The Straits Budget, 22 May 1925

Total Pages: 30
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 33 1 The Straits Budget BONG THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES I ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY J No. Singapore, Friday, May 22, 1925 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 331 1 leaders— The Town Hall Street Traffic Labour and Russia o-4 The Rising Tide 4 Allied War Debts 4-o The Silk Duties 3 Tele prams. Reuter and Special Covering Past Week’s News 17-20 Pictures Grand Military Pageant Id Ciunong I'ulai Water Scheme 14 In the Jungle at Ulu Pahang.. 13
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  • 3999 1 •i. plains, of Kampong 1 Kamuntimr and his brother, who met with a ,l n, f niotor cycle accident last week i are progressing favourably ,K Tipping Hospital. Mr. D. Beatty is due back in Singapore about August 1. Selangor Coconuts harvested 234,440 coconuts last month. Letters
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  • 66 2 By this week s mail we are sending the Secretary of the Pearson Fresh Fund a draft for i*so, being subscrintim from leaders of the Straits Times u Kuml. It I. gratifying some eight hundred poor children from London will have a glorious day j n
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  • 74 2 Messrs. Evatt and Co., Secretaries to the Penang Chamber of Commerce inti matt that Mr. Palgrave Simpson has been proposed by Messrs. Boustead and and seconded by Messrs. R. T. Ri-jd aM i Co., Ltd., as a candidate for election* a > the Chamber’s representative on tin* Legislative
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  • 72 2 Monday’s Malay Mail says An application was made in Chambers befoie Mr. Justice Farrer-Manby, at the' Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court, by' Messrs. Poolcy and Co., to have the evidence of Mr. Ferrers, plaintiff in the libel suit against the Straits Times, Mr. Ager and Mr. Still, heard
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  • 81 2 The French sloops Cassiopee and Marne came in on Monday, and at 8 o’clock the former, as the senior naval officer’s ship, exchanged salutes with Fort Canning. They are from Rochefort, and are bound to Saigon. The Cassiopee was built by Messrs. Barclay, Curie, of Whiteineh, in
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  • 91 2 The following had the honour of diniii" with His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government and Miss Hose at Government House on Monday HE. Major-General Sir T. Fraser,* K.C.8., C. 5.1., C.M.G., Miss Fraser, Hon. Mr. Hayes Marriott and Mrs. Marriott, Cte. B. de Scey-Montbeliard, Capitaine Decoux, Commandant
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  • 133 2 Appointments notified in the Government Gazette include the following Mi. W. Peel is appointed to act as Resident Councillor, Penang; Mr. J. SNicholls is appointed to act as Superintendent of the Government Printing Office, Singapore Mr. H. S. Sircom is appointed Conti oiler of Rubber, and Mr. G.
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  • 167 2 Mr. W. H. Dinsmorq, Deputy Legal Adviser and Deputy Public Prosecutor, F. is proceeding shortly to Serein bail as acting judge, in place of Mr. Justice G. C. Deane, who replaces Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard at Singapore when the latter goes on sick leave. Other changes* says
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1244 3 Straits Times, May 15. U v<. loner ceased to marvel over H lie nil'* I s done or left undone by the B 1 1 Municipality, and, as a rule, we V r |!v nH .„rd them and pass on. It was H P Vrstood about a
      Straits Times, May 15.  -  1,244 words
    • 1096 3 lessen traffic problems here.—Straits Times, May Ifi. No large city is immune to-day from the grave problems entailed in controlling large volumes of vehicular traffic and rendering its thoroughfares safe for all who use them. Since the advent of the motor-driven vehicle these difficulties have become increasingly acute,
      lessen traffic problems here.—Straits Times, May Ifi.  -  1,096 words
    • 1101 3 Straits Times, May 18. Tho Labour Party in Britain must hava discovered some very great attraction in Russia which is unknown to those of other political persuasions, judging by the frequency with which they pay it visits. Of course, the attraction may be merely •hje to the
      Straits Times, May 18.  -  1,101 words
    • 1119 4 Straits Times, Maj lit. Three shillings in sight—two and eightpenoo passed already. There is excitement all over Malaya, much joy and not a little sorrow also. What everyone wishes to discover is the reason for the sudden rise which takes us hack almost to the golden days
      Straits Times, Maj lit.  -  1,119 words
    • 1069 4 firmed road may prove to be.—vStraits Time*. May 20. Keen as the sympathy is with France, it has been impossible to avoid a feeling that she has not faced the problem of her war debts in a manner that would inspire confidence in other nations. She has
      firmed road may prove to be.—vStraits Time*. May 20.  -  1,069 words
    • 968 5 -Straits Times, May 21. Note should be taken of the great thoroughness with which Mr. Winston 4 Curchill is handling every phase of the discussion raised by his proposed silk duties. It is a demonstration of his lereonal capacity, and of his power of ignoring whatever is
      -Straits Times, May 21.  -  968 words

  • 186 5 Mr. J. L. Humphreys, the new Biilish Adviser, who had hitherto l>een Brrtisn Agent and Adviser successively in Trengganu, arrived at A lor Star on May 12. Accompanied by Mr. E. V. G. Day, ho motored from Penang, having arrived there from Singapore. A ceremonial
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  • 97 5 The marriage* way solemnised on Wednesday of Mr. L«'e Kong Ann, of Messrs. Boustead and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Tiang Pee, to Miss Yon? K* Choo, daughter of Towkay and Mrs. Yon? Met- Chai, of Pudu. The ceremonies were if
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  • 1086 5 At the Assizes on May 14, beforw the Acting Chief Justice (Mr. Justice Sproule) Aug Cheoiig pleaded not guilty to the murder of anotner Chinese, named Soh Swcc Long, at Lukit Timah last December. Mu V. D. appear- 1 ed for the
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  • 166 5 The Currency Commissioners’ Abstract us at May l, 1025, is as fololws c. Whole amount of Currency Note? in Circulation on May 1, 1925 87,815,078.70 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of April, 1025 ..87,819,352.0$ (a) Currency Guarantee Fund Linnid Portion on Mav
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  • 128 5 A Press communique referring to some arrivals of now and interesting animals and birds in the Rangoon Zoo states Mr. S. A. Christopher, Barristor-at-Law, and one of the Trustees of the Zoological Gardens, who went for a trip to Singapore, returned on the 5th instant, and
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  • 58 5 Empire Pay this year falls on Sunday next, but the celebrations in the lot d schools will bo held to-day, the nearest school day before that dat". All the schools n*v arrangin': for procexsions and tableaux, the recitation of patriotic poems and the s ng»ng of Recessional, and
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  • 2339 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May I*. The Magistrate, Mr. W. J. K. .‘'talk, thin morning commenced the hearing of the case against Mr. .1. A. Kussi ii, who was chained wiih using as genuine forced documents, viz., sewn proxies
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  • 125 6 A Chinese twakow coolie, who applied for bail in the Second Police Cour on Friday, and was granted it in th»sum of $2,000, w’as arrested on May 10, under exciting circumstances The accused is alleged to have bee; one of four men armed with knives wig
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  • 503 6 State of Brunei. Marked Progress Prosperity Recorded. The Hon. Mr. E. E. F. Prettv th u Hw-iueiit at Brunei, in his past year, writes that the year J. ol marked progress aiui prosuerp Une lully the niitimiatu- ami.-hnt? 04 which v.ere voiced in the 1l>-*;j n toial revenue was $257,174,
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  • 157 6 The current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette contains notification oi the following appointments :—Messrs. J. W. Tunny and A. G. Clark to be Tunnel Foremen, Construction Department, F.M.S.R. Mr. J. J. Boonzaaier to be a Survcyor-on-Agreement, Sumy Department, F.M.S. and S.S. M ,c; J C. B.
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  • 94 6 The Times of Malaya of May 15 says Ve have made further investigations yarding the statement that two j vomen had been assaulted by men a k o be soldiers. A report to thi.t o •ertainlv did reach Inspector Mai<T* C. P.* D., Taiping, through,
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  • 2247 7 The weather on Saturday was not all t might have been from the race-goer’s in t of view, but a heavy shower in tne morning did not prevent a large attendance at the race course, and the programme was carried through succesatuiiy 5
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  • 327 7 A remarkable defence was put up in the ease which was continued before the District Judge (Mr. Franklyn Robinson) on Tuesday in which a Chinese was charged with stabbing a Chinese quartermaster and two Indian guards on board the Namuzic steamer
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  • 122 7 The Kotterdam Uoyd steamer Ceylon, \vhi**h went ashore recently in the Straits oi' Temiang, about GO miles south of Singapore, was relloate;! on Saturday and proceeded to Batavia under her own steam. 'lhc Ceylon’s cargo of rice was unloaded into lighters sent
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  • 155 7 From the report of th* directors of Kampong Kamunting Tin Dredging, Ltd., for the year ended December 111, 1024, it appears that owing to the high prices ruling for tin thu year was a most successful one and the nett profit, after making due provision for depreciation
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  • 1126 8 Tli© annual meeting of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was held at the Exchange on Friday evening. Mr. A. I*. Kobinson (President) was supported by Mr. W. P. Plummer (VicePresident), and Mr. W. B. Penman (hon. secretary), and there was a small
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  • 96 8 Sums amounting to $3,000 (Straits) umi 1,300 guilders were stolen on board the K.P.M. steamer Van der I.yn when that vessel was in the harbour on Friday morning. The money was in a safe in the captain’s cabin, and suspicion attaches to
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  • 396 8 According .to the annual report of the Assessment department of the Municipality of Singapore, the annual value of the city within Municipal Boundaries at the end of last year was $28,94-5,504, showing an increase lor the twelve months of $084,7H4. The rental values of godowns and business premises
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  • 958 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, May 10. Last week saw the opening of the first extraordinary session of the People’s Council with the new speaker, the lion. Neytzell de Wilde, LL.D., who has succeeded Dr. Schumann, LL.D., presiding. In his opening speech, he referred to the
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  • 681 8 Iht* new bye-law recently framed b» the committee of the S.C.C., to the wT*that “all members’ bills shall be payable on tho 15th day of the month the end of the month to which thev apply, was considered at a special gents
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  • 2124 9 The military pugeant and as.sault-at-arms organised by tno military authorities ncie *,i aid of service charities opened at tne Stadium on Tuesday, and was a great 'uccess in every way. 'l be seating accommodation was nearly,
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  • 313 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 17. A golf match was played on Saturday, between Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. and The Rest. The final returns showed a dra>v, each team having four* games to its redit, while one game was halved. The Golf Clul* supplied tea and this was
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  • 196 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. May 21. H.R.H. Prince George arrived here aboaid of the P. and O. steamer Mai we. He was met by the acting Resident Councillor, the Hon. Mr. W. Peel, and came ashore and motored to the Residency,
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  • 300 9 The tint* five-masted sailing vessel, the Kobenhavn, the largest sailing ship in the world, arrived from Bangkok on Wednesday evening, and is now lying in the roads. The Kobenhavn is as interesting a spectacle us is likely to be seen here for many
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  • 96 9 Four rovenuc- officers returning from a raid in McPherson Road in a hired car on Friday afternoon had a miraculous < scape from serious injury, the hired car in which they were turning over in Kerangoun Road, and throwing them out. The
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  • 53 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 11. Another outrage is reported from Tniping, where it is alleged that soldiers of the Burma Regiment on Tuesday night wavlaid two Malay women whom they robbed and left nude tied to trees. The wonvn were discovered the following morning. The Resident
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  • 334 10 Abubakar Abdulrahman, a partner ii the well-known jewellery business oi l*inail and Raheem, which failed in 1922, applied in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday looming, befoie Mr. Justice BarrottLtnnard, for review of nil order refusing him discharge from bankruptcy. Mr. ii.
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  • 75 10 BRILLIANT CHANG. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, M«ay 15. Brilliant Chang, a notorious cocaine king, who was deported from England to Hongkong is on board the Benalder which called here to-day. Brilliant Chang, the Chinese restaurant keeper v.ho became notorious in connection with the Freda Kcmpton case and was sentenced
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  • 195 10 From the report of Asam Kumbang Tin Dredging, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1924, it appears that the nett profit for the period, after making due allowance for depreciation and amortisation of the mine, amounted to £47,500 18s. Id. and this, added to the
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  • 130 10 The Municipal health statement for the week ending May 9, gives the total number of deaths as 231 representing a death rate of 30.30 per mille per annum compared with 27.02 in the preceding week and with 28.38 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 233 10 The findings of the Marine Court of inquiry which enquired into the fire •vhich occurted on the Singapore steamei levo on a voyage between Singapore and Jatavia on March 3, and which resulted n the death of the European mate and light
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  • 237 10 The report of the directors of the Central Engine Works, Ltd., for the eleven months ended November 30, 1924, states —For convenience in accounting it has been decided to close the company’s financial year in future at November 30, instead of December 31, hence the reason
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  • 154 10 The report of Selangor Oil Palm covering period from incorporation of company (February 18, 1924) to Decern ber 31, 1924, states that the company was ■ncorporated for the purpose of acquiring as a going concern as at November 1, 1923, and for developing the Elmina Oil Palm
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  • 136 10 The Hon. Mr. E. E. F. Pretty, British Resident, Brunei, in his report for last year, writes With the most profound regret I have to record the death of His Highness the Sultan, Sir Mohamed Jemalulalam, K.C.M.G., who passed away on September 19 at the
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  • 126 10 Mr. Justice Darrett-Lennard, who i» leaving for home to-day on a nine months’ leave on medical advice, received ‘.he good wishes of the Supreme Court registry staff at a gathering: in his chambers on Wednesday* afternoon. Mr. Athisayam, the chief clerk,
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  • 58 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang:, May 21. In the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Whitley, the case came up for hearing in which Mr. li. C. Yeldon is claiming $12,910 from Messrs. Thomson and Company, for alleged wrongful dismissal and breach of contract. The ease was adjourned
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  • 144 10 Two Chinese, who fell victims to a somewhat ingenious ruse, were complainants in a case heard in the Third Police Court on Monday in which a Malay named Ahmat bin Ali pleaded guilty to cheating. The complainants were led by another Chinese to the house of
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  • 121 10 It is interesting to note that the Govjrnments of the Straits Settlements and he Federated Malay States are the only >nes of the British Dominions represented it the Nation’s Food Exhibition now being held at Olympia, and opened on the 11th lit. by Lord Leverhulme. The Malayan
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  • 220 10 The Lancet of April 11 has the following :—At a luncheon of the College of Pestology held at Pagani’s Restaurant. London, on March 30, Sir William Simpson, Vice-President, in the chair, Sir Ronald Ross presented the gold medal of the College for the best essay on the
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  • 263 10 There was an echo of the Collieries litigation in the SunrenlJ r yaa on Wednesday before Mr. Justin Barrel' 1 Lennard, when the Eastern Mini., Wt Rubber Company sued Mr. F r $2,189, money alleged to have bcf.,,
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  • 372 10 Shortly after night fall on Saturday, says a Shanghai wire of May 11, the Asiatic Petroleum Company’s house-boat Doric, containing the Britons Mr. Lawson Hall and Mr. F. A. Walker, with tbeir wives and the latter’s son and
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  • 117 10 It is proposed to hold a Somme dinner and smoking concert under the auspices of the Ex-Service Association in ©mg nore on Wednesday, July 1. J n or f to arrange contracts, it would be great assistance if those wf o to be present would notify their tpntion
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  • 65 12 [Tlir Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point.. Long rambling epistles nre UhLIo to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but as
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  • 102 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—During the past six months at least half a dozen young Indians came over to this place to try and get some employment or ot her. None of them would now think he was wise for this step, for Sarawak
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  • 399 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —As 1 am proceeding on leave today, and am therefore unable to take any further active intere. t in the matter of this Bill which is now before Council, 1 am compelled to reply through your columns to
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  • 185 12 Cameron’s Highlands.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Sir George Maxwell’s visit to the Highlands in Murch, 1925, with reference to their development marks yet another step forward in the progress of Malaya. Jt has occurred to some of us that, if it were not for the apathy
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  • 383 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Would any of your readers kindly tell me if the following move is correct in chess K. B. white pawn had not moved. B. R. was in Q. Kt. G. K. R. white pawn moved n p 2 spaces
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  • 104 12 Sir,—The Alleyn Chib is about to publish the “Dulwich College Register” with the names of Governors, Masters, Assistant Masters and boys from 1858 to 192” and notes against each. Questionnaires have been sent to all living O.A.’s and the representatives of deceased O.A.’s whose addresses are known. The
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  • 144 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The mortality statistics for Bandoeng, supplied to me by the Municipality, are so remarkable that 1 venture to send them to you. The period is the whole year 1924 and the first quarter of 1925. Europeans deaths per thousand per
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  • 134 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Town board lamp? are lit every night at all the important junctions in the town with the exception of a few, and the junction of Jalan Mohamediah and Jalan Ibrahim is one of the exceptions. A large number of
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  • 111 12 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—It might appear from the evidence given by Mr. Peck yesterday in the Magistrate’s Court at Kuala Lumpur concerning the preparation of the eopj record of the evidence in his recent sui* against Mr. J. A. Russell that
    111 words
  • 279 12 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sin, —Now that the action of the Eastern Mining and Rubber Co., Ltd., against myself has been disposed of,, 1 shall be glad if you will kindly allow me to draw attention to a few facts which your
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  • 157 12 Revenue officers effected two important seizures of opium, valued in the aggregate at over $lOO,OOO, on Friday and Saturday. The first seizure was made in a squatter’s .garden, off McPherson Road, where about i),000 tahils was found concealed in fish-ponds,
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  • 191 12 The managing agents of Rembian Tin,, report the following progress during April, viz Roads and Dams Road from Government Road to dam is now completed and the extension of road to tin shed will l>e completed during May. Sump for pumping station at dam completed and
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  • 489 12 Mr. Poey Kong Sene- a man of the Eastern Mining Company, came up for his UOu Public examination in th- n ,T' Urnc, t Court on Friday, before Mr J,,! upt ‘‘y Mr J. c. cibiu “VF, the proceedings for the
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  • 156 12 Action taken at a meeting of committee No. 3. held on May 12, includeJ the following Decided to confirm Mr. Pennefather it* the appointment of Surveyor and Draftsman in Grade 1 of the Surveyors scheme. Decided as an act of grace and witnout prejudice to pay a gratuity
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  • 81 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May At the Penang Bisley meeting n ant de Cruz won the Championship Cl» lenge Cup, Sergeant Stewart won a Thornliebank Challenge Cup, Lt. de ru» the Medium Ranges, Sgt. Stewart the 3J yards rapid, and Sgt. Toolseram the 4 yards rapid.
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    • 103 13 The military pageant and ass mlt-at-arms organised by the military authorities in Singapore, in aid of service charities, opened at the Stadium cm Tuesday night and performances have been given daiiy. Ihe function vc ill come to a conclusion to-morrow evening. The Officer Administering the Government (the
      photos h\ II S llmrii.'x  -  103 words
    • 28 14 u( I ini* through the Jun^lo. Fool of Faradise Hill. Offices at Paradise Hill. l J i;;c Laying, IJukit Timah. /Vio/iiv. /'V .Ur HiiJiiiiiiin
      /Vio/iiv. /'V .Ur HiiJiiiiiiin  -  28 words
    • 13 14 Kuala Lumpur. Home Memories, Tniping. Esplanade, Kola Kharu.
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    • 167 15 The Hon. Mr. \V. Peel, who has been appointed acting Resident Councillor, Penang, in succession to the lion. Mr. A. I*. Youles, homeward hound on leave prior to retirement, was for upward of two years Hritish Adviser to the Kedah (Government. His first association with Penang dates
      /’//(»/iis hv Mr Cfitiih r.if' I'li; i<\ if. i A/...;,  -  167 words
    • 145 16 Mr. M. \V. rett. Chief Officer of the Shanghai Fire Department, arrived in Singapore, on Wednesday, homeward hound on eight months leaNC. He was for close upon eight years in charge of the Singapore Fire brigade, which he completely reorganised, and then left for Shanghai
      I* hot ns by Chaih /•>; Photos, by Mr. A* E. L'olnmh  -  145 words
    • 28 16 The funeral of the late Mr. Ong Kong (Juan, age !M) years, took place on Sunday, to Buki( IJrown Cemetery. Plmto hy Pmfiirc Studio, Ltd
      Plmto hy Pmfiirc Studio, Ltd  -  28 words

  • PAST WEEK’S IMPERIAL AND GENERAL NEWS Contained in Reuter and Special Telegrams.
    • 735 17 [KIUTH TEIAGRAMJ London, May 14. Rabat At dawn yesterday the French columns under General Co loin bat General Freydenburg, supported by many aeroplanes and artillery, dislodged llic Rills, after stubborn resistance, from the fortified positions on Bibane
      [KIUTH TEIAGRAMJ  -  735 words
    • 280 17 London, May 18. In the House of Commons, Mr. Neville Chamberlain moved the second reading of the W idows and Orphans Old Age Contributory Pensions Bill, which was outlined in Mr. Churchill’s Budget speech. He pointed out that adoption of the
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    • 103 17 larndon, May 14. Cape Town The preliminary draft of the new constitution for the South-West Africa territory states that it will be governed by a council of eight, of whom ore will be an administrator, three will be nominated and four elected by
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    • 95 17 London, May 15. As the result of prolonged negotiations, a contract worth £2,000,000 to construct eight refrigerator vessels for the Blue Star- line has been awarded to British yards. Very influential Government personalities are reputed to have been working behind the scenes
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    • 281 17 Germany Anticipates Early Solution. London, May 18. Berlin In the Reichstag the Ministej for Foieign Affairs, Dr. Strosemann, reviewing tlx* situation, anticipated an early settlement of the disarmament question which should not only result in the immediate evacuation of the Cologne zone hut the tackling of the problem of
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    • 165 17 Is the Base of Interest To India Labour Member’s Questions. London, May 18. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Lansbury, Lord Winterton reiterated that he was unaware that the Government of India intended to ask the Legislative Assembly to express an opinion with regard to the construction and
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    • 133 17 London, May 16. Berlin Two hundred miners are missing as a result of a terrific explosion in the Dorstfeld mine, near Dortmund, where five hundred are employed in the pits. So far only 800, including 18 injured, have reached the surface.
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    • 542 17 City Nervous as to Coming Issues. London, May 14. Mr. fhurchill, replying to Colonel Day in the House of Common*, stated that since thi* removal of the* embargo on {fold exports the Hank of England had exported l’l,03fi,000 worth of bar gold and 7211,000 sovereigns. London, May
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    • 84 17 London, May 15. Kio de Janeiro: Investigators have been sent to the United States to enquire as to the sudden decrease by American coffee importers, resulting in the accumulation of immense stocks. M. Santos, president of the state of Suo Paulo, declared that
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    • 674 18 Reasons for the British Amendment. London, May 14. In the House of Common*, replying to a question concerning the British amendment at the Arms Conference, Mr. Chamberlain said the object of the draft convention was general supervision of the armaments trade by giving it the fullest possible publicity
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    • 396 18 London, May 14. Noteworthy among the messages from foreign Governments congratulating Marshal Hindcnburg on his accession to the presidency was the absence ol messages from the Allies, but Britain i.*&gt; now sending the customary felicitations, following receipt of an official notification of the installation.
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    • 253 18 London, May 14. Moscow Over 2,000 delegates arc* attending the Soviet Congress, including lh:.* lull Pracaidium of 75 members, among whom are Kalinin, lvamciv-tr, Statin, KykolF, ZinoviefT, Trotsky and c’run z.e. London, May 15. Moscow: Reviewing the foreign situation at the Soviet Congress, M.
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    • 530 18 London, May It*. Mr. Churchill was bombarded wit; questions on the t»ilk duties in the Houit of Commons this afternoon. He told one questioner that duty will not bo charged on any silk or artificia silk ai tides worn by passengers onterin, toe countty
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    • 110 18 London, May 17. Belgrade The police report the discovery of elaborate* plot to assassinate the King and members of the Cabinet and to blow up the palace and parliament. The conspiracy is attributed to seventeen foreign Communists who recently arrived in
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    • 74 18 London, May 10. The China Indemnity Application Bill passed the committee stage in the House of Lords. London, May 10. Reuter’s Agency is informed that nearly all the British missionaries’ societies in China have notified Mr. Chamberlain and the Chinese Minister that they hav resolved not to
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    • 303 18 London, May m I*ort Elizabeth Every successivr. visited by the Prince of Wales v iA its predecessor in the warmth Royal welcome. 01 fi The Prince nrrived here to-duv after few days recuperation on Sir al" Bui lev’s farm at Cole&berg. t
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    • 281 18 London, May 15. In a speech at Queen’s Hall Sir \V. .loynson-Hicks Secretary for Homs Affairs, alluded to the Bolshevist menace and said, We are willing to let other countries of the world live, but we wont allow t) cm to intetfere with
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    • 85 18 London, May 13. Moscow Replying to some opposition from industrial districts expressed at Congress of Soviets to a scheme to 1 crease imports, Dzerjinsky, chairm* x he All Russian Council of Economics, pointed out that an r of machinery was unavoidable m r, to eifect the quickest revival
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    • 74 19 London, May 14. Rangoon The Italian airrpan Pinedo 'us ai lived. London, May 18. Rangoon Colonel de Pinedo has nl ,-,\cd at Tavoy, Burma. (Froni Our Own Correspondent.) Mergui, May 21. Ti.e Italian airman, Colonel de Pinedo, ,f t Mertfui at 8
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    • 83 19 London, May 17. The Hague The ruling of the Permanent Court of International Justice in connection with Danzig letter boxes expresses the opinion that no ruling has U i en made m connection with the disputed point by the Danzig High Commissioner, hut
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    • 172 19 London, May 20. The Queen paid a surprise vis t to Wembley this morning and inspected the Malaya pavilion, being received by the Commissioner, Mr. A. Caldecott. Her Majesty was keenly interested in two new dioramas representing a high forest and a mangrove swamp, also a fine
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    • 173 19 London, May 17. Sir George Lloyd, M.P., has accepted the offer of the high commissionership of Egypt in succession to Viscount Allenby. London, May 20. v? ouse of Commons, replying to Mr. MacDonald, Mr. Chamberlain stated that Viscount Allenby had informed him last autumn that he desired
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    • 94 19 London, May 10. The Hague In pursuance of instrucjons from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Netherlands Minister in Paris drew the attention of the French Government to the painful impression caused hy the statement, recently published in he first volume of the French official his°ry of
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    • 150 19 London, May 20. Moscow' M. Frunze, reporting to the Soviet Congress, said the Red Army hao been reduced tenfold to 500,000 men, which was the smallest army in the world, relative to population. He advocated the adoption of a territorial system for
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    • 411 19 London, May 16. Washington Despatches from Paris indicate that in conversations between the French ex-Ambassador, M. Jusserand, and Mr. Mellon, one-half of one per cent, was mentioned as the amortisation rate for payment of France’s debt to America. This figure is the same as was accepted by
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    • 99 19 London, May 20. In the House of Commons, Sir G. Strickland asked wlvat was the annual cost of the Imperial naval establishment ashore at Singapore and what would be the estimated cost of it when the proposed naval base was completed. Mr. Bridgeman replied that at present there
      99 words
    • 1108 19 Rider Haggard. i London, May 14. i The death has occurred of Sir Rider Haggard. I Henry Rider Haggard, the sixth son of Mr. William Meybohm Rider Haggard, J.P.D.L., of Bradenham Hall, Norfolk, was born at Bradenham on June 22, 1856. He was educated privately and at Ipswich Grammer
      1,108 words
    • 107 19 London, May 19. Rome The Senate adopted by 160 to 28 a bill Coordinating the headquarters of the staffs of the three arms under the army chief. Replying to the former Minister of Marine, Admiral Revel, who expressed the opinion that Italy’s destiny lay on the sea and
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    • 64 19 London, May 18. The Times’ correspondent at Damtzig reports a serious rising in White Russia, where an insurgent army HO,OOO strong, under General Borovsky, is reported to have seized a large area at Minsk. TWe Red Army, under General Budenny, is operating to crush the revolt.
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    • 209 19 London, May 20. The conference of engineering trade unions in London passed a unanimous resolution refusing to negotiate their application for increase of wage® on the bast* suggested in the employers’ letter proposing an extension of the working day and reduction of the night shift and the
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    • 1607 20 Rum Runners Do Well. London, May 14. San Pedro, California Rum runner* dating the last two days have landeo liquors on the Pacific coast valued at $100,000. Speedy motor boaG directed by wireless easily ran the blockade of two Government cutters. Loral quotations for bootleg liquor have
      1,607 words
    • 376 20 London, May 14. Moscow Over 2,000 delegates are injured GO miles from Moscow* in an accident to a passenger train proceeding to Sebej. London, May 14. Washington Mr. Jardine, Secretary for Agriculture, promises to institute prosecutions with the object of preventing the recurrence of the recent wheat, speculation, though
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  • 195 20 Ihe Dollar S.S. Line hug purchase! D’oin the L rated States Shipping Board the live Trans-Pacific steamers now bein' operated by the Pacific Mail S.S. Cu Commencing with the President Lincoln due to sail from San Francisco May 1C the vessels
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 330 20 Property Sale. The follow injar Singapore properties were sold by auction at the saleroom of Messrs. Cheung Koon Seng and Co., No. 30 Chulia Street, on April 22 and May 6 anti 13, 11)25 91)1) years’ leasehold and statutory lard grant of land at Toas ami Tanjong Gul, total area
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 427 21 I Reuter Telegram.] 1 The Davis Cup. J Reuter Telegram.] I London, May 14. At Roehampton. in the first round of jie Davis Cup competition, Denmark beat Kumania by four matches to one. London, May 15. Warsaw In the Davis Cup matches between Britain and Poland, Gordon Lowe
      I Reuter Telegram.] 1  -  427 words
    • 646 21 (Reuter Telegram.] Trono Beats Turner. The fairly large crowd which turned up fit the Singapore Boxing Stadium on Friday had good reason to be satisfied with the programme, as the main event came op to expectations, and there were interesting things in the rest of the bill. The flyweight
      (Reuter Telegram.]  -  646 words
    • 249 21 [Reuter Telegram.] England Beat South Australia. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 14. Adelaide England beat South Australia by ten goals to nine. Liondon, May 16. Adelaide England beat Australia by 4—1. The score is given a? cabled. It seems a peculiar one. Probably 10—0 is correct. England Heat Victoria. London,
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  249 words
    • 816 21 [Reuter Telegram.] Results of County Fixtures. [Reuter Telegram.] London, May 14. At Lords Middlesex defeated Somerset by nine wickets. The Somerset totals were 123 and 119, llearne taking four wickets for 34 in the first innings and five for 17 in the second. Middlesex scored 138 in their first
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  816 words
    • 340 21 I Reuter Telegram. J Hundred Hest Professionals Compete. I Reuter Telcgi am.J London, May 14. J he Daily Mail 1*1,200 golf tournament for ihe hundred best professional* in the British isles, held at ilolllnwell, Nottinghamshire, was won by harles John#*, Purley Downs, with an aggregate of 203 for four
      I Reuter Telegram. J  -  340 words
    • 177 21 IKcutpr Telegram.] 'I he French Two Thousand. |.Neuter Telegram.] Condon, May 17. Paris The French Two Thousand Guineas, which aroused enormous interest ovvintf to the participation of the French derby candidate Ptolemy II, resulted a* follows FARAWAY 1 PTOLEMY II. 2 TRESJGNY I; :t Six ran. Won l»y half
      IKcutpr Telegram.]  -  177 words
    • 49 21 The F.M.S. Championship. (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, .May 1H. The cla y pigeon y'.'ootinjf open champinn&gt;.hip at .Sungk i-.i vv;m won by Mr. John Narks. The match was followed by a ten anrf (he presentation of (he tronhe, A successful’ dance was held at nig**.
      49 words
    • 66 22 Swec Let* ('up Result. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 18. The polo tournament for the Isjo cup was won by C team, comprising Heab Seng Hye, IJeah Seng Whatt, Tan I&lt;o See and Stowcll with a total of four goals. B team scored three goals and A
      66 words
    • 820 22 Final Race for June Trophies. The last of the series of races tor the June 'trophies took ptuee on Sunday in weather calculated to please tin* most jaded palate. Ann was favourite with leading points but Joy, Joun 11 and Polly wore so closj that tho tinul result remained
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  • 246 22 The report of the directors of Ulu Yam Tin Dredging, Ltd., for th? year ended December 31, 1924, states that the profit for the year after the allocation of the liberal amount of £7.799 19s. 2d. to depreciation and amortisation of
    246 words
  • 267 22 It is stated in the report of Austrai Malay Tin, ‘Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1921, that, owing to ih. very satisfactory prices ruling fur til throughout the year dividends on a libera, scale were received from the company* holdings
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  • 191 22 At tbe Kuala Lumpur Supreme Court, on Friday, Sir Lionel Woodward, the Chief Justice, F.M.S., was engaged in I waring appeals against two judgments by the Kuaila Lumpur police magistrate The first appeal was by Chaman Singh, a Sikh, who was sentenced to nine months’ rigorous imprisonment for
    191 words
  • 720 22 At meeting rf tho Colombo Municipal Cot:noil on May G a report of the Medical Oflicc-i' of Health, Colombo, with repaid to coconut palms Mid mosquito breeding and a memorandum thereon by tho Chairman of the Municipal Council, was t:ikon up for
    720 words
  • 64 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 1.1. Inspector Costello has charged three Chinese with attempted murder. It is alleged that these three set on two others and threw them o\erbeard from a twakmv at sea some miles otf the shore from 1 mak. &lt;&lt;ne is mi.s.S'.ng (W* other
    64 words
  • 493 22 (Contributed!. Nowhere in the world wou'd t, appeal to start so early i u the &lt;\ 4 n&gt; in the island of Java, l art.y f (&gt;r r h&gt; ot economy and partly on account Jf T
    493 words
  • 114 22 Ipoh Tin Dredging.—Bls piculs. Pahang C onsolidated.—3,3B l piculs. The Secretary of Austral Malay Tin. Ltd., reports the following output of its associated companies for the half month of May 11)25. Kanipong Kamunting Tin Dredging.— Hours run (two dredges) 481), cubic yards treated (two dredges) 79.000. total piculs
    114 words
  • 132 22 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, May 19. Captain Hashim, of the Co-operatht Societies, has left for Java to study tin land bank system with a view to it.* introduction into the F.M.S. He ft so touring Sumatra. In his report on the administration of the Mines Department
    132 words

  • 777 23 Hongkong was virtually full of athletes ,n May 12 passing through on their way ',o the Far Eastern Olympic Games at Manila, icports the Hongkong Daily Press. Firstly, the President Grant arrived yesterday morning anti on board her wm* some Northern Chinese
    777 words
  • 406 23 Ai. «i meeting of the Hongkong Lepisalive Council on May *4 H.E. the Governor Sir K. E. Stubbs said: Before we proceed to the business of the day 1 have a presentation to make. The circumstances of the foundering of the
    406 words
  • 582 23 Passengers travelling from Slrgupore an*! Penang by the Elephant* to connect nt Rangoon with the Bibby Line Gloucestershire, sailing from Rangoon on May 21 are J —Mr. and Mrs. A. I*. Gilmore, Hon. Mr. G. C. Clarke. Mr.e Clarke and Miss D. Cierko, Mi.uA. Agg, Mr. N. M. Ncntby,
    582 words
  • 238 23 London has a hospital for tlv nervation ol valuable antiques, known as The Department of Scientific Research, which i.s being carried out at 21), Russell Sqimrc, under the supervision o« Dr. Alexander Scott, F.R.S. Borne of the choicest treasures of tin*
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  • 218 23 An Osaka cable, dated May 14, says: Major Zanni’s plane overturned while he was attempting to start about noon to-day for Kasumiguura. Major Zanni and his two assistants escaped without injury. A previous message said: Major Zanni, the Argentine aviator, is probably leaving Kasumigaura for Alaska on
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  • 25 23 RODRIGUES.-r At No. 90, Race Course Road, on Monday, May 18, 1925, at 4 p.m., to Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Rodrigues, u son.
    25 words
  • 84 23 CHAPMAN —WEBSTER. —W. T. Chapman, Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Federated Malay States, to Mary Webster, of 122, W r yrnering-mansions, W. 9. STUBBS-van der MEULKN.- On May 10, 1925, at Sourubuyn, Herman Noel, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stubbs, to Gertrude Eugenie Viclorine van der Meulen.
    84 words
  • 215 23 Singapore, May 21. ♦vM •Jn London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 6/1® Demand 2/4 Private Ilm. credits 2/4 Or New Y&lt;&gt;rk, Demand 56% Private DO d/s 58%. On I* ranee. Bank 1,020 On India, Bank T. T. 155% On I Iongkong, Bank T. T. 3% p.c. dis.
    215 words
  • 482 23 Singapore. May 21. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers £1 £’l A sam Kumbang 40/- 47/- cd. 1 I Batang Padang 0.02% 0.67% 1 1 Hitnm Tin 1.02% 1.07% £1 £1 Idris Hydraulics 32/- 32/6 1 1 Johan Tin 0.37% 0.40 10/-10/-Kampong 41/- 42/£1 £1 Kamunting Tin
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 86 23 NOTICE All eoinmnnicstions for both the Strait* Time* and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. I'I'.e post free price of the Strait* Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries i-; ?bi n year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 52 23 DEATHS UltLWKR.— Suddenly on May 21, 1U25, at the Singapore Private Hospital, Monica Mur.' Brewer, beloved wife of Frank Wilmin Brower. MADAM WEE CMYK ENG.—-Un May H&gt;. 1925 at 7.45 p.m. at her residence, No. 41, Dusker Road, widow of th«* lata Mr. Dim Chin Swec (nee Wee Chye Kng),
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  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 89 1 General— Pag* Rubber Price Averages 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 The Singapore Auctions 1 Rubber Restriction 1 Restriction Reviewed by A. W. S. 1-2 Rubber Company Hoarding 2 April Rubber Returns it Rubber Snmugliag 2 Rubber Restriction Statistics 8 T.ocal Rubber Auction 3 Telegram*— Planters Fined 2 Manchester and
      89 words
    • 29 1 The average prices of Rubber for the period of the current restriction quarter ending May 21 are an follows Singapore cents I«ondon 2s. .‘M22&lt;l.
      29 words
    • 37 1 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s cable received from their London office on Tuesday gave London Rubber Stocks 2,32 ft tons down for the week ending May 16. The total now on hand is 7,572 ton».
      37 words
    • 105 1 The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, held its 708th auction on May 20, 1925, when there* was catalogued 1,240,344 lbs. or 553.72 tons offered C77.712 lbs. or 302.55 tons sold 419,000 lbs. or 187.05 tons. Spot. London 2s. 9%d. New York 60 cents. PRICES REALISED. Ribbed
      105 words
    • 102 1 Following a comment we had in our issue of May Ik pointing out that the power of modifying the present restriction policy rests exclusively with the Imperial authorities, the following telegram from London, dated May 12, received by the Times of Ceylon in its exclusive service*, will he
      102 words
    • 2215 1 Memories are short and as there is a good deal of bulk about ending restriction because prices have touched an almost unhoped for figure, it may be well to restate the chief facts. Stocks in London at December 81, *****, were 22,283 tons.
      2,215 words
    • 39 2 (From Onr Own Correspondent). lpoh, May !•"&gt;. Messrs. Salisbury and Kendall, planter.*, «f the Kuala Kangsar district, were lined $450 and $lOO respectively for lea vine the smallpox infected area in contravention af «on order of the Resident.
      39 words
    • 282 2 Bitter complaint is being mado tv* us of the manner in which certain* rubber company directors are hoarding money which belongs to shareholders. Our attention is specially drawn to some of the companies. Punggor has paid no dividend for four years. At the meeting held in •September
      282 words
    • 905 2 The annual report of the Rubber Growers’ Association, from which the following passages are extracted, contains an admirable summary of the position and progress of the industry for the year 1924 and the first three months of the present year. Dealing with the
      905 words
    • 1207 2 The fifteenth ordinary general meeting of the Sclal a Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 10 at the registered office of the company, 1-4. Great Tov/ci Street, E.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (the chairman) presiding. The Chairmen said: Gentlemen, —The rejiont and
      1,207 words
    • 332 2 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 15. Th«* preventive motor launches on th»* west coast have been experiencing a very «Iui&lt;-t time during the last fortnight and hate imported only one capture, this beim: a seizure of a kotak containing 28 piculs 53
      332 words
    • 1037 3 The Jong-Lamlor Rubber Estates lias declared interim of 5 per ni., payable, less tax, 1st May to j-haie-holdcrs registered 9th April. Bradwa.a (F.M.S.J. —J'ioiit of Uradwall (F.M.S.). —Rubber Estate for 1921 was £11,526. Di/idcnd of 12':* per cent., less tax at 4s. 6d.
      1,037 words
    • 257 3 Anglo Malay.—B2 378 lbs. A lien by.—20,100 lbs. Ampat (Sum.). —29,075 lbs. Aiikola.—3.37o lbs. 12 mos. 30,878 lbs. Amalgamated Ma1ay.—29,362 lbs. 8a1au.—13,700 lbs. Bukit Kepong.— 9,728 lbs. Bedford Plantations.—6.33l lbs. Bernam-Perak.—ls,s2s lbs. Brookland*.—49,ooo lbs. Bcranang.—l9,l42 lbs. Borelii.—l3,3lo lbs. Bajoe Kidoel.— 101,284 lbs. Bukit Tiniah.—7,76s lbs. Brunei United
      257 words
    • 284 3 The Controller of Rubber Exports, Kuala Lumpur, forwards us the f&lt;di uu statistics for the period November 1, 1924 to April ,*lO, 1925 (3rd Restriction Year). I. Total Exports. Total Exports. Total ImportBritish Malaya. Restriction Area. Foreign Kubb&gt; November, 1924 22,488 15,409
      284 words
    • 696 3 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report:— Singapore, May IC. The Commodity Markets have had an agitated week, but close at best with a fairly steady tone. The shortage of rubber on the spot, particularly in London, led to feverish buying and values advanced by leaps and bounds on
      696 words
    • 1300 4 The twenty-seventh ordinary general meeting of the Klanang Produce Company, Ltd., was held on April 21, at the eflicos, 3(5, Basinghall Street, E.C., Mr. p. K. Michie (chairman of the company) presiding. The Chairman said Ladies and eiitlemen, —The past year cannot be
      1,300 words
    • 870 4 The fifth ordinary general meeting ol the Fata ling Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 22 at the registered office of the company, J-4 Great Tower Street, E.C., Mr. J. L. Anstruther, the chairman of the company, presiding. The Chairman
      870 words
    • 106 4 Utntl TCl.Cfift/VM.I London, May 20. The secretary of the Rubber Associa lion announces that a meeting of th committee in Manchester passed a ro.solu lion expressing the opinion that the pro sent price of raw rubber was unjustifiable, and asserting that the legislative
      Utntl TCl.Cfift/VM.I  -  106 words
    • 102 4 Messis. Boustead and Co. Kuala Lum pur, are in receipt of the following eabb from the secretaries of the undermen tinned Companies dated the 19th instant Iheras Rubber Estates, Ltd., Annual Re port issued profit £6,205, final divid-nd F icr cent, recommended carry forward £9,981. Sungei Ptmiii
      102 words
    • 712 4 Ihe annual g&lt; neral meeting of the Ghungkut fceidang Estates, Ltd., wan held at the oilices of the secretaries (Messrs. J’iVatt and (’u.) on Saturday, there being pies*.nt the Hon. Mr. C. Kveritt (chairman), lMr. V. Hailey (director) Mr. I'. W.
      712 words
    • 125 4 A I'l njM sal lias boon made to am ■'lgamato Kcpuh Rubber Estates with the See Kee Rubber Instates, Ltd. The Mayfield Rubber Plantations, Ltd., innounco that a payment of a 10 per cent, inlerim dividend will be made on May •50. Mr. K. E. Britten, of the
      125 words
    • 1710 5 Messrs. Frasei aiul Co.'s weekly icpoit, dated May JO. static: Rubhci has one*. again advanced considerably in pi ice during the past wiva touching 2s. lid., at its highest and dosing at 2s. Stocks in London are heavily down and tin"* appears
      1,710 words
      • 392 5 Stock Par Exchange I f Exchange Value. Company. Prices. alue. Company. Prices^ Ll Anglo-Malay 27/ il Linggi aj/ tl Ayer Kuning 40/ 2/ London-Asiatic 4/ tl Bakup Tlantns 10/ 2/ Lubok Ll Bantcng 28/0 Ll Lumut n Bata Caves 17/ £1 Malacca (Old) Z,,.
        392 words
      • 722 5 Capital Issue Paid Up Value Dividends Kriser Company Co. Evatt. 312,000 1 3 p.c. int. a/c year 29-2-25AUcn»*v ($1) i 65 7,v,i i &lt;r&gt; IW.UOO 1 5 p.c. int. a/c year 30-9-25\10r Gajali ($1) 1.35 145 V 35 1 V 15 p.c. year 31-3-24
        722 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 68 6 IN n a* A &gt; &gt; A MOTOR CARS 1924 STANDARD MODELS 4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder $2,550 $3,350 Apply c o (Incorporated in Singapore) MOTOR DEPARTMENT. 20, GRANGE ROAD. SINGAPORE. THE &lt; y -&gt; Popularity “The popularity of the Buick is the natural result of Ls achievements in trials and
      68 words
    • 48 6 s 0 s MODERN METHODS Combined with best quality materials, place our Spectacles add Eyeglasses in the front rank as aids to vision. JOHN DUKE, F.B.O.A., F.S.M.C., Ophthalmic Optician. Late of Old Broad Street, London. Late Senior Optician, British Army, Aldershot, England. No. 12, BATTERY ROAD, /SINGAPORE. ,ADIIIIIUIIIlC
      48 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 50 7 *;3 ‘&lt;J sac'a •yuf* t ***3W». s 1 V' &lt;V i* &gt; 1 V k; IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING KNOWN ADVERTISE IN THE &gt; IIcad Office SINGAPORE, 8JB. SIXTEEN PAGES DAILY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER EAST OF INDIA i V'i V iAt' 1 K* (f =2/ 4 s
      50 words