The Straits Budget, 14 November 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 32 1 The Straits Budget being the weekly issue of the STRAITS TIMES LESt ABI.ISUKI) OVER THUKE-QIAKTKRS OF A CENTURY) No. 3483 Singapore, Friday, November 14, 1924 Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency)! or 7d.
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  • 304 1 lkadkus China ami Opium Mr. Baldwin’s abinet 1Capitai Singapore 1 rninc t Stability and Continuity l*» •funeral. Local and Personal J-2 Reuter Telegrams d-C Labour for I'.. N. Borneo 6 Bench and Ear Earthquake Government House Death of Mr. Scott Russell Municipal Commission 8 Freemasonry The Ciunions Bulletin 8
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  • 4696 1 Mr. and Mrs. S J. Vincent relumed to Singapore on Friday by the Mantua. Mr. W. Bartley, M.B.K., has been appointed to act a-; Under Secretary, S.S. 1 Mr. Gilliam, Superintendent of Registration, has gone to Penang from Singapore on transfer. I-ady Guillcmard, accompanied by Mrs. Bratton
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    • 305 3 [UKI'TKU TELEGRAM.] London, November 7. 11, official list of members of the cabinet is as follows Prime Minister and Leader of the House of Commons, Mr. Stanley Baldwin. Secretary for India, Lord Birkenhead Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr.
      [UKI'TKU TELEGRAM.]  -  305 words
    • 151 3 Paris, November 6. eminent inj? on Mr. Coolidge's re Le Petit Parisian says that thi Electors not only expressed their desire fnr r Poolidge, but also a desire for a vontuuiation of America’s indirect co P' J iat!on in Europe's reconstruction. hKeho do Paris thinks that the elec-
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    • 53 3 London, Nov\ mber <>. H, *ndoh IH ence of tlie decision to awards uk-u s vsteni of competitive -•rv| 1...’ n,t h 18 n °t favoured overseas Uard’ )ulk borne exhibitors, the Uvi,j, 0 fc be Wembley Exhibition is Ik 'r s,, .Pply of medals and errti* M
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    • 479 3 London, Novemb r ti. iS]VHK:ng at the annual dinner of the L hl n l which was attended b> the hail o Onslow, the Maiquis of bligo, hi, Frank Swettenham, Sir Stewart i-ocoha.-i, Lieut.-Genctal Sir George Mac ’.tne Bis nop of North
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    • 152 3 London, November 7. Calcutta The conference of Swarajists and Mr. Gandhi concluded in a compromise on the views contained in the published statement to the effect that as a policy of repression had been initiated by the Bengal Government with the sanction of the Viceroy, designed n t
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    • 113 3 London. November 6. Melbourne A general waterfront stoppage of work throughout Australia is threatened as the result of seamen here declining to provide steam for cranes and lonkey engines for wharf labourers working overtime. The trouble began with anti-overtime strikes of dockers at Sydney and Brisbane. The
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    • 818 3 London, November 8. Geneva: Mm atmosphere of the 1 Conference was again ruffled ‘•v '.ig to Lr. Sia’s criticisms of ©the. stales with regard to the restriction of owing. i’Ut* i'flitugueae mdogat:* strongly pro G'siei, against Dr.
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    • 237 3 London, November 0. 1 !Iin.'A ton Mr. Massey has informed i arlmment that Government will lose neilhor opportunity nor time in impressiiig on the Lritish Government the value o! tin* Suigaporc base to New Zealand .:nd Australia. London, November <>. Merlin In the course of an article
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    • 90 3 London, November 7. Fydney The Prime Minister, Mr. S. M. Hi nee. in a speed) last night said he was nlident that tin* new Conservative Gov- nni< lit in England would pro. ml with he tally c onstru-tion of the Singapore 'G-.val Lnr.o and give effect to
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    • 85 3 London, November b. Km;:! Tim liia! of IMI Communists •n a tea e of plot I ,iitf for a roup d’etat begins on the Kith in-1. Two men who •(■o dscovered last niubt piercing a iok* in liia wail of t!i«* prison were tired n by till* police and
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    • 92 3 l.ond'»n, November b. ()•!;< i| infoim.ition received in London from lie* de •laiieiro stales that junior dicers on the warship Sao Paolo revolted n tie 1 1 h ami put to sea with the in* ini mil of politic i! piisoners aieareerali d on an i
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    • 108 3 London, November •>. 'Ilx* Bank of Italy ha; annonm ed that ‘ho amount of tin* (Jcrman loan allotted to Maly was over subscrihi d fif y-six times. London, NovroiVr f». Mo\ f fi r*,| 'I'ho Mini try of lojeu'o V iT,»ii' ho (•id"io«| j In o|*t .in" iif \|o<t.
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    • 314 4 [REUTER TELEURAM.J London, November 7. Geneva The opium conference subcommission, which the Portuguese delegate was invited to attend, sat this morning, but in the afternoon there was a full meeting of the conference, when Hr. Sze admitted the production of opium in China,
      [REUTER TELEURAM.J  -  314 words
    • 152 4 London, November 7. A dinner in honour of Mr. Owen Young, late Agent General of reparations, was given at Claridge’s by Sir Robert hindersley. Earl Balfour, proposing Mr. Young’s health, alluded to the disinterested and effectual labours of Americans to bear a share of the common
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    • 135 4 London, November 7. New York Four new high levels foi the year were established in the exchange market to-day, under the leadership of sterling, which mounted more than a cent, reaching 4.58%. The kroner rose to 26.82, Swiss francs to 19.27 and guilders to 89.79. There was an
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    • 39 4 London, November 7. Mr. L. C. M. S. Amery is appointed Secretary of State for the Colonies. London, November 7. It is understood that the remaining ministerial appointments will be publish td after thv week-end.
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    • 274 4 London, November 7. Riga Arguing at the conference of the Ked Army supply corps against retienehment in the Red army and th fleet, Trotsky stated that American capitalism was interfering aggressively with Ftiropean affairs under the mask of paci•Tcution. Should American capitalism
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    • 92 4 London, November 7. Pari. The proposal to interpellate the Government on the necessity of publishing its intention with regard to the imposition of a capital levy was postponed by 333 votes to 117, after M. Hernot had urged postponement as a question of confidence. The proposal arose in
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    • 86 4 London, November 7. Paris M. Millerand, M. Maginot, M. Le Trocquer, M. Reibel and M. Francois Mai sal are among the founders of the so-called National Republican League, which by the issue of a manifesto signalises simultaneously M. Millerand’s re-entry into politics and the inauguration of a strenuous
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    • 100 4 London, November 7. The Times in a leading article to-day ays it is high time the British policy in China should display greater alertness in resource than that shown for many years. With a change of Govern m«nt tin* opportunity had now come for Btitain to display
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    • 56 4 London, November 7. A meet ing of the Federation of Master Cottom-pinners at Manchester decided to •ontinuo the 82 hour working week in mills spinning American cotton until Novell. lu r Bft, when a ballot will he taker. <* ilefdr future policy. The decision ifTV'K two thirds
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    • 350 4 [REUTER TELEGRAM.] London, November 8. That there has been trouble in Spain appears from telegrams from Perpignan, announcing the arrest of 20 armed Spaniards, who confessed that they were engaged in a plot against the Directory. A telegram from Barcelona describes the police
      [REUTER TELEGRAM.]  -  350 words
    • 94 4 London, November 7. Melbourne Up to the present the waterfront dispute has not affected overseas vessels. The Steamship Owners’ Association is asking the Federal Arbitration Court to summon a compulsory conference. London, November 7. Melbourne Mr. Justice Powers has called a compulsory conference for the 12th inst. of
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    • 75 4 London, November 8. Constantinople The Commission for apportioning the old Ottoman debt has concluded its task, resulting in the reduction of the total Turkish liability from 145 000,000 Turkish gold pounds to 57,500,000, involving an annual charge of 0,000,000 instead of 9,500,000. The portions allocated to various
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    • 53 4 London, November 8. A quaint event occurred at the old Russian Embassy, Chesham House, yesterday evening, when M. Rakovsky gave a reception to diplomatic representatives. A varied assortment of guests attended, including several ex-Ministers. Morning and evening dress was worn. Emin's portrait was übiquitous and the decorations
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    • 178 4 London, November 7. Washington The wave of Republican support towards President Coolidge ha" made safe the Republican majority in the House of Representatives, where the Republican strength has been increased by 21 and is now 28 over the nunibc necessary for a majority.
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    • 125 4 London, November 8. The airship which Vickers are to build over twice the size of the ZR3, will coni tain a large lounge, 30 two-berth cabins, a smoking room and seven engines, and will have a cruising speed of 70 miles an hour. London. November 8. Amsterdam The Dutch
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    • 118 4 London, November 9. Warsaw Woikoff, the new Soviet Minister to Poland, handed his credentials to President Wojciechowski and made a speech assuring the Polish Government jf the Evicts’ friendly intentions and desire for cooperation. The President, replying, said he hoped the fulfilment of the obligations of both
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    • 58 4 London, November 7. New York The first exchange transactions in the new Reichsmark current} established under the Dawes plan o Germany’s foreign trade were carne < here at the nominal price of a hundred Reichsmarks. It is n 0 pccted that the Reichsmark wll g™ ly replace dollar
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    • 73 4 London, November 9. New York The exchange market liveliness continues and the buying ty ing has pushed the demand 4.59%, the highest level since July year. British bonds rose in y p utc and Scandinavian, Spanish a exchanges tended upward. f ro ni An avalanche of buying oid
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    • 42 4 London, N° vemb Geneva Turkey makes hoi u illt t, the League of Nations on tn conferon the occasion of the „yP ,u ronres ert p enoc, on which she will be H by Sefa Bey. the Under-feed Agriculture.
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    • 256 5 London, November U). ri< a self-style*! Spanish agitator, 'i n U Matin, says that the Spanemigre* <•» the frontier awaiting the c ,f the revolutionary movement, L tricked into prematurely crossing frontier by a decoy message purportto eir-’nate from their confederates, fS really emanating
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    • 128 5 London, November 9. “Berlin The Government have divided to reduce the income tax between lb and 25 per cent, on incomes under 8,000 marks a year, with further allowances for children. The bu!*.ne:xs turnover tax ard the luxury tax will also be sub >tantially reduce*!. These reliefs are
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    • 60 5 Paris, November 9. Borings for oil undeitaken at Hernult resulted in a flow varying from 1U ,0 40 litre? per hour, but since two days ago. on sounding deeper, the flow has •assumed the proportions of a regular t?J>h the yield being estimated at 1.000 litre;*. This
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    • 55 5 Paris, November P. According to tho papers the counsellor M the German Embassy has asked foi release of General Mathusius. Tin d’Orsay replied that the arrest was r jgu!ar a* the Allies formally reserved right to sue plunderers even if they •ere not included in the list
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    • 42 5 London, November 9. t w r^: Senator Lodge is weaker or *'y intermittently conscious. London, November 9. f* r on Ohio Mrs. Harding, widow of f, ir v President, has been operated on *'■ll rou bie. She stood the shock
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    • 38 5 London, November 8. The maritime strike has rf s<> nously. Inter-state shippers i*m Inpr t(> accept cargo and retum-roi-r1 ns reaching them with the •r*;. Ca,,0 7. vessels will not sail reaching home ports in Australia.
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    • 818 5 [reutkb telegram.] London, November 10. There were the customary brilliant scenes in the historic library of the Guildhall on the occasion of the Lord Mayor’s reception. Glittering uniforms, the multicoloured frocks of the ladies and the scarlet and
      [reutkb telegram.]  -  818 words
    • 106 5 London, November 10. Viscount Cecil is made Chancellor of the Jiuciiy of Lancaster, and Viscount Peel First Commissioner of Works, these appointments completing the Cabinet proper. London, November 11, A supplementary list of ministerial appointments includes the following Parliamentary Secretary for Education, the Duchess of Atholl PostmasterGeneral, Sir
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    • 117 5 London. November 11. Washington In pursuance of the widespread contention that the United State? is the only country carrying out the scrapping of capital ships which have been placed out of commission under tin Washington treaties, ex-.ludge Hit/, lias issued an order designed to restrain Mr
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    • 101 5 London, November It. Sir Auckland Geddes delivered at Westminster the first Walter Hines Page memorial lecture, founded by the English-speaking Union in memory of the late American Ambassador to Britain. There was an audience of 2,000, including the Prime Minister, diplomats and lepi esentalivcr of the Dominions. Earl
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    • 99 5 London, November 11. Following the Prime Ministers an nounco mewt regarding the Empire Ex Mbit ion, Lord Stevenson states that it rs up to the trade of the country n piay up to the Government's lead The* principal Dominion.* were emphati* about the good the Exhibition had done
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    • 34 5 Paris, November 11. At Algiers Governor Steeg laid the first stone of a huge dam which will ream about .’100,000,000 cubic metres ot ,vHt.or for the irrigation of cultivated lands. (Havas).
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    • 33 5 London, November 10. Melbourne: The (V mmonweallb lire 'fiiri'ils explain that the .advice regardi{ijr keeping to home ports refers only to .y.enemy vessels, sueh a* lighthouse .‘■hip tenders and naval vessels.
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    • 455 5 London, November 10. j London is unusually crowded to-day, not merely because of toe Lord Mayor's Show, which has linked uj» the thirteenth and twentieth cen.ur.e.s in a pageant of colour and costume, hut in preparation for tomorrow's ceremony at tne Cenotaph,
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    • 52 5 London, November 11. Mexico City Foreign Secretary Sneii/. stated that he understood unofficially that preliminary rt'-ps "ere being ’akcn for the resumption of diplomatic •elation', with Britain through the friendly offices of tlie United States. Mexico vva>* always willing to discuss decorously •!1 points pending between the
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    • 70 5 London, November 11. Kc-\}.l The trial of toll omumnists, i.r: :t charge of plotting for a roupi d’etat, has begun in tin* Mii tary Court. Tlu* acintern pled the proceedings by 'urging the Internationale. The ITesid- i t after the restoration of order, warned the’accused that, in
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    • 50 5 London, November 11. (icncva It is stummed from the protracted nature of the deliberations of the sub-ram mit tee of the Opium t onl'U'ciu v 1 1 ic'• is proceeding in camera, that the uniform plan for controlling the illicit traffic in opium is encountei ing d iftcuit}.
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    • 38 5 London, November 11. Sydney The Stewards Union have resolved to tie up all Commonwealth liners until the dismissed men arc reinstated and an assurance is given that member* will not be asked to attend on lunatics.
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    • 316 6 London, November 11. Home The Italian Parliament opens to-day with indications of iroubl us limes ahead. The opposition has published i strong manifesto to the nations reiterating the decision not to par. ieipate ii parliamentary work as loner as the situation it denounced
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    • 67 6 London, November 11. Baltimore Revision of the Prohibition Commissioners' policies and regulations will probably be necessitated by a decision of the United States Court that the one-half one per cent, clause ol' the Volstead law does not apply to homemade and home-consumed beverages. The case arose on the
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    • 64 6 London, November 10. Wheat rose 2Vid. at the Liverpool wheat market, making an advance of Bd. since November 5. A serious world shortage of whi«t is now feared. If the drought continues, the Argentine cron will he considerably less than the estimate. The Australian crop has
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    • 56 6 London, November 11. The Federation of Master Cotton Stunners at Manchester decided to recommend members to vote in the forthcoming ballot that the weekly hours of worn in mills spinning American cotton be increased on December from 32 to Hi I*. 1 This is regarded as trustworthy
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    • 44 6 London, November 11. Several Chinese, rounded up in South Wales, were charged at Carditr with entering the country without registering Various penalties were imposed. The police stated that the Home Office is greatly concerned about the number of Chinese improperly immigrating.
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    • 61 6 London, November 10. Montevideo The rebel Brazilian dreadnought, Sao Paulo, has arrived here. London, November 11. Montevideo The Brazilian battleship Minas Geraes, which is pursuing the rebel battleship Sao Paulo, has arrived at Sao Paulo and landed part of her crew. The loyul portion of the crew
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    • 159 6 (RKUTEK TELEGKAW.J London, November 12. Madrid Extensive operations are now proceeding in Morocco in pursuance of the Directory’s resolve to bring the campaign against the Riffs to a conclusion, even though ibis involves some withdrawal from enemy country. General Primo di Kiveru, who
      (RKUTEK TELEGKAW.J  -  159 words
    • 111 6 London, November 12. The Cullercoats wireless station report? that an Anglo-American Oil Company’s steamer of 4,i>K7 tons is ashore in latitude ort-12 deg. north, longitude 2-4 t? deg. west and requires assistance immediately. Later: A message from Methil states that the steamer is the Cheyenne and it
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    • 101 6 London, November 12. Harrisburg American recognition of Russia is advocated by Senator Borah, who s mentioned as a possible successor to the late Senator Lodge in the chairmanship of the foreign affairs committee. Mr. Borah said he did not believe disarmament, open markets and settled economic conditions
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    • 114 6 London, November 12. Washington The cruiser Trenton has abandoned the search for the Lief Ericsson. LA New York cable of the Ist inst. stated The United States cruiser Trenton has been ordered to proceed to the North Atlantic to search for the missing sloop Lief Ericsson,
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    • 64 6 London, November 10. Boston Senator Lodge is dead. The late Senator H. C. Lodge was born at Boston in 1850 and was a member of Congress since 1887 He wa< President of the Massachusetts Historical Socrnty and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and long
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    • 31 6 London, November 11. Washington The Treasury asks Conpress in the following short session either to repeal or clarify the provisions of the ax l the |,ublication income
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    • 164 6 London, SoV, inber 12. Paris M. Harriot has telegraphed to the French Ambassador in London asking him to convey to Mr. Baldwin hts keen appreciation of the cordiality of Mr. Baldwin’s public references to M. Hervlot’s attitude in the negotiations of the
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    • 59 6 London, November 12. Brussels In the Chamber, reviewing foreign affairs, M. Ilymans eulogised the Geneva protocol as a most practical and efficacious measure for protection and security, which had at last brought tht British, French and Belgian defensive agreement within the framework of th*. League. Belgium did
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    • 69 6 London, November 12. Paris The Finance Minister has broadcast an appeal from his oflice telephone on behalf of the national loan, bearing interest at five per cent, with 50 per cent premium on redemption. The amount of the loan has not been fixed. He hope> to obtain between
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    • 86 6 London, November 12. M oscow The delegation from the British Trade Union Congress was presen. at the Soviet Trade Union Congress, where they were continually ovated throughout the proceedings. M. ZinoviefT strongly criticised Mr. MacDonald's democratic pacifism and urged, universal union of the labour classes. Mr.
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    • 62 6 London, November 12. Christiania A wireless message from the Maud, Capt. Amundsen’s ship, states that she is obliged to return to Bear Island, having sprung a slight leak and exhausted the supply of lubricating oil. Dr. Nansen interprets this as meaning thait the Maud is returning from the
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    • 60 6 London, November 12. Paris A message %o Le Journal from Madrid says that over eighty militant extremists were arrested yesterday in Madrid alone. The censorship is strictei than ever and the newspapers are not allowed to mention the arrests in the provinces. In Barcelona four bombs \scre found
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    • 32 6 Paris, November 12. Marseilles: Mr. Tchanjr Ou, a high official of the Chinese railways, arrived on board the Amboise. He intends to buv railway material in France and Belgium (Havas.)
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    • 23 6 London, November 12. Allahabad The Dutch airmen reached Amballa yesterday. London, November 13. arrived* 1 11 The Dutch alrm n have
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    • 112 6 Reparation Commission. Economy Neutralised by N ew Posts. London, November I.> Paris The waning importance „f Reparations Commission since th» e tion of the Dawes scheme is by the publication r.f a drastic retrenchments in the next tw u reducing expenditure by 50 per cent on!’ plans involve the evacuation
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    • 50 6 Paris, November js Armistice l)ny was celebrated as usual all over the country, In Paris, at the Are de Triomnhe U Doumergue, accompanied by JlinisV*' Marshals and Ambassadors, saluted th? tomb of the Unknown Warrior during on. minutes silence, after which the irooos marched past. (Havas.)
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    • 36 6 London, November 12. The improvement in British trade in October is shown by the Board of Trad*returns. Import* were £120,458,000 and exports £08,580,000, increases of £10,503,000 and £5,303,000 respectively as •empaled with September.
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    • 31 6 London, November 12. Geneva Mr. Smith quarantine officer in the Philippines, will represent the United States at the conference for t-r.e -stabli*hm*-nt of an epidemiological institute at Singapore.
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    • 52 6 London, Noveml>er 11. Washington The Navy Secretary, Mr. W ilhur, has signed an order formally accepting the ZR3 on behalf of the Government. London, November 10. Karachi The Dutch airmen arrive.! after a direct flight from Bunder Abbas. London, November 12. Nairobi Col. G. A. Ormsby-Gore ha* accepted the
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  • 203 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 12. A fight between two gangs of lepers at the Pulau Jerejak leper settlement yesterday resulted in several being injured, and one dying as the result of a stab wound through the heart. It is
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  • 44 6 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltevreden, November 1^. The Government have prolonged permission for the importation of <» Hutch Indian coolies into British Borneo until November 22, 1925. The Rev. Sir George Rowley, Bt., 1 passenger on the Mantua for SmK*‘ from Aden.
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  44 words

  • 537 7 The British Malaya Return of Foreign Imports and Exports for the men h ended September .'50, 1924, is issued by Registrar of Imports and Exports. The following points should be noted lhC Only articles imported into or exported out
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  • 211 7 which was estimated to fetch in abou. 11 million guilders, was now four millions less. Therefore, the financial experts of the Government proposed thi* new duty, i.e., 50 cents on a cigarette or cigar lighter plus 12 per cent. ad valorem duty on same. The
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  • 103 7 It has now, the Straits Echo understands been definitely laid down by the Colonial Office that in cases where it, may be considered desirable to appoint Judges of the Supreme Court, of this Colon,' from among the members of the local Bar, sush appointments are to be
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  • 474 7 (Aneta’s Service.) Batavia, November 111, Reporth are to ham! of a series of m ife earthquake shocks, yesterday aftei noon, at Wonosobo, in the Kedoe Kes dency, mid-Java. (ireal damage has been done to buildings. Those of the Assistant Resident, the Government
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  474 words
  • 221 7 The following had the honour of (lining will) His Kxeellency the Governor at a farewell dinner given to the lion. Mr. 1\ M. Itaddeley at Government Mona* on November 15 The Hon. Mr. F. M. Baddeley, the Hon. Mr. H. Marriott, the Hon. Mr. W. Lowther Kemp, the
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  • 1147 8 The third and last day of the Malaya Command rifle meeting at Bukit 1 imah on Sunday, was favoured with hrightei weather than was the ease on the preceding days. In the early part of the «tay the up-country Volunteer teams went through
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  • 229 8 A cable from home to John Little and Co., Ltd., brings news of the death at Falmouth, of Mr. E. Scott Russell, for many years managing director of the firm in London, at the age of 69 years. The news will be heard with sincere
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  • 481 8 Action taken at a meeting of committee No. 1. held on 4th inst., included the foll0'i)ec ded that for the next 12 months -ast iion street name plates shall he used experimentally, tenders to be called for PI Appointed P.M.C. Messrs. J.
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  • 287 8 Saturday, November 8, was a red letter (aii in the history of local Freemasonry. In the afternoon at the Masonic Temple. Coleman Street, District Grand Chapter met under the D.G.S. Bro. W. F. Nutt, and alter discharge of the ordinary business, Bro. Nutt proceeded to instal his successor, the
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  • 272 8 A distressing tragedy is reported i have occurred in Paya Lebar district on Tuesday morning in which Mr Ij r Richards, Chief Surveyor of the Arch!' tects department of the Singapore Mun cipality, together with his wife took veronal with the result
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  • 257 8 The current issue of the Gardens Bulletin, Straits Settlements, is especially interesting. Prominence is given to an illustrated article by Mr. R. E. Holttum describing the vegetation on the upper part of Gunong Bclumut, a mountain in the south of the Malay Peninsula, about the middle of
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  • 113 8 The detective department receded a call from 24, Malay Street, about 8 P- 1 1 on Saturday and on arrival of Chief 1 spector Kenny and others on the scene Japanese woman, named Dayha Hatias was found lying dead in a raam the top floor of
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  • 64 8 On the arrival of the Dutch st Van Cloon from China on Tuesday a.* nese military policeman attached ship, named Sodino Yoh bin Razeh was found by a Chinese revenue with about $2OO worth of chandu, stowed under his hat, ,n j 1 1" n (ties
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 163 8 Property Sale. Tim following Singapore properties wore sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng and Co., at their saleroom 30 Chulia Street on October 20, and November 5 :—Freehold land at East Coast Road, area 68,794 sq. ft., Mr. Lim Lee Hong, $4,000 99 years’ leasehold land and houses
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  • 5364 9 Celebration in Singapore Of Sixth Anniversary. Services and Dinner. Tuesday marked the sixth anniversary .n,- Armistice Day, and the keynote of the i«.itbrations lay in the old-time honour .md reverence paid by the living for the iuaJ. Time has failed to lessen the feelvigs'of gratitude which are felt
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  • 282 10 Mr. F. G. Bourne, the City Coroner, was engaged the uhole of Monday enquiring into The circumstances attending the death of the late Harbour Boaid Police constable Sulanian on Xovenibei 2. Deceased was shot in a swamp off Nelson Road while holding
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  • 134 10 On Saturday, before Mr. Pryde, a Chinese woman, named Leng Sam, the vufe of the hcencee of a chandu smoking loom Tanjong pagar, was charged S. Jlr G Stirling, extra Assistant i lottxvor of Chinese, with voluntarily causing hurt to a Chinese girl, aged ftve
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  • 132 10 Th<! EKcrman Hull *team«r c':t„ Kai.,o..M, un.uj at Mn)rap Jlv on with danmjfe to her b„:t. n, caused l.y running ashore in the h i piru» Islands. 1 ,lll ‘PIt a:*perua that the City of loft Scou on November .'5,
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  • 409 10 The secret formula of an anti-opium remedy wtu the subject of an action which commenced in the Supreme Court on Weu no.-day, and in which the Anglo-Chined Dispensary asked for an injunction restraining rnetr former employee, Lam See t hoi, lioni breach
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  • 79 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, November 11* At the inquest on the death of the school-boy who was run over by a motor car in Farquhar Street on October 23, the jury returned a verdict death was caused through shock. The driver was not held to be
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  • 93 10 The letters patent passed under Croat Seal of the United Kingdom, amending Letters Patent of February 1911, which were rend at a meeting the Legislative Council on November constituting the Office of Governor Commander-in-Chicf of the Stra 1 Settlements and their Dependencies. elude two new clauses. One
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  • 1327 11 TJiat trawler fleets will be a familiar ,.u t j n Malayan harbours in the future teem a bold prophecy, but it is at t something more substantial than a flight of the imagination. The ap-nK-nlioiT of modem methods t*f
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  • 429 11 The following passengers have arrived in j the Straits by the l\ end O. stminer Mantua which left London on October to Mr. :.nd Mrs. A. Angus, Mrs. M, L. Aspinall, ilev.j C II. K. Boughton, Mrs. E. M. Bower, Miss Bower, Mr. S. Brays hay. Mrs. W. Brown,
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  • 860 11 (Fjom Our Own Correspondent.) eltevreden, November 2. Another fraud has been udd xl to the loo,, h:>l ot crimes that have been discovered during the past few months, and which have mainly occurred in Governmrnt offices. The head of the Clearing Office at Batavia’s port has
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  • 405 11 Johan Tin Dredging. Output for October piculs 380.20, recovery by tables piculs 2T1.7i J. puddlers piculs 104.4*1, yardage 47,(*.:»:{, hours run 084'i. Chenderiang Tin Dredging.— October, Dredge hours 555, cubic yards #5,040, pie’ds 205. Hydraulicing, piculs 100. Nawng Pet Tin.—Hours run 360, yardage treated 24, MM), ore won
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  • 257 11 The following is taken from the Malacca OIk* i ver The fourth Malacca Assizes, presided over by Mr. Justice Sproule, Senior J’uisno Judge, came to a conclusion on Friday, the 10th ult. His Lordship disposed of both the civil and criminal list in the space of a week.
    257 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1039 12 —Straits Times, November 7. No one can doubt the real earnestness of desire there is among enlightened Chinese to eradicate the opium habit which has got so strong a hold upon the Chinese people. No one can doubt, either, that in consequence of the political conditions, China
      —Straits Times, November 7.  -  1,039 words
    • 975 12 Straits Times, November K. There is nothing very remarkable in the constitution of Mr. Baldwin’s cabinet,; if we except the promotion of Mr.; Winston Churchill to the Chancellorship 1 of the Exchequer. A year ago, or little more, Mr. Churchill was in the Liberal ranks, but he
      Straits Times, November K.  -  975 words
    • 1028 12 it* future* depends.”— Straits Times, November 10. The head of the Bed Army 0 f i» Uiw has been thundering against capital particularly American capital, ttn( i Lopi Balfour, a faithful friend of America, habeen congratulating a distinguished American on the services he and hi* country have been able
      it* future* depends.”—Straits Times, November 10.  -  1,028 words
    • 1147 13 two leased draught animals.—Straits Times 12. The Silica pore Municipality, it is announced, has decided to suspend the 3?MJP motor bus licences. It is sound a preliminary step, but applied baldly k n:: ''ht produce some hardship without riu °h good. What seems to be here is more
      two leased draught animals.—Straits Times 12.  -  1,147 words
    • 1030 13 m riuu-iy depleted.--Straits 'Finn* Noveniher Mr. Baldwin is to be congratulated on his choice of a slogan. The British Empire does need Si ability and cont inuity more, perhaps, than it needs anything else. In the old days it was a point of honour for a new
      m riuu-iy depleted.--Straits 'Finn* , Noveniher  -  1,030 words

  • 131 13 The Municipal health statement for ihe week ending November I, gives the total number of deaths as IU7, representing a death rate of 2fi.«2 per mille per annum compared with 24.72! in the preceding week and with 25.48 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
    131 words

  • 783 15 'Ihe report of the committee appointed fu Governor in June last to enquire the possibility of improving tru* or"inUttioH of the Posts and Telegraphs Jcranmeiits of the Straits Settlements. !J t Federated and I’nfederatcd Malay s it <. h;> been
    783 words
  • 309 15 p 1! ,u l y »»> honour of Mr. mV ai M in M S Ut 4 a I> ,u the Paik Malacca, was attended by members and friends >? ou f l i Photograph was tnKen, altm vv'.jcn thy final
    309 words
  • 242 15 A very pretty and interesting military wedding took place ac Sh. Andrew’s Cathedral on Saturday, the contract ing parties being Capt. S. Woodburn Kilby, Royal Engineers, son of Sic Woodbum Kirby, and Miss It. Cell, who recently arrived from home. Military
    242 words
  • 87 15 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Friday There was some confusion at the Assize Court this morning when a young Chinese, who was on rial for alleged kidnapping of a hine«o girl, ngod 14, suddenly collapsed ann fell heavily on the floor of the dock. Ho
    87 words
  • 1203 15 At their last general meeting, the municipal Commissioners were assed to ionium a committee recommendation tne central hall in the new Municipal biimlio ;s-co-be snould remain as ongi- i.ttiiy Designed and shoulu not be pio-vnu-d Vviih space in which an organ—for iwiiicn tne money is available—nmy be
    1,203 words
  • 260 15 t The Church of England Zenana Mission .School held their annual sale of work in the hall on the ground floor of the Victoria Memorial I lull on Nov. ♦>, commencing at 10, and in spite of the fact that
    260 words
  • 153 15 Vice-Admiral Sir Allan F, Kverett, K.C’.M.O., K.C.V.0., the ri'W Cnmmander:nChit of tin' C hina Squadron in tht* place of Vice-Admiral C. Lcveson, K.C.8., whose tenure of ofi’re has expire'!, nrrivwt ii Singapore from home biFt Friday, by the Mantua. Sir Allan last •onminml afloat, was that of
    153 words

  • 196 16 [The Strait* Time* l» not reaponmbl* !•»> the opiniunb of its correspondents, Corrt Hpondcnta should boar iu mind that leiui* ir.usl be abort aiiJ to the point. Ia*n> rambling epistle* use liable to be rejected »o mthlewdy cut down. Correspondent* in us: «nclnse their names, not necessarily foi publication
    196 words
  • 139 16 To tho Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —According to the* report of the last meeting of the Legislative ouncil as published in the local press, 1 have I*en represented as being opposed to the education of the Malays in theit own language. A The real truth
    139 words
  • 337 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l know that I am like a voice crying in the* wilderness, but conseientiously I must say that the present system of nominating Members of the. Council is far superior to any se»-callcd representative form. Whnt is sadly wanted is
    337 words
  • 309 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l have closely followed the Counci report which appeared in your column* of 4th instant and referred to as curry in your leading article of yesterday, with interest besides admiring n particular snmbal that helped to formulat* its perfection for
    309 words
  • 428 16 Sufferers in the Hejaz War —An Appeal Following an Appeal. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, is there any kind-hearted sympathetic person to respond News from Mecca ami papers from Egypt which reach us tell us- that the residents of Mecca and Taif suffered badly in Taif during
    428 words
  • 436 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Tn your yesterday’s issue Mr. S. Abd. Dahlan invited again the Muslims to help the heroes of the Islam who were unfortunately killed during the recent fight between the Wahabis and King Hussein’s troops at Taif (Mecca), and I very
    436 words
  • 507 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Certain statements in the report of this case in your issue of the 6th are liable to bo misunderstood hy the lay mind and I should appreciate if you could give me an opportunity of stating them plainly and
    507 words
  • 229 16 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I was really glad to read Mr L. D. Rod’s letter, in your to-day’s issue. Not only inconvenience for the people, but, at times, we have to pay more than the actual cost of the meat, on account of
    229 words
  • 328 16 Om* looked out of p»ace in Singapore or Monday without a u-d poppy, f. )P tically every person wore one! T!k- sellers were ubiquitous in the ni.ui.b, -‘V.* of uheh; tokens of remembrance of uhe dead. No place was sacrosanct to
    328 words
  • 189 16 On Saturday before Mr. Prydc. IMsivir 1 Judge, a Chinese, named him In, charged with possession of a j~i>?"l ac-d seven rounds of ammunition wiiaout licence. Mr. Nicol, who prosecuted, cal.ed a mandore, named Lim Kim P*>n, wn<' said he was robbed in Jalan Besar about 0.20
    189 words
  • 150 16 Last week the Kabur K‘ paper, a Romanised Malay wec.-v.y p..fir made its bow on the loca (S stage. It is well g‘»t U P ~n and is likely to meet with «PP- 1 support from the community 1 re ji> to readily follow the Malay j
    150 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 2036 17 S.CX- Win at Pulau Brani. T1 SC.C. “A” team played the 1 (iJfcnees XV at Pulau iiiani on !t,Ti;th inst., nnd won by a goal and try (eight points) to ml. iir (jlui, were the stronger side, and Juld have won by a larger margin but J u 1t
      2,036 words
    • 447 17 Fuller Wins A Singles. Owing 40 with his opponent plus 2 was too much for D. il. Kleinman in tv filial of A at the S.C.C. on the lull inst., and O. Fuller won wed »u 0—1, 6—L Although on appearances the handicappers had looked on Fuller
      447 words
    • 488 17 A Disappointing Contest. 1 he main event of ten rounds between Taiho and Young Santos attracted a lair erowei to the Haj* >y Valley on Friday night, but the spectators were sad y disappointed with what thev saw. It takes two to make a light and Taiho, who is
      488 words
    • 572 17 Mrs. YVinstedt's Trophy. Th** second race of the series for Mrs. Winstwli’s trophy ended on Sunday in a win for Ella, with Joy coming level on points, so 'nilal the final and deciding event will he a battle of the Blakes. Twelve boats were sent away by Mr. Hopkins
      572 words
    • 440 18 [Reuter Telegram.] Malaya Team for Hongkong. The Malaya team which i> going to Hongkong to Like part in the triangular tournament—Shanghai, Hongkong Malaya—left by the Mantua on Saturday. The team is as follows —A. E. Holmes-Brown (F.M.S.). N. Grenier (F.M.S.), E. W. N. Wyatt (Kuala Lumpur), G. M. Brand
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  440 words
    • 69 18 London, November 3. There were wild scenes of disorder in the Morton-Celtic eneounter on Saturday. Fighting took place and the spectators invaded the piteh. The game had to he stopped and the police were called in. They effected a number of arrests and the
      69 words
    • 1335 18 [Reuter Telegram.] Full League Results. Reuters’ Agency is now sending the full football results. The following are the results of Saturday Division I. Arsenal 0, Notts County 1. Aston Villa 2, Bolton W. 2. Blackburn R. 1, W. Bromwick A 0. Bury 3, Sunderland 0. H alders field
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  1,335 words
    • 65 18 The R.A. scored a decisive victory against the S.C.C. on the padang on Friday afternoon, winning by four goals to nil. The artillerymen played well on the slippery ground, and deserved their win. The military defence held the club forwards effectively, and Beville’s fast
      65 words
    • 174 18 Itugby Union results of November 1. were n C l ift n 1 Bath 3 Blaekheath 9, Catford Bridge 3 Cambridge University J, on Scottish 3 Aberavon 11. Cardiff 0 Coventry 21, St. Thomas 3 Clasgow Academicals 34, Edinburgh Academicals 0; Edinburgh Institution So r-’i West Scotland 24
      174 words
    • 178 18 Padang Clubs in Friendly Gam, A friendly game was p| aV eH padang on Wednesday afternoon k° n lh J's sLSS&nrf'sa'r. S.R.C. end. Edlin played "*!*L at for the S.C.C. on the* left an,t Wheatley saved well on several Hf’ an<J in the S.R.C. goal. The SCf Ccas,ons pressed
      178 words
    • 168 18 The result of last Sunday’s match between the Singapore and Keppel Golf C lubs was a win for the former by 1-* Details are appended, Singapore Golf Club players given first:— Gibson and Forde 1, Rutley and Hendrie Vi. Cameron and Newell 0, Stewart and
      168 words
    • 25 18 London, November 3. Newman, playing Smith, the billiard' champion, in London, made a break 1,370, the world’s record for ivory balls.
      25 words
    • 57 18 London, November o. His Majesty the King has regretfunaccepted the resignation of K ,cna Marsh, the King’s trainer for the ia i thirty-one years. Chan Ah Him, the runner-up <>f Malacca Epworth league Men s king championship, also won the High be Old Boys’ Association Singles tennis
      57 words

  • 118 18 At the examinations held in SingaP<> last week by the Royal Sanitary Inst of London in co-operation with the ernment of the Straits Settlements, local Board of Examiners have J* mended the following eleven candi for for receipt of the Institute’s diploro sanitary inspectors. Seventeen cann sat
    118 words

  • 392 19 Admiralty Oil Tanks. Normanton Finished Mandai Well Advanced. i k on the? Admiralty oil-fuel installa- Singapore has now reached an adThe tanks at Normanton finished, and oil is at present r in them, while about one|H* )i .U ihini «f t)ie work has been completed at U i iiai. These
    392 words
  • 190 19 A claim for funeral expenses alleged to Javo been incurred while the deceased's Husband was away in Sarawak came betore Mr. Justice Barrett-Lennard in the supreme Court yesterday. The plaintiff, a Chinese lady, and sister xv i ei c sed wad represented
    190 words
  • 210 19 sabali^ U> e! nnua l .K enera l meeting of the teJ l n,sh u P Coni P an y» at F tv S’ th e chairman, the Hon. Mr. marks oc s »n the course of his re- r~^ e^ore I close I think it is
    210 words
  • 1500 19 We«kly Reports of Singapore Firms. 1 Macphail and Co.'s weekly re. po't, da-ed November 12, states: !Ht A o h f/rn t0,Ualic lowt ,in K r of the export ate to oO per cent, and a steady iniprovca e beirJ h inuustry nnt -I by ,,,e KVHdu
    1,500 words
  • 218 19 The statutory meeting of Pattani Tin, Limited, was held on Monday, at the offices of Messrs. Katz Bros., Penang. Mr. 1). A. M. Brown (director) presided and the others present were Messrs. V'. C. Dubois and ,T. B. David (directors), Mr. G. H. James, Mr. W. E.
    218 words
  • 354 19 Limit-Colonel F, K. Spencer is organising a special recruiting /lay on November 21 for European Units and the Eurasian Company. All Volunteers are asked t« assist by doing their utmost to bring in a recruit. Attendance wilh a recruit will
    354 words
  • 296 19 Next year, the sixth of the annual fair* of the Netherlands Indies will he held at Bandoeng from June 20 to July 5, and preparations are already well in hand to ensure the success of the event. The fair ;s growing year by year; in IH2O
    296 words
  • 119 19 The case in which Tan Tian Yun, lat» cashier of the police financial office, was charged with the theft of $1,555 as a a servant, came to a conclusion befo Mr. Pryde, on Wednesday. Whin the saf<» of the office was opened on the morning of October
    119 words

  • 300 20 (Anita’s Service.) Weltevreden, November H. In the People*’ Council, the Governme lit have replied to the discussion* on the Naval ISill. Rear-Admiral Gooszeru* explained that the enactment did not aim at uggressivi intentions, hut merely indieated that they wished to ri main
    (Anita’s Service.)  -  300 words
  • 159 20 An Indian contractor named Nadesan brought an acti( n in the Supreme Court or Wednesday against Mr. E. A. Bafibour for $1 ,123, alleged to be due for wo*k done cm a site in Dalvey Hoad, and for the making of a
    159 words
  • 26 20 (Anota’s Service.) Weltevreden, November 12. A firework factory at Pnsoorocan has exploded and up to the present time 12 corpj. s have been found.
    (Anota’s Service.)  -  26 words
  • 178 20 The report of the Sow h Taiping Tin Dredging Co. for the year ended August •tl last states that the revenue from tin ere was $456,622, less mine and head office ex pen dilure $198,582, to which must 4k* added transfer and registration fees $917, interest $1,249.
    178 words
  • 875 20 On Saturday, Mr, G. II. Webb tvas charged before Mr. Pryde with causing doatn by a riusii act. The accused was driving his car in Nelson Road on tne overling ol the Cth instant, when, it is alltged, it knocked over
    875 words
  • 515 20 i A railway official writing in ihe Evening Standaid, says:— i The outcry against the doubtful im- provonuntft effected by the Southern Railway will lemind many travellers of i the hazardous train journeys undertaken Iby them in their youth, not so many
    515 words
  • 107 20 ITOISINGTOX. (in November n, 492 j,t y a.m to Mr. ami Mrs. 11. M. Hoisington, ot Sophia Hoad, a son. I.OV*. On Monday, November lsi'Jl, at. JJ* Sit 'y«h Road, to Mr. and Mrs. Low Moey Sai, a daughter. 1 LENTKEIIS. On November 7. 1921, a* r»10 Uaylang Road,
    107 words
  • 211 20 Singapore, November R; EACHANGh. On London, Bank 4 m/a 0 Deinanu J/j| Private 3 m. credits ,7; *1*4 On New York, Demand 4 l9/^ Private 90 d/s 53^ On France, Bank 5; On India, Bank T. T. >Hj t On Hongkong, Bank d/d lr ‘6?i On Shanghai,
    211 words
  • 467 20 Singapore. November I MINING. Issue V ai. Pd. Bayern Sellers 1 1 Bntang Padang 0.57% 0.60 1 l Hitnm '1 in 1.65 1.70 tl i'l I «i 1 is Hydraulics 26 1* 27 0 .vi 1 l Johan Tin 0.51 0.53 il i'l Kampong 48 6 5o
    467 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 87 20 NOTICE Ml communications for both tho Strait? Times :.r. i the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Iho post .free price of tho Straits Times to t*H J nited Kingdom and foreign countries *<*' year. 1 he post free price
      87 words
  • 85 20 deaths 5, 1924. at his residence 4..J, Iasir Panjang Road, Mr. Lim Cheng Quee, alias Lim Too, aged 82. He leaved 11 son Mr. Lim Ah Swee, two daughter* Mrs. 1 an ILap Swee and Mrs. Ong Hi, Bin and twelve grandchildn 11. StOTT RUSSELL.—At Falmouth, on November 5, 1024,
    85 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 69 1 Genera 1.-r-Rubber Items 1 Rubber Utex J Rubber Growing: in Dutch Indies 1 London Rubber Stocks 1 Local Rubber Auctions IK tuber Rubber Returns Grading of Rubber Rubber Propaganda Rubber Price Averages Ceylon Rubber Control TelegramRubber Smuggling 3 Meetings and Reports.— Dividend in the Offing j Pusintr Rubber 1
      69 words
    • 365 1 The profit of Inch Kenneth Rubbtr Estates for vear ended June 30, including i*47 brought in. is £4,983. Dividend 7Mj per cent, for year, less tax, and £1,494 forward. Owing to continued ill-health. Sir John Anderson has resigned his seat on the Council of the Rubber Growers’ Association.
      365 words
    • 1144 1 The following article is taken from the India Rubber World of October 1 j The revolutionary discovery of means whereby rubber latex can be utilised directly in the manufacture of rubber goods, and the invention of a new form of crude known as
      1,144 words
    • 103 1 The following notice has been issued to shareholders lndragiri Rubber, Limited. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements) French Bank Building*, Singapore, October 29, 1924. Dear Sir/Madain, We are directed to inform you that the Company has been compelled to meet a peremptory demand from the Netherlands
      103 words
    • 142 1 I Till* report of Posing Rubber and Tin for year ended February 29, 11)24, states that gross profit from working of Bedrock Rubber Estate amounted to £674. Compulsory restriction resulted in reduced crop of 44,201 lbs. of rubber, sale price of which will average approximately l.l.fid. per pound,
      142 words
    • 78 1 Mr. F\ .1. Burgess, in his address at the annual meeting of Way-Halim (Sumatra) Estates, said :—The outlook is distinctly more encouraging, and, though the Board is not able to recommend a dividend for your adoption at this meeting, if prices continue to move upwards, as
      78 words
    • 32 1 Messrs. Lewis and Feat’s cable received from their London office on Tuesday, givea London rubber storks tons down for the week end'ng November K, toDil now on hand toiuj.
      32 words
    • 1311 2 Tlk* fifth ordinary funeral inciting of the Kuala Uidong Kuober Kstutc. I,id, whs held on October I at the resist red odices of tlie company, 4HI- js 4, .Salmbu. y House, London-wull, K.C., Air. 1. G. i ras (the chairman) presiding.
      1,311 words
    • 376 2 The annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Bukii k.B. Rubber Co. Ltd., was held at its registered oflices, haricrcd Hank Buildings, on Saturday. The lion. Mr. J. M. Sime presided, and the (tuier.s present included Messrs. Neo Oug
      376 words
    • 1787 2 Tin* i tii ordinary general meeting of il:«. ,o:ig Malay Rubber Company (1P20). i.i i.. was held on September 30 at 5, Femn-vch street, E.C., Mr. E. 1>. Money chairman of the company) presiding. The i i esentative of the secrotaiies
      1,787 words
    • 747 3 IVofd. of Sungei Bahru Rubber Estates year ended June 30, 1924, was 1*3.12'.), •«Hi' £913 brought in, making t* 1,042. Directors recommend dividend un ordi<>K r\ shares of 2Va per cent., carrying forward £252, rubber crop totalled 453,353 lb.'., compared with 539,595 lbs.
      747 words
    • 609 3 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report Singapore, November 6. Since our last prices haw improved considerably. There was a very stcadv tone in yesterday’s local auction, and although no sales of awarded sheet were made under the hammer, business was done privately at
      609 words
    • 419 3 Anglo-Johore Consolidated.— 16,800 lbs Asahan.- -50,000 lbs. Anglo-SumatJ a.—50,000 lbs. Buh.h Kauap.—17,000 lbs. Bovi?n Panti.—10,880 lbs. I>ah Lias.—87,000 ib.>. Bila.—25.000 11.;. Rukit Palong Syndicate.— 12,318 lbs. Bintang.—l 1,600 lbs. Burma.—9,645 lbs. Banteng (SfcJangor).—20,630 lbs. Beaufort Borneo.—08,000 lbs. Bukit Timuh.— 8,411 lbs. Bin tan.—25,504 lbs. Bruseh Tin and
      419 words
    • 253 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, November 8. On the morning of October 22, the launch Pikat captured three boats off the Malacca coast, manned by eight Malays and carrying .”.2 piculs of sheet rubber. The men were charged in the Malacca police
      253 words
    • 486 3 A general meeting of iho Butang Pudang District Planters* Association "as held at the Sungkai Club, Suugkai, on November 5, Mr. i Darby, the Chairman of the Association, presided, During the proceedings, as reported in the 'limes of Malaya, tne meeting discussed
      486 words
    • 240 4 Major Maegrogor Knox, the propagandist of the F.M.S. Rubber Propaganda Committee, ha* forwarded to us the following communique The Hon. Mr. P. K. Nambyar has inn mated t<» the I'Vdei a ted Malay States Rubber Propaganda Committee that tin recent correspondence in
      240 words
    • 845 4 The fourteenth annual general meeting of the Caledonian (Selangor) Rubber Company, Ltd., held on September 29 at 20, Abchurch-lane, E.C. Mr. Clarance F. Leighton (the Chairman), in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said that the figures were simply a reflection of
      845 words
    • 206 4 The following figures are based on the top price at the weekly* auctions in Singapore Before Restriction Average for year ending October 31, 1922 20& cents Note For three months of 1922, before restriction was announced the average was 25 cents. After Restriction Average for year ending
      206 words
    • 97 4 Iht exports of rubber from Ceylon for second period of twelve months during which the Rubber Restriction Ordinance has been m force were as follows: Period Ceylon Imported Fluid produced Rubber Latex Nov. 1, 192!Ho bb t<>nS t,ms Gallon, Oct. 31. 1934 37,194 2,799 132 Nov. 1,
      97 words
      • 399 4 I Stock I p*r Exchange Par f k Value. Company. Price*. Value. Company trv W l'l Anfflo-Malay 21 6 £1 Linggi ■ill Ayer Kuning 22/6 2/ London-Asiatic J £1 Bakap Plantn* 10/ 2/ Lubok £1 Banteng 25/ £1 Luinut £1 Batu Caves 12/G il
        399 words
      • 743 4 Capital Issue I’aid Up V alue Dividend! Closing Prices. r Fraser Lyall k 312,500 1 -I p.e. for year 29-2*24 Pany Co. Evatt. DIO,OOO 1 nil for year 30-9-23 l-<# ISO ,M i2i 904 2 15 p.c. year 31-3-24 4 140 1.00 1.10 439,425
        743 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 115 5 STANDARD MODELS 'vffTf'vJyx*' W V 4 “vP* *V# ,**>£ y 4 Cylinder $2,550 Cylinder- $3,350 APPLY C o OecwpenMI te Migapm) MOTOR DEPARTMENT. 20, GRANGE v ROAD, SINGAPORE. THE i Reward of Achievement is Popularity The popularity of the Buick is the natural result of its achievements in trials and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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