The Straits Budget, 19 October 1923

Total Pages: 26
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER THREE-QUARTERS OF A CENTURY J No. .1127 Singapore, Friday, October 19, 1923 Price 25 cents.
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  • 333 1 leaders— Lawless Singapore 12 Imperial Conference 12 Fingerposts 12-14 Foreign Affair* 1« More About the Base ..13 Broken Europe 13-14 General Local and Personal 1-2 utei ’> Service 3-5 VI State of Trengganu •”> a- from Penang 6 Singapore olunteers *> F.M.S. Police <* hinese Girls’ School Storm ut
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  • 4445 1 Mr. J. Calder is to be a Registrar of the Supreme Court, Labuan. Rampah Coconut Estate harvested 222,400 coconuts last month. Nawng Pet fortnightly returns are Hours 165, yardage 16,000, piculs 200. Mr. C. Boden Kloss is appointed to act Director, Raffles Museum and Library, Singapore. Mr.
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    • 690 3 I KKIIT!■ U't* Skl!v St'K.) London, October 11. Imperial Confer;nee Mr. Daldv the reply of the Japanese Gov- n t to the conference’s message of thy regarding the earthquake, say- -in- cordial sentiments of representat w statesmen of the British Empire 1 4 ir
      I KKIIT!■ U't* Skl!v St'K.)  -  690 words
    • 105 3 London, October 11. Berlin The Reichstag by 253 votes to 17, with one abstention, passed the first part of the Emergency Law Bill. The s< cond part was also passed, but when the whole bill was put to the vote the Nationalists walked out
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    • 134 3 London, October 11. The Hague In the Second Chamber Heer Troelstra, head of the Social Democrats, interpellated the Government with reference to the crisis caused by the decision immediately to introduce a bill for the construction of a fleet for the defence of the Dutch Indies. He
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    • 104 3 London. October 11. Oklahoma City The final struggle between the legislative anti executive foiets of the State began with a meeting of the legislature, in extraordinary session. which it is expected will result in tin impeachment of Governor Walton. A message was read at the opening of the assembly
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    • 100 3 London, October 11. The weather was fairly good at I inpne. Captain Macmillan on a Parnell Pixie machine broke the speed record of d'j uiib s an hour, covering 25 miles at an average speed of 70.1 miles. Flight-Lieutenant Longton rounded the course on a petrol consumption equivalent
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    • 76 3 London, October 12. Moscow Bandits stopped and robbed the Warsaw-Moscow express a hundred miles inside the Russian frontier. The British, Italian and Polish diplomatic agents were robbed, but the diplomat ie bags are safe. The bandits had loosened the rails and eight of them, armed with rifles
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    • 34 3 London, October 11. The Board of Trade returns for September are imports £83,000,000, a decrease of £5,500,000, exports £03,500,000. n increase of £3,500,000. lie-ex ports v'< iv £8.000,000, an increase of £2,000,000
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    • 30 3 London, October 12. Madrid Mateo and Nicolau have been sentenced to death for complicity in the murder of the Premier, Dato, in March, 1021. Seven others were acquitted.
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    • 523 3 [“l-UMi.S 01.1. V |< h. j London, October 12. Mr. Baldwin, Mr. W. L. Mackenzie ivn-.i;. Prune Minister of Canada, and Mr. o. M. Bruce, 1'rnne Minister ot Australia, were presented with the freoUoin ot the city at the Guildhall which was thronged
      [“l-UMi.S 01.1. V |< h. j  -  523 words
    • 77 3 Ixmdon, October 11. The executive committee of the League of Nations Union at a meeting in London unanimously passed a resolution suggesting to the Government that the effect of the earthquake on the Japanese fleet naval establishments should be considered at a conference on fhe extension of
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    • 53 3 London, October 12. New York Papyrus developed slight lameness of the right fore-ankle after :i gallop yesterday afternoon. The trainer Jarvis, while plainly worried, declared that he was hopeful that the injury would he overcome long before the race. The hard dirt track of Belmont Park is blamed
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    • 24 3 London, October 12. Wellington, New Zealand The Gov eminent has contributed £25,000 t&lt;» relieve sufferers from the earthquake in Japan. i
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    • 445 3 London, October 12. The Dominion premiers' general support of the League of Nath ns is shown n pas from the speeches at the imperial (h inference issued this even inf?, ihe speeches are mainly expressions of ymp thy with the Leaf?ue's objects
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    • 212 3 Loudon, October 12. Berlin A decree signed by Ebert, Stresemann und Luther provides that all taxes must in future be paid according to the gold standard instead of being assessed in paper maVks, which lose value by the time the taxes art* actually paid. Further decrees aiming at
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    • 61 3 London, October 12. The steamer Montoro, from Singapore for Australia, has run aground in Torres Straits. Attempts to refloat her are pro ceeding. [The Montoro is a Burns, Philp liner and is well known in Singapore, running here regularly. She left on September 2H with passengers and
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    • 315 4 II&LTKB'H SERVICE. J London, October 13. Berlin The Reichstag by 31b to pissed the emergency law. 1 Mere were &gt;e\ejl abstentionsLondon, October 13. Berlin The Reichstag’* vote saved St resemann from the necessity of dissolving Parliament in accordance with in* threat, which was repeated
      II&LTKB'H SERVICE. J  -  315 words
    • 146 4 London, October lit. Warsaw One of the forts of the \\:irhaw citadel, in which explosives were iloied, exploded this morning, and much damage was done in the city. The casualties in the explosion in the citadel were 2H killed 4H severely injured and 110 slightly injured. Foul play
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    • 71 4 London, October 12. At a meeting of the administrative council of the Empire Cotton Crowing Corporation in London on the 10th inst. it was announced that bOH linns of spinners had elected to pay through their brokers a levy of sixpence per aOO lbs. on cotton purchased
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    • 25 4 London, October 12. New York During light work yesterday, which included gallops, Papyrus .tipped out freely and nftt rwards walked soundly to his stable.
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    • 15 4 London, October 12. I’ojllaiwi The American Federation Labour unanimously re-elected Mr, Compere president.
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    • 341 4 London, October 13. Reuter\&gt; agency undo -lands that the 1-,-inre of Wales has accepted the of visitor of the Briti-h Institute of International Atlars. Shortly after h j return to England the Prince will a&lt;( a historic mansion m Wcsinin.i.i nit si nted to
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    • 102 4 London, October i 1. An article in the Observer takes an optimistic view of the future of China in spite of the present chaos. It believes mat the people will ultimately overthrow native oppressors and establish a stable government. It terms China the most promising factor in
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    • 74 4 London, October 12. The 11 gue A number of leading manufacturers, including several with Dutch Indian interests, have found a large Kusso-Dutch trading association for the purpose of opening import ml export trade with Russia on a large scale. The Amsterdam Covcrnment has introduced a bill to
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    • 67 4 London, October 12. It is announced that the Daily Mail Trust has acquired for £0,000,000 some forty newspapers and periodicals owned by the llulton Company, including the Evening Standard, the Daily Sketch and the Sunday Herald, published in London, and several Manchester dailies and weeklies. All will
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    • 79 4 London, October I*l Sir \V. Joynson-llieks .it Ilounsi i\v on the question of unemployment said in addition to the relief work already proceeding the Cabinet had authorised further expenditure of £11,000,000, making a total of approximately :dO O0O,p;m. large stock of iron and steel in the I. dir was
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    • 371 4 London, October 13. I lying was impossible at .ostonlav, owing to weather. It i-e’.iin.o* tool: &gt;. wlan the F oilman Maneyrol in a first at e. apt at lh A. tl t ade prize reached a lu-ig.R unoffiiMaUy liven as 10,000 feet.
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    • 87 4 London, October 10. Arguing on the assumption that battleships are useless against modern defensive weapons like airships, aeroplanes, mines, torpedoes and submarines, Sir Percy Scott, addressing the Australian Natives Association at the Colonial Institute, described the Singapore base as a wicked scheme. He was of opinion
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    • 52 4 London, October 15. It was J. Herbert James, not Herbert Jones, who tied with Flight-Lieut. W. H. Longton at the Lympne meeting for the prizes offered for the greatest distance flown on one gallon of petrol. They flmv HT’L* miles, Longton on a Wren monoplane and James on
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    • 35 4 London, October 13. Washington Learning that the Japanese Government has lost printing presses in the earthquake, President Cooliuge an 1 the Cabinet are considering loaning Japan a number of hand currency presses.
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    • 67 4 London, October 14. Quebec The Prince of Wales has sailid for home on the Empress of France. University students marched to the wharf and cheered the Prince. London, October 14. San Juan del Sur The death is announced of Renor Chamorro, president of N icaragua. London, October 14. Constantinople
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    • 312 4 1 M.iiAMas London, October 15. The latest important move in the rep,. ntioiis impasse is that (Jrent Brita.n France and Italy have agreed that tin* Reparations Commission shall examin,the problem of Germany’s capacity t«. p; K on the basis of the proposals Belgium submitted in
      1 M.iiAMas  -  312 words
    • 40 4 London, October 1"&gt;. It is reported that the inter-locking of newspaper interests has £oro a step farther by the Daily Mail Trust acquiring a large interest in Lord Beaverbrook’s newspapers, the Daily Express and the Sunday Express.
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    • 43 4 London. October 1&lt;». At the inquest on Maneyrol who wa* killed while flying in the motor glidtr contests at Lympne the verdict returned was death by misadventure. An exper 4 witness attributed the accident to failure ’'f the main spar wing.
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    • 114 4 London. October 15. Minneapolis Mr. Lloyd George has arrived. He was welcomed by tlv Governor of Minnesota and other officials. A huge crowd ovated him. London, October P&gt;. Minneapolis In a speech at a lunch* n Mr. Lloyd George reiterated his appeal the United States to help
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    • 28 4 London, October 1b New York The federal court ha appointed receivers for the Columbia Gramophone Company. Assets are e-. routed at .$10,000,000 and liabilities at $21,000,000.
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    • 25 4 London, October L*. The Imperial Conference discus Imperial defence and adjourned Wednesday to deal with naval deyem &lt; The proceedings will not be published*
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    • 268 5 1 Ki tfu’** Skuvut 1 London, October 16. &lt; Philip Lloyd-Greame presided at ,.non!io Conference, which discuasi *i question cf cooperation for tech‘j p arch, also the matter of deveI rc'iar h and making it mutually »V il Tl&gt;u* between the mother country
      1 Ki ' tfu’** Skuvut 1  -  268 words
    • 197 5 London, October 16. &gt; r Montague Barlow, Minister of La'"'ur, at a luncheon in London repudiated tlu charge that the Government had br k»n faith with regard to unemploytret relief. On the contrary the new t*M «lit ure which had been initiated by tr.i ti &gt;\ eminent comprised
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    • 101 5 I London, October 16. I 1 in Hague The second chamber heI discussion of the bill for the I 1,1 don of a fleet for the defence I' 1 Dutch East Indies. The Socialist I k r -dioltz and the Liberal Democrat I c 1 1 1
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    • 49 5 I London. October 10. I J iling Post states that the latest I', i 1 v e t statistics show there are Iff. unemployed in Russia. I),.' ,,11,u ss ari{it of Labour is urging I* s- 'ty f organisation of public I o rough out the country.
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    • 27 5 London, Oc’ober 17. dork A syndicate of bankers If i U P the Finnish loan of cent^ 0 Rl Six per cu ,t "‘»«g
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    • 366 5 London, October 16. Berlin Under the dictatorial poyrerv conferred by the Emergency Law, the Government has decided to launch a new currency scheme, largely on the lines pre viously cabled. The new unit of the currency, however, will be callt I the It menmark.
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    • 66 5 London, October 16. Melbourne The report nf Mr. Canning, of Western Australia, who was appointed to investigate allegations of ill treatment of natives in ex-German New .itipea eni'vi 'v ami i :!y r«'f .t&lt;tin* charges, il is &lt;■' ep n; n h it local rdinip.L- •:-t
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    • 60 5 London, October 17. Hildreth, trainer of Zev, says he will accept the offer of ?30.0(M) from tin* local a sociation of I.aurel. Maryland. for a a.; h between Mv Own nd the winner of '■•’atunia \s race at Laurel on 1 in* 23th. Jarvs says h.e will s'il
      60 words
    • 59 5 London, October 17. The Persian merchant, Haji Mohammed Ilussan Namazi, who l as spent 32 years (hiofly in Hongkong, has presented to the hrrch .Missionary Society a fullyequ'pped maternity hospital for Shiraz and will also contribute 11,200 annually towards the upkeep. Miss E. Thomas, now at Yezd, and
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    • 51 5 With reference to the recently reporte mishap to the Montoro on her voyage t) Australia, the welcome information ha been received by Roust rad and Co agents of the Burns, Philp Company that the vessel has been refloated apparently undamaged, and that she was due to reach Sydney
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    • 198 5 fRm tf.k’s Snu’irK.] London, October 17. The Times Cologne correspondent reports that the Ruhr industrial leaders have decided to infc rm the French authorises that they see no possibility of raising money to meet the huge wage; bill and will he compelled
      fRm tf.k’s Snu’irK.]  -  198 words
    • 146 5 London, October IG. The deadlock between the Post Office and Marconis regarding the issue of a licence for the latter to erect stations in Britain communicating with wireless stations being erected in the Dominions was explained by Sir L. Worthinglon-Evans who said that this is due to the
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    • 50 5 London, October 17. Mr. Baldwin presided at to-day's c*.nferenec at which Mr. Amery opined a discussion on naval policy in the course of which he outlined the itinerary for the proposed Empire cruise by the Hoed, ‘Repulse and a light-cruiser squadron. The conference cordially approved the proposal.
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    • 55 5 London, October 18. An agreement has been signed in i-.ndon for the formation of a Russo British (b a n Kxnort Company composed T 3(» pi r cent. British and 30 p. r cent. Russian interests, with the ohjec l of financing and marketing Russian grain n Britain,
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    • 21 5 London. October 17. Malta The trooper Brnemar Castle has sailed with the Ist Loyal North Lancashire's for North China.
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    • 52 5 London, October 17. Washington 'I h" Shipping Board ha J-id'd to mu a udate ihc fiv" aetiv \’r i!i Atlantic I ninal Kingdom trad' u s and aboli h the exisli g managing 11 1. system. A ton id r.• -.I'• reduction th* nunib.r of rhips Icing used
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    • 43 5 London, October 18. Chicago: Mr. Lloyd Ceorg" has a verish chill and is rest ng in bed. 11 is cancelled day’.*. eirp g&lt; ments, bu will spealf to-night. The doctor ha fconiinetideil consider 1 modification &lt;•! the itinerary of his to
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  • 825 5 Mr. J. L. Humphreys, IJriti ii Adviser, 1'n ngganu, in the course «*f his report on ti»e State for the year 11)22, states thal tin* revenue ci Heeled .:i the year A.H. 1340 (September 4, 1021, to August 23, 1022) was
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  • 2521 6 The annual general meeting of United Engineers, Ltd., w-s held at the conitmnv’s offices in Damar Load on Monday, when Mr. J. A. I*. Surachan (chairman »&gt;t directors &gt; presided over a large attendance. There were also present Messrs. A. E. Laddeley
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  • 59 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, October 12. The report of Batang Padang Dredging Co. shews a profit of $22,339. The manager says that the dredge is in good order and is working well. He hopes to reduce the expense and expects a successful year. Nellmay Rubber Co.
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  • 403 6 Singapore Volunteers. General Officer Commanding ’s Inspection. Lieutenant-Colonel R. W. B. Thoimo,,., C iUXf., D.S.O., Crtnmanding Muliiju, win inspect the {Singapore t &gt;j leer Corps on Sunday, October 21. The inspection will take the form of a tactical scheme. Khaki Force under in* command of Major (J. C: Meredith, M
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  • 267 6 (From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, October 1 On Saturday, October Id, the &gt; d forces in Malacca were mobilised und«-a similar scheme to that in Singapore and Penang. nu’in.r.ition commenced at 2 p ni. an 1 &gt; &gt; 2.30 p.m. the various units w.-ri* assembled both in
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  • 89 6 Our Kusla Lumpur corresponds- graphs last Friday -Mr. W. L. r w Commissioner of Police, F.M.S., fia j turned from leave in Java and A duty at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. cp Wynne, late commandant of the depot, Kuala Lumpur, has been app Commissioner of Police Trengg nUi (1.
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  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 1104 7 SY*in at Johore liahru. j, s C.C. teams ivere successful on w ,v, winning Johore Bahru by 14 ,v V three and i’ulau Brani by five j 1 1 i i 1 ,u joh* re* Bahru tlu* dub had a fairly k against a team more or less re-
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    • 29 7 In the S.C.F.A. league between the Aston 1 and the Bendemeer which was played on the S.C.F.A. ground on Saturday the former won by three goals to one.
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    • 321 7 Tournament for. Relief Fund. The Singapore Polo Club have arranged j a tournament in aid of the British and Japanese Rel’of Funds. It will be play-j •,i on October 24 and 25, and the comret ng teams Penang, Iskander, Johore, and two sides from the Singa-pore-Polo Club. The
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    • 144 7 Our Ipoh correspondent wires —lt is understood that Perak his been informed by the Singapore Cricket Club in response ti recent representations that the S.C.C. is agreeable to Perak fixing its own interstate cricket dates in future, and accordingly home and away matches are being arranged with Selangor,
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    • 293 7 The B Doubles final in the S.C.C cuius ioni ik;i.w nt was complete*! un the (1th in i. Al&gt; '-gi r an I ''alder proved th*' winners, defeating Bell and Hoblyn, 6—1, 3—6, 6—3. The S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tourna* ment, which wiih the weather clerk kind has
      293 words
    • 283 7 The twenty-first annual general meeting of the Keppi 1 (Jolf Club was held at the Club House on Tuesday, October j 0, at 6.30 p.m., the President, Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, occupying the chair. The accounts for the year were adopted, and the following- officers for
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    • 40 7 [Reuter’s Service.J London, October ID. New York In th•• baseball championship the Yankees have won the first series, defeating the Giants by six run to four in tin* deciding match. The Yankees won four games to the Giants’ two.
      [Reuter’s Service.J  -  40 words
    • 26 7 The Singapore Ladies KiHe Assooiu lion October spoon was shot for on th" it hist., Mr Stanley Dunn won with a s. ore* of 102.02.
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    • 236 7 S.R.C v. Y..M.C. ’the S.R.C. beat the Y.M.C.A. on th® Pad ng iii S.i a.way af e.noon. Tho score;, wuie as follow Y.M.C.A. M. Ignatius b Hodman 13, Dr. Karunaratna c Armstrong b Barters 3, T. Weerakody c Leijssius o u it, T. E. K. Ketnam c Armstrong
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    • 1063 7 Report for the Half Year. Tin* report of the coniiuitti'i* of tho y ingapme Swimming Club for the ended July 111, says At the annual general meeting, held on June 3 last, the committee stated that iti their opinion the amount of $1,867 68 shown as
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    • 1475 8 Young Pelky I’eats l&gt;:»l Key. The Battling Key-Yoifhg Pelky fight hus happened. It took place ut the New World stadium on Saturday night in the presence of 5,000 people. Pelky knocked out Key in the eighth round after the local man had given n display of pluck and endurance
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    • 88 8 Twenty-fitt» to One Chance Wins. (b« Srfvice I London, October 17. The Cesarewitcn resulted as follows Rose Price 1 Teresina 2 Ceylonese 3 Twenty-nine ran. Won by a shin-, head. One and a half lengths between second and third. Betting 25 to 1 Rose Price. 100 to 7
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    • 429 8 The second race of the Royal Singapore Yatching Club for the Rear-Com-modore’s (lb.i!)) Cup was saMed lm* on Sunday morning and ended in most &gt;l' s u ilcet giving up for want of wind, only the optimists, and probable winners of points, carrying on, which was fully justified, the
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  • 56 8 The Church of England Zenana Missionary Society is arranging a sale of uful and fancy articles in aid of the funds of the Chinese Girls’ School. It 1 1 take in thc Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, November 2, from 10 nT1f j k*dy Shaw has kindly
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  • 775 8 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, October ir, On inquiry, I was informed ofticialiv that Mr. R. A. Boardman, late secretary of the Sanitary Board, Kuala Lunmur has been arrested at Brisbane. He I mitted his identity. An escort
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  • 61 9 Straits Timet is not responsible foi ininions of its correspondents. Corrc n should bear in mind that letter* "Tt ii d ,0 th0 p,int n.hnir epistles are liable t® be rejected oi ‘"b cut down. Correspondent, must ‘“X,;. their names, not necessarily for cubiicaiion but aa *uarant«« of good
    61 words
  • 2975 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Cj,. With reference to report in your «mr of the 8th instant re. certain Hokiens who captured a n.-i'i’ur"r nd locked him up in a lighter, i heir to inform you that several people l'* norti *1 to me during
    2,975 words
  • 419 9 To the. Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- It has become, more or less obv ous that in eases of nmrtler, robbery, clan fights, etc., tin* penalty does not tit il;. dim:. Was it last week, a Chinese who was proved to he a numb* r &lt; *f
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  • 245 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—My committee are surprised to 8M the Straits Chinese British Association referred to in the letter trf a Chinese correspondent under the above heading appearing in your issue of October 14, as one of the institutions to be written
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  • 476 10 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sir, Your correspondent A Moslem from the Wc.-d in the columns of your esteemed pap r of yesterday says:—- it is known that, for instance* b\*d Omar AI agotf, tin- head of the family, who holds the trust of
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  • 297 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,- I i nclose a letter from the Cold Storage o., Penung, by which you will see that the F.M.S. Railways have increased their freight on ice so much that the freight now costs more than the ice. As ice is
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  • 126 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, 1 shall be obliged if you will kindly dtaw the attention of the Police, through the medium of your valuable u.jpi-r, to post a police constable at the junctions of be logic Road, Middle Road, v'i hk’c Road, and Short
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  • 205 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— I shall thank you if you will kindly let me ask the Secretary of tht Tiang Guan Brick and Tile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., to publish on behalf of the shareholders of this company the result of the
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  • 75 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —With regard to a report in your issue of yesterday, stating that a Hokien named Lint Lye Seng was arrested by Detective Inspector Higginson on three charges of attempted extortion and produced in the Third Police Court for trial, 1 beg
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  • 664 10 Still They Come To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Last week’s Government Gazette contains a list of clubs registered undor tin- Societies Ordinance. Among tl esc are the A1 Ekhuanal Islam Association and the Persequtuan Maglis Bin tang Timor. These are presumably Mo b m clubs and no
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  • 382 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —Mr. Alma Baker has again demonstrated his public spirit, his energy and his whole enthusiasm. I cannot even question his judgment, because, front a layman’s point of view, ne has written and acted logically and intelligently. But
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  • 268 10 The case known as the Chetty Tempi* Case, which began some six years ago was reopened in tin* Supreme Court’ S.rcmban, before the Hon. Mr. Justice Me' Cabe Reay, yesterday, with quite an an-av of counsel engaged, states Tuesday’* Malay Mail.
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  • 191 10 A very sever© thunderstorm was experienced in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday afternoon and evening, it began about l p.m. with a startling flash of lightning and a dap of thunder which roused most people from their Sunday afternnok -iesta. Maxwell Hill caught it very badly and
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  • 129 10 The following is an extract from the minutes of committee meeting of tht Srtaits Setltements (Singapore) Association held on Friday, 5th instant. Town Planning Bill.—The committee approved of the principle of the hill and a sub-committee was appointed to con-oiler the proposed draft of same and submit
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  • 172 10 The following were the guesis &lt;• 1 Excellency the Governor and Lady mard at a race tiffin given on Tuesday Hon. Sir F. S. James, K.8.E., C.M- Mr. J. 1). Saunders and Mrs. Savin b Mr. A. VV. Vick, Hon. Dr. A. L. Hoops l)r. E. A. O.
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  • 1285 11 Mi. Loke Chow Thye (head of the anti,nium deputation) delivered the following ddivss to the Chief ‘Secretary, F.M.S. V h n the deputation was granted an ,,trivial interview recently Honourable Chief Secretary,—I thank u sir, for having consented to receive tl, deputation
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  • 243 11 The Chief Justice (Sir Walter Shaw) sentenced a Chinese boat-builder named Ah Chong, who came up for his public examination in the Bankruptcy Court on Friday, to one months rigorous imprisonment for giving false vidence. The bankrupt, in the course of
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  • 1061 11 In concluding his interesting report on ague all are in the S. S. and F. M S during 11*22, the secretary, Mr. A. S Haynes says it is the endeavour of this department U encourage the Malay officers and train them with u
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  • 475 11 At a meeting of the Supreme Council at the Astana yesterday, reports tin* Saiawak Cassette of October 2, His Highness the Kajah introduced Atr. J. C. Moulton, O. 11. K., to tin* Cat us and European members and informed them of
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  • 144 11 (From Our Own Com p.mdent). I poll, (&gt;ct oher I A lengthy trial in the Supreme (Yuri has concluded in favour of the applicant for probate of the will of tli late Solo, n.on Ramanatban, a w•I by ('eylon Tamil, at one time a neat' I with
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 118 11 Property Sale. The* following Singapore properties were* sold by auction by Messrs, C’heong IviMin Seng and Co., at their saleroom ::o C’huiia Street on the 10th instant. Freehold land and houses lab to 104 Rangoon Hoad, area 20/,.‘U sq. ft., bought by Mr. .John D’Silva for $0,000 99 years’ leasehold
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1256 12 w»iM rcstoivd h\ Straits Timt's, (M-tolKT 12. While* wo commend tlic action of Mr I Ahearne in passing the maximum s«ntence on three Chino-e &lt; xtortioncr.-, we arc not prepared to accept the view h&lt;* seems to hold that mere suhmis ion by the people to the terrorism
      w»iM !»*• rcstoivd h\ — Straits Timt's, (M-tolKT 12.  -  1,256 words
    • 1103 12 vithout them "—Straits Times, OcIoIk, i Catch penny politics are becoming rather a feature of the English press. Time was when every paper had its party, and stood stoutly by the* leaders through good and evil report, and as there were about as many papers on one side
      vithout them ? "—Straits Times, OcIoIk, i  -  1,103 words
    • 1135 12 threaten to overwhelm.—Straits Time/, October 15. Two things rather deeply ua* we read through the Reuter leligrair,* published on Saturday. One was a i mark by General Smuts in reference tcthe League of Nations. “If, he there is any practical force likely to keep the nations together, and offer
      threaten to overwhelm.—Straits Time/, October 15.  -  1,135 words
    • 1188 13 sluiuM servo a ru.-.t ivjipoxt.- Sttuits Times, October l*». Reference was made yesterday to the "oiation of the Prince of Wales with l&lt; British Institute of Interuational A flairs, and Reuter gave us some account "f its objects. It was founded in PJPd y representatives of the British
      sluiuM servo a ru.-.t ivjipoxt.- Sttuits Times, October l*».  -  1,188 words
    • 1309 13 Si rails 'I him ()ct&lt; hi r 17. iconic days ago we reported the opinii n of certain good folk that the earthquake in Japan had knocked the foundations away from the naval base in Singap ire. W’e do not, of course, speak scismographically, for no
      Si rails 'I him , ()ct< hi r 17.  -  1,309 words
    • 1210 13 -The Straits Times, October IS. Mr. Lloyd Georg has pi' *-e j f view that tin re will I in |&gt;eai i r prosperity in Km .p until \.11« 11«•.-1 tal.&lt; her part in t In win hi set tem&lt; n'. I is a view \vc 1 1;t\
      -The Straits Times, October IS.  -  1,210 words

  • 160 14 An enactment to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, the Police Force Ordinance, 1920, is about to be introduced into the Federal Council. The objects and reasons state :—The object of this bill is to supply certain omissions in the present Police Force Enactment and to define mere
    160 words
  • 106 14 Further particulars are available eon- &lt;&lt; ruing the loss of the Hong Kiat, the 74-ton steamer, owned by the Ho Hong Company, and running between Singapore and Sumatra, which sank in the Slak River, on the east coast of Sumatra, on October I. The Hong
    106 words
  • 98 14 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Penang, have received the following cable from London :—Renong Tin Dredging Co., Ltd., directors at a meeting just held have decided to recommend, subject to audit and usual adjustments, a final dividend i of 7Mj per cent, payable as on 15th proximo.
    98 words
  • 71 14 A very compact report of the Congress &lt;f the Far Kastern Association of Tropical Medicine, held recently in Singapore, has ust been published. It has been edited &gt;y Dr. ,1. W. Scharff, who was Secretary nid Treasurer to the Congress, and while t. forms a record complete in
    71 words
  • 1502 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, October 12. The recent outrages that have occurred in Bangkok have brought upon the heads of the authorities a good deal of c riticism, much of which is hardly justified. I do not think that crime
    1,502 words
  • 199 14 (From Our Own Correspondent&gt;. Penang, October l-»-Yesterday the Siamese Prince Pura* ehatra, the Hon. Mr. J. H. W. Park, r P. A. Anthony and engineers of the PA' 1 and Municipality ascended the hill b&gt; railway, which was granted a certificate* for running to the public from
    199 words

  • 2075 15 Land for Naval Base. Te s t Action in the Supreme Court. l.ititfation was commenced in the 0l m,c Court on Wednesday, before the bU| j u &lt;tice (Sir Walter Shaw) relating u “7 ..&lt;•&lt;,uisition of 469 acres of land in 7 -iiict cf south Seletar for the naval V
    2,075 words
  • 278 15 On September 17 there died in Mandalay, Burma, a Burman aged 108 years, a» the result of having been bitten by a mad dog some twenty days previously. It is regrettable, says the Rangoon Gazette, that an old man at that age should have died of
    278 words
  • 194 15 About a mile from An pang village is :i Chinese temple which at the present time j.. bong visited by pilgrims from all over M'layn. The pilgrims, who number over a thousand, are housed in temporary' sheds which have been erected close to tl •&gt; temple. During the
    194 words
  • 284 15 the following' is a list of office-bearers of the District Grand Lodge of the Middle Last for the year 1923-24 Commissioned.—Malcolm Watson, M.D., Right Worshipful District Grand Master J* roes Craig, J.P., Wor. D. G. Master Depute John MacKae Chalmers,
    284 words
  • 170 15 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent writing on Monday says :—There was a large gathering present at St. Mury’s School this afternoon for the opening ceremony of the school's new building, an imposing structure of considerable size. After a brief service,
    170 words
  • 127 15 Lingui Tin.—Sluicing 225 piculs, tri butt* 25.02 piculs, u total of 260.02 piculs. Malau T«n. T.*«l—f piculs. Sungei Cau Tin. Ore crushed 48 tons, tin won 15.86 piculs. Ting Kil Tin.- Plant f»&lt;*ls. 202.06, tribi’ie pels. 2.{.54, total pels. 225.*»0. ITie secretary of Austral Malay Tin Ltd.,
    127 words
  • 96 15 The following statistics of the work of the St. Andrew's Hospital for W&lt; mien and Children for the four months since it was opened are published by the Hospital Hoard for the information of subscribe rs and other friends In-Patient Admissions. June. July. Aug. Sept Adult
    96 words

  • 1124 16 An attempt was made to murder one of the principal witnesses in a murder charge at the last Assizes, in Sago Street, on the night of th:* 11th in-t.. win u a Cantonese, named Kwh Ah 1’ev. w i at four
    1,124 words
  • 150 16 Yarian, a Tamil labourer, was charge i, at Kuala Lumpur with causing grievous hurt to a Tamil girl, six years of age, by branding her with a hot iron. Chief 'inspector Taylor, who prosecuted, described the case as a particularly cruel one. The accused was
    150 words
  • 206 16 A Chinese woman was seriously injured, and a coolie slightly injured in an accident which occurred at the junctio of Reid Street and Clark Street durin the week-end. A I)enby lorry owned by an ice-manufacturing company arrived at this junction, when the pin connecting the steering-gear
    206 words
  • 1074 16 ;&gt;viueiicc of twelve months’ rigorous intn lsuiimmt was pulsed t»n two HoKienS, vsou wire touml gitiivy of extortion, in jit- Ui.-tnu Court, la.-t irubiy. Iho non ,* named lan Joo ileng and Lee Chian .\gai, imi tile complainant was a timber oic*
    1,074 words
  • 179 16 Presiding on September ly, at the v&gt; ing ot the North Borneo Trading t 0., k Mr. C. P. Bennett expressed regret i&gt;Ov-r results of the last ycaiV u was to a large extent due to eiista- d conditions in Hongkong. repv.ris for im tlid
    179 words
  • 180 16 An accident occur rid to Is. Scvi..eai Williams yeaterduy at the Selangor &lt;1 If t &gt;rts the Malay Ma 1 of iu« 1 She and her partner had just I f: ij,Jiih green when one of th. piny* i ii.d them drove from the In. Kill v.\
    180 words
  • 201 16 In the Supreme Court, Seremhan. Saturday, Mr. Justice Mol ah’ allowed the appeal of Mr. C. 1- hour, local manager for Me -m &gt;• Barbour, Ltd., against the recent o n viction, and fine of $.‘500, in ies|&gt;eo. 0 certain forged rubber coupons, l ground for allowing
    201 words

  • 1611 17 both as a social and sporting nt tin* openii IU day of the au tumn meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club cn Tuesday was very suca.,tul. 'inert* was a heavy shower JU iu,g the first race, but the weather soon vU un&lt;t up,
    1,611 words
  • 521 17 The Singapore agency of the Dollar Steamship Lines Ltd., has received official confirmation of the purchase by the Kohut Dollar Co. at San Francisco of seven combination passenger and freight steamers, popularly known as the 502 type, from the United States
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  • 176 17 The untiring efforts of the Commis sioner of Police have resulted in another arrest in connection with tho murder of a shroff of the Hongkong and Shanghai Bank on the 17th ult., reports the Bangkok Times of October 11. A soldier, who was one of the gang
    176 words
  • 324 17 from Our Own Correspondem &gt;. Kuala Lumpur, October 15. J he Selangor were opened thin »»«rnin*f before Sir L. M. Woodward, j Ihe second case on the list was i that in which a Malay peon, named AbI dullah, employed by
    324 words
  • 225 17 Thiee Jews, named Mnnn.heh Joseph, David Joseph nd Ezra Joseph, have been x charged before the Senior Magistrate (Mr. p. F. David) w.'b criminaj misr appropriation of prepirt;,. The prineipal witness for the piv .ecuti »o was vti Arab uth, named Ahmad
    225 words
  • 187 17 Thu programme of sacred music render* &lt;•&lt;1 on October 1J al Si. Ai::m-v\*s Cathedral was listened to by a large congregation who found this nil too rare musical occurrence a source of great pleasure. The cathedal choir sang with admirable balance, particularly in floss’s anthem O
    187 words

  • 2621 18 Th‘ litigation between partners of the Bukit Berchin*' and Bal.inbing Syndicate, which was responsible for the flotation of Kelantan Gold Min* Ltd., war *'&lt;«.i' in r 1 in l! '•*».&lt;• &lt;• 1 1 11 th iii. I&lt; tor** .n ii J ce
    2,621 words
  • 814 18 Weekly Report of Singapore Firms. Messrs. Fraser arul Co.’s nveoklv dated October 17 states:— Q] m With the price of tin remaining f a steady only a small business has J y recorded in tin shares and quotations the most part have u aa KB in B
    814 words

  • 480 19 taken a t meeting of committee u ld on October 9 and 10, in- v 1 V ivgard to roadside trees, il is dc* i at the Director of Gardens be i 1 formulate a definite policy, to t to the criticism of
    480 words
  • 105 19 There was a sequel to the theft of a number of gold chains, valued at $50o, from a goldsmith’s shop in Selegie Road, i: hr mv &lt;| roilce ourt oil Alo’toa*', when two Chinese were produced in connection with the affair. Inspector O’Neili stated that the
    105 words
  • 153 19 A warrant has been issued at Penang Tor the arrest of Leah Long, despatching clerk for Messrs. Adams and Allan. It c alleged that he forged a cheque for 5175, that he tore a leaf out of the firm’s cheque book, and that he made out the
    153 words
  • 277 19 Anyone, who happened to be passing along Cecil Street at five o’clock &lt;&gt;.. Monday would have beheld a memorable sight. He would have seen an irate P 'lice inspector, airily clad in a sarong, sprinting in bare feet after a Chinese, whom
    277 words
  • 161 19 The Currency Commissioners’ Provisional return for the month of September, 1923, is as follows (A) Whole amount of Currency Notes in Circulation on September 30, 1923 $80,223,114.70 Average amount of Currency Notes in Circulation during the month of September, 1923 79,732,549.70 (B) Coin Portion of the Note
    161 words
  • 123 19 The Chinese brigands who are holding Miss Darroch and Miss Sharp have been sunounded by General Tien’s troops for three days in a district CO li east of Chow•h.akcw. Word h s reached Shanghai that Mr. and Mrs. C. Howard Bird, missionaries of Fukan. Honan province, have
    123 words
  • 36 19 Observance of silence in Churches on Vrmistice Day, Sunday. November 11, presents difficulties, according to norm authorities. l/,in c*rH,r an,, lose the doors at eleven. Othei’ people entering late would break the silence.
    36 words
  • 165 19 A case of much interest to the Kheh community in Singapore was mentioned ill th l bird Fouri last Friday, in which a Chinese named Seow Kwai Tong, is charged with bringing a false charge against the president and treasurer of
    165 words
  • 131 19 The Municipal health statement for the week ending October 6, gives the total number of do ths ns 170, representing a death rate of 23.07 mille per annum compared with 20.59 in the pre- J ceding week and w’ith 29.11 in the corresponding week of last yciir.
    131 words
  • 113 19 Captain I\ R. Stevens, D. 5.0., hvs been appointed to the flagship Hawkins, China Station, for duty at Singapore Naval Base, with effect from November 30. Captain Stevens will be borne on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief of the Station. He joined the Royal Navy in September,
    113 words
  • 71 19 The police secured a haul of counterfeit coin to the value of $lOO in the playing lield of the Straits Chinese Recreation Club, between the police court buildings and North Bridge Road, last Fi day. Quantities of 10-cent pieces were found concealed in different places some
    71 words
  • 76 19 MACRIIAIL. On Sunday morning, October 14, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Mucphail. a son. MAWSON. To Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cl. Mawson, on October 13, 1923, in Ungland, the gift of a daughter. MAYGER. -At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on October 11, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs.
    76 words
  • 62 19 HENDERSON ELDRII). At Malacca, on October 10, 1923, by the Rev. N. D. Bower, M A., Colonial Chnplain, James Barclay Campbell Henderson, of Diamond Jubilee Estate, Malacca, son of the late John Campbell, and grandson of the late Jam* Barclay, Scotstoun, Glasgow, to Madeline Jean, younger daughter of the
    62 words
  • 190 19 EXCHANGE Singapore, October 18. in London, lb.iik 4 m/s 2/1 7/32 Demand 2/4 Vi Private 3 in. credits 2/1 9/16 On New York, Demand 53 Private 90 d/s 55 V4 &gt;u, bank 830 On India, Bank T.T. 169Vi On Hongkong, Bank d/d 2'4 p.c. dis. On
    190 words
  • 468 19 MINING. Singapore, October 18. issue al. IM. Buyers. Sellers. 1 J Bat an g l'adang 0.32% 0.37'A I iiilam Tin 1.32 Vi 1.37 Vi 1 1 Jcluntnh 0.20 nora 1 1 Johan Tin 0.30 0.35 .1 IT Karr., kamunling 41/0 45/6 '1 IT Kamunting Tin 38/- 39/10
    468 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 86 19 NOTICE All communication* for both the Strait* Times and the Straits Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore, Straits Settlenents. The post free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom and foreign countries is $54 a year. The post free price of
      86 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 76 1 General— Rubber Items Kuhbi r Smuggling Sensation 1 l,ondon Rubber Stocks 1 Johore Planters 2 Young Producers Local Rubber Auctions 4 Actually Happened -J Scientific Planting 4 September Rubber Returns 4 Kemhati Jelei Rubber. Ltd. (.urn sponoi vi e. I. S. P. &lt; hairmaic hip 4 Me eling aii.o
      76 words
    • 258 1 Lt.-( 01. II T. Dempster, who was formerly on Lower Perak Estate, Tel ok Anson, has returned to Perak after a holiday at home and has taken charge of Dindang Estate, in tho Bruns district. The Rubber Growers’ Association has resolved to present honorary gold medals to Mr.
      258 words
    • 142 1 Another nfnlitT smuggling sensation discloses liy information that has been received from Tniping that a large quantity &lt;*f ruble passed the Customs at Port Weld n the strength of forg&lt; 1 certilieaß and a forced letter purporting to have been signed by Mr. M. Hex. the Deputy
      142 words
    • 36 1 Mer r Lewis and Peat, report under Tue i::• «la:*-. A elude rom otn Londoi ofliia give- London stocks 1,H49 tons up v. 1; ending October I'd, total |pow on hand f)7,217 tuns
      36 words
    • 1145 1 The thirteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Cheng Rubber Estates, Limited, was held at Shanghvi on September 19. Mr. A. K. Craddock presided and was supported by Mr. A. J. Welch. Shares represented amounted to 22,570. The Chairman said:—Gentlemen, the
      1,145 words
    • 885 1 The ninth annual general meeting of th« Semenyih Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held on September 10 at the offices of the company, 5, Fenchurch-street, E. C., Mr. H. F. Crostlnvaite (the Chairman) presiding. The representative of the Secretaries (Messrs. Boustcad Bros.) read the
      885 words
    • 3585 2 I v meeting of the Johore Plant- -it on, "held in the Bar.i Ana n iun, B" ,r’ 10, there wa* a lii.i. u &gt;.on ui. ;u aiirs, the Hon. Dato Gawler B, \r ii. Sabatang Estate) presiding. B iii-eiit were: —W. Miller
      3,585 words
    • 2751 3 1 offered some time ano ‘o receivi statement.- from “Young Producers’ and to t xuiuine them with a view to pro venting a ca-c for removal of the griev Ann if such were justified by the facts. The re
      2,751 words
    • 864 4 Messrs. Bry low and Co. report Singapore, Ootober 11. During the past week the market has been very quiet. LoTidon and New York ..notations have continued to drop, ami with the further increase in the London 'locks, the market has shown an
      864 words
    • 66 4 [The Timr? l» not r*»pene»M# for the opinions of its cui respondents. Cor re sponiioht* should bear in mind that letters must be short and to the point. Long rumbling espistles are liable tc be rejected or ruthlessly cut ditrn. Correspondent? mutt enclose their names, not necessarily for publication
      66 words
    • 231 4 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —The nomination for the Chairmanship of the Incorporated Society of Planters takes place on Wednesday, 17th. The Society has now turned the corner and is progressing rapidly. It has given respect to all p. rties*in the planting industry
      231 words
    • 238 4 Wednesday morning scene in Estate Manager’s office Enter dresser, Sir, Dr. Blank came yesterday.” “So I am aware, he had titlin wila me.” Sir—Dr. Blank did not say anything, he only asked if we had generators.” Generators Y,*s Sir, the things we use in In* pi'al to sterilise
      238 words
    • 982 4 I'» (he Kd.tor of the Stra'ts Times Sir, —Your paper of the Kth inst. giv the report ef the Secretary for Agriculture S.S. and F.M.S. In tl.e section dealing with rubber he says, roferrirr to Bud grafting “The recent work, however, of
      982 words
    • 511 4 lu Malay. 72,711 lb Allcuhy.- L'l.lbO lbs. Ampul (Siimat rab ll&lt;», 17&lt;» lbs. lit.!: t KB. 1,1 Pi |1, link it I iitiali. 1(1,8 II Iks, Brunei United IMantaliotis. I p»s Bedt'oi&lt;1 I’lantati* p 7.1 no |h.,. Bonin hi lVr.ik. 1.77 lb Llama I'l'iiik, !*&gt;.;. Bukit Ka.’ang.
      511 words
    • 550 5 The annual general meeting of the Mandai Tekong (Singapore) Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at the offices of the secretaries (Messrs. Chan Sze Onn and Co.) yesterday, when there were present Messrs. E. A. Elias (chairman), Lee Keng 1 Tan &lt;h. ng Hee,
      550 words
    • 277 5 Thu report by the directors of Colinshurgh Estate, Ltd., for the year ended May 31, 1923, .states that after charging all secretarial and office expenses and directors’ fees to revenue., the year’s working resulted in a profit of $11,330.75 which the directors recommend to be dealt with
      277 words
    • 375 5 The directors of the Strathmore Rubber Company have recently purchased an additional block of land of about 874 acres touching the northern boundary of the company’s Ulu Buloh estate in Selangor for $158,000 (equal to £17,850, or £49 l()s. per planted acre). The
      375 words
    • 195 5 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, send us the following particulars with regard to Rembau-Jelei Rubber Ltd., a sterling company, the flotation of which is announced in an advertisement in our columns. The company has been formed to take over as going concerns certain local and other
      195 words
    • 198 5 Batu Lintang Rubber Co., Ltd., made a net profit for the year ended June 30, 192.1, of $30,194. The debit balance from the previous balance sheet was $18,941. The crop for the year was 211,488 lbs. or a return of 347 lbs. No tapping was done for
      198 words
      • 403 5 Stock P tr beb*f* Por Value Company. Pneaa. VaIua. Conspaif. Prict* 11 £1 Anglo-Malay 23/9 £l Linggi 3^/ £1 Ayer Kuning 13/9 2/ London-Asiatic j,n 1*1 Hakap Plantations lo/ 2/ Lubok 2/ItM it Banti ng (Selangor) 32-0 £1 Lumit a £1 Batu Caves 17/6
        403 words
      • 681 5 Capital Issue Fraser Lv&gt; Paid Up Value Dividends Closing Prices. Company A Co. Evatt. ..Allenby New ($1) 1.30 1.35 1.35 1.40 100,000 1 ml year 30-9-22 ..AlorGajah ($1) 1.35 1.40 1.33 1.45 &lt;27,21 1 2 5 pc. year ended 30-6-23. Am. (s2) 2.20 2.30cd.
        681 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 JJVERY one is hoping that th wifl he a further drop in prices hot when you have seen BUICK Five Seater, Four Cylinder Standard* Model $2*75 and the BUICK Five Seater* Four Cylinder Canadian Special at $2,475 yon will realise that prices have touched bottom. H Guthrie Co., Ltd (Incorporated
      202 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 134 7 J'ord SALES and SERVICE WEARNE BROS. Ltd I V ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H P. Ford Marine Engine Complete with PropeUor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and Oil Pnmpe and Reverae gear. $1,000 Gray Marine Engine Complete with Propeller, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump, Magneto, Controls and Reverse
      134 words