The Straits Budget, 1 June 1923

Total Pages: 26
1 5 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXVII No. 3407 Singapore, Friday, June 1, 1923 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 213 1 leaders— Government Trailing 12 France and the Ruhr 12 Singapore Naval Base 12-13 Turkey and Greece 13 Legislative Council 13 Kt'tru'tiun ..13-14 General Local and Personals 1-2 Interport Shooting 2 Reuter's Service 3-G fr.i i ouneil 7-0 Late General Hussey 0 Singapore Mortality Statistics- 0 S. S. Association 0
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  • 3922 1 f aV( received a copy of the Times i n rt> en Book, which has just Print l i SSUt This is a voluminous, well (ubJ an< handsomely produced publif!‘ ai 1,1 invaluable medium for into t i tlon rt ’k r arding Ceylon. In addition infor,
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  • 781 2 INTERPORT SHOOTING. Revival of The Match After Ni ne Years. Unless the miraculous happens tlm Interport Rifle Shooting shield, which at present in the keeping of Government House, Singapore,—Singapore having W((M it on the occasion of the last match fired in 1014—is shortly taking a jourru overseas. The team chosen
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    • 418 3 Reuter’s Service London, May 24. Th s. in Hiving its decision in iru of Deputy Cachin and 32 th Lr‘communists, which resulted in the P 1 1 crisis, was sitting as a hign Tlu* accused were charged with
      Reuter’s Service  -  418 words
    • 76 3 London, May *24. I s I 'l jirfi that all tlu* principal pron:n. have accepted office in the .j n»t, including the Duke of I ord Derby, Viscount Lave. v Barlow, Sir Samuel Hoare, r (l man and Mr. Amery. It is i t 11 'I that further
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    • 53 3 London, May 24. •nnoin B rit L sh Foreign Trade of the a t a meeting of noteholders storl t lnos( Government 8 per cent, default* r f as ury bills and notes, now in 2x to U| ,p > n London on May terest/ n 1<
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    • 55 3 London, May 24. ’»*neva i c n ‘he opinion of the com- m'' J fn league of Nations wh'ch s- 1 i) r "‘'ir"eois, France, as President fv ;,i if u iaroon,» Siam, as Vico- y v decided to invite the ir he f,0 J PS at,
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    • 226 3 London, May 24. A feature of the Empire Day celebrations was the laying of wreaths of the loveliest flowers on the Cenotaph, on be half of the Dominions and Colonies, in Die presence of a large crowd. Eight hundred thousand school children in London alone listened to Their
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    • 207 3 L nlon, May 24. The Hague The Dutch Minister at Washington has been instructed to lodge tnend'y protest rega -din prohibition aboard foreign vessels. The Dutch Ministers to other countries arc sounding i'eir respective Governments on the .me subject. London, May 24. Washington Officials are d'nr;:n.: Ft v. w
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    • 119 3 L< ndon, May 24. Simla The Council of the Afridi and Orakzai tribesmen has consented to levying a title of :,0,000 rupees and the destruction of the houses of the murdererrf Mrs. Ellis and Majors Anderson and Orr. also they have agreed to expel any assassin offending on
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    • 100 3 London, May 24. Reuter learns that the general AngloRussian situation is considered much brighter and the prospects of a rupture are believed to be remote. London, May 24. While official comment on the Russian note is impossible owing to the fact that he Cabinet, to which Earl
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    • 457 3 London, May 24. There have been serious Communist disturbances in the Ruhr, notably at Gelsenkirchen and Dortmund. Reuter's Berlin correspondent reports that tive were killed and 56 wounded at Gelsenkirchen, where the Communists occupied the central police station
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    • 63 3 London, May 24. The explorer Stefansson has arrived in London with the intention of submitting to the Government his views on an imperial policy in the polar regions. Interviewed by Reuter, he said that he considered that a new era for the polar regions was opening because China,
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    • 85 3 London, May 24. Washington Sir Auckland Geddos is confined to a dark room by medical orders owing to severe eye trouble. London, May 24. Washington The oculist says that Sir ~ml (leddes will be laid up for everd week-. London, May 24. Paris During a flight in a helicopter,
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    • 290 3 Baldwin Cabinet. Mr. M’ Kenna Chancellor Of Exchequer. Km ffcK a Shu* it K London, May 25. The Baldwin Ministry is practically identical Mr. Uonar Law’s, except that Lord Hubert Cecil and .dr. J. C. C. Davidson, who was a fornu r secretary t*» Mr. iloiur Law, till the
      Km ffcK a Shu* it K  -  290 words
    • 82 3 London, May 25. Wv York Mr. Carv, pr%s dent of the T nito*l Stales Steel Corporation, in ad >• > dug the Iron and Steel Institute, reported that the business outlook in the United States was good. All the Corpora ton’s furnaces and mills were operating ■'t full
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    • 87 3 London, May 25. Cencvn At 11:*• Opium Commission .»f tu* League *»f Nations, t Mr, Stephen Porter, president of th?» Kore gn A trains t *i<mmittin the Aoir ican House of uepres. ntativos, tempo >«i that the 11.1ployment of opiate* products for other hail liicoMoal m lie purposes should
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    • 81 3 London, May 25. Borden It is now settles! that Amundsen will start for h s North Pole flight from Wainwright, Alaska to Spitzebcrgen, about June 20. He is expected to take 22 hours. A Norwegian patrol ship and two seaplanes will assist the flight, the former cruising
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    • 55 3 London, May 25. The Hague The Second Chamber has passed the bill relative to the reconstruction of Austria. The party lenders' objections were met by the League of Nations agreeing to the bill 1 being so amended that Holland would only be required to sign two out
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    • 47 3 London, May 25. Paris The criminal court has sent;)r< d to thre«* month--' imprsonment and b: equent deoortation the Japanese rnali t. Saknbaosagi, for assaulting 'he police and using a false passport. He was arrested on May 1 following a Communist meeting at Saint Oucii.
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    • 241 4 I.' eel* n. .May 21. Following the* decision of the High <’m>rt of Justice pronouncing its inconipeu c to jud r e the ('oerimunis's’ plot, or < .i hiii and his cm M. i*o:ncan* and the- i. i*iisi< is .M-nt to the* Klysee.
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    • 103 4 London, May 2a. I- oil owing a process for the cold vulcanisation of rubber, the newspapers are nt hu ia t rally predie ting a gn at future for the new production, which, with the addition of leather fillings is capable of a variety of uses, including a
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    • 75 4 London, May 25. A Wellington message states that Mr. Massey, in a speech, said that the si lection of Singapore as a naval base was worthy of all possible eneourageiiMTit by the count ri«*s which were endeavouring to establish the Km pi re firmly in this part
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    • 85 4 London, May 25. 1: A M Wr I. I I lb* S rviet Govt rnm< lit ha\ <mov«d who wa pon t for the n ''ip. reply to th<* British note, from to- fon inn «!i per imcnt. and haw given h"i a rei pon it, tl
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    • 46 4 I .ond< n May 25. f* l rim Pic (iovernment law ti n.po--1 decl tnal to accede the Krilpp dircc- rales reipie-t, to rebae e the Gorman f»r the United States, W-id teldt, to resume his position as I .al manager of Ki os.
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    • 42 4 London, May 25. t openhagen Sixteen persons were seriously hurt .and St) slightly owing to an explosion on the Banish cruiser Geyser, during a demonstration of a fog.developing apparatus in the course f »f the naval* manoeuvres otr South Zeeland.
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    • 43 4 London, May 25. Ft s stated that Rydal Hall, in the Lake I'; tuft, has been taken for the private Vint Which the Queen of Holland is <•; *oen Plating from the end of June till i e middle of August.
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    • 27 4 London, May 25. Tirm which v. ill operate in oni *he night of May 2f» is ,f von ‘li location* in ’the lo crunch services.
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    • 175 4 London, May 2b. 'I he Kuhr t; l» gram how that the < oinmi.i. t d 1 v ii hair «*s hav not dnn nished and have spread to Kssen, where the > I j e; i tin 1 war! .i i >. »»i*■.-1 >f the* ii»>p
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    • 226 4 London, May 2*>. New "i k 'J ho Now Ye»rk agent of the ;»a/n h lb\al A! il Steam'hip C nnpanv 't. th.»t the v -mj.any ha* ordered l.*:e d. coniinuaren of aii oi ican sailft> r .Inn II owing ;<» tin* Supreun* <urr li<(tioi* di '.-.on
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    • 180 4 London, May 27. j I Ik* change of Ciovorninent has brought i" l P* eminence tin* question whetner .i»i. t 'iambi i lain and other Conservative ex-ministers are rejoining the party. In a letter to iiis constituents on May 2b, •Pc. hand erlain complains that no opP< »tunity
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    • 66 4 London, May 25. Hamburg: The International Socialist seat lrr, f SS H ias to Tendon the seat of the new Internationale. flu* French Socialist leader. Blum denounced the Treaty of Versailles and the Luhr occupation. His opinion is that it !s 'Oipossihle to attain security for naviiii’llts by the
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    • 59 4 London, May 2fi. Bishop Lander, formerly of Honpkoms,*n, 1 to the clergy of Liverpool warning then, of the darner ;f mama-es bi-won Chinese men and l"te Women. He says that when su h v ro Phh’oed to travel* to Chin v tmd themselves in an intolerable dion and
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    • 484 4 KhUa Mi's St-.awi't London, May lid. Malta Reports say that the whole of inc t,iM!?h Mediterranean fleet was recently concentrated in 1 urkish waters. London, May 2<>. A critical situation has arisen at Lausanne in consequence of a Graeco-Tur-kish
      KhUa Mi's St-.awi't  -  484 words
    • 77 4 London, May 2<>. New N r>»K Mr. Denby, speaking at the Naval War College at Newport, dee.ared that the American navy must be l-ept ready for defence in a world full of menace. He said that Congress \v >.!ld be asked next session for the additmnal cruisers allowed
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    • 44 4 London, May 20. iliod-American agreement f 1 •wh>h bn h s»gn* 1. gives \nnnca priorrty during the first four <;n-s o V(r Germany’s cash payments <t(i ihe repayment of the cost of tb,. The remaining eight i i.onts have complete priority.
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    • 411 4 London, May 21. According to Iteuter’s Berlin corn.. I--indent a conflict in which lire and u., iunit sted i'or superiorly, as humanly o\c(l weapons, occurred J; *L- fl j v.'it re two v.« re killed and ,‘bl w.,u;ul !!ic i o..rsc of
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    • 96 4 London, May 2d. Hamburg The International Socialist t ongress has been concluded. Ii adopted a number of resolutions protes'.insi against the Allies driving the German people into the arms of Nationalists and Monarchists, appealing to the German workers to resist to their utmost by sabotage the German capitalists who
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    • 68 4 London, May 27. The Hague A bid has been tabled by which the Colonial Ministry abok-iu*.' ’n port <: :ty on oi! und o I ducts ef the Dutch Ha d Indies f"> 11 the beginning of the present dhe bill makes up the revenue thus lost by
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    • 29 4 London, May t bristian a The Storting have mously adopted a bill appropi M),0()0 kroner for sending two boats to Spitzbergen to assist Ca; 1 n Amundsen.
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    • 34 4 London, May The London (iazette notifies tha' petition lias been presented by a cr* l!ir *be winding up of the Anglo-i’>. Oil Company. London, May N(>w York Mr. Frank Munsej purchased the Globe.
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    • 451 5 rkctfr's Service London, May 28. n There was a serious recru- of the disorders last night. grenades and rifles were freely 1,4 r i four persons were killed and 30 V';* jp.j Firemen in the role of police w i 100 of the
      rkctfr's Service  -  451 words
    • 142 5 London, May 28. i> a captured copy of a mes"V 0 ,oin L)e Valera, dated May 24, in l< l K Dublin Irregulars, de- •'oallirms his decision to abandon I, 11 'tance. It declares tiiat the V, lk < an no longer be defended sucw«vVi ,V a,ms
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    • 82 5 London, May 28. p !ll 'l n message states that the states t h -V Vl ,ar( l’s in-in' h!y repot t an*l fr lO ar J? e volume of production m, 1:; i‘ ‘ontinued, though there was i '"'Kening of activity in last April ln May, which
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    • 253 5 London, .way 28. lit the House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin announced thai, the gioveriuaent hau deemed to receive me claims ui me Uepai'tces lor loss in consequence of their arrest and deputation, also to establish a committee to consider tile regulations undci
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    • 185 5 London, May 2t». Mr. Chao Hsin Chu supported Mr. Stephen Porter’s proposal- and Sir John Campbell (India) also. The Japanese delegate disagree.l wit.i the American i.i’.i rpretation of the Hague Convention. Sir Malcolm Delevmgje (Britain) idared that Brit n wa > r ady to take .an i.i a
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    • 111 5 London, May LS. Mr. Birch Crisp presided at a crow cd meeting of holders of Ch.nese *ia.. mi a:u'l Vickers eight per cent. Treasury bonds, widen d >cm-sen the i.uaib for seeurng Die inu rest paysn. n. Th chairman said tnot a new loan of l‘2U f
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    • 57 5 London, May 2s. Christiania The Russian authorities have decided to erect a wireless station on the island of Nova Zenihla to communicate wth Archangel and other stations in North Russia and Siberia, especially with attention to the weather in the Kara Sea, also scientific matters. The personel
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    • 71 5 London, May 28. A Lausanne message states that a.i agreement had been reached with regard to the payment of reparations to the Allies by the Turks, by which the Alliewill not claim further reparations beyond the 6,000,000 gold Turkish pounds seized at the Deutsche Bank and th*»
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    • 156 5 London, May 28. A meeting of the Conservative party i* thi‘ Hotel Cecil unanimously elected Mr. Baldwin as leader of the party. London, May 28. The House of Commons has resumed its sittings. There was a large attendance and Mr. Baldwin met with
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    • 118 5 London, May 2» In he House of Commons, a questioner pointed out that British-owned and British-manned ships, registered in a British port, can be kept permanently in foreign waters so th:u they cannot be properly surveyed inspi t ted by the Board of Trade officers-. The questioner
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    • 82 5 London, May 28. Reuter states that Britain will reply to the Russian note as soon as possible. The Cabinet considers the repiy satisfactory on most points, except propaganda, regarding which there is complete divergence of opinion between London and Moscow*. London, May 21). M. fiiaiv-iii had a
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    • 85 5 London, May 28. New York With reference to the report from London with regard to the change in the British Ambassadorship, the Associated Press correspondent at Washington states that no intimation regarding this has hitherto been received no. the Embassy. S.r Auckland (Jeddcs is ill, but the
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    • 66 5 London, May 28. Dublin In introducing a Government bill with the object of completing the land purchase scheme commenced in 1870, Mr Ilogan s iid that bout 70,000 tenancies regained not purdias'-d and he hoped that not a s’nglo agricultural tenant or landlord would be left in
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    • 64 5 London, May 28. The difficulties of the the railway world are likely to he increased by a ballot of railway shopmen resulting in a two-third majority against the acceptance of tin railway companies’ proposal to reduce vv..ges by two shillings per week in May and one shilling in
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    • 30 5 Lon ion, May 28. Sir L. 4n Evan has be- n .appointed Postmaster (Tenoral. Load o>, May 28. lark hav** confirmed to Jfprveia*** and I ed 281,000 to 283.000
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    • 569 5 Rki.tkus Sekvice London, May 20. Events are moving quickly towards another attempt to settle the reparations problem. So far there is no confirmation of the Berlin report tiiat the tierman Government is send ng three representatives to London to seek
      Rki.tkus Sekvice  -  569 words
    • 34 5 London, May *Jl* Brussels The railway strike is still 'Mmadini*. The signalmen at Liege and the locomotive drivers nt Tournaiath have struck, but the telegraph and telat>h(*ne employes at Antwerp have resume!
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    • 131 6 London, May 2b. liingion Tin* Smppuig Board na received a definite but .nlormal oilt-r for the p irchase ot the entire active portimi of the nni liaiii Mt et. It is stated tha' the amount oll’ered is about a bill on dollars, and the grm p making the
      131 words
    • 93 6 I ,ond Oil, May 2X. Ci nevn At the Opium Commission Ci him- e represent alive, in the- mine o‘ his Government, made a definite stnten tii denying rumours ‘bat an opium feooopely was to be establi-lied in China. Sir John .Iordan’ resolution mb pted I, tic (!oi)inii'-' ion
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    • 103 6 London, Mo. lilt. New York The 't une \\a liiagtoti et, it pi>ru|e|it a; s a f i* tidy ot the Snpri me Courts li<i or <'■<•;:.on h;. fern if the 1 Mil -ur. It' pai 'nnu’ t .i.» to the eollt 1 ion t *i.i 1
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    • 57 6 London, May 2'J. Pans: The Council of the < himse t' n ."i in.. i held a in to discu s pr fit ton in < liina. The concha ions Wi re not di .I" ed. hut it i* ,v pect d that they wiU le published after
      57 words
    • 58 6 London. May 2D. The Wash; in*! on (iovcrnmciit <l« > nics catepoiically That Mr. Drew, th»• Aim rican Mii ter to S\.ilv’.ci and. mi csted the tii’ii. i;»! tltaly wi'li Turkey. On 1 e contrary the* proposal came from Turkey ami nit«• in foliations art imprebuhle until
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    • 61 6 London, May 2d. In tin* 11 ou e of (mmnion.s, Mr. D.vbi* rliiiv askotl what was the short st possible time in whit Ii the naval h *sc ai mi* i ild hi* con t t.mioainl -r Lyic Monsoll replied tl;*! pending the rcMdt oi the prclimina,y
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    • 48 6 London, May JJO. Ila ILipuc The court of appeal has aco idled the pilot, lifted, who was r* i t*• i.* i*tl to i\ month iinpri onment in < onnet nn with the collision hetw •on the fct<-a nr Zi.idenlijk, and the British steamer Kzardian, last year.
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    • 36 6 London, May 29. Do Valera's publicity department annoarn cs that the order to cease lire and <ii up arn, to In* eoii:pb*ted by May 28, ve i'sued to (he Republican army on May 21.
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    • 33 6 Ltindon, May 29. Allahabad: The I’hnecr lea r fr mi 1 he ran t hat an earthquake at in oat hi«d thousand of dent h Se\*ra! villages have hreii devastated.
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    • 25 6 k 1 .oiidon, Miy 29. P** ri 'anin Ihe I* nanee \t 11 > ter I too sum to the Premiership vna- M llalvor.en denased.
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    • 584 6 iti.i i j.k ii jcr. London, May 0. Ueil.n: 1 o.lowing tin- ot tnv n prc.M ntutives ot agriculture, the delegates u.loiTned < nanccllor Cuno that agi multure was prepaied to contribute guti,000,000 gold marks year.y for it
      iti.i i j.k ii jcr.  -  584 words
    • 108 6 London, May 20. Presiding at a meeting <*f the British hanib r of Commerce for tin* Dutch indies in London, Sir Walter Townley aid that owin* to the energies of the < handier the importance* of the Dutch 11 1 for trad \va h iunintr he appreciated.
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    • 202 6 London, May .‘5O. Art O’Brien and «*itrht other Irish depot tee s were char eil ai Low Street With se hi ioi.!> coiisp;. a and remanded until to-morrow. London, May du. In the House of Commons an all-night ill n.', on the eon.ui
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    • 122 6 London. May do. Washington Speaking at the memorial day i mmnemorution in the Arlington military e-eon tery. President Harding d clan i that the United States had pvov'd that tin world could manage with h ss armament and should now strive for an nssumnee of lesa
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    • 90 6 London, May .'5O. Washington The Treasury announces the suspension of silver purchases until it is ascertained whether the estimates of oilers already accepted exceed 200,000,000 ounces which the law authorises the Government to purchase. The announcement means that the Governhi have practically concluded another phase of wartime
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    • 63 6 London, May 150. In the House of Commons at question tone Mr. Ronald McNeill »aid that the u .’got iitiit ns for the return of Wei-hai-wei Itiitu had been resumed. The Govcrnt. c,it was unable to a statement on the subject yet, but he assured the ques- <
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    • 41 6 London, May 150. on-''ant :m plo Angora reports indi- Ku use Turkish diiTuvnces. It is .u.ui t nat the lurks decided to exclude "\.ci v« son from Turkish ports as a f ,r th <‘ Soviet attitude towards lurjsish ships.
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    • 44 6 London, May 30. The Manchester Guard mi's Moscow »rt.oii lcn! stales. that Chicher n dec lures the. Russo-Hritish position will he very serious if Ka»! Cuiv.on m,i*ts on tbthe Soviet Ambassadors in Vlynanisian and Persia. He declare--5.-.t a ruptur is inevitable.
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    • 24 6 I.eiidon, May i!0. A Mvhabad The Pioneer learnt from that the fatalities in th,. earth* at Turbadhiduri are estimated at ,i i
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    • 536 6 London, May Geneva The Opium Commission u ird tin* report of Monsignor Brent on m r:.:tn efforts to suppress the abu-, 0 f opium in the Philippines and urging *he necessity of an understanding with other e> antries to
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  • 182 6 (hroin Our Own Correspond, nt. Kuala Lumpur, May 2 A si jisjittonal arrest of a gro > url' t would-be gang lobbers was t V* 1 csterday afternoon at. 6.20. It w 1 i p it- that Mr. Dally, Assistant (Vmum.<uu
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  • 394 9 The death took place at the General Hospital on Sunday night from blackwater fever of Brigadier-General Arthur Hubert Hussey, who, only a few days previously, had returned from Borneo where, in company with Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, he had spent an enjoyable
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  • 146 9 The Municipal health statement for the week ending May 1U, gives the total number of deaths as 202 representing a death rate of 28.12 per milk* per annum compared with 31.0-1 in the preceding week and with 32.81 in the corresponding week of last year. The chief
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  • 1145 9 The annual meeting of the Straits Settlements Association (Singapore Branch) wus held at the Exchange, Singapore, on May 25 evening, when Mr T. Dudley Parsons (President) took the chair, supported by Mr. W. B. Penman (secretary). There was a goon
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  • 353 9 A demonstration was given at the Central Fire Station recently of a remarkable little fire-fighting appliance which is finding great favour in Malaya, where large numbers are being sold to planters and others who a small, handy, and yet efficient pump. The
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  • 106 9 Al out 10.4 o p.m. on May 2:1 a earn? robbery took place at the of a Chinese in Juronf? Road, and some cash wn< removed. Mr. Mitchell Mid Inspector Clifton are making enquiries. Another v'anj; robbery took place the following morning at the house of a Chinese
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  • 1122 10 The Y.W.C.A. pageant, which took place in the grounds of Government Mouse e»n Saturelay afternoon, was the prettiest anel nm.-A eftectivc «»pen-air spectacle- seen at Singapore s.nce the hi.dren’s Corner during the v;sit of the )>nnee of Wales. It
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  • 334 10 In our comment on the prospectus of The Malayan China Clay and Potteries, Ltd., we pointed out one or two items of the finances that might with advantage lx- enlarged upon. Information has since reached us which may be useful
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  • 192 10 It would appear that Cross Street has been the venue of a series of l ows between MohamedanTamils, living in the thoroughfare. On May 24, for instance, was published a sequel in the shape of a case in the District Court, and the same day
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  • 827 10 (I-Ton. Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 27. A general meeting of the Engineering Association of Malaya was held in the Association room, Straits Trading ComI.nnv's offices at l>.30 a.m. to-day. Mr. james Brown presided and the meeting was largely attended. After the
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  • 893 10 A correspondent writes The planters m the Muar District have been worried of late by the presence of man-eating tigers. During the last year on one estate under European management eight coolies have been eaten and one coolie was taken while i n the act of tapping
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  • 765 11 The British Malaya Return of Foreign Imports anil Exports for the month ended April 20, 1022, is issued by the Registrar Imports and Exports, the following po nts should be noted Onlv articles ininoi.ed into or exported out o
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  • 390 11 THE COLONY’ S PRISONS. Working Costs of Singapore Gaol Decreasing. those for Penang for various reasons: the salary of the Inspector of Prisons is •h- i-ged to Singapon are the items taken from the Crown Agents’ bills for pa-sages, as those cannot conveniently be ali 'tud 5 and th.e Sings,pore
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  • 786 11 Weekly Report of Singapore Firms. Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report dated May JO, states After experiencing further weakness in Lite mantei, tin lecovered towards the end of tne period under review, but there is st,,. mile coitudencu in the share market and business has been <
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  • 76 11 Accord in >r to a publicat. > m by tin* hino e Students’ Society tin’ Chinese Republic n holidays are a- follows Lst* bli'him nt of tl <* 11 ov< rnment nt Nankin, J .nuary 1 lir. t inauguration of parliament, April S; celebration of the ulnrioud
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1107 12 eovor a<iministrat on. Straits Times May It is riect ssary occasionally to resort to Government trading, but it is not a thing to be done rashly. I he average Government servant is destitute of commercial training, anti it is quite a mistake to suppose that a person can
      eovor a<iministrat:on. Straits Times May •)*  -  1,107 words
    • 1118 12 —Straits Times, May 2fi. The matter which led to M. Poincare tendering his resignation was very s milar to that which quite recently created a momentary flutter in English politics. The Senate, sitting in a judicial capacity, came to a certain decision with reference to the
      .—Straits Times, May 2fi.  -  1,118 words
    • 1123 12 a a t v «ni'tat i&lt;»n to the strong.—Straits Tinu-s. M«.v *&gt; We gave pretty fully on Saturday the recent debate in the House of Commons on the proposed creation of a naval base at Singapore. It is impossible to read the report without amazement. Member after
      |a a tv«ni'tati<»n to the strong.—Straits Tinu-s. M«.v *>  -  1,123 words
    • 1181 13 persecution are deep rooted.—Straits Times, May ‘J'J. !t i'.a- kill for a few days past as f a rupture between Greece and Turkey wou; t -ole outcome of the second c ,-f r a' l.ausanne. For the time ai-t t has been averted by the ni :en
      persecution are deep rooted.—Straits Times, May ‘J'J.  -  1,181 words
    • 1185 13 Straits Ti:v;i*s, May .‘JO. Many matters of importance have been discussed during the sittings of thLegislative Council. One important subject touched upon was the uneasiness produced by the extent to which smuggling has been thwarting the Restriction Ordinance, and there is just one thing we would like to
      Straits Ti:v;i*s, May .‘JO.  -  1,185 words
    • 1169 13 Straits Times, May III. The Federal Council has passed an amended Rubber Restriction Ordiimnc The Legal Adviser in stating some of the reasons for strengthening the law said “There have been false declarations of urn age of rubber, false dcelarat ons of export. Bribery has been rife, smuggling has
      Straits Times, May III.  -  1,169 words

  • 163 14 Recovery o r Stolen Property. M oot a couple of in&lt; nlhs ago thefts of ’lo.hiue, ole., were committed from a n&gt; i&gt; ll l m■. of Europeans, including clothing from Major Keys, jewellery and clo'lh ,r f"* u tin* r&lt; sub nee of Major !'i i, Ii v. A
    163 words
  • 80 14 'I h.* St r..its Tiu.t n m not rfipiinniblf tor 'he* i&gt;|)inioi.&gt; of ii... Coi-i'»***j)oiid»ilili&gt;. (olie|iOii&lt;lcnts wh.'.ild in mind th&lt;( I Iters ■fiuiit Pi* short nnd to the point. Long r;i nhiilip ••sjnstbs on t&lt;&gt; *&gt;&lt;• rej»*cl«-*l or ruthlessly cut &lt;)« wu &lt; ■.rr.-s|,,.n.|. ii nnlt neb'
    80 words
  • 473 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, The M. C. F. G. had done v&gt; w&lt; 1 io have collected a nett sum ol $2,COO by their two performance* whi h they staged here in aid of local charitns and the Malacca Kwan 1m
    473 words
  • 110 14 Hie Ed.tor of the Straits Times. S r. Saf iilav next is a holiday in honour of the King’s Birthday, but on the 2nd of June the King was not bom t. If the King must not disturb our Sunday mst, then the right h-dolav is f...
    110 words
  • 340 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. S r 1 l'«ye i, ad your last Friday’s leading article with great interest. Th "pi' of Singapore wire the victims ..f i 'tinpo.y m the live sheep trade, because all tin i am, p oming :,m ,l n Australia, had
    340 words
  • 596 14 To the Editor of the Straits Times. S r,-In reply to one of Mr. Tan Cheng Lock's questions in the Council yesterday, the Act'iig Colonial Secretary said, “The educational value of tuition in a foreign language unless the pupil has first been grounded in a good general menial
    596 words
  • 804 14 JESSELTON ICE POWER CO. Well Equipped for the Present And Future. The ninth annual general meeting the Jesseiton Ice amt Power 01 L’d.. was held at its registered im l Market Street, yesterday. Mr. J| r nan pres'deci, and othcis present Messrs. Chee Swee Cheng, J a p,. ri A.
    804 words

  • 2236 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 21*. A meeting of the Federal Council was held in the Council Chamber at 10.30 n.m. to-day, the Hon. Mr. K. S. Hose, aetg.Chief Secretary, presiding. The others present wen* the Rulers, Hon. Mr. W. S.
    2,236 words
  • 211 16 The step taken by the Hon. Mr. W. George Maxwell which led to the initiation of the Government Rice Mill at Bagan Serai early in 1920 has more than justified itself, says the Pinang Gazette, and the guaranteed price of 13 cents a gantang to the padi
    211 words
  • 368 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, May 2s. Never before has such a wonderful reception been shown to any concert pat-tv in the Malacca Club, as that extended to Mrs. Lamont Fisher, A.R.C.M., and party, &lt;&gt;n Saturday evening last. Th v appreciation of
    368 words
  • 418 16 The District Grand Lodge of the Lastern Archipelago met at Freemasons Hail on Saturday evening under the Presidency of H.E. Major-General Sir Neill Malcolm, K.C.8., D. 5.0., District Grand Ma ter. The following officers of Grand Lodge were appointed for the ensuinu year :—D.S.G. Warden Wor. Bro. C. L.
    418 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 426 20 A friendly encounter between the Services and tin* Etceteras took place on Saturday, and resulted in a draw. This was to have been an b.C.C. Cricket Tournament fixture, but the Soidiers were unable t&lt;* a team that would comply with the
      426 words
    • 361 20 r's S«*i vin J London, May 25. At Lords Middlesex beat Essex on the fust innings, llchdrcn scoring 152 in the w liners’ first innings, whilst Morris made 111 in the second innings for Essex. At-! kuison took five Essex wickets for 10 runs. At Dudley Derbyshire beat
      | « r's S«*i vin . J  -  361 words
    • 41 20 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 24. Capo Town The South African Cricket Association have regretfully decLnad tl.e invitation to the South African team to visit Australia prior to their English Lour, on the ground that it is impracticable.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  41 words
    • 96 20 The R.G.A. and the S.R.C. met in the first round of tbe fust division of tbe League on tbe Padung on May 2.*. Tbe Gunner.-. won easily by six goals to two, their play generally and their shooting icing far better
      96 words
    • 531 20 The meeting in the first division of the I i a rue, mi tile Padang on W» dnesd- y. of e St. Joseph’s Old Boys and the S.( I* .A. was, in spite of the waterlogged ground and a ball weighing a
      531 words
    • 61 20 I* rom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mac 2S. The Inter-State association footbail match between Selangor and Peak, played at Ipoh on Saturday, resulted in a draw of one goal all. Selangor brought rather a weak team and Perak played the better game, but their shooting was erratic. The
      61 words
    • 46 20 f Ii&lt; liter’s Service.) I/ondon, May 28. Ilie football Association Gounod re-port.-d that upwards of 6.000 apnlic il"»l.S h.V 'irkrt ho].lt&gt;rs f„, th«. hav b, ivil for a r -fund „f n, ,m *y, £4.100. Ft i* 'hl’que." 1 U k by
      f Ii< liter’s Service.)  -  46 words
    • 70 20 IM.AY ON MAh 24. hampionsliip Pairs. yus.s Stepiieiison auu .M:. Ha.. boa. Miss Fawcett and Mr. Sinclair, 0—1 (5—2. Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. Green beat Mrs. Swindell and Mr. Warren, 6—0, 6—2. .MONDAY'S PLAY. Mixed Doubles A Class. Miss Thompson and Lt.-Col. Thompson beat Mrs.
      70 words
    • 96 20 MONDAY’S RESULTS. A Doubles Handicap. 'Ian Chong Ga;k and Tay Lian 'lock 12 beat !\liu.&lt; liooi i»ye and Ian Chong i,.i.» 2 i On *ioW .van an l (&gt;ng Siew .La:. 5 beat Oh .Jilt Siri’ a’d Yew hye ib 0 2. 0-1
      96 words
    • 300 20 Tie oflicial ng of the newly-eon-structed court adjoining St. Francis’ Association dub prcnih-es at 51 Koon Cheng [bad was i aiki’.l by an en j( yal*le fun &lt; mi on Monday a .'’tern con. the A sociation I. ng at home to frhnds and \\\-il-w slu
      300 words
    • 77 20 f f&lt;r’s London. May 27. St. Cloud In the international hard court lawn tennis championship finals in the Singles. Mdllc. Lenglen bent MiMackane &gt;» —3. 0—3, and Johnston America, boat Washer, Belgium, 4—6 6 2, 6 2, 4—0-3. In the mixed doubles final. Millie. Cochet and Cochet
      f f<r’s  -  77 words
    • 59 20 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 31. Mrs. Mallory opened her British tour, in the Middlesex championships at Chiswick and entered the fifth round without the loss of a set. Hrusso’s The Davis Cup first d, y v results were Lyeett. Britain, beat WatBelgium, 0 2, 8 6 2 Washer
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  59 words
    • 314 20 The result of the match between the Singapore Garrison Golf Club and the keppel Golf Club pi’ayed at Keppel link- on Sunday, is a draw. The following are (he scores, the minus of Garrison players being given Wodehouse and Mimpk-d] 1 v. Irv n" Jon. s and
      314 words
    • 113 20 (From Our Own Correspondent. Ipoh, May -v There is particular interest in :tse Ipoh Gymkhana Club races, the t»:ospective of which is being issued today, for July 10, 12 and 14. The s* irtea are even more attractive than in Ma ch, induci ng $1,200 for
      113 words
    • 34 20 The monthly spoon competition of ht Singapore Ladies IlfU* Association ax s won by Mrs. Mugliston. Score yds. score. hVp. 100 22 .00 "".7* 200 24 .90—.‘14.01 07.71 Seven cards were returned.
      34 words
    • 140 20 t!u fin of the American (h..ndi«;i?&gt;i i',*nt plated eii i n Saturday at the Clerical Union, Lim Teck Seng (scr. i beat i i*&lt;ek i -90) th&lt; final e i.;* Tick Seng 250, K. Chong l’‘A 231. In the final of English (Hanmi’apl lournaniem, J. Chong Weng (-70)
      140 words
    • 148 20 1 )u* recent action of Mr. I). Far;i-i-'| r Ron. of IJibu Estate, in ?uec&lt;' t i &gt;' catching and prosecuting the ro d-!' g- ’4 dr:vei- of a motor-bus near Rant a:, l I" en hailed with satisfaction bj Europe.n in the district, writes a H‘ r
      148 words

  • 219 21 &lt; uifucian lioys i*.!i'*'»!. PetaLng poitcii u&gt; Ic* -‘-e oi 1 t*r- :i t!u» Malay Mali oi May .’id. r original*! tram thiuu t hi--1:1 lmusiers who hat received "ii,»i'i ilu* Committee that »hoi« vvk.lil he* no longer required. l
    219 words
  • 446 21 SINGAPORE ASSIZES. Chinese Cook’ s Alleged Assault On School Girl. A; the Singapore Assizes, on Monday, Ih Mr. ,I.:-tice BiirreL-Loiinard, the trial »f Hashim bin Sal m, a Malay motor--1 i 1 ir, wn*• wu- charged with causing t!.. &lt; f &lt; itine-e woman in Geylang Kca- A; ril IA,
    446 words
  • 622 21 The above committee, of which L'&gt;d&gt; iLahin.aru has consentii to become the first i're.-ident, been formed with a view to assisting b-udtnU who leave this Coiony to complete their education in Great Britain. It has been f&lt; it for some time past some puulic
    622 words
  • 227 21 R'viT Valley Road i- caning a noto- lriiii' as a place tor thieves, ami Mtiiuly will be rciiier.’beivd, Mrs. I’e;g‘ -un-Havie .ad her handbag nut lied aw ty by n thief as -h was n,. in a ricksha along that lb&lt; 'ehfare. On Saturday evening,
    227 words
  • 583 21 On Tuesday atternoim when Captain 11. n. vMiijjpey was placed before Mr. Gourlay, charged with cheating Messrs. John Little and Co. the accused, at the outset of the proceedings, said he wanted to apply for a postponement and on Ins i/oisni.p enquiring on
    583 words
  • 64 21 GATOR. On May 111, at y, Napier Road, Singapore, flu* wife of (J. K. (’ntor, Malayan Civil Service, of a daughter. XI.OI’ER. At Abingdon, Dnlvey Road, Singa pore, on May *J7, tin* wife of Dr. J. S. Eloper, 0.H.K., a daughter. YORK.’.. At th'* Maternity Hospital, Singa pore, on
    64 words
  • 191 21 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 31. On London, Bank 4 m/s 2/4 7/32 Demand 2/4 Vi Private 3 m. credits 2/4 15/32 On New York, Dcmund 53% Private 90 d/a 56Vi On France, Bank 745 On liiuia, Bnk T. T. 174*4 On liongkung, Bank d/d 1 p.c. p.m. On
    191 words
  • 458 21 MINING. Issue Val. Pd Puyera. Seller*. 1 1 Katana Padung 0.47 Vi 0.52Vi 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 inm 1 1 Johan Tin 0.40 045 11 VI Kam. Kumunting £2.4.6 £2.6.0 10 10 Kinla Assn. Ord. 8.10 8.50 5 5 Lingui
    458 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 89 21 NOTICE Ai! communications for both the 1r i l imes mu! the Strait s Hndjrct shool he Addressed to th» Head Office, Cecil fin 1 ■itorloy Streets, Singapore, Shrait’ Settlenent s. Tin* fiost free price of the Straits Times to the f’nited and foreign rountries i S.’l a year. The
      89 words
  • 70 21 DKATIIS A RN’Iid V. James Arthur Caimgy, ig year., at Trcagganu, on Maj 21, 15)25 Penang. Sum; tea, Itritish North Hornet papers please copy. 1 It* &lt;It\K. &lt;*n .May l!l, 15)2*!, Francis I*' gl. (I.hoim* of Uosnarec, Slam*, (!o. Meath J rclanil, after a serious operation. I: ci l&gt;le. ANGK.
    70 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 73 1 General London Kubbi r Position I IjfK'al Kiililm r Auctions Kubl &lt; r Ib st ric'ion Rules 2 London Rubin r Stocks 2 Rubber Results 2 I. S. I*, li. 'ii gam at ion (joMeit Hope Rubber 3 Correspond* nec— Rubber in the I p hi 1 i|*|n- I
      73 words
    • 76 1 [The Straits Tines is le t responsible lor the opinions of its no re 1 -pendents. &lt;'"rii »|.undent.-, Demid bear in muni that b it. i&gt; ni ust. be short umi I" the point. Loi.g rumbling epistle are lia’o'n to rejectcil or luthle.. cut jdown. Correspondent* Hunt enclose their
      76 words
    • 96 1 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, In ymir weekly issue (Rubber Supplement) for March 30, we notice a statement copied from the Manila limes, that the Ed tm of tin India Rubber Journal, investigating the Island of Basilan estimated the cost of bringing land
      96 words
    • 258 1 Mcs i Wilson Holgau and Co. favour j us with a copy of the Itubber Trade Assoeiation of London monthly statistics giving figures to March ’.’&gt;l. The total! imports hy the United Kingdom for the i three months ending Much was 19,252 tons compared with 10.2,2 b
      258 words
    • 1718 1 The twelfth annual general meeting of j the Kombok (F.M.S.) Rubber Company, Ltd., was held on April 25 at the register-} ed office, 5, Whittington-aveiiue, K.C., Mr. R. W. Gblin (the chairman of the company! presiding. The Chairman said: Gentlemen, —1 presume that,
      1,718 words
    • 140 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Penang, May Two cases of rubber smupplinp •It alt with in the Chief iClagistrate’s &lt; ;r it Alor Star last week, the charge u 'a eh instance beinp th&lt;* same, viz. tin: ptinp to smupple rubber by eva
      140 words
    • 922 2 auction of the Singapore ,,u Commerce Rubber Association hanl ‘],l on May 24, when there was i -151 old lbs. or 603.53 tons? iViiua lbs. or 457.07 ton,. 4iL &gt;05 lbs. or 323.30 tons. v PRICES REALISED. L d0I1 Is. 1%&lt;L N.
      922 words
    • 1109 2 The thirteenth ordinary general meeting of the Selaba Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held on April 10 at 1-4, Great Towerstreet, E.C., Mr. E. L. Hamilton (the Chairman) presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, —The report and accounts submitted to you have been in
      1,109 words
    • 150 2 New rules, under the Kxport of Rufihci (Restriction) Ordinance are pnfili. lied in be Government Gazette, rclat ng to thi importation of rubber. They provide that rm rubber shall be imported into tiht Settlements of Singapore or Penang on any other than a vessel «*f more than
      150 words
    • 33 2 Me- i-'. Lewi and Peat Ltd. state thn heir Lorfdon cable gives the Londoi stocks on May 26 as 54,496 tons, a re kuiion of I.ltons f&lt; r the week.
      33 words
    • 571 2 Uikani.—Divd. for 1922, 7Vi p.c. Rangoon Para.—Divd. 4 p.c. in respect of 1922. North Labis.— Int. divd. 5 p.c. Nil for previous year. Bukit Sembawang.— Divd. 2 p.c. for 1922 for 1921 nil. Sungei Kari.—lnt. divid. 5 p.c. on ace &gt;um current year.
      571 words
    • 124 2 A' a meeting 0 f the Council of the Incoipora'ed Society of Planters, held in \ua a Lumpur on May 2~t, a special subcommittee was formed to consider the pjortion of reorganising the Society on 'ims somewhat similar t the P.A.M. •ml i's D.P.A.’s, with a
      124 words
    • 922 3 The seventeenth ordinary general meetjug of the Golden Hope Rubber Kstate, Ltd., was held on April 11 at the rcgr-tci cd office of the company, 1-4, Great Tower Street, K.C., Mr. James Lloyd Anstruther, J.!\ (chairman of the company), presiding. The
      922 words
    • 742 3 as against 117 cents for the previous year, and the average price realised was ’h.iV.i cents per lb. Under restriction as from the first of May we are allowed 7.D01 lbs. per month for the quarter. \s regards treating outside rubber the
      742 words
      • 373 3 Stock Stock Vahie. Company. E pric*e"f* l Vat Se. Company. ‘pric'S?* Anglo-Malay »f A t,c il A&gt;er kuning Lumut 37/g LI Bakap Plantations YU Malacca Plantations 42/6 £1 Banteng (Selangor) 27/6 Malacca (New) 7/ D £1 Batu Caves I®/ |2/ Merlimau 3/4 J 1
        373 words
      • 727 3 Capital Issue Closing Prices. Paid Up Value Dividend* Fraser Lyall k Company Co. Evatt. 312.500 l nil year 28-2-22 AllenbyNew ($1) 1.10 120 1.124 1.174 1(50,000 1 nil year 30-9-22 ..Alor Gajah ($1) 1.25 1.50 1.20 1.30 727,214 2 5 p.c. for year 30-6-20
        727 words

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 198 4 i.g your brick* and tile. for your holdings made by or from TENS StN BRISK WORKS 00. OP. ER 3BRANGOON BOAD those Solo Agenu are Momto. TENG G hiN Co.. No. 5, Telok Ayer you not only got high quality, but r A 'p *ND ENDURABLE GOODS beoenufoctured from the
      198 words
    • 25 4 NOW READY SCRIBBLING PAM FOR CASH 100 sheets (10M&gt; in. by in.) for 20 CENTS Postage 14 cts. each extra. Apply Manager, STRAITS TIMES, Singapore.
      25 words
    • 53 4 PRINTING BLOCKS LINE OR HALF-TONE MADE BY The Straits Times Press, SINGAPORE. Prices Quoted on Application &lt; GERMAN VIOLIN Complete with shaped case, Pernambuco wood bow, Tuning pipe, mute and a set of strings. Only $28.00. SEASON COMPANY. LIMITED, (Incorporated In tha 8. 8.) Ut and lit, NORTH BRIDGE SO
      53 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 127 5 ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H.P. Ford Marine Engines Complete with PropeOor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and Oil Pumps and Reverse gear. $1,000 Gray Marine X &gt; Complete with Propellor, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump, Magneto, Controls and Reverse geai 3 H.P. Single Cylinder 2 Cycle $550 20-25
      127 words