The Straits Budget, 21 November 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 32 1 The Straits Budget No. MB4 [ESTABLISH Ell OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY) Singapore, Friday, November 21, 1924 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 243 1 fadebs Revolution v> Municipal Tramways 12-13 Counter Revolution "13 ”lM* Chines* Finance generallocal and Personal Reutrr Telegrams Federal Council l Jgvh Fire A Popularising Automobile t*ub.. Death of Mr. G. N- Bacon Government House The Week in .lava Tramways Java Disaster Kristiania Renamed JJJ A Perak Peril i Municipal
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  • 4698 1 tiJ of the Siam State RailHd att Wns twelve months ago had a ie a i t h malaria, necessitating a irokon ip lo Hongkong, has again o hnV, d n Hr. lb Hansen went out rj tw f m back to Bangkok, and in li mes
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    • 408 3 [REUTER telegram.] London, November 13. C’enevu At the plenary sitting of tre’ Opium Conference various delegates 'Scribed the opium smoking measures t ht .ir respective territories. e Japanese delegate mentioned the irreat decrease of smokers in Formosa. cj r
      [REUTER telegram.]  -  408 words
    • 157 3 London, November 13. Now York Prohibition officials assert tiust the days of the rum row are end* jf'-p. Alriady a number of large vessels ban- been captured and the supply of Jjquor from small boats leaving the boot- ce t far out at sea for points on ore
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    • 48 3 London, November 13. irp. n^S nd r l t ood at the rst mcetvas m a ),ne t yesterday a committee n>:rar/K, 1 con duct further inquiries letter. The com«if *u ‘“dings will determine the nature ft vcrnm V rnment 3 answer to the Soviet
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    • 101 3 London, November 13. S.w£sm«lin VidTtnW I t K mund Herl undmstandinV an, -V 10 B P lr t oi dominated B the a Lo«r 1,8 r", "h,elesuwMMiiw tv. Lonuon Conference especially the negotiations with French negotiations with Britain “re 'p”S ing with good prospects of success TI. denied
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    • 124 3 London, November 13. The final election, for the Scottish combmed universities’ three seats, resulted in the return of Sir Henry Craik, Conservative, and Mr. D. M. Cowan, Liberal, while a recount is being held to determine whether Sir George Berry, Conservative, obtained the quota necessary for his
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    • 132 3 London, November 13. Reviewing events in China, the Daily Telegraph refers to the attitude which can be assumed by foreign powers interested in China and says Japan’s policy is naturally most important and her interests are on a special piane requiring special protection. A glance at
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    • 101 3 London, November 13. Ottawa An official preliminary estimate of the wheat crop of Canada places the figure at 271 ,O JO,OOO bushels, compared with a final estimate for last year of 474.000,000. [A cable of the 10th ins:, stated that wheat rose 2 -4d. at the Liverpool
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    • 63 3 London, November 13. San Remo Following the events on the Franco-Spanish frontier last week, the Italian Government have disposed several infantry detachments along the Franco -Italian frontier and urgently despatched a destroyer and four torpedo ooats. The object is to prevent what is believed to be a plot
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    • 50 3 London, November 13. Jerusalem Information has come in from Amman that there is definite news from the Hedjaz that Lmir Ah has taken the offensive and his army is adwint.iv on Mecca. The Wahabis are now on th defensive and are evacuating their positions between Jeddah and Mecca.
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    • 34 3 London, November 13. Mr F G. Kellaway succeeds Mr. Godfrov Isaacs who has resigned the managdirectorship of Marconi s owing t< ill-health. Mr. Isaacs will continue t< serve in a consultative capacity.
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    • 147 3 London, November 13. Mexico City: Deputy Luis Morones, ne most prominent Labour leader m doxico, and another deputy were wound'd in a shooting affray in the Chamber yesterday evening. Over two hundred •hots were fired as the climax of a >tormy debate.
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    • 136 3 London, November 13. An acute situation has arisen at Clydebank, where house agents have begun to enforce the eviction orders they secured •n the courts months ago but delayed un:il after the elections. The arrears of tents and rates in this district amount to i‘250,000. Previously tenants
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    • 110 3 London, November 13. The South African amateur athlete Arthur Newton, who is 41 years of age. i* -day ran from London to Brighton, a little ovi r 52 s, in 5 hours 53 min 13 .sec., breaking all amateur and professional records, including his own of
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    • 98 3 London, November 13. Stockholm The Swedish Academy has awarded the Nobel prize for literature to M. Vladislav Keyniont for his great wort Peasants,” which review's in the form of four novels the history of Poland since the eighteenth century partition. London, November 13. The Labourite M.P. Mr. E.
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    • 54 3 London, November 13. Mr. Hector William Sassoon, oi Hongkong, London director of Messrs. E. D. Sassoon, left property in Hongkong valued at £L>Hi*,o()o. H|e left £37,0J0 in trust for investment and distribution of the income to assist persons found guilty of a first time offence and unmarried mothers
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    • 52 3 London, November 13. Melbourne The shipping conference ha!s failed to bring about an agreement and the dispute will be referred to the arbitration court. Pans, November 13. The Angora Government have authorised the reopening of French schools in Anatolia. (Havas.) London, November 13. Allahabad The Dutch airmen basic left
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    • 187 3 Irkutek telegram.] London, November 14. Berlin Ilerr Scresemann in the course of a speech expressed the opinion that a 1* ranco-German economic understanding was vital for the pacification of Europe in the next ten years. Negotiations to this end should be accorded Germany’s
      Irkutek telegram.]  -  187 words
    • 106 3 London, November 14. A wonderful reception was given to General Braimvell Booth by a large gathering of Salvation Army workers at the Loyal Albert Hall to celebrate the General’s jubilee of < tliccrship. General Booth was in a reminiscent mood anil referred to tin* days when the
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    • 97 3 London, November 15. Paris The Government have secured the narrow majority of DU to 135 in the Senate, providing for the reinstatement of rail way men dismissed after the strike of 1920. The opposition insisted that reinstatement must be optional, since the Government lacked legal power to
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    • 65 3 (Havas.) I’aris, November 13. At a meeting of presidents of the French Chambers of Commerce the Minister of Finance delivered an address m favour of the new loan, the launching of which began yesterday. He emphasised that state receipts now- entirely rover expenses and the loan will serve
      (Havas.)  -  65 words
    • 27 3 London, November 13. Poston Mr. Butler, Chairman of the Republican national committee, has been appointed Massachusetts Senator in succession to the late Senator Lodge.
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    • 39 3 London, November lf>. Reval The court-martial of Communists led to sentence of death being passed on the Communist ex-Deputy Tomp for insulting the eotirt and delivering a seditious speech during the trial. Tomp will be executed to-day.
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    • 37 3 London, November 15. Mexico City Leopoldo Guerrero, the aged deputy for Zacatecas, who was wounded in the affray of the 13th inst., has died from his injuries. Morones ia reported to be rapidly recovering.
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    • 70 4 London, November M. Well-informed circles discredit the suggestion that the Cabinet committee dealing with the Zinovieff letter and Kussiun questions will consider revision of the decision to recognise flussia. It is understood that the committee will deal with outstanding questions between Britain and Russia, but there is
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    • 122 4 London, November 11. Washington The Supreme Court dismissed the application for an injunction to prevent the destruction of the battleship Washington. London, November 15. Washington The Secretary for the Navy intiindtes that the plan for using the battleship Washington as a target will be carried out regardless of
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    • 80 4 Iyondon, November 15. Madrid The court-martial opened of the four men arrested in the frontier disturbances at Vera last week. According to a semi-official statement they all asserted that they were given to understand that their arrival would coincide ■whh a revolution in Spain and mentioned the names
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    • 57 4 London, November 11. Jersey City Fifteen people were injured and IKK) families are homeless through fire in the saltpetre plant of the Richardson Chemical Company. The damage is estimated at millions of dollars. Scores of people were cut by glass, which was scattered over a radius of half
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    • 62 4 London, November 11. Allahabad Pundit Motilal Nehru, tho Swarajist leader in the Assembly, has appealed to rich and poor openly to r.trengthen the membership and funds of the Swarajists, who have to bear the full brunt of reactionary repression and are fully prepared for the long hard struggle
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    • 73 4 London, November 14. Mr. Fred Holroyd, president of the Master Cuttonspinners’ Federation, has sent a letter to members of the Federation spinning American cotton urging them to vote in favour of a working week not exceeding 39*4 hours and not to make the same mistake as last
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    • 29 4 London, November 14. Washington An agreement has been signed funding the Polish debt to America of $190,000,000 on similar terms to those governing the British debt.
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    • 34 4 Paris, November 14. October revenue returns totalled approximately 3,037,000,000 francs, showing an increase of 728,000,000 compared with October 1923. For the first ten months of 1924 the increase amounts to 4,403,000,000. (Havas.)
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    • 12 4 London, November 15. The late Joseph Conrad left £20,000.
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    • 1481 4 (BKU1EK TELEGRAM.] London, November 15. Geneva The plenary sitting of the Opium Conference discussed the British and French draft agreements, but made small progress owing to many irrelevant speeches. The debate was occasionally ludicrous. The Japanese delegate, who was responsible
      (BKU1EK TELEGRAM.]  -  1,481 words
    • 172 4 London, November 15. Windsor, Ontario A magistrate h*. ordered the return of $200,000 worth 3 beer and whisky recently seized from I dozen liquor export warehouse operator. T he of opinion that the decision means that liquor ev port warehouses may continue to store large quantities of liquor
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    • 111 4 London, November 16. Rome The fierceness with which political passions are now raging appears to have given an impression abroad that the Fascist Government is tottering, hut the tension in Rome contrasts with general tranquillity in the country, in spite of sporadic demonstrations, acts of violence and wholesale
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    • 77 4 London, November 16. The Sunday News says that facts whirl! have lately come to the knowledge of th« immigration authorities and the police point to an organised system of smuggling Chinese into Britain. Many come via Holland, where there »s a large Chinese population in Rotterdam. The
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    • 60 4 London, November 15. Berlin The German Peoples’ Party electoral manifesto expresses desire for an understanding with the party opponents on the common basis of securing freedom and honour, the existence of Germany as a civilised nation, the reintroduction of Germany ns a factor in world policy economies.
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    • 33 4 London, November lrt. Coblence The control of the railways in the occupied territory will be handed over to the German railway company established under the Dawes plan at midnight to-morrow.
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    • 32 4 London, November 15. Mexico City It is announced that all extensive fishing concessions held by Japanese on the coasts of Lower California have been cancelled by the Fedcra Governor.
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    • 26 4 London, November 1<* Mexico City Two men named frdt »nU Garcia, accused of murdering ’’•vans, were found guilty and senter*< e* to death.
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    • 353 5 London, November 15. rairo In the Chamber, Zaglul Pasha nnred his resignation of the PremierT f treasons of health. The Chamber 'Knrnod until November 17. The annoum'emenrt followed the reports of f.'T n t dissensions, mvolvinfr the resigns- „f the Ministers of Finance and
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    • 149 5 London, November 15. Taris M. Millerand, in a speech explaining the political programme, expressed the opinion that the work begun at lieneva should be continued though the cnly guarantee of the Disarmament Irotocol lay in its appeal to the good faith na t>on. He thought it desirable nat
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    • 76 5 London, November 16. lA n °ffer of conversion is made to j,., rs of 5% per cent. Exchequer bond> 1,,! (>n February 1. For each £lOO bonds w./- e f et e £lOO. 4 x per cent. ConH '*n Loan 1940-44 will be given, with Tre— I
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    • 64 5 London, November 15. A,.T report of the directors of the endl,'*’ vt r S1H n Company, for the year IX(( 5 arc h 51, shows that the profits nieiwi r m, 'hons sterling and recom'livifinn? P a yuient, on December 31, of a pf.,. (i on the ordinary
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    • 168 5 London, November 15. ar B w a n V J a k The u arth is atiU trembling at Wonosobo, where slight shocks and underground rumblings are still occurring The assistant Resident has advised evacuation of the affected area. There
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    • 144 5 London, November 17. An apparatus described as epoch-mak-ing, particularly to cargo steamers, has been invented by Heer Flettner, director ot the Institute of Aeronautics ajid Hydrodynamics. Amsterdam, by which it is claimed that a ship can be navigated with the help of air currents without sails. An experimental
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    • 147 5 Paris, November 17. Luxemburg M. Herriot, speaking a the inauguration of the monument to the unknown Luxemburger volunteer, said the French Government for the organisation of peace will hold to the same initiative he took at Geneva. The essentials of peace are necessary, because the military might
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    • 45 5 London November 15. Khartum The Mydir's court has sentenced 28 civilian cadets, who participated in the disorders at the Military School on August 9, to eight years’ imprisonment. So far there is no sign of disturbances, though the sentences are widely known.
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    • 48 5 Paris, November 16. For the first ten months of 1924 French imports amounted to Fr. 32,599,000,00 value and 47,000,000 tons. Exports were Fr. 33,979,000,000 and 23 POO 000 tons showing and increase of Fr. and 4,000,000 tons compared with the same period of last ylear. (Havas.)
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    • 34 5 London, November 16. Rangoon The Dutch airmen landed near Rangoon as it was feaied that tne <tock of petrol would be insufficient to enable them to reach Bangkok agams the strong wind.
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    • 36 5 London, November 15. Negotiations arc again afoot with a view to reaching an agreement in thClydebank rent dispute. It is understood Him will he no further evictions pending the result of the negotiations.
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    • 227 5 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, November 17. t en-w*: The opium smoking confer;;m.e which ended in d'T.dl. ck, was cotiuned to members of the League directly concerned with the question, hut the conference dealing with the manufacture and sale of narcotics, which opened to-day, ini'.udes
      [REUTER TELEGRAM.]  -  227 words
    • 127 5 London, November 17. Cairo Zaglul had an audience with the King lasting two hours yesterday evening, after which he made a declaration in Parliament House that he had withdrawn his resignation, the constitution remained under the King’s protection and he (Zaglul) was the servant of the constitution.
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    • 82 5 London, November 17Los Angeles As the result of a long drawn water rights controversy, sixty men stormed the guards at Los Angeles aqueduct and diverted practically the entire flow into Owen’s River, 269 miles north of the city. The raiders announc that they will continue to spill the
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    • 79 5 London, November 17. New York i The coldest, wave for •>- yi ars is being experienced in the north ear.tern area of the United States. Snow foils oceurted in the Mississippi Itivei district and eastward. The tempeiatur r, New York state is only four degree above
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    • 39 5 London, November 17Jersey City The second big fire wit in a week occurred here when two wharve: belonging to the Erie railroad were hurt >d yesterday. Fourteen barges wei destroyed. The damage is estimated a $LVOtU)00.
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    • 24 5 London, November 17. The cruiser Vindictive will leav< (thatham early in th»> new year for lb china station to relieve the Diomede.
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    • 88 5 London, November 17. Madrid It is officially stated that th'* Spanish troops in Morocco withdrew in Rood order from Sheshuan to Acobha, in spite of great difficulties. London, November 18. Madrid The communique adds that 10,000 men were involved in the withdrawal to
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    • 104 5 London, November 18. HI Paso, Texas The annual report of the executive of the American Federation of Labour declares that the industry must solve its own problems or face the alternative of state intrusion which would lead to bureaucracy and breakdown. It points out that there are now
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    • 72 5 London, November 17. Astoria, Illinois: The Rakuyo Maru lost her anchor and sixty fathoms of chain, and grounded in the river. She remains fast but is expected to float at high water. Ihe I ofuku Maru, which was anchored, collided with the Rakuyo Maru when the latter was
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    • 66 5 London, November 17. New York On the coffee exchange futures broke two cents, this being the limit allowed for fluctuations in any one day and the most drastic recorded for five years. Heavy wiling in New York and by Kuropcan houses was influenced by weakness in Brazil,
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    • 53 5 London, November 17. Teheran The American Government have proposed to Persia that the sum of SI00,00(t, provided for the cost of conveying Mr. Imbrie’s body to America, should be placed in the Hank of Persia without power of withdrawal and the interest used to send Persian
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    • 47 5 London, November 17. Ohieaeo General Dawes lias been opt rated on for hernia. His condition is satisfactory, but he will remain in hospital for a fortnight. London, November 17. Chicago It appears that General Dawes slip Idly ruptured himself whilst exercising ye. lei day morning.
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    • 44 5 London, November 17Paris Lc Temps learns that the British, Freneh, United States, Italian, Belgian and Japanese Governments are leting in concert with a view to demanding jointly from the new Peking Government on assurance that it will respect China’s treaty engagements.
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    • 38 5 London, November 17. Bangkok The Dutch airmen have •it rived. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, November 1ft. The Dutch airmen arrived fmm Kan. roon yesterday afternoon and left this norning for Singora, en route to Medan.
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    • 26 5 London, November 1#. Auckland: The Chinese stumer Lingmini, from South America foi Hongl onj-, grounded on leaving Papeete. No lam ige is anticipated.
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    • 242 6 [REITER TELEGRAM.] London, November 18. Geneva At the resumption of the sit tings of the second drills conference general discussion was opened by the Persian delegate, who asserted that opium first came to Persia from India. He added that the Persian Government were
      [REITER TELEGRAM.]  -  242 words
    • 128 6 London, November 18. New’ York The VI, the largest United States submarine, has satisfactorily concluded her trial trips. London, November 18. Washington President Coofidge has appointed Mr. J. V. Macmurray, at present head of the Far Eastern division of the State Department, to be assistant Secretary of
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    • 97 6 London, November 18. Nk w York Intensely cold weather and violent winds have been responsible for a chain of disasters. Ten people are known to be dead. There has been huge loss of property and shipping- Steamers are aniving a day late, many encased in ice.
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    • 99 6 London, November 18. Lone Pine, California Following yesterday s incidents, hordes of ranchers, accompanied by their families, all unarmed, camped last night at the Alabama gate of Los Angeles aqueduct, vowing that they would continue to spill the water until the authorities settle the "water war.” The
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    • 36 6 London, November 18. l'ar*s The Senate passed a resolution Br ran ting an amnesty to ex-Premier Cail|ux and ex Minister Malvy, whom the Etivi/ i ban,sh Ml fnr aHeKwd defeatist icliMtieu during thv war.
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    • 242 6 London, November 18. Palis: The British Government have ix quested the League secretariat not to place the security and disarmament protocol on the agenda of the next meeting of the League Council, to be held in Rome on December 8, because it is necessary
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    • 95 6 London, November 18. New York Advices from Peking regarding Wang’s intention to invite the Powers interested in China to confer and discuss China's financial difficulties have produced a report in financial circles that a “Dawes plan” for China will be discussed shortly at an international conference on China.
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    • 118 6 London, November 19. Features of the mammoth new airship RlOl. which will be constructed by the Air Ministry at Cardington for the service to India, will be propellers made of steel in order to resist tropical conditions, while the main part of the airship will be of
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    • 50 6 London, November 19. Paris In connection with the allocation of Germany’s pre-war public debts in respect of transferred territories, the Reparations Commission have decided that llelgium’s share will be 640,609 gold marks, Dantzig’s 5„763,729, Czecho-Slo-vakia’s 248,879, Poland’s for Upper Silesia 1,750,361, and Poland’s for other territories 17,121,458.
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    • 60 6 London, November 18. Sydney The overtime strike has ended. The dispute regarding Ferndale is also settled, but Moreton Lay is still tied up. London, November 18. Sydney Replying to a quest u r. in tne Legislative Assembly, the Minister Mi. lakes said the Soviet Government’s efforts to raise a
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    • 44 6 London, November 19. Koine The Government have commissioned Rear-Admiral Conz, naval com-nandcr-in-chief in the Fur East, to leave lk, nR t the t n<l November in the onttleship Ran Giorgio with a company of "ZIT tl,u Italian Legation ,uenj at Peking.
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    • 676 6 [REITER telegram.] London, November 19. Cairo An attempt to assassinate the Sirdar. Major-General Sir Lee Stack, was made this afternoon. Two bombs were thrown at him while he was driving from the Ministry of War. One
      [REITER telegram.]  -  676 words
    • 261 6 (Havas.) London, November 19 Paris According to Le Petit Paricil M. Herriot, making a statement i n ,t’ Foreign Affairs Committee of the Cha ber with regard to Russian recoenS.* declared that the Bolshevists were car™' ing out active propaganda in the
      (Havas.)  -  261 words
    • 217 6 London, November 19. Geneva The chief speaker at to-day’s opium conference w’as Bishop Brent, United States, who voiced America’s single-mindedness in tackling the evil. He declared that they had advanced beyond the stage of pious aspirations and must prepare for action. Alluding to the situation in China, Bishop
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    • 27 6 London, November 19. Victoria The Legislative Assembly has passed a resolution authorising u lash as penalty for persons convicted 0 trafficking in narcotic drugs.
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    • 30 6 London, November 19« Official The Government have informed the Anglo-Persian Oil Company tna they do not intend to dispose of the Government holding of shares in the company.
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    • 34 6 London, November IP* Madrid A communique states that the Sheshuan-Tetuan line has been withdrawn in an orderly manner. London, November 19Madrid General Serrano and a Lieut.Colonel have been killed in Morocco.
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    • 30 6 London, November Rangoon The Buddhist priest Nag*>inda, who had twice previously been c voted of political offences, was five years rigorous imprisonment making u seditious speech at Mandrln,
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    • 148 7 London, November lb. connection with the proposed re,i ,L- of Wembley in *****, Th* Times r "t*imh that the Government intend undt to Parliament to increase the guarantee to the Exhibition the present figutY? of i’BOO.OOO to r'l.wm The difference would be 1 i’ the disposal of the
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    • 62 7 London, November 19. Ir an address at Manchester on the work of the International Labour Union, Tom Gillinder, of the League of Nations Union, claimed that the-office had t w ith success in China. They would hive cause to fear an economic yellow neril unless they could
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    • 14 7 London, November 19. Pari- M. Jean Horbecte has been •anointed Ambassador to Russia.
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  • 296 7 The following are included in the orders tne day for the met ting of the Federal Council on November 25 Mr. F. C H. WullT to make the atfirmaliin a> a member of the Federal Council. Presentation to the Hon. Sir \V. G. Maxweil,
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  • 78 7 r m ur Own Correspondent.) Wh I Uala uni Pur* November 14. Batu P°^ ce Patrol was going along lead m .Kht, they discovered the oeside tC j n Kcd Chinese lying ln the T oad a severe stab wound case nf ’j P° lice believe it is
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  • 26 7 (Aneta’s Service.) j. Weltevreden, November 14. downs n* two state railway go* •f.ated .'V ila( V^ on The damage is cstikt a Million guilders.
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  26 words
  • 45 7 d T solnioM t V T i? M n t Pef P°n*ibU for tpondenu ihouM Cor reB P?»d«nU. Corre aust ne ln mirui tl *»t letter, -‘ambling episMe, ure liablaVo 1 P int L onjf "Uthlessly cut Jowl r lO be r «J*ctad or
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  • 409 7 To th.. Editor of tho Stmiu Time. be f"'" 1 ‘'"ouKh to en<s»un u.. a.> to the reason uhv these kt’ion UIWvo thl e "'ll bo revo\ou are not afraid of truth. Whv are we kept in vhe dark Could m? w.rcWd'? bl aV <l f the W, U
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  • 182 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Can nothing be done on a future occasion to stop the professional camera fiends who hopped and skipped about in front of the Cenotaph during the solemn ceremony the other day Let them frequent the Race Course meeting as
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  • 106 7 Fluctuating Tramway Fares.” To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir—Will you allow me to draw the attention of the Tramway authorities to the above. Yesterday I noticed that a passenger standing on the first class row was charged as a first class passenger, and again noticed this morning that
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  • 753 7 lVr Mulwu from .Japan and China porta: Mr. P. do Hoeck, Mr. It. II. (Jill, pr. T. C. Kow, Mr. K C. Lucas, Miss (J. Brown, Mr. J. G. Clay, Mr. F. A. II. Laird, Mrs. Laird Mr. II. C. Look. Mrs. Long and children, Mr L. II. Nason,
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  • 115 7 A meeting of the Singapore Automobile Club, presided over by Mr. 11. J. Fougere, help in the Exchange rooms on Frida} when the following resolution for the amendment of Rule 0(e), to read as follows was carried unanimously.—The entrance foe payable by every ordinary member of
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  • 105 7 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on November 1U :—The action in which Dr. R. Dowden, the Principal Medical officer, F.M.S., is suing Dr. H. Ponnampalam, a local medical practitioner for da mages, in connection with certain statmcnts which he is alleged to have made in June this year
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  • 758 7 When the Singapore Court of Appeal opened in the Supreme Court, on Turnday, before the hief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw), Mr. Justice Whitley, and Mr. Justice Acton, it was stated that th** appeal of the second defendant in the Ooi Tiong Ham
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  • 682 8 A somewhat unusual cas«, involving the problem of what constitutes a Chinese secondary marriage, came l>efore thi Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw) in the Supreme Court, yesterday. A Chinese girl, named Wee Ah Kiah, claimed damages for alleged breach ol promise from
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  • 120 8 The death occurred in the early hours of Monday morning, at his residence ir»C, East Omst Road, after a prolonged illness, of Mr. George Nathaniel Bacon formoily employed with Singapore Har* hour Board and retiring on pension. Ho lea vs a widow, three daughters
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  • 253 8 A MATRIMONIAL DISPUTE. Alleged Domineering Influence Of Mother-in-Law. A dispute between a Eurasian husband and wile, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Andrews, over certain furniture came before the Chief ||ju.stiee (Sir Walter Shaw) in the Supreme [I v. on it on Wednesday, Mr. made ua Suva appeared for the plaintiff,
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  • 311 8 The following had the honour of dining with His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard to meet the officers of the French cruiser Colmar at Government House on Tuesday Captain Juge, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Pivot, Lieutenant de Vaisseau Rebuff cl, Mcdtcin de ler Classe Arrighi, Met allic:en Principal
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  • 130 8 Before Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard, •n the Supreme Court, on the 1 .‘lt h inst., a Chinese lady claimed for funeral expenses alleged to have been incurred for the funeral of defendant’s deceased wife, a sister of the plaintiff, while he was in Sarawak. The case came originally
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  • 55 8 The Awa Maru arrived at Singapore i! Saturday with 400 .Tanancse cm' 'rant.;, and about 40 Russians, all of a horn arc on their way to South America. It is believed that this is ™ly the <*f several contingents, a nmvement having hi*n start'd in pan .11 favour
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  • 826 8 At i» meeting oil the Institute of Marine Engineer*, Air. E. B. heyniuur Morton His account, of An engineer's iile *n eastern oilfields.” Tiie first question, he said, he had heard asked uy nontechnical persons visiting an oilfield was, •‘flow do you
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  • 819 8 (From Our Own Correspondent Weitevreden, Novemt* r y One of the most recent Batavia’s sight-seeing features ‘7* > I aquarium, near ihe lisning harbour u lhl awakens not only the interest ,,f I to Java but also of the l.'7 Un,u > and native community of
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  • 928 10 The following rei>ort is officially supplied The eleventh annual general meeting of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., was held at noon on Nov. Id, There were present :—Messrs. See Teong Wall (presiding), (Jaw Khek Khiain, Oag Soon Tee, L. C. Margoliouth,
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  • 343 10 Appended i.s the report of the directors of tnc Hang Guan buck and Tile Manuiuc luring Company, Ltu., the annua, general meeting ol whicn is to be In id at „ne Aoiupm Hotel to-Uay lour uirectors beg to submit herewith
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  • 250 10 On Wednesday, before Mr. Yen Tiat driver of car S 4133 (a hired car) vvas charged with causing hurt by a rash act in Bukit Tirnah Hoad on the titii instant. Court Inspector Meredith prosecuted. it was alleged that a lorry,
    250 words
  • 33 10 Talain.—From all sources piculs 7.'10. i' which the company receives tributes it various rate. '''lnnv Ch^nir.—Piculs S 5. Tronob Mines,—Pis. 1.K20. I poh Tin Dredging.'—l)9s pels. Pahang Consolidated.—3,G 10 pels.
    33 words
  • 873 10 The following report ha.', been officially supplied The thirteenth annual general meeting of Selangor Coconuts, Limited, was he.d at the registered office, 1 Embankment, Kuala Lumpur, on the lOtii instant Capt. H. L. Carter, the chairman, presiding. After notice convening
    873 words
  • 465 10 The Hon. Mr. D. A. M. Brown od at the statutory meeting o' Tin, Limited, which was held at th gistered oilice of the company ,y; u, r street, Penang, on Saturday. Th’. v, a!» u piisent .vlossi-s. c. I) u i,,i!
    465 words
  • 230 10 A correspondent writes to us as follows. Mr. W. K. Wilson, of Taiping. fathcr-ir.-law of Mr. Beck of the Gael House. Taiping, was the victim of an ur ex .l. ed attack recently. As he was »alki.« alongside the Padang. and within reach of the police station
    230 words
  • 41 10 The Hon. Mr. V. Gibbons, Consul Norway, informs us that he has •i communication from the M inl Foreign Affairs, Kristiania, requests that it be made publn*‘> het ns pud from .Tnnuxiry utv now called Kristiania will b*. Oslo.
    41 words

  • 1002 11 Extraordinary rumours have been in -illation in Singapore for some days t t0 the effect that little boys and l r 'j s ia ve been kidnapped in connection uiih the water works at Gunong Pulai,
    1,002 words
  • 206 11 Action taken at a meeting of committee Xo. 4 held on November 12, included the following Decided to issue licence for a rubbci factory at reserve road off Upper Scran goon Road for a period of 15 years, such rubber factory not being within one of the areas
    206 words
  • 131 11 The case in which Tan Tian Van, l« to cashier of the police financial oflke, was charged with theft of 5H.333 as a servant came to aionclusion on the 12th instant, Mr. Pryde acquitting the cashier without calling on the defence. In his judgment, the District Judge
    131 words
  • 165 11 About 8.50 p.m. on Nov. 15. Mr. A. H Dickinson, A.S.P., accompanied by Chief Detective Inspector Kenny, and a number of police raided a house occupied by Lee Ah Lee, in Target Road, situated behind the local Folo ground where they found the occupier engaged
    165 words
  • 875 11 In view of the fact that the Johorc o.t.on of the Railway forms a large imrt of the railway system of the Malay Peninsula and in view of the general dissatisfaction with existing arrangements, the Johorc Planters’ Association suggest that tig
    875 words
  • 527 11 (l imn Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November IK. The prosecution of two Chinese, named i r Un<, Wt,C (!hoi Sin latter uiUitivo police constable of Singapore, no were charged, the first with import*ng matches into the F.M.S. without pavmg customs duty
    527 words
  • 198 11 The following appointments arc notified i, the F.M.S. Oovernment (ia/.ette :—Mr. ,J. O’Connell to be a Superintendent of Customs, Preventive Branch, Trade and Customs Department, F.M.S., Captain K. B. Williamson, M.A., to he a Malaria lieseaieh Oflieer, F.M.S., Mr. II. T. Haekv.orlhy to bo Chief Bridge Inspector,
    198 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1174 12 1Vai that is in them.—Straits Times, November 14. We have beon rather intrigued by the inquiry of a correspondent, who asks, in effect, Why do some of the sanest men believe revolution to be impending and do they believe in revolution It is easier to answer the last part
      1Vai that is in them.—Straits Times, November 14.  -  1,174 words
    • 1123 12 worked well elsewhere.—Straits Times November 15. It was almost an excess of courtesy to bring the communication received from certain gentlemen in Hongkong before the members of the Municipal Commission at their meeting on Thursday. As the President and the legal adviser pointed out, these gentlemen have no
      worked well elsewhere.—Straits Times November 15.  -  1,123 words
    • 1089 12 *11 in 1 r "lent and progressive.—Straits 1 l|!|f v > November 17. Almost casually, we have drifted into the discussion recently of Capitalism and Revolution. As we turn over Homo papers received by the last mail we find that, even with the General Election impending or perhaps
      *11 |- | in * 1 r; "lent and progressive.—Straits 1 l|!|f ■ v • > November 17.  -  1,089 words
    • 1062 13 —Straits Times, November IS. t is becoming tolerably obvious that he Op,urn Conference will end in smoke and that the fumes will be reminiscent of ihe drug itself. The East and the \Vcst are trying to reason togo her as |f they bad the same mentality, which they
      \—Straits Times, November IS.  -  1,062 words
    • 1123 13 .Straits Times, November IP. We are very glad to see the draft of a IVovident Fetid scheme prepared by a Committee of the Incorporated Society of Planters. The scheme and the rules und*r which it will be operated arc put forward at present tentatively and for the purpose
      .Straits Times, November IP.  -  1,123 words
    • 1067 14 else will serve. —Straits Times, November 20. There are rumours that the new master of China contemplates calling a conference to consider the financial position of that country. Wang is a man of great force of character, it is said, and the coup d’etat which has given him
      else will serve.—Straits Times, November 20.  -  1,067 words

  • 117 14 The following is a translation from a Java paper About two weeks after the sinking of the Sarie Borneo the authorities at I'andjennasin and other chief towns in Dutch Borneo, were surprised to discover that the sales of Government opium there have gone up by over 100 per
    117 words
  • 127 14 A correspondent writes With reference to the appointment of Mr. Tan Hock Ann, of Penang, to the Deputy Rogistrarship of Singapore, this gentleman not long ago passed a satisfactory examination in conveyancing of law and property. The possession of this qualifi»a turn together with the practical
    127 words
  • 855 14 (F om Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, November 17. To-day was an exciting day in the local police Court. From an early tour, a large crowd, of chiefly Chinese and Tamils, gathered at the court house to await developments in
    855 words
  • 564 14 The leport by the directors of I in Tin, Ltd., for the year ended 1924, states that the profit for tta L 3l, was $135,103.22, which, with the an Car brought forward from last n oUnt $103,774 65, gives a total of
    564 words
  • 210 14 The current issue of The Planter contains an article by M. J. K. emphasising the very great importance of keeping accurate accounts of private income am expenditure. Some question as to cost* of living is under consideration and members of the I.S.P. have, we understand been asked
    210 words

  • 974 15 (I run\ Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, November 12. lower- sellers were very busy all day I(n( a y and yesterday morning, anti it is toted the takings will even beat last "tin's record. The weather yesterday ‘ruing was threatening, but cleared .it fully for
    974 words
  • 469 15 Strong comments on the illegal practices of some trustees in this country were made by Mr. Justice Barret* Gennard in the Bnakrupu.*y *.*,urt on v 1 day, during the public examination of a Malay, named Rahim Khan Surattee formerly one of the trustees
    469 words
  • 123 15 In an article on repair and fueUimt rr published in the Kaipire numbe. isle? sr privalely-owneu plant;- h lNt f 1 infMi*'" big »obt. eilic.enuy. Tlawhavc to eonreete te amly with »«"Bknnr tl:e Hontfkoiur aml_ Whampoa !|,C Taikoo dockyards bavin* liai nia.ies for then-selves wth native labout.l.
    123 words
  • 862 15 A correspondent writes as follows p lb L celebration of Armistice Day ii p ,lm 'u di!r:ve(1 it; i importance not onB jrom the extensive and singularly success t'll nature of the proceedings, but als< i the* fact that the Sultan of Perak
    862 words
  • 521 15 .\t the Drill Hall, on Friday evening Generi’i nt S?r C M«jofiraq i\, v 1 1 <,0( rt: <raser ,ecturt(1 on ira*| lo-iluy to an interested gathering f Singapore volunteer*. The lecturer was n a position to give h.s hear Irl icte.*
    521 words
  • 242 15 An old lady who was born in Penang in 1854 figures in a pathetic story printed in the China Express and Telegraph of October 111. The report is as fellows :—There is both tragedy and mystery behind tin* .strange story of Miss
    242 words

  • 881 16 Some time back reference wits made in these columns to a shooting fatality which occurred on tne nivcl't of October 1) last, at the house of n European in the suburbs of Johore Buhiu. The facts shortly stated arc that
    881 words
  • 119 16 IMPORTS Increase EXPORTS Incresae or or 192” 1924 Decrease 1923 1924 Decrease (in thousands of dollars.) Jan-June 2-2.284 308,0:15 +25.751 340,100, 342,701 +2,055 j u iy 40,710 57 479 +10,709 50,240 55,298 +5 058 August 40,734 51,549 7,815 51,007 55,
    119 words
  • 188 16 An Indian butcher, named R. Marican, whose liabilities were 817,000 and assets $35 when he was adjudicated bankrupt in 1921, applied in the Bankruptcy i.ourt on Friday l'oi* his discharge. In his report the Official Assignee (Mr G. Valpy) stated that the
    188 words
  • 250 16 A correspondent asks the Malay Mail apropos of the frequency with which F.M.S. people are reporUd as leaving for Singapore to enter hospital there, etc. Is it because the hospital here is not properly equipped, or because there is not a sufficiently skilled surgeon to operate
    250 words
  • 164 16 A shareholder of the Coconut Estates of Perak, Ltd., writes to the Times of Ceylon as follows At Last’s account of the excellent progress the Coconut Estates of Perak is making is encouraging study indeed. A word of thanks., however, is due to Messrs. Whittall and
    164 words
  • 402 16 Th<* observance of Armistice Day was marked by an unfortunate incident aboard a German ship in the harbour, says the Times of Ceylon of November 11. The vessel in question was the Ockenfels, with Copt. A. Stiyker in command. A pilot boarded
    402 words
  • 238 16 nlJm r considerable commotion 'M'cidciit- V un Mo "4y ovt r a distressing j cadent that occurred near the Arcadia K p t °r A Dutchman aimd H P. C. de Struers, was riding n town on his motor cycle, and it .seems that while
    238 words
  • 621 16 Tht* eleventh annual general the KenoiiK Ti,, Dredging Company 1 1 was held on October Id at 5 \v», UJavenue, E.C. w »»‘Uingi, jn Major F. 11. Lawson, O.B.E u> r man, said that the result of t Ua:rworking might be
    621 words
  • 43 16 (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, November 15The tin sales for October amounted to 31,978 piculs, value 5 510,228 guildersThe total receipts up to the end O'October were 46V& million guilders, rvntte the estimates for 1924 shew' a tutn <* 39 million guilders.
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  43 words
  • 110 16 A home paper to hand by the last n* ad says :—At Kingston-on-Thames, Mr. b- Penny, the Conservative candidate, r being lulled into a feeling of security Wr the possession of a comfortable major* He is throwing himself into the fight wi great energy. In the forefront
    110 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 2166 17 [Reuter Telegram.] Hongkong Win The Tournament. There was a triangular cii.kel tounia''in which Malaya, Shangi.m unit Mekong were represents, at HongIT' from November 13 to 10. The *v,uii was victory for Hongkong, who both Shanghai ami Malaya. Th- first match was between Ilungkon? H nd Shanghai, and Hongkong won
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  2,166 words
    • 386 17 The Singapore Championship. Tl\. following are the results of the lir.t round in the Singapore championship Bath w.o. from Prevot. Hurdle beat Hickey 4 and 2. Newel! beat Winter 1 up. Homlrie beat Joyce 1 up. Gibson beat Cuthbert 7 and H. Stewart beat Thomson 5 and 4. The
      386 words
    • 1233 18 [Reuter Telegram.] The Malaya Cup Singapore's Chances. With the rugby season nearly two months old, the relative strength of the teams in the Malaya Wup competition; although not yet definitely known, is becoming more and more clearly defined Already there have been surprises, and the forecasts made at
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,233 words
    • 169 18 Race and Diving Competition. There was a double bill at the Swimming Club on Sunday—the final race in the Jackson-Millar cup series and the annual diving competition. The rnce was over 150 yards, the 100 and 200 having already been swum. A choppy sea hindered the competitors but the
      169 words
    • 76 18 During a 12-round boxing match in lans between Francis Charles and Young Ira vet, a promising boxer from Marseilles the latter was knocked out in the eleventh round with such force that he had to be taken to hospital. The doctors diagnosed a fracture and haemorrhage at
      76 words
    • 564 18 SI. Joseph’s Old Hoys at Malacca. An interesting game was played at Malacca on Sa. unlay between St. Joseph’s Old Hoys, from Singapore, and St. r rune is Association, Tno visitors won by a—2. There was not much attempt at combination on the part of tlfc S.F.A. forwards in
      564 words
    • 355 18 [Reuter Telepram.] American Team for Australia. [Reuter Telegram.] London, November 15. Sydney The Tennis Association of Australasia is inviting an American team Co pay a visit. The Colony v. F.M.S. Match. The Lawn Tennis Association of Malaya has drawn up the following rules for the proposed annual Colony
      [Reuter Telepram.]  -  355 words
    • 331 18 Ifcirnes (’ups Competition Matches. The first of the last quarter’s match*, for the Barnes Cups at the Polo Club took place on Saturday. teams are competing. A (Royal Sussex) De Chair, Wood tune. Prince and Goring. B Newell, Bourke, Davies and Parrofr l Cooke- 1 arborough, Ferguson, Lir-* ing.'tone
      331 words
    • 203 18 Negri Scmbilan Win Inter-State Game. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, November 17. In an inter-state hockey match or> Saturday at Ipoh, Perak beat Penang by 8 1. The winners were much superior. They have now beaten all opponents. It is proposed to play Singapore sou** day in December, probably
      203 words
    • 324 19 [Reuter Telegram.] London, November 15. The following were the results of Saturday’s English and Scottish League matches Division 1. Birmingham I, Sheffield U. 1. Bolton W. 1, Huddersfield T. 0. Burnley 2. Livkrpool 1. Cardiff City 4, Bury 1. Fverton 2, Arsenal 3. feeds United
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  324 words
    • 373 19 Matches in Horneo and Hongkong. A correspondent on H.M.S* Pegasus the following interesting letter e ar r at Hongkong after a voyage ground Borneo. At Miri, our first place we played the Gymkhana club at lootball and won 1—0 after a most exnunir game. Had it not been
      373 words
    • 1064 19 The Winstedt Trophy. The third and last race for the tronhv kindly put up by Mrs. Winstock brought eleven boats to the line on Sun-’ io a u t Capta F i ett sent lhei away weather ;h° n Ver the course i.i to th was opposed t e
      1,064 words

  • 216 19 Yadil” in Suspense. Inquiries reach us occasionally abou the threat of libel action made by the Vadil company against the Daily Mail, London, which some time ag denounced the concoction as a fraud upon the public- The distinguished analyst Sir Wm. Pope, at the instance of the Daily Mail, reported
    216 words
  • 49 19 The following boys of Rallies Institution have been awarded Commercial Scholarships of the value of $l2O per annum each. Leong Yee Soo, Pie Chen Boon. Tan Hood Keng, Choc Long Swee, Yeo Wee Seet, R. E. Perreau, Tan Sip Chew, Joseph N. Isaac, Jacob N. Isaac.
    49 words
  • 60 19 DIN NTS. At Batu CJajah. on November 17 151*21, to Mr. and Mrs. 9’. K. Hinnie, Telok Anson, a daughter. HORNE. At Aberdeen, Scotland, on October 15, 15)24, to Mr. W.D. florne (Malayan Ci.ii Service) and Mrs. Horne, a son. NEWELL. —At 5, Cairnbill Circle, on November 19, 1924,
    60 words
  • 33 19 CHOO TAN.-On November 11, 1921, Mr (*hoo Ang Tee (sixth son of the late Mr Choo Eng Choon), to Miss lan Sve ..eo only daughter of the late Mr. Tan Lai Hoe
    33 words
  • 217 19 Singapore, November 20. EXCHANGE. >»; London, Bank 4 m/u 2/4 1/16 Dtinaitti jj/4 9/82 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 19/32 On New York, JKmand 5374 Private 90 d/s 5^ On France, Bank <»rn On India, Bank T. T. 15a On IlotiKkonif, Bank ,l/,l ;i pc prem. On
    217 words
  • 481 19 Singapore, November 20. MINING. Issue Val. Pd. Buyers Sellers 1 1 Batang Padang 0.57% 0.60 1 1 Ilitam Tin 1.02 1.67% 11 £1 Idris Hydraulics 26/9 27/6 xd. 1 1 Johan Tin 0 50 0.52 £1 £1 Kampong 50/- 51/6 £1 £1 Kamunting Tin 46/- 47/- xd.
    481 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 86 19 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Offic", Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Hu* post free price of the Straits Tunes to. the railed Kingdom and foreign countries i:; $54 a year. The post free jfrlce of
      86 words
  • 85 19 DEATHS BACON Early this morning, at Siglap, George Bacon, aged 66, lute of Singapore Harbour Board. STEWART. At Batu Cajah Hospital, on November 13. 1924, Nellie, wife of T. H S'ewnrt, 1’iki.m Estate, Sung'ud. YEO. On November 14, 134, Yeo Ti. ng Wee, aged r >'*, at his ror.idei.c** No.
    85 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 87 1 General— Advertising Rubber 1 Rubber Roadways 1 Rubber Position 1 Rubber Restriction 2 Rubber Price Averages 3 Local Rubber Auctions 3 Rubber Soled Shoes 4 October Rubber Returns 4 Rubber Propaganda 4 Prospectus and Prospects 4 Local Share Market 5 London Rubber Stocks 5 Correspondence.— Rubber Imports 3 Telegram—
      87 words
    • 193 1 Presiding at the geneial meeting of the Rubber Roadways on October 22, Sir Stanley Bois outlined the company’s progress, and spoke hopefully of the prospects of overcoming the many difficulties encountered in experiments which had been carried out. They had, he said, learned
      193 words
    • 121 1 The success of the “Eat More Fruit” advertising campaign is paralleled, says the Newspaper World, by that of the Rubbei (.rowers’ Association aiming at the widespread use of crepe rubber for the soling of footwear. There is probably not a single boot retailer of any standing who does
      121 words
    • 1716 1 The sixteenth ordinary general meeting of Harrisons and Crosfield, Ltd., was held on October 15 in the Council Room of the Rubber Growers’ Association (Incorporated), 3, Idol Lane, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. II. Eric Miller (the chairman) presiding. Having paid a tribute
      1,716 words
    • 330 2 rc-feived the following statistics from the Controller of Rubber. We n;n t the b i*cond year of rubber restriction fiaalu r 1 l« J Total Total Total i; Exports Exports Imports British Restriction Foreign I l Malaya Area Rubber I i 17,54:1 15,012
      330 words
    • 409 2 ifrrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November 14. The fleet of motor launches of the p«e*! 'entive staff have made several further ca ptures of craft end rubber during thej ast days. In one case the amount Ca Pturnl was as much as
      409 words
    • 1063 2 The fourteenth ordinary general meet- ing of the North Labis (Johorc) Rubber and Produce Co., Ltd., was held on j October 10 ut the registered olfiee of the company, 1*4 Great Tower Street, E.C., Mr. H. E. Miller (chairman of the
      1,063 words
    • 654 2 The fifteenth annual ordinary general meeting of the Bernam-Purak Rubber Plantations, Ltd., was held on October 15 at 4, Lloyd's Avenue, K.C., Mr. T. C. Owen, Chairman of the company, presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, —The profit and loss account shows a
      654 words
    • 2043 3 Kamuning Rubber and Tin. Board’ s Financial Policy Explained in Detail. The fifteenth annual general meeting of the member* of the Kamuning (Perak) Rubber ami Tin Company, Ltd., was held on October 15 at the registered office, f», Whittington-uvcnue, E.C., Mr. Ghailes Emerson (lhe chairman) presiding. Mr. E. Brown, Ur?
      2,043 words
    • 64 3 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondent* Correspondents should bear in mind that letter* must be short and to the point. Long rambling epi»tlee are liable to be rejected or ruthlotiflly cut dowa. Correspondent* must *nclo*e their name*, not necessarily for Publication but as
      64 words
    • 202 3 To the Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir,—From your aitide in the Straits Budget ot October 24, Tho Rubber Industry,” you men.ion the quantities of Dutch rubber imported in Singapore at the end of June, 1!)24, as 47,179 tons. It struck me that the entire lot is considered
      202 words
    • 68 3 Average for year ending October 31, 1922 29% cents Aveiagp for year ending October 31, 1923 r )2 y A\ertfge for year ending October 1924 45 Average for current quarter r to date 59% London average current quarter to date 1/5% Tanjong Afalini Rubber Company recommends dividend
      68 words
    • 645 3 LOCAL RUBBER AUCTIONS. Offered 399 Tons Sold 262 Tons. The Singapore Chamber of on Rubber Association, held its (JSlst November 13, 1924, when the catalogued 1070,275 lbs. or 477 xn ,s olTered 803,000 lbs. or 300.00 ton ton V» 588,775 lbs. or 202.85 tons. 4 u: c i j s
      645 words
    • 75 3 (From Our Own Ipoh, November I s The following resolution was ad'f* by the Central Perak Planters ation, who originally raised T l< r l^ r;l Rft‘*r a lively discussion at a j, meeting:—This meeting is unaI > in 1 ,.,i( of opinion that members have 1
      75 words
    • 543 4 is freely acknowledged that though ue sole has knocked the notion of -rot king like leather” on the head, difti- 'lit.*-* de arise in its use, more particular<U in ''citing a sound attachment to the leather* inner sole sewn usually
      543 words
    • 756 4 Output of Bernnnng (Selangor) Rubber 3 Ht or y ear ended June 30, 11*24 Us 'J23,500 lbs. (restricted), gross aver* d v price Is. 0.38d. all-in eest, 9.40d. per net. Profit was £1,854, plus £73 l 'r'Ught forward, making £1,928 to be forward.
      756 words
    • 464 4 The fourteenth annual ordinary genera meeting of the Eastern *>umatra Lubbei Estates, Ltd., was held on October 16. m Mincing Lane House, 59, Lnstchcap, LX. Mr. F. B. Budgett, chairman of the com puny, presiding. The Chairman, in moving the adoptior of the
      464 words
    • 323 4 Anglo Ma1ay.—90,256 lbs. Alor Gajah.—lo,loo lbs. Ayar Tanas.—22,ooo lbs.—l6,7oo lbs. Ampat (Sumatra). —83,491 lbs. Australasia.—B,2oo lbs. Balgownie-—17,280 lbs. Bcnar (Selangor).—lo,lso lbs. Bukit Kubu.—ll,ooo lbs. Bikam.—l7,9oo los. Buk;t Kajang.— 46,593 lhs. Broome (Selungor).—lB,9lo lhs. Batu Tiga.—s6,ooo lhs. Bcnar (Selangor).—lo,lso Iks. Bedford.— 4,707 lhs. Beraam Perak.—2l,ol4 lbs. Cice1y.—40,935
      323 words
    • 674 4 Mr. G. E. Johnson presided over a meet, ing oi tiie r.i'.P.A. on the j5th instant u* wliicn the Rubber Propagandist spoke. Major MacGregor Knox, after making a shi rt comment on the extraordinary optimism of 1920 and the economic features which led
      674 words
    • 115 4 At the annual meeting of I.awas (Sarawak) Rubber Mr. T. C. Owen, in the course of his remarks, said :—Where; of course, our prospectus hopes have been so greatly falsified is in price. As you will see, the price realised for our rubber w-as only 11 Md.
      115 words
    • 1585 5 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report dated November 19, states During the week under review both tin and rubber have eased slightly in price and the share market, affected by local holidays, has been dull with business passing on a reSlricted scale.
      1,585 words
    • 37 5 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s cable received from their London ofilco mi Tuesdav i ■•io,. •omlr.n rubier stacks 4«8 feint down for vf i! (l a k Number 15. total now m hand 35,591 ton*.
      37 words
      • 328 5 S‘«* Stock Par Exchange Par Etch.r** Value. Company. Prleea. Value. Company, Pricer l'l Anglo-Malay 21/3 XI Linggi 3*/ tl Ayer Kuning 35/ 2' l.ondun-Asiatic t gl linkup Plantuf .e 10/ 2: t«ubok 2<pi tl Banteng 25/ £1 Lumut 4*1 Hatu Caves 15/ X l
        328 words
      • 736 5 Capital Issue Paid Up Value Dividend* Cloain* Prires eraser Lyafl ft 812,500 1 4 p.c. for year 29 2-24 4 Evltt 100,000 1 nil for year 30 9-'>3 “"a J-27H 1.35 1.30 1.34 *****4 2 15 pc year 31 3-*>4 100 U 0 095
        736 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 THE ent is .•\a R > STANDARD MODELS i W y v "i£jSr/ i N y; 4 CyJW» jjjp 6 Cylinder SL*V APPLT flMor»or*Ud in 8in»apoTo) MOTOR DEPARTMENT. 20, GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. The popularily of the Buick is the natural result of its. achievements in trials and everyday use, both
      119 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 fz TT' c v* '-.l. J jSo 2 g, uV>Vi{' 4k’iC« vV* V‘ luff f >> v i «0£5r'I w>Mf™MS^BgjBipSW^^BKS8jKV w V- jcVs: v-V K r'1 V 4 •Nv T io^. rf&M&v r. k <' ,.'V r 4 t4 f K. V >**• *>. •jv T» > s* -r« x
      239 words