The Straits Budget, 11 March 1926

Total Pages: 30
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget No. •I IIEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED EIGHTY YEARS.] SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1B2(» Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 309 1 .KAl'ERS- Pas Britain and the League Stabilisation \N anted Britain and the League 3-4 Plenary Inspiration J European Trade League His Excellency Quibbles Telegrams, Reuter and Special Covering Past Week’s News 1(-21 ’ictures Scenes at the Geylang Fire 13 Coronation Scenes at Bangkok Choir of St. Andrew’s Cathedral 16
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  • 3555 1 t profit fo? 1 Anient Company’s gross It i" nron^/f ar 192 5 was Tcs. 501,834. 2 Per cent 8 final dividend °f Tcs. 2 nor V i^ lth K onus at the ratc of the year t n u y P aid share (making for The
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  • 67 2 A sensational charge of gang robbery was brought against F. C. Almeida, a Portuguese, W. J. Lingard, a Eurasian and A. Aramathoon, an Armenian, in the Second Police Court lyesterday before Mr. H. R. Bull. It is alleged that the accused broke into the room of a
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  • 68 2 The result of the ballot among members of the Straits Settlements Association for nomination of a member of ti.e Municipal Commission in place of the late Mr. H. T. White was made known recently. There were two candidates, Mr. H. Elphick and Mr. J. Laycock, the former
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  • 94 2 The following had the honour of attending a farewell dinner to Lt. Col. and Mrs. S. de V. Julius at Government House on March 2 :—Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. H. C. Kllis, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Tull, Capt. N. C. D. Brownjohn, M.C., Mr. and Mrs. D. Santi.v,
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  • 84 2 What w? are assured is the largest gathering of Forest officers who have ever met in conference in the history of the Department in Malaya was in progress the other week in Kuala Lumpur, says the Malay Mail. Important papers were read by a number of specialists
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  • 118 2 Wo are informed that two members of the Detective Department have sailed for India to receive into custody two Tamils, who have been arrested in connection with the robbery of the Banque de L’lndo Chine. Before Mr. H. R. Bull in the Second Police Court
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  • 290 2 r T he ollo ">!»S appointments are notid J'-M.S. Government Gazette Raja Chijdan, C.M.G., bin Abdullah to bt an Unofficial Member of the Federa Council, Mr. P E. Stilton to be a Chiel Permanent Way Inspecter, F.M.S.R.. Mr. E. C. S. Sichel to be an Assistant Superintendent
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  • 69 2 Ihc damage done by the Goviu is estimated to comprise a fipe factory, 87 attap huts, two attan laws, six plank and tile roof h,P« bu n and a sfifd and some outhouses f n alow nection with the fire, a Chineso COn has been charged. It
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  • 95 2 British warships of the China SouaH* f re due to arrive in Singapore latter end of this month, including h\u Hawkins, the llagship of the Their arrival will be followed b v Z visit oi six American destroyer/ tl hist of the British vessels to rr
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  • 91 2 Members, from different parts Malaya, of the Institute of Chemistn (Malaya Section) met in recently. isits of inspection were paid, on Febiuary 27. to the Government Opium Factory and to the Municipal Sewerage installation at Alexandra Road I mate installations were also visited! In the evening the section
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  • 144 2 (From the Straits Times of Saturday, March 3, 1860.) On Saturday morning a large Newfoundland dog was allowed to jump overboard from the ship Andes, lying close in three fathoms of water, and was swimming alongside the shop with a handspike in his mouth when he was
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  • 343 2 The Hun;; Society or the Society of Heaven and Earth is the title of three very handsome volumes which are being printed in London and published by Kelly and Walsh, Ltd., in Malaya and China. The first volume has already arrived here, and is fine example of
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1029 3 dual than a principle Straits Times, March 4. political discussion continues to circle (roum i the League question, and we rc- t to say that a very strong feeling iievails that Sir Austen Chamberlain has J' iken a w rong turn. The expressions of opinion in
      dual than a principle – Straits Times, March 4.  -  1,029 words
    • 1125 3 fraction of the whole. —Straits Times, March 5. The movements of rubber prices during the last week or two indicate quite clearly that the market is. to a very great extent, in the hands of speculators. The average, in the first week of the current quarter, which began
      fraction of the whole.—Straits Times, March 5.  -  1,125 words
    • 1083 3 J>‘‘opl< hould prevail StiM*its Times, March <>. A distinguished Minister has seldom failed so completely as Sir Austen Chamberlain did on Thursday to win the confidence of the House of Commons and the country. We do not, for one moment, believe that the Foreign Minister was
      J>‘‘opl< hould prevail ?— StiM*its Times, March <>.  -  1,083 words
    • 1057 4 Sirailii Twin’s, Maivh S. fifty years ago, and, alas we were in the thick &lt;*1 it, there was a raging tearing controversy as to whether l)r. Robertson Smith, a .sinister of the Free Church of Scotland, a distinguished Hebrew scholar and critic, was heretical when he cast doubt
      Sirailii Twin’s, Maivh S.  -  1,057 words
    • 997 4 pr sperity of all concerned. —Straits Times, March 9. A European Trade League would have open markets on at least the same scale ns those of the United States, and would thus be able to compete in production on equal terms with that vast area of free
      pr sperity of all concerned.—Straits Times, March 9.  -  997 words
    • 1186 4 up instead of pulling 1 down.—Straits Times, March 10. We have read through the proceeding-? of the Federal Council on Monday, also the Memorandum presented by hor Laurence Guillemard. The latter tlociment is a distressing example of red herrings and quibblings. Two things stand out clearly in
      up instead of pulling1 down.—Straits Times, March 10.  -  1,186 words

  • 356 5 Johore Bahru in Deep Mourning. An official message received on Monday from Johore announces the death at the Istana, .Passir Plangie, of her Highness the Sultana of Johore, w hich occurred ac nine o'clock that morning. All the official departments in Johore were closed on Monday. Amid signs
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  • 531 5 Sir Laurence and Lady Guillemard Entertained. There was a large gathering of mem-' hers and guests of the United Islamic 1 Assocution at Bukit Tunggal on Marcn L when H.K. the Governor, Sir Laurence Guillemard and Lady Guillemard were entertained by the Moslem community. After tea, imam
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  • 242 5 Imprisonment for Eurasian Hill Collector. V. O. Rice, a Eurasian, was charged with criminal breach of trust of $28.”*, the property of the General Hospital, on Saturday, in the District Court, before Mr. I*. A. F. David, and was sentenced to 18 months’ rigorous imprisonment. The offence
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  • 345 5 General's Farewell to Departing Regiment. The 2s.d Royal Sussex Regiment, which has been relieved at Singapore by the 2nd Duke of Wel.ington’s Regiment, erabarked on H.M. transport Derbyshire at 7.20 on Saturday. The vessel, sailed on Sunday, for Bombay, where the l»attalion will entrain f&lt;*r Rawal Pindi,
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  • 484 5 TAKUT AND ECONOMIC On March 2 we had an editorial entitled Takut, in which we dealt with certain aspects of Cantonese Bolshevist propaganda in Singapore. On March the Straits Echo printed a note headed Economic which reads as follows Whoever out here told the Secretary of State for the Colonies
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  • 883 6 Count in Municipal Area Next June. The census which is to be t:ikcn with*" tin- Municipal area of Singapore on Jui*e 510 is f considerable interest, in view of fluctuation in Malayan trade and industry, and the t movements of population, that have occurred sine** tht* last ccnsu-
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  • 778 6 Fortieth Anniversary of The Foundation. We have been asked to publish the following A memorable event was the stall dinner of the Anglo-t hinese School hel l at 1)5-5 River VnlKy Road, the residence of Mr. Cheoiig Koon Seng J.P., one of the old hoys of the
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  • 372 6 Annual Meeting of Singapore Branch. The Singapore members of the Royal fkeioty of St. George assembled in the Cricket Club on Friday evening for their lirst annual meeting, the Hon. Mr. C. Evcrilt presiding. Addressing the meeting the President aid the idea of the formation of a
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  • 230 6 Penang Hanker’s Heavy Pine Confirmed. b. the IVnang .Supreme Court on March 1. Mr. Justice A. Brown dismissed the appeal of Liin Dug Ln;n. who convicted by the Second Magistrate Penang (Mr. C. W. A. Suineii), and tine i t*-l U00 or six months’ rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 130 6 Meeting in Geylang Disturbed By Police. As a result of a raid conducted hv Mr Tnglmm, Assistant Protector of hinese ive (hinese were arrested and charged 'nth attending a meeting of an unlawful society. The case came up before Mitt. K. Bull in the Second Police Court
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  • 299 6 Admiralty’s Consulting Engineer Here. Sir Alexander Gibb, K.B F c consulting engineer to the Admir*&lt;’ tht the- Smtiapoif naval bu»e, ,rrit f' Singapore itventiy and left for ift on r inlay morning by the Dut -h T» ml)j Shunat. We understand, that &lt;;!. e j! rntr amier
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  • 433 6 Action taken at a meeting *-f (\»nimit toe No. 1. held on March 2, in.lud.d the following Recomn:ended that the Municipal Ordirance should be amended to confer the powers of the Registrar of Vehicle- in nis absence on the Asst. Registrar -t chicles if s&lt;» resolved by the
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  • 11569 7 Unofficials’ Resolution Watered Down. n r ,j Wharves and Education Debate. i m Our Special Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 8. i\..’ nil Council yesterday a v :uo;nnduni by H.E. t*ie High inner (Sir Lauicrtce Guillema? 1) v.i'.h his devolution scheme was Fj v ami nn amended form r
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  • 119 10 Three Engines Sent Out On Saturday. About 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, the Fire Brigade received another call to Geylang. which from the columns of smoke rising, appeared to be in almost the same position as the devastating outbreak of a tcw days ago. On arrival the
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  • 1655 10 Annual Meeting at Kuala Lumpur. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 8. There wu3 a very good attendance at the annual meeting of the Agricultural Association of Malaya held at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Khn&gt; Keng Hooi presided, and in moving the adoption of the account.addressed the meeting
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  • 2967 11 Closing Stages of The Defence. The last of the witnesses for the do- IU the Mohamculan libel action was .'..j ny Mr. Justice Derne on March 3, d Mr. li. D. Mundell, counsel for the leferee, addressed the court. Mr Mundell submitted that there wano question, that
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  • 385 11 VICTIM OF THE S LUMP. Mr. Kehested’s Application For Discharge. i Mr. S. Sehcstcd, proprietor of Swans«*n and Sehested, the contract &gt;rs whi» built Ocean Building and tarried on an extensive business in Singapore and Malaya prior to their failure in 1023, apj plied before Mr. Justice Deane on Friday
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  • 85 11 Fire in Kim Seng Rubber Estate. A leakage from the pipe-line connected with the* Alexandra Rond Admiralty oil installation occurred on Monday morning and the oil caught alight. The Fire Brigade were called, and sent one engine, but when they reached thu scene the fire had burin
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  • 64 12 The Strsita Tim«i Is not responsible fo* thu opinions of its correspondents. Corre •pendents should bear in mind that letter*roust bo short and to the point. Lon* rambling epistles are liable to be rejected oi ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents roust enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but aa
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  • 132 12 To tii&lt;‘ Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, With refcimce to your article under the ;il&gt;ow heading in Tuesday's issue, 1 must cast a doubt on the statement tl»t Stoke-on-Trent is the first town in (ireat liritnin to abolish its tramways. 1 nave always been led t&lt;&gt;
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  • 574 12 To the Editor of t'u* Straits 'firms. Sir.- 1 shall be verj much oblig'd if you j will kindly allow me a little space in your valuable columns. M&gt; purpose in vv tiling this letter is to draw the attention of iny fellow Malays to the prevent backward
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  • 264 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- It may interest v&lt;nj Mimev hat by inspecting th stamps on the enclosed ••nvelopo, to note in what manner the Nationalist Government of South Africa under t!ie I’n miership of General Hertzcg* .s gradually attempting to expel English symbol;/ and
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  • 101 12 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In spite of the fact that there have been complaints in your journal against the residents of Meyer Road playing goif across the road, the nuisance -till continue*. It may be that the offenders are new arrivals and are
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  • 183 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Kindly allow me a little space t'* ask the Chinese public what they arc going to do with the new building of tho above school at the fifth mile, Buki: Tintah Road. The school has been empty
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  • 272 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. —I write to thank you for your leading article to-day. I entirely agree with you, even in your calling th? Biblical story of creation “a beautiful poem.” it is to be sincerely hoped that Malaya will be spared the terrible religious
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  • 417 12 Over $2 Millions Realised in Three Days. The thr. e days sale of the town and agricultural property belonging to the jate Malay millionaire, Haji Mohamed Eusope, was continued on Wednesday, and completed yesterday, and realised n total of $2,031,000, reports the Malay Mail of Friday.
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  • 359 12 The New Organ for l*resb&gt;U»rian Church. With the object of raising money, tc go toward* the fund for a new organ members of the Presbyterian Church held sale of work at Tomlins'n ball, on Tuesday. The opening c?renn»ny was pc. formed this morning by Sir David Galloway.
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  • 831 12 Administration Report for The Past Year. Mr. H. B. Ellerton, chairman and treasurer of the F.M.S. War Relief Fund forwards us, front London «k.. r.oi The balance to credit of the Fund January 1, 11)25, excluding the nuwm administered by the sub-committee Kuala Lumpur was 1*40,648
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  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter and Special Telegrams.
    • 4560 17 [UEITEK TELEGRAM.) In Debate in the Ibuse Of Commons. ,te&lt;ts Ajrainst Packing The Council. [UEtTER TELEGRAM.] London, March 3. »i‘i n.m-o* »ff Commons, Mr. Ramsay Mm’.d asked whether Mr. Baldwin .nv fiutemont to make regarding iff the Council of th? League w.vk. particularly as regards the f certain
      [UEITEK TELEGRAM.)  -  4,560 words
    • 310 18 Excitinjr Scene on New York Exchange. London, March 4. New York: There were indescribable scenes in the stock market as a result of a record slump in railroad shares, hundreds of thousands of which were freely offered. Tiading this afternoon was done at a terrific* pace, there
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    • 166 18 Legislation to Protect Home Trade. London, March 3. The proposals dealing with the problem indicating the origin of certain imported goods arv contained in the text of the Merchandise Marks (Imported Goods) Dll!, which was introduced into the House of Commons by Sir P. Cunliflfe-Lister. The bill
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    • 74 18 London, March 5. An echo of the Ilayley Morriss case has been heard at the Old Bailey, where an engineer named Charles Gervais, wacsentenced to a year in the second division on a charge of attempting to obtain £4OO by false pretences from the administrator of Hayley
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    • 45 18 London, March G. Mexico City Addressing the Confederation of the Labour Convention, President Callc3 announced Government's determination to enforce thy constitution, deluding religious clauses. He declared that the Government intended to attain complete economic and national independence and rid itself of foreign interference.
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    • 162 18 Tlic l nfair Japanese Labour Competition. London, March 4. Bombay Presiding n t the annual M u-V' Association Mr adia ivlvrnnjf to hi. recent visit to Lancashire kkuI ho went to fcl„ Kla sm-ply to State the facts in w sa r&lt;| Japanese competition and t.» a-’«
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    • 157 18 I London. March 5. Amsterdam Th* Commission of the Fv nod, dealing w i;h utterances of r .1. Geclkerkon, have presented an ultimatum j to Dr. Goelkcrken requiring his sijjnoj undertaking accepting the literal interpretation of Genesis referring to I've, the serpent, the tree of knowledge, etc. 1
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    • 171 18 London, March 5. A most complete scheme for reorganising the management of broadeasi irg services in Groat Britain i&lt; outlined in rho official report of the prondc.asting Committee appointed to decide upon the nature of administration nfte* the expiry of the present company's licence on December 31. The report
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    • 85 18 London, March 4. Rabat Riffian attacks against Mtiu-’s were broken down by patrols and our partisans pushed back the onemv to the boundaries of Mtiua territory. The commandant decided to maintain and organise the positions occupied beyond the line of the French p~sts in order to pre\en further
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    • 77 18 j T.ondon. March 3 Vice-Admirals S r Roger Keves, r TTugh TnthP! and Sir Victor Stanley nave Ken promoted Admirals. S r Rrwrrr Keves. of ♦he Vediten Slat’on since 10-u r»»*p&gt;npisod thp brilliant naval attack nn and O stand *n Anril 1918Sit* n*Mrh To+hill was Commander-in-Chief. Fast Indies.
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    • 2399 19 1 m. Briand Resigns And I Re-forms Cabinet. I Finance Problem Produces I Nerves. I London, March I Th Cabinet resigned following I v the Chamber, by 274 to 221, tax payment* from the Finance ii-h the Government bad made a P" 1 1 h f M. Briand
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    • 172 19 Court Upholds Her Right To Enter. London, March 5. New York Countess Cathcart has won her suit and remains in the United States. The Judge upheld the writ of habeas corpus after the District Attorney had entered in the records of the court that adultery does not
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    • 133 19 London, March 7. Berlin A secret conclave of Monarchists in Russia ami Uentral Europe was opened at Munich on March 6, according to the Taegliche Rundschau. Though the topic being discussed has not been revealed, the Russians who arrived from London and Paris included representatives of the Grand Duke
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    • 181 19 London, March 7. A further development in the two-way telephonic communication between Great Britain and the United States occurred today when, for the first time, a definite schedule of communications was successfully arranged between London and New York. Thanks almost to the total absence of atmospherics owing to
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    • 89 19 London, March 5. Washington Mr. A. B. Houghton, the American Ambassador in London, has been requested to return to the United States to consult Mr. Kellogg regarding plans for the preliminary Disarmament Conference. Mr. Houghton sails on March 7. London, March 7. Mr. A. B. Houghton, who has gone
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    • 328 20 Scenes in the Legislative. Assembly. London, March K. Delhi Crowds which thronged the galleriis if the Legislative Assembly in anticipation of a lively discussion on tie Budget grants witnessed a dramatic scene, the Swarajists walking out after an impassioned spenh by Motilal Nehru declaring that their cooperation had
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    • 244 20 London, March 0. Washington Mr. Davis, Secretary for War, has published the military aviation programme for the next five years. If it is adopted, the Army Air Force will possess 2,200 aeroplanes five years hence and the personnel will consist of 1,050 regular army officers, 550 reserve officers on
      244 words
    • 81 20 London, March 9. Blue Fields, West Virginia A doubb explosion occurred in a mine near Eecles Twenty-eight men are entombed by the tirst shock and 20 by the second. An &lt;: cape of gas prevents rescue work. London, March 9. Blue Fields All except 20 of
      81 words
    • 195 20 Destroyed by Fire Museum Saved. London, March fi. Fire lias destroyed the Shakespeare* Memorial Theatre and tower at Stratford-on-Avon, hut the Museum and Picture Gallery were •-aved. A passer-by at thro* o’clock in the afternoon smoke coming from the chimney of the theatre. 1- j vi*
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    • 117 20 A Curious Situation In Spain. London, March 9. Ma-’rid It is officially announced that th President of th? Barcelona bar, who v..i ?fv nt!y appointed by the Government *o that port, railed to see the Prime Minister and the Minister if Justice anti informed them that he
      117 words
    • 189 20 London. March 5. In an effort to avert a widespread dispute, the executives of seven engineering unions have advised the strikers r.t Hoes factory to put themselves into a constitutional position and return to work. London, March 7. The engineering crisis has assumed a more serious aspect
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    • 194 20 London, March 6. Washington It is stated at White h?. h„ ha l |,r Wcnt Coolidjje considers th w dgot e lV niHte of $674,000,000 for v^ ar f an l Navy departments ample to provide for the needs of Air services and, then lore, opposes any considerable
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    • 250 20 Peking Tariffs and Canton Boycott. London, March 3. In trio House of Commons, replying tc i suggestion that the British representatives on the Tariff Conference at Peking should be impressed with the necessity of •xj.eiiiti.ig tneir decision on the interim a riff proposals, Sir Austen Chamberlain alluded
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    • 292 20 London, March 8. The seventieth anniversary of the birthday of General B oth was celebrated by an enthusiastic Salvation Army demonstration at the Albert Hall when delegates from many parts of the world gave General Booth a great ovation. Telegrams and letters of congratulation were received from
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    • 91 20 London, March 4. raids M. Briand’s hope that the finance bill will have passed through both Houses of Parliament before he leaves for Geneva on March 6 are likely to be disappointed unless the Chamber speeds up matters. The debate at present is proceeding at a snail’s pace.
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    • 61 20 London, March 7. Lsscn A general meeting of Krupp: disclosed a total deficit of 15,300,00 t narks for the year ending September 30 9jr F °i* instance, the Germania ship vards at Kiel lost 7,000,000 marks. It i« stated that the inter-Allied militan missions, by destroying valuable machin
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    • 891 20 The Cotton Trade. London, March 9 The Master Cott m-spinners’ Federal*' have decided that a ballot be t-il Un the American section on an n of working hours f r mi t o J. of from April 5. The Federation v-i-m*?’ recommended the increase. ll0 ‘igy Five Million
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  • 166 21 Distinguished Judge and Play Producer. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 9. 1 lit* death occurred this morning at the Nursing Home of Mr. P. W. Thornely, Legal Adviser and Judge of the Appeal (eui t. ".bile attending the Coronation Ceremonies on February 25 attired
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  • 92 21 ll'icni Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 3. uilfuiiv ri T f ch rge of negligently and ceedimr c UCtlng a fire cn S ine P ro Malay d. iver a f ,r Pi- Brigade, tlie \\cLIa f J 1 evidence, stated that lot nt road in front,
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  • 108 21 10,11 Dur Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 8 I’inanp correspondent of the 'Irterminprt a if,? tele P™P&gt;&gt;s that the 'I \ua “trtwta w 'th reprard to the vices f. U C *i S au £ed by the latest adAfghan nl’ll- a bul, showing that the mission r ,c?i Demarcation Comthc*
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  • 264 21 Indications of Democratic Tastes. (I 1 iom Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, March 2. The King received numerous messages of congratulation on his coronation from Kings and Presidents throughout the world. King George conferred on him the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath. The King
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  • 104 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, March 5. Mr. Justice Watson for the last two days has been engaged in hearing an application by the Children’s Aid Society, through the Secretary, Mrs. Sime, for the custody of a eirl child, four years of age, which its
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  • 70 21 (Ancta’s Service.) Batavia, March 8. Communists attempted to blow up with a dynamite bomb the War Arsenal at Djojakarta, but the police were warned and succeeded in removing the bomb without the knowledge of the Communists so that the attempt failed. Three native leaders were arrested. Communists
    (Ancta’s Service.)  -  70 words
  • 80 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, March 1. It is reported that in response to overtures from Canton the Legislative Councillors, Sir Shou Son Chow and Dr. R. H. Kotewall, left to-day for Macao where they meet Fu Ping Sheung, the Canton Commissioner for Foreign Affairs, and the
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  • 58 21 (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, March S. The steamer (Jiang Seng ran aground in the Banka Straits. The passengers were taken over by the Soonan, while the steamer Fdendalc yesterday unsuccessfully tried to refloat the (Jiang Seng. Batavia, March 9. The Giang Seng has been refloated this morning by
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  58 words
  • 1406 21 On Tuesday afternoon. Mr. P. A. K. AIuiLan appealed before the Chief Juslice (Sir William Murison) against the award of the Commissioner of Lands, with regard to the acquisition of four and a half acres of land contained in ihe old Wo
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  • 206 21 Sentence of Imprisonment Confirmed. An appeal from a magistrate’s sentence was made in the Supreme Court on Monday, hv Mr. R. L. Kber, before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murison). The D.P.P., Mr. N. H. P. Whitley, appeared for the Crown. The case was one in which a
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  • 1306 22 Flourishing Work itt the T\\-» (lent res. ’I In. annual gv o -rai nmt ting f He hil Wei fa? 1 y I h 1 t Govoi 1 1 t.u.lh m;.i 1 (p v id at pie.-.d air. .1. G. HamdieJi tea i t &lt; initial rip
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  • 430 22 ».isd t)i fu illtcil Sivtiil!,g. Tile f'di-wing cases will heard by the •f'iprcme Couit judges tliis month:— idaei Plantain ns, Ltd., v. Ang Woe HofUl. Meer a Lobhaik Maulliin and K. C. Maricaa i'. J. .Mohamed Ismail Marican and Tin* S rail Printing Works. I a in ho..?)
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  • 931 22 1'eccml Insinlmcnt of Johorc Schenn 1 icipal C imi lice h on tin i f the second mstai- ,,f ;iie .loll ire water schenie. j, i -;,ei ,.f the Singapore water ‘q ,:t is that twelve million will l y ng Pulai in 1929, ami y., v millions
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  • 450 22 l/Mruv-.e Suv 1 Sir.gMiOi v. An i no arising out of !g k -v the Id voi i 1 1 Cl i v n ii i\cr v e.s t l d I v y &lt; e (Sir William Muris ml n yj u i e \v::s .vi.ether
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  • 228 22 liyhns V.ttsIcmI iit -Nig'd S:hoot. 'Hi- 1 1 Muris were crowded ur &lt; ii iTe. Jay, *’ppurcntly t" 1 i to v i• it*li was mentioned be lore H. I’. IJuM. in the Second Police &lt; i;r in Inch 11 Hyiams were charged tio’i with a secret
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  • 502 23 Chinese Sentenced for Armed Robbery. The calendar for the second Singapore* which opened in Mr. Justice |u im cult on Toesd' i&gt; till un-u*u-dly light one, and eo.i prise:*, one case ,.f munH i*. one «.f vubKr.v ami extort on, death by acl, one of t’t .ui.L'wl murder
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  • 246 23 Demanded Overtime for Sunday Work. An incident in the Ithio Straits, when Pic pa. &gt;f,v. rs and mails taken otf the branded steamer Liang Seng were again transierred from the So u An to the dan Hong Lcong, with a view to their Ccing teken to Batavia,
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  • 812 23 Fifth Annual Exhibition Doing Arranged. Encouraged by the hearty support given to the annual exhibition in the past ycar3 the Malayan Camera Club have decided to again hold an exhibition, open to all users of the camera professional as well as amateur, resident in the Malay States
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  • 795 23 Minutes of Decent Committee Meeting. Following are the -minutes of a committee meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association held on March 8 in the Singapore Exchange Room Present Mr. J. G. Campbell (VicePresident), Hon. Mr. C. Everltt, Hon Inche Yunus, Messrs. R. Braddell, H. U. Layton,
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  • 156 23 Armed Gang Aboard British Steamer. A sensational sidelight on the opium smuggling trade between the China coast and Singapoie, and the conditions prevailing in some ot the China ports, is afforded by an out i age which was perpetrated on board the British steamer Anfui at
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  • 582 23 Directors’ Explanatory Circular To Shareholders. The following circular has been issued by the directors of Malayan Matches, Ltd., to the shareholders, reports th» Malay Mail We regrit to have to inform you of action taken by the debenture holders of the company, who have given notice calling in
    582 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 478 24 [Reuter Telegram.] English and Scottish League Results. [Reuter Telegram London, March 3. In the tiist division of tin* League Huddersfield beat th-* Spin’s 2 I, and Notts County be: t B.rmingh im 3 0. In tin* second uivi. i«-n Soutli Shields lost to lloi! 1 3. In the
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  478 words
    • 34 24 [Router Telegram.] t London, March 6. At I wi- konh;im in glorious weather and before 20,000 spectators, including His Majesty the King, the Army beat the Navy by 21 points to 10.
      [Router Telegram.]  -  34 words
    • 21 24 [Reuter Telegram.] London, March *&gt;. At Inverness in the international hockey match, Scotland beat Ireland h\ 2 goals to 1.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  21 words
    • 467 24 [Reuter Telegram.] Kate Course Coif Club. Twmty-six cards were taken out foi the February (1926) medal of the Race Course Golf* Club, and the best nine returned were as follows L. H. Lim 411- 14—14 71 T. Leijssius 42 45 1 1 y*&lt; J. Lee lveng Tye 43 14
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  467 words
    • 115 24 [lteuter Telegram.] The Two Professionals Co-Opted. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 3. 3 In* Test selectors have co-opted Hobbs and Rhodes. A meeting of the M.C.C. on February 24 selected Mr. Warner (chairman), Perrin and Gilligan as the Test selection subcommittee. They were to co-opt two professionals, one
      [lteuter Telegram.]  -  115 words
    • 30 24 [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 1). New York Japan, Cuba and Mexico i.vr cabled tlu ir intention of participating n the Davis l up in the American zone.
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  30 words
    • 63 24 [Router Telegram.] Hritish Champion Unable to Make Weight. [Reuter Telegram.] London, March 9. \\w York: Milligan, the British welterweight. h*s voluntarily forfeited nis right to meet Micky Walker for the v,obi's welterweight championship owing his imiiiiiitv t&gt; make the weight. Hi* •vanager states that Milligan is likewise renouncing
      [Router Telegram.]  -  63 words
    • 69 24 [Reu tor Telegram Australia Heats Tasmania. [Reu ter Telegram Hobart, March 0. 'flu* Australians beat Tasmania by an innings and 184 runs. I asmanla madt 187 (Eveiett two for 33, Mailey three for 52 and Richardson two for 25) and 122 (Richardson two for 8, Mailey three for 42.
      [Reu tor Telegram ]  -  69 words
    • 289 24 The result of the motor-cycle reliability trial, on February 2S is as follows, the first three names being placed 1, 2 and 5 No. Name Machine Marks 1 larding Moto Guzzi I*'» s Dihden Triumph M Hidden* Triumph ?'i 17 Ili’.tcn Raleigh 9 J 7 llcnley H.S A.
      289 words
    • 541 24 AI Trono Outclassed by Hoy Walley. Before a very large attendance, on Friday, Boy Walley was awarded the decision over AI I'iono, who was disqualified for hitting 1 wv in the eleventh round. It was a perfectly justified decision. A tne time Walley had established a clear run of
      541 words
    • 545 24 The Jean II Trophy. (Contributed.) Tin 1 opening race for the above trophy will always be associated with the departure of tne Royal Sussex Regiment, sailing as they did by the Derbyshire at the starting gun tired by Captain FUtt at 1C* a.m. i he couise and handicaps were
      545 words

  • 302 25 Sl!o at Fedora! ISRginecrins 1 Works’. m ,Hv Mail of March 4 rays:—About 1 kt nm employed by the Federates 150 v &gt;"‘ k Cl) i it d., Kuala Lumpur, I:"-'' 1 on Strike *i«ce ysturday. have v began a few days ago l Y n'the‘outside job
    302 words
  • 426 25 Tf kah Compound N&gt;. 2 N. I..—Hours run 171 hours, yardage treated 53.1 *•&gt; ».ui&gt;ic yards, output 435 piculs. Pattani Tin.— Hours 3ud, vaiuagc ‘-&gt;,OOO, piculs 165. Johan Tin Dredging.—The“iru.ge_ out* j for February whs pica’s 2.&gt;1.1*2. Yardage &gt;2, hours run 501), recovery hy table pis. 194.10, recovery
    426 words
  • 300 25 The Music of the* .A!olor Horn l In Taiping. A Chinese e .riesnondent at Taiping has sent us the following which we give as written as it is much too good to, alter, says the Times of Malaya. “Chap Goh Meh, literally fifteenth night in English, is next in
    300 words
  • 326 25 Before Mr. C. W. A. Sinm-tt in the Penang Police Court on Meirh 2, a man named Hussain, who had be* n foreman of the Grosvenor Motors, Ltd., was charged by Chief Detective Inspector J Costello with di honestly retaining several nv»{.or accessories belonging to the firm
    326 words
  • 205 25 T'k* I!,)\vin«r passengers are i"i ;-ir&gt; i h i u l^:r Hr. i:. R. Fb'ker, Mr. \r. \V. 11. Findlay. Mr. am! K •i v. Mr. and Mi IL L. Straub, Mr. am T-.v. -rs. Mis;; Tow.-rs, MII.V‘I;*. M s, 1 K. B iv: s, Mr. •L.VT'be. •-'r A.
    205 words
  • 300 25 Mr. Robert Irvine and Miss Dorothy Romanes. i (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, March 7. A pietty wedding was solemnised this afternoon at the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. R. D. Whitehorn officiating, the contracting parties being Mr. Robert Irvine, &gt;i‘ the Malayan Civil Service, and Mi
    300 words
  • 126 25 ANDERSON. On March &lt;5, 1926, at. 10, Alexandra Court, London, to Rookie, wife of (I. B. Anderson, a daughter. EDINC.TON.— At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on March I*. 1926, to :r. and Mrs. \Y. S. Kdingion, Tingki! Tin Mine*. Ltd., Johoro, a son. FRASER On March &lt;5, 1S&gt;26, to
    126 words
  • 84 25 HUNTER- DKYSDALK. On March 8, 1926, &gt;it the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, l&gt;&gt; irie Rev. (i. 'll. Douglas, Thomas Hunter, of Messrs. United Engineers, Limited, Msi’ncca, and of Glasgow, Scotland, t'&lt; Emily .Mary Drvsdaie, Singapore. o'Kl SEAM. At Miri, Sarawak, cm Fcbraa. v 2:5, 1920, Mr. Ong Keng Bee, fo
    84 words
  • 41 25 The engagement is announced between Kll«in Constance, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. I*. i’’. Wearne, of No. 7, Cliatsworth A ■.■erne, to Charles Frederick., eldest sen of Mr. iii.d Mrs. S. B. Mummery of Fas'. Fremantle, Western Australia.
    41 words
  • 139 25 •Singapore, March 10. EXCHANGE. Ou Ltnd'-n. Bank 4 m/s 2/4% Demand 2/4 J’mal» credits 2 4 17/32 On \ew Ymk Demand 56 9/16 Private 90 iDs 5* 9/16 On Kranee, Bank T.T. 1500 On India, Bank T.T. 154 On linngk&lt; ng, Bank d d &gt; &lt;*. prem.
    139 words
  • 450 25 Singapore, March 10. MINING. Issu* 1 Val. 1M. Buyers Sellers £1 i‘l Kumbang fil'- 55/1 1 Batamr Piuiang 0.75 (‘.HO 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.42'i 1.47Vied. 1 1 Idris Hydraulic 5“ 51/0 I 1 Johan Tin 0.52'-.j 0.57'.4 10/-10/- Knmpong 51/0 53/- Ll Kamunting Tin 01/-
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 110 25 NOTICE All communication* for both the Strait.* Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. r The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $4S a year. The post free price
      110 words
  • 121 25 DEATHS I. RV.'ICK. At Kuan tan Hospital 1 on Marx!) 7, 1 :i2‘i, A. \V. Harwick, of Sidney and Wis'.ein Australia. •TAXSKN’. On March 7, ID-6, ild, Hooper IPmd, Singapore, M. uiuel l'".ul Jaesee. three month,--, infant son of Mr. and Mrs John A. S. Jansen. !1M. At No. 13,
    121 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 68 1 CtaeraV Singapore Official Quotations I Rubber Trier Averages 1 I«omi«&gt;n Rubber Stocks 1 The S ingapore Auction 1 Ruble r Position Rubber Uompanx f&gt;iwd&lt; mi-* 4 1 A Rook for Planter" I,oral Rubber Auction 1 Rubber Ket.iru" 2 Telegrams Kublxr Irain'fry Correnpondence—liublxr Rubber Mr. I* ck Forecast 2 Meetings
      68 words
    • 65 1 Singapore' Official Quotations. Forward Contract Quotations Spot Seller Prices -w Apr. July |title l.’dov S Apr. June Sept. Mur. h. d. x S S S 4 2 2 n. *r.; n.m; o.8."» 0.81 i, 2 11.0.86 ‘j o.w; r, 2 2 n.'.»t 0.90 L* 0.90 K ‘J 1*.
      65 words
    • 41 1 The exp&gt;rtable percentage for the current quart* r is 1 *Hi of standard, tint! th'* average prices f first grade in Singapore and London to Match 10 have been Singapon J 00.1) cents. London 2s. f». 177 d.
      41 words
    • 31 1 Messrs. Ix;wis and Peat’s cable received from tluir London office on Tuesday gave &lt;&gt;9l t* n." up making the total London rubber stocks at March f», 10,412 tons.
      31 words
    • 238 1 The Sing an &gt;ro Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 750th auction, yesterday, when there was catalogued 1,480,8 14 lbs. or 663.77 tons; offered 940,851 lbs. or 420.02 tons; sold 810,71) lbs. or 285.04 tons. Spot. London 2s. Id. New York f»5 cts. PRICES REALISED. Kibbixl
      238 words
    • 758 1 latest Statistics from London Sources. The mail on Saturday brought some valuable additions to our knowledge of the Rubber Statistical position. We are indebted to Messrs. Wilson Holgate and Co. for a copy of the Rubber Trade Association monthly circular for January, covering the whole year 15)25. We
      758 words
    • 111 1 [REV TER TELEGRAM.] Sturdy Speech by Sir Joynson Hicks. [REITER TELEGRAM.] London, March 8. Sir \V. Joynsmi-Hicks was the principal guest. at the annual dinner f the Institution of Rubber Industry* in London. In a speech he declared that the attacks on Lord Stevenson were absolutely unjustifiable. (Cheers.&gt;
      [REV TER TELEGRAM.]  -  111 words
    • 131 1 Most of the lubber imports by the Straits Settlements come from the Dutch Indies, and whit is described as “wet” imp its (from which, for net weight. deduction of .*5O per cent, should be made) represents the bulk of the Dutch Indies native production. The figures, therefor**, have
      131 words
    • 180 1 tint brie and C’o„ Kuala Lumpur, have received cable advices of the following dividends Cheviot Rubber, Ltd.—Board of director" have decided to recommend, subject to audit and usual adjustments, a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended December 551, 1925, of 27 1 per cent.,
      180 words
    • 154 1 Wo have* received a copy of a new Tamil vocabulary, compiled by Mr. R. (i. Manners, of Tampin Lingyi Kstatc, Rantau, Negri Sembilan. The purp »:.c f&gt;l the book is to provide a very simple and straightforward instructor in tho Tamil language. The plantei -s success
      154 words
    • 721 1 Barlow and Co., state Singapore. March 4 Prices this week have fluctuated niderably, the lowest being about m and the highest 90 cents. The local auction, held yesterday m, er ed with a fairly steady tone with nominal quotation of 95 cents for award ed spot sheet.
      721 words
    • 64 2 T Straits Times is not responsible for it.ions of its correspondents. Corretl‘( tR should bear in mind that letters 'be short and to the point. Long wiinir epistles are liable to be rejected or rb sly cut down. Correspondents must rit lie their names, not necessarily for ,r ,f,lication
      64 words
    • 1350 2 •j,, the Editor of the Straits Times. Sj r __May 1 add yet another argument t,/confound the pessimists. With rubber t a fair economical value—say 2/6— there are over 300 sundry articles—not lvrt s hut rubber dolls, bath-mats, etc., vhich can be manufactured and marketed to the public. When
      1,350 words
    • 615 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. I find myself quite unable to reconcile the facts and probabilities of the rubber situation as 1 see them with the estimates of “production” and “consumption recently put forward by others, showing as these latter do, from very c nsiderahle
      615 words
    • 245 2 Ayer Kuning.—77,ooo lbs. Angl j-Johore Consolidated.—27,ooo lbs. Ayer M01ek.—17,077 lbs. Bagan Serai.—29,ooo lbs. Batak Rabit.—3l,ooo lbs. Bukit Lintang.—3o,ooo lbs. Bintang.—24,ooo lbs. 8radwa11.—46,917 lbs. Bukit Palong Syndicate.—l4,oo9 lbs. Central J0h0re.—13,735 lbs. Chimpul.—27,2oo lbs. Colinsburgh.—2B,9oo lbs. Consolidated Eastern P.—101,3)4 lbs. Craigielea.—s4,7oo lbs. Clovelly.—2l,6Bo lbs. Chersonese.—46,433 lbs. Consolidated Malay.—7o,ooo lbs. Chulsa.—36,ooo
      245 words
    • 1259 2 Dividend Thirty Per Cent. Paid. The sixteenth annual general meeting of the mem hers of the Sendayan (F.M.S.) Kubber Company, Ltd., was held on •January 27 in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association, 1-4, Idollane, K.C., Mr. J. A. Macgregor, M.B.E., J.I*. (the chairman), presiding.
      1,259 words
    • 378 3 Improved Results During Last Y'ear. I he seventeenth annual ordinary general meeting of the (ilen Bervie Rubber ompany, Ltd., was held on January 29 at .»9, Fast cheap, E.C. Mr. Herbert Wright (the Chairman) said that the expenditure in harvesting cultivation, etc., amounted to £12,327 which was
      378 words
    • 881 3 Messrs. Macphail and Co.’s Weekly Report. .Macphail and Co. Ltd.’s weekly report, dated March II states The special feature of our share market has been the fluctuation in the price of rubber which after touching 2s. ad. closes 2s. 3%d. Rubber shares have responded a little to
      881 words
      • 440 3 Stock Stock Par Exchange rar Exchaog, Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company Price, tl Abac jO 2/111/16 ~||..,a 3/10'i l-ondon-Asiatic o/c .miumi &gt;;i Lower Perak y/y il A agio-Malay 1 i Lunuit 3/7/ic tl Ayer Kumng u Malacca 41. il Bantcnjr tl Malacca Pivf. Batang
        440 words
      • 817 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lyall oio-,nn 1 -m Company Co. Evatt. oi-.- JO l 30 p.c. mt. a/c year 28-2-26 Allenhy ($n 3.20 3.30 3.05 3.15 1 in a l &gt; r :&gt;O-St-2&lt;iAl,.r Gajah (#ll 2.75 2.90cd. 2.75 2.83
        817 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 294 4 i Distributors for SJS. and F.M.S. and BRITISH BORNEO Guthrie Co., Ltd. Motor Department, 20, GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Sub-Agents &lt;;ROSVENOR MOTORS, Penang. METCALFE’S MOTORS, Ipoh. KYLE PALMER MOTQRS, Kuala Lumpur. ANGLO MOTORS, Mabtcca. TONG HUAT CO., Setemban. MOHAMED JAFFAR CO., Kdantaa. The "British Empire BUICK" This title has the profoundest
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 277 5 i w rucL Alt OoR CC005 V*0* T V m centi (O' TrfM hV* uw No (.0.1 r* ,v*c nc 1 9^. L ~r«— SECURITY EFFICIENCY THE BRITISH MALAYA TRUSTEE AND EXECUTOR CO, LTD. (Incorporated in the Straits Sattlomonta) DIRECTORS: A. E. BADDELEY, Esq., Chairman. Hon’ble Sir D. J. GALLOWAY,
      277 words