The Straits Budget, 1 February 1924

Total Pages: 26
1 6 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget No. ***** [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY] Singapore, Friday, February 1, 1924 BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES Price 25 cents.
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  • 354 1 wEADEIiSLenin m Kubbvf I* utute to iq Finance and 1 olitics l The Ilatu in i i Forii.r. Problem* Sir 1* il« rick Jane* 14 .'ftncral— Local and Personal Reuter’s Service L Pi-nar.g Municipality Sentence to Death Sir Roderick Jvnes Municipal Commission Perak River Valley Co. J Treat to
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  • 4440 1 Monday, February 11, is declared a 1 I üblic holiday for Singapore. 1 i j Leave of absence has been granted to Dr. A. G. H. Smart for twelve months. i Mr. Arthur Barker is leaving Singa- pore to-morrow and will b»* absent about three weeks. j
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    • 202 3 UM TKK’S SKHVH K.] London, January 24. ..,v companies regard the posi- '!>’ tlu. .same. Certain mdus- jjie increased eflfect.3 ot i,.. > 1V r-o.POU miners in South t sink. il( the Lothians are WTt’ed v managers this morning 1 !i „f
      , UM TKK’S SKHVH K.]  -  202 words
    • 258 3 London, January 24. \\..r Leaf, presiding at the of the Westminster Bank,' :i .to ficling of confidence and r in the coming year Britain .mo In r place as a lending 1 ndon market, he said, was •he foreign borrower. For* 'Vial loans issued last yeai n.nno.oiu). These
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    • 95 3 London, January 24. reported from Moscow ,l 1 of Lenin, in a red coffin "i w wreaths and flags, was 'h< city with much ceremony, 1 1 I l»y the widow, relatives and 1 d legates, and was conveyed r T '1 streets lined with troops ,f j.
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    • 34 3 v London, January 24. 1 1( Japanese squadron ha- 1 heartily welcomed. Tlu j nl Kave a dinner to the 1 f lor officers. An extensive '<j’ig, ,j entertainments has been i
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    • 420 3 London, January 24. Mr. Fiank Hodges lias been appointed Civil Lord of the Admiralty and Mr. Harry Gosling Minister of TYansport. Mr. Frank Hodges is the secretary cf j the Miners Federation, and has taken aj prominent part in the trade union movement.
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    • 165 3 London, January 21. Calcutta In the Legislature the Governor referred to the revival of revolutintuit y conspiracy and explained the Government’s use of emergency measures in order to strike at the leaders. Having commented on the fact that notice was given of resolutions recommending the release of political
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    • 82 3 London, January 24. The report of the sub-committee of the Imperial Defence committee, dealing w th coordination of the Army, Navy and Air Force, dismissed as impracticable the proposals for subordinating the min storial heads of the three services to the Minister of Defence or of amalgamating the
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    • 37 3 London, January 24. Amsterdam I he Bank ot the Nethci* amis has increased its rate of discount I’rom 4 1 j to 5 per cent, and on securities 'mm 5 to 5!a per cent.
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    • 354 3 London, January 24. i Washington: It is stated that Presi- j d lit oolidge regards the allegations in, connection with leasing oil lands so' seriously that he has instructed the' Attorney-General to closely follow thej proceedings of the Senate investigation committee with
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    • 108 3 London, January 21. Washington It. is stated that the rebels, while nominally respecting American protests and affirming that the blockade has been technically lifted, will declare a zone of naval warfare off Tampico, through which merchant ships will pass at their own risk. London, January 24. Washington
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    • 68 3 London, January 24. Rio de Janeiro The members of the Briti. h financial economic mission to Brazil have been appointed honorary members of tin* local commercial association. Mr. Edwin S. Montagu, in a speech at the assembly of the Association, declared that British capital would continue o
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    • 66 3 London, January 24. Port Said The Dutch steamer Vondel, from Batavia to Amsterdam, collided in port with the British steamer Padua, from the Tees to Yokohama, en route to the moorings. The damage to the form jr was slight and she is proceeding. The damage to the Padua
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    • 49 3 London, January 21. Paris It is reported from Mayenci hat in consequence of information re eived by soldiers the French police have liscovcred a Communist conspiracy to dis ribute anti-militarist propaganda among .-Tenth troops. It is stated that ovei •seventy arrests have been made, including many Germans.
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    • 29 3 London, January 2 I The court of enquiry has fixed th nanel doctors’ capitation fee at its., an. ecommends that it remain in force f<o three years.
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    • 233 3 lUKlTKR’S ShUVICK.) London, January 25. The full text of the message of Mr. MacDonald, published in The Hindu, Madras, has been received by Reuter, dated January (5. It emphasises the conviction that progress, it is to be well looted, can only be carried
      lUKlTKR’S ShUVICK.)  -  233 words
    • 121 3 London, January 24. Athens The National Assembly met this evening. The galleries were crowded and the Royal Box was thrown open to people unable to find seats in the galleries. M. Venizelos was received with tremendous applause. He stated that the Government w*as of op nion that the
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    • 98 3 London, January 25. Cape Town There were brilliant scenes at the opening of Parliament. The new Governor-General, the Earl of Athlonc, in a speech, said that while conditions were generally improving for farmers, considerable areas were sufferng severely from the long-con* inued drought and invasions of locusts on
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    • 59 3 London, January 25. Rep oiling on trade in East Africa, the British Trade Commissioner warns United Kingdom manufacturers that in add tii n to competition from tin* continent md India, Japanese manufacturers have now obtained at least a temporary domination of the market for unbleached piece floods and
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    • 52 3 London, .la.mary 25. Delhi Mr. I'atel, Swarajist, has given ,ot ice of a series of resolutions in the \ssemhly, urging on the Government to myeott British Umpire goods and th" nposition of an extra fifteen per eent. a riff on Empire goods as a protest (gainst treatment of
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    • 133 4 London, .January 2*>. While* the* railway peace negotiations n:e a op.'i i < nt ly at a deadlock, a number o! N.r.K. men who joined the strikers are rettiming to woik at variou places, notably Hull, where :*»0 decided to m- nine |'ti i a live hour
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    • 131 4 London, January 25. 'a ll The treaty between France and t’/.echo Slovak a ha heen signed. I lie two countrn proclaim in respect oj iniei nallonal Mig’ig»mcnts their firm desire for the maintenance of peace in lan pc and lideli’y to ohlipat ons as <Je lined by
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    • 85 4 London, January 25. The Hague The Lower House adopted hy 52 to the hill retaining the tax on agricultural produce in the Dut h Last Indies and introducing a tax on oil. The Minister for the (Colonies in the course of the dehate said tie* oil tax
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    • 72 4 London, January 25. olon 'I he umpire’s report on the recent naval manoeuvres asserts that tin* Panama Lanai is at present open to attack hy arcraft bombardment and naval raids, lie recommends increased elevation of long ran pc puns on the older battleships, increase of coast defence
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    • 61 4 IJanuary J.'i. \am "iiv« i i In* liicf < iHirer and t im iiilm'i <tl tiir i lew nt a Spam, ii st 'amci in port ui'ic Kill'd and live weir woundc,' by v ''hl"i nvlhi ran amok, brandishing a l\»11 1 and an axe. I In*
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    • 47 4 London, January 2.’*. Sydney Referring to the Japanese Admiral suggestion, Mr. Rowdcn said it v i i p<» Mlde Ini an Australian sound 'l'll <•* I It •lapan ill I'.*‘2l. He would a.>k 1 l( ah l net tn end a ipiadrmi in I III!"*.
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    • 34 4 I ni'dnii, .lanuai ‘J.’i. lie; 111, Subject 1., the approval ol Hn Reparations onmiis: ion, an Italo t'k'ieement ha heen reach' d re paidmir deliverie. under which Italv waive certain claim
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    • 40 4 I.nndon, .lanuary ‘2.,. I he h’liinaniaii Government has l 1 ,n '■•‘lie -el the reipjest. to I'd a tin a l".*n of 1, H»(i.nn(»,(itin. It is under 1 'I* 1 I be I'leiich Government arc lav our;,Mr.
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    • 31 4 l«"iidon, .lanuary 2a. I lie I'chogrnd Soviet ha dn ided ti, rename the City Leningrad. London, .lanuary 2a. li'uue A deciee i., pllhlished dCso|\ and living elections to, Apul 0.
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    • 317 4 IRm iek’h Si.uwck J London, January ji now decided that Lord I’arm oi will h« the lb it i h deli pate to the League, vice Lord Robert Cecil, and he will have a room at the F'oreipn Olliee. London, January 2<.
      IRm iek’h Si.uwck J  -  317 words
    • 287 4 London, January 2”>. Riga The post mortem has established that the cause of Lenin’s death was arterio-sclerosis of the hrain, apparently inherited from his father who died at the same age of the identical disease. Lenin’s body was "t.i!'timed and a procession is uninterruptedly visiting the coffin. The
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    • 111 4 London, January 2(1. Cologne The Separatist leader, •‘h.ich, was shot dead while returning nun a propagandist meeting at Adenau. S i ,y l^r,lt bullets. Schlich onstit uted himself governor of Kifol during the recent Separatist regime an I i.nied seven trill,on marks of worthless cui leiicy called Schlichgcld,
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    • 569 4 London, January ‘Jo. 1 Washington Mr. Doheny’s testimony in the Senate has electrified the capital. There was an echo :n the House of Representatives to-day, when the naval committee asked Rear-Admiral. Gicgoij, *to produce the leases of the oil reserve m order
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    • 61 4 London, January 2d. “I™*' ,,,k ial of inimi- (a na,,a to the nine months n Leeemher totalled 121,(580, an :n--‘lejise of 1(0 per cent, compared with pi e\ ious corresponding period The from Britain were (5427 an case of 125 per cent. In m erinN L m the
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    • 37 4 London, January 2(5. t.'dia Prime Minister of Aus- ,rft for home. He will visii »t id 1 sai r ,u M r an J 1 ii ,in VhV.;r °r? \'Zu mW <<t tic." Govnt
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    • 235 4 London, January 2r,. The only change in the railway tion is in the nature of a hint exnre*i by Mr. J. Bromley, secretary of u\ Locomotive Engineers’ and Firemen's sociation. that developments are during the week-end. This is general!'taken to mean that the
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    • 197 4 London, January 2t‘. Paris The Chamber have begun t» debate the Government’s proposals t strengthen the franc. It is expected t. last ten days. The proposals will b hotly fought by the left bloc in the hop of overthrowing the Government but Mi.latter’s defeat is not likely. The
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    • 80 4 London, January 2(5. The Hague A new company has bce.i registered under the title, the Netherlands Acceptance Company, with a capit a of 5,000,000 florins, with the object ‘f financing commercial transactions angranting trade credits, especially between Holland and foreign countries. Tli Netherlands Trading Company and th*. Rotterdam
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    • 77 4 London, January Montreal The Minister of Comment, addressing the Canada Pulp Paper Association, declared this year would anada as the world’s greatest newspr.nt producer exceeding: the newsprint production of the United States. The capital invested in the industry in Canada "as nearly $lOO,OOO, the total net annual
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    • 57 4 London, January t Tokio The Crown Prince Hiruhito «*>''* Princess Nagaka have been married. London, January -7. I lie Prime Minister has conveyed to th lapanese Ambassador a message ot 8°■"! vill and congratulation on behalf of the •ritish Government and people to th* 1 rown Prince of
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    • 591 5 IF: i ter’s Service.] I lxrndon, January 28. I Th 4nzHo luncheon was held on AusI at tht* Hotel Cecil. The Prince I U t\L'J was the guest of honour. Sir I f n) Cook, High Commissioner for
      IF: i ter’s Service.]  -  591 words
    • 189 5 London, January 26. 1 th.. l n SP 'i te r °f Government by 7f> votes to 1 Legislature carried urtrinir u a Swarajist resolution the 17 n det2£23 that the exi«ton!f L Ste P h en»on said •Pinicv pm.2 e tif < a evoluti °n conun»vailinp d
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    • 274 5 London, January 28. Fresh hopes of a railway settlement ate raised by an interview the Trades Union mediation committee had with the railway managers, to whom they submitted a formula which it is understood the locomotive men's society executive had previously approved. London,
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    • 150 5 London, January 28. Rome According to the newspapers he Italo-Jugo-Slavian treaty of friendship stipulates for reciprocal neutrality in case of war, also, at Jugo-Slavia’s request, it provides for cooperation in economic and military defence, thereby giving a special character to Italo-Jugo-Slav relations in all political problems in Central
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    • 127 5 London, January' 28. Paris It is understood that the Government has proposed to Britain that the question of the maintenance of order in the Palatinate and the security of French troops there should be submitted to the Conference of Ambassadors. Le Temps admits that the Separatist movements
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    • 64 5 London, January 28. New York According to the Federal Reserve Board’s monthly statement, the production of basic commodities declined four per cent, in December to the lowest point of the year, reflecting principally reduced consumption in the cotton industry. There were also reductions in the woollen, petroleum and
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    • 305 5 London, January 28. Paris Commenting on Mr. MacDonald's interview, L’Ecluir says Mr. MacDonald asks everything without promising France anything. L’Echo de Paris says Mr. MacDonald is at present most cautious, but must sooner or later vote in favour
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    • 94 5 London, January 28 Washington The House of Representatives appropriations committee h s reported the bill providing President Coolidge with a fund of 5100,000 to cover legal costs of any prosecut ions necessary in the ‘‘Teapot Dome” oil C se. The Senate discussed a resolution piesonted by
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    • 82 5 London, January 28. Shanktown Thirty-one bodies have been recovered from the Lancashire mine. Four miners, including the foreman, are missing and believed drowned. Further search has been abandoned ow ng to the rapid rise of the water. The majority of the victims were married. London, January 28. Pawtucket,
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    • 53 5 London., January 28. New York A syndicate headed by Morgan’s has purchased 200,000 shares at $3O each of the authorised but unissued stock in the Marland Oil Company and has p r id an option on an additional 335,000 shares. It is expected that the deal will ultimately
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    • 51 5 London, January 28. Toulon The report of the commission of enquiry regarding the loss of the airship Dixmude does not arrive at a definite conclusion, but is inclined to believe that the craft was struck by lightning and fell into the sea from i height of approximately 6,000
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    • 179 5 London, January 2K. Warsaw It is reported from Moscow that there is great unrest in the army, partly in consequence of the death of Lenin. The barracks have become the scene of political disputation, and a lack of discipline is manifest. It is
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    • 59 5 London, January 28. Washington The Federal Trade Commission is complaining that the principal corporations engaged in the manufacture and distribution of radio equipment and the rendering of radio service are mating and maintaining a monopoly in radio apparatus and communication. Various companies are cited to answer within thirty days
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    • 48 5 London, JanuJ ry 2K. Bombay The strike in the Standard mills due to non-payment of workers' bonus is extending, and 32 out of the K. r > mills in Bombay have closed down, rendering GO,OOO operatives idle. It is expected that all mills will cease work tomorrow.
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    • 37 5 London, January 2D. Washington The committee of the House of Representatives voted a 25 per cent, reduction in tax on unearned income to $20,000. Incomes under $5,000 are classified for purposes of reduction as earned.
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    • 41 5 London, January 28. Trimcomalee The feature of tho visit of the British cru ser squadron, which arrived at the week-end, has been the daily crowds of all races, hundreds flocking in from d stricts over a hundred miles distant.
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    • 165 5 London, January 27. Cairo Tiaghlul Pasha has accepted the Premiership. London, January 27. Rome The Italo-Jugo-Slavian treaty has been signed. London, January 28. The death is announced of Rodzinnko, ex-president of the Duma and one of the chief organisers of the Russian revolution. London, January 28. St. Louis Senator
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    • 300 6 (RKUTKK't* Skhvhk.J London, January 20. Mr. J. H. Thomas received Empire jmunnlistH at the Colonial Office and outlmed the* Govrnimcnt’s Empire policy, He deprecated Hit* dea that there would he rash or violent chair'c 1 making for New Jerusalem, Government had
      (RKUTKK't* Skhvhk.J  -  300 words
    • 162 6 London, January 211. Washington. 11l the Senate the D* nocratic leader Mr. Robinson moved a resolution expressing thr* Senate’s view that President Coolidge should request the resignation of Mr. Denhy. He also proposed that the President should demand tin* resignations of “other Navy Department otlicials and officers
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    • 65 6 London, January 21). I>c)hi Ihe fust stop in tin* campaign to combat suffering in India in the shape of a national Baby Week proved most successful. There have so far been 1100 exhibitions, including 00 in the native states. Lady Reading opened the Delhi .show tti imposing ceremony.
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    • 67 6 London, January 21*. I’aris It is semi-officially denied that the Rumanian (Jovornment have declined the loan <f Fr. 100,00,000, to which France had already agreed. f A cable of the 2f»th inst. stated that, the Rumanian (Jnvernmcnt h: d decided to < anerd tb* request to France
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    • 40 6 London, January 21*. 1 i bam .lor of the Exchequer lias Vi ao’inced tin* the (iovernment have 'I ,J t bev are riot prepared t 0 f M r -'.vernment vhrireholdin t be Aiiido Per ■'•an (>l Company.
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    • 397 6 London, January 20. lb. railway tfike has been settled. London, January 20. The ettiermrit of the strike wa, jji t putili lied from a brief official sta |j( tin. close of an ad *mi he.wet II ’llf rad way manager-' M j,„ mto *e
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    • 43 6 London, January 20. Washington Imports in 1023 were *3,701,000,000, against $3,112,000,000 in 1022, of which *1,157,000,000 came front Europe against *001,000,000 in 1022. Exports totalled $4,107,000,000 against $3, 831,000,000, of which *2.003,000,000 went to Europe against $2,083,000,000 jn the previous year.
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    • 41 6 London, January 21*. olombo Petty Officer Woods was killed and six others were injured by the capsizing of a motor lorry carrying a party belonging to the Empire* cruise squadron on a precip tous road between Trincomalee and Kandy.
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    • 43 6 London, January 21*. Ihe Daily telegraph’s diplomatic correspondent states that the Commissioner(ienernl for the supervision of Hungary’s finances under the reconstruction scheme will be Mr. W. I*. Harding, of the federal Hoard, Washington. The appointment is everywhere welcomed in financial circles.
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    • 48 6 London, January 21). Bombay Ninety thousand millhands arc now striking and (ill mills have closed. The managers have announced that the mills will hi' closed until February 4, after which, if work is not i esumod unconditionally, they will he dosed for a further fortnight.
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    • 41 6 London. January 20. Jerusalem Highwaymen attacked and u 7 n l ar ,ont 'ning stores from a Ih c occupants, Sergeant-Maior r Q.M.S. Dunn, of the Duke of ellingt oil’s Regiment, were killed and h "’as slightly j.jured
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    • 542 6 London, January 2'J. Sir Frederick James, K.8.1v, < ha.s been appoint'd Governor of the W .ndward Islands in succession to Mi George liaddon Smitn, l\.< M.G. Sir Frederick Seton K.H.L., .Mwho has been C olonial Secretary, t rait.> Seitlements, since March, Itlld, u
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    • 122 6 London, -J- nuary 30. New York A jury has convicted William H. Anderson, New York State Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League, on both counts of an indictment charging him with forgery in the third degree. This scandal h: s divided public interest with the oil scandal.
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    • 40 6 London, January 30. Washington Mr. Hughes received the \horXJ harK V M. Tsamados. m rr > r< j‘o! ah lshlnR ,e,atio between u United States nnd Greece. London, January 30. S.vdno y: The Japanese squadron has -i-.led for New Zealand.
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    • 195 6 l Lli i tit .*> M:i<v ii,h, j London, January :>u. The Daily Telegraph’s political observer gives the gist of a letter stated to be remarkably straightforward which was despatched by Mr. MacDonald to M Poincare on his assumption of office.
      l Lli i tit .*> M:i<v ii,h, j  -  195 words
    • 160 6 London, January :;u. Galveston, Texas Mexican federal troops captured Orizaba. The Federals are now advancing m Cordoba, li is reported that several r»--bcl trains fell into their hands. London, .January 3»*. Washington It is officially report'd from Mexico City that l„ r &gt;oo pn-.mrs were taken when Esperanza
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    • 136 6 London, January Mr. Havelock Wilson, on behalf of the National Sailors aad Firemen’s Union, has telegraphed to the Premier pointing out that 1,200 German seamen from German vessels have struck at United Kingdom ports against the low wage of per month compared with £0 paid by tin*
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    • 128 6 London, January dO. Paris A long* authoritative statement now makes it clear that Rumania has finally renounced her intention of asking the French Government for a loan of Fr. 100,000,000. It is explained that the inevitable delay in the French Parliament vot’ng the loan compels Rumania to
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    • 245 7 January 30 I Nt vv s le ins that the AclI Tj-- lKl mired to make important ■njira-tJ' lhe Singapore scheme. |m^ ::Kat ,vc i- to enlarge the existing |0m ,all i: U to take any British variety 1, -ither, which
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    • 153 7 London, January 30. Washington The republican Mr. Wil.Wait -1 m the Senate that Mr. ha ha.! he r wed under the surveillance of Pijurtm. c of Justice agents at New 0 20th m*t., with orders not h m t«» leave the country “under ft ‘tV It )V
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    • 142 7 London, January 30. Bcriin The first committee of experts enquiring into the means for stabilising German finances has arrived from Paris n 'i h* M a meeting presided over bj General Dawes. It was decided to requ*tho Chancellor to enable the comn. '.’et to establish points of contact
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    • 51 7 London, J: nuary 30. ’J” H il divergence of opinion in the "gaids the wisdom of the GovV V, dwisiun not to dispose of the af\ S M °'l shares. The Times. the pros and cons, apprIt is not expected that l, price of the shares will
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    • 64 7 London, January 30. Bombay Only two mills are working and are expected to close to-morrow. There are 140,000 operatives idle. N&lt; negotiations are proceeding and there is i,o ttign of settlement. London, January 30. The council of the port labour employ era has accepted the proposals of th«.
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    • 54 7 London, J nuury 30. The Morning Post learns that the Amsterdamsche Bank and the Twentsche Bank have formed a new in ernaiional bank in Amsterdam” for the transaction of international bus ness. The paid-up e- pital is ten mill;, n guilders. Stockholm, Berlin and London banks, including
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  • 543 7 An appeal to the Privy Council by the Crown against a decision of the Singapore Court of Appeal was mentioned in the Supreme Court on Monday, whin tho Solicitor-General applied to Mr. Justici Acton for an extension of the time in which the
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  • 86 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, January 30. At a meeting of the Municipal Commission the President tributed the Hon. Mr. Yeoh (Juan Seok, who had served as a Commissioner for 13 years, adding that he took n great interest in the developnent of the town, especially the welfare
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  • 969 7 She was a wife, and the mother of two children, but she looked little more than a girl as she sat up in bed in the Nursing Home. The sweetness of her nature revealed itself in the gentle winsome face, and in the smile she gave the
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  • 506 7 The following passengers ure proceeding to Kurope by the Macedonia which sailed esU rdny Heasman, C. (I. K. Maughun, Lim heng Teik, Khoo Sieu Jin, Mrs. E. C. Wrcy, Mr. and Mrs. Petterson and children, D. Muir, 1.. J. Hlyth, K. M. V. Davies, It. C. Lewis,
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  • 201 7 On Tuesday, the case of Bashir Ahmed, who is charged with kidnapping* a person from India, came on again before Mr. David, District Judge. Mr. W. 11. liinsmore, Solicitor-Cieneral, was present on behalf of the Crown, together with Mr. Dickinson, A.S.P., in charge of the detective
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  • 80 8 ITh&lt;* StrmtH Time* n* r. »pon»ibl« fo' .1 w .4 .•uncsi&gt;«m i&lt;*nt». t orn U„. oe. o.s o* it tor th at Uuar. v It point. Long epiiUcn ar* otto, i .y cut down. 1 lit thcr mimes, not utn.isar y liublHUtum hut ns Koarar.U*** of Jart^ So liner
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  • 182 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Humour ha.- it that a divisional .anilary inspector. accompanied by several sanitary inspectors, raided a •muse within the Municipality. He did so under instruction.' Hum a higncr autho.It&gt; in tin* hope ot finding unreported ca of uniall p« hl r n
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  • 611 8 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir. It certainly should be u matter of much gratification to the committee! of the Rangoon Ruud Fire Relief Fund that the r call for help has met with such a ready response from the public that the sum has,
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  • 407 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. S T It was very deep regret that 1 read in your to-day’s issue of of Sir I'onnambaiam Arunathalani at Colombo. Among the Jatlna Colombo he was perhaps the most tinguished by virtue of the high P«j»» i«&gt; he
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  • 104 8 T" tr.c Editor of tho Straits Times. Sir, During the last few months a considerable amount of good local talent demonstrated itself in aid *&gt;f certain dos rving funds, thereby oiler* mg quite large sums. Would it not he pos.-ihle to persuade some of this talent to
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  • 211 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. —The above company has received a letter from the Secretary to the High Commissioner for the Malay States, calling attention to my speech at the first annual general meeting of the company, and the quotation from Mr. Single’s
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  • 200 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. I would call your attention to the inadequate arrangements of the above department of the Municipality. The animal hospital in Kampong Java Read closes at four o’clock every afternoon. and any case however urgent can receive no
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  • 545 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—-I am disappointed tj read solittlv Malacca news in the Straits Times. 1 nave not had the pleasure yet of meeting Our own Correspondent but if he will read these notes he will see what news le has been omitting and
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  • 135 8 (Aneta’s Service.) Weltevreden, January 26. Sir Roderick Jonos, chairman uuu managing director of Reuter’s Agency has made a six days’ auto-trip through Java, accompanied by a director of th* allied news-agency Aneta. Sir Roderick was received in specif audience by the
    (Aneta’s Service.)  -  135 words
  • 263 8 There was a stir in the Kuaia Lumpur police court this morning, say? the Malay Mail of Friday, when the n: that Reuben Arnold itnutdman. la.e .votary of the Kuala Lumpur Saint a &gt; t.oard would be produced before Mr.
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  • 152 8 A double murder occurred in a shoe i:i*ik*• i*: &gt;hop in Bianco Court on ir.oniing. About d.bO a.m., one of the vmp;oyce» o f the shop left, taking away iiis kit as he did not intend to return, nut finding that he had left something behind
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  • 153 8 The junction of Uobinson Hoad a d’Almeida Street was the scene or triple accident .during the forerfeon Tuesday, in which a car, cycle and car, and a tram were involved. Mr. Kvans was in his car coming from j0 ston’s Pier along Collver Quay, and w about
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  • 2148 9 MUNICIPAL COMMISSION. No Preference for British Manufacturers. F or t Canning Reservoir Agreement. ti ,i business of interest at H lit n* was a dciiate on the (juesH i (l or not the home agents H jiirnised only to purchase H .ured m Great Britain. H A a ;.,si) given
    2,148 words
  • 72 9 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, January 25. At the meeting of Perak River Valley Rubber Co., Mr. I). A. M. llrown, presiding, said that the Company’s prospects were excellent. The all-in costs on the crop of 100 (188 lbs. was 27.401) cents. The •port and accounts
    72 words
  • 53 9 On January 24, A. S. I*. Mr. Mitch arrested a Hokien named Lim Liang by t Ik* 10th milestone, Chua Chu Kang Road. The man is alleged to have committed a murder in Klnng three years ago. The name of the murdered "inn is Puoh Huan.
    53 words
  • 677 9 The gieat oil burning vessel, the Franconia, sister ship of the Laconia and the Samar a, which have visited Singapore, .i Saar iay, on «*i around the v.oild cruise* under the auspicis of th Amku.vHH Expies. a.ipany travel department. Tite Franconia, which
    677 words
  • 127 9 Our Kuala I.unipur correspondent writes on Sunday Mr. J. It. Vcthavanam, well-known in Kuala Lumpur f r ir* acts of charity to the poor, pave his yearly teat to the poor Tamil coolie hildren &lt; n Saturday afternoon at tr.npalow in Hanpsar Road. Larcre num-| in
    127 words

  • 1220 10 The annual meeting of the Ctijon Jack i lub was held at tin* Exchange on Monday afternoon, when th** chair was taken by II.E. Major-General Sii Neill Malcolm, G.O.C., and there were also present (’apt. P. R. Stevens, R.N., Lieut.-Col. llaseldmc, Lieut.-f
    1,220 words
  • 428 10 The judgment of the High Court in the appeal of Burns, Phup, and Co., Ltd., v. West Australian Navigation Co., i.KI., and Ocean Steamship Co., Ltd., was against the appellants. Judgment had originally been given by Mr. Justice uwinside, We.-i Australia,
    428 words
  • 39 10 ll -S reported that certain changes are b introduced into the inspectorial ranks o the Straits SottlemcntTpolK 1 ar to he strengthened bv y~: nt nUn,hor of Eu r «sian shoiiii hi trrr paucity of inspectors. thc
    39 words
  • 802 10 Itic* twelfth ordinary general meeting of the Kastern Smelting Company, Ltd., wut&gt; heal on December 111 at Stattord iiuuse, King Vvuliam Street, K.C., Sir Lrnest VV. Birch, K.C.M.G. (Chairman;, piesiding. j 'ine secretary (Mr. F. C. Bell) having reau the notice convening
    802 words
  • 825 10 (From Our Own Correspondent). Bangkok, January 2' 1 Ugl&gt; incidents have just occurred" u Bangkok when a section of Army Cadet anil Naval Cadets came into conflict For some time past there has been bad feeling between the two parties
    825 words

  • 620 11 TV Britijh Malay# R*turni of F*orcign Imports and Exports for the month ended December 31, 1923, is issued by iv-i-trar of Imports and Exports. The following points should be noted*-- ttu n i N articles imported into or exported
    620 words
  • 49 11 I'mm Our Own Correspondent.) Hongkong, January 28. Ces have seized the Swedish steamin the Canton River delta, and v '‘l»&lt;’d with booty valued U,500. Nobody Wa&gt; harmed. ii Balen is owned by Rederiaktieb 'jngborg, of Gothenberg and is of 11 tons gross.
    49 words
  • 21 11 1 ay, Lebruury 18, has been fixed ,;i eof Hie next Legislative Coun--2;, k r instead of Monday, February
    21 words
  • 240 11 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, January 29. On information received, Mr. Dailey, A.C.r., and detectives, raided a coffee shop in Sultan Street yesterday evening and discovered a number of C hinese assembled for the purpose of gang robbery. Three arrests were made and the others
    240 words
  • 65 11 Her Imperial Highness Princess Kita sliirakawa was a passenger on the Haku san Mam which called at Singapore on Monday on the way to Japan. It \rf l be remembered that Her Highness wn i injured in a tragic motoring accident in France last year in
    65 words
  • 587 11 The annual meeting of the Young Women’s Christian Association was held at the hostel. Fort Canning Hoad on Monday. Mrs. J. M. Sime presided in the* unavoidable absence of Lady Guillemard, who wrote to the Secretary expressing her regret at not being
    587 words
  • 141 11 The Deli Courant of January L’b slates \:i oflicial and a mimher of clerks in tin* Cove? miient Incomc-tax Ih pari inrnt at Medan have liecn aide to defr ud tin* Netherlands India (iovcrnment of many thousands of judders l*y offer n to make Vij» faked aceountan'
    141 words
  • 56 11 A contractor's coolie, whilst woiKinu •ai'tro on the K. I*. M. steiinier Sw.ierh croon in Wedm day, lost his balance and fell into the hold, lie was brought 'o the deck unconscious and tak'-n ashore 'o lie International Dispensary, where, on examination bv the doctor,
    56 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 1289 12 r;i itTurn,, y L.'» 'II, i t atli of Lenin, lli«- mo. t r M picUoil Ii IJ»• 111 t he I'n ;,n 1 lias lit &lt;n i &lt; m &gt; t &lt; &lt;1 man:, time but i »&gt;•*&gt; to ;ill |»|&gt;( aimice fully ;»u' 1 i• 1
      r;i itTurn,, y L.'»  -  1,289 words
    • 1153 12 work oq-iitaMy ami crticicntly. St vail I’mms .January i!&lt;«. lb' late Secretary of State, apparently a '1"' hist ad &lt;»f his official life, sanctioned the report of the Central Commit ti", subject to a proviso that the ih «i\i• mu Mandat'd production shall in no case i xceed
      work oq-iitaMy ami crticicntly. St vail – I’mms .January i!<«.  -  1,153 words
    • 1052 12 I lr M f l of it.—Straits I llllly Mr. Walter Leaf is one of the ablest of London Bankers, and they are repute to he the ablest and the soundest in th world. His speech, a few days ago, was. therefore, a thing to ponder over
      Ilr (Mfl of it.—Straits I ’ llllly  -  1,052 words
    • 1093 13 Straits T mes, January 29. Nothing really very serious has happened to the French franc yet, and to the !&gt;osi of our recollection wo have made nothing more than the most casual reference to it in these column.;. observe, however, that there appears t be a gr wing
      Straits T mes, January 29.  -  1,093 words
    • 1092 13 St i it linn .Isinuai ,&lt;l Kail Curzon had been closely associated with problems of foreign policy foi &gt;7 years when he left the Foreign Secre-tary-hip a few days ago. There may be doubts as to his tact and judgment here could be none as to his vast
      St i it linn . .Isinuai ■,<l  -  1,092 words
    • 1168 14 Straits lime.-, January 111. I’romoli n c u!d n t P ;i &lt; »»&gt;’•• Sir I ,,,I. rick .lain H« ha tin* quality of p, onality, the will to work, the driving force which yets from him elf an f* ■“&gt; the best that is in ti*
      Straits lime.-, January 111.  -  1,168 words

  • 151 14 A man iage of interest to &lt;&gt;l&lt;l SingaI* ic ami lima residents took place in Hongkong oji .January 1(5, when Mr. Douglas Keid, of tin- (’bartered Bank, m;Trad Miss Catherine Jean Lowson, Mr. Douglas Heed is the only son of Mr. T. H. Keid and the late
    151 words
  • 101 14 i’li* detect i\i department have arrested v nine e lor alleged extortion from finale of the same nationality. ()n&lt; •f Die a&lt; eased i* a man, named I lee Ah v*ho is said to have demanded s,‘s(l n woman, named Tai Teoh Suan. ■I at Smith
    101 words
  • 987 14 Two members of Kaai s Hawaiian ns, E. Kiniey and James K«»dri_;i!o J*i**., were placed before Mr. GouriVt o: Jan. 21, on charges of assaulting a ricks\a puller and police constable .”.18, and with offering resistance to the latter, and
    987 words
  • 452 14 An action was heard in tin* Supit Court on -Ian. 21, beioro the Chief .1 (Sir Walter Shaw), in which N. Ham. id, a dulush, claimed $10,000 from a Mii„i willow, named Futimuh binte Abdul all. f sei vices rendered in connection
    452 words
  • 220 14 The following telegram has hc&lt; n ccived bv His Excellency the (b»vcincr (i *m the Right Hon. James Henry 1 lioiua^, Al.ik, Secretary of State for the &lt; C* January 21, His Majesty the Kintrusted to me yesterday the Seal" Colonial Department and I take tin-
    220 words

  • 1175 15 oort of the special committee to consider and make recomarP L 'i a regarding tne salary scheme nK‘‘ auUU „|ficers of the Municipality was for ,\t the meeting of the Municipal pre.-ciu* i Jast week, and was t,v a majority. It will btf
    1,175 words
  • 247 15 From the report published in the Nieuws Van den Dag of a meeting, on the 16th inst., of directors of the Dutch Indian harbour?, we make the following extract:—Mr.; Bier, from Macasser, maintained that it! was to the advantage of the outer! possessions to ship goods via
    247 words
  • 197 15 The well-known Dutch journalist D. B.” who has been travelling in the Far East, gives some impressions of Singapore in the Nieuws van den Dag. He says :—For the present, I am spiritually a little tired. Singapore irritates me, hurts me Bangs against the impressions of
    197 words
  • 1035 15 The bankruptcy list down for hearing by Mr. Justice Acton on Friday included the following :—Petitions for receiving orders against Chop Yin Poh Thong,, lladjee Mohamed Salleh applications for discharge by Shaik Mohamed bin Abdullah bin Marie, Chop Wai Yai Hong. Chip Hiap
    1,035 words
  • 206 15 Notification of the following appointments is made in the current issue of the F.M.S. Government Gazette :—Mr. W. C. S. Corry tQ be a Cadet in tho Malayan Civil Service, F.M.S., Mr. W. E. Williams to act as Deputy Stores Superintendent, F.M.S.R„ Mr. G. B. Linford seconded for
    206 words
  • 195 15 Before the* Hon. Mr. Justice I\ J. Sprouk* in tlu* Supreme Court, Penang, on January 23, the hearing was begun of tlu* suit concern inf? the acquisition of land in Tanjong Bungah for a public purpose. The land in question is being acquired by the
    195 words
  • 76 15 The Deli Cournot reports that during 1023, 31 attacks were made by coolies on assistants on estates in the Netherlands Indies. These 31 attacks included two murders, 22 of more or less seriousness and seven of a less serious nature. Nineteen attacks were made by Javanese
    76 words
  • 70 15 A serious gang robbery took place at the fifth milestone Thomson Road last night when the house of a Chinese was entered into by six men who after having tied the inmates to a rubber machine, took away about s2f&gt;o worth of stuff. Inspector Sullivan
    70 words

  • 1817 16 'I'lie annual general meeting &gt;&gt;f tlie SiiiKapore luh at which it wa d&lt; ,,.&lt;&lt;! ibat the name "f the club hould be altered to the Singapore d’urf &lt; lot) v.a hell] under the pre ddicy &lt;&gt;l M r J. 1&gt;.
    1,817 words
  • 1188 16 collision between a train uml ii otuj-lony at a railway crossing on th Bukit Tintah Road vas the subject ot an at ion in the Supreme Court on Tuesday before Mr. Justice Ac.nn. in wnich ja lorry driver, named usop bin
    1,188 words
  • 306 16 A correspondent writes :—A p.cisc.: tea party arranged by the Anju Islam in honour of Mr. H. G. Sanvai. th.* patron of the Anjuman-i-Islam, wli &gt; hortly going to Europe on leavi i i.k at No. 40 Neven Bead, the i» &gt;... acc of Mr. R. Mahmood
    306 words
  • 112 16 Sunday marked the sixty-seco: i dication festival of St. Andrew’s J dral, the interior of which was a&lt;. ’-I with flowers in honour of the event, i nnwas a large congregation at Ev- at which both the Bishop and thi IRv. E. A. Hone officiated. The latter,
    112 words
  • 69 16 Before Mr. David, District *1- on Monday, a Hokin woman, n nv i Noi, of 116, Amoy Street, was at, the instance of Mr. \V. G. with voluntarily causing hmt to :i Chinese girl. Mr. .Stirling sta.file accused struck the child, cau very nasty bruise. Accused said
    69 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1113 17 an interesting game of hockey v,: on January 24 on the padang V,J 1 flH s.R.C. were opposed to the vM ct,aif Both teams appeared {iar well matched and the game t» b ;L ul wus played at a fast pitch. throUMjou were the first
      1,113 words
    • 77 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.&gt; Penang. January 2«*. Despite the fact that Perak fielded the better side, they had to acknowledge defeat at the hands of Penang by two goals to one. They had the better of the game and led by one goal during the first half.
      77 words
    • 345 17 To-night’s Contest. Those who think Silvino Jarnito, lightwcignt champion of the East, will have an easy with Edwin de Souza, the local welterweight champion, at the «‘.tippy Valiev iftis evening, shoulu see the way Jarnito is getting ready for .he Pout. lie, in any case, is not taking
      345 words
    • 256 17 Cruiser’s Team Win at Malacca. Rather a romarkable match, in view of the glut of goals that were scored was played on Tuesday between a team from II.M.S. Carlisle and a scratch St Francis Association XI. The local team, who had Dollah of the Baiulukubu Football Club in goal,
      256 words
    • 184 17 S.C.C. Defeat Natal Team. A match was played on the padang on January 24, between the S.C.i A XV and a team from H.M.S. Carlisle, a cruiser which is now in pJrt. The Club had a strong side out, including W. Webster, J. W. Winter, and Mclvor, and the
      184 words
    • 180 17 [Reuter's Service.] London, January 2G. Dublin At rugger. Ireland beat France by ft points to nil. Eighteen thousand attended the match. The Frenchmen kicked off against a strong wind, and for a time their forwards operated vigorously in the Irish liaif. Soon, however, Ireland asserted
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  180 words
    • 559 17 The handicap race for the trophy presented by Mr. 0. J. Wilson started at ten on Sunday morning and brouglr at twelve boats in splendid sailing weather, and the course was rather a welcome change from the usual Club round. Puteh and Golden Girl were non-starters,
      559 words
    • 328 17 [Reuter Service.] London January 27. Chamonix The first contests in the winter sports section of the Eighth Olympiad were run off in fine weather. There were 27 competitors, representing ten nations. The 500 metres speed skating was won by the American Jewtraw in 14 secs. Dedsen, Norway,
      [Reuter Service.]  -  328 words
    • 18 17 f Reuter’s Service.] Ivondon, January 28. New York Holland has chulleHKed for the Davis Tup.
      f Reuter’s Service.]  -  18 words
    • 405 18 ’1 he follov ng wore the results at the swimming sports of the Scouts held on Saturday ai the Y.M.C.A. swimming pool A. Division. lo Yards Free Style. 1 Mohamad Yusoli hill Sawnvali (fifth Troof), 2 Hwang Soon Chong ('ihnd Troop), 3 11- Deins (Seventh Iroop).
      405 words
    • 291 18 Uniter's Service.] London, January 2G. San Francisco Sarazen was two up on Havers in the morning round of 18 holes of the 72 hole match to be played here and at Ixis Angeles. Sarazen was often in trouble, but was saved by his putting. San Francisco
      | Uniter's Service.]  -  291 words
    • 464 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, January 20. The weather was line and there was n moderate attendance for the opening o. the (iymkharia Club’s race meeting h to-day. The re were few scratching Oentle Eva, Calculator, Bex, Firstaway Orthez and Blossoms alone refusing
      464 words
    • 164 18 In the cricket match played on Saturday between the Y.M.C.A. and St. Joseph’s Old Hoys Association, the former won by 21 runs. Scores St. .1. B. A :—K. van Jansz b Stack G; V. K. Dumont b Stack 7; F. Albuquerque b Ignatius 4 A. Saniy b Stack 2
      164 words
    • 70 18 [Reuter’s Service.J London, January 30. Sulney V ctor a beat New South Wales by eight wickets, winning the inter statu competition and the bhetlieoi Shield. New South Wales made 217 (Andrew, "0 llartkopf four for 40) and ictoria (I'onsford 110, Mayne 154 not out) „i v. .‘Outh Wales
      [Reuter’s Service.J  -  70 words
    • 73 18 There will be a Men’s Open Singles and a Men’s Open Doubles Tournament at the Ladies Lawn Tennis Club cn February 5 and f&gt;, play commencing at 11 am. Entries close on Saturday at noon. Entrance fees to non-members is $5 and to members $3. Competitors
      73 words
    • 16 18 In the S.C.C. tournament in Snookers Gale beat Bentley by 36 and Riches by 19.
      16 words

  • 314 18 The hearing was continued in the ’Supreme Court on Wednesday, before M r. Justice Acton, of the action in which a contractor named N. V. Vandyar sued Sycd Omar Alngoff for $5,934 in respect of work done, materials supplied, and wages paid to
    314 words
  • 156 18 The death took place at Seremban Hospital on Saturday, at the acre of 28 years, of Mr. F. Clarke-Williams, a Negri Semhil n planter. On Friday afternoon he walked nearly three miles from his own bungalow on New Seremban estate, t &gt; that of another assistant, and
    156 words
  • 100 18 Culinary Dealer’s Relapse An old Chinese and two boys, one of whom was very young, were charged K Insp. Higgins before Mr. Gourlay on Tuesday with gaming in Malacca St. on Monday. The inspector said the man gathered a number of boys around him for gamblin'The parents described the third
    100 words
  • 518 18 As the result of a raid made recent!v by Mr. W. G. Stirling a number of hi nese, and Japanese keepers of brothel (15 in all) in Syed Ali Lane, Jalan Besar Malay, Hylam and Malabar Streets, wen* charged before Mr. P.
    518 words
  • 211 18 The Hongkong D ily Press of January 17. has the following which supplement* the informat on already published in the Straits Times A startling plot has just been revealed ir. Hongkong which had as its al ged object the piracy of
    211 words
  • 54 18 Following are particulars of l*’*'.''* yields of tin ore from Rawnng Mine 14 in. sluicing plant run N from December 9 to January 2) cun 999, yards treated 123.999* u’culs. 12 in. sluicing plant run N T’om December 8 to January 19 1 n 828, yards
    54 words

  • 961 19 i user and Co.’s weekly report, j ,i January lalt silently*r during the i Viuuk»- review the price of tin con*u'' V( .,.y satisfactory ami the share tl! ha’s been on thu active side ‘fuchout the period. Pengkalens and have a
    961 words
  • 541 19 11 iwe was a large anil reprcsonlativc gathering on the lawn 01 Wesicy age on Fort ('anning Road on the afternoon of January 2.* to bid bon voyage to Bishop G. 11. lliekley and Mrs. Liickley aim any, on the eve of
    541 words
  • 174 19 The Solicitor-General (Mr. G. G. Seth) has been removed from the roll of solicitors of the Colony at his own request. The Attorney-General (Sir Will am Murr son), who made the necessary application to Mr. Justice Acton, stated that, owing to their confidential nature, he could not
    174 words
  • 876 19 (From A Correspondent) ipoh, January 28. The South Perak Church bazaar, whit* i was organised by Mrs. D.W. Simmon.with the assistance of Mrs. ingiis u.secretary and Mr. Cecil Pearse as trea surer, was held at the Ipoh Town Hall on Saturday and generally proved the success ii deserved
    876 words
  • 200 19 The Bangkok Times records the death of Mr. Arthur David Ellison, aged 29, which took place in the Bangkok Nursing Home on January 22. Mr. Kllision died from collapse and shock following the injuries he received at Paknampoh, when the Borneo Company’s station there
    200 words
  • 145 19 Ihe adjourned hearing of the case id which a Chinese, named Ang Pok, alias Ang Keu Lam, is charged with attempted extortion of #.‘JO from Yeo Wye in a tongUang on the sea off Beach Hoad on 9!h instant was continued before Mr. Courlny yesterday, Inspector
    145 words
  • 129 19 The Municipal Health statement for the week ending January 1!) gives the total number of deaths as 109, representing a death rate of 2*5.89 per nrlie per annum, compared with 25.07 in flu* preceding week and with 21.92 in the corresponding week of last jcur. The eh
    129 words
  • 118 19 The newly constituted Tamil Diocesan ouncil for Mai' ya held its first session on January 22, at the St. Mary** Parish Hall, Kuala I.umpur, under the presidency i&gt;t the liishop of .Singapore. Delegates from all parts of Mai-ya attended. The object of th&lt;* Council is to further
    118 words
  • 106 19 Sir Neill Malcolm, P.G.M., paid a farewell visit to Lodge St. George, Singapore, on Wednesday, and was afterward- entertained by the Lodge at a farewell banquet, at the Hotel Europe. Wor. Bro. T. Peall presided and proposed the toast of the evening, The Right Worhipful the District Grand Master,
    106 words

  • 1594 20 1 aide of Briti&gt;li steamship lines vhose fleet aggregate gross tons upward- published in the current issue of The Syren of Slopping is 01 great 1 teresl, as it .-hows the relative of our big steamship undcUakingH. Mie number of
    1,594 words
  • 297 20 A case was heard in the Supreme urt yesterday, before the Chief justice. (Sir Walter Shaw), in wh ch Wong Tong Heng sued Cheah Soon Keat on a promissory note. Mr. C. H. Da Silva appeared for the plaintiff, and
    297 words
  • 152 20 BARNES.- On January 10, 1924, at Calcutta, to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Barnes, a daughter. BROWN.—On January 27, 1924, at 9. Napier Road, Singapore, to Enid Constance Hoskyns, wife of &lt;\ C. Brown, Malayan Civil Service, a daughter. GIBSON. On January 2.7, 1921, at the Maternity Hospital, to
    152 words
  • 37 20 SHLPHKRD— CCUT1S.— On Junuary 29, !'.*2t, nt St. George’s Church, Penang, by t!i&lt;* Rev Keppel-Garnier, Colonial Chaplain, Ernest, eldest son of Capt. and Mrs. Shepherd, 0. Iris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. .J. Curtis. Singapore.
    37 words
  • 195 20 EXCHANGE Singapore, January 81. On London, Bank 4 m/s 9/4 7 /,,r Demand 2%{/i Private 3 m. credits o/4 R/S On Nuw York, Demand 49% nom Private 90 d/« 5214 nom. On r ranee, Bank i non On India, Bank T. T. On Hongkong, Bank d/d p.
    195 words
  • 467 20 MINING. Singapore, January 31. 1mb« VaL Pd. Bartn. S«U«n 1 1 Batang Padang 0.37% 0.42% 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.42% 1.47% 1 1 Jelantoh 0.20ao» 1 1 Johan Tin 0.37% 0.39 £1 £1 Kam. Kamunting 45/6 46/6 £1 £1 Kamunting Tin 38/0 30/0 rd 10 10 KintaAssn.
    467 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 86 20 NOTICE Ail communication* for both the Strait* limes and the Straits Budget should be vMros-rd to the Head Office, Cecil and .Stanley Street*, Singapore, Straits Sottlemnts. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries i* $54 a year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 174 20 DEATHS CHAN AH NUAII.—-Aged 87, on January 29. 1.124, at his residence 165, Selegic Road, j lather of Chan Thiam Hee, Thinm Soon! nnd grandfather of Song Kok Im. &lt; In Kn *tlRnd, on January 11,! .“4, Robert Norman Earwaker, for some time representative of the Calico Printers Association, Ltd.,
    174 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 54 1 Leneral. Rubber Position 1 Rubber Pavements Crude Rubber Rubber in the Philippines 1. »eal Rubber Auctions London Rubber Stocks lUcember Rubber Returns o-4 Correspondence.— Yount: Producers’ Grievance Equitable Restriction Tamil Labour '.’'•etiiitfs and Reports.— Tamiantr Rubber Estates 1 (Malacca) Rubber Punlop Rubber C’o. Client Rubber Estate Sicint.m: Rubber 4
      54 words
    • 404 1 C nteenth annual ordinary general etui:: "f the Tamiang Rubber Estates, i unite i. was held on January 2 at 59, i.ashlkap, E.C. Mi. I lank Copeman (chairman of the •mpnnyi presided, and. in moving the ..'l'iptiuM o| the report and accounts and
      404 words
    • 227 1 Mr. F. VV. Douglas, Controller of Rubber Exports, Straits Settlements and F.M.S.. writes It is hereby notified for general information that the Right Hon’ble the Secretary of State for the Colonies has approved the reassessment of Standaid Production on
      227 words
    • 1429 1 The memorandum of the F.M.S. entrap .•ommiUoe is as follows 1. We are unable to agree with the recommendation of the Young Producers Committee. 2. We are not of opinion that the scale, as now interpreted by the dctini--1 ion of I—s-ycar1—5-ycar old rubber (i.e.
      1,429 words
    • 1090 22 i a cried to he tic lift j he I' i 1 Stati ba .1 1 I n i:ji*: on a railr &gt;d i 1 j W in it i Hum.. I U[ iat. thi i on. of u 1 ultmiat. ly n
      1,090 words
    • 755 22 T\, tifteenib annual ordinary general ing of tin Kri ln ng t Malacca) Ru'obei 1'ia 11 1; 1 i"i: Limited, was held n DeceniI r 51. at 1. Lloyd’s Avenue, E.C., Maj&lt; r j. G. McFerran presiding. lie Chairman said: Gentlemen, In
      755 words
    • 457 22 The /traits Times is not n-spo.i,. h o t u ,aliens of its correspondents. Ji n t Tiould bear in mind that W r Short and to the point. 1. *n». epistles are liable t h- rejected or lt cat down. •&gt;u re 1 ’dents in i ~ul their
      457 words
    • 498 22 To the Editor of the Straits Times. i- i,*, —The recommendations of the Central Committee after months of wait-' ing have been accepted at last, with the ienervation of making the maximum at-, lowanee 400 lbs. instead of 450 lbs. This will be for the definite good of
      498 words
    • 127 22 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. The entirely erroneous &gt;tar« i. Mi the question of the engagement of 1 cal Tamil labour by “Shake ’em up" i.ia lettei appearing in your issue of 2.*»tli .r.stant, throw* doubt on the leliabilitv of lii.&gt; whole narrative. No restriction
      127 words
    • 148 22 We are indebted to the Planters’ Association of Malaya for the following deads of the importations of crude rubber into the United States during Noven her. 1925. The figures have been compiled and distributed by the Rubber Association of America. The estimated net
      148 words
    • 108 22 Mr. Charles F. Vance, head «d tho United States federal rubber eon ana f investigating: the rubber possum' f the Philippics, has informed Wood that Mindanao offers an field for rubber cultivation. uy its rich soil, the fact that it is be typhoon belt renders the
      108 words
    • 1411 3 x raordinary general meeting of the Rubber Company, Limited, avas to Uur at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., h i-nuarv 8. for the purpose of consif if thought fit, of passing the resolution, viz. f this meeting, having received and 1 i‘r,d
      1,411 words
    • 779 3 LOCAL RUBBER AUCTIONS. Offered 476 Tens Sold 373 Tons. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 039th auction on January 24, when there was catalogued 1,474,790 lbs. Or 658.38 tons offered 1,068,258 lbs. or 476.90 tons sold 837,448 lbs. or 373.86 tons. PRICES REALISED. Spot London Is. 2d.
      779 words
    • 37 3 Messrs. Lewis and I’eat, writing on Tuesday state :—A cable from our London office to-day gives London stocks increased by 84 tons for the week ending January 2fi, total now on hand 57.138 tons.
      37 words
    • 659 3 An extraordinary general meeting of naienoiders in tne Cheng Uubuor Estates held at Shanghai on January 4. Dr. ii. S. ivy presidio, supported L»y Messrs. A. h. Cruudoc.;, Hugo Heiss and A. J. vVt»ch buectois;, and Mr. J. C. L. Stewart,
      659 words
    • 124 3 Bedford Plantations.—B,l3o lbs. Bernam Perak.—l9,ss3 lbs. Bruns Perak.—l3,o2l lbs. illencaly.- 17.397 lbs. Hill ri5e.—12.872 lbs. Reyland.—7.93o lbs. Ratanui.—22,lsB lbs. Trolak. 18.800 lbs. The smoke-house at Cluny Estate, Slim, was struck by lightning on January 1!) and burnt to the ground in spite of torrents of rain. Efforts
      124 words
    • 1431 4 The thirteenth annual meeting ol the Sigintjng (Negri Sembilan) Kubmu Estate, Limited, was held on December 29 at the (Deal Eastern Hotel, L v r P°9' Street, E.C Sir Byron Peters, K ILL, (chairman of the company), presiding. 'The &lt; huirman raid (jontiemcn, presume,
      1,431 words
    • 97 4 Mr. F. W. Douglas, Controller of Rubi 1 J^*P or^s S.S. and F.M.S., forwards the following statistics of the Decombei rubber returns Exports from British Malaya 25,501 tons Rubber afloat in Singapore harbour and exported but not included in above 1,707 *****8 Import of foreign rubber 7,504
      97 words
      • 383 4 stock Stock P»r Exchange p, r Exchanw Value. Company. Value. Company. Price* 11 Anglo-Malay £1 Unfnti il Aver kuning •»•&gt;' j 1 £1 Hakap Plantations 13/9 2/ London-Asiatic 3/*5 il Bunting (STngr) 27/6 12/ Lubok 2/H, £1 ltatu Caves *£l Lumut 33/9 £1 Batu
        383 words
      • 701 4 Capital Issue n P»id Up Dividend. JwT* Lylll Company Co. Evatt 1 1 P.i*. mt. ac year 29-2-24 Allenby ($1) no us ,ns i 10U.OUO 1 nil year 30.9-23 .Alor Gajah ($l, LOO L2O SMS &gt;‘ &gt;ar t&gt;ndrd 30-6.23. Am. Malay ($2) 1.90
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 104 5 EVERY one la hoping that there will be a further drop In car prtcea bat when yon have soon the BUCK fire Beater, Four Cylinder Standard Model 4 s W75 and the BUICK Five Sealer, Four Cylinder Canadian Special at $U7S yon wOl realise that prices .have tonched hot tonl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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