The Straits Budget, 25 May 1923

Total Pages: 22
1 7 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXVII No. ‘5406 Singapore, Friday, JHay 25, 1923 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 261 1 Opium and the Chinese 10 Our Naval Base 10 China Clay -.10-11 Traitors to Themselves 11 I he New Premier U 5eiur.ii Local and Personals 1-2 Engineering Association 1 i., r’s Service Drowning Tragedy at Sungei Besi 6 Sharp Business "0 Straits Settlements Association 0 Surveyors’ Grievances 1 F.M.S.
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  • 4031 1 Ir r <>f coolies arriving in Bang- is said to be something 1 week, and the number departr '•''•’ably less. The returns for > nth? of 1923 showing the V t» i>-'engera arriving were parking 22,777. The arrivals 1 !l Vu il, respectively, were It.,08.3, For the
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  • 535 2 An extraordinary mineral meeting of Southern Ferak Dredging, Ltd., was held >ll Apid 23 at 73 basinghall-strect, K.c for the purpose of submitting the t*<>l lV> V ii resolution: That the capital of the company ho ineuased to £200,000 by the
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  • 74 2 i'!u- I*. and O. Company have an ex cilleut list of sailings for next year The departures from Singapore during the first four months will be approximately as f« Mows Kaisar-i-Hind about 3rd January. L class abou*. 17th January. Mnced'.nia about 30th January. "K” class about
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  • 251 2 We are informed by Mr. D. W. jh’i* lane, the hon. secretary, that the h- 11 1 neering Ars u iation of Malaya w.h h ,o a meeting in Kuala Lumpur on May and 27. the programme of which cover? the following events :—Saturday, visit to Malayan Collieries
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    • 567 3 KErTEB** Sr.r.vKi: London, May 17. result of the O’Brien habeas proceedings, Irish deportees, numI P ..bout 100, including a dozen bl -‘.,;t 0 d for England this morning, Ver Vau months in Dublin prisons. They lt lV i!v escorted by armed men
      KErTEB** Sr.r.vKi:  -  567 words
    • 84 3 London, May 18. v V,’ Commons in reply to 1 Baldwin said that the Gov1 t!i V 3 *1 premature to conj: N l; 1 10,1 "f the scope of the all t... a Treaty until ratified v h Vj;.. n, ?l He said <j !".C'ink anything
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    • 237 3 London, May 18. In an article in the Daily Telegraph, Archibald Hurd emphasises the commercial importance of Singapore and refutes the suggestion that the navai base scheme is contrary to the Washington Treaty. He regards the suggestion that it would be better
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    • 147 3 London. May Is. A Harley Street specialist's visit to Mi. Bon:.r I .aw, N\ho is spending a few ’ays in Paris following his stay at Aix ies-Bains. h s increased the anxietv regarding his health and the politico’ future. Mr. Bonar Law's general health :s very
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    • 104 3 v London, May 18. The effects of the recent strike of railwaymen, postal workers and othei '-ate employees in Belgium is spreading. The action of the Government in calling up ail raihvay telegraph, telephone and postal workers belonging to the 1015-102:? classes was challenged in the Chamber, which
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    • 105 3 London, May IS. Paris There were stormy scenes in the Chamber host night, when the Royalist, M. Ybarnegaray, raised the question of his long-delayed interpellation relative the Ilanque Industrielle de Chine. The ex-Premier, M. Briand, urged the inexpediency ('f discussing the question which would shortly be considered in
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    • 58 3 London, May 18. Geneva The United States delegation at the session of the Anti-Opium Commission of the Lea true of Nations which will be opening on May 21, includes Mr. Stephen Porter, president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Re presentat.ives and Monsignor Brent, president
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    • 221 3 London, May 18. Paris M. Poincare issued a statement in connection with the special Ruht credit to a secret sitting of the Finance and Foreign Affairs Commission of the Chamber. According to a semi-official account, the Premier optimistically reviewed the financial aspect of
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    • 129 3 London, May l7» At a meeting of creditors of Messrs.! Reiss Bros., Ltd., at Manchester, the Official Receiver made a statement that the Reiss family were already actively engaged on a scheme for securing the continuance of the old-established family business. The Official Receiver, after saying that
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    • 65 3 London, May 18. New York The Japanese Ambassador, Count Hanihara, addressing the Japan Society, declared that the American attitude towards Japanese immigrants was the only question in the whole bright outlook which was vexing most people's minds. He declared that the question was one of the elementary
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    • 58 3 London, May 17. Warsaw The Earl of Cavan was ceremoniously received at Cracow, where he attended a review of the troops and thin proceeded to Warsaw. The papers publish long and eulogistic articles, acclaiming the distinguished representative of the British Army and declaring that the visit will
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    • 71 3 London, May 19. The Northern Ireland House of Commons read for a second time the Government bill providing for the closing of l) 1 lie houses on Sundays, which the Premier, Sir James Craig, said that the Government would insist on carrying out completely, also the
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    • 58 3 London, May 18. Rangoon The majority of Burman employees of the Ynang Yaung oilfield ov<- struck again without warning, apparently in connection with the discharge »f superfluous workmen. London, May IK. The strike of oil refiners has he :i .i tth'd and the nv-n are resuming. TV
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    • 208 3 London, May 17. In the House of Commons, Mr. Baldwin refused definitely to promise there wnu'd he no rupture with Russia until the House was further consulted, hut he indicated that the Government were adopting a conciliatory attitude. He hoped the
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    • 104 3 Tjotulotl, May 15. British financial and Industrial circles are interested in the transaction cabled on May Iff which resulted in a British group comprised of five London banking institutions acquiring from the Swiss Bank control of the Anatolian Railway. This was originally a German concern and is
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    • 77 3 e London, May 17. \Vashington r President Hardin*, unveiling a statue of Alexander Hamilton, upheld Hamilton’s conception of the sanctity of oblation as a remedy for the present world conditions and pleaded that honesty was the cure for ten thousand ills. He uttered a warning against factionalism, declaring
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    • 92 3 London, May 18. < amden, South C arolina Sixty-six h‘<dcs have hern taken from the ruins oi the school-house at Cleveland, which was destroyed by fire, caused by the overturning ot an oil lamp during an entertainment attended by the pupils and their parents. Ihe only exit
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    • 48 3 London, May 17. The Air Minister, Sir Samuel Hoare, accompanied hy Lady Hoars- and MajorGeneral Brancker, has left Croydon aerodrome for a ton days’ flying tour on the Continent. He will inspect the outinental air route and confer with the Air Ministers of the countries t raversed.
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    • 25 3 London, May 18. Siml.M Th** murderers of Mrs. Ellis at Kobat Hava* sought refuge in Afghanistan under pressure from the Afridi Lashkars.
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    • 10 3 London, May 19. M«irkv Mrs- J'J'.OVO to 228,000.
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    • 466 4 lil t iKit's. Slime; London, May 19. Mr. P.onar Raw’s summons to London is disquieting the Premier’s supporters, who at antic pating a very brief continuum-! of ollii e. Downing Street professes ignorance of the Premier’s intention
      lil t iKit's. Slime;  -  466 words
    • 102 4 London, May 19. A 'ory of an \c:l:ng neoutuer with a Kolslu-vuM gunboat in the White Sea on April i*x, was told by the skipper of the Grimsby trawler .lira. The gunboat appeared when the Jeria was 1. r > miles from land and ordered the trawler
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    • 83 4 London, May IP. A forthcfiminjr further increase of French troops in the Ruhr i announced t».V the newspapers wth Ihe object of «P«cd up U|) production and particularly as a means for don r supervision of the »ailwa\ I, fiinilois pives a clue to ~f n,w
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    • 188 4 London, May 10. Washington tie patches record a glowing convic'iou that the Pan-American < euferenee at Santiago has inmeirahl) failed to fulfil hopes. Practically '.'•thing has emerged from an imposing .r «*nda, aiming at the I'mi'ation of warlike expenditure, the codification of international law,
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    • 97 4 London, May 20. H* rn The Governm n* lias ret- a in te from the Sovie t (iovenum n* a :r. it wiill the respon-i’.ii'j: y f..j <• r ».f Vorowsky. The F» <1 ml <’• n l had deeidid to reply refining to nt •l.e note. London,
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    • 52 4 May 17. I’aris The Appeal Court has awarded Hellene, the inventor of the aeroplane “joy-stick.” 7,500,000 francs damages against the French Government and three leading aircraft manufacturers for a breach of patent. lie Government’s infringements mostly occurred in war w M n they insisted on contractors fit I
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    • 82 4 London, May H). 1 f \vo of the re-arrested deportees, Sean McGrath, Secretary of the Irish Self- IJeternimation League, and John »> Mahoney, a member of the League, have been charged at Bow Street with soMtious conspiracy. They w re remand'd in custody. London, May 19. Several other
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    • 53 4 London, May is. The I urco-Greek t.oadlocl; at Lausanne oil the question of reparations is regard- as serious in well-informed quarters .•nl strenuous e.forts by the Allies to t an agreement have so far been •mavailmg. It is anticipated that some “"h will be reached at the Turco-
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    • 51 4 London. May 20. Washington Sir Auckland Goddes has represmtat on to the Government h i''/rani to an extens .m of lime for he enforcement of prohibition within the 1 mile limit for the benefit of ttritish ships from distant ports which are M(Jt ihle to reach America before dune
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    • 42 4 London, May 20. R.nssels As a secpml to the Chamber "‘.pntie, debates the National Cnion ~‘j S /hat it has been decided to sen! <,S l lh Principal centres to in traffic U ra Waym< n t 0 r<,SUfm passenger
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    • 347 4 London. May IT. In u letter to ♦he Times on the Lincheng outrage. I’rtgadier-Gme ?**i C. D Bruce expres e.; the opinion that tru wont aspect of tiv matter is the open challenge by the Chinese to the prestige j.f Europeans, a challenge
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    • 67 4 London. May 20. New York The annual convent am of the Socialist party passed a resolution demanding the impeachment of e\President Taft for aceipting a iMO.giu annuity from the Carnegie Corporal! *n l.eijneiChed him by Mr. Carnegie, as v. as $0,000 each for the widows of exPresidents Cleveland
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    • 153 4 May ID. Melbourne Rear-Admiral Sir William resswcil, c> mmonting on tin* suggestion ‘hat the defence of the Pacific would he hitter managed from Sydney than S ngapor**. is of opinion that the selection of Singapore was a wise decision, justifying tlie fullest confidence. The Sydney so-, gestion
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    • 74 4 London, May 20. Washington Ihe statement, presented lo llu Mixed Claims Commission which N> established fix the German war lia- I'Hes, has been published. It shows 1 in. .he chums of the American Governed nl and citizens total $1,470,000,000 of which the Government claims s.‘s<}<»,ooo 000 Ihe
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    • 29 4 London, May 11). Warsaw: OUwinski, vice-President of |h olish Ministry of Agriculture, has been assassinated in the street Tin motive is stated to be personal vengeance!
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    • 628 4 Reltkk’s Skk\ u;r: London, Ma.; _q Mr. Bonar Law’s resignation siaiulingly sudden decision and is ir 11 the outcome of the report by his advisers. His colleagues were appai.n 'v nal consulted regarding' it. In. '“Oil v. as
      Reltkk’s Skk\ u;r:  -  628 words
    • 41 4 London. May Thi> Times gives prominence patch of its Peking correspon 'he <*>ppoi;p r.u-nt f*f an ml* o».'mission to investigate the n I'i'e measures to protect force ,s s ,r China and emphasising yetnfoccement of foreign troops essential.
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    • 139 5 London, May 21. Trouble which necessitated the |V nine of an armed force arose as sUi, n.itoonie of a protest by the towns*n Z inst an attempt on the behalf *V ,T ‘i Banco de Bcira to ship £60,000 of J e of silver to Delagoa Bay. The
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    • 81 5 London. May 21. ;l it is reported fiom Moscow :v majority of Commissars consider i..-j; a.n will agree to a compioinise St ions if the Soviet desists I u ;m propaganda. They consider a ';l u -.Id be disastrous, therefore, 0 ,i 1 to discontinue this pro-
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    • 98 5 London, May 22. S-'iv- thousands of delegates, including ;i (r German representation, Mr. Arthur p i-on. Mr. J. H. Thomas and other Io labiur men. are attending the 1 1 Congress at Hamburg, the prii! t i kvt of which is to revive the I-** rratamale on the
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    • 82 5 London. May 22. A ain contain ng thousands tiffs has l» n seizid aniline factory at Ludwigsv.a- out to France on Sunday i load will shortiy be d« ?< I u: to 15 Ig uni. London, May 22. M». i>n..» u, writing to the Glasgow *t
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    • 74 5 Londe.n, May 2‘J. addressing the annual con- *f iiK* British Legion, stated that 'I* the country at the close of y l"' 1 numbered 2,081). Employment ia<l been found for 10,000 men during the 1,1 uf ilu* almost unprecedented Between 3,000 and 4,000 i -a of the Legion,
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    • 59 5 London, May 21. Basra correspondent of the Bagdad :in: u, *ces that Mr. Frank Holmes r f the Eastern General Syndi{)f: 1 obtained from Ibnsaud, Sultan t a!’ a con cession for an area of 'les in the province of Hasa ,,a miles of the coa-;t of the
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    • 47 5 London, May 22. I,.! 1 st *!V tone characterises the with r T ,cir reply to the Soviet f„ r v ;^i* r (> ,the murder of Vorowsky ,i responsibility and J., iat ac ted correctly in all his'ir^v'/*'' I nor ed Ahrens on account of
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    • 20 5 London. May 21. t nt ls announced by the r*ii 9 Peuple that th»> striking h«ve resumed work.
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    • 804 5 Reuter’s Service London, May 22. Mr. Baldwin has been summoned to Buckingham Palace. London, May 22. An official statement announces that Mr. Baldwin has been made Premier. London, May 22. Mr. Baldwin’s summons to the Palace was
      Reuter’s Service  -  804 words
    • 140 5 London, May 22. The Times, discussing the present intolerable situ: tion in China, says that an international commission of foreign interests might evolve some remedies for tile anaiehy which menace.' a land naturatij\ we-lthy, peaceful and law-abiding with political and economic ruin, but time would he needed to
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    • 108 5 London, May 22. The actual signing of the debt-funding agreement with Britain appears to be near, .according to the spokesman of the l n;tcd States Treasury, who declared to-day after meeting the Debt-funding ommission, that nothing objectionable to the American Government had been found in the latest
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    • 67 5 London, May 22. Mexico City Thirty-two bodies which 1 ,,,v e been recovered from the river Rio nude, neac Laredo, are believed to be ho. e <;f liaJi.tns and others who were murdered and robbed on May f>, while a:tempting to enter the United State-c'ande-tinely. The only survivor
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    • 66 5 London, May 22. Athens There is consternation at the report that the Turks have blown up the bridge over the Maritza connecting Adrianoplo and Karagatch. London, May 22. Athen- It is officially learned that Ihe bridge over the Maritza was blown up in a thunderstorm when it
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    • 74 5 London, May 22. St. John’s The Canadian Pacific liner, Marvale, struck Cape Freel rock in th» fog, 20 miles westward of Cane Race. She sank in seven fathoms and is now lying with her*boat deck awash a mile from Cape Pine. All the passenger.-, numbering 436, were
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    • 34 5 London, May 22. Washington The draft of the new llispano-.\merican Treaty for the Amity f Commerce has been forwarded to the American Ambassador at Madrid, where t wil! he m gotiated.
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    • 571 5 Reutek’s Seuv 11 E London, May 23. Sir Hubert Horne, in a speech at Glasgow, said that, at least for the time, ue hud tamed hi* back on any prospect of )diee in any mini>try. London, May 23. Lord Derby will reman al
      Reutek’s Seuv 11 E  -  571 words
    • 27 5 London, May 23. Paris Hnellcin, the German Reichstag deputy, also the French ('ammunist, Mhcrtini, an* hunrcr- :rikuig in prison. Pl.oy have hern sent to hospital.
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    • 153 6 London, May 23,. According to ife Daily Tele;,;: ph lec- nl i: <|i nts on the stia e.r Tai Shun have ill',* d c*»e d< ill, le q.le-ll-itPIlg n sbippirpr and i’’ in* ei ci a- !<> wheih*T idditional insurance rates might h< ou'rid
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    • 140 6 London, May 23. A serious situation in the Near Fa t is reported. Then are fi\e (ir i k d visions on the \v< t of the R:vei Maritr.a and theTuiks talk of att;g'kiuu tIn I*n n' k in Syria, if the Cn-eks advanc" on Maritxa, and
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    • 85 6 London, May 2d. Los Angeles A mes age front Mexicali, Lower California, states that 159 Chinese are missing after a disastrous fire in which the d: mage estimated at $1,090,000. London, May 2d. Lon Angeles A mes-age from Mexicali states tint th>* lire started in a i
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    • 64 6 London, May 28. Lord Cavan has concluded his visit to Po und when* hi* witnessed the manoeuvres of the Polish army at Bicdrusk. Speaking at a luncheon, Lord Cavan said that he was deeply moved by his reception and trihutcd the Polish army which, after three
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    • 48 6 London, May 23. Riga All the Commissars were pre ent at tin interment of Vorowsky. Chivherin and other Cun. miss, ir carried Vorowsky’a coiliii. 3 he lmri;,| was the occasion of hitler at'acks on non Communist civilimtMM. The flag on tjie Briti h Mission was half-rmosted.
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    • 38 6 London, May 23. Washington Tlu* h'e'lcral Reserve Ihink announieH that it. is at present ma utaiiii’g 1 lie rediscount rates at a iiiiiri»i-in 4 -j per cent, owing to satisfactory hudnes.> conditiona all over the country.
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    • 41 6 London, May 23. Ibmie The Pope, in a secret (Ynsis 1 baa created new Cardinal J]' ffnor Luigi Sine ro, ai or of onsi tonal Congregation, and Mon ;-.r Mo A: ili 'i Korea, An hill Imp ,f idol.n.i"'
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    • 40 6 London, May 23. Loim The Chamber of Deputies P -,y S d no ,,r 4-unfi,|,•!,<•(. m ,j„. G \ernment t'l’i- J'' 1 t,H roiM-lusion <1 *11 r ,h «"'•>•. whirl, 1,1 o' re ,um» 1 1 ,,n M.iy 21
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    • 260 6 f.on Ion, May 23. A further Ru ian note is very contilia’ory and concede-* most of tin* Briu.-ili dimands. It suggests a conference between M. Chicherin and the British represent atives. \.!<r attributing its fresh concessions to a wish to avoid giving anybody
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    • 26 6 London, May 23. Rear-Admiral Herbert Richmond ha* been appointed to the chief command of tho Fast Indies in succession to ViceAdmiral Sir (Minton Baker.
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    • 40 6 London, May 23. Contr.ets have been completed for the l iving of a direct London-New York cable w th a capacity double that of any existing cable and an estimated speed of 600 b tt< r> per minute.
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    • 80 6 London, May 23. Art O’Brien, Sean McGrath, Sean <)’.Mahoney and Michael Galvin have been id at Bow Street with seditious eon- p.i ;u London, May 22. The German mark exchange has registered a fresh record slumping to 258,*****2,000 to the sovereign. London, M .y 22. 1’cuing M. Berube,
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  • 236 6 A drowning fatality occurred on Sun- nUeriioon at Sungei Besi, the victim being a young Tamil clerk named < .ledappah, -avs the Malay Mail. He had gonc to Sungei Resi on a visit to Mr. 1 nillianipulam, and having nothing to t'j the afternoon wi
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  • 421 6 Weekly Reports of Singapore Firms. Messrs. 1 laser and Co., in their reWirt, dated the 23 rd inst., state:— i the local sl.aii* maract disorgun-*-e i by holidays there is very little business io report for the week under review. Tin continue? weak and shares show a
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  • 336 6 A witne.-si at most of the following proceedings writes :—Some apparently respectable persons approached a wealthy personage, with the request that he should buy a motor car. Having already i:i-\e.-tcil in a few during his short stay here, hi* wis not disposed to burden hiin- < t with
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  • 395 6 The annual general meeting 0 f the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Assuan* tion is called for to-day when the com* mittee’s report for the year to March 31* last wifi be presented. The report ran], as follows Income tax.—Under the auspices
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  • 408 6 A correspondent wrrites :—I have read your hading art.des re the Lionel Sy ms case. There are other injustices whicn may be useful for you to know probably not quite so bad as the Lionel Synus case but stdl bad enough. Of course, f one happens to be
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  • 2593 7 R .-.Utiful weather favoured the third 1, racin| r of the Singapore spring <la> ,,n May 1". an(i as the a ternoon the scene on the lawn was )ii j’e.-scu nnc'iiuc ami animated. Many pretty were in evidence to brighten the U1 S
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  • 208 7 The following appointments are notified n the F. M. S. Governmerit Gazette Mr. ft. Hunter to act as Senior Gaoler, Prisons Department, F. M. S., Mr. W. H. t. Mordy to act as Chief Warder, Prisons Department, F. M. S., Kaja Ahmad bin fin in Indut
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  • 75 7 The Times of April 18 has an advertisement inviting applications for the P‘>st of Chairman and (tenoral Manager for the Singapore and Penang Harbour Hoards at a salary of $.'1,000 a month inclusive. This does not entail any ■hange in administration as of course Mr. S. A.
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  • 2198 8 A climax in tin history of St. Andrew's Medical MisM'in wa n a< In d on Tuesday, when tin ofl'n al opening of the new ho pita, in Erskine Hoad, in Soith Bridge Knud, nppo ite tl.< Kieta Ayer
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  • 116 8 Several changes have come into effect in the inspectorial ranks of the local i?JV ,ce [nice. As already mentioned Major Millard has been transferred from the M eights and Measures Department to the Passport Examination Office. Inspector Meredith from Orchard Road becomes acting Court Inspector, relieving
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1200 10 Straits Times, May H>. Letters such as that from “G. B.,” which we published n few days ago, must raise a doubt in the mind of every just man whether the Ur tish administration in Malaya i- dealing fairly by the Chinese population. YVY are by
      Straits Times, May H>.  -  1,200 words
    • 1191 10 Straits Times. May 21. It is good to get away from the mere shallow nothings of Parliamentary windbags and read the views of such an authority on naval matters as Mr. Archibald Hurd. Ho has no doubt about the soundness of the proposals made by the Admiralty
      Straits Times. May 21.  -  1,191 words
    • 1251 10 ln> iluj'o her part handsomely.—Straits Tinu-s, May 22. We have from time to time made references to the discovery of large deposits of China clay in Perak, and tothefornuitio of a company for the working of u K Also we have given descriptions 0 f the works, and
      ln> iluj'o her part handsomely.—Straits Tinu-s, May 22.  -  1,251 words
    • 1067 11 Straits Times, May 23. VV rii'Vt{ yesterday an offic al com imir’.iquc in r Terence to f h*» Rubber Inni/ry. ar.d we wish to say that, with every word of it, we most cordially agree. The restriction policy was put in force by men of whom some
      Straits Times, May 23.  -  1,067 words
    • 1066 11 -Straits Times, May 24. Mr. Stanley Baldwin lias come to the honour we predicted for him sooner than was expected. He is a shrewd, thoroughly capable man of bus ness, of strong character, dry humour, and with a rare gift of straight clear speaking. He revculeu his
      -Straits Times, May 24.  -  1,066 words

  • 455 11 Tin* fallowing passengers left fi>r Kuroi e tn t!u* i\ ami Kashmir which sailed < n Weda *sdav Minium Gnllctli. Mrs. IP* I f, am. child and infant, Mi A Ifonse and \»v< i children, Mrs. Spe.terV. i.niah and children, Mi.s.s K. Poulson, Mrs. Speyer. Masi r
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  • 160 11 The funeral of the late Dato Mohamed, D.K., S.P.M.J., C.M.G., Dato Mentri Besar, Johore, whose death occurred on May Ifi, in his eightieth year, took place he following afternoon at Bukit Mahmoodiah. the obscqiiios being of a semitVteial diaracter. II. If. the Sultan of lo’
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  • 77 12 'The Striiith 1 un«h h not responsible for U.o ufinions if Mi correspondents. Curie Bj.o.-f ith niiuiiiti *ir in mi ml that fetu rniU't Oe short .*n<» to i.e point. l.oiig f; i nltliiig equ (1 < h 1.1 e li Joe to k rejected '<1 ruihh.'.dy cut <h»wn.
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  • 330 12 To the Editor of the Straits Turns. Sir, A great deal has been su.d lately on the op uin question at meetings of the League of Nations w in u the hmese Minister, Mr. Ghoa llsm < hu, brought up the question, supported by Sir John Jordan. Locally we
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  • 222 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. It is nearly live years since the m n or officers and the clerical subordinales ban tiieit salaries revised, and till teachers in the Colony had their revision about two and a half years ago. But it is
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  • 231 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, I am one of those res'dmts in the Colony who wish prosperity to any new b i me: s because of economic reasons, for a going and Micros.- ful enteipiise sp lls iiahhy economic conditions. But for the ■ame reason
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  • 648 12 A probate jit in regard to the estate <f Kanoosamy Gu\iiida*amy. deceased, came up la-fore the t hud Justice, .-i. Walter Shaw, in the Supreme Court on Wednesday, when his Lordship was faced an mteiv ting problem in regard
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  • 155 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, M;.y 19. I be up goods train from Tanjong M dim was derailed between Trolak and Sungkai yesterday afternoon, with the i < -till that the special mail from Penang, wli.cli ought to have arrived
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  • 372 12 Wmii the Singapore Assizes were riMU.nwJ Tuesua>, before Mr. Justice i,aneU-Lenni.rd, two Boyanese, Manaii bm Anipooh and Manchong o*n Ja>is, were p.aced in the uoc* on a charge m murdering a fellow-countryman, Eiuli bin Tahn, on April 5. Prisoner.', who pleuded not
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  • 165 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 19. inspector Neave, of Campbell Hoad station, has been successful in arresting three Bengalis, who are suspected of being concerned in the murder of a compatriot on the 3rd inst. A Bengali woman went
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  • 178 12 in the Scrembi li Supreme Court, on Tuesday, i>-port.*! the Mai!ay Mail, the Hon. Mr. Justice McCabe Reay delivered his judgment in the civil suit G. A. St. George and Denise Violet St. George, against the State of Negri Sembilan,
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  • 405 12 Cne of the two French “trade” eruis,, ne -L’les Michelet, arrived at Sin-v, on Sunday, and the Victor H u went on to Sabang. The nUls arc on a round-the-worid cruise, th* ;ets of ur. ch are partly common/! Vneiv is to
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  • 234 12 A correspondent writes ns follows The Rev. Lew ill, the Pastor of i!v.* English Wesleyan Church on Fort t anning Road, who has not been in the w y best of health of late, has gone to ’hi* I'cnang hills for a month’s rest. Arran,dments have, however,
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  • 182 12 The burnt-out Yugala is on shore tlu- Singora roads, wrote the > ;l l correspondent of the Siam Observer May 11. A Malay passenger ship from Bangkok arrived in 1 *o-day from Singora. He says t! •)< a big explosion at about 4 a.m. niai
    182 words

  • Sporting News and Notes.
    • 468 13 rKrom Oar Own Correspondent.) 1 Ipoh, May 20. j The Perak-Selangor cricket match .1 Mt 230 yesterday. It will be >Ul t mied 1 the whole day to-day and r L to morrow morning. Perak batted "fand made a streaky start, but the f
      468 words
    • 313 13 W K SVVkJ* I >co,!:,m harensruive l madc the biggest week.,, IT se a on n Saturday, when the S(. n c lc Jf et niatch between the Civil common,,. S ces and the Rest was the R^r 1, wea ther was fine, and 'loctor’
      313 words
    • 273 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 17. Southampton Hampshire beat Worcestershire by an innings and 20 runs. In Worcestershire’s second innings Kennedy took six wickets for 54. At the Oval Surrey beat Gloucester by eight wickets. Hobbs made 67 and f>U for Surrey and Peach took seven wickets for 15
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  273 words
    • 146 13 The Kajang Tournament. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 22. The Kajang tennis tournament held durng the Whitsun holidays proved a great success as well as a most enjoyable one. The competitors were chiefly from Selangor and Negri Sembilan. Large crowds watched the play on each day.
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    • 155 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 20. St. Cloud In the International Lawn Tennis Hard Court Championships, a sensation was caused by the defeat of the American pair, Johnson and Miss Sears, by the Dutch pair, Mr. and Mrs. Diemerkools, by B—o, o—l, and the narrow win of Johnston
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  155 words
    • 43 13 [Reuter’s Service] London, May 17. Bordeaux In the first round of the Davis Cup, France defeated Denmark by three matches to one. London, May 18. Bordeaux France won the final match and the rubber, making the score four matches to one.
      [Reuter’s Service]  -  43 words
    • 319 13 Singapore beats Selangor. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 21. Several thousands of spectators were p esent on the Pudang ibis aftvnuon whin Singapore tried cowlusons with Selangor. The home team was beati n by two goals to one, and it cannot be ilen’ed that victory went
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    • 581 13 Middlesex Still Unbeaten. The meeting on Wednesday, on the Padang, between the Middlesex Regiment and St. Joseph’s Old Boys, in the first division of the League proved an easy thing for the Regiment who, in spite of a still ragged forward line, are still unbeaten They won by
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    • 29 13 The following are the results of the Whit Monday competitions Flag Competition.—Winners Messrs. Ran on r.nd Farahar. Mixed Foursome.— Winners Mr. and Mrs. 40 7/16.
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    • 39 13 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wries that the golf tournament between Married and Singles, played during the Whitsuntide holidays, on the Kuala Lumpur course, resulted as follows Foursomes Married ft Vi, Singles 9V£. Singles Married 14, Singles 14.
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    • 213 13 [Reuter’s Serviqp.] London, May 10. St. Andrew’s In the Walker Amateur Golf Trophy Competition, America, the holders, beat Britain by six matches to rive. Britain won the foursomes by three games to one and America won the singles by five to two, the remaining single being
      [Reuter’s Serviqp.]  -  213 words
    • 130 13 [Reuter’s Service]. London, May 19. In the final 11. C. Jolly, of Foxgrove, beat the American, Walter Hagen, holder of the British open championship, by two holes. It was a tense match, in which Jolly was very cool throughout. After turning two up he finished the round
      [Reuter’s Service].  -  130 words
    • 131 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 18. At Leeds in the third round of the open Coif Championship, Jolly beat l 'al kiner at the 20th hole, Mackenzie beat Duncan bv two and one, Hagen beat Havers at the 19th hole and Sarazen beat Orkenden by five up and
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  131 words
    • 134 14 [KfuU'r’s Servici*.] London, May IT. Leeds The Yorkshire Evening News 1700 tournament was continued to-day in fine we.ther, but there was a troublesome wind. The surprise of the first round was tin* defeat of Kirkwood, the Australian, by Kim h, of Woodeote Park by 3 and 2.
      [KfuU'r’s Servici*.]  -  134 words
    • 139 14 The Team to Represent Singapore. There was fairly good shooting at the Intel port practice shoot at Blakan Mati on Sunday, the 20th instant. Q.M.S., AlJand headed the scores with a total of 98 out of a possible 105, including 9 consecutive hulls at 500 yards. F. G.
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    • 117 14 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 17. At Olympia, in the 20-rounds contest for the light-heavyweight championship of the British Empire, Jack Bloomfield (the holder) heat the Irish champion, Dave Magill, the latter’s seconds throwing in the* towel in the* thirteenth round In the 20-rounds light-weight championship of Europe, Harry Mason
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  117 words
    • 96 14 [Router’s Service.] London, May 19. New 5 oi k I ho State Athletic Commission has forbidden the fight between Firpo and Willard in New York on the ground that Willard is too old. A message from Ipoh states that the I ig fight, in the boxing tournament
      [Router’s Service.]  -  96 words
    • 140 14 A bill about to be introduced into the Johore State Council makes specie.) provision for the* admission of analysts’ certificates as evidence in criminal proceedmgs. There is no Government Analyst in the State and by arrangement with the Colony analyses, etc., are done by olonial (iovernment officers.
      140 words

  • 400 15 j Rookc-CowM General Mona- r tin- Kelantan Cold Mine.?, Ltd, S<-‘ r 01 has lorwanud the follow.ngwhich have been bent to u» by J C Smalley, secretary:- M c have been successt.ilAK uVV’vi rk at Cbinong and have' vvi :1 .i ..treng
    400 words
  • 171 15 T v: it.«-■!! ortraniz.ed by the photoighio journal. The Amateur Photographer an i Photography, every year, for readers res ding in the British Colonies and Dominions, has always proved a great attraction to amaauv pi’ eg!aphir> living where the i‘> n i. ■'Tla* la-1 comi»etition attracte nvi
    171 words
  • 155 15 n T; n;9 Mobanv’dans were charg- '"f ro Mr. David, District Judge, on *i* with mischief and voluntarily t" another Tamil Mohamed'1 Ala-Mail. The complainant alleged j *j aeon 'd men forced their way ■I'T hi i'm-s Street *iu:*'ilg b iv g!u ot March 13 la-
    155 words
  • 70 15 F u la Lumpur correspondent i, 'J blna Tamil youth, named 1 i* *h. ‘*’iiployed at Messrs. Fraser, ,1 ai; <l Co., was drowned on Sunday vS 1J bathing in an old mining ln 'i Bosi. The deceased, who t,; ‘*he :n company with another Jumped
    70 words
  • 298 15 I (From Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh, May 22. A .able from London reports the death, .ftci an operation, of Mr. Douglas Usi.orae, senior partner in Messrs. Osborne arm e happel, a -ailing firm .i mooli. l ogmens anu agents of several important companies. The late
    298 words
  • 37 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. May 22. The Pending and Province Wellesley Volunteers’ field training operations in the Province during the holidays were marred by heavy rain. Thirty-five miles were traversed. Lieut.-Colonel Whyte wns present.
    37 words
  • 47 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) IVnang, May 22. News has been received b> the agents here that the suamcr .hu.>::, which w:.. n ported overdue in the Bay of Bengal during ihe recent cyclone, arrived in Rangoon lrom Calcutta on the 2<>th inst.
    47 words
  • 74 15 (From Our Owm Correspondent.) Penang, May 24. On the morning of May 15 while the cable snip Patrol was engaged in cable work oil* Penang Island, VV. J. Jackson, third engineer, was missing. It appears that he was to other members of ihe crew half an hour
    74 words
  • 166 15 Ti e Municipal health statement for the week ending May 12 gives the total number of deaths as 223 lvpre-in'.ing a death rate of 31. T per mi le per compand with *27.29 in il.e preceding week an,j with 3*1.13 in the corresponding wee ot last
    166 words
  • 87 15 The Compagnie des Messageries Mamtimes announces an important reduction or the fares to .Marseilles as from Jane 1. The prices quoted at that date will he as f< Hows From Singapore to Marseilles :—Class A l.t class EHG, 2nd IV><), .°>rd t:M, 4lh VI7. 'ia.s J!
    87 words
  • 144 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh, May 19. At a special general meeting of the lpoh Gymkhana C lub held Iasi night, Mr P. G. Short, the President, explained the circumstances of the recent prosecution for running the sweep. He said that it was
    144 words
  • 147 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 23. The annual gxn. rul meeting of St. Andrew’s Society was held yesterday wming I)r. G. C. MacGregor being in ihe chair. The report and accounts were passed and it was agreed to give $500 to the editor of
    147 words
  • 131 15 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 24. To-day being Empire Day, the three local schools held a parade on the Victoria Institution ground. The Sultan of Selangor received the salute in the march past. A striking feature was a guard of honour
    131 words
  • 88 15 [Aneta’s Service.] Wel'tevreden, May ID. The tin market was firmer yesterday. Big transactions were done at 142. The pros poet of successful wireless broadcasting in Malaya strikes us as being remote, says the Straits Feho. Mat* rial for the popular edification .similar to that utilised at home is
    [Aneta’s Service.]  -  88 words
  • 190 15 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 24. On London, 4 n»/« 2/4% Demand 2/4 6/32 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 17/32 On New York, Demand 54 Private 90 d/s 50*4 On 1* ranee, Bank 750 On India, Bank T. T. 174% On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1% p c. prem. On
    190 words
  • 452 15 MINING. .Singapore, May 24. Issue Va). I'd. Huyern. Sellers. 1 1 Batang Padung 0.47Vi 0.52Mi 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 Bom 1 1 Johan Tin 0.42Vi, 0.47*4 t*l £1 Kam. Kamunting 2.4.6 2.5.6 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.25 5
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 92 15 NOTICE A'! communications r or both the Straits T ir s and the Straits Budget r.hould be flflr “Ct! t.o the Head Ollice, Cecil and \tan!cy Street.', Singapore, Straits Settle* r.^nts. The pout free price of the Straits Times to the CnitetJ Kingdom red foreign countrteb is $r>.| a year.
      92 words
  • 71 15 DEATHS DOUGLAS. On May 15, 1923, at Tcbong Estate, Malacca, Phyllis Hamm i, beloved wife of Harold Graham Douglas. Sadi;, missed. BUXTON'. At Kuala Lumpur, <>n May 22. 1923, Bently Henry Buxton, in lu> ■tilth year, conjl Bon of Althea Buxton and th late C pt. Henry Buxton, of I'lainfield,
    71 words

  • The Straits Budget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 87 1 General Crude Rubber Bukit Toh A lung Estates I April Rubber Returns 4 Local Rabbet Auctions 4 The Planter Kubhf •r riction 4 Rubber n I'abang 4. London Rubber Stocks 4 Rubber Paving *> Correspondence Rubber Restrict ion ‘*2 The I. S. P. and its Work 2 Telegram
      87 words
    • 201 1 We are indebted to the Planters’ Association of Malaya for the following details of the importations of crude rubber into the United States during March *****. The figures have been compiled and distributed by the Rubber Association of America. The estimated net weights
      201 words
    • 1534 1 The twenty-fourth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Selangor Rubber Company, Limited, was held on Ajwil 11, at the registered office, 1*24, St. Vincent Stro»l, Glasgow, Sir F. A. Swetti Ilham, (».(’.M.G., C.H., presiding. The Chairman, in presenting tin* report of the
      1,534 words
    • 503 1 Toh Alang Lubber Estates, Ltd., was the 1 tt ntol >n i •in tied to Sir < ef Judge, nt H. M Supreme Court, Shanghai, on April 27. l L:p.s«*n Lard, appearing for r i ,a! *> •--•ai :i» a, plication
      503 words
    • 811 2 t; annual general meeting of the Rubber Estates Co., (1921), held at Shanghai on April 27,! v i; ray rig. B-‘ There were h >k Mi s rs. E. T. Byrne, A. K.! < p rv i,;u« k (directors) and C. J. L.
      811 words
    • 64 2 [The Straits Times is not responsible for the opinions of its correspondents. Correspondents should bear in mind tnat letters must be short anu to the point. Long rambling epistles are liuble to be rejected or luthlessly cut down. Correspondents must enclose their names, not necessarily for publication but as
      64 words
    • 1344 2 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, —In discussing the recent fall in the price of rubber with a rubber mag-1 nate, he pointed out that “false coupons’ and smuggling do not account for so much of the increase in the export of rubber as (1) the
      1,344 words
    • 1136 2 The thirteenth annual general meeting of the Windsor (K.M.S.) Rubber Estate, Limited, was held on April 17 at the registered offices of the company, 149, Leaden hall Street, E.C., Mr. Edward Lawrence Hamilton (chairman of the company) presiding.
      1,136 words
    • 1574 3 The third annual general meeting of the letiong Rubber Estates, Limited, v,«if held at .Shanghai on May 4. mi. A. .1. Welch presi<led a?wl was supported by Messrs. W. W. CJox and (!u. Uni- ai (Directors). There were in.i,.i9l ,-fiaiv.s reprt seiitod. Aluj*
      1,574 words
    • 981 3 Presiding on April 1 i at the annual meeting of the Rubber Growers’ Asso- alien (Incorporated), Sir 1* rank A SwetUnham, G.C.M.G., said that the new botany building at the Imperial College of Science, S< tah Kensington, for which this ussodat on
      981 words
    • 636 3 The eighteenth ordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the. Blackwater Estate (Klang) Rubber Co., Ltd., was held on April 27 at Colombo. Mr. A. D. Skrine (director) presided. The Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and accounts, said
      636 words
    • 1650 4 Th,. third annual general meeting of I hohlers of the Sungei Way (Selan- v Robber Company, Limited, was held e r r(1 „t the regisered office, 124, i l Lent Street, Glasgow, Mr. Thomas j h i hristie presiding. n Chair-nan, it.
      1,650 words
    • 102 4 Bintan. —13,200 lbs. .Tcram Kuantan. —10,308 lbs. Mentakab. —15,300 lbs. Sungei Bigan.—22,100 lb?. Snndycrnft.—14 207 lbs. Tung Mob.—3.378 lbs. Tcbrau.—00,032 lbs. Me ■ssrs. Guthrie and Co. art> in r<’ e'.jpt of a cable from the secretaries of 4 h,. United Boa Belong Rubber Estate r innted, advising
      102 words
    • 394 4 Messrs. Guthrie and Co. report Sing tpore, May IT. Values show a good recovery after anj uncertain week, but the tone D irregular I and the immediate outlook points to a] fluctuating market. The loci! market is in an over sold position
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    • 377 4 The May issue of the Planter has considerably less matter of a controversial nature than usual, which is usually supplied by letters to the editor. Th° lack of these, which are in reality the backbone of a Magazine of this kind, is very regrettable and we trust that
      377 words
    • 398 4 The fellow Ini' ollieinl communique haw been sent for publication The rubber planting industry after several abortive attempts to bring’ about r striction by vole ntury a;.'<i i ment appealed to Government an on November 1, lb‘2’2, in an. w.r
      398 words
    • 124 4 (From Our Own r«rros»v»ndent.| Ipoh, Muy IH. Ww lioht was thrown on certain current planting discussions at Pa- Planters’ Asocintion meeting. H transpires that fm tniirhtly payment of la comes necessary with the proposed amt mlmon* of section <»S of the Labour Code the
      124 words
    • 94 4 In the course of his administration repor* on Pahamr, for 1!>22, the Hon. Mr. IL W. Thomson, British Resident, says The rubber outlook was dismal until the Export of Rubber (Restriction) Enactment came into force in November. Thereupon the price bejran to rise and tie attention paid
      94 words
    • 64 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peet report that the latest Izondon advises show a fall in tucks of MO tons for the week. London .tucks nuw stands at 55,024 tons. Mr. Dmnrlas MaeLaren, who formerly toured Malaya with a theatrical company, and who has ren titly been an assistant
      64 words
    • 1116 5 The fourteenth annual general meeting of the Semangg< l Rubber Company, Ltd., was held at Penang on April 26. There were present :—Me. srs. 1). A. M. Brown (in the chair) G. Stothard, G. N. Saye, .1 Mcneill B. E Mitchell, F.
      1,116 words
    • 496 5 Although the practical possibilities of t ubbir paving have been (liseusstnl and experimented with for years, it would ieem that the perfect system has yet to ho dt vised. Nevertheless, real progress has been made, more particularly since the war, under the stimulus of cheap
      496 words
      • 367 5 Stock stock Par Exchange P** r Exchange Value. Company. Prices. Value. Company. Prices £1 Anglo-Mulay 25/ 2/ London Asiatic 4/ £1 Ayer Kuning 41/3 2/ Lubok 3/ tl Du sap Plantation* 17/h 37/6 £1 bant eng (Selangor) 27/6 ±1 Maacca Plantations 42/6 £1 Batu
        367 words
      • 630 5 Capital Issue P»id Up Value Dividends Frswr"* t Company Co. Evatt. .112.500 1 nil year 28-2-22 AIIonbyNew ($1 > 1.10 1.20 1.12 1 LIT 1 ljJO.Oou 1 nil year 30-9-22 Alor Gajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.10 1.20 <27,214 2 5 p.c. for year 30-6-20
        630 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 263 6 retting JO" y»" J tnm THE TENS SAN BRICK 1B WORKS CO. UPPER SERANGOOH ROAD Whose Sole Agent, we Mittrt. TRNG ENG BIN a Co.. No. 5, T.lok Ayer ZL you not only get high quality, bat heap AND ENDURABLE GOODS bemanufactured from the flnett .elected and sandy d.y under
      263 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 152 7 ajr > r JX>rd SALES and SERVICE F WEARNE BROS. Ltd 4 K 1 V v > > 4 *4 ENGINEERS BOAT BUILIJERS t 20 H P. Ford Marine Engines Complete with PropeBor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and OU Pumps and Reverse gear. $1,000 Gray Marine Engines I Complete with
      152 words