The Straits Budget, 18 May 1923

Total Pages: 22
1 8 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget BEING THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES VOL. LXXVII No. 3405 Singapore, Friday, Nay 18, 1923 ESTABLISHED OVER THREE QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Price 25 cents.
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  • 239 1 LEADERS—- e ir;.-b Rebeli, i in and Russia 10 j ion 1®*J} Sviui t ase 11 11 1, i ir! .'11 11 j. ami Russia 1 M2 General Local and Personals 1*2 Reuii'i's Service ri' <*J Ac •.«i. its b 4 _li riK-ultui-i Show t* S.Jdeu Death of Local
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  • 4677 1 es'y (he King of Siym has a' supplementary Budget to I of construction of the d. This" will mean that the the Patani Valley will be in j! 1 '/>n with Upper Perak and an area of about 200 square be tapped. Tical *280,000 «■»:!«»..ed for this
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    • 714 3 jjEl TUB'S SEKVICE London, May 10. ltU>r learns that the final touches are K ult( the British reply to the GerK nitrations oiler, which is separate ***** ljt 1S understood to be much on w as the
      jjEl TUB'S SEKVICE  -  714 words
    • 202 3 London, May 10. Serious allegations are contained in a question asked irf the House of Commons by iho Labourite, Mr. Johnson, as to whether the Board of Trade were aware of litters, written at the beginning of March by the biicers of the Okura and received in Britain,
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    • 96 3 London, May 10. Constantinople A further French communication to Angora takes note of Adnan Bey’s denial of the concentration of Turkish troops on th> Syrian frontier and explains the movement of French troops in Syria by the necessity to relieve repatriated contingents. It says that an enquiry
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    • 79 3 London, May 10. Calcutta Shareholders of the Alliance Bank of Simla have unanimously passed a resolution to voluntarily liquidate. The proposal to appoint the auditor of the imperial Bank of India as liquidator was rejected, but the chairman said that if l e depositors were to get
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    • 59 3 London, May 10. Lausanne M. Yorowsky, the Soviet Envoy, has been shot dead at the Hotel Cecil and two other Russians, Ain onand PimitrieflF, w’ere wounded. The assailant is supposed to be ji Fascist. The Russians were dining when a young Swiss at the adjoining table arose
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    • 45 3 London, May 10. Amritsar The police have arrested 61 Moslem and six Hindus in a ease of incendiarism discovered at a small mosque. The fire was extinguished without damage There has been no further rioting and the police are patrolling the affected areas.
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    • 59 3 London, May 10. Lord Haldane said that the proposal to ;pend £9.000,000 on naval works at Singapore might be very desirable, but to begin vith such expenditure and pass by much more pressing expenditure on the small lir force required for the defence of this ountry seemed
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    • 11 3 London, May 10. Rubber slumped yesterday to l/l’sr ,)er pound.
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    • 441 3 London, May 10. It is stated that the armed British sloop, Harebell, is leaving for Russian waters to protect British fishermen. Earl Curzon has instructed Mr. Hodgson, the British Trade Representative at Moscow, to return with the whole mission, if, on the expiry
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    • 89 3 London, May 10. The Hague In view of the insistent opposition of party leaders, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, in the Second Chamber. agreed to reconsider the Government bill endorsing Holland’s adherence to the international protocols concerning the reconstruction of Austria involving Holland guaranteeing a maximum of
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    • 37 3 London, May 11. Toulouse Sixty men, believed 'o be political opponent, armed with cudgels, at'acked the ex-Premier, M. Caillaux. and bis companion. Roth were injured on the head and arm but not seriously.
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    • 39 3 London, May 10. Hie Air Council announces the conditions for the competition for its prizes of r >o,ooo for a helicopter which will rise vertically 2,000 feet. Entries must be sent in before April* f>o, 1024.
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    • 32 3 London, March 10. The feature of exchanges in the past few days is the weakness of sterling on Vow York, which to-day closed at 4.61. Marks are 172,000 to 175,000.
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    • 298 3 !;::t tkk's St. *-r‘ ;< r. London, May 11. Tlu* 11 a ri* hoi I has left Hull for Murmansk. She i command id by Hie Antarctic explorer, Capiain Kvans. London, May 11. The* National Join Council, representing the Trade Union
      !;::t tkk's St.*-r‘ ;< r.  -  298 words
    • 158 3 London, May II. Washington It is announced that Mr. Kdward I*. Farley has be» n appointed •hairman of the Shipping Hoard in sucn ssion to Mr. I^asker. London, May 11. New York The Supreme Court has ordered the realisation of $2,000,000 worth of securities, conflict ingly claimed
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    • 98 3 London, May 11. Though the Ruhr was brought up at the end of last night’s debate in the House of opinions by Lord Robert Cecil, who regretted that France's attitude which made joint action impossible and declared himself a convert to the League of Nations intervention,
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    • 69 3 London. May 11. At th* Manclv'-'ter confer* ti. e of representatives of everv section of th** cotton ■nd’.istry. both emplovcrs and operatives Mgr*****! that the p**e*-**ni wa"»* rates should be stabilised at least ’ill .lanuarv 2f&gt;. after which th** employ**rs would be fre** to lanpen the question on
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    • 249 4 London, .May 11. Lausanne It is repor'id ' ’»»m*«nii exclaimed when surrendering I hare a*. »n;,ed my father and unde and ri&lt;i tin &lt;•ti.iii.i y of Bolshevists.” A inns, one of the victim:-, is report'd t&lt; have aft.'i wan! declared the emu w.l
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    • 319 4 London, May 11. Koine Thor Majesties were banquetted at the British Embassy, the guests including Signor Mussolini and other ministi rs. A brilliant reception followed attended by the wholq of official and aristocratic Rome. London, May 12. Rome On th&lt;* conclusion of their v»;iI, Reuter was informed
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    • 51 4 London, May 11. The prospect of sugar production exceeding consumption early next year and a f;iTl in prices was held out by Mr Baldwin in addressing women Unionists. He said that sowings in Europe were already approaching 40 per cent. over last year in consequence of the higher
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    • 35 4 London, May 10. There is a prospect of the prolongation of the -diipbuilding dispute. The boilermailers’ ballot resulted in 4,475 voting for at-1 14,505 against acceptance of the national overtime and nightshift agreement.
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    • 44 4 London, May 11. obiinbo The price at to-day’s rubber aide Wii -"1 rupee cents compared with 03 la t. week. London, May 11. The new Indian (Government loan of .id.(Mm,O(M) per c* nt. at an is u* price of '*u is being underwritten.
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    • 358 4 Kk.1 I 1..4 N dMIV M L London, May Id. i n„• Lnu.ii note to Germany .-ays that Lit rmany’s proposals were a great disupiiowitiiieiti. ihe sum ottered was tu.u. ,oa ana it must have been known .n ,ei'..nice that it would
      Kk.1 I 1..4 N dMIV M L  -  358 words
    • 212 4 London, May 12. &lt; alcutta Ihe Chinkoa has arrived and reports having found no trace of the Okara. London. May 12. Laictifa Mr. Bell, a partner in the turn of MacKinnon, Mackenzie and Co. agents for the British India lino, in an interview, denied the allegations
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    • 63 4 London, May 13. Lausanne This week will probably he cisive with regard to the conference. battle royal is expicted with regard the capital points of the dispute, lot ably the judicial regime for foreign! is i turkey and the I urco-CJrcek ind&lt;*muirogarding which the Greeks emphasise that,
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    • 26 4 London, May 12. Washington The wages of seamen of the United States Shipping Bor.rd huv&lt; hc&lt; m iriii'cascd by 15 to 20 per rent.
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    • 369 4 Ixmdon, May 12. iYkmg The Government have intrui mil the Governor of Shantung to agree to the bandits’ terms for the release of the caju.ves, namely, pardon the kidnappers anu withdiuw toe tiovernment troops from the bandits’ stronghold. London, May 12. In an
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    • 277 4 London, May 11. Lausanne M. Vorowsky’s assassination passed without notice at to-day’s meeting of the conference. Turkish circles are surprised at this and Ismet Pasha issued a statement of his sincere regret at the death of the representative of a great friendly power with whom we had excellent
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    • 58 4 London, May 13. A wireless expert, writing in the Observer with regard to the delay in Empire wireless, says that an equipment is being ordered for a French wireless station at Pondicherry. London, May 12. l'oris The; KifTol Tower has r ~v l.v l-ghtninir. The wireless in 1 'vi'*
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    • 414 4 London, May 12. The Russian note suggests a conf, between the Powers concerned to u the whole question of territorial u-V with a view to reaching an interna on!) agreement. It expresses willing:;, t enter into general discussion &lt;»t 10 lions at
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    • 114 4 London, May 12Lecturing before the Japan Society in London, the Japanese Prof* 'Sor Hishinuma, said that a cramped population caused anxiety, and naturally Japan cast eyes on the thinly-populat &lt;1 area in North and South America. Canada and Australia where to send her surplus population and turn a
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    • 41 4 London, May L&gt;Svdney Mr. Bowden, Mini.-t 1 Defence, in a speech at Parramatta *h &lt; ii,r 'I that it was not prpposed to ai |(l i J Me Australian navy, but the 1&gt; •inference must decide the best ’&gt;P &lt; ssel.
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    • 35 4 London, May T'iie Free State Minister, Mr. H 'nterei weil jit Dublin, s:a‘d that British Government want«‘d Art O ;l Hi any other deportee s hack, the; get them without difficulty.
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    • 32 4 London, May The Observer understands that wilds have perfected a process f" manufacture of artificial cotton, b present cost is too high to cr.nbc to compete with the real article.
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    • 544 5 KNUTF.K''s SKK* "&gt; London, May 14. .1,icf'criticism here of the British 1 u i n imany, is that it ignores the f!‘ oiivr to abide by a decision of V 'mrt international commission as Vit- her resources. V, r,me&lt; is emphatic m
      KNUTF.K''s SKK* ">  -  544 words
    • 63 5 London, May 14. if House of Commons, questioned l!,i r the- Government’s policy in v r f the Chinese request for a con--01 ‘nn to make advances to meet nt “vpenditure, Mr. R. McNeill the consortium’s policy had IV been not to grant loans except j,, tnnfied China
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    • 44 5 London, Mav 14. l„ i v message states that ho r,,, arre-ted a young Russian Lerner, on n charge of SY.,I, d 1 Street explosion in nk r lppo, when .14 persons wer* r 1,11 imured. Lerrmr recemb* w York fro Russia
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    • 164 5 London, May 14. The Home of Lords by a majority decidul they had no jurisdiction to nierfeie in the Court of Appeal's decision in the case of Art O’Brien. London, May 14. Following the Lords' decision in the \rt O’Brien case, the Cabinet are introiicing ..n
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    • 93 5 London, May 14. The Federation of British Industries have fnrwv.«led suggestions as regards ihe allocation of the British share of the i oxer Indemnity to Earl Curzon. The Tik ration urge that a substantial part e spent on education in China, including e. hnical colleges *and post-gradua e
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    • 94 5 London, May 14. Calcutta According to a communique ’he recent spread of lawlessness in the MMr apart* district is due to agita orirring up the Sonthaeis. It states tha‘ i crowd of several thousands at Sildi- rgana on April 26 rescued ten Son*';aei loo’cr.- from and attacked
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    • 111 5 Lon lon, May la. Their Majesties r tnrn» d *o PuoVngbnui Palace from Italy last night. They were cordially greeted in the vrse of the journey acro&gt;&lt; Evan:*" while ;.ht French and Brb *h &lt;1 ■"i «*s- rti &lt;1 the royal steam r fr&gt;m Cala The
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    • 51 5 London, May 14. t Hague message states tlv t the annual report &lt;&gt;f the Amsterdam Company shows that the cis price hoi been reduced from I&lt;M. to »d. per oOd grammes. A dividend of eight pei* cent, for 11*2:2 is declared compared with nothing for the previous
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    • 27 5 London, May 14. Mexico Ci y A conference between American and Mexican d&lt; legate* has opened to discuss the diflerences between •he two Governments.
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    • 33 5 London, May 14. Paris The Paris-London rwroplane irrvinp a pilot, mechanic and eneimei and three passengers hurst into flames and crashed at Monsurcs near Coty. Ihe occupants were burnt to death.
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    • 20 5 London, May 14. Marks are 210.000 and sterling ha improved to 4.02. French francs are steady at 00.70.
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    • 684 5 KKUTEK’a Service London, May 15. M. krussin arrived in London lust from Moscow, from where hi kurr.ed, partly by air, in order io confer with his colleagues of tbe Kus sian Trade Delegation in London on the situation. London, May 15.
      KKUTEK’a Service  -  684 words
    • 29 5 London, Mav la. Peking: The land t leader ha r v ,’jaterl tfte agreement to rebac tie for* ign prisone rs on payment e*f the ran sum.
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    • 199 5 London, May 15. Merlin The* French last night occupied the big dye works at Uocchst. The workers were forbidden to enter the factory and a state of siege was proclaim'd in the town ot’ Hoechst. London, May 15. Ik i In: A
      199 words
    • 93 5 London, May 15. llot Springs, Arkansas Fire and Hood have devastated the well-known resort of .lot Springs. Seventeen persons are known lo have been drowned and it is reported that there are 50 fatalities. A raging torrent of water swept the main street and smashed shops and
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    • 99 5 London, May 15. Mr. It. McNeill said that the situation in China was too uncertain to permit any rigid declaration of policy wilh regard to future loans, but generally Nis Majesty’s (lovcrnmcnt were not in favour of any proposals to create fresh obligations until elldlive steps had be
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    • 63 5 London, May 15. Presiding at the meeting of the Kupar Paia Rubber K.states Co. Ltd., Mr. Laumann, tin* chairman, declared that the rubber restriction scheme was only half a scheme and the matter would never be settled satisfactorily until they could get a central selling agency able t&lt;&gt;
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    • 26 5 London, May 15. 1 l’a"'ue Queen YVilkelmina intends &lt; \i t i.nglaud liii.i year, travelling in‘v'',niio. as is customary during her annual trip abroad.
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    • 34 5 London, May 15. A mass meeting of the Federation of Master Cotton-spinners at Manchester agreed to lix the basis of selling price on the standard counts of American yarns from June 1.
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    • 61 5 London, May 15. Mi M.ou, n• Mr. Ilruce, the Premier. w:i reti-cn' with regard to Colonel pin ton’' 1 ig-'estion in a London newspaper that tlie define* of the Pneiciri'il I te*itir managed from Sydney 1 in f:* 'ii Sim .in* n*. but remarked that ceriainiv vv.-cj’d
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    • 232 6 iUiiEKH Service I/onion, May 10. In the 11 ou.'e of Commons, Mr. Lloyd George suppoi led the Government policy ai d advised the Goverm.i -ill to profit by ‘be opportunity of conversation, begging them to realise that the present •trite of
      iUiiEKH Service  -  232 words
    • 249 6 London, May lf&gt;. In the House of Commons, questioned with regard to the liish deportees, Mr. Raldwin announced that the Govcrnment would introduce to-day an indemnity hill, which he hoped would be passed by the night of May 2D. The House would meet g.iin after Whisun on
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    • 78 6 London, May 16. In iht* !louse nf Commons, Mr. Cecil Wilson asked for the cH'uhlishiucnt of an iodepi mb t enquiry with a view to discovering young muitsai girls in brotheU in Hongkong. Mr. Onn-by Gory replied that the law of Hongkong provided against traffic in girl* for
      78 words
    • 82 6 London, May 16. An agreement has been sqm-d by a Rriti It financial gim and tie* Sw’i Rank no »&gt;•,-.•»&gt; ~f acqoiring the con t.f l.e Anatolian tadwav and atvdir ■d ottp: it s 'l'lx- Rr !:slt T d 'h" i r« rich and Ital an grot ps
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    • 184 6 L iuloii, May IdNew York Ihe ibsas er at ilot Spiing-* „as due t» a cloud burst in the adjacent &gt;ll unt;.iJi At’ er M hours of rain whic.i ib,Oiled tne .Sin,'. smashing shops uii Houses i.ral carrying on motor cars
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    • 161 6 London, May 16. !u the House of Commons Mr. G Stewart suggested that in view of the Liiicheng outrage the Government should consider the possibility ot by international agreement through the League of Nations or otherwise, for morv elfective control of the main trunk railway lines in
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    • 79 6 Londi n, May 16. Washington On appeal by the Roxana i oli ia i Corpo.ation, the Secretary for li&gt; Interior, Mr. Work, has revoked the ditions prohibiting the leasing to i .ei.s ot mineral and other rights on .ti'iL a'iotted to the Indians, but will nf' ret* ilie
      79 words
    • 70 6 London, May Id. I’aris The committee on the cos's of he armies of occupation have drawn up final text of the draft agreement f &gt;r I e re'n)h'’r'.i'iii&lt;'nt to America in 12 years one milliard yoM marks for the 1 'list i of th" American occupation force
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    • 52 6 London, May 15. I ausanne A veritable Red funerai wa- accord; tl Vorowsky on the occasi( n i)f his coffin being entrained for Berlin. A mass of red Mowers arid wreaths anil a red coffin was covered wth red banners. A funeral orator referred to his struggle against
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    • 38 6 London, May 16. Lahore: The Amritsar National Bank, •m indigenous institution, has suspended ayment owing to continuous withdraw!s by the depositors. The shareholders "I meet on May 28 to decide the details f liquidation.
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    • 46 6 London. May 16. Ihe Hague The Netherlands Consoli--1 led fi! Ho. has dr- lared a dividend fo 1 tier cent. Nine hundred an'' 'Hy ’-hou and florins nf the profits ar&lt; &lt; iug transferred to an extraordirnry re i'\e account ami may be distributed .‘•soquently.
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    • 49 6 London, May 15. Redact inns in the wages of buildin' operatives, varying from a halfpenny to one penny per hour, have been fixed by ni oitralurs* award. l'he reduction will operate from May 26. Labourers ..age.- can be maintained at 75 per cent, of craftsmen’s wages.
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    • 32 6 Loudon, Alay 16. &gt; menus Aire.*,: Tne Government u*i,..&gt;«! to a.-ft. Congress to sanci.on me oi .ilgnuilies uveiuuc cuinuul.oiis io .at in -Nation* aim ~i. tne COUIIU &gt;-* mellioel'aiMp oi tile
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    • 40 6 London, May 16. Paris The Chamber of Deputies by iio 240 \oU\i m favour of tne re*tor.uiu/i of uinmc. time in France. The decision a a aits ratification by the Senate win re sir.-o 4' opposition is anticipated.
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    • 77 6 London, May 16. Britain lias appointed four delegates lur the Fan-Pacific Scientific Congress io te held in Australia in August and September. London. May 16. Unemployment last week fell .by 14,000 and the cost of living declined lour points last month and i» now To per cent, above pre-w’ar.
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  • 893 6 At the Assizes, presided over by Mr. Justice Bariett-Lennard, on May 10. the trial was continued and concluded in which a clerk in a sauce factory in South Bridge Hoad named Chi-y Kook Thong stood charged along with another man named how
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  • 172 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 1 On Monday evening, while two Tamils wert iodultring in a tight on I *n Bricklieids Koad, one \va&gt; r n i.wr by Dr. Wil.ianis* car, which wus&gt; coni.n;: iiio town, im* doctor souimcd h..«. horn M\\ral turns, but
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  • 156 6 We have received from Mr. D. H. Crist, the honorary organising secretary and treasurer of the Malayan Agn-honi-cultural Association, two further doles of classes into which exhibits "id be divided at the forthcoming Apr .-horticultural show on June 30, July 1. ;in J S&lt; ci ion E of
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  • 31 6 (Anota’s SrrvTP.) Weltevreden, May 1 There art* a few transactions in tm Ml. The Iianka limit is MP'j. 1 11 dertone is firm, and an improver t soon expected.
    (Anota’s SrrvTP.)  -  31 words

  • 3515 7 Singapore Races. Succe ss ful Sporting and Social Event. Spi-iMK- inwiln* of u 8inKa &gt; ’luP commenceu on ....wuiilay, J ••t.nded with unqualified success, \i u -ocial and sporting poin.s pl i i er was threatening in the L lM 7 ‘rid there was a torrential ‘‘"Voi d-day, but it
    3,515 words

  • 182 8 Ihe de ili took place suddenly, early I m 1 at m iit*t* in ILilrnoral Road, of Mr. Darro Arianna. Tht* nows will &lt;** hm* as a shook to hi many friends, for tin* deceased was at the races on Saturday, apparently in good health.
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  • 893 8 On Monday in Mr. Gourlay’* court, Mr. E. A. Stevens, on behalf ol the manatfeinent &lt;&gt;f the Europe Hotel, mentioned the u.alter m winch optic W h.ppey is charged with cheating in leaped to the i.u.ujie iiou i. GiS s»hip observed liiat
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  • 70 8 [Aneta’s Se*rvice*.J v.iii i'l ilk&gt; i, may 15. This morn n a .'•cm re* im u quake was **•\i u need i.m ru tway centre •V i ill I i'li :ail\va* *«a.ion was ba ly damag'd f»nei a.l &gt; ’ll* ■i. l.
    [Aneta’s Se*rvice*.J  -  70 words
  • 566 8 The opening of the third annual session of tin* iviapa Training Depot for Sanitary Inspectors took place on Monday ive iling. Among tho*c present were Dr. and Mr.. Hoops (P.C.M.0.), Dr. and Mrs. Macalister (l’r nc., Med. Coll.), L&gt;i. ami Mrs. Dawson (Munic. Health
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  • 125 8 Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent M nti im Monday :--ln the Supreme ourt Sir Lionel Wbodward. C’.J C del'!: 1 JuclKnY'nt this morning dismiss"‘r. app&lt; ll m the case in which two were convicted of smuggling a ""Y'' quantity of rubber at Telok Tatoh and sentenced to
    125 words
  • 60 8 (Front Out Own Correspond-m i Hongkong, May i The Hongkong steamer Taishun v pirated in a sensational munnci U uV o:ng to Shanghai from Hongkong. 'l he' pira'es, who were *.i- (1 passengers, secured $60,000 m l„ 0 i l uhng
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  • 474 8 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw delivered judgment in the Supreme i «,urt on Tuesday, in the action in which a &lt; h; n ese twakow o\vner, Tan Phey, claimed ii .n::ua- i'vm tlie Osaka Shi sen Ka sha for the
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  • 235 8 Ihe X. V. K. sti inner Katori Maru, wh'ch is eonviying he remains of tlu L*t« Ihince Kitashirakawa, brother-in-law ti th.e L macro r of Japan, arrived at the hai f, about 11 a.m. on Tuesday, aiui was berthed alongside
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  • 72 9 A strn.ta Time* is not responsible for I lh 0 f its correspondents. Corre{M opin' d houi(J bcar in mind that letters iipond** its and t 0 the point. Long ■““tlVn.a espistlcs ore liable to be rejected or ra hr cut down. Correspondents muit rul 05,1 b their names,
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  • 393 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times, c,, I have read your leader on the Mr Svines, and the subsequent a articles that have appeared l cannot believe that these :!l vitten without a purpose simply V.ii up space; I think rather they '“V
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  • 374 9 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, -The incident with the Bri ish tishenmn or. the Russian coast reminds n.e of an event in my boyhood my parents wire very well off and had only two children, including myself. We had many more toys t
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  • 911 9 Editor of the Straits Times. smoking is an accursed ful 1 vir.tV V u,s(1 who are unfortunate to t l( V?i S V* t* 1 8 dreadful drug realise 11 when too late its demoralizing effects on the smokers, both mentally as well as physically. Opium smoking is a
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  • 575 9 The following action was taken at linicipal committee meetings held on lay h and 9 Anti-iwt. quito and roadside drains.— .evolve l that the cons'tuction of road* k c (I aris *ho l’d only proceed after eonsultut on wi.h the Health Officer. B*.
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  • 210 9 The Hongkong Daily Press refers to thi ieath of Mr. Charles H. Workman in it i. sue of the Ith insf., as follows Wi regrit to record that Mr. Charles H Workman, the well-kn avii Savoyard \vh( headed Messrs. J. C. Williamson, Ltd.,V 'lilbert and
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  • 610 9 A meeting was held at Penang on April 24 with a view to the formation in Penang of a unit of the Christian Federation of Malaya. Mr. Hastings Rhodes presided over a large gathering of Christians of various nationalities. In opening the
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  • 239 9 1 he Straits Steamship Company who informed us on May 10 that they had revived a telegram from the master of the steamer Yugala at Singora stating Yugala totally burned, beached at singora. Six lives lost, hire started ngme room on account of burst oil
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 1239 10 iaits Times, May 11. A very curious question ha- arisen ato the conditions created by the Irish Home Rule Act. Art O’Brien was a rebel against the Governments of Fngland and of Ireland. He was arrested with many others, and was tak'ii in a warship to Ireland
      iaits Times, May 11.  -  1,239 words
    • 1145 10 soundest socialism promoted.—Stmt Times, May 12. V\ hen ne reads the proceedings in the House of Commons and realises that a jnai constituency is represented b,. &lt;i ulgar-nioutlied fellow like Lanshurv oi:e has a doubt whether democracy is '.'oiiig to justify the high claims made on s
      soundest socialism promoted.—Stmt Times, May 12.  -  1,145 words
    • 1178 10 Straits Times, May 14. Our Saturday’s issue contained an c x tremely able and suggestive article on the pos tion of what the writer described is our key industry—rubber growing. (&gt;p that article we need say no more than that it contains suggestions which are worth'* of the most
      Straits Times, May 14.  -  1,178 words
    • 1218 11 c: Hr tY.' (lovnnni n'. Si*!a t May W lu»&lt;l an article recently on the petition which a number of residents in l’ rak presented on behalf of Mr. L. B. Syimv, formerly supervisor of customs a* leluk Anson, who was removed from the Government Service without,
      ’,«■ c: Hr tY.' (lovnnni n'. Si*!a t . May ! *.  -  1,218 words
    • 1164 11 -Straits Times, May I&lt;&gt;. Our at.cation has been drawn to a letter y Mr. A. L. An Lrson in the N *rsh 1 na Daily News and we reproduce it to-day. We see clearly the point aimed at a ad we broadly agree with the conclusions. The simple fac's
      -Straits Times, May I<>.  -  1,164 words
    • 1153 11 •'■ity nf 1 :»kinjf rare of ourselves. Straits 'i'iiiM May 17. As we said th* other day nobody has any idea of declaring war on Russia. The whole question is simply this Tan we maintain friendly relations with a nation which repudiates all international obligat ons. which
      •'■ity nf 1 :»kinjf rare of ourselves. Straits 'i'iiiM , May 17.  -  1,153 words

  • 1279 12 The hief Justice, S r Walter Shaw, mis d«d i.ver the Bankruptcy Court, last Friday. Among the earlier matters that •am up was an application made by Mr. 11. R. S. Zehnder for an oi ler adjourne n rally the bankruptcy petition
    1,279 words
  • 168 12 Oa Saturday, a Chinese, named Teo Chin Ho, who stood charged and pleaded guilty to keeping a printing press called the Roneo at 45, Syed Alwee Road, without a license from the Colonial Secretary, and also with printing, publishing and distributing printed documents without the
    168 words
  • 214 12 A case relating to the disposition of money paid from the Municipal Provident Fund to the widow of a former employee was raised before the Chierf Justice, Sir Walter Shaw*, in the Sup;ne Court on Monday, by Mr. Claude da Nilvai, who appeared on behalf
    214 words
  • 748 12 The recent decision of the Imperial Government to make Singapore one of th„ great naval points in the British Empire will appeal to the community of British Malaya as an act of sagacious foresight says China Express and Telegraph.
    748 words
  • 76 12 o The current issue of the Government (iiizcttc contains notifications under the Land Acquisition Ordinance 11)20, deelm•ng that 1,699 acres lr. .Tip. of land m he District of Sembawang, Singapu" and fill acres 2r. o4p. of land in the District of South Seletar, are required \dmiralty
    76 words

  • Sporting News and Notes
    • 431 13 Thl first division League match bethe S. C. C. and the R. G. A., 1 &lt;&gt; i{ ground, on Monday, ended "win for the Club by the only goal; tlu game. Play on the whofe was, though never very brilliant. The 1 if vas well
      431 words
    • 20 13 Keuter’s Service.] London, May 10. I’ li s: A soccer England beat France Ly '"Ur goals to one.
      [ Keuter’s Service.]  -  20 words
    • 105 13 An interesting game of cricket was I -i &gt;&lt;i on Saturday at Pulau Brani beUv.vr, Y. M. C. A. and the R. E. m first, the R. E. compiled 82, an, un. Dickson and Martin reaching ou. ie figures, viz 29, 10 and 16 *&gt;* l-evtively, whilst Stack and
      105 words
    • 314 13 Router’s Service.] London, May 10. 0 &lt;» r coster, Yorkshire beat Worl,r' an innings and 113 ru«s. K|., ‘fillers Oldroyd made 104 and liv,'. u l he second innings took k&lt; ts for 35. v London, May 11. inn o M x k *»t Somerset on the first
      [ Router’s Service.]  -  314 words
    • 52 13 The winners of the Navy Cup were Lieut -Col. Whitmarsh and Major Letts. The result of the monthly medal resulted in a tie to be played otf as soon as possible J. Maxwell 80—14—75 R. St. G. Johnston 87 12 75 Runner up, E. L. Heywood ..04
      52 words
    • 62 13 The ladies Spoon for May was won by Mrs. G. M. Alford with a score of 52—9 43. The result of the May medal (bogey play) was a win by S. C. Campbell', with 2 down. The ball sweeps for Saturday and Sunday were won by C.
      62 words
    • 358 13 iKits Ai.K^uK London, May 10. In the Amateur Golf Championship at Deal, Ouime. is the only American survivor at the end of the fifth round. He knocked out Neville in the fourth round by t/wo holes and then had a very narrow squeak agalns Brotherton of Hundsworth
      iKits Ai.K^uK  -  358 words
    • 87 13 [Router's Service*.] London, May 11. In the Ladies Golf championship semifinal, Mrs. Macbeth, of Bowdon, sensa tionally defeated the holder Miss Wethered by two up and one to play Miss Chambers, Wirra!, beat Miss, Brown Formby, by three and two. London, May 11. At Burnham, Somerset, in
      [Router's Service*.]  -  87 words
    • 252 13 [Reuter's Service.] London, May 1G. A Leeds message states that the American professional golfers, Hagen, Sarazen and llofiner, who are now in England f«»r the British open golf championship to be held at Troon on June 1G, competed in the qualifying round of the Evening News £700
      [Reuter's Service.]  -  252 words
    • 77 13 (From Our Own Correspond! .it.) Penang, May 14. The Swimming Club committee reports 67 new members, a total on March 31 of 381, including 113 from the country. This is an increase of two over last year. The surplus for the year is 81,616, the b lance
      77 words
    • 30 13 World s Tennis Championship. [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 12. Playing at Prince’s Club in the world’s tennis championship, Covey, England, the holder, beat Kinsella, America, by seven sots to three.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  30 words
    • 38 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 15. The British team for the first round of the Davis cup competition against Belgium, at Brussels on May 3 and June 1, will be Gilbert, Godfree, Lycett and Mavrogordato.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  38 words
    • 40 13 The finals, of the Moslem Association billiards tournament will be played oIT o:i Sunday, 20th inst. English, A. B Osman v. Abdul Chuni American, llaji Manjoor Sahib v. S. A. Karim Russian. X. M. Suleiman v. Haji E. Angullia.
      40 words
    • 27 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 12. At the Holborn Hall in the final of the billiards championship the final scores were Smith 16,000, Newman, holder, 15,180.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  27 words
    • 52 13 Rfuter’d Service.] London, May 12. The .Jubilee Stakes resulted in a dead heat between Simon Pure and Diligence Condover w f as third. First two a dead heat with the third a neck behind. Betting, Simon Pure 100 to 30, Diligence 7 to 1, Condover 9 to 2.
      [ Rfuter’d Service.]  -  52 words
    • 34 13 [Reuter’s Service.] London, May 14. At Holland Park hall, in the 2“ rounds British Knipiry* heavy weight chant lionship, doc Beckett, the holder, knock (1 out Diik Smith in the seventeenth round.
      [Reuter’s Service.]  -  34 words
  • 646 13 Messrs. Fraser and Co.’s weekly report* dated May 16, states business dur the period under review nas !&gt;«. t n on a tainted settle. Tin •i i&lt;&gt; fa'l away at price and now shows a very serious decline from best with the
    646 words
  • 160 13 Once again one has to protest againat the pure wickedness of the circulating prayer, specimens of which have been current in Singapore lately. An endorsement says This prayer to go through the world and see what will happen. It is said that those who write and send
    160 words

  • 140 14 [Aneta Service.] Batavia, May 11. The general railway strike* has greatly extended throughout East Java. The trains are all manned by European employees and guarded by armed military They are running normally, huwev* r, except some of the goods trains. The most
    [Aneta Service.]  -  140 words
  • 181 14 STR A ITS CURRENCY REPORT. I la* Currenrv ('.oHiin'Viir.n'** 1 Provisional retain for the montn ol April, l&lt;/2 I s a&gt; follows: i (A 1 v\ a »le aiiioti.ii of Lurie nev Notes in Circulation on April 30, it;/3 /3 447,711/O Average amount of currency Notes 01 L»redition during ♦lie
    181 words
  • 106 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 17. In Second Court, Detective Inspector Barlow nnntioned the F. M. S. case in which an Indian, Mnrnthumutoo, was accuse. 1 of alleged crimnal breach of tiust 01 $10,0(10 while cashier of Messrs. A. &lt;!. Harper and Co., Kuala Lumpur, on
    106 words
  • 40 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, May 16. Mr. J. S. Macpherson, of Kuala Selangor, is going to Bentong as assistant District OHieer, Mr. B. F. Bridge being transferred from there to Kulim ns assistant District OHieer.
    40 words
  • 21 14 (An&lt;*ta Service.) Weltevroden, May 11. Yesterday a native sailor murdered Dais, third mate of the K.P.M. steamer neat*!.
    (An<*ta Service.)  -  21 words
  • 326 14 VV&lt; dim-day, in tin* Supreme four bef &gt;ri* Mr. .111-lice Harreii Lcntiurd, Mr. I ••;.cock i.pplii for i .n v in i.'i 11*’ton ,;aii. Mr. 4 r 0../. &lt;», prop* i■ **t f t* Gaiety ('mu, G.pore, re.-tiain-iog him Loin conGnuiiig" or
    326 words
  • 193 14 One of the features of the Race week festivities was undoubtedly the fancy dies.s lull given by the proprii tors of the Adelphi iio el on W ednesday. Fine weather prevailing, dinner was served on the 'penally illuminated lawn, and every table \vn« occupied by the time
    193 words
  • 159 14 The Municipal health statement for the* week ending May 5, gives the total number of deaths as 23S representing a death rat of 38.13 per mille, per annum compared with 27.29 in the preceding week and with 33.12 in the corresponding week of lasi year. The chief
    159 words
  • 143 14 On Tuesday 'he &lt;’b f .Justice, Sir Walter Shav., had before him the appeal of Ang Swee Tiring, foinurly manager of the Asia Motor Oarage, Orchard Bond, that the sentence impostd on him by the District .lodge of a monili’s imprisonment in default of payment of
    143 words
  • 28 14 We much regret to learn that the death occurred at Jcore Bahru on Wednesday of Dato Mohanied, 1).K., S.P.M.J., C.M.G. late Dato Mcntri Besar.
    28 words
  • 310 14 O) r&lt;vddcnl.• of Singapore will learn gr t of the death of Mr. F. W. known lu his friends as “lubby, ..&gt; passed away n England on May 15, ;.nd wiio n tired fiom my in I‘JhP. tih'giaiii
    310 words
  • 98 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 11. Mr. Acton, in the District Court, found Lim See Tek, head cook at the local district hospital, guilty of criminal breach of trust as a servant in respect of J tins of condensed milk. Court Inspector Lucey said the
    98 words
  • 33 14 Sungei Gau.—Stone crushed 3ft tons. 1 tin won, 14.62 piculs. Ting Kil.—Tribute 24.96 piculs, plant 171.04, total 196 piculs. Flu Piah 445 piculs, sluicing 400 piculs and tributors 45 piculs.
    33 words
  • 55 14 PRKKT. -At the Maternity Hospital, Singapore, on May 13, 1923, to Mr. and .Mrs H. 1)reet, a non. both well. HKSSK. On May 10, la23. to Mr. and Mrs. V. Hesse, of Klang, a son. SIMS. Aw I.elant. Dalvey Estate, Singapore, on May 13, 1923, to .Mr. and Mrs.
    55 words
  • 53 14 SMITH RCHAUBNfiUIYEL. On Saturday, May 14, IMPS, at St. George’s Church, l’enang, by the Rev. \V. 10. Hodg!;iris.&lt;n, Acting Colonial Chaplain, I’:*n::ng, assisted by the Uev. II. C. Henham, M.A., Arthui Smith, of Singapore, to Eugenie Charlotte, daughter ot .Mr. J. C, Scharenguive) (of Ceylon), Assistant Superintendent of
    53 words
  • 193 14 EXCHANGE. Singapore, May 17. On London, bank 4 m/» a.45Demand 2/4 .7/ 32 Private 3 m. credits 2/4 9/1J On New York, Demand Private 90 d/s On France, Bank -*'7 On India, Bank T. T. 1741 On Hongkong, Bank d/d 1% p.c. ri r)1 On Shanghai, Bank
    193 words
  • 454 14 MINING. Issue Yal. I’d. Buyers. Sellers. 1 1 Batang Padang 0.47’- 0."»2’a 1 1 Hitam Tin 1.35 1.40 1 1 Jelantoh 0.10 0.20 Mi 1 1 Johan Tin 0.10 0.45 J 1 £1 Kara. Kamunting 2.4.6 2.5.6 10 10 Kinta Assn. Ord. 8.00 8.25 5 5 Lingui
    454 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 86 14 NOTICE All communication* for both the Straits Times and the Strait* Budget should be addressed to the Head Office, Cecil and Stanley Streets, Singapore. Straits Scttlenonto. The »st free price of the Straits Times to the United Kingdom nr»d foreign countries is It.M a year. The post free price of
      86 words
  • 67 14 DEATHS AKIANNA.- On May 15, 1923, at 17, Bill n-oral Toad, Singapore, Darco Arianna. in h.r» 38th year. Mrs. LKK KV.'K AIK. At 73, Hcervn Street Mtilnrc.t, on May 16, 1923, wife of Mr l.(f ''wv \ik, ll.Sc., of Singapore, daughter ol the lute .Mr. Tun Chay Ynn. Deeply roifi
    67 words

  • The Straits Bubget RUBBER SUPPLEMENT
    • 105 1 1,1-iu-ra!— I don •Rubber Stocks T. I’- Waterhouse 1 hoc 1 Rubber. Auctions 2 llubbi r Restriction J World’s Rubber Supply a Rubber t ase R.ul'ir 1*. si lion 3-4 V Rubber Returns 5 .1 .id':ir.i.H in Rubber Action *5 f» T .ram—-Rulbi-r Sensation 1 Tl:, g i'
      105 words
    • 232 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 15. The Alur S at* correspondent of the l’:nang Gazette &gt;ays that the Kedah police have in earth' d what is said to have been a nheire to di fraud the State Government of
      232 words
    • 50 1 i Mu o (lr Q wn Correspondent.) Penang, May 10. ‘V c rubber news from London ,,M meaHy in some quarters as '•T. a. 1 1 1 tT by American specula■j'l )t e ,s ,Uj t regarded too seriously. s tha* the reverse will be short ‘-"••ion.
      50 words
    • 29 1 'b I l -'wis and Peat inform us that ‘‘heir London office, dated i i..','' that London mbbei 1 e ,r cn reduced by 840 tens.
      29 words
    • 1825 1 The annual meeting of the Mentakab Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at the company’s o.lices, Chartered Bunk Buildings, on May 11, when there were present: the 'Tm. Mr. W. Lowthir {chairman*, Mr. W. A. Sims and Mr. Chew Woon Poll (directors)
      1,825 words
    • 120 1 The V w York Commercial of March 30, has scare headlines about avm •»i t of Mr. rod. T. I*. Waterhouse to New York. We will not say that our pood friend has fallen amonp thievs, hut lu* has been hypnotised by Harvey S. Fires*one, chamnion
      120 words
    • 1488 2 The ninth annual general meeting of fchuieholdi i s 111 the Dominion Rubber Go was held at iibaiigh »i on April -J, E. T. By 1 lie pre.-m d and w »s supported by Me, ms. A. v&gt; liursili, G. Grayrigge and
      1,488 words
    • 1082 2 The 603rd auction of the Singapore; hamber of &lt;” unmerce Rubber Association: was held yes i rd i.v, when there was catalogued 1)76,635 lbs. or 436 tons. Oli’eri a HI3,56* lbs. or 363.20 tons. Sokl 5S2.3HH ib i. or 260 tons. PRICES
      1,082 words
    • 714 2 Mr. A. L. Anderson vwtu.v an *..’ie Noim-Uiina Lauy News.. in.,- 1 he fact y*.„* repo,; ln .&gt;t.*:i.ilH*u Kuober C m.ipuny s m, ars in a sonuwnui conu. n.-. q atforus me an excuse for asking t 0 allowed to restate and somewhat amplify a portion of
      714 words
    • 2306 3 r an rubber m;sn i. f uctuiers who i t. n viiwinu the rubber w al. alarm during tbe past several m ,;„a relief in the statement r 'l C Wetk! president of the B K. ■&gt;? I, Company, follow his return
      2,306 words
    • 124 3 A Kuala Lumpur wire to the Pinang Gazette of Saturday states :—The Hon. Sir Lionel Woodward, the C.J.C., heard the appeal in the Jugra smuggling case, iii which two Chinese were fined $35,400 In 'he course of the hearing, it was arcued f&lt;r the defence that the
      124 words
    • 1104 3 I We have r.ce.ved the following valuable notes from a gentleman who*&gt;e knowledge anel experience warrant us in saying that they are deserving of the most careful attention 1 am constrained to write this because of the false* theory of economics and
      1,104 words
    • 980 4 The lentil iiiiiiiitl meeting of tin Ra n, Annm (.lot.oic i Rubber Estates, Ltd., wa l;t Id at .Shanghai on April 2&lt;h Mr. G. Grnyiigge pre?it'«d and was supported by M i u. K. Truman and L. I’.. Canting (directors). i
      980 words
    • 452 4 An extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in the Bukit Toh Alang Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held at Shanghai on April If. Mr. N. G. Maitland presided, The Chairman said :—At the extraordin-i ary general meeting of shareholders held on February lit
      452 words
    • 1016 4 The thii teenth annual gen-r 1 meeting f wh 1; i r in sua .:gg Rubber t o., Ltd., wa- lain at Shanghai on April 2b. Mr. A. 1\. Craddock presiding. The Chairman said Gentlemen, the n port «.nd a;ro mis having
      1,016 words
    • 682 4 The ninth ordinary genual mee r.g ,,f the Ntmrehobioi s of the Teli k R!n-. .jiher Estate (1914). Ltd., way held or April 1th at the ollici s &lt; t t:H* ccii'i.iiiv -4, lie.h! Lane, E.C., Mr. J. L. Loudoun Shaml
      682 words
    • 1214 5 Th annual mcetins of the Chan B kat I' J Estates, Ltd., was held at the 5 offices, French Bank Buildings, o.’. ♦here being present the lion, r l-'vcViU (chairman), Mr. W. A. \&gt;i- H. B. Ward (directors), P* Peck, Mr. T.
      1,214 words
    • 700 5 The ninth annual general meeting of shareholders of the Consolidated Rubber .v.a:es (1914) Ltd., was held a Shanghai on April 19, Mr. K. T. Byrne presiding. The notice calling the meeting and the .'e a. i of .he auditors having been
      700 words
    • 875 5 Alor Gajah. —9,705 lbs. Australasia.—•"» iUO lo:u Ayer Panas. —35,500 lbs. Ayear Kuning.—47,soo lbs. Anglo-Sumatra.—:&gt;l,oS4 lbs. Asahan. —40,000 lbs. Ampat.—l7,ol9 lbs. Alienby.—11,026 lbs. Anglo-Malay.—G7,G3B lbs. Bata Tiga. 47,200 lbs. Lata Anani. —20,034 lb^. Bruome (Selangor).— 25,750 lbs. Bikam.—l9.7oo lbs. it.licit Kajang.- 4»» ~52 lb. bedrock.—2,2so lbs. i’.uloh
      875 words
    • 1687 6 The third annual ordinary gcivuMl meeting of the Bnvu Cav&lt; s Rubber Company, Limited, was held in the Council Room of the Rubber (Jrowvrs* Association (Incoi poi at&lt; d), 2-1, Idol Lane. Fast cheap, Lfiidon, K.C., on March 29, Mr. T.
      1,687 words
    • 129 6 The action brought by Messrs. A Mens Successors (Ka.tcrn), Limited, against i hop Lee Honjr, 51), Clyde Street, for failure to perform a contract alleged to have been made between the parties through Messrs. Lewis and l’eat for the delivery of ten tons of rubber, concluded
      129 words
      • 356 6 Stock Stock Exchange: Par Exchang* Par Prices Value. Company. p r (l Valae. Company. I: 41/3 2/ Lubok VV 2 v.i l i'-aHt! l j lani t' K"' j£j Malacca Plantns. 4.{ £1 Paul eng (Seiui. o wi; \s/ Malacca (New) T i'inm £1
        356 words
      • 715 6 l apital Issue Closing Priew. Paid Up Value Dividends Fraser Lysn A Company Co. Erstt. 312,500 1 nil year 28-2-22 Allenby New ($1) 1.15 1.25 1.12 Va 1.1*4 ICO.OCO i nil year 30-9-22 ..AlorCajah ($1) 1.20 1.30 1.10 1.20 727,214 2 5 p.c. for
        715 words

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 244 7 miner's hykiique SUTURE (POE LADIES) WASTE NO TIME T#it ed and Vnwd for Ti«n ut# ly you BO tie* any diaordor of tho tftk* Fouraior*a Hygoniqbo Mixture. It Qoiekly remote* oil oufferin*. |f# it Dotning to equal it. Anything oo Widely Known. It io jutl) descried m tho fljfl&T REMEDY
      244 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 132 8 WEARNE BROS. Ltd. ENGINEERS BOAT BUILDERS 20 H P. Ford Marine Engines Complete with Propeflor, Shaft and Coupling, Water and Oil Pumps and Reverse gear. $1,000 Gray Maxine Engines Complete with PropeDor, Shaft and Couplings, Salt water outfit, Oil pump, Magneto, Controls and Reverse geai 3 H.P. Single Cylinder 2
      132 words