The Straits Budget, 15 February 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] No. ‘Mil Singapore, Friday, February 15, 1924 Price 25 cents.
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  • 260 1 leaders— t I’l.-t prandiali>nis Mi>undc»too i <»ur Naval Visitors 1^'J" lioinaii Finance Politics lo ,T l.ahour Begin* A General Local and Personal 1-2 Lcgidative Council Reuter'.* Service 3~J Co\. rnnunt House X>*t• from Malacca I' lain Association T porous Veteran Municipal Commission 0 I a Scrv'ices Association of Malaya
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  • 4039 1 I road cast 1 nj a fi par tu xvi11 in Mum 1l( ’’J- J»|*n twice daily, 3 o’clock (J ;r 'iV, l' c l ,K t' 1 *9.30, and on Sun* ,u o dock. th<* 'lih'' was engaged on Su|n< tiic ,n Kuala Lumpur urintr tl,,
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  • 435 2 Among the items on the orders of .1 y fo. the meet ng of the Legislative t oumil on M Mid ay are the following Mr. Tan Chong Lock will ask Am* Government aware that rubber nuigjir.g on a large scale is being
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  • 215 2 Mr. Justice Acton pave judgment in •he Supreme Court yesterday in an act on iieard some time relating tn a hinese will. This was a claim against the defendant (Leav Hemp I'heowt as executor of the estate of Lew Chin Long deceased,
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  • 101 2 In the 1 Supreme Court on Tuesday bcfme Mr. Justice Acton two German seamen, named Fischer and Glanier, appeal'd against a decision of the Distiie lodge, by whom the*y were sentenced to 'hree months' imprisonment and a line of /L'nti for being illegally in possession ef arms
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    • 821 3 'Km ir.K’s Sfkvick.] B London, February 7. I tl.e Daily Chronicle Hi states that he is u m r -Jie views attributed to H N u York World article as H u t the facts of what m
      'Km ir.K’s Sfkvick.]  -  821 words
    • 363 3 London, February 7. K< uters Agency learns that the Impenal Conference resolutions will be m. v. d in the House of Commons from to.- Gv eminent bench and submitted to •i fiee vote. The resolutions are regard- a important, emanating from a ody winch the Government hold in
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    • 95 3 London, February Washington In consideration of the fact that Mr. Fall refused to answer questions «-n the ground that to do so might incriminate him, the Senate com-juit-ee investigating the oil leases votei n favour of releasing him frimi further attendance. London, February 7. New York It
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    • 98 3 London, February 7. Preliminary arrangements have been made to issue in the near future in London and New York under the auspices ot influential banking houses a large ■Japanese Government loan to provide for the redemption of £.'15,000,000 4\\i per cent, bonds, maturing in 1925, and to
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    • 212 3 (KeUT&K’s SEKVIfE.J London, February 8. The Prince of Wales broke his collarbone while exercising a hunter this morning at Billington Manor, near Ascott. He spent the night at Mentmore Mansion with Lord Dalmeny prior to the meet of the Whaddon Chase hounds at
      (KeUT&K’s SEKVIfE.J  -  212 words
    • 131 3 London, February 8. Bombay The first pronouncement of Gandhi’s views since his release takes the form of a letter addressed to Mohamed Ali deploring edan dissenions and declaring that without the unity of ail communities all talk Swaraj is idle. The only remedy for the growing pauperism
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    • 88 3 London, February S. ll is understood that at yesterday’s meeting of Unionist leaders convened by Mr, Baldwin, including Karl Balfour, Lord Birkenhead and Mr. Austen Chamberlain, it was resolved, in view of the verdict of the electorate, to eliminate a general protectionist policy from the party’s programme, but
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    • 75 3 London, February ft. Washington The oil lease committee will hear Mr. MeAdoo at his own request to-morrow. London, February 8. Washington Mr. MeAdoo formally announces that he has terminated his professional services with Mr. Doheny and desires to testify at the oil leases enquiry. He declares that
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    • 49 3 London, February 8. Delhi: 'Die Nationalist party has been formed, consisting of 45 Swarajists and 27 Independents, and constituting a majority in the House of 14.1. The party is pledged to ask Government to appoint a round table conference to frame a scheme for full responsible government.
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    • 40 3 London, February 8. It is understood that the employers who conferred yesterday are prepared to meet the dockers halfway with regard to the demand for a 2s. increase. The prospect of averting a strike, therefore, is regarded hopefully
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    • 155 3 London, February K The Russian reply to the British n te according recognition was handed to tla Foreign Office to-day. It closely follow the lines of the recent resolution of th« Council of Soviets. London, February 8. The Russian note to Britain is
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    • 76 3 London, February 8. A deputation from the Trades Union Congress waited on the Minister for Labour and urged immediate* steps to give legislative effect to the Washington Convention with regard to a 48 hour week. The deputation quoted statement.'' in support of the contention that ratification of
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    • 64 3 London, February 8. It is reported from Amsterdam that the scheme of a German group for the exploitation of parts of Dutch New Guinea is causing uneasiness in Holland. The Minister for the Colonies, replying to members of the Second Chamber, declared that pubi c authority would
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    • 68 3 London, February 8. It is expected that the impending Japanese loan will be between 50 and 60 millions, of which rather less than half will be offered in London. A special sinking fund will be attached to the loan. London. February 8. Melbourne The prospectus is issued regarding
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    • 58 3 London, February 8. New York The indignation aroused throughout the country by the neglect of the German Kmbassy to half-mast the flag in honour of Mr. Wilson is reflected in the statement by the Tribune that some financial circles are of opinion that the incident may seriously affect
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    • 154 3 London, February 7. Paris The Spanish representatives signed the Tangier treaty. London, February 7. Paris The Chamber voted confidence in the Government by passing an important clause of the financial proposals by im to 205. London, February 7. Home The treaty between Italy and Russia has been sign«*d. The
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    • 318 4 r. 1.1 JL«l i> StU v ii t J London, February V Yoii. A If tier from the i’ti. -an ,ci 111 me New i'ork limes cxjrla ns th, |i. e eM pillion of tho propos'd s <*U,i once on in 1
      | «.r. 1.1 JL«l i> StU v ii t ■ J  -  318 words
    • 126 4 London, February H. Lloyd t ieorge has returned to the loi ip n Office the proofs of the trench Yellow k which caused the controv, y. It is stated on pood authority that M. Poincare has intimated that as far as he is c iiccvned the incident
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    • 113 4 London, February 1*. Six hundred Herman seamen, who had been on strike, have left London for Ham* burg, repatriate! I»y tin* Seumen's Union, an olliciul of which explained that they an* being repatriated in the interests of the shipping community of the world g* nerally, also as a
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    • 109 4 London, February 10. Berlin The first committee of Allied experts, presided over hy General Dawes, has issued a communique, stating that its labours have led it to the unanimous adoption of a plan for the establishment of Herman gold note bank, which would exchange its own notes for
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    • 40 4 Lond *n, February 10. > i' Mr. Charlton, leader of the 11 1,1 Hu* < mmonwealth I'arlia1' nt h l» h expressed the opinion prop <d Singapore base would I' 1 1 ore of the .lapane,se, |da. d fan
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    • 228 4 London, February 10. In a at Hunihy, where he lia.(.n adopted a Lab- it candidate in the .>, b ction, the Home Sicro'ary, Mr. \rthur Henderson, referring to the •or re-pondnire between Mr. MacDonald and M. Poincare, raid he was of opinion that already
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    • 254 4 London, February It. New oi k William IL Anderson has been sentenced from one to two years’ mprisonnient. [Anderson was the New York State Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, and was convicted on two counts charging him with forgery in the third degree. He was the moving
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    • 109 4 London, February y. Amsterdam The Government’s memofor' hcJs rt atlV( l" the naval estimates for l.LM shows that in spite of the rejection of its former measure Governmenl intend to introduce a new naval bin. It is not expected, however, that this will be dealt with in the
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    • 56 4 London, February I). The annual report of the Imperial 7 OOWM H Tl’ any r h 8 nrt P">«t <>■' 11 ,uuo 000 The directors propose a final rhv.deml ~f S per cent, and a bonus •»0 l '"t* l tax free, making I‘ l M ‘fi
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    • 191 4 London, February l). Paris A nu-s age "from Coblctico states that the British and French High Commissioners have reached an agreement egardinu the railways in the Cologne 'oMr. !i is stated that the agreen cut proale. that the Cologne railways will remain under
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    • 285 4 London. February d. Hijra Besides increasing disordus in tlu* I'krainc hitherto unconfirmed reports assort that risinjrs are occurring in th« Caucasus, Turkestan, Siberia and YVTiite Russia. It is reported that the insur•j'Mits under General SichetV have formed a provisional government in Blayovyesliensk district. Fast Siberia. The Soviet Goveriumnt
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    • 54 4 London, February 9. Meu ork Dr. James Green announces the engagement of his daughter Eleanor tj-, 1 nnt Ai V K j° ol Denmar k, nephew of Queen Alexandra. Prince Viggo is at pi esent in Ottawa where on Monday he attends the marriage of his brother, Eric
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    • 43 4 London, F'ebruary 9. A serious outbreak of bubonic plague is leported in Last Russia. The whole rXS °n A stracha proclaimed •s atrected Drastic combative measures aie pioceeding. Ninety anti-plague dotachments are working in Kirghiz proince and six in Kalmuck province.
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    • 34 4 London, February 11. Protracted ({forts < s**ihlijK control board broke down after a con'■Kiue at Manchester which decided that <» to the diversity of interest t impracticable to dcviv.. 1.1 1 Jt interests'
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    • 165 4 London, February y. Paris: A French engineer, a R U s*.. woman and a Russian foreman have 'h n arrested in connection with the theft t designs of new aeroplane engines i, 1 rue, Aeroplane Work*. •>e*zed shows that the arrested had tions with persons abroad. London,
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    • 70 4 London, February Paris While no otrieial confirmation has reached here of the Shanghai report ol the Smo-German indemnity agrivmen* )l is declared that this would be perfm >’ legitimate from the viewpoint of thl iReparations Commission. It is presum.-,! that the 1.400,000 dollars mentioned ,n Shanghai telegram
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    • 70 4 London, February y. Delhi Replying to a crowded Assembly on a motion in favour of full self-governing dominion status for India ami provincial autonomy, Sir Malcolm Hailey said that the immediate grant of lull responsibility was impossible, bu* the Government would undertake an ort'u *al enquiry, with a
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    • 90 4 Lund m February 11. 1 he licit sh steamer Matiieran, n m the Tees, reports that near Gravi-end >!.»■ ltd across the bows of the anchored licitish steamer City of I’aris. from Kobe. The Mu the) •an was badly damaged. 1 ne City of Paris
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    • 71 4 London, February 7. Paris: M. Pjincare, replying to lie German note of the 2nd inst., says the Iresh calumnies of the Reich are unsupported by anything like proof. He concludes by stating that the French Government are scrupulously observant of treaties and remain determined not to intervene
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    • 55 4 London, February w Mr. Baldwin’s resignation honours list comprises one Peer, five Privy Council* lors, nine Baronets and lb Knights. Sir John Butcher, K.C., ex-M.P. for City "1 York, receives a Barony. Mr. Gershom Stewart, formcrh of Hongkong, ex-M.P. for the Wirral div sion, is made a K.B.E.
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    • 31 4 London, February 11 ienna Forty people, mostly woodcutters, lost thiir lives in the last Lw days under avalanches of snow from fh' 1 nmuntains in Styria ami Salzkam* morgut.
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    • 35 4 London, February 1 I hi* Prince of Wales passed a nitflit and is progressing well. London, ‘Februai Vera Cruz: The revolutionaries 1 <' occupied Orizaba Anordaba and Cruz on February 7. Martial law been proclaijned.
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    • 264 5 British Politics. Mr. Baldwin gets His Party’ s Confidence. [Kel'TE 1 8 Sekuck j London. February 11. I I members, including a con- Ut of defeated candidates !l a >ittended the meeting of >l ~-iitv at the Hotel Cecil this Bl !1 V questions of leader-1 fu«»v pol>«y of thi-
      [Kel'TE1*'8 Sekuck j  -  264 words
    • 95 5 London, February 11. Mexico c ity The Federals are rel parted to have decis’vely defeated the 1 rebel.' on Saturday in an eleven-hour I baric at Oeotlan. There were ho«vy I asualties on both sides. Those of the I Federal' amounted to .‘*00. 9 London, February 11.
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    • 43 5 1 London, February 11. 8 "ti with the report which S prominence in the pre*s 3 <»»•' e* mucut ordered six B f ro,n Germany, it is a»I- ottish locomotive builders I u !y l,Wvrful engines and mu«h 1 •*> u -*v plant.
      43 words
    • 88 5 London, February 11. K vh■ > i?' Liuati. director of the apartment of Antiquities, has to-.nurh.u m ll PaUun of the raisin;: :,i, tl *'d of Tutankhamen’s •v, i d Lgyptologists believe that T"r y caw vvil1 found on1 mummy. London, February 12. Lm opening of the mummy
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    • 20 5 London, February 11. 1 P*o« ceding regardin'' ;i v tn °f rio.fHiO.OOO at 1 deeniable from lP2!t
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    • 189 5 London, February 11. Washington Mr. McAdoo, who until recently was the most favoured candidate for Democratic nomination for the Presidency, gave evidence before the Senate investigation committee and stated that he did not know Mr. Doheny before resigning the secretaryship of
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    • 220 5 London. February 12. s Washington Answering the Senate’s resolution regarding Mr. Denby, Pres!* d< iu Coolidge said no official recognition can be given to passage of a re-elution relating to the Senate’s opinion concerning members of the cabinet or other officials under executive control. Washington President Coolidge
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    • 106 5 London, February 11. Berlin The elections for the New Thuringiai! Diet resulted in the crushing defeat of the Socialists, who hitherto had u*ld a strong majority in the Diet but are now replaced by a bourgeois bloc. Eighty to ninety per cent, of the electorate voted. The result
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    • 46 5 London, February 11. Negotiations in the dockers’ dispute have broken down, the dockers rejecting the employers’ offer to meet the wage demand halfway. London, February 11. The Ministry of Labour has intervened in the dock dispute and summoned a meeting of the parties to-morrow.
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    • 29 5 London, February 11. Santiago de Chile The French Bank of Chile has gone to voluntary liquidation by decision of the shareholders a' an extraordinary general meeting.
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    • 15 5 London, February 12. '1 he King has visited th** British Empire Exhibition. I
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    • 1295 5 [Router's Service.] London, February 12. The House of Commons reassembled i quietly, but Ministers were soon bom- I barded with questions on domestic and 1 foreign policy. The Conservatives were 1 so keen in putting supplementary contro- versial queries that only
      [Router's Service.]  -  1,295 words
    • 65 5 London. February 12. ltovuwinjr tin* rubber res’ riction ults. The Times rites statistics showing that larger consumption, not restricted production, was the chief factor in causing the advance in price. It says that since 1021 production has steadily expanded in spite of restriction. On the bet hand United States
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    • 69 5 London, February 12. Hombay lie* mill owners announced on January 20 that if work was not ro•'Uimd unconditionally b\- February I the •''ills would he closed for a further fortui’ ht. They tlierefore decided to receive he workmen on the IMh inst., and pay be wares earned in
      69 words
    • 231 6 I .oiidon, I't bruai > I hr |)M. iiiTlu of till- .Japanese loan WM> issued till f eI MOoll. I Ill'll* WCIC queue out-idi tin i. uinf bank- ami givat a-iivit> prevailed in procui mg f*ro>pectu-»*>, rink- eim rging into tin*
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    • 152 6 London. February 12. Par > I hat French opinion with retail I to the Ruhr policy is changing is the coii-cnMis of opaiiori of articles in the opp itioii pie commenting on the article by M. Sauerwein in la* Matin, which is believed to he inspired.
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    • 69 6 Loudon, February 12. Ottawa: Prince Waldemar, Mr. Mackenzie King, and Lord Byng, representing King George, were among the 400 guests at the wedding of Prince Erie "f Denmark and Miss Lois Booth. London, February 12. Ottawa Government have asked the United States to assist in securing the release
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    • 70 6 London, February 12. The contract f 1 the salvage of the OH German warships scuttled at Sea pa How has been signed. It w II be the biggest salvage feat ever attempted. Operations will begin at. tin end of March. IA Queenborough firm has obtained the contract
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    • 56 6 London. February 12. Aden The Uritish steamer (’(dorado, from llorurkoiur f.<r Boston and New York, put in owing; to a higfh pressure rinion and wheel being stripped. The vessel was surveyed by Lloyd’s and allowed t.l proceed with low pressure turbines, l he captain is awaiting instructions
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    • 29 6 London, February 12. Ma.str, otton Spinners at Manchester recommended that ballot be taken’ on the proposal to st »p the mills on Mon--lays, uvmlaya I Sa.unlay, y
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    • 43 6 London, February 12. The Hoard or Trade returns for January are imports 1101,2. r ,K,000* Px ports t(>4 r i non* i rx jE7P ;i decrease of reipertivelv M a, irK r< a Sl of *1L».000 esp<.« Uvely, compared with December
      43 words

    • 677 6 LfiKI lhHS fsKItv ICK.J London, February Id. In the House ol Commons Mr. Balilv,in ie oiiutl the debate and said he trusted tlie Gov.-rnment would most carefully con.'ider the view.- of the Dominions on he Singapore base. He
      LfiKI lhHS fsKItv ICK.J  -  677 words
    • 33 6 London, February L*{. Vi"’ sh for Japanese loan which led I of the lists at noon L L 111 1 l< hiiortieial ((notation of over oru Ptr cent, premium. V<r
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    • 275 6 London, February F>. Supplementary questions poured in Iruiu a.i suits in connection wilu the hvply ot Mr. Aiuiuon, Parliamentary aiy U> tin* Admiralty, with regard iu tin* tutuii* 01 the Singapore scheme. Air. Ammon laid stress on the fact that tin*
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    • 149 6 London, February 13. Riga According to reports in the press, Karakhan. the Soviet representative at Peking; is endeavouring to obtain China’s consent to the proclamation of an independent Mongolian republic. It is staled that he has protested against the alleged Chinese assistance to antiBolshevik elements in Soviet territory
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    • 118 6 London, February 11. Delhi The Assembly rejected a resolution in favour of summoning a repre sentative convention to prepare a constitution and submit it to Parliament. In the course of further debate Mr. Patel urged Indian control of the army, but wanted the British officers and troops to
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    • 54 6 London, February 12. A supplementary estimate of £8,659,000 ias been issued for the year ending March 31, making a total of £18,078,000. It includes £168,000 for the diplomatic ana consular services, including £lO,OOO each for relief of distress in Japan and coinpensation of diplomatic and consular olliceis for
      54 words
    • 57 6 London, February 13. While the conference of the Minister Laboui and representatives of the dockers and employers adjourned late last rlnsTi vlt,lou t caching a definite conVl‘ ii‘ i" ,Ul h I T !»'P<rfu! spirit prov l». ,CrS o<l hat ‘lookers Will I, ,ir an immediate increase of
      57 words
    • 411 6 London, February l;;. Berlin Heavy fighting took phu-e v Firmascns, in the Palatinate, Inst n ,h> net ween inhabitants and Separatist- t o] the possession of the Government build ing where the Separatists barricad.A themselves. It is reported that 14 ;<ep-i. ratists and
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    • 82 6 London, February Id. Washington The United States (io\ eminent has severed diplomatic relationwit h Honduras. [A wire of the 4th inst. said :—Advice? confirm the existence of a revolutionary movement in Honduras nst the Government of Gutierrez, whose teim of office has just expired. Carias, one of the
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    • 87 6 London, Fobruaiy i ;1 In a speech at Burnley giving an in stance oi the Government’s determine tion to speed up the operations of the Trade Facilities Act and the scheme of export credits, Mr. Henderson said the Government had increased the amount guaranteed for trade facilities
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    • 40 6 London, February 18. Christiania The National Association of Employers has proclaimed a lock out of 12,400 workmen from the 28th inst The lock out applies to breweries, electric, chemical and chocolate works and printing presses, except newspaper offices
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    • 32 6 London, February 1» Luxor Owing to the alleged dis courtesy of the Public Works Depart ment, Mr. Howard Carter has closed the tomb of Tutankhamen and abandoned t 1 work.
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    • 266 7 l.omioa, February 10. v l- Addressing 2,000 diners .V '"’h'.'ision of Abraham Lm- ;WhdHV banquet, President 1,11 ‘i* d an immediate un* Of nil found guilty ihni j„ the oil scandal. Hu )f l x w of arms to Mexico. i, f. British
      266 words
    • 438 7 I London, February IT. Wa>hington The report that Presi- *1, M ('oolidge s preparing to withdraw I tin* nomination of Mr. Strawn as special Government counsel in connection with *.h< oilfields affair has provoked a fresh sensation. It is declared that the nomination of Mr. Shrawn’s colleague
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    • 11 7 I London, February 13. J ‘"ufonru'c further adsorrow momini?.
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    • 69 7 London, February Id. Paris: Official circles are most ap-j preciative of Mr, MacDonald’s cordial, tone to France and convinced of his sincerity and determination to appreciate the French point of view. They are confident that the practical tusk of working out a solution of the various questions
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  • 644 7 The following were the guests of His j Excellency the Governor and Lady t Guillemard at a Farewell Dinner to H.E. Major General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.B., D.S.O., at Government House on Thurs- day February 7 :—H. E. Admiral Sir 1 A. C. Leveson, K.C.B., and Lady Leveson,
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  • 114 7 Curious allegations are made in u casi mentioned in the District Court on Tuesday morning by Inspector Hemsworth. A Bengalee states that on December 27 Ik arrived from Kuala Lumpur with t!u in tent ion of buying bullocks here. Tie me a Sikh, who took him to
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  • 1133 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) i Malacca, February 7. j Malacca has been very quiet over Chinese New Year, owing t the drop in prices of rubber, upon which Malacca i trade is almost wholly dependent. Chi- nese tracker displays were conspicuous by lheir absence, and th e
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  • 462 7 A special general meeting of members of the Indian Association was held at the association’s premises, No. r>, Short Street, on Saturday, February V. Despite the inclement weather there was an attendance of lot), showing the interest taken by the member.; in the Association.
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  • 1324 9 IS ttlnady been made in 1 mf- tl'c arrival in Singapore |B it Dollar, who from the beginnings. has worked his the ago of close on H ji j’ tain next month, ha IH (i’,'. ii v.or«ls as halo
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  • 140 9 Tiii.—Tin ore 14d.5fi piculs, wolfram ore .“5 piculs. Rahman Hydraulic Tin.—l,ooo piculs. P.ettoug Tin Dredging.—Output for -oconu half month ending January til Dredge No. 1 10b piculs, iL edge No. .121 piculs. Total 41M piculs. Approximate total output for the month of January. 1,022 piculs. Ipoh Tin
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  • 175 9 Tht; annual report of C. A. Ribe'ro and Co„ Ltd., for the year ended September 30,1923 states :—The result of tho year’? working shows a loss of $26,003.06, after writing off depreciations and bad debts and after reducing the valuation of stock. Having in hand
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  • 350 9 rile Supreme Court re-opened on the 7th inst., after the holidays, when the Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw) heard an appeal by a Bengali policeman against a conviction for extortion by the District Judge. Mr. A. J. Shelley-Thompson appeared for the appellant, and
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  • 200 9 ommittee No. 1 of the Municipal Commissioners at meeting held on February 1 Decided that instead of asking for a flat rate reduction of 10 per cent in lieu of ”0 per cent Uie request for reduction n the percentage of vehicle tax
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  • 178 9 We have received and are asked to publish the following statement An investigation has been made by tho Kuala Lumpur Branch of the Ex-Ser-vices Association into the case of the Ex-Service man in distress to which much publicity was given in the Press during the first
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  • 766 9 The I’inung Gazette of Thursday last has the following editorial reference to the death at home of Mr. R. N. Goodwin, managing editor of that paper, whose passing away was recorded in our Reuter telegram service at the time. The
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  • 71 9 (From Our Own Corrosj omit rn Penang, February 8 The light cruiser squadron left for Singapore on Friday evening. Duriii" their stay in Penang 10,416 persons visit •<1 the vessels. Admiral Brand gave a dinner on the Delhi and a dance we.. held on the Danae. In
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  • 415 11 mpanying photographs of H.M. Battle-cruisers Hood and Repulse, ''were taken as they lay at the man-o-war anchorage on Monday afterlln picture of the Hood—»our most powerful warship scarcely does jl',"! in i u,200 tons and her length, which are only fully realised as one draws .1
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  • 420 11 i,„ rU 1 lM tlu* Straits Scttle<11 '"‘tains t*io Text of An c\|,| ;inM ,l, l < the law relating to I»* ii:i!tii'l ar,( l s t H provides heavy \vhi|.t Mll 'r e' M ars imprisonment and siv.V v
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  • 93 11 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February l‘J. Sir Walter Shaw and .Justices Brown and McCabe Keay sat in the Court of Appeal to-day. There are eleven eases listed. Mhe c< ui l dismissed the appeal of Mr. Stunner against the decision of Mr. Justice Sproule, who gave
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  • 88 11 Fol’owing is a copy of a telegram •.•ived by the Colonial Secretaiy fron the Crown Agents for the Colonies showing In* result of the a rehit eel oral eompoti t" n l’< r Rallies Coll* go Your telegran .(C .January 20, Raffles College eompetitioi first premium Cyril A.
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  • 170 11 In tin* Huiikruplcy Coil'd on Friday, before Mr. .Justice Acton, a receiving and adjudication order was granted against S. Y. I’itchay and (’o. on the personal petition of Lilt* three partners. An application for discharge l>y the Straits Rubber Co. was adjourned for
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1107 12 w ild «>i hustle and din.—Strait.' Times, February 8. Wi* so oft< ii condemn that it i a pleasure to congratulate, aii'l wa* can offer congratulations to .‘ill tin* speaker; at tin* 4]iii 11 < 1* of tin* Straits SettIcmenis (Singap 1 A ociatjon. The (iovcrnor gave liis audience
      w ild «>i hustle and din.—Strait.' Times, February 8.  -  1,107 words
    • 1042 12 I better than she was.—Straits Tiim>> February 0. .Mr. Lloyd George is getting on in rars, hut In* has never had much trainnu in diplomacy. Wo should not, therefore, he too harsh in our comments on hi.s indiscretions, hut really th£ latent of them hears a strong resemblance to
      • * ' I better than she was.—Straits Tiim>> February 0.  -  1,042 words
    • 1071 12 -Straits Times, February 11. There lies within our harbour pro--sincts the most powerful naval force that has ever visited these waters. It i- a combination for the moment of the fleet from the China Station, under Admiral Sir Charles Leveson, and the Special Service Squadron—the Battle Cruisers
      -Straits Times, February 11.  -  1,071 words
    • 1111 13 tiiml judgment may be formed. —Strait Times, February 12. 1 111M 'tport made by the experts t xain ininp the German Financial u, 'it Hronmiends unanimously the a K"ld note bank which x i'-'iiue its own notes for the hentenbank and Rcichsbunk. Lr|( miiul tcc contains some of
      tiiml judgment may be formed.—Strait Times, February 12.  -  1,111 words
    • 1095 13 art of leading. Straits Times, February II. The Conservative party has been very good to Mr. Baldwin. It has re-elected him as leader unanimously, ami he has met a section of his supporters by agreeing that whole hogger protection must be laid aside. The new programme takes as its
      art of leading. Straits Times, February II.  -  1,095 words
    • 1052 14 realities uf trading conditions.—Straps Times, February 11. Y\V liau rc.'iil the speech < f M»'• U Ji m* :av MacDonald in tin- of < «mmion without «iitItu ia in. It is. if on'* examine.-, it caii fwll;., a lather .-trikin;’, illuslrath n l( f tla 1 niiiii' -riled
      realities uf trading conditions.—Straps Times, February 11.  -  1,052 words

  • 208 14 I lu- following appointments arc notified in the I'.M.S. Government Gezette apt. If. «le Klton to be Senior Assist•ini Snpi nntendent, Chandu Monopoly, I'.M.S., Air. It. J. 15. Clayton to be District Dtlier, Lower Perak, Class lb, Mr. t. W. Harrison to be Commissioner of i.amK
    208 words
  • 135 14 Tlic Municipal Health statement for the week ending February 2 gives the total number of deaths as 212, representing a ath rate of 2K.05 per mille per annum •omparod with 25.00 in the preceding v\eek and with 20.2:! in the corresponding .vee,< ol last year. The chief
    135 words
  • 1032 14 Weekly Report of Singapore Firms. .Mi' .r. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report, dated February Id, states Since the resumption after Chinese Ni w t ear tin has continued its stuidy advance eh sing firm at £260. As far as lilt* snare market is concerned local festivities have
    1,032 words
  • 301 14 The march of the navy men through oingapoie to-day brings to mind fateful day exactly nine years before and another naval march—when the bind j n F Party from the sloop Cadmus, then lymfr at the wharf, set otf at top sp» ,1 on a quest of
    301 words
  • 146 14 The local manager of the Hongkong ami Shanghai Banking Corporation inf' rms us he has received a telegram t'r*•’ i lt!:> head office in Hongkong as follows A new Imperial Japanese Government per cent. Sterling loan for t'25,(iOO.»><H ".;d be issued at ST’i* on February 1
    146 words
  • 165 14 The following appear:? in the M.SA !>• Regimental Orders :—The Commandin' wishes to thank a'l rank'? for the g*; "1 work done hy the corps during 102.1. 1 l |r increase in efficiency for the year against the returns for 1022 is most < i
    165 words

  • 2698 15 root e contributes the follow- t0 United Empire, the Royal :i1 1 i" fit t ilump” U: which followed the u,ril ••boom’’ of the early months u'ed Malaya towards the "v!T p" mpt and efficient ,,V taken to counter its n Tlu- 1
    2,698 words
  • 394 15 J. Tielman, a yninij; Dutchman wii* i hurled at th»* instance <f lam Hong Kee. of Chop Moh Hin, «>f Singk'd, with criminal broach of trust in jchdcc. of trv'ney due on goods delivered before Mr. David,District Judy:**. «>» Friday
    394 words
  • 217 15 Slamat It was a happy thought to provide for the use of our Naval Visitors a booklet which will he a pleasant souvenir of Singapore. It contains maps and a brief description of the island, a resume of its history, more particularly in reference to connection with the Navy, and
    217 words

  • 133 16 (AnetaV Service.) i ,*<• 11 ii< n, February II ()n ;111,i ;.i i riiiMiti a 1 I .tiif i i anj*, miles (i iiMi llaiav.a, M'Vi'it; fighting t-cruI i I a w 1 11 I M -»I a < religious f a lul
    133 words
  • 451 16 THE R. A. BOARDMAN CASE. Bank Official’ s Evidence Recorded. (j i n. tJur Own Correspondent.) iv.iala Lumpur, February 1<>. The .Ma. t irate, Mr. I'ryde, yesterday !«•< onl i .!<• evidence til .lit. K. ,S. WlHoii snh iinaa! of I lie < liurlcred Bank, in tin t'ai.i.aiy inquiry into
    451 words
  • 259 16 A Reuter telegram from Singapore informs us, ays the China Kxpross, that the coni rart for the new post office there, valued at foOU.Ot 'll, has hern placed with I Messrs. I'erry and Company (Row), Ltd. It further says it will involve a large expenditure in the
    259 words
  • 82 16 'ln- Straits 'limes is not rrspon-i 5 t|k ~|,iiiior of its correspoinlrrts. ,r 11 <li*f.t I.ouhl hear in mind that letter. *ii«ust I- short and to the point. Long i .ml.ln; epirties are liable to be rejected or i itlde -!y iit down. < oir* o" 'i!ei.' mi i
    82 words
  • 698 16 I To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Tin* development of China i 1 appai !> a critical period of in ..i ,i.ti 11 t, now that Canton is at bov.ii sign* of independence in i d' .iaii'l that funds di rived from Jml„
    698 words
  • 106 16 Following is a lost of passengers arriving by tli*> Tiismun yesterday From MelImmi* rn Mrs. Vick ami Master Vick, Mrs. and infant Mrs. A Hyatt and Miss A. Hyatt, Mrs. Murray Scott Mrs. K. J’arn- «'nd Miss K. I’arnham, Mrs. It. A. HI it s f "i»» Sydney.
    106 words
  • 409 16 COPRA FIRMS FAILURE. Partner s Evidence In Bankruptcy Court. A < liiiu*"'* nami*(l Moh Kciig Seah, who ;ai U '»it the Chinese Now W»ar in cus- aoio op for ii:> public examination in t' Bankruptcy Court on Friday before* vi,. .in A« ion. .Moh kctig hcah was Ji itvc* partners
    409 words
  • 145 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 11. Two motor fatalities occurred during tlie week-end. In the first case, a Chinese girl, who was carrying coconut leaves, on hearing the sound of a horn, dashed in front of a car and was knocked down.
    145 words
  • 110 16 A number of Royal Air Force officers, including Squadron-Leader Tomkinson, are being attached t<> the Cattewater air station at Plymouth for the purpose of orpranisinjr a development flight in connection with the Aircraft Carrier Pegasus. The Pegasus proceeds shortly to the East Indies for survey work,
    110 words
  • 125 16 Everybody will be interested to barn that a consignment of valuable poultry I has arrived at the Government Ca f tK* barm, says the Borneo Herald. These birds were sent out by the Court of Directors with the idea of improving the poul- throughout the country. The
    125 words
  • 254 16 While tlie British India A pear ln K r l iilma was ai sea on Monuuy, appioin-mm* Singapore on a voyage from Hongkong, smoke was discovered issuing from oiu* of her holds, containing Japanese cargo A wireless message was sent to
    254 words
  • 317 16 Tlie Bangkok papers announce the death of Dr. T. Heyward Hays, which occurred on February 2, and removes one of tla oldest residents of Bangkok. He was born in 18”>4, at Charleston, South Carolina. and when a boy of about >c\et. years of age
    317 words
  • 151 16 case in which S. Nadaraya Iyer lately pric.-t at the Orchard Hoad, Sivai Temple, sued Mr. C. T. A. Rai, one of th» manag ng committee of the Temple, foi .$•500 balance of wages was mentioned in the Civil District Court on the 4th inst.. by Mr.
    151 words
  • 70 16 A pathetic incident occurred in I’rinsep Street on Saturday afternoon, when two-year old Chinese child fell off th* five-foot way into the drain, which Hooded with rnin-watr r. The child (allied I> v the current as far as Rochore Canal Road, where a grating held up
    70 words

  • 2506 17 \m ,\vinK appeared in the Straits lt nth instant:—IB I.. which Singapore has been i for so long has at last |B *;V; S ocial Service Squadron IB the roads, and this morning IB iud' of people are gathered IB
    2,506 words
  • 192 17 There was no improvement in the weather on Wednesday, and the hundreds of men who landed from the warships in the afternoon found Singapore under such -omlitions a somewhat depressing place. If, however, there was nothing to be seen »it of doors, plenty of
    192 words
  • 1663 17 Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson, K.C.8.. Commandor-in-Chief, China Station, placed j H.M.S. St. Broevk tug at the d sposal ,of the Squadron Entertainment committee in order to transport the Scouta ,on Wednesday, the 13th, and the Girl i Guides and some other children on •Thursday,
    1,663 words

  • 481 18 Hydroplane Carried on The Hood. it is well known that the Special Service Squadron making the Empire Cruise consists of some ,f the finest ships in he British Navy and that the Admiral’s flagship, the Hood, is considered Mt and away the best battle cruiser in the
    481 words
  • 835 18 Tlu* extradition proceedings against Ahmad, the local Mohamedan Indian, who is wanted in Italia to answei to a I r;;t* of kidnapping a person know:' here as Nazir Ahmad, were eominued before Mr. 1*. 1*'. David, District Judge, on he illl iti'v. Mi.
    835 words
  • 824 18 An exhibition of old Chinese poredpaintings, and other oujeets Uart UI held this week at Mount Rosie residence of Sir Neill Malcolm. Here is indeed material for a delightful two hours, and if it ti-i VA, .Singaporeans to distinguish between V
    824 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 380 19 M-.ji describes the final 1 1: linen sintfe* R» ntau K einman and Johnstone *s i 1 > 1 the most sensational pluved in this country. ,i u first set was always on K reat form himself and 1 rV'U’nnoonent extremely erratic. !i, :r
      380 words
    • 906 19 S.( Defeat St rani* Naval Team. i ti! programme of Navy Week Monday afternoon, when tlu a iuimts* and light cruisers’ footnut tho S. C. and the A., n spcctiv* ly. The club won nil on thi* padang, and th •'•i n on their own ground b. to two.
      906 words
    • 496 19 (Fr *m Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, February h. The sailors of the Hood and Repulse had another busy and enjoyable day today, incidentally being their last day at Kuala Lumpur. The> are delighted with the place and the entertainment they have received at our
      496 words
    • 96 19 The other mateh on (he Reclamation ground was between ll.M.S. Danae and the Malay Volunteer Club. This rusultcd in victory for the cruiser by 2-0. C hinese Defeat Naval Team. The S.C.F.A. met the l ght cruisers team en their ground, and won by four goals to
      96 words
    • 173 19 [Reuter’s Service.] London, February P. At Belfast in the rugger match, played in show’ery weather before lfi,ooo spectators, England beat Ireland by 14 points to Thu hall was very slippery and Ireland was continually attacking. In the first twenty minutes, the Irish full back Crawford
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  173 words
    • 119 19 The A.P.C. met H.M.S. Carlisle’s XV on the padang on Friday afternoon, and won by two goals, and four tries (22 pts.) to a goal (five pts.). Robertson opened the scoring after a tine run, Bonaventura got the second try from an opening made by
      119 words
    • 320 19 The rain came down at intervals throughout on Wednesday, and the padang was in a sadly waterlogged state for the rugby match between the S.C.C. and the Squadron. Vigorous bailing by the padang staff, and a suction pump borrowed front the Fin* Brigade took some
      320 words
    • 27 19 (Reuter’s Service.) London, February 14. In the inter-services rugby tournament the Navy heat the Air Force by IK points to 0 at Twickenham.
      (Reuter’s Service.)  -  27 words
    • 183 19 (From Our Own Correspondent. t Kuala Lumpur, February The boxing last night attracted about b.oiM people. The contest between Stoker Clarke, I1M.S. Re pul e, and Stoker Evans, H.M.S. Hood, a train went the full distance of ten rounds and was even more keenly contested that
      183 words
    • 66 19 Heavy Rain Stops Sport. The Rugby match between the Special Service Squadron and ships of the China Fleet was cancelled on Tuesday, together with all other sporting events, on account of the torrential rain. For the same reason the cricket match that was to have been played on Wednesday
      66 words
    • 279 19 Tin* week-end has provided the best racing the Club has experienced and the inu rest taken by the members was shown by the record attendance, both on Satuiday and Sunday. On Saturday the holder of the Lundon Cup, Margaret II. was challenged. Her skipper is going away to New
      279 words
    • 55 19 [Reuter’s Service. 1 London, February II Philadelphia Defeating England in the final round by three matches to two, the United States won the international squash racquets championship and gained possess on of the Eapham Cup. Two days play resulted in the Un’ted States scoring 7 2/2 points, England
      [Reuter’s Service. 1  -  55 words
    • 101 20 run from H.M.S. vi..,t..r* to tho Swimming < lul» on Sl,n <ia• mornini ami an mtere lint' wait r polo i«*sult<*«l in a 1 1 1 Tin ,,uh l«-ain ua, not at full J( ,i n aixl Mallard being awa\. Out ,,\uee w;o
      101 words
    • 317 20 of bl ink' air need a Mmrt on Wed in da.v watei wt 1 1. S\v i in in. nk flub between a Hub t. am I ,-it ns from II.M S. II I was very >u. ful. I*<rlia|i' Un- was because wat« i polo
      317 words
    • 477 20 1 ;ivninu of Now Clubhouse At Tanjong llungah. The commodious ami splendidly equipped tow clubhouse of the Penang Swimming 4 'iub Tanjong Pungah was opened yesterday afternoon, says the Pinang Gazette f February 7, the occasion being marked ly a very successful water carnival, at'ended by the
      477 words
    • 35 20 Heuter’s Service. 1 London, February 1<». ,ha,. Aimborg won the half-mil-championship of Australia in the time < iu mm. ■>> 4/.» secs. Charlton, the A us i, alian champion, did not compete, reservhimself for the Olympiad.
      | Heuter’s Service. 1  -  35 words
    • 501 20 Tlie Senior Division of the February Medal at the Singapore Golf Club was v on by II. D. Mundell with a net score of d. The following cards were returned: t II. D. Mundell 77 7 —‘0 < D. .1. Ward JO 7 7 1 F. Harrison c* s
      501 words

  • 97 20 lFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 14. At the first annual meeting of the ex-Services Association of Penang and Province Wellesley held here, Colonel Whyte, presiding, said the balance in hand was $150. The membership was 7H. The report and accounts were passed. Mr. R. R. Robertson was
    97 words
  • 115 20 (I< rom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, February 1*». In connection with the d scovery of a newly-born Chinese female child on the seashore oir Fort C ornwallis, the (oroner f, und that the child had been killed b.v 1 < inu nut into the sea and drowned,
    115 words
  • 125 20 The following paragraph appears in the M. S. V. R. Regimental Orders: —It is expected that the F.M.S. War Menunial at Kuala Lumpur will be unveiled <• i om of the last two Sundays in March: and it is desired that a guard of honour of M.S.V.R.,
    125 words
  • 89 20 On Thursday. Mr. W. (L Stirling charged more Chinese and Japanese women under the Women and C.* iris’ Protect ion Ordinance as keepers of brothels occupied by diseased women. A Japanese woman of Hylam Street was fined $25 and ordered to close her house in .'5O
    89 words
  • 150 20 The rain experienced on Tuesday was the heaviest for a long time. The Meteorological station at Kandang Kerbau recorded 119.17 millimetres, or roughly 4 4-5 inches, between i» a.m. on Tuesday and a.m. on Wednesday. Mr. W. Dunman’s gauge at Tanjong Katong registered six inches for the twenty-four
    150 words
  • 71 20 (A in KK. At Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on February HI, 1921, to Mrs. Carter, wife of Paymaster I.ieut.-Commander B. Carter, Resident Naval Officer, a daughter. B) All nee I uck >. At home, Kuala Lipis, on February 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Hyatt, the gift of a
    71 words
  • 65 20 c. rN A KATNK WICK RA M ASUUIVA. On January 21, 11)21, at the Guile Kacheri, Mr. S, M. S. Gunaratne of the Wntatfoda Dispensary, Watnjrodu. and oldest son of •'J r> Gunaratne, Landed Proprietor, I'ohvatta, with Miss Julia Wickramasuriya, eldest daughter of the late Mr. N. D. S.
    65 words
  • 191 20 Singapore, February 14. EXCHANGE On London. Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7, o2 Demand 2/4 l/s 1‘rivate 3 m. credits 2/4 5\s Ou New York, Demand ;,pi Private 90 d/s 52'n nonj. On Fiance, Bank 1140 On India, Bank T.T. 11:41, On Hongkong, Bank d d 1 4
    191 words
  • 471 20 Singapore, February 14. MINING. ib«U« Yal. VC be/er* Sahara 1 1 Batang Padang 0.40 0.45 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.45 1.5o I Jelah f <>n 0.20 n<>r* 1 1 Johan Tin 0.35 0.40 *:L ti i\am. Kamunting 47/6 4" 6 1*1 1*1 Kamunting Tin 39i 0 1"
    471 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 89 20 NOTICE All communications for both the Strait?' Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle- 1 nents. i The post free price of the Straits Times to! the United Kingdom and foreign countries i.s S."»4 a year. The post
      89 words
  • 39 20 DEATH KIIOO. On February K. IJJ24, at Ins resident No. r>, Shanghai Hoad, Singapore, Klo>>> Mar Seng, aged 7(». lie leaves two sons, Messrs Khoo Tong 11 in and 'i\ ng I ,g and -i i grandchildren. Deeply regretted.
    39 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 53 1 ,nural.~ R uobcr Exports J Ti;. I‘iuntcr Kubit Restriction C»*\ Rubber Control 1 Hr't.'h Malaya Indian Labour Ja! uary Rubber Returns 2 I al Rubber Auctions 4 orrespondence.— Wholesale Smuggling of Rubber Th». 1.5.1'. and Non-Europeans.. Heeling" aiul Reports.— \mpat (Sumatra) Rubber 2 Dunlop Rubber Sendayan (F.M.S.t Rubber Rubber
      53 words
    • 87 1 The analysed returns of rubber export* u*r tht first three months of the second >v 'ction year arc as follows, the figures being given iti tons Net Malayan \n\, P„t |«»j;t I"2a 15‘22 i I 7.343 21 ,♦> 1 I l i. 'I. 7.141 3. Ill" 10,102 10.474
      87 words
    • 214 1 u, l 1 interesting and important Pi'. 1 1 a p‘ dealt with in the* February 1 umluding the question of a "'it fund. In reference to the H, u' m e b y Mr. S. J. l nf Singapore, it is emphasis- a 1 a I-S.P. committee
      214 words
    • 1731 1 (From Our Own Correspondent). Bandoeng, February 1. Yes, we want no restriction, we want in, restriction to-day miglr very well bi said to be the ditty tbaCs all the rape in rubber circles in the Dutch Indies. More to even than the banana
      1,731 words
    • 32 1 Tt.p quantity of rubber exported from (Vvlon during: the month «>f .lanimrv, 1021 Ceylon -Produced I at ex Rubber Tons. Gallon*. 7n G. F. ROBKRTS, Rubber ('outroller for ovlcn*^
      32 words
    • 202 2 The Registrar of Import* and Exports has sent us the following comparative •tateiiu nt of the quantity and value of rubber exported from British Malaya during January. H»24. The figures, which arc in tons, npn sent total exports
      202 words
    • 87 2 Th*- Sit i* i ini- i> not tI'.sjMiii ild** f• #i th,. i,- i o’ .i r• < urn*tqioml. i '<| tic;.i ii. iiiiml that li tters mus* In* <■ i* ;in I t > tin* |iollit. Lung rniiiM itig r ii 'laid** t i In- rejected of 'ulltli
      87 words
    • 968 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Far In* it from us to flatter you in any way. Suffice it to say that your services to the rubber industry have n»»t only brought millions on millions of dollars to Malaya hut have saved many a
      968 words
    • 525 2 following is officially communiA meeting of the Indian Immigration •gags OffinV. K.M S M '’"“iPal Medial ~f labile W»rl£ Hon. Mr. J. Mitchell, the Hon. Mr. P. K. Xainhyar, the Hon. Mr .J. W. Campbell, Mr. J. Bruce, Mr. T. 11.
      525 words
    • 722 2 The tenth annual general meeting of the .Am pat (Sumatra) Rubber Estate. Limited, was hold «.r. January 1*2 at 5, Whittington Avenue, E.C., Mr. 1>. Lovell presiding. i he hair man, in moving the adoption <•1 the report and accounts, said Our
      722 words
    • 210 2 Anglo-Johotv onsolidaleil.— 22.*‘t*)0 lb» Ayer Kuning.—sl,ooo lbs. Anglo Sumatra.—oB,4so Jbs. Asahan.—sl,ooo lbs. A11enhy.—22,520 lbs. Anglo Malay.—oo,lol lbs. Bukit K. 8.—4,M7 lbs. 8ikam.—24,300 lbs. Broome (Selangor).—32,ooo lbs. Bukit Kajang.—4o,oBl lbs. Batu Tiga.—ss,ooo lbs. Bah Lias.—luo,Bo7 lbs. 8iia.—42,000 lbs. Bruseh Tin and Rubber.—ls,soo lb? Bukit Lintang.— lbs. Bukit Palong.—lo,lo7
      210 words
    • 4216 3 Dunlop Rubber. Directors Resolution Carried Unanimously. m irv general meeting of I Al Kui lu-r Company, Ltd., was i' v S at the l anium-street ,'r. t ,u- Right H 4 n. Sir Eric I. r, a'- lad i C8 i ,t ,h r n Till' only resolution b?. ;V,
      4,216 words
    • 98 4 Me r duthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, have received a cable from the ,i etarii's adv sing that the directors of Send;.van (F.M.S.) Uuhher Co, Ltd., have decided to n commend, subject to and t anil usual adjustments, the pav"unt of a Dual dividend of 15 per
      98 words
    • 656 4 i ihe Singapore Chamber of Commerce j, |,|,or As: (nation held its (Mist auction 'on February 8, when there was cata-hcn-l 1,01.11*1*5 lbs. or T.iM.IK tons; 1 o', red l,120,5MH lie or 0M0.85 t "ns sold D7I.IS1 lbs. or 4MM.5G tons. I’KICKS UK
      656 words
      • 325 4 Stock stock r»r Exchange Pnr Exch.mro Vaiuc Company. Pr.cea v lue Company. Price(l 11 Anglo-Malay 20,6 ncea. il Ayer Kuning 35/ lainyrtri 2K/i» £1 liakap Plantations 13/9 2/ London-Asiatic ;j/y £1 Ilanteng (STngr) 27/0 2/ Lubok 2/1 *o 1 llatu Caves 10/3 rj I.umnt
        325 words
      • 701 4 Capital Issue P«id Up Value Dividend. Company ft Co. Evatt. u i.o« u» 7 7 .Alor Gajah ($1) 1.00 U 5 1.00 1.10 I’ l ,r t,nd «l 3«.6-23.Am. Malay (|2) 1.90 2.00 1.85 2.00 pc f,lr >'°ar 31*3-23.. A. Hitam (to) 11.00 12.00
        701 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 103 5 J", ■VERY one la taring that than will be a farther drop in car ?xn:& E T r Fire Seater, Four Cylinder Standard Model v v'• > *”if'®at5 at 52,375 cyiet iirtiSS*- O' BUICK Five Seater, four Cylinder 1 Jshm ,i- Ai' ..1 iB 12.475 you will realise that prices
      103 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 ks. .>S- 1: sV 212 r Wi V *V r 1 i I® k '<* i’l 'W I > K ‘V* .--if"j.- 0_/',' V r rjr**v H <-( IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ANYTHING KNOWN ADVERTISE IN THE > 7t. 3 j r». .v r- a B—4 (Mn 81MOATW Ml
      96 words