. Jena/ah carriage in which the remains ol the late Sultana were conveyed to the Makam.” I i ln)t o\ hy I-' J. Trcuscin.
      Iiln)to\ hy I-' J. Trcuscin.  -  39 words
    • 113 13 n March 1, the Chinese community of Sitiawan hade farewell to Mr. K. J. 11. Clayton, (District Ollicer of Lower I’eiak). pior to his departure on leave. Many arches were erected for the &lt; ccasion and hoys of various Chinese Schinds lined up hath
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    • 44 13 I’ulu* of Wellington's 1st \I plnul tlnir lir t mat cli in Singapore «'ii Salu t!a', 1 tn I li heal tlu S(i ait hniiot loi t all A million l&gt;,\ &gt; j;i»aL to by II Hi,
      by II \ Hi,  -  44 words
    • 46 14 MEW’S ON LEFT READING DOWN. lied ross Bungalow. Dubrily Bungalow. Magador Bungalow. IEW S IN CENTRE: READING DOWN. Major Stevens’ Bungalow. &lt; lilTonl Bungalow. Traffic Control System. VIEWS ON KIOHT READING DOWN. Bungalow. Nursing Sisters Hostel. Reservoir Dam /V/o/o.s fry /v'
      /V/o/o.s fry /v'  -  46 words
    • 71 15 (’ol. Impey, at the head of the Sussex Rcjjt.. tea\ini» lanolin. //*r (1 Morrnw A halt in route to the wharf. Duke of Wellington's band. Photo l&lt;y a Morris I)u!iO of Wellington Regiment .Varrh nj&gt;: in. Photo s l&gt;y Sty Cl irlxt l\ny,il
      //*r (1 Morrnw; Photo l<y a Morris .; Photos l>y Sty Cl irlxt l\ny,il S/issi't; 1*110/11 hy Siy C/iirht', l\o\iil ,S//ss( \; P.ioiu.  -  71 words
    • 107 16 Mr. Walter 11. Tate, proprietor of Tate and Co., who is shortly leaving for home on retirement after many years in Malaya. (’ollyer Quay, Singapore, showing temporary Post Office. Photo hy A SnlliViin. iV.o.'o. by l\ T J\ Meyer’s Mansions, Singapore, from St. Andrew’s Cathedral /*/»()/&lt;» by
      Photo hy A (). SnlliViin.; iV.o.'o. by l\ T J\; /*/»()/<» by l: J Trcuscin.; 7\’/o/o />v 1' ,/. 7 reus:m  -  107 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter and Special Telegrams.
    • 5068 17 [reuter telegram.] (iermany Rejects Scheme Of Conciliation. i rave Fears of Complete Failure. [REUTER telegram.] Lond &gt;n, March 10. r ..v u The sub-committee dealing h donnanv’s admission to the l.eague h'. vi- unanimously pronounced ni favour *1. .,,lmis&gt;ion, considering that Ger- has fulfilled the obligations reSi The
      [reuter telegram.]  -  5,068 words
    • 418 18 M. Briand’s Record as Primp Minister. London, March 10. Paris M. Briand has been nine time&gt; Premier and has formed a Cabinet in u n hours. Both these achievements are records. The complexion of the new Ministry is Left, but with a leaning slightly further to the Right
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    • 126 18 Over Two Hundred People Killed. London, March 15. Boston According to advices from the railway owners 178 were killed and 75 injured by the derailment of an excursion train near San Jose, Costa Rica. Three coaches left the rails and plunged down a 50 feet embankment into
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    • 42 18 London, March L&gt;. Lille A serious fire in the Toureoing warehouses destroyed enormous stock' of wool and cotton. The damage estimated at 5,000,000 francs. Two fif na n were killed and 15 injured by the collapse of a roof.
      42 words
    • 728 19 Powers Action About Taku Forts. i.mjiii and the Firing On Her 1 Warship. Loml n, March 10. L Intervention of the Protocol jj threatened in a joint note to .'Vhv.ese Foreign Office, protesting tlu* developments tabled yoster,.j declaring that they reserve the i| a rate and protect foreign
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    • 202 19 Great Reception at Croydon Aerodrome. London, March 11. Cairo Mr. Alan Cobham has left Solium for Athens. London, March 11. Athens Mr. Cobham has arrived. London, March 15. Huge crowds at Croydon lustily cheered the appearance in a sunny sky of a little fleet of aeroplanes at
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    • 182 19 London, March 15. French and Belgian francs in London closed, respectively, at Iff 1.7" and 110.87. Belgian francs had previously slumped to 121.50 after I*&lt; ing steady at about 107 for the year. The market is puzzled and the slump is attributed to the cessation of
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    • 62 19 London, March 15. Cairo The Belgian airman Medaets has depaited for Assuan. London, Match 15. Brussels The Belgian airmen en route to the Congo have arrived at Atbara. London, March Id. Copenhagen The Banish Army airmen, M. and M. Bersthcnd, departed at 11 a.m. in two aeroplanes in
      62 words
    • 84 19 London, March 15. Cleveland, Ohio Millionaires, manufacturers, real estate men, also Government employees of 12 cities arc involved in i. 40,000‘word indictment, naming Jl2 persons for an alleged hoot-legging cottpiracy, returned by a Federal grand jury. The indictment alleges that the conspiracy originated with four Philadelphia boot-leggers,
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    • 33 19 London, March la. A mass meeting of Hop workers decided not to accept the decision of th National Committee of the Amalgamate. Engineering Union and declined to re suine work.
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    • 291 19 All Nitfht Sitting of The Commons. London, March 11. In the House of Commons, there was an all-night sitting on the committee stage of the Ti.'de Facilities Bill, the discussion being centred chiefly on the Government proposal to guarantee A'J,000,000 for the new Kent c ul-field. The
      291 words
    • 99 19 Lond &gt;n, March 10. The result of the meeting of the members executives of the seven uni ms concerned in the Him* dispute and Sir Allan Smith, chairman of the Employers’ Fcden.t on, have agreed to defer operation of the lockout notices until March 18. Lond &gt;n, March
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    • 124 19 London, March 12. Topic Navarit, Mexico An Armed c«»ntbct ensued as a result of the Government’s attempt to close the Roman Catholic church near Jalisquelle, in whieh three persons, representing the authorities, were killed and several peooli* wounded, one seriously. It appears that the prie-t did
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    • 115 19 London, March Iff. New York A daring attempt to smuggle liquor was revealed to-day when Customs officials announced the seizure of champagne, of a value exceeding 8100,000 on a bootleg prices basis, aboard of two well-known American liners engaged on round-the-world tourist traffic. The champagne totalled over 400
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    • 40 19 London, March 10. A big fall of imports and an increase of •xports is shown in the Board of Trade returns for February. Imports were 1 !9fi,845,000 anil exports £02,814.000. compared with £117.089,000 and £00,380,000 espcctively, in January.
      40 words
    • 505 19 Striking Report from Royal Commission, I. March 10. Jlii report «»f tn« Coal Commission, which is unanimous. *?utes that the depression in the indu-try cannot lie attributed to political unvt .*t or restriction of output among ibe mincis, or inefficiency i i muru*grm“i:t. but it disagree** with
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    • 156 19 L«»ndon f March 11. 1 lu» Hague In ilu* Second Chamber, the new Freniier, Jonkheer i&gt;. J. de (Jeer, emphasised that the new Cabinet wai strictly extra-parliamentary and no member should he regarded as rcpiesentjny any political party. The Covernment aimed at economy, reduction of taxation arid vigorous
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    • 31 19 London, March 10. Newport News Fire Lis the liner Am rica, whic’i wa :&lt;■ onditioniug here, from the stem t j t&gt; -tern. Th« damage is estimate 1 at $2,000,000.
      31 words
    • 24 19 Louden, M mh 11. Washington: Frame has n&gt;op&lt; nod th«* iiseussions for n settlement &gt; f war &lt;i&lt; bts to the United Stab
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    • 565 20 Annua! Estimates Pass The Commons. Some Labour Amendments Debated. I.'tiidoii, Ma tvli 11. In tin* 11. &gt;u-i nf Commons, in movj n tl. Navy i: t.mates, Mr. Bridgonuin ,;*U not .ci;y that w had taken risks whifii wonId not be taken in times of danger or greater aHlucisrc,
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    • 149 20 London, March 1(&gt;. Ni-\v Nork: The heaviest loss &lt;-f ani mal and hinl life recorded in American annals (.(cm red in the early hour* -,f ibis morning. The lire, startmg in two's u| a\vdn&gt;t, killed 1.000 canaries, -.'JO lovebirds arid numerous others and*
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    • 58 20 London, March 1(5. Madras Tli Swarajist and Failed •aLmriahst memhiis ~f the Madras i’» nuri-d, n i.rihering ‘J‘5, walk* u f 1 &gt;'• 1 nincil in accordance with v V' f All-India Ton- railing un».n Swaraji- t-i 1o w,f luhaw from Assemblies as a pro*"st against the
      58 words
    • 259 20 Story of Signor Mattcotti’s Abduction. London, March H». I’hieti The trial &lt;*f the live men. 1 luinii i. Vioiu, Yolpi, 1‘overuino ami Maiacna. accus d of the “willill, lu;t un preimdilated killing.’ ot Signor Matti'otti. the Sociali. i Deputy, the discovery' of who* body, in July 11‘Jl,
      259 words
    • 263 20 (iucst Orders Arrest of His Host. London, March IM. w York Folding is running high over the (thics of (lencral Smed'.ey Butler's action in ordering the arrest of the host, Colonel Williams, at a dinner given to the (Jcnor:.l on taking command of the Mai iocs at
      263 words
    • 90 20 London, March 15. In iin Nous of Commons, at question time, Mr. Amery said he had received re ores' n( .lions to the elTtct that demands !or labour for the naval base at Sintrapoie were depleting the supply for rublM-r plantations, hut the Governor had assm«
      90 words
    • 80 20 London. March 12. Ibid cs Aires It was a mrmorahle function when Commander Franco handed over the aeroplane to the Argentine (•overt merit. Commander Franco"* mechiimc t.akes hack a purse of jypi.O)') raised by Spaniards in Iluenos Aires. London, March 12. Li. ri Aires; After an impressive '•c.i
      80 words
    • 418 20 Dutch Church and lateral Interpretation. London. March 12. Anisic Ttlani A literal interpretation .1* the -.coil stud third chapter* of f n t*s1 is Vi is j t&gt;i, complains Hr. d. (itvlkerl;* n. replying to the Synod’s liltinu'tuin that In* ilui't sign his belief, inter iiiii. that
      418 words
    • 68 20 I.&lt;&gt;M(l n, March 10. I '•'once Tin* C.-urt !.i' Arpcal in with Wi.iiam Ellison reduced thv '■on truce from live months and li 1 days’ 1 m;&gt;;i. concnt to a line of iiro. Ellison &gt; app ying f &gt;r the Kind’s pardon. London, March il. home: Kili*on has
      68 words
    • 85 20 London, March 15. \aneouvcr: Eight fruit produce firms representing the Canadian organisation f u l nilod States produce coinpany, with headquarters at St. Paul, wen* fined *25..000 each under the Canau*an ant i-C oiniones Act. The jury considered their verdict for two days'. The ca-e provided one
      85 words
    • 71 20 1 ondori, March 10. A: The Army dirigible L-Vo j; e; di\ed i.o e first into Hampton ibads. London, March 10. 'I here was great e\i it.-ment over the tall o, the dirigibha Army officers at the i 'odroio.* despatched another dirigible to tin* rescue. but
      71 words
    • 160 20 Signor Mussolini and Trade Unions. London, Match jj Home 1 ho Senate approved l&gt; votes to 2l? the Fascist Trade Lniov o' providing for compulsoi v arLitr-iii labour disputes. Signor Mussolini described the tlu as the m st revolutionary yet p,-&lt; j u by the Fascist (lovernment. Signor Mussolini’s
      160 words
    • 74 20 London, March L&gt;. Washington Senator liorah has introduced a resolution into the Senate re questing the State Department to rep it what steps have been taken towards the negotiation of American claims against (Ireat Britain and France in connection with tin* violation i f the rights of
      74 words
    • 62 20 London, March Ik. In the House of ominous, Mr. Churchill .'aid it was estimated that the total expenditure for which they must provide in the Budget was i’TPP.oOO Utah In ordei to keep down tile expenditure to i’TPP.oI 10,000, he mentioned tha i!il.000,000 must be economised in national
      62 words
    • 69 20 London, March lth Delhi The Council of State have pas? ed an official resoiuti n to give effVit t&lt;&gt; the policy of a progressive reduction of exports of opium, except those I’oj strict ly medicinal purposes. The Finance Sventi.ry said that the motion was not a gesture
      69 words
    • 59 20 London, March 1 New Y« rk Mr. A. 11. HeU-ihlon. th.e American Amba-sador. has arrived L&gt;r a three weeks* stay. He declared that little significance attached to hi* visit. He thought that the coiidiCons in England were considerably improving and believed the country would pr« sner more in
      59 words
    • 62 20 London. March Tondnn and lleriln are now linked ur telephonicaily by a line which wa opened yesterday evening. Audibility is q'J satisfactory. The service is by an underground cabl* to Amsterdam. Overhead wire:: a»'e only used on part of Herman so:!. Tile charges are at present H»s. for
      62 words
    • 66 20 London, March I&lt;&gt;. New York The arrival of *ffo.lNH&gt;.U'&gt;o tVom Canada during the past fortnight marks the largest movement of gold Niw Yoik since the British shipment in autumn. 'I iie remittance is not expert d t*&gt; be greatly increased as the Canadian rate of exchange, which
      66 words
    • 59 20 London, March I b Kiea A message from Moscow sa&gt; s that in connection with the celebration of the forty-fifth anniversary of If* assassination of Alexander the Second, tm* Soviet have given 1 if&lt;• pensions to all surviving participants in the murder, numbering about 15 in all. who
      59 words
    • 432 21 Nt u British Cruisers. London, March 10. im i»00-t« n cruisers Cumberland V w W crc launched., respectively, at V- ami (’hatham. Tin* Cathcari Case. London. March 13. The Immigration Comniisv'v r nan who came into pronuconnection with the Countess isa-* resigned. General Smuts. London, March 10.
      432 words
    • 52 21 f »ur Own Correspondent.) v Ipoh, March 15. ,r, al-T U&lt; chaffing and foolery Kii;;!a'k'.' °f Ceylon Tamils, -"’n&lt;T X Vr s n who were messing lrp&gt;-/ VV’,u' yesterday in Kandiah, CtbhK il. a hospital, being fatally *r.i Pi]i.‘. n&lt; r dresser, named Kanas l| nder arrest
      52 words
    • 182 21 Action Against Dato Gawler In Johore. 1 he lion. Dr to Gawler. administrator jf the estate of the late Dato Jaafar bin Hadji M'jhamcd, was defendant in an .iction heard before Mr. Justice McCabe Reay at Johore Bahru, on Sundry, in which 11.H. the Sultan ot Johore
      182 words
    • 127 21 Wealthy Chinese Sent To Prison. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March Id. Tui k;:in, a wealthy Chinese married woman, of Taiping, was convicted last December at the instance of the Protector of Chinese, for ill-treating an adopted girl of 13 by beating her and rubbing powdered
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    • 136 21 Changes in British Official Circles. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok. March 15. King George hrs conferred uii His Royal Highness Prince Domrong the Grand Gross of St. Michael and St. Geoige on the occasion of the coronation of the King of Siam. The British Minister and Mrs.
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    • 115 21 (From Our Own Corresp indent.) Penang. March 12. The Tamil, Cholliah. a Municipal carpenter, was found guilty and sentenced to death for the murder of Louis Karl, Chief Conservancy Inspector, &lt; n February 13. After hearing 1 the sentence, Chelliah declared I never intended to
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    • 92 21 Two Arrests in Pulait Minyak Affair. Two Chinese were arrested in Cashin Street by Inspector Karquluirson, ol th. Rochore Division, and were charged before Mr. IT. R. Bull in the Second I’.dice Court, on Tuesday, with the nllogeu murder of three Chinese. This is a sequel to
      92 words
    • 69 21 Sentence on British Consul's Assailant. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 10. For an attack with a knife on Mr. J J. Johns, the British Consul-General, a Siamese was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment. The accused stated that he was drunk at the time, but the
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    • 147 21 Boy Charged with Murdering His Mother. (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, March LG. When detectives were making their rounds last night at the third mile Gheras ID ah, they saw a Chinese dart across the road and run away. Suspicion being nrousvd the detectives pursued the man
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    • 187 21 (F roni Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 11. At the Penang Assizes the case in which a Tamil named Celliah is charged with the murder of Louis Karl, Chief Conservancy Inspector, was commenced to-day. The court was thronged and there was not even standing room. Whilst evidence was
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    • 225 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March Hi. After a severe drought, the thermometer rising as high as 90 degrees. Penang for the last three days has been visited by heavy rains, accompanied by thunder .and lightning on Saturday and Sunday. During the storm a portion of St.
      225 words
    • 468 21 Solution of the Fibre Spinning Problem. As the sequel (o a scries of successful experiments tin* prohlem of spinning voc nut ribie by machinery lias, we aro inhumed, been definitely solved. The importance to the coconut industry of the solution of this problem, which has been occupying the
      468 words
    • 129 21 Postponement in Supreme Court Case. On VV ednesday in tin* Supreme Court bei’on* the Chief Justice &lt;Sir William Murison), an application for an injunction restraining an Indian defendant from trespass was postponed for two months. Mr. M. (7. Johannes appeared for th« plaintitr, ('hearig Tew Muey and Mr.
      129 words
    • 157 21 New Rotterdam Lloyd Liner In Port. The Tndrapoern, the new Rotterdam I.loyd liner, arrived here on March It on her maiden voyage to the Hast, and a crept ion held on boa id the same evening which was largely att« n*led. The new vessel represents the last word
      157 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1330 22 New Re..»iment Dffi'iit The hint* e. I p 2nd Im ol Welling! &gt;*’•• Kctsft* nunr made tie 0 hr.-t appearance in locii! all n Saturday afternoon at the Stadium when they defl at' d the SS.C.F.A.. wlm laid e.eial of their regular plavim &gt; away. by three goals
      1,330 words
    • 543 22 [Reuter Telepram.] Cup and League Results. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 10. In a Cup replay Bolton drew with Nutt' forest, neither side scoring. In tiie lirsl division of the League the Villa diiw with Leicester --'2, and Manchester United drew with Liverpool •I In tiie third division, southern
      [Reuter Telepram.]  -  543 words
    • 227 22 [Rout v r T e le gra m. Wales Score Deserved Victory Over Ireland. [Reuter Telegram. London. March K*. At Swansea t* -day in .sunny weather and before an attendance of 40.0th), Wales defeated Ireland by 11 points to s. Both packs made line rushes, but th Welsh
      [Rout v r Te le gra m. ]  -  227 words
    • 141 22 [Renter Telegram 1 Two American IMa&gt;ers in The Final. [Reuter Telegram Lornl n. March 12. Nice In the semi-linuls of the South France championship- Miss Helen Wills heat the Hunga.i.iti player, Madame IVcrie, 0—2, 0—2. A Bostonian, Mis* Isabelle Lee Mumford, hitherto unkn \vn on the Riviera, beat
      [Renter Telegram 1  -  141 words
    • 35 22 Twenty-four Notions Entered. London, March Id. New York Twenty-four nation Have entered lor the Davis Lawn Tennis (hip. the entries F r which closed to-day. Australia is the only n &gt;tnble absentee.
      35 words
    • 40 22 [Reuter Telegram.] London, March Id. At Wolyerton tlr* national cross-man *rv championship was won by the Birch hold Harrier, J. Webster, covering the course of Id miles in oN minutes 41) seconds. Birchfield Harriers also won tin* team championship.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  40 words
    • 348 22 S.U.CVs K.tsy Victorv Over S.C.C. It was not surprising that the si;, should score a somewhat c«;.-\ tor over tlu S. t’. after the failure of t V" iaiter’s batsmen on a wet wicket on p,.; day evening, 'i he S.&lt; only ,,!,j i( j., more runs for the
      348 words
    • 64 22 [Reuter Telegram.] Loud n. March IV Vi rth Th» A ixt n lian t 1 irlng tcan a: *t -Vurdralia 1 y an inning* and 4’* juas. West Australia scored 2 X (r len'ant 1 &gt;7&gt; ami 1*7. Austi nMa n :ul* 424
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  64 words
    • 79 22 Lend r. Mar- h 1 t. Kingstown, Jamaica The M.( J defeated Jamaica by ti.e wicke s. Bat in: first, Jamaica scored 1. Morales u'.akir. 71, Rue TV ami Maitin (10. Th( innings realised 128. Scott comping In ivply. the M.C.C. made 228.
      79 words
    • 27 22 [Reuter Telegram.1 England Defeat Wales In International. [Reuter Telegram.1 L‘ ndon, March F’Abergavenny England defeated Wan at hockey to-da;. by four gi a Is to nil.
      [Reuter Telegram.1  -  27 words
    • 67 22 [Reuter Telegram.! Excellent Work Under ar&gt; ing Conditions. [Reuter Telegram.1 London, March F&gt; The Oxford crow rowed a full-corn." trial from Mortlake to Putney ideal conditions in 18 minutes &lt;&gt;7 M*con&lt; only HO seconds worse than the nci' i.trial time made by Oxford in 1807. The Cambridge
      [Reuter Telegram.!  -  67 words
    • 51 22 The following can!'- wc.c return-. &gt; the nietfs monthly medal, Mar&lt; h, Garrison Golf flub. M. G. Marriott 80—10- TO G. N. Benett 80 14 2., W. A. Sims 00 18 J. J. McMichnel T7 2 (’apt. N. G. D.Brownjohn 81 8 y Lieut. E. M.Harte I J. C.
      51 words
    • 116 23 Singapore Volunteer Hifle Association. Mowing were the results t&gt;f the* 1 v, .t hold mi Sunday afternoon, .r'i on the Hukit Timah Range. 'V ir "t L\ Silver Medal far 1925 ril, V r in’ 0 n junction, and was won by M l0 s t MJrall, A
      116 words

  • 96 23 Shipping Clerk Concerned in Seizure Of Liquor. Tii, aiig of a motor launch, named Kill Tyc. charged in the Third pnlivt Court on Monday, be tor** Mr. Kowitt. \s ith being in possession of dutiable li.iuor, consisting of beer, stout, wlv-ivV and brandy. He was fined -hipoing clerk
    96 words
  • 84 23 Six Submarines and Two Parent Ships. S submarines and two parent ships attached to the China Squadron are lying t i man-of-war anchoiage. lhey anivetl from Hongkong on Tuesday. The surface ships are the Titania and Ambrose, each of which has charge of threv submarines, and the
    84 words
  • 170 23 w ’&gt;k endinir K lth statement for the r J mh tT of tjn., t L arch U ivess tho total i,iUh rate of' 27 V s lo representing a oni Pa)ecl uhh'o: «r r m,n l )Cr annum V'; k «nd 20 07 in"?!? 4 ,n
    170 words
  • 1273 23 'I ho following passengers are proceeding to Europe by the Mantua which sailed at S n Friday: Mr. and Mrs. Barton, Mr. .1. K. Mitchell, Lt. It. .1, T. Walker. Mr. N. Sinclair, •lr. and Mrs. Lias. Pr. Munson, Mr. Marsden, Mr. and Mrs. Walsh, Mr. Kussell, Mr.
    1,273 words
  • 283 23 Pahang Consolidated.—3,5«&gt;2 piculs. Ipoh Tin Dredging.—610 (dcul*. Tronoh Mines. —Piculs 849. Hitum Tin.—Piculs 120. Mctiglenihu Ix&gt;de Mining. —Mill 176 piculs, January ore undeclared 24 piculs, total 200 piculs. Langsuan Tin.—Yardage treated 7,100, hours run 352, working hours stopped 96 on account Chinese New Year, output 64 piculs. Kamunting
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  • 76 23 JAMIESON. On March 11, 1926, at the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, to Alice .Alary, wife of Morris Jamieson, a daughter. MILIAR.—At Malacca, on March 15, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. G. It. M. Millar, a son. TAX.—At No. 24, Lorong 17, Gnylnng, or March 15, 1926, to Air. ami Mrs.
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  • 54 23 BARBOUR— LAMONT-FISHER.—On Febru ary 12, 1926, at the Savoy Chapel, London. Reginald A. Harbour, of Singapore, to Hilda Lamont-Fisher (nee Slarbuck), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Starbuck. HOPKINS VAN CUYLENBERG. —On February 21, 1926, at Singapore, Florence Elizabeth Mary Crane, daughter of Mrs. F. van Cuylenberg
    54 words
  • 143 23 Singapore, March 17. EXCHANGE. On I .#07. don, Hank 1 m/s 2'4 13/312 Dcma mi 2/4 1/32 Private 3m. credits 2 4 19/32 On New York. Demand 56 11-16 Private 90 d/s 58 5/8 On France, Bank T.T. 1510 On India. Bank T.T. 154Vi On Hongkong, Bank
    143 words
  • 461 23 Singapore, March 17. I MINING. Issue Vai. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £1 Asam Kumbang 57/- 58/1 1 Batang Padang 0.77*3 0.82*3 1 1 Hit am Tin 1.40 1.45 xrf. I 1 Idris Hydraulic 55/- 56/6 1 Johan Tin 0.55 0.60 10/- 10/- Kampong 51/6 53/- cd£1 £1
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 288 23 Property Sales. Hie fallowing Singapore properties wee .»KS by auc’ior. at the saleroom of 1 he&lt;*ng Koon Song and Co., on Wednes:uy years' leasehold land and house &lt;'|»h:r Hoad, f'&gt;S7 »q. ft.. Dr. Chen Su Lan, freehold lain! and house 37 Dhobv «ihaut, IMS sq. ft.. Mr. .1. W. H.
      288 words
    • 129 23 NOTICE AB communications for both the Strait* Times and the Strait* Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The post free nrice of the Straits Times to the I'nited Kingdom and foreign countries is $46 n year. The post free price of
      129 words
  • 97 23 DEATHS ARATIIOOX. At her residence, IS, Meyer's Flats, on March 14, 1926, Mary Arathoon. aged 75 years, widow of the late S. M. Arathoon. Deeply regretted. DK SOUZA. Brunei do Sou/a, aged 05 jears, died at Hospital, on .March 15 p.m. KKIfS-HOLGER.—On board s.s. Tlnncius suddenly, front Malaria, on Sunday
    97 words

  • Ubc Straits JBubgct RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 126 1 General— Fage Singapore I2uc»ti4.ti«*r»4» 1 Rubber I*l v c Vverugcs 1 London Rubber Stocks The'»iv Auction Standard I*»**« 1 1 i«n arid (exportable (Vybui Robb r &lt; 'out rel. United S'ate" liubbe' &lt;'o. I Loral Rubber Auction Rubber Smuggling Ab.r Ibikit Ms tat ibibbe Rest ri.-tion Star
      126 words
    • 67 1 Singapore Official (Quotations. Korwnrd Contract Quotations Spot Seller Price* r Apr. July l&gt;al e I. •Inn Spni” Mar. June Sept. Mar. n. s s il ii .V, l.oo 0 pjt fi.ji7 I'i li 1 i U»* 1.07 1.00 J.&lt; U l.or, 1 .01 1 J u*:; Je L*
      67 words
    • 37 1 The e&gt;:p &lt;rtable percentage for the current quarter is 100 of standard, and the average prints f lirst grade in Singapore and London *u March !7 have been Singapore 1111.2.85 cents. London 2s. ft.27d.
      37 words
    • 34 1 Lewis and IVai’s cable received from their I/ ndw.n ofliee on Tuesday gj»ve J. 170 tons up n tie- total London rubber stocks at March 1 1 1 ,T&gt;S2 tons.
      34 words
    • 53 1 lhe Singap no h.amber of Commerce Ivuhher As- oeiat ion hel:l its 751st auct ion yestoi &lt;!a&gt;, wiion there was catalogued 1MK’,1.,2 lb.-. or! tons ollered !i4!».r»2 i IK. or 21'..:!2 totis sold 1 Ift,KJM*, lbs. or lltii.s;; tons. Spot. I .on.h.n 2s. d'o,i. New 'lolk
      53 words
    • 104 1 Libbed Smoked Sheet Cents per lb. Standard quality No sales I lend av i aee qtial ty px to 1.00 1 I lot only) "hi qna'if;, p 2 to P7V:, Crepe Standaid qualify pale 1.0!':. t (1 lot only in &lt;•/» 1 !&gt;.'» to pH I V’ 1
      104 words
    • 115 1 (A not it's Service A Estimated Production for This Year. (Aneta’s Service*.) Patavia, March 12. The first estimates of estate rubber puoducth n *n the Dutch Indies during have been issued and give the fallowing statistics: .f-iva and Madoera fiO.OUO tons; Outer Possess! ms UK,000 tons, of
      (A not it's Service A  -  115 words
    • 475 1 Uigur? Much Larger Than Expected. supplement to the F.M.S. (Jazette. dated March 10, contains the following: Preliminary provisional figures of “Standard I'roducti m of rubber for the Malayan Destruction Ana in the* fourth Restriction year. Preliminary provisional figures of Standard Production f r the Malayan Rcsrict'on Area in
      475 words
    • 637 1 What it Has Done to Secure Supplies. Mr. H. Segur, 1'resident of the l cited State Rubber Company, authorize? the following statement In view of the wide spread public interest in the subject of crude rubber with particular reference to cultivation by American capital, it i-
      637 words
    • 180 1 [keutfm telegram.j Partisan Report bv Con^r..- 1 Vi, SI* V\\X C onimittee. (KEUTFM TELEGRAM.J Fonhen. Match 1 j. Washington The House of p entativo? Commerce C- mmissioti'? .m the rubber scarcity is divided I, urn's. J ne Republican majority U J ruboyr conservation and plantain development under
      [keutfm telegram.j  -  180 words
    • 275 1 PRODUCTION EXPORTABLE. Attached to the statement in a ?pevi:ti IMS. Clazette dealing with Standard Reduction, which we p’lMish in another column there is a statement a? follows:Fxtvrt ef rubber from Malayan Res’rut ion Area. February, 11)2*5. tl'rovisienal figures.) Straits Settlements (excluding Islands of Penang ami Singapore) and Federated Malay States.
      275 words
    • 88 1 The (Vntrolici* of Uultbcr, Ceyh'N- srl ,1 Us the f dlowing statement of experts 1 rubber from Ceylon during February 102% 1020 Ceylon Imported Ceylon i mpovte-* Rubber Rubber Rubber Rub r Tons. Torn. Tons. Tons. Fob. 2 J!O% 2'.T 5,120 2&lt;»o Mxportable maximum 5,720 ton Latex
      88 words
    • 1708 2 Excellent Start for the New Company. n statutory moot it g ‘f Gopeng i. !..i i iiulibor Estates, Ltd., was he.d 1 1 j.‘ v -1 ivt Winchester House, K.C., 'J jj poghian (the Chairman) pre- ut i,-man said: C.intlemen--‘VhhMO'/ is called to comply with the V.'
      1,708 words
    • 829 2 Supplies Being Held I p In London. Barloxv and Co. report Singapore, March 11. Since our last xvc have had an erratic market, with e nsequent fluctuation.-. A larger sale than usual was catalogud tor yesterday, and a fairly steady tone \as in evidence. Txvo lots of
      829 words
    • 815 2 The Holding in Kamunting Company. i The fifth annual general meeting of K.M.S. Timnh, Ltd., was held on Februaiy 2 at the registered offices, 7, Martin's Lane, Cannon Street, K.C., Mr. John I. Philips (Chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen,— Vcmj are no doubt ail
      815 words
    • 65 3 [The Straits Timm it&gt; not responsible for ♦he opinions of its corieipoiwlor.'s. Corrc-dpoixK-nts should bi-ar in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling op;sties are liable to he rejected i&gt;» ruthlessly cot down. Coi respondents must enclose their names, not necessarily fol publication hut
      65 words
    • 380 3 To the Editor of the* Straits Times Sir, Your correspondent “Healer” in your issue of the -21n inst, dues not overstate the rase again.- 1 t lie Rubber Export Office butting-in bet we* n us dealers and the Customs. .More often than not the three days delay develop! s
      380 words
    • 2234 3 T&lt;» the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— However risky it may Ik* to don the mantle of the prophet it seems so likely that restriction will last for at least a few months and then become to all intents and purposes of the past 1 venture to
      2,234 words
    • 270 3 More Captures o«T The West (oast. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala I.umpur, March 12 The preventive launches operating;, the Straits have made a few more 'Ll tares of rubber smugglers durin- tho n!* fortnight. past At on the 5th inst. when patrol off Kukub the o.c. Penning
      270 words
    • 197 3 Supreme (’ourt Application Granted. The winding up of tho Alor Bukit Rubber Estates in November, 11*24, and the subsequent appointment of a committee of inspection came to the notice of the Ohief Justice (Sir William Murison) «&gt;n Monday when Mr. J. B. David, a creditor of the
      197 words
    • 204 3 The report of the directors of Connemara Limited, for the year ended December 31, 1925, states that after .allowing for deprecation, directors* fees, head office expenses &c. and general estate charges, including provision for leave pay and passage, the nett profit for the year amounts to $123,309.1)2, to
      204 words
    • 680 4 statistics for the Month Of February. Thf Controller of Rubber Exports, Kuala Lumpur, forwards us the foilnwuiK statistics for February, 1926 (4th Restriction Year) s tantlard production used in the statistics viz. 294 810 tons is a revised Tlu standard production figures recently published gave ***** tons foi
      680 words
    • 178 4 Company Reports, Dividends And Notices. Tebolang.—Int. divd. 10 p.c. Seremban.—Divd. 1 V&d. per share, Riverside, —Second int. divd. 5 p.c. making 10 p.c. Sal d’Or.—Final divd. 20 p.c*., making 25 p.c. to October 31. Rangoon Para—Final divd. 7% p.c., making 15 p.c. (last year 5 p.c.) to reserve,
      178 words
    • 552 4 Arras.—6,700 lbs. Alor Gajah.—14,200 lbs. Ayer Panas.—37,500 lbs. Australasia.—9,800 lbs. Anglo Malay.—91,874 lbs. Allenby.—20,600 lbs. Asahan.—50,000 lbs. Anglo-Suniatra.—60,013 lbs. Ankola.—3,344 lbs. Rintan.—515,070 lbs. Batu Village.— 2,094 lbs. Bajoe Kidoel.—129,927 lbs. I Rikam.—26,500 lbs. I Broome (Selangor).—47,710 lbs. Batu Tiga—91,500 lbs. Bukit Kajang.—57,644 lbs. Bah Lias.—161,676 lbs. Bila (Sumatra).
      552 words
    • 311 4 The sixth annual report of the directors to the shareholders of the Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co., Ltd., for the vear ended December 31 last status that th result for the year shows a profit &lt;f $l2l (591.13, to which has to be added the balance
      311 words
    • 394 5 Deference Wins Rubber Contract Action. Till 1 hit! .Just(Sir William Muri.011) gave judgment oil March 10, in th action hoard bed ore* him several days ago in whic h hum (boon and &lt;0. sued Lira 'l eng Hong for *10,1 Cl, damages for broach of an alleged
      394 words
    • 123 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) I poll, March Id. At a meeting of the Central Perak J’lautcis' Association, several questions of labour recruiting costs were discussed, showing that the cost tanged from 830 to 813. Ihe need was pressed for escorts from the port t the estate, one
      123 words
    • 308 5 Rubber Co. have derlarcd 1.? I»&lt;* nut. oivid'-nd payable on March 2'.*. I be report of the Mukit Kcpor.g Rubber Instates lor the year ended December dl, lirjo, states that after providing for depreciation and eominission to staff the m*tt profit for tin- year is $110,281.72. Two interinii
      308 words
    • 831 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s Meekly Report. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly report, dated March Id, state The share market has been distinctly none cheerful throughout the week and i a (otisiderable business has been put through in all sections. Rubber has fluctuated rather sharply and
      831 words
      • 448 5 Stock I Stork far Eichanne Par Kichaiy, Value. Company. Pncoa. Value. Coinpanjr Price,, il Abaeo 3% 2/ London-Asiatic *&gt;'|ui 2 Allagar Lower Perak 1 Anglo-Malay 1% vl Lumut 11 Ayer humng 11 x f..,........ 10 11 Uunteng IV.f 2 Ila tang Consolidated 2/l» mi*
        448 words
      • 782 5 Capital Issue Pai.l Up Value Dividends Closing Price* vl 2 ,(,n 1 20 p.c. int. a/c year 28-2-26 r om paiiv p 3 1 j 0 P-c* int.n/cyr. end. 30-9-2(3 A ifonhy (sn ■no 5 o t t &,Q vc sf CA,or »j«li &gt;l)
        782 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 &gt;»♦♦♦♦ t Distributors for S.S. and F.M.S. and BRITISH BORNEO Guthrie Co., Ltd. Motor Department, 20, GRANGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. Sub-A Rents GKOSVENOR MOTORS, Penang. METCALFE’S MOTORS, Ipoh. KYLE PALMER MOTORS, Kuala Lumpur. ANGLO MOTORS, Malacca. TONG HUAT CO., Seremban. MOHAMED JAFFAR CO., Kelantan. The “British Empire BUICK” This title has
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 197 7 SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO., LTD. (Incorporated in tha Strait* Settlements) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY, K.B. Hon’ble Mr. TAN CHENG LOCK. Hon’ble Mr. D. J. WARD. GAW KHEK KHIAM, Esq. R. M. MEYER, Esq. The Company is prepared to
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