The Straits Budget, 8 February 1924

Total Pages: 22
1 4 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget No. oil* Singapore, Friday, February 8, 1924 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] Price 25 cents.
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  • 249 1 leadersRubber Prospect* •io-u WoedreW Wilson Smuggling Wholesale H General Local and Personal Tin Cover r in Kedah The Social Evil f Kt ut« r’> Service livath <*t' Mr. Alexander rox Ad\ ry Boards i Mir: Recreation Club Malacca Notes Set-mu- Accident to Insp. Higgins 8 S.Y.C. Guard of Honour
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  • 3937 1 VI M .,S. Hawkins, the flagship of the '•a Squadron arrived at Singapore o-i Admiral Leveson on board. C r I' attached to the China squa- expected to-day. H.M.S. Carlisle present lying at the man-o’-war •nchoraice. ■•'i<-"llency Major General Sir Neill th,! I, av s Singapore*, on
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  • 775 2 The following are the terms of a speech made by H.H. Tunku Ibrahim, C.M.G Regent of Kedah, at a dinner held in the Balei Besar, on the occasion of the visit to Kedah of H.E. the High
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  • 61 2 Tin* attitude of the Church toward' *i social evil was summed up in a nut m 1 h\ the Rev. B. Roberts in a sennoi. a St. Mary’s Church, Kuala Lumput. Sunday, when In* said We want i lion, but we need somethin# better 11 |M one
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    • 237 3 [KUcTMi’S SbiU'K'E.] I London, January 31. The ceremony of taking the I Ik:i y i, .Ji-ince bv the new Legislative lea’h “f a, m‘ lS e d off smoothly. The 1 a n wearing Indian-made SwaniJ 1 w prescribed affirmation ck*tii» s n
      [KUcTMi’S SbiU'K'E.]  -  237 words
    • 125 3 London, J nuury 31. A oduu to the text of the treaty botw.eii Italy and Jugo-Slavia, Fiume town i, ann« \t*d to Italy, while the port ol bar > and the delta and Fiumara go to .ij_ ->.a\ a. Tile corridor uniting Fiume :,.w with l'aly is
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    • 89 3 London, January 31. V‘h'\- M. Yenizelos’ resignation of i<! ciuiship almost immediately. w t > iJ-health. is considered certain. u::certainty prevails as to what t developments will ensue. London, January 31. A'- iater At the Cabinet’s request has decided to retain the own er>hip for the time being,
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    • 82 3 London, January 31. The Senate adopted the ,li> i resolution directing the President s',T or ann ulment of the Doheny and a V 01 leases. It appears that yesmay voting related to one of the v'.° US an K n dinents moved. I i -n. wm ,r
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    • 40 3 London, January 31. Pfrntalrr. announced that the per-♦‘XDort-ii s^a,u^ r d production of rubber Ion the' 0T m n mum duty from Cey,n the raits Settlements and Malaya mac. r ,V‘ r inning February 1 real b0 per cent.
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    • 34 3 London, January 31. K f ni hci;d figures show that the •luo.(l ;*be Ruhr has been r> c,.,; ;KO0O to under 30,000. It is Belgian troops have been n <,000 to 4,000.
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    • 263 3 London, January 31. A campaign to raise £*250,000 for the British Empire Leprosy Belief Association was inaugurated at a meeting at the Mansion House presided over l>y me Loro Mayor. Messages were read from the Prince of Wales and Lord Reading paying tribute to the work of the
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    • 303 3 London, January 31. Ottawa It i.*. understood that General Sir Arthur Currie has been offered a position as first Canadian Minister Plenipotentiary to Washington. London, January 31. Washington The report that Sir Arthur Currie has been offered the appointment of Canadian Plenipotentiary to Washington, is construed
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    • 82 3 London, January 31. A gloomy outlook on the cotton situation is taken by Mr. Revere, member of the New York Cotton Exchange, who, writing in thu Manchester Guardian annual, says the American crop will barely reach 10,000,000 bales. He points out that Europe, Japan and China are showing
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    • 36 3 London January 31. Berlin Among the official data to be examined by General Dawes and the experts committee is the Reich budget for 1D24 showing revenue r>,2r>4,000,000 gold marks and expenditure a 712,000,000 gold marks.
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    • 503 3 [Kei'tku's Service.] London, February 1. The Daily News diplomatic correspondent says the Russian Government ha* informed the British of their willingness, mniediately upon recognition, to constitute a mixed c /mmission for the examination of all outstanding questions such as Russian debts, Anglo-Russian relations
      [Kei'tku's Service.]  -  503 words
    • 136 3 Lilidon, February I. Washington Th t Sen te has adjourned without taking any action <»n Mr. Robinson’s resolution after a three hours’ debate. London, February I*. Washington The House of Representatives passed Mr. Wulsh’s resolution with regard to the oil lenses. London, January 31. Washington The Republicans
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    • 261 3 London, February 1. The Burmah Oil Company has mad* a statement denying the assumption that the sale of the Government's Anglo-Per-sian oil shares would have resulted in throwing control of the Anglo-Persian Company in!o foreign hands and jeopardising the Navy’s supply
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    • 243 3 London, February 1. lln* Prince of Wales, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and Mr. J. H. Thomas were amongst the distinguished guests attending the Pilgrims' dinner, presided over hy Lord Desborough, in honour of the new American Ambassador, Mr. Kellogg and the newly appointed British Ambassador at Washington, Sir
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    • 77 3 L union, February 1 The second committee of experts whose task is to investigate the flight of German c pital abroad have arrived and were received by the Chancellor and members of the Cabinet. The former assured the committer of the Government determination to facilitate the arduous task.
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    • 33 3 London, February 1. Leipzig The Supreme Court sentenced a woman to ten years’ hard labour on a charge of espionage on behalf of France and a German student accomplice to six years.
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    • 29 3 London, February 1. Sterling on New York recovered to 4.:n%. London, February 1. The price of petrol has been increased by 1lad. to Is. lid. per gallon.
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    • 365 4 I. udoii, February I. New York According to th»* Times ix I'l'.sident Wilson is suffering from n m i iou digestive dis rder but his physi4.litn reports that the disease is respond ini.: to the treatment. His relatives ui d fi lends are,
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    • 109 4 London, February 2. I be .National Dnion of Railwaymen nave promised the Transport and General Workers Union support in the event of a dockers strike. London, February 2. I he Transport Workers and Stevedores "T refuse t« a<s touch German ships in British ports on hi* ground
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    • 47 4 London, February* 3. In<li n Harrowing »tori« twten W twn H rv ,v r r5 collision bcwhen 17 IT'"' tra,, V hfre /esterI®**V 1 17 1,ves Werc lost. The wreck Immediately caught fire and manv vir nr t tr helpless to give aid. he,n
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    • 34 4 London, February Ibe Australian newspapers on th.» m aump„on that ,h, ’i A „,?'X 1 t n< d 11 d u? u likclinood of stahlmhmp a has,. t |.o r w
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    • 9 4 London, February 2. Tangier agreement. to the
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    • 986 4 IKki tkks ShHvicfc.J London, February 2. Washington: Early this morning exPreaident Wilson’s condition remained grave. The physicians assert that ha has gradually lost ground. He is st 11 conscious and not suffering. His temperature is normal. His
      IKki tkks ShHvicfc.J  -  986 words
    • 406 4 London, February 2. Mr. E. F. Wise, an ex-Civil Servant, who largely negotiated the original AngloRus ian trade agreement, in an interview’ said that already there was a big trade between Russia and Britain. Some SO to 100 ships were regularly carrying grain from Russia to Britain and
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    • 33 4 London, February 3. Sydney The police have arrested i magistrate at Rabaul. in New Guinea on a 0™ Cr t A Wi h the «P»rt««Sn of is "strictly pTOhibited. r,l^'S<
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    • 475 4 London, February 2. Los Angeles Mr. Macadoo, why I proceeding to Washington to the bed I side of his father-in-law, Dr. Wilson I has requested permission t 0 testifv before the oil lease investigating eon, mittee. He declares that he was never employed
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    • 106 4 London, February 2 t An important conference to discuss the North Ireland boundary question, attended by the South Ireland President, Mr. Cosgrave, the North Ireland Premier, Sir James Craig, and other representative'-, has opened at the Colonial Office. Mr. MacDonald made a speech, after W’hich Mr. Thomas presided
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    • 102 4 London, February 2. Washington The House of Representatives immigration committee have voted the report in favour of the Immigration restrict the annual number of im from any country to 2 per cent. it a um ber of its nationals in the United States at the time of the
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    • 436 5 London, February M. asav MacDonald’s letter to M. lV < “Our two countries have n \such trying times and have ,n 1 sacrifices together in a com”'ailr t i w t on coming into oflice I ad1 ,I l,< .'i persona! note, not only
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    • 156 5 London, February 2. V i nn ri ia' treaty between Italy and Ku>- i :> in th** point of signature, ac»i ’i; ; by Italy’s de jure recognition f S vii t Government. London, February J*. K"!iu The newspapers say that the I';* 'II ;."ian agreements to be
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    • 64 5 London, February 2. Q din. Federal Government have .V anadian Arctic explorer, Cap- 1 1 to Britain to take charge of \ivti lU 1 I’tanklin on the cruise in < i, i,.' VaUr s to establish a number «f ainV t i 1 r ut,,0S ts on the
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    • 39 5 London, February 2. !*''iiv, i/.V. I,' 1 aeroplanes, purchased 'it ‘T’ arrived at Bushire m.Mru'ct °r r rt airmen to act us i;,v "><• lv.-si.-m army. The Gi.r m f also engaged three K f,,! the arsenal.
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    • 37 5 U London, February M. d’Afr.-, i, Moosch, the present Charge ar.q Vl l- n ni Vi* Ambassador in Paris, tra.i. l( r d’Affaires at BelI'it. j, Minister to Belgium. Tlv a Ppr')Ved' K 'lgian Governments hav<
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    • 305 5 iriF.riER'8 Skuvick.J London, February 4. New York Mr. Wilson died in his sleep so peacefully that his wife, who was holding his hand, and his daughter. Margaret, at the foot of the bed, were unaware of his death until Admiral Grayson’s eyes betokened
      iriF.riER'8 Skuvick.J  -  305 words
    • 355 5 London, February 4. Mr. Wilson’s outstanding qualities and failings as a statesman are summed up in long and critical studies of his career in the English papers. Particular attention is devoted to the part he played in connection with the Gnat War. he is recognised as having
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    • 28 5 London. February 4. Athens The doctor’s verdict is that M. Venizelos must resign. London. February *1. Athens: M. Cafaudaris, Minister f*v .Justice, will form a cabinet.
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    • 243 5 London, February 4. The MacDonald-Poincare correspondence does not give rise to much fruitful comment, but there is a noteworthy absence of any unfavourable criticism of the Premier in any quarter. CJenerally it is thought that the letters do not advance the position much and that
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    • 140 5 London, February 4. Charlestown, South Carolina The repair ship Prometheus has arrived with the bodies of Captain Sparrow and one of the radio operators of the cruiser Tacoma, who perished in a storm after the loss of the Tacoma. The bodies of two other operators have not
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    • 90 5 London, February 4. I'ati>: After a week of preliminary between the Government and iho Opposition, the Chamber Inis embarked on ji lively discussion o!' some hundred articles comprising the Government’s financial proposals. The Oppo ition hotly opposed the first article aiming at least at a milliard tranc
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    • 88 5 London, February 4. Bombay The situation in the mill strike is assuming a serious aspect. The millowners’ ultimatum, ‘threatening a lock-out in j» fortnight unless the strikers resume, expired to-day. The men have not returned and showed their resentment by stoning motor cars jmd trains. Many people
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    • 89 5 London, February <i. Mexico City The Fedeiiils have occupied Fortin after a seven hours battle in which they struck the rebels on both flanks and cut their communications. New York It is learned that Huerta and his stJi'f have left Vera Cruz by ’earner for an unknown destination
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    • 281 5 London, February 1. The Daily Telegraph’s political observer states that the British note to Russia was only pnsented alter the Soviet had accepted the principle of membership of the League of Nations for which it will apply at the earliest opportunity, and that
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    • 146 5 London, February New York Mr. Charles Levermore, secretary of the New York Peace Society, has won the Bok prize. His plan suggests that the United States should participate in the labours of the League of Nations on condition, inter alia, that the moral force of public opinion should
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    • 53 5 London, February A. Koine: Owing to the appointment **f M. Kykotf, it is necessary to send to .M t'Cow the text of the Italo-Russian treaty which is already printed and p proved by the Italo-Russian delegates here. A coni ier 1, ft conveying the document to M
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    • 58 5 London, January f>. Ottawa A geological survey reports that silver ore has been discovered in th* Leaver River district of the Yukon, bearing 1,100 ounces of silver to the ton. There is an excellent chance of further discoveries. A stampede is progressing into the district, which is
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    • 48 5 London, February 1 Vancouver A Canadian expedition com posed of Vancouverites, headed by Cap tain Polkinghorne, has left here on a small steamer for the Cocos Islands in order to search for treasure reported t•, have been buried there by pirates eat in the nineteenth century.
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    • 34 5 London. February a The (iovernmont of India have invited applications from private enterprises tc establish and operate the Indian link in the Imperial wireless chain, and also fot foreign commercial wireless communication.
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    • 203 6 I.oiidon, I ehi uars Rerlin It is semi-officially stated that the German Government have sent a note tit ttie French and Relgian i f ov '■ihiimii urging the immediate withdrawal "f i. whereby the importation I rencli and R Igian goods into
      203 words
    • 178 6 London, February G. 1 lo* Dail> Mail’s Riga correspondent iaims to learn aulheiitirull} tltt: rial Russian divisions of tin* Red Armv, 'cd Tsalist officers, an planning an offcii- ..ramst tin* Goveriime Jt at Moscow I i.i the south early in April. The Gov eminent are rapidly moving
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    • 63 6 London, February 4. Washington Advioes confirm the existence of a revolutionary movement in Honduras against the Government of Gutierrez, whose term of office has just expired. Caria.s, one of the aspirants for the presidency in the triangular deadlock which has arisen, and for which the constitution makes no
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    • 54 6 London, February 4. Bombay The Government have ordered Gandhi’s release. Gandhi was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in 1922. Government have unconditionally remitted the unexpired portion of the sentence, following the medical report that Gandhi should l he removed to the seaside for a long period of convalescence,
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    • 47 6 London, February 5. Calcutta: Circumstantial rummies are that the Tashi Lama has fled from Tnshilumpo. One account says he has pone to Ghina intending to ally himself with the Mongolians against the Lhasa Government another states he is trying to reach British territory.
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    • 52 6 London, February f». Washington It is announced that the Government, special council will institute injunction proceedings to prevent further xtiaction of oil from the leased naval *'l lands at Teapot Dome and Fdk Hill K,M, n as President Coolidgc signs the v\alhh resolution adopted by Congress on
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    • 426 6 IKm iik's Si.KUIK.j London, FYbruary The allegation that a secret compact with regard to the occupation of German territory was made between Ex-President Wilson and M. Clemenceau in March, Lilli, during .Mr. Lloyd George’s absence from
      IKm iik's Si.KUIK.j  -  426 words
    • 190 6 Ijondon, February B. Mr. Chao Hsin-chu and Viscount Hayashi were the principal guests at the dinner of the London Union of Chinese Students on the occasion of Chinese New Year. V iscount Hayashi in a speech referred feelingly to the passing of Dr. Woodrow Wilson, who had
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    • 46 6 London, February 6. The Archbishop of Canterbury, i n a statement at Convocation at Westminster, emphasised that the Malines conversations were not even within mcasuiable distance of negotiations, but were private conversations about the respective history and doctrines of the churches of hngiand and Home
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    • 261 6 London, February G. Amsterdam The Telegraaf learns that the Government are seriously considering the resumption of diplomatic r?iations with Russia. London, February G. Geneva: Oiicherin has notified the League of Nations secretariat that the Sant Governin', nt have agreed to the lilac v
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    • 78 6 London, February G. Mexico ity President Obregon announces that the federal troops captured Cordoba, lie confirms that the rebels evacuated Vera Cruz and Huerta fled. London. February G. Mexico City War Department officials declare that with the flight of Huerta the backbone of the insurrection is broken. Huerta
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    • 57 6 London, February B. It is understood that the replies received from Rumania, Poland and Yugoslavia to the British enquiry with regard to French 1. ans are all very affable and a.ike maintain that the assets at the disposal of the respective Governments are* more than adequate to guarantee
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    • 40 6 London, February 0. Hobart: The acting Prime Minister. Mr. Pape, in the course of a speech, declared that if the decisions to construct the Singapore base were abandoned the whole question of Empire defence must be re-opened.
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    • 38 6 London, February 4. The Daily Telegraph announces that the Ulster Boundary Conference has adjourned for a month, during which the leaders will consult their followers. It is believed that little progress has so far been made.
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    • 27 6 London, February 4. Melbourne Japanese, near Mildura, nave succeeded in growing wonderful sanipJes of rice, demonstrating the possibility of the Commonwealth becoming a rice-growing country.
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    • 31 6 Loud J n, February 0. n L»i*rliii Ihe death is announced of general von Hoepfner, who served in the ..rman force■ <ft he Allied expedition in the Boxer Rebellion.
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    • 196 6 London, February t>. Washington Government departments and all commerce and industry observed great silence on the occasion of M, Wilson’s funeral, which was carried out without ceremonial but tne highest honours in Little Bethlehem Chapel Thactual interment was witnessed by ,>nlv the
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    • 72 6 London, February Wellington Vice-Admiral Saito, commanding the visiting Japanese training squadron and staflf, were entertained to lunch at Parliament House. The Prime Minister, Mr. Massey, said Japanese assistance in escorting the New Zealand contingent in wartime would never be forgotten. He hoped Japan an I Britain
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    • 70 6 London, February Duluth, Minnesota It is feared that miners have perished through the dot d mg of a manganese ore mine near Cio.-hy. The roof of one of the workings collapsed i.nd the water from a lake above completely filled the mine i;i ton minuter London, February G.
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    • 55 6 London, February Mr. MacDonald, in an interview, declared that Russia’s entry into the league of Nations was attended with difficulty, hut Germany's inclusion must be insisted upon. Referring to Anglo-French misunderstandings, he declared that Britain is m ionger content to sit aid watch events The new attitude
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    • 66 6 London, February ♦>. Ottawa The Government’s reply t.> the United States with regard to the St. Lawrence waterway scheme favours tin enlargement of the engineering board and its further consideration of the technical and financial aspects <tf the problem before any work is undertaken. The Gov ernment
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    • 57 6 London, February <*. Winnipeg The Canadian national railways are arranging to transport several thousand farmers from the United States w’ho are expected to settle in the Canadian west this year. Quebec Five prominent Scandinavian agents of steamship lines have arrived n order to investigate conditions With a view
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    • 39 6 London, February 4. Delhi The Government have decide! to appoint a committee of experts to enquire into the whole system of taxation and to suggest steps to remedy defects. Sir Josiah Stamp will probably be a member.
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    • 68 7, February G. I The dock strike again-t < „e S which has been pro- t j lt} past fortnight, has v< l,)ped, the employers lk out 3G000 and threatenI-" 1 1 "J ,,ul a firthor 21,000 if ■i.: t K not reached in a week. 1 11
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  • 294 7 I (l f Mr. Alexander Fox on the I caim as a great shock to I ,’u- friends and relations, for I < the best of health and spirits I in, dav preceding, when he was c present at Bishop Bickley’s it appears that he
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  • 215 7 .i|>l*ointn.ents are notified 1 ’nun nt Gazette:— Ad\ -cry Board, S ng pore:— M’ i H :< ih'.raet, Chairman. Drs. S. NK. I.. Kaghunathan and Messrs. V' hc S. Muthukumaru, C. Aloo l> b .loshre and 1). Sundaram *V JV HI I A:\isoiy Board, Singapore chairman), Subular S;nv
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  • 151 7 (i i, 11 •Mnuarv -v. ihh'inliros' 'l 1 bner was given by then V 10 M m Recreation Club 1*1, id,,,!, \7 St nu n ho nour (,f thp > r av mg bv th f r U1 oon e e, "’ho fr, when. vajansr for Singapore
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  • 67 7 'Hu* Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should boor in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long' rumbling epistles are liable to Le rejected or .’ilthlcrs'y cut down. Correspondents m -s; enclose tinvir names, not nete i|y foi j
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  • 219 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. •Sir, —I notice I). W. Griffith’s famous picture Way Down East is about to be screened in Singapore. I saw this picture for the first time in Los Angeles in February 1921, nearly three years ago Surely a town the size
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  • 170 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—In answer to “Cinema” of February 2, as regards delay in releasing motion pictures in this territory, we would point out that as the United Artists Corporation, who are the sole distributors of U. W. Griffith’s productions, have only recently
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  • 387 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —I shall thank you to allow me a little space for a few lines on the above subject with which you have been possibly troubled by correspondents more ciian enough. 1 have carefully perused the various letters published
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  • 125 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—May I, by medium of your wide circulation, seek the following information, which also may bo of interest to others. Am growing and selling hill and sawab padi and would like to convert part into re" for sale, but such rice,
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  • 616 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Kindly permit me the use of your columns to voice a suggestion, which I think will have the support of all sections of the peoples of Malaya. Several Colonies are sending contingents of Boy Scouts and school children to
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  • 332 7 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —C atholics residing in Malaya have teli the need of an organisation which would promote the spirit of comradeship among them. It is, therefore, very grati- uote from an advertisement which appeared some time last week that an 01 gaiusalion
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  • 318 7 Nii'vinr pi t.—January hours 700. yardage ‘IS,OOO, piculs 840. 9 < neuderiang Tin llrcdffinp.—Oredj'c hnnrs 586, cubic yards 72.500, piculs ;;oo’ Johan Tin Dredging.— Piculs .‘MO, reby titbles pis. t!oS,fi(l f n'covcry by puddlin' pis. 21.40, yardage 60,751, liours run OKS. Ratnit I’asin Tin Dredging Co., N.
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  • 1766 8 ioi:i :r Own C I* .*laia J** 1 a y IT Mai Ctt ja iunrj A i ui .fi tin.- ceremonial h’OK’c a* lo o a the 21 in- un I 1 lie ondli. loll t l.e 1 1 v I veil at'ended, till J'ulge. 1 Bio n.
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  • 890 8 •,1m, iimiuiil Oarrwon *|»>rt* ,aiiplm Uai'rui-U on buturda} .itu'oinl iiroviilod inli-ri'stiid,' imo. do.h i iIn- .-iioitniK and military >* m m‘u. of heavy ram at mtoiva Is Ai.hour.h the track war in an *''‘l"***“ i .1.1 um for the half mile and 44"
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  • 358 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February l. In the Supreme Court to-day before Sir Lionel Woodward, C.J.C., Mr. C. L. Har.e Lovelace successfully argued an appeal from the p lice court at Kuala Lip is in which six Malays, including a woman, were
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  • 203 8 A serious accident took place at the junction of Dhoby Ghaut and Orchard >ad late on Sunday evening as the result of which Inspector It. Higgins, Gamblin Suppression Department, is in hospital 'Utfering with a compound fracture of the right leg. It appears that Inspector
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  • 96 8 On tlie of the visit of the I Spatial Service Squadron U N., a guard >f <-noar will be provided by the S.V.t A. Government H ruse on February 11* file Commandant decided to select the *;i:iii*(l from th(> Infantry Company that hold the host
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  • 1631 9 Loss of the Batavier. C ou rt of Inquiry’s Decision. fM fl iine r Batavier, 333 tuns gross l* u u .<j by tne ui» LO luiir'Utf I'’ 1 t as hore on December 22 jgintfapo* t cuasl ox Bulau Midai, la* l T to Natuna islands, 0,1 Borneo, on*
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  • 128 9 The F.M.S. War Memorial in Kuala Lumpur is finished. The bronze plaques on which the names arc inscribed are in place and the whole is a very stately and dignified piece of work, worthy of those whom it commemorates. It is particularly fine looking down th Damansar:
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  • 1037 9 Some days ago we published a letter iiom Mr. W. H Booth, formerly of Singapore, in which he asserted that condit ons in Western Australia were far from satisfactory, that new arrivals were expected to go farming in the South-West, and that other
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  • 461 9 A model in relief of Kahman Hydraulic Mine has been prepared for the F.M.8. Mines Section of the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley and has been on view at Messrs. Aylesbury and Nutter’s premises in Ipoh, says the Times of
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  • 167 9 The Navy League, in a message for 1924, circulated to all branches of the League throughout the world, says The expenditure <tf many millions <f money on tin* provision of docks and repairing shops (at Singapore) has, not unnaturally, been hotly challenged at a time when parsimonious spending
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1074 10 -Straits Times, I'YIh'IIma 1. IVY cutei to-day on tin fir t period ni control under the new regulations dovis**d by the Central Committee, and modified by the Secretary of State. “All estates with a tandard production a- cssed on a crop of over KHI Ihs. per acre will
      -Straits Times, I'YIh'IIma 1.  -  1,074 words
    • 1082 10 Uivtn by a baby hand.—Straits Tim. hVbruary 2. There was incorporated under the Companies Ordinance on September 21. 1!*22, an “Association not for Proliti” under the name of “The Child Welfare Society of Singapore afld we have just received a copy of its first report and of its
      Uivtn by a baby hand.—Straits Tim. hVbruary 2.  -  1,082 words
    • 1114 10 I mu's, February 1. Some recent correspondence ah. Western Australia has brought us a good deal ef literature about that and other sections ot‘ the greut continent south of the Equator. It is not every one’? country. Given a man who has had a Chinese boy at his heels
      I mu's, February 1.  -  1,114 words
    • 1080 11 ,—Straits Times, February 6. la< been singularly fortu- )u Presidents. Lincoln, Grant, th ‘‘<»i» s pvelt, Wilson, Harding—a, anus that come into the mind ap(1 tach brings with it the hj. !r of a man truly great in k' t-nnal right by reason of i eVt .j l
      ,—Straits Times, February 6.  -  1,080 words
    • 1065 11 Straits Times, February 7. Any reader of the Straits Times will be aware that we have steadily maintained our belief that a great deal of so-called Dutch rubber is Malayan rubber) smuggled over to Sumatra and sent back here as Dutch produce. Certificates of origin were urged and
      Straits Times, February 7.  -  1,065 words

  • 918 12 Following is the official programme of the visit of the Special Service .Squadron t, Singapore, from Sunday, M»ruar> W to Sunday, February 1 Sunday, February H* Speual Service Squudron arrive Monday, February’ 11 official landing of Admirals, 10 a.m.
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  • 425 12 On Monday, the 28th ult., at 6.15 p.m.. the Ceylonese community of Singapore met in the Ceylon Tamils’ Association hall to pay their last respects to the memory of Sir P. Arunachalam, Kt., M.A. (Cantab), retired member of the Executive and
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  • 1488 12 .•><*.* ret, and apparently valuable, process for refining jelutong was the subject of searching question in the Bankruptcy 1 nun on Friday, b*iore Mr. Justice Acton, when Low Teck Lim, a partner m the bankrupt firm of Tew Teck and Co., came
    1,488 words
  • 163 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 31. A Malay police sergeant at, Parit Buntar, Perak, ran amok this morning a,, killed his wife and three other people. A tiger has carried off a Chinese vegetable gardener at Batu Kurau, Perak. Penang, February 1Mr. A. R. Johnson was
    163 words

  • 343 14 ’Il.< S iig.ip'.r:* Vnlunteri Rio” 11 1. 1 !.l mi all day limit a* t j i t .''le’ar.on 'A''In Hay, v is n t's i i 1 1 i t on.lit ion vv'te at; i \.y> a. 1 1, Il
    343 words
  • 426 14 I If following |M.M*ngeis for tin Straits a 11 i <1 from Inane I»y tin* I’, ami i‘.'lie t \iiMeia, <ai S it unlay afternoon *»ii-- A. <’. Hat.. i ninl infant, .1. <’. Henson, *>. I! i'll* It, Mis. I*’. It iyley ami infan,t., Hell,
    426 words
  • 75 14 'lnly constituteil K.M.S. ijro ij, of I'u 1 H. hold its first meet ini' at. Teluk Aiiom on January lill. Then* me pro I'uldv some 'foe. 11. members among V»ur readers, writes a correspondent, ''bo 'vould like to know that a start has ben made
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  • 881 14 (I root Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February J. i ,,<■ annual meeting ol the Sclangoi (Y;iiinl Chinch Council Was held Go coiling in the parish room. Mr. C. H Cochrane presided, and there was a good at tendance. 1 la*
    881 words
  • 100 14 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, February 1. A grave amok has occurred at Pari. Buntar, where a Malay constable, believed to have been recently discharged from a mental hospital, shot another constable the latter’s child and a fisherman. He then ran away into the
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  • 78 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, February 1 The case aganist R. A. Boardman was mentionud this morning before Mr. Pryde. Mr. B. J. I*. Joaquim, appearing for the accused, asked for a postponement till Saturday, February !>, which was allowed b il being the same
    78 words
  • 188 14 Asked by a reporter whether she liked being back in London, the Ranee of Sarawak said Being here is like being on the edge of a volcano. London, where there are taxi-cab drivers and fogs, endless competition and sharp corners, and all the hardnesses of life I
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  • 145 14 Wednesday marked the 105th anniversary of the founding of the Settlement of Singapore as the result of the prescience of that Empire builder. Sir Stamford Raffles, whose statue now adorns the space in front of the Town Hall. It is a pity that the visit of the Naval
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  • 155 14 The activities of Dr. G. E. Brooke cover a wide field but we have n't known him hitherto as a son*? writer. He has embarked upon that fresh form of pursu t with a musical morceau entitled Life s Hay, a copy of which reached us
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  • 292 14 Singapore’s new amusement park the Happy Valley was formally opened ,»n 1* rulay afternoon in the presence of a large gathering representative of all communities. Mrs. Loe Choon Guan performed the opening ceremony’ cutting the cord which bound the main gate with a
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  • 136 14 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writes m Friday:—There is every reus >ti u, 1 lieve that many of the Singapore “roughs’’ are finding their way t» Kuala Lumpur now that the criminal lav in the Colony has been amended, rendering their nefarious activities there more risky. Setapak is
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  • 128 14 The Municipal Health statement for the week ending January 26 gives the total number of deaths as 185, representing a death rate of 25.00 per mille per annum, compared with 26.89 in the preceding week and with 29.93 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 86 14 Inventions privileges are notified m the Government Gazette as be ng granted to the following Mr. L Koch, Sungei Timah Estate, Perak, hark removing implements Mr. S. 0. Jackson, India, cultivating and soil-pa-> implement American Smelting and Refining Co., America, refining tin bullion Toichi Nose, Japan, concrete pipes
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  • 74 14 The January issue of the Journal of the Singapore Society of Architects is now i hand. It contains a lecture given by I.ord Sumner of Ibstonc, on The Public and the Architect," an article on the Planning of London and New York,” a description of Ocean Building (Singapore),
    74 words

  • 684 16 A i oi'respondent write that at Malacca on Saturday, January 20, streams of oe, i" mad-* then w iy t the D lc j, Vi- tar, to sa> farewell to thei, aud.iii i ,,ai i !ap, Mr. .lames N"ian. i ji
    684 words
  • 995 16 LIVELY TIMES AT MALACCA. H.M.S. Carlisie’ s Visit to The Settlement. O lM Malana corre-pondent >ciid> the following details, dated 1st instant, ah ut th, wit of II.M.S. Carlisle to Malacca. Tfu* cruiser was then* for three days at: I the porting and social events were mum enjoyed. j ho
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  • 460 16 A curious Chinese will was the subject of litigation in the Supreme Court ob Jan. :;i, before Mr. Justice Action. The piaintm was represented by Mr. Piilai. and the defendant by Mr. C. Page. This was a ciaim against the defen dam
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  • 201 16 1 hi* Bangkok limes of January says VVe are informed by the local agents Messrs. Monod and Co. that the Chantilly, and Compiegne, (Class A), and Jerusalem and Odessa Class B > wiH leave Marseilles monthly, calling at U 1 following ports Port Said, Suez, Djibouti, olombo, Penang,
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  • 628 16 Yesterday in the presence m ;i presentaiive gathering of Naval, ji.• and Civil personages H. E. the Governor (Sir Laurence Guillemard, K.< b K.C.M.G.) laid the foundation ston, tin New Union Jack Club on the space, lacing St. Andrew’s Cathedral
    628 words
  • 161 16 Tht* Siam Steam Navigation .Compare Ltd., is replacing the Krat with a nc* steamer. The new Krat will be latT*' but of similar design and will emrxh1> the improvements in present day building. She will be driven by -dcam and is expected to be ready towards fiend of
    161 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 872 17 IPOH RACES. Murphy ’s Record Wins. I >Kron1 Our Own Correspondent). I Ipoh, January 31. Th rt was only one scratching for toI races, that of Kelagold m race I I oU r Inst night’s lotteries the favourites I Race one. Peg o’ My Heart. I Juki- race two, Patsy,
      872 words
    • 203 17 [Reuter’s Service.] J. Ford Wins 100 Y'ards. (From Our Own Correspoadent). Penang, February 7. I The Swimming Club’s commodious new I club house was opened yesterday afterI noon with a most successful gala, I largely attended by the public and the I personnel of the light cruiser squadroa
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  203 words
    • 34 17 [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 1. Wellingdon The New Zealand Fi;otball Association is inviting a Chinese team to tour the Dominions during the forthcoming season commencing r.t the end of May.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  34 words
    • 99 17 During the three days visit of H.M.S. Carlisle to Malacca, soccer, rugby and cricket were played. A gold spoon was presented by the Resident Councillor to the best scorer in a shooting match between H.M.S. Carlisle and the Malacca Volunteer Corps. The winner was Pte. Batier, R.M.L.I.
      99 words
    • 766 17 Jamito Heats de Souza. There was another big crowd in the Happy Valley arena on Friday* when the chief bout was that between Silvino Jamito, lightweight champion of the Orient, and Edwin de Souzu, the local welterweight champion. Jamito weighed 9.11 I lo de Souza’s 10.4Vi*. The Manila boxer
      766 words
    • 747 17 The race for the trophies presented by Mr. Merton Brown took place on Sunda> morning in splend’d sailing weather, and the winner turned out to be Kathleen, whose heavy handicap placed her in the premier position on adjustment, but unfortunately, as has happened too frequently lately the prizes could
      747 words
    • 169 17 [Keuter’s Service.] Successful Tournament At Rantau. Jhat popular .si.fcial and sporting cvunt the Rantau lawn tennis tournament enjoyed its usual success. The Singapore entrants D. II. Kleinman and Luang Sri Sayam Kitch were decisive winners of the open doubles, beating 1 NYinnoloy and Johnstone in th,» final 4—0,
      [Keuter’s Service.]  -  169 words
    • 427 18 Moya I Sussex Wapenshaw At Hukit Timah. The 2nd bn. Royal Sussex Begin.cut hav<* arranged t- hold a rifle at th end of April, < 11 the m w Bukil Timah range now in course of r,, l ,LJt ion. Ihe meeting will eive to chi 1st
      427 words
    • 167 18 Volunteer, (’up Final. The replayed final for the Donaldson and Burkinshaw Cup was played on the padang on Friday afternoon between the Malay and Eurasian Companies, S.V.C. Again no decision was reached, there being no scoring on either side. It was on Ihe whole a dull and uninteresting game.
      167 words
    • 251 18 The Indian Association dd well on Jan. 31, at hockey to effect a draw against a weak S.R.C. team. The teams appeared to he well matched and tin* ball was i brought up alternately with the S.R.C. more on the aggressive. Stack and < Moreira were unfortunate in not
      251 words
    • 193 18 I Keuter’s Service.] London, February 2. At Edinburgh in the rugger match, in dull and windy weather and before alo..-. .'smtland beat Walts by *m "in 1 he* first half the Welsh backs were Juu and failed badly, especially on hi offensive. Scotland was
      I Keuter’s Service.]  -  193 words
    • 353 18 Reuter’s Service.] London. January 31. < haiiioiiix At ice hockey America Britain by 11 0. Fiance beat Belgium by 7—5. The British bobsleigh team while practising was thrown out and Captain Browning sustained a broken leg and the others were bruised. The Belgian team had a similar
      | Reuter’s Service.]  -  353 words
    • 18 18 [Reuter’s Service.] London, February 6. New York New Zealand has challenged for the Davis Cup.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  18 words
    • 59 18 I itoutrr’s SiTviot*. London, February 3. Los Angeles Willie Hunter and George Vonelm defeated Havres and Ockenden in 36 holes yesterday by 4 up and 3 to play. Kuala Lumpur, February 7. The golf yesterday was watched by a large crowd. Commander Barny beat E. I*. Kyle 3 and
      I itoutrr’s SiTviot*. |  -  59 words

  • 246 18 The report of the directors of Rambuta„, Ltd., which was Lo be submitted to the eighteenth general meeting of the company, to be hel<l at Redruth, on January lo, states From the accounts it will be seen that out of the balance forward
    246 words
  • 97 18 At a recent Assizes before the Chief Justice, five Chinese were charged in connection with the murder of two men in a lorong oir Geylang. It was said that about 40 men took part armed with spears, etc. Three of tiu* accused were discharged while the
    97 words
  • 83 18 Fire at St. Andrew’ s Cathedral. Though the fusing of an electric wire in the vestry on tho left hand side of the entrance to St. Andrew’s Cathedral or Wednesday the fittings got ablaze and about 50 wires were burnt out or the wall, which is blackened by the fire.
    83 words
  • 62 18 HANDY. At the Maternity Hospital, Jatfna Ceylon, on February 5, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Handy, a son. KELLER. At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on February I, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Keller, a daughter. TOPLISS. On February 1. 1924, at Nelson. New Zealand, to Mr. and
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  • 31 18 COWAP l>1X. On January 3, at St. Mary Magdalen, Hastings, J. C. Cowap, of Penang to Frances Mildred, daughter of the late Harry Stuart Dix and Mrs. Dix, of Stoke-on-Trent.
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  • 27 18 HEINS LEICESTER. On February 4, 1899, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Coleman Street, Singapore, l»y Rev. F. II. Morgan, Walter Martin Heins and Henrietta Leicester.
    27 words
  • 187 18 Singapore, February 7. LkCttA.Vob On London, Bank 4 nt/s 2/4 7 Demand 2/4 1/8 Private 3 ni. credits 2/4 19/32 On New York, Demand 49% nom Private 90 d/s 52%. nont. On France, Bank 102Q On India, Bank T.T. 165 nom, On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1 p.c.
    187 words
  • 453 18 Singapore, February 7. MINING. Uau* Val. Pd. ttu yti* 1 1 Butane I'adang 0.37% 0.42 I liitam Tin 1.40 1.45 i 1 ff.2Cnofli 1 1 Julian Tin 0.37% .0.42% il £1 Kant. Kamunting 45/1) 40 p £1 £1 Kamunting Tin 38/- 31*'-cd 10 10 KintaAss*. Ord. 7.70
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 89 18 NOTICE All communications for both the Straits 1'irnes and the Strait* budget should he •i<Mreaped to the Head Office, Cecil and •Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settle nents. ’•he post free price of the Straits Times tc he United Kingdom and foreign countries is $34 a year. The post free price
      89 words
  • 73 18 DEATHS H)X. On February 1, 1924, at 253, Bencool-n Street, Alexander Fox, formerly of Kuala Lumpur, age 59. TAN MIANG YEW. Aged 50, on February 5. 1924, at No. 20, Purvis Street, Singnpon Malacca and Kuala Lumpur papers please copy 1. TAN. On February 5. 1924, at No. 12, Ever
    73 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 27 1 ..ener.ll.— L.*-al Rubber Auctions J Local Share Market (huger Estate Case January Rubber Returns t'orre-pomlencc. Rubber Prospects Meeting** and Reports.— Chcmpedak Estate I Rubber Share Prices
      27 words
    • 69 1 VI.. Str;.its Times is nut responsible for ..pH....m- el" its correspondents. Correq n.lihM .«hculd bear in mind that letters m ,»i shorl and to the point. Long lun.V.irg epistles are liable to be rejected or ;t" ui down. Correspondents must i i< in. r names, not necessarily for 7;
      69 words
    • 304 1 Tu the Editor of the Straits Times. >.r, With reference to your leading "t February 1 under the above 1 think you have made one error. 1 tai-.r the area in bearing in Malaya ,r i'e 1*21 as 1,316,831 acres at an aver‘~cut 100 lbs. per acre. I
      304 words
    • 1687 1 The annual meeting of the Chcmpedak! Rubber and Gambicr Estate, Ltd., was j held on January 17 at Shanghai. Mr. A. J. Welch presided and Mr. C. J. L. I Stewart acted as Secretary. The Chairman in his speech said :—The j report
      1,687 words
    • 652 2 Mes-r- Guthrie and (•<>. report Singapore, February 1. The local market took an optimistic j view ol the probable effect of the dcci-j sion to re -asses- the standard production* *.f Malaya for the second restriction year t, nd values
      652 words
    • 399 2 Fraser and Co.’s Weekly Report. Messrs. Fra er and Co.’s weekly report, oated I* ebruary 7, states: The break occasioned by the Chinese \evv Year holidays has necessarily cur1 tailed business in the local share* market I nut with the pure of tin remaining firm j'lin shares
      399 words
    • 150 2 (F r<*m Mur Own onucni). Penang, lam.ary 31. In the Supreme Court, Penang, Mr. Justice p. J. Sproule, has given judgment f<*r the pk' intifT in the case in which Miss Helen Margaret Brown, only daugh ter of tb(. late Alexander Murray Brown, sued Lawrence Coombe Brown.
      150 words
    • 106 2 Bagan Serai.— 26,500 lbs. Batnk Uabit.—26,000 lbs. Bertam Consolidated—124,000 lbs. J Extended Rubber Co.— 3 700 lbs Bassett.—19,100 lbs. -hembong.— 45,033 lbs. root hills (Malaya).—14,200 lbs Kuala Sidim.—30,47] lbs Kurau.—24,000 lbs K. M. S.—37,000 lbs. Mount Austin (Johore) 189n*>o iu Merchiston.-23.000 lbs. 2 ,bs P, at
      106 words
      • 406 2 Stock p ar Exchange Value. Company. Prices, it Anglo-Malay 21/3 fl Ayer Kuning 35/ £1 Bakap Plantations 13/9 fl Banteng (STngr) 27/6 fl Batu Caves 10/3 ft Batu Kawan 25/ f 1 Batu Tiga 35/ 2/ Bertam Consol 4/1*2 £1 Bidor Estates 37/C 2/'
        406 words
      • 725 2 Capital Issue Paid Up Value Dividends Cloeing Prices. Fraser Lyall St 312.500 p. c i n t, u/e war > 9-2-‘ 4AlU‘nbv*?*i i C Ev tt AliVtJajah'ill, !.00 \\l O S :f tt M A ra H^ l,y < ,2) 190 *•«> 2.oc' 197,550
        725 words

  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 102 3 EVERY om Is hoping that there will be s farther drop. In car prices bat when you hare seen the :> 4 w V. r(f* BUCK Phr* Sea ter, Four Cylinder Standard Model $2,375 and the BUICK Five Seater, Four Cylinder Canadian "Tperlel 32,475 yon will realise that prices have
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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