The Straits Budget, 11 July 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget No. 3465 Singapore, Friday, July 11, 1924 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] Price 25 cents (S.S. Currency) or 7d.
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  • 314 1 LEADERS— The Call of Humanity 12 The Olympic Games 12 American Presidency 12-13 Communications in Siam 13 Of Art and Values 13 Co Operation- 13-11 GeneralLocal and Personal 1-2 Reuter Telegrams 3-7 Week-end Camps at Siglap 7 Perak Notts 8 A Retiring Editor 8 Heavy Rains Submarines in Tropics
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  • 3506 1 Dr. A. S. McKern is to lc a member of be Central Midwives Board, vice Dr. J. Sharp. Mr. D. Keir, of Diamond Jubilee Rubber estate. Malacca, has left for England on holiday. Mr. F. M. Baddeley, Under Secretary, Straits Settlements returned by the Devanha. Mr. Y»\
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    • 193 3 [REUTER telegram.] London., July 3. l)i. quieting repor ts are trickling tltrouuh from Rt utei 8 Madrid correcpond- showing that the Spanish forces are Uure<l in heavy fighting against the ;5 t ribesmen in Morocco. Communiques: ••••knowledge that eight officers, including two natives,
      [REUTER telegram.]  -  193 words
    • 116 3 London. July 3. N\w York At the 39th ballot Mr. McAdoo gained 55 votes, and Mr. Davis lost 35. The Convention adjoumed after the 42nd ballot when there was no further change. London, July 4. New York The chief feature of today’s balloting was the switching of three
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    • 62 3 London, July 4. In the House of Commons Mr. Clynes, referring to the House of Lords’ rejection of the War Charges Validity Bill on Tuesday, said the Commons were the supreme authority on finance. Government would take an early opportunity to make the will of the House
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    • 45 3 London, July 4. Cologne The Ruhr mineowners have notified the cancellation of the agreement with the Inter-Allied Commission regarding reparations deliveries on the ground that the German Government declined financial assistance and it was impossible for the industry to bear the burden alone.
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    • 60 3 London, July 4. Leningrad The notorious espionage rial known as “the case of the thirteen ended. Seven were sentenced to death, including the nephew of the Liberal statesman, Koni, and the commander of a minelayer, while Mias Skalon sister of charity and daughter of the exy
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    • 47 3 London, July 3. The Building Operatives Federation de'iined to avail themselves of the employers’ decision to postpone the lock-out notices and declare that unless the increase in hourly rate and provision of a guaranteed week arc introduced by the oth inst. labour must be withdrawn.
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    • 45 3 London, July 3. Ihe Tuan Muda of Sarawak will act 8' commissioner of the Sarawak Pavilion at Wembley, vice Mr. H. F. Deshon "no died on the Ist inst. y reference to the late Mr. Deshon Appears to-day in our personal notes.
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    • 166 3 Paris. July 3. Before the Foreign Affairs aim Finance Committees of the Senate, M. Herriot ga\e an account of his interview at Chequers. He emphasised that Mr. MacDonald was desirous of France’s security. He (M. Heiriot) felt that an Anglo-French union would be
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    • 78 3 London, July 3. With only half a dozen delegates voting against it, the Congress of Chambers of Commerce of the Empire passed the agreed resolution moved by Sii Edward Davson regretting the decision of Parliament not to ratify the preferential resolutions of the Imperial Economic Conference and urging
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    • 65 3 London, July 3. Fiance, Belgium, Italy and Japan have accepted invitations to the Allied Conference in London on July Hi. The United States al*o accepted another form of invitation. It was intended that all states interested in reparations should have the opportunity of attending, but the question of
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    • 53 3 London. July 3. Allahabad The American fliers have arrived at Amballa. One machine was suffering from a leaky cylinder. A spare one is being despatched from Lahore. London July 3. Shanghai Maclurcn has arrived here from Foochow. London, July 3. New York The first Trans-Continent-al air mail has arrived
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    • 69 3 London. July 3. Paris On the question of the resumption of Franco-Russian relations, Le Matin says that a conference between M. Herriot and the holders of Russian bond* and °f industrialists interested in Russia, has yielded no result. The paper declares that the resumption of relations will
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    • 58 3 London, July 4The Ila gue The Second Chamber passed a vote of credit of 1* L 2,000,000 on account of War Department estimates to enable them to carry out the contract with Armstrong Whitworth for delivery of war material. It also passed a bill facilitating cooperation between
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    • 61 3 London, July 5. Galveston Three Americans and three P.ritons involved in rum running in connection with the seizure of the British schooner Island Home were sentenced to terms of imprisonment varying from four to eighteen months, plus fines of $230 to $5,000. The Department of Justice is of
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    • 493 3 [REUTER TELEGRAM.) London, July 4. Paris The terms of the British invitation to the inter-AUied Conference specifying the bases of the proposed discussions have offended French official circles judging from the statement issued by the D’Orsay, declaring that the British memorandum binds nobody
      [REUTER TELEGRAM.)  -  493 words
    • 79 3 London, July 4. Moscow The Ro.-.ta Agency publishe; a declaration by Trotsky ridiculing tlu recent statement in the House of Common >f Air. Attlee, Under Secretary for War that the strength of the Red Army b 1,600,000 and says the strength is nov under 600,000. The Soviet
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    • 60 3 London, July 5. Madrid The latest communique duetnothing to relieve the anxiety about the Spanish military position in Morocco. Il speaks of the enemy assembling numerously in the unpacified area. Spanish 1 1 oops came into conflict with their out posts in the Ellau region. The Government
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    • 270 3 London, July 4. New York The Democratic (’(invention adjourned after the (list ballot with the deadlock a- strontf as ever. The committee will meet again this afternoon end continue balloting until the Presidential rndidatc is nominated. The Convention jas
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    • 66 3 London, July 4. Per! n It is announced that German ami hinese negotiations have resulted in an agreement under which German Private possessions will be restored. The German Asiatic Rank recovers its premises at Peking and liankow and they will be re-established as before the w’ar. The
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    • 39 3 London, July 4. It is reported from Aniuta. Japan, that h* rt tamer Manchester Civilian, from lava t<; Vancouver with a curgo of sugar, is on fire in number two hold. Water is beinj, r pumped in.
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    • 24 3 London, July 4. New York It is announced that the whole of the American share of the Hungarian loan has been subscribed.
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    • 24 3 London, July 4. Karachi The American fliers have arrived here. Loudon, July 4. Allahabad: The Ameiican world fliers have arrived at Multan.
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    • 33 3 London, July 4. Moscow The trial at KharkoflT of (15 people accused of espionage on behalf of Poland resulted in twelve being sentenced o death and six to various ternv of imprisonment.
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    • 33 3 London, July 4. Thu Prince of Wales, as honorary president of the British Olympic Association, and Prince Henry left for Paris this morning to attend the opening of the Olympic Game
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    • 34 3 London, July 5. h i iiania The name of Christiania s to be changed to ().->lo from Januuiy i noxl, by viituc of a loll passed by both House. of Parliament.
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    • 35 3 London, July 5. Now York President Cmdidgc’s ’iiungc-t sun, aged 17, is dangerously ill villi septic poisoning, following h blistered no through playing tennis. Five phy.iiuns a it in a i tendance.
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    • 688 4 [REUTER TELEGRAM. J London, July 5. Paris Organs of the Left as-ert that the opposition deliberately exploited and magnified the incident with regard t th invitation* to the conference with a view to torpedoing the conference and M lie/ riot. London,
      [REUTER TELEGRAM. J  -  688 words
    • 180 4 London, July Geneva Tin* International Labou* Conference adopted the first reading of the draft of the international convention on a weekly 24 hour -toppuge* of work in glass factories. It also approved the proposal that exceptions to this rule be laid
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    • 112 4 London, July a. Baltimore A large number of people are missing as the result of an Independence Day tragedy. The Three Rivers caught fire at midnight when returning here with .‘>.">0 passengers who had been celebrating at Cove Point, Chesapeake Bay. The vessel was burned to the water’s
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    • 119 4 London, July G. In the course of a statement to the press regarding Mr. MacDonald’s references to the possibility of the two Irish (Governments reaching an agreement before the boundary commission is constituted. Mr. Justice Feetham says Mr. ■Cu-giavo and Sir James Craig have agreed to his acting
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    • 94 4 London, July The building trade strike, involving •oo.ouo men, began at noon. The court of inquiry into the dispute oegan hearing the evidence for the employers and operatives, the latter giving evidence under protest against the terms of reference. Tie Communist party has issued a manifesto congratulating
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    • 78 4 London, July 4. Stt*klolf, writing in the Izvestia, says tbe first necessity for a Russo-Japanese agreement will be the evacuation of northern Sakhalin. M. Herriot’s policy finds an echo in the policy of the new Japanese Cabinet in its clauses and different huts.” The Russian Government want to
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    • 75 4 London, July 4. Commenting on the Chinese Governin' nl’s decision to resume full service of loans, the Manchester Guardian says the ac'ion of certain governments in continuing from motives of self-interest to turn a Mind eye on tbe treaty concluded five yca:s ago is not an inspiring example
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    • 530 4 London, July 5. Now York The Democratic Convenjton adjourned after midnight. The 09th ballot gave McAdoo 530 (the highest ye: reached). Smith 335, Davis 04 and Newton Baker 50. London, July «>. New York The convention deadlock now overshadows all
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    • 123 4 London, July 5. Washington A good deal of anxiety is felt regard to the condition of Mr. Calvin Coolidge, Junior, who is suffering from blood poisoning, supposed to be th reidt-of a blister on the foot while playing tennis. A second conference of physicians was held
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    • 296 4 London, July 3 Paris The city was beflagged and there was brilliant ceremonial for .1 opening of the Olympic Games. Crown® packed in the stands of the St ub ,1 applauded the arrival of M. Doumerem and the Prince of
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    • 105 4 London, July 5. Moscow Addressing the congress of the Communist International, Rykoff said industry had reached 48 per cent, of its pre-war volume. The export of petroleum was approaching the pre-war output. The workers at present engaged in industry and transport numbered 2,600,000, which was double that 1922.
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    • 84 4 London, July 0. Buenos Ayres, later It is reported that the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, is in the hands of revolutionaries, who occupied the federal buildings after fighting. London, July G. The Federal Government have declared a state of siege at Rio de Janeiro and Sao
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    • 72 4 London, July o. Speaking at a luncheon of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce at which Mr. Sidney Webb was the guest of honour, Sir Edwin Stockton revived th*' proposal to send a textile trade mission ‘o the Far East. He said that if Mr. W r ebb
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    • 24 4 London, July o. New York Japanese interests are negotiating for a loan of $0,000,000 f° the construction of railways in Korea.
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    • 24 4 London; July 4. Prince Purachatra, brother of the Kinj. of Siam, has arrived in Paris, where i‘ will rejourn for a month. (Hava
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    • 463 5 Ireuter telegram.] London, July 7. tin- House of Commons Mr. Mac- ui announced that the Government (b>r a ided against the construction of channel Tunnel. Mr. MacDonald alio ann.un.i.l his u.t.ntion to v.s.t Paris ,„.m.nTow on the proposal
      Ireuter telegram.]  -  463 words
    • 63 5 London, July 7. h is estimated in trade union circles ■•ui* between 100,000 and 150,000 opera1V(‘. builders have so far struck. Tho in London is stated to be more »«rious than anywhere else. It is understood •'"’t same employers have conceded the 1* j-ii’ives t he* minimum
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    • 57 5 London, July 7. lt is reported from Nagasaki that the P'. ov the cargo steamer Manchester Ul I! n has been extinguished after put ou, *teen feet of water in the hold r ir K° Was badly damaged. Th' ip ;iin is of opinion that there is
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    • 22 5 London, July 5. r U: l ]!S }1 MaeLaren has arrived London, July 7 •f, MaeLaren hav arrived at -uhim,
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    • 212 5 London, July 7. New ork All candidates except Mr. McAdoo approved a declaration that each willingly released all delegates who had arranged to vote for him as completely as f his name was withdrawn from the Convention. London, July 7. New York, later
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    • 90 5 London, J.ily 7. In the Ilous'* of Commons, replying to h question regarding Mai sons Toleie.- in Hongkong and the Straits Settlements Mr. Thomas announced the constitution ot a general advisory body to deal with social hygiene shortly being established under the chairmanship of the Undersecretary of S.ate
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    • 84 5 Paris, July .*>. Speaking at a banquet of the American Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of Independence Day, M. Herriot recalled that America helped France during the war. He added ihat the work started is not yet finished. He pleaded with the United States to aid
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    • 85 5 London, July 7. An improvement in shipbuilding is r hown by Lloyds Register. The sh'pbuilding returns for the quarter ended Juno 30 show that 1,465,C0J tons er< J actually under construction in t.’.e Lin ed Kingdom, the highest since March 31, 1922. The tonnage commenced was 375,000, compared
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    • 83 5 London, July 7. Paris In the presence of Lord Crewe. Ford Ypres, Sir Fabian Ware and many ..lied officers and British and french spectators, the Prince of Wales. aeeomoanied by Prince Henry and M. Poumergue, unveiled a tablet at Notre Dame m n emory of British dead
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    • 57 5 London, July 7. Washington President Coolidge’s son Calvin had spells of sinking throughout hj night and was three times reported n ir death, but was comfortable this v »rning. Blood transfusion was resorted and the patient reacted well. London, July s '":e 1 *ton President Coolidgo’s hoi..ok
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    • 186 5 BRITAIN RUSSIA. Results of the Recent Negotiations. Matters At Critical Stage. London, July 8. The silence regarding the Anglo-Rus-sian negotiations, which was beginning to be regarded in some quarters a- ominous, was partly broken in the House o i Commons to-night during the debate on the motion of Sir A.
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    • 138 5 London, July 8. Madrid A communique states that he general situation in Morocco has improved. Strong reinforcements have t.ivi-d at Mellila and Tctuan from Spain. besieged position at Cobndarsa h.-» been relieved and the enemy retreated in iMii.ii.-, having many dead and wound* ,J. The Spanish lost
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    • 110 5 London, July 8. It is announced that in view of the S Manchester Chamber of Commerce’s disapproval ef the surest ion that the Boxer i Indemnity Hill might provide a means for i bargaining wth hina for the revision of i he i rode marks law,
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    • 83 5 London, .Inly 7. Mexico City Supporters of Cal'cs claim an overwhelming victory in the presidential election. They state that in 1.7 out of 28 states of the Republic he polled 90 per cent, of the votes cast. Owing to disorders the results will n t be known for
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    • 61 5 I<ondon, July S. Alexandria The German steamer, Adolf von Bae.ver, from Yokohama and Penang, is reported to be making for Alexandria with a tire in number f nii hold. London, July Alexandria The steamer Adolf von Baeyer arrived yesterday evening with fire in the coftf’a in number
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    • 51 5 London, July H. New York The New York Times states that the Prince of Wales will p; v a fortnight’s vivil to Long Island in September in connection wish tV iglo-American international polo and ttr, v.’ill he th" guest of th> ivin A s'i 'i *i:
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    • 249 5 [REUTEB TELEGRAM.] London, July 8. Mr. MacDonald, prior to departin for r-irK :;«id that bis visit must be taken as an indication of a desire to see a set*.lenient of Anglo-French relations and to ri move all misunderstanding.
      [REUTEB TELEGRAM.]  -  249 words
    • 166 5 London, July X. New York Mr. McAdoo received only ".UH vnto« at tbe K4th ballot. London, July 8. New York At the 87th ballot Mr. McAdoo slumped to d/J.'Dj, Mr. Smith ■ierijiimr ”61Mr. Ralston 9/1, Mr. (da-;- 71 mu Mr. Davis 60Lj. The <’onvoiition thereafter adjourned until
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    • 79 5 London, July N. Washington Mr. Calvin Coolidge, son of President Coolidge, died this morning, following an operation for Mood poi t.n--i ig. 1 >eta used sc rat ched a Mistei d foot hdc playing tennis in sandals a fortnight ago v. ith his elder brother, John Whitehouse
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    • 44 5 London, July N. Tokio Madaren has arrived at asumig.tura, the naval air station of Tokio. London, July K. Bushire The American world fliers have arrived and departed for 1 Baghdad. London, July >. Baghdad Ihe American flieis have I t Hied her
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    • 22 5 London, July Buenos Aires There were 200 kill* i 1 2U-t injured in the recent insurrection •\t Sao Paulo.
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    • 989 6 [KEL’TER telegram.] Loiith n, July 9. Dans The eoufo.emv ie'wt*eii Mi Jt an i .Halil and .M, llci ii.t i in' al three tins alt* 111 non. Dir. M.n'D.<n i mtormed p.e- nun thiit agieomont ii.a i l»(*en rein ned w. h
      [KEL’TER telegram.]  -  989 words
    • 155 6 London, July 9. Moscow The in ernational Communist emigre* s has ended. Zinovieff was unanimously re elected president of the executive. The Government have opened an agricultural bank f<*r tin* purpose of granting c:edits to peasants. London, July S. Moscow: Mr. Poii-onhy’s hopes, ex pressed ill tin* House
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    • 65 6 Loud in, July 8. Wa.-hinge n The American Kmbassy at Rio de Janeiro states that Brazilian .i.v<*i i.r.ici.t troops cccupied Sao Paulo to-day. London. July 9. Rio de Janeiro, July 7 (delayed) The mutineers, entrenched in the barracks of San Paulo, were besieged by the federal troop-.
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    • 64 6 London, July 9. The conference of the National Union of Railwaymen at York passed a resolution demanding the exclusion of railwaymen from the Forty-Kight Hour Week Bill under the Washington Convention. Mr. (’ramp said if the Government persisted in passing the bill unamended tin* railway men would closed
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    • 52 6 London, July 0. Prague Under the treaty of cooperation published here Italy and Czechoslovakia pledge themselves to safeguard their common interests and maintain the integrity of the treaties of St. Germain. lYiam.n and Neuilly. The treaty will bo I cnlid for five year*, after which it wii.
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    • 35 6 (Havas.) Pari.1, July 7. Goblence The receipts from the June exploitations in the occupied territories .nder the Control Commission wen 30,000,000 gold marks. The profits for this year amount to 270,000,000 gold marks. (Havas.)
      (Havas.)  -  35 words
    • 22 6 London, July 9. Their Majesties sent, a message t President and Mr*. Coolidire oxpressin heartfelt sympathy in their deep sorrow.
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    • 509 6 (Havas.) Safeguarding the Treaty. London, July 8. The text of the British invitations to i London Conference have been issued the form of a hil<* Hook and sub*i on. 11 m the message sent by Keutci *> Rome correspondent on the 5th in-tatu.
      (Havas.)  -  509 words
    • 89 6 London, July 9. Colombo Nineteen cases of arms and ammunition were seized on the German vessel, Schlerien. L.union, July 9. C. *nib:» The contraband seized on board the Schlesion consists of 100 rifles in.I revolvers, a!! of German service pattern. T!.e consignment was marked Machinery for Kobe,” but
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    • 64 6 London, July 8. In the House of Commons, replying t< Sir William David on, Mr. Webb said In understood that the Rotterdam Shipbuilding omj.any obtain <1 contracts fur building rtain vessels for British owners. II •eiHudod that the fact that the Govern >n nt \v; re subsiding throe
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    • 507 6 DAVIS NOMINATED. Democratic Party’s Candidate. McAdoo’s Dramatic With drawal. London, July «i. NVw Yoik Mr. Davis, ex-AniburiiW to Britain, has been nominated as lu niocratic candidate for the Presidency London, July y New York: The thrilling drama last night’s session of the Democratic Convention opened with Mr. Knl. ion*, withdrawal.
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    • 93 6 London, July JThe commissioners and commitU-c of the Hongkong section of the Umpire l'-ybi tion entertained a large and fhst ingsiuriuo company of Chinese to dinner in the Ilonglie :i*r Restaurant at Wembiey yesterday verting. Mr. Halifax, secretary for Chinese affairs, presided, and Sir Robert Houtng and
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    • 35 6 London, July 8. San Francisco The Special Service Squadron armed, escorted by America!warcraft.. Kear-Admiral Sir F. Field *ent message of most hearty greeting t<» t' 1 people of the United States.
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    • 51 7 London, July 9. r.„>-.ant-nople: K-plyin* no t e th# Government r .vets i 1 ubmit the Mosul question to of the League of Nations on S: Sc S that the Treaty of Lausanne t vet in force. They .-uyjrest direct being of opinion '.hut these *-j|| vi.M better
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  • 363 7 Th,* secretary of Austral Malay Tin ltd ’vports the following outputs of its associ'ated companies for the month of 'u’.imi <.!i ir Kamunting Tin Dredging—llotu un (Two dredges) 1,249, cubic i.. j ,.;itcd 182.000. total piculs 777.96. ‘u value $50,677.23. No. 2 lost 56 hour.- general repairs—working poor
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  • 286 7 hinese barber was charged at the Luaia Lumpur police court on Friday mre Mr. J. K. Starke with running a Wei Wei” lottery. i he productions were a chart, a large Oeet ut paper with 26 rows of Chinese haraeters,
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  • 1154 7 V. I’okly UnpoM. »»f ;>;n«4,ij)or<? Finns. ••lessi I* raser and weekly icpurt, dated duly 0, states Ruth tin and rubber have shown small ffui tuutioiu only during the past wcca and both sections of the share marke. have been on the quiet side. Industrials have come in
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  • 474 7 The preliminary enouiry into the circumstances attending the fatalities which cccuned through tne accident to bus 274, •*n Elgin Bridge on May 8 last, was held by Mr. (jourlay < n Tuesday, the prosecution being conducted by Mr. Nicol, Uourt
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  • 44 7 At last week-end A and B Companies S.V-C., went into camp on Frankel’. estate, at Siglap on Friday in commam of Major Sleredith. The rompani were put through battle, bombing am Lewis gun practices, and returned t Singapore last evening.
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  • 567 7 A “TURF” CASE. Alleged Assault on Mr. Bheem’ s Kebun. On Monday Ik foie Mr. IVyde, Di.stric. Judge, Air. J. A. McCully was charged with voluntarily cau.-nng hurt to La bo bin Abdain, a kebun employed by Mr. J. Lhcem, residing in katong, on the morn :i*id tltni*' -d mst.
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  • 208 7 A rather serious motor accident to »k place opposite the gates of Government House, Orchard Rond, on Saturday morn ing, in which two people were injured. A hired car, coining from Tunglin, wanted to turn in to Tank Rond, and the police constable on duty,
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  • 91 7 Messrs. Simo Darby and Co. ann .ice that cabled advice has been received ’pun Sydney that a tom puny ha- boon f m d, :ind \vi!l be icgirt* rod in tho F.M.S. m: b with, to work an area of i’>11 nop of Uronnd situated mar
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  • 1221 8 (i'lom A (’orrespondent). I poll, July 7. l'ciuk is not so optimistic a.; it used to be u. pa.-il years once again there seems to m* a section oi dissatisfied and d,s, gi milieu football enthusiasts who think hut I Vink will not field her best team inis
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  • 168 8 Following upon hi- retirement fr’m the editorship of the Malaya Tribune. Mr. H. Stanley Jones sailed for Horn* Mil Tuesday, by the Suwa Mara, accompanied by Mrs. Jone.« and their son. Mf. Jones joined the Tribune stair four and a half years ago, and has had the
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  • 132 8 (in Wednesday the pr< liminary inquiry was commenced by Mr. (lourlay in respect of the charge of attempted murdet against Leung Ah Lam, who is alleged to have stabbed his wife Chai Ah Chee w th a |H*nknife on the neck and on other parts of the
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  • 223 8 On Wednesday, bifore Mr. Uourlay, a Chinese named («oh Cheong Neo, residing at .’!4. Philip Street, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt with a rotan to icr servant girl named Kwi Eng. The accused pleaded guilty, and said the girl had been found stealing. The
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  • 234 8 ’i he ca.-e was i*» ncluded yesterday el'ore AD. Clyde, District Judge, Mr. A. L. jia\je.s being lor ilu* prosecution and Mr. M. Cillai lot* ihe defence, ill which Ivhoo Gang, a detective, was charged v\iiii a-.->utilling the late Goh Kim
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  • 114 8 A eettain amount of damage was caused by the very heavy rainstorm which occurred yesterday. On Tanglin Hill a large tree fell down, blocking the road and breaking the telephone wires, while the telephone .system in part of the Tanglin district was found
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  • 164 8 Yesterday before Mr. Sennet t Insp. Swyney, Singapore Harbour Hoard police, charged Hyron Hullah, of the Royal Corps of Signals, >tatioiied at lilakan Mati, with theft of a watch, etc., the properly «*f the Chief Officer of the steamer Nurjehan at present in poit. Accused was
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  • 216 8 The local manager of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation informs us that he has received a telegram from his head office in Hongkong stating that an interim dividend of per share subject to deduction of income 1ax has been declared, payable on August 11. An
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  • 778 8 In December 11)21, a delegation sontative of the leading mercantile torosts in Western Australia, and org ani ed under the auspices of the Council Industrial Development of that y,. visited Singapore, with a view to f u lu .j‘ ing and increasing
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  • 289 9 TIk current issue of Truth contains tho following comment of interest to Singapore A good deal too much is being made of the significance of the recent voyage ,,i the h submarines to Singapore. A water in a Service
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  • 261 9 The iock, stock, and barrel thuroughmas with which the Singapore scheme has beta abandoned is effectively brought home by an official announcement in The Strait.- Times published in that port, says the Naval ami Military Record. This runto the effect that otters are
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  • 227 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, July 7. Hi’t* broke out at Ampang at 550 this morning in a block of ten shophotitcs, *hich was completely burnt down before the brigade arrived. Khoo Peng, who was convicted by Mr. ,v 2 r k* the magistrate, on
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  • 520 9 In the Court of Appeal Friday be \l!- e l h! hlte (Sir V* alter Shaw) u tlce Whitley, and Mr. Justice KiiieU-Lennard’ the hearing was conti- m ..i f, h e r w: tt h y Kuaoff Httdj nod and Hadji Sakoor
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  • 162 9 A well known Penang resident, now on leave, writes to the I'inang Gazette as follows under date June 0 :—On the oc-a-,i.»n of Queen Mary’s visit to the Malaya Pavilion at Wembley on May 21, one of he Malay workeM, SharifL* Noor binti .Saved
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  • 131 9 Before Mr. Gourlay on Friday afternoon, Insp. Hemsworth charged Yap Chong, 54, Sago Lane, with cruelty to animals, which were kept in small cages for sale. Quite a menagerie was brought to the Central Station where Mr. Gourlay inspected it. Among the amnia's ami birds on view
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  • 305 9 The hearing concluded in the Court of \pp. al on July 3, of the appeal by Low bong Pheow, the executor under a hmese will made in 1909, against a deeiii.n of Mr. Justice Acton under which u* was ordered to furnish
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  • 210 9 I wo important appeals which originally came before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw) but which were reserved bv him for consideration by a full Bench came before the Court of Appeal, consisting of the Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Whitley. and Mr.
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  • 143 9 The report of the Directors of Middle ton Tin Miner, Ltd., for the year ended February’ 29, 1924, states: —After writing* ofT depreciation amountin'/ t.o SI,051.40 the year’s working resulted in a profit of $2,580.10. Deducting this amount from the loss of $25,180.04 brought forward from the
    143 words
  • 82 9 The Colonial Secretary is at'sfied that the following* societies have ceased ti '*xi-t The S’Tigaporo Spi rting Club, Loyal I .edge Mo. HI 5, S’,it* in the Fai Kr st, Slne.aj.ore, Malaya K So •i't;:, Lagoon Sports Club, Smelt in,' Vork Fontball Club, Pulo Brani
    82 words
  • 44 9 (Aneta’s Service*.) WVltevreden, July Ihe Java i•<»fl l* learns that ire September it in expected that there will be great pianoeuvres of the whole Japanese fleet in the Pacific, combined with army manoeuvres, costing live million yen.
    (Aneta’s Service*.)  -  44 words
  • 870 9 The following passengers were boo .a r., a\e for Kurope Fridny by the More*, which sailed at 11 a in. I Mr. C. V'. Morris, Mi VV. ,J. (iarcia, Mr. A. 1.. Davis, Mr. It. .1 It* Mr. A. 11. Hurdle, Mr. Huehner, Mr. K. i Robertson, Mr. R.
    870 words
  • 150 9 *!i? h ?.P Jitus Lowe, D. 1)., the new AlothixlrMt Bishop for Malaya, was horn at Bil.ston, Staffordshire, on December IV. IN<7. In IKPii he went to the Unil'-i .states and at I'ittsburph came wit inn the influence of the Kev. W. F. now Bishop Oldham.
    150 words

  • 1203 10 Vi. annual general meeting of Tebak in i ields, Ltd., was held at Chartered Rank Chambers on July then* being present Mr. Chew Woon Roh (chairman), ilie lion. Mr. \V\ Lowther Kemp, Mr. I*. N. Knight, representing the secrctari**.t.Uossr.-. Harrisons, Barker and
    1,203 words
  • 461 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. July 2. Malacca music lovers had a rare treat la*t night when Mr. William Heughan and party made their first appearance at the club. Although a mid-week concert does J’o;, as a lule, draw a large crowd, over a hundred appreciative li-teners were
    461 words
  • 1140 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Weltevreden, July b. j A most shocking accident has happened this week in the Preanger Regencies, near Bandoeng. Three European youngster*- from that town left on Sunday last from Lcmhnng (the well-known resort near Bandoeng > to climb the* Tu’.gkubau Prahu, in
    1,140 words
  • 455 10 Action taken at a Municipal meeting of Committee No. 1 held on July 1 included the following Agreed to accept the suggestions of the Penang Municipality with regard to the proposed amendment of the Municipal Ordinance making provision for refund of rates on vacant property namely to add
    455 words

  • 2312 11 Tfe: .lit; n in whi. h M he ;i Soon and Wilson, J/.. a »>..u rubber dealers now in vo.UhUiy KquidaDon sued Mr. Wee te ,oon tilhuirman ol directors, foi 4.*, alkgt.. t ye been appropriated by tlu defendant in fraudulent preference ove;
    2,312 words
  • 195 11 The case in which two employees in the Rubber Restriction Department, namely Tan Lye Chua and Lim Koo Dee, are charged with puttinp one Kim Tian in tear of unlawful arrest and induenp him to pive them $OO, was continued before Mr. Pryde,
    195 words
  • 606 11 War Memorial Unveiled. Sir George Maxwell’s Visi t To Kuala Selangor. (From Our Own Conespcndent.) Lumpur, July 10. In addition to large number of visitors it cm Kuala Lumpur and Klang, almost me enure population of rvuaia Selangor and the neighbouring districts seemed to be present, yesterday afternoon, when
    606 words
  • 39 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, July K. There has been a sequel to the Mubin a war derailment. A < ram* heing work<1 to replace the train on the rails turn- i turtle, killing the era net nan.
    39 words
  • 41 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Penang, July K. A Japanese- woman, the proprietress •o' the Kugiya Hotel, was charged with keeping a disorderly hou e and wa* sentenced to six weeks’ rigorous imprisonment. She had previously beer» lined $5O.
    41 words
  • 100 11 Johan Tin Dredging Limited report The dredge output for June was picul*, recovery l>y tables piculs 202.87, by j> iddler piculs 87.13, yardage 55,738, hours run 004. The unexpected recovery oi' 550 piculs as against 1 li 1 50 anticipated, is explained by the dredge working tn
    100 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1049 12 Strait:. Tinier, July 4. Two days ago, a modest cable from home recorded that ILondoners were comparing various types of lifeboats moored in the Thames, these craft having been brought together in connection with the international lifeboat conference on the occasion of the centenary of the
      Strait:. Tinier, July 4.  -  1,049 words
    • 995 12 "Ml J —Straits Times, y r To-day is to see the start of the athletic "•••.ion of that wonderful international vi nt the Olympic Games. Athletes of all cations will parade in the Stadium at folombes, and the veteran French athlete Georges Andre will take the oath
      "Ml J —Straits Times, .|„|y r,  -  995 words
    • 956 12 Sr tnit.-v Times. July 7, V/hat with planks, platforms Ufll columns, to say nothing of tickets, Hn nets and favourite sons the election of a President of the United States seem> to bo a somewhat intricate process un like anything of the sort in any other part the
      – Sr tnit.-v Times. July 7,  -  956 words
    • 975 13 Straits Times, July From time to time we receive cornman lent ions from readers in Siam a king u* to make reference to certain questions! of interest there and usually indicating the lines on which it might he possible for u* to proceed. We appreciate the compliment,
      Straits Times, July #.  -  975 words
    • 965 13 Kets very dost* to th«* truth.— :'t--ui».* Times, July ‘J. Once we were asked to define th meaning of beauty, but after cogitation we could do no more than weakly reply i tliat it was a combination of element pleasing to one or other of the
      Kets very dost* to th«* truth.—:'t--ui».* Times, July ‘J.  -  965 words
    • 1167 13 < nlony law is neccssury.—Straits Times, •I'.Iy 10. About three months ago, we ha I occasion to refer to th, report of Mr. Cavendish, the Registrar of Co-operative Such tics in the F.M.S., for th** yea- I.J I and to comment upon th** success a, early stages of the
      < nlony law is neccssury.—Straits Times, •I'.Iy 10.  -  1,167 words

  • 75 14 lr., I im«i ih ii«'t ienpun«tb!« tot ms of its c.»rre«y..intent*. Corre- 1 Ul.&gt; Kuuulil u&lt;'»ir III irlli'ii that lot *?IH t he abort ati.i l&lt;&gt; Lie point Lung J.L; g d liable to be rejected or ••.it h!» is -lit &lt;1 Ml. r. .riv-» ilile/its X-'.M ii,,
    75 words
  • 137 14 To the Editor of the Stru ts Time*. Sir, There has been no public subscription to Britain s Life-boats in Singapore since 191*. In that J car no i*-ss a sum than $2,&lt;5.&gt;5.5H was raised. 1 had the honour to be the honorary secretary, and Mr. A.
    137 words
  • 246 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —During recent years the Public Health Department has done and is still doing excellent work in the direction of improving the sanitary conditions of the town and suburbs and for which the general public ought to be thankful. There are
    246 words
  • 125 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times, j Sir, While agreeing with the decision of Committee No. 1 of the Municipal Commissioners that it is impracticable to adept the l.G.P.’s suggestion not to allow' busses to ply for hire in Orchard, North and South Bridge Roads, might we
    125 words
  • 125 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Street gambling has now-a-days taken root in the various streets of Singapore and is greatly patronised b\ school children, especially before and after school hours. Queen Street has now been converted into a gambling street, as one may see, if
    125 words
  • 143 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Apropos of a recent article in the K.A.M.C. journal, on life in Singapore in which the writer adversely criticises the wearing of white dinner jackets, it is interesting to read the following from One hundred Years of Singapore” vol.
    143 words
  • 368 14 Ur. Rabindranath Tagore, the dis-tingui-licd Indian poet and educationalist," arrived in Singapore early on Monday, by the Suwa Muru from China. Contrary to expectations that he would spend some time in Malaya, Hr. Tagore uent: straight to Penang by train the sunn and
    368 words
  • 106 14 On the 22nd ultimo, at midnight, two earthquake shocks of rather unusual force were felt at several places and at many sea ports in Java. The observatory at Weltevreden, also recorded a very severe tremor at 11.55 p.m- The distance of the shock was almost 200 kilometres
    106 words
  • 87 14 The following are the final scores of the first six teams in the Penang Veteran Shield competition Winners)—No. I Pltn. A Co. P. anci P. W. V. C. 123. 2nd —No. V Pltn. B Co. P. and P. W. V. C. 119. 3rd —No. Ill Pltn. Eurasian
    87 words
  • 76 14 On Tuesday evening as the P. and O. steamer Kidderporo was about to leave Ihe I*, and O. wharf a tongkang coolie nmed Kathfeany was struck on the head by a Malay, who is employed on one of the pilot boats. The injured man
    76 words
  • 430 14 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes on Monday 1 The F.M.S. full Court of Appeal assen.bled tins morning. Amongst the ui nunal appeal was that of ’lamina th« Javanese woman who, at the last Selan gor Assizes, was convicted of
    430 words
  • 221 14 The action in which Seah Neo Chow, an auctioneer, sued Mr. J. E. K. Green, a broker, for accounts to be taken of a partnership was continued in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, before the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw). Mr. C. H. Smith
    221 words
  • 134 14 The Municipal Health statement for th«* week ending June 28, gives the total number of deaths ns 212, representing a death rate of 28.G5, per mille per annum compared with 150.07 in the preceding week and with 20.03 in the corresponding week of Inst year. The chief
    134 words

  • 800 15 (\,l J. H. Tyte, ii..-i&gt;cct'»r of Piisons, Strut .Settlements, the course oi hi., report sit Singapuit Gaol during 1923, riTers lo the prison iu.ustries u.s 101low s llurinu' the year a change was made in the hard labour for the lower grade prisoners
    800 words
  • 156 15 Mr. Courtney Crocker, who has been appointed as Foreign Adviser to Siam, on the retirement of Dr. Francis B. Sayre, is u graduate of the Harvard Law School. He expects to reach Bangkok about the end of September. Mr. Crocker was a member of the Massachusetts State
    156 words
  • 1027 15 The Acting Resident ami Mrs. ('alder gave a gulden party at Government House, Lui,;un, on June IV, to nearly a humlrid people at which the following had the honour of meeting ills Kxcelleney tiie Governor, Sir Laurence Guillcmard:— Dr. and
    1,027 words
  • 635 15 Mr. l’ryde. District Judge, was engaged for the great* r part of Ei ulay afternoon in hearing a case in which Karl Klatta, the bandmaster on board the Herman steamer Saarbrucken, charged Captain Otto Jurany, the skipper of the
    635 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 632 15 Property Sales. the* following Singapore properties bt longing; to the estate of Abdutkador bin Ali bin Mohamed Alhabshee, do* deceased, were sold by auction by Messrs. Cheong Koon Sing and Co., at their saleroom, dO Chulia Street, on June 25 and —freehold lands and houses, 50, 5l, 52 and 53
      632 words

  • 518 16 The British Malaya Return of Foreign Imports and Exports for the month ‘‘tided da.. Registrar of Imports and Exports. The following points should he noted: Only articles imported into or exported out of British Malaya are included. Trade between
    518 words
  • 376 16 At the appeal Court, now sitting in Kuala Lumpur, Mr. Justice Barrett-Len-nard and Mr. Justice McCabe Kcay made some strong rcnmrka regarding the delay on the part of the police in removing a wounded woman to hospital. This arose, .says the Malay
    376 words
  • 607 16 Several paragraphs have ,i. ci mlv pram in China papers ri-latinir l 0 disturbances at Amoy University -V‘I ourselves were the recipients' in “l", a cable trom Amoy, signed bv r y ity Students," makinK alle K atioiis the authorities of the
    607 words
  • 150 16 On Monday during a general search ot luggage at the Tanjong Pagar examination shed revenue officers arrested two Chinese, who had arrived from Batayu* by the steamer Plancius. Concealed amongst cotton in the luggage of one Low Bin were found 2K.7 packages, containing percussion caps, while in
    150 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1251 17 {Hi liter luiegram.J Miss Vick .Be Wins. {Kt uter Iciegrum.J London. July 3. m M weather was cooi and cloudy at u imnlcdoii. 1 nere was a moderate attendLacoste opposed Williams in the iii"t semi-final of men's singles. Lacoste’a noaitioii play and footwork were superior -uid he took
      {Hi liter luiegram.J  -  1,251 words
    • 1115 17 Malaya Defeat The S.R.C. The Malays continue to improve, and on Monday afternoon on th padang Inc; followed up their victory over the Royal Sussex by defeating the S.U.C.. by two goals to one. The Malays deserved to win, being much quicker on the bad and a 1 coget
      1,115 words
    • 822 17 S.C.C. Draw witii Lanka llliOII. l’he tournament fixture between the and the Lanka Union, played on the padang on Saturday, was drawn, the S.C.C. hatted lirst, and compiled 153 tor nine wickets, when they declared. Ciaig was tin* highest scorer with H li.s association with Griffith-,lories being a piolilic
      822 words
    • 1175 18 IKeuter Telegram.] South Africans Draw With Yorkshire. t [Reuter Telegram.] London, July 3. The weather was dull und threatening at Bradford and there was a small attendance. The wicket was good. There was a ten minutes interruption owing to rain before lunch and rain fell during lunch*. «on.
      IKeuter Telegram.]  -  1,175 words
    • 251 18 lit uu*r Telegram.] Kid I ewis Welter Champion. [licuter Telegram.] London, July 4. At the Adult Kali in a comes! for tie woltervveiy i.i championship oi Britain Kid Lewis, the holder, beat Johnny Brown of Hamilton on points. Bn.wn was mostly attacking in the early round*, doing well at
      | lit uu*r Telegram.]  -  251 words
    • 382 18 [Router Telegram.] More Records Rroken. [Reuter Telegram.] London, July 7. Colombes Stadium The final of the 400 metres hurdles resulted in a win for Taylor, America. Vilen, Finland, was second and Riley, America, third. The ime wav .‘&gt;2 .3-5 see., which is a world’s record. In the Pentathlon
      [Router Telegram.]  -  382 words
    • 21 18 llieuter Telegram J London, July Paris The United State* beat tain m the Olympic polo by jy. o 1&lt;r
      llieuter Telegram J  -  21 words
    • 325 18 S.C.C. Volunteer Snookers Final W. MeMullan and J. R. McOumr.. the Volunteer Snookers flna S.C.C on Friday, boating E r ‘i, thc an.. L. It. II. Bower man after a Vo‘' and interesting game. Nerves V-l? pcomiiKm and many points were gLln away, bit the i-b.seness of the A”
      325 words
    • 114 18 [Reuter Telegram.] London, July 3. Chantilly: Hagen and Sarazen, America, defeated the leading French professionals Massy and Gassiat in a 3(5 hole four ball match 2 and 1. The stake' were Fr. 10,000. Anderson beats Tolley. I Reuter Telegram. J London. July 0. Paris In the French amateur gob
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  114 words
    • 1025 18 The F. Uurdclt Ivens* Cups. fh.‘ second race for the F. Burdett Ivens* trophy yesterday provided splendid event, and with plenty of wind and sea we are only sorry that the donor was not a member of the crew ol’ ont &lt;&gt;f the leading beats, as, if so, he
      1,025 words
    • 279 19 [Reuter Telegram.] London, July 5. The weather was fine for the last day on anf l there was a large attenfoRow e rosi, lts of the finals were as (•rand Challenge Cup.—Leamler Clul oat Jesus College, Cambridge, by six oet. lime 8 min. 3
      [Reuter Telegram.]  -  279 words
    • 407 19 I First Day of lpoh Meeting. (From Our Own Correspondent.) I poll, July 8. The weather wa&gt; wet and the going jl. civy for the first day of the races. Thee was a moderate attendance air Pile new grandstand proved its usefulness. The only incident was the objection by
      407 words
    • 105 19 At tho Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday the 50 yards handicap races were swum in a rough sea. There were nine starters in tin* A division, Wee Ghee Hu (9 sees, start) being first, followed by Tan Hock Liat (4 sees.) and J. E. Tan (ser. &gt; In the
      105 words

  • 319 19 Tin* loilowing telegram dated June 28 has been sent to the iTincipa! I'ort Otlicer. Rangoon :—The Governor in Council will be much obliged if you will convey the thanks of the local Government to the masters of the steamships Leicester
    319 words
  • 45 19 BUCHANAN. —On July ft, 1921, at the Mater nity Hospital, Singapore, to Mr. and Mia. A. Buchanan, a daughter. TO HAN NFS. On Sunday, July fi, 1921, at 111, Meyer Road, Tanjong Katong, Singapore, to Mr. and Mrs. John K. J .tumnen, a non.
    45 words
  • 221 19 Singapore, July 10. EXCHANGE. t On London, Lank 4 in/s 2/4 3/32 i 'fill,Mid 2/4 Private 2 m. c edits 2/4 17/32 On New York, Demand 50% Private 90 d/s 52Va On 1'ranee, Bank 900 nom. i On India, Bank T.T. 164 J Oil Hongkong, Bank d
    221 words
  • 483 19 SingnjHm*, July 10. MINING. iSSUe Val. I’d. Buyers. Sellers. I 1 Maiam, r Pudung 0.00 0 «»T» I 1 llitam Tin 1.32'A II 1*1 Idris Hydraulic 21/- 22/I I Johan 'i in 0.40 0.43 I I Jelnntoh 0.15 0.20 VI 1*1 Kum. Kamunting 45/0 40/0 VI .11
    483 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 86 19 NOTICE AH communications for both the Straits Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Oed and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlements. The p&gt;*st free r»rice of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom nr.d foreign countries i* $134 a year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 109 19 DEATHS. HI. At No. 121, lleeren Street, Mulacca, on Tuesday, July H, 1921, Chi S.:ck Leng eldest son of the late Mr. Chi Kang Cheng, aged 20 years. Interment on Saturday, the 12th instant, at Pa&lt;lang .Ininbu. Deeply regretted. [,OW,- On July 7, 1921, at 7 p.rn. at 111, Waterloo
    109 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 65 1 General.— Ruldter Restriction 1 June Rubber Returns 2 Local Rubber Auction 4 British Malaya 5 To Improve Restriction 5 Correspondence.— Restriction 2 Rubber Paving 3 The Only Way 3 Meetings and Report*.— Selangor River Rubber 1-2 Sungei Tukang Rubber 2 Balu Tiga Rubber 2 Consolidated Malay 3 Gadek Rubber
      65 words
    • 239 1 An extraordinary general meeting of the Rubber Producer-’ Association of Malaya was held at Messrs. Evatt and Co.’s offices, French Bank building, «n Friday. The Hon. Mr. J. M. Sime was in the chair and presided over a representative attendance. The speakers included,
      239 words
    • 2445 1 The fourth ordinary general meeting of the Selangor River Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on June 3 in the C ouncil Room, Rubber Growers’ Association, 2-4, Idollane, K.C., Mr. Noel Bingley (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, Infer® dealing with
      2,445 words
    • 158 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, July 8. AI the meeting of Sungei Tukaiu ubber Co. Mr. James Sellar, presiding, &lt;l "J the year’s working had resulted in profit of $23,343. At the end of the '"uncial year the company held a cash Balance amounting to $38,409, while
      158 words
    • 2198 2 The eighteenth annual general m ..line o* atu Tiga (Selangor) Rubber Com" pany, Ltd., was held on May .‘lO, at 95a Chancery-lan,, VV. C., Mr. L. T. Buusk'uu (the nairman) presiding. The Chairman said: Ladiis ant' gt n lemon, son have had
      2,198 words
    • 213 2 A. .iSii.ii. n;,o&lt;m ii,s. Am-It Smoatin. 11 17.5 ll&gt; Ayer Kuning.- 29,0n0 lbs. Rrau'v all.—12,757 lbs. B. t.-LV&gt;09 ||»s. Rortaio Consolidated.- 122,000 lbs. Hah Lina Tobacco Rubber. lbs Brtisch Tin and Rubber.—12 000 lbs. Bila (Sumatra).- 23,01)9 •No Lam Extended. 4.500 lbs. Ragan Serai.—25,000 lbs. Hatiik Habit.—.20,000
      213 words
    • 1083 3 The eighteenth annual general meeting of the Consolidated Malay Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on May 27, at the Council Room, Rubber Growers’ Association, 2-4, Idol Lane, Eastcheap, E.C., Mr. J. L. Loudoun-Shand presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the report we have to lay
      1,083 words
    • 64 3 rho Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rambling epistles are liable to be rejected or ruthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but as
      64 words
    • 128 3 Rest riction. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Why are some of our Chinese planting friends making so much noise in endeavouring to get restriction removed Perhaps the answer is found in the new system of ledger accounts for producers and brokers and the motor boats that make
      128 words
    • 693 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —A,s one closely associated with and interested in the worldwide efforts to pave roadways with rubber, I crave for the privilege through the medium of your paper to comment upon the article on Rubber l’aving, published in your issue of
      693 words
    • 1052 3 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The wise and weighty words ef Mr. Lowthcr Kemp, and the admirable speeches of the members for Malacca in Council the other day must have filled your readers not merely with concern but dismay. It is evident, as Mr.
      1,052 words
    • 1431 4 I The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the members of the Gadek Rubber l-Ntate, Ltd., was held on June 2 at the loffice of the company, Rochester Buildlings, 138, Leaden hall Street, E-C., Mr. If. A. Roberts 0 huirman of the
      1,431 words
    • 683 4 The twelfth ordinary general meeting of the Henrietta Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held in mail week at the registered offices, London House, Now London Street. E.C., Mr. W. II. Shclfovd (the chairman) presiding. The Chairman expressed the deep regret of the Board at the
      683 words
    • 436 4 The Jug!a Estate recommends final: dividend of 15 per cent., making 25 perl cent. Profit of Kuala Pilah Rubber Estates for 1923, after providing for depreciation j £418, corporation and income taxc-.j amounts to £‘1,675. Debit balance of £406 brought forward is converted
      436 words
    • 611 4 LOCAL RUBBER AUCTION. Offered 408 Tons Sold 358 Tons. Messrs. Barlow and Co., report Singapore, July 3. During the past week the market has oeen steady at 35Vi to 34 cents for spot sheet with a slight upward tendency. In yesterday’s auction awarded sheet loose realised 34Vi and in cases
      611 words
    • 268 5 The Registrar of Imports and Exports has sent us the following compara.ivi statement of the quantity and value of rul her exported from British Malaya during June, 1924. The figures, whit li are in tons, represent total
      268 words
    • 596 5 A supplement to the F.M S. Government Gazette, dated June 26, sets forth a draft enactment to amend the law relating to rubber restriction. The objects and reasons state Owing to forgery of documents, especially licences, it has been found
      596 words
    • 429 5 Tin* .statutory meeting of Melville (Johorc) Rubber Estates Ltd. was held at the registered office on Tuesday. Mr. A. K. Baiideley, chairman of the company. said (lentlemon. This being the statutory ueoting the, business is purely formal tnd all the information called for
      429 words
      • 395 5 Stock p a Exchange Vain*. Company. Prices. l Anglo-Malay 17/0 11 Ayer Kuning 26/3 £1 Bakap Plantns 10/ £1 Hanteng (STngr) 25/ £1 llatu Caves 12 6 £1 Batu Kawan 18/9 i'l IJatu Tiga 1/5/16 2/ Bertam Consol. 3/6 £1 Bidor Estates 1V4 2/
        395 words
      • 779 5 api■ al Issue Pai,, l’p Value Dividends Fraser* *****0 }ir for 4T,?- 2 21 OM C i.m uw'Tm 7-7 'PCI &gt;ear 30 9 23 \lc.r Gajah 1*1) 0.80 090 0.80 O.W &lt;l3O j-a. oe®‘ C s i' ar en dc&lt;l 30-6-23. Am. Malay ($2)
        779 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 160 6 THE VAun IN* HEAD u a* &gt; A A MOTOR CARS 1924 STANDARD MODELS 4 Cylinder 6 Cylinder- $2,550 $3,350 APPLY CIO (Incorporated In Singapore) MOTOR DEPARTMENT. 20, GRANGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. Reward of Achievement is Popularity The popularity of the Buick is the natural result 1 of its achievements in
      160 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
      27 words